Uploaded by Saket Bundele

Team Meeting Agenda: Customer Survey Review

Team Meeting
July 21st / 10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM
Financial Analyst
Fulfillment Director
Human Resources Specialist
Quality Assurance Tester
Customer Service Manager
IT Specialist
Inventory Manager
Training Manager
Purpose and Expectations
Review high level survey results from Plant Pals customers who received test shipments.
Specifically, results around on-time deliveries, prioritizing early morning deliveries, and
improving levels of satisfaction with customer support. We will be looking for feedback on the
survey results and proposing next steps for continued improvement in meeting these objectives.
● Topic #1: On-time deliveries - *Review Processes / Brainstorm*
Who: Fulfillment Director, Inventory Manager, Training Manager
What: Current on-time fulfillment at 90%, how can we hit target goals of 95%
Topic #2: Prioritizing early morning deliveries - *Brainstorm*
Who: Fulfillment Director, Human Resources Specialist
What: Customers overwhelmingly prefer deliveries before 9am. Can we pivot fulfillment
and delivery methods to meet this request?
Topic #3: Improving Customer Support – *Brainstorm*
Who: IT Specialist, Customer Service Manager, Human Resources Specialist
What: Customer feedback shows that a live chat support feature would further improve
satisfaction scores. What would this take to implement?
Action Items