page no 200----compressor and different types page no --47. separator Contents --------~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------------t_-------.r".cfiaf<cc"C,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,cc .. , .. To ProjC!J30r Donold L. Katz , University oj Michigan , jor his innumerable contributions to natural gas engineering; and my family Jor their constant encouragement and support. , .... , ............................. VII 1. Natural Gas- Origin and Development ....................... 1 J!llJ"Cyl!!9tian. What Is Natural Gas? Origin of Natural Gas. Other Sources of Caseous Fuel. ~ral Cas Production and Processing System. Questions and Problems. References. Gas Properties Contributions in Petroleum Ceology and Engineering 2. Phase Behavior Fundamentals . ..... . ..... . ................. 18 , . / ' Introduction. Qualitative Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior. Quantitative Phase Behavior and Vapor. Liquid Equilibrium. Applications. Prediction of the Phase Envelope. QuestiOns and Problems. References. Volume 4 Gas~~lu!:ti" on-Engineering ~ 9 f~ * '"::\01 01 .,10' 3 . .Properties of Natural Gases ..............................•. 39 ."./' ~ ~~~g Copyri @.t. , ' . Company, Houston, 1l 1i1~. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Introduction. Equations of State. Critical Pressure and Temperature Deter· mination. The Cas Compressibility Factor. Some Z·Factor Related Proper. ties. Compressibility of Cases. Viscosity of Gases. Specific Heat for Hydrocar. bon Gases. Questions and Problems. References. Gas Processing 4. Gas and Liquid Separation ............. . ... . ...... . ..... .. . 18 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kumar, S. (Sanjay), 1960Cas production engineering. (Contributions in petroleum geology & engineering; v. 4) Includes index. 1. Cas drilling (Petroleum engineering) 2. Gas engineering. I. Title. II. Series. TN880.2.KS6 1987 622'.3385 87-7452 ISBN 0·.87201-577_7 v Introduction. Separation Equipment. Types of Separators. Separation Princi· pies. Factors Affecting Separation. Separator Design. Stage Separation. Low. Temperature Separation. Cas Cleaning. Flash Calculations. Questions and Problems. References. ~ Gas-Water Systems and Dehydration Processing ISBN 0-87201-066-X (serie!;) Iv .•..•......... 169 Introduction. Water Content of Natural Gjlses. Gas fudrates. Hydrate Inhi· bition b~ Additive In~on. Absorption Dehydration. Adsorption Oenyara. tion. De ydration by Expansfon Refrigeration. QuestiOns and Problems. Ref· erences. v • 6. Desulfurization Processes ........... , , , ' , ..... . ............ 255 Introduction. Removal Processes. Solid Bed Sweetening Processes. Physical Absorption Processes. Chemical Absorption- The Alkanol·Amine Processes. Chemical Absorption-The Carbonate Processes. Questions and Problems. References . Gas Production and Flow 7. Steady-State Flow or Gas Through Pipes .................... 275 Introduction. Gas Flow Fundamentals. Vertical and Inclined Single-Phase Flow of Gas. Gas Flow Over Hilly Terrain. Gas Flow Through Restrictions. Temperature Profile in Flowing Gas Systems. Questions and Problems. References. 8. ~tiltiphase Gas--Liquid Flow .............................. 365 .....- Introduction. Approximate Method for Two-Phase Systems. Multiphase Flow. ~ Loading in Gas \Vells. Questions and Problems. References. 9. Gas Compression ..................... , ... , .............. 394 Introduction. Types of Compressors. Compressor Selection. Compression Processes. Compressor Design Fundamentals. Designing Reciprocating COIllpressors. Designing Centrifugal Compressors. Designing Rotary Compressors. Questions and Problems. References. 10. Gas Flow Measurement ................•.............. . ... 451 J --/ Introduction. Measurement Fundamentals. Methods of Measurement. Orlfice Meters. Other Types of Measurement. Questions and Problems. Refer- ences. 11. Gas Gathering and Transport ................ . ............. 529 Introduction. Gathering Systems. Steady-State Flow in Simple Pipeline Systems. Steady-State Flow in Pipeline Networks. Unsteady-State flow in Pipelines. Some Approximate Solutions for Transient Flow. Pipeline Economics. Questions and Problems. References. Appendix A. General Data and Unit Conversion Factors .. , , ....... 585 Appendix B. Computer Programs (FORTRAN Subroutines) ... , ... , 623 Index ....................... , ... , ... . .. , . . , ... , .. .. ........ 651 Preface With this book I have sought to provide a rigorous and comprehensive text that reHects a broad spectrum or natural gas engineering experience. My motivation came primarily from some gas engineering courses I taught in the United States and overseas that made me realize the limitations of the existing material and the frustration or having to use several different publications, some of which would contradict others. Notwithstanding the enormity or the task, I decided to write a book to eliminate this conrusion and provide a wider and more detailed coverage of this topic. Much of the material presented here was drawn from these lectures . This book is designed to be a moderately advanced textbook ror students and a handy reference for practicing engineers. It was written with the assumption that some readers with little or no background in gas engineering will use it as their first book. To keep things interesting for the expert. I have sought to include the most current developments reported in the latest published works to the extent possible without dragging this book into an interminably long series of books on these topics. Pertinent references are included at the end of each chapter for those wanting more details. Almost every chapter includes worked examples to enhance understanding and some practice questions and problems that will aid in testing this understanding. (Answers to the questions and problems are available in a separate instructor's guide.) Chapter 1, an introduction to the scope of natural gas engineering, can be skipped by most seasoned readers. Chapters 2 and 3 describe the properties of natural gas that are crucial in designing and operating natural gas systems. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 deal with gas processing-Chapter 4 discusses the separation or gas from oil and water from a typical reservoir; Chapter 5 provides insight into gas-water systems and dehydration processing techniques for natural gas; and Chapter 6 examines some or the important and widely used desulrurization processes for natural gas, Chapters 7-11 present important topics in gas production and HowChapter 7 describes relationships for the steady state flow or gas through horizontal, inclined, and vertical pipes; Chapter 8 outlines the methods of handling multiphase flow encountered in gas production; Chapter 9 provides information on gas compression; Chapter 10 discusses gas flow measurement; and finally, Chapter 11 describes gas gathering and transmission systems, and deal.s with the design and modeling of the complete production " • and transport system. Appendix A will be helpful in handling the several frequent1y confusing systems of units that, unfortunately, are our legacy in engineering. Appendix B presents some general FORTRAN subroutines that will help readers write computers programs to implement many of the techniques presented in this book. It has been my good fortune to have had close associations with many v 10 ment of this work. I am thankful to Drs. Kern H Guppy and George v. Chilingar for their enthusiastic interest, comments, and suggestions for this book. The figures and drawing.. provided by several companies and institutions are gratefully acknowledged. Many sections of the book could only be included because of the interest and curiosity of my students. They never failed to ask pertinent questions and draw the discussion to related relevant issues. Finally, the moral support from my family has been of great value in the moments of frustration during this work, I thank my father. Dr. Kundan L. Coyal, for his many discussions and suggestions for this book and his insistence that I keep at it. I submit this work to the engineering community with the hope that it shall inspire many minds, both the young and the elCperienced, to greater understanding and creativity in this endless search for knowledge. San;ay Kumar, Ph.D. Los Angeles, California 1 and Introduction The earliest records of natural gas go back to A.D. 221-263 when it was first used as a fuel in China during the Shu Han dynasty. The gas, obtained from shallow wells, was distributed through an interesting piping system: hollow bamboos. Later evidence is not found until the early 17th century. when natural gas was used on a small scale for heating and lighting in northern Italy. In the United States, natural gas was first discovered in Fredonia, New York, in 1821. It is this latter discovery that has led, for the most part, to the developments we see today. In the years following this discovery, natural gas was used merely as a fuel locally: it was difficult to store and transport and had Iitt1e or no commercial value. Even in the 19205 and '30s, natural gas was only produced as an unwanted byproduct of crude oil production. Only a small amount of gas was pipelined to industrial areas for commercial use, most of it being vented to the air or flared. From these humble beginning.., the natural gas industry has burgeoned. especially in the years following World War II. Natural gas now accounts for almost onefifth of the world's primary energy consumption, surpassing coal and second only to oil (see Tables 1-1 and 1-2). Several factors are responsible for these developments: New processes permit the manufacture of myriad petrochemicals and fertilizers from natural gas; gas is a clean, efficient, easily combustible, low-sulfur fuel and has consequently replaced coal as a domestic, industrial, and power generation fuel in many parts of the world; difficulties in storing and transporting gas have been overcome by the development of long-distance, large-diameter steel pipelines and powerful compression equipment; liquefied natural gas (LNG), produced by liquefying natural gas by a refrigeration cycle to less (text continued on poge 4) 1 • --- Table 1·1 World Energy Consumption and Fuel Shares-History, 1960, 1973 and 1979" (Quadrillion Btu) 1160 1973 Fuel Shares (Pen:enl) Region or Country 1979 Fuel Shares (Percent) Fuel Shllr.s Tolli Tot.' Totl' (Percent) Energy Energy Energy Consumed Coal eNt Gas Other Conaumed Coal 011 Gas Other Consumed Coal 011 Gas Oth.r ;Uc"c"Cod~s,C.C,a~••CCCC-O---C44C.~2--C23OC-C4:5-~28;-CCC4--C~7:5C.IC--CI~8-C4:7-~30;--C5CCanada Japan Western Europe' Finland/Norway/Sweden Unit....:! Kingdom/Ireland IknclUlIDcnmark!T West GermallY france Australia/Switzerland Spain/Portugal Italy GreecefThrkcy Australia/New Zealand ThtalOEeD' Thta.l Non·OECD' OPEC Other Thtal Free \\urld' J,g 3.9 26.9 1.8 8.0 2.7 6.2 14 48 49 36 10 I 27 15 8.1 15.3 H 14 46 79 20 2 26 5 3.7 55 13 70 53 73 51 35 49 29 47 25 35 2 0 0 0 0 3 8 38 I 0 2 11 54.0 3.9 10.4 7.3 11.5 8.2 HI 5 35 II 30 15 63 5H 51 67 58 70 10 0 11 22 10 7 8 37 3 0 2 8 0.9 l.0 2.2 0.4 1.4 BO.4 10.5 1.7 8.8 90.9 24 41 14 41 54 35 31 3 37 35 34 41 54 55 4J 42 57 75 53 43 6 36 0 18 II 21 0" 0 3 16 7 6 6 21 4 6 15 7 2.0 3.0 6.2 1.4 2.9 155.4 25.0 5.0 20.0 180.3 8 ]4 15 21 35 18 21 I 25 18 58 70 78 76 50 56 60 66 59 56 7 2 10 0 6 19 II 30 7 18 27 \4 7 3 9 7 8 3 9 8 , From 0.0.£:. 1981 Annu.1 Report 10 Congrrso, Volu1M' 3. " Indud.. ~o Rico, Virgin Islands, .nd purclll_ fm- tbe Stra,egic Pdroleum I Numben mly not .dd to l"'lb dlW to f'OOlIIding °t Oetw:IIU Belgium, the Ndtw-rl.nd>.. and Ltuembourll. R~rlnloo with (Wrm~n In:om IIPI. 19fI..I 79.3 10.0 16.1 571 4.9 10.3 6.8 12.4 8.8 17 .., 3.8 2.0 3.8 166.2 35.7 7.0 287 201.9 19 48 26 7 8 41 21 30 II 74 6 9 19 56 14 1I 449245 33 44 18 5 12 57 28 3 25 53 17 5 16 61 10 13 6 41 12 41 16 68 3 13 66917 8 35 00 0 S 39 42 11 8 18 52 20 10 1962910 74 22 3 2J 59 6 12 18 54 18 10 \tee..-,. Table 1· 2 World Energy Consumption and Fuel Shares: Base Scenario Midprlce Projections· 1985, 1990, and 1995* (Quadrillion Btu) .. ,, 1990 1995 Fuel Shares (Percent) Region or Country Fuel Shares Fuel Share. Total (Percent) Totsl (Percent) Energy Energy Energy Consumed Cosl 011 Gas Other Consumed Coal 011 Gas Other Consumed Coal Oil Gas Other ~~~~~~~~~~~CCCC~~ United Ststes" Canada Japan Western Europe' Finland/Norway/Sweden United Kingdomllrelsnd Benelux/Denmark" west Germany France Australia/Switzerland Spain/Portugal Italy Creeee/1tJrkey AustraliafNew Zealand ThIIIOECD' Thtal Non-OEeD' OPEC Other Thlal Free World' 82.3 10.1 19.4 54.6 4.8 9.1 6.5 11.7 8.7 2.2 3.5 6.4 1.8 3.9 170.3 45.6 10.3 35.3 2 15.9 23 8 18 22 4 36 20 32 13 9 14 20 28 33 22 20 0 25 21 42 36 55 46 44 38 46 41 52 41 54 50 55 44 45 59 72 55 47 24 20 15 15 2 18 29 19 9 14 3 20 0 15 19 II 27 6 18 II 36 12 17 50 8 5 8 26 36 29 10 17 8 14 iO 14 14 86.5 \I 2 22.6 58.8 5.2 9.5 7.0 12.6 9.5 2.3 3.8 7.0 1.9 4.3 183.3 55.0 14.0 41.0 238.3 27 5 22 2J 4 37 28 34 1I 9 10 2J 21 33 24 19 0 2S 23 38 32 50 42 40 37 43 37 48 3'.1 53 44 53 39 40 57 74 52 44 ·~~CCCC~CCCC~~== 22 22 IS IS 2 18 23 17 10 17 5 21 0 19 19 II 25 6 17 13 41 13 20 54 8 6 12 31 35 32 12 26 \) 17 13 17 16 93.9 12.4 26.0 63.3 5.7 9.8 7.6 13.4 10.4 2.4 4.1 7.8 2.1 4.6 200.2 66.0 19.0 47.0 266.2 31 3 24 24 5 39 32 36 9 8 10 24 19 32 27 19 0 26 25 35 29 46 39 37 37 41 32 44 37 49 41 52 37 37 58 76 51 42 21 23 14 15 2 16 22 19 13 17 5 22 0 22 18 11 23 7 16 13 45 16 22 56 8 5 13 34 38 36 13 29 9 18 12 1 16 17 , From 0.0.[:. 1981 Annual RqIOrt to Congrea. Volume 3. I'rojrctlon rangela", baJed on UlUmed prioce patm for imported oil.tated In 1979 constant dollars. The low prl« Ke".rlo .... u"',,;. tkh~e ...ed world 011 price of $32 per btlrnel, the mld·rlnp {used abo~)",1 ~r boor..,l, Ind the high rlnge $49(Wr bar..,l .. IncludN Puerto Rico. Virgin Islands .•nd pun;ha.... for tbe Strategic I'I:troleum Reset"C 1 Numben may not.dd to tOilb due to rooDding. 11 1IeneIu.. evuntriet are Iklglum, the Nd~lands, and LunmOOurg. R~nnt..J w,th ptrmioslon from API. 191\04 .. • Natural eas-Origin and DeVf!lopmeJlt eo" Production Engineering . (text continued from page 1) than J!600 of its original volume, can now be transported acrQS5 the oceans by insulated tankers. Cas is now a highly desirable hydrocarbon resource. It is no longer cheap; the price has gone up from a mere $O.07!Mscf (1.000 standard cubic feet) in 1950 to $2.79IMscf currenUy (1987). The price of gas peaked in 1984, when gas was being sold at $4.80iMsci. and as much as $9.00'\iscf in some areas. Production costs for natur..J g~ have also been rlSing over the years. Average costs in the USA have gone up from $O.86/M.scf in 1976 to about $3.90IMscf in 1982. But natural gas is still competitive with other fuels. as shown in Table 1-3. : ~ ~~ O~M O " ' ....... cg <>iOcgoo <>IO!:,=!~,=! ~~ -- -- r- ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~. ";cici ~!2 01"'_'" ~il~ 8~~~!:i e; "''''''' 5 g~ Table 1-3 Cost Comparison of Vlrious Commercial Fuels ~<OO'!o~ Fuel Price'k' Ileating oil $1.20, gallon $I iOlgallon Low-sulfur fuel oil S30.0ibbl 7.5 cenu:kWh I3S,Oiton 51.9 centsITh' Electricity C~I "atural gllS • ", indicates the unit "Thenn"' used aft~n ",,:r-:~-:o- ~aH~ U~~~ Price, s/MM Btu 9.00 1.95 4.'" 22.00 'OO • 5.79 far gas. 1 Th _ 10' Rtu Table 1-4 shows the production for the twenty leading natural gas producers in the world. The foremost gas producers today are the USA and USSR, with a gas production of 52 Bscf/d (billion standard cubic feet per day) and 45 Bscfld, respectively. What Is Natura1 Cas? NaturaJ gas is simply a naturally occurring mixture of combustible hydrocarbon (HC) gases and impurities. Typical natural gas components are shown in Table 1-5. The non-hydrocarbon components of natural gas contain two types of materials: dilllerlts, such as N 2 , CO 2 , and water vapor, and COntaminants, such as H.aS and other sulfur compounds. Diluents are noncombustible gases that reduce the heating value of the gas. They are not "very harmful, and may actually be used sometimes as "fillers" to reduce the heat content. of the supply gas. The disadvantages include greater horsepower ~nd plpelining requirements for the same energy content of the gas, greater Internal corrosion, and freezing. Contaminants are very detrimental to production and transport equipment (some are hazardous pollutants), I/) ... <0 '" '" cg CIO CIO .... 0 CIO 0- 0- 0- .., ~~.;;;~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ • Natural Go,t- Orlgln and Development GtU Product/on Engineering 7 Table 1·5 Typical Constituents of Natural G•• (Modified after McCain, 1974) Category Paraffinic lie's Cyclic He's Aromatic HC's Non.h)·drocarbon Component Methane (CIi,) Ethane (C1He) Propane (CJ{.) Butane (C, H ,o) Pentane (4ti,u Hexa ne (CJ{,,) Heptane &- higher (G, .. ) Cyclopropane (C,I~) Crclohexane (CJi u ) Benzene (Celie). others Nitrogen (Nt) Carbon dioxide (COl) H}'drogen sulfide ( H ~) <>I "'t-<O<') ~~~i'i:; Helium (lie) Other sulfur and nitrogen compounds Wilter (H,O) Amount, 'MI 70·98'\ 1 - 1OC%. trace . 5~ trace· 2'" trace -1% trace·0.5'70 11011(' • trace ".~ traces ".~ trace· 15% trace· 1% trace occasionalhtrace _ 5'1'" trace occasionallr trace·5"', and the primary reason for gas conditioning and processing is to remove them as soon as possible from the gas stream. Hundreds of processes and processing plants have been developed to deal with this problem. Some of the major contaminants in natural gas are (Curry, 1981): 00000 ~~~~~ -- -..... "":;~C'> 1. Acid gases, chiefly HzS, and to some extent, CO 2 , 2. Water vapor in excess of about 5- 7 Ibm /M.Mscf. 3. All entrained free water, or water in condensed form. 4. Any liquids in the gas, such as well inhibitors, lube oil, scrubber oil, methanol, and heavier-end hydrocarbons. 5. AJI solid matter, sometimes called "pipeline trash," that may be present. This includes silica (sand), pipe scale, and dirt . Like all gases, natural gas is a homogeneous fluid of low density and viscosity. It is odorless; odor-generating additives are added to it during processing to enable detection of gas leaks. Natural gas is one of the more stable flammable gases (Curry, 1981). It is flammable within the limits of a 515% mixture with air, and its ignition temperature ranges from 1,100 to 1,300"F (compare this with HzS, which is flammable within 4-46% in air at a much lower ignition temperature). Typically, natural gas has an energy content of 1,000 Btu/seC, which is an important parameter because gas these days is very often priced in terms of its energy content, rather than mass or volume. 1 btu = 778.1693 lbf-ft • 8 CQ" Natural Ga.r-Origin and Production Enginemng Dev~lopment 9 Origin of Natural Cas Many theories have been proposed for the origin of petroleum flu.ids. None is perfect, and it is almost impossible to fully explain the origins of any gi'.:en reservoir. The two most widely accepted theories are inorganic and organic. According to the inorganic theory, hydrogen and carbon reacted together under the immense pressure and temperature rar below the earth's surface and formed oil and gas. These hydrocarbons then migrated through porous rocks to collect in various subsurface traps. The more widely accepted organic thoory states that the hydrocarbons were generated from organic matter (land and sea plants and animals) under the influence of pressure and temperature over geologic time. Layers of mud and silt settled on these dead organisms by various prooesses-rivers emptying huge amounts of mud and silt into the oceans, wind-blown dust and sediment, etc. These layers accumulated, continually compacted by the weight of succeeding layers to fonn sedimentary rock. Hydrocarbon deposits are entrapped in these sedimentary rocks (sandstones, shale, limestones), and may migrate from their place of formation (source-rock) through suitable porous and permeable strata to suitable geologic traps where they accumulate. The type of organic matter and the temperature have an important bearing on the formation of oil or gas. Some scientists believe that terrestrial (land) plants and animals predominantly produced natural gas and some waxy crudes, whereas the aquatic (sea) organisms produced normal crude oil. Because rivers playa major role in transporting terrestrial matter to the sea, river deltas are favorable places for gas to exist. Typically, the deepest sediments, deposited in the continental rift and rich in terrestrial organic matter, are overlain by marine sediments rich in aquatic matter. Thus, a vertical sequence has been envisaged, with the gas-generating material at the bottom and the oil-generating material at the top. It is believed that hydrocarbons generally move upward from their place of formation to their accumwation sites, displacing the sea water that originally filled the pore spaces of the sedimentary rock. This upward movement is inhibited when the oil and gas reach an impervious rock that traps or seals the reservoir. There are man)' types, shapes, and sizes of geologic structure'> that form the reservoirs for the accumwation of oil and gas, such as anticlines and domes, fault traps, unconformities, dome and plug traps, traps. and combination traps. Some of these are shown in Figures 1-1 through 1·4. It has been found that methane can remain stable at depths of 40,000 ft and beyond (Barker and Kemp, 1980). The amount of methane surviving is a function of the reservoir lithology-cooler, clean sandstones are more favorable than carbonates. Thus, it can be safely assumed that considerable re- Figure ,.1. Common types of geologic features and structural traps. (From Wheeler and Whited, 1985.) • • Figure 1·2. Structural traps: (a) anticline, formed by upfolding; (b) normal fault. (From McElroy, 1987.) serves of natural gas may be found at depths of 15,000-30,000 ft that have currently not been explored. Occurrence of Natural Cas in Conventional Reservoirs Cas is found in sedimentary subsurface strata composed of sandstone, limestone, or dolomite. An oil reservoir always has some amount of natural gas associated with it (either free gas, or gas in solution in the oil), and some reservoirs may be completely gas reservoirs. Each well in the reservoir may produce gas with a different composition, and the composition of the gasstream from each individual well may change as the reservoir is depleted. Thus, production equipment may need to be changed from time to time to compensate for the altered composition of the gas. I " 10 Nawral Gas-Origin (lnd Development Gal Production Engineering II 2. Dissolved or associated. Cas in solution with crude oil is tenned dissolved gas, whereas the gas found in contact with the crude oil as gas cap gas is termed associated gas. Typically, associated gas is poorer in elL. but richer in heavier components. 3. Gas condensates. Gas condensates have high amounts of hydrocarbon liquids and may occur as gas in the re5en·oir. The most desirable gas is the non-associated type. because it can be produced at high pressure. Associated or dissolved gas is separated from the crude oil at lower o;eparator pressure; and. therefore. entails more compression expenses. Such gas is often flared or vented. Gas condensates represent a greater amount of gas associated with the liquid than the associated or dissolved gas types. but ~mil&r..e.paration facilities and compression Figure '-3. Common types of stratigraphic traps. (From Brown and Miller, 1985.) =. ..-- - -----. "The naturallY'QCCU~ing resour~pf gas ,,\e ot en classified into two categories: '301~ r FrlJi~:l 1. Proved res . . I Is figure 1(lthe lantities found by the drill. The estimates e~p' ft updated by ~r\'oir characteristics (productio transient analysis, ~rvoir modeling, other data) and, therefore, can be determined quite accurately (see Table 1·6). 2. Potrntiai reserves: These are the additional resources of gas believed to exist in the earth, as inferred from the prevailing geologic evidence, but not actually found by the drill yet. This figure, therefore. cannot be known verr precisely. It is, at best, a "guesstimate" that may vary widely from one investigator to another. c For the estimation of mineral reserves and resources, McKelvey (1972) provides an e:tcellent guide, shown in Figure 1-5. In this figure, the probable "'00«1 . I P,oIHbIt r Po."bIt ~ ~ indlc.Md me....ed ""t<ttd Figure 1·4. Stratigraphic traps in various geologiC features: (a) "permeability pinchout"; (b) sand pinchout; (e) angular nonconformity. (From McElroy, 1987), In addition to its composition and Btu content, natural gas is frequently characterized in terms of its nature of occurrence underground, as follows: ' ......'''n.. 1. Non-associated. Found in reservoirs with no or minimal amounts of crude oil, non-associated gas is typically richer in CH~. poorer in heavier components. Sut.m.grn.. ~..., R""",c" l- • --" F.... ,b,hly 01 • • • I I I 0... of un."'ly - Figure 1-5. Classification of mineral reserves and resources. (Aller McKelvey. 1972, courtesy of American Scientist.) '" 12 Natural CQ.f- Origin and Development Go, Produ('tlon Engineering Table 1-6 estimated Proved World Reserves of Natural Glill o (Billions of cubic feet) .- 13 reserves indicate the amount of gas expected to be found in close proximity to, or associated with, known producing fields in known areas with similar geological conditions. Possible reserves are similar to probable reserves, but in more distant regions where the uncertainty is greater. Undiscovered, spec· ulative, or potentioi reserves are those that are expected to be found in areas that have not been, or amy partially, explored and tested. According to Crow (1980). the 1978 estimated US reserves (conventional reservoirs/conventional methods) are approximately 1,019 Tscf (trillion standard cubic feet). Thtal world reserves are 7,500 Tscf undiscovered, 2,200 Tscf proved. Current world production is 70 Tscfiyear. Key areas where substantial potential exists for increasing production in the next decade are the OPEC group countries and the USSR. 'N,rq ,.-'" un OUlcr Sources of Caseous Fuel u -. ,~ y• . 101 .,., ~,103 ,-- ..... :an ISH '7.otT .~ Besides conventional sancbtone and limestone reservoirs, sources of natural gas include: tight sands, tight shales, geopressured aquifers, and coal. ~ ~~ ~. ,.)u. ~ .~ ~ ,m 1,515 .~ ,- 1.300,000 '" ~ .~ ,~ 7 .. , 1.32_ :101 3.101 21M •• ' '07000 ,-,..,-- -.-..,-- 212 .... 110.000 Tight Sands •. 01' ,,- ,•• ,~ 1.ITO ',115 ,,~ ~­ ~ .,~ ~ n ~­ .,= ~ ,~ ~ 137._ .n.• , '"IV,OOO 370.000 .~ M._ ~.­ :t:Z.70!; u_ ,,". .- UfI.OOO 1301. on 1.10' H~.= Large amounts of gas are locked within very tight formations, with porosities in the range of 5-15 % , irreducible water saturation of 50-70%, and ultralow permeabilities in the range of 0.001 to 1 md (millidarcy). Many geologic formations, especially in the Rocky Mountain area of the USA, contain such gas, which is not possible to produce using conventional fracturing and completion methods . There is a need to develop special artificial fracturing techniques to produce gas economically from tight sands. Three major techniques have been proposed: nuclear explosives, chemical explosives, and massive hydrauHc fracturing (MHF). Nuclear blasts are dangerous and probablY not feasible at this time. Chemical explosives are also quite dangerous, and effective only in areas where natural fractures: exist (which is not the case for most tight sands). MHF has been quite successful, and is presently the subject of much research. An MHF treatment typically requires the injection of a fracturing fluid (water) at high pressures for many hours to induce a fracture, followed by a fluid containing the propping agents (glass beads or sand). When pumping stops, the fluids £low back into the well bore, leaving the proppant behind to hold the fracture open. Tight Shales "---- Shales are generally rich in organic matter, finely laminated, with a permeability of the order of 1 md. Shales. predominantly composed of quartz, .. 14 Nall/ral Gas-Origin and Development Gal Production Engineering with some kaolinite. pyrite. feldspar. and other minerals, constitute about 5% of all sedimentary rocks in the USA. The De\-onian ..hales in eastern Kentuch and western West Virginia are well known gas producers. In these shales. p~oduction is controlled by natural fractures. The production profile exhibits a long. slow decline. The gas has a high Btu "alue, as high as 1.250 Btu sci \1HF techniques are useful for tight shales also. These tight shales are an attracth"c source of gas and may contribute very significantly to gas production in the coming years. tONSUIO(RS t0f01lOII1I'IG "_ ..... , "'.... ".,1 ToViME_ I lRlitlt , ... _1 a~" ! ~IOII[fAcr(l" SU\.I'\IR. ILliG 1 fEIIliU$UI M~" ... ! fLtaO _ ~-, 1 Methane gas occluded in coal in minable coal beds with depths less than 3,000 ft has been estimated to be 260 Tscf in the US. This significant resource base, however, may only produce less than 40 Tscf due to practical constraints. Another source of gas generation is coal gasification. The gas derived from coal usually has a lower heating value than natural gas. The commercial viability of coal gasification is not favorable yet. .. TO ptT~OOW:"'" "'''"'c" ~;"CIt.~ _'"' UQUlOS TO tOlOOlllONftG If..........'"91 PfIOtUS IfOCUSTItY RECQYEfll , ~ a.L-WAlEfI-OU S(P,",f1/t.llllOl _...... ~ c; ST~_£I)GAS ... '''- "....... , , Co.1 _UIOIE TII""SPOIIT u, Ccopressured Aquifers High-pressure brine in geopressured aquifers, which can form due to rapid subsidence, may contain up to 40 sef of natural gas per barrel of \...·ater. In the USA, sueh geopressured aquifers are located predominantly in a band that extends onshore and offshore from Texas to Florida along the Culf of Mexico. An estimated 2,700 Tscf of gas reserves (unproven at this time) are associated with this region, Howe\-'er, no commercial means of recovering this gas ha\'e been de\'cloped to date, 15 ,IU.T14[RI'«lSUT[III wAut ...... l C.. OMES U SUR raCE VEIl TICAL IIHCUI<[O rUM TI'IROUGI1 PlPU \'.'5 REU:"" \ Figure 1-6. A typical gas production and processing system. Natural Cas Pnxluction and Processing System Figure 1-6 outlines a typical gas production and processing system. From a design viewpoint, the total system consists of the following calculation modules: 1. The ~r\'oir module that deals with the flow of gas (and oil) through subsurface strata. 2. Flow module for the flow of fluids from the ~rvoir to the wellhead at the surface. 3. Gas gathering system module. This module calculates the flow of gas through the pipeline network at the surface that is used to collect gas from several wells for separation and processing. 4. Separation module for calculating the amounts of gas, oil and water generated by the wellstream. and their compositions. 5. Metering devices for measuring the amount of gas and oil from the separators. 6. Gas conditioning module for the removal of contaminants from the g"', 7. Natural gas liquids recovery module. 8. Gas compression/liquefaction for economic transport by tankers, railroad, and road transport. 9. Flow module for the pipeline transport of gas to consumption sites. , 16 Natural Cas-Origin and Development GO! Prcxlul'tjqn Engilleerlng This book has been desib'lled to provide information on the design. operation, and engineering calculations for all of these modules. except the reser. voir module. Chapters 2 and 3 pro"ide the basic gas properties that are an essential input in all computations. Chapters 4 through 6 describe separation and processing for natural gas. Flow calculations are covered in Chapters i and 8. Chapters 9 and 10 provide information on related topics. namely, gas compression and gas metering, respectively. FinsHv. Chapter 11 describes i!:as gathering and transmission systems and the ~mputational techniques for handling the complete production system. 'M Questions and Problems 1. (a) List some factors that may enhance the appeal of natural gas as a domestic and industrial fuel. (b) What are some of the factors that may reduce the appeal of natural gas as a domestic and industrial fuel? 2. Why is natural gas termed a ··stable" flammable gas? 3. What impurities can one expect to find in natural gas produced from a gas field? 4. Why are gas flares a common sight in many petroleum producing ar. eas? Can such flares be hazardous to the environment? If yes, then when and why? 5. As a petroleum engineer you are taken to tour a gas-producing field. Can you tell what type of gas (associated, dissolved, etc.) is being produced? What is the minimum information required to draw such a conclusion? 6. How are gas reserves estimated? 7 Besides conventional reservoirs, what types of gas reserves hold promise for the Cuture? Why? References American Petroleum Institute, 1984. Basic Petroleum Data Book: Petroleum Industry Statistics. Vol. IV, No.2 (May). API, Washington, D.C. Barker. C. and Kemp, M. K., 1980. "Generation of Natural Cas and its Sur· vival in the Deep Subsurface," presented at the Conf. on Natural Gas Res. (}e\'. in Mid·Cont. Basins: Prodn. & Expl. Techniques, Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa. Oklahoma, March 11-12. 17 Brown, T. E. and Miller. S., 1985. Layman's Guide to Oil & Gas Investments & Royalty Income, 2nd Edition. Culf Publishing Company, Houston. Texas. Curr\', R. N., 1981. Fundamentals oj Natural Cas Conditioning. PennWeli Pub!. Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma. 118 pp. Crow. C. C .. 1980. "Future Potential Cas Supply in the United StatesCurrent Estimates and Methods of the Potential Cas Committee," presented at the Am. lnst. of Chern. Engrs. Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 9. ~lcCain, W. D., jr., 1974. The Properties oj Petroleum Fluids. PennWell Publ. Co .. Tulsa. Oklahoma, pp. 3-42. McElroy. O. P., 1987. Fundamentals oj Petroleum Maps. Culf Publishing Company, Houston , Texas. McKelvey, V. E., 1972. "M ineral Resource Estimates and Public Policy," American Scientist. 60, Jan.-Feb., 32-40. Wheeler, R. R. and Whited, M., 1985. Oil-From Prospect to Pipeline, 5th Edition. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston , Texas. • PhQM! Behavior Fundamentals 19 where N ,. number of degrees of freedom of the system C _ number of distinct chemical components (or compounds) in the system P _ number of phases in the system 2 Phase Behavior Fundamentals Introduction The properties exhibited by any substance depend upon its phase, namely, whether it is in the solid, liquid, or gaseous phase. Substances can be cla~ified into two types-pure or single component, and mwticomponent. Phase behavior relationships can be determined from laboratory pVT (pressure, volume. temperature) studies, or using theoretical/empirical methods such as the equations of state. These relationships are frequently shown graphically as "phase diagrams" to enhance qualitative understanding. For design purposes, howc\:er, precise quantitative phase behavior data are crucial. In this chapter, some fundamental concepts in phase equilibrium are introduced. Qualitative Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior A phase diagram for a single component system has three axes: p. Y, and T. Usually, p. T diagrams only are used for a single component system. For multicomponent systems, the mixture composition becomes an additional variable. Generally, three types of phase diagrams are used for mixtures: (a) pressure versus temperature (p,T) diagrams, holding the composition fixed; (b) composition-composition diagrams, keeping pressure and temperature fixed; and (c) pressure-composition diagrams. keeping temperature fixed. The number of degrees of freedom of a system is the number of variables that must be defined to fix the physical state of the system. Usually, pressure, temperature. and composition serve as the variables. The phase rule can easily be verified. Consider a mixture consisting of C components distributed in P phases. Then. at equilibrium, the chemical p0tentials (see pages xx-xx for thermodynamic criteria for equilibrium) for each component are equal in each phase: Pn - J.li2" .,. - J.I"p, for i = 1,2, .... C Thus, we have (P - 1) equations for every component, or a total of C(P - 1) equation.~. The unknowns are the mole fractions of each component in each phase, which represent (C - I)P unknowns, since knowing the mole fractions of (C - 1) components in any phase P fixes the mole fraction of the last component (the sum of the mole fractions equals unity). Also, the pressure p and temperature T are unknown. Thus, the total number of unknowns are (C - l)P + 2. So, the number of degrees of freedom are: N "" number of unknowns - number of equations - (C - l)P + 2 - C(p - 1) or, N - CP - P + 2 - CP + C ,. C - P + 2 Single-Component Systems Figure 2-1 shows a typical p,T phase diagram for a single-component system. The equilibrium lines, AB, BC. and BO indicate the combinations of pressure and temperature at which the adjacent phases shown on the dia- o ta I .. ·· __ ·-U :I Camru~ liqu d , Solid b£ ____ C I I Critical pall'll , : Suptrll,alld i _' ___h!vapar Liquid The Phase Rule Vapar B Cibbs' phase rule for the degrees of freedom of a system is written as: Tripi, pOll'll Figure 2-1. Pressure--temperature diagram lor a single component Tlmp,ralure - system. A N-C-P+2 18 • 20 Ph4&e &haclQr Fundamentals GO! Production Engineering gram exist in equilibrium. Line AD represents the equilibrium between solid and vapor. A solid above this line will sublime direct1y to the vapor phase, without ever going through the liquid phase, on n..oduction of pressure to below line AB. An example of this is "dry ice:' Line DO indicates the solid liquid equilibrium. Line BC is the equilibrium between liquid and vapor phases. At the triple point. B, all three phases exist in equilibrium. Applying the phase rule. it can be seen that for a single-component system with three phases, the degrees of freedom, N - I - 3 + 2 - O. Hence, the triple point is a unique point that defines the whole sy,rtem. The equilibrium lines, howe\'er, reprt:M:nt only two phases in equilibrium and the degrees of freedom N - 1. Therefore, specifyin)i!; either the pressure or the temperature fixes the other variables for the system. In the single phase regions, N - 2, and both pressure and temperature must be known to determine the location (or state) of the system in the phase diagram. The liquid-\'apor equilibrium line (BC) begins at the triple point. B, and ends at the critical point, C. At the critical point, liquid and gaseous phases become indistinguishable and their intensive properties (that is, properties independent of the amount of fluid: for example: density, viscosity) become identical. The pressure and temperature corresponding to the critical point are termed critical pressure, Pc. and critical temperature, T e , respectively, and are a uniquely defined numerical \'alue for every pure substance. More formal definitions are as follows: 1. Critical temperature: The temperature above which a substance cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure alone. 2. Critical pressure: The pressure at which gas exists in equilibrium with liquid phase at the critical temperature. Also defined as the saturation pressure corresponding to the critical temperature. Consider a constant pressure (isobaric) process represented by the line alx:deh of Figure 2-1. From a to b the system is completely solid, and the energy requirements for achieving the increase in temperature are simply proportional to the specific heat of the solid phase. From b to c, pressure and temperature remain constant, but an energy equal to the latent heat of fusion is required to convert the solid phase to liquid. The energy supplied is converted into internal energy. The temperature Increase from c to d requires energy proportional to the specific heat of the liquid phase. At d the liquid is a saturated liquid-any further addition of energy will cause vaporization at constant pressure and temperature. Energy equal to the latent heat of vaporization is required to accomplish the change of phase from d to e. At e, the vapor is termed saturated. At higher temperatures, for example at h, it is called superheated. The energy spent for going from saturated vapor state at e to a superheated state at h requires an amount of energy proportional to the specific heat of the vapor. 21 To better understand vapor-liquid phase behavior, consider the region near the critical point in greater detail. IT one proceeds from d by a compression process at constant temperature to f, liquid will at some point begin to disappear into a seemingly gaseous phase. Above the critical point at f, the system is in a "fourth" phase that exhibits properties different from gas. The properties of this fluid are in between those of gas and liquid. though not corre1atable to either. For example, it is denser than regular gas, and is more compressible than a regular liquid. By going further from f to a point g beyond the critical temperature at constant pressure, from g to h at constant temperature, and finally, back to e, a phase transition from the liquid state at d to a vapor state at e can be achieved without any abrupt change of phase. This shows that liquid and vapor phases are in reality quite similar: They represent separate forms of the same condition of matter, and it is possible to pass from one state to the other without an abrupt change of phase. Thus, the terms liquid and vapor have a definite meaning only in the two phase region. For conditions far removed from the two-phase region, particularly at pressure and temperature conditions above the critical point, it is impossible to define the state of the system, and is best referred to as being in the fluid state. Multicomponent Systems • p, T Diagrams JOT a Fixed Compollition Figures 2-2a and 2-2b show typical p,T phase diagrams for a reservoir fluid. The system has three regions: (a) single phase oil, in the region above S!o;I....... '" o , , to 40 60 110 Figure 2-2 • . Pressure.temperature diagram lor a multicomponent reservoir fluid. Figure 2-2b, Phase diagram showing two retrograde regions. 22 Ph4se Behavior Frmdamentou Ga.r Production £nginunng the bubble point (SP) curve; (b) single phase gas, in the region towards the right of the dew point (OP) curve, and (c) the two phase region, which is the portion bounded by the SP and OP curves. The BP and OP cur\-'es intersect and terminate at the critical point, C. Point A represents the maximum pressure at which liquid and vapor may exist in equilibrium. This pressure is known as the cricondenbar. Similarly, the cricondentherm is defined as the maximum temperature at which liquid and vapor can exist in equilibrium. This is indicated as point B in Figure 2-Za. Along \\<;th the critical point. these serve as valuable tools for reconThe region retrograde region . exhibits quite an interesting behavior. Usually, on lowering the pressure, a liquid phase vaporizes to gas. But in this region, on lowering the pressure, the gas at a hegins to generate liquid at b (see Figure 2-2a). On further reduction in pressure, more and more liquid is condensed (refer to the quality lines). until point c is reached. Outside the retrograde region fTOm c to d,liquid begins to vaporize until the 100% gas quality line (or the dew-point curve) is reached at d. It is evident that the retrograde region results from the shape of the phase envelope and the quality lines. The inflection points of the quality lines govern the retrograde area, which is bounded by the critical point, C. the cricondenbar at A. and the cricondentherm at B. For naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures, the critical point has always been found to occur to the left of the cricondenbar (Campbell, 1984). If the critical point is to the right of the cricondenbar, two retrograde regions will occur as shown in Figure 2-2b. p, T Dtagmnu for \'tlrialJle Composition The case discussed earlier concerned studring the phase diagram at a given fluid composition. When fluid is produced from a reservoir, pressure decreases over time. If we started off with an oil reservoir for example, a two-phase region will eventually be encountered at pressures below the bub-ble-point curve. The heavier components in the reservoir f1wd will begin to vaporize, leading to altered reservoir fluid compositions. Whenever the reservoir fluid is in the two-phase region, compositions also change due to the selective removal of components in the mobile phase. Therefore, the phase equilibrium relationships change with time for a typical ~rvoir system, and the shifts in the phase envelopes as a function of composition must be studied carefully. Figure 2-3 shows a p,T diagram for a binary mixture of ethane (C 2 l4) and normal-heptane (n-C,H 16)_ It can be seen that with a shift in the mixture cOmposition from 100% ethane to 100 % n-heptane, the phase envelope shifts towards the right. This shows that the shape and location of the phase 23 -,~ .0000 ou -".~ •• '. Figure 2-3. Pressuretemperature diagram for the ethaneln-heptane system. (Alter Stalkup. 1978, 1983; • courtesy of SPE of AIME.) • envelope are composition dependent. The dashed line drawn tangent to all the phase envelopes at their critical points is called the critical locus. The critical point for a mixture is thus a function of its composition. Mixtures with more than two components have more than one critical locus, and the problem becom~ quite complex. Simple mixing rules have been devised (to be discussed later) to represent this shift in terms of -'pseudocritical" properties for correlation purposes. The only reliable method at this point is laboratory measurement, since none of the correlations are very exact. Compoation-Composition Diagrams (Fiud p. T) According to the Gibbs phase rule, N - C - P + 2 degrees of freedom must be specified for completely defining the phase behavior of a mixture with C components distributed in P phases. Such a rigorous description, however, is neither practically feasible nor usually necessary. Ternary diagrams are used as an approximate method for representing the phase behavior of multicomponent mixtures. These diagrams represent the phase behavior of a ternary (three-component) mixture exactly; mixtures with more components are approximated by three pseudocomponents. For hydrocar- - Ga6 Production Engineering Phose Behavior Fundammtou Figure 2-5. Pressurs-<:omposition diagram lor a reservoir fluid. Figure 2·4. A typical ternary phase diagram for a reservoIr fluid. Plllil poinl 25 ,, : • 0: C, JOO% bon systems, the three pseudocomponents generally used are methane (C,), ethane through hexane (C 2- 4), and C;., which represents all hydrocarbon fractions with molecular weight greater than hexane. Figure 2-4 shows a typical ternary phase diagram for a reservoir fluid. Each corner of the triangle represents 100% of the component indicated, whereas the side opposite to this corner represents 0 % of that component. The distance in between a corner and the opposite side is divided into equal parts to rep~nt fractions between 100% and 0% of the component. Thus, the point A in Figure 2-4 represents a mixture containing 67% Cit 18.5% Ct-Cts. and 15% C7 +. lying in the two-phase region. Such a mixture, under equilibrium conditions, would result in a gas phase of composition y in equilibrium with a liquid phase of composition x. The dashed line connecting these equilibrium gas and liquid compositions, occurring on the dew-point and bubble-point curves, respectively, is called a tie-line. Clearly, there can be an infinite number of such tie-lines. The tie-lines disappear at the critical point, also called the plait point, where the liquid and gas phases become identical. Outside the phase envelope, single-phase gas occurs above the dew-point curve, whereas single-phase liquid occurs below the bubble-point curve. The size of the two-phase region depends upon the pressure and temperature. With increasing pressure, the two-phase region collapses to smaller sizes, whereas with increasing temperature it expands in size. Lever's rule can be applied to determine the relative amounts of gas and l~qu~d in ~uilibrium. For example, the mixture at A would split into a gasl~qUld ratio equal to the ratio of the distance of A, along the applicable tiehne, from the bubble-point and dew-point curves, that is, Ax/Ay. Pml8Urt-Compoeition Diagrarm (Fixed T) . Pressure-com~ition diagrams also serve as a useful method for displaymg phase behaVior data. These diagrams are obtained for reservoir oi1.s by o 100 ConCenlrOl1Ol\ of CI' " J f . - adding the desired injection fluid to the oil in a high-pressure visual cell. The appropriate (bubble-point or dew-point) saturation pressures are measured as a function of the injection fluid mole fraction in the total mixture that ~ults from the mixing of the injection fluid with the reservoir oil. Such diagrams are easier to obtain than the ternary diagrams, which require obtaining equilibrium samples and compositions, but their applicability is limited since they do not offer information of a general nature. Figure 2-5 sbows a pressure-composition diagram for a reservoir oil as a function of the mole % methane in the mixture. • Quantitative Phase Behavior and Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium In most petroleum production operations, it is important to know the phases present in order to design the system. In processing and other postproduction operations, it is desirable to control these phases by controlling the operating conditions, or condensing or vaporizing selected components. The single-phase regions are relatively easier to define. The two-phase region is more difficult, since we need to know additional parameters such as the vapor-liquid ratio, and the compositions of both the phases, as a function of pressure and temperature. Thermodynamic Criteria for Equilibrium Phase equilibrium is reached when there is no net transfer of material from one phase to another. Such transfers involve a decrease in the total free energy of the s)'Stem. Thus, when equilibrium is attained, the total free energy, G, also called Gibbs free energy, will be at its minimum value. This can be mathematically expressed, at a given p and T as: Phase Behavior Fundamentah 26 de -0 (2-1) Note that "no net transFer" does not imply that the system is static. There is still a continuous exchange or transfer of material between the phases. But the rate of transfer of each component from one phase to another is just balanced by the same transfer /XCurring in the opposite direction from the latter to the former phase. Thus. there is no IIet transfer of any molecular species from one phase to another, and no net change in composition occurs in any of the phases. An equivalent idea is expressed using the condition that dE "" O. where E is the total energy content of the system. Note that the derh'ative in Equation 2-1 is "'ith respect to all possible variations. except those of p and T Gibbs defined chemical potential, p., to express these ideas. The chemical potential of any component i in a phase is the rate at which the total free eneTgy of that phase changes as one changes the amount of the component i, keeping p, T, and amounts of all other components of the phase constant: (2-2) where n j represents the moles of any component i. V is the system volume. and S is the system entropy. Chemical potentials are intensh'e properties and depend upon the composition of the mixture. but not on the total mass. For a s'ingie--com{X)nent ideal gas, the chemical potential is given by: It - Po· + RT In (pIp·) (2-3) where R is the gas constant. and the superscript· refers to any arbitrary standard state. For a perfect gas mixture, the chemical potential for any component i, is given by: Po, - 1'1" + RT In (p,/pt) (2-4) where Yj is the mole fraction of component i in the mixture. It is not possible to ascribe absolute numeric values to quantities such as free energy and chemical potential. The ratio between two isothermal states as previously defined suffices for application purposes. Equation 2-2 can be manipulated to yield the result that the necessary condition for equilibrium is that the chemical potentials of a given component are equal in all the phases. Thus, the chemical potential can be considered as a kind of driving force for mass transfer between phases. 27 The change in free energy, dC, for any substance is given by dC - v dp. For an ideal gas (pv - RT: see Chapter 3 for further detail), this becomes: (2-5) de - RT d In p To preserve this simple mathematical form of this equation for other cases where the system is not an ideal gas, Lewis defined a special function called fugacity, f, as follows: (2-6) de" RT d In f Integrating Equation 2-6. we can obtain: C - co - RT In(fW) - r,. vdp (2-7) Fugacity can, therefore, be defined as a quantity whose numeric value is equal to the pressure when the substance is in the state of an ideal gas. It can be easily seen on comparing Equations 2-5 and 2-6 that fugacity has the units of pressure, and is proportional to pressure for an ideal gas. From a purely theoretical standpoint. any substance in any phase-solid. liquid. or gas-can be brought into an ideal gas state by sufficient pressure reduction at constant temperature. It can be seen also in the equations of state, which reduce to the ideal gas form, pv ,. RT, at the limit when p = 0 or v ,. 00. Fugacity thus serves a very valuable purpose in equilibria studies. Fugacity for a component i in a mixture can now be defined in terms of the chemical potential as follows: /Ll - Pot ~ Po" + RT In (fj/ft) + RT In (£j/£O) - RT In Yj (2-8) Using these relationships, it can be seen that the condition for equilibrium can. alternatively, be stated in terms of fugacity. A system is in equilibrium when the fugacities of a given component are equal in all the phases. The Equilibrium Ratio The vapor-liquid distribution coefficient, commonly known as the vaporliquid equilibrium ratio or the equilibrium vaporization ratio, Kit for a component i, is simply the ratio of its mole fractions in the vapor (Yi) and liquid (x;) phases at equilibrium conditions: (2-9) • 28 Ca, Production Engineering Pruue Behavior Fundamentau Equilibrium ratio values can therefore be determined by laboratory equilibrium flash experiments by analyzing the mole fractions of the different components in the vapor and liquid phases. The PartitJ PrnlUlT for a pure component, and In '+'1"" In f, /px; Approach - -In Z + K-values can be expressed in terms of partial pressures of the components. The assumption, of course, is that the gas obeys ideal gas laws and behaves as an ideal mixture. Therefore, such a concept is only applicable at low pressures, up to about 400 psi. At equilibrium, the partial pressure of component i in the \"apor phase (- PYJ) must be equal to the vapor pressure exerted by its presence in the liquid phase (- P.'IX,). Thus, at equilibrium: So, K, - p,;/p 29 I ~ [(1 v) - (1 RT)(ap ,an.)]dv (2-13) for a component i in a mixture. where n, is the moles of component i in the total mixture. K can be expressed in terms of fugacity coefficients as follows: K• = ",1'/"'\'• "'r (2-14) ;rr where and are the fugacity coefficients of component i in the liquid and vapor phases, respectively, coexisting under equilibrium conditions. This can be verified, by expanding the right-hand side term of Equation 2-14: (2-10) where pvl is the vapor pres.~ure of component i at the equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions. T,h,is ~pproach is very useful as a practical methoo for determining the eqUlhbrium constants, but has limited applicability. - (YiP)/(x,p) since rr .. f[ at equilibrium - }'i/x, - KI T~ Fugacity !.pprotu:h Flasb Calculations Non-ideal behavior can be accounted for by using the fugacity coefficients. The fugacity (or activity) coefficient, "'" for a component i is defined as the ratio of its fugacity, f" to its partial pressure. p,: with Iim.."', "" 1 p-u These calculations involve solving simple material balance equations for multiphase systems in order to establish the phase compositions as well as amounts upon equilibrium separation. In oil and gas systems, we generally have a two-phase oil-gas phase breakup. Water is assumed immiscible in the liquid oil (oleic) phase, and miscible only in the gaseous phase where its presence can be quantified by Dalton's law of partial pressures. Consider F moles of a hydrocarbon mixture of composition {Zj} enters a separation unit. At the operating conditions of the separator, it splits into L moles of liquid of composition {XI}, and V moles of vapor of composition {YI}' Then, by the law of conservation of mass: (2- 11 ) F?r a gas phase, the partial pressure, Pi = YiP. To enable definition of a liq~,d fugacity coefficient, an equivalent hypothetical partial pressure concept IS used, and liquid phase partial pressures are expressed as I~ _ x,p. Fugacity coefficients are commonly written as: In v -In f/p - I: F-L+V [(v/RT) - (lIp)]dp - Z - 1 -In Z - (lIRT) L [p - (RT/v)]dv • and (2-12) --~~>r. no Fz; - LXI + VYI for each component i . . . .__________________________________. . . .___ j" 30 Cal Production Engineering Phase Behavwr Fundamentals Changin~ to a unit mole basis, F - I, for simplicity: L+V- howe\'er. are different. It is eas)' to envision that for a stream F for which V is very small, any error in the calculation of V will be far more detrimental (2.15a) and z, - Lx, + Vr, - Vx,(L, V + K) 31 (2· 15b) to accuracy as compared to an error in the calcuJation of L. For such a system. it will therefore be necessary to solve for V using Equation 2-16 using very rigorous com'ergence criteria (that is, use a very low error tolerance), and then obtain L by difference. Similarly. for predominantly gas systems. Equation 2-17 would provide better accuracy. Thus. we get Applications VX, .. z,J(LIV + K) Reservoir Behavior and Figure 2-6 shows a p. T phase diagram for a naturally occurring hydrocarbon fluid of a known composition. Consider four different reservoirs, with this same fluid, but with different initial conditions denoted by 1;, 21t 3;, and 4;. The vertical lines represent the pressure decline in the reservoir at constant temperature. The curved lines represent the pressure and temperature chang~ imposed upon the reservoir fluid as it flows upward through the well bore. and both pressure and temperature decline to the wellhead producing conditions. The subscripts sand r denote surface and reservoir conditions, re;pectively. Reservoir 1, occurring above the bubble-point curve, is called an undersaturated oil reservoir. It is also called a black oil reservoir, depletion drive, ~Ived gas drive, solution gas dri . . e, or internal gas drive reservoir. Cas is The following additional relationships must also be satisfied: 1:" x,- 1:"J ,-) I and Thus, the amount of vapor, V. can be calculated as follows: Condensole V- " " V 1: y, - 1: [~I(Ll KV + I)J ,-I I-I R."rvol., (2·16) U liquid, L, is desired. it can be calculated as follows: L- L 1:"J x, - 1:" [~I(KVIL + I)J 1- I_I Equations 2·16 and 2-17 require a trial and error type of solution scheme. Both these equ~tions are equivalent, and one has the choice of using either one; knowing either L or V is sufficient, since L + V-I (Equation 2-15a). From the standpoint of obtaining an accurate solution. these equations, Temp"Olure - Figure 2-6. A typical pressure-temperature phase diagram for a reservoir fluid. 10 32 Ga, Production Engineering PhDse Behodor FllIIdamerltals produced at thesur[ace conditions (1, is in the two-phase region), but no gas is formed in the reservoir untiJ the pressure reaches the bubbJe--point pressure. Typically. higher API gravity oils release greater amounts of gas since they contain larger amounts of lighter components. Below the bubble point. the COmposition of the reservoir flUid starts changing. The free gas liberated . Iying a dissolved gas COR< 2 ,()()() scf /51 b are I,'kel)' to have T t > T R, Imp drive resen·oir. in-.~itu eventually begins to (Jow toward the well bore in increasing quantities with goe:; up. reduction in pressure. The producing gas-oil ratio (COR) therefore ReserVOir 2, occurring in the two-phase region, is an oil reservoir with an initiaJ gas cap. With declining pressure, COR increases, and the reservoir flUid Composition changes. Reservoir 3. OCCurring in the retrograde region, is a gas condensate reservoir. On pressure reduction. liquid begins to condense at and beyond the dew-point Curve, Since it clings to the pore spaces in the resenoir, a Critical saturation has to be bUilt up before it can flo\.\.- toward the weJlbore, Thus, the producing COR (at the surface) increases, The intermediates that condense out of the gas are verr valuable and their loss is a serious affair. How_ ever, as pressure is reduced further, the liquid begins to revaporize into the gaseous phase, This revaporization aids liquid recovery and, assuming that the '''''"voi, flUid oomposition oonstant, may lead to a decline in the producing GOR at the su,face, The """"'oi, fluid oomposition, howeve" changes as retrograde condensation OCCUrs: the p- T phase envelope shifts to the right, increasing retrograde liqUid condensation into gas, This retrograde 'ross" is greater for a greater shift of the p_ T phase envelope to the right, lower reservoir temperature, and higher abandonment pressure. ReserVOir 4, OCCurring in the single-phase gas region, is a true gas reservoir. It is generally known as a wet gas reservoir if 4 is inside the moo-phase J region, Or as a dry gas reservoir if 4. is in the single-phase gas region. In this reservoir type, the reservoir (point 4,) is aJwars in the single-phase gas region, of the pressure. So, the reservoir fluid maintains a constant composition since there is no change of phase in the reservoir. The prodUCing COR for a reservoir is an exOOlent indication of the reservoir tYPe. Cenerally, a reservoir is claSSified as a gas reservoir if the GOR> 100,000 scflSib, "an oil """"'oi, if the GOR < 5,000, and as a gas condensate reservoir if the GOR is between 5,000 to 100,000 scf/stb. The relationship between the critical temperature, T , and the reservoir t OCCUrs or temperature, T R, determines whether retrograde condensation not. For retrograde condensation to OCCur, the reservoir temperature must be in between the Critical temperature and the cricondentherm. ReserVoir systems in Single phase with a surface COR::> 10,000 scf/stb are likely to have a high C, fraction, and consequentJy, a low T • Expect retrograde cont densation for such reservoirs, Reservoir systems in single phase that exhibit a ~ regardJ~ I I 33 bon Production and Separation Hydrocar f 'I'res depends upon the nd,surface .aCI hase I , gas and oi I Wit 'h a d' of the producing weII a The ""gn 'rod ced' gas 0.1,0< tM-P h d a bons ature of the fluid bemg p uf 't Since the inte,mediate y coc , I n. COR and the presence 0 \\-a cr. ts it is highl) desirable not to ose the most valuable - uid as possible fcom the p,oduced g",e~ften ~:m ''Ompon~J' d~gn~e::~ ;;rat;~nal ~e:s~'~~,~: to the gas, andhto optimization of h d arbons For tees 'I'b . parameters m );e::t ph"'; behavio, and gas-oil the of the p«>;. ce the phase relationsh,ps ace a unc uipment that is op"mum fluid, we can nevee ,eall, it for the "avmge" all conditions. The onlf'h f.lI~:r to cha~e the installation at some POlOt ed the life 0 t e Ie , d so expect over icalJy attractive to 0 . where it may become econom (m :io~u07 d~:OO d~~~",( oompositio~ u~d", oond,"~n Processing and Transport G as , nds from the gas so that the g:" It may. be n""""",)' to remo,'e heaVIer " tede pressure- temperature changesI10 does not condense liquids upond ahnhCd'PI"ang s)'stems. 10 enable suc~ c~dslcu a·ng an an be k LlqUl aecune fo, ; ; ; in the lines, in the piping :,',:,,,,,, of the instability caused by and are genmll, undes"a e f p,""ure and tempeca'ure, 'cs changes occurring as a befunc"on t~ ne'" the phase envelope boun a~, eq uipment must never opera ature or composition can cause IS. ressure temper , where small changes 10 p i~ vapor-liquid ratio, proportionately large changes :~ensrr:~~:::'t::="po;nt cum~ate s)~te~s, ~~~;~~~a~;:;"ure ph~.:: P''''';'' . Engmccnng , . and Enhanced Oil Recovery ReserVOir . h as reservOir . reserve estimates, Reservoir engineering calculahons, su~ rs require reliable phase behavpredictions, and simulations uSin~,ooalmih~~ i~ miscible enhanced 7~"'y ior data. Nowhere is it more ,cn IC urate hase equilibrium re atJontechniques, where highly deta'~dede :::g::f conltions, The perfbe0rm~n~l~f ' be known over a WI , 'ected fluid to mLSCI . . fluid The injection ships musthorls depends upon the ability of the InJ these met , 'bTty with the ..,.,vo" , , 'b ' m or be able to generate mLSC1, I I , ts dictated solely by phase eqUlh nu . fluid must be tailored to reqUiremen • 3' Gas Producti()n Enginnring Phose Behavior FrmdafflCfllais Tt: - molar a,·erage boiling point o( mixture, OR ~ - mole (raction of 100"'-boiling component Prediction of the Phase Envelope To accurately predict the phase envelope for a muiticomponent hydrocarbon system such as oil or gas is almost impossible. Experimental means must be used, since imprecise results can be quite dangerous to use in the innumerable planning. desi~, and operational problems. However, it becomes \'ery necessary to use correlations and predictive methods in many instances where such studies cannot be readily performed. A'i a bare minimum. an accurate compositional analysis of the reservoir fluid is essential. Estimates of the critical point. the cricondentherm. and cricondenbar can then be used in conjunction with ,,'apor-liquid equilibrium calculations for bubble-point and dew-point curves to generate reasonable phase equilibrium curves. Sometimes, only a portion of the phase curves rna)" be required. The calculation prooedure is quite tedious. The mixture composition. pure component critical temperatures, and normal boiling points are require(l. Values for T b can be calculated using a mixing rule, or obtained from laboratory measurements. One proceeds by taking two successive components. calculating their T, and T p values, then adding one component at a time and calculating the Tt and T p values for this new mixture until all the components ha,·e been included. Grieves and Thodos (1963) report maximum errors of less than 5% in cricondentherm, but significantly larger errors up to 13 % for cricondenbar temperatures. Such a correlation is dif£icult to use, and the results are not very reliable. Critical Point Cricondcntherm and CriCQndenbar Grieves and Thodos ( 1963) presented the following equations for the prediction of cricondentherm temperatures: (2-18) Many different studies have focused on the problem of characterizing hydrocarbons for predictions of their physical properties. Watson and Nelson (1933) and Watson et al. (1935) characterized the chemical makeup of petroleum mixtures using the boiling point and specific gravity. They defined the Watson characterization factor, K. as follows: and (2-22) Tt/T; ""' (T~Tb - l)(e6 31<., ~38) - OAI8x, + 1.256 for 0.55 < XI < 0.925 (2-19) For estimating cricondcnbar temperatures, Grieves and Thodos (1963) suggest the following equations: T piT: - (TbiT b - l )(e4 362) + 1.008 for 0 < x,< 0.7 (2-20) and Tp/T;" (T~Tb - 1 )(e633'r51~) - O.l65~ for 0.7 < Xi<O.925 where 35 + 1.116 (2-21) T t - cricondentherm temperature of the mixture, OR Tp - cricondenbar temperature of the mixture, OR = pseudocritieai, pseudocricondenbar, or pseudocricondentherm temperature, whichever applicable. of the mixture, OR T b = nonnal (atmospheric) boiling point o( the mixture, OR T: If 51 units are used, with Th in K (Kelvin), the right-hand side of Equation 2-6 should be multiplied by 1.21644 ( - 1.81.3). K defines the relative paraffinicity of a hydrocarbon fraction. A typical range would be from 10.0 (highly aromatic) to 13.0 (highly paraffinic). Several useful relationships have been found using the Watson characterization factor ((or example. Watsonet al.. 1935: Smith and Watson, 1937: Simon and Yarborough, 1963: Riazi and Daubert. 1980: Whitson. 1983). Thus, physical property correlations based upon the boiling point and specific gravity ha'·e been used for a long time. and have proven to be very reliable. DiHerent correlation parameters have been proposed. Most of these can be expressed using the (ollowing generalized equation: 8- where aT!: y 8 - the property T b - normal or cubic-average boiling point, OR ..,. - specific gravity at 14.7 psia and GOOF (2-23) • 36 Phase Behavw,. Fundamentals Cal Production Engineering If I:r_l Z;/K t < l.O, the system is in the single phase all-vapor region. For critical pressures and temperatures, the constants a, b, and c, deter. mined by Riazi and Daubert (1980) and Whitson (1983), are as follows: -a- b 24 278i 3.12281 x 10' 2.41490 X IOu 0.58848 - 2.3125 - 3.86618 8 T,. R Pl. psia p,. psia -c0.3596 2.3201 42448 If both I:r.l KjZj and I:r.l Zt/K j > 1.0, the system is in the two-phase region. Both r;r_1 KjZt and I:r.1 z;. K,-t.l.O. for Tb < 850 0 R for Tb > 8500 R An efficient procedure to predict a bubble point is to find the pressure (or. alternath·ely, the temperature) at which r;r_1 K,Zt '"' 1.0 at a given temperature (or pre.sure). A ~rit:!. of !luch points ,",Quid then (;Oll5titute the bubblepoint curve. A similar procedure can be used to reconstruct the dew-point curve. The maximum de\'iations were found to be 10.6 %, 9.3%, and 13.2 ""' , respectively. for these three cases (Whitson, 1983), Bubble-Point and Dew-Point Curves The bubble point may be defined as the p,v,T condition at which an all· liquid s}'stem releases the first (infinitesimally small) drop of gas. Signaling the entry into the two-phase region. Thus, at the bubble point. the total mixture composition, {zd, is just equal to the liquid composition. {XI}. Since the sum of the mole fractions equals unity, it is clear that for the gas phase released at the bubble point, r:r_l YI is equal to l.0, and in all regions where gas is not present, this sum will be less than 1.0. Thus, at the bubble point: " " " ~),- ~ K,x( - E KIZt '"' 1.0 1.. 1 ,., ,I Q uestions aDd Problems l. Given the pressure and temperature, is it possible to specify the number of phaSd for: (a) water, and (b) a mixture of alcohol and water? 2. Name the type of phase diagram required for the following cases: (a) a single-component fluid being used for heat transfer in a nuclear reactor. (b) a hvo-component gas being compressed for storage as liquid. (c) a multi-component gas to be transported in a pipeline. (d) design of an oil-gas separator. 3. What is the state of a substance at: (a) its critical point, and (b) above its critical point? 4. Define fugacity. Show that the fugacity of a substance must be equal in all phases in which it may exist at equilibrium. 5. Construct a p,T phase diagram for the following mixture: (2-24) At the dew point, the appearance of a liquid phase just begins for an allvapor spitem. The system composition. {Zt}, is equal to the ....apor composition. {y,}. Also, for the just released liquid phase. the sum of the component mole fractions equals unity. Therefore: " x, - ~ " ~ I J I_I y,IK, - " ~ ~I K, - 1.0 37 (2-25) I_I Equations 2-24 and 2-25 can thus be used to predict the bubble-point and dew-point curves, provided K-values are known for all the components as a function of pressure and temperature. A typical procedure would involve calculating the quantities Er.1 K1Zj and Ep.1 z,/K, at different pressures and temperatures. The state of the system can be determined b)' applying the following rules that are true for vapor-liquid systems: Component mole % Th , OF C, C, Co. 65 20 15 - 258.7 -127.5 96.9 '" Assume the C 3 .. fraction to be identical to n-C5 • The requ ired hydrocarbon equilibrium ratios (K.values) can be taken from Figures 4-25 through 4-51 in Chapter 4. 6. From the phase diagram constructed in problem 5, determine the cricondenbar and cricondentherm temperatures. Compare these with the ones obtained using Grieves and Thodos' relationships. If Er. I K,Z; < 1.0. the system is single-phase all-liquid. I - 38 GO! Production Engineering References Campbell, J. M., 1984. Gas Conditioning and Processing, Vol. 1. Campbell Petroleum Series, Normar.. Oklahoma, 326pp. Crieves. R. B. and Thodos, C., 1963. "The Cricondentherm and Cricondenbar Temperatures of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Mixtures," Soc. Pet. Eng. /., 3(4, Dec.}, 287-292. Riazi. M. R. and Daubert, T. E., 1980. "Simplify Property Predictions," Hydr. Proc., 59(3, March), 115-116. Simon, R. and Yarborough. L., 1963. "A Critical Pressure Correlation for Cas-Solvent-Reservoir Oil Sy~tems," J. Pet. Tech .. 15(5, May). 556-560. Sm~th, R. L. and Watson. K. ~1., 1937. "Boiling Points and Critical Properties of Hydrocarbon Mixtures," Ind. and Eng. Chem., 29(12, Dec.). 1408-1414. Stalkup. F. I., 1978. "Carbon Dioxide Miscible F100ding: Past, Present, and Outlook for the Future," J. Pet. Tech., 30(8, Aug.), 1102-1112. Stal.kup, F.. 1.,1983. Miscible Displacement. Volume 8, SPE Monograph SeTIes, SocIety of Petroleum Engineers, Richardo:;on, Texas, 204pp. Watson, K. M. and Nelson, E. F.. 1933. "lmpro\'ed Methods for Approximating Critical and Thermal Properties of Petroleum Fractions." Ind. and Eng. Chern., 25(8. Aug.), 880-887. Watson, K. M., Nelson. E. F., and Murphy, C. B.. 1935. "Characterization of Petroleum Fractions," Ind. and Eng. ClJem., 27(12, Dec.), 1460-1464. Whitson, C. H., 1983. "Characterizing Hydrocarbon Plus Fractions," Soc. Pet. Eng. /., 23(4, Aug.}. 683-694. 3 Properties of Natural Gases Introduction In designing gas production, processing, transport, and handling systems a complete knowledge of gas properties is crucial. For this reason, much research has been done in the measurement and prediction of hydrocarbon fluid properties. The area of property prediction continues to attract significant attention from researchers who seek to optimize design and control of gas and oU systems. The current trend is to develop mathematical equations for implementation on computers, rather than the traditional engineering charts and tables, because with computers it is far more efficient to solve equations than to interpolate in a huge domain of possible parameter values, whereas the opposite is probably true for humans. Equations of State AJI fluids follow physical laws that define their state under gi"en physical conditions. These laws are mathematically represented as equations. which are consequently known as equations of state (EOS). These equations essentially correlate p. V, and T for any fluid and can be expressed, on a unit mole basis, as: ¢(p,v,T) - 0 For practical purposes, this form is rearranged to yield a desired parameter, v ~ ¢(p,T). Many different empirical EOS's have been developed over the years, and I will only mention the most basic and widely used among these. 39 • Gas Production Engineering Properties oj Na/ural Gases Ideal Cases too;'~e cont~Pt ~f an ideal gas is a hypothetical idea, but it serves as a useful a gas ~:!h7c~ tthee':;::w::!::~ gas ~~avior. An ideal gas is defined as tion between th I I P) negllgtble volume; there is no interac_ betw th . e dOlO ~u. es. that is, no attractive or repulsl\;e forces exist een em. an collISIOns between the molecules I . plying no energy loss on collision At I are pure }" elastiC, imexhibit an almost ideal behavior The 'd o~ pr~u~ (.:S 400 psi) most gases can be stated as follow:;; . I ea gas aw at applies to such gases pV - nRT The deviation from ideal behavior is greater for heavier gases because of the larger size of their molecules. Most gases compress more than an ideal gas at low pressures, whereas the opposite is true at high pressures. From an appli~ cation standpoint, all equations of state for real gases must be regarded as essentially empirical in nature, since they attempt to correlate this non-ideal behavior using empirical parameters. The Corn preiMbi/ity Fador Approach To correct for non-ideality, the simplest equation of state uses a correction factor known as the gas co'l1pressibility factor. Z: (3-1) where p and T are the absolute d number of moles and V ;~ 'he P""'I ure an ~emperature of the gas, n is the . "" vo ume OCCUpied by the R h of proportionality in Equation 3-1 is called h . gas., t e constant value of R can be easily dete . 'ed f ~ e universal gas constant. The mole) of an . . rmm rom t e fact that 1 Ibmole (pound> gas OCCUpies 378.6 ft1 at 14.73 psia and 60°F (5200R). R - pV'nT - (14.73 x 378.6)/(1 x 520) "" 10.732 (psia ft1)/(lbmole OR) Thus, if p is in psia T is in OR and V' . ft1 t h R is 10.732 psia-ft1:lbmole-0R' I 51 IS.IO "h en t.h~ appropriate value of V' . . n umts,w erepISm kPa T" K d IS 10 m-', the value of R to use is 8.314 kPa-mJ'"kgmole-K.' IS In ,an Behavior of Real Cases In general, gases do not exhib't 'd al beh . tion from ideal behavior can bel I e -, __~Vlor. The reasons for the deviasumma.1L.C'.! as follows; 1. Molecules for even a spa~ S\'Stem ume. . . such as gas, occupy a £jnite vol2. Intermolecular forces are exerted bern'een the these forces are: molecules. Some of • !i'ec:rostTa'hic forces. also called Coulomb forces, betv.·een ions and po es. ese are long-range forees. • [~d~ced fO.rees between a dipole and an induced dipole, for examp e In a mlXture of a polar and a non-polar gas • Attraction/repulsion fo h' h . short distances ani T~ w IC a~ generally exerted over very I y. ese forees eXISt even for a perfectly non~ po ar gas such as argon. 3. Molecular collisions are never perfectly elastic. 41 pV = nZRT (3-2) The Z-factor can therefore be considered as being the ratio of the volume occupied by a real gas to the volume occupied by it under the same pres<>ure and temperature conditions if it were ideal. This is the most widely used real gas equation of state. The major limitation is that the gas deviation factor, Z, is not a constant. Numerous attempts have been made to define the functional dependence of Z on various other parameters that define the state of the system, and se\'eral correlations are available for the Z-factor as a result of these studie;. More complex equations of state that do not represent the deviation through the Z·factor, but through other correlation constants, are often used to derive quite precise Z~factor values that can be used in Equation 3-2. \an der \\aals Equation This equation is probably the most basic EOS and, though seldom used today, it serves as a conceptual basis for understanding and developing other equations. It corrects for the volume occupied by the molecule; in a gas, by using v - B as the true gas volume. instead of v; and loss in pressure exerted 2 by the gas due to attractive forces and inelastic collisions, by using p + Alv as the true pressure. (p + A/")(v - 8) - RT (3-3) where A and B are empirical constants. This equation serve; as a good approximation only for low pressures. It can also be written as: .. _ (RT + Bp)v'/p + (A/p)v - AB/p - 0 (3-4) • '2 Propntie6 oj Natural Cases Go, Production Engin«ring Waals equation, which makes it applicable in developing gencral correlations in terms of reduced variables. or, in terms of the Z·factor as: Z3 _ Z2(1 + SpiRT) + Z Apl(RT)2 - ABp'l/(RT)3 - 0 43 (~5) p .. RTd + (B"RT - ~ - Co/r.)d Z + (bRT - a)d J + aad6 At the critical point, the three roots of the cubic equation in v (Equation 3-4) are identical. Thus. if \'~ represents the critical volume, then at the critical point: (3-6) + (00'11')[(1 + ,d') exp( - ,d')] (3-10) where a. b, c. a, -y, ~. Bo. and Co are constants for a gi\"cn ~as_ d is the molar density (lbmole/ft3), and p, T are the absolute pressure and temperature. respectively. Comparing Equations 3-4 and 3·6. it can easily be shown that: Redlich-Kwong Equation (3-7) Redlich and K\\'ong (1949) proposed the following equation: An alternative procedure for obtaining the values for A, B. and R is to use the fact that the critical isotherm, that is, the curve relating pressure and volume al the critical temperature. must show an inflexion point: (3-8) These conditions are known as the Van der Waals conditions for the critical point. The first and second partial diHerentials of Equation 3-4 with ~pect to v would yield the results shown in Equation 3-7 upon substitution of parameter \'aJues relevant to the critical point and use of Equation 3-8. Van der Waals equation may be written in the reduced form by substituting the values for A. Band R from Equation 3-7 into Equation 3-3: RT A P .. v - B - '}"Q.~(" + B) where A and B are constants. Other details \\ill be discussed later. The Redlich-Kwong (RK) equation, along with modifications by Zudke\'itch and Joffe (1970) and Joffe et al. (1970) (ZJRK). and by Soavc (1972) (SRK), is widely used. (3-9) • PeJlg-Robin!lOn Equation Another \..idely used equation is the Peng and Robinson (1976) (PR) equation: RT A p- - - \" - B v(v + B) + B(,· thill, [po + 3/,,][3v, - lJ - ST, (3-11) B) (3-12) where A and B are functions of temperature. Note that the RK and PH equations cannot be written explicitly in the reduced form. Benedict- "ebb-Rubin Equation A General Form for Cubic Equations of State This equation was developed by Benedict et al. (1940) for describing the behavior of pure, light hydrocarbons. It has found a lot of application in computing thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria for gases due to two reasons: it gi\'es sufficient accuracy for natural gases, since natural gases are a mixture of light hydrocarbons for which this equation was originally developed; and it can be written explicitly in the reduced form, like Van der Martin (1979) showed that all cubic equations of state can be represented in the following general form: RT arT) ofT) p - -;- - (v + ~)(v + -y) + ... (v + ~)(v + -y) (3-13) . Go.! Production Engineering Propertiet of Natural GaUl where cr and {) are functions of temperature, and R and l' are constants. Coats (1985) presents the following equivalent form of Martin's equation, with {) .. 0: Zl + [(rn, + ffi2 - 1)8 - IJ Z2 + [A + - (m, + m,)(B + I)B) Z - (AB + ffilffiZBZ(B + I)) .. 0 where ffi,ffi ZB2 (3- 14) A .. r:r. r:r _ x,xkAi~ (3- 15a) B ,. q -l xiB) (3-15b) (I - ojk)(AJAS)~ (3-15c) A Jk .. I I A) - 0., PrJi1~ (3-1Sd) B, .. Obi Prj' T fJ (3- 15e) The Ojk are the binary interaction coefficients, symmetric in j and k with Ojj - O. Theoretically, O. and 0b are universal constants, Q<~ and [}g, determined by making the EOS satisfy Van def Waals' criteria at the critical point (Equation 3-8). The values of m and flg for some commonly used EOS's are as follows: RK and SRK, PR, n: - 0.4274802. !li: - 0.08664035 n: - 0.457235529, !li: - 0.077796074 In practice, however, O. and Ob are treated as component. and temperaturedependent quantities, O.i(T) and Obo(T): RK: 0.1 .. miT ,.p"\ and Ob! .. og SRK: Oaj" 0<,.11 + (0.48 + 1.574w, - 0.176w~)(1 - TJ'-!i)]2, and Ob'" O!: PH: 0 .... ~1 + (0.37464 + 1.54226w; - O.26992w1)(1 - TJ'!i)]2, and 0" - !li: The acentric factor (w), first proposed by Pitzer (1955), is a measure of a flLLid's deviation from the law of corresponding states (see the section on compressibility factors). It is defined as: (3- 16) 45 where p.,. is the vapor pressure of the f1LLid at a temperature of o. 7Te • and Pc is its critical pressure. As expected, w is equal to zero for noble gase;: like argon, and is close to zero for gases like methane. In the$e equations, putting m, .. 0 and ffi2 .. 1, yields the RK or SRK equations. For the PR equation, m, = 1 + ~!i, and m2 .. 1 - 2<15. Equilibrium is achieved when the fugacities for any component i are equal in both the liquid and vapor phases. Fugacities can be calculated using the following relationship for the fugacity coefficient, derived using Equation 2-13 (Coats. 1985): In ~, - In (fiP") - B,(Z - 1)IB - In(Z - B) + [AI(m, - m,)BJ[(2IA) , . ,.E, A"x, - Bi B]ln [(Z + mzB)/(Z + m,S)) (3-17) A Typical Solution Method for Cubic Equations of State The input data include the overall composition of the mixture, {Zj}. and the critical pressure (Pci), temperature (Tti), acentric factor (w,), and critical compressibility factor (1.,,;) for each component i. The objective is to determine for F moles of the feed of composition {z.:}: the moles of liquid (L) and the moles of vapor (V) generated, and the composition of these liquid ({xil) and vapor ({y,}) phases that exist in equilibrium at any given pressure (p) and temperature (T). Referring to Equations 2-15 through 2-17, it is clear that if the equilibrium vaporization ratio, K.. for each component i is known. we can achieve the objectives. Thus, the problem can alternatively be conceptualized as being that of obtaining very precise values for K, using an equation of state. The calculation procedure is iterative. A value is assumed for the distribution coefficient (K.) and the equation of state is then solved with this initial guess, Kr. The EOS solution yields a new value, Kr + " which is then used as the new guesstimate. This procedure is repeated till convergence is reached, within a specified tolerance. between the estimate, Kr, and the solution, Kr· I. A good initial guess for the distribution coefficient is very advantageous in obtaining faster convergence. A reasonable guess can be obtained from the following equation. which has been used extensively (Wilson, 1969; Peng and Robinson , 1976): K; - (lip.,) exp [5.3727(1 + wJ(1 - liT.,)) (3-18) This equation was obtained by assuming that the fluid obeys Raoults' law and that the logarithm of the reduced vapor pressure of each component i is • •• 47 Properties oj Natural Gases Ga.s Production £Ilgille€ring Table 3·' Physical Constants lor Typical Natural Gas Constituents· a linear function of the reciprocal reduced temperature (Peng and Robinson. 1976). Using the K-values from Equation 3-18. flash calculations are carried out for the mixture (see Chapter 2) to calculate L. V, {Xi}. and hi}' Equations 3--15{a-e) are';olved next. Equation 3-14, a cubic equation in Z. can now be sol\'ed to determine its roots. Since it is a cubic equation, it can have either all real roots. or one real root and two imaginary ones. The gas Z-factor is taken as the largest real roo!, when the equa.tion is wived with coefficients corresponding to gas. Equation 3-14 is solved again with coefficients A. B corresponding to the liquid phase. The smallest real root is taken as the liq- Compound uid Z-factor. These Z values are required in Equation 3-17. II-C~'1 Equation 3-17 is sol ....ed to determine fugacities in the \'apor and liquid phases. If the.<\e are equal in both phases for all the components (on an individual basis), com'ergence has been reached. Otherwise, the new Ki values are determined usin~ the ratio of the fugacity coefficients (see Equation 2-14), Sewral modifications have been proposed by different investigators to improve the rate of convergence, or to impro\'e the accuracy of prediction in general or for various special cases. The ~VNR (minimum variable Newton-Raphson) method presented by Fussell and Yanosik (1978) and Fussell (1979) prO\ides imprO\'ed comergence and is more reliable than the method of successive substitution previously discussed. Since this is an area of acti\'e research, the reader can refer to published work in this area for specific methodologies and developments. i·~1! Critical Pressure and Temperature Determination For pure components, physical property data are readily available. Table 3-1 shows critical temperatures (T...;), pressures (Pc.:). and other useful properties of typical components in hydrocarbon fluids. For mixtures, Kay's mixing rule can be used to find the effective critical properties: (3- 19) where Pp..., T po: are the pseudocritical pressure and temperature, respectively, for the mixture, and r! is the mole fraction of component i in the mixture. These properties are termed "pseudo" because they are used as a correlation basis rather than as a very precise representation of mixture critical properties. Equation 2-23 in Chapter 2 can be used to predict the critical properties of a hydrocarbon fluid from its normal boiling point and gravity. IT the composition oflhe gas, {y;}. is not known , Figure 3-1 may be used to determine eH, C:II;. C.J l~ n_C,H,g i-C,H ,( n·CJ-I" II-C,H,o n-CJi" n-C,lh,. n-CwHu N, CO, II;> 0, II, H~O Molecular Weight Critical Pressure (psia) 16.()43 30,070 44_097 38124 58,124 667.8 707.8 616.3 72.151 72.151 86.178 100.205 114.232 12.8_259 142.2.86 28_013 44,010 34.076 488.6 490.4 436.9 396.S 300.6 332.0 3040 493.0 1070.9 1306.0 737.1 188.2 3203.6 31.999 2_016 18.015 550.7 .529, I Critical Temp. (-R) Cnt. Comp. Factor (2.) Acentric Factor (w) 343_1 549,S 665.7 765.4 734 7 0.289 0_28." 0.281 0.274 0.283 0.0115 0.0908 0.1454 0.1928 0_1756 S45.4 828.8 913,..\ 972.5 1023,9 lOiO,-l 111l,8 0,262 0,2510 0.2.273 0_2957 0._ 227.3 547,6 672.4 278.6 59.9 1165_1 0,273 0,264 0.263 0.259 0,251 0.247 0.291 0,274 0.266 0.292 0.3(\4 0.230 0.3978 0.4437 0.4902 0.0355 0.2250 0.0049 0.0196 - 0.2234' 0.3210 Eykman Mol Refraction" • (EMR) 13,984 23.913 34.316 44.2-13 44.741 55.267 55.302 65_5iS 7S.Si5 86.193 96.529 106.859 9.407 15,7SO 19.828 8.49.5 ,"'" , • From Edmister and Lee (19&1J_ •• I'rom McLeod and Campbell (1969) , "" _ 0.0 w.ed in moot condatkm> the critical pressure and temperature from the gas gra\·ity. Corrections may be made for the presence of non-hydrocarbon oomponents: Thomas et .al. (1970) took data from Figure 3-1 and other sources to obtam the followmg relationship: Ppc _ 709.604 - 58.718 "f, (3-20a) T pc" 170.491 + 307.344 "fit (3-20b) where "fl is the gas gravity with respect to air. Thomas et al. recommend the use of this equation in allowable limits of up to 3% H~, 5% Ni , or a total impurity (no n-hydrocarbon) content of 7%, beyond which errors in critical pressure exceed 6%. It should be noted that the gas gravity method of obtaining pseudocritical pressures and temperatures is not very acc:urate. 1£ ~he analysis of the gas is available, it must be used in accordance With EquatIOn 3-19. .. .9 PropN'tie3 of Natural Gases Ga., Producl/on Engineering Find the gas gravity. Also, find the critical pressure and critical temperature for this gas using (I) Kay's mixing rule, (2) Brown et al.'s method, and (3) Thomas et al.'s equations. Solution ~omp. c, c, C, n-C 4 i-C 4 n-e, i-e., Co C,. N, M, ...iL 16.043 0.9300 0.0329 0.0136 0.0037 0.0023 0.0010 0.0012 0.0008 0.0005 0.0140 3O.0iO 44.097 58.124 58.124 72.151 72.151 86.178 128.259 28.013 k 667.8 707.8 616.3 550.7 529.1 488.6 490.4 436.9 332.0 493.0 To 343.1 549.8 665.7 765.4 734.i 845.4 828.8 913.4 1070.4 227.3 M .. E y,M 1 ,. 17.54 "-5 -•• The gas gravity 'Y& - 17.54/28.97,.. 0.6055 -, •• ~ 1. Ppc" I: YIPd - 664.47 psia • Tpt - I: YiTe; _ 356.93 OR ~ 2. From Figure 3-1, u 0 g •• .. · " PI'" - 670 psia Tpt - 360 OR Applying the correction factor for 1.4 % N2, !'po • 670 - 5 • 665 v"'~ GUVlfY " "'I~' \ " Figure 3-1. PseudocriticaJ properties of miscellaneous natural gases and condensate flUids. (After Brown at aL, 1948; courtesy of GPSA.) !"ia T,,' 360 - 5.355 OR 3. Using Equation 3-20a: !'po - 709.604 - (58.718)(0.6055) • 674.05 ps;a Example 3-1. The analysis of a sweet gas, in mole%, is known to be as follows: N2 .. lAO, CRt .. 93.0, CtHe" 3.29, <4Ha .. 1.36. Il-C.H IO .. 0.37, iC.H 10 " 0.23, n-~HI2" 0.10, i-~I!" 0.12. Cefi14 .. 0.08, and ~HI6+ .. 0.05. Assume the ~ + fraction to exhibit the same properties as n-Cg. Using Equation 3-20b: T,,' 170.491 + (307.344)(0.6055) • 356.59 OR , 50 Propertie! of Natural GO,f Production Engineering 51 Gas~ The Gas Compressibility Factor Several different correlations are available for this important parameter. The basic correlations use the corresponding states concept. According to Van dec Waals' law of corresponding states, the physical characteristics of a substance are a function of its relative proximity to the critical point. This means that the deviation from ideal beha\ior of gases is the same if they are located at the same state relative to their critical state. Thus the relevant temperature and pressure values that express the departure of a real gas from ideal behal-ioc are the reduced pressure, p" and the reduced temperature, T.; Z - £(p"T,) (3-21) where p, ... piPe T, - TIT~ ~ IO:! For gas mixtures such as natural gases, the reduced parameters are denoted as pseudoreduced temperature Tp. ( = TIT pc), and pseudoreduced pressure, Ppr ( - f • ni:': - p/ppc). The correslX'nding states concept is more applicable to substances with similar molecular structure, such as neighboring hydrocarbon comlX'nents of a similar paraffinic type. than to widely dissimilar substances. For more complex mixtures. it is more appropriate to consider the compressibility factor as a function of an additional parameter, t: Z - £(p"T" () ~ • u " (3-22) This additional parameter, t, is any term that can characterize the mixture behavior, particularly the discrepancy resulting from the assumption in Equation 3-21. Among several alternatives, the two most widely used are the critical compressibility factor, z." and the acentric factor, w. Z-factor correlations using z., as a basis have been used for a long time; different charts are made for different values of z., for manual calculations. The acentric factor. w, has become very popular because it gives good accuracy. Most equations of state and other computer-generated solutions use the acentric factor. In addition, the Eykman molecular refraction (EMR) approach by McLeod and Campbell (1969) is of interest and is described here. Standing-Katz Compressibility Chart Figure 3-2 shows the Standing and Katz (1942) correlation for Z as a function of Ppr and T pr for sweet (non-H~ or COt containing) natural gases. The " • P~fUOO ~EOu(EO ... Figure 3-2. Compressibility lactor lor natural gases as a function of reduced pressure and temperature. (After Standing and Katz, 1942; courtesy of SPE 01 AIME.) applicability of Equation 3-21 is assumed, and Kay's mixing rules are used for gas mixture properties. This chart is generally reliable for sweet natural gases with minor amounts of non-hydrocarbons such as N2 • Wichert and Aziz (1972) proposed a correction factor, E, to extend the applicability of the Standing-Katz Z-factor chart to sour gases: 52 53 Properties oj Natural Case:! COl Production Engineering These modified values for the critical pressure (~) and temperature (Tp.,.) are used to calculate the values of reduced pressure and temperature that will give a valid Z-factor for a sour gas from the Standing-Katz correlation. Example 3·2. For the gas composition given in Example 3-1, find the compressibility factor at 2,000 psia and 200°F using the Standing-Katz Z-factor chart. Soilltion From Example 3-1, - o u Ppc: = 664.47 psia ~u Tpc - 356.93 OR So, ppr - 2,OOO/664.4i - 3.010 T,. - (200 + 459.67)1356.93 - 1.848 Using Figure 3-2, the compressibility factor Z g 0.905. Example 3·3. Find the compressibility factor at 2.500 psia and 650 0 R for a sour gas with the following composition in mole%: CH 4 = 89.10, C 2H6 = 2.65, C3HS - 1.90. n·C,H IO - 0.30, j·C4H ID = 0.20, N2 = 0.65. CO 2 ,,, 1.00, H 2S - 4.20. Solution PER CENT H,S Camp. Figure 3·3. Pseudocriticai correction factor, t, for sour gases. (Atter Wichert and AzIZ, 1972; courtesy of Hydrocarbon Processing.) C, C, C, (3·23) where A is the sum of the mole fractions of H:zS and COt, and B is the mole fraction of H 2S, in the gas. Figure 3-3 is a graphical representation by Wichert and Aziz (1972) of Equation 3-23. This method uses the correction factor, f, to correct the pseudocritical temperature (Tp") and pressure (Ppe) determined by Kay's rule, as follows: T;''' TI'l' - t n-C~ • i-C 4 N, CO, H,S ..1L ..&. TN 0.8910 0.0265 0.0190 0.0030 0.0000 0.0065 0.0100 0.0400 667.8 707.8 616.3 550.7 529.1 493.0 1070.9 1306.0 343.1 549.8 665.7 765.4 734.7 227.3 547.6 672.4 A - 0.0400 + 0.0100 - 0.0500, and B - 0.0400 (3-24) , - 120[(0.052)'9 - (0.052)' '] + 15[(0.042)" - (0.042)"] - 10.402 • Propertia oj Natu ral Gas Production Engineering Ppr - !: hPc:i - 696.96 psia Table 3-2 Correl.tlon Equations tor the Standing-Katz Z-tactor Chart· Reduced Pressure p, Ringe Between Appl}ing the Wichert and Aziz correction, TPc - 371.77 - lOAD - 361.37 oR Reduced Tempertlture. T, Ringe Between 'OS and 12 1.2 + and 14 1.4+ and 2.0 2.0 + and 3.0 and 1.2 1.2 + and 2.8 12 + and 1.4 14+ and 2.0 2.0+ and 3.0 2.8 + and 5.4 lOS and 1.2 1.2+ and 1.4 1.4 + and 2.0 2.0 + and 3.0 5.4 + and 15.0 1.05 and 3.0 0.2 and 1.2 J>;o - (696.96)(361.37)/[371.77 + (0.042)(10.402)(1 - 0.042)] - 676.69 psia '05 1',. - 2,500'6i6.69 • 3.694 Tp, .. 6501361.37 - 1.799 Using Figure 3-2. the compressibility factor, Z - 0.90. Curve-Fits fo r the Standing- Katz Correlation Gopal (1977) found straight line fits for the Standing-Katz chart of the form: Z - p,(AT, + B) + CT, + D Example 3-4. For the gas composition given in Example 3-1, find the comprasibility factor at 2,000 psia and 2OQ°F using Gopal's method. From Example 3-2, p,. - 3.010 Equations 1.6643T, 2.2114) - 0.3647T, + 1.4385 0.5222T, - 0.8511) - 0.0364T, + 1.0490 0.9969 p,1 O.I39JT, - 0.2988) + ~I O.0295T, - 0.0825) + O.OOO9T,'· 0.9967 p,( -1.35iOT. + 1.4942) + 4.63IST, - 4.7009 ~I O.lilIT, - 0.3232) + O.5869T, + 0.1229 ~( O.0984T, - 0.2(53) + 0.062IT, + 0.B580 ~I 0.0211T, - 0.(527) + 0.0127T, + 0.9549 p,(-0.3278T, + 0.4752) + 1.8223T, - 1.9036 p,(-0.252JT, + 0.3871) + J.6087T, - 1.6635 p,( - O.0284T, + 0.0625) + 0.4714T, - OJXHl' p,1 O.OOHT, + 0.0039) + 0.0607T, + 0.7927 p,( 0.711 + 3.66T,)-!*"' - 1.637-'(0.319 T, + 0.522) + 2.071 ~( p,( o.ooorr,' . . Equation Number , I 3' ",. 6 7 8 '" Ill' 11 12 13 • Mt.". CopaJ (l9i7). Coomsy of Oil and eo.. }tnmur/ • 1"hc.e !emu rna' be 'gnom! b For a "ef) slight 100 In IOCC\1rat'Y. E'I'. 3 and 4 and 9 and 10 <'tin. ~;'f:'l~. be replacoed b). th" (3-25) where A, B, C, and D are correlation constants (see Table 3-2). Th irteen equations of this type were found to suitably represent the Standing- Katz chart, with average errors on the order of 0.6%, and maximum errors up to 2.5%. (Gopal (1977) does not report any statistical parameters for the error: it is the author's deduction from the reported results only.) Wichert and Aziz's (1972) correction factor for sour gases is applicable. Since it attempts to curve-fit the Standing-Katz chart and uses the same mixing rules, its applicability is also subject to the same limitations as the Standing- Katz chart. The major advantage of this method lies in the fact that it is not trial and error type. So/lltion 55 Gtl.fU ~ ''''0 equahoru' Z _ p,10.0657f, - O.\iSII .. 00009 T: .. 09968 Z _ p,C-O.23&( T.... 0.3695)'" lASH T, - l4SBO Prrif:'f1Ibiy we this equation for p, up to 26 onl). fur p, _ 2.6 + Eq. 9 ",ill g;"f:' slightl~ brttr, rt:Sults At.... pn:f.".abl~. we Eq. I for 1.08 :i T, ::; 1.19 and p., ~ 14 Tpr = 1.848 From Table 3-2, the applicable equation is: Z PP,( - O.0284Tpr + 0.0625) + OA714T P' - 0.0011 • (3.010)[(-0.0284)(1.848) + 0.0625] + (0.4714)(1.848) - 0.0011 - 0.900 = Compressibility Factors from Equations of State Several authors have reported results using d iffe rent equations of state. An interesting comparison of the various techniques used is provided by Takacs (1976). Yarborough and Hall (1974) used the Starling-Carnahan equation of state to arrive at the following equation: z- 0.06 1 25(p,.Jp,T~) ""p{ - 1.2(1 - 1 T~)'] (3-26) • .6 Gu Production Engineering where the reduced density, p" is calculated by trial and error from the fol lowing equation: ! p, + P. (1 + 3 ~ P. - p, - (14 76 ·' T p,)3 + (90. 7/T po - . 242 . 2.' ~ 'po - 9 76 'T! + 4 58/'T"3 )p' • I pr • ' P" + 42.4'Gr) p ~tI8 . 2II2 Tp<' (3-28) where the reduced density was defined as: to be 0.270 have been reported by him), but It The Eykman Molecular Refraction (EMR ) Method Dranchuk et al. (1974) presented an eight-factor trial and error type of equation for Z-factor using the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state. Zc was assumed p. > 1.0, very large errors have been reported (Dra~chuk ~d Abou-Kassem , 1975). Thus, these correlations should be used WIth caution. The ~ccu­ rac), of the Copal (1977) method in t his region is not apparent f~om hlS ~ ::7n~:\~!~~e a~;:b~~~~:.n (3-27) Pr ., z.:p,/(ZT.), and 57 Properties oj Natural G6&es This method, deyeloped by McLeod and Campbell (1969), uses a rorrelat ' n between the EMR of a gas or liquid and its properties such as molecular W ·gbt density· and critical properties. A different mixture com b·ma t·Ion wei , , r 'btl rule is used, and the method also requi~ the use of a dir erent compres.o;l ity chart. T he Eykman molecular refraction . E~t R. is defined as foHows: EMR - [(n' - 1)I(n + O.4)](Mlp ) w here (3-29) and the correlation constants AI through Aa are: 0.31506237, - 1.04670900, - 0 .57832729, 0.53530771 , -0.61232032, -0.10488813, 0.681570001 , and 0 .68446549, re.pectively. Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (1975) developed the following equation from the Starling equation of state: (3-31 ) n "" refractive index of the gas or liquid using Sodium-D Yf'llow light M - molecular weight p - density in gm fcc The Eykman molecular refraction index, EMRI , defined. as EMRI - EMRIM - [in' - 1)I(n + O.4 )llp • (3-32) is also used for correlation purposes. McLeod and Campbell (1969) found the following empirical relationship between EMR and M for normal paraffin hydrocarbons: + (A, + A,IT, + A,1T;)p1 - A,(A,/T , + A,1T1)p1 EMR '"" 2.4079 + 0 .7293 M + 0.00003268 M2 (3-30) w here the reduced density is given by Equation 3-30 as before. By fitting Equation 3-29 from the Starling equation of state to the Standing-Katz correlation using more than 1,500 data points, Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (1975) found the values of the eleven coefficients Al through All to be, 0.3265 , - l.0700, - 0.5339, 0.01569, - 0.05165 , 0.5475, - 0.7361 , 0.1844, 0 .1056, 0.6134, and 0.7210, respectively. The Wichert and Aziz correction for sour gases (Equations 3-23 and 3-24) is applicable to aU these methods using equations of state. It is clear that all the EOS methods involve a trial and error type of solution scheme. The accuracy of these methods is within 0.5 % , but for the region where T. _ 1.0, l (3-33) Alternatively, M can be expressed in terms of EMR for normal paraffin hyd rocarbons as follows: M ,. - 3.2971 + 1.3714 EMR - 0 .00008156 EMR2 (3-34) U the molecular weight, M, is not known , the EMR may be determined from the density p using the EMR versus pi plot shown in Figure 3-4. McLeod and Ca:npbell found that EMR correlates very well with the critical properties of hydrocarbons and also the non-hydrocarbon~ generally associated with natural gas. Figures 3-5 and 3-6 show the correlations determined by them. The curve fit equations indicated in Figures 3-5 and 3-6 may be used, instead of the figures , ror p rogramming purposes. In the EMR 58 Cas Production Engineering .t'1~ , i ~ .~ u IJ UPUllm.UI. IlU1'UU.O ,/ . ..c,....c u (PCU: • ;: g ,;::, ~ , 2 ' 51 S! i st:::2 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ! .rl~ a I (II - ""1· , , _ 0.0- .. " O.ll ....." " 1.00 ==" 0.'" ~ o.~. '.M .. " 0.'0 Figure 3·4. Eykman molecular refraction (EMR) versus p2, (After McLeod and Campbell, 1969; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) " ",J>''', F · ... ~'.. f I '. ./ V r- " - / m, ./ .. ',' I c ~. I I - IT,", • O.'UI. 0.00'111 " I I I IIJonJon EVKMAN MOL!CULAR REFRACTION , Pil ' ••• o.ou< I I (>0 ..... ~"" • ,. ~ '.>0 O.~I .. ~# ,. /' ••• 1 0 •• , -:;::. /~ 1.10 Al'I O$jIlC ·USSj V,;_ /'"" l".- '.M ' .H %: ~ ~~ ~ ~ W J •• M ~ >0 'JI ,II •. w / V I III - .,. ":1' CD" 'j I V 1/;;1 1/ Ij 'l, 1/ VI; VI V ~ .~ / ~ 1/ 'i ~ /j % V/ ~) .0 ;::::: :;:::: /;:; 59 Propertie& of Natural Gases IJII - I ..I ..I Figure 3-6. EMR versus TJ pc correlation. (After Mcleod and Campbell, 1969; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) >0 M ....V W V ~ c_ eo" , ~" ~ .. >. rI-~ m, " V IY 19",,"_ ~" • •I• O.I't' ~. .. ,.1. u • i- ,,,, - ./ M ~ V ~ M ~r 1.0 Ll_ 1f",(Pc)O.~. '.IK. 0 . _ 1111 · 0.00107' (rMA)1 _ - '. EYI(.MAH NJL[CULAlI REfRACTION (EAA) Figure 3-5. EMR versus TJp~ 5 correlation. (After McLeod and Campbell, 1969; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) versus T./p~·.\ plot (Figure 3-5), both the hydrocarbons as well as non-hydrocarbons lie on the same correlation. In the EMR versus T.,Ipc plot (Figure 3-6), two different correlations were found for two categories of components: N2, CD it H2S, and H2 lie on curve I: and all normal hydrocarbon components lie on the upper curve 2. The two curves intersect at a value corresponding to C I . So, for gases containing any non-hydrocarbon components, it is necessary to divide the mixture into two groups: C h N1, CO 2, H2S, and H2; and hydrocarbon components ahove methane. that is n-C z+. An n-component gas mixture is thus treated as a pseudobinary mixture in this method. The calculation procedure is as follows (Campbell . 1984): 1. For each of the two groups of components, find the EMR j as follows: (3·35) where Xi! is the normalized mole fracti on of component i in the group j it belongs to, and EMRI is its EMR value determined from Table 3-1. For fractions such as C, ~, the EMR value can be directly determined using Equation 3-33 if the molecular weight is known, or using Figure 3-4 if the density is known . The normalized mole fractions , Xi!' are calculated as: , 60 Propertit!$ oj Natural Ca.Jt!$ GaJ Production Engineering EZDmplt> 3·5. For the gas composition given in Example 3-3, find the compressibility factor at 2,500 psla and 650 0 R using the EMR method. XjJ - X!IX! where X, is the sum of the mole fractions of all the components in group j. I 61 2. Using Figure 3-6 (or the equations indicated in Figure 3-6), find the value (or (ATc!P,,)1 and (AT c!Pe)2 for the two groups. The total mixture (AT..tPe)mill is calculated as: (ATJP,)m" - X,(ATJp,,, + X,(ATJ p,,, Solution Comp. " 0.0005 0.0100 0.0420 0.8910 0.9495 N, CO, H,S 3. Determine BTdp~5 from Figure 3-5 (or the equation indicated on Figure 3-5) for the total mixture using the EMRmiJ for the total mixture calculated as follows: 4. Using the mixture ATe/P, and BTel p~·5 values. solve for the critical pressure, Pc, and critical temperature, Te. In English units, A and B are 1.0, whereas in the metric or 51 system of units, A .. 0.0124 and B - 0.1495. 5. Calculate the reduced pressure and temperature. Finally, the compressibility factor. Z, is found from Figure 3-7. C, X, - 0.0265 0.0190 0.0030 0.0020 0.0505 C, C, n-C 4 i-C 4 X, - ~ 0.00685 0.01053 0.04423 0.93839 0.52475 0.37624 0.05941 0.03960 EMR 9.407 15.750 19.828 13.984 23.913 34.316 44 .243 44.741 EMR I - 1: xJjEMR, - 14.2297 • From Figure 3-6. . . (AT Jp,,, - 0.50 (ATJp,,, - 0.94 So, o. (ATJp,) •• - (0.9495)(0.50) + (0.0505)(0.94) - 0.. 522 o. EMRm" - (0.9495)(14.2297) + (0.0505)(29.8596) - 15.019 o. From Figure 3-5, o. (BTJp1') - 14.90 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 S.O REDUCED PRESSURE, POI Figure 3-7, Compressibility lactor chart lor the EMA-method. (After Mcleod and Campbell, 1969; courtesy 01 Campbell Petroleum Series.) '.0 In English units being used. here, A-landB - 1 62 Properties oj Natural Gases Cal Production Engilluring 63 Thus. (T'-""Pc)mix - 0.522 So, p~~ - 14.90/0.522,. 28.54 implying that p< - 814.76 psia T - (0.522)(8 14.76) - 425.30 o R Using the ,aJu~ of critical pressure and temperature as pre\iously determined. Ppt = 2.500/814.i6 T p. 650':425.30 - = = 3.068 1.528 Using Figure 3-7. the compressibility factor Z _ 0.835. Figure 3-8. Generalized compressibility factors ZO as a function 01 reduced pressures and temperatures. (After Salter and Campbell, 1963; courtesy of SPE of AIME.) The Stewart. Burkhardt, and Yoo (SBV) Method Stewart, Burkhardt, and Voo (1959) presented a mixing rule (or pseudo- I critical pressure and temperature: T"" - Kil], and Pp<: - Tpo/J where J- -"--', • .. (3-36) (1/3)Er., y,(T.,Ip~)1 + (213){Er.1 YI(T.,JPc)p~)2 K - Er.1 Yl(T..J~5)1 ' The pseudocritical pressure and temperature from this equation are then used in Pitzer's (1955) charts, extended by Satter and Campbell (1963), to determine 7Y and Zl (Figures 3-8 and 3-9). Z is calculated as follows: . • (3-37) , -- •. - ...... --- ----- '- ., ---- _._........ Figure 3 9 Generalized compressibility factors Z' as a function of reduced pressures and temperatures. (Alter Satter and Campbell, 1963; courtesy 01 SPE of AIME.) This is one of the best available methros for hydrocarbon mixtures and has proven to be \'ery accurate. I '" Gas Production Engineering Properties oj Natural Gasel PER CENT where 1:f.1 refers to a summation over all components i except CO 2 . The value of T determined from Figures 3-1 Oa and b is then used to correct the ppc and Til<' calculated from Equation 3-36 as follows: '" !==t==i==t==!=t==!=t==+=Ci"':'::jON{IOXlDE • '0 '"'0 ~ •~ 20 • !: S , Figure 3·10•. Multlpole factor. r. versus acentric factor, w. for CO 2 concentrations up to 50%. (After Buxton and Campbell, 1967; courtesy of SPE of " , 101-+-: '0 > o T;"-Tp<- riA 2' •" 0.' ACENTRIC FACTOR," • •o '0 AIME.) t- - Figure 3-10b. Multipole factor, T, versus acentric lactor. w. for CO 2 concentrations greater than 50%. (Alter Buxton and Campbell, 1967; courtesy 01 SPE of AIME,) • • !: 5 - ....-:: V . / /' V ,/ V ./ t; 20 : • 10 .5 .-- ~ .-- .. '0 - '0 > 0' ACENTRIC FACTOR, .. 0, (3-39) where T;" and p;", are the corrected values for pseudocritical temperature and pressure. rcspecth'ely. and A ,. l.0 for English units, A = 1.8 if metric units are used. The;e corrected \'alues are used. as in the SBV method, to determine the pseudoreduced pressure and temperature. and 'l!l and Zl from Figures 3-8 and 3-9. Finally. Z is determined using Equation 3-37. Example 3-6. The analysis of a sour gas, in mole%. is known to be as follows: CH 4 = 56.1. CzHe - 20.6, CJHs - 5.3, CO 2 = 15.0, and H 2S - 3.0. Find the compres.~ibility factor for this gas at 3,000 psia and 3OO"F. Use the Buxton-Campbell method because the CO 2 content is high. Solution ..l!... To B:i. T~p, (T~E')" Tjp~·5 -""- C, C, C, CO, 0.561 0.206 0.053 343.1 549.8 O.ISO H,5 0.030 547.6 672.4 667.8 ;07.8 616.3 10iO.9 1306.0 0.51361 0.77673 1.08012 0.51108 0.S14i5 0.71667 0.88132 1.03929 0.71490 O.ili46 13.2727 20.6645 26.8145 16.7284 18.0025 0.0115 0.0908 0.1454 0.2250 0.0949 Com~. 665.; The Buxton·Campbell Approach for COz-Rich Gases E ),,(To!p,,) - 0.59749 Sour gas correction methods described earlier have been developed for sour gases containing H 2S and CO 2 , For gases that have a high CO 2 content but a low H~ content, these methods have not been found to be satisfactory. To extend the applicability of the SBV method to sour gases rich in CO 2, Buxton and CampbeU (1967) pro'v;de a correction factor known as the multipole oorrection factor, 1', as shown in Figures 3-10a and b. It corrects for the deviation in the critical pressure and temperature due to the pre;ence of CO 2, The effective acentric factor, "'~, for use in Figures 3-10a and b is as follows: E )'i(Tclfpci)O ..5 * 0.76744 1: y,(To/pd") - 16.1914 1: )'1(0)1 - 0.06946, and E YI"'I for all components except CO 2 So, K - 16.1914 w, - (1i(1 - YcoJI 1:1., )''''', (3-38) J- (''')(0.59749) + (~,)((0.76744)'1 - 0.59181 ,,, 0.03571 , Properties oj Notural Cases Cm Protirlction Enginl"ering 66 T, K21J - (l6.1914)2fO.591BI _ 442.98°R PI'< *" T. l'sin~ J- Supercompressibility Factor In several applications such as gas flm\ measurement, the factor l/ZO-~ appears very frequently. It is called the supcrcompressibility factor, F'p~. 442.9810.59181 - i48.52 psia Equation 3-38, FJ" - 1 'Zll_~. or F"p.. - I Z w, - [11(1 - 0.150)110.03571) - 0,0420 In reservoir engineering applications, one must often relate reservoir vol. urnes to surface volume:!.. The formation volume factor. BOl_ defined as the ratio of the volume Ottupied by a given mass of gas at resenoir pressuretemperature conditions to the volume occupied at standard (surface) conditions, is generally used. If V denotes the volume at reservoir pressure p and temperature T. and V"" denotes the volume at standard pressure p" and temperature T.." then: 4.3 So, 442.91\ - 4.3 I T';': = Pl~' "" 748.52(438.68 .......12.98) ,.. 74l.25 438.68' R p~ia B~ .. Thus, Ppr" (3-4 1) Cas Formation Volume Factor From Figure 3-lOb. T - V'V.., - (nZRT"p)/(nZ",BT ..,/p...) (3-42) - (p.ZT)I(pz.,T.) 30001741.25 - ·1.047. and T p, From Figure 3·8, ZO = 67 = 759.671438.68 0.880, and from Figure 3·9. Zl = = 1.732 In oil-field practice, generally the standard conditions are taken to be 14. i3 psia ( - p",) and 60°F ( .. T ..,). At these conditions, can be assumed to be unity. B~ therefore becomes: z... 0.250 Therefore. Z .. 0.880 + (0.250)(0.06946) .. 0.897 Bg - 0.0283 ZT P ftl/scf The expansion factor, E. is simply the reciprocal of the formation volume factor, Bg . Thus. E is given by: Some Z-Factor Related Properties Cas properties that can be derived from the Z-factor are (3-43) ga_~ density, supercompressibility. gas formation volume factor, and expansion factor. E - (pz., T .)1 (p,.J:T) - 35,30 p ZT ",flft' (3-44) Gas Density Example 3-7. For the sweet gas given in Example 3-1. find: density in lbmlftl, and formation volume factor, at 2,000 psia and 200°F. Using the gas law. the density of a gas, Pt;, can be calculated as: Pt; .. Mv .. pMIZRT (3-40) Solution where \1 is the molecular weight of the gas. If p is in psia. T is in OR, and R is in (psia ftl)/(Ibmole OR), then PI is in lbm/ftl. From Example 3-1. the moleculaI weight M - 17.54 • 68 Gas Produclkm Engl'leering .9 Proper-tier oj Natural Case:! At 2,000 psia and 2OO°F, from Example 3-2, the compressibility factor Z - 0.905 The pseudoreduced compressibility, Cp.. is thus given by: <;. - c,p,. - From Equation 3-40, P, _ (2.000)(17.54)/[(0.905)(10.732)(459.67 + 200)] - 5.475Ibmft' From Equation 3-43. 2- _.!. [az] p,. (3-48) z ap,. T'" Differentiating Equation 3-29 with respect to pseudoreduced pressure, we get: ~ _ap, - (0.27fT,,) [ I .Z - (p"iZ 1az] oPpr oPr. B, - (00283)(0.905)(459.67 + 200)/2.000 - 0.008448It'/sc£ The derivative. iJZlopp., in Equation 3·48 can be expressed as follows: Compressibility of Gases az _ az ap, Compressibility of any substance is a measure of the change in its volume upon changes in pressure. It can also be considered as a measure of the change in density with pressure. Gases exhibit high compressibility, which makes the storage of gas under pressure a common occurrence. The isothermal compressibility, c, of any substance is defined as: c - Using the ideal gas law, (OV loph '" - nRT/If. and the compressibility (cJ for an ideal gas can be expressed as: (plnRT)( - nRTip2) - 1 P (3-46) Thus. the compressibility of an ideal gas is simply equal to the inverse of the pressure. With increasing pressure, the compressibility decreases. For a real gas: CR' aPr ZT p.op, [ cg ,. I I [az] PpcPPT - ZPpt- iJpl'" T pi" az apr' • I + O.27r,.aZ] az _ 0.27 az ZZ"fp.oPT opl'" ZTp.oPr Thus I OZ _ 0.27 (aZ!ap,) ) 'ap,. ZT," \ 1 + (p,IZ)(aZlap,) 0.27! 0",' P" - Z'T" - (plnZRT)nRT[(lIp)(aZlop) - ZIP'] Or, in terms of reduced variables: Z2'f p,op, Rearranging this equation results in: is given by: - lip - (1IZ)(aZfap) (p,,,IZ') az] aPr' ~ 0.27 az _ !0.27 p"az) 1 c, - oPp. Substituting for the derivative. oZlop"" in Equation 3-48, the reduced compressibility can be written as follows: V _ nZRTlp ,nd (aVfaplT - nRT[(lIp)(aZlap) - Zfp'] and the compressibility. aPr ~ (az) (0.27fT,,) [liZ - (3-45) - (I V) (aVlaplT c, _ - oPp. (3·47) (aZfap,) I + (p,fZ)(aZlap,) ) (3-49) Using the Z-factor equation derived from the BWR equation of state by Dranchuk ct al. (Equation 3-28), MaHar et al. (1975) evaluated the derivative iJZlop, as follows: iJZliJpT - (AI + A2/Tp' + ~/'f3p<) + 2(~ + AsIT pr)p, + 5~p:1TI"" + (2A,p,rr,,)(1 + A,p1 - AM) .,p( - A,p~ (3-50) 70 Properties oj Natural Gases Gas Production Engineering 10.0 Figure 3·12. cfT, as a function of Figure 3·11. CrT, as a function of reduced temperature and pressure in the range 1.05 ~ T,~I.4, and reduced lemperature and pressure in the range 1.4" T,,3.0, and 0.2~ Pr~ 15.0. (After Mallar et at, 1975; O.2~ p," 15.0. (After Mattar al ai., 1975; courtesy of the courtesy of the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology.) Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology.) 10 71 • • 0 .01 Ll..ll.LU.u 0.2 10.0 '0 P. P. For hand calculations, Mattar et al. (1975) also presented this correlation in a graphical form as shown in Figures 3-11 and :J..12. From Example 3-2, at 2,000 psia and 20(P F. Ppt - 3.010 T p, Example 3·8. Find the compressibility for the sweet gas given in Example 3-1 at 2,000 psia and 200°F. - 1.848 From Figure 3·12, cp,T pr - 0.620 Solution Thus, From Example 3-1, pP., - 664.47 psia c,. - 0.620/1.848 - 0.3355 ~ _ Cp.lpp( _ 0.33551664.47 '" 0.000505 psi-I 72 Proper-lies oj Natural Ga.fel Gos Production Engineering 73 Viscosity of Gases The viscosity of a fluid, a measure of its resistance to flow, is defined as the ratio of the shear force per unit area to the local velocity gradient: • - (FIA)/(dv/dL) The viscosity. p., as defined is called dynamic viscosity. In addition, the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of a fluid to its density, known as kinematic viscosity (p), is also used in many flow problems: " ,., /lJp Viscosity is usually measured in centipoise:s (cpl, with 1 cp equal to 0.01 go' (em sec). or 6.72 x 10 4lbm/(ft sec). The most accurate method of determining viscosity is obviously to measure it for a given fluid under the desired conditions. This, however, is not generally possible, Some common methods for predicting gas viscosity are described briefly here. Figure 3-13. Viscosity of paraffinic hydrocarbon' gases at1.0 atmosphere. (After Carr at aI., 1954; courtesy of SPE of A1ME.) Carr et aI. Correlation for Natural Gascs The Carr et al. (1954) correlation requires only the gas gravity (or the molecular weight) for determining viscosity. It is the most widely used method for determining the viscosity of natural gases. The correlations were presented in graphical form, as shown in Figures 3-13. 3-14, and 3-15. Figure 3-13 is used first to calculate the viscosity at one atmosphere pressure and any given temperature. Corrections for non-hydrocarbon components N 2 , CO 2• and HgS are provided. The effect of these components is to increase the viscosity. Then, Figure 3-14 or 3-15 can be used to correct for pressure. Figures 3-14 and 3-15 use the corresponding states principle to present " - f(p"T,). Examplt: 3·9. Find the viscosity for the gas given in Example 3-1 at 2,000 psia and 200°F. • • ~ ·! , Solution From Example 3-1, M - 17.54, and the gravity 1"1 - 0.6055 Figure 3-1 4. Viscosity ratio versus pseudoreduced temperature. (After Carr et aI., 1954; courtesy of SPE of A1ME.) Properties of Nalurol G08e$ Gas Production Engineering 75 From Figure 3·14, the pressure correction, So, the gas viscosity at 2,000 psia and 200°F, " _ (1.25)(0.01293) - 0.0162 cp Viscosity from Single-Component Data 1 ~ ; , . If the analysis of a gas is known, it is possible to calcu1ate the viscosity of the gas mixture from the comIX'nent viscosities. First, the viscosity is determined at one atmosphere (or any "low" pressure) and the given temperature using the Herning and Zipperer (1936) mixing rule: ~, (3-51) where Yl" mole fraction of component i in the gas mixture pure component viscosity at 1 atmosphere pressure and the .. temperature of interest #lIp = Figure 3-15. Viscosity ratio versus pseudoreduced pressure. (After Carr al ai., 1954; courtesy of SPE of A1ME.) From Example 3.2, at 2,000 psia and 2OQ°F, p" - 3.010 T p, 1.848 - From Figure 3-13, J4111 - The viscosity can be corrected to the desired pressure by using Carr et al.·s reduced pressure and temperature correlations of Figures :J..14 and 3-15, or any of the several other such correlations available. Lohrenz et al. (1964) found the chart by Baron et a1. (1959) useful since it provides a good range of reduced pressure and temperature. The differences among these charts are, however very minor (Lohrenz et al., 1964). Figure 3-16 shows the pure component viscosities as a function of temperature for some common natural gas constituenl~. Single component viscosities at 1 atmosphere pressure, 14]110 may also be calculated using the following relationship developed by Stiel and Thodos (1961): 0.0128 cp 14]1t! - 34 X 1O -5T ,Il{U./t!t for Tri The gas has 1.4 % N:/:, for which the correction factor (to be added) from Figure 3-13 is 0.00013 cpo Therefore, the corrected viscosity at 1 atmosphere, 14], - 0.0128 + 0.00013 - 0.01293 cp 14]et - 17.78 where x (3-52.) < 1.5 1O -~(4.58Tri - 1.67)5!8/ tit for Tri > 1.5 (3-52b) (3-53) 76 Gal Production Engineering Tn - reduced temperature for component i T c:t - critical temperature in K Pa - critical pressure in atmospheres M, - molecular weight Note that units of K for temperature and atmospheres for pressure must be used in Equation 3-53. Equations 3-52a and b are valid for pressures in the range of 0.2 to 5 atmospheres. The average error was reported by Stiei and Thodos (1961) to be 1.83% and 1.62%, respective1y, for Equations 3-52a PropeTliQ of Natural Gases 77 Exampk 3·10. Find the viscosity for a gas with composition, in mole%, of o C 1 ... 90.5, C 2 - 7.2, and C 3 - 2.3, at 3,000 psia and 540 R. Solution Come· ~ M, Jl£L Tn 'M1'' BIL 0.90S 0.072 0.023 16.043 30.070 44.097 667.8 707.8 616.3 343.1 549.8 665.7 4.0054 5.4836 0.0110 0.0092 0.0082 and b. C, C, C, Lohrenz et a!. (1964) report that this method gives an average error of 4.03% for the gas mixtures tested by them. The J.lli\ values are from Figure 3·16. r: M = YIM! - 17.697 Ppc = 1: YiPe! - 669.50 T pc = 6.6353 r: psia YiTe; - 365.31 "R So, p,. - 3,000/669.50 - 4.481 T" - 540/365.31 - 1.478 E YiM?·:S,. 4.1723 1: I'lpYiMf"5 - 0.04476 cp Therefore, 1'1," 0.04476/4.1723 - 0.01073 From Figure 3-15. the pressure correction, ,,. I~ 200 TEMPERATURE, OF Figure 3-16. Viscosity of some natural gas constituents allow pressure. (Aller Carr el at, 1954; courtesy of SPE 01 AIME.) ., Thus, .. - (1.95)(0.01073) - 0.0209 cp • 78 Proper/in oj Natural Casel C(U Production Engineering x ~ 3.5 + 9861540 + (0.01)(17.697) - Lee et aI. Correlation For Natural Gases Lee ct a1. (1966) provide an analytic expression for viscosity that can be used for programming purposes: p.~ - K exp(Xpk) 3.5 + 986/T + O.OIM y - 2.4 - 0.2X 5.50290 Y = 2.4 - (0.2)(5.50290) - 1.29942 Using Equation 3-54, the gas viscosity at 3,000 psia and 540"R is: (3-54) '" _ (0.011278)exp[(5.50290)(0.188l4''''''')J - 0.0211 cp where K _ 10. 4 (9.4 + O.02M)TU 209 + 19M + T x- 19 and p.~ is in cpo p~ is in gicm1, T is in oR. Equation 3·54 reproduced experimental data with a maximum error of 8.99% (Lee et aI., 1966). The problem with this method is that it does not correct for impurities such as N 2 • CO 2, and H 2S. Specific Heat For Hydrocarbon Gases One of the basic thermodynamic quantities is specific heat, defined as the amount of heat required to faise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance through unity. It is an intensi\'e property of a substance. It can be measured at constant pressure (cp), or at constant volume (c...), resulting in two distinct specific heat values. In terms of basic thermodynamic quantities, molal enthalpy (h) and molal internal energy (u), the specific heats. cp and c;. can be written as: (3-55) Example 3·11. Find the viscosity for the gas given in Example 3·10 at 3,000 psia and 54QoR using the Lee et a1. method. and Solutio" (3-56) From Example 3-10, M - 17.697. Ppr:Z 4.481 T pr - 1.478 From Figure 3-2, the compressibility factor, Z - 0.78 From Equation 3-40, the gas density, P, - (3,000)(17.697)1(0.78)(10.732)(540) - 11.745Ibmlft' - (11.745)(1.601846)10-' _ 0.18814 glcm' r\ow. K - 10 -'[9.4 + (0.02)(17.697)](540")1 [209 + (19)(17.697) + 540J - 0.011278 where h is the molal enthalpy (Btullbmole), u is the molal internal energy (BtuJlbmoie). c p is the molal specific heat at constant pressure (BtutlbrnoleOR), and c; is the molal specific heat at constant volume (Btullbmole.°R). Using Maxwell's relationships, it can be shown that: c - C, _ - P T (aplaT)~ (op/ovh (3-57) For an ideal gas, where pv - RT, Cp and c; are a function of temperature only. Furthermore, the right side of Equation 3-57 becomes equal to the gas constant R. Therefore, for an ideal gas: c,-c,-R (3-58) Note that the units for <;. and c.. are Btu/(lbmole OR) in Equation 3-58. So R must be expressed in the same units: R _ 10.732 (lbt ft")f(in. 2 Ibmole OR) x 144 in. 2/ft! x (11778.2) Btu/(lbf ft) _ 1.986 Btu/(lbmole OR) • 80 Cas Product/on Engineering Propertia oj Natural Gases 81 and for a temperature range of 0 to 6OO°F: A _ 3.7771, B - - 0.0011050, C - 7.5281, D - 0.65621, E - 0.014609, F - 0.0 .ol--t--+- • Thomas et al. (1970) report average errors of 1.01 % and 1.37 % for the temperature range 0_200° F and 0_600°F, respectively, with Equation 3-59. The effective mixture specific heat at low pressure, ~, can be determined more precisely using Kay's rulE": (3·60) where the cp; for some common constituents of natural gas can be obtained from Table 3-3, or the data by Thuloukian et al. (1970) shown in Figure 3·18. • 0.06 006 010 02 0,4 0.6 0,8 Figure 3·17. Generalized plot for the heat capacity difference, c p - c.... versus Ppr and Tpo' for real gases. (After Edmister, 1948; reprinted from Chemical Eng;neers' Handbook, 1973; courtesy of McGraw-Hili Book Co.) For a real gas, c., and c.. are functions of both pressure as well as tempera. ture. A real gas equation of state can be used to determine the right side of Equation 3-57, and thus the difference between c., and c... Knowing either one of Cp or c.. the other can then be detennined. Figure 3-17 shows a gener- alized plot for the heat capacity difference, c., - c., versus p, and T,. Cp Determination The low-pressure isobaric heat capacity, cp, can be determined primarily by two methods: using the gas gravity, if the gas comp05ition is not known; and using a weighted molal average (Kay's rule), if the gas composition is known. Hankinson et al. (1969) give the following relationship for calculating ~ in Btu/ (lbmole oF), from the gas gravity, 1'g, at any temperature T (oF): ~ - A + BT + C'Y, + D'rl + E(T'YJ + Ff2 V V .., (3·59) where for a temperature range of 0 to 200°F: A - 4.6435. B - - 0.0079997, C - 5.8425, D _ 1.1533, E _ 0.020603, F - 9.849(10 ') .. " .. .. .. /' , I , , •• • " /' ,: ,." , •i •• • --- V V1 , / / A'~ r/ V J.- I ,., .. .. • , " .... •• .. .. • :~~ , F' .. •• • • _ _ _ _ .- ~ .,- ,- ,- .. ,,"""..._ .. ..'Vr)17 ~ , ~ Figure 3-1B. Heat capacity of gases at 1 atmosphere, C:' as a function of temperature. (After Touloukian et at, 1970; courtesy of lFl/Plenum.) Table 3-3· Molal Heat c.pacrty (Ideal-Gas State) , Btuf(lb mOl-oR··) 0., Chemical formula Ga. wt CII, 16.043 26.008 28.054 30.070 O·F WF 60*F 100·F 1SO-F 200*F 823 8.42 10,22 10.02 12.17 IUl.5 10.71 10.72 12.U5 8.9,5 "I< 11 41 13.78 II ,SS 12,09 14.63 15.7.5 18.17 16.80 19.52 17.85 20,89 250*F 300·F 9.64 11.90 12.76 15.49 18.88 22.25 25.73 24.Q1 25.73 29.39 10.01 12.22 13,41 16.34 42.081 44.097 9.68 9.33 11.44 13.63 15,65 14.69 16.88 IU6 10.33 10,16 12.32 14,90 17,13 56.108 56.IOS 56.108 58. 124 58. 124 17.96 16.54 111.84 20.40 20.80 19.59 18.04 2023 22.15 22.38 H).91 111.34 20.'j(] 22.51 2272 21 18 1!).5-t 21.61 22.74. 21.04 23.!)S 25,77 2.4.08 25,81 24,26 22.53 24.37 27.59 '1:7,SS 72.151 72.151 24.94 25.64 27.17 27.61 27.61 28.02 29.·12 29.71 31,60 31,116 33,87 33.99 29.23 36.03 36.08 c.H. c.H" 78.114 86.178 100.205 16.41 30,)7 18.41 32.78 34.96 38.00 20.46 35.37 ,1.01 2245 37,93 44.00 24.·16 40,45 46.94 26.34 12.94 49JII 28.15 45.36 52.61 Nlll 17.031 8.52 8.52 18.78 33.30 38.61 8.52 6.95 8.00 6.95 8.01 6.97 6.99 7.00 'O:J 8.52 6.97 8.07 8.53 6."' 7.98 1i.52 6.00 8.53 28.964 6.95 6.95 6.86 8.09 6.96 6.95 703 6.96 6.01 UTi 6" 6.94 6.99 8,12 712 8.111 8.27 6.96 '00 6.97 7,01 8,17 7,17 6.98 6,97 fj,46 7.01 9.81 8.53 7.03 8.23 723 7.00 6.98 855 703 Methane Ethyne (AMylene) Ethene (Eth)lene) • Ethane C~H~ Propene (Propylene) C;H. I'ropo~ C~I! I-Butene (Butylene) rlf-2-Bulene fro"s.2-Bulene iw-Butane A-Butane L,o-Pentane A-Pentane C,II, C,II. C,H. C,lI lo Benzene n·lieul'ie "-Heptane Ammonia Air .. Water Ol')'gen Nitrogen lI ydrogen Il ydrogen sulfide Carbon monoxide Carbon diol'ide C, II. C,I I, C,HI~ C~HII .......... ~ ~ C,1I 1t G,1I 11 H,o 18.015 31.999 28.013 2.016 34.076 28.010 44.010 0, N, II, 11,5 CO CO, 6.78 8.00 695 8.38 6.H7 8.11 6.96 8.76 8.70 II I;; 2300 6.97 6.95 8.36 699 956 9.29 19.89 23.56 '1:7,16 25.47 27.07 3 1 II 30.90 "•• ." i ~ 5 • •'" "'•. ~. • " 38.14 38.13 10.05 • Comley of Ca~ P,OCleI5OI"S Supp1i<:,.. As•.,d.tlon •• Da~a !IOO1'Ce: Selfded ...1..... or p.operti... of hydrocarboru. "I'! Iler.earch "roJee! 44. F.'''''pt'n'lI' "AI.:' Kec.IMn ~"d K~, Thrr",odyno",J~ Propt"ftlr" of Ilk Wiley, 3rt! Prlntlnl( 194; MAmmon!.'- "d" R. Crab]. 'lhe-rmod)·nomlc P"'p.·rtle. of AmlllurI;. at "'!d' 11,mperlh""" and !'.... un ... IH. l'ro.-ns1"II.. April lOS;} MHrd...., Sulfide. M J, R \\est. C~m. £nll:. I'rotl.reQ. 44,287. 19-1.'1 . -/;;'''OJ (O!: 1i-:l p - 0. i3 o - • "N.-'" ~ o""c;·~ ~~ It>Q.. :::.._. n ~ n .... .... 0 ~~Sg­ . _.3 -. :I <r.I :l a (]> 10> _ 0. III _. -if.J' "8 o:ll~~ <p ::tI ~ § ~ '< .- s· •g. _ ~~i § -:l iJQ~c~g- 3w~!i"· 3'~.c° e..(O~cg-' til &; 3 g ::I. c:lr;;·c.~ -~ if Ii. '< ~ :::r'c",g'=; (i' jI!1 -;:: ?r 5' ::rf5..~ft:r r;;' 0'" (!) (\> oZ_ 3 - ._a :;;g~..r :l_"'o.~ --: -<~a.CTIIl ,.... ;I> '< .... a~i=f3 2;-5·8;E. ~ ~ 111 III 0 .c:l ..... co. .... e.. c -. o :I 1Il"C _~ :l ~ - 0 0'<..::: ... no' • - c 1;;' ~ n III e:t;.",~ .... III o 3 11 = n::T,< c 2 0- n ~ III - It'ro n ...... E.[-l~ 10> • ::r 3 S -:l g :;- p ". - l\. 0 .., ... . " . c- 3 6Q' 5' C:IIlCo. _. .... til ~ .... ~ -<;.;l~ Vi' :::.. ::; ~ ;:I < c it ... -0 ~=.lf_.~ - ... "'"""o. ::I&;"()::Ic: gO' I !:;'..r 0' c _. ..n. ... ;::: ::J ~ is.. <is -0 r;' r~ti .:-l~ ~~ ~~ (i' ~~;, 03~ . "'.8 0 .". ~ 0 [ o ~ 5· - "T ::I -. 0' ~ ....... ." 0 0 ." w-"<0 <0 ~I»~ .,--_. o~ · g!ll~ . .l'l.C,' C, -C;. elll fig ·moIeW K I ->w 0- ~o- , 9..m9. "o.~ n3~ o ob 0 o 0 o N po. • • !t'0N~ ~~ o 0 .I • N • :ejijii~ ... . "0 :I:W· , (11 (/I _. =0° !!' .. ~ ~iiia. ~~~ ,,::'\:~ ~ ~:" 0 ~~,,=.~ ,-,,,,,\: 0 : 0 , ! ~.-3 ~ " 0 () ::i" ::: ~ :~~ ,,~~~~~ ~ _0._ -, ~ ><~" ~~~~~;:; ~ 3." ... ~ 8 o • -' :~"'.'Rk! 2,,,~ 0:~~ Qii03 • • g- N o o -~ c ~ !,CD~ , ()" 0_ ..0 g, " 3~o (i'- _~~"., .~ • 9 ",. ",3 ,·0 , O~ ;; 0 0 1 ,,~' ~ "'~ ~ ~0 :::" =-~ J; \~ )...". '-" '0"~'>J." ~",,'-'9~ I~~ o '" ,-so ~ ~~'.' .<? ...... -<; :~I , *" -. 0 ~~ .'" I I I ~!!t ," 0." ll· ,Jl-".Jf... S J "" .. u ... 'I>.J ,,"~~" ,\'\,,'''1\ ~~ ,,:\ \ 1// /I ~,; I 1 { 5 ~ 1:' i " ~ 1: • Properties oj Nglurai Go.IQ Go.! Production Engineering cumbersome method and is subject to limitations of non-hydrocarbon gas content of less than 7 %, a reduced temperature greater than 1.1, and a reduced pressure between 0.4 and 15. Example 3-12. Find ~ for the gas given in Example 3-10 at 540 R using (1) gas gravity method of Hankinson et al.. and (2) the gas analysIS. Use the value for cp from the gas analysis method to find '1> and c at 3,(X)() psia and 540 0 R fOT this gas. ' From Figure 3-19, at Pvr - 4.481, and T pr tion, (c, -~) - 85 1.478, the specific heat correc- - 6.5 0 (80.33~F) Therefore, c, - 9.046 + 6.5 - 15.546 BtuI(lbmole OR) • from Figure 3-17, Solution (c, - "') - 7.0 From Example 3-10, Therefore, M - 17.69i c" .. 15.546 - 7.0 - 9.546 Btu{(lbmole OR). PI" ., 4.481 T p, "" 1.478 , The gas gravity, 'YK = 17.697128.97 '" 0.6109 From Equation 3-59, ~ - 4.6435 + ( - 0.(079997)(80.33) + (5.8425)(0.6109) + (l.l533)(0.6109') + (0.020603)(80.33)(0.6109) + (9.849)10"(80.33') - 9.075 Btul(lbmole OR) 2. 0;:. Comp. JL ~ Btu/~lbm C, 0.905 0.072 0.023 16.043 30.070 44.097 0.530 0.425 0.425 C, C, 0;:. oF) Btu/(lbmole oF) 8.503 12.780 18.741 !he CPI values in Btu/(lbm oF), obtained from Figure 3-18, are converted IOto Btu/(lbmole oF) by multiplying by the molecular weight, Mh in IbmJ lbmole. Thus, cp - I: y~ .. 9.046 BtuJ(lbmoJe oF) .. 9.046 Btu/Qbmole OR) 1b find cp and c.,: - QuesOOm .... Pmblems '" 1. A gas pipeline consists of a lO-mile long 12-in. ID pipe section in series with a 20-mile long section of 8-in. ID. How many Mscf of gas must be removed to blowdown this gas pipeline from an average pressure of 1,500 psia to an average pressure of 300 psia? Assume that at the prevailing temperature of 85°F the gas has a compressibility factor of 0.95 at 1,500 psia, and 0.85 at 300 psia. 2. We have a sweet gas of known composition: N2 - 1%, C l - 89%, C 2 .. 5 %, and C 3 + - 5 %. Assume the C 3 • fraction to be equivalent to n-C~. Find: (i) the gas gravity, and (ii) the pseudo-critical pressure and temperature for the gas. 3. For the gas in Problem 2, find the gas compressibility factor at 1,200 psia and 95°F using all the applicable methods given in Chapter 3. 4. A sour gas is known to have the following composition: N2 - 8.5%, H 2S .. 5.4%, CO 2 ,,, 0.5%, C l .. 77.6%, G.! .. 5.8%, C 3 .. 2.0%, nC 4 .. 0.1 %, and j,C4 - 0.1 %. This gas is being sold at a contract pressure of 1,000 psia at 120°F. What is the error introduced in the calculation of the sales volume by assuming Z .. 0.85? Use the best estimates of Z-factor from the available corre1ations. 5. For the gas given in Problem 2, find the viscosity and compressibility at 200 psia and BO°F. 6. For the gas given in Problem 4, find the viscosity and compressibility at 800 psia and 65°F. • Gas Production Engineering References Baron, }. D., Roof. J. C., and Wells. F. W .• 1959. "Viscosity of Nitrogen. Methane. 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"Simulation of Cas Condensate Reservoir Performance," }. Pet. Tech., 37(10, OcL), 1870-1886. Dranchuk, P. M. and Abou-Kas.sem. J. H .. 1975. "Calculation of Z-Factors for Natural Cases Using Equations of State," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech .• 14(3. July-Sept.), 34-36. Dranchuk, P. M., Purvis, R. A., and Robinson, D. B., 1974. "Computer Calculation of Natural Cas Compressibility Factors Using the Standing and Katz Correlation," Inst. oj Petr. Tech. Series, No. [P 74-008. Edmister, \V. C., 1948. Petrol. Rejiner (Nov.), p. 613. Cited reference on page 3-238 in: Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 5th ed., 1973, edited by R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, McCraw-Hili Book Co., New York. Edmister, W C., 1950. Petrol. Engr. (Dec,), p. C-16. Cited reference on page 3-237 in: Cllemical Engineers' lIandbook. 5th ed., 1973, edited by R H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, McCraw-Hili Book Co., New York. Edmister, W C. and Lee, B. I., 1984. Applied Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics, Vol. 1. (2nd ed.) Gulf Pub!. Co., Houston, Texas, 233pp. Fussell, D. D. and Yanosik, J. L., 1978. "An Iterative Sequence for Phase Equilibria Calculations Incorporating the Redlich-Kwong Equation of State," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., 18(3, June), 173-182. Fussell, L. T., 1979. "A Tcchnique for Calculating Multiphase Equilibria," Soc. Pet. Eng. J .. 19(4, Aug.), 203-210. Cas Processors Suppliers Association, 1981. Engineering Data Book, 9th edt (5th revision), CPSA, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Properties oj Natural Ca.rer 87 Copal. V. N., 1977. "Cas Z-Factor Equations Developed for Computer," O. and Cas J., 75(32, Aug. 8). 58-611. Hankinson, R. w., Thomas, L. K., and PhiUips, K. A., 1969. "Predict Nat· ural Cas Properties," Hydr. Proc., 48(4, Apr.), 106-1OB. Herning, F. and Zipperer, L., 1936. "Calculation of the Viscosity of Technical Cas Mixtures from the Viscosity of Individual Gases," Gas U. WasserJach 79(49), 69. .. . Joffe, 1., Schroeder, C. M., and Zudkev.itch, D., 19!0. "Vapor.hqUld Eq~l­ libria with the Redlich-Kwong Equation of State, AIChE J., 16(3. May). 496-498. Lee, A. L., Conzalez, M. H., and Eakin, B. E., 1966. "The Viscosity of Natural Cases,"]' Pet. Tech., 18(8, Aug.), 997-1000. Lohrenz, J., Bray, B. C., and Clark, C. R., 1964. "Calculating Viscosities of Reservoir Fluids from Their Compositions," J. Pet. Tech., 16(10, Oct.), 1171-1176. Martin, J. J., 1979. "Cubic Equations of State-Which?" Ind. and Eng. Chen!. Fund., 18(2, May), 81-97. Mattar, L., Brar, C. S, and Aziz, K., 1975. -'Compressibility of Natural Cases," ]. Cdn. Pet. Tecll., 14(4, Oct.-Dec.), 77-80. McLeod, Wand Campbell, J. M., 1969. "Prediction of the Critical Temperature and Pressure, and Density of Natural Cas," Proc, 48th Ann. Com). NGPA (Nov.), Nat. Cas Process. Assn., Thlsa, Oklahoma. Peng, D.· Y. and Robirson, D. 8., 1976. "A New 1\..o-Constanl Equation of .. State," Ind. and Eng. Chem. Fund. 15(1, Feb.), 59-64. Peng, D.- Y. and Robinson, O. B., 1976. 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"A Modified Redlich-Kwon E . plication to General Physical Data Calculatio~s "q~atlOn of State, Ap- Ya::~:;~ ~~ ~;~:l~~h National ~eet., Clevel~nd,ab~i~0~1!~~!;eZ+Factors'" 0 d G ' J' R., 1974. How to Solve Equation of State for Z dk . h' . an as., 72(7, Feb. 18),86-88. uu e;~c , ~'. a~d }~ffe, }., 1970. "Correlation and Prediction of Va r+ 16q(1 J EqUlhbna WIth the RedJich-Kwong Equation of State" A/ChI:; , an.), 112-119. ' ., Introduction Only rarely does a reservoir yield almost pure natural gas. Typically, a produced hydrocarbon stream is a complex mixture of several hydrocarbons. intimately mixed with water, in the liquid and gaseous states. Often, solids and other contaminants are also present. The produced stream may be unstable, with components undergoing rapid phase transitions as the stream is produced from a several hundred feet deep reservoir with a high temperature and pressure to surface conditions. It is important to remove any solids and contaminants, and to separate the produced stream into water, oil, and gas, which are handled and transported separately. Cas and liquid separation operations involve the separation and stabilization of these phases into saleable producU. Generally, intermediate hydrocarbons in the liquid state fetch a higher price; therefore, it is desirable to maximize liquid recovery. Field processing of natural gas includes: 1. Gas and liquid separation operations to remove the free liquidscrude oil, hydrocarbon condensate, and water, and the entrained solids. 2. Recovery of condensable hydrocarbon vapors. Stage separation, or low temperature separation techniques are used. 3. Further cleaning of the gas and oil streams after separation. 4. Gas dehydration processing to remove from the gas condensable water vapor that may lead to the formation of hydrates under certain conditions (see Chapter 5). 5. Removal of contaminants or otherwise undesirable components, such as hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive sulfur compounds, and carbon dioxide (discussed in Chapter 6). This chapter describes gas· liquid separation and gas cleaning techniques. 89 • 90 Gas Production Engineering Separation Equipment Separators operate basically up:m the principle of pressure reduction to achieve separation of gas and liquid from an inlet stream. Further refine~ent ?,f the gas ,and liquid streams is induced by allowing the liquid to stand for a penod of time, so that any dissolved gas in the liquid can escape by the formation of smaU gas bubbles that rise to the liquid surface: a~d remo\;ng the entrained liquid mist from the gas by gravity settling, impmgt:mt:nt , ltntrifugaJ action. and other means. Turbulent flow allows gas bubbles to escape more rapidly than laminar flow, and many separators therefore have sections where turbulence is induced for this purpose. On the o~her hand, fOr the removal of liquid droplets from the gas by gravity setthng, turbulence is quite detrimental to removal efficiency. Thus, the design of a separator comprise<; different modules assembled to achieve different functi?ns in a single vessel. Equilibrium is attained in the piping and equipment JUst upstream of the separator, the separator il<;elf serving only as a "wide" spot in the line to refine the vapor and liquid streams resulting from this basic separation. To efficiently perform its separation functions, a well designed separator must (Campbell, 1984; Beggs. 1984): 1. Control and dissipate the energy of the wellstream as it enters the separator. and provide low enough gas and liquid velocities for proper gravity segregation and vapor-liquid equilibrium. For this purpose, a tangential inlet to impart centrifugal motion to the entering fluids is generally used. 2. Remove the bulk of the liquid from the gas in the primary separation section. It is desirable to quickly achieve good separation at this stage. 3. Have a large settling section. of sufficient \'olume to refine the primary separation by removing any entrained liquid from the gas, and handle any slugs of liquid (usually known as "liquid surges" ). 4. Minimize turbulence in the gas section of the separator to ensure proper settling. S. Have a mist extractor (or eliminator) near the gas outlet to capture and coalesce the smaller liquid particles that could not be removed by gravity settling. 6. Control the accumulation of froths and foams in the vessel. 7. Prevent re-entrainment of the separated gas and liquid. 8. Have proper control device; for controlling the back-pressure and the liquid level in the separator. 9. P~vi~e reliable equipment for ensuring safe and efficient operations. ThIS Includes pressure gauges, thermometers, devices for indicating CO$ and Liquid Separation 9' the liquid level, safety relief valves to prevent blowup in case the gas or liquid outlets arc plugged, and gas and liquid discharge ("dump'') "alves. __________________ T~nx-~~o~f= SC~p=a~'~at~o~~~___________________ Separators can be categori7.eci into thf('(> hasic ty-pe;: certicoJ, hnriuUltal (single-tube or double-tube). and spherical. Selection of a particular type depends upon the application, and the economics. Ad"antages and disadvantages for these separator types are cited from Campbell (1955). Vertica1 Separators The wellstream enters the vertical separator (Figure 4-1) tangentially through an inlet diverter that causes an efficient primary separation by three simultaneous actions on the stream: gravity settling, centrifugatioll, and impingement of the inlet fluids against the separator shell in a thin film. The gas from the primary separation section flows upwards. while the liquid falls downward into the liquid accumulation section. A conical baffle is provided as a separation between the liquid accumulation section and the primary separation section to ensure an undisturbed liquid surface for proper liquid le\'el control and release of any dissolved gas. The smaller liquid droplets that are carried along by the upwards rising gas stream are removed in the centrifugal baffles near the top. Finallh a mist extractor at the gas outlet removes any entrained liquid droplets from the gas in the micron size range. The liquid particles coalesce and accumulate, until they become sufficiently heavy to fall into the liquid accumulation section. Adl."antage3 A vertical separator can handle relativel), large liquid slugs without carryover into the gas outlet. It thus provides better surge control, and is often used on low to intermediate gas-oil ratio (COR) wells and wherever else large liquid slugs are expected. Vertical vessels can handle more sand. A false cone bottom can be easily fitted to handle sand production. Liquid level control is not as critical in a vertical separator. The tendency of the liquid to revaporize is also minimized, because less surface area is available to the liquid for evaporation. It occupies less floor space, a particularly important advantage for operations on an offshore platform where floor area is at a premium. • 92 Gas Production Engineering Ca. and Liquid Separation HORlZONTAL LOW PRESSURE SEPARATORS , -_ .._----,-------,--,------ -- ST""'GAIIO ACCUSOIIIf.1 ._._--_ ...... ,-,------... ...........--..... _._._--.------,------.,----,,--'--._- 93 .......1 .. ' ... - 1 "-"" ... _ ... _ _ " - "" , 0., _ _ .. 10' _ _ ....... _ ............ ~, , , ....... ---- 0I"ll0N""'- "CCUI04IIU -~ Figure 4·1. A conventional vertical separator. (Courtesy of HTI-Superior, a Berry Industries Company.) DiMulvantagn Vertical \'~ are more expensi\'e to fabricate, and also more expensive to transport to location. A vertical separator for the same capacity is usually larger than a horizontal separator. since the upwards flowing gas in the ver. tical separator opposes the falling droplets of liquid. Horizontal Separators These separators may be of a single-tube (Figure 4·2) or a double-tube (Figure 4-3) dt5ign. In the single-tube horizontal separator, the wellstream upon entering through the inlet, strikes an angle baf£1e and then the separator shell, resulting in an efficient primary separation similar to the vertical ,-_._-'--..-,---'--,---'-..---_-. ,-,---_ .. _---_ . ._---_-..._,,_O<......... __ .. ,___..... STAN DUD ACCUSOIIIES ~, , ' .....1 .. ' ... - - .... '0. ... _ , -----__ - Of'flONAI. ACC(.A(NUQ -~ ..... . Figure 4-2. A horizontal single-tube separator. (Courtesy of HTI-Superior, a Berry Industries Company.) separator. The liquid drains into the liquid accumulation ~ion, via horizontaJ baf£1es as shown in Figure 4-2. These baffles act as Sites for further release of any dissolved gas. Cas flows horizontally in a horizontaJ separator. It strikes baffles placed at an angle of 45° , thereby releasing entrained liquid by impingement. A mist extractor is usually provided near the gas out1et. In the double-tube type. the upper tube acts as the separator section, while the lower tube merely functions as a liquid accumulation section, Thus the double-tube separator is similar to a single-tube separator, but with ~ greater liquid capacity. The liquid generated in .the primary separation section near the inlet is immediately drained out mto the lower tube. The wet gas flows through the baffles in the upper separator tube at hig~er velocities. AdditionaJ liquid generated is drained into the lower section through the liquid drains provided aJong the length of the separator. • 94 Cas Production Engineering Gas alld Liquid Scporatum 95 INL[f OIVERT(R """" " ..... 'M - I NlU Liquid level control is critical for horizontal separators, and the surge space is rather limited. They are much harder to clean. and are therefore not advisable to use where the well produces a lot of sand. They occupy a lot of space. The space requirements. however. can be minimized by stacking several of these on top of each other for stage separation operations. Spherical Separators Figure 4-3. A horizontal double-tube separator. G"~k p ...", •• 2~G~"~W~';'"~===I(~~~V.''' F'fe ....,. 0'011'0 O.. -"",.IiJlngPlpe The spherical separator is designed to make optimum use of all the known means of gas and liquid separation such as gravity, low velocity. centrifugal force, and surface contact (Craft et a!.. 1962). An inlet flow diverter spreads the entering wellstream tangentially against the separator wall. The liquid is split into two streams that come together after going halfway around the circular vessel wall and then fall into the liquid accumulation section. Liquid droplets from the gas are removed mostly by the velocity reduction imposed upon the gas inside the vessel. A mist extractor is used for the final removal of smaller liquid droplets in the gas (see Figure 4-4). Adlxmtagf!ll FluidtuU"..,I~IOf Spherical separators are very inexpensive, cheaper than either the vertical or the horizontal separators. They are \'ery compact, and offer better cleanout and bottom drain features than even the vertical type. Spherical separators are applicable to well streams with low to intermediate GOR's. Disadmlltagn Figure 4-4. A spherical low-pressure separator. (After Sivalls, 1977; courtesy of C. A. Sivalls and the University of Oklahoma.) Liquid Ic,,'el control is critical to the spherical separator performance. They have very limited surge capacity and liquid settling section. Because of the limited internal space, it is difficult to use a spherical separator for threepha'iC (gas-oil-water) separation. Adcolltaga .H?rizo?tal separators have a much greater gas-liquid interface area, perImttmg .hlgher gas velocities. They can, therefore, handle large gas volumes eco~omlcally and efficiently. They are cheaper to fabricate and ship than vertical separators. They are also easier and cheaper to install and service. ~orizo~tal separators minimize turbulence and foaming. For a given capacIty, ?onzontal separators are smaller and cheaper than vertical separators. ~oTl.zontal separators are almost always used for high GOR wells, for foammg well streams, and for Uquid-Iiquid separation (SeW, 1984). Separation Principles The several different techniques applied for separation processing can be broadly classified into two categories: mechanical separation and chemical separation techniques based upon thermodynamic vapor-liquid equilibrium principles. Mechanical separation includes several techniques that will be discussed later in the section on gas cleaning. In separators, the mechanical • 96 CO.! and Liquid Separation GeM Production Engineeri'lg separation methods that are applied are of three types: centrifugal action, gra\"ity settling, and impingement. 97 where Cd - drag (or friction) coefFicient P.. - gas density v - droplet velocity Centrifuge Separation 2. The force F., due to angular acceleration, given by: Consider a centrifuge of radius R2 , height h, and inner shaft radius Rj, as shown in Figure 4-5. Feed enters at a volumetric rate q. As the centrifuge rotates at an angular speed w, the heavier liquid droplets are thrown outward to the centrifujOte walls as shown in Figure 4-5. The residence time t for the fluid in the centrifuge is given by: t ... centrifuge volume/volumetric flow rate of At equilibrium conditions, the sum of forces on the droplet must be equal to zero. Therefore, the two forces Fd and F., acting in opposite directions must be equal in magnitude. So: nuid - .(H! - Hf)h!q where PI ,. liquid density (4-1) GAS 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 liquid film • F, ~ n 1 J h • • • ., v2 _ 4~P1W2R .2~ 3Cd P.. Therefore, i dont think using this is right here, since 4 lines above, equilibrium is assumed, which means velocity would be constant, while here, velocity is a funtion of R and R is clearly changing. :( Figure 4·5. Forces acting on a particle in a gas stream in a centrifuge . FEED (4-2) Separating the variables, and integrating, we get: 2(Hj' - HI') - 2(d,p,)" wtl(3CdP~" al rOI. q Solving for t: In the analysis that follows, it is assumed for simplicity that the liquid droplets are spherical, with a uniform diameter d p • The area A projected by a droplet is therefore equal to (T/4)~. As shown in Figure 4-5, there are two forces acting on any droplet at a radius R: (4-3) Substituting for t from Equation 4-1 into 4-3: 1. The drag force, Fd , due to friction, given by: .(HI - H!)h _ (HI' - HI ')(3C""J" q (dpPl)o·:sW • 98 CO! and Liquid Separation Gas Production Engineerillg Solving for the droplet diameter ~: Solving for the droplet velocity, v: d\;' _ (R!' - R!')(3C dPJ"q .h(R! - Rl)pP dp (4-5) 'w '" 3(R~ s - RP)2CdPfl2 72h2(R~ _ Rj)2PIW2 (4-4) Equation 4-5 for the droplet velocity is often written as: (4-6) Equation 4-4 gives the size of the smallest droplet that can be removed b\ the centrifuge. Thus, to decrease the droplet size d p that can be removed, w~ have three options: decrease q, which is not quite feasible; increase the height. h. of the centrifuge; or increase the rotational speed, w, of the centrifuge. To achieve good separation in a centrifuge, it is therefore essential to have as large a centrifuge column as possible, and to operate the centrifuge at as high a speed as possible. In practice. centrifuge separation involves using several relatively small, standard-size cyclones in parallel. Centrifuges (or cyclones) perform best when the gas flows at a constant rate and pressure for which the equipment has been designed. At lower rates, separation is poorer, whereas higher rates lead to an excessive pressure drop through the centrifuge or cyclone. Properly operated, centrifuge separation can usually handle liquid droplets down to a size of about 2 microns. This is known as the Souders-Brown equation. The constant K relates to the liquid droplet diameter and the drag coefficient, and is called the separation coefficient. FEED ;> 01 role I. f'" L I h ~ I Figure 4·6. Forces acting on a particle in a gas stream in a gravity settling chamber. The residence time for the droplet in a separation chamber of circular cross-section, with length L and diameter h, as shown in Figure 4-6. is given by, t - (.h'L)l4q Cravity Settling Consider a liquid droplet of diameter d" suspended in a gas stream flowing at a rate q. The forces on the droplet are: 1. Force Fit due to gravit)~ 99 (4-7) The velocity v at which the droplet falls in the vertical direction is given by: v - dh/dt given by: Upon integration. v _ hit assuming a constant \' where g - acceleration due to gravity, and 2. Force Fd due to friction, given by: Substituting for t from Equation 4-7 and rearranging, we get: q _ (.hLl4) v Substituting for v from Equation 4-5 into Equation 4-7b: At equilibrium, Fd - F,. Therefore: (4-8) • 100 Ca, ProdlJCtion Engfnurlng Thus, to allow smaller droplets to settJe, we must maximize the height hand length L. Gravity settling can effectively remove liquid droplets of size greater than about 80 microns. For removing smaller particles, the required chamber size becomes too large for any practical application. Impingement In the impingement process, gas with entrained liquid particles strikes a surface such as a baffle plate, or wire mesh. The gas flows around this flow obstruction. but the momentum of the liquid droplet tends to mOve it straight ahead and impinge and collect on the surface. In practice, the flow direction is altered several times to achieve better gas-liquid separation. The design parameters for an effective impingement surface are the distance across the flow path necessary to stop the liquid droplet, since this determines the size of the impingement surface needed to remove droplets up to a given size: and the pressure drop resulting from the flow of gas through the impingement medium. The impingement surface size can be determined using laws governing the £low of particles suspended in a fluid, such as the terms derived in Equations 4-2 and 4-5 for the particle velocity in a centrifuge and a gravity settling chamber, respectively. The pressure drop caused by the impingement media is also of concern, because a greater pressure drop is synonymous, in engineering terms, to higher compression costs for the gas. Impingement techniques can handle liquid particles of size greater than about 5 microns. Factors Affecting Separation As is true for all vapor-liquid equilibrium processes, gas-liquid separation is affected by the separator operating pressure, temperature, and the composition of the fluid feed to the separator. From the general phase diagrams for naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures, such as those in Chapter 2, it is clear that as the pressure increases, or the temperature decreases, there will be greater liquid recovery, up to a point referred to as the optimum. Vapor-liquid equilibrium flash calculations will yield the optimum pressure and temperature quite easily. From a practical standpoint, however, it may not be possible to Operate at this optimum point because of the costs involved. operational problems, or enhanced storage system vapor losses. Generally, with increasing pressure, the gas capacity of the separator increases. The reasons are the effect pressure has on gas and liquid densities, Gas and Liquid Separation 101 actual flowing volume, and the allowable velocity through the separator. With increasing temperature, the separator capacity usually decreases, due to the effect of temperature on the flowing volume and gas and liquid densities. In actual oil-field practice, economics is the foremost concern. The idea is to maximize the income from a given wellstream. The type of separator chosen, the operating conditions, and the product mix (gas versus oil), all are subject to an economic analysis. In addition, the product sales specifications must be considered. For example. it is usually desirable to produce more liquid because it sells at a higher price in most cases; however, doing so may strip the gas of its intermediate components to an extent that it may not meet pipeline specifications for the energy (or Btu) content per unit volume. Controlling the Operating Conditions The two parameters that can be controlled are the pressure and temperature. For pressure, back-pressure valves are used. Limitations in separator operating pressure are imposed. by its obvious relationship to the wellhead pressure and the transmission line pressure. The wellhead pressure, in turn, relates to the flowing characteristics of the well, while the transmission line pressure requirements are usually fixed by its design. One of the goals, ~ sides vapor· liquid separation considerations, is to minimize gas compression expenses. Temperature control is usually available to a certain extent. The wellstream flowing temperature is generally higher than the usual separator operating temperatures, and the wellstream therefore, has to be cooled to the desired temperature. The most widely used cooling method is the simultaneous pressure and temperature reduction by expansion of the wellstream through a choke (Joule-Thomson effect), although other cooling methods such as heat exchangers, cooling towers, and refrigeration, are also used. In the final analysis, it is really the economics that determines whether the wellstream should be cooled, the extent to which it should be cooled, and the cooling method applicable. Separator Design The design aspects encountered by a petroleum engineer only involve choosing the correct separator size for a given field installation. Separator sizing is essentially quoted in terms of the gas capacity, and the liquid capacity of the separator. Other parameters, such as pressure drop through the separator, are specified for a given design by the manufacturer and are beyond the scope of the present discussion. • Ga., and Liquid Separation Cal Production Engineering 102 103 where A - cross-sectional area of the separator, f~ D _ internal diameter of the \'~ , ft Separator Design Using Basic Separation Principles Cal Capacity The Souders-Brown relationship (Equation 4-6) has been traditionally used for calculating the gas capacity of gas-liquid separators: where vll '" Note that the gas velocity v. is based upon total separator area , and it is therefore more appropriate to refer to it as the superficial gas velocity. The gas capacity at standard conditions (14.7 psia and 60°F) , qg,." gener~lly reported in units of MMscfd (million standard cubic feet per day), is thus given by: allowable gas velocity at the operating conditions, fllsee PI - liquid density at the operating conditions. Ibm/ft' PI - gas density at the operating conditions. Ibm/ftl <lgsc "" K - separation coefficient The separation coefficient, K, is an empirical constant given as follows (Craft et a1., 1962; Sivalls, 1977): Separator type Range of K Vertical 0.06 to 0.35 Horizontal 0.40 to 0.50 Spherical· Most commonly used K value 0.117 without mist extractor 0.167 with a mist extractor 0.382 with a mist extractor such as bubble cap or trayed towers for dehydration and desulfurization units, and for sizing mist eliminators. The K values given by Sivalls (1977) for these are as follows: K - 0.35 K "" 0.16 for 24 in. spacing. K ,. 0.18 for 24 in. spacing. q, - Av, - (./4)(D')K ((PI - pJ/P.I" Equation 4-9 or 4-10 can be used to calculate the separator diameter required to handle a given gas rate, or to calculate the gas rate that a separator of a given size can handle. The area of the mist extractor required, Am. can be obtained as follows: (4-11) where v", is the gas velocity through the mist extractor, determined using Equation 4-6 with K _ 0.35 for mist extractor (wire mesh type). Liquid Capacity The liquid capacity of a separator depends upon the volume of the separator available to the liquid, and the retention time of the liquid within the separator (Sivalls, 1977): W - 1440V LIt Using Equation 4-6, the gas capacity at operating conditions, CIg, in ftl/sec is given by: (4-9) (4-12) where W - liquid capacity, bbl/day V L - liquid settling volume. bbl t _ retention time, min (1440 is the conversion factor to convert bbllday into bbl/min) The liquid settling volume, V L , can be calculated as follows: • The gas capacity of spherical separators ill based upon the capacity of the mist extractor. (4-10) where <u:s<- - gas capacity at standard conditions, MMscfd p ,. operating pressure, psia T ... operating temperature. OF Z _ gas compressibility factor al the operating conditions 0.35 with a mist extTaetoT Besides calculating the diameter of the separator required for a given gas capacity, the Souders-Brown relationship can also be used for other designs Wire mesh mist eliminators Bubble cap trayed columns Valve tray columns 2.40D'Kp(PI- pJ'.' Z(T + 460)p~S VL - 0.1399D2h for vertical separators • "" VL Cas arid Liquid Separation Cal Production Engineering - O.1399i)2(U2) for horizontal si.ngle-tube separators VI - O.1399IYL for horizontal double-tube separators VI. - O.04660l(D/2)O,S for spherical separatorswhere h - height of liquid column above the bottom of the liquid out1et in the vertical separator, ft L - separator length (height), ft For good separation, a sufficient retention time, t. must be provided. From field experience. the following liquid retention times ha ....e been suggested by Sival1s (1977): Oil-gas separation High pressure oil-water-gas separation Low pressure oil-water-gas separation 105 6 ft and standard horizontal separators of diameter less than 26 in. are available and have been used successfully. High-pressure separators are generally used for high-pressure, high gasliquid ratio (gas and gas condensate) wells. In this case, the gas capacity of the separator is usually the limiting factor. Low-pressure separators, used generally for low gas-liquid ratio at low pressures, are subject to the opposite constraint-they require a high liquid capacity. The separator chosen must satisfy both the gas as well as liquid capacities. Also, the liquid discharge (or dump) valve should be designed for the pressure drop available and the liquid flow rate (Sivalls. 1977). Note that as the gas-liquid ratio (C LR) increases, the retention time t decreases. The volume of the separator occupied by gas, V c, is given by: 1 min. 2 to 5 min. 5 to 10 min. at > lOO°F Vc - V - VI.. - V - Wt 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 because VI.. - Wt by Equation 4-12. min. min. min. min. at at at at goOF BOoF 70°F 60°F where V - total separator volume vc is also given by: Vc = cut - W,CLR·t Some of the basic factors that must be considered in designing separators are (Lockhart et aI., 1986): 1. The length to diameter ratio, LID, for a horizontal or vertical separator shou1d be kept between 3 and 8, due to considerations of fabrication costs, foundation costs, etc. 2. For a vertical separator, the vapor-liquid interface (at which the feed enters) shou1d be at least 2 ft from the bottom and 4 ft from the top of the vessel. This implies a minimum vertical separator height Qength) 016 ft. 3. For a horizontal separator, the feed enters just above the vapor-liquid interface that may be off-centered to adjust for a greater gas (or liquid) capacity as needed. The vapor-liquid interface, however, must be kept at least 10 in. from the bottom and 16 in. from the top of the vessel. This implies a minimum horizontal separator diameter of 26 in. In practice, novel design techniques violate these rules of thumb by providing additional features. Therefore, standard vertical separators less than • Spherical separators are generally operated at half-full of liquid conditions; the relationship mentioned assumes this cue. Also, the \'olume is increased by a factor of (0,2)0$ because spherical separators have greatet rurge capacity due to their Ulape. • Therefore: W,CLR·t,. V - Wt On rearranging: V t ~ cW~(=Go-'LR~+~I) Thus, for a fixed separator volume V and liquid capacity W, as CLR increases, retention time t decreases. E:ram,lJe 4-1. A separator, to be operated at 1,000 psi a, is required to handle a wellstream with gas flow rate 7 MMscfd at a GLR - 40 bbllMMscf. Determine the separator size required, for: (1) a vertical separator, (2) a horizontal single-tube separator, and (3) spherical separator. Assume a liquid (oil + water) density of 52 Ibm/ft3, ideal gas with gravity ., 0.80, an operating temperature equal to 110° F', a retention time t - 3 min., and 112 full of liquid conditions. 106 Ca, Production Engineering Cas and Liquid Separation Solution D - [0.466065/0.35?' - 1.15 ft Cas density, P, - pM/ZRT - (lOOO)(2B.97)(0.8)/(I)(JO.73)(570) _ 3.789 IbmlCtl D' _ q,.Z(T + 460)p1' PJ" ~ (7)(1)(570)(3.789''') K(2.40)(IOOO)(52 - 3.789)" - 0.466065 K For a retention time t of 3 min., the liquid settling volume required for each separator type is (Equation 4-12): v, - WtlI440 - (40)(7)(3)/1440 ~ 0.583 bbl 1. For a vertical separator with mist extractor, K - 0.167. Therefore, the diameter of the vertical separator required is: D - [0.466065/0. 167? , The liquid capacity, The liquid capacity. VL - O.0466IY(D/2)O!l - 0.583 Therefore, D .. [(2'>~)(0.583)10.0466]1 pacity requirements. From Equation 4- 10: 2.40Kp(p, 107 VL.t< ~ 1.67 ft (~ 3_.5 .. 2.27 ft based upon liquid ca- So, a spherical separator of diameter 2.27 £t ( .. 27 in.) is required. Sepa rator Design Using Actual Separator Performance Charts The Souders-Brown relationship provides only an approximate approach. A better design can usually be made using actual manufacturers' field test data that account for the dependence of gas capacity on the separator height (for vertical) or length (for horizontal). Field experience shows this dependence that is not accounted for by the Souders-Brown equation. Figures 4-7 through 4-14 show the gas capacity charts for various separator types as a function of their si~ and operating pressures. For horizontal separators. a 20 in.) O.1399IJ2h '"' 0.583 • Therefore. h - 0.583/[(0.1399)(1.67 2)] = 1.49 ft. Thus, the minimum separator length of 6 Ct should be used. The LID ratio .. 6/1.67 .. 3.6 So, a vertical separator of size 20 in. x 6 ft is required. 2. For a horizontal separator with mist extractor, K .. 0.382. Therefore. the diameter of the horiwntal separator required is: 0 .. [0.466065/0.382]03 .. 1.10 ft ( .. 13.20 in.). Thus, the minimum separator diameter of 26 in. ( ,., 2.17 (t) should be used. The liquid capacity, VL .. 0.1399!)2(Ll2) .. 0.583 The,efore, L - (2)(0.583)/[(0.1399)(2.17~1 _ 1.77 ft. The LID ,,_ tio .. 1.77/2.17 - 0.816, which does not satisfy design criteria. For a minimum LID ratio .. 3, separator length required .. 3 X 2.17 .. 6.5 ft. So, a horizontal separator of size 26 in. x 6.5 ft is required. 3. For a spherical separator with mist extractor, K .. 0.35. Therefore. the diameter of the spherical separator to handle the required gas capacity is: Figure 4-7 . Gas capacity of vertical low-pressure separators. (After Sivalls, 19n; courtesy of C. R. Sivalls and the University 01 Oklahoma.) lOS Ga, and Liquid Separation G/U Production Engineering 109 ..• •, • • • , ", " ~ ..,• , • -~.,~ • ~: ., • • , ", Figure 4-8. Gas capacity of vertical high-pressure separators. (After Sivans, 19n; courtesy of C. A. Sivalls and the University 01 Oklahoma.) correction has to be made for the extent of liquid (one-quarter fuji, onethird full, or one-halI full) in the liquid section as shown in Figure; 4-10 to 4-12. The actual liquid settling volume, VL • for standard separators can be determined from their specifications given in Tables 4-1-4-11. Figures 4-15 and 4-16 are the sizing charts for the liquid capacity of horizontal singletube separators, based upon a liquid retention time of I min. Corrections for retention times other than 1 min . are linear. and are shown in these charts. Such charts are useful because they take into account the worlcing pressure. Example 4·2. Repeat Example 4-1, using actual manufacturers' field test data, and assuming II.. full of liquid conditions. ~ 1-~' ~ ,• •• •" V • I• ·I .,~~ • • J .,." , V " _.... -............. .... ,• , ,. 1C1O ,.,.., _Il00100 $00 .. _ _ " ... _ lOCI ,/100 .... , WI - , " ,• Figure 4·9. Gas capacity 01 vertical high:pre~sure separators. (After Sivalls, 19n; courtesy 01 C. R. Sivalls and the UncverSlty 01 Oklahoma.) Solution 1. From Figure 4·8, a JO·in. x 5-ft vertical separator is required. From Table 4.4, VI... _ 1.76 bbl, which is greater than the required VI... of 0.583 bbl. Hence, use a 30 in. x 5 £t high. pressure vertical separator. 2. From Figure 4. 11, a 12 in. x 10 ft horizontal separator is required, assuming l J4 full liqUid conditions. Liquid capacity from Figure 4·15 is (380)(0.33) = 125.4 bblJday, wh~reas (7)(40) .. 280 bblJday liquid capacity is required. Choosing a size of 24 in. x 5 £t from Figure 4-15, the liquid capacity is (720)(0.33) .. 237.6 bbl/day, which is still insufficient. (Iext continued all page 114) • 110 Gas Production Engineering ,• •• .. :;--I VlA:"" . -•..• m •,• .. ,• :;::"iI• • ,• .' . . Figure 4-10 . Gas capacity of horizontal low-press ure separators (After Sivalls, 1977; cour· tesy of C. R. Sivalls • , , ••, • • • Oklahoma.) . • • • •• • • ... •• • II .... :"'-""1 lil ... "1 ... ' IjAiI ott'. ~t " " C", • . • •1iI , ," .~ 'j ,- • 1 . • , , •• I I , " " '" , ... ~ ,, XI U 1IO ---,.""-• H J •• • I • Fig u re 4-12. Gas capacity of horizon- tal high-pressure separators. (After Sivalls, 1977; courtesy of C. R. Sivatts and the University of and the University of Oklahoma.) i ,I ill ~. J ;::; :,i"! ,~: ;, • . /; 40 10 .. "'....,'00'''',. " . t'o I , Sivalls, 1977; courtesy of C. R. SivaJls and the University of Oklahoma.) low-pressure separators. (After Sivalls, 1977; courtesy of C. R. Sivalls and the University of Okla- Ill: • • , i~ ~ >7 ;~ % ~'- ~ IfAII :.: ~P' ~ /, , ---.... _- " ~ , homa.) • • • i I J , ;;;;r:::: " , ~ ; I • J! • ":: .... ' / I capacity of spherical Figure 4-11 . Gas capaCity of horizontal high-pressure " ;.; Figure 4-13. Gas separators. (After 11l Ga.s alld Liquid Separation . II, , , .• •, • • • • , , • • . , p --- "• •, ., •• , ~~ ,,~ • •i • • ,'1---,• • " , .. • /' , • , " • •• • ---.- 10 . . . . . . . . ,go , '" 'IO 100 :roo IJ 112 113 Ga! and Liquid Separation Cos Productwl'I Engineering ,• • •• • • • • --' Figure 4·14. Gas capacity of spherical high-pressure separators. (After Sivalis, 19n; courtesy of C. R. Sivails and the University of Oklahoma.) » ;j; i: 1-.I , • , " i • • 'j • •, I ,• , high-pressure separators. (After 1" .' ,~ , Figure 4-16. liquid capacity of horizontal single-tube • , .~ .~ , ! I Sivalis, 1977; courtesy of C. A. Sivans and the University of Oklahoma.) i ~f~ ! </ , ,,~ j , , I , , , • 'j , - ,L-f;-H.-;!;;--'!;--±.k-~----,h-b-h-!W *"' , I. 100 . . _ """--- .... _ _ ' .... 'OIII uid capacity of hor- ;, izontal single-tube high-pressure separators (After 11 .... ,'0 • --. " ,,'. >. Figure 4-15. liq- Sival1s, 1977; courtesy of C. A. Sivalts and Ihe University of Oklahoma.) """ . --,._-Table 4-1 Specifications 01 Standard Vertical Low-pressure Separators" • roo>. J u .... T,'- ,_wi" • ~, .>..... " .,. • >, ' ....... ...... ',If.!. ~I.l :::1 ::q --- I-I Working Pressure, p.' 24' x 5' 24" X i1l2' 30" x 10' 36" x S' 36" X 7112' 36" x 10' '25 '25 '25 '25 '25 48" x 10' 4S" xiS' 60" x 10' 60" )( IS' 60" x 20' • After S" .11•• urn. 12' '25 '25 '25 '25 '25 Inlet and GIS Outlet Conn . 011 Outlet 2" Thd 2" Thd 3" Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd 2" Thd 2" Thd 6" F1g 6" F1g 6" F1g 6" F1g 6" F1g Conn. 3" Thd 2" Thd 3" Thd 4' Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd 4" Thd Standard Valves 011 or 011 and WIIter ,> '"'" '" '"'" '" ," ," 2" 3" GIS Shipping Weight, I. "'" 2" ,> IlSO 2" 2" 2000 2000 '" ,"'" ," 2350 2" 3" 3" 2700 3400 ,,00 '200 6400 7600 Table 4· 3 specifications of Standard Vertical High Pressure Separators ' Table 4"2 Sen llng Volumes of Standard Vertical Low"pressure Separators " (125 psi WP) Size, Dia x Ht Sen Ung Volume, bbl Oil-Ges Septlrlltors OU-Gas-Water Septlralors "' Z4"~5' 0.65 24-x7 1f1 30" x 10' 110 l.01 2.116 36" " un 1.82 3.75 ;j' 36" X ,112' 36" x 10' 48" x 10' 48- x 15' 60- x 10' 60- xiS' 00" x 20 • 115 Gas ond Liquid Seporation Qu Production Engineering 114 '63 ". 2.4) 304 5.6i 5.48 10.06 14.44 16.OB 12,93 18.64 7.&6 9.23 12.65 15.51 Mt~, Si<ilh. 1977 ,- Thtal ... ttling 'vlume b usually split ~"cn bet" ... n oil and ".tt. (text continued from page 1(9) ChOOSing the next available size of 20 in. x 10 ft from Figure 4-15, the liquid capacity is (980)(0,33) - 323.4 bbllday, which is sufficient. The same result could alternatively be obtained from Table 4-8, where the smallest horizontal separator size with a VI. greater than 0.583 is 20 in. x 10 ft for a 1/4 full of liquid condition. Hence, use a 20 in. x 10 ft high-pressure horizontal separator. 3, From Figure 4-14, a 30 in, diameter spherical separator is required. Liquid settling volume, VL • from Table 4-11 is only 0.30 bbl, whereas 0.583 bbl is required. From Table 4-11, the smallest spherical separator with a VI. greater than 0.583 is of diameter 42 in. Hence, use a 42 in. diameter high-pressure spherical separator. Working Pressure, psi" Inlet and Gas Outlet Connection Standard Liquid Vel ve 16- x 5 16- x 7111' 16- x 10' 1000 2- Thd 2' Thd ~. Thd 20- x 5' 2O-x7 112' 20- x 10' 24"x5' 24- x 71/z' 24- x 10' 3O"xS' 1000 3 F1, 3- FIg 3- FIg 3- FIg I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' Siza, Dis x HI 30')( 1000 3- FIg 3- FIg 1000 711~' 30' x 10' 36' x i112' 36' x 10 36" x 15' 42- x 7112' 42- x 10' 42" x IS' 4S- X i112' 4S" x 10' 48" xiS' 54' X 71/2' 54" x 10' 54-x 15' 00- x 7112' 00- x 10' 50" xiS' 00" x 20' 4' FIg 4 - JollZ 4" FIg 1000 4" FIg 4" FIg 4" FIg 1000 1000 1000 1000 66" 6' 6" 6" 6" FIg FlI;( FIg FIg FIg FIg 6" FIg 6- FIg 6" FIg 6" FIg 6" FlI;( 6' FIg 6' ~1g I' I' I' I' I' I' "" " " "" 2' 2' 2' "" " 2' Shipping Weight, I. 1.100 1.200 1,500 1.1lOO 1.000 ',200 2,500 2.850 3.300 3,200 3.650 4,200 5.400 6.400 8.700 i,700 9.100 12.000 10,400 12.400 16,400 12.300 14,900 20.400 li.5OO 00,500 26,500 32,500 • After SI,.lb. 19TI. ., O~r st_nda,d "orl::ing pn'\.>U .... i"IU_ble a", 230. 500. 600. lroo. 1440. 1.500. and 2000 psi enable accurate metering of the proouced hydrocarbons,· constitutes the last separation stage. Therefore, as shown in Figure 4- 17, a two-stage se~a­ ration includes one separator and one stock tank, a three stage separation means two separators and one stock·tank, and so on. Stage Separation \Vhen two or more equilibrium separation stages are used in series, the process is termed ··stage separation." The storage tank, also called stock tank because it is generally kept at standard conditions (14.7 psia and 6(PF) to • This III not always true. The prftSUre csn be controlled, but the storage tank temperaturf' is subject largel)' to the preo.ailing atmospheric temperaturf'. and It is too expe~,'e to hn-t or 0001 the contents of the tank to OO"F. Modern digital metering devices can easll)' correct for tempera ture or pres!iure. • Cos ond Liquid Sep6rotio n Gas Production Engineering 116 •. •.. - - .... " ... ,... ........, - -- 1'0(" .~ TWO STAGE S'P"RATION '=' We" -00., ....... ..",.-.. differential liberation is approximated quite closely by using a few separation stages (two, three, or four). The latter process, where the pressure is reduced in very large steps. is termed "flash liberation." Flash vaporization also differs from differential vaporization in another respect: in differential vaporization, the \'apor is removed as it is formed , but in flash vaporization, the liquid and vapor are kept in intimate contact until equilibrium is achieved . For this reason, flash vaporization is also termed "equilibrium vaporization" or '-nash equilibrium vaporization," whereas differential vaporization is called "diHerentialliberation." Table 4·4 Settling Volumes of Standard Vertical High-pressure Separators' (230 to 2,000 psi wP··) THREE STAGE SEPARATION Size, Die x HI .... ,. Uoac _ ..... ." ~ 6 -,,-- ._. l- •.. ~.- n_., '" = fOUR- STAGE SU'ARATIOH ~ ALTERNATIVE ARRAM""!NT "on _r_"" ." FOR THRfE-STAGE S' ..... IU.TlOM ~ Figure 4-17. Schematic diagrams for stage separation. Readers who have a background in phase behavior will immediately recthat liquid recovery is enhanced on using a greater number of equihbnum stages for separation. This same principle is employed in designing columns 'With mu1tiple equilibrium trays for separation purposes (Chapter 5). The ideal separation process is one in which the pressure is reduced infinitesimally at each stage. requiring an infinite number of stages. Such a process, termed "differentiailiberation," would maximize the IJquid recovery and yield a more stable stock tank liquid. In practice, this is not feasibl e and ~gn~ 117 16"x5' IS" x 7 1/2' IS" x 10 ' 20" x S' 20' x 7 1/!' 20' x 10' 24 'x5' 24' X 71/8' 24 ' x 10 ' 30' x 5' 30" x 71/2' 30" x 10 ' 36" x 71/1' 36" x 10' 36' xiS' 42" x il!l' 42" x 10 ' 42 ' xiS' 48" x 71/2' 48'x 10' 48" x 15 ' 54' x illt' 54' x 10 ' 54" x IS ' 50' )( 711t' 50" x 10' 60" x 15' 60" x 20' • •• , " Senling Volume, bbl t Oil-Gel-Water Separalors tl Oil-Ges Separators 0.27 004\ 0.51 O.H 0.65 0.82 0.66 0.97 1.21 1.13 1.64 2.02 2.47 3.02 4.13 3.53 4.29 5.80 4.81 5.80 7,79 633 ;.60 10.12 8.08 9.63 12,73 15.31 0.44 0.72 0 .... 0.71 1.15 1.48 1.05 1.68 2,15 l.7S 2.78 3.54 4.13 52' i.45 5.SO i.32 10.36 7.79 9.i8 13.76 10,12 12.65 17.70 12.73 15.83 22.03 27.20 Arm Si ••IIs, 1m St.nd..d ... orking p""""'_ ".il.bI" • .., 230. 1iOO. IIXlO. 1200. 1440. 15OO •• nd 2000 psi. 8 ....,.;1 on lIXlO psi WP Rp'T~tO" Tot.l ~tlinl ""lume b u.u.Uy ,plit ,....,0 "","wCCT! oil and .... t~r, , 118 119 Cru and Liquid Separation Gas Prodl.K'tion Engineering Table 4-6 Settling Volumes of Standard Horizontal Low-pressure Separators(125 psi WP) SetHing Volume, bbI Size, •• " :> ~ - 1! •c ~ • ~ ~ ~~ o=~ c • •e. . . . . . . . . ..,M"':... ... ........................ lh Fun ,,, Futl '/4 Full 24' x 5' 1.55 24' x 71lt' 24' x 10 ' '.22 '.89 0.89 12S I.Si 0.59 0.86 I 12 0 .. 1.36 1.77 2.59 3.79 4.71 6.85 7.47 Ole )( Length 31)")(5' 2.48 1.43 30" X 11/1' 354 4.59 6.71 9.76 'Q.I 3{)'x 10 ' . .. . . . .. .. . . ........................... ..,MM!,. is 36' x 10' 36" x iS' 48" x 10' 12.24 17.72 19.50 28.06 36.63 48" x IS" 60" x 10' 6O'x IS' 60' x 20' 2.66 3.88 5.66 7.07 10.26 1l2-l 16.23 21.21 10.82 14.16 • After S;,-.Us, \977 Two-stage separation is desirable for wellstreams with low gas-oil ratios such as low-API gravity oils, and low flowing pressures. Three-stage separation is most applicable to wellstreams with intermediate to high gas-oil ratios (intermediate-API gravity oils), and intermediate flowing pI"e$ures. Four-stage separation is used for high gas-oil ratio (high-API gravity) wellstreams, and high flowing pI"e$ures. Four-stage separation is also used where high-pressure gas is needed. From an et.'Onomic standpoint, a threestage separation is usually optimum for most oil-field operations. Sivalls (1977) reports that the actual increase in liquid recovery for three-stage separation over two-stage will vary from 2 to 12 %, depending upon the wellstream composition, and the operating pressures and temperatures. However, additional recover ies as high as 20 to 25 % have been reported for some ., _ c 1:I.!!O c_- _ 0 ¥ • • c. c c;; -e8 --------_ ._ --- ill Ii i:Hl:!Hl Ii ill ::Hl Ii i!Hi cases. For the complex mixture of hydrocarbons produced from an oil well , precise stage separation calculations are very difficult and require the use of a computer. For practical purposes. it is quite satisfactory to use other shortcut methods and correlations that yield acceptable results. The simplest of these methods assumes an equal pressure ratio between the stages for optimum performance (Campbell, 1984): r _ (PllpJl where D (4-13) r _ pressure ratio n _ number of stages ( text contilllJed Oil 1)age 123) • GaJ and Liquid SqxJr(Jtion Gas Production Engineering 120 Table 4-7 Specifications of Standard Horizontal High-pressure Separators' SIu, OI.:It Ht 12:l!~' :It 1) Worttlng Inlet and Preu.ure, GIl. Outlet Connection .... , 1000 12114 ":It 71/1 12·lI,- )( 10' 16" x 5 16 " x 7 llt" 16" :It 10 2O"xS' 20- x 1000 1000 2" 2· 2" 3- Thd Thd Thd F1g 3" F1g 7112' 20" x 10 24" x 5" 24' x j llt' 24"xl0 24"x 15 30" x 5' 30" x ill~' 30" x 10 ' 30" x 15 36" x 71/2' 36" x 10' 36" xiS' 36" x 2(} ' 42' x illt' 42"x 10' 42" xiS' 42" x 20 ' 1000 48"x71I2' 1000 48' x 10' 4S" xiS' 48" x 20' 54' x 71.12' 54"x 10' 54" x 15 54" " 2(}' 50" x 71/2' 00' x 10' 60" x IS' 50" x 20' 2- Thd 2' Thd Z" Thd 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3" F1g ... F1g 4' F1g 4" Fig 4" Fig .. " F1g .. " F1g .. " Fig .. " F1g 6" F1g 6" F1g 6" Fig 6" F1g 6" F1g 6" Fig 6" Fig 6" Fig 8" Fig S" Fig S" Fig S" Fig S' FIg S" FIg S' F1g S' f1g S' J.1g S' .1g S" FIg S" F1g Standard Liquid Val ve I' I' I' I. I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' ,. ,. ,. 2' 2' 2' 2' ,.,. ,. ,.,. ,.,. ,. 2' ,.,. ,. 2' 2' Table 4-8 Settling Volumes of Standard Horizontal High-pressure Separators' (230 to 2,000 psi WP**) Shlppll"lg Weight, I. 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.i50 2,100 1.800 2.300 2.900 2,200 3.000 3.8110 5,400 3.200 4.3110 5.500 7,800 6,100 7.500 10,200 12.000 8.200 9.900 13.400 16.900 10.900 12.700 17.500 22,100 13,400 16.000 21.200 26.400 16.700 19.900 26,400 32,900 , AIter S"IIIs. 1977. • • Other st.ndard ""<>ficin!! praru<a .,·.iI.hIt- Ire m. 500. 600. 1200. 1440. 1500 . • nd 2000 psi 121 Size Ois :lt Len 12lf," x 5' 12¥.- :It 7 1231, - x 10' L,Iz' 16" :It 5 16-:It 7 l l!' 16" x 10 2O" x 5' 20" x 7 112' 20" x 10' 24° x 5 24")( 71!2' 24" x 10' 24" xiS' 30" x 5 3O"x71!2' 30" x 10' 30" x 15' 36" x 7)!2' 36" x 10' 36" x i S' 36" x 20' 42" x 71It' 42" x 10' 42" x IS' 42"x20' 4S" x 71/t' 48" x 10 ' 48" x IS 48")( 20' 54" X 7112' 54 " x 10' 54'x 15' 54"x20' 60" x 7112' 60' x 10' 00' x 15' 00"x2O' Settling Volume, bbl t lh Full 0.38 055 0,72 0.61 088 113 Full 11. Full 0.22 0.32 0.42 0. 15 0.21 0.28 0.24 0.34 0.3.5 0.50 0.66 0.55 0.79 "' 0.98 I.'" 1811 0.44 IOJ 145 ,.. 0.83 '.63 1.52 2.21 1.39 1.96 2.52 3.65 2.8i 3.68 5.30 6.92 3." 5.119 7.30 9.51 5.32 6.n 9.67 12.57 6.87 8.7 1 12,40 16.08 860 10.86 15.38 19.90 lIB 3.S1 2.43 3.40 4.3i 6.30 4.99 6.38 9. Ii 11.96 6.93 8.83 12.62 16.4 1 9.28 II 77 16.74 21 il ]2.02 15.17 12.49 27.S1 15.05 18.93 26.68 34.44 • After Sh·.IIs, 1977. •• StAn<brd worl<inll; pn:ssUmI .".iI.bk , Ba....J on 1000 p5i WI' ~r.tor a~ 230. 500.600. 1000. I~. 14-40. 15OO.nd 2000 pIoi 0.38 0.54 O.iO 0.55 0.i8 0.01 1.47 0.91 1.29 1.67 2.42 1.90 2.45 3.54 4.63 2.6 1 3.35 4.83 6.32 3.51 4.49 6.43 '.38 4.49 5.73 S.2O 10.68 5.66 7.17 10.21 13.24 • Gal and Liquid Separation 12l! (text continued from page 119) Table 4·9 Specifications of Standard Spherical Separators· Diamtlt.r Wor1ling Inlet and Standard Shipping P,esaure, Gas Outlet Connection liquid Weight, I. p.' ,. Valve ".". '" ". ". 4" Thd 4' Thd 4" Thd !!SO , >1, 3" F1g 2" 2 6' 2' Flg 2" f1g "'1/: 2' 3' F1g ,.,. ,. 54- "'. ,.. 24- IIX)!)' • 30· 42' ] 1000 1300 1700 1100 14lX. 3400 . ]300 ]. 1400 ]BOO ]. ". F1g ". 00· ,.3· 4 - F1g 6' F1g • Aher Sin]"_ 1!)7i ,- Othl:r ,tand.rd "",k"'l!: prrsm ..... \ail.hl~ K.... SOO.IlOO. 1200. 1440. 2O(X). 2800 3700 ,100 Kilt! 3000 p<i. Table 4·10 Settling Volumes of Standard Spherical Low-pressure Separators' (125 psi WP) Size, Settling Volume, 00 001 PI - pressure at the first (or high.stage) separator p. _ pressure at the stock tank Thus, P2 .. p,r"-l, P3 - P1 r"-2, and in general, the pressure p, for separator stage i is given by: 100 (4-14) Pi '" p,r"-i-tl Note that Equations 4·13 and 4·14 bear no relationship with the magnitude of separation (Le, the Iiquid,vapor ratio). Whinery and Campbell (1958) studied three-stage separation for ~"eral different t)'pes of wellstreams. Figure 4·18 from their work shows the rela· tionship between the pressure at the second stage and stock· tank liquid recover)'. From an empirical analysis of these results, Whinery and Campbell (1958) derived simple relationships to calculate the optimum pressure in the second stage for a three·stage separation. They found that two cases can be specified: 1. For streams with specific gravity> 1.0 (air .. l.0): p, _ ApI""" + (A - 0.057)10.0233 •• •. ~ , O.ii 1.02 • . • • , • Table 4·11 Settling Volumes of Standard Spherical High-pressure Separators' (230 to 3,000 psi WP)" Size, Settling Volume, 00 ••P 123 ~," I1i ') ~., ,. - ~~ ~ "- .. "' • "--... • • ~,' ,~" 0.'" • • Arkr SinU•. 1977. ,- Standard ",o.-kinJj: I',,*UmI Ire 230 • .500.000.1000, 1200, lHO. 1.500. 2000. and 3000 psl • Sued on 1000 pM WI' ..."..rator <C', g • 221) • •••• •• 0.15 0.30 054 133 J7, (4-15) , DIU"'" .. • ,UGE ~_ ~ '--- ~USl""l."'" ... SECOND Sl.G[ '''USUIII[, 'SI. ow - Figure 4.18. Relationship between second·stage pressure (psia) and stock·tank recovery (gaI/MMscf). (After Whinery and Campbell, 1958; courtesy of SPE of A1ME.) Gos and Liquid Separation Co! Production Engineering 2. For streams with specific gravity < 1.0 (air .. 1.0): p, - ApI '" + (A + 0.028)10.012 Whiner)' and Campbell found that composition could be expressed in terms of the specific gravity of the feed and the mole% of C I + C2 + Ca components in it, asshown in Figure 4-19. Example 4-3 illustrates the calculation procedure. Example 4·3. For a wellstream haVing a composition shown as follows, find the optimum second-stage pressure for a three-stage separation, if PI ,., 800 psia. Use the \Vhinery-CampbeU method, and compare the result with the equal pressure ratio assumption. , •• ~ z 2 z ~ • • Tn , I // I . I I -• I "z ' • •"z 8 ' C~ C, C, C~ C, r: 16.043 30.070 44.09; 58.124 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.04 0.03 C, c,. Mol. wt., M, )'1 (C,) ;2.151 86.178 128.259 YiM , ... 38.626 Therefore. the specific gravity with respect to air Mole% C I + C 2 + C 3 From Figure 4.19, A :z - 38.626128.9; - 1. 33 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.15 - 0.;5 0.43 Using Equation 4-15 for wellstream gravity> 1. g ? 7 s p, _ (0.43)(800""") + (0 .43 - 0.057)/0.0233 - 58.18 p'ia. 019 ../ It ,4 I ~~ ItJ. l " III / ,/ The EqtMd Pr~re Ratio Cmw. Using Equation 4·13. the pressure ratio with n - 3 - 1 = 2 is r - (800;)4.7)12 = 7.3;7 From Equation 4·14 , P2 ,. (14 .7)(7.3772 " 2. I) - 108.44 psia. :1:1 This example illustrates that the equal pressure ratio assumption is far from precise. Even the Whinery-Campbell method is only an approximation. Wherever possible, flash calculations using equations of state must be carried out for determining the amounts of vapor and liquid that will be reco\'ered, and the composition of these vapor and liquid streams from the separators. I ., Mol. fr. , MOL" C I + Cz + C) rr I I", r. .l 1/ I J~ • I'~ "'Til I , Solution Comp o where PI, P2 ... pre!mJl"eS in the first and second stages, respectively (the third stage is assumed to be the stock tank at standard conditions of 14 ; psia and 6(}0 F) A - a function of the stock tank pres..~ure and the system composition 125 ,. ,., ,.• PSU[OD -S PECIFiC GRAVITT or rEED, DIMENSIONLESS Figure 4·19, Relationship between A and pseudo-specific gravity 01 leed (T .. 80°F) . (Aller Whinery and Campbell, 1958; courtesy of SPE of AIME .) Low Temperature Separation Low-temperature separation (LTX) units are based upon the principle that lowering the operating temperature of a separator increases the liquid recovery. Besides recovering more liquid from the gas than a normal. tem- • 126 Ga! Prodllctian Engilleeririg Gas and Liquid Separation 127 perature .separator, LTX units have another advantage: they are able to dehydrate the gas. frequently to pipeline specifications. A low.temperature separation unit comiists of a high-pressure separator. one or mOre Pressure-reducing chokes·. and heat e:tchange equipment. When the high-pressure wellstream is expanded by pressure reduction through a choke. the temperature is also reduced. This irre\'ersible adiabatic (no e..~change of heat with surroundings) simuJtaneous pressure and temperature reduction process is called the Joule-Thomson Or throttling effect. The heat content of the g:as remains the ~ame across the choke. hut it.;; temperature and pressure are reduced, The choke is mounted directly at the inlet of the high-pressure separator, so that any hydrates formed downstream of the choke fall into the bottom settling section of the LTX unit. where they are heated and melted by the heating coils provided. The wellstream enters the separator at a low temper_ ature and pressure. and a better separation results. A rorrelation by the Cas Proces.soI'\ Suppliers Association (CPSA) to determine the temperature drop through the choke for a briven pressure drop is shown in Figure 4-20. E:tampie 4-4 illustrates the procedure for using this correlation. Examl)/e 4-4. AD. 7 gravity gas, at 150°F is expanded through a choke. so that its pressure i~ reduced by 2,000 psi. What is the temperature drop if the initial pressure is: (1) 4.000 psia, and (2) 2.500 psia~ (3) What is the final temperature if the gas is initially at 4.000 psia and 150°F and the pressure is reduced to 200 psia. Salution 1. From Figure 4-20, for an initial pressure _ 4,000 psia and a pressure drop - 2.000 psia, the temperature drop _ 380F. 2. From Figure 4-20, for an initial pressure _ 2,500 psia and a pressure drop - 2,000 psia, the tempel'ature drop _ 86.SoF. 3. From Figure 4-20, for an initial pressure _ 4,000 psia and a pressure drop - 4,000 - 200 - 3,800 psia, the temperature drop" 1320F. ~ ~ • § J, .! !, , ,••• " .. , § .. ,,,,, •• •,• 8 . . fIP ,,•• " · ,• §. ,#. l ". It i t • 0 ' j! ~i~ .. If ~ ! o .. e~ '! hi -. Example 4-4 iJlustrates that the cooling process is more effective for gases at high pressures, where a large pressure drop can be provided to the gas in an LTX unit. As a rule of thumb, at least a 2,500- to 3.000-psi pressure drop must be available before an LTX unit can be considered for use. Otherwise, it may not be economical. 1 - I I 6 -5 • •• •• • v v •, v• 'i i' " il~ " 'I 'I t, " ~ ! " ~ 0 ~ " I. ~~-! '... !(;; oeRli!~51 ~l JS B. ~ !I ~ ." ! ! .·. . --1• ! i ~' ,'#. ,, • • Therefore, the final temperature _ 150 - 132 _ 180F. • A choke is essentially an orifice plate, with a specified hole slu, fo r controlling the rate of flow or reducing the pressu~ of the flowstream. " . .. ~ • • • • • , 128 Ga.! and Liquid Separation Ga" Productwn Engineering The lowest temperature at which an LTX unit can be used is governed by the properties of the material used in its construction. Generally, carbon steel is used, for which embrittlement occurs below a temperature of - 20' F. For this reason. LTX units in an oil field are usually operated only in the temperature Tange of 0 to 20°F. Gas Cleaning where P,. 129 v - terminal velocity of the falling particle, ftJsee a - acceleration on the particle. ft/.sec! d.p - particle diameter, ft Pp - density of the particle, Ibm/ft1 I'g - density, Ibmiftl. and viscosity, Ibmift-sec. respectively, of the fluid through which the particle is falling The drag coefficient, Cd. and the exponent n in Equation 4-17 are as follows (Lapple, 1984), Cas cleaning is important for pipeline transmission systems in order to reduce operational problems. and to maximize their operating efficiency. It is even more important in other instances, such as for gas .~torage, and for sales to consumers. Cas cleaning is also neces'iary to prevent solution/catalyst contamination in downstream processes on the gas, such as dehydration and sweetening. Some of the cleanup occurs initially at the wellhead by such means as drips, filters. and syphons. Another phase of cleanup is carried out in the gas.liquid separators. Further cleaning is generally required before the gas arrives at a processing plant, and before any processing is begun. A clean gas transmission averages about 2 Ibm/ MMscf particulate matter in the gas. Cas cleaning involves the removal of two types of materials: (1) gross sol· ids and liquids, called "pipeline trash," and (2) minute solids (particulate matter) and liquids (aerosols). Pipeline trash is also referred to as sludge, and is essentially anything in the flowing stream that is not gas. Pipeline trash consists generally of liquids such as heavier·end liquid hydrocarbons, water, chemicals (amines, glycols, methanol) carried o\'er from processing operations, and solids such as drilling mud, pipeline scale, other dirt picked up by the gas during production and transport operations, and gas hydrates. Pipeline trash collects in the sags and low spots in the pipeline, and its removal is absolutely necessary, Particulate matter and aerosols are much more difficult to remove because of their ultra·small particle size, They are carried over by the gas as suspended solids/liquids. Flow reiQme Nile Laminar Intermediate Turbulent 0.3-10' 10'- 2(1{}') <0.3 Law Cd n Stokes Intermediate Newton 24.0 18.5 1.0 0.6 0 0.44 where the Reynolds number, N R~, for the case of particles suspended in a gas is defined as being equal to d"vpjI;lpK' The equations derived earlier for cen· trifugal separation (Equation 4·2) and for gravity settling (Equation 4·5) can be verified as being applicable to the turbulent flow regime. The Reynolds number is controlled largely by the particle size, ~, since other factors vary within a relatively small range for a given application. Thus, Newton's law would be applicable to larger particles that would ~ a higher Reynolds number. This can be understood in physical terms .. by visualizing that larger particles fall so rapidly that they create considerable turbulence. For intermediate size particles, some turbulence is gener· ated, and the intermediate law is used. Smaller particles settle much more slowly, a laminar flow regime is maintained, and Stokes law is used to calcu· late the settling rate. A!; we proceed to smaller particle sizes, smaller than about 3 microns, Stokes law is no longer valid. The particles are now so small that they slip between the gas molecules at a rate greater than that predicted by Stokes law. The Cunningham correction, K." is used to correct the settling velocity, vStok"", from Stokes law: General Equation for Particles Suspended in a Gas (4-18) The well known general exp~ion for the terminal velocity, v, of a part!· cle railing through a fluid under the influence of a force that exerts an acceleration a on the particle, is written as: \. - 4ad n+ l (p [ P P -PJ] 3CdI';p~ n H2-"1 (4-17) This is called the Stokes-Cunningham equation. The correction K., is deter· mined as follows: (4-19) 130 Gas Production "~nglnt!e,;rlg where M - molecular weight of the gas R - gas constant, 1,546 ft-Ibfl lbmole- °R ( .. 10.732 psia-ft'/lbmole- ' R) T .. temperature in oR K.:! .. dimensionless proportionality factor g. .. conversion factor ( .. 32. 17 Ibm-ftdbf-sec2) Gas and Liquid Separation •-. •-. METHODS FOR PARTICLESIZE For particles smaller than 3 microns, a random motion , known as Brownian mO\t:m~nt , abo bt!g1ru to occur. Its effect is superimpc.l.\ed upon the particle settling velocity. and for particles under 0. 1 micron, Brownian mo,,'ement becomes the dominant phenomenon. Since gas cleaning is never really pursued to such levels. Brownian motion will not be discussed here. ANALYSIS 1. The incoming particles bypass the cleaning element and enter the out· flowing clean gas stream. This is the most common problem. 2. The pressure differential becomes too high, leading to rupture or dislodgement of the cleaning element. 3. The cleaning element may become so impregnated that it interrupts the flow completely. Proper maintenance is therefore essential for these devices. Some common gas cleaning methods, besides the gravity settling and cen· trifugal methods discussed earlier, are described below. There are several types of impingement separaton as shown in Figure 4-22. The mist extraction section in an oil and gas separator uses impinge- _PARTICLE DIAMETER, MICRONS • • .b.~~L.'~i~ ""L. "'--"""4 E.ECTIOMLIC.IIOSCO"~ 4~M~---:.~n>M~ =t 1--..-.'"' . ".-. . .- - - I - ~~ •• ~ ,,~,.,.,.~ - - '1i~"u!ITY .~, C""NYU ...... •• _ EQUIPMENT ~ . _-- - - .... - --f---- IU .. MU ."._l.. u"c~o .. rUJ.(.t..,,(U, .. .... - nOYM 'UI.UTgRS "~v"l~S I ~.HCTOItI I nTnlN~ CEMU ....... ----. _ I----< -t."-,,,,lns ...... _ , ".1l~ . ,~ _~ I {N ....U. --- ---- --.,OUIO 'OC~fD ~_N (fI: "'C,"'CA. _ u.r~I.nNOC' -.... . .. _--_. ----- -- -- o"".j TO l'U CC"HII.C"o,10 OF GAS'CLEANIN G •• "'ClIOlcor,_ .".-,~ UIOIIHIO TYPES - " ~ • - It.. -1-... Cas Cleaning Methods There are several different techniques for separating liquid and solid particles from gas, such as gravity settling, centrifugal action, impingement. filtration. scrubbing, and electrostatic precipitation. Figure 4-21 shows the range of applicability of these methods in terms of the size of the particles that can be removed. Note: I micron,. 10- 4 cm. Maintenance requirements are generally proportional to the removal ca· pability. Thus, methods with greater particle removal capability usually require more elaborate maintenance schedules. In cleaning methods that use a physical separation device (cleaning element. demister, filter. etc.), once the cleaning element has accumulated to its capacity, there are three possible results, all of which are detrimental to the cleaning process (Curry, 1981): ~•. - ro- .,• 131 l"CI[M;O •• , ...'t~1 ..... ' ' 'C' '.11O" _ I •• ',"CjU'OU' I '.'C'it _ O (. . . . r _ . . . . . . TOIl1 ~"C"""CI.~--I r--< ··~r· .. ---.I Agure 4-21. Gas cleaning methods and their range of application. (Data from C. E. Lapple, 1984.) ment methods of two basic types: wire· mesh pad and vane-type mist extrac· tors. A wire-mesh separator consists of a 4- 6 in. thick pad of fine wire (diameter of 0.003-0.011 in.) knitted into a mesh fabric with a high void volume (97-99%). The pad is mounted in a horizontal position, with the vapor flowing upwards. Liquid droplets impinge on the wire and collect and c0alesce with other droplets, until their size becomes large enough to drop downwards through the void spaces. The droplets then cling to the bottom of the wire-mesh by surface tension forces. Here they coalesce again to a bigger size, until they become sufficiently large to overcome surface tension 132 Gal Production Engineering => Non.. FlO .. GO! and Liquid Separation 0.. '~ Ira,q'l '" ,<I '" '" 133 and the force resulting from the upward flow of the gas. A flow velocity of 5-10 ftfsee provides maximum operation efficiency (Curry, 1981 ). A higher rate would flood the pad and lead to re.entrainment of the liquid, whereas a lower rate may permit the liquid to circumvent the pad and avoid impingement. A mist extractor should not be used where the gas has a high concentration of solids, since this may block the flow of gas and result in high pressure drops across the pad. For liquid droplets, wire-mesh pads are efficient, can remove droplets down to 4 microns in size, and have a high handling capacil}'The vane-type design uses an intricate array of metal plates, called vanes, with liquid collection pockets. The vane-type mist extractor is mounted such that the gas stream flows horizontally through the vanes. During this flow, a change in direction is induced several times, resulting in a centrifugal action that aids the primary impingement separation mechanism in removing the finer liquid droplets entrained in the gas. The liquid droplets are forced into the liquid collection pockets, out of the gas flow path. and drain out by gravity. The pressure drop across a vane-type mist extractor is very small. it can handle solids in the flowing gas stream. and can remove droplets down to about 40 microns in size. Another development of interest is the fiber mist eliminator. This uses a packed bed of fibers between two concentric screens. Liquid mist collects on the fiber surface as a film , which is moved horizontally by the gas, and downwards by gravity, into the liquid collection area. Fiber mist collectors offer extremely high collection efficiencies up to 99.98%, and can handle mists smaller than 3 microns (Brink, 1963). Botlln Filters ", '" '" '>I 1/' Flgu,! 4-22. TypeS,OI impingement separators. (After Perry and Green (eds.), ChemICal Engm86fs Handbook, 1984; courtesy of Mc-Graw Hill Book Co.) These have been traditionally used to remove solid particles by using a filtration medium that allows only the gas to pass through. Bag filters, using woven fabric or compressed felt fabric as the filtration medium, are widely used. But these materials break down in the presence of liquids. Synthetic materials such as glass fiber overcome this disadvantage. Even with these synthetic materials, liquid separation with filters is always a problem. Liquid particles find their way through the filter pad and coalesce on the downstream side of the pad in the form of a liquid film. The gas passing through this film leads to the formation of bubbles, which disintegrate and are reentrained in the gas. A scrubber is defined as any equipment that uses a liquid to aid the removal of particles from a gas. It is similar to a separator, except that a scrubber is designed to separate only small volumes of gas and liquid, and it may • 134 Gas and Liquid Separation Ca, Production Engineering use some fluid such as oil to more effectively remove particles from the gas. Unlike separators, surge capacity is neither necessary nor provided. A scrubber, although similar to a separator, must never be used for gas-liquid separation in the field, where even a reJatively dry gas well may produce some liquid surge and lead to severe separation problems. They may, however, be used as secondary separation devices. The three types of scrubbers used in gas cleaning operations are: dry scrubbers, oil-bath scrubbers. and cartridge-type scrubbers. Dry scrubbers are similar to centrifuges. using centrifugal force to effect the separation of solids and liquids from gas. Oil-hath scrubbers are extensively used. They cause solid particulate matter to impinge on a surface constantly flushed with oil, and cling to it. The circulating oil washes the dirt down into a settling chamber, where the dirt settles down by gravity. Clean oil l~ recirculated. It is important in an oil-bath scrubber to ensure that the oil is clean. and that the proper le...·el of oil is maintained. A less-than-clean oil or too low an oil level will reduce cleaning efficiency. whereas a high oil level will cause carryover of the oil into the gas. Dry and oil-bath type of scrubbers can be effective down to almost a 4-micron particle size. The most efCecth'e scrubbers are the cartridge-type scrubbers (Curry, 1981). They use cleaning cartridges stacked in parallel, in difCerent configurations, that can remove solid particulate matter down to a size of 0.3 micron. For liquid removal, mist extractors are also provided sometimes. Cartridge scrubbers, however, require constant maintenance and cartridge replacement, and are more expensive than oil-bath and dry scrubbers. Ehctric Prropitoton These units induce an electrical charge that attracts particulate matter. A strong electrostatic field is provided that ionizes the gas to some extent. The particles suspended in this partially ionized gas become charged and migrate under the action of the applied electric field. The gas is retained for a long enough time for the particles to migrate to a collection surface. Currently, the application of electric precipitators to large volumes of high-presc;ure gas is quite limited. in the future, though, these pollution-free devices may prove to be more useful. Flash Calcu1ations Two-phase flash calculation techniques were described in Chapter 2. This section describes some methods that can be used to accelerate convergence to the correct resu1t. The nomenclature used here is the same as in Chapter 2. F moles of feed with a composition {z;} split into L moles of with a 135 ... n {.} and V moles of vapor with a composition {YIl· For simplic-~~~ . are carn~ ity, it is assumed in the present discussion that flash calculatiOns out on the basis of a unit mole of feed (F - 1). Thus, F_I_L+V and Fz; - z; - LxI + VYI Also" ). and x, are related by the equilibrium ratio, K,: Determination of Equilibrium Ratios To enable flash calculations, the equilibrium ratio. K, is required. Experimental values for the particular system are the most reliable source for Kvalues. The next best thing is to use equations of state for consistent predictions. For manual calculations. K-value charts are also useful, though they may not be very accurate. . . The calculation of K-values from equations of state has been discussed to Chapter 3. These methods are used for implementation on. a comput,er, .and provide internally consistent values for all thermodynamiC properties In a convenient form. The chart method for estimating K-value:s is subject to an important constraint: K-values have been found to exhibit some dependence on the mixture from which they are measured, and therefore there is no single K-value chart that is superior for all possible mixtures that may be encountered. A sharp distinction exists in K-values for the same components in a nat~ral gas liquid versus a crude oil. ThEre differences among K-values for dIfferent mixtures have been characterized by the concept of conoergence pressure, which represents the composition of the vapor and liquid phases in equilibrium. Convergence pressure, at a given system temperature, is defined as the pressure at which the K-values of a fixed-composition system conver~e toward a common value of unity. Thus, convergence pressure for a system IS the pressure (at the given system temperature) at or beyond which va~~­ liquid separation is no longer possible. This is similar ~o the concept of cr~~­ cal pressure, and quite often the convergence pressure IS taken to be the cntlcal pressure of the system at the given temperature. Figures 4-24 through 4-50 show the K-value charts for H 2S. Nz, and hydrocarbons C, through C,o for convergence pressures of 1,000 psia and 3,000 psia. It can be seen in these figures that at relatively low pressures, K-values are almost independent of convergence pressure: at higher pressures approaching the convergence pressure, K-value:s are very sensitive to convergence pressure. • 13. Gal Production Engineering Gal and Liquid Separation 137 For CO 2• the K-value can be calculated from methane and ethane K-values as follows (CPSA, 1981): 1Ct.<>, - (K c, Kc,)" The convergence pressure Pk. required for selecting the appropriate K-value chart, has been found to be a function of two parameters-temperature and the liquid phase composition. Temperature of the system is generally known, but the composition of the exit liquid stream from the vapor-liquid separation is not known in advance (v.'e are trying to determine both the vapor as well as liquid stream compositions using K-value data). Therefore, the procedure for determining the convergence pressure is iterative. as described in the following (CPSA, 1981): 1. Assume a liquid-phase composition. The total feed composition may be used as a first guess if no better estimates can be made. 2. Identify the lightest hydrocarbon component which is present at least 0.1 mole% in the liquid phase. 3. Calculate the weighted average critical pressure and temperature for the remaining heavier components in the liquid to form a pseudo-binary system. A shortcut approach good for most hydrocarbon systems is to compute the weighted average critical temperature only. 4. Trace the critical locus of the binary on Figure 4-23. When the averaged pseudo-heavy component of the binary is between two real hydrocarbons, an interpolation of the two critical loci must be made. ......- (tm continued on page 164) .,-- i • I 12.00CI ( r:- ~ -- .- ,' ~ Q • ,~ •• ~ .... 1" . ~'< .. • ll' -- -- -Q I I I '1 I ~ " '""-"-- '" Figure 4-23. Convergence pressure PIc of binary hydrocarbon mixtures. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981, courtesy of GPSA.) PRESSURE. PSIA - Figure 4-24. Equilibrium ratio, K, for methane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 138 Go., Production Engineering GO! and Liquid Separation 13. • PRESSURE, PSI... - Figure 4-25. Equilibrium ratio, K, for ethylene lor a convergence pressure 01 1,000 psla (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy 01 GPSA.) PRESSURE, PSI"'- Figure 4-26. Equilibrium ratio, K. for ethane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psla. (From Engineering Dat8 Book, 198'; courtesy of GPSA.) 140 Ga" and Liqldd Separation Gas Production Engineering 141 1- • PRESSURE, PSI" - Figure 4·27. Equilibrium ratio, K, lor propane lor a convergence pressure of 1,000 pSla. (From Engineering Dat8 Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) PRESSURE, PSI"Figure 4-28. Equilibrium ratio, K, for propylene for a convergence pressure 01 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 142 Gas Production Engineering Gas and Liquid Separatioll . ,.5; , -. , 143 "1'" , ~~ ~. , , •, ~'" '"'" ,,' l~0:: I'.. II , · K-' • K I. f-C ,p.., , N. IS; ""- , It" 1IIc , r'·, .. " ." , , , . . ...... ,, PRESSURE, PSIA- Figure 4-29. Equilibrium ratio, K, for iso-butane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1961 ; courtesy of GPSA.) · ;: • I PRESSURE, PSIA - ,: ,@ ., Figure 4-30. Equilibrium ratio, K, for n-butane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy 01 GPSA.) 144 Gos and Liquid Separation Gas Production Engineering , , , , , ,-PSl~ - : , ,- 145 , ~W , , , I - •. I·j I' . l 1, ~~ I , llif".,; ~ ::--;'-,l'>'l":---- ~ , , '~.' I; , , , ;::: _I I , , • K f'., lb N. "I,, " t/ , 1 , , , I" "t I" . It---: +r- l!.~i+ III,', ' " 'i l," .. hi PRESSURE, PSI A - -- Figure 4,- 31, Equilibri~m ratio, K, for I·pentane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 pSla, (From Engm98ring Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) • . , , ,,' .. -.. i~ : _I~~:. PRESSURE, PS tA - Figure 4-32. Equilibrium ratio, K, for n-pentane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) • 146 Gas Production Engineerillg Gas and Liquid Separation '[ PRESSURE, PSIA - Figure 4-33. Equilibrium ralio, K, for hexane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 147 .. PRESSURE, PSIA- Figure 4-34. Equilibrium ratio, K, for octane for a convergence pressure 01 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Dara Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 148 Gas Productioll Engineerillg Gas and Liquid Separatioll 149 - 0<, 1 , , ( . "....... , , ... ,~..(., Ole ........... ' ... -'- .. • "-S._.... ""'_"-- -.,,,, ,,,,,,, -~.- ..._........ - ....." 'A_' .... -_"-_c-""'. • PRESSURE, PSIA - PRESSURE. PSIA Figure 4-35. Equilibrium ratio, K, for decane for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Figure 4·36. Equilibrium ralio, K, for hydrogen sulfide for a convergence pressure of 1,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 150 Ga, Production Engineering Gos and Liquid Separation 151 • PRESSURE. PSI" ---- Figure 4-37. Equilibrium ratio, K, for nitrogen for a convergence pressure 01 1,000 pS18. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Figure 4-38. Equilibrium ratio, K, for methane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 152 CQ~ Production Engirlf'ering Cal and Liquid Seporation 153 PSI' _ _ I :3! . ' " ··~······ tmt .. K· '11 I~, • " . ,,,. II II PRESSURE, PSIA _ PRESSURE, PSI"'- Figure 4·39. Equilibrium ratio, K. for ethane for a convergence preSSure of 3,000 pSla. (From Engineering Data BOOk, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Figure 4·40. Equilibrium ratio, K. lor propane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psis. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) '5< Gas Production Eng/neering Gal alld Liquid Separation 155 • PRESSURE. PSIA- PRESSURE, PSIA- Figure 4-41 . Equilibrium ratio, K, for iso-butane 'or a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia, (From Engmeering Data Book, 1981; courtesy 01 GPSA.) Figure 4-42. Equilibrium ratio, K, for n-butane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981, courtesy of GPSA.) 156 Gas Production Engineering Gas and Liquid Separation 157 • PRESSURE. PSI ... - Figure 4,-43. Equilibrium ratio, K, for i-pentane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 pSla. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) PRESSURE, PSI"Figure 4-44. Equilibrium ratio, K, for n-pentane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 158 Gos Production Enf(inf'f'ring Call and L/qutd Separation 159 • PRESSURE, PSIA - Figure 4....5. Equilibrium ratio, K, for hexane lor a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia (From Engineenng Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) PRESSURE, PSI" Figure 4·46. Equilibrium ratio, K, for heptane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Cal and Liquid Separalion 160 161 • PRESSURE. PSI" Figure 4-47. Equilibrium ratio, K, for octane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engin99ring Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) PRESSURE, PSI ... Figure 4-48 . Equilibrium ratio, K, for nenane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 162 Gas P,aduction Engineering Cas and Liquid Separation 163 • PRESSURE, PSI .... - PRESSURE, PSI .... Figur e 4-49. Equilibrium ratio, K, for decane for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courlesy 01 GPSA.) Figure 4-50. Equilibrium ratio, K, for hydrogen sulfide for a convergence pressure of 3,000 psia. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 164 Cas Production Engineering Gas and Liquid Separation 165 (text continued from poge 136) 5. Read the convergence pressure P1 at the temperature corresponding to that of the desired flash conditions. 6. Using Pl from Step 5, together with the system temperature and pressure, obtain K-vaJues for the components from the appropriate convergence-pressure K-value charts. Interpolate for convergence pressure between the charts. if necessary. 7. Make a nash calculation with the feed composition and the K.values from Step 6. 8. Repeat Steps 2 to 7 until the assumed and calculated PI< check within an acceptable tolerance. F1ash Calculation Methods Simple Trial and Error ScMme This is the simplest method. A value of the vapor-liquid ratio is assumed. Using this (V/L)al in Equation 2-16 (or 2-17) along with the appropriate component K values, a new V (or L) is obtained. The value of L (or V) is obtained by difference (L - 1 - V). [f this calculated (V/L)c is equal to the assumed (V/L).t within a specified tolerance. the assumption was correct. Otherwise. a new value (V/L)a2 for the liquid-vapor ratio is assumed as follows: This method is similar to the simple trial and error scheme just outlined. The only difference is in assuming a new value at the end of an unconverged lrial (Lockhart et aI., 1986), (V/L)" - (V/L), + [(V/L), - (V'L)• .J Thus, the new assumed value of VIL is made as far beyond (VIL)e as (VIL)e is beyond (V IL)d' This scheme gives a much better convergence rate. Lockhart·McHmry Method Lockhart and McHenry (1958) proposed a method that reduces the number of trials required for flash-equilibrium calculations for multicomponent mixtures significantly. In this method, a multicomponent mixture is treated as a pseudo-binary mixture with a "'light'· component, and a "heavy" component. Components with a K value greater than 1.0 are grouped into the light component, and those with a K value less than 1.0 are grouped into the heavy component. Consider I mole of a multicomponent feed with a mole-fraction Zj of the light components, and zt, of the heavy components. The total number of components in the mixture is n. with n1 number of light components and nh heavy components. In this technique, a parameter v· is defined as follows: V· - z,/(1 - Kh) - z,,/(K,.- I) (V'L)" - (VIL), This procedure is repeated till convergence is reached. After one or two iterations, it becomes quite obvious whether the system is predominantly gaseo~ (V < 0.5), or liquid (V > 0.5). For a predominantly gaseous system, Equatton 2.-16 is used to calculate V, and L is obtained by difference whereas if the system is predominantly liquid, Equation 2-17 is used and is obtained by difference. The use of either Equation 2-16 or 2-17 is entirely analogous; the only difference is in the accuracy of the results. .Lockhart (1983) has made an important observation regarding the use of tlus method: the value of the calculated L, as compared with the assumed L. gives the direction of the correct L. Thus, if at an assumed value of Ltv of 0.5 the calculated (Ltv)c < 0.5, then the correct UV will be less than (LI V)c' H the calculated (LlV)~ > 0.5, then the correct LlV will be greater than (L/V)c' Of course, if the calculated (UV)" '"' 0.5 exactly for an assumed L/V of 0.5. then convergence has been reached. where Kh and Ktdenote the K4 values for the heavy and light components. respectively, in the binary mixture. The K· parameter is defined as follows: V K· - K* _ Ez, E(z,/K,) for (V) ...umed - 1 EZi _ I for (V)«l- 0.5 E[z,/(K, + I)l K· - (UV) [EZ, - 1] 10' ELx( (V)~",,", - 0.5 to 1 • 166 Ga. and Liquid Separalion Ga! Production Engineering KO - L,V (E7;!!:VyJ - 1 for (V)-.-d - 0 to 0.5 The summation E in these relation.'ihips represents the subtotals O\'cr all pure components i for the light component and the heavy component, as the case may be. Thus, in calculating Ktfor the light component, the summation E is done for i - I to "I' Similarly. for a Kh calculation, the summation E is carried out for i - I to nh' For different values of V...1Om«J, V· is calculated. At convergence, V' - V-.-:!. Alternatively. a graphical method can be used.. where tv.·o lines are plotted on a Cartesian graph: (1) V' versus V .......... and (2) V' _ V--.I' The intersection of these two lines gives the correct answer. A Note on Flash Calculations for Stage Separation For an isothermal flash calculation, the separator temperature is known, and is kept at a constant value by suitable heat exchange devices in the separator. The trial and error flash calculation procedure involves determining the separator pressure. If there is no heat exchanger, or the temperature is not known, an adiabatic flash calculation is made, involving a double trial and error: one for separator pressure, and another for the temperature. Usually, a separator pressure is chosen, and trial and error done for a corresponding separator temperature that makes the feed enthalpy equal to the product enthalp)'. A reasonable separator temperature is assumed, and flash calculations are made exactly as for an isothermal case. -.".. Questions and Problems 1. Describe the three major components of oiJ-water-ga.~ separators. 2. What happens to separation quality and the separator when- 167 (c) low COR well producing oil, water, and gas? (d) heavy, waxy crude (GOR can be assumed to be low for heavy oils)? (e) gas condensates with a hydrate problem? (f) nearly dry gas at high pressure? 4. A 20 ft x 10 ft 1,000 psi w.P. (working pressure) horizontal separator used on a well with a gas flow rate of 9 MMscflday and a line pressure of 500 psig? If a gas back-pressure valve were put on the separator, what pressure should it be set at to handle the gas flow rate? 5. Design a vertical separator, with a mist extractor, that can handle 6.66 MM.scflday of a 0.80 gravity gas. The oil gravity is 45° API, operating pressure is 400 psia, and the operating temperature is 60°F. Use ba~ic separation relationships for this design, and compare the results WIth SivaJls' charts. 6. A gas field delivers 13.4 MMscflday of a 0.68 gravity gas and 300 bblJ day oil with a 50% water cut. For an operating pressure of 1.000 psig and temperature of 8O°F_ is operated at 112 full-of-Iiquid conditions. Can it be (a) Determine the ID of the spherical separator required to accommodate the liquid and gas, assuming a retention time of 5 min. (b) How much more gas can be flowed through the separator without worrying about the gas capacity? 7. A 1.25 gravity gas condensate stream at 1,200 psia and 110°F is to be separated into oil and gas using a three-stage separation. (a) Assuming that the mole % C) + C 2 + C 3 in the gas is 80%, what is the optimum second-stage pressure? (b) Choose and design the appropriate separators for each of these three stages. 8. Describe the applicability of the various gas cleaning methods in natural gas production and processing. (a) the gas flow rate exceeds the allowable rate through the separator? (b) the liquid flow rate exceeds the allowable rate through the separator? (c) mist extractor becomes plugged? (d) the wellstream produces slugs of liquid (oil and water) into the separator? 3. What type of separator(s) should be used for(a) offshore production platform? (b) high COR well, with liquid surges? References Beggs, H. D., 1984. Gas Production OperatiQ1ls. Oil & Gas Consultants International, Inc .. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 287pp. Brink. J. A., Jr., 1963. "Air Pollution Control with Fibre Mist Eliminators," Cdn. J. Chem. Eng., 41(3, June). 134-138. Campbell. J. M., 1955. "Know Your Separators," O. & Gas J., 53(45, Mar. 14),107-111. 168 Ga! Production Engineering Campbell, J. M., 1984. Gas Conditioning a11d Processing, Vol. 2. Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma, 398pp. Craft, B. C., Holden, W. R., and Craves, E. D., Jr., 1962. Well Design: Drilling and Production. Prentice-Hall tnc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jer"'Y, 571 pp. Curry, R. N., 1981. Fundamentals oj Natural Gas Conditioning. PennWell Pub!. Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma, 118pp. Cas Processors Suppliers Association, 1981. Engineering Data Book, 9th ed. (5th revision), GPSA, Thlsa, Oklahoma. Ikoku, C. U., 1984. Natural Gas Production Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 517pp. Lapple, C. E., 1984. Cited reference in: Chemical Engineers' Handbook , by R. H. Perry and D. W. Creen (cds.), 6th ed. McGraw-Hili Book Co., Inc., New York, pp. 5-63. Lockhart, F. J., 1983. Personal communication. Lockhart, F. 1., Chil ingarian, G. V., and Kumar,S., 1986. "Separation of Oil and Cas," in: Surjace Operations in Petroleum Production, Vol. 1, by G V. Chilingarian. 1. O. Robertson, and S. Kumar, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Lockhart, F. J. and McHenry, R. J., 1958. "Figure Flash Equilibrium Easier, Quicker This Way," Petro Refiner, 37(3), 209-212. Petroleum Extension Service, 1972. Field Handling oj Natural Gas. 3rd ed., Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 143pp. Sivails, C. R, 1977. "Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Separation," Proc. Cas Conditioning ConL, Univ. of Oklahoma, 3lpp. Whinery, K. F. and Campbell, J. M., 1958. "A Method for Determining Optimum Second·Stage Pressure in Three-Stage Separation:' /. Pet. Tech. , 10(4, Ap'. ), 53-54. 5 Gas-Water Systems and Dehydration Processing Introduction Water vapor is the most common undesirable impurity found in natural gas. By virtue of its source. natural gas is almost always associated wit~ water, usually in the range of 400-500 Ib water vapor/MMscf gas. The pmoary reason for the removal of water from gas is the problem of gas hydrate formation. Liquid water with natural gas may form solid, ice-like hydrates that plug flowlines and lead to severe operational probl:ms. Oth~r reaso~ for removing water are: (I) liquid water promotes corrOSiOn, .pa~hc~larly In the presence of H2S and CO 2; (2) slugging flow may result If liqUid water condenses in the flowlines; and (3) water vapor reduces the heating value of the gas. For these reasons, pipeline specifications for natural gas restrict the water content to a vaiue not greater than 6-8 Ibm/MMscf. Because most gas sweetening processes involve the use of an aqueous sol.ution, dehydration is often done after desulfurization. Nevertheless, part~al dehydration. or hydrate inhibition. are commonly necessary at the wellstte itself. Water Content of Natural Gases In order to design and operate dehydration procecoses, a reliable estimate of the water content of natural gas is essential. The water content of a gas depends upon: 1. Pressure- water content decreases with increasing pressure. 2. Temperature-water content increases with increasing temperature. 169 • 170 Ga., Product/on Engineering Gas-Water Systems Gild Dehydratiofl Processiflg 3. Salt content of the free water in equilibrium with the natural gal> in the reservoir-water content decreases with increasing ~alt content of the associated reservoir water. 4. Cas composition - higher gravity gases usually have less water. The terms dete point and deu.:-point depression are wideh- used in deh\"dratian terminology. Dew point indirectly indicates the water content oc" a natural gas, and is defined as the temperature at which the gas is saturated with water vapor at a gin'n p~ure. The difference between the dew-point temperature of a gas-stream-betore-and--after-dehydration i.Halled: the dewpoint depression Consider a gas saturated with water at 500 psia and lDO'-F. It~ dew point is 100° F. and its water content i.~ approximately 100 Ibm MMscf gas. The gas is to be transported in a pipeline at 60' F. Under ~ipeline conditions of 500 psia and 60°F, the water vapor content of the gas IS only about 30 Ibm/MMscf. Thus, 70 Ib water per MMscf of gas exist as free water in the pipeline. If the dew point of the inlet gas to the pipeline i~ reduced to 60 °F, no free water will exist in the pipeline at the pipeline flo\-\ condjti~ns. In other words, the dehrdration facility should give a dew point depressIon of 100 - 60 = 40°F. In practice, although a dew point depression of 40° F is just suffiCient, a 50°F dew point deprasion may be desirable for operational safety. T~le methods a\-aHable for calculating the water content of natural gases faUlIlto three categories: (1 ) partial pressure approach, valid up to about 60 psia (gases exhibit almost ideal behavior up to 60 psia in most cases): (2) empirical plots; and (3) equations of state. Partial Pressure Approach Assuming ideal gas and ideal mixture beha\-ior. the partial pressure of water in the gas is gi\'-en by p.. - Ph. and also by po.. _ p,X". Thus. Ph - p..x" where (5-1 ) p - absolute pressure of the gas y..- - mole fraction of water in the vapor (gas) phase p, - vapor pressure of water at the system temperature K" - mole fraction of water in the aqueous (liquid water) phase associated with the gas phase under equilibrium conditions Since water is almost immiscible in the liquid phase with oil K is usuallv assumed to be equal to unity. Thus, the water mole fraction i~ the gas, can be calculated as: y:, y", - p-Jp 171 (5-2) This simple approach has limited applicability at the pressure and temperature of interest in most natural gas production, processing and transport systems. Empirical Plots For engineering calcuJations. empirical plots are widely used. ~umerous Investigations- ha\"e' resulted in several plots. such as- by McCarthy et al. (1950), McKetta and Wehe (1958). the Gas Processors Suppliers Association (GPSA), Campbell (l984a), Robinson et al. (1978), and others. Since. the real danger in design is to underestimate the water content. all correlations assume the gas to be completely saturated with water, and most correlations are designed to slightly overestimate the water content. Nitrogen hold~ about 6-9% less water than methane (CampbelL 1984a). Therefore. nitrogen is frequently included as a hydrocarbon, providing a small safety factor. McKetta and Wehe COfTf'intiofi for Sweet Case, The McKetta and Wehe correlation (1958), shown in Figure 5-1, includes correction factors for gas gravity and formation water salinity. It gives acceptable results for sweet gases. Robifl1lOn et aI. COfTf'lotwn for Sour Case. The Robinson et aI. (1978) correlation for sour gases. shown in Figures 5-2 and 5-3, is based upon the SRK (Soave-Redlich-Kwong) equation of state. The hydrocarbon portion of the gas is assumed to be pure methane. Robinson et at. found that CO 2 carries orny about 75 % as much water as H.,s under the same conditions. To reduce the number of \·ariables and th~reby simplify the graphical representation of the correlation, Robinson et aI. assumed that this condition was true throughout. Therefore, to use this correlation, one has to multiply the % CO 2 in the gas by 0.75, and add it to the % H 2S in the gas to get the effective HzS content. Campbell's Correintion for Sweet afld Sour Cases Campbell (1984a) presented a composite chart, shown in Figure 5-4, for sweet gases based upon earlier charts and other available data. This chart gives values very similar to the McKetta and Wehe correlation, but dot!S not include corrections for gas gravity and water salinity. (tm continued Qn page 174) , 172 Gaa Production Engineering CIlS- Water 173 Systems Qnd Dehydration ProceDing _,....,of_ ... __ H .... H ,, I _. 'll"- ,.., aa; ~.. i i ~" - , . l ... ,1 • • .. I, -"-i s s •e, -.. ... ....,...... •• Wilt" e...''''' .1 ,.,. ...... ...,oIlI- ,.., ......, o o _. _ ----_---_ ------'..........- o o ... Figure 5·1. The McKetta-Wehe correlation for waler content of natural gases, with corrections tor waler salinity and gas gravity, (After McKatta and Wehe, 1958; reprinted from Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) 100"1. IKo '0".4 CM.. lO1. M~~04 3D"/. ~,s. lD"Xo CM.. It"/. M~. 0 4O"fo-.s.."'-010 I. Figure 5-2. Robinson at at correlation tor. water content of sour gases In ~he 300-2,001) psia pressure range. (After Robinson at aI., 1978; courtesy of 0;1 & Gas Journal.) • 174 Goa Production Engineering Gas-\\ater S!lstem.. and Deh!ldratlon Processillg 175 (ted cont/nlled from page 171) To correct for large acid gas (H2.S and CO 2 ) contents, Campbell (l984a) proposes a weighted 8\'erage water content, \V, for the gas as follows: (5-3) where \\'HC - water content of the hydrocarbon portion of the gas from Figure 5-4 • Figure 5-3. Continued. W a~ - water content of CO,1 from Figure 5-5 - water content of HzS from Figure 5-6 YHC. YC02' YII~ - mole fractions of hydrocarbon, CO!. and 1-1 25, WH~" respecth-ely •• Wottr content" natural gos mixturel Exam"le 5·1. Find the water content of a 0.75 gravity gas at 1,500 psia and 120°F. '.... ""'" ~ tr, MIll] o l00"t.o- G 11% M.s, ~ 010 G 201.1I,S.1IO"J,0I0 o ." M.s, 7rf. ClIo O ~1,I.6I'1tx. I. T..,.,...",.. •• -f. Figure 5·3. Robinson at al. correlation for water content of sour gases in the 3,000-6,000 pSla pressure range, and at 10,000 psia. (After Robinson at aI., 1978; courtesy of Off & Gas Joumal.) Solution From the McKctta and Wehe (:orreiation (Figure 5-1), W = 781b H 201 MMscl gas. Correcting for the gas gravity, the water content, W - (0.99)(78) 77.2 Ib H 20/MMscf gas. Using Campbell's correlation (Figure 5-4), W - 77 Ib H 2 0fMMscf gas. Thus, the two methods gi\'e very close resu1ts for most practical purposes. 176 Gas-\\uter Systems and Dehydration Proces.Ting Co.t Production Engineering 177 Solutim) 1. \'H{:'" 0.80 + 0.05 + 0.015 + 0.005 + 0.02 = 0.89 YHzS - 0.085 FrQm Figure ~4, \\. He: ,. 67 Ib H20~1Mscf CO 2 From Figure 5-5, W C02 From Figure 5-6, W llti 59 Ib H20 MMscf He - 150 Ib H20fMMscf H:S Using Equation 5-3. IV ~ (0.89)(59) :z + (0.025)(67) + (0.085)(150) 66.9 Ib HzO/MMscf gas "00 • 1 1000 ! • •" ; "'" .l ! " ;- " 30 • Figure 5·4. Campbell's correlation lor waler content of sweet gases. (After Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) E%ampl~ 5-2. Find the water content of a gas at 1,000 psia and lOO°F using (1) Campbelrs methcxl and (2) Robinson et a1. method. The gas composition is as follows: CH 4 - 80.0%, C 2H 6 - 5.0%, C3HS - 1.5%, fIC~HIO - 0.5%, CO 2 - 2.5%, Nt - 2.0%, and H2S - 8.5%. Figure 5-5. Waler '00 200 300 400 )00 1000 .........., •• pd. ~ooo 3000 content of C02 In saturated natural gas mixtures. (After Campbell, 1984a; courtesy 01 Campbell PetrOleum Series.) 178 G~ Productiorl Engin«ring '0000 liquid equilibrium principles discussed in Chapter 2, Equation 5-2 can be , ...TiUen for a non-ideal system as: y. _ I,ll _ (1.11.)(1. I) ! •• c ·.. lill ~ '000 In practice, the fugacity f used is for the gas stream u;ithoul water vapor in it. Thus, Equation 5-4 is modified in different ways to account for the discrepancy. In general. the fugacity coefficients for water at its vapor pressure (t',) and at the system pressure and temperature (Y ..-), and for the gas at the system conditions (y) are calculated using any equation of state (see Chapter 3 for further details). The mole fraction of water in the gas (in the vapor phase), y", at equilibrium conditions can then be calculated as: sao •• ," 8 ,• " :: (5-\) where f, _ fugacity of water at il~ \·apor pressure and system temperature f" _ fugacity of water at the system pressure and temperature f _ fugacity of the total ~as mixture at the system pteS!iure and temperatun' i -i 179 Co!-\\ater Systems and Dehydration Proceaing (5-5) 100 where " >0, lOOO Figure 5-6. Water content 01 H~ in saturated natural gas mixtures. Note: Solid curved Imes ar.e lor pure H2 S only. (After Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) 2. Effectiye H~S content .. (0.75)(2.5) + 8.5 - 10.375% In Figure ,5.2, the line<> for 0% H 2S and 20% H 2S at 1000 psia are very close together; no line for 10% HiS is shown. By interpolation. IV - 0.175 bbl'MMrl - (0.175 bbl!MMrl)(62.4 Ibflt')(5.6146 1t'lbbl) = 61.3 Ib H2 01 MMscf gas Equations of State Equati~n of state met~ods are rigorous, but difficult and expensive to im. rlement smce they reqUire the use of a computer. Referring to the vapor. p, "" vapor pressure of water at the system temperature p ,., system pressure a, b, c '"" empirically determined constants • One such method has been de\-eloped by Sharma and Campbell (1984) for predicting the water content of sweet as well as sour gases based upon the EMR mixture combination rules. It has proved to be accurate and reliable (Campbell, 1984a). In this method, first the EMR critical pressure, critical temperature. and Z factor are determined using the Mcleod and Campbell method discussed in Chapter 3. Thereafter, the pnx:edure is as follows: 1. Find the value of the parameter k from Figure 5-7. Alternatively, k can be calculated using the following equation: k - (fJI.)(plp.)""" (5-6) where the exponent 0.0049 is a semi-empirical constant. The fugaci· ties, f, and f"., for water can be found from Figure 5-8 (as described in "ep 2). Cenerally, fugacities are reported in terms of the fugacity coefficient, Y. Thus, Equation 5-6 can alternatively be written as: 1'" Gas-'1.'iller System! and Dehydration ProcQ8ing Go. Produclion Engineering 181 'I.............. (s- 7) 2. Find the water fugacity coefficient, if",. from the generalized fugacity coefficient chart shown in Figure 5-8. Note that since i'", represents the pure component fugacity for water, the criticaJ pre'iSure and temperature for water only are applicable. 3. Using Figure 5-8 and the critical pressure and temperature for the gas determined from the E~1R method, find the fugacity coefficient "t for the gas mhture (without water as a comiXlnent) at :oy:.tem p~ure p and temperature T. 10 0., . . ._ 0.0) • 0.01 0.00'''. .,. 0.001 . .' Figure 5-8. Generalized fugacity coefficient chart. (Alter Edmister and Lee, 1984, from data by A. F. Curl, Jr., and K. S. Pitzer, 1958, Ind. and Engr. Chem., Feb. 2.) O.ooos 4. Calculate the mole fraction of water in the gas (in the vapor phase), Yw, as follows: 0.0001 200 ... lOOO '''' "0 Figure 5-7. Constant k as a lunction of pressure and temperature. (After Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) (5-8) where the gas compressibility factor, Z, must be that determined from the EMR method, since the EMR critical pressure and temperature were used for calculating the critical properties of the gas. 182 Ga& Production £n~ineerlng Gas-Water Systems and Dl'hydration Processing Example 5-3. Repeat Example 5-2 using the Sharma and Campbell method. 183 From Figure 5-8, 't ... - (f.'p)", - 0.535 on extrapolation of the T, lines to T," 0.5. Solution Comp. y, y,. EMR 0.8602 0.0269 0.0914 0.0215 13.984 15.750 19.828 N~ 0.800 0.025 0.085 0.020 \'1 - 0.930 C, C, 0.050 0.015 23.913 34.316 n-C 4 0.005 0.7143 0.2143 0.0714 Y, - 0.070 C, CO, H,S 9.40i For the gas (without water), "t - 0.S15 from Figure 5-S for a Pp. - 1.195 andT p,-1.249 Using Equation 5-8. the mole fraction of water is equal to: y. ~ (0.OOl95)[0.53510.815f"" • 1.371 x 10 ' Now. the density of ".'ater vapor at standard conditions ~ (14. 7)(18.015)/{ (1)( 10.73)(491.67) 1 ... 0.050197 Ibm/seC - 5O.197Ibm,l~iMscf 44.243 Thus, the water content of the gas (1.371 x 10 3 MMscf wateriM~lscf gas) . (50.197 lb watcriM~tscf \\'ater) _ 68.S2 Ib H20, ~IMscf gas EO EMR~ "" E Y2IEMRj .. 27.59 From Figure 3-6, (T.,IPch .. 0.51, and (T•.ip{"h" 0.88. Gas Hydrates So, (T"p,) •• ~ (0.93)(0.51) + (0.07)(0.88) - 0.5359 And (EMR) •• - (0.93)(14.47) From Figure 3-5, Therefore. ~s (Tr1p~ + (0.07)(27.59) • 15.388 5) .. 15.5 .. lS.SfO.5359 .. 28.923, implying that Ppc" 836.56 psia. and Tpc" (0.5359)(836.56) .. 448.31°R Thus. Ppr" I,OOOf836.56 .. 1.195, and Tpr" 560/448.31 .. 1.249 From Figure 3-7, the compressibility factor, Z .. 0.837 From Figure 5-7, k .. 0.00195 From Table 3-1, (P,,) ..-atn''' 3,203.6 psia, and (T,,) ...,..... 1,165.1 R. So, (P,)...,«" 1,00013,203.6 .. 0.3J2, and (T,) ..·.tft" 56011,165.1,. 0.481 Natural ga~ hydrates are solid crystalline compounds, resembling ice or wet snow in appearance, but much less dense than ice. They are included in a general class of compounds known as clatllratl'.$, which have a structure wherein guest molecules are entrapped in a cage-like framework of the host molecules without forming a chemical bond. ~atural gas hydrates are formed when natural gas components. notably methane. ethane. propane, isobutane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide. and nitrogen, enter the water lattice (which is looser than the ice lattice) and occupy the \acant lattice positions, causing the water to solidify at temperatures considerably higher than the rreezin~ point of water. Enough gaseous molecu1es must enter the lattice and occupy the voids to stabilize the lattice crystal. Hydrate formation is governed by the size of the host molecule, and its solubility in water. Size is an important parameter-the molecule should be small enough to properly orient itself within the water structure to best use the available space, and large enough to get entrapped. Smaller molecules. such as those of methane, can a\'oid entrapment because of their smaller size and rapid, random moyement. Solubility affects the rate of formation because it governs the availability of the guest molecule to the water. • 184 Cos Production Engineering Gas-Water Systerns and Dehydration Processing Hydrate Formulas :G Two types of crystalline structures have been pro~ for gas hydrates. Smaller molecules, such as methane, ethane, and hydrogen suJfide, form a body-centered cubic lattice. called Structure I. Structure II is a diamond lattice, formed by larger molecules, such as propane and isobutane. Cas mixtures (orm both Structure I and II type hydrates. The number of water molecules associated with each molecule of the gaseous component included in the hydrate is known as the hydrate nllmber. Since different number of guest molecules can enter the water lattice and stabilize it into a hydrate. no specific hydrate number can be given for tt particular hydrate. The limiting hydrate number. a theoretical quantity determined using the size of the gas molecules and the size of the voids in the water lattice. serves as a useful parameter, although hydrate structures are stable at less than 100% occupancy of the voids. For molecules in Structure I. the limiting hydrate number is 5.75 for the smallest gases (CII I ). and 7.667 for medium sized gases (CZH6). For the largest molecuJes associated with Structure II, the limiting hydrate number is 17 (CPSA, 1981). Calloway et al. (1970) report experimental values for methane in the range of 5.8 to B.3, and for ethane from 7.9 to 8.5. Thus, hydrate molecules can typically be represented as: Methane: Ethane: Propane: lsobutane: CH 4 • BH2 0 C,H,. BH,O C,H,. 17H,O Nitrogen: Carbon dioxide: Hydrogen sulfide: N2 . BH.O CO,.6H,O H 2S. BHzO i-C.H 10. 17H2O Normal·butane does form a hydrate. but it is very unstable. Paraffins higher than butane do not form hydrates. Hydrate Phase Behavior Figure 5-9 shows the phase equilibrium diagram for a gas-water-h),drate system. Line ABCD represents the hydrate curve, HFCI is the vapor pressure curve for the hydrocarbon gas, and EBFC is the curve representing the solid-liquid equilibrium for water (or, the water freezing point curve). The hydrocarbon gas is assumed Single-component to simplify the phase equilib. rium representation. These lines delineate different regions in the phase equilibrium as follows: 1. Hydrates exl~t in the pressure-temperature region above the hydrate cun·e ABeD. Below the hydrate curve, and to its right. no hydrates can form. I , I KYOR0CI0R90H V~POR PftESSORE CURVE---........... ~ " I· HYQRUE • HYDROC ... RBDH V"'POR • '" :• •· • . HYO:.l.n I LIQlIlD HYOIIQC4RSQ I I I IF _ _ - - -r HYDIU.T( Figure 5-9. Phase equi- librium diagram for a gas-water-hydrate system. llQlIlD NTtl-ROCloIIe • ""... TER 185 WUER __ - I c I • IHI'~~S I. I w... t R ,, HYQfl~T[ CliRVE I I I , I, , HYDIIOtJ,lIeOH V... POR + L.- W~lEII HlDIIOCAR80N VAPOR + '" , I FREEZING POINl ClIIIV( " lZ"F 2. Above the vapor pressure cun'e HFCI. the hydrocarbon exists in the liquid state. 3. Towards the left of the line EBFC, water exists in the solid form as ice. On the right of EBFC. water will be in the liquid state. In practice. the region towards the left of the line EBFC wiJI hard1y ever be encountered. except perhaps in extremely cold areas. Note that in Figure 5-9. the hydrate cur ....e becomes ....ertical at the point where it intersects the hydrocarbon ,·apor pressure curve. This intersection, C, therefore represents the maximum hydrate forming temperature. Conditions Promoting Hydrate formation For a gas to be a hydrate former, it must satisfy two criteria: (I) it should be of the covalent bond type, with molecules smaller than 8 A0 units; and (2) the gas, when in the liquid state, must be immiscible with watcr. The gas hrdrate that is formed will be stable if the hydrate is water resistant and no Van der Waals' forces arise between the hydrate molecules. If these conditions are met stable hvdrate formation is possible under certain conditions governed by 'the hydr~te phase equilibrium behavior. In natural gas systems, the gases mentioned earlier as being hydrate formers, satisfy these cri- • 186 187 Gas-Water Systemf and Dehydratioll Processing Gal Production Engineering teria. The primary conditions necessary for a natural gas to form stable hydrates can be summarized as follows: 1. Natural gas at or below the dew point with liquid water present. ro..'o hydrate formation is possible if "Cree" water is not present. 2. Low temperatures. at or belO\\ the hydrate formation temperature for a gh'en pressure and gas com}X)Sition. 3. Hi~h operating pressures, that may raise the hydrate formation temperature to the operatin~ temperature. Secondar~ 2000 10 factors that aid and accelerate hydrate formation are (CPSA. 7.0 1000 1981), I High ,e\ocities, or agitation. or pressure pulsations. 2. Presence of a small "seed" crystal of hydrate. 3. Presence of H 2S and CO 2 aids hydrate formation because both these acid gases are more soluble in water than the hydrocarbons. 20 JOOO • -:;; • 5._ ~OO ,• • 3.0 ,• 2.0 • 7110 ;300 • ·• 1.0 o. , Prediction of Hydrate Formation Figure 5·10 shows the hydrate forming conditions for natural gas compoReferring to Figure 5-9 it ean be seen that the general procedure for hydrate prediction would invoke prediction of the hydrocarbon vapor pressure curve (line HFCI). and only the portion BC of the hydrate curve (operating conditions in the region AB are never encountered, and the part CD of the hydrate curve is a vertical straight line). The hydrocarbon vapor pressure curve can be predicted using any of the several available correlation~. or equation of state methods disclliSed in Chapters 2 and 3. Correlations for predicting the hydrate curve are disclliSed here, nenl~. 0.5 " 0.3 30 0.2 20 O. ! ID!,-__~__""'__""'__""'__:::-__~" ~ ~ ~ ~ Tf"iPtnture, ro 0 00 90 F Figure 5-10, Hydrate forming conditions lor natural gas components. (After Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) Approximate\ferhod for SWl'f'1 Gases As a first approximation. the data presented in the Cas Proce;,SOf<> Suppliers Association (cPSA) charts shown in Figures 5-11 through 5-16 can be used. These charts do not account for the presence of H 2S and CO 2, Hydrate formation can be divided into two categories (Ikoku, 1984): (1) hydrate formation due to a decrease in temperature (or increase in pressure) with no sudden expansion (or compression), such as in flow strings and surface lines: and (2) hydrate formation due to sudden expansion, Stich as in flow-provers, orifices, chokes, and back-pressure regulators (sometimes bot. tom-hole chokes, BHe. are used to avoid sudden expansion, and consequently, avoid hydrate formation). For hydrate formation of type I, Figure 5-11 can be used for predicting the approximate pressure-temperature con- ditions for hvdratc formation. Figures 5-12 to 5-16 are used for estimating hydrate fon~ation conditions for situations of type 2. In particwar, Figures 5-12 to 5-16 are used for determininK the permissible expansion. ,vithout hydrate formation, of a gas with a given gravity. Example 5-4. A 0.685 gravity gas i.~ at 500 psia and l(x)°F. To what value can the temperature be reduced without hydrate formation? Solution From Figure 5-11, hydrates will form at or below a temperature of 54°E 188 Ga$ Product/on Engineering CQ~·Uat('r Erampk 5·5. How far can the pressure be lowered without expecting hydrate formation for a 0.685 gravity gas if it is initially at (a) 1,500 psia and 100' F, and (b) 1,000 psia and 100°F. INITIAL TfM1fUTUU. OF , I 1/ 4000 , •~ 1//1/ '/ / ~V:b'/ 2000 ~/.f Q. r!l f1 ~ 1000 (b) Refer to Figures 5-12 and 5-13. 1•• '" '·~me. Solution (a) From Figure 5-12 for a 0.6 gravity gas. the intersection of the 1.500 psia initial pressure line with the 100°F irtitial temperature CUT\-'£, gives a final pressure of 490 psia. Similarly. from Figure 5-13 for a 0.7 gru\'ity gas, the final pressure is equal to 800 f6ia. By interpolation, the 0.685 gravity gas can be expanded without hydrate forma. tion to a pressure - 490 + (800 - 490)(0.685 - 0.6)/(0.7 - 0.6) 753.5 psia. Systems alld Dehydration Processing , ] The lOO"F initial temperature curve does not intersect the 1,000 psia initial pressure line for a 0.6 gravity as well as a 0.7 gravity gas. • 4 6000 4 000 / 3 / / 4 / t < ~ • 150 ff J ., Hence, the gas at these conditions can be expanded to any pressure without hydrate formation. //// Katz et aL ,\(ethod 00" • Y> JOO • f •...,r pr ........... P"" ",l7// t?' 40 • Figure 5-12. Approximate permissible expansion of a O.6-gravity natural gas without hydrate formation. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981, courtesy of GPSA.) rP' 0/' ee 4 ""'f---/r-:-'+--+++++1+tt---t-t- ~ co 1--.... ~ <• zoe 1-,( / / r.~ 4 • , 00 Te"'P"',ahJ,., ]I) ~-=-,., 00 The Katz et a1. (1959) method is based upon the principle that the gases entrapped in a natural gas hydrate resemble solid solutions, because on release during the decomposition of the hydrates, they increase in density. It uses vapor-solid equilibrium ratios, K,~, first proposed by Carson and Katz (1942), f Figure 5-11. Pressure-temperature curves for approximate prediction of hydrate formation for natural gases. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) K .. - yfx. (5-9) where y - mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the gas on a water-free bas~ X. - mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the solid on a water-free basiS '90 Gas-Water Systems cmel Dehydration Proces$ing CD' PrOOtlcljoll Engineering ~ ~ NlTLAl I f II. Efro'o'UAtUtf V , j ; ,/, ./ / ~ ! ;;i 1 , , ';'l'/ , ..... j ,,/ , ~ 1 Z/ ?7 V" ,_." V y i~- ""- From this de£inition of K,,, it is clear that K" is equal to (XI for gases that are non-hydrate formers. Thus. for hydrocarbons heavier than butane, K" is CD. The original method assumes that nitrogen is a non-hydrate former. and that n-butane, if present in mole fractions less than 5%, has the same K, value as ethane. Theoretically. this is incorrect, but from an applications standpoint, e\-'cn using a K,~ equal to 00 for both nitrogen and n-butane gives acceptable results (Campbell, 1984a). K" values for components in a gas can be found from Figures 5-17 through 5·22. Hydrates will form when the foUowing equation is satisfied: (y K, ...:) - 1.0 V/ / v,/ ~ 1 Figure 5-13. Approximate permissible expansion of a O.7-gravily natural gas without hydrate formal1on. (From Engmeenng Data Book 1981 courtesy 01 GPSA) • • Er~ I /1/ ,//,V ! i , , -¥-II :;0: , • '/ ~ ~/// ~ i i '/ ,, '9' r.' .:. .-.........,- 1!oOO 2ODO • 3OilO Figure 5-14. ApprOXimate permiSSible expansion of a O.8-gravity natural gas WIthout hydrate formation. (From Engineenng Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) This method accounts for H2S and CO 2 • and has proved to be very reliable up to about 1,000 psia. A gas with an H ~S content greater tha!l 20% can be considered to behave like pure HzS regarding hydrate forming characteristics. To account for gases that contain large amounts of nitrogen, Heinze (1971) gave the following relationship, valid up to a pressure of about 5,800 psia: E" (y,K~) T ,' ,-~I:cc=­ h" - 0.445 (5-10) Thus, caJculation of the hydrate forming condition is similar to the dew point calculation for multi-component gaseous mixtures. 00 where Th - hydrate formation temperature. K (5-11) '92 GQ" Product/ou En~illf~mng CQ"- Water- System" Qnd Dehydration Processing -- • INITIAl TEMf'flAMf " a H!\-1 -~ , I • , • ., .,, ." , ,, ,, Y.% I--- , / Ii:'/ n-C~ I / H,S N, ~ , - 1500 8(X) 101» IlCX) f.:" , ~ l~ 11'1.,/ 2000 JIXD ~ '.001_.- At 55°F -.iL K'~i y;lK':>I ~ lI/K,,,, 0.800 0.050 0.DJ5 0.005 0.025 0.065 0.020 1.69 1.23 0.24 0.4734 0.0407 0.0625 0.0 0.0 0.3038 0.0 0.8801 1.61 0.79 0.106 0.4969 0.0633 0.1415 0.0 0.0094 0.4048 0.0 ~ ; 1>;'- V , - 0.28 ,,' ,, / "" ,., "'" "'" ......... ~ , to',., , ~ I , t At 60°F CO, IJ -l-' ! Examplr 5-6. The gas given in Example 5-2 is at 500 psia. At what temperature will hydrates form? Solution C, C, C, ~., ' , , , Hf / Figure 5·15. Approximate permissible expansion of a O.9-gravily nalural gas without hydrate formation. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Coml2' , / V / , , :::--: ~ !:: ~ I , -\iii , I 193 ~ 2.65 0.21 ~ l.J 159 Figur e 5-16. Approximate permissible expansion of a 1.().gravity natural gas without hydrate formation. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Thus, the hydrate forming temperature corresponding to a 500 psia pressure is between 55°F and 60°F. Further guesstimates may be made to converge to the temperature value that makes r: Yi/Kvo;I - 1.0. From a simple interpolation, the hydrate forming temperature can be calculated as: T, - 60 - (60 - 55)(1 - 0.8801)/(1.1159 - 0.8801) - 57.5°F Trekell-Campl)eU Method JOt" /'ligh-Prntnlre Gas Trekell and Campbell (1966) provide corrections to the Katz et a1. method to extend its applicability to higher pressures and account for the negative effect of the presence of non-hydrate forming molecules that are too large to fit into the voids in the water lattice. The Trekell-Campbell method uses (text continued on page 197) 19< COl Proouction Enginunng Gas- WatN Systems GIld Dehydration Processing 195 Figure 5·17. Vapor-solid equilibrium constants for methane_ (After Carson and Katz, 1942; reprinted from Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) • ,-_.... Figure 5-18. Vapor-solid equilibrium constants for ethane. (After Carson and Katz, 1942; reprinted from Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) Figure 5-19. Vapor-SOlid equilibrium constants lor propane. (After Carson and Katz, 1942; reprinted from Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) ... '97 Cas- Water Systemr and Deh!ldration Procuring " 08 "o· t#+ ,0,0/rc OJ ./ ",} 02 K l".l 0 ,O~ ,0 'I> ,0- 0' f oce 008 00- ,01 " ,.,. ,.,. A"~.. : • . . " " TEMPERATURE of , , , , , , , , ,, , , , ,, , , ,, , , , , , " , 0 ,.' ,0 .0 8P7,091\ • 0 • , , ;:::: ::::- v. ; / , " •o o• ,00 oJ o " , , , , , , , , ,, ' , , , , ' , , , ' ,, ~ I '" 80 ~ -'L1:co '3 0 (!ext continlled from page 193) " Figure 5-20. vapor-solid equilibrium constants for iso-butane. (From EngineerIng Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) J0 iI 10 80 Tempera"". , Of Figure 5-22. Vapor-solid equilibrium constants for H2S. (From Engineering Data Book, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) ./ol,lbetu. I ., ", methane as the reference gas. The additive effect of other hydrate forming gases, Cz, ell n-C., i·C~, and H~, at different pressures is determined from Figures 5-23 to 5·28. CO i is ignored. Non-hydrate formers are grouped together into the pentanes plus (C 3 +) group, and their hydrate depression effect is determined from Figures 5-29 and 5-30 as a function of the mole% pentanes plus, and the mole % pentanes plus on the basis of the gas fractions from 4 to C~. This latter parameter can be written as: I I YC3t (100 %) l-Yc\- Yc 3+ , , , , I~ 60 Figure 5·2 1. vapor-solid equilibrium constants for CO;2- (From Engineering Data Book, 1981 ; courtesy of GPSA.) where YCI' YC3+ - mole fractions of methane and pentanes plus, re;pectively. in the gas. Figures 5-23 to 5-28 indicate the hydrate forming temperature for methane at various pressures. To find the hydrate forming temperature at any pressure, the appropriate chart is used to read off the temperature displacement for the gas components as a function of their mole% in the gas. These temperature displacements are added to the methane-hydrate-forming temperature. U any pentanes plus are present, their effect (negative) is also added. The sum then gives the hydrate forming temperature at the pressure of interest. These calculations may be repeated for several pressures to obtain the hydrate curve for the gas. (tnt continued OIl page 204) • 19. Ga, Production Engineering Gas- Walt'T S!lstNru and Dehydration Proces.nng 199 • , KYDltATE i'UOICrtOti CKAl.T VOl 6.9 I'!P. {lOOO pd_] Figure 5-23. Trekell-Campbell temperature displacement chart for hydrate formers al 1,000 pSia. (After Trakell and Campbell, 1966; reprinted Irom Campbell, 1964a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) 7 9 :K) K'(DRAT'! fttOICTION CIV.IlT rOf. D.8 1'1" (2000 II 12 l) p.tO! Figure 5. 24 . Trekell-Campbelltemperature displacement chari for hydrate formers at 2,000 psia. (After Trekell and Campbell, 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) 200 Co, Production Engineering Cos· Water Synenu and Dehydratwn Processing , 201 . , TEI'IP!lATt/U. OlSPlACEK[IIT. AT. DC , TDtPlIATlJU DISPlACIllENt OT. °c • '0 HYDRATE I'UDlCTlOJ( CHAJ.T rOIl 20.1 M" [lOOO poh] Figure 5~2S. Trekell-Campbetltemperature displacement chart for hydrate formers at 3,000 psia. (After Trekell and Campbell, 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) KYDlAT! PUOICTIOll CKAJlT ,01. 27.61'1P. (4000 pol_1 Figure 5-26. Trekell-Campbelltemperature displacement chart for hydrate formers at 4,000 psia. (After Trekell and Campbell, 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) 202 Go" Productum Engineering o TDtNU.nru DlSP1.o\C!HZIIT.o. T 2, Cos- WaIn SyJteml and Dehydration ProceMing • 203 "c • , • o. o , o. tn'lIRAn PI.l:DU:tION C1tAI.T rot. 34.5,.. ()OOO pd_) Figure 5-27. Tr~kell-Campbell temperature displacement chari for hydrate formars 815,000 pS18. (After Trekell and Campbell, 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) tn'DIA.T! lUOICTIOII C1t.UT roa 41.4",_ [6000 p"al Figure 5-28 . Trekell-Campbelltemperalure displacement ?hart for hydrate formers al 6,000 psia. (After Treke!! and Campbell. 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petro/eum Series.) 204 Cas Production Engineering 205 Co.t-Waler Sysleml and Dehydratian Processing (tert continued from page 197) , ,, The Trekell-Campbell method is applicable to gases in the pressure range TDtPEItATIJU OISPUCDWIT (-6T), DC of 1.000-6,000 psia. )',~.(1 00.J Exampk 5-7. For the gas with composition given below, nnd the hydrate formation temperature corresponding to a pressure of 6,000 psia. I-)"L-)'C~' Soilltion Comp. -1L C, C, C, n_C. 0.810 0.050 0.025 0.Ql5 0.010 0.015 0.025 0.050 1.000 i·C~ C" CO, H,S .c:1T. of 75.60 0.75 4.1 0.25 1.9 -1.17 0.0 0.0 81.43 In this table, the aT values for CI. C 2, C 3, n-C•. and i-C~ are obtained from Figure 5-28. Note that H~ has a negligible effect on the hydrate fo rmation temperature at high pressures and is therefore not reported in Figure 5-28. The value of ()'e,.)(IOO%) / (1 - Ye, - Ye,,) - (0.015)(100) /(1 _ 0.810 - 0.015) - 8.57 In Figure 5-30, interpolation is made between the 8.0 and 9.5 lines to get aT - - 1.17 corresponding to C 5 .. - 1.5%. Thus, the hydrate forming temperature corresponding to a 6,000 psia pressure is 81.43, or B1.4°F. •• ., ~ 'l--~ , ,, , , • Figure 5-29. Trekell-Campbell temperature displacement chart for non-hyd.rate fOfmers (pentanes plus) at 1,000 psia. (After Trekell and Campbel!, 1966, reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Serles.) M cUod-CompbeU Method for \'ny High Pre&YUre Su:ut Ca. Table 5-1 For gases alxwe 6,000 psia, the Trekell-CampbeJl approach is not quite valid. For the 6,000-10,000 psia pressure range, McLeod and Campbell (1961) propose the following relationship: (5-12) where Th - hydrate forming temperature, DR The KJ values are as shown in Table 5-1. The mole fractions of the components, Yr. are normaJized to the C 1 to C~ content. All other components in the gas are ignored. The method, therefore, has limited applicability. ~ Values for the Mcleod-Campbell Method for Predicting Hydrate Formation ' K. VIIlues Pressure MP, 41.4 0000 ".3 7000 55.2 0000 62_1 9000 !O 000 00.0 C, Psi. "933 "096 19246 19367 19489 . After McJ...oood .nd C.mpbell, "" C, 20806 20 848 20 932 "094 21 105 0, 28 28 28 29 29 38' 700 784 182 200 '-e, '" 696 n-C. 17 340 30 913 17 358 '" 935 17868 17868 31 109 30 935 17 491 • 206 Gas Production Engineering Gas-\\ater Synem.y and Dehydration Procnnng Example 5·8. Repeat Example 5+7, using the McLeod-Campbell method. 207 (~),OC I'DIP'U.\'IIIJ.! DUP'UoCEHEH'I 0.) 1 Solutio" YC5·{lOClSj Compo C, C, C, n-C 4 i-C 4 C,. CO, H,S v ---'0.810 0.050 0.025 0.015 0.010 0.015 0.025 0.050 -v, 0.8901 0.0549 0.0275 0.0165 0.0110 " 1 - YCl - YC5. K, " 18,933 ••• 20,806 28,382 17.340 30,696 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~ 1.0 iS I.' '.0 m '.0 E Using Equation 5-12. i u 1.0 T, ~ (3.89)(19,398.78"') _ 541.80 oR _ 81.8 oF. Note that this compares well with the value of 81.4°F determined using the TrekelJ-CarnpbeU method in Example 5-7. EqlUlhlnl of State Methods Several complex computer solution methods have been developed for predicting hydrate (orming conditions. Most equation of state methods are based upon the Van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) statistical thermody_ namic equation for the chemical potential of water in the h}'drate lattice. The different methods essentially use different intermolecular potential functions. Van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) used the Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential. Nagata and Kobayashi (1966) used the Kihara potential that they showed to be better than the Lennard-Jones model. Parrish and Prausnitz (1972) expanded the concept of fitting hydrate parameters to develop a generalized method for predicting hydrate dissociation pressures for gas mixtures, using the Van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) equation and the Kihara spherical core model. Ng and Robinson (1976) have added. another adjustable parameter to the Parrish and Prausnitz (1972) algorithm to improve prediction of the dissociation pressures for multicomponent gases. Holder and Hand (1982) presented a modified form of the Parrish and Prausnitz (1972) model. '.0 1.0 0.1 0.' • o o o.~ t.O I.S TDG'lUtvU aluactlOll h~r) 1.0 ., Figure 5-30. Trekell-Campbell temperature displacement chart !or non-hydrate formers (pentanes plus) in the pressure range of 2,000-10,000 pSla. (After Trekell and Campbell. 1966; reprinted from Campbell, 1984a; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) The complexity of these models precludes further discussion here. These methods too can at best give only approximate·ers and should be used with caution. Preventing Hydrate Formation The permanent solution for hydrate problems is dehydration of the gas to a sufficiently low dew point. Commonly used dehydration methods include 208 Gt» Prodlll:t/on Engineering absorption dehydration using a liquid dessicant. adsorption dehydration using a solid dessicant, and ~imultaneous dehydration and gas-liquid separation by expansion dehydration. At the wellsite. two techniques are applicable: (1) heating the gas stream so that it becomes undersaturated, and maintaining flowlines and equipment at temperatures above the hydrate point; and (2) in cases where liquid water is present and the flowlines and equipment cannot be maintained above hydrate temperatures. inhibiting hydrate formation by injecting ad. dith'es that depress both hydrate and freezing temperatures. This latter technique is discussed in the following section. Note that in practice. hydrates are a problem only when allowed to accumulate and grow to a size that restricts or stops the flow. Otherwise, they are of no consequence. Hydrate Inhibition by Additive Injection Additive injection is generally required for gas streams from producing as well as storage wells in order to prevent corrosion and hydrate formation in the gas gathering and transmission systems. In some cases, gas being injected into a reservoir for st(lrage purposes also requires the addition of certain additives to protect the casing, tubing, and sand face (Curry, 1981). Types of Additives The mast common additives are methanol, ethylene glycol (EC), and diethylene glycol (DEC). Methanol is used the most, because it disperses well in the gas stream, is readily available in bulk, is the least expensive, and, consequently, does not require recovery. Methanol, however, can cause contamination problems in plants. Whereas most additives are recovered and recycled, methanol recovery is often uneconomical. Methanol injection is very useful in cases where low gas volumes prohibit dehydration processing. It is preferable in cases where hydrate problems are relati . . ely mild, infrequent, or periodic, inhibitor injection is only a temporary phase In the field deVelopment program, or inhibition is done in conjunction with a primary dehydration system. EC and DEC are used primarily at low-temperature processing plants for extracting natural gas liquids. The water phase of the process liquid contains the EG or DEC, which can be recovered and regenerated. Injection Techniques In the early years, gravity-type injection systems were being used. A gravity injection system consists of a capacity tank, a sight glass, and a valve Cas-Water Systems Qnd Dellytiration Processing 209 manifold to maintain equal pressure across the chemical and to regulate its entry into the flowing gas stream. This resulted in a generally sporadic injection and poor inhibitor dispersion, leading to freeze..offs (hydrates formation) during the operations. To counter these problems, newer systems that feed the additive at a uniform rate into the gas stream. such as the pneumatically powered chemical injection pumps, have been designed. Continuous injection is also desirable from the standpoint of field personnel who can then operate on a regular basis. Further. precise chemical requirements can be predicted and bulk purchases made at possibly lower costs. The injection pump is usually of the positive-displacement type, so that it pumps a constant amount of chemical into the gas stream, regardless of the pressure of the gas against which it must inject the chemical. Since positive displacement pumps do not sense any buildup of discharge pressure, a rupture disc is put at the discharge end of the pump. Any brass or copper components in the pump should be avoided, since these metals are subject to severe physical breakdown in the presence of sour gases. The pump injects chemical downward into the running end of a vertically installed tee of a size about one inch. The tee functions as a sort of mixing valve. Metering devices are installed to permit chemical injection at a proportional-ta-flow rate, eliminating frequent manual adjustment. As a precautionary measure in field operations, all valves and accumulator systems where free water may accumulate are precharged with methanol to prevent hydrate formation. Prediction of Inhibitor Requirements The weight percent inhibitor concentration in the aqueous phase, w, reo quired to lower the gas hydrate freezing point by dOF. is given by Hammerschmidt's equation: w _ ",( ~;::M!-,-)(l:;coo:;t-) K+dM (5-13) where M - molecular weight of the inhibitor K - a constant, 2,335 for methanol, 4.000 for the glycols. Equation 5-13 can be rearranged to calculate the lowering of the gas hydrate freezing point for a given weight percent inhibitor in the aqueous phase: d _ =;;:,-;-v.::K-,;" 100M - wM (5-14) • 210 Typically, Equation 5-13 would predict injection requirements of 2-3 gallons of methanol per MMscf of gas. In practice, only about 1 to 1.25 gallons per M\1scf may be required in most cases. Thus, Equation 5-13 is designed to overpredict chemical requirements so as to yield "safe" numbers. Consequently, the process of inhibition is really quite economical if the minimum re<luired amount of chemical is injected.. This is usually determined in field operations by reducing chemical amounts to a point where hydrate fo rmation (freeze-off) begins to occur, and then keeping chemical injection just s1illhtly above this rate. \.inst predictive techniques arE' no bt-tter than a rule of thumb; it is advisable to correctly evaluate chemical requirements by field-testing. Absorption Dehydration Absorption dehydration involves the use of a liquid dessicant to remove water vapor from the ga.~. Although many liquids possess the ability to ab.o:;orb water from gas, the liquid that is most desirable to use for commercial dehydration purposes should possess the following properties: 1. High absorption efficit::nc),. 2. Easy and economic regeneration. 3. Non-corrosive and non-toxic. 4. No operational problems when used in high concentrations. 5. No interaction with the hydrocarbon portion of the gas, and no contamination by acid gases. The glycols, particularly ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DE C), triethylene glycol (TEC), and tetraethylene glycol (T.EG), come the closest to satisfying the<>e criteria to varying degrees. Glycols are preferred because they offer a superior dew-point depression. with process reliability and lower initial capital and operating costs. For a lO-MM.scfd plant, soud dessicant will cost about 53% more than a TEG plant, and for a 5O-MMscf/d plant, it will cost 33% more than TEC (Guenther, 1979). Wherever it can meet dehydration specifications, economics usuall)' favors glycol dehydration over other processes (GPSA, 1981). The equipment is simpler to operate, maintain, and automate, and plant operation is continuous. Furthermore, glycols can be used in the presence of materials that may foul-up a solid desiccant, and can be regenerated . Glycols can be used for sour gases, but acid gas absorption necessitates certain precautions (Table 5-2A). Of all the glycols, almost all the plants use TEG because of lower vapor losses and better dew-point depression (Table 5-28). TEG has been success- 211 GaJ-U'tI:ter SyJtem.t and Dehydration Processing Go" Produclion Enginet'ring Table 5-2A Physical and Chemical Properties of Glycols" Molecular weight Specific grll,it}' lit 68~F Spceific weight. Ib.:gal Boiling point at 760 mm IIg, F point. Of Surface tension at 77" F. dvnes/cm Hea't of ,·.porizalion at JOO mm Hg, Btwlb Ethylen. Glycol Diethylene Glycol Trlethylene Glycol 62,07 I 1155 9_292 387.i 91 106.12 1.1184 9.316 474,4 IR 0 150.17 1.12.55 9.375 47.0 44,8 45_2 3&1 23' 174 "'24' " • After Siulb. 19i8_ Table 5-28 Variation of TEG Properties with Temperature" Temp., OF Sp Gr Viscosity 50 75 100 125 150 175 I 134 88 56 200 225 250 300 1123 I III I 101 1.091 LOBO L068 23 15.5 6.1 6.1 <.0 1,0157 3.1 103< L' L5 1.022 Sp Helt, Btullb -F 0,48:s 6.'" 0.52 0S35 0" 0.57 0585 0.00 0.635 0.65 Thenul Conductivity, Btu/(hr Itl - Flit) 0_14 0.138 0.132 0.130 0.125 0.121 0.118 0.113 , Aft.... Siv.lls. 1976, full y used for dehydrating sweet as well as sour natural gases to effect a dew-point depression of 40 to 140°F. for operating conditions ranging from 25-2,500 psig and 40_160°F (Ikoku. 1984). Process Flow Scheme Figu re 5-31 shows a typical flow sheet ror a glycol dehydration plant de. scribed in detail by Si\'alls (1976). The wet gas is first sent to a scrubber to remove any liquid water and hydrocarbons. sand. drilling mud, and other solid matter. These impurities must be thoroughly removed, because they • 214 Cas-Water SyslemJ and Dehydratian Processillg GO! Production Engineering 1. Methanol, absorbed by the glycol along with water from the gas stream, increases the heat requirements in the regeneration system. 2. High methanol injection rate;, and carryover of slugs of liquid methanol can cause flooding in the absorber and regeneration system. 3. Aqueous methanol is corrosive to carbon steel, leading to corrosion in the reboiler and still. 4. A methanol recovery unit is required at the water \'apor outlet, because methanol cannot be vcnted directly to the atmosphere due to en· vironmentaJ hazards. Any dirt or impurities can contaminate the glycol solution severely. Overheating the glycol can lead to solution decomposition, with both low as well as high boiling products. The reaction products form a sludge that collects on the heating surfaces. reducing process eHiciency and in some cases, causing complete flow stoppage. This can be avoided by installing a filter at the downstream end of the glycol pump. Glycol becomes quite corrosive with prolonged exposure to oxygen (GPSA. 1981). For this reason, a dry gas blanket is sometimes provided on the glycol surge tank. Presence of oxygen in the gas stream, however, mav require special precautions. Corrosion may also be a problem in the presen~ of acid gases. A low pH accelerates decomposition of glycol. Generally, pH is controlled in the range 6.0-7.5, measured at a 50·50 dilution with dis. tilled water, to avoid glycol decomposition (GPSA, 1981 ). Carryover of liquid hydrocarbons can result in solution foaming. Foam inhibitors are normally used to avoid such a situation. Removal of all liquids from the gas is necessary before sending it to the contactor. because these liquids may, over long periods of time, leave crystalline deposits in the con. tactor. To prel-'ent condensing of any hydrocarbons in the contactor, the inlet dry glycol must be maintained at a temperature slightly greater than that of the gas stream (Sivalls, 1976). Liquid hydrocarbons carried over into the stripping still cause severe damage. They may lead to vapor flooding in the reboiler and still due to the increased vapor load. Consequently, glycol will be carried out of the stiJI along with the gas and water vapor. Heavier-end hydrocarbons will cause coking in the still and reboiler. and may also hinder glycol reconcentration. H~ghly concentrated glycol is very viscous at low temperatures, helow approximately SO°F. A heater may be required, especially in cold climatic conditions where the nowlines may solidify completely. Finally, to ensure good gas-glycol contact, all absorber trays must be completely filled with glycol at all times. Sudden liquid surges should be avoided to minimize solution carry-over losses. 215 Glycol Plant Ocsign (After SivaJIs, 1976) The primary variables required for the design include gas now rate (M~tscfd); gas gra\;ty; operating pressure (psia); maximum working pres- sure in the contactor (psia): gas inlet temperature rF): and outlet water content required in the gas (Ibm, MMscf). In addition, two criteria must be selected for the design: 1. Glycol to water circulation rate. Requirements are generally in the range of 2-5 gal TEC per lb water removed (CPSA. 1981 ); most field installations use 2.5 to 4 gal TEC'lb H 20 removed (Ikoku, 1984). 2. Concentration of the lean TEC from the regeneration system. This ranges from 99.0% to 99.9%: most designs use a 99.5% lean glycol concentration. The glycol to water circulation rate depends upon the lean glycol concentration, and the number (and efficiency) of trays in the absorber. Lean TEG concentration is determined by what the regenerator can deliver (which is primarily a function of the amount of stripping gas supplied to the regenerator), and the permissible lower limit of glycol viscosity the plant and equipment can handle. Frequently, dehydration requirements are expressed in terms of dew-point depression. This can be calculated easily as the difference between the inlet and outlet gas dew-point temperatures. Sometimes. the inlet gas temperature is known, and the outlet gas water content is specified. In either case, the inlet and outlet gases are assumed to be saturated, and their water content, or dew-point temperature, is determined using any of the available correlations. The amount of water to be removed. \V, in Ibmthr, can be calculated as follows: IV, - (q/24)(W, - IV,) (5- 15) where W I. W ° _ water contents, Ib waterlMMscf gas. for the inlet and outlet gas respectively. A conversion factor of 24 is used in Equation 5-15 to convert the gas rate q from MMscfd to MMscf/hr. I"let Scrubber The inlet scrubber is generally chosen based upon the operating pressure and gas capacity. The data shown in Tables 5-3 and 5-4, and Figure 5-32, may be used for this purpose. Cenerally, a two-phase scrubber with a 7.5 ft shell height is used. • 212 Gas Productwn Engineering --~ L. _ 0 .. .., ' -- Figure 5-31. Flow diagram for a glycol dehydration plant. (Afler Sivalls, 1976; courtesy of C. R. Sivalis and the University of Oklahoma.) may lead to (oaming. flooding, poor efficiency, higher glycol losses, and maintenance problems in the glycol-gas contactor (also called absorber). A mist eliminator is also provided at the scrubber outlet to ensure good gas cleaning. The clean gas is then sent upward through the absorber, countercurrent to the flow of glycol. The absorber consists of several trays that act as equilibrium separation stages where water vapor from the gas is absorbed by the glycol. Glycol usually absorbs about 1 sci gas/gal at 1,000 psig absorber pressure (CPSA, 1981). Absorption is more in the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons. Dry gas from the top of the absorber is sent through a mist eliminator (to remove any entrained glycol droplets) to a gas-glycol heat exchanger (shown as glycol cooler in Figure 5-31) where the gas cools the hot regenerated gly_ col before it enters the contactor. After this heat exchange, the dry gas leaves the dehydration unit. The cooled glycol enters the absorber from the top. The wet glycol from the bottom of the glycol-gas contactor is first sent to a high-pressure filter to remove any solids that may have been acquired by it from the gas stream. The energy of this high-pressure glycol is then used to drive the glycol pump, which pumps the dry regenerated glycol to the contactor. This results in a considerable energy savings for the process. From the pump. the wet glycol flows to a low-pressure flash separator where any dis. soh'ed or entrained gas is removed. A three-phase flash separator rna}' be required if the wet glycol also contains an appreciable amount of liquid hydrocarbons absorbed from the gas stream in the contactor. The separated Co,," Water SysUms aod Dehydratian Pr~og 213 gas is used either as fuel gas for the reboiler, or is vented to the atmosphere. Clycol from the bottom of the flash separator is sent to heat exchanger coils in the glycol surge tank to preheat it by heat exchange with the hot, dry regenerated glycol from the glycol regenerator. The preheated wet glycol is then sent to the stripping still, which is a tower packed with ceramic saddle.type (or other types) packing, mounted on top of a reboiler. The glycol flows downwards through the packing (that acts as equilibrium separation stages for glycol-water separation) into the reboiler Water vapor liberated from the glycol in the reboiler passes upwards through the packing, providing heat and picking up some water from the wet glycol flowing downwards. The water vapor leaves the unit from the top of the still column through an atmospheric reflux condenser that provides a partial reflux for the column (Sivalls. 1976). In the reboiler, glycol is heated to approximately 350-400°F to reconcentrate it to 99.5% or more. In order to obtain glycol of such a high concentration, it is usually necessary to add some stripping gas to the reboiler (Sivalls, 1976). Using a valve and a pressure regulator, a small amount of gas from the fuel gas system is injected into the bottom of the reboiler through a spreader system. This gas aids the removal of water from the glycol by three mechanisms (Sivalls. 1976): (1) it "rolls" the glycol in the reboiler to allow any pockets of water vapor, entrained in the glycol due to the high viscosity of the glycol, to escape; (2) it lowers the partial pressure of the water vapor in the reboiler and still column, thereby allowing more water to vaporize from the glycol: and (3) it provides a sweeping action (a combination of absorption of water, and creation of a pressure drop for the water vapor to flow) to drive the water vapor out of the reboiler and stripping still system. The reconcentrated glycol is sent to the shell side of the heat exchanger, which also serves as a surge tank. Here the regenerated glycol is cooled by heat exchange with the wet glycol stream, and is accumulated for feed to the glycol pump through a strainer. From the pump, it passes through the shell side of the glycol-gas heat exchanger (glycol cooler), into the top of the absorber. Total glycol losses. excluding spillage, range from 0.05 gallMMscf for high-pressure low-temperature gases. to as much as 0.30 gallMMscf for lowpressure high-temperature gas streams (CPSA, 1981). These losses comprise mechanical carryover from the contactor, and vaporization losses from the contactor and regenerator. Glycol Plant Operational Problems Methanol, injected at the wellhead for bydrate inhibition. can lead to several operational problems in glycol dehydration plants: • 218 COl Produt:tlon Engineering Gal-Water Systeml and Dehydration Procasing ... • • • " p ./ "7 /' :;:;; .....- I--- :-- V /' .....- I--- I i •,•• -- V ~ /' ~ .r~ ~~ "~ J • • 'p 'V, V- ~~ / • :2 • -- e- • • .- ~ i V /' 10 • ~ :;; .•• I •V ~ , ,.-00 • • I--- ~ ----- -- . r~ •. ...1 ~.! f0- .J - - ~, ,1- DO ,.-00 ,:r· o~ 'V VV 'V V V V • • ~ , . ~ -- ·v 1.....- :-- ... .~ • ~~ - ~~ -•• .~ 219 a ~ a ,~ ,~ Figure 5·32, Gas capacity of vertical inlet-gas scrubbers, based upon a 0.7. gravity gas al1000F (After Sivalls, 1976; courtesy of C. A. Sivalls and the Univer- sity of Oklahoma) Figure 5-33. Gas capacity of Irayed glycol-gas conlaclors, based upon a .0.7gravity gas at 100° F. (Atter Sivatls. 1976; courtesy of C. A. Sivalls and the Umversity of Oklahoma.) Clycol·Ga, COl1 tactor Contactor diameter can be selected using Figure 5-33 for a trayed-type. or Figure 5-34 for a packed-type design. Gas capacities determined using Figure 5-33 or Figure 5-34 must be corrected for operating temperature and ~as specific gravity as follows: •• q - q,(C,)(CJ where ..••,• q - gas capacity at operating conditions, MMscfd qb - gas capacit)' at the base conditions of 100°F for a 0.7 gravity gas, MMscfd C" C, - correction factors for operating temperature and gas grav- Ity, respectively, as shown in Tables 5·5 and 5·6 for both the contactor types • , , 0- 00 .....- -- V ..... V_ ~r;:V • .. ,,-00 ~ 1.-0 0 - , -00 11,.-()!I '= 10'0.- ()!I , ,~ 0".................. ..., Additional specifications for contacton; are given in Tables 5·7 through 5-10. The approximate actual number of trays required in the contactor (for a tray-typecontactor), or the depth of packing (for the packed-t}1Jecontactor) Figure 5-34. Gas capacity 01 packed glycol-gas contactors, based upon a 0.7gravity gas at 100°F. (After Sivalls, 1976; courtesy of C. A. Sivalls and the University of Oklahoma.) • 220 Cal Productioll Engineering Gas-Water System! and Dehydration Processing Table 5-5 Temper.ture Correction Factor, Ct, for Gas Capacity of Trayed and Packed Glycol-Gas Contactor.· " Opeqtlng temperature e, OF Tnlyed 40 50 00 70 110 90 Pock. . 1.07 106 105 1M 0.93 0." 1.02 ".,.; 0.9, 1.01 0.99 100 100 100 110 0.'" 0.98 1.01 1.02 120 , " • I ! • ,•• • • ,I ° • After Si\'alb. IQ76 Table 5-6 Gas Specific Gravity Correction Factor, g • tor Gas Capacity of Trayed and Packed Glycol-Gas Contactors· e Gas specific C, gravity Trayed Packed 0.55 1.14 113 0.00 065 0.70 0.75 0110 0.85 0110 lOB lOB 104 100 I().! 0.97 0.93 0.00 0.88 I, -~- "- I'--. '., {, , , Figure 5-35. ApprOXimate number of trays, or depth of packing, required for glycol-gas contactors. (After Sivalls. 1976; courtesy 01 C. A. Sivalls and the University 01 Oklahoma.) --- \ f'.. i'- t-...... ~ i'""- "- t-- '" , •. , 221 t:::: w, .. u', , ,o I I I ° • , • • "'-10 ..............' _ " ..... 1((;1" H,O • 100 0.97 0." 0.91 "r---,---,----,---,----, 0.88 BOTTOM OF COLUMN • After <ii •• llt, 1976 required, can be determined using Figure 5-35. This figure assumes that the depth of packing in feet for a packed-type column is equal to the actual number of trays for a tray-type column. This is only true when I-in. metal pall rings are used as the packing material in the packed-type contactor. Corrections for other packing types can be made fairly easily (see, for exam. pIe, C hemical Engineers' Handbook , 1984), A minimum height of packing equal to 4 ft should be used. A more accurate procedure for calculating the number of trays (or the depth of packing) required is to use the McCabe-Thiele diagrams, widely used in designing equilibrium separation process equipment. The procedure for constructing this diagram , shown in Figure 5-36, is as foll ows: (tert co Fltinlied on page 226) Figure 5-36. McCabeThiele diagram lor Example 5-9. ." 3 ~ " u " ~oz ffi ; 10 . .. " .. - - "II. TEG CONCENTRAT ION " 222 Production Engineering G(U GUJ- Wotn Systems and Dehydration Procesring 223 Table 5-7 Conllnued Table 5-7 Specifications for Tray-Type Glycol-Gas Contactor.Nominal Nomina' Go. Nominal WP Size CliPKity, ~ DO MMsc'd ' • "" 12 .... IS IS' 2.4 'J :1. " "'. '" 30' 147 W 19.7 00' 26.3 32 .• 40,6 12 1', " ". lB' 20' '" .,. 30' 36' '" ". 600 00' ]2114" ". IS' 20' 24' 31)' 36' ". 2.0 32 '.3 5.3 '.3 13,1 ]9.2 2i.4 35' 44.05 05,':;.2 "" " 55 .5 143 '12 48' 29.' 39.' 00' 49.3 6U .... " After 9' 36' ". ,.500 4.0 61 S,,'.JI~. Ga. Nominal Gal Inlet and Outlet s", ,. Glycol Inlet Glycol Shipping WP and Outlet Cooler Weight. Ib P~' 00 1000 12.1., . 16" lB' s", ," s", ,., Z' x 4' 2 - x 4' "'900" 3' x 5' 3' x 5' 3' x 5' IAOO ,. I' Jl. 2' x 6' '.000 2,·mO ". x 6' 3,2(X) 11;2" 4' )( 6' 4.400 6' 6' 2' 2' 6' )( S' 6')( S' 6' 2' 2' 6.300 7,700 2' 9,000 l' 3' ,,.>, ' ,. 6" 2" 2" 3" 3" 3" 3" 2' 3' 3' 3' ,.,. 3' ,.,. 3' B' 6' 6' ,. ,. 3' 3' 3' 3' ,.,. 6' O· 6' ". ." . 112" ,1,'. " ' ] i/2' 11.:2" 2' ,. 2' 1'2" ',' ,,",". ' I' Pli!" 1112° 2' ,.,. 1976 .. C., Cl[lIIcily bibed un lOO°F. 0,7.p IT, and v....elworking prtSSll..., '" x x x x x x x S" 4' 4" 05" S" S" 05" "" x 6" 4' x 6" 6")(S6" x S" 6" x S" 2")( 4" 2" x 43" x 05" 3" x S" 3" x S° 3" x 05" 4"x64"x66° x S" 6° x S" 6" x S" "'. 1.100 1.000 1.200 1.500 1,700 2.900 3.900 6.000 7.700 10.000 12.000 105,300 1.100 1.300 1.600 1.800 3,000 4,000 0,300 8,400 11 ,300 13,"00 16,500 S ize 24' 31)' 36' ". ". 54' 00' '200 123i~" ". lB' 20' ,.' "".. 30' 36' .... ,.. 00' 121,.- Cliptlcity, MMscfd" 36' Size ",. 27.5 37.1 49.6 62.0 6' 6' 6' ,. j7,S 3.0 4.i 60 i,8 12,0 2' 3' 3' 3' 3' ,. 20' 29.8 "O· 41A '"SSO 68' 91.1 31)' Size 3' 3' 3' 3' 00' 20' SIz.e 5.S 7.3 11,3 18.4 .,. ". ,.. ... CooIN 4.3 3.1 4.9 6.5 8.3 13.3 22.3 32.S 44.3 58.3 74.0 ". lB' Glycol Inlet end Outlet ,.,. _.,- ". Gat e&P"rit)' Ins«! on IOO'F. 07 Ip 6' 6' ,. 2' 3' 3' 3' 3' ,.,. 6' 6' 6' j(I' Glycol G•• Inlet and Outlet ," ". ,." ,.,. 2·)(4' 2' x 4' 1.:100 3' x S' 3')(-'>' 3' x 5' 3' x S" 2.100 , 000 11 2' 4'x6' II l' 2' .j' ,.,. 1/2 " 3,'4 " 3';4 " ,,.. ,. 1112" lilt" ,. ,.,. I,Z- ',' ,,." ' " Ji12" ,.,. 1112° " .nd contactor worklnll P""'u...,. Shipping Weight, Ib x 6' 6' x S' 6' x S" 6" x S" 2" x 4" 2" x 4' 3" x 5" 3" x 5" 3" x 05" 3" x 05" 4" x 6" 4" x 6" 6°xS6"xS6" x S2")( 4° 2" x 4° 3- x S3" x 05" 3"x5" 3°)(05" 4-)(6" 4" x 6" 6'xS" 6' x S" 6" x S" I./lOO 4.200 5.500 8.500 11.800 16,200 20,200 26,300 '.500 1,900 2,300 3,000 '.900 6,400 10,000 13,JOO IS,400 23,500 29,000 ',000 2,200 2,000 3,500 5,000 7,500 11.700 14.400 "'.000 25,000 32.000 • 224 Gas Production Engilleerillg Cas- Wafer Systems and Dehydration Processing 225 Table 5·8 Table 5-9 Continued Specifications for Tray-Type Glycol-Gas Contaetors' 51,. Stlndard Shell 00 Height" • 12 4· 10" lB' 13 13 13 '" 13 24 30' 13 "" ,," 13 13' 1.'3' Add to Height Glycol Cooler Height' • For Add. Tray, el . 9 9 ,.." 00" G.. , 10 2" 13 2' I. ,. 25 36 53 , ,., 9' 9 9 9 9' 9 13 42' Nominal Standerd 13 ,.9' 2 2 2' 13' 9' 2' 15 22 16 2.' 36 5.0 8.2 11.8 16.8 20.9 26.6 32.6 73 00 liZ 137 1000 .!~ndltd WP pslg 250 500 Size 00 IOJ..· 12~4 ' W Shipping Weight, 2' x 4' 2' x 4' 51lO 2' 112' 2' 12' " 2' 1i2' 2' 2' 3" 1; .. ' 3- 11.' 3" x :5' 3" x 5' """" "" ,.. 2.6 I." 3A 4 .• ,';.:5 I (}l, .. • 12"'.. ' 1.5 1().1i.· 12:1/1' l4" l6' IS' Glycol Cooler Size 11 25 3A 22 44 5.5 i.S 1.7 2A " 3.8 4.8 3' 22" 2' 2' 3' 3' 3" 2' 2' 1liz' I,~" 1,2' liz' li.' li.' I" 1/2' 1/2' 2' lit' 2' li2' 3' li.' • Mtff Siulb, 1976 •• CIlJ capr.ci1r htowd on IOO'F, O.7sp gr. and ,'.....A ""orkinl pn:515llrr Size Size ,." "'" ]C).l< •• 00 81 ,.. 3.3 ,0 5.2 66 8.2 11.8 2.5 3.6 23 ,.. 1200 }(}1,'•• ,.. 1231,' 41 5A 6.9 85 12.3 2.6 3.7 45 l().ll •• ,.. 12"'" 10 00" ,," ,." ,," 600 Capllclty, MMscfd' •" 20" 1440 Glycol Inlet and Outlet Size 00 ,," ,," 20" ,." Nominal Gas Inlet and Outlet Size Glycol Inlet and Outlet ,," Table 5·9 Specifications for Packed Column Glycol-Gas Contactors' G.. Gal. Inlet and Outlet ,," {mlf·!ray ro,awctor. Nominal c.pecfty, 12Ji.' • Ahcr S;\.II •. 19711. •• For Size x x 4' 4' 3' x 5' x x x x 3- x 3" x 3" x 2' 2' 2" 2' '" 4' 4' ,. 1lOO 650 1lOO 75" 900 .5.55' 2" x 4" 2' x 4' 1000 151lO 251lO 3' x .5" 650 750 1lOO 950 lloo 5.9 ,," 7.5 9.3 12.7 20" 24" ,"," 3" 3" 3" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 3" 3" 2" 2' ," 2" 3" 3" 3" >,' 3' 3' 2' 2' 2' 2' l' 1/2' I'Z' ,," x S' x S' x 4' x 4' x 4' x 4' 3' x S' 3' x 5' 3' x 5' >," 1" 112 " 2' 2' 2' 2" 3' 3' 3' 2' x 4' x 4' x 4' x 4' x 5" x 5' x 5' x 4' liz" 2' x 4" 1,'2' 2' x 4" 2' x 4" 112 " li2 " 11~" li2" .," >,' :li." 112" >," 3' x 5' 3' x 5" 3' x 5" ,," I" Shipping Weight, ,. liOO 2iOO 900 1000 1100 1300 1800 2300 3500 1200 1300 1500 1700 2200 2800 4000 1300 141lO 1600 1000 251lO 3100 4500 • Mm S;"a1Is. 1976 " Cas t'apK1t} ~ on IOO"F, 0-', <P IU and r:ontactor "'orLng p ........ rr. 900 11 00 11lOO 1lOO 700 ~' 2' x '" 2' x '" ,," 3' 3" 2" 2" Glycol Cooler Size Table 5-10 Specifications for Packed Column Glycol-Gas Contactors' Size, 00 IQJ,I. ' 123f, ' l4" l6" ,," 00" "" Standard Shell Height Standard Glycol Cooler Helghl Standard Contacting Element" Glycol Charge, g" 0' 7' 7' I' x 4 ' " x 4' I ' x 4' 6 9' 9' 9' 9' 0' ,. • Afu.r Si"a1Is. 1976 •• St.nd.rd oontact;nl 7' 7' -, " 7' 7' nrmn.t IJ carboa steel nwtal ptll1 rings of:AU 7 I ' x 4' 8 10 I' x 4 ' I' x 4' 12 14 " x 4' " lis~ in,,_ • 22. Gas Production Engineering Gas- Water Systems and Dehydralian Processing Figure 5-37. Dew points of aqueous TEG solutions versus temperature. (After Sivalls, 1976; courtesy of C. R. Sivalls and the University of Oklahoma.) (text corltinued from page 220) /'/ ~ 1. Determine the concentration of the rich TEe leaving the bottom of the contactor: " ~ (5-16) where C Roch , C, ...... "" concentrations of rich and It!an TEG, respecti\'ely. expressed as a fraction PLntn - density of lean TEC solution in Ibm/gal L... - glycol to water circulation rate in gal TEGllb water 2. On the McCabe-Thiele diagram, the top of the column is indicated by the water content of the outlet gas from the contactor, and the concentration of lean TEG. Similarly, the bottom of the column is repre. sented by the water content of the inlet gas to the oontactor, and the rich TEG concentration. Draw the operating line as the strai!(ht line connecting the top and bottom of the contactor column. 3. The equilibrium line is drawn using data shown in Figure 5-37, and any of correlations for the water content of gas as a function of pressure and temperature. This line represents the water content of the gas that would exist in equilibrium with the various TEe concentrations. 4. Starting from the point representing the bottom of the column, the theoretical number of trayx required are stepped off by triangulation, as shown in Figure 5-36, till the top of the column is reached. S. Use the tray efficiency factor (or packing factors) to calculate the actual number of trays (or depth of packing) required: Actual number of trays - Theoretical number of trays/tray efficiency Cenerall)'. a tray efficiency equal to 25% for bubble-cap trays, and 33.3% for valve trays is used, and the figure for the actual number of trays is rounded off to the next higher integer value. For the packed-type contactor, a minimum of 4 ft height of packing must be used. Reboiler The glycol circulation rate in gallons per hour, L, in the plant is given by: L - L. W,(ql24) (5-17) ...~ ~ , i I I ! :/' %/' :/' /./' V./' ./' /' / /./ V/'" V /. ~ L ~ / ...... ,o~ ~ ... ~ -yP ~ ~ ~ ~ ./ ~ ~ ~ ./ /' V ~. ,~ ~,~ /' /' .,~ ~ ~ ",\ ./ /' ./' /' ./' V /' /' <" V-/ ' I/' ..-;P /' • <" /' ~ " • -" _M . ,/ <" ....;:/ -~ -~ >I!..dY<" -~ _c /' /' /' /' /' V- • -~ -~ • 227 ,~ n. ,~ , " . . he heat required in the reboiler (also c~l.led An approximate calculatIOn of t be d iog the following empmcal reboiler heat load). Q in Btu/hr, can rna e us relationship: Q - 2,OOOL (5-18) hi h- ressure dehydration designs. Equation 5-18 gives good results fbo°r.r~ atglo:d may be made from the folA more precise estimate of the re I er e lowing procedure: (5-19) Ga.t- Water Systems aFid Dehydration Processing 228 Gas Product/on Engineering where QI" sensible heat required for glycol , Btulhr Q ..... heat of vaporization required for water, Btu.' hr Q... heat required to vaporize the reflux water in the still, Btu/hr Qh .. heat loss from the reboiler and stripping still, Btu .'hr These heat requirements are estimated from the (ollowing relationships: OJ - Lpc(T, - T, ) (5-20) Q. - 970.3(q2.J)(\V - IV") (5-21) Qr .. 0.25 (5-22) Qh .. 5,000 to 20,000. depending upon boiler size where Q.. , assuming a 25% reflux (5-23) p .. glycol density at the average reboiler temperature. Ibmfgal c .. specific heat of the glycol at the average reboiler temperature, Btu/Ibm-oF T J .. temperature of the glycol entering the reboiler, OF T 2 .. temperature of the glycol leaving the reboiler, OF 970.3 .. heat of vaporization of water (Btu/lbm) at 212°F and 14.7 psia Stril"nng Still The diameter (or cross-sectional area) of the packed stripping still for use with the glycol reooncentrator can be estimated from Figure 5-38 as a function of the glycol to water circulation rate (gal TEGllb water) and the glycol circulation rate (gal/hr). The size of a strippingstiU is governed by the vapor and liquid loading conditions at its bottom. The vapor load comprises water vapor and stripping gas flowing upwards through the still, whereas the liquid load consists of rich glycol and the reflux flowing downwards. Figure 5-38 includes stripping gas requirements, generally in the range of 2 to 10 ft'/gal TEC circulated. [f a tray-type design is used, one theoretical tra)' is usually sufficient for most cases (Siva11s, 1976). For a packed-type design, a minimum of 4 ft packing height is provided, consisting general I)' of l.S-in. ceramic saddletype packing. This height should be increased with increasing glycol recon- -- ....,. ............ I_""QOC:'''''''~''''' • ... ,~,- ,-,- llill .-- ~ r_ ~ If the size of the reboiler and stripping still is known. the heat loss, Qt.. can be more accurately estimated using Equation 5-24: 229 ....l' , " ,.,1 ; ......<> r • ~.? 0' Q, - O.24A,(T, - T J where (5-24) A.. - total exposed surface area of the reboiler and still ft i T. - average temperature (of the fluid) in the reboiler.' of T. - ambient air temperature (the temperature of the surroundings), of 0.24 - an approximate heat transfer coefficient for the reboiler and stripping still, Btu/( hr ft 2 oF) The surface area of the firebox, A (ft2), can be determined as follows: A - Q17,00Q (5-25) where 7,000 Btu/hr-ft2 - estimated design heat flux for direct-fired reboilers This calculation of A enables determination of the o\"erall size of the reboiler. r '-1- ",, ,, • • ~ f , , , , • - 'ol/'" •••••• G.............., ......... ~ ~ - I US§ §- Figure 5-38. Stripping still size for glyCOl dehydrators. (After Sivalls, 1976; courtesy of C. R. Sivalls and the University of Oklahoma.) 230 eo, Production Engineering Gas- Water Systems and Deh ydration PrOCessing centrator size, to a maximum of about 8 ft for a 1 MM Btuthr unit (Sivalls, 1976). Additional specifications for glycol reconcentrators can be obtained 231 T.ble 5-12 Specifications for St.ndard High-Pressure Glycol Pumps' using Table 5-11. Circulation Rala-Gallona/Hour Pump SpeecI- StrokHIMlnule Count one stloke for each discharge of pump" Clycol Circulating Pump Model The size of the circu1ating pump required can be determined using the glycol circulation rate, L, and the maximum contactor operating pressure. Table 5-11 Specifications for Glycol Reconcentratora · R.boller Glycol Cripaclty, capacity, Btu/ hr Reboller gph" • 7.5,000 7.5,000 125,000 125,000 20 IS')(3',6" IS" x 3', 6" 6'i/8")( 4'.6" 18")(3',6" 18")(3',6" 6'Vs" x 4',6" IS" x 5' 18")(5' IS" x 5' &~.l6· 24")(5' IS" x S' 2.4' x 5' 24")(S' 24" x 7' 24")( 10' 30" x 10' 36" x 10' 36" x IS' 42" x IS' 48" x 16' 24")(5' 24")(7' 24')( 10' 30" )( 10' 36' )( 10' 36" )( 10' 36" x 10' 36" x 10' 6'1/~' x 4', 6" 8'11s"x4',6' 8'11s" x 4',6' S'I/~" x S', 0" 1O.1,~" x 5',0" l ()li~" x 6'.0" 1211~" X 7', O' 14")( 8'. 0" 1""x8',O" 16"x8',0' Flash SepiflItor Haat Exch.lnge CoIl Size, Die )I Ht. Size Coli Area, sq ft 12")( 12')1 16" )( 16" )( IS" )( IS" x 16" )( 20" x 20" )( 24" x 30" x 30" )( 30")1 4S" 4S" 4S" 48" 4S" 48" 4S" 4S" 4S' 4!1' 4S" 4S" 4S" Stripping Stili Size, Ole. x HI. 35 40 70 00 100 I'" 210 250 3" <56 456 456 175,000 175,000 250,000 350,000 400,000 500,000 150,000 850,000 1,000,000 Heet Exchanger Size, Surge rank Ole . x Len. Size, 01 • . x Len. LIt" l/2" liS" lit" lll" .," III" :l/~ " .," I" I" I" I" 12.9 12.9 23.3 233 31.1 311 44.6 ".8 84.8 82.1 102.6 102.6 102.6 Glycol Pump Model 17 15PV 4015PV 4015PV 901srV 9015PV 21015PV 21015PV 2101SPV 45015PV 450lsrV 45015PY 45015PV 45015PV X 4', 6" lilt" I!J.· Jilt' 2" 2" '"'" '" • 10 12 ,. " 14 20 " ,. " ... "" 24 2. 3. 32 3436 3840 14 IS 20 26 2B 30 3436 38 '0 1715 PV 8 10 11 IS IS 20 22 343B 38 '0 .rol S PY 28 28 30 27 31.5 36 40,5 45 49.5 54 48,5 63 67.5 72 76,5 SI &5.S 90 9015 PY 66 79 92 lOS 118 131 144 157 171 184 197 210 21015 PY 166 200 233 266 300 333 366 .00 433 466 45015 PV "" "" Size, 01•. x HI. • Afw Si"alls, 1976. • - 11 is not rooommtndnl II.> abov.: tahlt 2'. 2', 6'1'8")( 2', 6SI~')( 2'. O perating pTeSliure, psig 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Cu ftJgal at 14.4 and 6O"F 1.7 2,3 2.8 3.4 3,7 4,5 S.O 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.2 7.9 8.3 R.tle. Condenser 6'{$")( ~~.)( O· O' O' O· ~lItmpt 10 run pump/> al 'I~ 1_ or greater than Ihose indlCat"':! in It.., Gas Consumption 8'11~")( 2',0" 8:118')( 2'.0" ~8")(2',O" x 2',6" 1()li~")( 2 ,6" 1211,")( 2'.6" 14')(3',0" 1"" x 3', 0" 16'x3',0" 1{).1,~· Higlt-Pressure Glycol Shipping Glycol Filter Charge, WI, Size gal I" I" I" I" I" I" Number 75 75 105 lOS 100 100 2tiO 375 2,100 2,100 2,200 2,250 3,200 3,200 3,700 1175 <,000 <,500 8,500 7,000 7,500 "25 10,000 m 880 990 • Afler Sh.lI.s. 1976 • • CI~ C'&pac!h • Instd on drwJating 2..1 pi TECllb HtO and l.c:onlrolled b)' the' m:.oilC'rC'&pKlty or pump C'&pKll) ... h~ b .ma.I1n. Pump Model High-pressure Filter Low-pressure Filter Size Pump Conn, Stflliner Size Size Elements Elements 315PV 17JSPV and 815SC 40 ISPV and 2015SC 90ISPV and SOISSC 210ISPV and 1001SSC 4501SPV and 200 ISSC l/4 " lit' I" 1·2lw.")( !J3i~" 1;2 " Iii" 1i~ " I" 1 -2Ji~")( 9JI~' 1'2' lit" 3,', " I" (L12" .," I" I" 11'2" 1·2li.")( 931~' I" 2.211," )( !J3i~' I" Il!2 " 4·21,," )( 9Jr4" 8-2.J.'~' x 9li4- '" 1;2· 1.'4 " 1" 11'2" 1-3" x IS" 1-3")( IS· 1-3" x 18" 1-3" x 36" 4-3" x 18" 4-3" X 36" Generally, as mentioned earlier, the glycol-powered pump that transmits energy from the rich glycol to the lean glycol, is used for glycol circulation. Table 5-12 by Sh-'alls (1976) shows sizing data for this type of pump. Table 5-12 also gives data on the amount of gas released by the pump as a fu nction of the glycol circulation rate and the contactor operating pressure. For other (motor-driven) pump types, such as centrifugal pumps or positive displacement pumps, data supplied by the pump manufacturer may be used . Glycol Hash Se,)(lrator The glycol flash separator, used downstream of the pump, should be designed for a liquid retention time of at least 5 min . T he size can be calculated as follows: V 'OK LtJ60 (5"26) , 232 Ga .. Production Engineering Gas- Water S!ls/ems and Deh!ldration Procesnng 233 where V - settling volume required in the separator, gal t - liquid retention time, min and gas gravity are both equal to 1.0. Therefore, the contactor can handle a gas rate up to 9:l MMscfd and is suitable for use. E%tJmpl~ 5-9. Size a glycol dehydration plant using Sh'alls' method to meet the following requirements: Number of Tra!lS Rt:quin>d i,1 tht: ContactOf'" Gas flow rate - 20,0 MMscfd Gas specific gravity - 0.7 Operating Iinf> p~lJT(> - 1,000 psig Maximum oontactor working pressure - 1.400 psig Cas inlet temperature ., 100°F Outlet gas water content - 6.0 Ib H2 0 /MMscf gas Use a tray-type contactor with bubble-cap trays, and assume the followin~ additional criteria: Clycol to water circulation rate., 3.5 gal TECflb H20 From Figure 5-35, the actual number of trays required for a 3.5 gal TEGI lb H 2 0 glycol to water circulation rate and 72° F dew-point depression = 4.5. Thus, approximately 5 trays are required. For a more precise determination, construct the McCabe-Thiele diagram. From Table 5-2, specific gravity of lean glycol at 100°F"" l.111, implying a glycol density - (1.111)(8.34) - 9.266 Ibm/gal Using Equation 5-16. CRI ~h '" (0.995)(9.266) / (9.266 + 113.5) 0.965'" 96.5%. Thus. the operating line points are: Lean glycol concentration - 99.5% TEe lOp of column: 61b HzO/MMscf and 99.5<'10 TEG Bottom of column: 61 lb 1l20lMMscf and 96.5% TEe Solutio" Data points for constructing the equilibrium line are as follows: From the McKetta and Wehe correlation (Figure 5-1): Water content of inJet gas at 1,000 psig and 100° F .. 61 Ib H 20 /MMsd gas Dew point of exit gas with 61b H 2 0 / MMscf water content _ 28° F ]hus, the required dew point depression = 100 - 28 _ 72°F Using Equation 5-15, amount of water to be removed, W t _ (20 1 24)(61 - 6) - 45.83 Ibm/h, % TEG 99.6 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 Eqlbm. dew-point temp. at 100° F (Figure 5-37), Water content of gas at dew-point temp. and 1,000 psig (Figure 5-1), OF Ib H,OMMrl -10 12 30 40 47 51 1.1 3.2 6.3 9.0 11.7 13.3 Jllid Scrub"" Size From Table 5-3, a 36-in. 0.0. vertical scrubber is required for a 1,400psig working pressure. The same result is obtained using Figure 5-32 (with suitable extrapolation). So, use a 36-in. x 7.5-ft vertical two-phase scrubber, with a 1,440 psig working pressure. Ccmku;lor Size From Figure 5-33, select a 36 in. 0.0. contactor with a qb _ 27 MMscfd . From Tables 5-5 and 5-6, the correction factors for operating temperature The McCabe-Thiele diagram constructed lIsing this information, as shown in Figure 5-36, gives the number of theoretical trays required - 1.563. Therefore, the actual number of trays required - 1.563/0.25 - 6.25, or 7 trays. This result is not in reasonable agreement with the approximate number of trays determined using Figure 5-35. It appears that Sivalls (1976) intended this figure for a valve-type contactor column. This is apparent if a tray efficiency of 0.333 is used to calculate the number of trays required from the McCabe-Thiele diagram. This gives a tray requirement of 1.5631 0.333 - 4.7, or 5 trays. • 23. Ga' Production Engineering On the,other hand, this discrepancy could simply be a reflection on the poor quahty of ~e ~rrel~tion shown in Figure 5-35, resulting from the apprOXimations m\'oln~d in reducing a multivariable problem to ~ few select parameters. Reboil" Ileal Load _.:rom Equation 5-17. glycol circulation rate. L .. (3.5}(61 )(20 '24 ) .. 1 u.92 gal hr. h om Equation 5-18. the reboiler heat load. Q .. (2 ,000 ) (lTI .92) .. 3.56 x 1()5 Btulhr approximate. For detailed calculations, assume PC(T2 - T 1) .. 1200. Then , using Cas- Water Syst.effl8 and Dehydration Proceuing ~mmary 235 of Requirements Inlet gas scrubber: 36-in. 0.0. x 7.5-ft height, two-phase, 1,440-psig working pressure. Glycol-gas contactor: 36-in. 0.0., with 7 bubble-cap trays, 1,440-psig working pressure. Glycol pump: Model number 21015 PV, with 28 strokes/min pumping ,peed. Glycol flash sep.: 2O-in. 0.0., two-phase £lash separator. Reboiler: 289,OOO-Btu i hr heat load requirements. Stripping still: 8.2-in . l.o. Equations 5-20 through 5-23: Or, in terms of standard size units: Q, - (177.92)(1,200) - 21.35 x lO' Btu/h, Q. - (970.3)(20/24)(61 - 6) - 4.45 x 10' Btu/h, Q, - (0.25)(4.45)10' - 1.11 x 10' Btu/h, Qh .. 20,000 ,. 2.0 x l()" Btuihr Scrubber: 36-in. 0.0. x 7.S·ft height, l,440-psig W.P. Contactor: 36-in. 0.0. x 19-ft height, 1,440-psig W.P., with 7 trays. Reconcentrator: 24-in. x lO-ft., 350,000 Btu/hr reboiler, with 1O.7Sin. x 5-ft stripping still, 1O.75-in. x 2.S-ft reflux condenser. Flash sep.: 20 in. x 4 ft Pump: Model number 21015 PV, 28 spm. Thus, Q .. (21.35 + 4.45 + 1.11 + 2.0)10 1 = 2.89 x lOS Btulhr Stripping Still . Using F~gure 5-38, the minimum internal diameter required for the stiJi - 8.2 10., based upon a 177.92 galihr glycol circulation rate, and 3.5 gal TEe·Ib H 20 glycol to water circulation rate. Glycol Pum" Fro~ Table 5-12, pump model number 210IS PV, with 28 strokes/min pumping speed, is required for a glycol circulation rate of 177.92 gal/hr. Glycol Flash SeIX1mtor Usi~g Equ.ation 5-26, the settling volume of the flash separator required assummg a Itquid retention time of 5 min, i~; , v- (177.92)(5)160 - 14.8 gal - 0.35 bbl From Table 5-4, a 20 in. 0.0., two-phase separator is required. Adsorption Dehydration Adsorption (or solid bed) dehydration is the process where a solid desiccant is used for the removal of water vapor from a gas stream. The solid desiccants commonly used for gas dehydration are those that can be regenerated and, consequently, used over several adsorption-desorption cycles. Some solid desiccants can dehydrate gas down to 1 ppm or less; these desiccants are wide1y used on feed streams for cryogertic processing (CPSA, 1981). The mechanisms of adsorption on a surface are of tv.'o types: physical, and chemical. The latter process, involving a chemical reaction, is termed "chemisorption." Chemical adsorbents find very limited application in gas processing. Adsorbents that allow physical adsorption hold the adsorbate on their surface by surface forces. For physical adsorbents used in gas dehydration, the following properties are desirable (Campbell, 1984b): 1. Large surface area for high capacity. Commercial adsorbents have a surface area of 500-800 m2/gm ( - 2.4 x loe to 3.9 x loa ft 2/lbm) . 2. Good "activity" for the components to be removed, and good activity retention with timeluse. Commercial adsorbents can remove practi- • em Production 236 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Engineering cally all the water from a natural gas to values as low as 1 ppm (parts per million). High mass transfer rate, i.e., a high rate of removal. Easy, economic regeneration. Small resistance to gas flow. so that the pressure drop through the dehydration system is smalJ. High mechanical strength to resist crushing and dust formation. The adsorbent also must retain enough strength when "wet:' Cheap. non-corrosive, non-toxic, chemically inert, high bulk density. and small volume changes upon adsorption and desorption of water. Types of Adsorbents Some materials that satisfy these criteria, in the order of increasing cost. are: bauxite ore, consisting primarily of alumina (Alz03_xHZO); alumina: silica gels and silica-alumina gels: and molecular sieves. Activated carbon, a Widely used adsorbent, posses.'>eS no capacity for water adsorption and is therefore not used for dehydration purposes, though it may be used for the removal of certain impurities. Bauxite also is not used much because it contains iron and is thus unsuitable for sour gases. Alumina A hydrated form of aluminium oxide (A1 20 J ). alumina is the least expensive adsorbent. It is activated by driving off some of the water associated with it in its hydrated form (A1 z0 J .3H 20 ) by heating. It produces an excellent dew point depression to dew point values as low as - lOO°F. but requires much more heat for regeneration. Also, it is alkaline and cannot be used in the presence of acid gases, or acidic chemicals used sometimes for well treating. The tendency to adsorb heavy hydrocarbons is high, and it is difficuJt to remove these during regeneration. It has good resistance to liquids, but little resistance to disintegration due to mechanical agitation b,the £lowing gas. . Gels: Silica Gel and Silica-Alumina Gel Gels are granular, amorphous solids manufactured by chemical reaction. Gels manufactured from sulfuric acid and sodium silicate reaction are called silica gels, and consist almost solely of silicon dioxide (Si O z). Alumina gels consist primarily of some hydrated form of Al 20 J . Silica-alumina gels are a combination of silica gel and alumina gel. Gels can dehydrate gas to as low as 10 ppm (GPSA, 1981), and have the greatest ease of regeneration of all desiccants. They adsorb heavy h)"drocar- Gas-Water System8 and Dehydration Processing 237 boos, but release them relatively more easily during regeneration. Since they are acidic, they can handle sour gases, but not alkaline materials such as caustic or ammonia. Although there is no reaction with HzS, sulfur can deposit and block their surface. Therefore, gels are useful if the H 2S content is less than 5-6 % . Molecular Siet.-ell These are a cr~-qallint' form of alkali metal (calcium or sodium) aluminosilicates, very similar to natural clays. They are highly porous, with a very narrow range of pore sizes, and very high surface area. Manufactured by ion-exchange, molecular simes are the most expensive adsorbents. They possess highly localized polar charges on their surface that act as extremely effective adsorption sites for polar compounds such as water and hydrogen sulfide (see also Chapter 6). Molecular sieves are alkaline and subject to attack by acids. Special acid-resistant sieves are available for very sour gaS$. Since the pore size range is narrow. molecular sieves exhibit selectivity towards adsorbates on the basis of their molecular size, and tend not to adsorb bigger molecules such as the heavy hydrocarbons. Nevertheless, sieves are subject to contamination by carryover of liquids such as oil and glycol. The regeneration temperature is very high. They can produce a water content as low as 1 ppm. Molecular sieves offer a means of simultaneous dehydration and desulfurization and are therefore the best choice for sour gaS$. Process Flow Scheme The general flow scheme for solid-bed gas treating processes is shown in Figure 5-39. The adsorption process is cyclic. For continuous operation, two beds are used in parallel. Most adsorbents tend to adsorb heavy hydrocarbons, glycols, and methanol, resulting in contamination and a reduction in desiccant capacity. These components are difficult to remove during regeneration. Therefore, for efficient desiccant performanc.'e and for a longer desiccant life, the inlet gas stream is thoroughly cleaned to remove all liquids and solids. The clean gas flows downward during dehydration through one adsorber containing a desiccant bed, while the other adsorber is being regenerated by a stream of gas from the regeneration gas heater. Gas flow is downward for dehydration so as to lessen bed disturbance due to high gas velocity, and therefore, permit higher gas rates. Regeneration gas, on the other hand, is sent upward through the adsorber to ensure thorough regeneration of the bottom of the bed, which is the last area contacted by the gas that is dehydrated. Most contamination occurs at the top of the tower, and by sending the regeneration gas upwards, these contaminants can be removed without • 238 CaJ Production Engineering 239 Gel.J- \\-'Olcf Syste/11.t and Dehydration Processing . some cases, insufficient gas dehydration (GPSA, 1981). U oxygen is c\'en ~::Spected in the inlet gas stream, special design modifications are required. The Regeneration Cycle - " Gn - A typical temperature-time plot for a dry desiccant plant is shown in Figure 5-40. It shows the relationship betw(''en regeneration gas te~perature at the inlet and outlet. and the ambient ji!;as temperature for a tYPlcal8-hr ye.. generation cycle. " UN!! 0 .. INlit IUI[N[IIIiI.l ION rowER 2 (O<Y"'II) • !. REGENERATION GAS COOLER OUTLET G"-S FILTER , ...... To ·••• :; •• • >-• L1QY", TWO-TOWER ADSORPTION PLANT Figure 5-39. Flow diagram for a two-lower solid-bed dehydration plant. (After Campbell, 1984b; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) flushing them through the entire bed. Sometimes, only the inlet (top) part of the tower is recharged with desiccant, in order to minimize desiccant replacement expense. Desiccant bed may also be rearranged, or the gas flow direction reversed, to obtain additional desiccant life. The regeneration cycle consists of t"':o parts: heating and cooling. First , regeneration gas heated to a temperature of 400_000°F, greater than the fi. nal bed regeneration temperature by about SO--lOO°F, is sent to the desiccant bed. Subsequently, the hot regenerated bed is cooled by letting the regeneration gas bypass, or by completely shutting off, the regeneration gas heater, This cooling gas is usually sent downward through the bed, so that only the top of the bed may adsorb any water from this gas, The hot regeneration gas and cooling gas, after flowing through the bed, are sent to the regeneration gas cooler to remove any adsorbed water, Thus, the bed acts as a sort of regenerative heat exchanger. Oxygen. even in trace amounts, can react with hydrocarbons during the regeneration cycle, forming water and CO 2 which are adsorbed and lead to, ,, '. 0""" " " to"" '< • ....,......"et' ~ . ,'. " • .' • ".. to'''' SU.ItT 0' t '. ... ~. ,_...,... < ,• [NO O' etel[ eyell , • • Trill • IIIOIHI • .f • , • • e,cr. ) Figure 5-40. A typical temperature-lime plot for regeneration gas and dessicant bed for a solid-bed dehydrator. Refer to the regeneration-ji!;as outlet temperature curve (curve 2) in Figure 5-40. There are four discrete intervals-A, B. C. and D-in the regeneration C}'cle, with average temperatures of T A, T B. T c. and T D, respectively, as shown in Figure 5-40. Initially, the hot regeneration gas heats up the tower and desiccant (from Tl to T2 in Figure 5-40). At about 240°F (T 2), water begins to vaporize. The bed heats up at a slower rate (the curve Flattens). because a considerable portion of the heat input is used in vaporizing water from the desiccant, until point T3 is reached where all the water in the desiccant has been desorbed. The average temperature of water desorption, T B. is often assumed in design to be about 250°F (see Figure 5-40). Heating is continued (from T3 to T~ in Figure 5-40) to drive off any heavier hydroca~. bons and contaminants. For a cycle time of 4 hours or greater, the bed 15 COnsidered to be properly regenerated when the outlet gas temperature has reached 350_375°F (point T.). The regeneration gas now has a high water • 240 Gas Production Engineering (plus hydrcxarbon and contaminant) content. This ends the heating cycle. and bed cooling is begun. The cooling cycle is Wiuall}' terminated at about 125 ~ F (point T 5) . because any further cooling may cause water to condense from the wet gas stream and adsorb on the bed. Although Figure 5-40 is for an S-hr cycle. the relative heating and coolin$! times shown are t~llical for any cycle above 4 hoo .... (Campbell, 1984b). Analysis of the Adsorption Process (After Campbell. 1984b) Figure 5-41a illustrates the movement of an adsorption zone front as a function of time. In a dry desiccant bed, the adsorbable components are ad. sorbed at different rates. A short while after the process has begun, a series of adsorptIOn zones appear. as shown in Figure 5-41b. The distance bet\\'een sllC<.USivc adsorption zone fronts is indicative of the length of the bed involved in the adc;orption of a given component. Behind the zone, all of the entering component has been removed from the gas: ahead of the zone. the concentration of that component is zero (unless some residual adsorbed concentration exists from a previous cycle). Note the adsorption sequence: C L and C 2 are adsorbed almost instantaneously, followed by the heavier hydrocarbons. and finally by water that constitutes the last zone. Almost all the hydrocarbons are removed after 30-40 min and dehydration begins. Water displaces the hydrocarbons on the adsorbent surface if enough time is allowed. Thus. cycle length is critical. Very short cycle lengths are becoming increasingly popular. since they can simultaneously control water and hydrocarbon dew points at minimum cost. Figure 5-41c shows the character of the breakthrough CUf\o'e. The ordinate ClCo is the ratio. at any time. of the mole fraction of a given component in the exit gas to its mole fraction in the entering gas. Thus. C le o is equal to 0 until the zone front reaches the bed outJet (breakthrough) at time tb· SubsequentJy, C lc., increases until time teo after which no further primary adsorption can occur. In practice. C/c., becomes greater than 1.0 for a short period of time when one component is replaced by another. The shape of this C/c., versus t curve is related to the efficiency of separation. Curve 1. a \'crtical straight line, represents an ideal case where the movement of the adsorption zone front is essentially "piston-like," whereas curves 2 and 3 are for a real case where the adsorption zone front spreads through a finite bed length. Note that the greater the spread, the more difficult it will be to delineate dry gas from partially wet gas when water breakthrough occurs. Desiccant pellet size has a pronounced effect on the spread (or length) of the adsorption zone. As shown in Figure 5-4ld, smaller the desiccant size. better and sharper is the separation obtained. Hence. the smallest size desiccant possible should be used. subject of course, to constraints of higher pres- Ca.!'-'\-'Oter Systems and Dehydration Proce&ring 1~r1' tU:\--f~~~Of"il a!([ <l '" 0 BED LENGTH _ 241 Figure 5-41. A schematic representation 01 the adsorption process. (After Campbell, 1984b.) h, (.( l~r(l?\ <l '" 0 c,' ' \ c, BED LENGTH \1 ' '" j,2")' ( 'b)2 TIME (,' ;,'OIPl OO~ L L4-20 MESH 2 8- LO MESH 3~-6MESH 4 3-8 MESH 1IME- (,( sure drops that may result from doing so. Usually a 14-mesh (Tyler screen) size is used. Design Variables for the Adsorption Process The three basic components of an adsorption plant are: 1. Adsorber towers. 2. Regeneration and cooling equipment-depends mainly on the adsorber towers. 3. Piping and equipment-primarily a function of the allowable pressure drop and the flow scheme desired. In designing these components, the process variables that must be considered are (Campbell, 1984b): 1. Cycle time/length. 2. Allowable gas flow rate. 3. Desiccant capacity-design capacity as well as the effective or useful capacity. • GaJ·Water Systems and Dehydration Processing Cas Production Engineering 243 4 Required outlet water dew point. is proportional to desiccant bulk denSity, and the available area for adsorp.- 5. Total amount of water to be remO\"ed. tion. 6. Regenm'lon requ;,-ements. 7 Allowable pressure drop. Adsorber Bed Design (After Campbell, 1984b) :-':ot all of these \'ariables are independent: some are fixed for any calcula. tion, and others are \'aried to )ield an optimum design. Cycle time and des. sicant capacity are the most important variables in designin~ an adsorption plant. Cycle Tillie Varies from less than 1 hr for a rapid cycle unit to greater than 8 hrs. The cycle time is, of cour<;e, limited by desiccant capacity so as not to exceed outlet !?:as spedfications. and desiccant bed geometry. Also, the cycle time must be long enough to permit regeneration and cooling of the tower~ not currently dehydrating. Adsorber tower desiWi is gO\'erned by the desiccant capacity. zone length, water loading (rate of removal of water from the gas). breakthrough time. and allowable gas f10\\- rate and pressure drop. Relationships for these are discu~ in tht' <,t'1"}uence they are calculated. An often-used term in the context of adsorber tower design is the "elocit)" of the gas based upon bed diameter, known as the superficial gas \·elocity. \ 'g . It is determined by converting the gas rate at standard conditions, q, to operating conditions: (5-27) where All desiccants dc~ade in service. their useful life being in the range of I ·4 year<>. Degradation is termed normal if there is a loss of surface area only. During its useful life, a desiccant exhibits rapid normal degradation in the initial stages, which then becomes more gradual. A more dramatic reduction in desiccant capacity occurs when the small capillary or lattice openinwo that contain most of the effective surface area for adsorption are blocked. This latter process, termed abnormal degradation, is caused by materials such as heavy oils. amines, gl}'cols. and corrosion inhibitors, that cannot be remO\'ed by regeneration and effect great reductions in capacity in a vcr)" s.hort time. No liquid water should be allowed in the inlet gas, since this generally salty water in the inlet gas will evaporate and fill the bed with salt. Some properties of common desiccants are (Campbell. 1984b): Material Bulk density Ibm/ft' Surface area m2/gm Design capacity Ib H,O/ IOO Ib des. Alumina Alumina gel Silica gel Molecular sieves SO-55 52-55 45 43-45 210 350 7SO-83O 4-7 7-9 7-9 9-12 650-800 The design capacity must be such that an economic desiccant life is obtained. Assuming a monolayer adsorption, the potential desiccant capacity superficial gas velocity. ft/hr q - gas flow rate at standard conditions. Mt>.1scfd Z - gas compressibility factor at the operating temperature T (OR) and pressure p (psia) D - diameter of the adsorber bed. ft Vg - Allowable Call HQW RlIte This is generally expressed in terms of the mass flow \'elocity of the gas, the product of its ve10city "'. and density: (5-28) where w _ mass f10\. . ,·elocity. Ibml(hr ft2) Mit - molecular weight of the gas For downward flow of gas, the maximum allowable gas mass flow velocity, w, is given by: where P, - gas density at operating conditions, Ibm/ttl Pd - bulk desiccant density, Ibm/ftl d.p - average desiccant particle diameter, ft g - aC(:eleration due to gravity ( - 32.2), ftlseci C - empirical constant in the range of 0.025-0.033 , 244 Co.. Productihn Engi'leerilig Gas·Water Systems and Deh!Jdratwn Processing The factor 3,600 converts the mass £low rate from Ibm/(sec ft2) to lbmi(hr (1;2). Substituting g - 32.2 ft/sec2, w becomes: w - 20.428.22 [Cp",,.!,,]''' - (q\\',24) /(.D'·4) - O.0531q\\'•• D' " -- -;::.-. V /' --- >0 1--- , where q.. - water loading, lb Hp/(hr ftl) W, - water content of the inlet gas, Ib H 20fMMscf gas ZoUt' SILICA GEL •• Also known as the rate of removal of water required per unit bed area. water loadinll can be calculated as follows: q " (5·29) nat" Loading 245 " ~/ ~- . ~LE~~-i~£vt:S - - - f- -- - r~~ f--""; .. 70 RtLATtvt WATER SATURATlON (l.S.) . t '" >00 TEMPERATURE • DC [.I'ngth The zone length depends upon gas composition, flow rate, relative water saturation, and desiccant loading capability. For silica gel, the zone length. h~. can be estimated as follows (Simpson and Cummin~, 1964): 0'" " 3D " I' f.... o. , " " L J'-.,' ~ , ", '0. , .0 . (5·31) E where h, - zone length, ft ~ ~O . S, - relative saturation of water in the inlet gas. % For alumina and molecular sieves, the zone length determined using Equation &.31 is multiplied by 0.8 and 0.6, respectively. The dynamic desiccant capacity. x" is shown in Figure 5-42a as a function of the relative saturation of water. The temperature correction factor is shown in Figure 5-42b. This temperature correction is required for gels and alumina, but not for molecular sieves. The use/td desiccant capacity, x, generally less than the dynamic capacity. K,;, is given by the following empirical equation: xwhere x. - ~ o. J'-., • , " " '"0 ....... '" ~ 1\0 120 110 TDlPE .... TUR£ • 0,. • '" Figure 5-42. The eHect of (a) relative water saturation and (b) temperature on the dynamic capacity of dessicants. (After Campbell, 1984b; courtesy of Campbell Petroleum Series.) From extensive tests, C · has been found to vary only in the range 0.40-0.52 for a wide range of applications, and an average C· - 0.45 is generally used for design purposes. Breakthrough l 'ime C'x,(h,lh,) (5·32) x - useful capacity of the desiccant, Ib H 20/tOO lb desiccant X. - dynamic capacity of the desiccant, lb H2 0/lOO lb desiccant C· - an empirical corntant, a function of zone length The breakthrough time for the water zone formed, I:t, in hours, can be estimated as follows: (5·33) 246 Ga.t-Water Systems and Dellydratioll Processing Ga, Production Engineering where the factor 0.01 takes into account the units for x (Ib H2.0'' 100 Ib d es..'il·. can. t) Minimum B~d From Figures 5-42a and 5-42b, cant. From Equation 5-32; x. - 247 (O.9){16) .. 14.4 lb H 2 0 /100 lb deo;ic- ,_ 14.4 - (0.45)( 14.4)(7.094)115 - 11.34 Ib H,OI IOO Ib d",kcant LhJgth The ~mount of water that can be removed per cycle by the desiccant. \\' (Ibm). IS gi .. en by From Equation 5-34, (h,).," - (127.32)(406.67)1[(11.34)(45)(9)) ~ 11.3 ft Thus, a 15 ft bed length allows a safety factor. From Equation 5-33. the breakthrough time is: ... _ (0.01)(11.34)(45)(15117.198 - 10.63 h, On rearranging this e(luation, the minimum length of desiccant bed reo quired can be written as: (h,).oo - (127.321V,)I('PdD') (5.341 Note that (ht)m", is the distance from the inlet to the front of the water So, if ht is less than the total length of the bed. it means that not all of the bcd, is being used. From an operations perspective, it is desirable to continue ~nhl the water front reaches the end of the bed, since it prolonl'S desiccant hfe. E~am"'f' 5·JO. Design an adsorber for dehydrating 20 MMscfd of a O.i graVIty ~as at 1.000 psia and 100°F. Assume a two-tower plant using an B-hr cycle WIth a 15 ft long silica gel bed. Since the breakthrough time of 10.63 hr is greater than the cycle time of 8 hr, the water zone will not reach the outlet, and dry gas will be produced. The design. therefore, has a .~afety factor to account for future desiccant degradation . Regeneration and Cooling Calculations (After Campbell. 1984b) Regeneration calculations are done for eo;tablishing the regeneration gas rate, heating and cooling time intervals, heater load, and condenser load. These calculations are simply heat balances for various parts of the regeneration cycle. For each interval, the heat supplied by the gas, E i • must be equal to the heat absorbed, Qj; (5-35) Solution From :igure 5·1, water content of inlet gas - 61 Ib H1 0. MMsd gas. Assummg all of the inlet water is removed. the rate of removal of wa. ter .. (20)(6 1) .. 1,220 Ibm/da\". Therefore, amount water to be removed per cycle, W .... (1.220)(8.' 24) - 406.67 Ibm/cycle. The gas compressibility factor, Z .... 0.88. ~ume a gas velocity of 1,800 ft/ hr. Then, from Equation 5-27: D - (1,499.73)(20)(0.88)(560)1[(1,000)(1,800)) _ 8.2118 ft', implying D .. 2.87 ft. Choose a bed diameter of 3 ft for safety. Then, V.c .. (1,800)(8.2118/9) - 1,642.36 ftlhr From Equation 5-30, water loading q" - (0.053 1)(20)(61)19 _ 7.198 Ibmihr-ft2 From Equation 5-31, zone length is given by; h, - (297.7)(7. 198)',.·1[(1,642.36)''''''(100)' ....) _ 7.094 It where i represents the interval. In addition. the total cycle time constraint must also be satisfied: (5-36) t.,-t.",+t8+ t C:+ t O where t.. - total cycle time, hr tA , ta, te. to - time spans (hr) for intervals A, B, C, and 0, respectively For these intervals, the QI and E J terms are derived as follows; Heatingjrom T/ to 1'2 (ltlteroai A ill Figl"..: 5-40) The total heat load is the sum of the heat absorbed by desiccant, hydrocarbon, vessel shell, inert balls, hydrocarbon desorption, and water. Thus. the total heat load, QA. is givcn by; , 248 Q. . - GIlS Production Engineering ffidCd(T2 - Goa- Water S!lstem." and Deh!ldration Processing Til + mHL~dT2 - T I) + m,<;(Tt + mlbclb(T2 - T I) + ffiHCHHC + m .. c..(T2 - - T I) Til (S-37) where m - mass, Ibm c - specific heat capacity, Btu/(lbm oF), for desiccant (d), hydrocarbon (HC), vessel shell (5), inert balls (ib). and water (w) 249 As before, the term for heat absorbed by the vessel shell is multiplied by 0.7 if the ..-,essel is insulated. Energy a..-ailable from the regeneration gas, Ec, is given by: (5-42) Cooling from T4 to Ts (lntert:al D in Fig""' 5-401 The second Jast term in Equation 5-37 represents hydrocarbon desorption with H lle being its heat of desorption. usually taken to be 200 Btu'ibm . Theterm for heat absorbed by the vessel shell is usually multiplied by 0.7 if the vessel is insuJated. Energy a ....ailable from the regeneration gas, EA. is given by: The total coolin~ load is the sum of the cooling requirements for desiccant, vessel shell, and inert balls. only. Thus. the total cooling load. Qo. is given by: (S-38 ) As before, the term for the vessel shell is multiplied by 0.7 if the vessel is insulated. Assuming that the cooling gas rate is the same as the regeneration gas rate, cooling available, E[), is given by: where m'K - mass flow rate of the regeneration gas, Ibm/hr erg - specific heat of the regeneration gas, Btu/(lhm °1-1 (S-43) (S-44) I/eatj"gjro'" T2 to T3 Untf'rOOl B jll Figure 5-40) The total heat load is the sum of the heat absorbed bv desiccant water water desorption, \.:essel shell. and inert balls. Thus. the total heat l~ad, Qs: is given by: Q8 - m<!Cd(T 3 - T i ) + m"c..(TJ - T 2) + m... H" + m,c.(T 3 - T i ) + m;bc,b(TJ - T~) (S-39) where the heat of desorption of water, H", is usually taken to be 1,400 Btu Ibm for alumina and gels, and 1,800 Btullbm for molecular sieves. As be. fore, the term for heat absorbed by the vessel shell is multiplied by 0.7 if the vessel is insulated. Energy available from the regeneration gas, Ea. is given by: (S-40) I-Ieatingfrom 1'3 to T4 (lntert:al C ill Figure 5·40) In this final cleanup step, the total heat load is the sum of the heat abo sorbed by desiccant, vessel shell. and inert ball~, only. Thus, the total heat load, Qc . is given by: (S-4I ) In Equation 5--44, the unknown parameters are the regeneration gas rate, m<i' and the lengths of time intervals, tA, ta. te, and to. a total of 5 unknowns. The number of equations are also 5: four for the heat balances, and Equation 5--36, which imposes the total cycle time constraint. For a given cycle time 4, a solution is thus possible. Nonnally, however, the maximum heat load occurs in the interval B, and the minimum regeneration gas rate m" is chosen on this basis. The minimum regeneration gas flow rate and water adsorption capacity must be enough to handle the water desorbed from the bed in time tB' Therefore: (S-4S) where Wt total water removed per cycle from the gas being dehydrated, Ibm \V TB, W TI - water contents of the regeneration gas at temperatures T Band T I, respectively, Ibm waterfMMscf gas M.. _ molecular weight of the regeneration gas (usually the same as the gas being dehydrated) _ Generally, the regeneration gas rate is about 10% of the main gas flow rate. The entering gas must be heated from a temperature Tl to T H, which is chosen in the range 400-6(X)°F. Temperature T4 must be kept as low as possible, and is generally in the range 350_500°F, less than TH by 5O~100°F • 250 Gas Production Engilleering Ca,,-Water Sy"temt and Dehydration Processing (usually 100°1'). Tf; and T3 are generally equal to 230°F and 260 G F. Values for specific heats needed in regeneration calculations are as follows: Component Specific Heat, Btui(lbm F~ Alumina 0.06 Silica gel Molecular sieves Liquid water 0.22 0.05 1.0 0.12 V~I )h~1l The heater load consists of heating requirements for the regeneration ,2;a ... Thus, the heater load, QII in Btu/hr can be written as: A condenser is used to cool the regeneration gas after it comes out throu,I{h the adsorber bed. This cooling is done in order to separate the condensable components picked up by the regeneration gas from the desiccant bed. Cool. ing loads should be calculated for all the three inten'als, and the conclcnS('r then designed to handle the maximum cooling load expected. Generally, condenser loads are the highest for interva1 B. Condenser loads can be calculated sim ilar to heating loads, taking into account the components in th(· regeneration gas and their specific and latent heats. Dehydration by E.xpansion Refrigeration Dehydration can be achieved by expansion refrigeration when su rHcient pressure drop is available. In this technique, the gas stream is cooled by adiabatic expansion through a choke. as discussed in Chapter 4 (in the section on "Low-Temperature Separation"), to temperatures as lov. as OaF. Thi.' drop in temperature leads to condensation of the water vapor and condem able hydrocarbons associated with the gas. Two types of c:tpansion refrigeration techniques are used: one with a hydrate inhibitor to prevent hydrate formation that may result upon expansion of the gas, and another without an inhibitor. E:tpansion refrigeration without an inhibitor is used only when the pre.sure drop allows the desired water dew point to be obtained without the formation of hydrates (CPSA, 1981). An inhibitor must be used if hydrate formation is expected in the precooler used upstream of the choke. Hydrate. 251 allowed to form at this second stage (choke), and are collected in a low ::perature separator (LTX). In the LTX unit, the gas entrapped in ~e hyd tes is recovered using heating coils to heat the hydrates. These COils are o;~ used as precoolers for the gas stream: the gas passes throu~ the i~id.e f the cOils, providing enough heat to melt the hydrates. That IS why It IS :.oportant to ensure that no hydrates are expected to form a.t this precooli?g stage for the gas. Also, mist eliminators must never be used In the LTX umt. since they may be plugged by hydrates. When hydrate inhibitors are used, the process is similar. except that the heating/cooling coils are no longer necessary. and are replaced by a gas expansion valve. Questions and Problems 1. What are gas hydrates? List the factors that promote hydrate formation. 2. List three methods for preventing hydrate formation at wellsites. 3. Name three different types of solid dcsiccant~ used for natural gas dehydration. 4. A sour gas at 1000 psia has the following analysis: N1 = 8.5%. H2S - 5.4%, CO 2 - 0.5%. C 1 - 77.6%. C 2 ,.. 5.8%, C 3 = 1.9 %, 11C~ .. 0.1%, i-C... 0.1%. and i-C$ '"" 0.1%. What is the water content of this gas at 120°F? Use all the methods applicable and compare the results. 5. For the sour gas given in Problem 4, determine the hydrate formation temperature. Use all the methods applicable and compare the results. 6. A TEG dehydration plant is to be designed to dry the follov.-ing gas: N2 - 1.7%, CO 2 ,,,, 0.3%, C 1 - 65.5%. C~ .. 16.6 %, C 3 = 8.8%, nCo( - 3.0%, i-C. - 1.6 '7~, and f-C s " 0.9%. 1I-C 5 " 0.9 %. eft" 0.5 %, and C,. - 0.2%. The c,. fraction has a molecular weight of 140 and specific heat or 70 Btu/Ibm-OF at 300°F. Other relevant data arc as follows: Gas flow rate - 20 MMscfd Inlet gas pressure .. 1000 psia Inlet temperature _ l(X)OF Required outlet water dew point .. lOoF GI)'col circulation rate .. 7 gai/ib water removed from gas Glycol reboiler temperature .. 400°F Specific gravity of glycol .. 1. 11 Specific heat of glycol .. 0.654 Btu/lbm-oF • 252 Cos Production Engineerlllg For this plant, calcuJate the following: (a) Clycol circulation rate in galimin. (b) Glycol-glycol heat exchanger load in BtuJhr if a 2,5°F approach is desired. Assume that the glycol enters the absorber at 125°F. 7 A glycol (TEe) dehydrator plant is to be designed for handJing 13.5 \1Mscfd of the SOUT gas of Problem 4. The glycol circulation tate L~ -4 gal TEG'lb water, lean glycol concentration is 99"'~. glycol spec-ifk gravity is 1.10. inJet gas temperature is 120 c F, and the absorption tower uses bubble-cap trays. For an exit water content of 10 IbIMM<,cf gas, determine the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Contactor diameter. Maximum gas rate that can flow in the system. The actual number of trays needed in the oontactor. Sensible heat required for the glycol, Btu/hr. Heat of vaporization required for the water, Btu/hr. (f) Heat required to va}Xlrize reflux water in the still, Btu/hr. (g) Reboiler heat load, Btu/hr, assuming heat loss '"' 5000 Btu/hr. 8. It is desired to use glycol inhibition to prevent hydrate formation for the case given in Problem 7. Calculate the amount of TEG required in lb/day. 9. ~ework Problem 6 using a two-tower desiccant plant, employing !oilIca-gel on an B-hour cycle. The regeneration gas leaH~ the heater at 55O"F. and the towers are regenerated to a final temperature of 450' F Assume internal insulation. Determine the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Internal diameter of the towers required. Amount of silica-gel required in Ibslcycle. Regeneration gas rate, MMscfd. Regeneration heater heat load, Btu/hr. Cooling load, Btu/hr. References Curry, R. N., 1981. Flmdaml!1ltais oj Natural Cas Conditioning. PcnnWell Publ. Co., ThIsa, Oklahoma, 118pp. Campbell, J. M., 1984a. Cas Conditioning and Processing, Vol. 1. Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman. Oklahoma, 326pp. Cal·\.Vater Systeml and Dehydratwn Processing 253 Campbell. J. M., 1984b. Cas Conditioning and Processing, Vol. 2. Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma, 398pp. Carson, D. B. and Katz, D. L., 1942. "Natural Cas Hydrates," 1)-a1lS.. AIME. 146. 150-158. Chemical Engineers'Uandbook. 1984. R. H. Perry and D. W. Green (eds.), ~1cCraw.Hill Book Co .• r\'e\\ York. 6th ed .• pp. 13-27 to 13-35. Edmister, W. C. and Lee. B. I.. 1984. Applied Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics. Vol. I (2nd ed.). Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. 233pp. Galloway. T. J.. Ruska. \V.• Chappelear. P. S.. and Kobayashi, R., 1970. "Experimental Measurement of Hydrate Numbers for Methane and Ethane and Comparison with Theoretical Values:· Ind. & Eng. Chern. Fund., 9(2. May), 237 - 243. Gas Processors Suppliers Association, 1981. Engineering Data Book, 9th ed. (5th revision), GPSA, Tulsa. Oklahoma. Guenther, J. D., 1979. "Natural Gas Dehydration,·' Paper presented at Seminar on Process Equipment and Systems on Treatment Platforms, Taastrup. Denmark, April 26. Heinze, E, 1971. "Hydratbildung," Lehrbogen 3.13 von der Bergakademie Freiberg. Holder, G. D. and Hand. J. H., 1982. "Multiple-Phase Equilibria in Hy· drates from Methane, Ethane. Propane and Water Mixtures," AIChE J., 28(3, May), 440-447. lkoku, C. U., 1984. Natural Cas Prodllction Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 517pp. Katz, D. L., Cornell, D., Kobayashi. R .. Poettmann, E H., Vary, J. A., Elenbaas, J. R., and Weinaug. C. F., 1959. Handbook oj Natural Cas Engineering. McGraw·HiII Book Co., Inc .. New York, 802pp. McCarthy, E. L.. Boyd, W. L., and Reid, L. S.. 1950. "The Water Va}Xlr Content of Essentially Nitrogen-Free Natural Cas Saturated at Various Conditions of Temperature and Pressure," Trans. AIME, 189, 241- 243. McKetta, J. J. and Wehe. A. H .• 1958. "Use This Chart for Water Content of Natural Gases," Petr. Refiner, 37(8, Aug.), 153-154. McLeod, H. 0., Jr. and Campbell, J. M .. 1961. "Natural Cas Hydrates at Pressures to 10,000 Psia," J. Pet. Tech .. 13(6, June), 590-594. Nagata, I. and Kobayashi, R, 1966. "Prediction of Dissociation Pressures of Mixed Cas Hydrates From Data for Hydrates of Pure Cases with Water," Ind. & Eng. Chern. Fllnd., 5(4, Nov.), 466-469. Ng, H. J. and Robinson, D. B., 1976. "The Measurement and Prediction of Hydrate Formation in Liquid Hydrocarbon-Water Systems,'· Ind. & Eng. Chern. Fund., 15(4, Nov.), 293-298. • 254 GO$ Product/on Engineering Parrish, W, R. and Prausnitz, J. M., 1972. "Dissociation Pressures of Cas Hydrates Formed by Cas Mixtures," Ind. & Eng. Chem. Proc D' & Dell., 11(1), 26-35. • ess €$Ign Petrol.eum Extension Senice, 1972. Field Handling oj Natural Gas. 3rd ed ., Urn\". of Thus Press. Austin. Texas. 143pp. Robinson. O. B. and 1'\g, H. J .• 1975. "Improve H\"drate Predictions" Hydraco Proc., 54(12. Dec.). 95-9£:;' . . R~~inson, J. N .• Wichert. E .. :\foore. R. G .. and Heidemann. R. A.. 19ih Charts . Content of . Sharma, and Cam~~Il.' J. M .. 1984. Unpublished. Cited reference on p. 143 10: Gas CondltlOlIIng and PrOCessing. Vol. 1, by J. M. Campbell. . Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma, 326pp. Slm~n, E. A. and Cummings. W P., 1964. "A Practical Way to Predict . SIlica Gel Performance," Chem. Engr. Prog .. 60 (4, Apr.), 57 60. Slva.U.s. ~. R., 1976. "Glycol Dehydrator Design Manual." Proc. Gas CUll dltlomng Conf.. Univ. of Oklahoma, 39pp. Trekell. R. E. and Campbell, 1. M., 1966. "Prediction of the Behavior of Hydrocarbon Clathrate Solutions." Proc. 151st Meet. of Am. Chern. Soc .. Petr. Chern. Oiv., Pittsburg, Penn .. March 23-26, p. 61. Van der Waals. J. H. and Platteeuw, J. C., 1959. "Clathrate Solutions" Advances in ~?~mical Physics, Vol. 2, edited by I. Prigogine. Inte~ience Pub!., a diVISion of John Wiley & Sons, New York, I-57. 6 Desulfurization Processes Introduction With i.ncreasing demands for natural gas, natural gases containing hydrogen sulfide (H 2S) are also being tapped for utilization after purification. Natural gases containing H 2S are classified as "sour." and those that are H 2S-free are called "sweet" in processing practice. Produced gases from reservoirs usually contain HzS in concentrations ranging from barely detectable quantities to more than 0.30% (3,000 ppm). Other sulfur derivatives, besides H 2S, are usually completely insignificant or present only in trace proportions. Most contracts for the sale of natural gas require less than 4 ppm (parts per million) in the gas. Thus, a sulfur removal process must be very precise since the initial product contains only a small fractional quantity of suUur that must be reduced several hundred times. A characteristic feature of all H 2S -bearing natural gases is the presence of carbon dioxide (C0 2), the concentrations of which are generally in the range of 1 to 4 %. In gases devoid of HzS. however, such concentrations are rare. HzS and CO 2 are commonly referred to as "acid gases" because they form acids or acidic solutions in the presence of water. Reasons for Removal of HzS and CO 2 Besides emitting a foul odor at low concentrations, H 2S is deadly poisonous and at concentrations above 600 ppm it ca n be fatal in just three to five minutes. Its toxicity is comparable to cyanide. Thus, it cannot be tolerated in gas that would be used as domestic fuel. Further, H 2S is corrosive to all metals normally associated with gas transporting, processing, and handling systems (although it is less corrosive to stainless steel), and may lead to premature failure of most such systems. On combustion, it forms sulfur dioxide, 255 • 256 Gal I'rodllCtiori Engineering which is also highly toxic and corrosive. HzS and other sulfur compounds can also cause catalyst poisoning in refinery prOCt'!SSeS. CO 2 has no heating value and its removal may be required in some instances merely to increase the energy content of the gas per unit volume. CO. removal may also be required because it forms a complex. C02·CO~. which is quite corrosive in the pre;ence of water. For gas being sent to cryogenic plants, removal of CO z may be necessary to pre\'ent solidification of the CO~. Both the acid gases, H2S and CO!. promote hydrate (ormation , and thfO p~n('f' nf (:0; may not be desired for this reason also. However. if none of these situations are encountered, there is no need to remove CO Removal Processes The processes that have been developed to accomplish gas puriCication vary from a simple once-through ,,,ash operation to complex multiple step recycle systems. In many cases, the process complexities arise from the need for recovery, in one form or another, of the impurity (H~S) being removed or recovery of the materials (process chemicals) employed to remo ....e it. Like dehydration processes, desulfurization processes are primarily of two types: adsorption on a solid (dry process), and absorption into a liquid (wet process). There are a few processes that use other methods, such as the cellulose acetate membranes that rely upon the different diffusion rates for hy. drocarbon and H2S, and liquid fractionation techniques that exploit the rei. ative volatility difference. Application of these latter types of processes has been quite limited. Both the adsorption and absorption processes may be of the physical (no chemical reactions involved) or chemical type. These processes may also be classified into the following categories: 1. Non-regenerative, such as Chemsweet process (~Ianning, 1979), NCA process (Sun, 1980), and the Siurri~,....eet process (Oil & Cas J.. 1981). The materials used in treating the gas are not reco,·ered in these pro. cesses. 2. Regenerative processes ·with recovery as HzS. These include the physical absorption processes (water wash, Selexol, F1uor solvent, etc.). the amine processes (MEA, DEA, DCA, etc.), hot carbonate processes (Benfield, Catacarb), Alkazid processes, molecular sieves, etc. 3. Regenerative processes with recovery as elemental sulfur. The HolmesStretford process, and the Ciammarco-Vetroooke process fall in this category. With growing environmental concerns regarding sulfur emission, these processes have acquired a prominent role in desulfur. ization operations. DesulJumation Proca&et/ 257 So many sweetening processes are in use today that it would be ~possib~e to describe them all in detail here. Some widely used processes wIll be bnefly mentioned. and some important ones among these will be presented in a little more detail. Criteria for Process Selection There are man)' variables in gas treating. which makes the precise definition of the area of application of a gi,·en process very difficult Among c:ev· eral factors, the following are the most significant that need be considered: 1. The types and concentrations of impurities in the gas, and the degree of removal desired. 2. Selectivity of acid gas removal required, if any. 3. Temperature and pressure at which the sour gas is available, and at which the sweet gas is to be delivered. 4. Volume of the gas to be processed, and its hydrocarbon composition. 5. CO2 to H 2S ratio in the gas. 6. Economics of the process. 7. The desirability of sulfur recovery due to environmental problems, or economics. Besides CO 2 and HzS, some gases may contain other sulfur derivatives such as mercaptans and carbonyl sulfide. The presence of such impurities may eliminate some of the sweetening processes. The concentrations of acid components are important to consider. Some processes effectively remove large amounts of acid gas, but not to low enough le"eis. Others remove to ultra-low values, but cannot handle large amounts of acid components in the incoming stream economically. Selectivity of a process implies the degree of removal of one acid gas component relative to another. Some processes remove both H 2S and CO 2 , while others are designed to selectively remove only HzS. Generally, it is important to consider the selectivity of a process for H 2S versus CO 2 to ensure desired extent of removal of these components. For this reason. CO 2 to H 2S ratio in the gas is also an important parameter. Operating conditions affect the performance of several sweetening processes. Also, different processes discharge the sweetened gas stream at different pressure and temperature levels relative to the conditions of the incoming stream. Thus, the inlet and outlet conditions desired are significant Variables to consider. It may be economic in some cases to alter inflow conditions to suit the process, and outflow conditions to meet pipeline requirements. Some processes are economic for large gas volumes, while others lose their economic advantage when large volumes of gas are to be treated. Cas com- • 260 Gas Production Engineering INLET SOU" IJU ~ DemljurlUltioll PrOCes8n . ~ l~ ~:'" ,m"""~ na"E 4- p '" ~ <= tOO"I~ ttEATIN,!, 11£,1,1(11 ir 4_WilT 1'" VALVE • OUTLET $WEET CAS I •• T C'" '? f< ~ 261 corrosion and fouling problems are generally minimal. These processes offer fair to good selectivity. The solvent used is generally recovered by flashing the acid component-rich solvent (called rich solvent) in flash tanks at successively lower pressures. Thus, little or no heat is required for regeneration or other purposes. But a sulfur recovery unit is required since these pr~ do not alter the acid components chemically in an)' manner. Some processes in this category offer simultaneous dehydration. Most solvents currently in use have a relatively high solubility for heavier hydrocarbons. particularly unsaturated and aromatic components. These components are very detrimental to the performance of most sulfur reco...ery processes and may yield an unsuitable, contaminated sulfur as the product. So, for sour gases containing heavy hydrocarbons (heptanes plus) or unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. particular care must be taken during the regeneration step to prevent their entry into the acid gas stream that is to be sent to a sulfur recovery unit. Water Wash (Aquasorption) Process .? Figure 6·1. Flowsheet for a molecular sieve desulfurization process. (After Fails and Harris, 1960; courtesy 01 Oil & Gas Journsl.) Besides regeneration losses. gas is also lost by the adsorption of hydrocarbon components by the sieve. Unsaturated hydrocarbon components such as olerin~ and aromatics tend to be strongly adsorbed (Conviser, 1965). Molecwar Sle\-~ are also prone to poisoning by several chemicals such as glycols and reqUire ~horough ~as cleaning methods prior to the adsorption step. The process reqUires a cyclic operation, since it is batch-type, with a cycle time 0." the order of 2 hours. Initial capital investments are high, and regenerahon reqUires a lot of heat. For gas streams containing CO 2• carbonyl sulfide may form as shown in the following reversible reaction: H,s + CO, - COS + H,O ~101ecular, sieves tend to catalyze this reaction. The problem has been studIed extensively, and new molecular sieves have been developed to retard the COS formation. Physical Absorption Processes These processes rely ~pon physical absorption of acid components as the gas sweetening mechamsm. Because only physical absorption is involved. This process is effective for high pressure gas, with high acid gas content and high H 2S to CO 2 ratio. According to Maddox (1982), a water wash operation followed by an amine process is 12 to 15% lower in capital investment, and ahout 50 % lower in operating expenses as compared to a Single amine unit for an equivalent sweetening job. For gases \\ a high HzS to CO 2 ratio, the saving5 can be as much as 40 % in investment, and 60 to 70 % in operating costs. In the water wash sweetening process, sour gas is sent upward through a contactor, countercurrent to the water (see Figure 6-2). The partially sweetened gas from the top of the to\... er is sent to further treatment units (typically, an amine unit). The rich water solution from the bottom of the tower is sent to an intermediate pressure flash tank for recovery of dissolved hydrocarbons. A power recover)' turbine is provided for repressurizing the water before sending it to a low pressure flash tank where all of the acid gas is removed, and the lean water obtained is recycled. Froning et al. (1964) presented calculation procedure:; for estimating the performance of a water wash and provide data required for such calculations. Their results show that HzS is about three times more soluble in water than CO 2 , thereby showing that the selectivity of the process is quite good. Selexol Process This process uses dimethyl ether of polyethylene glycol (DMPEG) as a solvent. Solubilities in Selexol solvent of HzS and CO 2 and other acid gas com- • 258 Cos Production Engineering position should also be considered. since some processes are adversely affected by the presence of heavier fractions. while others may strip the gas of some of its hydrocarbon constituents. The desirability of reco\"eringsulfur as e1ementaJ sulfur reduces the choice considerably. Processes with sulfur recovery have become very important in America. and will become so worldwide in the near future due to environmental problems caused by sulfur emissions. Sulfur is a useful by.product. ~enerally in good demand by the fertilizer and chemicals industry. Thert... fort'. in <;t>veral in-.tanCf'S. rulfur recovery may be aUracth'e from an economic standpoint also. Demlfunzation Processes 259 latter process gives an improved performance, generating a higher removal efficiency as well as better regeneration. This process offers advantages of simplicity, and absolute selectivity, which implies less gas shrinkage because COz is retained in the gas. It is relatively inexpensive. There are several disadvantages, such as difficult and expensive regeneration, excessi\"e pressure losses through the bed, inability to remove large amounts of sulfur, and suUur disposal problems, since it does not produce sulfur in a saleable form. Details about this process are avail· able from various SOllrC't'S such as Taylor (1956). Kohl and Riesenfeld (1985). and Duckworth and Geddes (1965). Molecular Sieves Solid Bed Sweetening Processes These processes are based upon physical or chemical adsorption of acid gases on a solid surface. Although not as widely used as the liquid absorp. tion processes, they offer advantage'; such as simplicity, high selcctivity (onl~ H~S is generally removed), and a process efficiency almost independent of pressure. These processes are best applied to gases with moderate concentrations of H 2S, and where CO 2 is to be retained in the gas. The Iron Sponge Process Sour gas is passed through a bed of wood chips that ha\'e been impregnated with a special hydrated form of ferric oxide that has a high affinity for HzS. The chemical reaction is as follows: The temperature must be kept at less than 120°F. According to Kohl and Riesenfeld (1985), temperatures above 120°F and neutral or acid condition_\ lead to the loss of the water of crystallization of the ferric oxide. The bed then becomes very diHicult to regenerate. Iron o~de is regenerated by passing oxygen/air over the bed: The process operates in a batch-type reaction-regeneration cycle. Regeneration of the bed, however, is quite difficult and incurs excessive maintenance and operating costs. Also, sulfur eventually covers most of the surface of the ferric o~de particles and further regeneration becomes impossible. A continuous regeneration process has also been developed, where small amounts of oxygen or air are added along with the sour gas at the inlet. This Synthetically manufactured forms of crystalline sodium-calcium alumino silicates, molecular sieves are porous in structure and have a very large surface area. The pores. formed by the removal of water of crystallization, are uniform throughout the material. Severa! grades of molecular sieves are available, with each grade corresponding to a very narrow range of pore sizes. Molecular sieves remove components through a combination of a "sieving" and physical adsorption process. Because of their narrow pore sizes, they discriminate among the adsorbates on the basis of their molecular sizes. The sieves possess highly localized polar charges on their surface that act as adsorption sites for polar materials. Therefore, polar or polarizable compounds, e\'Cn in low concentrations, are adsorbed on the sieve surface. They are highJy selective in the removal of H~ and other sulfur compounds from natural gas, and orrer a continuously high absorption efficiency. They remove water also (a polar compound) and thus offer a means of simultaneous dehydration and desulfurization. High water content gases, however, may require upstream dehydration (Rushton and Hays, 1961). Fails and Harris (1960) conducted several pilot studies on sieves and other adsorbents. They found that the adsorptive capacity of molecular sieves for H 2S decreases with increasing temperature, and increases with increasing H2S/C0 2 ratio. Increasing contact time is favorable to H 2S removal up to a point, beyond which there is no effect. An optimum pressure of about 450 psia was identified by Fails and Harris, though the effect of pressure was found to be quite small. The process flow scheme, shown in Figure 6-1, is similar to the iron sponge process. The bed is regenerated by passing a portion of the sweetened gas, preheated to about 400-600°F or more, for about 1.5 hours to heat the bed. As the temperature of the bed increases, it releases the adsorbed H 2S into the regeneration gas stream. The sour effluent regeneration gas is flared off. According to Rushton and Hays (1961), about 1-2% of the gas treated is lost in this regeneration process. • 262 Gas Production Engineering .' ponents are directly proportiona1 to the partial pressures of these components. The solubility of H 2S is about 10 times greater than CO 2 • and hydrocarbon solubility is quite small. Heavier hydrocarbons. however, have greater solubility. and intermediate flashe> are generally required for hydrocarbon remO\:al, Different Selexol·based processes have been designed and used success. fuJly. H~'er and Hanis (1970) describe three plants installed for a wide range of H:zS to CO 2 ratios: one plant for a high HzS to CO 2 ratio. another for a 10\\ H~ to CO~ ratio. and the third for a ga~ containing large amounts of both H2S and CO 2 _ Figure 6-3 shows a flow scheme for a low HzS to CO 2 ratio gas. Sour gas, pretreated to remove an)' solids and free liquids, is dehydrated, cooled to 40"F. and sent to the absorber for a countercurrent contact with Selexol sol. vent. Rich selexol from the bottom of the absorber is sent, via a surge tank to remove entrained gas that is recycled back into the absorber. and a power recovery turbine for pTeSI>urizing the solvent, to a high pressure flash. Most of the absorbed methane and some of the CO 2 is released in this flash. and iii recycled to the absorber. In the second flash stage, most of the vapor reJeased is CO 2 and it iii \"ented after power recovery. Finally, the Selexol is sent to the low pressure flash, which is operated at 16 psia, Here, HilS and the remaining CO 2 are flashed off as the vapor stream, which is vented to the atmosphere. 263 De!tIljurizotlon Processes ~ :~;. -~:; -->: --- h tlAO IRf'IQ. -n ..i I ..1 i~ h .-l ,lI ~ L .JII"" "--'·~j 1 ) ( '''-~" '"'~ '. '<C. t L Figure 6-3. Selexol'" based plant for a low H2S to CO 2 ratio gas. (After Raney, 1976: reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing.) Chemical Absorption- The Alkanol-Amine Processes The alkanol-amine processes are the most prominent and widely used processes for HtS and CO 2 remo\>·al, They offer good reactivity at low cost and good flexibility in design and operation. Some of the commonly used alkanol-amines for absorption desulrurization are: monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA). triethanolamine (TEA), fJ/3' hydroxiethanolamine, usually called diglycolamine (DCA), di-isopropanolamine (DIPA), and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), Table 6-1 shows some or the Table 6-1 Some Characteristics 01 Ethanolamines· Figure 6-2. A typical water wash process. (After Froning at aI., 1964: reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing.) Amine Type Chem. Formula MEA DEA TEA DCA DIPA MDEA HOC~ H..NH J ( H O~ H .ltN n ( H OCJH.)~ II(OCtll.l,.\lll t ( HOC~I.),.\l 11 (HOC 2 H.hNCH, • MItt Maddo.:. 1982. Mol. Wt. 61.08 iOS.14 148.19 lOS. 14 133.19 119.17 . Yap. Presa .•, 100-F, mm Hg Ret C.paclty LOS 0_058 0_0063 100 0.160 0.010 0.0061 58 ,I 58 46 51 Dewljurlzotion PrOCf!:SM!Jl Cal Production Engineering important properties for these six alkanol-amines. Among these, MEA and DEA processes are the most widely used. MEA has the highest reactivity, and therefore the highest acid gas removal capacity, and the lowest molecular weight among the amines. Therefore, it offers the highest removal capacity on a unit weight or unit volume basis, which implies lower solution circulation rates in a sweetening plant. MEA is chemically stable (minimal solution degradation). The reaction rate of HtS with MEA is greater than that of CO 2 . The process, however, is con· ~idered to be almost non-selective in its removal capacity for HzS and CO~. because even the slower reacting CO 2 is rapidly and almost completely re· moved. MEA is able to remove acid gases to pipeline specifications, and even beyond. MEA, however, suffers from relatively high solution losses primarily due to two reasons: it has a relatively high vapor pressure that causes greater vaporization losses. and it reacts irreversibly with carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide. High vaporization losses put a limitation on the operating temperatures, which must be kept low. whereas the reactions leading to buildup of solids necessitate efficient filtration schemes. DEA is quite similar to MEA. except it is not as reactive, so H 2S removal to pipeline specifications may cause problems in some cases: its reactions with carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide are slower and lead to different products, so filtration problems are less: and its vapor pressure is lower. therefore vaporization losses are less. Thus. DEA can be advantageous to use in some cases. TEA has been almost totally replaced by MEA and DEA, primarilv because it has lesser reactivity and problems are encountered in sweetenin'g the gas to pipeline specifications. DCA has found application in recent vears. It has the same reactivity as DEA, and a reasonably low \'apor pressu~. DlPA is also able to treat gas to pipeline specifications, and is used in the Sulfinol process by Sheil, and the AOlP process. MDEA has received renewed attention because it has a fairly good ~Iectivity for H 2S, so CO 2 can be retained in the gas: and it offers some energy saving in the regeneration step. MDEA, however, may not be commercially competitive with other amine processes (Maddox. 1982). Solution Concentrations and Reactions For MEA, an appro:timately 15% concentration (by weight) solution is generally used. DEA is used in 20-30% or more concentration. DlPA and MDEA are typically used in 30-50% concentration in aqueous solution, while DCA is used in the 40-70 % by weight concentration range. Some plants use a mixture of a glycol and an amine for simultaneous dehydration and desulfurization. Generally. a solution containing 10 to 30'?', 265 by weight MEA, 45 to 85% by weight TEC (triethylene glycol), and 5 to 25% by weight of water is used. This process removes both CO 2 and H 2S be<;ides dehydrating the gas. At high temperatures, the mixture becomes very volatile and difficult to handle. Also, the g1}"COI-amine combination does not dehydrate as well as an independent glycol unit. The reactions for the ethanolamines, MEA. DEA. and TEA are as follows (Batt et aI., 1980, Rahman, 1982), 1. Formation of a bisulfide of the ethanolamine on reaction ....ith H 2S. RNH2 + H~ ~ RNH.S + heat 2. For MEA and DEA, with CO 2, the carbamate salt of the ethanolamine is formed. TEA does not have this reaction with CO~. 2RNH2 + CO 2 ~ RNHCOi + RNH:i + heat 3. In aqueous solution, with CO 2, the carbonate salt of the ethanolamine is formed. This is a slower reaction. General Process Flow Scheme MEA is usually preferred over DEA because it enables a smaller circulation rate of the solution, although it has a higher vapor pressure with increased chances of greater chemical losses. The plant is very much like an absorption dehydration system. The main differences are (Curry, 1981): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The contactor contains man)' more tray sectiOns, up to 20 or more. A side-stream reclaimer is provided in an MEA system. More elaborate filtration and heat exchange equipment is required. Operating temperatures are di£ferent. The reflux requirements are greater. The problems encountered arc also quite similar, though in a more severe form. Some such problems are corrosion, foaming, solution losses. and poor solution filtering. There are other problems relating to the high vapor pressure of MEA. Solution loading, that is, the amount or level of liquid MEA in the contactor, is critical. The exothermic reactions in the contactor coupled with the low boiling point of MEA make solution loading a difficult problem. The presence of sulfur intensifies the corrosion problems by introducing stress corrosion. • 266 DelU1JuriUltion Processes GO! Productwn Engineering u_. ................. ......... • •• ..... - ......... ~. __ ... ...... .......- . _"00' ......... ....... ..-...... ~ ,. :1.:;1','1" ...... . ~-'Il'i-"'-"f ' - "" " ... " ......- --..•,.1+-+--, ,,~ .,".......... . . ............. 267 absorb approximately 3.5 to 4.5 seC acid gas per gallon of solution. This can be used to determine the MEA circu1ation rate in a preliminary design . Besides its performance, the location of the filtering system is critical to plant operation (Curry, 1981). An efficient filtration will generally reduce foaming, corrosion , and fouling of mechanical equipment. Remember that most filtration problems resu1t not from the failure of the filtration system, but from inefficient gas cleaning. Full-flow filtration is most desirable, although some plants use side-stream filtration where only a part of the stream is filtered. Iron suUide (FeS) is the most common solid in MEA systems that requires filtration. Diatomaceous earth (DE) filters are commonly used to enable removal of particulate matter up to almost I micron. Another commonly used filter is the disposable element type, but it is quite expensive and used only where severe problems warrant its usage. Usually a secondary filtration system is installed in paraliel to enable crossover and allow time for cleaning Of removing a used filter. .... ",.. ..."" .... , Figure 6·4. A comparison of a MEA and DGA system lor treating 100 MMscfd of natural gas. (After Olngman and Moore, 1968; reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing.) A typical process flow scheme is shown in Figure 6-4. There are several variations, such as the location of the Hltering system , using a packed column instead of bubble-cap or valve-type trays in the contactor and the stripper, etc. A side-stream reclaimer mayor may not be used. The design of heat exchange and reflux systems var)'. Sour gas is sent upward through the contactor tower, countercurrent to the flow of MEA . The rich solution from the bottom of the contactor is sent to a flash tank where absorbed hydrocarbon gas in solution is vented. A retention time of about 2 minutes is usually sufficient. The flash tank also serves as a sediment accumulator and provisions must be made for sediment removal. After passing through a heat exchange with lean solution (which preheats this rich solution), the rich solution enters the top of the stripper where it is stripped by steam that is generated by the reboiler. Outcomin~ steam from the top of the stripper is sent to a condensing unit to recover MEA liquid in a reflux accumulator. The acid gases re1eased at this stage are flared off. The liquid accumulated in the re£lux is sent to the regenerative system. Lean MEA accumu1ated at the bottom of the stripper is continuously recircu1ated through the reboiler. In the contactor (also called absorber), almost 90% of the acid gases are removed within the first three trays at the bottom. The reactions being exothermic, this resu1ts in high temperatures in the contactor in this region. Usually a 20 % (by \\-eight) MEA solution is used in the contactOf, which can Chemical Absorption-The Carbonate Processes The Hot Carbonate Processes The basic hot carbonate process uses an aqueous solution of pota~ium carbonate. A highly concentrated solution is used to improve process performance. Temperature is kept high to keep the potassium carbonate and the reaction products. KHCO J and KHS, in solution. Both the absorber and regenerator are operated at high temperatures of about 230---240°F, which results in considerable savin~ in heat exchange and heating equipment. The process requires relatively high partial pressures of CO 2 , and cannot be used for gas streams that contain only HzS. It is also difficult to treat gas to pipeline specifications with this process. Among carbonate processes, those containing an activator to increase the activity of the hot pota~ium carbonate solution are more popular. Some of these are: 1. Benfield- several activators, usually DEA. 2. Catacarb-amine borates used as activators. 3. Ciammarco-Vetrocoke-for CO2 removal, arsenic trioxide most commonly used; sclenous acid and tellurous acid are also used. For H 2S removal, alkaline arsenites and arsenates (usually KH 2As0 3 and KH 2AsO t ) used. The Ciammarco-Vetrocoke (C-V) process is an important development. There are several C-V processes for different applications. There is one process for the removal of C02t another for a highly selective H 2S removal and • 268 Gas Production Engineering subsequent sulfur recovery, and still another for the removal of both HzS and CO 2 _ The G-V CO 2 process offers substantial savings in steam consumption for solution regeneration. The arsenic trioxide inhibits corrosion, and the solution is therefore usually non-corrosive in nature. As for most conventional carbonate processes, impurities such as carbon disulfide, mercaptans, carlxmyl sulfide, etc., have no detrimental effects on the solution. Jenett (1962) presented data on the performance of a G- V plant and concluded that it functioned satisfactorily with minimal problems. The G-V process for HzS removal produces elemental sulfur of high purity as the by-product. It is a flexible process, and by suitably selecting the pH of the solution, the arsenite and arsenate content, and the operating conditions, the process can be made to be highly selective for H~ or remO\e both H~ and CO 2, There are no problems of corrosion, solution degradation, solution foaming, or carryover. The economics of the process are also quite good (Riesenfeld and Mullowney, 1959). and it can reduce H 2S content to less than 1 ppm. The process, however, is not able to handle gas streams with H 2S concentrations greater than 1.5% (jenett, 1962). Another carbonate process in acth'e use is the Alkazid process. There are three different alkazid solutions, and consequently. three different processe<i in this category. Alkazid DIK uses the potassium salt of diethyl glycine or dimethyl glycine. It is used for the selective removal of H 2S from gases that contain both H 2S and CO~. Alkazid M uses sodium alanine and is effectivc in removing both H~ and CO 2 , Alkazid S uses a sodium phenolate mixture and is applicable to gases containing impurities such as carbon disulfide, mercaptans, HCN, etc. Deroljurizotion Processe$ 269 alkali; (2) reduction of ADA by addition of h)'drosulfide to ~ carbo~yl up: (3) liberation of elemental suUur from reduced ADA by IOteraction ~th oxygen dissoh'ed in the solution: (4) reoxid.ation of t~~ red~ced ADA by air; and (5) reoxygenation of the alkaline solution, provldmg dlSSOh'ed O)(yp~_m .. Sevcra) possible additives have been tested to Increase the solutIOn capacity for hydrogen sulfide and the rate of conversion of .hyd~osulfide .to elemental sulfur. Alkali vanadates proved to be outstandmg In reducmg hydrosulfide to sulfur. with a ~imullaneous ,alence change of vanadium from five to four. In the presence of ADA. the vanadate solution can be regenerated to a five valence state. The reduced ADA is easily oxidized by air. The circulated solution (also called Stretford solution) consists of chemicals in a dilute water solution as follows: 1. Sodium salt of 2,7 ADA. The 2,7 isomer is preferred over 2,6 because of the greater solubility of the former. 2. Sodium meta vanadate. This provides the active vanadium. 3. Sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle salts). ThL-; is used to prevent the formation of a complex vanadium-oxygen precipitate that removes vanadium from solution. 4. A sequestering agent to prevent precipitation of metallic ions from Stretford sol ution, such as Chel 242 PN. 5. Sodium carbonate. Used as required to maintain total alkalinity. 6. Sodium bicarbonate added to reduce the absorption of CO 2 • The overall reaction of the Holmes-Stretford process is the atmospheric oxidation of H2S to elemental sulfur: The Holmcs-Stretford Process This process converts H2S to elemental sulfur of almost 99.9% purity. The process is se1ective for H~. and can reduce the H 2S content to as low as I ppm. CO 2 content remains almost unaltered by this process. Operating costs are lower and the process has better £lexibility in application, that is, it can be designed for larger pressure and temperature ranges. The Holmes-Stretford process, a modification of the Stretford process developed by the North Western Cas Board in England, was developed by Peabody-Holmes. Details on the mechanism of the process, and its performance are reported in several publications (Nicklin et ai., 1973; Moyes and Wilkinson, 1974: Ouwerkerk, 1978; Vasan, 1978). The process uses an aqueous solution containing sodium carbonate and bicarbonate in the ratio of approximately 1 :3. resulting in a pH of about 8.5 to 9.5, and the sodium salts of 2,6 and 2,7 isomers of anthraquinone disulfonic acid (ADA). The postulated reaction mechanism invol ..·cs five steps: (1) absorption of H2S in The reaction , however, occurs in the following steps: (6-1) (6-2) (6-4) The absorption rate of H~ in solution (Equation 6-1) is favored by high pH, whereas the conversion to elemental sulfur (Equation 6-2) is adversely affected by pH values abo"e 9.5. Therefore, the process is best operated \\.ithin a pH range of 8.5 to 9.5. • 270 DestllJurizatiml Processes Cas Production Engineering The comersion of HzS to sulfur is quite rapid and is essentially a function of the vanadate concentration in the solution. According to Thompson and Nicklin (1964) the reaction is second order. In practice, an excess of vanadate is used in order to avoid overloading of the solution with sulfide and subsequent formation of thiosulfate during solution regeneration. The reduced vanadate is oxidized by ADA (Equation 6-3). Oxidation of ADA by contact with air is a fairly rapid reaction. The rate of oxidation can. however, be accelerated by the presence of small amounts of iron salts kept in solution by a chelating agent (i\icklin and Hughes. 19i8). In general. a concentration of SO-I00 ppm of iron combined with about 2,700 ppm of ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) is satisfactory. The chemicals could conceivably be used indefinitely with only minimal replenishments for losses that occur in the absorber or within the sulfur n.... cover}' unit. This, however. cannot be done indefinitely because side reactions produce undesirable dissolved solids. These solids are permitted to build up to extremely high concentrations until eventually some solution must be discarded. Primarily, sodium sulfate and sodium thiosulfate arE' formed in reactions such as: .............. - -"/._-,., .. -- - " /...- - ,..... Thiosulfate formation may be due to the fact that NaHS has not reacted with the vanadate (because of insufficient time in the absorber) and there· fore is carried to the oxidizer to react with oxygen there. If there is air in the feed gas, some of the undesired material can be formed in the contactor itself. High temperature and pH also favor thiosulfate formation. The di~­ solved solids such as thiosulfate are allowed to build up in the solution to concentrations upwards of 250,0CI0 ppm. It may take a year or longer after plant startup to reach this level. At these high concentrations, disposal b~ purging in"olvC$ very little of the active chemical, and hence chemical usage is kept low. The effluent stream from the Stretford process, containing sodium thiosulfate and in some cases sodium thiocyanate, must be treated prior to discharge. Holmes developed four alternative methods to handle effluents from this process: evaporation or spray drying, biological degradation, oxidative combustion, and reductive incineration. Of these, the reductive incineration process is the most common since it results in a zero effluent discharge, with all the products from the step being recyclable. The reductive incineration process cracks the bleed liquor containing sodium thiosulfate into a gas stream containing H2.S and CO 2 and a liquid stream containing reduced vanadium salts, all of which are recycled. 271 ~I'" "... / 10 UI " .."" .. Figure 6-5. Flowsheet for Holmes·Stratford process. (After Vasan, 1978; courtesy of Oil & Gas Journal.) Figure 6-5 shows the process flow scheme. In the gas absorption section, gas is first subjected to the inlet scrubber unit to remove any liquids and contaminants that may be detrimental to the process. A venturi-type absorber is used, instead of the conventional packed bed type, to reduce the size of the absorption unit and achie\'e a better degree of absorption since it provides a larger surface area for mass transfer. The outlet scrubber prevents carryover of any entrained Stretford solution in the gas into the sales gas stream. The reduced solution from the bottom of the absorber is first piped through a flash drum in the oxidation section. F1ash vapors may be used as incinerator fuel , or returned to compressor station and mixed with sweetened gas. Liquid from the flash drum is sent to the oxidation tank where air from the blowers contacl~ the liquid at the vessel bottom, and sulfur froth is isolated at the surface. The oxidized Stretford solution goes to the circulation pump and to the surge tank for recirculation to the absorber. The sulfur processing section includes a slurry tank and an autoclave for melting sulfur. Molten sulfur from the bottom of the autoclave is cooled, flaked. and finally bagged for storage and shipment. The clear Stretford solvent is scnt to the effluent treatment section. • 272 Gas Production Engineering DerolfuriUltion Processes The process is fairly easy to operate. Alkalinity. concentrations, and amounts of the active chemicals change slowly with time and replenishments need only be done quite infrequently. Corrosion problems are encoun. tered, just as in any sweetening proce;s. Kresse et al. (1981) provide an interesting discussion on some problems encountered, and their rectification. in two plants using this process. . ... Questioru and Problems ' . I \Vhy must H 2S be removed from natural gas? Give at least three reasons. 2. Why is it necessary to remove CO 2 ? In what cases is CO 2 removal not necessary? 3. What types of desulfurization processes are available for natural gas? What factors are important in selecting the applicable process? 4. Compare the iron-sponge and molecular sieve desulfurization processes. 5. In what cases arc the physical absorption processes useful? 6. Why are chemical absorption pr~ the most widely used desulfuriza tion processes? 7. Compare the alkanol-amine and carbonate processes. 8. Which of the processes described in this chapter hold the most promising future? Why? References Batt, W. T., Vaz, R. N., Rahman, M., Mains, C. H., and Maddox, R. N., 1980. Cas Conditioning ConJerence, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Conviser, S. A., 1965. "Molecular Sieves Used to Remove Mercaptans From Natural Cas," O. & Cas J., 63 (49, Dec. 6), 130-133. Curry. R. N., 1981. Fundamentals oj Natural Gas Conditioning. PennWell Publishing Company, Thlsa, Oldahoma, 118 pp. Dingman, J. C. and Moore, T. E. 1968. "Compare DCA and MEA Sweetening Methods," Hydr. Proc., 47 (7, July) , 138-140. Duckworth, G. L. and Geddes, J. H., 1965. "Natural Gas Desulfurized by the Iron·Sponge Process," O. & Cas]., 63 (37, Sept. 13),94-96. Fails, J. C. and Harris. W. D., 1960. "PracticaJ Way to Sweeten NaturaJ Gas," O. & Cas 1.,58 (28, July 11), 8&-90. 273 Froning, H. R., Jacob); R. H., and Richards. W. L., 1964. "New K-Oata Show Value of Water Wash," lIydr. Proc. & Petro Ref·, 43 (4, Apr.), 125- Heg. - ...·er, A. M. and Harris, R. A., 1970. "Selexol Solves High HzS/C0 2 problem," Hydr. Pmc., 49 (4, Apr.), 103--104. Jenett, E., 1962. "Six Case Studies Throw Light on t~e Giammarco-Vetrocoke Process," O. & Cas I .. 60 (l8. Apr. 30), 72--71. Kohl, A. L. and Riesenfeld, F. C .. 1985. Gas Purijication'4th ed., Culf Publi.o.hing Co .. Houston, Texas. RtO pp. Kresse, T. J., Lindsey, E. E .. and Wadleigh, T., 1981. "Stretford Plants proving Reliable," 0. & Gas J., i9 (2. Jan . 12),80-87. Maddox, R. N., 1982. Gas Couditioning and Processing - Vol. 4: Cas alld Liquid Sweelellillg/ 3rd ed., edited by J. M. Campbell, Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma, 370 pp. Manning, \V. P., 1979. ··Chemsweet. A New Process for Sweetening LowValue Sour Cas," 0. & Cas /., 77 (42, Oct. 15), 122-124. Moyes, A. J. and Wilkinson, J. S .. 1974. "Development of the Holmes-Stretford Process," Tile C1Jemicaf Eugineer (Brit.), No. 282 (Feb. ), 84-90. Nicklin, T. and Hughes, D .• 1978. "Removing HzS From Cases and Liquids," Chern. Abst., 88, 9427601. Nicklin, T., Riesenfeld, F. C .. and VaelJ, R. P., 1973. "The Application of the Stretford Process to the Purification of Natural Cas," Paper presented at the 12th World Gas Conference, Nice, France, June 1973. O. & Cas I., 1981. "New Cas-Sweetening Process Offers Economical Alternative," 79 (35, Aug. 31), 60-62. Ouwerkerk, C., 1978. "Design for Selective H 2S Absorption," Hydr. Proc., 57 (4, Ap'.), 89-94. Rahman, M ., 1982. Ph.D. Thesis. Oklahoma State Univ. (May, 1982), Oldahoma. Raney, D. R., 1976. "Remove Carbon Dioxide With Selexol," Hydr. Proc., 55 (4, Ap'. ), 73-75. Riesenfeld, F. C. and Mullowney, J. F.. 1959. Proc. 38th Ann. NCPA Meet., April 22-24. Rushton , D. W. and Hays, W., 1961. "Selective Adsorption to Remove H,S;' O. & Gas /. , 59 (38, Sept. 18), 102-103. Sun, Y-C., 1980. "Packed Beds for Best SulFur Removal," Hydr. Proc., 59 (10, Oct.) , 99-102. Taylor, D. K., 1956. "How to Desulfurize Natural Gas," O. & Cas}., multiple issues of Vol. 54: Nov. 5, p.I2S: Nov. 19, p.2oo; Dec. 3, p.139; Dec. la, p.147. • 274 Gas Production Erlgineering Thompson. R, J. S. and NickJin, T,: 1~. "Le Procede Stretford," paper presented at the Congress of Association Technique de I'Industrie du Cazen, France. Vasa~ , S.. 19i5. "Holmes-Stretford p~ Offers Economic H~S R v I" Oil t/. .~ Cas J., i6 (1. Jan . 2), 78-80. - erne a . 7 Steady-State Flow of Gas Through Pipes Introduction Pipes provide an economic means of producing (through tubing or casing) and transporting (via flowlines or pipelines) fluids in large volumes over great distances. They are convenient to fabricate and install, and provide an almost indefinite life span. Because flow is continuous, minimal storage facilities are required. at either end (field supply end, and the consumer end). Operating costs are very low, and flow is guaranteed under all conditions of weather, with good control (an installed pipeline can usually handle a wide range of flow rates). There are no spillage or other handling I~, unless the line develops a leak, which can be easily located and fixed for surface lines. The flow of gases through piping systems involves flow in horizontal, inclined, and vertical orientations, and through constrictions such as chokes for flow control. This chapter introduces some basic concepts for these flow type<. Gas Flow Fundamentals AI} fluid flow equations are derived from a basic energy balance which, for a steady-state system (no time-dependence of flow parameters), can be expressed as: Change in internal energy + Change in kinetic energy + Change in potential energy + Work done on the fluid + Heat energy added to the fluid - Shaft work done by fluid on the surroundings -0 275 • 276 Steady State Flow of Gas Through Pipn Gas Production Engineering Thus, on a unit mass basis, the energy balance for a fluid under steady-state flow conditions can be written as: dv' g dU + - + - dz + d(pY) + dQ - dw, - 0 2g, g, (7- 1) where U - internal energy. ft.lbfilbm \: - £luid velocity. ftlsee z - elevation above a given datum plane, ft p - prarure, Ibflft2 V - volume of a unit mass of the fluid, ftJ/lbm Q - heat added to the fluid, ft-Ibf/lbm W, - shaft work done by the fluid on the surroundings, ft.lbfllbm g - gravitational acceleration, ftlsec'l g., - conversion factor relating mass and weight·. This basic relationship can be manipulated in several different ways. Com. monly, it is converted into a mechanical energy balance using the well known thermodynamic relations for enthalpy (h): dU + d(pY) - dh - T<h + Ydp where h - specific fluid enthalpy, ft.lbfllbm T - temperature, oR s - specific fluid entropy, ft-Ibfllbm Equation 7-1 now becomes: dv' T<h + Ydp + - + (glg,)dz + dQ - dw, - 0 2g, For an ideal process, ds... - dQ/T. Since no process is ideal (or reversible). ds ~ - dQ/T, or: T<h - - dQ + clio where I", is the lost work due to irreversibilities such as friction. • F .. mgll<. In metric (Of 51) units, IN .. (1 kg)(9.8 mlsec")Ig.., implying that g.. .. 9.8 kgm: (t-; secI) .. 1 N·N. In British units, 1 Ibf .. (I Ibm)(32.17 h /secf)I g.., Implying that g.. .. 32.17 Ibm fti/lbf sec-t). 277 On this further substitution, Equation 7-1 becomes: Ydp + dv' + (glg,)dz + clio - dw, - 0 2g, Neglecting the shaft work sity, p: (7-2) w,, and multiplying throughout by the fluid den- dp + pd,' + (glg,)pdz + pcll.-O 2g, (7-3) All the terms in Equation 7-3 have units of pressure. Equation 7-3 can also be written as: 6p + p11v' + (glg,)ptu + p61. - 0 2g, .6p + pil.v2 + (gI~)p.6z + .6Pf ... 0 (7-4) 2g, where .6p, represents the pressure drop due to friction , and is dependent upon the prevailing flow conditions. Types of Single-Phase Flow Regimes and Reynolds Number Four types of single-phase flow are possible: laminar, critical, transit.ion, and turbulent (see Figure 7-1). Reynolds applied dimension~1 anal}~IS. to flow phenomena, and concluded that the flow regime that will prevaillS a function of the following dimensionless group known as the Reynolds number, NRe: Nae - inertia forces/viscous forces - dvplp. (7-5) where d _ (inside) diameter of the conduit through which the fluid is flowing v _ velocity of the fluid p - density of the fluid Il - viscosity of the fluid For cross-sections other than circular, an equivalent diameter, four times the hydraulic radius, Rh • is used instead of d: <1", defined as • 278 Go.J Production Engineering Steady State Flow oj Ca.s Through Pipes d" ,.. . 4R" .. 4[area of flow/wetted perimeter] 279 (7-6) For example, for a flow conduit with a square cross-section (a x a): Cross-sectional area of flow = a 2 •,; Wetted perimeter - 4a Thus, • -'0 d" = 4(a 2 /4a) - a For flow through a casing-tubing annulus, with casing inside diameter equal to da and tubing outside diameter equal to <ito: Cross-sectional area of flow =- ('lI"/4)(~ ~ Wetted perimeter = r(d.,; rltz,,) + clIO) .i • o § Z • '" ~ Th verify the applicability of this approach, consider the case of a pipe with a circular cross section of diameter d: Cross-sectional area of flow'"' rd 2/4 Wetted perimeter = .,.d • • • • • The units for parameters in the Reynolds number should be consistent, so that a dimensionless number is obtained. One such consistent set would have d in ft, v in ft /see, p in Ibm/ftl, and p. in lbmf(ft sec). The dynamic fluid viscosity /l. frequently given in centipoises (cp), can be converted into lhm/(ft sec) using the conversion factor of 1 cp - 6.7197 x 1O-~ Ihm/(ft sec). Thus: N.. _ d(ft)v(ItJ=)p(lhmlft') _ I 488 d(ft)v(ftlsec)pQhmlft') .(cp) x 6.7197 x 10-" .(cp) (7-7) For gases, the flow rate is commonly expressed in Mscfd (thousands of standard cubic feet per day). This volumetric rate, q.., (Mscfd), at standard conditions of pressure (p"", psia) and temperature (T"", OR) . can be converted into mass flow rate, m in Ibm/sec, as follows: , Gas Production Engineering m _ Avp - (I,OOOq,.)Mp. _ (3.1243 (24)(3,600)z.,RT. Steady State Flow oj Gas Through Pipes X IO-')(q.h,p. T. As shown in the Moody friction factor chart (Figure 7-1), flow regime is related to Reynolds number as follows: A - cross-sectional area of flow, ft2 M - molecu1ar weight of the gas R - gas constant (- 10.732 psia-ft3/lbmole-°R) Poe - pra-;ure at standard conditions, psia TE - temperature at standard conditions, OR gas compressibility at standard conditions ( _ 1) 1', - gas gravity (air - 1) where ~ow vp - (4)(3.1243 x 1O")q.>,p..,l(T.~d') - (3.9780 x 1O")q.>,p..,l(f.d') Substituting for vp in Equation 7-9 for NR~: _ d(3.978O x lO")q.>,P. _ 59. 1991q.>,P. T.,d2(J.t x 6.7197 x 10- 4) T.,dJt Generally, d is used in inches for most gas flow equations. For d in inches, N Re becomes: No. _ 7l0.39(p.(p';a)IT.(OR)]q.(Mscfdh. d(;n.) -<Cp) 14.4 14.65 14.73 15.025 T." oR 520 520 520 520 (60°F) (60°F) (60°F) (60°F) 71O.39 2..,1T. 19.672 20.014 20.123 20.526 Thus, for most practical applications, the Reynolds number for a gas is given by: rote it, very important where q., is in Mscfd, po is in cp, and d is in inches. <2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 (m 10,000) >4.000 (0' 10,000) Friction to flow through a pipe is affected by pipe-wall roughness. However, pipe roughness is not easily or directly measurable. and absolute pipe roughness t is, therefore, defined as the mean height of protusions in uniformly sized, tightly packed sand grains that give the same pressure gradient as the given pipe. This roughness may change with pipe use and exposure to fluids. Initially, the pipe contains mill scale that may be removed by fluids flowing inside the pipe. The fluids may also increase roughness by erosion or corrosion, or by precipitating materials that stick to the pipe wall. Thus, estimating pipe roughness is quite difficult. Usually, absolute roughness is determined by comparing the observed friction factor to that given in Moody's chart (Figure 7·1). If no roughness data are available. a value of l ,., 0.0006 in. can be used. Some typical values for roughness are shown below (Chemical Engineers' Halldbook, 1984): (7·8) The factor 710.39p.,JT.., for some common standard conditions is as follows: p.., psia NRh smooth pipes Pipe Roughness Thus, for a circular pipe of diameter d (ft), vp is given by: R~ type Laminar (or viscous) Critical Transition (or intermediate) Turbulent z.. - N 281 (7·9) in. Type of pipe i, Drawn tubing (brass, lead, glass) Aluminum pipe Plastic--lined or sand blasted Commercial steel or wrought iron Asphalted cast iron Galvanized iron Cast iron Cement-lined Riveted steel 0.00006 0.0002 0.0002-0.0003 0.0018 0.0048 0.006 0.0102 0.012-0.12 0.036-0.36 Commonly used well tubing and line pipe: New pipe 12-months old 24·months old O.OOO5-Q.OOO7 O.(XHSO 0.00175 • 286 287 Steady Slate Flow oj Cas Through Pip/!$ Gas Production Engilleering Frictional losses for a length dL of pipe are given by (Equation 7-11): pd!. - (fpv'/2g.d) dL Substituting for frictional losses: cally expedient. because an analytic description of the variation of temperature along the pipeline length is rather difficult and introduces some complexity. See last section in this chapter for expressions for temperature profiles in flowing gas systems. The gas compressibility factor, Z, is made independent of temperature and pressure by using an average compressibility factor, Z... for simplicity. Integrating over the pipe length from 0 to L and p~ure PI (at L - 0, at the upstream) to PI! (at L "" L, at the downstream end), Equation i-2S becomes: Substituting for g.ll densit) p: p - pM/(ZRT) and gas velocity v: , _ q. (ZTP.)(~)2 0'. v can directly be writen as this- in terms of q(sc) (7-28) pTJC rd Any consistent set of units can be used in Equation 7-28. In common units, with q,., in Mscfd, p in psia, T in OR, d in in., Lin ft, and with R "" 10.732 psia ft1f1b mole- OR and g., - 32.17 Ibm ftllbf-sec2, Equation 7-28 becomes: we obtain: _ d _ (_f)( pM )(IfX&Z'T'p!,J d 2g.d ~"'d' p ZRT L [10'1(3. 000 x 0'. - I Z~ dp - 8fMTp!,q!, I dL R.-'d' 24) ]'q!, _ (( 10. 732 x 144)(32.17)(1112)' 46.9644 )(It)( (pi - PI)d') Pi, ")'gZ.. TfL Thus, (7-251 (7-29) Note that T is constant (or, independent of length) since isothermal flow i~ assumed. Otherwise. an average temperature, T.~, is commonly used in. stead of T in the previolls relationship. The two types of averages used are the arithmetic average, (7-26) where q,., p.., T., PI _ _ - PI! d 'Y~ - and the log-mean temperature, T _ Zo.. (7-27) In practice, both these averages are quite close since temperatures T J and T2 are used as absolute temperatures. Using an average temperature is practi- f L - gas flow rate measured at standard conditions, Msc£d pressure at standard conditions, psia temperature at standard conditions, OR upstream pressure. psia downstream pressure, psia diameter of the pipe, ft gas gravity (air - 1 basis) flowing temperature. OR average gas compressibility factor Mocxly friction factor length of the pipe, ft Equation 7-29, attributed to Weymouth, is the general equation for steadystate isothermal flow of gas through a hOrizontaJ pipe. Implications of the 282 Steady Siale Flow of COl Throllgh Pipes Ga.! Production Engineering From dimensional analysis, it has been deduced that relative roughness, the ratio of the absolute roughness and inside pipe diameter, tid, rather than absolute roughness, affects flow through pipes. 283 Thus, the friction factor is independent of pipe roughness in the laminar flow regime. rartiolly-Turbuknt and Full!l.Turbulent Singk·Phme Flow Friction Factor For convenience, friction factor f' , defined as the ratio of the shear stress at the fluid-solid interface and the kinetic energy of the fluid per unit volume. is used in computing the magnitude of the pressure drop due to (ric tion. For steady-state flow in a uniform circular conduit such as a pipe. this results in the well known Fanning equation: "PI - 2f' Lpv'I(g.d) (7·10) where d is the inside pipe diameter. Any consistent set of units can be used in the previous equations. In customary units, ~Pt is in psi, L is in ft, p is in lbmfftl, v is in ft/see. d is in ft, and ~ is therefore equal to 32.171bm-ftllbf-sec2. Friction factor f' is called the Fanning friction factor. Usually, the Mood~ (also called Blasius, or Darcy-Weisbach) friction factor, equal to 4f' , is used. In terms of the Moody friction factor, f. the Fanning equation becomes: "PI - fLpv'/(2g.d) (7·11 The friction factor includes, besides roughnao>, the flow characteristics of the flow regime. It is therefore a function of Reynolds number and relatin' roughnao>: f - f(N •• , ./d) For partially-turbulent flow, friction factor is a function of both Reynolds number and pipe roughnao>. For fully turbulent flow, however, the friction factor is only very slightly dependent upon Reynolds number (see Figure 7-1) . Generally, intermediate or partially turbulent flow is included in turbulent flow for purposes of developing correlations. Several correlations have been reJXIrted for the dependence of friction factors on Reynolds number and pipe wall roughnao>; only some of the most accurate ones are presented here. For smooth pipes, the follOWing relationships are applicable: f'"" 0.5676 NR~-o.3Irn for intermediate flow f - 16 log (N~·~/0.7063) for partially turbulent flow f-O.~ _ 2 log (NR,f'~/0.628) for fully turbulent flow (prandU's formula) (7-14) (7-15) (7.16) f .. 0.3164 NRe- o 2.'5 for NRe up to 1()5 (Blasius formula) (7·17) f - 0.0056 + 0.5N Rf-03! for 3,000 < NRt < 3 x 1()6 (Drew. Koo, and McAdams) (7-18) For rough pipes, Colebrook's equation is the basis for most modern friction factor charts: Laminar Singk-PhaM Flow f~" - The pressure drop for laminar flow is given by the analytic HagenPoiseuille relationship as follows: "PI - 32,<vLl(g.d') (7·12) Equating Equations 7-11 and 7-12: 0'. 64 pJdvp - 64/N IW (7·19) For very rough pipes, Colebrook's equation (Equation 7-19) reduces to: f-U __ 2 log (f/3.7d) (7·20) whereas for smooth pipes, Colebrook's equation reduces to Prandtl's equation (Equation 7-16), Swamee and Jain (1976) have presented an explicit correlation for friction factors as follows: fLpv'I(2g.d) - 32,<vLl(g.d') r- - 210g [.1(3.7d) + O.628/(N R,J")] (7·13) (7·21) • Gas Prodllclion Engineering Steady State Flou: oj Gas Through Pipes Equation 7-21 is applicable for 10- 8 < f/d < 10 2, and 5,000 < Nile < lOS, with errors within 1 % when compared with Colebrook's equa- tion. In practice, solutions to the equations presented for friction factors are cumbersome, so a composile friction factor chart is used. as shown in Figure 7-1. Allowable Working Pressures for Pipes It is desirable to operate a pipe at a high pressure in order to achieve higher throughputs. This is, however, limited by the maximum stress the pipe can handle. The maximum allowable internal working pressure can be determined using the following ANSI (1976) specification: 2(, - elSE Pmu - c\, - 2(, - e)Y (7-22) where Pm,.. - maximum allowable internal pressure, psig t .. pipe thicknes:>, in. c .. sum of mechanical allowances (thread and groove depth), corrosion, erOSion, etc., in. S .. allowable stress (minimum yield strength) for the pipe material. psi E .. longitudinal weld joint factor (i.e., the anomaly due to weld seam), equal to l.0 for seamles:> pipes, 0.8 for fusion-welded and spiral-welded, and 0.6 for butt-welded pipes this is different from line do .. outside diameter of the pipe, in. efficency factor (symbol is Y .. temperature derating factor, equal to 0.4 up to 900°F, 0.5 same= E) for 950°F, and 0.7 for l,OOO°F and greater Allowable Flow Velocity in Pipes In most cases, C is taken to be 100 (Beggs, 1984). Su~ituting for C and the gas density (p .. pM/ZRT), Equation 7-23 can be wnUen as: Ve "" 100 lOO(ZRT)" (p~1 ZRT)0's "" (28.97P"rJ05 where 'Y is the gas gravity (air - I basis). The g!s flow rate at standard conditions for erosion to occur, (q")..,, can be obtained as foUows: )(TE)«d') I(lO(pR)o, .. ((28.97'YgZT)05 p.., . 4 . where (qe).," ga~ flow rate for onset of erosion, scf/see d '"' diameter of the pipe, ft p ,. flowing pressure, psia T "" flOWing temperature, OR R - gas constant ( - 10.732 psia-ftlllbmole..°R) Z .. gas compressibility factor at pressure p and temperature T Substituting for p., .. 14.73 psia, T., .. 520 OR. and converting to field units of d in inches and (Q.:)., in Mscfd. we get: (qJ•• 1,012.435 d' [Y~Tr' (7-24) where (q.).., is in Mscfd, d is in inches, p is in psia, and T is in OR. High flow velocities in pipes can cause pipe erosion problems, especially for ga5e'l that may have a flow velocity exceeding 70 fUsee. The velocity at which erosion begins to OCCUr is dependent upon the presence of solid particles, their shape, etc., and is, therefore, difficu1t to determine precisely. The following equation can be used as a simple approach to this problem (Beggs. 1984), (7-23) where v~ .. erosional velOCity, fUsee p .. fluid density, Ibm/ftl C .. a constant ranging between 75 and ISO 285 Horizontal Flow Many pipeline equations have been developed from the basic mechanical energy balance (Equation 7-3): dp + (pI2g.)dv' + (g/g.)pdz + pdt. _ 0 Assuming horizontal, steady-state, adiabatic, isothermal flow of gas, with negligible kinetic-energy change, Equation 7-3 becomes: dp + pdl ... .. 0 • 2B8 Steady Stole Flow oj Cos Through Pipe! Gas Production Engineering "'r.--- L, ---'~I"'-'U I-')i various assumptions made in the development of Equation 7-29 are as follows: l. No mechnnical work: It is assumed that no work is done on the gas between the points at which the pI'eMures are measured. This condition can be satisfied easUy by putting pressure measurement stations such that no mechanical energy is added (by compressors or pumps) between these two points. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reasons for : pressurelflow rate pulsations or surges, liquids in the pipeline. variations in operating conditions, variations in withdrawal or supply rates, etc. Isothermal flow: This assumption is usually met because buried pipelines are used which are not affected much by atmospheric temperature variations. Heat of compression is also dissipated rapidly, usually within a few miles downstream of the compressor station. For small temperature changes, the average temperature given by Equation 7-26 or 7-27 is generally satisfactory. Negligible kinetic energy change: This assumption is justified because kinetic energy changes are negligible, compared to changes in pressure, for very long pipelines, such as commercial transmission lines. Constant (average) gas compressibility factor: This is a reasonable approximation, especially if Z.v i~ computed at the average pressure given by Equation 7-32. Horizontal pipeline: In practice, flow is never truly horizontal. Equations developed to account for elevation changes will be discussed in the section on inclined flow. Average Pressure in a Gas Pipeline For an incompressible fluid, the average pressure is simply the arithmetic average of the inlet (PI) and outlet (P:2) pressures: p.~ - (PI + Pt)/2 "" _ 0.0775543 . (T_)(Pj - If.)d')" p"" "ygZ.,TfLx A~,==========~======~B ,- oll..•.-_____ L_C_ _ _ _-<~_l'-' Figure 7-2. Schematic of a gas pipeline for determining the average pressure. ,Figure 7-3. A plot of pressure versus distance in a pipeline carrying gas. (After Szilas, 1975.) and, "" _ 0.0775543 (7-30) (T<)( (pi - P!)d' )" p.., 'YgZ..TfL(l - x) • (7-3 1) Equating these Equations 7-30 and 7-31 (with the assumption that the difference in Z.v for the two pipe sections is negligible): ~-p~=pi-p~ x (1 - x) Solving for p.: p, • For a gas, a compressible fluid, this is not true. Consider a pipeline AB shown in Figure 7-2. Using Equation 7-29 for gas flow, one can derive a simple formula to determine the pressure at any point C along the pipeline at a fractional distance x from the inlet end. For a flow rate fk in the pipe. the following two relationships are true (from Equation 7-29): 289 [1'1 - x(pl - P!)f' This suggests a pressure profile as shown in Figure 7-3. The mean pressure is given by: -~(p,+~) 3 PI + P2 290 C(u ProdllctiQII Engineering Stead!J State Flow oj Gas Through Pipe! Rearranging and multiplying both numerator and denominator by (PI - p,), P.. _ ~ (PI + PIP, + PlI/PI 3 PI + P2 Panhandle (Panhandle .4.) Equati<m This equation assumes that f is a function of Reynolds number only as p,1 follows: llpl - p;J -~ (H) 291 f _ (7-32 (7-35) O.0768INR~-I461 Substituting 10' Il<om Equation 7-35 into Equ.tion 7-29, ------------------",-~~~~~----------- 5.6353821 (T_)(PI - pi "2Oq,." "'''''' d" where P., - average pressure, psia PI - upstream pressure, psia P2 - downstream pressure, psia q. - (0.0768)" Therefore, Z., must be computed using Equation 7-32 for average pressurt'. Several equations for gas flow have been derived from Equation 7-29 as. suming a friction factor relationship to avoid a trial and error computation. These equations differ only in the friction factor relationship assumed. As we have seen earlier, friction factors vary over a wide range with Reynold.... number and pipe roughness. Thus, none of these equations is universally ap. plicable. In gas field operations, engineers use the equation that best suits their conditions, or use their own modified versions. ''''''' ~ 25.309468 f - O.0321d 1tJ -,:., (T_)(Pi -P!)"(.!.j'' ' ' de."", p~ Z T L .'... -y (}0730.5 I'g Thus: d""" Z T p$''''''(lj'''''"' (T_)""'''(PI., .,. 'Y q., "" 32.6491 p., 0,07881 (7-36) !'~ The Panhandle A equation is most applicable to large diameter pipelines, at high flow rates. Modifu:d Panhandle Weymouth proposed the foUowing relationship for friction factor as a function of pipe diameter d in inches: ----;;;<l 0'. q.c: Non-Iterative Equations for Horizontal Gas Flow Po Z••T.. (Panhandl~ B) EqUlltion One of the most widely used equations for long transmission lines, the Panhandle B equation assumes that r is a function of Reynolds number as follows: (7-33) (7-37) f - O.00359/N~039U Substituting for f from Equation 7·3,3 into Equation 7·29: q. _ 31.5027 (T_)(W - P!)d"~" Pte "Y,Z."T.,l.·' The pipeline flow equation is thus given as follows: (7-34) This is known as the Weymouth equation for horizontal flow. It is used most often for designing gas transmission systems because it generally maximizes pipe diameter requirements for a given flow rate and pressure drop. q., _109.364 (T_)I,,",(PIP!)""'(lj"" d"' " p., Z."T.~L 'Y !'i. 00., (7-38) The Panhandle B equation is most applicable to large diameter pipelines, at high values of Reynolds number. • 292 Gas Production Engineering Sleady Slale Flow oj Gal Through pj~ 293 A More Precise Equation for Horizontal Gas Flow: The Clinedinst Equation ! I~~~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~~ ~~I~~ §~~~~ 1l The Clinedinst equation rigorously accounts for the deviation of natural gas from ideal behavior (an average gas compressibility factor, Z." is not used in this method), and the dependence of friction factor, f, on Reynolds number and pipe roughness, leading to a trial and error solution scheme. The integral I (PiZ) dp must be evaluated. In order to generalize this evalua. tion, it is converted into the following: ~I~~~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~S ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ Inm um mu um nm !l~~~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~~ ~~~§~ ~~j§~ ~l~~~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~~ ~~§§~ ~~~§~ ~I~~~~~ ,~~~§ i§i~~ ~~§!~ ~~~~i ~ -'••" g- l(p/Z) dp - l[(p,.p,/Z) p"dp,) - p:" j(p,/Z) dp, where ~ - pseudocriticaJ pressure of the flowing gas mixture. psia P. - reduced pressure (p, _ pip",,) Values for the integral function j(p,lZ) dp, are given in Table 7-1. For this case, Equation 7-25 becomes: 1",. [1 0" (p,/Z)dp, - 1.. (p,lZ)dp,1- BfMTp!q!.L ~r'd'~ T1. 0 Rearranging this equation, and using common units, with CJ:oc in Mscfd, p in psia, T in QR, d in in., Lin ft, and substituting for R ( '"" 10.732 psia-ft1l1b mole- oR) and g., (= 32.17Ibm-ft/lbf_sec2): ~ ~ • il e • 0. ..." ' .. ., ,•• -.:.• :c .." E "I N • _ 0 1; 0 ~ ~ ~ J! ~ .! :i§~~~~ ~~~~§ §§i~~ ~~§~~ §~!~I " " I~~~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~; ~~~~~ I This is known as the Clinedinst equation for horizontal flow. I :lm~~ :I~i~~~ ~~~§§ §§§~~ !~§~~ ~!~I; "2 ,Inm nm §§m um mn E "I~~~~~ ~i~~§ §§~~~ ~~~~! ~~~~~ > The pipeline equations developed here assume 100 % efficient conditions. In practice, even for single-phase gas flow, some water or condensate may be present, which collects in low spots in the line Over long periods of time. Some solids, such as pipe-scale and drilling muds, may also be present. To account for the reduction in pipeline capacity that will result from the presence of these materials, an efficiency factor E is generally used as a multiplying factor for the flow rate predicted by the flow equations. Only very rarely does a pipeline exhibit an E equal to 1.0; a pipeline with E greater than 0.9 is usually considered "clean." Typically, the follOwing efficiency factors may be encountered (l koku, 1984): (text continued on page 303) go to page number 154/326 directly um mu nm um ' I~~~~~ ~~~§§ §§~~; !~~~~ ~~~~I ~ •;;;•, Pipeline Efficiency ~g~§1 ~i~~~~~~~~~§ ~~§~I i~I~~ ~~~~i ~I~g~~~ ~~~§§ §~~~; ~~§~§ ~~~~i 0 i! ~g~~~ ~~~~§ §§~~~ ~~§~~ ~~~ii ~ :g. ,., ~ jl( 1 - 'I~i~~~ :I~~~~~ :I~~~~~ ~I~~~~i ~ ~~~~§ ~ii~§ ~~~~§ ~i~§§ §§~i~ §§~~~ §§§~~ §~~~~ ~!~~~ ~I~~~ ~!~§~ ~~~§~ ~§~Ii !~II~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ I d~~~g~ ~~~~~ 0~~~~~ ~~~~~ a~~~~ ddoo 00000 0000 0000_ - - ___ • 29-4 Gas Production Engineering Steady State Flow oj Gas Through Pi~ 295 • III 1111 l:!2:~~~ ............. .. ..... ;g~:2~~ ~ Gas Production Engineering no;· mu ~"" u'H r ... -! - ..- 1 "'''''''m''' §§ss mH .. ...... ... , -Ti . ;; lliHi ..... ... ..... Sooo ~j!§i §s§§ r-o~'i!"" -;;-0;1 ~~~iE §---;;~~~~ ----0 0000 ~1Hlji 00000 !~a1i~ 00000 fHHi~~ 00000 !!~;~~0 000 0 :=: '$~~~ 000 ~ 000 ~~b§ ........ 8 .. ~s;;:u 8 ... .. _ .... 0 ~Z~§o -., ... .. 1 .... mn Hm nm -.~ ... .... <O..,_ i;:;~;:;~ ~.t: 'S~ §il§~ sssss oob ~~m !3S;:'"~ ~ .s.'-~ ~~~§ ., -;; ~ - ... 0· __ ... ,~ §ss~ .~ ;:!8~;;~ ~ ~s S!';~~I §.s. ... .. 0 ...... !:?!::;:;;';!!l ;:;:.t;;~- ~s~ §§§.~ :;~!~~ IH;;~ BSS8 ..... -!!$ BBBSif ... :1 ..... li§§!i! ~"~a. ~F=' o~U ~ sa mH "':!!!: ::1:;1: ~Ui";::§ .. ha ~m~ ~~~~~ ~~~.~ g~S~9 ~~~-~ 3S3~~ .-~.~ ~~m i;:;~r!~ BBBS I:~:!I~" mn mH :g;~:"!2~ ~:::~ !Hf~H;:: <Sooo! ......... .......... :3i ::!I~ ~ i;~i!:ll~ ~~Sl~i':! UilB~ SSBSS gn;;! aa~a i~~ii ...... ~--~li Bl~ .m. ... Hm mn Him ~ei~;! aaa co ... .,;,.;. ~~~~8 ~~~;'!!!: 0"" ........ ~i;~." sa SS 8a~g~ 88888 mn mn hss. min um mH ..saSs··1 nm "r·· ii ~ijil 0 ..... co .. s~liil~ ~J~~~ 2 ........... §c> iT' Ul. ~ ---~ SSt:n::s ~~§.§ !HH~! ~3m~~ i:"!!:::.t~ 00"'''''''''' 88888 :S!~~!:; ;:!~.,~~ .., ... .,. 8888S sasss ~ ........ s: .. !H~8;;~ §'"'~ mi§~ !HHlss siii!!! • .-.~" 88888 ~ugpu~ HH oi~ §§~~ g~88a ~ -~ ~;!i!:;:! 00000 0 ~~~ -::-:;;;;" ,., ... - §§§ s§ ~." ii~ §.Us ... -"'_ IS~:!'" §§§~ 88SS ~:5§!5 00000 ~-~ '-".~~ g8S a sss Hm m~~ mH ""·i~ mn •• mn nm .. s§ il mn mH •... ~~m 'on @ mu ~~m nm °r'..... ilT-' §!!. SSS8S iT" li§ mu nm ............ mn ... '§~ •• ah um U • !H2" ··n" :;a .. IS;o, SSgg§ Hm Hm Bass :!:~~i 00000 §"~~. SSSbS ;;~:;;~ ;:~:;;.x ~~ ~;;;§§. ~ro' sssss ~~m . §g~ .. .. ....... a,~.. h •• ss~ o., "'~ ;; ilSil sss ~ 'SSS ii iHi s Ii ~~m § ~§s§s ~88 00000 297 Steady State Flow oj Gas Through Pipes aBSS 2"--51 um i·~H 8~¢66 ....... ~""1i! "'nii sa B mn ~nH!!I!~ 6<S6¢6 ~iHnp ¢;;!;6¢~ "<>~ir. ~~ ~ ¢o¢ ¢ ii6~~ Ilji~ piJ"~ 6<;66 .... ...:!t:!i~5f ........... .;;; ¢o "i!~" 3S::~2;:1 ,.;,..: ::!s:a~~ ,..;,..:...:,.;,.; Ga, Productwn Engineering 299 Steody State Flow of Gal Through Pipel . ..•• m m ..a: .•• /i" ' ~ < iE ",, • , 0 • .cOB 3~8 oo';:!~i ~ • --• •• 0 ! n"" ~~~ .-~';o03¢ ... "" ig!§i 66000 -,~U::!:S -~, '" r'~~~ g:s:s:sa oaiU §- mH • -• ,• - ll " .."• --· ,• • 0 ~ "., i 'S 0 "0 . ~~. n .. " " .-.. ....n ~l:!~~g 000 ,. ~~ '0 - ~m • 0 0 • :;; --g , c c "- ~~ Hi •• ;a:5H~ aas8il 8 ~ Z .E ,•• .. > '.2iae:'! ........... g: s: s22222 i: :u:;: "" ...... g: ~qn:~ 300 Cal Production Engineering Steady State Flow of Gas Through Pipes "'"S' md ;gg~~ ~QQQ:; ~~r;~~ s!;!~a:; b l:iS 1;(; 1;15:';00 ....;;~;;§;. ,_ ........ ~~~~~ g~~~;; iIliHi!l! ... ,- .......... "'§"'~" -;-!ig!;!; <!-o.";;-;: 81:;&00 SI:;SoS 00000 00000 ... ~S~~~ .. ~~~~;! S:;1:;8:; !l!~U 1:;SSSS OSO:;:; ~~~::;::; ...... ~~Sbb ~; _"1"0 - -,S~SSS §;g '--·i O:,;S ~--- -:::-;;;;iiE ):;~~.;a ..., mH ... !a$~~ !;I:;::;:;t; co ..... !S. :.;;;:t; ... ~ n~ft~i s~ss 815S::; ", r··· ~!i~ 1$." "'c>~n'" iiis~~ ... - ...... on"''''''''St nO. ~~!1:~C> ~i*"~ ~!'?;:~I! 0'-;' _0- -"'''' ..... nm nm a:;C;$;>1 !l~:8~ .. "'", ., 8~;21"!;; lL!!'! ~, ., ~ ~~§ 0 .. - .m. -"'"I mu nm ~~.i ... nm um ~Tf i ~ '"ri3i i~ - ...- -"ilT U. 8Sgg§ ~:;~ i !isii i"'~ Hm mu .... ! n--.. iili h !S! .. n. mu ··i"' j~~§i mH nm nm m.~ 'T§§ H!U ss mH mn ..nm.... mn gggg ""!Ii U'" is! hi! il mH hm nm mH um um §ji§~ i... U .soh hhii Hm nm Hm ••••• ;ill§ -'T~ !jji~ mn ·"~·i r"r ll. I nm i§~li h~ H"~ mH .... w-i~i nm um §on •••• r'" .. .. "' .. § jli~~ mn m.§ nm Hm ihH .'-§ mil n-·· h. mn mu nm nm ~~;;:t§ ~S:8"" ....... $::iI S0 ,- 0 ...... 00 l:i:;b!:;S !-O.~;.';::!~ ..,.,,,,,,,, :::~;~i bbbSS l51:;l5bb ~iE~a bObSS :g ... ",§ .. .... d~!!! ~ ~m~ . . .. -r: ~ ~i~l"!~ § gg8 ;1r.~;:ft • 0 - ~1=li!;:::~ ... '" '"'-"'I'" "_0:20- s ........ ~ 000 ~!;:"!~ ~s ~!E~;; gS888 ;;- ..... ~iii~I'" Z-:g--: ~- "'18"' ..... ;;«;;;~:;:: U§ •• 888&g 00000 8"'- .... -:!~!1~ 81515153 ~~ 8g8g8 ~rHHH~ 88888 !St:R:!!: .1~:::~;: ~~g~: -~-~- .. "'-~-n .. § .~; - ..... 8 .. ...... .,. .. ----~i;!~:,! ~ :38: =s: !::~~~~ . -rr .. .. .. .. mu ~~~~i mn ~im Hm mn i~~"~ um u-·" mu ..... ';SJ;;So ~.., -- "'~I ~i~!i ~~~!> S81:;bo ::!;,;g~F: -~B'i :,; SS ";3"" ~·i ... _- i '" sfiP.HH Sl:;SSS ~:;oS~ U~.~ ~~~§; .um 301 3 ~:2 ~pl; ~~!:!!:!!! .~ ... !!!!!!!:!!:! ... "'s ...... •• § - -8"'1- ~§§§~ ~ird~;e !:!!:!!:!!:!!:! i:~ liPol8 !!!:!!:!!:!!: 85::e2~ ::':::'::.0:::.0::': • Steod!l State Flotl-, of Gas Through Pipes Gas Production Engineering (text ccmtililled from 1Hlge 293) Liquid content gallMMscf Type of gas in the flowline 0.1 7.2 600 Dry gas Casing-head gas Gas and condensate E (£Taction) 0.92 0.77 0.60 For high liquid conten~, ~uch as the pre\;ous case shown above for gas with condensate, h\:o-phase flow conditions exist. Pipeline efficiency can no longer represent the complex flow behavior, and different equations that account for two-phase flow must be used (see Chapter 8). Transmission Factor Equation 7·29 can be written as: - pI)d')"(l)'f .' (T.)(M Poe q. - 5.6353821 - )'gZ.,T.,L - The factor (lIf)05 is known as the transmission factor. Several correlations have been developed for the transmission factor (derived from the friction factor) , but it remains one of the most difficult parameters to evaluate accu· rately. Transmission factor, frequently used in pipeline literature, is just an· other way to represent friction factor and further discussion is, therefore, unnecessary. Example 7·1. What is the maximum pressure at which a lO·jn. nominal size pipe (0.0. _ 10.75, Lo. - 10.02 in.) can be operated? Calculate the maximum throughput for a 40-mile pipeline of this type. using (a) Wey. mouth equation, and (b) Clinedinst equation. Assume tId - 0.002, c.., 0.05. E _ 1.0 (seamless pipe), Y - 0.40, S - 35,000 psi, T... - 100°F, '" - 0.01 cp, 1, - 0.70. Assume 0.0 psia minimum pressure. Solution Pipe thickness. t _ 10.75 - 10.02 .. 0.73 in. Using Equation 7.22, 0.. _ 0 2(0.73 - 0.05)(35,000)(1.0) _ 4,663.92 ps;a 10.75 - 2(0.73 - 0.05)(0.4) • 3()4 Gas Production Engineering Steady State f'low of Gos Through Pipes To provide additional safety, the maximum pressure specification is chosen as 4,000 psia. From Figure 7-1, f .. 0.024. From Table 7-1: "OO Thus. to calculate the maximum throughput, the upstream pressure, PI .. 4,000 psia, and the downstream pressure, P2 .. 0.0 psia jo Assume T .... 520 oR, p.., - 14.73 psia o (p,lZ)dp, j '05 From figure 3-1. Ppc ~ 663 psia. Tpc = 387°R + 460)/387 - 1.447 (a) Weymouth equation (Equation 7-34): _ (3 1.5027)(520/14.73) [ 23. 88 23 j'·OJ:!(p,/Z)dp, _ 22.88 o + (23.23 - 22.88)(6.033 - 6.0)/(6.05 - 6.0) -= 23.11 Thus, From Figure 3·2, Z., ,. 0.74 q", (P;Z)dp, - 22. By interpolation: Using Equation 7·32, p•• - (2/3)[(4,000' - 0)/(4.000' - D)] _ 2.666.6, psia. P" - 2.666.67/663 - 4.022, T" - (100 305 q", f' (4,000' - 0)(10.02)1" (0.7)(0.74)(560)(40 x 5,280) J - 265,206.15 Mrid - 265.21 MMscfd (b) Clinedinst equation (Equation 7-39): _ (6,515.2606)(23.11)" _ 202174.39 M",fd ~ 202.17 MM",fd (0.024)" ' A second trial is not required because the friction (actor plot in Figure 7-1 shows an almost constant ( in the turbulent region applicable here. This example shows the differences in results that may sometimes occur from using different flow relationships. Most of the difference results from the friction factor values used in the two equations. From Equation 7-33. we can calculate that the Weymouth equation used an f = 0.01484, whereas an f = 0.024 was used in the Clinedinst equation. PrJ" 4,000/663 - 6.033, Pr2 - 0.0, Tpr - 1.447 q", _ (7.969634)(663)(520/14.73) [ [ j : OJ:! (p,JZ)dp, - j: (P,lZ)dp, _ 6,515.2606 [j"OJ:! ( IZ)d f05 0 p. fS J' Prjf' First trial: Assume Ck .. 265 MMscfd U~ng Vertical and lnclined Single-Phase Flow of Gas (10.02)' (0.7)(560)(40 x 5,280)1 J Equation 7·9, N.. - (20)(265,000)(0.7)/[(0.01)(10.02)] _ 3.7 x 10' Neglecting changes in kinetic energy, and assuming that no mechanical (or shaft) work is done on or by the gas, the mechanical energy balance expressed by Equation 7-3 becomes: 1 dp + Pg dz + fpv dL _ 0 g, 2g,d (7-40) Consider the flow scheme shown in Figure 7-4. 8 is the angle of drift from the vertical, L is the total length of the pipe, and z is the vertical elevation difference between the inlet (point 1) and outlet (point 2). Land z are related as foUows: • 306 Cas Prodrlction Engineering 2 Steady Stale Flow of GO!! Through Pipes I,' 1 + (6.7393 GROUND SURFACE (ZT/p) dp X - 0.01875,", lO-'fLq!,Z'T')/(zp'd') 307 (7-42) 9 Figure 7-4. Gas flow In an • inclined sectlon_ 1 L - zlcos 6, implying that dL "" mlcos 8 I dL - (Liz) dz Using this relationship between Land z, Equation 7-40 can be written as: Substituting for gas density and velocity (as described earlier for horizontal flow): (_r _ dp _ [28.97"",][.ll + )(!:)(I&&z'1Y..)L ZRT g. 2g.d z P'ltr'd' j this (pie)^2 consumed here to change the factor as 0.81057 ( = 16/(2 x (pie)square) - (ZIp) dp I, 1 + (6.7393 x 10 ·'fLC&Z'T')I(zp'd') Substituting for cos 0 - z/L. 0', where the units are: p _ psia: q,. .. ~hcfd; d .. in.; T = oR; and L. z - Ct. Equation 7-42 is the general equation for vertic,al flow calculatio~. The left integral cannot be evaluated easily because Z IS a compl~ fun~on of p nd T and the temperature variation with depth z is not easJiy defmed. The :ario~ simplifying assumptions made in the evaluation of this integral form the basis for the different methods that give results of var}ing degrees of ac· curacy. . . Some methods for vertical flow assume an average temperature, m which case Equation 7·42 becomes: (ZTlp) dp 28.97 I' I'I (gig.) + (0.81057fLq!,Z'1Y..)/(zP'ltg.d') - - R- I"'lz (7-4 1) Almost always, 'Y, is assumed constant in evaluating the right integral in Equation 7-41. Substituting for p.., ( - 14.73 psia), Till' ( _ S200R), and ~ (- 32.17 Ibm ftflbf.sec2), and converting to conventional units, Equation 7-41 can be written as: _ O.01875')'gz TO' (7-43) In the left integral of Equations 7-42 and 7.43, the value of the constant is 6.7393 x 10 - 4 • Some authors use a standard pressure, Poco equal to 14.65 psia, in which case this constant becomes equal to 6.6663 X 10- 4 . Still others use Pte - 14.65 psia and diameter din ft. In this latter case, the constant becomes equal to 2.679 x 10 ,11. Static Bottom-Hole Pressure (SBHP) For production and reservoir engineering calculations. the shut·in (or static) bottom. hole pressure, p.... , is frequently required. In many cases, it may be difficult or expensive to obtain p..... by gauge measurements. Tech. niques have, therefore, been developed to calculate SBHP from wellhead pressure measurements. For a shut-in well, the flow rate (q or is equal to zero, and Equation 7-42 simplifies to: I.... .... (ZT/p) dp - 0.01875,", (7-44) Equation 7-44 describes the relationship between the pressure measured at the surface (or wellhead), P... h, and the pressure P.... at a depth z. Note that the pipe length L has no effect on the static pressures. .. 308 Ga.r Pmdll£,tioll Ellgineerillg Steady Stote Flow oj Cas Through Pipe! At.wag~ T~mlJemtun and Z-Factor Method ~is ~ the simplest method. An average temperature and Z.factor is used to simplify the left-hand side integral in Equation 7-44: j ..., (ZlPp.)dPp. _ 0.0187s-,,. I'ptI 1 + BZ!/~ (6.6663 where B - Z••T" jp.. (dp/p) - "'. 0.0187s-,,z (7-49) T." X 1O-4)~11. (7-50) zd~ In Equation 7-50, ~ is the pseudocritical pressure of the gas (gas mixture), and q., is the rate at 14.65 psia and 520 0 R (instead of 14.73 psia and 520°F). As stated earlier, a conversion constant of 6.6663 x 1O -~ in Equation 7-50 implies a Pot of 14.65 psia, whereas a conversion constant of 6.7393 x 10-· (as in Equations 7-42 and 7·43) implies a ~ of 14.73 psia. For the case of SBHP, the flow rate 'be is zero (or, B = 0), and Equation 7-49 becomes: Vpon integration. In p •• _ 0.01875>", p..h 309 Z.,T1y 0'. "'"" (ZI p" ... pwh exp [_0_.O,I-,87"5-,>,,,'J Z~,TI' \ (7-45) Generally, this is written as: p,r.-... P .. h &-2 where s - (0.037s-,,,)/( Z,, T ..) (7-46) (7-47) the average temperature, the bottom-hole temperature (B~;')determine and the surface temperature should be known In c ••- wh th BHT' k . . -ere e n~ nown, It can be estimated from the fact that the temperature gradient IS usually of the order of 0.015 ° F/ft For a static column of ~~ • . ~M an m Ie a .. erage temperature is satisfactory to use. For caJculating Z the "alaverage press· llfelSrequired (.Inaddition to average temperature). Thus".a 'ben "ndd er~r type of,solution is necessary. A good initial estimate of 1>.. can rna e using Equation 7-48: 'S . 15 (7-48) ...... PI" )d PI" .. _ 0.01875>,. T (7-5 1) Sukkar and Cornell (1955) evaluated the left integral in Equation 7-49 by numerical integration. They reported re.u1ts in tabular form for reduced pressure Pp. in the range of 1.0 to 12, reduced temperature T p, of 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7, and B in the range of 0 (for static) to 20 (flowing). Messer et al. (1974) presented an extension of the Sukkar-Cornell method, showing its applicability to deep, sour gas wells, and presented the values of the integral in Equation 7-49 for T p, up to 3, PI" up to 30, and B up to 70. These values are shown in Tables 7-2(a-m). The case B co 0, shown in Table 7-2a is applicable to SBHP determination . For computer programming pur~, Messer et al. (1974) have also proposed the following equation to Fit the tabu1ar data: ... (Zl17.)dPp. -E+ Fpp. +Clnppr \ 0.21 + BZ2..2 I~ (7-52) where E, F, and C are regression constants, determined by Messer et al . (1974) as follows: For O:s B:s 25 , 10:s pp< s 30, 1.1 s Tp.:S 3, Tl, - (1.21216 - 0.015178) T" Tl. - (0. 12792 - 0.002268 ) T ~ Sukkar'CornelJ Method E - (0. 18011 - 0.002628) - (0.28026 - 0.005528) also uses an average temperature, but accounts for the varia. This method . t~on of Z W1~ pressure. SukJcar and Cornell (1955) converted the basic equation (Equatton 7-43) into the pseudoreduced form : F - (0.02246 - 0.000438) + (0.21463 - 0.002748) (text continued on page 336) page number wise bole to 171/326 • Table 7-2 (a, Extended Sukkar-Cornellintegral for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation ~ 0 Reduced Temperature for 8 '" 0.00 020 0'" 100 150 200 2.'" 300 J.'" 400 4'" '.00 ,.'" 600 6'" 7.00 7'" 800 8.'" 900 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.' 1.7 1.8 1.' 2.0 2.2 0.00l0 00010 0.00l0 0.00l0 o 0010 00010 00010 0./i387 1.3774 l,fIOJ8 L7149 1.7995 0.8582 1.4440 1.7373 L9116 00010 0.00l0 08824 1,5129 18565 0.9017 1.5654 1.9422 2.2U23 2,3996 2,5583 0.9079 1,5781 L9f109 2.2273 2,4.'107 2,59J7 2.7325 2,11515 2.9569 3.0523 3.1400 3.2215 3.2980 3.37OJ 34393 3.5052 35665 3.6297 3,68R9 3.7465 3.8026 38573 3.9108 3%34 40150 0.9082 1.5823 1.9693 2.2397 2.1255 2.2101 2.2882 2,3622 2,4330 2.5013 2.5677 2.6329 2.6971 2.7602 0.8I!97 1.5334 1.8911 2 J3)1 2,3138 24570 2.5162 2.6793 2.7715 2 8558 2,9341 HXl79 3.0781 3,1452 3.2100 3.2727 3,3338 3.3934 3.4516 0.8966 LS514 1.9192 21709 IS7~ 0.S719 1.4836 1.11078 2.0157 2.1631 2.2778 2.3746 2,4603 2.5390 2.6128 2.6833 2.7512 28171 28814 2,5442 3.0058 0.00l0 0.9108 1.58119 1.9798 2 25](, 24641 2,6354 2.1798 2.9050 3,0158 3, 1I511 3.2014 3.2924 1947.1 2.0178 2 0689 2.1547 2.2214 2.2872 23522 2.4165 2,4S02 2.5432 2f1OS7 2,t)676 2,7289 2.7896 2,8499 2.0298 28223 2.8336 2.9441 3.0039 3,0630 3.1215 31794 3 ...... 12.50 1300 3,02f!O 3.0867 ] 14~2 3.3506 3.1260 3.1847 3.2427 3.2999 3.3565 34126 3.4681 3.5231 34068 3.~777 ~n 2~ml 3 Jh27 , (,11'1 95" 10.00 1050 1100 11.50 12.00 1:"1 /4 00 100 15.00 15.SO 16.00 16.50 17,00 17,50 18.00 18SO 19.00 19.50 2000 "'" 2_ 2.9690 3,2612 3.3 189 3.]763 3,4335 3,4906 3.5474 3.6041 3.6606 3.7170 3.7732 3.8293 3.8853 3.9411 3.9969 24.50 4.0525 4.1080 4.1634 4.2187 4,2739 4.3291 4.384\ 44391 "00 44940 "'" 4,5488 2100 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 2400 2600 46036 26.50 27.00 27.50 4.6583 4.7 129 4.7675 4 822{) 48764 4.9308 4.9851 5,0394 21100 211'" 29.00 29'" 30.00 32J69 J.29W 3.5 1Rl 3.5735 3.6285 3.6832 3.7376 3.79 19 3.8459 3.8996 3.9532 4.0066 4.0599 4.1129 4.1658 4.2186 4.2712 4.3237 4,3760 4.4282 4.4803 4.5323 4.5M2 4.6360 4.6877 4.7392 4.7907 4.8421 4.8934 4.9447 4.9958 '.0469 '.0979 5.1488 5.1997 3,6857 3.7391 3,7922 3.8450 3,8974 4.9497 40016 4.0533 4 1048 4.1560 4.207\ 4.2579 43086 4.3590 4_ 4.4595 4.5095 4.5594 4.6091 46587 47081 4.7575 4.8067 4.8558 4.9()48 4.9536 5.0024 5.0511 ,5,1482 5.1966 5.2450 5,2932 2.cX>42 2.2507 US13 2,4898 2.5945 2.6698 2.7484 2.8222 2.8926 2.9603 3.0258 3,0893 3.1612 3.2118 3.2713 3.3296 3.3870 3,4-436 3,4993 3.5543 3._ 3.6523 -'-71 ~4 :"I 7.~)\(1 3.8200 3.87 16 3.9228 3.9736 4.0240 4.0740 4.1237 4 1731 4,2221 4.2709 4.3195 4,3678 4.4158 4 4636 45112 4.5586 4.6058 4.6528 4.6996 4.7463 4.7928 4.8391 48853 4.9314 4.9772 5.0230 '.0686 5.1142 5. 1595 , 2048 5.2500 5.2950 5.3400 3 ..5OR7 ),5647 36198 3.6741 3,7277 3.7806 3 !02R .1.S(,-U 3.9354 3.9859 4.0359 4 .... 41346 4.1833 42316 4.2795 0271 4.3744 44214 4.4681 4.5145 4,5606 4,6065 4.6522 4,6976 47428 4.7879 4.8327 4.8773 4,9217 49660 5.0101 5.0541 5.0979 5,1415 5.1850 5,2284 5,2716 5.3147 5.3577 5.4005 23607 2.5125 2.6190 2.7480 2,8449 2,9330 3 0146 HI911 3,1635 3,2324 3.""" 3,3623 3,4239 JAII38 3.5·m 3,5993 36552 3.7100 3.76-10 3.8171 38694 ~.9211 , 9721 2.6909 2,8052 2.9065 2.9982 3.0828 3.1616 3.2360 3.3065 3.3740 3.4367 3.5012 3.5617 3,6204 3.6776 3.7336 3.7883 3.8420 3.H9JR 3.9467 3.9977 41l-lHO 4.0224 40722 4.12 15 4I7Il2 4.2185 4,2663 4,3138 4J")8 4.4075 4.4538 4.6998 4.5455 4.5909 4.0977 4.14SO 4.1950 4.2428 4 2900 4,3368 4.3830 4.4289 4.4743 4.5193 4._ 4.6053 4.6522 4.6959 4.7392 4.7822 4.8250 4.8675 4.9098 4.95111 4.9935 5.0351 5.0764 5.1176 5.1585 5.1993 5.2398 4 6360 46808 4,7254 47f1n 48138 4.8577 4.9014 49449 49882 5W12 5.0741 5.1169 5.1594 5.2019 5.2441 5,2862 5,32K2 5.3700 5.4117 5.4532 '2JlO2 5.3204 5.3605 '.4001 5.4401 5.4797 r 2_ 4H~~7 2,6148 2.7561 2.8784 2,9867 3.0645 3.1742 3.2575 3,3355 3.4092 3.4792 3,5460 3.6101 3.6718 3.7315 3.7894 3.8456 3.9OOl 3.9540 4,01165 4.0579 4 IOR4 ~ ~.I ~HO II' 4. 1547 4,2 131 4.2609 "'4.3546 l8O 4 4007 44462 4 4913 4.5359 Ogol 4.6239 4.6574 4.7104 4 7531 4,7955 4,8376 48794 4.9209 4.9621 5.0031 5.0438 5,0843 5 1245 51646 5.204-4 5.2440 5.2634 5.3227 5.3617 4.2067 4.2546 4.3018 4.3483 4.3942 4.4395 4.4843 4.5285 4.5722 4.6154 4.6582 47006 4.7425 4.7841 4,8253 4,8662 4.9068 4.9470 4.9869 5.0265 5.0659 5.1050 5.1438 5.1824 5.2208 5.2589 5.2968 5.3345 ,- ,5.4393 5.4779 5.5163 5.3720 5.4465 5.4834 5.5202 3,3720 34470 351SO B6S7 Jt\S04 3.1126 3.7727 38:m!1 38872 3.9421 3.9958 41)·H2 40994 4 14'l~ -l I'IH'I 42472 4.2941 4.3414 43874 44327 4.4773 4,5213 4.5648 4 6017 4.6501 4.6921 4.7335 4.7746 4,8152 4.8554 48953 4.9348 4.9739 5.0128 5.0513 50895 5 1275 5.1651 5.2025 5.2397 5.2766 5.3132 5.3497 5.3859 5,4219 5,4577 5.4933 5.5287 2.4 2.' 2.8 3.0 0.00l0 U.OOOO o 0010 0.0000 0.00l0 0.9147 1.5966 1.9951 2,2744 2.4900 2.6654 2.8138 2.9426 3.0571 3,1605 3.2557 3.3428 3.4245 3.6012 3.5738 11.9177 1.6059 :!.0063 2.2893 2.5081 2,6863 2.8382 0,9194 0.9206 1,5111 1.6148 2.0151 2.0211 2,)013 2.3100 25234 2.5J47 2.7050 2,7189 28589 2.8152 2,9928 3.0114 3.1119 3.1322 3.2195 3.2413 3.3178 3.3408 34085 3.4325 3.4931 3.5176 3.5722 3.5973 3,6467 3,6723 3.7173 3.7432 3.7844 3.8108 38484 ),8750 3 91199 3.9367 3.9690 3.9961 4,0262 2.05&3 4 U814 4,1086 4 1351 4.1622 -I 1872 4.2143 4.2380 4.2650 4 21l7.~ 4.3144 -l 1 t~7 -l 1"2.~ 0,9218 1.6184 2.0274 2.31o.t 2.5452 2.1134 3.6486 3,7144 ),7775 3.6382 3.8969 3,9538 40090 40627 411511 "'" 4 21 ~Il -l. 'M' 4 .3122 4.3589 4.4047 4.4-497 4 4939 4,5374 4,5802 4.6223 4 6638 4.7048 4.7451 08.50 4.824-4 4 8633 4.9017 4,9397 4,9774 5.0146 5.0514 5.0879 5,1241 5,1599 5,1955 5.2307 5.2656 5.3003 5.3347 '.J688 5.4027 5.4363 '.4697 5.5029 5.5369 2.9699 3.0871 3.193() 3.2899 3.3795 3.4629 3.54 11 3.6148 3.6847 3.7512 3.8148 3,8760 3.9350 3.9921 4,0473 4.1010 4,1532 4,2041 4 2.~"7 J to::' I 4.3494 4.3957 4.4-4 10 4.4855 4.529 1 4,3829 4.4289 44741 45183 4.5617 4.5720 4 6042 4.6141 4.6555 4.6963 4.7365 5.7761 4.11151 4.8536 4.8916 4,9291 4,9662 5.0027 5.0391 5.0750 5.1104 5.1455 5,1803 5,2147 4.2488 5.2826 5.3162 5.3494 5.3823 4.41SO 5.4475 5.4796 5.5116 5.5433 46461 4,5872 4.7276 4.7675 48067 4.8454 4.5878 4 6J02 4.6119 4.1129 4.7532 4.7928 4.8319 4.8704 48835 4908J 4 9211 4 9582 4.9457 4 9969 5.0311 5.0670 5. 1024 5 1374 5 1720 52083 5.2403 5.2739 5.3073 5.3403 5.3780 5.4054 5,4376 5.4695 5.S012 5.5326 5.5638 4.4095 4 .4555 4,5005 45446 ,- 28896 3,0274 3.1496 3.2597 33600 3.4H4 3.nSI 3,6181 J 6934 37646 3./i323 3.8969 3,9588 4.0182 4.0755 4,1309 4 ISJ5 42:\66 om 4.1165 4 11lJIl 4. 43 \6 4.4775 46224 45663 4.6094 4,6518 46933 0341 4.7743 UI38 4.8527 48911 49288 4 "'I 49827 '.0029 5.0192 5.0552 5,0392 5.1260 5.1808 5.1953 '.2294 5.2631 '.2965 5.3296 5.3624 5,3950 5,4272 5,4591 5.4903 5.5223 5.5935 5.5844 5,0751 5.1105 5 1455 5.1802 5.2144 5.2483 52819 5.3151 5.3480 ,."'" 5.4129 5.4460 5.4767 '.l<l82 5.5394 5.5'704 5,6011 Table 7-2 (b) Extended Sukkar-Cornell Integral for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation P, 0.20 OSO 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2SO 300 3.SO 400 4.SO '00 '.SO .00 6.SO 700 'SO 8.00 'SO '.00 '.SO 1000 10..50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 1300 \3 .'\11 14.00 /4 .50 15.00 15.SO 16,00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18,00 18.SO 19.00 19.50 20.00 2O.SO 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23,00 23.SO 2-1.00 2-1.50 25.00 25,SO 26.00 26,50 27.00 27.50 2800 28.50 29,00 29.50 30.00 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0226 01036 0.2121 0.0983 0.3002 0,3741 0.4419 0 ..5014 0,5715 634<; o 06966 0.7579 08185 08184 09378 09967 1.0551 I 1131 1l7Jl6 12275 2,2841 1·3403 13961 14515 1.S067 1.5616 1616-' I f>7!111 / .~Z"""' / .5753 1.6261 I 6767 1.7271 l.m5 1,R2n 1 8778 1.9278 1.9711 2.0216 2.0773 2.1269 2.1765 2.2260 2.2754 2,3248 2,3141 2.4233 2.4723 2.5216 2.5706 26196 , 661!5 2,717-1 2,7M3 2,8151 2.Hfl-'R 2,912~ 2,1}612 3.0098 30SfW 3,1069 0.0220 0.2052 0.3125 0._ 0.4854 0.5594 0.6291 0.6957 0.7601 0.8225 0.8836 0.9431 1.0030 1.0614 1.1191 1.1761 1.2325 1.2883 1.3435 13983 1,4526 1.S065 LS601 1,6133 1,6662 1,1 11111. / ,5368 1. 5860 1,635 1 1.6839 1.1326 1.7811 1,8294 1.8117 1.9257 1.9737 2.0215 2.0592 2.1167 2.1642 2.2116 2.2588 2.3060 2.3531 24001 2 .4470 2.4938 2.5406 2.5873 2.6339 2.6805 2.7269 2.7734 2.8197 ,2.9123 2.9585 3.00--\6 3.0507 0.0216 00214 0.0954 0.0934 0.1995 0.1954 0.3102 0"" 0.4126 0.4133 0.5032 0.5105 0.5847 05983 0.6594 0,6785 0.7294 0.7530 0.7960 0.8229 0,8601 0.8895 09222 0.9536 0,9829 1.0156 1.0423 1.0758 I lOOS 1.1346 I 1578 1.2142 1.2698 13248 1,3791 14328 1.4860 1.5387 1.5910 1,6429 1.694.\ 1.J921 1.24!!6 1.3041 1.3687 1.4126 1.4658 1.5182 1.5701 1.6214 1,6721 7·1 ~f. I ~O3 1.5!!!!3 1.6360 J .6835 11308 1,7778 1,8247 1.8114 1.9179 1,9643 2.0105 2,0566 2.1026 2.1484 2.1941 2,2396 2.2851 2,3304 2,3757 24208 2,4659 2.5 lOS 2.5557 2.6005 2.~52 2,6898 2.7343 2.77811 2.8232 2.8675 29118 2.9560 3.0001 Reduced Temperalure for 8 "" 5.0 1.' 1.7 1.' 1.' 2.0 00000 00000 0.0000 00000 0""" 00000 0.0212 00210 0.0209 0.0201 00201 00205 0.0921 00909 0.0901 0.01194 0.0890 00886 0.1924 0.1901 0.1882 01868 0.1859 0.1850 0,3034 1.5 04124 0.5131 06065 06915 07702 0,n97 0.8440 0.9138 09803 1,0442 I 1058 1 1656 1.2231 12805 1.3361 08560 0.9280 13907 14443 1.4970 1.5490 1.6002 16S09 1.1010 1.722" I.1SO~ I. T:'~.' ' /<lS 1.5-176 1.59-12 1.6.\05 16S65 1.7323 18230 18680 1.9127 1.9573 2.0017 2.0458 2.008 2.1336 2.1773 2.22U7 2,264\ 2,J073 2.35113 2.3932 2.4.160 2.4781 2,5212 2,5637 '.6060 2.641'12 2.690.\ 2.1324 2.77-13 2.8162 2.8579 2.11996 2.9412 0.3001 04107 0.5144 06101 0,6982 '--~511 1.6035 1.6490 1,6941 1.7389 1.7834 1.8275 1.8714 1.9151 1.9585 2JXl16 2.0446 2.0873 2.1298 2,1722 2.2143 2.2563 2.2981 2 ..U97 2.3812 2.4226 2.4637 2 ~\.I8 2.5457 2.5865 2.6272 2.6677 2.1UM2 2.7485 2.7887 2.8288 2,8689 2.90AA 0.2983 0_ 05143 0,6123 0.7029 0.7868 0.8653 09393 0_ 1.009S 10620 1 1249 I 1857 1.2447 13020 1.3579 14125 14661 15187 1.5705 1.6214 1.6717 17213 I. 77114 10764 I 1406 l.2024 1.2621 13201 1.3764 1,4313 1.4851 1.5377 1.5894 1.6401 1,6901 1.7393 I 7879 unsx RIlIll 1.5716 1,6 163 1.6605 1.7043 1.7411 l.5652 1.6 104 1.6553 16999 1,744(1 1.7878 1.8314 1.8746 1.9175 17906 1.8333 1.8756 1.9175 1.9592 2,0005 2,0416 2.0824 21229 2,1632 2.2033 2,2432 2.2828 2.3222 2.3615 2.4005 2.4394 2,4761 2,5166 2,5550 2.59.12 2.6312 2.6691 2,7069 2,7446 2.7821 2.819-1 2.8567 19602 2.CXl26 2.(1-141 2.0Il61 2.12S4 2.1699 2.2112 2.2523 2.29.'2 2Jl40 2.3745 2.4149 2.4952 2,4953 2.5353 2.57~1 2.614/1 2.6S4l 2.69-'11 2.7331 2.772] 2RI14 V\''i(1-I 2,81192 • 0.2965 0,4(}16 OSI40 0.61.18 02954 02943 0.4066 0,4056 0.51311 051}4 0.6147 0,6152 0._ 0.7081 0.7104 0.1927 0,1964 07994 0.8734 0.8785 0.8827 0,9493 0.95511 0.961 I 1,0213 10289 10354 10896 1,0984 I 1060 I 1552 I 1649 I 1734 12182 1,2286 1.2379 1.2188 1,2900 12999 Ll374 1,3492 1.3596 IJ9..I3 14066 14173 14497 14623 1,4733 1..5031 15165 15278 1.5694 1.5808 16081 1,6211 16326 1.6587 1.6718 1.6833 17085 1.7215 1.1330 1,7575 I".. 17817 11«1h7 I ,RIM I S295 I :i),\2 1(1) ~{' I 7(, ~ 15"'" 1.5794 1,6237 1.6575 1.7108 1.7537 1.7961 1.8382 1.5SS1 1,6290 1.6723 1.7151 1.7575 1.7993 18799 1.9212 1.%22 2.0029 2.0433 2.08.33 2.1232 2.1627 2.2020 22411 2.2199 2,311(5 2.),\69 2.3\151 24'31 2mJ\l 1.8818 1.9224 1,9626 2.0025 2,0<120 2{1812 21201 2.1587 2.1970 2.2350 2.2728 2.31OJ 2,3476 2.3847 2.421S 2.4581 2,49-Ul 2,5.3Ot! 2.5668 2,6027 2.63114 2673'1 2,7(J\I.:! 2,7".w 2.7794 2U14] 2,5(JgS 2.5459 2.~!132 H2O) 2(7) 26941 2.7.'\(17 2.7673 z.s036 2.S399 18407 2.2 0_ 1.5988 1.64 17 1 684Il 18020 1.8429 1,8833 19232 1.9628 2.0020 2("", 20m 2.1173 2.1551 2.1926 2.2298 2.2667 2,)033 2.3397 2.3758 2.4117 2.4473 241'127 2,5179 2 5529 2.5877 2.6223 1807Il I_ 1.8862 1.9251 1.9634 2,0013 2,0388 2.0759 2.1126 2.1489 2.1848 2,2204 2,25S7 2.2906 2.3253 2.3597 2.3937 H567 2.o2~] 2.fI\I()<} 26575 2.6R95 2.7212 2,72~0 2,75119 2.7926 1.1256 1.7666 V1275 2A611 2."9.\4 2.5275 2.5603 2.5921) 2.7~211 ~ 2.4 2 .• 00000 3.0 00000 0.0000 00206 00201 0.0877 0.0814 0.1829 o 1822 0.2914 0,4030 04020 0,5118 0.5112 0.6155 06155 0,7133 0.714(} 0,8051 0_ 0.8916 0.8941 09732 0.9765 1,0504 1.0544 I 1236 1 1284 1 1932 I 1987 1.2597 1.2657 1,3234 1.3299 1.3845 I 3914 14434 1,4S06 1,5003 1.5077 15555 1.5630 1.6090 1.5167 16611 1.6687 1.7118 17195 1.1613 1,1689 18097 1,8m I.S.~69 U!M4 00000 00204 0.0871 o 1816 0.2896 04012 0.5108 0.6157 0.1149 "901 0,5125 06154 0.7121 0.S027 0.8879 09682 1.{1441 I 1162 1 1848 1.2504 1.3161 1.3773 14357 14922 1.5472 16006 1.6526 17034 1.7530 I,SOI5 UI4!N I IN.'",, J I .S899 16335 1.6764 1.7188 1,7(1.}7 ~ 2.' 0""" 0.02U5 0.0881 o 19]8 0.2926 - 0_ 0_ 0.9795 I05SO 1 1324 12031 1.2704 1.3349 13967 14561 1.5135 I."" 00204 0_ 0.181\ 02889 0_ 05103 06156 0.7154 0.8094 011980 0,9315 "<04 I 1351 1.2060 1.2137 1.3383 1,4003 14599 1.5174 1.5729 1,6267 16789 1.6226 1.6741 1,7254 l,n49 18231 1,8701 1,8271 I 8742 1.7296 11790 t> J '/J(I5 J 'I J(iJ J 92()J 1,6016 1.6443 1.6862 1.7274 1.7619 1.8078 1,8472 1.8859 \.9242 1.9619 1.9992 2.0359 2.0723 2.1082 2.1438 2.1789 2.2131 2.2461 2.2822 2.3160 2.3494 2.3826 2.-1155 2.441'11 2.480.\ 2.5124 2.5443 2.5758 2.0072 2.6333 2.6692 16043 I .... 1.6885 1.7296 17tf}9 1.6062 1,6486 1.6902 1.6074 1.60'91 1.6912 1.7320 1,1122 I.S116 '~I '.6999 2.7304 1.7311 1.8872 1.9252 1.9626 1.1113 1,8109 1.8499 1.8883 1.9261 1.9634 19996 20007 20004 2.0360 2.0721 2,1011 2.1429 2.1777 2.2121 2,2462 2,2799 2,3133 2.3463 2.3791 2,4115 2.4431 2.4756 2.5073 2.5386 2.5698 2,60117 26-'1" 2.66UI 2,6970 2.7221 2,0365 2.0366 2,on4 2.0723 21079 2.1429 2.1775 2.2118 2.2457 2.2792 2.3124 2.3453 2.3779 2.4102 2.4422 2.4739 2.S053 2.5365 2.5675 2,5982 2.6286 2.6589 2.1on 1.18487 ,2.7187 18505 1.8888 1.9265 1,9631 2.1425 2.1770 2.2111 2.24-19 2.2783 2.3133 2.3440 2.3165 240M 2,4.j().1 2.4719 2.5032 2.5342 2.5650 2.5955 2,62511 2,6558 2,6857 2,7153 -• Table 7-2 (c) Extended Sukkar-Comell Integral tor Bottonl-hole Pressure Calculat ion Reduced Temperature for 8 '" 10.0 P, 1.1 020 OSO 1.00 I. SO 200 2SO 3.00 3.SO 400 4 SO '.00 ,SO 600 6SO 1.00 1.SO 800 .'" '00 ,SO 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.91 11 UO ~ ~ ill 1.2 295{) JlJOO 2.' 2 .• 3.0 0.0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0107 0.0479 0.1056 0.1767 0.250 0.3332 0.4102 0,4841 0.5545 0.6217 0.6!!6 1 0.7481 0.8079 0,8659 0.9221 0,9770 1.0305 1.0829 I 1342 1 1847 0.0106 0.0474 0.1041 0.1743 0.2513 0.3302 0,4080 0.4830 0.5547 0.623] 0.6891 0.7522 0,8JJ1 0.8720 0.9290 0.9845 1.0385 1,0912 I 1428 I 1935 1.24]2 1,2920 1,3402 1.)876 1 4l4~ 0.0105 O.OHO 0.1031 0.1725 0.2490 0.3278 0,4061 0,4820 0.5549 0.6248 0.6919 0.756] 0.8182 0.8781 0.9360 0.992 1 1.0467 0.0105 0.0468 0.1024 0.1713 0.2475 0.3263 0.4047 0.4812 0.5549 0.6256 0.6934 0.7586 0.8214 0.8819 0.9404 0.9911 1,0522 I 1057 I 1579 0.0105 0.0465 0.1018 0.1703 0.2461 0.3248 0.4035 0.4803 0.5546 0.6260 0.6946 0.7605 0.8240 0.8852 0.9443 1,0015 1,0569 1 1108 I 1633 1.2 145 12645 1.3135 1,3(>16 1.400 0.0\04 0.0104 0.0103 0.0456 0.0994 0.1660 0.2403 0.3184 0.3974 0.4755 0.5517 0.6256 0.6968 0.7654 0.8314 0.8950 0.9562 0.0103 0.0455 l oon I 0575 I 1104 1 1630 1,2 153 1,2674 1.3 192 1 37118 1 4 ;>~~ ~7 , 1.9402 1.9936 2.0469 2, 1000 2, 1530 2.2059 2.2587 2.3113 2 .... "00 2.' 0.0107 0.0486 0.1074 0.1797 0.2578 0.3364 0.4123 0.41:146 0.5533 0.6 189 0.6818 0.7424 0./1010 0.8580 0.9134 0.9676 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 ".SO 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.SO 29.00 22 0.DI08 0.0494 01098 0, 1837 0.2624 0.3399 0.4135 0.4832 0.5492 0.6122 0.6729 0.7]16 0.71!O8 0.6447 0.8994 0.9531 1.0059 1.0580 I 1094 I 1601 1 2102 1,2598 1.3089 1.3574 ] 4n~o 1 4 ~Jl 2.3639 24.50 2.0 00000 2000 2O.SO " 00 1.9 0.0000 1.8330 1.8867 23.50 1 .• 0.0110 0.0507 0.1132 0.1891 0.2677 0.3427 OA130 OA793 0.542] 0.6029 0.6617 0.7190 0.7752 0,8304 15.00 2300 1.7 0.0000 '.7250 17.SO 1.' 0.0 112 0.0525 0.1 187 0.1968 0,2723 0.3422 OA08O OA708 0.5315 0.5904 0.6480 0.7045 0.7602 0.815] 0.8697 0.9236 0.9769 1.0296 1.0819 1 13311 I 1852 1.2J63 1.2871 1.3376 1.7191 18.00 18,50 19.00 19.50 1.5 0.0115 0,0561 0, 1292 0.2028 0.2684 0.3300 0.3897 0.4485 0.5065 0.5638 0.6204 0.6765 0.7321 0.7873 0.8421 0,8965 0.9506 14.00 16.00 16.50 J7.oo 1.4 00000 14.SO 15.50 1.3 2.4164 2.mO 2.5733 2.6254 2.6774 2.7294 2.78\3 2.8)32 2.8849 2.9367 2.9883 3.0399 3.0915 3. 1429 3. 1944 3.2458 ].2971 3.3484 3.3997 I3R71 14 377 ~I 73 1.7711 1.8212 08846 0.9381 0_ 10·131 1,0947 I 1458 11964 1. 2466 1 2964 1. 3458 1 W~q "'Ie 2.13 11 2.18 17 2.2323 l/i216 1.8706 1.9192 1.9675 2.0154 2.063 1 2. 1104 2. 1575 2.2043 2.2826 2.2909 2.3329 2.3830 2.4329 2. 4828 2.5325 2.5822 2.6317 2.6811 2.7304 2.7796 2.8'...88 2.8778 2.9268 2.9757 3.0245 3.07]3 3. 1220 3.1706 3.2191 3.2676 3.3 160 3.3644 2.3393 2.3875 2.4355 2.4834 2.53 11 25788 2.6263 2.6736 2.2973 2.3434 2.3893 2.4350 2.4306 2.5259 2.571 1 2.6 161 2.6610 2.7057 1.8750 2.0802 21209 2.7680 2.8 151 2.8620 2.9088 2.9556 3.0022 3.0488 3.0953 3.1 417 3. 1880 3.2343 3._ 3.3265 1.0729 1.1242 1 1747 1.2245 1.2736 1.3222 I 3"702 I 4171'1 ,. ] ·11,1' I '1)11 1.7965 1.8470 1.897] 1.9472 1.9970 2.0465 2.0958 2.1449 2. 1937 2.2424 1.9266 1.9780 1.Q201 22509 27S03 2.7047 2.8390 2.8832 2.9272 2.97 11 3.01 49 3.0586 3.1022 3.1457 3. 1891 ].2324 3.2756 \.8480 1.8960 1.9436 I. _ 2.0371 2.0842 2. 1303 2.1762 2.22 17 2.2670 2.3120 2.3567 2.40 12 2.4455 2.4895 2.5333 2.5770 2.6204 2.6637 2.1068 2.7497 2.7924 2.8351 2.8775 2.9198 2.9620 3.0040 3.0459 3.0877 3.1294 3.1710 3.2124 3.2537 1."'-' 1,2834 1.3317 1.3"794 I 4 ~'..o ,. 1.0999 I 15 18 1.2027 1.2525 1.3013 1,3494 1.3967 l .wn 14 ~n 4);<1: ~I'II L ~ ;!'o-I I 1.8667 1.9142 1.9612 2.0071 2.0538 18830 1.9298 1.9760 2.0217 1.9001 1.9463 1.9920 2.0372 2.0818 2. 1260 2.1697 2.2131 2.0996 2. 1450 2. 1900 2.2347 2.2791 2.3233 2.3671 2.4107 2.4541 2.4972 25400 25827 2.6252 2.6674 2.7095 2.7514 2.7931 2.8346 2.8760 2.9172 2.9583 2.9993 3.0400 3.0807 3.1212 3.16]6 3.2019 3.2421 2.0669 2. 1117 2. 1561 22000 2.2437 22869 2.3299 2.3725 2. 41 48 2A568 2.4986 2.5401 2.58 14 2.6224 2.6632 2.7038 2.744 1 2.7843 2.8243 2.8640 2.9037 2.94]1 2.9824 l02 1S 30604 3.l1992 3.1379 3.1764 3.2 148 • ~.1--l{, 22560 2.2%5 1.2090 1.2689 1.3078 1,3559 1.4032 ]44<)7 ")~ ". 0.0160 0.1003 0.1676 0.2426 0.3210 0.]999 0.4776 0,5532 0.6263 0.6967 0.7M5 0.8297 01667 0.2413 0,3195 0.3985 OA764 0.5523 0.6258 0.6967 0.7650 0.8307 ~(lnl'l 0.1009 0.\687 0,2440 0.3225 0.4014 0.4787 0.5538 0.6262 0.6959 0.1629 0.8273 0.8895 0,9494 1.00')2 1.065] I 1197 1 1726 12242 12746 1.3238 1.3719 1.4190 1 ~MJ I.SIOt' ~H' I 1.4~5 ~ I 1.9121 1.9580 2.0032 2.0478 2.0918 2,1353 2. J783 2.2209 2.2630 1.9227 1.9681 2.0128 2.0570 2. 1005 2. 1434 2. 1858 2.2276 2._ 2.3100 2.3505 2.3906 2.4303 2.3407 2.3459 2.3825 2A24 1 2.3868 2.4653 2.5062 2.5468 2.5872 2.6273 2.6672 2.7068 2.7462 2.7854 2.8244 2.8532 2.9018 2.9402 2.9785 3.0165 3.0544 3'()<)22 3.1297 3.1672 3.2045 O.OW 0.0104 0.0458 2.4273 2.4675 2.5074 2.5470 2.5862 2.6252 2.6639 2.7023 2.7405 2.7784 2.8 161 2.8536 2.8908 2.9279 2.9648 3.0014 3.0379 3.0142 3. 1103 3. 1463 3. 1821 2.2690 2._ 2 S086 2.5472 2.5855 2.6235 2.66 12 2.6986 2.7357 2.7126 2.8092 2.8456 2.88 18 2.9 177 2.9534 2.981:19 3.0242 3.0593 3.(1942 3.1289 3. 1635 ~~.- 1.94]0 1.9858 2.0298 2.0730 2. 11 55 2. 1574 2. 1987 2.2394 2.2795 2.3191 2.3582 2.3969 2.4350 2.4728 2.5 101 2.5471 2.5837 2.6 199 2.6558 2.6913 2.7266 2.7615 2.7961 2.8305 2.8646 2.8985 2.9320 2.9654 2.99KS 3,0314 3.0641 3.0966 ].1288 00997 0.8925 0.8940 0.953 1 1.0115 1.0681 1 1228 I 1760 1.2278 1.2783 1.3275 1,3756 1.4227 0.9550 I,OJJ8 1.0106 11256 11 790 1.2309 1.0123 I 1275 I 1810 1.2331 1.2814 12836 1.3901 1.3329 1.3810 1.4280 ] .4140 I 4NtR 1 3788 1 4258 I 4719 1 ~ Ult 1. ~51'1J I ~r.r I 1.9485 1.9927 2.1)364 2.0792 2. 1212 2. 1626 2.2032 2.2433 2.2828 2.3217 U /t>9 1.9556 I ~/w 1 ......111 0.0990 0.1653 0.2394 0.3174 0,3964 0.4746 0.S511 0.6252 0.6967 0.7655 0.8311 0.8955 0.9566 '-0160 1.0732 11286 11822 I.DO 1 28SO 1.3343 1.3824 1.4294 I 4753 1.5202 , .'IM:? 1.%12 \.965\ 2.0053 '20091 2.0432 2.0485 2.0523 2.0857 2.0910 2:0946 2. 1275 2.\326 2. 1362 2. 1686 2. 1736 2. 1TI0 2.7090 2.2138 2.2172 2.2488 2.2535 2.2567 2.2925 2.2956 22880 2.3266 2.3309 2.]]39 2.3600 2.3646 2.3688 2.37J7 2.3979 2.4022 2.4062 2.4089 2.4392 2.4431 2.4456 2A353 2.4723 2.4158 2.4795 2.4819 2,5 11 9 2.S 155 2.5171 25088 2.5449 2.5477 2.5510 2.553 1 2.5806 2.5830 2.5861 2.588 1 2.6159 2.6 179 2.6209 2.6226 2.6508 2.6524 2.6552 2.6568 2.6854 2.5866 2.6892 26906 2.7 197 2.7200' 2.7229 2.724 1 2.7536 2.7540 2.7562 2.7573 2.7R72 2.7872 2.7892 2.7901 2.8206 2.8200 2.8192 2.8226 2.8536 2.8526 2.8543 2.8548 2._ 2.8850 2 . _ 2.6867 2.9189 2.9 170 2.9 182 2.9 184 2.95 12 2.9488 2.9498 2.9497 2.9f132 2.980] 2.98 11 2.9809 3.0149 3.0 11 6 3.0 122 3.0117 3.0465 3.0426 3.O·no 3.0424 3.077f1 3.0735 3.0736 3.0728 3. 1089 3. 1040 3.1040 3.1029 1 99911 - Table 7-2 (d) Extended Sukkar-Comell Integral lor Bonom-hole Pressure C8lcu a.tlon P, 0,20 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.""" 0.0000 0,0075 0,0359 00838 0.1453 0.2093 0.27]0 0,3302 0.3874 0.4430 0. 4975 0.5508 0.6034 0.6553 00000 0.0074 0,0345 0.0793 0.1371 0.2008 0,2648 0.3267 0.3862 0.4435 0.4992 0.5535 0.6066 0.6590 0.7105 0.76 13 0.81 14 0,8611 OOIlOO 0.0073 0.0336 0.0765 o 1319 0.1943 0,2587 0.3222 0.3837 0.4431 0.5004 0.5561 0.6103 0.6634 0.1155 0.7666 08170 0.8666 0.9151 0,\1641 1.0121 l.0595 1 1065 I 1530 \ 1992 1.2449 00000 0.lM:J72 0,0330 00146 0,12/12 0.1/192 0.25)3 OJI76 I2'Xn v.oon 1.00 1000 0.03RS 0.0939 0.1571 0,2162 0,2725 0.3275 0.3818 0. 4355 0.4S87 0.5413 0.5936 0.6454 0._ 0.14R2 0.1991 0,8497 0.9000 0.9500 0,9998 ]0,50 I.o·m 1.0544 ]] 00 I.(l985 I 1475 1 1963 1.1026 I 1506 1 1983 1.2449 1.2458 0.9588 10011 1.0549 1 1024 I 1496 11964 1.2430 l~q:u !.:!931 1.2~91 I .,. I ~ ·lt l ~ 1,3899 /.4380 1.4860 1.5338 1.58 15 1.6291 \.6766 1.7241 1.1714 1.8 ]87 1.8659 1.9130 1.3870 J .4337 1.4803 2.00 2,50 3.0n 3.50 '''' 'SO '.00 'SO 600 6.50 7.00 7.SO 8.00 8.SO '00 '50 ]150 12,00 12.50 nuo , 1400 14 .SO 15.00 15,SO 16. 00 16.50 11.00 I1.SO 18.00 18.SO ]9.00 19.5O "'.00 2O.SO 21.00 2 ],SO 22.00 "SO 23.00 23.SO 24.00 24.SO 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 21.00 21.50 28.00 28.SO 2900 "SO "'.00 ~ 0= 1.1 OSO 'SO Reduced Temperature for B 15.0 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 ~ 1.9600 2.0070 2,0539 2. 1007 2.1475 2.1943 2.2410 2.2876 2.3342 23807 2.4272 2.4736 2.5200 2."'" 2.6121 2.6590 2. 7053 2.75 15 2.7977 2.8438 2.8899 0.7068 0.7517 0.8082 0,8582 0,1XI78 0.9570 1.0059 0.9 ]02 1.6 189 1.6649 1.3812 1.4268 1.4722 1. 5174 1.5625 ] .6073 1.6520 1.7107 1.6966 1.7564 \.1410 \.1853 1.8294 ] ,8134 1.9173 1.9611 1.5266 1.5728 1.8020 1.8475 1.8929 1.9382 1.9834 2.0285 2.0736 2.1185 2, 1634 22082 2.2529 2.2976 2.3422 2.3861 2.43 12 1.4756 2.5200 2.5643 2.6086 2.6520 2.6969 2.74 10 2.785 1 2.829 1 1.3802 1.4247 1.4689 1.5129 1.5S66 1.6001 1.6434 1.6865 1.7293 \.1720 1,8146 1.8.\69 1.8991 1,\1412 2,0048 19831 2,0484 2.0918 2.1352 2.17&5 2.2217 2.2648 2.3019 2.J501l 2.3937 2.4366 2.4793 2.5220 2.5646 2.6072 2, 6497 2.692 1 2.7345 2.7769 2.0248 2.0665 21080 2,1494 21906 2.2318 2.2728 2.3138 2.3546 2.3953 2.4360 2.4766 2.5 170 2.5574 0.~805 0.4415 0.5006 0.5579 0.6135 0.6676 0.7205 0.7722 0.8230 0.8729 0.9220 0._ 1018 1 1,0653 I 11\9 1 1580 J.2037 1.2490 I:!'JW .UR-1 1.3825 1.4263 1.46911 1.5130 1.5559 15985 I._ 1.6830 1.7249 1,7666 1.8081 1.8493 1.8904 1.9314 1.9721 2.0 127 2.0531 2.0934 2 1335 2 1135 2.2134 2.2531 2.2917 2.3322 2.3716 2.4109 2.4501 2.4891 2.5281 2.5'F77 2._ 2.6380 2.6781 2.7182 2.6051 2.6444 2.6830 0'.11.) 00000 o.txXXl O.OOOU orxXJQ OU011 O.U01I 0.0070 O.lwno 0.O.l2~ 0.0322 0.0721 0.1236 U 11127 0.24511 0.0071 0.3119 0.0732 o I2.H 0.11157 0.2493 0.31.18 0.3174 0.4393 0.4994 0.5577 0.6143 0.6694 0.7230 0.1754 0.8266 0.8768 0.926] 0.9146 1.0223 0.3102 I 1159 1 1618 \.2072 1.2522 0.3743 0.4369 0.4918 0.5570 0.6144 0.6703 0.1246 0.n76 0.8293 0.8799 0.9295 0.9782 1.0260 1.073 1 I 1J95 1 1653 1.2105 1.2551 12%7 L299~ , '-IU IQO I ..... 1.3845 14278 1.4708 1.5\35 1,5558 1.5979 1.6397 1.6812 ].1225 1.7635 1.80·n 1.8449 1.8RS3 1.9255 1.9655 2.0054 2.04SO 2.0845 21239 2.1631 2.2021 2.24]0 2.2798 2.3184 2.3569 2.3953 2.4336 2.4718 2.5098 2.5478 2.5856 2.6234 2.66 10 1.3862 1.4290 1.47 14 LS134 LS55 1 1.5964 1.6374 1.6181 I.7II!6 1.75117 1 7986 \.8382 1.8176 1.9168 1.9557 1.9944 2.0330 2.0713 2 1095 2. 1415 21853 2.2229 2.2~ 2.2978 2.3550 2.3120 2.4089 2.4457 2.4824 2.5189 2.5553 2.59 16 2.6278 • 0.0317 0.0113 omos 0.1220 0.1!104 0.1790 U.2431 0.JU74 0.3717 0.4349 0.4966 0.5566 0.6149 0.6715 0.7256 0.7802 0.11324 0.8835 0.9334 0.9824 1.0J()4 \.0776 O.121l 0.2413 0.3055 0.3699 0.4335 0.4956 0.5561 0.6 149 0.6720 0.7216 0.7817 0.8344 0.8858 0.9360 0 .9852 1.0334 0.0316 0.0703 0.1202 0.1777 0.2397 0.3O~8 II1JJ(16 0.)683 0.4320 0.4945 0.5554 0.6147 0.6724 0.7284 0.7829 0.8360 0.8878 0.9382 0.9876 1.0359 1.003 I 1239 I 1696 1.1271 1.1298 1.1128 1 2 147 1.2592 1.2118 1.2622 1 1755 1.2205 I "lCl.' 1 I lI)OCl 1.3694 1.4319 1.4739 1.5155 1.5567 1.5976 1.6381 1,67113 \.71111 1.7577 \.7970 1.8360 1.8741 1 9132 I 95 15 1.9895 2.0273 2.0649 21024 2. 1346 2.1766 2.2135 2.2502 2.2867 2.3230 2.3592 2.3953 2.4312 2.4670 2.5026 2.5382 2.5736 2.6088 2.3067 2.3418 2.3767 2.4115 2. 4460 2. 4805 2.5148 2.5489 2.5829 0.2)74 (J.)UI2 0.3657 0.4298 0.4928 0.5543 0.6143 0.6726 0.7293 0.7M4 0.11391 0.8914 0.9423 0.9920 1.0407 0.9432 1.0883 0.9932 1.0420 1.01:197 I 1349 1.1364 I 1807 1 1822 1.2270 11711 .l nl 1..114.1 1.3938 1.4356 1.4769 l.S 117 1.5580 1.5979 1.6373 1.6764 1.7150 1.7533 1.7912 1.8288 1.866 1 2.2005 2.2.361 2.2715 01111') Om8 .l!1lW 1.391 8 1.4339 1.4756 1.5168 1.5575 1.5978 1.6378 1.6773 1.7166 1.7554 21~ "(1.0313 O.()OO.l 0.(.)70 Il.OJII 0.0692 0.1 ]/10 1l.174'; 0.2357 0.2<)94 0.3679 0.4281 0.4914 0.5534 0.6138 0.6721 0.7299 0.7854 0.8395 0.8920 1.2048 ~ I .t 1.7940 II " ' " O'_)7U 1.903 1 1.9397 1.9761 2.0122 2.0481 2.007 2. I 191 2. ]542 2.1891 2.2238 2.2583 2.2927 2.3268 2.3607 2.3944 2.4280 2.4614 2.4947 2.5278 2.5607 1.3977 1.4390 1.4797 l.S 198 LS594 1.5984 \.6370 1.6750 17127 1.7499 1.7866 1.82.10 1.851X1 18947 I. 9300 1.9650 1.9997 2.0341 VJMI 21019 2.1355 2.1687 2.2017 2.2345 2.2671 2.2994 2.3315 2.3634 2.3951 2.4266 2.4579 2.4890 2.5200 2.6 2.4 1.2256 1.2698 ".' 1.8322 1.8702 1.9079 1.9453 1.9824 2.0193 2.0560 2.0924 2 ]286 2.2 , 1.3984 1.4395 1.4798 1.51% 1.5587 1.5973 1,6354 1.6730 1.7100 1.7466 1.711211 1.8186 1.8540 1.8R89 1.9236 1.9H8 1.99\7 2.0253 2.0586 2.0916 2.1242 2 ]561 2.1~ 2.2207 2.2523 2.21B7 2.3 149 2.3458 2.3765 2.4070 2.4373 2,4674 2.4974 ° (IIWJQ 0()(K)9 U.U~1O 0""", 0.1172 Om3 U.2342 0.29711 0.3622 0.4265 0.4900 0.5522 06129 0.672 1 0.7296 0.7855 0.8398 08926 0.9440 0.994 1 1.0430 I 090Jl I 1375 I 1832 1.2281 1.2720 I .1/~2 1 1~7~ 1.399\ \ .4400 141102 1.5197 U5f11 1.5911 1.6350 1.6123 1.7091 1.7455 1.711]4 1.8169 1115 19 2.8 0.0000 00069 0.03!)9 0.""'" 1l.lln7 o 1124 0.2331 0."'" 0.36JJIJ 0.4252 0.4888 0.55 12 0.6121 0.67]5 0.7291 0.7852 0.8397 0.8927 0.9442 3.0 00000 0_ 0.0308 0.1J682 0.1161 0.1716 0.2320 0.2952 0.3596 0.4240 0.4877 0.5503 0.6113 0.6708 0.7286 0.7848 0.8394 08925 0.9441 0._ 0_ 1.0434 I.o·m l.OOIJ 1.0914 1.1311 1 11839 \.2281 1.2725 1.3156 11380 I 1837 12285 12724 I.JHS .~7.~ l.l.UX 1.39'11 I 4401 1.3m I 4400 1. 4802 1.4800 LS I97 1.5585 1.5968 1.6346 1.5194 1.6718 1.7085 17441 1.71105 ].8158 L5582 1.5964 1.6)4\ 1.67 12 \.7018 1.7439 1.1196 1.8148 1.8496 ,_ 119m 1 9549 191:184 2.0217 2.OS46 2.1:»172 2.1196 2. 15 16 2.1834 2.2149 2.2461 2.2171 2.30711 2.3384 2.3687 2.39g7 2.4286 2.45g3 2.4878 \ .85(111 1.8853 1.9195 1.9532 1.9867 20148 2.0525 20850 2] 17] 2.1490 2.1806 2.2119 2.2430 2.2738 2.3044 2.3347 2.3648 2.3947 1.4244 2.4538 2.4831 1.9 180 1.9517 1.9850 2.0179 2.0506 2.0829 2.1149 2.1466 2.1780 2.2092 2.2401 2.2707 2.3011 2.3313 2.3612 2.3909 2.4205 2.4.t97 2.4788 ~ Table 7·2 (e) Extended Sukkar-Cornell Integra' for Bottom·hole Pressure Calculation P, Reduced Temperature for 8 = 20.0 1 .1 1.2 1.3 0,20 00000 00000 200 2'" 300 0.0058 0.0294 0.0740 0, 1295 0, 1832 0,23SO 00000 00056 00000 0.'" 1.00 3.'" 02860 0.0055 0,0262 0,0610 0.1071 0.1614 0.2172 0.2725 0.3264 0.]790 0,4305 0.4809 0.5305 0,5794 O,62n 0.6755 0,7221 0.7695 0.8 159 0.8620 0,0055 0,0255 0,0587 0.1030 0.1547 0,2099 0.2657 0,]208 0.3747 0,4273 0,4787 0.5291 0.5786 0.6274 0,6754 0.7228 0.7696 0.8 160 0.8618 0.9073 0.9523 0,9969 \.0412 1,0851 1 12Rl1 11721 I.'" 4.00 4.'" 5.00 5.'" 6.00 6.'" 700 7.'" 800 8.'" '00 ,.'" 10.00 10,SO I LOCI 11 ,50 12,00 12.SO noo r ~ 0.]365 0.3865 0.4360 0.4852 0.5341 0.5827 0,6]10 0,679 1 0.7269 0.n45 0,8219 0.8690 0.9159 0.9626 1.0091 1.0554 I 1016 1 1476 1 Iq15 ~l /4.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16,SO 17 ,00 17.50 1800 18.SO 19.00 19,5O 2000 20,SO 21.00 21.SO 22.00 22,50 23.00 2J.SO 24.00 24.SO ".00 ,,'" 26.00 26.'" 27.00 27.SO 2800 28.'" 2900 29.SO lO.OO 1,~9 1.3304 1.3759 1,4212 ,4665 LSJl6 1.5567 1.6017 1.6467 1.6916 1.7364 1.1811 1.8258 1.8705 1.91 50 1.9596 2,OOU 2.0485 2.1372 2.1815 2.2258 2.2700 2.3 142 2.]584 2.4025 2.4466 2.4907 2.5347 2.5787 2.6227 0.0272 0.0649 0.1156 0.1712 0.2264 0.2801 0.3]26 0.3841 0.4346 0.4843 0.5335 0.5821 0.6304 0.6782 0.7257 0.8 196 0.8661 0.9123 0.9582 1.0089 1.0494 1.0946 11397 llR4h 0.9077 0.95JO 0.9981 1.0429 1.0874 11317 I 17~~ " 'n 1.2739 J.3183 1,3625 1.4067 1.4507 1.4945 1.5383 1.283] IJ(l68 <5820 1.6256 1.669 1 1.7125 1.1558 1.8421 1.8852 1.9282 1.97 11 2.0140 2.0568 2.0995 2.1422 2.1849 2.2274 2.2700 2.3124 2.3549 2.3973 2.4396 2.4819 2.5742 2.5664 2.6666 2.6085 2.7106 2.6507 1.3501 1.3933 \.4363 1.4792 1.5219 1.5645 1 6069 1.6493 \.6915 1.7336 1,7757 1.8176 1.8594 1.9012 1,9429 \.9844 2,0259 2,0674 2.1087 2.1500 2, 1912 2,2324 2.2135 2.3145 2.3555 2.3964 2.4373 2.4781 2.5 189 2.5596 2.6003 1.4 I '." I 1.2579 1.3005 1.3428 1.3~9 1.4267 14684 <50" 1.6 1.7 1.B 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.B 3.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0,0054 O.()2.IO 0,0572 0.0054 0,0246 0,0561 0.0976 0.1465 0.1999 0.2553 0.3111 0.0053 0,0243 0.0561 0.0958 0.1438 0,1964 0.2514 0.307] 0,3629 0,4177 0,4714 0,5241 0,5756 0.6261 0,6755 0,7240 0.n16 0.8184 0.0053 0.0241 0,0545 0,0945 0,1417 0.]937 0.2484 0,3041 0,]599 0,005] 0,0240 0,0541 0,0937 0,1404 0,1920 0,2463 0,3020 0,3578 0,4132 0.4678 0.5213 0.5738 0.6252 0.6754 0.7247 0.n29 0.s:!02 0.0053 0.0239 0.0537 0.0930 0.1393 0,0052 0,0237 0,0532 0,0918 0,1376 01SN2 0,24]9 0,2972 0,3531 0.4088 0.4639 0.5182 0.5714 06236 0.6746 0.7251 On40 0,8218 0,86lS7 0,9147 0,9599 l.oon 1,0479 I.()IX)!! IIDI 0,0052 0.0052 0.0235 0,0525 0.0905 0,1354 0,1853 0,2384 0.29]4 0.3492 0.4050 0.4604 0.5151 0.0052 0.0234 0.0522 0,0052 0,0233 0,0520 0,0895 0,1339 ]8.12 0.2359 Q,2906 0.).162 0.4021 0.45n 0,5125 0,5665 0,6194 0,67 12 0.72 19 0.n14 0.8198 0,8672 0,9135 0.9589 1.0034 l.o·no 1.5 0.0998 0.1498 O.2O-W 0.2597 0.3154 0,3703 0.4240 0,4765 0,5279 0,5783 0,6276 0,6761 0,7238 o.nos 0.8m 0.863\ 0.J664 0.9531 0.9975 1.0414 1.0849 1 12112 I I7IH 0.4208 0,4740 0,5261 0,5n1 0,6270 0.6760 0,7241 0,n14 0,8179 0.8638 0.9091 0.9538 0.9980 1.0418 1.0851 I 12110 17Ut> 1 )116 ~ I: \.2558 1.2541 1.2962 1.3375 1.3784 1.4191 1.4595 1.4997 1.5397 1.5194 \.6190 1.6583 1.6975 0.9083 1.2977 1.3394 1.3808 1.4220 1.4629 1.5512 1,5924 1.6]34 \.6742 1.1149 1,7555 1.7959 1.8362 1,8763 1.9164 1.9563 1,9982 2,0359 2,0756 2 1151 2 1s.lit 2.1939 1.5036 1.5441 1.5844 1.6245 1.6644 1.7042 1.7438 US32 1.8225 1,8616 1.9006 1.9395 1,9782 2,0168 2.0553 2.0937 21319 2.1701 2.~2 2.2002 2.2724 2.3115 2.3S05 2.3895 2.4284 2.4672 2.5060 2.2461 2.2840 2.3218 2.3595 2.3971 2.4146 2.4720 2,5447 2._ 1.7364 1.7752 1.8139 1.8523 1.8906 1.9288 1.9668 2.00n 2.(,.t25 2,0801 2,1!76 2.1550 2.1923 2.2295 2.2665 2.3035 2.3404 2.3772 2.4119 2.4504 2.4870 0.1~ 0.2445 03000 I '7H-I 11714 I 72.' 0.3559 0,4114 0,4662 0,5201 0,5729 0.6246 0.6752 0.7247 0,n32 0,8207 0,8673 0.9131 0.9580 1.0023 1.0459 1,06!!1I II.H2 17.111 'I.' I ~I1H Inn 12q:> 0.8644 0.9098 0.9545 0.9987 l.o·m 1.085S 1 12112 I 1.2537 1.2948 1,3355 1.3759 1.41SO 1.4558 1,4953 1.53045 1.5735 1.6 123 1,6508 1.6891 1.7271 1.7650 UI027 1.11401 1.8774 1.9146 1.9516 19684 2()2.1O 2.0615 20919 2,1341 2.1702 2.2062 2.2420 2,2778 2.3 134 2.3409 2,3843 2,4195 2.4547 • O,·USI 0,4594 0,5226 0.5747 0.6257 0.6756 0.7245 O.n25 0.8 195 0.8658 0.9113 0.9561 1.!XXl2 104]8 1.0S68 1 1294 0.B666 0.9123 0.9571 1.1))14 1,0450 l.OH79 I 13U4 1.2542 1.2547 1. 2949 1.2952 1.3353 J.J352 1.3754 1.3749 1.4151 1.4142 1.4544 1.453\ \ ,4935 \.4916 1,5323 1,5298 1.5108 1.5678 10090 1,6054 1.6470 I,().n? It)g.17 1,6797 1.7222 1.7165 L7595 L7530 1,7965 1.789] 1,8334 1,8254 I.S7OU 1.8612 1.9065 1.8968 1.9428 1.9322 1.9789 1,9674 2.0149 2,0025 2.0507 2.0373 20863 2,0719 21218 21064 2.1671 2.1408 2.1923 2.1749 2.2274 2.2089 2.2823 2,2428 2.2971 2.2765 2.31!8 2.3100 2.J66' 2.3435 24008 2.3768 2.4352 2.4100 2.2549 1.2952 1.3349 1.3743 1.4132 1.4517 1.4898 1.5275 1.5649 1,6020 1,63M \.6752 1.7114 1.7473 1.7829 1.8183 1.8534 1.8882 1,9229 1,9573 1.9916 2.0256 2,0594 2.0980 2.1265 2,1598 2.1929 2.2258 2.2586 2.2912 2,32 17 2.3560 2.3882 r ~ " \.2559 \.2957 1.3349 1.3736 L411 8 1.4496 ')()2)6 t),0528 ')09 11 11.1364 0,11i67 (j,2401 U.2952 O.35!O 0.4068 0.4622 1).5]67 0.5703 ()6228 11,6741 11,7244 IIn35 11,8216 0.6216 0.6732 0,7237 O,n3(l 0,8212 11,8687 08684 \J,9148 0.9601 1.0045 1.0481 0.9146 0.9599 1.0043 1,0479 1 ''''~ LlH r 174~ I Il!!! 0.5689 10908 0.0900 0, 1346 0,1842 0,2371 0,2919 0.]476 0.4034 0.4589 0.5137 0.5676 0,6205 0,6722 0,7227 0.m2 0.8205 0.8678 0,9141 0.9595 L{)039 1.0475 1,0903 1 1,123 1 ,.,ltI ° 10698 J iJI8 " i 1"4:' I : \-1'1 J ~I·JI :1.1(1 ,,56-1 \ .2549 U541 11S3<, 1.2463 1.3331 1.37 13 1.4090 1.4462 1.4829 \,5191 1.5549 1, 5902 1.5252 \.6597 1.6938 1.7276 1.761! 1.7942 I.R270 1.8595 1.8916 1,9235 1.9551 1.9K65 2.0176 2.0484 2.0790 2.1094 2.1395 2. 1695 2.1992 2.22117 2.2540 2.2871 2.3 161 \.2':135 1.)322 \.2921\ 1.2949 1.3339 U723 ].4101 1.4475 \.4869 1.4~ I 5238 1.5603 1.5%4 16121 1.6675 1.1025 1.7372 1,7716 18056 1.8394 1.8730 1.9062 I. 9392 1.9719 2()().l4 2.0367 2.(1687 2.1OUS 2.1321 2.1636 2,1968 2.2258 2.2566 2.2873 2.3\78 2,]481 1.52Q8 1. 5588 1.592·' l.tl275 1.6623 1.6967 1.7308 1,7645 1.7979 1.8310 1.8638 1.8963 1.9286 1,9605 1.9922 2,02]7 2.0549 2.0858 2.1166 2.147 1 21774 2.2075 2.2375 2,2677 2,2967 2.326 1 1.:\7~ 14080 14451 1.4KI7 UI7S 1.5584 UK\? 1 6235 I.M79 1.6919 1.7256 1,7589 L7918 I.R24S 1.8568 1.AA89 1.9206 1.9521 1.9H32 20 142 2,0449 2.0753 2.1055 2.1355 2,16S2 2,I94H 2,2241 2.2662 2.2822 2.3109 I 17.11 \3315 1.3695 1.4071 \44-11 \,4S06 1.5166 1.5522 1.5973 I 6220 1.6563 1.6902 1.7238 1,7570 1,7898 1.!:!22l I.R545 1._ 1.91110 2.9·19] 1,91;04 2.0112 2.0417 2,072(} 2.1020 2.\318 2.1614 2.1908 2.2220 2.2480 2.m7 2.3063 Table 7-2 (f) Extended Sukkar-Cornell Integ,.1 for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation Reduced Temperature for B = 25.0 P, 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 O<ml 00044 O<ml 0.0044 ow O<ml O.<ml OSO 100 ISO 200 2.SO '.00 'SO '.00 '.SO 5.00 5.SO 6.00 6.SO 7.00 7SO 800 '.SO '.00 'SO O.OO-H 0,0045 0,0219 0,0529 0,0961 0.1 453 0,1952 0,2444 0.2930 0.340!! 0.3879 04345 10.00 10,SO ILOO \I.SO 12.00 12.SO 0,02]7 0,0611 01106 0.1598 0.2079 0.2554 0.3025 0.3492 0.3957 0.44111 0.4878 0.53]5 0.5790 0,6241 0 ..... 0.7143 0.7591 0.8036 0.8480 0.8922 0.9362 0.9801 0_ 0.526] 0.57H1 0,6169 0,66 18 0.7063 0,7506 0._ 08384 0.8520 0.9254 09686 om 1.0676 11111 1 0117 1.0545 I 0973 \' \11 \ \',.j,,, ,'1)\ 1.0239 1.1979 1.2412 14.5() 1500 1.2844 15.SO 1,3275 16,00 1.3705 16.50 1.4135 17,00 1.4564 17.50 1.4992 18,00 1.5420 18.SO 1.5847 19 .00 1,6274 19.5O 16700 20.00 1.7126 ".SO 1.7551 21.00 \.7975 21,SO 1.8400 22.00 1,8824 22.SO 1.9247 2300 1.9670 23.SO 2.00B 24.00 2.0516 24.50 2.0938 25.00 2. 1360 25.SO 2.176 1 26,00 2.2202 26.50 2.2623 27.00 2 . _ 27,SO 2.3'61 2800 2.3885 28,SO 2.4305 ,.00 2.4724 ,.SO 2.5144 30.00 2,5563 J4.oo ~ ~ Q I HIl3 J.2146 1.2668 1.3089 1,3509 1.]928 1.4346 1.4763 L5180 1,5595 16010 1.6424 \.6837 I.72SO 1.7662 1 8073 ,...... 1.8895 1.9J04 1.9714 20122 2.0531 2.0938 2, 1346 2.1753 2.2\59 2.2566 2.297 1 2.3377 2.3782 2.4186 2.459\ 2.4995 0,0211 0.0496 0.0!!1!8 0.1352 0,1846 0.2346 0.2840 0,3]25 0,3803 0.4274 0,4739 0,5198 0,5653 0,6104 O,65SO 0,6993 0.7433 0,7870 0.8303 0.8735 0.9163 0.9590 1.0014 1.0437 1 n~~7 ", I 1693 1.2109 1,2523 1.2936 1.3347 1.3757 1.4166 1.4574 \.4981 1.5387 1.5792 1 6196 1.6597 1.7001 \ ,7403 1.7803 1.8203 1.8603 1,9001 1.9399 1.9797 2.0 193 2.0590 2.0985 21380 2.1775 2.2169 2.2562 2.2955 2.3348 2.3740 2.4132 2.4523 oOW5 0,0477 0 ..... 0,1287 0,1769 0,2267 0,2766 0.]260 0.3745 04223 04694 0.5158 0.5616 06069 0,6516 0.6960 1.' 1.7 1 .• O<ml 00000 00000 0,0043 0,0201 0._ 0,0818 0,124\ 0,1711 0,2202 0,2702 0.]200 0.369] 041711 0.4656 0.5126 0.55119 06045 0,6-495 0,0043 0,0]98 o,oon 0,0]96 00446 0,07113 0.1186 o 1637 0,2117 0,2613 0.3112 0.3610 0,4103 0.4589 o0,7380 ""'" 0.7399 07834 0.8266 0,8695 0.9120 0.9542 0.9961 10HI! I 079:' 0._ 1 1.\ 1\1>\ 0,7814 0.8245 0.8671 0.9514 0.9930 1 1n43 1 117~~ O,04~4 0.0198 0.1211 0.1670 0.2 156 0,2654 0.]154 0.3650 0,4139 0.4622 0,5097 0,5564 0,6024 06477 0,6924 0.7365 0.7800 0.8231 0.8657 0.9078 0.9-496 0.9910 LO.m 1.072<1 !l:..l I Ins I 1934 1.2368 1,2331 ' 2766 1.2725 L31 16 1.3161 1,3555 L3505 I.3H92 1.3947 14336 1 4218 14M1 14724 1.5042 L5111 1,5422 1.5496 1.5879 1,5800 1.6176 ] 6261 1. 6551 16641 1.7020 1.6924 \.7296 1.7398 1.7667 \.m5 U\036 I 81SO 1,1!404 \.8524 I lf171 1.R898 1.9270 1.9 136 \.9477 1.9SO] 1.9858 1.%41 1.9S64 2.0239 2,0011 2,()618 2.0380 2.0226 2.0998 2,0749 2.0588 2.1376 2.1116 20948 2.1754 2.1403 21307 2,1848 2.1666 2.213\ 2,2507 2.2213 2,2024 2.288] 2.2578 2.2..180 2.2736 2.3258 2.2lJ41 2.3632 2,3]()4 2,3091 2._ 2.3666 2._ 1 1614 L2021 1,2427 1.2X30 1,3232 1,)632 1.4031 1.4428 I 4823 1.5217 1,5610 , 6002 1.6392 \.6781 1.7169 1.7556 1,7942 1 8327 1.8711 ,- 1 1566 , '968 0.5068 0.5539 0,6003 0.6459 0.6908 0,7351 0,77Sf! 0.8219 0.8645 0,9056 0,9483 0.9896 UnO-l lU7m 1111 11509 \.1904 L2296 1.2685 1,3071 1.3455 1.3836 1.4215 \.4591 14')65 1.53311 1.57U11 1,6076 1.6443 1.6808 1.7171 1.7532 1.7892 1.8251 ,8608 1.8964 1.9318 1.9671 2.l1023 20373 2.0723 2.107 1 2. 1418 2.1764 2.2110 2,2454 2.2797 21119 • 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.' 00000 O<JOOO O.lnlO 00000 0.<.1042 0.0\94 0,0441 0.0771 0.11K{! 0.1612 0.2087 0.2579 0.3078 0.3578 0,4073 0,4563 Q.5(M5 0,5520 0,5987 0.6447 0,6899 0.7344 0.7783 0.8215 0.8641 0.9063 0.9679 0.9891 OJX)42 0,0]93 0,0.08 0.0164 0,1156 o 1596 0,2067 0,2557 0,3055 0.3555 0,4052 0,4543 0.5028 0.5506 05975 0,6437 0.6892 0.7]38 om8 0.82 12 n.8639 0.9061 0,9477 0.(1042 0,0]92 0,0.05 0,0758 0,1146 (J,1581 0,0042 0,0191 (I,o·no 0.0749 o 1131 0,1561 0,2024 O,251J8 0._ 04498 049R8 0.547\ 05946 06415 0.6874 0.7325 07769 08205 0.8635 0.9058 0.9-475 0.900 I ()2-l() O,IJOO) O.IK)42 O.IJlS9 0,0·'21 0.0742 0.1171 (J 1547 0.20m 0.24K8 0.291\2 0.3481 0,3<J80 0,4477 0.4969 0.5454 1)5932 11,6401 1),68112 0.7315 11,7760 I),B198 1J.8628 1J.9052 0.9468 11.9879 1,()283 I (1M') ].0298 I 07111 I llul 1.1496 1.1889 1.2278 1.2663 10295 101'>'1)\ I If; 1 U292 I 1)(,91 I 11189 I 1489 I 1879 1.2265 \.2647 1 1481 11868 1.2252 1,2631 1. 3026 1.3402 1.3775 1.4\45 14512 14876 1.52311 1.5597 \5954 1.7U94 1.7450 1.7011 1,1359 \.770S ],AA56 0.8636 0,9058 0,9475 0._ 1.3426 1.3803 1.4178 1.45SO 1.4920 1. 5287 1.5653 1.6016 1.6377 1.6736 1.92{)4 1.9550 1,9895 2.0239 2.058] 2.0923 2. \263 2.160 1 2.19]9 2.2276 2.2611 2.2946 08208 0.9889 1.- 1.7804 \.8156 18507 O,~9 0,2537 0.30]6 0.3536 04031 04525 0.5012 0.5492 115966 0,6428 0.6884 (),733] (I,77N I._ 1.6308 \ ,8049 1.8392 \.8733 I 'J072 1.9409 1.9745 2.0079 2,0412 20744 2.\074 2.1403 2.1730 2.2056 2,2331 2.2705 (),3004 Ol~O3 I til 3.0 O<JOOO O<JOOO 00000 O,O(i4;: 0.0189 0,0424 0,0737 0,1111 o 1534 0,1991 0,2470 0,2962 0.3461 0,3961 0,4450 0,4951 0,5437 0:'917 O,6J88 0.6850 0.7.'\04 0.7750 0.8 189 0.8619 0.9043 0,9459 0,0042 0.0198 0,0422 0,0733 0.1104 0.1524 0. 1978 0.2455 0.2946 0.3444 0.39-43 0.4441 0.4935 0.5422 0.5902 0,6374 0,6837 0.7292 0,7739 0.8178 0.0042 0.0187 O.OUO 0.0729 0.1098 0.1515 0.1967 0.2442 0,2932 0,3429 0.3929 04428 0.4922 0.5409 0.5690 0.6362 0.6826 0.7282 0,7830 0,8169 0.8609 08600 0.9024 1,(I(~1 ] .0273 I (1(,70 0.9033 0.9449 0.9854 ] .0262 I06W IfI)- I Tit.: I I 1472 1.\459 \.1840 1.1855 1,2234 1.22 \7 \.2588 1,2008 1.2978 1.2954 1.3007 \.33 16 1.3343 1.3379 \ ,3674 \.3705 1.3748 1.4028 1.4062 \4114 1..4377 14476 1.4617 1.4728 \.4767 1.4835 U065 I ~1 14 \ ,5192 \54l)4 1.5458 1.5546 \.5739 1.5799 1.5997 1.6246 16137 1,6071 1.6400 \.6472 1.6592 , 6IIQ.I \.6726 1.6936 1.7049 1,7 134 \.7278 1,7460 1.7370 1.7617 17(~7 1.7785 1.7955 1,8107 I.IIIKl2 I 8290 1.11115 1.8427 11\623 I.M25 1,8744 1.8955 \.11933 1.9060 1.9285 1.9238 1.9373 1. 9613 \ ,9'i-l2 19939 1.9843 \.9994 2,0264 V1l42 2.0S!!7 2.0301 20909 20607 2.0440 2.0735 2,1229 2.0911 2.10211 2.1548 21213 2.1H65 2. 1913 2,1320 2.1812 2.111 J(J 2.2181 2.2496 2,2110 2. 11191'1 ,- 2 .• 2.' 0_ '0,(1 0._ 0,9850 1.0253 1.0650 I III_HI I 14)5 1 1415 1.1441 I 1615 \.\004 \.1827 1.218lJ 1.2177 1,2202 1.2558 1.2546 \,2572 1.2922 ,2909 1.29)7 1.3281 1.3268 \.3298 \.3637 1,3623 L3653 1.3987 1.3973 \.4005 14.\34 \.43\8 1.4353 1.4677 14(197 1,5015 \.4998 \.5036 1.5351 1.5332 1.S373 1,5706 1.5692 1S663 ].6011 1.5990 1.6035 1.63]6 1.6614 1.5362 1.6658 1.6635 1.5M5 1.6977 1.6953 1.700~ 1.7322 1,7243 1.7267 1.7606 1.7579 1.7637 1,7916 1.7889 1.7949 1.8258 1.8224 L8195 \ .8530 1.8499 1.8565 1,!lg7() l.fUl33 1.8801 1.9133 \.9100 ] 9172 1.9431 1.9397 1.9728 1,9692 \.9769 2.(X)65 20022 19964 2,0359 2.0314 2.0275 2,0650 H)60) 2,0563 2.0940 2.0891 2.0849 2,1228 2.1178 2.1134 2.1462 2.1417 2.\514 2. 17')8 2.1744 2. 1698 ,""'" . ," Table 7·2 (g) Extended Sukkar...comell Integral tor Bottom·hole Pressure Calculation 1.1 I." 200 2,. 300 3.50 4.00 4.50 '.00 ,." .00 '.50 700 7." 8.00 850 9.00 9.50 1000 10.50 lUll) 11.50 12.00 1150 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.' 3.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 00000 00000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0036 0.0166 0.0382 0.0676 0,1033 0,1436 0.1869 0.2318 0.2n3 0.3229 O,(lIns 0,0162 0,0371 0,0652 0.0993 o 1381 0.1801 0.2242 0,2693 0.3149 0.3605 0.4059 0.4508 0,4952 0.5391 0.5824 0.6252 0.6674 0.7091 0.7503 0.7910 0,1013 0,11711 0.9106 U'HII7 0,0035 0,0162 O,036!l 0,0035 0,0169 0,0361 0,0632 0.0963 01366 0.1782 0.2219 0.2669 0.3124 0.3580 0 ...t035 0.4486 0.4932 0.5372 0.5808 0.6237 0.6660 0.7078 0,7491 0.71199 O,R302 (J,87()(' U YO')5 U II-'X~ 0,0035 0.0161 0,0365 0.0640 0,0974 0,1353 0.1765 0.2199 0,2647 0,3101 03551:1 0,4013 0,4465 0,4913 0,5355 0.5792 0,6223 0.6647 0.7066 0.7480 0.71!S8 O,82Y2 0!i690 U.90114 U.9-'74 0,0035 0,0159 0,0351:1 0,0626 0.()951 01321 o 1725 0.2152 0,0035 0,0157 0,0355 0,0618 0,0937 0,0035 0,0157 0,0353 0,0615 0.0931 0,1292 0.1687 0.2108 0.2545 0.2993 0.3525 0.3981 0.4·05 0,4&14 0.5329 0.5767 o 62()() 0.6627 0.7048 0,7463 0.71173 O,II2n O,I!676 o 9()7U 0.6612 0,7034 0.7451 (),7!S61 0,11265 0.""" () ()I]57 0,0035 0,0158 0,03.56 0,0621 0,0943 0,1309 0,1710 0,2135 0,2675 0.3025 0,3480 0,3937 0.4392 0.4843 0.5291 0.5712 0.61bR 0.6597 0,7020 0,74]6 () 7847 0.8251 086:'iO 0,90·n U '1J~1I n" -'Jo " W~X4 II (J,i)SW n \//1.1:' 1I'11oI:.'S 0.'1-'.11 lI'Jlln U97W 0.7411 0.71122 0,11227 0.11626 0.9019 09-'06 II.Y7117 , leM 1.02.11 , .11.' 11:.'11(, 1 1l1'!1 1.11171> ! IJJN 1.0618 1.0992 1 1362 I 1729 1.2092 1.2453 1.2610 1.3164 1.3515 1 J864 1.4211 1.4554 1.4896 1.5235 155n 1.5906 1.6239 1.6570 1.6899 1.7226 1.7551 1.787<1 1.8196 1,8516 1.8835 1.9152 1,9468 1,9782 2,0095 2.0407 2.0717 2.1026 2.1334 1.0596 1~79 1.il966 1 09-17 I 1332 116<J.i 1.2052 1.2<W7 1.2757 1.3105 1,3449 1.3789 1.4127 1.4462 1.4794 1.512.1 1.5449 1.5773 1.6095 1.6414 1.6731 1 1311 1 1670 1.2026 1.2377 1.272'1.3067 I 056~ 10930 1 1293 I 165\ 1,2005 1.2354 \.2700 1.3042 1.3380 I 3714 1.4U45 1.4373 1,'-698 1.5019 \.5338 1.5654 15967 162n 1.6585 1.0547 1.0914 I 1276 I 1633 I 19K7 1.2:'15 1.2(>110 \ U5.lS 11110\ I 121>3 1 I"2U I 1972 I.HW 1.2665 1.3005 1.3.\41 I 3674 1.4003 I 4329 1.4652 1.4971 I .S2RB 1,5601 1.5912 1.6220 1.6525 1.6828 1.7128 1.7<126 1.7722 1.8015 0.0823 0.8329 0,8747 0,9165 0.9581 0.1264 0.1719 0.2174 0.2625 0.3071 0.3513 0.395\ 0.4386 0.4817 0.5247 0.5574 0.6098 0.6521 0.6941 0,7360 Q,m5 0.8181 o8roI 0.9()16 U.942/1 U"""" 0.7909 0._ 08901 OmOb 0.5527 0.5951 0,6372 0.6789 0,7204 0,7615 0,8026 0,8430 0.8833 0.9234 0.6007 0.6428 0.6846 0.7261 0.7674 0.808S 0.8"94 1 1237 I 1649 15.00 1.2060 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18,00 18.50 19.00 19.50 \.2471 1.2881 1.3291 1.3700 \.4109 1.4517 1.4924 1.5332 \,5738 1.6145 1.6S51 1.6956 1.7361 \,n66 1.8171 1.8575 I 10Sol I 1459 I 1862 1,2264 1,2666 1.3067 1,)467 1.3866 1.4264 10912 I 1310 1.1707 1.2102 1.2497 1.2890 1.3282 1.3674 29.SO 30.00 2.' 0.0000 14.00 28.50 29,00 2.4 0,0036 0,0168 0,0390 "50 28.00 2.2 0.0000 1 unn I 0425 27.00 27.50 20 0.0037 0.0112 0.O-W1 0.0718 0.\103 01531 0.\980 0.2436 0.2891 0.3343 0.3789 0.4230 0.4667 (I9f,:n 26.50 1 .' 00000 '.11!1~ 26,00 1.' 0.0037 0.0176 0.0418 0,0755 0.1164 0,1608 0.2063 0.2519 0.2970 0.3416 0.3858 0.4295 0.4728 0.5158 0.5584 U 9710 24 SO "00 ".50 1 .7 0.0000 1 H2J~ I 0(>4" 24.00 1.' 0.0038 0.0184 0.0447 U.911~~ 2200 22.SO 23.00 23.50 1.S 0.0000 I 11411 1IIIQ4 21.00 21.50 ~ 0.0039 0,0199 0,0521 0,0967 0,1422 0,1870 0,2314 0.2756 0.3195 0.3632 0,4067 0,4500 0.49]1 0,5361 0.5789 0.6216 0.6642 0.7066 0.7488 13 Ol) \\.511 20.00 20.50 ~ Reduced Temperature for B .; 30.0 P, 020 0." 1.00 ~ 1.8979 1.9383 1.9786 2.0189 2.0592 2.0995 2.1397 2.1799 2.22{\1 2.2603 2.3OCl5 2._ 2.J807 2.4208 14662 1.5059 1.5456 1,5852 1.6247 1,6642 1.7037 1.743\ 1.7824 L8217 1,8610 1.9002 1.9393 1.9785 2.0176 2.0S66 2.0957 2.1346 2.1736 2.2125 2.2514 2.2903 2.3291 2.3679 1.0~1I 1.- 1.0318 11209 1 1598 119116 1.2372 1.2757 1.3140 1.3522 1.3903 1.4282 1.4661 1.5038 1.5414 1.5789 1,6163 1.6537 1.4454 1.4843 1.5231 1.5618 1.6005 1.6391 1.6n6 1. 7160 1.7544 1.7928 1.8311 1.8693 1.9075 1.9456 1.9837 2.0217 2.0597 2.0976 2.1355 2.1734 2.2112 2.2490 2.0226 2.0591 2.0955 2.1319 2.1682 2.2045 2.2868 2.2407 2.3245 2.2769 1.6909 1.7281 1.7651 1.8021 1.8390 1.8759 1.9127 1.9493 1.9860 0,3278 0,3729 0,4175 0.4616 0,5052 0.5483 0.5909 0.6331 0.6749 0,7163 0.7573 0.7980 0,8384 0,8785 0.9183 O.YS711 (19'173 1I.'J'lJI, ll1.lM l.()-'~-' 0,0036 0,016--\ 0,0375 00672 0.1010 0,1404 01831 0.2275 0.2729 0.3186 0.3641 0.4092 0.4539 0.4981 0.5417 0.5848 0,6273 0.6693 0.7109 0.7520 0.7926 08329 0.8728 0912.l o 9~1~ n,'I'/I14 1.02'HI 1.0710 1,0673 1.~9 106J4 1 109-1 1.l054 1 1027 1 1402 IIn4 1.2144 1.2511 1.2876 1.3238 1.3598 1.3956 1.4312 11009 1.1382 I 1751 1,2117 1.2481 1.2842 1.3200 1.3555 1.3908 1.4259 14666 1- 1.5019 1.5369 1.5718 1.6065 \.6410 1.6754 1,7(1% 1,7437 I.7m 1.8115 1.8452 1,8788 1.9123 1,9-'56 1.9788 2.0119 2.04J9 2.0779 2.1107 2.1434 2.1760 1.4954 1.5298 1.5MI 1,59S 1 1.6320 1.6657 1.6992 1.7325 1,7657 1.7987 1,8316 0.0692 0,106(} 0,1474 0,1914 0.2367 0.2823 1 0753 1 1139 I 1524 11907 1.2287 1,2666 1.- 1.3419 1.37~ 1.4167 1.4538 1.4908 1.52n 1,5644 1,6011 1.6376 1,6740 l.7i03 1,7485 1,7826 1.8186 1,8546 1,8904 1.9262 1.9618 1.9974 2.0330 2.11684 2.1038 2.1391 2.1743 2.2095 2.2446 0.3683 0,4132 0.4576 0.5015 0.5-1-49 0.511n 0,63(11 0.6719 0.7134 0.7544 0.7951 0.8354 0.8754 0.9150 n.9~4-' I 1475 I 1855 1.2232 1.2607 \,2981 1.3352 1.3722 1.4091 1.4457 14823 1.5187 1.5549 1.5910 1.6270 1 6629 1.6987 1.7343 I. 7698 1.8053 I 1431 1 1606 1.2179 1.2549 1.2917 1.3283 1.3847 1.4009 1.4370 1.4728 1.S08S 1.- 1.5794 1.6146 1.6497 1.684<> 1.9810 2,0159 2.0507 1.7194 1.7541 1.7886 1.8230 1.8573 1.8915 1.92.56 1.9596 1.9934 2.0272 208S4 2.0609 2.1200 2,1546 2.1891 2.2235 2.0945 2.1280 2.1614 2.1947 1.8406 1.8758 1.9110 19460 • 1 ml>s 0_ <}1017~ 1.- 1,8970 1 ,92~ 1.9618 1.9940 2.0261 2.0580 2.01199 2.1216 2.153] 0.0960 0,1334 0,1741 0.2112 0,2617 0.J069 1.7~6 1.7358 1.7669 1.79n 1.8284 1.85119 1,8891 1.9192 1,9492 197'JO 2.0086 2.03AO 2.0673 2.(1%5 O,25~ 0.3046 0.3501 0,3957 0.4412 0,4863 0.5309 0.57411 O,61~ 1.J407 I 374.I 4077 "-107 1,4734 1 ~58 I ~379 1.5697 160iJ 1.6326 1.6636 UJ9.-5 1,72S0 1,7554 1,7855 iJ!l55 I.~S2 11047 1.9040 1.9332 1.9672 1.'J910 2,()196 2.i)4S1 2.0764 16890 1.7193 1.7494 1.7792 1.8088 1.8382 1.8674 1.8964 1.9252 1.9538 1.9R23 2,0105 2,0386 2.0666 onoo 0,1697 0,2120 0,2559 0.3008 0.3462 0.)919 0.4374 04826 0.5274 0,5716 0,6152 0.6582 O,71()6 0.7'-23 0.7833 0.1I23R 0.11637 0.9()]() 0.9-117 1.3021 1.3358 1.3692 1.4022 1.4349 1.4672 1.4993 1,5310 1,5625 1,5937 1.6246 1.6552 1.6856 1.7158 1.7457 l,n54 1,8O-tS 1,8341 1.8631 1.8920 1.9206 1.9.-91 1.9774 2.0055 2.0334 2.0612 0.J448 O,39(}.\ 0,4359 0,4812 0,5260 0.5703 0,6139 0.6570 0_ 1 1<306 18595 1.8AA2 1 9167 1 9.-51 1.9732 2.0012 2.0289 2.0566 Table 7-2 (h) Extended Sukkar-Cornellintegral for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation P, 1.1 0.20 O.SO 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2.SO 3.00 3.SO 4.00 4.SO '.00 '.SO 600 6.SO 7.00 7.SO 8.00 8.SO 9.00 9.SO 10.00 10.50 11 .00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 BStl 1400 14.50 15,00 15.50 /6.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19,50 20.00 2O.SO 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.SO 23.00 23,SO 24.00 24.50 2500 25.SO 26,00 26,50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.SO 2900 29 SO 30.00 0.0000 0.0033 0,0171 0 . ~S4 0.086 1 0.1283 0,1703 0.2 120 0.2536 0.2950 0.3362 0.3773 0.4183 0.4591 0.4999 0.S405 0.58 10 0.6214 0.66 17 0.7018 0.74 19 0.7818 0.8217 0.8614 0.9011 0,9407 0911.03 I 0\97 1,0591 U1985 1.1377 I 1770 1.2162 1.2553 1. 2944 1.3334 1,3725 1.4114 1.4504 1.4893 1,5281 1.5610 1.6058 1,6446 1,68)3 1.7220 1.7607 1.7994 1.8381 1.8767 1.9153 1,9539 1.9924 2.0310 2.0695 2 1080 2,1465 21850 2,2234 2,26 19 2,3003 1.2 0.000l 0.0032 0.0158 0.0387 0.0720 0.1119 0.1538 0.1960 0.2382 0.2800 0.3216 0.3630 0.4040 0.4449 0.4856 0.5261 0."" 0._ 0.6466 0.686S 0.7262 0.7657 0.8051 0..... 0.8836 0.9227 0,9617 1.{){X)(, 1.0394 1.078 1 1.1167 1.1552 1.1937 1.2321 1.2705 1.3087 1.3470 1.3851 1.4232 1.4613 1.4993 1.5373 1.5752 1.6130 1.6509 1.6887 1.7264 1.7641 1.8018 1.8394 1.871 1 1.9146 1.9522 1.9897 2.0272 2.0647 2.1021 2,1395 2.1769 2,2142 2.2516 1.3 1.4 0.000l 0.0032 0,0152 0.0361 0,0657 0.1022 0, 1425 0.1844 0.2266 0.2688 0.3106 0.3522 03934 0.4344 0,4752 0.5 156 0.5558 0.5959 06357 0.6753 0,7147 0,7539 0.7930 0.8319 08607 0.9094 09479 0.000l 0.0031 0.0148 0.0346 0.0623 00965 0.1350 0,1759 0.2179 0.2601 0.3023 0.3442 0.3857 0.4270 0.4679 0.S08S 0.5487 0.5888 0.6285 0.6681 0.7073 0.7464 0.7852 0,8239 0.8623 09006 0.9386 {) <)101/,1 II <J7f15 1.0246 1.0627 1,1008 1.1388 1.1767 1,2 144 1.2521 12898 1.3273 1.3648 1.4022 1.4395 1.4768 1.5140 1.55 II 1.5882 1.6252 1.6622 1.6991 1.7360 1.7729 1.111m 1.8464 1.8831 1,9198 1.9564 1.9930 2.0295 2.066 1 2,1025 2. 1390 2,1754 2.2118 1.0143 1.0519 1.0893 1.1 266 1.1638 1.2008 1.2378 1.2746 1.31 13 1.3479 1.3844 1.4208 1.4571 1.4933 1.5294 1.5655 1.60 14 1.6373 1.6732 1.7089 1.7446 1.7802 1.8158 18513 1.8867 1.9221 1.9574 1.9927 2.0279 2,0631 2.0983 2.13J3 2. 1684 1.5 0.000l 0.0031 0.0145 0.0336 0.0601 0,0925 0.1295 0.1694 0,2108 0.2529 0.2951 0.3373 0.3791 0.4207 0,46 18 0.5026 0.5431 0.5832 0.6230 0.6625 0,7017 0.7406 0,m3 Reduced Temperature for 8 - 35.0 1.' 1.7 1.6 2.0 1.' 08559 0.8939 0.\)317 0000l 0.0031 0.0143 0,0329 0.0585 00900 0.1259 0,1650 0,2059 0.2477 0.2899 0.3321 0.3742 0,4159 0.4573 04983 0.5390 0.5792 0.6191 0.6586 0.6978 0.7367 0.7753 08136 0,8517 0.8895 U9271 0000l 0.0031 0.0141 0.0323 0,0573 00879 0,1230 0. 1613 0.2017 0.2433 0.2854 0.3276 0.3698 0.4117 0.4532 0.4944 0,5352 0.5756 0.6156 0.6552 0.6945 0.7334 0.nI9 0.8 102 0.8481 0.8858 0,9232 11 9(,(j, 0.000l 0.0030 0,0139 0.0320 0.0564 0._ 0,1208 0.1585 01984 0.2396 0,2816 0.3238 0.3660 0_ 04-198 0,4912 0,5822 0.5727 0,6129 0.6526 0.69 19 0.7308 0,7694 0.8076 0.8655 0.8831 O,92U4 {)(jM~ lL'MI4 () 0.9913 1.0340 1.0704 1.1066 1.1426 1.1784 1.2140 1.2494 1.2846 1.3197 1.3546 1.3893 1.4239 1.4584 1.4927 1.5269 1.S609 1.5948 1,6286 1.6623 1.6959 1.7294 1.7627 17960 1.8191 1.8622 1.8951 1.9280 1.9608 1.9935 2.0261 2.0587 2.0912 0.9941 1.0305 1.0667 1.1027 1.1 384 1.1739 12092 1.2443 1.2792 1.3139 1.3484 1.3828 1.4170 1.4510 1.4849 1,5186 1,5522 1.5856 1,6U19 1.6521 1.6851 1.11110 \.7508 1,7835 1.8161 1.8486 0.8171 1'(l067 1.0439 1.0809 1.1178 1,1549 I 191/ 1.2275 1.2638 1.2999 1.3359 1.3718 1.4075 1.4432 1.4788 1.5142 1,5495 1.5848 1.6199 1.6550 1.6900 1.7249 1.7597 1.7944 18291 1.8637 1.8982 1.9326 1.9670 H)014 2.0356 2.0698 2.1040 2.1381 1.0017 1.0386 1.0754 1.1120 1.1484 1.1846 1,2207 1.2566 1.2923 1.3280 1.3634 1.3988 1,4340 1.4691 1.5041 1.5390 1.5738 1.6084 1.6430 1.6775 1.7118 l.7461 l.7803 1,8 144 1.8484 1.8824 1.9163 1.9501 1.9838 2.0175 2.051 1 2._ 2.1180 • (j~7.1 1.8810 1.9133 1.9454 1.9775 2.0095 2.~14 2.0732 (J~S~ 0.9920 1.0282 1.0642 I.Il999 1.1354 I 1705 1.2055 1.2402 1.2747 1,3089 1.3430 1.3769 1,4105 1.4440 IA773 1.5104 1.5434 1.5762 1.6088 1.6413 1.6736 1.1{)58 1.7379 1.7698 1.8016 1.8333 1.8649 1,8963 1.9277 1.9589 1.9900 2.02iO 2.0519 2.4 2.' 2.6 3.0 0000l 0.0030 0.0137 0,0311 0.0546 0,0834 0,1165 0,1528 0.1916 0,2320 0.2734 0.3153 0.3576 0,3998 04418 0.4836 0.5247 0.5657 0.6062 06462 0.6858 0.7250 0,7637 0,8019 08398 0,8m 0.9141 (1'150 o000l 0.0030 0.0136 0.0309 0.0542 00826 0,1153 0,15 13 0.1897 0.2298 0.2710 0.3128 0.3550 03972 0,4394 0,48 12 0.5227 0.5638 0.6044 0.6445 0.6842 0.7234 0,7621 0.8001 0.8381 08755 1)'112-l 00000 0.0030 0.0136 O,OJ07 0.0537 0,0819 0,1142 01499 0.1880 02279 0.2690 0,3107 0.3529 03951 04373 0,4792 0,5208 0.5619 0,6026 0.6428 06825 07217 0,7604 0.7987 0.8364 08737 U9106 0.0000 0.0030 0.0135 0.0305 0.0534 0,0813 0.1134 0.1487 0.[866 0.2263 0.2672 0.3089 0.3910 0.3932: 0,4354 0.4n4 0.5190 0.5(;)2 0.6009 0,6412 0.6809 0.7201 0.7589 0.7971 0.8349 0.8721 0.9089 J 'qXl 0.0000 0.0030 0.0135 0,0304 0.0531 0""" o 1127 0.1478 o 1855 0.2250 0.2658 0.3014 0.3495 0,3918 0.4339 04759 0.5175 0.5588 0,5996 0.6398 0,6796 0.7189 07576 0.7958 0.8336 0.8708 0.9076 11'1-17(1 f) ()-l~.1 f) 9~.19 0.9900 1.0261 1.0618 1.0973 1.1325 1.1674 1,2020 0.9869 1.0226 1.0500 1.0931 1.1278 1.1622 0.9848 12364 1.2300 1.2634 \.2966 1,3294 1.3620 1.3944 1,4265 1,4583 1,4900 1,5214 1.5525 1,5835 1.6143 1.6448 1.6752 1,1054 1.7354 1.7652 1.7949 1.8244 1.8537 I.M29 1.9119 I.1.9696 0.0000 0000l 0.0030 00030 0.0139 0.0139 0.0317 0.0315 0.0559 00554 0.11055 0.0847 0,119.1 01182 0.1567 0,1550 0.1962 0, [942 0.2372 0,2350 0.2790 0.2766 0.3211 0.3187 0.3634 0,3610 04{l55 0,4032 0,4473 0,4451 OA~ 04867 0.5300 0.5280 0.5707 0S688 0.6109 0.6091 0.6507 0.6490 0.6901 06S85 0.7291 0.7275 0,7677 0.7661 0.8059 0,8043 08438 0.3422 0.8813 0.8797 0918.'1 091611 11 2.2 w S1 II "'~1~ 1.2705 1.3044 1.3380 1.3714 1.4046 1.4376 1.4704 1.5030 1.5355 1.5677 1.5998 1.6317 1,6634 1.6950 1.7264 1.7577 1.7888 1.8198 1.8506 UI814 1.9119 1.9424 19726 2.0030 2.033 1 1.1962 1.9982 1.0205 1.0557 1.0905 1.1247 1.1590 1.1928 1.2262 1.2592 1.2970 1.3245 3166 ,3885 ,4201 ,45 15 ,4826 ,5134 5440 5744 6()'16 6345 6642 .6937 ,723 1 I. 7522 1.7812 1.8100 1.8386 1.8670 1.8953 1.9234 1.9513 1.9791 0.9ln9 0.9812 0,9793 1.0184 1.0\67 \.0\53 1.0536 1.0517 I.OS03 1.0883 10864 1.0849 1.1226 1 1206 1-1191 11566 1.lS45 I 1529 1.1 88() 111164 1.1901 1.2234 1.2212 1.2195 12563 1.2540 1.2522 1.2889 1.2865 1.2847 1.3212 1.3187 1.3168 1.3531 1.3506 1.348S 1.3848 1.3822 1,4162 1.4135 1,4112 1,4473 1.4445 14422 1,4782 1.4752 1,4120 1.S088 1.5057 1.5032 1.5391 1.5360 U333 1.5693 1.S66il 1.5632 1.5957 I-sm 1.5992 1.6288 1.6253 1.6223 1.6583 1.6546 1.6S15 1,6837 1.68Ol 1.6875 I. 7165 1.7126 1.7093 1.7454 1.7413 1.7378 1.1698 1,7662 1.7740 1,7981 1.7944 1.8025 1.8306 1.8262 1.8224 1.8542 1,8502 1.8589 1.8868 1.8820 1,8779 1,9/46 1.9096 1,90S3 1.9422 1.9370 1.9327 1.9696 1.9643 1.9598 """ Table 7-2 (I) Extended Sukkar-Comell Integral for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation P, 0.20 00000 O.SO 00029 1.00 O.OLSO I.SO 0.0403 2.00 0.0776 2.SO 0,1170 300 0.1565 3SO 0.1958 4.00 0.2351 4SO 0.2743 '00 0.3133 '.SO 0.3523 6.00 0.3912 6.SO 0.'1300 7.00 0.4687 7.SO 0.0573 800 0,$458 8.SO 0.5843 9.00 0.6227 9SO 0.6609 1.2 1.3 0.0000 0.0000 O,(JO?..8 0.0139 0.0341 0,0028 0.0133 0.0318 0,0582 0.0912 0.1281 0.1668 0,2062 0,2457 0.2851 0.3244 0.3634 04023 0.44\0 0.4795 0.5179 0.5560 0.5940 0,6319 0.0640 1000 10.50 11,00 11,SO 12,00 0.6991 0.7372 0.n53 0,8132 0.8511 0.1005 0.1393 0.1787 0,2182 0,2576 0.2969 0.3360 0.3750 0.4138 0.4525 0.4910 0.5294 0.5677 0.6059 0,6439 0.6818 0.7196 0.7573 0.m9 0.8324 IBO (),AA~ 0_ D,no n Q~t.X 0907:' 0.7071 0,nt6 0.7819 0.8190 0,851'01 tUN'1 I'~I II ,lid' 01--1.1'\ L)?'N 10022 1.0398 1.0774 1 1149 r 1525 1 1"'.19 ]2274 1.2648 1.3021 1.3395 1.3768 1,4140 1,4513 1,4885 1.5257 15629 1.6001 1.6372 1.6743 1.7114 1.74K5 1.7855 1.8226 1.8596 1.8966 1.9336 1.9705 2.0075 2.0444 2.0!!\3 2.1182 2.1551 2,1920 0.9816 0,0188 1.0558 1.0928 1.1297 0,9667 1.0034 10400 1.0765 I 1129 1 1492 I 1855 1.2217 1,2579 14.00 15.00 15 ..~ J/)I~l 16.50 17,00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.5O 20.00 20.SO 21.00 21,50 22,(k) 22.SO 23.00 23SO ,"00 24.50 23.00 23 SO 26.00 26.50 27.00 27,SO 28.00 28.SO 29.00 2950 3000 ~ ~ Reduced Temperalure for 8 - 40.0 1.1 14 SO ~ II"" 1.2034 1.2402 ].2769 1.3136 1.3502 0.6696 12940 1.5327 1.S691 ].330) ],)659 1.4019 1,4)77 1.4735 1.5093 1.5450 \.6417 1.6780 1.7143 1.7505 1.7867 1.8229 1.8591 1.8952 1.9313 1.9674 2.0034 2.0194 2.0755 2.1114 2.1474 1.6163 16519 1.6874 1,7229 1.7584 1.7938 1.8292 1.8645 1.8999 1.9352 1.9704 2.0057 2,0409 2,0761 2,1112 13868 1,4233 1.4598 1.4963 I._ I.""" '" 1.5 1.6 1.7 1 .• 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0027 0.0129 0.OJ05 0.0551 0.0027 0.0127 0.0296 0,0530 0.0821 0.1156 0.1520 0.1901 0,2292 0.2686 0.3081 0.3476 0,386!1 0.4258 0.4646 0.5031 0,5413 0.5793 0.6 171 0.0027 0.0125 0,0517 0.0798 0.1122 0.1477 0.1853 0.2240 0.2633 0.3028 0.3423 0,3816 0,42{)8 0.4597 0.4983 0.5367 0.5747 0.612S 0.0027 0,0123 0,0284 0.0505 0.0779 0.1095 0.1442 0.1812 0.2]95 0.2586 0.2980 0,3376 0.3170 0.4163 0.4553 0,4941 0.5325 0.5707 0._ 0.6500 0,6873 0,7243 0.76] I 0.7977 OSJJI IlInm 00858 0.1208 0.]584 0.]973 0.2367 0.2762 0.3156 0.3549 0,3939 0.4328 0.47]4 0 ..5097 0,$479 0.5859 0.6237 0.6612 0.6987 0.7359 0.7729 n~66 0,6919 0.7290 0.7659 0.8026 (),8J91 n ~~n~ II " n 'JI 0.8098 'I' '. 0,9559 0,9921 1.02112 1.0641 I 1000 \ 1357 I.J 713 1.2068 12422 1.2776 1.3128 13480 1.3831 1.4181 1.4530 1.4879 1.5227 1.5574 1.5920 1.6266 I.MI2 1,6957 1,7301 1.7645 1,7988 l.8m 1.8673 1.9015 1.9356 1,9697 2.0038 2.0378 2.0717 ~7'i~ 0.0290 1.' 2.0 2.2 0.0000 0.0000 0,0027 00122 0.0279 0,0493 0,0756 0.106] 0.1398 0.1758 0,2JJS 0.2521 0.2913 0.3308 0.3703 0,4097 0,449(} 0.4879 0.5266 0,5650 0.6030 0.0000 00026 00000 0.0026 0.0 120 0.0273 0,6461 0.6833 97203 0.7571 0,7936 0,8299 0,0027 0.0122 0.0281 0.0497 0.0765 0,2074 0.1416 0.1780 0.2159 0.2548 0,2941 0.3336 0.3731 0.4124 0,4516 0.4905 0.5290 0.5673 0.6052 0.6429 0.6802 0.7172 0,7539 0,7903 O.IQM'1 II IIO~J 0._ 7 II )1111.' 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P, 1.1 0.20 0." 1.00 I." 200 00000 0.0026 0.0134 0.0362 0,0707 0.1016 o 1449 0.1821 0,2193 0.2565 0.2936 0.3306 0.3676 0.40-'5 0.4414 0.4782 0,5150 0.5517 0.5883 0.6248 0,6613 0.6978 0,7342 0.7705 0.8068 1.3 1.4 0.0000 0.0025 0.0124 0.0305 0.0576 0.0912 0.1273 0,1643 0.2015 0.2388 0.2760 0.3131 0.3501 0.3871 0.42]9 00000 0.0025 0.0119 0.0000 0.0024 0,0115 0.0272 0,0494 12 ,50 I' Ull o &.no 0.4973 0.5]39 0.5704 0.6067 0.6430 0.6792 0,7153 0.7514 0.7874 OR2]] o R"7<l2 1))1<;'11 0.0522 0.0823 0.1163 0,1523 0.1892 0.2264 0,2637 0.3009 0.3380 0.3750 0.4118 0_ 0,4852 0.5216 0,5580 0.5942 0.6301 06664 07023 0,7381 0.TI]8 a 8Il94 II S4--l'J \ '\ \II \I 'HS] U,I('I.\'1 (\I!I'.\l-\ 2." 3.00 3." 4.00 4." 5.00 5." '.00 ,,. 7.00 7." 8.00 8,. 900 9." 10,00 10,50 11.00 1I,SO 12 .00 14.00 0,9514 0.9875 15.00 1.0235 15.SO 1.0595 16.00 1.0955 16.50 1.J315 17.00 1.1674 17.50 1.2032 18.00 1.2391 18.50 1.2749 19.00 1.3107 19.5O 1.3465 20.00 \.3823 20.SO 1.4180 21.00 \.4538 21.SO 1,4895 22.00 1,5251 22." 1.5608 23.00 1.5965 23." 1.6]21 24.00 1.66TI 24.50 1.70]3 25.00 1.7389 25.50 1.7745 26.00 1.8100 26.SO 1.8456 27.00 1.8811 27.50 1.9166 28.00 1.9521 28." 1.9876 29.00 2.0231 29.50 2.0586 30.00 2.0941 14.50 Reduced Temperature for 8 = 45.0 1.2 0.0284 o 46()7 0.9306 0.9663 1.0019 1.0374 1.0729 1.1084 1.1438 1.1791 1.2145 1.2497 1.2850 1.3202 1.3554 1.31X15 1.4256 1.4607 1.4958 1.5308 1.5658 1.6008 1.6357 1.6706 1.7055 1.7404 1.7752 1.8101 1.8449 1.8797 1.9144 1.9492 1.9839 2.0186 2.0533 0.9157 0.9510 0.9863 1.0214 1.0565 1.0915 1.1265 1.1614 1.1962 1.2310 1.2658 1.3005 1.3351 1.3697 1.4043 1.4388 1.4733 1.5077 1.542] 1.5765 1.6108 1.6451 1.6794 1.7136 1.7478 1.7820 1.8162 1.850] 1.8844 1.9184 1.9525 ).9865 2.0205 w !l 1.5 0."'" 0.4029 0,4397 0.4763 0.5128 0.5492 0.5853 0,6214 0.6573 0,6930 0.7286 0,764] 0, 7994 n K\47 0.0000 0.0024 0,0113 0.0264 0.0475 0.0738 o 1043 0.1378 0.1732 0,2096 0.2466 0.2838 0,3211 0.3583 0.3954 0.4323 0._ 0.5055 0.5419 0.5780 0,6140 0.6498 0.6854 0.7209 0,7562 0,7914 IUC:I, I lJ ,1>')\ t kl>I.1 0.on2 0.109] 0.1441 0.IS03 0.2172 0.2544 0.2917 0.3289 0.9048 09396 0.9744 1.0091 1.0437 1.0782 1.1126 1.1469 1.1811 1,2153 1.2494 1.2834 1.3173 1,3512 1,38SO 14187 \.4524 1.4860 1.5196 1.5531 1.5866 1,6200 1.6534 1.6867 ].7200 1.7532 1.7864 L8195 1.8526 1.8857 1.9187 1.9517 1.9847 0.8961 0.9307 0.9652 0.9995 1.0338 1.0679 1.1019 I 1358 1.1696 1.20]3 1.2370 1.2705 1.3039 1,]373 1.]706 1.4038 1.4369 1.4699 1.5029 1.5358 1.5687 1,6015 1,6342 ) "" 1.6995 1.7320 1.7645 1.7969 1,8293 1,8617 1.8940 1.9262 1.9584 1.6 1.7 0.0000 0.0024 0,0111 0.0258 0.0462 0.0716 0.1012 0.1338 0.1685 0.2045 0.2412 0.2783 0.3158 0.3528 0.3900 0,4270 0.4638 00000 0.0024 0.0110 0.0254 0,0452 0.0699 00986 0.1304 0.1645 0.2001 0.2366 0.27]5 0.3107 0.3480 0.3852 0.422] 0.4592 0,4959 0.5]23 0.5686 D.""" 05368 0.5730 06090 06447 0,6803 0.7157 07509 0.7MO OIQm f) k~' h 0.8902 0.9246 0.9589 0.9931 1.0271 1.0609 1.0947 1.1283 1.1619 1.1953 1,2286 1.2618 1.2949 1.3279 1.3608 1.3937 1.4264 1,4591 1.4916 1.5242 1.5566 1,5890 1.6212 1.6535 1.6856 1.7177 1.7498 1.7817 1,8136 1.8455 1,8773 1.9091 1.9408 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 0.0000 0.0024 0.0109 0.0250 0.0445 0.0586 0.0967 0.1279 0,1614 0.1966 0.2327 0,2695 0._ 0.3439 0,3811 0.4182 0.4552 0,4920 0,5286 05649 06009 0,6367 0,6723 0.7076 0.7427 0, 7776 IUll 22 0.0000 0.0024 0.0108 0,0248 0.0440 0,0678 0.0955 0.1263 0. 1594 0.1942 0.2301 0,2667 0.3038 0,3410 0.3782 0.4154 0,4525 04893 0.5259 0.5623 0.5984 0.63-;2 0,6698 0.7051 0. 7402 1)'775 1 00000 0,0024 0.0108 0,0247 0.0436 0.0671 0.0944 0.1248 0,1576 0.1921 0.2278 0.264] 0.3012 0,]384 0.3757 0.4129 0,4SOO 0."" 0,5235 0.5599 0,5961 0.6320 0,6676 0.7029 0,7380 0.7728 O,XlI'J7 Okl'l7) II ~n~ ill7 () KI(,7 !I X4_h! ) )0(-1 11, tI 1'- 0.8851 0.9193 0.9533 0.9872 1.0209 1.0544 1.0878 1.1211 1.1542 1.1872 1,2200 1.2528 08809 0.9]50 0.9489 0.9825 1.0160 1.0494 1.0825 1.1155 1.1484 1.1811 1.2136 1.2460 1.278] 1.3105 1.3425 1.3744 1.4062 1,4]79 1.1.5009 1.5323 1.5635 1.5947 1.6257 1.6567 1.6876 1.7184 \.7491 1.7798 1.810] 1.8408 1.8712 1.9016 0.8782 0.9 121 0.9458 0.9793 1.0125 1.0456 1.0785 1.1112 1.1437 J.l761 1.2Q82 1.2403 1.2721 1.3038 U354 1.3668 1.3981 1.4292 1.4603 1.4912 1.52]9 1.5526 1.583] 1.6136 1.64]9 1.6741 1.7042 1.7343 1.7642 1.7940 1.8238 ].8534 0.8756 0.9094 0.9429 0.9762 1.0093 1.0422 1.0748 1.1072 1.1394 1.1715 1.2033 1.2350 1.2665 1.2978 1.3290 U599 1.]908 1.4215 1,4520 1.4824 1,5]27 1.5428 1.5728 1.0027 1.6]24 1.6621 1.6916 1.7210 1.7503 1.7795 1.8086 1.8376 1.8664 0.~6 o"'" 0,6759 0,7113 0.7464 0,7K14 {) KIM !I ) 2854 1.3179 1.3503 U825 1.4147 I_ 1.4788 1.5106 1.5424 1.5741 1.6057 1.6]73 1.6687 1.7001 1".7314 1.7626 \.7937 1.8248 1.8558 1.8868 1.9176 • I.Il8.3O 0.0000 00023 0.0107 0,0244 0.0430 0,0661 0.0930 01229 0.1552 0.1893 02246 0.2608 0.2976 0.3347 0.3719 0.4092 04459 04828 0.5196 0,5561 0.592] 0,6283 06639 06993 0.7343 0,7690 0.87\5 0.9050 0.9382 0.9712 1.0039 1.0]64 1.0685 1.1005 1.1321 1 1636 11948 1.2258 1.2566 1.2871 1,3175 1,3477 1.3n6 14074 1.4371 1.4665 14958 1.5249 ].5538 1.5826 1.6112 1.6397 1.6681 1.6963 1.7244 i.7523 1.7801 ] .8078 1.8354 2.4 00000 00023 00106 0.0242 0,0426 0.0654 0,0919 0.1215 o 1534 0. 1872 0.2223 0.25113 0.2949 0.3319 0,3692 04064 04436 04806 0,5174 0.5540 0.5903 06262 0,6619 0,6977 0,7323 0,7670 () XHU d.~ 1\.1 .869 1 .902S .9355 .9684 1.0009 1.0331 1.0650 1.0967 1.1281 1 1592 1 1901 1.2207 1.2511 1.2812 1.3112 1.34()9 1.3704 1.3997 1.4288 14577 1.4865 1.5150 1.5436 1.5716 1.5996 1,6275 1,6552 1,6828 1.7102 1.7375 17646 1,7916 1.8184 2.6 2.8 3.0 0.0000 0.0023 0.0106 0,0240 O.O·U) 0.0648 0,0910 0.1203 0.1520 0.1855 0.2204 0,2562 0.2928 0.3297 0.3669 0,4042 0.4414 0,4785 0.5153 0.5519 05882 0,6242 0,6598 06952 07302 0.7649 II 7IN2 0,4395 0.4766 0.5135 0,5501 0."" 0,6224 0.6580 0,6934 0.7284 0,7630 (l 7974 0.0000 0.0023 0.0105 0.02J8 0.0418 0.0640 0.0897 0.1185 0.1496 0.1828 0.2174 0.2530 0.2895 0.3264 0.3635 0.4008 0,4360 0.4751 0.5120 0."" 05650 0.6210 0."" 0.6920 07270 0.7616 0.7959 " "II.' OH.IJ.l IIK!'I'J 0 .... 0.9002 0.9332 0._ 0.9984 1.0305 H)623 1.0938 I 1250 11560 I 1867 1.2172 U474 12n4 1.3071 1.3367 1.3660 1.3951 1 4239 1.4526 14811 1._ 1.5375 1,5655 1.5933 1.6209 1.6483 1.6756 1.7027 1.7297 1.7565 1.7832 1.8097 00000 00023 0.0105 0.0239 0.0420 0.0644 0.0903 0,1193 0.1507 0.1840 0.2187 0.2544 0.2909 0.3278 0.3650 0402.l 0.8650 0.8635 0.89S3 0.8968 0,9312 0.9297 0.9639 0.%23 0,9963 09946 1.0283 1.0266 I . _ 1.0583 1.0915 1,0697 U227 1.1208 1 1536 1.1517 I 1842 11823 UI46 1.2126 12447 1.2426 1.2746 Im4 1.30·'1 IJ020 1.3337 1.3]14 1.3629 1 3605 1.3919 IJ"" 1.4207 1 4181 1.4493 1._ 1.4n6 1.4748 1.5058 1.5029 1.5338 1.5308 1,5617 1.5585 ] ,5893 l.S86t 1.6168 1.6134 1.644] 1.6406 1.6712 1.6677 1.6982 1.6945 1,7251 1.7212 1.75!8 1.7478 1.7783 1.7742 1.8047 1.8005 Table 7-2 (k) Extended Sukkar-Comell Integral for Bottom-hole Pressure Calculation P, Reduced Temperalure for 8::0 50.0 0.20 0.50 1.00 150 2.00 2.50 300 3.50 400 450 500 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 850 900 9.50 10,00 10.50 11.00 II.SO 12,00 12,SO IHO 1:\ w w 0 ~~l 14.00 14.SO 15,00 15.SO 16,00 16.50 17.00 17 .SO 18.00 18.SO 19.00 19,5O 2000 20.50 1.1 1.2 0.0000 0.0023 0.0000 0.0023 0,0121 0,0328 0,0649 0.0111 0.0276 0.0524 0.0835 0.1173 0.1521 0.1873 0.2226 0.2579 0.2933 0.3285 0.3638 0.3990 0.4341 0.4692 0.5042 0,5391 0.5739 0.0997 0.1350 0.1703 0.2057 0,2410 0.2763 0.3116 0,3469 0.3821 0.4173 0.4525 0.4876 0.5227 0,5577 0.S927 0,6277 0.6626 0.6974 0.7323 0,7670 0,S018 n,lnf>5 U r.- I~ 0.9059 0.9405 0.9751 IJYJ97 1.0442 1.0788 \ 1133 1.1477 \.1822 1 2167 1.2511 1.2855 1.3199 1.3542 21.00 21.SO 22,00 22.SO 23.00 13886 23.50 1.5602 24,00 24,50 1.5944 1.6287 1.6629 1.6972 1.7314 1.7656 1.1998 1.8340 1.8882 1.9024 1.9366 1.9107 2.0049 25.00 2S.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29,SO 30.00 1,4229 1,4513 1.4916 1.5259 0.6087 0.6435 0.6181 0.7127 0.7473 0,7818 0,8163 n 1'<'111 0.8850 0.9193 0.9536 0.9878 1.0220 1.0561 1.0902 1.1243 1.1583 1.1923 1.2263 1.2602 1.2942 1.3280 1.3619 1.3957 1.4295 1.4633 1.4911 1.5308 1._ 1.5983 1.6319 1.6656 1.6992 1.7329 1.7665 1.8001 1.8337 ].8672 1.9008 1.9341 1.9678 1.3 1.4 1.S 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0,0022 0,0107 0,0:251 0.0474 0.0750 0.1066 0.1402 0.1749 0.2101 0,2454 0.2807 0.3161 0.3513 0.3865 0.4216 0.4567 0,4916 0,5264 0.5612 0.5959 0,6304 0.6649 0,0022 00104 0,0246 0.0447 0.0702 0.0998 0.1322 0.1660 0,2008 0,2359 0.2712 0.3066 0.3419 0.3772 0.4123 0,4474 04823 0.5171 0.5518 0,.... 00000 0.0000 0,0022 00102 0.0022 0.0100 0.0233 0,0418 00610 0,0921 0.1222 0.1545 0.1882 0.2227 0.2577 0.2929 0,3282 0.3636 0,3989 0.4340 0.4690 0.0021 00000 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 0,0021 0.0021 0,0095 0,0216 0.0380 0.0583 0.0820 0.IOS5 0.1375 0.1683 0.2006 0.2339 0.2681 0.3029 0.3380 0.3733 0,6553 0.69'J.I 0.,"" 0.7337 0,7680 o 1'022 0.1237 0.1578 II 7')17 n K;"t. (I II 'In~ 0.8704 0.9044 0.9384 0.9722 1.0061 1.0399 1.0736 1.1073 11409 1 1745 U081 U416 1,2151 1.308S 1.3419 1.3753 1._ 1,4419 1.4752 I.1084 1.5416 1.5748 1.6079 1.6410 1.6741 1.1<r72 1.7403 1.1733 1.8063 1.8393 1.8722 1.9052 1.9381 0.6209 0.859-l 0.8930 0.9266 0.9601 0.9935 \.0269 \.0601 1,0933 I 1266 I 1595 1 1925 1 2254 1.2583 I 2911 1.3238 1,3565 1.3892 1,4218 1,4543 1,4868 1.5193 1,5517 1.5841 1.6164 1.6487 1.6809 1.7131 1.7453 1.1775 1.8096 1.8li16 1.8781 1.9057 0.0099 00098 0.0098 0""" 0.0096 0.0096 0.0021 0,0095 0.0226 0.0402 0.0622 0.01179 0.1l67 0.1477 0.1804 0.2143 0,2488 0.28]8 0.3190 0.3544 0.3897 0,4250 0,4601 0.4951 0,5299 0.5645 0.5990 0.6332 0,6672 0,7011 0.7347 0.on4 0.0398 0.0615 0.1l1168 0.1151 0.1457 0.1781 0.21\7 0.2461 0.2809 0.3161 0.]514 0.3868 0.4221 0.4573 0.4923 0.5271 0.5618 0.5962 0.6305 0,66J5 0.6984 0,7320 (I,7M4 0,0222 0,0395 0,0220 0.0389 0.0599 0.0844 0.1119 0.1417 0,1734 0,2063 0.2402 0.2747 0.3097 0.3450 0.3803 0,4151 0.4504 0,4855 0,5204 0,5552 0.5897 06240 0,6581 0.6919 0,0218 0.0385 0.0593 0.0835 0.1100 0,1401 0,1714 0.2040 0,2377 0.2721 0.3069 0.3421 0.3774 0,4128 0,4481 0.4832 0.5182 0.5530 0.5875 0,6219 0,6558 0,6897 0,12]2 00382 0.05R7 0.0827 0.1095 0.1387 0.1697 0,2022 0.2356 0.2700 0.3048 0.3399 0.3752 0,4105 0.4458 0.4810 0.5160 0.5508 0,5854 0,6197 0,6537 0.6815 II 1210 0.4395 0.4745 0.5093 0,5440 0.5786 0.6130 0.6413 0,6815 0,7155 0,7494 () 7K1~ 0.5386 0,5732 0,6076 0,6418 0.6759 01099 0,7437 (17774 0,0229 0,0409 0.0634 0.0897 0.1191 0.1507 0,1839 0,2181 0,2529 0.2880 0,3233 0.]587 0.3940 0.4292 0.4643 0,4992 0,5340 0,5685 0.6029 0.6372 0,6712 0,7051 0,7JSR 0,7724 OI'lh'l o II to'1 II 00238 0,0430 0,0670 0,0951 0.1261 0.1591 0.1933 0.2281 0.2632 0,2985 0.3339 0,3692 0_ 0.8504 0.8839 0.9172 0.9504 0.9836 ,0166 ,0495 ,0824 1151 1478 I'" ,2129 2453 2m ,3100 .3422 ,3743 .... 1.4385 1.4704 1,5024 1,5342 1.5660 1.5!n8 1.6295 1.6611 1.6927 1,7243 ] ,7558 1.7872 1.8187 1.8500 1.8814 0.S039 0.8443 0.8776 0.9108 0.9438 0.9768 1.0096 1.0423 1.0749 1.1074 I 1398 I 1121 1,2044 1.2365 1.2686 1,3005 1,3324 1.3643 ].3960 1,4277 1,4593 1.4908 1.5223 1.5537 1.5851 1,6164 1.6476 1.6788 1,7100 1.7410 1,7721 1,1\030 1834<> 1.8649 !«I~ 0.8391 0.8722 0.9051 0.9379 0.9706 1.0031 1.0355 1,0678 1._ 1 1320 1 1639 I 1957 1.2274 1.2590 1.2905 1,3219 1.3532 I,31W4 \.4155 1,4456 1,4775 1._ 1.5392 1.5700 1.6006 1.6312 1.6617 1.6922 1,7226 1,7529 1.7831 1,8133 1.8435 • O,7~S~ , Ill' 0.8347 0.8576 0.9004 0,9331 0.9656 0,9979 1.0301 1.0621 1.0940 1.1258 1.1575 11890 1.2204 1.2517 12829 1.3140 1,3449 1.3158 1._ 1.4372 1,4678 1.4983 1.5287 1.5590 1.5892 1.6194 1.6494 1.6194 1.7094 1.7392 1,7690 1 79117 1.S2S4 " IS7 0,83 17 0,8645 0.8972 0.9297 0.9620 0,9'}41 1.0260 1.0578 1.0894 1.1209 1 1522 1 1834 12144 ] .2453 1.2761 1,3067 1,3372 1.3676 1,3979 1,4280 1 4581 14880 1.5178 1.5476 1.5772 1.6068 1.6362 1.6656 1.6948 1,7240 !.7531 1.7821 1.8111 0.""'" 0.0858 0.1138 0.1440 0.1761 0.2094 0,2436 0,2784 0.3135 0.3488 0.3841 0.4194 0.4547 0,4897 0.5246 0.5593 0,5938 0,6280 0.6621 0,6959 0.7295 n,1K!Q n II 'hl/l (1 nl ' 0.8290 0.8617 0,8942 0.9265 0.9586 0.8245 0.8510 0.889] 0.9213 0.953\ 0.9847 1.0160 1,0471 10779 0.9906 1.0223 1.0538 1.0852 1.1164 1.1474 1.1710 1.2090 1.2395 0.72~ 1~K1 1 1086 11390 1 1693 I.199J 1.3001 1.3302 1.2292 1.2589 \,2RR4 1.3177 1.3602 1._ 1.3900 1.4197 1.4493 1.4788 1.5081 1.5313 1.5664 1,5954 1,6243 1.6531 l.bRl8 1.7104 1.7]89 1,7673 1.7956 1,3758 1,4046 l.4333 1,4618 1.4902 15184 15465 1.5744 1.6022 1.6299 1,6574 \.6R49 1.7122 1.7394 1.7664 12699 (l1~M n1~~ f) 1.~2,1 0,0021 0.0095 0.0215 0.0378 0.0579 0.0814 0.1078 0.1365 0.1671 0,1993 0.2326 0.2667 0.3014 0.3365 0.3718 0,4071 0.4424 O.4m 0.5127 0,5475 0.5821 0.6184 0.6505 0.6842 0.7177 0,7509 'I n (I ',~P 07/HIj 0,0217 71,7~ 0_ 0.4439 0.4791 0.5142 0,5490 0,5835 0.6179 0,6.519 0,6857 0.1192 11.822 1 0.8198 11.8178 0.8545 0,(\521 0.8502 0.8866 0.8842 0.8822 0.9!85 0,9160 0.9139 0,950 1 0.9475 0,9454 0.98 14 0.9788 0.9766 1.0125 1.0097 10075 1.0434 1.0405 1.0]82 1,0740 1.0709 10686 I 1043 1 1012 1,0988 1 1345 1 1287 I 1312 1 1644 1 1609 1 1'" 1 1941 1 1905 I 1878 1,2198 1 2171 1.2236 1,2489 1.2461 2528 1.2778 1.2749 2819 ,31OS 1.306S 1.3035 1,33SO .3395 1.3319 .J680 1.3633 1.3601 3.... 1.3914 1.388\ 4245 1.4193 1.4160 1,4471 ,4525 1.4436 ,4803 1,4747 1,4711 1,4984 .lOBO 1.5021 .5355 1.5294 1.5256 1,5629 1,5565 1.5526 ] ,59t11 ] ,5835 1.5794 1.6J72 1.6 \03 1.606 1 1.6441 1.63H9 1.6328 1.6709 1.6634 1.6590 1.6976 1.6R911 1.6!l53 \,7160 1 7114 1.7241 1.7505 1.7421 1.7373 0.8\8] 0,8486 0._ 0.9123 0.9438 0.9749 1.0058 1.0364 10668 10969 I 1268 11,.. 11858 \.2149 I 2439 1.2726 1.3011 1.3295 1.3576 1.3855 1.4iJ3 1.4408 1.4682 1.4954 1,5225 1.5494 1.5761 1.6027 1.6291 1.6553 1.6815 1.7075 1.7333 Table 7·2 (I) Extended Sukkar-Cornell Integral for Bo"om-ho~ Pre.sure c.lculatlon P, 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 00000 0.0019 0.0093 0.0232 0.0443 0,0115 0.1014 0.1325 0.1642 0.1962 0.2283 0.2606 0.2928 0.3251 0.3574 0.3896 0,4219 0,4541 0.4863 0.5185 0.5507 0,5828 0.6149 0."" 0,67W 0.7110 0,7429 00000 0,0019 0.0069 0.0215 0.0399 0,0631 0.0913 0.1211 0.1521 0.1837 0.2157 0.2479 0.2801 OJ124 0."" 0.3769 O,409J 0,4413 0.4735 0.5056 0,5377 05698 0.6018 0.6337 0,6656 0.697S \) ,01) 0.0000 0.IX)l9 0,0101 O,02TI 0.0559 0.0870 0.1189 0.1509 0.1831 0.2153 0.2475 0,2798 OJ120 0.3443 0.3766 0.4066 0.4411 0,4734 0.5056 0.5378 0.5701 0,6023 0.6344 0.6666 0.6987 0,7309 11 76:\11 11 72'n 0.0000 0,0018 0.0067 00206 0,0316 0,0594 0.0851 0.\135 o 1435 0.1745 0.2062 0.2382 0.2703 0.3026 0.3348 0,)671 0.3m 0.4316 0,4637 0,4958 0,5279 0,5599 0.5718 0,6237 0,6555 0,6872 Q,7 IH'J \3.<;0 tl '7'1<"\ n7'7-l1) () 761 \ tl15H~ 0.8068 0.8387 0.8705 0.9024 0.9342 0.7929 0,8246 0.8562 0.8879 0.9195 0.9510 0.9826 1.0141 1.0455 1.0769 I 1083 1.1397 1.1711 J.2o:!4 \.2337 1.2650 1.2962 1.3274 1.3586 1.3898 1.4210 1.4521 1.4832 1.5143 1.5454 1.5765 1.6075 1.6385 1.6695 1.7005 1.7315 1.7625 1.7934 0,7820 0.8i3S 0.8449 0.8763 0.9076 0.9389 0.9701 1.0012 1,0]23 1.0634 1.0944 1.1253 1 1562 1.1811 1,2179 1,2481 1.2795 1.3102 1.3409 1,3715 1.4021 1.4327 1,4632 1.4937 1.5242 1.5547 1.5851 1.6155 1.6459 1.6762 1.7065 1.7168 1.7671 0.20 O.SO 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2.SO 3.00 3.SO 4.00 4.SO 5.00 5.SO 6.00 6.SO 7.00 7.SO 8.00 8.SO 9.00 '.SO 10.00 IO.SO 11,00 II,SO 12.00 12 .50 14.00 0.8272 14.50 0,8592 15.00 0.8913 15.50 0.9233 16.00 0.9554 16.50 0.9874 17.00 1.0194 \1.50 1,0514 18.00 1.0834 18 ..50 1.1153 19.00 I 147) 19 ..50 1.1792 20.00 1.2112 2O.SO 1.2431 21.00 1.27.50 21.50 1.3069 22.00 1.3388 22.50 1.3707 23.00 1.4026 23.50 1.4344 24,00 1.4663 24.50 1.4982 25.00 1.5300 25.SO 1.5619 26.00 1.5937 26,50 1.6255 27.00 1.6574 27,SO 1.6892 28.00 1.7210 28.50 1.7528 29.00 1.7846 29.SO 1,8164 30.00 1.8482 O. ""'" 0.9977 1.0295 1.0612 1,(1929 1.1246 1.1562 1.1879 1.2195 1.2511 1.2827 1,3143 13458 1.3774 1.4089 1.1.4719 1.0534 1.5349 1.5664 1.5978 1.6292 1.6607 1.692\ 1.7235 1.7549 1.7863 1.8177 1.5 Reduced Temperature for 8 - 60.0 1.6 1.7 1.S 1.9 2.0 0.0000 00000 0,oot8 00018 0.0065 00084 0.0200 0.0195 0,0361 0,0351 0.0566 0,0549 0.0808 0,0781 0.1079 0.1043 0.1369 0.1326 0,1672 0.1624 0,1984 0. 1931 0.2301 0.2245 0.2620 0.2563 0.2942 0._ 0.3264 0.3206 0.3587 0.3529 0.3910 0,3&51 0.4232 0.4174 0.4554 0.4496 0,4875 0.4817 0.5195 0.5137 05515 0.5457 0.5833 0.5775 0,6151 0,6093 0"" {l6409 ()67}15 06725 II 7w I II 7(1.10 o 1~15 (1 ns~ 0.0000 0.0018 00063 0.0192 0,0343 0.0535 0.0160 0.1014 0.1291 0,1583 0.1887 0.2198 0.2515 0.2834 0.3156 0.3478 0,3801 0.4123 0,4445 0.4767 0,5087 0,5407 05725 0,6042 0,6359 0,6674 0,7730 0,8043 0.8355 0,8667 0.8978 0.9288 0,9598 0,9907 1.0215 1.0523 1.0830 1.1137 1 1443 I 1748 1.2053 1.2357 1.2661 0.7613 0.7924 0,8233 0,8542 0.8850 0.9156 0.9462 0.9767 1.(mO 1.0373 1.0675 1.0976 I 1277 I 1576 I 1875 1.217) 1.2470 1.2166 1.3062 1.3357 1.3652 1.39.15 \.4238 1.453\ 1.4823 1.5114 1.5405 1.5695 1.5985 1.6274 1.6563 1.6851 1.7139 12964 1.3267 1.3569 U871 1.4173 1,4474 1.4774 1,5075 1,5374 1,5674 1.5973 1.6272 1.6570 1.6868 1.7166 1.7463 0.7667 0.7979 0,8291 0.8601 0.8911 0.9219 0.9527 0.9835 1.0J41 1.0447 1.0752 I 1056 "360 1 1663 "965 1,2267 1.2568 1.2869 1.3169 1.3469 1.3768 1.\.4364 \.4662 1.4959 1.5255 1.5552 1.5847 1.6143 1.6438 1.6732 1.7026 1.7320 0.0000 0.0018 0.0062 0,0189 0.0338 0.0524 0.0745 0.0993 0.1263 0.1551 0.1850 0.2158 0.2472 0.2791 OJJl I 0.3433 0.3756 0.4079 0.4401 0.4722 0,5043 0.5363 0.5581 0.51)98 0,6314 1)11629 0.0000 00000 0.0018 0.0018 0'<X)81 0.0081 0.0188 0,0186 0.0334 0,0331 0.0518 0.0512 0.0734 0.0726 0.0979 0.0966 0,1245 0,1229 0.1529 0.1510 0.1826 0.1804 0.2132 0.2108 0.2444 0.2419 0,2761 0,2735 0.3081 0,3054 0.3403 0,3375 0.3725 0.3697 0,4048 0.402Q 0,5370 0,4343 0,4692 0,4665 0.5013 0,4985 0.5333 0.5305 0,5651 0,5624 0,5988 0.5942 0.6284 0,6257 0,f>S99 0,6571 2.2 2.4 00000 00018 00060 0.0184 0.0326 0.0504 0,0714 0.0950 0.1209 0.1485 0.1775 0,2075 02383 0.2697 0.3015 0.3336 0,3651 0,3976 0.4297 0,4619 0,4940 0,5260 0.5579 0,5896 0,62J2 n 6526 I),MH 00000 0,0018 00060 0.0183 00323 0.0499 0.0705 0.0989 0, I 194 01466 0.1783 0.2051 0.2357 0.2670 0,2986 0,1306 0.3628 0.3951 0,4273 04596 0,4917 0,5237 0,5556 0.Sln3 0,6189 0 6503 f) (''»1(' f) ,6'N J () (fi 12 U~ f) 7~W O.n' II. " 1171'Jf> t 0.1505 0.71m 0.8120 0.8425 0.8728 0.9030 0.9331 0.9630 0,9928 1.0224 1.0519 1.0812 1.1104 1 1395 1.1685 1.1974 1.2261 1.2547 1.2832 1.3116 1.3399 1.3681 \,3962 1.4242 1.4521 1.4799 1,5076 1.5353 1.5628 1.5903 1.6176 1.6449 1.6722 0.7457 0.7764 0.8069 0.8371 0.8612 0.8971 0.9269 • 0.7566 0.7876 0.8184 0.8492 0.8798 0.9103 0.9408 0.9711 1.0013 1.0313 1.0613 1.0912 1 1210 1 1507 1 1803 1.2099 1.2393 1.2667 1.2979 1.3271 1.3563 1.3833 \.4143 1.4432 1.4721 1.5008 1.5295 1.5582 \.5868 1.6153 1.6438 1.6722 1.7005 0.7534 0,7843 0.8151 0.8451 0.8762 0.9065 0.9368 0.9668 0.9968 1,0267 1.0564 10860 I 1155 1.1419 1 1741 1.2033 1.2324 1.2614 l.2902 1.3190 1.3477 1.3763 1.4048 1.4332 1..1616 1.4898 1.5180 1.5461 1,5742 1.6021 1.6300 1.6579 1.6856 'q'l 0.9~64 0.9!!58 1.0150 1.1).140 1.0728 I 1015 1 1301 I 1584 I 1867 12147 12.127 1,2705 1,2981 1.3256 l.J530 1.)803 1.4014 1.4344 1,4613 1.4R81 1,5148 1.5413 1.5678 1,5941 1.6204 1.6465 ')M I ~ " 'I.'~ ~ ~ ~ 2.6 2.S 0.0000 0.0000 0.0017 0.0011 0.0060 0,0079 0.0181 0,0181 0,0321 0,0319 0.0494 0.0490 0.0698 0.0692 0.0928 0,0920 0,1181 0.1170 0,1451 0.1438 0.1736 0.1721 0.2032 0,2016 0.2337 0.2320 0,2648 0.2630 0._ 0.2946 0.3284 0.3265 0.3605 0.3586 03928 0.3909 0.4251 0,4231 0,457) 0.4554 0,4894 04875 0,5215 0.5196 0.5534 0.5515 0,5851 0.5832 0,6166 0,6148 U,MIIO 0,6461 (t oM (t,(,77J " 71ft I /I 7(1.12 3.0 0.0000 0.0017 0.0079 00180 0.0311 0.0487 O.OW 0.0913 0.1161 0.1428 0.1709 0.2003 0.2306 0.2616 0.2932 0.3251 0.35n 03894 0.4211 0.4539 0.4861 0.5181 0.5500 0,5818 0.6133 0,6446 0,6758 0,7()67 0.7482 0,7409 0.1389 0.1374 0.7738 0.17\4 0.1694 0,761'1 0.8042 0.8011 0.7991 0,7982 0.8343 0.8318 0.8298 0,8282 0.8643 0,8617 08596 0.8580 0.8940 0.8914 0.8892 0.8876 0.9236 0.9208 0.9186 0.9170 0.9529 0.9501 0.9478 0.9461 0.9820 0.9791 0.9768 0.9751 10110 1.0080 10056 1.0038 1.0398 1.0:\66 1.0342 1.032~ 1.0683 1.0626 \.0607 1.0651 1,0967 1,0933 1.0908 1.0889 I 1214 1 1250 1.1188 1 1168 I 1530 I 1493 1.1466 "800 I 1770 1 \143 1 1721 1.2086 1.2046 1,2018 "995 \.2319 1.2291 1.2268 1.2361 1,2592 1,2562 1.2538 1.2635 1.2908 12862 \,2832 1.2807 1.3179 1.3131 1,3100 1.3074 1.34.18 1,3366 1.3340 1J399 1.3716 1.3664 1.3631 1.3604 1.3983 1,3895 1,3867 1.3929 1.4248 1.4192 1.4157 1.4128 1.4512 1.4454 1.4417 1.4388 1.4775 1.4714 1.4617 1.4646 1.50J6 1.4973 1.4935 1..1903 1.5296 1.5231 1.5191 1.5159 1.5555 1.5407 1.5447 1.5413 1.5813 1.5742 1.5701 1.5666 1,5997 1.6070 1.5954 1.5918 1.6325 1,62~9 1.6205 1,6168 ,,4<6 Table 7-2 (m) Extended Sukkar-Comellintegral for Bottem-hole Pressure Calculation P, 020 OSO 100 I.SO 200 2.SO )00 ).SO 4.00 4.SO '00 '.SO 600 6SO 7.00 7.SO .00 8SO 9.00 9.SO 10.00 10.50 11 .00 II.SO 12.00 IBO 13 nn \) su /4.00 /4 ..<;(1 Reduced Temperature for B - 70.0 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.' 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.' 1.5 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0016 o00I<l 0.0199 0.03&5 0.0016 0,0016 0,0074 00000 0.0000 0.0016 OJID3 O.01n 0.0312 0.0490 0.0703 0,0943 0.1202 0.1475 0.1756 0.2045 0.2337 0.2632 0.0000 00015 00071 0.0165 0,0296 0.0462 O.(XlIS 0,0070 0,0163 0,0291 00453 0.0015 0,0070 0.0161 0,0288 0.0015 0,0070 0,0160 0,0285 0,0443 00660 0.08S4 0._ 0.11864 0.1129 0,1391 0.1664 0.1946 0.2233 0,2525 06()t}4 0.1104 0,1360 0.1629 0.1907 0.2192 0.2482 0,2775 0.3071 0.3368 0,3667 0.3965 0.4264 0.4563 0,4861 0.5159 0.5456 0.5752 0,,047 0.3337 0,36)5 0.3934 0.4233 0.4531 0.4830 0.5127 0.5424 0.5721 0.6016 0.~987 0 . 650~ 0.0015 0.0072 0.0168 0.0303 0.0475 0.0679 0,0910 0.1162 0.1429 0.1706 0.1991 0.2281 0.2574 0.2870 0.3167 0.3465 0.3764 0.4063 0,4362 0.4660 0.4958 0.5256 0.5553 0.5850 0.6146 00442 O.hJ.~1j 1l(,.~~2 Hf.:!I'(' /l (,i_ o (,:" ,1~ IJ(, ' '1~ o fl.']] I l l>hH.l I ! (,t'.~I, n (, '>4 1--1 II ('5'<; ,,~~ 0.7093 0.7388 0.7682 0.7976 0.8269 0,8662 1.0S86 1.Il1<08 I 1175 I 1463 1 1751 1.2039 1.2326 1.2613 1.2899 1.3185 1.3471 1.3757 1.4042 1.4327 1.461l 1.4895 1.5179 1,5463 1,5747 1,6030 1.6313 1.1095 1.1381 1.1667 1.1953 1.2238 1.2522 1,2807 1.309Il 1.3374 1.3657 1.3940 1.4222 1.4504 1.4786 1.5067 1.5341:1 1,5629 1.5909 1.61 89 06977 0.7270 0.7562 0.7854 0.8145 0.8435 0.8724 0.9013 0.9.'100 0.95118 0.91174 1.0160 10445 1.07.10 1.1014 I 1297 1 15SO 1 1862 1,2144 1,2425 1,2706 1.2986 1.3265 06929 0.7222 0,7513 0,7804 0.9 146 0.9437 0.9728 10018 1.0308 1.0597 0.7031 0.7325 0.7619 0.7911 0.8203 0,8495 0,8786 0.9076 0.9366 0.9656 0.9945 1.0233 1.0521 0.6897 0.7189 0.7479 0.n69 0.S058 0.8345 0.8632 0,8918 0.9203 0.9486 0.9769 1,0051 1.0332 Ul612 1.0892 1 1170 1 1448 I 1724 1.2000 1.2276 1,2550 1.2824 1.3097 1.3369 1.3641 1.3912 1.4182 0.6867 0.7158 0.7448 0.7737 0.8025 0.8311 0.11597 0.R881 0.9164 0.9446 0.9727 I.()OO7 1.0286 1.0564 1.11841 I 1116 I 1391 I 1665 I 1938 1.2210 1.2482 1.2752 1.3022 1.3290 1.3M8 1.3625 1.4092 0l1li87 0.024(1 o,om oom 00625 0,1063 0,1356 0.1651 0.1947 0,2243 0.2540 0.2838 0.3135 0.3433 0.3732 0,4030 0.4328 0.4627 0,4926 0.5225 0.5523 0.5822 0.6121 0.6420 0.6718 1l.7n17 0.0894 0.1175 0.1464 0. 1756 0.2050 0.2347 0.2644 0.2941 0.3239 0.3538 0.4135 0.4434 0.4733 0.5031 0.5330 0.5629 0.5927 0.6226 0.6524 O.6X22 11. 'It. n .711\ {/7615 079/3 0,8112 0,8510 0.7419 0.7717 0.S014 0.8312 /5.00 15.50 /6.00 08809 /6.50 0.9107 17.00 0 _ 17.50 0._ 18.00 1,()(]()2 18.SO 1.0300 19,00 1,0599 19.5O 1.0897 20.00 1.1195 20.50 1.1493 21.00 I 1791 21.50 L2089 22.00 1.2387 22.SO 1.2685 23.00 1.2982 23.SO 1.3280 24.00 1,3578 24.50 1,)876 25.00 I 4173 25.SO 1.4471 26.00 1.4769 26.50 1.5066 27.00 1.5364 27.50 1.5661 28.00 1.5959 28.SO 1.6256 29.00 1. 6554 29.SO 1.68SJ 3000 1.7148 • After M...... ,~ 0.3836 0.8609 0.8907 0,9204 0.9501 0.9798 1.0095 1.0392 1.0689 1.0985 1.1282 1.1578 1.1874 1.2170 1.2466 1,2762 1.3058 1.3354 1.3650 1.3946 1.4241 1.4537 1.4832 1.5127 1.5423 1.5718 1.6013 1.6308 1.6603 1.6898 a!. (197~); 0.0077 0.0185 0.0345 0,0554 00799 0.1066 0,1346 0.1634 0.1926 0,2221 0.2517 0.28 15 0,31lJ 0.3411 0,3710 oom ()M9~ 0.0325 0.0515 0.0742 0,0994 0, 1264 0.1545 0,1833 0,2125 0.2420 0.2716 03014 0.3312 0,3611 0.3909 04208 0,4507 0.4805 0.5 104 0.5402 0.5700 0.5997 0.6294 JU,Wl <I t.'N \ 41 1>1<)(7!!! 0,7183 0.7479 0,m4 0.8069 0.8363 0,8658 0.895 1 0.9245 0.9538 0.9831 1,0123 0.4009 0.4307 0._ 0,4905 0.5203 0.5502 0.5800 0,6098 06396 0,7585 0.7MI 0.8178 0,8474 0.8170 09066 0.9362 09657 0.9953 1 0248 1.0543 1.0837 I 1132 I 1426 1 1721 1.2015 1.2309 1 2602 12896 1.3190 1.3483 1.3716 1.4069 1.4362 14655 1.4948 1,5240 1.5533 1.5825 1.6117 1.6410 1.6702 I.o·m 1.0707 I Il999 1 1290 1 15tU 1 l!m 1.21(>2 1.2452 1.2742 1.3031 1,3321 1.3610 13899 1.4187 1.4476 1.4764 1.5052 1.5340 1.5627 1.5915 1.6m 1.6489 0.2929 0.3226 0,3525 0.3824 0,4 122 0.4421 0.4720 0.5018 0.5316 0.5613 0.5910 0.6207 0.8854 02820 0.3116 03414 0.3713 0,4011 0,4310 04609 0,4907 0.5204 0.5502 0.5798 1.3~~4 1.31123 1.4[01 1.4379 1.4656 1.4933 1.5209 1.54/15 1.5761 1.6036 C'Olltleoy of'iI'E (39131. • 0.809~ 0.8.363 0.867 1 0,8958 0.9245 0.9530 0.98 15 10099 1.0383 1.0665 UJ947 1 1229 1 1509 1 1789 12069 1.2347 1,2625 1.2903 1.3180 1.3456 1.3732 1.4007 1.4282 0.""" 0.0637 0.0851 0.1087 0.[340 0.1606 0.1881 0.2164 0.2453 0.2745 0 .... 011629 0.0840 0,1073 0,1322 0.1585 0.11159 0,2140 0.2427 02718 0.3013 0.3309 0,3607 0.3905 0,4204 0.4503 0,41\01 0.5099 0.5396 0,5692 1.45~6 1.44~2 1.43~7 1.4829 1.5 102 1.5375 1.5547 1.5919 14721 1.4989 1,5257 1,5524 1,5791 14622 1.4!1R6 1.51SO 1.5412 1.5675 ~ ~ • 2.2 2.' O.!XKXl 0,0015 00000 0.0015 00069 0.0069 00158 0.0281 00435 0.0618 0,0157 00278 0,0431 0,0611 0.0815 0.1040 0.1282 0.1538 O. [805 0.2081 0.2363 0.2652 0,2944 0,3239 0.3536 0.3834 04133 0.4432 0.4730 0.5028 0.5325 0.5621 0.5916 0.1029 01268 0.1522 O. [787 0.2061 0.2343 0.2630 02922 0.3217 0.3514 0.3812 0.4110 04409 0.4708 0.5005 0.5J03 0.5599 0,5893 0,3198 0.3495 0.3793 0.4092 0.4390 0.4689 0,4987 0.5284 0.5580 0 ,5875 0.~S60 II f.2lfl O('IIH II f.IOX 0.(,(54 " f)'W N /l1>-llli' 1If>.j·t 'i 001<25 0.1054 0.1299 o 1558 0.1827 0.2106 0,2390 0,2680 02973 0.3262 0.3560 0.3858 0.4157 0.4456 0.4754 0.5052 05349 05645 O.W40 0.611\8 0.7\08 0,7397 0.7684 0.7969 0.8254 0.8537 0,8818 o 909f! 0.9317 0.96~4 0.99:\0 1.02Jl4 \.0·n8 1.0749 I 1020 1 1289 I 15~1I I 11125 12fl1X1 1 2,155 1.2619 1,28111 1.3142 1.)403 1.3662 1.392U 141711 14414 146'10 1 ~9~4 I 511,111 I 54'iO 2.6 2.8 3.0 0.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0015 00015 O.OOIS 00068 00068 0.0068 00156 00276 0.0426 00155 0.0274 0,0423 0,0599 0,01.'>4 0.0273 0.0420 0.""'" 0.0806 0,6793 n.7062 0.7370 0,7656 0.7941 0.8224 0.85U5 0,8765 0.6170 0.7059 0,7346 0,7632 0,7916 0.8198 0.8479 0....... 09036 0.9311 0.951\6 0.98511 1.0129 I.OW!! LOM6 10933 I 1198 I 1461 I 1723 I 1984 12243 1,2501 1,27511 1 .'\\JI3 1,]267 1.3520 1.3772 1.402] 14272 1.4520 I 47611 L.5()J4 1.5259 0.9340 0%15 0.9&\9 1,0181 1,{)432 J.()701 IO%S 1 1235 1 I~no 1 1763 1.2{126 1.2287 1,2546 1,2805 1,31162 J.3318 1.3573 1.3827 1.4079 1.4331 1.4581 1.4831 1.5079 15327 'un~8 0-0198 01018 0.1256 O.ISOB 0,1772 0.2045 0.2326 0.2613 0.29(1.1 0."'" 0.1)792 0,1010 0.1246 0,1497 0.1760 0.2032 0.2313 0.2599 0,2890 0,)184 0.3481 0.3779 0.,"" 0.4376 04675 0,4972 0.5270 05566 1l.67~1 11.67'.0 0.70~'1 0.1n2~ 0,7326 0.7612 0,7898 0.8178 0.1\4511 011737 () 9()14 0.9289 0 .9563 0.73\\ 0.7597 0.7AAO 0,8162 0.8442 O.fl721 0.11997 0,9272 09545 0.9!U7 I'{KlS7 0,98~5 1.0105 1,0374 10641 10907 I 1171 1 14.14 I 1(1)5 I 1955 122]4 1.2471 1 2727 129111 1.\n~5 1,0622!l7 1 1151 1 1413 I 1674 1 193) 1.2191 1,2447 1.2702 1.29~ J.)23~ U2Q9 I 34117 I.H3R L39117 142:\<\ 1.44113 1.4729 1.4974 15218 1,3460 1,3710 1.3759 1.4206 1,4452 1,4698 1,4942 1,5165 page number wise bole to 157/326 336 Cas Production Engineering Steady Stale Flow of Ga,'l Through Pipe$ (tt'%t continl/ed from page 309) 337 ~ _ 4251663 - 0.641. T" - (580)/387 - 1.499 From Figure 3-2, Z., - 0.967 p,. G - (0.17584 - 0.002628) + (1.08235 - 0.01474B) T" - (0.SI075 - 0.00771B) (7·53) For 2O:s 8.:5100, 10.:5 Pp.s30, 1.1 sTp,s3, Using Equation 7-46, p ... - 400 eO 234012 - 449.65 psia E - (0.297336 - O.001594B) T'~ + (O.OO967SB - 1664290) T" - (O.ool963B - 0.42964S) F - (0.019112 - O.oool7lB)"fl, - (0.001259B - 0.188162) U,ing Equation 7-47. , - (0.0375)(0.7)(5.000)/[(0.967)(580)1 - 0.23402 A second trial is not needed. (b) Sukkar-Cornell method: + (0.000941B - 0.107041) T" P 'wh - 400/663 - 0.603. T,.. h G - (0.001435B - 0.212139)"fl, + (0.000941B - 0.107041) T" + (O.OO6320B - 1003890) (7-54) This method is simple and quite accurate: Equations 7-53 and 7-54 give errors of less than 2% in the parameter ranges associated with them. No trial and error is involved, which simplifies the calculation procedure conSiderably. For these reasons, the Sukkar-Cornell method is widely used. E%ampk 7·2. Determine the SBHP in a gas well, given the following: Depth, z - 5,000 ft; gas gravity, 'YK - 0.70; wellhead temperature. T ... II - BOoF; bottom-hole temperature, T ....... 160°F; wellhead pressure. p...b - 400 psia. Use (8) average temperature and Z-factor method, and (b) Sukkar-Cornell method. - (80 + 460)/387 - 1.395 From Table 7-2a, by interpolation 0.,," 1 (Z/p,)dp, - 10392 0.' Using Equation 7-51. 1'''" I. . .· (Z/p,)dp, 0.2 Thus, 1. . . (Z/P,)dp, 0.' T,~ ~ (160 (Z/p,)dp, _ (0.0IS75)!7)( 0.2 1.0392 + 0.11315 - 1.15235 + 460)/387 - 1.602 Solution From Table 7-2a: T" - (SO + 160)/2 - 120"F _ 58O"R From Figure 3-1, ?pc - 663 psia, T pc = 0.6 387° R 10.'(Z/p,)dp, - 1.049 07 (a) Average temperature and Z-factor method: 1 (Z/p,)dp, - First trial: By interpolation, Using Equation 7-48, p.... - 400 + 0.25(400/100)(5,0001100) _ 450 psia p,~ - 0.6 Thus. pO' - (400 + 450)/2 - 425 pm- 0.' 1.210 + (1.15235 - 1.049)(0.7 - 0.6)/(1.210 - 1.049) - 0.6642 Thus. p,., _ (0.6642)(663) - 440.36 psia • 338 COl Steady Slale Flow oj Gas Through Pipes Product/orl Engineering 339 I"""' 1,000 -TZp d p = -21 [(P, - Po)(1, + 10) + (p, - p,)(I, + I ,) + ." Cullender-Smith Method Cullender and Smith (1956) used a more rigorous approach, accounting the dependence,of Z-factor on both temperature and pressure. Takin~ ~or mto account the umts used by Cullender and Smith, Equation j·42 is rear- ranged as follows: I"" (PITZ)'(TZ. p) dp .... (pITZ)'I(I,OOO) + (6.7393 x lO")(4)(fl4)<&L1(I,OOOzd') where In _ 1,OOO(TZ/p)II' Greater accuracy in SBHP calculation can be obtained using more steps, requiring the use of a computer. For manual calculations, a tv.'o-step procedure is generally used, where only the value of pressure at the midpoint. Pnu is considered: p., 1 - (1,000)(0.01875»" 1000 TZ dp = (p~ - p..h)(l~ + l. h) + (P" - p",.)(I .. + 1=) (7-60) p"t,' P 2 2 0', P.' (P/TZ)dp 1p., "2'.69"5"7C:x;-U1O""'("'f1"4)~q;,~'L~/'i!:m~ ( ')-'+-(P=/TZ=)'"/l;-,000= - Substituting for the integral from Equation 7-00 into Equation 7-56: 18.75 >.' (7-55) Equation 7-55 is generally expressed as: I"",.. F' + (p/TZ)dp (pITZ)'/l,OOO - 18.75 >"z Equation 7-61 can be separated into two parts, one for each half of the flow string. For the upper half: (7-56) and, for the lower half: where F' _ 2.6957 x 1O·(f/4)q1.L ,d' p/(TZ) F' + (P/TZ)'/l,OOO • (7-63) (7-57) The expression in the left integral in Equation 7-56 is represented by 1: 1_ (7-62) (7-58) As demonstrated by Cui lender and Smith (1956), an accuracy equivalent to a four-step solution scheme can be obtained by using this two-step calcula. tion scheme and then using Simpson's rule (also called parabolic interpolation) to obtain a more accurate value of bottom-hole pressure as follows : p...; P..-h II...... + 4ImI + 1,....] - 37.5 ..,.~ (7-64) For the case of SBHP determination, I reduces to: 1 - 1,000 (TZ/p) (7-59) The left integral in Equation 7-56 can be evaluated by numerical integration techniques. This is tedious, and acceptable accuracy can generally be obtained using trapezoidal or Simpson's rule·. For the static case, the inte.. gral in Equation 7-56 can be written as: • For y - f(I), y, - f(1J: Trapezoidal rule: fIx) cb n & (h/2}(yn + 2)', + 2n + ... + 2y. _I + yJ Sim pson's rule (more accurate than the trapewidal rule): J~ f(l) cb ,. (h/3)(yo + 4)", + .2YI + 4YJ + .. + 2Yo_1 + 4yo_' + yJ, forevt"ll n. The following solution procedure may be used: L Calculate 1....11 (using the general relationship given by Equation 7-59) at the known wellhead conditions of pressure and temperature. 2. Calculate Ptru from Equation 7·62, assuming Ims - I ....h • 3. Using the value of Pm.. and temperature T ..... (obtained as the arithmetic average of T ...... and T ....), calculate Ims using Equation 7-59 . 4. Recalculate Pms from Equation 7-62 . 5. If this recalculated value is not within 1 psi (or any other small pressure tolerance) of the p"" calculated earlier. repeat stem :l anrl 4 until this condition is met . 340 Gas Production Engineering Steady State Flow of Gas Through Pipes 6. Calculate Pw. from Equation 7-63, a.ssuming I....... Izns. 7. Using the value of p...... and the bottom-hole temperature T ... ., calcu_ late I.... using Equation 7-59. 8. Recalculate p..... from Equation 7-63. 9. If this recalculated value is not within 1 psi (or any other small pressure tolerance) of the p., calculated earlier. repeat steps 7 and 8 until this condition is met. 10. Use Equation 7-64 (Simpson's rule) to obtain a more accurate valuE' ('Of the bottom-hole presstrn' P"., Exampk 7-3. Repeat Example 7-2 using the Cullender-Smith method p., _ 425.61 341 + (37.5)(0.7)(2,500)/(1,306.61 + 1,306.61) - 450.72 psi. p.... _ 450.721663 - 0.68, T ...., - 620/387 - 1.602, and z.... = 0.95 Using Equation 7.59, I., - (I,OOO)(620)(0.95)/(4SO.72) - 1,306.798 Thus, p..., ,. 450.72 psia Using Simpson's rule (Equation 7&1): [(p., - 4(0) /3][1,255.5 + 4(1.306.61) + 1,306.798J - (37.5)(0.7)(5,000) Solution or, p.... ,. 450.55 psia For the upper half: Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure (FBHP) Equation 7-42 describes the relationship between the pressure measured at the surface (or wellhead), P"h, and the pressure Pwf at a depth z for a flowing well: P'wh - 400/663 - 0.603, T'wh - 540/387 ~ 1.395 From Figure 3-2, Z., ,., 0.93 Using Equation 7·59, I., - (1,000)(540)(0.93)/(400) - 1,255.5 Using Equation 7-62, Thus, PIN - 426.14 psia z... - 0.96 Using Equation 7·59, 1_ - (1,000)(580)(0.96)/(426. 14) - 1,306.61 Using Equation 7-62, p~ - 400 I • For nowing wells, the temperature-depth relationship presented by Lesem et aI. (1957) or by Ramey (1962) may be useful for greater accuracy. In most cases, however, the log-mean (or even the arithmetic average) temperature gives satisfactory results. (p= - 4(0)(1,255.5 + 1,255.5) - (37.5)(0.7)(5,000)/2 p,_ - 426.14/663 - 0.643, T,_ ~ 580/387 - 1,499, and _ 0.01875 I, 1 + (6.7393 x (ZT/p)dp 1O-<fLql.Z'T')/(zp'd') Yi'- Average Temperotun! and Z.Foctor Method An average Z-factor (and temperature) is used, similar to the static case, to simplify the left integral in Equation 7-42: + (37.5)(0.7)(2,500)/(1,306.61 + 1,255.5) - 425.61 psia Thus, PI"IIlI - 425.61 psia, and lIDS - 1,306.61 For the lower half: Assuming IWI - I .... - 1,306.61, and using Equation 7-63, I.... p,., p dp pi + 6.7393 x 10-~fL(~.,T.,,)!/(zdS) _ 0.01875-,0" Z.,T. v (7·65) 342 Steady State Flow oj Gas Through CO" Production Engillcering The integral of a function 343 Pip~ Solution pdp .!In (C'+p') 1C'+p' 2 U,ing Equation 7-9, N" • (20)(7,000)(0.6)/((0.017)(3)) - 1.647 X 10' lid - 0.000613 .. 0.0002 Therefore, Equation 7-65 becomes: In c: From Figure 7.1, f - 0.014 + ~'" • 0.0375Oy,z C- .,.. p;.h From Figure 3-1, Z., T., ~ = 672 psia, Tp<';' 358°R The log-mean temperature, To.. " (ISO - 95)lln (ISO/95) _ 580.41°R, using Equation 7·27. 0', = 120.4PF T" ~ (580.41)/358 - 1.621 where s .. (O.0375'Ygz)I(Z.. T .,). as given by Equation 7-47. First trial: Solving for p.. /: Assuming P...f " 2,400 psia, and using Equation 7-32, par • C'(e' - I) + Po.· (213)((2,400' - 2,000')/(2,400' - 2,000')] ~ 2,206.06 ",ia ..p;. p" ~ 2,206.06/672 - Substituting (or C: ... ..... ......1 - '" .,..b 6.7393 3.283 • X From Figure 3·2, Zn - 0.828 10 'fL(q.,Z••T,,)'(e' - I) + ---''-----''-'--=~=="-'''-----'.L zd' U~ng 0', Equation 7-47,, · (0.0375)(0.6)(3,500)/((0.828)(580.41)).0.16386 Using Equation 7-66: P<r • ..p;. + 2.5272 X 1O-'y.z••T"fL(e' - I)q!, >d' (7-66) This method, applicable for wells up to 8,000 (t deep, should not be used if the change in kinetic energy is significant (young, 1967). P<r - + (2.5272 x 1O -')(0.6)(0828)(:;~~(~~:)(5,ooo)(.,o,... - 1)(7,000)' P...·f Example 7·<#. A 3.500-fl deep well is producing a 0.6 gravity gas at 7 MMscfd through a 3-in. I.D, tubing. The flowing wellhead temperature and pressure are 95°F and 2,000 psia, respectively. BHT .. 150°F, tubing roughness, f .. 0.0006 in., and Pox .. 0.017 cp (assume constant). The well is deviated, with tubing length equal to 5,000 ft. Estimate the flowing bot. tom-hole pressure. (2,000)'.,0 ''''' - 2,196.4 psia Second trial: A$uming P.i. 2,196 ",ia, p" • (2/3)((2,196' - 2,000')1 (2,196' - 2,000')) .. 2,099.51 psia. 3« Steady State Flow oj Ga;! Through Pipes Gas Production Engineering p,. - 2,099.511672 - 3.124 B 345 _ (6.6663 x 10-')(0.014)(5,000)(7,000)'(582.5)' _ 2.02 ~ 2.0 (3,500)(672)'(3)' From Figure 3-2, Z..... 0.830 p..... _ 2,0001672 - 2.976 ~ 3.0 Us;ng Equation 7-47, s - (0.0375)(0.6)(3,500)1[(0.83O)(58O.41)J _ 0.16347 T,•., - (95 Using Equation 7-66: + 460)1358 - 1.55. T,"" - (150 + 460)1358 - 1.70 30 Interpolating from Tables 7-2a and 7-2b, the integral pi.; - (2,000),'" "'" + (2.5272 x 10-')(0.6)(0.830)(580.41)(0.014)(5,000)('" '0'" - 1)(7,000)' (0.16347)(3)' p....f .. 2,196.0 psia, which is quite close to the earlier result of 2,196.4 psia. Thus, P... r - 2,196.0 psia. Sukkar-Comell Method This method uses an average temperature, but accounts for the pressuredependence of the Z-factor. Equation 7-49 stated earlier in the section on SBHP ~ I"" P,.t used, 1 1-1.6886 02 Using Equation 7-49, 1....1 - I' 0.2 0.2 I - (0.01875)(0.6)(3,500)1582.5 JP"""I - 1.7562 0.2 Interpolation using Tables 7-2a and 7-2b yields Pr", - 3.208 p.., - (3.208)(672) - 2,155.8 ps;a. CuUender-Smith Method (ZIp")dp,, 0.01875-y,z 1 + BZ:Z/~r .. T." For a given rate (corrected to 14.65 psia and 520°F), B is calculated using Equation • The Cullender and Smith (1956) method uses Equation 7-56 as stated earlier in the section on static bottom-hole pressure: _ 18.75 z I'"' F2 + (PITZ)dp (P/TZ)!/l,OOO "rr Pwto B .. 6.6663 x 1O-4n.q~;n,· zd'p1. Thhles 7-2b through 7-2m, or Equations 7-53 and 7-54, are used in evaluat- ing the value of the integral. The Sukkar-Comell method is preferred because in addition to being simple, consistent, and accurate, it does not require any trial and error. with the expression in the left integral represented by I: I_ pl(1'Z) F' + (PITZ)'Il,ooo As for the static case, a two-step procedure is generally used, where only the value of pressure at the midpoint. pm! is considered: Example 7-5. Repeat Example 7-4 using the Sukkar-Cornell method. Solution Using Equation (7-67) 3<6 CIlI Production Engineering Steady State Flow of Gas Through Pipe! 347 Equation 7·fJ7 can be separated into two parts, one for each half of the flow string: (pm( - Pwh) (I...r + I. h) - 37.5 yrJ2 for the upper half (p... r - PmlHI",r + Imf) .. 37.5 'YrJ2 for the lower half (7-68) (7-00) And finally. Simpson's rule is used to obtain a more accurate value of bot tom-hole pressure p..,r: (7-70) Calculation of F involves the use of the Moody friction factor f, which can be found using the friction factor chart (Figure 7-1). The calculation can . however, be simplified using Nikuradse's friction factor equation for full~ turbulent flow, based upon an absolute roughness of 600 ~in.·, to givt' (ERCB, 1975), F .. F.<tc.. 1.0797d X 1O - 4q.., f or d < 4217 . . m. 2612 (7-71 1 and Although gas wells are generally produced through tubing, some wells may be produced through the casing·tubing annulus. For this latter case, the tubing flow equations developed earlier must be modified to reflect the proper flow conduit diameter. The equivalent diameter relationship of Equation 7-6 cannot be used because the diameter exponent is 5 in the flow equations derived. From Equation 7-11, the pressure loss due to friction is given by: (7-721 Frequently, the kinetic energy term, neglected in the equations developed earlier, is also included. The Cullender-Smith equation (Equation 7.56) be. comes: dp _ 1,000 z (7-731 where 1.111 x 1O - 4q!,J(d"p) is the kinetic energy term. The following must be borne in mind when using the Cullender-Smilh method (young, 1967): l. Smaller integration intervals obviously result in greater accuracy in the trapezoidal integration of Equation 7-56 (or Equation 7-73). An integration interval of 1,000 ft (or less) is recommended. • 1 ,IIin. (micro-Inch) .. 10. 1 in Gas Flow Through an Annulus "I'< - fLpv'I(2g"d) 1 0337 X 1O - 4q,.. F ... F_n for d > 4.277 in. •.,..,__ .. . d2 5o!l2 + 1.111 x lO-·ql.J(d·p) I'"... (lJO.01875-yJ(pITZ) 1" + (pITZ)'ll,ooo 2. Although Simpson's rule can be used to get a better approximation, it cannot correct for inaccuracies introduced upon using large trapezoidal integration intervals. 3. Change in kinetic energy can be ignored if the well is greater than 4,000 ft deep, or the wellhead flowing pressure is above 100 psia. For accuracy in determining the pressure traverse, the kinetic energy term, however, should be included, especially if the flawing wellhead pressure is below 500 psia. 4. For the case of gas Injection, a discontinuity can develop when Equation 7-56 (or Equation 7-73) is numerically integrated. When this happens, the pressure change for that interval should be set equal to zero. Also, Simpson's rule cannot be used when a discontinuity occurs. The velocity v - K1q.Jd1 , where KI is a constant. Thus, the friction loss term in the energy balance can be written as: For the case of annular flow, where the outside diameter of the tubing is ~o and the inside diameter or the casing is~, velocity is related to diameter as follows: Thus, the friction term becomes: a KifLpq!, I'< - 2g,,(d1. - d1o)'(do - d,.) d,.) • 348 eo, Production Engineering Steady Stote FlolL oj Cas Through PipC8 Thus, for the case of annular flow, d5 in the vertical flow equations must be repl,.,..j by, (di. - d/.)'(do - <1,,) - (do - <I,,)'(do + <1,,)' INLET -....---'-0.;. SECTION I (7-74) z 34. ---. OUTLET Limitations in Vertical flow Calculations 7-5. Gas now over a hilly terrain. . pressure are rairl\" ae- ~urate for most engineering calculation purposes. Some serious uncertai~tie.-; In bottom-hole pressure calculations, however, inevitably erist because of: 1. Departure of the actual temperature-depth relationship from that assumed in the method of calculation. 2. Variations in gas gravity with depth, assumed constant in the calculation methods. For condensate systems, the change in com{XISition \\ith depth is even more significant. 3. Inaccuracies in determination of the Z-factor from the available correlabOns. For pseudoreduced pressu~ greater than 15, no correlation charts are even available. Equation-of-state methods can be used.laboratory measurements are strongly recommended for greater reliability and accuracy. 4. Imprecise friction factor. 5. Presence of unknown amounts of liquids in the well bore. lWo-phase flow relationships are necessary if liquid amount is significant. 6. Inaccuracies in flow rate, specific gravity, and pra<>ure measurements. Gas Flow Over Hilly Terrain Transmission lines often deviate conSiderably from the horizontal depending upo~ ~e ter:rain o\"er which they are laid. In some cases, gas ~'ells may also exhibit sectiOns of different slope, such as the directionally drilled ~ells from off~hore platforms. This section on flow over hilly terrain essentially deals With the situation where gas is flOWing through pipes that are non-uniform in thei~ slope, such as a hypothetical situation shown in Figure 7-5. A~y flow terram can be reduced to the form shown in Figure 7-5 by approXImating the actual flow profile with small pipe sections of uniform slope. The three approaches applicable to such a flow are described in the follOwing sections. Static Correction To account for the difference in elevation between the inlet and outlet, .:\oz, the simplest approach is to modify the outlet pressure for the pressure exerted by a static gas column of height equal to .:\oz. As described earlier in the section on static bottom-hole pressure. different techniques are available for evaluating the pra<>ure exerted by a static gas column. Since the static correction method is itself an approximation, the average temperature and Z-factor method is quite satisfactory to use. Let PI be the inlet pressure, and po the outlet pressure. Then, the outlet pressure po must be corrected as follows (Equation 7-46): p~ - e"'2 po • where s is given by Equation 7-47: Note that .:\oz is positive if the outlet is higher than the inlet (uphill flow), and negative if the inlet is higher than the outlet (downhill flow). Thus, s is positive for uphill flow, negative for downhill flow. The flowline shown in Figure 7-5 is equivalent to a horizontal line with an upstream pressure equal to Ph and a downstream pra<>ure equal to e"'~o' This correction can be incorporated into any horizontal flow correlation to give the flow through such a flowline. For example, the Weymouth equation for this situation can be written as: q., - 31.5027 [T.][(P1- e'»l)d'·'f' 1>.. 'Y;.z..~ T nL (/-75) Similar expressions can be written for the Panhandle A and B equations, and the Clinedinst equation. This approach, though imprecise, frequently gives an adequate approximation. 350 Caa Production Engilleering StC'od!J Stall' Flow of Gos Through Pipes 351 Flow Correction . A rigorous ~rrection for the flow profile accounts for inclined flow ~n t~e dIfferent sections of the pipe. Equation 7-66 gives the relationship fOr mcllned flow, assuming aa average temperature and Z.factor: Rearranging this equation, and replacing the pressures with the inlet and outlet pressures P, and Po: <& _ (pI - e'",}"J' 2.5272 x 10 -5')'~Z.\T.JL(e' - 1) +~ I{e'u-l)I '" ~[)' s. '* 0 (7·78) where s, represents the section i of the pipe. Note thaI: if S. "" 0 for any pipe section (this will happen if the section is horizontal. z ,., 0). the equivalent length term for that section is replaced by the actual length of the ~·dion. Similar expressions can be written for the Panhandle A. Panhandle S, Clinedinst. and other equation.~, This average temperature and Z-factor approach is not exact, and is generally used where flow is almost isothermal and the pipe is essentially horizontal, \\-'ith relatively small and few sections that are not horizontal. Thus, 'k - [ e'p~}"J' (T ,1520) ][ (p1 (2.5272 x 1O·')"(p,JI4.73} >,Z.,T"fL(e' - I} General Method j' 0', q. - 5.634814 [TP..,.][Me'p'}d'j' 'YItZ., T.,£L., The ~nstant 5.634814 is slightly different from the constant 5.6353821 in Equation 7-29 due to round-off errors. Thus: 'k - 5.63538 [TPo.:.][(1''YgZ.,T.,fI.." 1- e'pO}d'j' (7.76) where 4 is given by: 1.,. _ (0' - I) L s (7·77) If more precise calculations are necessary, the most rigorous method is to use a horizontal flow relationship such as the Clinedinst equation (Equation 7-39) for the horizontal section of the pipe, coupled with an inclined flow relationship such as the Cull ender-Smith equation (Equation 7-56) for the non-horizontal portion of the flow. This results in quite complex relationships that require a computer for solution. Chapter 11 provides some insight into the modeling of gas flow in pipelines and networks. Usually, the computer program that is written for this purpose also has an economic analysis package built into it, to enable design optimization for a complete gas flow system. Example 7-6. A section of a gas transmission system consists of three stations, A, S, and C. The 7-in. pipeline from A to B is 2 miles, and from S to C is 5 miles long. Stations A, B. and C are at elevations above sea-level of 4,000 ft, 7,000 ft, and 2,000 ft, respectively. The inlet pressure at station A is 3,000 psia, and the outlet pressure from the pipeline at station C is maintained at 2,200 psia. Assuming )'It .. 0.6, T.v .. 85°F, and f .. 0.025, find the gas flow rate through the system, and the pressure at station B. Solution Equation 7-77 gives the expression for the effective length for a single section o~ ~ f1o~line. For the general case of non-uniform slope where the profile is d~\']ded mto a number of sections n of nearly uniform slope (as shown in FIgure 7-5), the effective length is calculated as follows: From Figure 3-1, Ppc _ 672 psia, T pc _ 358°R • 352 Gas Production Engineering Steady State Flow oj Gas Through Pipa First trial : 353 For section AB: Assume PH .. 2,500 psia Using Equation 7·77: For section AB : Us;ng Equat;on 7·32. p" - (213)[(3,000' - 2,500') /(3,000' _ 2,500')1 ,. 2,757.58 psia _ (~"''''' - 1)(2 x 5,280) _ ll,436.365 ft 0.15737 Using Equation 7·76: p,. - 2,757.58,672 - 4. 104 From Figure 3-2, L. Z.y .. 0.787 111,919.16 - (5.63538)(520/ 14.73) (3,000' - ~ ""'1'1)(7') 1" [ (0.6)(0.787)(545)(0.025)( ll,436.365) J Us;ng EquaHon 7·47, s, - (0.0375)(0.6)(7,000 - 4,000) /[(0.787)(545)1 - 0.15737 • 0', For section BC: P., - (2/3)[(2,500' - 2.200')/(2,500' - 2,200')1 - 2,353.19 ps;. (3,()()()2 - eO· I.57 37 Pi)O ..5,. 1,177.093 Pp. - 2,353.191672 .. 3.502, and, Zn. " 0.780 PH - 2,550.6 psia s, - (0.0375)(0.6)(2,000 - 7,000) /[(0.780)(545)1' - 0.26464 Second trial: For the complete line ABC: Assume PH .. 2,550.6 psia P•• - (213)[(3,000' - 2,200') /(3,000' - 2,200')1 - 2,620.51 Ppr" 2,620.51/672 .. 3.90, and, Z.~ ps;. "" 0.782 s - (0.0375)(0.6)(2,000 - 4,000) /[(0.782)(545)1 _ - 0.10559 • For section AB: p __ (213)[(3,000' - 2,550.6') /(3,000' - 2,550.6')1 - 2,781.36 ps;. p,. _ 2,781.361672 - 4.139, and, Z" - 0.798 s, - (0.0375)(0.6)(7,000 - 4,000) /[(0.798)(545)1 - 0.15520 Using Equation 7.78: For section Be: 1)(2 x 5,280) + eO·15i37(e-O.~ - 1)(5 x 5,280) 0.15737 - 0.26464 L.. .. (eD 1.5737 - p" _ 2,379.62/672 - 3.541, and, Z_ - 0.778 - 38,585.154 ft S, - Using Equation 7.76: q" _ (5.63538)(520/14.73) [ p __ (213)[(2,550.6' - 2,200')/(2,550.6' - 2,200')1 - 2,379.62 ps;a (3,000' - e"''''''2,2OO')(7') 1" (0.6)(0.782)(545)(0.025)(38,585.154) J - 111,919.16 Mscfd - 111.92 MMscfd (0.0375)(0.6)(2,000 - 7,000)/[(0.778)(545)1 - - 0.26532 Using Equation 7·78: ('520 _ 1)(2 x 5,280) + eD 1s.520(e-O.26.\32 - 1)(5 x 5,280) L. - 0.15520 - 38,504.546 ft 0.26532 Steady State Flow of Gil" Through Pipes 354 (or bottom-hole) chokes are frequently used to reduce the wellhead flowing pressure, and prevent freeze-offs (hydrate formation) in the surface flow lines and controls. The velocity of a fluid flowing through a restriction (orifice, nozzle. or choke) is expressed as follows: Using Equation 7-76: _ (5.63538)(520/14.73) [ 'I.< 355 1" (3,000' - e-' ''''''2,200')(7') (0.6)(0.782)(545)(0.025)(38,504.546) J - 112,036.24 Mrid - 112.04 MMrid (7-79) For section AB : where Using Equation 7-77: d1 L. _ (e' "". - 1)(2 x 5,280) _ 11 423 443 It 0.15520 ,. r" (3,000' - e' ""'",)(7') (0.6)(0.798)(545)(0.025)(11,423.443) J p _ v - - 1,185.8601 change in flow diameter diameter at the throat of the restriction device, ft pipe diameter, ft gravitationaJ acceleration, fUsec2 pressures at the upstream and downstream ends, respectively, of the flow restriction, Ibflft Z fluid density, lbm/ftl Equation 7-79 is generally written as: 0', [3,000' - e' "'"'",f' - d2, g_ Pit P2 - Using Equation 7-76: 112,036.24 _ (5.63538)(520/14.73)[ K _ a constant representing the entrance/exit loss due to the C. [2g(p, (7-60) - p,)l pf' where the coefficient of discharge, Cd, is given by: PB '"' 2,549.9 psia = 2,550 psia • (7-81) Thus, the gas flow rate, q.. - 112.04 MMscfd, and the pressure at station B, PR ""' 2,550 psia. Application of Equation 7-80 to the case of single-phase gas flow resu1ts in the well known de Saint Venant equation, assuming that the gas is perfect and that the flow is frictionless and adiabatic (see for example, Binder, Gas FJow Through Restrictions In several instances in a gas production system, the gas must pass through relatively short restrictions. Chokes. consisting of a metal plate with a small hole to allow flow. are the most common restriction devices used to effect a pressure drop or reduce the rate of flow. They are capable of causing very la~ge pressure drops: a gas can enter a choke at 5,000 psia and exit at 2,000 psla or less. Chokes have, therefore, found several applications as control devices in the all and gas industry. Some of the purposes for which surface (and subsurface) chokes may be used. are to maintain a precise wellhead flow rate, provide sand control by maintaining sufficient back pressure on the producing formation, protect surface equipment andior prevent water coning by controlling the flow rate, and reservoir management. Subsurface 1958), Vi-Cd [ where {p )'>-11')1"J k ( ~\~k-l l-~ 2 (7-82) k _ ratio of the specific heats for the gas, cp/c.. subscripts 1,2 '"" upstream and downstream side of the choke, respectively Substituting for gas density, PI - (28.97pI'YJ'(RT I), (1'2)"-"')J' ( -Vi-Cd [ RT,i!< -k- 1 l4.485-y1 k - 1 PI (7-83) 35. Cos Production Engineering Steady State Flow oj Gos Through Pipes The gas velocity Vi is related to the volumetric gas flow rate at standard conditions, q." as before: Equation 7-86 is the general equation for flow through chokes. In common units, it can be written as: <J,c - where ~ is the cross-sectional area of flow through the choke. Substitutin~ for"'" - (""4)~. and assuming perfect gas (~ - 1): q. - v,(rd1h14) (::)(~) For an adiabatic expansion/compression process for a perfect gas, pVk - constant. Therefore, p,V! - p,Vl 357 [(v.)" (v.)"' ""])'" 1 ~l k 974.61Cd PIrla. ('fITI PI - PI (7-87) where <be'" gas flow rate, Mscfd (measured at 14 .73 psia and 520 0 R) dm = choke diameter, in. PI = pressure at the upstream side of the choke, psia P2 - pressure at the downstream side of the choke, psia TI _ inlet (or upstream) temperature, oR The flow through chokes (and flow restrictions in general) may be of two types: subcritical and critical. Subcritical Flow implying that (7-85) Substituting for T2 from Equation 7-85, and for Equation 7-84: VI from Equation 7-83, into Flow is called subcritical when the velocity of the gas through the restriction is below the speed of sound in the gas. In the subcritical flow regime, Equations 7-86 and 7-87 apply, and the flow rate depends upon both the upstream as well as the downstream pressure. Subsurface chokes are usually designed to allow subcritical flow. Critical Flow 0', 0', 0', q., _ [ r(Rg,J''T. ] (1 k (4)( 14 .485)''1>.. C dp,d1h >,T, k _ 1 [tv.)' \p. " - (v.)'" ""])'" p, (7-86) Flow is called critical when the velocity of the gas through the restriction is equal to the speed of sound (about 1,100 fusee for air) in the gas. The maximum speed at which a pressure effect or disturbance can propagate through a gas cannot exceed the velocity of sound in the gas. Thus, once the speed of sound is attained, further increase in the pressure differential will not increase the pressure at the throat of the choke. Therefore, the flow rate cannot exceed the c ritical flow rate achieved when the ratio of the downstream pressure P2 to the upstream pressure PI reaches a critical value, however much this ratio is decreased . Unlike subcritical flow, the flow rate in critical flow depends only upon the upstream pressure, because the pressure disturbances traveling at the speed of sound imply that a pressure disturbance at the downstream end will have no effect on the upstream pressure andlor flow rate. Surface chokes are usually designed to provide critical flow. The choke flow relationships represented by Equations 7-86 and 7-87 are valid only in the subcritical flow regime, up to critical flow when the maximum flow velocity (equal to the speed of sound) is attained. If the pressure • 358 Steady State Flow oj CD, Production Engineering ratio at which critical flow occurs is represented by (PZ/pl)~' then from elementary calculus (differentiate Equation 7-87 with respect to 1>2, and set the resultant expression equal to zero) it can be shown that: (7-881 F10w is subcritical for <Pi/PI) > (PZ/pl)c, and critical for <P2IPI) ::S (P~:lPI)< U the operating pressure ratio is less than the critical pressure ratio, the pressure ratio in Equation 7-86 or Equation 7-87 must be replaced by the critical pressure ratio, because the maximum flow rate through the choke is that which corresp:lOds to critical flow. The critical pressure ratio {pz/pt)c is O.4g for monoatomic gases, 0.53 for diatomic gases, and slightly higher for more complex gases. Note that the analysis here assumes a perfect gas, with an adiabatic gas exponent k. No corrections have been made for deviation of gas from ideal behavior. It has been found that these relationships give very good results in field application, and a more complex analysis is generally quite unnece<isary_ The value of k is also, fortunately, relatively insensitive to temperature variations as well as to the gas molecular weight for gaseous hydrocarbons. Therefore, k is usually assumed to be constant. k :r; 1.293 for a 0.63 gravity gas. Generally, the value of k used is in the range of 1.25 to 1.31, implying from the relationship represented by Equation 7-88, that the flow is critical when the pressure ratio is in the range 0.5549 (for k - 1.25) to 0.5439 (for k - 1.31). As a rule of thumb, flow is assumed critical when the pressure ratio is less than or equal to 0.55, which implies a k equal to 1.275 approximately. Substituting Cl>2/p.)" - 0.55, and k ... 1.275 in Equation 7-87, we can get the well known choke design equation for critical flow: GO.f Through Pipes 359 Solution Using Equation 7-88: (J>i/pl)c ... (212.275)127.5'0.275 ... 0.55 (a) PIl/pl ... 600/750 ... 0.80, which is greater than (pz/p\)" Using Equation 7-87, q., _ (974.61)(0.88)(750)(28164)' 1 )(1.275) (0.8" '" _ 0.8"'" "') [( (0.65)(560) 0.275 r'j - 2,471.03 Mscfd Using Equation 7-87, • q., - (974.61)(0.86)(750)(28164)' 1 )(1.275) (0.55>1 '" _ 0.55"" , "') [((0.65)(560) 0.275 r'j - 2,955.32 Mscfd (7-89) where q.. - flow rate through the choke, Mscfd dm - choke size, in. p. - upstream pressure, psia T. _ upstream temperature, DR 1', - gas gravity (air ... 1) Cd - coefficient of discharge, generally assumed to be 0.86 Examplf! 7-7. Find the flow rate, referred to standard conditions of 14.73 psia and 520 oR, of a 0.65 gravity gas through a 28f64-in.-diameter choke for a downstream pressure Pt equal to: (a) 600 psia, and (b) 300 psia. The upstream pressure PI ... 750 psia, temperature Tl .. lOO°F. and k ... 1.275. The same result can alternatively be obtained using Equation 7-89: (456.71) (0 .88) (750) (28, 64 )' q., - [(0.65)(560)],,' - 2,955.33 Mscfd Temperature Profile in Flowing Cas Systems It is quite clear from the flow relationships presented so far that flow calculations require the value of the flowing temperature in order to determine 300 Gas Production Engineering the effective g~ properties and pressure drop. To avoid complexity, most flow computations assume that the flowing temperature profile is linear. This assumption is not too far from reality, and generally gives quite good results. In some cases, however, more precise temperature and flow calculations may be required, such as in cases where phase changes occur during flow of the gas through the pipe. Pressure and temperature are mutually dependent variables in flowpressure loss depends to some extent on temperature (or heat loss), and the te~perature (~r heat loss) depends upon pressure that governs the changes in flUId enthalples, overall heat transfer coefficient, and other parameters. Thus, generating a very precise temperature profile requires an enormous amount of complex, trial-and-error type of calculations for which even the amount of data available in most cases is insufficient. Thus, an approximate temperature profile, independent of pra<lure, is satisfactory for most engineering applications. • F10wing Temperature in (Horizontal) Pipelines For a given inflow temperature, TJ. and surrounding soil temperature, T ... the temperatu~ of gas flowing in a pipeline depends upon heat exchange With the surroundmgs, given by the overall heat transfer coefficient· the (pressure dependent) Joule-Thomson effect- due to pra<lure changes c;used by friction, and velocity and elevation changes; phase changes (condensation, vaporization) in the gas due to pressure and temperature changes; and energy loss (due to friction) during flow that is converted into heat. Considering these factors, Papay (1970) has derived the following equation, assuming steady-state flow of gas, for the temperature T Lx at a distance 1.. from the pipeline inlet: TJ..r'" [T. + C 4/C 2 - (C 1C s)/(C2(C 2 + C a))]CfzIC3 (C 1 + C 2 LJ C 2!Ca _ C4 + Cs1.. + CS(C 1 + CaL.) C 2 (C2 + Ca) C2 PI-P2 C, - --L- [ZVICpU'dL V2 - VI +--L VI + (1 - 1+ ZV2-L ZVIQ ZVI)CpVI'dV T + ghlL -hd.. m- . (7-9 1) where mole fraction of vapor (gas) in the gas-liquid fiowstream p ". pressure, Ibf/ft 2 L = pipeline length, ft v = fluid velocity, ftlsec Cp = fluid specific heat at constant pressure, Btu/Ibm-oF I'd - Joule-Thomson coefficient, ft2-oFllbf m = mass flow rate, Ibm/sec Q = phase-transition heat, Btullbm k - thermal conductivity, Btu/ft-sec-oF g _ gravitational acceleration, equal to 32.17 ft/sec2 h = elevation difference between the inlet and outlet, ft d., = outside pipe diameter, ft T, = temperature of the soil or surroundings, OF Zv '" Subscripts 1 and 2 indicate the inlet and outlet ends of the pipe, respectively (except in the numbering of the constants C), and subscripts L and V represent liquid and vapor (gas), respectively. In deriving Equation 7-90, Papay (1970) assumed that pressure, flow rate, and phase-transitions are linear functions of distance from the inlet end of the pipeline. This equation, therefore, is very accurate for short line segments. For the case where phase changes can be neglected (single-phase flow), Equation 7-90 can be simplified to: (7-90) _(v' - v.)[(v _v, - v.) (I _ e- 'L.) + (v, - v.)L,] where KLCpv C1 ,.. ZVICpL C2 Ca ,.. + (1 - I KL L (7-92) ZVI)CpV kim ", (ZV2 - 361 Steady State Flow oj Gas Through Pipes k ZVI)(CpL - Cpv)/L • The ~ble adiab~ticsimultaneow; pres:sure and temperature reduction process that accomparues the expanswn of a flowing gas by pressure reduction is called Joule-Thomson or throttling effect. where K - - - (7-93) mc,v In Equation 7-92, the first two terms represent the heat exchange with the surroundings, the third term represents the Joule-Thomson effect, the fourth term accounts for the elevation changes, and the fifth term accounts for the • 362 Gal Production Engineering Slead!l State Flow of Gal Through Pipet 363 change in velocity head. The last two terms are small and may be neglected for most practical purposes. If the pressure drop is small, then the temperature drop due to expansion is also small, and the third term may also be neglected. Neglecting these terms. Equation 7-92 simplifies to the following familiar form: 3. A 4,()()()'ft gas well requires a wellhead pressure of at least 100 psia to enable flow of the 0.85 gravity gas from the wellhead through the surface facilities. The bottom-hole temperature is 200°F and the surface temperature is 82°F. The casing is 4.5 in. ID. (7.!J.l) a. What is the minimum bottom-hole pressure to enable gas flow? b. What is the bottom-hole pressure for a gas flow rate of IO MMscfd? c. Repeat part (b) assuming that the gas flows through the casing-tubing annulus, the tubing being 2,1 in. 00. Flowing Temperatures in Wells The case of subsurface vertical flow is a special case of the general equation (Equation 7-90) where the temperature of the surrounding; varies with distance along the flow length due to the geothermal gradient, C T (OF'ft), of the earth. A simplified equation presented by Ramey (1962). similar to Equation 7-94, is widely used: (7·95) where 1... - distance from the bottom-hole or point of fluid entry, ft T l.I - temperature at location L., OF TI - temperature at point of fluid entry (at L _ 0). OF C T - geothermal gradient. °Fm K :w k,'mc;.\', as gi\'en by Equation 9-93 Equation 7-95 assumes that the temperature of the fluid and surroundings is equal at the point of entry, and that the heat loss is independent of time. The parameter K is quite difficult to estimate. An analysis based upon measured temperature profiles in actual gas wells is recommended, similar to an empirical equation developed by Shiu and Beggs (1980) for flowin~ oil wells. Q....oons and Problenu 1. A 12-in. 10, SO-mile gas pipeline is to deliver 100 MMscfd of gas at 250 psia. The average flOWing temperature of the 0.75 gravity gas is 90' F. and lId - 0.()()()5 for the pipe. To what pressure must the gas be comp~ at the inlet end to achieve this? Use at least hvo equations and compare the results. 2. What is the maximum throughput through the pipeline in Problem I? Assume c - 0.05, E - 1.0, Y - 0040, and S _ 35,000 psi. 4. List some limitations of the flow equations described in this chapter for (a) horizontal £low and (b) vertical £low. 5. A gas production system consists of three sections: Subsurface section I: inclined , length = 5,500 ft. true vertical depth - 4()()() ft inlet temperature - lsooF, outlet temperature" 85°F Surface section II: horizontal, length"" 1.5 miles Surface section Ill : 2 miles long, inclined 30° from the horizontal. The temperature in the surface sections can be assumed to be 85°F, 'Y, - 0.65, and f - 0.002. For a pressure of 4000 psia at the inlet of section 1, find: (a) Cas flow rate through the system. (b) Pressure at the outlet of section 111. References ANSI, 1976. Code Jor Pressure Piping, Petroleum Refinery Piping, ANSI B31.3, Am. Soc. of Mech. Engrs., United Engineering Center, New York, NY. Beggs, H. D., 1984. Gas Production Operations. OCCl Publications, Oil & Cas Consultants International, Inc., Thlsa, Oklahoma, 287 pp. Binder, R. C., 1958. Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1. Prentice-Ha~l, Inc., New Jersey, 296 pp. Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 1984. Edited by R. H. Perry and D. W. Creen, McCraw-Hili Book Company, New York, 6th ed. Cullender, M. H. and Smith, R. v., 1956. "Practical Solution of Cas-F1ow Equations for Wells and Pipelines with Large Temperature Cradients," 7Tan.f., AIME, 207, 281-287. • 364 Cas Production Engineering ERCS, 1975. Theory and Practice of the Testing of Cos Wells, 3rd ed. Energy Resources Conservation Board, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. . Ikoku, C. U., 1984. Natural Gas Production Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 517 pp. Katz, O. L.. Cornell, D., Kobayashi, R., Poettmann, F. H., Var)" J. A., Elenbaas, J. R., and Weinaug, C. F., 1959. Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering. McCraw-HUI Book Co., Inc., New York, 802 pp. Lesem, L. B., Greytock, F., Marotta, F., and McKetta, J. J.. Jr., 1957. "A Method of Calculating the Distribution of Temperature in F10wing Cas Wells," 'Irons., AlME. 210,169-176. Messer, P. H .. Raghavan, R., and Ramey, H. J., Jr., 1974. "Calculation of Bottom-Hole Pressures for Deep, Hot, Sour Cas Wells," J. Pet. Tech., 26(1, Jan.), 85-92. Moody, L. F., 1944. "Friction Factors for Pipe F1ow," Trans. Am. Soc. Meck Eng., 66(Nov.), 671-684. Nisle, R. G. and Poettmann, F. H., 1955. "Calculation of the F10w and Storage of Natural Gas in Pipe," Petrol. Engr., 27(1):014: 27(2):C36: 27(3),037. Papa)", J., 1970. "Steady Temperature Distributions in Producing Wells and Pipelines," Koola; e8 Foldgaz, 11. Cited reference in: Production alld 1rallsport of Oil and Gas, by A. P. Szilas, 1975. Developments in Petroleum Science, 3, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, p. 563. Ramey, H. J., Jr., 1962. "Wellbore Heat Transmission,·' J. Pet. Tech., 14(4, Apr.),427-435. Shiu, K. C. and Sew, H. D., 1980. "Predicting Temperatures in Flowing Oil Wells," 7rans., ASME; J. Energy Resour. Tech., 102(1, March), 2-11. Sukkar, Y. K. and Cornell, D., 1955. "Direct Calculation of Bottom-Hole Pressures in Natural Cas Wells," 'Irons., A/ME, 204, 43-48. Swamee, P. K. and Jain, A. K" 1976. "Explicit Equations for Pipe-F1o,", Problems," J. Hydraulics Div. ASCE, 102(HY5, May), 657-664. Szilas, A. P., 1975. Production and Transport of Oil and Cas (Developments in Petroleum Science, 3), Elsevier Scientific Pub!. Co., Amsterdam, 630 pp. Young, K. L., 1967. "Effect of Assumptions Used to Calculate Bottom-Hole Pressure in Gas Wells. J. Pet. Tech., 19(4, Apr.), 547-550. 8 Multiphase Gas-Liquid Flow ------- Introduction As stated earlier. rarely do gas wells produce "dry" gas. Some liquid (oil and water) is almost always associated with it. For small amounts of liquid production, the flow may be considered single phase and the relationships for gas presented in Chapter 7 can be used with minor modifications to }ield close estimates. When a large amount of liquid is associated with the gas, however, true multi phase gas-liquid flow prevails and such simplifications are no longer valid. Although the existence of multiphase flow, defined as the simultaneous flow of free gases and liquids. has been known for a long time, its complex behavior has not vet been fully understood. The gas and liquid may exist as a homogeneous ~ixture. or as independent phases in other complex flow patterns such as slug, mist, emulsion, or bubble flow. The pressure drop for multiphase flow conditions is usually greater than for single-phase flow and, in some cases, the flow may be quite unsteady. Early attempts to use modified single-phase flow relationships for multiphase flow resulted in highly overdesigned or underdesigned flowlines. An overdesigned line is not only expensive, but for two-phase flow conditions, it may result in unstable operations, with liquid slugging and pressure fluctuations. Generally, liquid and gas are transported through different flowlines at the surface, and such ca.lculations may not always be necessary. Multiphase flow correlations are more important for wells with a significant liquid production, or for prediction of conditions for liquid loading of gas wells that are currently producing "dry" gas. This chapter outlines methods for handling multiphase flow in the context of gas engineering. For a detailed treatment of multi phase flow per se, readers may refer to the literature, notably Brown and Beggs (1977), and Dew and Brill (1973). 365 • 366 Gal Production Engineering (;aI_Oi! R.tial ..... lor Normal Tempe,.lura Approximate Method for Tw~Phase Systems Eumple For Pseudo Rtdu~ed Tanp of 1.195, Pseudo Reduud P'tlWfe o. 2.00 and G"-O.I Ral'o of RedUCed P'tlwr. 01 2 00 end G"-Oil Ratio of ~ 000 SCF ISl8 Z F"::lor ',om 0 .... Ph_ Z F~lor Coo,e!lIi~ tI O.SolS, Coo'Kled bel OW 10 0.732 $tpal'I'on o. Iha M'.N'I for. the Z FKlor '1 Des""o (G_-Oil Ral'OS lor Low Temp. Sep. M.y be Gliitly Olllllfnl.) F10w streams with a CLR (gas-liquid ratio) greater than 10,000 scf/stb may be assumed to be single-phase gas, This is commonly the case for retrograde and wet gas reservoirs, where the oil and gas produced at the surface actually exist as gas within the reservoir. The small Liquid content of the gas can be accounted for by modifying the properties that are affected by the presence of liquid. These include molecular weight, gas gravity. and gas compressibility factor (Z-factor) . Molecular weight of the flow stream consisting of gas as well as liquid can be calculated from the mixture composition, similar to calculations shown in Chapter 3 for a "dry" gas mixture. The gas specific gravity (air,. 1 basis) for the total flow stream, )''''' can be obtained by dividing the molecular weight of the flow stream by the molecular weight of air, resulting in the following expression (Craft and Hawkins. 1959): 10 ! ! ~ 0.9 ~l" • Aecu,..::y o.w PO'"" Oev"uon of Flom. I~;~I .S, -,L~, .. ,!o " • C- "" ~~ -- -- - f-- ....... 141.5 (8-3) The gas compressibility factor (Z-factor) obtained from Figure 3--2 (Chap-ter 3) using critical pressure and temperature estimates for the total f10\\ stream (using ")'w), can be corrected for the existence of two phases using Figure B-1. If this two-phase Z-factor is essentially the same as the single-phase Z-factor, the mixtu re exists as a single gaseous phase. Using these modified properties, calculations can be carried out with the relationships presented for gas in Chapter 7. i ! Ii , ~ • "'" L--':' OB ~ ,.~ Liquid specific gravity, frequently specified in terms of °APf, can be converted to specific gravity 'Yo (water - 1 basis) as follows: API + 131.5 0.9 .~ --' (8-2) 0 ::::::: ~~ ~ ~ ~~,s , o '< i ' ....... If not known, M., can be estimated using Equation 8-2: K'" O::ltn~::r flhase" P'I!SMI (... II Of I ., where ~ - gas-oil ratio, sef/stb 1'. - specific gravity of the gas (air - 1) ')'0 - oil gravity (water - 1) at standard conditions M., - molecuJar weight of the stock-tank oil .5"" ISO " F 10 , 2SO"F. If Uncorftcltd."d eo .. F"::lo'l O,Ue, by no MOle Thin T.n". 0 1M lollY At o ')'0 - 367 Multipha3e Cat-Liquid Flow - + 2" r-: 1'-~ 1\1\ ~ r---- r---, 1\ ,'. "' .," '~~iT' 1\ ~ J 0.1 ! ~ 0.6 •" 1 N 05 Figure 8-1. Gas deviation factor correction for two-phase natural gas systems. (After Elfrink et aI. , 1949: redrafted by Ikoku, 1984; courtesy of SPE.) Multiphase fl ow For flow conditions that cannot be approximated as single-phase gas, it is necessary to use more complex procedures. Multiphase flow has been stU?ied in detail by numerous investigators and several correlations are available. These correlations account for the flow geometry (vertical, inclined, • 368 Gal Production Engineering Mu/tiphose Gas-Liquid Flow 369 horizontal), flo" pattern (slug, mist, bubble. plug, etc.), fluid properties (formation volume factor for oil and water, gas in solution in oU as well as water, surface tension, density and viscosity of the multiphase mixture), and other parameters related to flow (Reynolds number, friction factor, holdup. etc.). They are. however. quite complex. requiring the use of computers. Appendix B at the back of the book gives computer programs for two such methods. For our purposes. it is satisfactory to consider a fairly good and practically expedient technique that uses pressure traverse curves. Pressure travcl"S( curves are plots of pressure versus flow distance for a pipe of a gh-en diameter for selected oil and gas properties at various gas/liquid ratios and flo\\. rates. Some of the most commonly used pressure traverse curves, prepared usin~ the I.:orrelations of Hagedorn and Brown (1965), are shown In Figure 8-2(a-v). Such cun'es can easily be generated for any other set of fluid properties. pipe diameters. or flow rates using the available correlations for multi phase flow. Pressure traverse curves are simple to understand and use. fast, and fairly accurate. Since no single correlation is best over all ranges, it is better to construct a pressure traverse curve using the best applicable method for the range that we are interested in. To generate better traverse curves, a combination of several correlations and/or experimental data can be useful. Pressure Traverse Curves for Horizontal Gas-Liquid Flow • The hOrizontal flow pressure traverse curves shown in Figures 8-2a-f were prepared using Eaton et al.'s (1967) correlation and give satisfactory results except for low rates and low C, L ratios. Although these curves were prepared for water, they can be used for oil, provided the free-gas/oil ratio is used for the C. L parameter, as follows: 1. Select the applicable curve for the given flowline size, flow rate, and gas/liquid ratio. 2. On the pressure axis, locate the known pressure, go vertically down to the applicable gas/liquid ratio curve, and read off the length on the length axis. 3. Correct this length for the pipeline length by: adding the pipeline length to the length determined in Step 2. if the known pressure is the outlet pressure; or subtracti ng the pipeline length from the length in Step 2, if the known pressure is the inlet pressure. 4. The unknown pressure is the pressure corresponding to the corrected length determined in Step 3. Example 8-1 illustrates this procedure. (tnt continued on page 380) • • • 370 Cas Prodllctioll Eligineering 371 , Ii ii , ~ II r aJ d. .",• N ~ ~ ~ jJ •• ~ , ~ i~ go:; !j; ~ , - 0_"1 - ,~ •i 0 ,! ill r III III III • -,• _ ..' ...... o'n" • Ii Ii - i• I'If !•• I I • I " !;!I .p> J ~ ~ u:'" I~ ~i~ •, .. ,--I i ,; I- , N .- ~ 00, •, ! I ! ,'} ! "I III II, • ~ _ _ ..... lII<tl 372 ell.t • 373 Multiphase Gas-Liquid Flow ProductiOIl Engineering ~~.p'" , " '" s'1 .\ 1·~--~-4---+-• ,Lf---+------+--Vh4L-x< .i--+---Y .l! , !' ill •r---,---,----r---~--,_--_,--~~'~·7·~T'~__,·• ,. ,! '" .\ I I • r--+---1I---+----;r::0¥--/t7L-~ • ~?-+----1 1'r--+--+---Yh"¥--71-7"'z . ~n.=tn.=to _ _ ...... 00<1'1 • GtU Production Engineering Multiphase Gas-Liquid Flow 375 , II f·I---l-+-+-Dt4Lj.L----bL~~~ • 1,1---+--+-.,.1hL--I,L---i,,4 • • • • •I.,~--~--l___+~~~~~~~ i,I---+--+--AL,L.,/L-,.f,. • -_............ • . - _ ..... 00Q'1 • 376 Gas Production Erlgineering Multiphose Cos-Liquid Flow • .-to., , ~V 1/ ~ ~ V l(V ,-t: ~ V V V V , •I • ; · • • t0V ;f: , :af// v: V I~ ~ ,... h ~ - ~ • VV:~, .... VV~2 ./ ' ,. • ",; • • 377 '1 , • 0- ::t ,•• ~ f·• i:1" , F"'" . - . . .... _ .. 1U00tJ' .li . . . 'I' III , • , • • . . . .... - ..... DIU'! ,.It[' • , ill 378 CO$ Production Engi'leering 379 Mulripha~e Gas-Liquid FIQU; ••• • .! " .'i,>---l---I-----A+-,.<+--++-----.L--~~ I .1{ ' I' .~Etr. -_ .. ntD.. III "'.".., • " .! l· ~~--~--+-~~~~~~~/~~ • I, ~__+___-J,:H¥---,l'_+J~-I-----+-___1 • N .;, • . _ _ ..... twol1 • CDs Production Engineering 380 (text continued from page 368) Examph- 8·'. A \\'cU is producing 1,500 stb/d of oil with aGIO -; 800 sci' stb at a flowing wellhead pressure of 700 psig. Determine the separator pres--- Multiphase Cas·Liquid Flow 381 Therefore. P.. h is equal to the pressure corresponding to a depth _ 9,000 - 8,000 - 1,000 ft. sure for a 2.5-in. ID, 9,000-ft line. Thus, P"h - 100 psig. Solution Handling Directional Wells Assume that at a pressure of 700 psig there is no gas in solution. Hence free-gas/oil ratio is 800 scf/stb. Using Figure 8-ld and the procedure described earlier. For directional wells with df"viations from the vertical less than 15-20°. the true vertical depth can be used to ascertain the pressure trawrse. This approximation, howe\'er. is im'alid for deviations exceeding 20 0 , becall5C a directional well has a greater length than a yertical well for the same depth. resulting in a greater frictional head ios.... Also. holdup. defined lU the volume fraction of the flow conduit occupied by liquid. differs and rna,· be greater for inclined than for vertical £low. . For pressure tra,-er.,e curves. an approximate ansv.·er can be obtained using the vertical and horizontal flow curves as follows: Psev = 400 psig. Pressure Traverse Curves for Vertical Cas-Li(luid Flow • The vertical pressure traverse curves, shown in Figures 8-2g-v, are used in a manner similar to the curves for horizontal flow: 1. Select the applicable curve for the given tubing size. flow rate, and gas/liquid ratio. 2. On the pres..~ure axis. locate the known pressure, go vertically down to the applicable gas/liquid ratio curve. and read off the depth on the depth axis. 3. Correct this depth by: adding the well depth to the depth determined in Step 2, if the known pressure was the surface pressure: or subtracting the well depth from the depth in Step 2, if the known pressure was the bottom-hole pressure. 4. The unknown pressure is the pressure corresponding to the corrected depth determined in Step 3. Erampl~ 8·2. For a bottom-hole flowing pressure of 2,000 psig, a well is producing 1,000 stb/d of oil with aGIO - 300 sef/stb. Given that the tubing size is 2.5 in. and the well is 8,000 ft deep, find the flowing wellhead pressure P.. h. Solution P",f = Example 8-3. In a directionally-drilled well, the true vertical depth is ~ual to 5,000 ft. and the length of the 2-in. tubing is equal to 7.500 ft. <?Iven p..h - 100 psig, q., 1.000 stb/d (50% water), elL _ 800 scf/stb, fmd the flowing bottom· hole pressure P,,'f. Solutioll Using Figure 8-20 for vertical flow: A I. Determine the pressure loss using only the true vertical depth and the applicable vertical flow correlation . 2. Assume a value for the inlet or outlet pressure, whichever is unknown, and calculate the average of the inlet and outlet pressures. 3. Determine the frictional pressure drop due to the extra length of the tubing (i.e., total tubing length minus true "ertical depth of tubing) using the applicable horizontal flow correlation, and the average pressure estimated in step (2). 4. Calculate the total pressure loss for the d(!\.iated well. This is equal to the sum of the m'O pressure losses obtained in steps (1) and (3), From this new total pressure loss, find the new estimate of the inlet or outlet pressure, whichever is unknown. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 till the unknown pressure (inlet or outlet) from steps (2) and (4) agree within a specified tolerance. 2.000 psig corresponds to 9.000 ft approximatel}'. Using Figure 8-2m for vertical flow, P=f - 1,100 psig for a vertical depth of 5,000 f1. • MIJltiphasl' Gas-Uqllid Flow 382 A trial and error procedure is required to determine p...f. As a first guess, assume P.. f - 1,150 psig. Then, the a\'erage pressure, P•• psig. = (p..-h + p"l)i2 .. (100 + 1,150)/2"" 625 On locatin~ P.v ( - 625 psig) on the horizontal flow correlation in Figur<.' 8-2c (100% water chart is a reasonable approximation). and using the addi tional length of 2,500 ft ( = 7.500 - 5,000), the downstream pra;;urt: i.~ found to be 525 psig. (8-4) where HF ,., ele\·ation component of the total static pTe"Sure drop, fraction. and V'I[ is given by: \. = '11; where 31lg., q,(ZT) .. (520)p.,d2 \-'1[ = (lg = Therefore. the pressure Ios..<; due to friction in the extra 2,000 ft of pipe, dp! 625 - 525 - 100 psig. Thus, P.. f - P;f + .6.p! -- 1.100 + 100 Second trial: Assume pw/ - = T •• = P., ., Z~, -d ... 1,200 psig. 1,200 psig. P•• -- (100 + 1.200)12 - 650 psig. From the horizontal flow correlation, downstream pressure - 550 psig. Thus, .6.PI .. 650 - 550 s 100 psig, and P"I -- 1,100 + 100 - 1.200 psig. Thus, p...{ - 1.200 psig. Flow Over Inclined or Hilly Terrain Inclined f10\\ implies flow through pipes that deviate from the horizon· tal, such as flow over hills. Flanigan (1958) pre;entoo. the only a\'ailable method that can be applied to field problems without the use of complex computer programs. By conducting several field tests, Flanigan concluded that most of the pressure drop occurred in the uphill section of the line, and identified two main components of the p~re drop for multiphase flow in an inclined system: pressure drop due to friction, which is the predominant component in hOrizontal lines, and pressure drop due to the liquid head, which is the predominant component in vertical and inclined flows. The sum of these two components determines the total pTe"Sure drop. The uphill sections are treated as equivalent vertical columns containing an equivalent amount of liquid. Because in multiphase flow the pipe is never completely filled with only liquid, Flanigan introouceci the term Hf' to repre;ent the fraction of the total static pTe"Sure drop that exists as the elevation component. Hf" correlates with the superficial gas velocity, v'S, as follows (F1anigan, 1958): 383 (8-5) superficial gas \'(·locity. ft,sec gas flow rate. M\1scfd avcrage flowing temperature, R average £lowing pressure, psia average gas compressibility factor (at P." T., ) inside diameter of flow conduit, in. Bakcr (1960) showed that for v>~ > SO, the applicable relationship is: 0.00967 Hf''''' o~ L O,5 ">, , (8-6) where L '" length of the flowline, ft. Using H F , the pTe"Sure drop through the pipe is calculated as follows: .6.p= -~p";,H,,,,:;:-E:.:H 144 (8-7) where PI ,. liquid density. Ibm ftl Example 8·4. A 4·in. 10, 2.000 ft long flowline passes over 5 hills having the following vertical heights: 130 ft. 40 ft, 210 ft. 80 ft, and 185 ft. Gh'en ql = 2.000 stbld (95% water). G,L .. 1,000 scffstb, I'll = 0.7 (air" I), ),,,, = 1.02. ),,, - 40" API, average pres.'iure P., - 300 psig, and average temperature T •• _ 120"F, find the pressure loss due to the hills. Solution For 'YK ... 0.7, at P., - 300 pslg, and T~. - 120"F. the average gas compra<;· ibility factor Z.. from Figure 3-2 - 0.96. • 384 Gas Production ElIgilweriug Mu{tiphnse Gas-Liquid Flow Using Equation 8·5, Example 8·5. (After Kumar et aI., 1986). A well is producing through a 2.S-in. 10 tubing, 5,000 ft deep, at a rate go = 1.000 stb/d with a CIO = 600 seE/stb. This well produces a large amount of sand when the oil prcx:iuction rate is above 1,000 stbfd; therefore. it is required to install a v ~ (31,194)(2,000 x 1,000 x 10-')(0.9£)(580) _ 13.9173 fU"", >, (520)(300)(16) choke ("choke the well back',). Because hydrate problems have made it impossible to install a surface choke, a bottom-hole choke must be designed. It i<; proposed that the choke be installed at a depth of 4,000 ft, i.e., 1.000 ft above the bottom of the tubing. For a 1,000 stb/d oil rate, the oottom-hole Using Equation 8-4, 1 !:H ,. 130 + 40 + 210 + 80 + 185 , .. ~ (141.5)/(131.5 Therefo,e, " + 40) 385 ~ ~ (0.95)(1.02) = qui red, (b) the flowing pressure, assuming that the flow through the choke is critical (Pu "" 2Pd)' 645 ft. Solution 0.8251 + (0.05)(0.8251) ~ 1.01 Using Figure 8-2p, the pressure at 1,000 ft above the bottom of tubing is equal to 1.175 psig. Using Equation 8-7, Thus, Pu = 1,175 psig, implying that Pd = 1,175/2 = 588 psig. ~p"", ~ (1.01 x 62.4)(0.1781)(645)/144 ~ 50.28 p'i. (a) Using Equation 8-9, Flow Through Chokes The generalized equation for critical multiphase flow through a choke is written as; d1.g9". (10)(1,000)(600)°·5.16 = 279.8 1175 Thus, d _ (279.8)11 (8-8) where ql = liquid flow rate, stb/d pu = upstream pressure, psia d = inside diameter of the choke, 64ths of an inch R -.: producing gas-liquid ratio, scf/sth a, b, c = empirical constants 89 = 19.71164 in., or 20164 inch. (b) Using Figure 8-2p for Pd ,. 588 psig, the wellhead flowing pressure, P ...h "" 100 psig. Liquid Loading in Gas Wells Various investigator:s have proposed different values for a, h, and c. Most commonly, however, Cilbert's (1954) correlation is used, where a = 1.89, b = 10.0, and c - 0.546: (8-9) The liquid loading of a gas well refer:s to the accumulation of liquids in the wellbore of a flowing gas well. a common operating problem in gas pro-duction operations. Liquid loading imposes an additional back pressure on the producing formation, restricting gas flow. In high-pressure gas wells, liquid loading will result in slugging flow and reduced well deliverability: fluctuations in gas flow rate and casing pressure will be observed, caused by the buildup of casing pressure until it becomes sufficient to blow the liquid to the surface. In low-pressure gas ,veils, the flow rate drops drastically and • 3S6 MultiphaSl! Cas-Liquid Flau: Cas Production Engineering casing pressure starts to build up, but because enough casing pressure cannot be achieved, liquid loading may completely -kill" the well. Liquid loading occurs in gas wells that have liquid proouction (however small the amount may be). but do not provide enough energy for the continuous removal of these liquids. As stated earlier. loading can be recognized by fluctuations in gas flow rate and casing pressure for high-pressure wells, or by flow stoppage and casing pressure buildup for low-pressure wells. Pressure surveys and flow computations are very helpful in determin·.h nfl; '" Preventing Loading: Minimum Flow Rate for Continuous Removal I Turner et at. (1969) conceptuali7.oo two physical models for the removal of liquid droplets from gas wells: liquid film movement along the pipe walls, and entrairunent of liquid droplets in the gas stream. According to the wall film model, the well is unJoaded by providing a gas flow rate su£ficient to cause the movement of liquids up along the walls of the casing andlor tubing pipe. The droplet model assumes that liquid is removed as entrained droplets in the flowing gas stream. In a real system, both these models probably exist, with a continuous exchange of liquid between the gas stream and the wall film. From an analysis of both these models, Turner et al. (1969) found the droplet mooel to be superior because, among other reasons, it agrees with observed data. The liquid film model does not represent the controlling liquid transport mechanism; the liquid film moving down along the pipe walls eventually breaks into droplets that are re-entrained in the gas stream, and the droplet model is applicable. The more complex wall film mooel can, therefore, be ignored here. According to the droplet model. the minimum gas flow rate to unJoad a gas well is one that enables the largest liquid droplets that can exist in the gas stream to move upwards. As discussed in Chapter 4 (Equation 4-17), the terminal velocity V t (fusee) of a particle of diameter ~ (ft) and density Pp (lbmfft3) falling under gravitational acceleration g in a gas of density PI (lbm/ft3) is given by: p~r' (8-10) assuming Newtonian (turbulent) flow. Thus. a particle of diame~er dp will be removed by the gas stream if the velocity of the gas stream V,IS equal .to the terminal velocity v. of the particle. Equation 8-10 can therefore be wnlten as: . There are tv.'o sources of liquids in a gas well: water and hydrocarbon condensate from condensation of the hydrocarbon gas. and water from the producing reservoir. If the gas velocity is not high enough to transport these liquids to the surface, they accumulate at the bottom of the well The back pressure on the formation due to the hydrostatic head of this column further reduces the flo", rate and the velocity of the produced gas. This process continues until the well dies, or produces onJy intermittently. There are essentially two approaches in solving this problem: prevent liquid accumulation, or remove the liquid as it is produced. A brief description follows of some available methods. I . - [4gd,(PP 3CdPtt: "t 387 \' = .... _ , 4gdp(pp 3CdP, pJ .5 Substituting Cd '" 0.44 for Newtonian flow, and replacing the particle density Pp by the liquid density Ph we get: v, ~ [4 g d,(PI - 1.32p~ p~l" (B-ll) Thus, the larger the drop, greater is the gas flow velocity required to remove it. The diameter of the drop, however, cannot be determined directly. 'furner et al. (1969) used correlations for the Weber number to determine the maximum drop diameter that can exist under given flow conditions. The Weber number, Nw~, is a dimensionless number expressing the ratio of the velocity forces that try to disintegrate the drop, and the surface tension forces that tend to keep it together: N w _ C vjp,/g, = v2sP.dp aldp (8-12) ag.;, The maximum drop diameter, d",... can now be specified using the fact that the drop will disintegrate if the Weber number exceeds a critical value of 20 to 30: (8-13) Substituting for dmu from Equation 8-13 into Equation 8-11, the required minimum gas velocity is given by: - PJr' v. - [(4)(30)ogg.,(PI L32pjYi o..._~ Substituting for g and g.,. and solving for v.: • . CQ.f Productiorl E'I~i1lCf"rlllg \" _ 17.514 Multiphou Cos-Liquid Flow ,. - P~" P, - 0"( PI 1980). Some of the methods that have been successfuJly used in field operations are briefly reviewed here. As a safety ~eas~re, Turner et a!. (1969) use a 20% (approximately) safet\' factor, resultmg m the folloWing equation for minimwn gas flo\, \-elocity; 'II. - 20A - p~1 2 produced through the tubing-casing annulus. It is desirable to have the tub(8- 14) For field applications, the folloWing equations are recommended by Thrner et al. (1969) for use when the liquid is either water or condensate: ( V \ v ....,.. - 5.62 (67 - O.OO3lp)l. (O.OO3lp), , 4.02 (45 - 0.OO3Ip)' , ( V' V""ndellSoo'. "" (0.OO3Ip)" (8-15) (8- 16) Equations 8- 15 and 8-16 were derh'ed assuming the folloWing: 1. A 0.6 gr~vity gas at a temperature of 120°F, to enable expressing the gas denslt)' as a function of pressure. 2. For water, (J "" 60 dynes/em, PI ,., 67 Ibm/ft'. 3. For condensate, a,.. 20 dynes/cm, PI ,., 45 Ibm/ft'. '~~en ~th water ~nd condensate are present, the water equation, which a hIgher required gas \'elocity VI' should be used. The gas '-elocit)· VI in ft/sec can be converted to field units of MMscfd as gJ\'CS follows: _ 3.06Apv, '" ZT w here Cia .. A .. p T Z - Beam PUn/lnng Units In this method. liquids are produced through the tubing, whereas gas is 00_'~'(~p~,~-~P~!L. ,,, £ 389 (8-17) required minimum gas flow rate, MMscfd cross-sectional area of the gas flow conduit ft2 flOWing pressure, psia ' flOwing temperature, OR gas compressibility factor at the flowing pressure and tempera_ ture Liquid Unloading: Removal of Liquid as it Accumulates Nu~erous methods have been proposed for the liquid unloading or dewatermg, of gas wells (Hutlas and Granberrv 1972·,L'b d ' Henry, ;, I son an ing set as close to the bottom perforation as possible, and preferably below it (Hutla!\ and Granberry. 1972). so as to provide a liquid cushion to prevent gas interference problems in the downhole pump. If a liquid divcrter is provided in the subsu rface tubing string to allow only liqUids to enter the tubing, no liquid cushion is required and gas interference problems are minimized . One advantage of pumping units over other t}1)CS of liquid removal techniques is that they do not depend on gas velocity for lift-the energy for Hquid lift is provided by the pump itself. Beam pumping units are quite inexpensive and economical for shallow wells, but become very expensive for deeper and more highly pressured wells (Hutlas and Granberry, 1972). Their applicability is best for low gas rates. with a liquid production of greater than about IO bbliday. Beam pumping units cannot be adjusted to handle very low rates and problems may. therefore, arise if they are used for low liquid-rate wells. Plunger Lift This method has proved to be very successful in unloading liquids from gas wells (Libson and Henry, 1980). It uses a steel plunger. equipped with a valve, in the tubing string (see Figure 8-3). The plunger acts as an interface between the gas stored in the annulus and the liquid accumulated above the plunger in the tubing, virtually eliminating gas slippage and liquid fallback. Both gas and liquid are allowed to flow into the tubing through a valve.. type opening at the tubing bottom. When the plunger is at the bottom of the tubing, this valve is shut off , and all production goes into the casing. The casing pressure builds up, until it is sufficient to transport the plunger and allliqujd and gas abo"e it in the tubing to the surface. A motor valve. operated either by a clock or by well fl ow rate monitoring, may be used on the flowline to control the cyclic rate of the plunger (Libson and Henry, 1980). If a clock is used, the optimum time cycle has to be determined by trial-anderror. Following plunger arrival at the surface, a bumper opens the valve in the plunger, and the well is allowed to flow for a period of time. This time period may be preset by a clock, or surface flow controllers may be used to aUo w the well to flow until the gas velocity drops to some critical value. Flow controllers are more desirable. because they permit the well to flo\\ • 390 Gas Productioll Engi'leeririg Mllltiphase Cas-Liquid Flow 1oI0TOA VAlVE '~'~O~':.'f'~j~~~~~~~~l~1 CASING PRESSURE -1._-"1 Small Tubing String GAUGE CASINQ SHut-I'" TlM£ CLOCK CASING - TUBING ANNULUS 391 GAS PROOUCED EACH CYCLE UP TU81/o10 This technique operates on the principle of increasing the gas velocity, to enable liquid carryover to the surface, by providing a reduced flow area. Small tubing strings of I-in. diameter are quite common for such an application. This method applies best to low volume wells in which friction loss is not severe, and has proven quite useful in several field applications (Hutlas and Granberry, 1972: Libson and Henry, 1980). Surfactallt Injection .... .. . . 1__ o!-4_-tWIlTEA PROOUCED EACH 0"5 E ... TEAS ""''''UlUS FRO'" PAY DURING SHUT-IN AS AFTEAflOW TO HIGH PRESSURE GAS FOR NEltT CYCLE LEGEND - LIQUID .. C",SIHC-TUBING ANNULUS o STORACE O"'S PRODUCEO TU81"10 CAS ..... •• CYCLE UP TUBING LIft CASING -:.. ::--!;-, .,"'" II Injection of surfactants and foaming agents into the tubing-casing annulus has produced successful results in several wells (Libson and Henry, 1980). Figure 8-4 shows a schematic diagram of a surfactant injection system. Surfactant (or soap) is injected using a chemical pump and a time clock. Water is continuously unloaded in a foamed slug state through reduction in surface tension. This method has proved less successful for unloading condensate (oil), perhaps because the surface tension reduction dynamics were not suitable in the cases tested. peR~S SPRING .. . .".UO U'A~'""'O"_ _ J L~ ~ , .... - . • STOP . . . " . TO ".~ I U U " Figure 8-3 . Plunger lift operations. (After Ubson and Henry, 1980; courtesy of SPE.) for an optimum time period before shut-in. Wells having sufficient deliverability to maintain rates above this critical rate for short periods are ideal candidates for flow controllers. em Lift The gas lift system also uses a liquid flow diverter in the tubing string. with liquid production through the tubing and gas production through the annulus. This system, however, uses a gas-lift valve (usually one, sometimes more than one if liquid production is quite high) mounted on the tubing at a calculated depth, and actuated (opened or closed) by anyone of the several available techniques. Liquid accumulates in the tubing, until the gas-lift valve opens to lift the liquid slug to the surface. C .... 0 . . . . . ~ •• IIUA'U II lI,nON 10AO . . . . . yO' • OA, ... ",CTlD ''''''CTOo • .., ... Figure 8-4. Gas well soap injection system. (After Ubson and Henry. 1980; courtesy of SPE.) Questions and ProWems 1. What is multiphase flow? For what purpose are multi phase flow computations useful in the context of gas production operations and how important are they? 392 ~ GaJ Production Engineering 2. Describe the development of flow correlations for muJtiphase flow. 3. A well is producing 800 bblJd oiJ with a gas-oil ratio of 1.500 seC/stb through a 2-in. tubing, with a safety valve installed at a depth of 2,500 ft from the surface. The total well depth is 5,000 ft. The pressures recorded at the surface and bottom-hole are 150 psig and 1,000 psig, respectively. Is the valve partially closed? If so, what is the pressure drop across the valve? Multiphase Gas-Liquid Flow References 8eg&';. H. O. and Brill, J. P., 1973. "'A Study of Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes," }. Pet. Tech., 25(5, May), 607~617. Brown, K. E. and BeW. H. D., 1977. The Techrwlogy of Artificial Lift Methods, Vol. 1. PennWell Publ. Co., Tulsa. Oklahoma, 487pp. ____________~j-fA~O;.~75~~~~g~a~S~~ff~IO~"~.;,~O~Ugh~~a~2~.5~-,~.n~.f;ID~t~Ub:.:-________~~~B~.~c!.~a~n~d~~~~M~.~~1~95:9~.~~ pressure of 200 psig is desired for this. ft gas well. bottom-hole pressure is 1.100 psig. Use the approximate method for two-phase systems to answer the following: I . C an t he gas f 1ow under these conditions? If yes, do not anS\\ler any of the parts below. 2. What methods are available to make this well flow? 3 . H ow much gas injection is required per day to keep this well flowing? 4. What is the pipe diameter that will keep this well flowing? 5. Repeat problem 4 using multi phase flow charts. 6. Use N-O methods to design the required flowline to transport a twophase gas-oil mixture from a wellhead o\'er hills with the follo\\in~ conditions: Gas flow rate _ 3.5 MMscfd Gas-oil ratio = 11.000 sefistb Length of pipeline "" 4 miles Total elevation of hills ,. 1,500 ft A\·erage fl owing temperature _ 95° F Gas gravity (air .. I) = 0.68 Oil gravity (water _ I) _ 0.85 Upstream pressure must not exceed 1,200 psig. and the downstream pressure must not be less than 250 psig. 7. Solve problem 6 assuming a horizontal pipeline (no hills). 8. Design a surface choke. assuming critical flow through it, for a ~as well with the following operating conditions: Cas flow rate'" 1.2 MMscfd Gas-oil ratio _ 11,000 sef/stb Wellhead pressure _ 1,200 psig Use two methods, and compare the results. 9. List the advantages and disad ....antages of the known methods of unloading gas wells. What data would you need to consider before deciding on using any of these techniques for a specific well? 393 J~~~~~~~~llc ________ 437pp. Eaton, A., Andrews, D. E., Knowles. C. E., Silberberg, I. H., and Brown, K. E., 1967. "The Prediction of Flow Patterns, Liquid Holdup and Pressure Losses Occurring During Continuous Two-Phase F10w in Horizontal Pipelines," Trans., AIME, 240. 815-828. Elfrink, E. B., Sandberg, C. R., and Pollard, T. A., 1949. "A New Compressibility Correlation for Natural Gases and its Application to Estimates of Gas-in-Place," 7rans., AIME, 186, 219-223. Flanigan, 0., 1958. "Effect of Uphill Flow on Pressure Drop in Design of lWo-Phase Gathering Systems," O. & Gas f., 56(Mar_ 10), 132- 141. Gilbert, W. E., 1954. "F1owing and Gas-Lift Well Performance," Drilling and Production Practice, API, 126-157. Hagedorn, A. R. and Brown, K. E., 1965. "Experimental Study of Pressure Gradients Occurring During Continuous Two-Phase F10w in Small-Diameter Vertical Conduits," J. Pet. Tech., 17(4, Apr.), 475-484. Halliburton Energy Institute, 1976. Thbing Size Selection. Halliburton Services, Duncan, Oklahoma, 57pp. Hutlas, E. J. and Granberry, W. R., 1972. "A Practical Approach to Removing Cas Well Liquids," J. Pet. Tech., 24(8, Aug.), 916-922. Ikoku, C. U., 1984. Natural Gas Production Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 517pp. Kumar, S., Guppy, K. H., and Chilingar, G. V., 1986. "Design of F10wing Well Systems," In: Slirface Operatiom in Petroleum Production, Vol. 1, Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 279-326. Libson, T. N. and Henry, J. R., 1980. "Case Histories: Identification of and Remedial Action for Liquid Loading in Gas Wells-Intermediate Shelf Gas Play," J. Pet. Tech., 32(4, Apr.), 685-693. Thrner, R. G., Hubbard, M. G., and Dukler, A. E., 1969. "Analysis and Prediction of Minimum F10w Rate for the Continuous Removal of Liq· uids From Gas Wells," J. Pet. Tech., 21(11, Nov.), 1475-1482. • Gao! Compres.Jion 395 volume in the enclosure, or by carrying the gas without volume change to the discharge and compressing the gas by backflow from the discharge system. Positive-displacement compressors are of two types-reciprocating positive-displacement compressors, and rotary positive-displacement compres- 9 son. Gas Compression Continuous flow compressors acce.lerate a continually £lo'wing gas stream and subsequently com-'ert the velocity head into pressure. The two types of continuous flow compressors are dynamic and ejector. Dynamic compres- Introduction element, and convert the \'elocity head into pressure, partly in the rotating element partly in stationary blades or diffusers. Ejectors increase the gas velocity by entraining it in a high-velocity jet of the same or another gas, and convert this kinetic energy into pressure in a long venturitype flow chamber. Figure 9-1 shows a breakdown of principal compressor types, and Table 9-1 describes their approximate parameters. Among these. the ones currently used in the gas industry arc discussed in the following sections. Gas production operations often require compressors to raise the pressure of ("pressurize") the gas. One of the most important applications of compressors is for providing enough pre'iSure to a gas for transport through transmission and distribution systems. Another transport-related application of compressors is for reducing the gas volume for shipment by tankers or for storage. In reservoir engineering operations, compressors are important in lowering the wellhead pressure below atmospheric in order to produce the well at a higher rate, for reinjection of gas for pressure maintenance or cycling, and for injection of gas into subsurface strata for underground storage. In gas processing operations, compressors arc required for circulation of gas through the process or system, and for raising gas pressure to the required level for a chemical processing reaction. This chapter presents the common types of compressors being used for these purposes in the natural gas industry. Basic elements in the design of these compressors are also discussed. Much of the material has been drawn from an Ingersoll-Rand Company (1982) publication entitled. Compressed Air and Cas Data, an excellent reference for readers who rna}' be interested in further details about gas compression operations. CO"PR[SSORS • IIEC" -- " Types of Compressors Sl.IO'N"-YAN( The two major types of compressors are positive displacement or intermittent flow, and continuous jlotL'. Positive-displacement units are those in which successive volumes of gas are confined within some type of enclosure (compression chamber) and elevated to a higher pressure, T his pressure elevation or compression can be achieved in two ways-by reducing the gas 394 5TII ... , ....1-.08( lI01... O-"'5TON C(NT .. H,eAl- LOI( " 'UO- ,,"ow A."L - hoOW Figure 9·1. PrinCipal compressor types. (From Compressed Air and Gss Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) 300 Go.!' Compre&8ion Gas Production Engineering Approximate ComprHSOr TYIM Paramete~ Reciprocating Vane-type Rotary Helical·lobe Rotary Centrifugal D)'JIamle Asilli-flow D)-namk • ~rom C:omp~ A Table 9-1 tor Common Compressor Types· Appro)!. Mulmum Pr...ure, pallil 1(1(),OOO 400 "" 5.:500 :500 397 Approa:. Maximum Power, BHP > 12,000 "" 6.000 > 3.5,000 > 100,000 Air and GIl. DIl, .. , 1982, rourtes\- of inltf',wU·Rand Co '~ l~ ""'- ,;!,,------'-- ~S~[ '~~ Reciprocating Positive-Displacement Compressors Reciprocating compressors consist of a ringed piston that mO\'e5 inside a cylinder. They may be of two types: single-acting, in which the piston com· presses on only onc side; and double-ading, in which two single-acting pistons operate in parallel inside one cylinder, thereby compressing on ooth sides. Besides the piston and cylinder, a suction valve and a discharge valve are provided. The suction valve opens when the pressure in the cylinder falls below the intake pressure. The discharge valve opens when the pressure in the cylinder equals or exceeds the discharge pressure. Figure 9-2 shows the various steps in a reciprocating compressor cycle. In Figure 9-2A, the cylinder is full of the gas that is to be compressed, and is at the beginning of the compression cycle. In Figure 9-2B, the compression stroke has been completed. The discharge valve opens and the delivery stroke begins; the gas is delivered at a constant pressure as shown in Figure 9-2C. Next, the expansion stroke occurs, as shown in Figure 9-20. Both valves remain closed. The small amount of gas trapped is expanded, leading to a reduction in pressure inside the cylinder. In the next step (Figure 9-2E), the inlet valve opens and the intake cycle begins, filling the cylinder with gas again. Reciprocating compressors are the older type, with more moving parts and hence a lower mechanical efficiency and higher maintenance costs. The}' are still very widely used, and are available for all pressure and capacity ranges. Typically, they have a volumetric rate up to 30,000 cfm (cubic feet per minute) and a discharge pressure up to 10,000 psig. o B . '~~ 0=- EXPANSION E c Rotary Positive-Displacement Compressors In this type, the positive action of rotating elements is used for compression and displacement. Rotary compressors usually offer low pressure differentials. but can handle large quantities of low-pressure gas at compara- DISCHARGE Figure 9-2. The variouS steps in a reciprocating compressor cycle. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982: courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) • 39B 399 Gas Compression Gas ProdllctiOfI Engineering tively low horsepower. They are easy to install, operate and maintain, and are used primarily in distribution systems where the pressure differential between suction and discharge is quite small. The four types of rotary compressors, indicated in Figure 9-1, are described as follows. (\~ I Sliding- Vane Compres:!lOrs The sliding-vane oompr~or consists of axial vanes that slide in a identical in operation to the reciprocating compressor, except that it no valves. The inlet and discharge conditions are determined by the location of the vanes that move over the inlet and discharge ports. The compression cycle begins when the leading vane of each pocket uncovers the intake port, as ~hown in Figure 9-~. As the rotor turns, the pocket volume decreases and gas IS compressed, until the discharge port is uncovered by the leading vane of each pocket. Because this discharge point is prefixed in the design, the rotary sliding-vane compressor always compresses gas to the design pressure, regard.l~ of the pressure in the receiver into which it is discharging. Shdmg-vane compressors can typically handle 3,000 cfm of gas, with a maximum discharge pressure of 50 psig per compression stage. They are primarily used as air compressors, boosters, and vacuum pumps. ROTOR WlTl'1 NDN-I>IETAlliC SLIDING VANES. GAS IS GRADUAllY COI>IPR[SSEO AS POCKETS GET SI>IAllER DlSCHARGf AS ROTOR TURN~, GAS IS TRAPIN POCkETS FORMED 8Y VANES Figure 9-4. The operating cycle of a rotary two-impeller straight-lobe compressor. (From Compressed Ai, and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy ollngersoll·Rand Co.) Two-Impeller Stmight·/A.lhe Compressors Also known as rotary blower, the rotary two-impeller straight-lobe compressor consists of two identical rotors (or impellers) mounted symmetrically in a casing (Figure 9-4). The rotors usually have a cross section similar to the numeral eight. The two rotors intermesh, and rotate in opp05ite directions. One of the rotors is driven directly, while the other is driven and kept in phase by means of phasing/timing gears. The rotors do not directly compress the gas or reduce its volume and there is no internal compression; they merely transmit the gas from the inlet to the discharge. Compression occurs by backflow into the casing from the discharge line at the time the discharge port is uncovered. It is a simple device. with no contact between the rotors or between rotors and casing. The operation is shown in Figure 9-4, with the light shading indicating gas at inlet pressure, and the dark shading indicating gas at discharge pressure. Rotary blowers can typically handle gas at 15,000 cfm, with a maximum discharge pressure of 20 psig or less per compression stage. Liquid·Piston Compressors COMPRESSED GAS IS PUSHED OUT Tl'1ROUGH DISCHARGE PORT Figure 9·3. The steps involved in compression lor a rotary sliding-vane comt~.)sor. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Liquid-piston compressors use water or another liquid as the piston to compress and displace the gas. They are not used much in the natural gas industry. • '00 Gas Production Engineering IlelicaJ-LoJH or SpiraI·Lobe Cas Compression COlnptTSlJOra Helical-lobe compressors use two helical-type intermeshing rotors, giving a d~harge pressure typically up to ISO psig per compression stage for gas f10wmg at 3.000 elm. They are primarily used for vacuum and specialty applications at moderate pressum;:, but have not found significant application in the natural gas industry. Dynamic Compressors • .01 impeller. The velocity thus generated is converted into pressure partly in the impeller itself, and partly in stationary diffusers following the impeller. Centrifugal compressors have low maintenance costs because they have fewer moving parts-only the shaft and impeller rotate. Delivery is continuous, without cyclic variations. The discharge pressure from a single stage is about 100 psig, but the flow capacity is very high, up to about 100,000 cfm. They adapt easily to multistage operations, enabling greater compression. Multistage centrifugal compressor units with two or more impellers in series, each with its own radial diffuser. are often built as a single unit. as shown in Figure 9-6. Dynamic compressors operate by transferring energy from a rotating set of blades to the gas. The rotor effects this energy transfer by changing the pressure and momentum of the gas. The Olomentum also is subsequently converted into pressure by reducing the gas velocity in stationary blades or diffusers. The three types of dynamic compressors are as follows . VOLUTE /OIFFUSER hVOI..UTE'I OIHUSE~ VOLUTE f-__-:____L-__:'O:'L':":T,;O' I STR[Afroj LINE SPACER II _~-IMP[LL[R---:f--fl-_ _ RADIAL _ _\---"~ DIFFUSER • / ' - '" , ::::::::::::::::::: VOLUl£ OLLECTOR Figure 9-6. Cross-sectional view 01 a typical multistage uncooled centrifugal compressor. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of ingersollRand Co.) ARROWS SHOW DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW Figure 9-5. A typical overhung-impeller single-stage centrifugal compressor. (From Compressed Afr and Gas Data. 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) Ce1ltrifogal ComprTlflOrl In centrifugal compressors, gas flow is radial, and the energy transfer is e~fected predominantly by changing the centrifugal forces acting on the gas. F~gure 9-5 shows a single-stage centrifugal compressor. The impeller has radIal or backward leaning vanes usually between two shrouds. The mechanical action of the rapidly rotating impeUer vanes force the gas through the Axial-Flow Com~rll In axial-flow compressors, gas flow is parallel to the compressor shaft (axial), because unlike centrifugal compressors, there is no vortex action. Energy is transferred by means of a number of stages of blades. Each stage consists of two rows of blades-one row (mounted on the rotor) rotating, and the next row (mounted on the casing or stator) stationary. Both the rotor and stator contribute almost equally to the pr~ure rise generated by the axialflow compressor. It is a high-speed. large-capacity machine with characteristics quite different from the centrifugal type of compressor. A multistage axial-flow dynamic compressor is shown in Figure 9-7. 402 Gu, Production EFlgint'erillf( Gas Comprurion 403 Ejectors generally give a relatively small compression ratio. But they have no moving parts. so that maintenance and wear is minimum. Although they can handle liquid carryover without physical damage, they should not be exposed to a steady flow of liquid. Figure 9·7. Cross-sectional view of a typical axial·flow dynamic compressor (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll·Rand Co.) '" .\tixed-FfoU' CompreSllOrs These have gas flow that is in between axial and centrifugal, and combine some characteristics of both the centrifugal and axial types. Because of the long length required for each stage, mixed-flow compressors are generally not used as multistage units. ---- SHAM Figure 9--8. Pressure and velocity variations within a steam Jet ejector handhng air. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) • Ejectors Compressor Selection An ejector consists of a relatively high-pressure motive steam or gas nozzle discharging a high-velocity jet across a suction chamber into a venturishaped diffuser (Figure 9-8). The gas to be compressed is entrained by the jet in the suction chamber, resulting in a high velocity mixture at the pressure of the steam or gas emanating from the nozzle. The diffuser provides the compression by converting the velocity of the mixture into pressure. The drop in velocity and rise in pressure along the diffuser length is shown in Figure 9-8. Temperature changes are similar to pressure changes, and follow the pressure curve quitecloseJy. The gas is separated from steam in condensers (coolers) that also seT\'e to reduce the gas temperature. Ejectors are generally used to compress from pressures below atmospheric (vacuum) to near atmospheric discharge pressures, such as for pumping waste gases and vapors out of a system. A similar design, known as a thermal compressor, is used for compressing gas from atmospheric to above atmospheric pressures. Thermal compfeW)fS are used where available energy in gas or ~team, instead of being wasted, may be used for compression. Several factors must be considered in selecting a compressor for a particular application. A multistage compression system may use different compressor types for its stages in order to optimize performance or enable more desirable operating features. Some major considerations in selecting compressors are described in this section. The discussion is limited to the two principal types of compressors used most commonly for handling natural gas: reciprocaU'lg, and centrifugal dynamic compressors. In some cases, the analysis can be quite complex and these general guidelines may not be suffi. cient. It is best in such cases to discuss the particular situation with the compressor manufacturers themsel\'es. em Characteristica Cas characteristics such as the ratio of specific heats, compressibility, or moisture content, do not affect the choice of compressor type. Cas composi- CD.J Compression 404 tion. however, significantly affects centrifugal compressors-many more stages are required if the inlet gas density is low. Positive-displacement compressors are not much affected by the gas molecular weight, specific gravity. or inlet density. Flow 405 CO.J Production Engineering (high flow rate -> centrifugal (but for low variation), low flow rate-> reciprocating (even for high variation)) Rat~ For higher f10y, cracking of the lubricating oils. None of the compressors has any signifiadvantage in this respect; intercoolers are required to be used between can es to overcome high_temperature problems. Were h lb" st u ncahng-Ol'1 a~ng and contamination problems are particularly severe, special par~~y_lubricated or nonlubricated reciprocating compressors may be more suitable than the centrifugal compressors. '" t (centrigugal considered better if source is turbine, and reciprocating better if the source is an electric motor) rales, centrifugal machines may be used for the lower atively lower flow rates, the reciprocating compressor can be used for all the stages. F1ow-rate variation is another factor. Reciprocating compressors can handle enormous flow-rate variations with little loss in efficiency. Centrifugal compressors, howe\'er, do not perform efficiently below 50-90% of their rated capacity. In general, reciprocating compressors are more flexible in handling various t)'I>es and sizes of gas f10wstreams than centrifugal compressors. Cumprnriol1 Ratioll Ulltl Operatil1g Prnt¥Urn (low ratio= centrifugal, high ratio= reciprocating) Low compression ratios with moderate capacities favor centrifugal com- pressors. High compression ratios and higher pressures favor reciprocating compressors. Because too many other factors are involved, defining a precise borderline between these two types is difficult. Variations in inlet and discharge pressures are important to consider also. In reciprocating compressors, if the inlet (suction) pressure is lowered while maintaining the same discharge pressure, the overall horsepower is lowered, the differential pressure of all but the last stage is lowered, and the pressure differential and temperature rise of the last stage are increased. If the suction pressure to the first stage is increased, horsepower of the complete system increases, pressure differential across all but the last stage is increased, while the pressure differential and temperature rise in the last stage are low- ered. In centrifugal compresson, if the suction pressure is raised, the discharge pressure ~iJl increase, frequently beyond the design point, and horsepower will also increase. I£ the suction pressure is lowered, the centrifugal compressor will not compress to the desired discharge pressure. Opemtil1g TffllpnTJtUtn (centrigugal less affected by temparature) Centrifugal compressors are less affected by high or low temperature extremes than reciprocating compressors in which temperature limitations are imposed by the lubricants. However, the maximum discharge temperature must generall), be kept within some limit to avoid operating problems such The power source to or nvmg e compressor a. I uences choice. Generally, the driver is selected based upon available power source(s), the heat balance or utilization, waste gas use, and other factors. Centrifugal compressors are always preferred if the driver must ~ a turbine; reciprocating type are preferred if the driver must be an electriC ~otor. This is so because motor-driven reciprocating compressors can be dlTec~ly driven by the motor, whereas motor-driven centrifugal compressors requue gears for increasing the speed. The opposite is true for turbines. Foundation and Floor Spau (less foundation need for centrifugal and more for reciprocating) The centrifugal compressor is usually favorable from the point of vie\\ of floor space and foundation requirements. Reciprocating compressors .g~ner­ ally produce some unbalanced forces during their ope.rati?n, ~ulTlng a foundation that will support their dead weight plus mamtam alignment of the compressor and driver by absorbing the unbalanced forces that may be present. Contil1uity of o,Jer(ltimi The value of lost production usually exceeds the actual cost of repairs, and continuity of operation or availability becomes an important ~actor. ~y­ namic compressors can operate uninterrupted for a longer perIod of bme and their malfunctioning (stoppage) is more predictable than reciprocating compressors. However, the average yearly availability of both compressor types is very high and quite similar. Capital C03'~ It is difficult to compare the cost of centrifugal compressors versus rec.iprocating compressors. For the same \'olume, pressure, and other compressIOn factors, gas specific gravity influences the cost of the centrifugal compressor but not the reciprocating compressor. Often, the cost of the driver is used. as a cost criterion. As stated earlier, if the power source is conducive to turbme operations, then the centrifugal compressor will be cheaper. • Ga.r Production Enginemng Operating CQIIU Ca$ Comprarion (reciprocating better than centrifugal in terns of operating cost) The operating cost, consisting mainly of the cost of power, throughout the service life of a compr~r far exceeds the capital costs and is therefore a more important consideration. The reciprocating compressor is inherentl} more efficient than the centrifugal compressor, except at very low compression ratios. Very large volumes, low compression ratios, and low discharge pressures favor the centrifugal compressor from an operating cost viewpoint. Maintenance '07 (9-2) where k is the isentropic exponent, which is equal to the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) and the specific heat at constant volume (c.) for the gas (as discussed in Chapter 7 also): (9-3) where cp and c. are in Btu/lbmole. COfIU It is generally accepted that for the same gas that is clean, non-corrosive, and under the same terminal pressure conditions, maintenance is less on the centrifugal compressor than the reciprocating compressor. For more difficult compression problems, maintenance requirements for both compressor types increase, and become more nearly equal, though the centrifugal compressor will frequently require a little less maintenance. In thermodynamic terms, Cp for ideal gases is given by: C, - (ah) aT, - Iff) And c. for ideal gases is given by: c" _ (au) _(ah) _R aT, aT p Compression Processes Gas compression processes can be thermodrnamically characterized into three types: isothermal compression, isentropic or adiabatic re\·ersible compression, and polytropic compression. - c, - R - I(T) implying that for ideal gases, c, - c, - R - C, - 1.986 • (9-4) Isothermal Compression Isothermal compression occurs when the temperature is kept constant during the compression process. The pressure-volume behavior of the gas is given by: (9-1) where Ph pz - gas pressures at states 1 and 2, respectively - gas volumes at states 1 and 2, respectively C - constant V I, V 2 where h - specific molal enthalpy, Btu/lbmole u '" specific molal internal energy, Btu llbmole T '* temperature, OR R ... gas constant. equal to 1.986 BtuiJbmole Thus, c p and c.. are functions of temperature only for ideal gases. For real gases, however, Cp and c. are functions of both pressure and temperature: c" c" - l(p, T) and Cp - c.. is given by Equation 3-5i (Figure 3-(7): Isentropic Compression C, - The compression process is adiabatic reversible or isentropic (constant entropy) if the gas behaves as an ideal gas, no heat is added to or removed from the gas during compression, and the process is frictionless. The pres· sure-volume behavior of a gas under isentropic compression or expansion is given by: 2 c. _ - T (.p/aT), (ap/aVh The more complex the molecular structure, the higher the Cp is for the gas. Using Equation 9-4, c.. can be eliminated, and k can be expressed for ideal gases as: ... Cas Production Engincmng k -~- c. c,. - c,. I. 986 Ga! Compre:Rion (9-5) and _k__ k- 1 , 1.986 ,," ~ ~ • ,, ~ ~ I Polytropic Compression For "real" gases under actual conditions (with friction and heat transfer), the compression process is polytropic, where the poi)tropic exponent n applies instead of the adiabatic exponent k: (9-7) Characteristics of Compression Processes Isothermal compression is difficult to achieve, because it is not possible commercially to remove the heat of compression as rapidly as it is generated. Adiabatic compression is also not possible in practice because it is difficult to prevent heat exchange during the compression-expansion C)'CIes. Most positive-displacement comp~rs, however, approach adiabatic behavior, and are designed using the adiabatic compression/expansion process. Other compressors are designed using the polytropic cycle, which includes the effect of non-ideal gas under non-ideal conditions. and makes no assumptions regarding the compression Procf'S'i. The adiabatic process is reversible, while the other two types are irreversible. Figure 9-9 shows the theoretical zero-clearance work (or horsepower) necessary to compress a gas between any two pressure limits for various compression processes. For a given process, the area under its pressure-volume curve indicates its theoretical work requirements. The isothermal compression process gives the minimum theoretical compression work requirements (area ADEF). whereas the adiabatic compression process gives the m~um theoretical compression work requirements (area ABEF). A polytropiC compression process for reciprocating compressors with water*cooled cylinders generally exhibits theoretical compression work requirements that are in between the upper and lower limits of the adiabatic and isothermal compression processes, respectively (area ACEF). On the other hand, a poly_ tropic ~mpression process for uncooled dynamic compressors typically has theoretical compression work requirements that exceed even the adiabatic process (area AC'EF). ,, M:-POLYTfIM'IC AI·AOI .... ATIC AC-POLTTAOPIC .-~ ~~.I~ '\ \:~ " ' AO-lSOTH(AM'L ~ (9-6) -- c .--c \~ .~, i, W ~ 0 ... '" H FI gure 9·9. Theoretical pres· S ure-volume relationships for ,arious gas compressIon pro· TKEOA(TlCU I ,NO Cl(l,AAMC[ ,:"'>, ~~ ,, , G '09 cesses (From Compressed Air 8 nd Gas A Data, 1982; courtesy of g.e.r:sol.l:Baod Co ) ,-, VOLUME • 1 The horsepower requirements for an adiabatic or polytropic compression process can be reduced by making the process approach isothermal compres· sion, such as by using multiple stages with intercoolers between the stages. This, in fact , is one important purpose of intercoolers between multistage compressors. Reciprocating compressors most common1y cool the gas to its original intake temperature between the compressions stages that are frequently built as a single unit driven from a single crankshaft. Dynamic compressors, however, have several stages in the same casing, normally without any intercooling. To improve compression efficiency of dynamic units, their internal diffusers or diaphragms are sometimes water·cooled, and the gas is intercooled in external heat-exchangers after every few stages of compression. Exponents for the Isentropic and Polytropic Processes The exponent k can be determined using Equation 9·3 if Cp and Co. are known, or from Equation 9·5 if Cp is known for the gas. As discussed in Chapter 3, the low p~ure c~ can be determined using Equation 3·59 (by Hankinson et al.) if the gas gravity, but not the composition, is known; or by Kay's mixing rule if the gas composition is known. This low pressure cp can be corrected for p~ure using Figure 3·19 and the gas pseudoreduced pres· Sure and temperature. For natural gases in the gravity range O.55<y.< 1, k at a temperature of 150°F can be determined using the following empirical relationship (Ikoku, 1984), (k) 1!'iO'~': 2.738 - log Yl 2.328 (9-81 • 410 Ga.~ GO! Compres.rlon Productwn Enl':ineering Although the exponent n actually changes during compression, an effective or average value. determined experimentally for a given gas and compressor type. is generally used. The value of n may be lower or higher than k: n is usually less than k for positive-displacement and internally-cooled dynamic compressors, whereas the opposite is true for uncooled dynamic unit~ due to internal gas friction. 411 The value of n is experimentally determined using the ideal gas law (Pv ... nRT) along with the polytropic compression/expansion relationship given by Equation 9-7, resulting in: T! "" /P2)(n-ll,n _ T(n II'n ~I Tl (9-9) where Ph p~ = TJ. T2 = r _ n ... pressures at states 1 and 2, respectively temperatures at states 1 and 2, respectively pressure ratio. equal to P2iPI polrtropic exponent In compression terminology, PI and P2 are the compressor inlet and discharge pressures, respectively, and r is called the compression ratio. Equation 9-9 relates the intake pressure and temperature and the discharge pressure and temperature for a compre.w>r using the pol}tropic compression cycle, or the isentropic compression cycle if n is replaced by k: • (9- 10) , Figure 9-10 may be used for solving Equation 9-9 or 9-10. Another way of estimating n is by using correlations for polytropic efficiency, as shown in Figure 9-11. The pol~1ropic efficiency. 'lp. relates nand k as follows: (k - l ), k 1)/n (9- 11) "lip - (n IHLET VOLUME - ]oil/MIN so u• 100 tOO _00 toO •~• ,." • < " • n ~ ""',' .•' ' .,... ,'~ " ,.,-," ... .. ::':~'::::-':' .,,~., -:-::.;:.:::::.... .... 4 _ ....... Figure 9·10. Theoretical discharge temperatures for single·stage compression Read r to k to T, to T2 . (From Engineering Data Book. 1981 . courtesy of GPSA.) :000 V u u 1000 ~ - - ~ " ~• " • , '. Figure 9-11. Approximate polytropic compression efficiency of a dynamic compressor versus inlet capacity. (From Compressed Air and Gas Dara, 1982: cour· tesy ollngersoU-Rand Co.) ./ - : I I; I V- ,, • , , Z 1 , INLET YO\..UfIj[ - ,, • . 0 IIZO 100)010000 THOUSOlNOS ~ cr ... • GQ3 Productiorl Engineering Cas Compres.rion NO.te that '1p relates the quantities (k - 1)/k and (n - 1)/ n, which are reqUired more often than k or n. Exampk 9.1. A gas is being compressed from 100 psia and 150°F to 2,500 psia. Determine its compression parameters (k, Z, 'YJ at the suction end. The gas has the following composition (expressed as mole fraction): C, - 0.9216, C, - 0.0488, C, - 0.0185, i - C~ - 0.0039, n - C4 .. 0.0055, i - C~ _ 0.0017 C, C, C, i-C 4 n-C 4 i-Cs y, M, 0.9216 0.0488 0.0185 0.0039 0.0055 0.0017 16.043 30.070 44.097 58.124 58.124 72.151 '" 667.8 707.8 616.3 529.1 550.7 490.4 To c" 343.1 549.8 665.7 734.7 765.4 828.8 8.95 13.78 19.52 25.77 25.81 31.66 M .. Ey,M; .. 17.737lbm/lbmole Therefore, 1'1 - MI28.97 .. 17.737/28.97 = 0.612 ))pc, - I:YiPci" 667.313 psia, and TI'" -- I:ylT d _ 363.831 oR Therefore, PP, = p/Pp.." 100/667.313 _ O.ISO and T p, - From the perspective of compressor users such as gas engineers, compres· sor design involves only the determination of compressor capacity and power requirements for a given application, in order to select the t}1Je and size of compressor required. Multistaging Solution Camp. Compressor Design Fundamentals TlTpr " (460 + 150) /363.831 "" 1.677 There are practical limits to the permissible amount of compression for a single compression stage. The limitations vary with the type of compressor, and include the follOWing: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discharge temperature-all types. Compression efficiency (energy requirements)-all t}1JeS. Mechanical stress (rod loading) problems- all types. Pressure rise or differential-dynamic units, and most lX>Sitive-displacement units. 5. Compression ratio-dynamic units. 6. Effect of clearance-reciprocating units. Whenever any limitation is im'olved, it becomes necessary to use multiple compression stages (in series). Furthermore, muJtistaging may be required from a purely optimization standpoint. For example, with increasing compression ratio r, compression efficiency decreases and mechanical stress and temperature problems become more severe. Therefore, if a greater compression ratio is desired, multiple compression stages must be used. Intercoolers are generally used between the stages to increase compression efficiency as well as to lower the gas temperature that may become undesirably high (as given by Equation 9-9 or 9-10), especially for high compression ratios. From Figure 3-2, the gas Z factor at suction == 1.0 Compressor Design Methods C; - I:Y4 .. 9.578 Btu/lbmole-°R From Figure 3-19, for Pl"" O.ISO, and T p, " 1.677, ACp" 0.15 Btul lbmole-°R. Therefore, Cp .. c;: + ACp - 9.578 + 0.15 .. 9.728 Btullbmole-°R - 0.548 Btu/lbm·oR Fwm Equation 9-5, k - c,J(c, - 1.986) - 9.728/(9.728 _ 1.9B6) - 1.2565 The design of each compression stage is best considered separately because of pressure losses and temperature changes in the intercoolers and piping between the stages, condensation (if any) of water vapor from the gas, and the consequent volume changes of the gas. The three methods used for compressor design calculations are: (1) anal}tic expressions derived from basic thermodynamic relationships; (2) enthalpy versus entropy charts, commonly known as Mollier diagrams, for ideal isentropic compression processes; and (3) empirical "quickie" charts. frequently provided by compressor manufacturers for quick estimates. The method to use depends upon the accuracy desired and the amount of data available. In many cases, very great accuracy is not required: compressors • are rarely chosen to satisfy a given requirement very precisely. Overdesign is quite common in order to provide an operating safety factor and to ensure that expensive compression equipment is not required to be enhanced or replaced for relatively small capacity increases in the flOWing system. All three methods. therefore, Bnd application in determining the compressor to use. (9-14) From the ideal gas law, for a unit mass of gas: ZIRT I Th~ AC'OOrding to the general energy equation (Equation ;·2 in Chapter j. the theoretical work required to compress a unit mass of gas from pressure PI at state 1 to ~ at state 2 is given by: Jp, Vdp + .lvz!2g.. + (glg.J.6z + I" I':l (9-12) where w - \",'ork done by the compressor on the gas, ft.lbf/lbm V .. volume of a unit mass of gas, ft1llbm p .. pressure, Ibf/ft 2 v - gas flow velOCity, (t/sec z .. elevation above a datum plane, ft I" '" lost work due to friction and irreversibilitie.s, ft-lbfllbm g .. gravitational acceleration (= 32.17 ft /sec2) g.. - conversion constant re1ating mass and weight ( _ 32.17Ibm-ft Ibf-sec') Neglecting frictional losses, and the changes in kinetic and potential energies, the energy baJance of Equation 9·12 can be written as: w - J p, (9-13) where C is a constant, Upon integration, Equation 9-13 becomes: ~ k- 1 CI k(~k intake pressure, psia intake volume, ft1 molecular weight of the gas, Ibm.'lbmole gas compressibility factor at intake conditions gas constant ( 10.732 psia-ft1llbmole- O R) gas intake temperature. OR gas specific gravity (air - 1 basis) Substituting for R and neglecting ZI which is unity for intake conditions at or near atmospheric, we obtain: (10.732)T, PlY' - (9-15) (28.97h~ Substituting for PIV I from Equation 9-15 into Equation 9-14: k (53.345)T, ((k r k-l )'11: w-~_ Ii k _ 1) • (9-16) r - (P2,'PI) is the compression ratio w _ compression work. ft-Ibf.lbm We usually need. to compute the compression power per MM.scfd of gas flow, rather than the work \v required per pound-mass of gas, Now, Substituting for V from Equation 9·2, we get: w _ where PI '" V,,.. M "" Z ~ "" TI "" )'~ "" where JPtp, Vdp w - Cl k 1'1 p lkdp ZIRT, PI V, '" ~ .. (28.9i h K Analytic ",pproach w - 415 Gas Compressioll Cas PrUc/llcti(m Engilleerillg 414 I).k _ p\k-I)'k] k .. k -1 PI(C/pl)Ik[(Pt/PI)lk-llk - IJ Converting pressure p from units of Ibf/fi2 to lbf/in.!, and substituting for Ci PI from Equation 9-2, we get: 1 ft+lbf _ 1 ft-Ibf/min Ibm Ibm/ min The gas flow rate in Ibm/min can be converted to MMscfd as follows: z..,RT"" sef/min _ 1O.732T", :.t..'T __ ~I OlIO . 1 Ibm/min ____ p."M 28.97)'iCP.., _ (1440)(10.732)T. MM"'lday (28.97)(IO'h,p.. Using this and the fact that 1 hp - 33,000£/ min: 416 Cas Compression 1 ft·lbf _ (28.97)(IO'h,p.(II33.000) hp Ibm (1440)(10.732)T. MMocflday _ (O.0568056h,v.. Toe The compressor discharge temperature C;1n be calculated using Equation 9-9 for polytropic compression or Equation 9-10 for isentropic compression. The heat removed in the intercoolers or aftercooler can be calculated using the average specific heat at constant pressure, (Cpl." as fol1ows: hp Mr-.lscfd Equation 9-16 can now be written in terms of the ideal horsepower per "H - n,(c,).. "T (9-21) MM.scfd. IHpiMM.scFd (hp MMscfd), required for compressing the gas through a compression ratio r as follows: where IHP M~""fd _ 3.0303 p.,T I _k_ TIC (r1k-llk _ 1) k- 1 (9-17) .o.H ., heat remo ....ed, Btu n>l. - numher of mole«: of gas being cooled (Cp)., - constant pressure molal specific heat of the gas at cooler pressure and average cooler temperature, Btu/lbmole-°f .o.T '" difference in gas temperature between the inlet and outlet of the cooler, of where PI<' (psia) and T sc (OR) aTC the standard conditions of pressure and temperature, respectively, at which the standard cubic feet is defined. Thus, Mollia Cha,.ts the ideal (or theoretical) horsepower required for compre;sing Ck MMscfd gas measured at pressure PO(' psia and temperature To< oR is given by: Mol1ier charts for a gas are plots of enthalpy versus entropy as a function of pressure and temperature. Mollier charts for natural gases with specific gravities in the range of 0.6 to 1.0 are shown in Figures 9-12 through 9-17. IHP _ 3.0303 q,..p..T! _k_ To< (TI1- If k _ 1) k- 1 (text continued on page 419) (9.18) • where k is the specific heat ratio at suction conditions. This analysis assumed an ideal gas. Where deviation from ideal·gas behavior is significant, Equation 9-18 is empirically modified in several different ways. One such modification is: (9-19) where Zl, ~ - gas compressibility factors at the suction and discharge, respectively Tl - inlet temperature, oR i, Ii "i ,.. > Temperature can be eliminated in Equation 9-19 if the gas flow rate is measured at suction temperature Tl (OR): IHP _ 3.0303 Q.IP.(ZI + z,) _k_ (rHI" _ I) 2Z 1 k- 1 < • (9-20) where q.l is the gas flow rate in MMscfd measured at any arbitrary pressure p. psia and suction temperature Tl oR. A similar analytic expression can be deri\'ed for the polytropic compression process also. Figure 9· 12. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for O.60..gravity natural gas. (Alter Brown, 1945; courtesy of SPE of AiM E.) 41' cOJ Compression 419 '." !, , i • i, •< ! ;, • f '." ,; i, , • •> • Figure 9-13. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for O.70-gravity natural gas. (After Brown. 1945; courtesy of SPE 01 AIM E.) , EntrOO>Y. BIY I*' " 1>OU"Id-_ . 8 10 12 1* <Io9rM Figure 9-15. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for a.90-gravity natural gas_ (After Brown, 1945; courtesy of SPE of AIME.) (text continued from page 417) !, '." '." II ;l f • [tt,. . .". 8tu ."'0'". poor _ " " - _ _ ...... Figure 9-14. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for O.SO-gravity natural gas. (After Brown, 1945; courtesy of SPE of AIM E.) This method is a fairly good technique for solving comp~ion problems for compressors that exhibit isentropic (ideal) compression, such as the reciprocating compressors, provided a Mollier chart is available for the gas being compressed. On a Mollier chart, an isothermal compression PI"()CeSS can be traced by following the constant temperature lines, whereas an isentropic compression process can be traced simply as a verticalJine parallel to the ordinate. Inter· cooling, a constant·pressure (isobaric) process, is represented by following the constant pressure lines. Thus, an ideal compression process can be represented on a Mollier diagram, and the state of the gas (pressure, temperature, enthalpy, entropy) at the beginning or end of a compression process can be determined directly. Figures 9-18 and 9-19 show such a procedure for a sin· g1e-stage and two-stage reciprocating compressor, respectively. In Figure 9-18, inlet gas is compressed isentropically from the inlet conditions repre· sented by point 1 to the outlet conditions represented by point 2. Point 1 is determined by the given pressure and temperature conditions at the suction end. whereas point 2 is known from the desired compression ratio (or dis· charge pressure). Figure 9-19 shows a two-stage compression process with an intercooler between the two stages and an aftercooler. The dotted line 1-2 • 420 Gaj ProdllC'tion J.:lIgineering COJ indicates isentropic compression in the first stage. The gas is then cooled in the intercooler at constant pressure, as shown by line 2-3. Line 3-4 shows the second isentropic compression stage, and line 4·5 shows the isobaric cooling in the aftercooler. Neglecting heat transfer from the gas to the compression equipment and surroundings. lost work due to friction. and kinetic energy changes, the energy balance can be expressed as: , •! ,.. ... , ,I • i (9-22) where , •• 421 Cornpre3rion w - work done by the compressor on the gas, Btu .6.H - change in enthalpy of the gas, Btu n, - number of moles of gas being compressed, lbmoles hI> h2 "" enthalpies of the gas at the compressor inlet and discharge, respectively, Btu/lbmole • A lot of useful information regarding the compression process can be in- -. E~""",,_ 8,~ _ ferred from MolHer diagrams_ Referring to the Mollier diagram of Figure " , -.0><1-"""" po.dtW.. 9-19 for example, the net change in enthalpy (h z - h i) is known, and the work done in the first stage of compression can be computed using Equation Figure 9-16. Enthalpy-entropy diagram lor 1.O-gravity natural gas. (After Brown, 1945; courtesy of SPE 01 AIM E.) 9-22. Similarly, the work done in the second compression stage can be calculated using the enthalpy change (h.. - hJ). Intercooling requirements (heat removed in the intercooler) are given by the difference in enthalpy beN'een I f, I I •I ~ c I'z • -11 -'4 -12 -10 -I -I _ , -2 ("''''''Y. "" - 0 2 111-- _ , I • 10 12 14 1 """" • Figure 9-17. Enthalpy-entropy diagram for O.70-gravity natural gas containing 10% nrtrogen. (After Brown, 1945; courtesy of SPE of AIM E.) ENTROPY Figure 9-18. Mollier diagram of a single-stage compression process. • 422 Gas Production Engineering Gas Compression '23 hi - enthalpy of gas at intake, Btu/lbmole hz ,., enthalpy of gas at discharge, Btu/lbmole This power requirement in Btu/day can be converted to horsepower, IHP in hp, as follows: STAGE-I o 1 hp 778.2 ft-lbffmin ng(hz - hlH Btu/day IHP ,. 33,000 ft-Ibf/ min Btu/m in 1440 min/day (i) 1.6376 x 10 - ~ n,:(h z - hi ) t (9-24) where IHP - ideal compression horsepower required. hp. G) ® <V KNOCKOUT ORUMSnO REMO .... E CONOENSEO LIQUID" ® @ COMPRESSORS .FIRST AND SECOND STAGB. ® ® INTERSTAG[ COOLER/INTtRCOOLER AI'"TERCOOL [R - PRESSURE, PSIA Empirical "Quickie" Charts This method uses actual compressor manufacturers' charts that relate compression horsepower requirements to the applicable compression process variables. This method has its advantages- it is simple and easy to use. and it directly gives the actual requirements that include efficiency and other factors for the actual real compressor. However, because only the most important compression variables are considered and the charts are quite spe_ cific for some assumed gas and compressor type, this method may not be very accurate or more generally applicable to all cases. Usually, it gives slightly higher results than the other two more exact methods. Further details regarding this approximate empirical method of compressor design are discussed in succeeding sections on the design of reciprocating and centrifugal compressors. Estimating the Actual (Brake) Horsepower From Ideal Horsepower [NTROPY, Bhll'lbmol ·F _ _ Figure 9-19 . Molher diagram of a two-stage compression process. points 2 and 3. Similarly, the heat required to be removed in the aftercooler is equal to the difference in enthalpy between points 4 and 5. The ideal compression power (or rate of work) required is given by: The actual horsepower supplied by the compressor engine or driver is known as brake horsepower (BHP). The BHP required by a compressor is always greater than the ideal or theoretical horsepower IHP. The energy Iosseo; are represented by two t)1>e5 of efficiencies: compression efficiency, "lie. and mechanical efficiency of the compressor, "11m' Compression efficiency is the ratio of the theoretical work requirement for a given process (IHP) to the actual work required within the compressor cylinder or shaft to compress and deliver the gas (CUP): (9-23) where P - compression power required. BtuJday ng - number of moles of gas being compressed t - time for compression, days oc. (9-25) • Cal Compression The compression efficiency fie includes effects due to thermodynamic deviations from the theoretical compression process (such as gas turbulence and heating of the incoming gas), and fluid friction and leakage 1U'iSeS. For reciprocating compressors, it may also include a factor known as volumetric efficiency, to be discussed later. Compression efficiency does not include mechanicallU'iSeS. Besides some factors related to the compressor itseU that may affect the compression process, compression efficiency is significantly affected by the operating conditions, such as suction pressure, compression ratio, and compressor ~~ and loading. The degree to which these factors affect compression efficiency, however, is different for different compressor types. Mechanical efficiency, defined as the ratio of the compression power required within the compression chamber to the actual horsepower supplied to it, includes frictional JU'iSeS in compressor packings and bearings, piston ringo;, and other moving parts: BHP = GHP + mechanical losses "" GHP 'm (9-26) The mechanical efficiency. flm' is related to the compressor type, its design details, and the mechanical condition of the unit; the operating parameten; of the compression process do not affect it significantly. The BHP can be directly computed from IHP using an overall efficiency factor, fI: BHP~ IHP (9-27) • 425 compression to overcome the several limitations. such as compression ratio achievable, inherent in single-stage compression. In designing reciprocating compressors, the compression ratio r is rarely allowed to exceed a value of 4.0, and a r ::S 6 is considered the practical limit. Theoretically, the total power required is a minimum when perfect intercooling is provided, there is no pressure loss between the stages, and the compression ratio in each stage is the same. Thus, the optimum compression ratio for each stage is given by: (9-28) where rop< r, .. n,. .. Pd .. P... optimum compression ratio per stage total compression ratio desired total number of stages final discharge pressure, psia suction pressure at the very first stage, psia If intercoolers are provided between the stages, reduce the theoretical intake prac;ure of each stage by about 3% to allow for interstage pressure drop. This is equivalent to dividing the theoretical r from Equation 9-28 by (O.97)'·~. In practice. although Equation 9-28 results in minimum power, the net work or energy required varies oo1y by a fraction of a percent for relatively large variations in the compression ratios for individual stages. This is an important fact, often used for flexibility in design for economic and technical reasons. where the overall efficiency, fI, is equal to the product of the compression and mechanical ef£iciencies: Exam,m 9-2. For the problem given in Example9-1, what is the compression ratio and how many reciprocating compressor stages are required if: (a) intercooUng is not provided, and (b) intercooling is provided. In most modern compressors, 'Ie is in the range of 83% to 93% and '1m ranges from 88% to95% (Ikoku, 1984). Thus, the overall compression efficiency 'I ( - 'le'l",) ranges from 73 % to 88 % for most modern compressors. Solution (a) Without intercooling. Designing Reciprocating Compressors Number of Stages The first parameter in designing a compression system is to determine the number of stages. As discussed earUer, it becomes necessary to use multistage From Equation 9.28, rop! - (Pd/p,V"'''' (2.500/100)]· ... ., 25!· ... For For n. ... 1, r .. 25, which is too high and hence unacceptable. n. .. 2. r .. 5, which is less than 6, hence acceptable. Thus, 2 compression stages are required, giving an r ... 5. • 426 CD", Compression GaJ Prod'lclioll Engineering (b) With intercooling. Allowing for Intcrstage pressure drop, 427 '.----! Copt = (25:'0.97)1 ... _ 25.773 L ... Repeating the procedure, for n. ,., 2. r - 5.077, which is less than 6. hence acceptable. Thus. 2 compression stages are required, gi~;ng an r - 5.077 , • Horsepower Requirements !--<'CfU.l PISTON The ideal horsepower IHP for reciprocating compressors can be obtained using either the analytical method (Equation 9-19 or 9-20) , or Mollier charts along with Equation 9-24. For the anal}tical method, intercooling requireme"l~ can be calculated using Equation 9-21. provided the specific heat for the gas being compressed is known. In the Mollier chart method, intercooliog requirements can be determined directly from the enthalpy change indi o cated on the enthalpy-entropy diagram. The IHP can be converted to brake horse{XIwer requirements using Equation 9-27 if the overall efficiency "If is known. For reciprocating compressors, volumetric (or clearance) efficiency is an important component of compression efficiencY"If< and, consequently. the overall efficiency "If. Volumetric Effu:irtlCy The ....olumetric or clearance efficiency. "If, . of a reciprocating compressor is defined as the ratio of the \'Olume of gas actually delivered, corrected to suction pressure and temperature, to the piston displacement. It represents the efficiency of the compressor cylinder in compressing the gas. and accounts for gas leakage, heating of gas as it enters the compression chamber. throttJing efrect on \·ah·es, re-expansion of trapped gas, etc. The theoretical volumetric efficiency, "If" is a function of the compression ratio and clearance, as follows: _ __ _ YOlUIU Figure 9-20, Pressure-volume diagram for the compression cycle of an actual reciprocating compressor showing the effect of clearance. (9-30) where V I and V3 are the volumes on the pressure-volume diagram shown in Figure 9-20. Volume V3 , representing the ....olume at the cylinder end not swept by the piston, is called clearance volume. Clearance, usually varying from 0.04 to 0.16, limits compressor throughput, and also results in horsepower being wasted in ~imply compressing and re-expanding the trapped g", The actual volumetric efficiency includes factors for other effects such as incomplete filling of the cylinder, leakage. and friction (A), and lubrication (Lu), "lfv-l-A-Lu-Cl where "If, - 1 - (rlk - l )CI where (9-29) r .. compression ratio k .. isentropic exponent for the compression process CI .. clearance, fraction Clearance is defined as the ratio of clearance ....olume to the piston displacement (see Figure 9-20): OtSPl .. t[~("T (z~2," - 1 ) (9-31) A _ factor for incomplete filling of the cylinder, leakage, friction, etc.; it is usually between 0.03 and 0.06 Lu _ compressor lubrication factor, generally 0.05 for non-lubricated compressors and zero otherwise Z" ~ _ gas compressibility factors at the suction and discharge, respectively From Equations 9-29 and 9-31, it is obvious that the volumetric efficiency 1). increases with decreasing compression ratio, r, increasing isentropic expO- , 428 Gat Production Engineering G<u Compression nent, k (for r > 1), and decreasing clearance. CI. These parameters can be varied to alter the volumetric efficiency and, consequently, the flow capacity of a reciprocating compressor. Sometimes clearance is added to reduce the capacity for fixed operating pressure conditions, or to prevent overloading the driver under variable operating pressure conditions by reducing the capacity as compression ratio changes. Figure 9-21 shows the effect of clearance on the volumetric efficiency of reciprocating compressors. The effect of compression ratio (all other factors 429 RATIO-4 CLEARANCE 60 ,l'~ y. ..." "",-<' K '" I'~~ ,'.'...., r~l":- 141. .~~ \~~ "- ~ o 114 PERCENT PISTON DISPLACEMENT 64 6'1. V 16." 'IE o 881""'[ 114 100 121 107 eo 60 40 20 o Figure 9·22. Effect of different co.mpression ratios on the vol~metric efficiency 01 a reciprocating compressor cylinder. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) PERCENT PISTON DISPLACEMENT Figure 9-21 . Effect of clearance on the volumetric efficiency at constant compression ratio for reciprocating compressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) being the same) on volumetric efficiency is sho","T1 in Figure 9-22. Figure 9·23 shows the effect of the specific heat ratio or isentropic exponent, k, on the volumetric efficiency, for a fixed compression ratio and clearance. This discussion may lead one to believe that the clearance CI should be kept as low as ~ible in order to maximize the volumetric efficiency. How· ever, lower clearance may reduce the compression efficiency 11< which de· pemis primarily upon the valve area, just like volumetric efficiency depends primarily upon clearance. To obtain lower clearances, it is necessary to limit the valve area (size and number of valves). Thus, the designer must find the optimum clearance and valve area, depending upon the application desired for the particular compressor design. Direct Determination of Brake Horsepower Brake horsepower (BHP) requirements for reciprocating compressors can be estimated from "quickie" charts. These charts plot the brake horsepower required per million cubic feet of gas per day (BHPIMMcfd), 60 ·N: '~12~2< ~K.ll ",~ w u ~ 40 r ~ '" "'"w t--~~ '":t 20 .. ", ,,, k.140 ~ 1-:-' ,, ~ I o 1l~ • 100 80 ~ ~ " ~, 62,\V[ n.,\ V[ 14''\V[ 60 PERCENT PISTON 40 20 OISPLACEMENT o Figure 9-23. Effect of specific heat ratio k on the volumetric effICiency for a given reciprocating compressor cylinder. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll·Rand Co.) referred to some defined suction pressure and actual intake temperature, versus the compression ratio r for different values or the isentropic exponent k. Figures 9-24. 9.25, and 9·26 show such charts by the Ingersoll. Rand Company (1982), based upon the analytic solution (Equation 9-20) cor(tn' continued on page 433) 430 Cas Compression Gas Production Englfleering IY I" 1/ I" r/ I" 66 f/ 6' 62 I. V/ to- V 0;: il 60 w • •• / /1 V " 17 I} V; ~ IJ'l 1/ V • o z • " , , , I~ :. V/ ,,'RVI A .•, ~ 90 I I 86 V V VI/ / ~ 84 8Z / VI /. / / ~ 78 / / V/ I/.: ' / '/ /' ,• 76 ;j ~ '/ '/ / / 7 • / !/ Ih j0 'i V /' / Y u 7 , /, /, i'l::: 'i V V /' ~~ 70 i-j/ /. /' ~ 68 /. ~ ~ ~ , , '/ / 1/ /' i/ Y ,, '// /' /' /' V V V .. ~ CURVE B ~ , ~ , ~ 'f/ . / I ~ N I!J / V /' /' ,z / / /' '/ V V- /' V / 'i ~ / V V /' y V V- / ' . / 'i V '/. v. /' V V- / ' !/ 1/ ~ ~ ,4 / • 8 / I 4 • 7 =t=l-~ H-- 1/ ,6 / '/ V ~, 5 / , ! ~ '36 :? I~' I • ~ 'J.• • -t i:'oo ,. " , I • i"KJO :!; '6 , I I 2 i!' " • V " " '",. w"'" ~ I , I I '5~<>' • •in t/ '6 ",080 431 ~ ~ V / /' V '/ L 6 4~ 66 6 , , ,, , , , , , , , ; , , , , , ' z;/ '/ V 60 58 IL: /' V COMPRESSION R.6.TlQ 56293 031 32333435363738394041424344 4 5 COt.4PRESSIQN Figure 9-24. Compression power requirements for reciprocating compressors_ (From Compressed Ai, and Gas Data. 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) RATIO Figure 9·25. Compression power requirements lor reciprocating compressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) • .32 Gal Compre.ulon GOI Prodl4ction Eng/neerlng " " 6 V' 4 V Vi '"0 " ,/ 4 , / ./ 6 , / 110 / 108 7 / ~ rooo ,• .8 ,/ N u ,~ i '4 88 / ' 60 1. Suction pressure of 14.4 psia and actual intake temperature is assumed. The correction factor for intake pressure is generally included in the calculation of BHP (as in Equation 9-32 or 9-33), or obtained from Figure 9-27. ./ / ./ ,\ ,'0 ./ ./ 7 ./ /" ./ V ./ 100TAlIl ,IIt:S_£-jOS,. " ~ r"'< ,, , ,~ o 1.4 IS If 17 ,I ,~ 20 :1.1 n • -- , r-... t.) z• " al'IOI'II{SSIOJ< " ~UIO -,, - - " " '0 " .. . . ~ ~ Figure 9-27. Suction pressure correctIon factors for compression power requirements for reciprocating compressors. (From Compressed Ai, and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) ~ > • CURVE C 2. Gas specific gravity of 1.0 is assumed. Correction factors for gas gravities other than 1.0 are shown in Figure 9-28 . 3. Cas compressibility factor of 1.0 is assumed. Corrections for gas compressibility are frequently included in the calculation of BHP (see Equation 9-33). 4. A mechanical efficiency of 95% and a compression efficiency of 83.5% is assumed. BHP value:; should be corrected if this is not the case. 5. The gas volume to be handled in each stage should be corrected to the actual intake temperature and moisture content at intake to that stage. 6. Allow interstage pressure drop if intercoolers are used. As discussed before, reduce the theoretical intake pressure of each stage by about 3%, ./ ./ 01184950 51 .. , " " ..'" " ./ 4 ~ 4 647 , ", 1\ 8' . / 4 \ '\. 5 " tUI'lV( 0 1\ 1;-' 4 ./ 86 ",• , , /' /' ./ " ,, " , , " /' ./ ./ ,. / ' '0 /' ./ ./ V ,/ ./ 84 ./ / ./ /' ./ / ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ V ./ ./ ,/ ./ ./ , / ./ / / / ./ ./ V ./ / ' 50 ,45 ./ / , 7 7 40 / ./ / / V ./ ./ ./ '0 ~ / ./ ./ ./ .6 V / / / V / ./ , / ./ / ~ / 7 7 / ~ / / / 'V / 'V / 4 ~ V ./ 8 ~ ,/ / 0 o rected for overall efficiency. These figures are applicable for designing each compression stage individually and require the following considerations: / 6 ~ (ten continued from page 429) 70 / 8 '33 525354555657585960 RAllO COMP~ESSION Figure 9-26. ComPn:tsslon power requirements for recIprocating comressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) ± .. Gos Compression , " .." \ , I", '",-- I'" ,~ t~ ~ IZ " ,"'0- , > ..... I( ~ci II :;: ... "" I~ : 100 •••• Q - ~ '0 " ~tOM O· 09 ~ • where Zl and ~ are the gas compressibility factors at the suction and discharge of the compressor. respectiyely. ;o..'ote that this procedure should be applied for one compression stage at a time. 0- ~ Compressor Speed and Stroke Length ---y~ . " ';?: ~ " ~ ,. .. ~ CURVE [ , "- I'---- ~ C- 0> ~ SPECIfiC GRAIIHf ""'- 0' - Note that Equation 9-32 includes the correction factor for intake pressure and if Figure 9-2i is used for correcting the BHP for intake pressure, the factor p..-' 14.4 should be omitted. The BHP from Equation 9-32 is corrected for gas compressibility as follows: (9-33) , ~ ~ ~~ The stroke length and/or compressor speed arc selected based upon the following relationship for the flow capacity of reciprocating compressors: (9-34) ,/ " " " " " ,o l , II 13 COMPRESSIO .. RAT,O Figure 9·28. Gas specific gravity correction factors for compression power reqUirements lor reciprocating compressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Dat8, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll-Rand Co.) which is equivalent to dividing the theoretical r from Equation 9-28 b\" (0.97)1 _. where q", = capacity of the reciprocating compressor. ftl/unit time d = piston diameter, ft L - stroke length. ft S - compressor ~. strokes.'unit time 'I, - volumetric efficiency For double-acting reciprocating compressors. the mlume occupied by the piston rod should also be accounted for_ Thus. besides increasing volumetric efficiency, the actual capacity of a reciprocating compressor can be in· creased by increasing compressor speed and stroke length. • For a given gas flow rate of Clot MMscfd at standard conditions of pressure p,. (psia) and temperature T ... (OR), the required BHP can be computed as follows: (9-32) where 435 BHP .. brake horsepower required, hp ct,.; .. gas flow rate measured at pressure Po< (psia) and temperature T", (OR), MMscfd Tl .. gas temperature at the compressor suction (Inlet), OR (BHPiMMcfd)fil .. BHP/MMcfd from Figures 9-24 through 9-26 E:tamplf! 9·3. A reciprocating: compression system is to be designed to com· press 5 MMcfd of the gas in Example 9-1, with intercoolers and an aftercooler that cool the gas to 150°F. Find: (a) Brake horsepower using the analytical method. (b) Brake horsepower using ~tol1ier diagram method. (c) Estimate the cooling requirements from the results of part (b). (d) From the results of part (b). determine whether the first stage can be handled by a compressor with a speed 1,200 rpm, piston diameter - 12 in., and stroke length - 3 ft. Assume 'I ,. 0.80, A - 0.05, Lu ,. O. and CI - O.OS. Neglect any gas comPressibility factor effects . • 436 Gas Productioll Enginemng Gas Compres;rion 437 Similarly, forthesecond~i.age, niP - (1.6376 x 10- 5)(76,376.46)(5,300725)11 - 5,722.1 hp. Solution From Examples 9-1 and 9-2: Thus. BHP for first stage - 3,039.310.80 - 3,799.1 hp. 1', - 0.612, k - 1.2565, r - 5.077, n. - 2 stages. and BHP for second stage - 5,722.1/0.80.., 7,152.6 hp. (a) Anal)1ical method. (c) Cooling requirements. Using Equation 9·1ti. for each ot the m'o stages: IHP Cooling load for the intercooler (between stages 1 and 2) - (76,376.46)(3,310 - 725) - 1.97 x 10' Btulda,.. (3.0303)(5)(100)(150)(1.2565) (5077"""" "'" _ 1) _ 2 9191 h (0.2565)(150)· , . P And cooling load for the aftercooler (after stage 2) - (76,376.46)[5,300 - ( - 200)]- 4.20 x 10' Btulday. Therefore. BHP for first stage - 2.919.110.80". 3,648.9 hp. and BlIP for ~nd stage - 3,648.9 hr. (d) Compressor speed for the first stage. (b) Mollier diagram method. Using Equation 9-31, with Zj - Z2 - 1. For a..,.~ - 0.612. the enthalpy-entropy diagram of Figure 9-12 is approximately applicable. Use of this diagram results in: ". - 1 - 0.05 - 0 - (0.08)(5.077' , "" - I ) _ 0.7385 Using Equation 9-34, the flow capacity of the given compressor is Point Process 1 Entering gas 2 After isentropic compression 3 4 After isobaric cooling 5 After isentropic compression After isobaric cooling Enthalpy, h (Btu p (psia), T(°F) 100 psia, 150°F 500 psia, 368°F 500 psia, 150"F 2,500 psia, 490"F 2,500 psia. 150"F Ibmole) q", - «14)(1~(3)(1,200)(0.7385) - 2,088.06 cr'min - 3.0 MMcfd Thus, the given compressor cannot handle 5 MMcfd gas. B80 3,310 725 5.300 -200 Example 9-4. Assuming interoooling. repeat Example 9-3 using empirical charts. Solution Using the gas law, the number of moles of gas is given by From Example 9-3, "Y~ - 0.612, r - 5.077, k -. 1.2565, PI ""' 100 psia, " - 0.80. ". - pVIZRT - (100)(5 x 10')1(1)(10.732)(610) - 76,376.46 Ibmolesl d ay From Figure 9-26, for the first stage, BHP/MMcfd From Equation 9-24, From Figure 9-28, the gas gravlty correction - 1.0 For the first stage, IHP - {1.6376 x 1O-5)(76,376.46){3,31O _ 880)1 1 - 3,039.3 hp. Applying the appropriate correction factors, the BHP required for 5 MMcfd gas measured at suction conditions of 100 pSia and 150°F is given by: =0 98.2 hp. • Go~ Produdiorl EfI~ineering 44' Gas CompressiOIl Example 9-S. Find the horsepower required by a centrifugal (st raight. through flo\\,. no intercooling) compressor for compressing 10 M~tcfd gal> at suction conditions of ISO psia and BOoF to 500 psia. Assume ")'q .. 0.60, k ... 1 296. and Z" Zz := 1.0. BHP - (1.01)(9.181.3) + 30 447 9.303 hp. Example 9-6. For the data given in Example 9-5. design a centrifugal compressor using the empirical chart method. Solutioll SoIutioll r .. 500 150 .. 3.333, \1,.. (28.97hll = (28.97)(0.60) '" 17.382 Ibm lb. molt' Flow capacity'" 10 M\tcfd ... (10 x 1(1)/(24 x 60) ... 6,944.4 dm From Figure 9-11, for q ... 6.944.4 cfm, Ill' = 0.725 1. Horsepower. From Example 9-5. r ... 3.333. M "" 17.382Ibmllbmole, k = 1. 296, and intake volume ... 6.944.4 cfrn al 150 psia and 80°F. From Figure 9-32, for Cjl ... 6.944.4 cfm and r ,. 3.333, the basic BHP ~ 900 hp. From Equation 9·11. n - 1 • _k_-_1 _ 0.296 ~ 0.315 n k" (1.296)(0.725) From Figure 9-31, for r - 3.333 and k - 1.296, K""JT ,.. 0.967. From Equation 9-43, From Equation 9-36, h _ (1.545)(460 + SO) (3.333"'" _ 1) _ 70,292.1 ft-lbflbm , (17.382)(0.3 15) BHP _ (900)(150)(0.967)(28.97) - 15,005.2 hp (14.5)(17.382) 2. Number of stages. ~ Cas density at suct ion conditions is equaJ to From Figure 9-30, basic head .. -ti,OOO ft-Ibf Ibm. • PI PIM _ Z,RT, (150)(17.382) _ 0.45 Ibm ft' (1)(10.732)(540) From Equation 9-42. Therefore, the mass now rate, m is equal to m_ qlPI h _ (47 .000)(0.967)(28.97) .75.748.33 ft-lbf'lbm. (17.382) , _ 10 x lQ"lftl/day 0.45 Ibm = 3 125 Ibm/min 1,440 min/day ftJ ' From Equation 9-41, the number of stages is equal to: From Equation 9-38, 1\ ""' 75,748.33/9,500 _ 7.97 :::. 8 stages GHP. (3. 125)(70.292. 1) .9 181. 3 h (33.000)(0.725) • p Using Equation 9-38, with the assumption that HPL m HPLt. - I % of CHP, 3. Compressor speed. _ 30 hp, and From Figure 9-29, for an intake volume of 6,944.4 drn. the compressor speed S - 8,800 rpm . • 438 Gall ProdUCtiOll Engineering Co¥ ComprC8Sioll where BHP _ 'kPY (BHP/MMcfd). (0.95)(0.835) 14.4 11 f.. 43. hp - polytropic head. ft-lbfllbm R "" gas constant, psia-ftl/lbrnole-°R M '"' molecular weight of the gas, Ibmllbmole 144 - factor to convert from psia to Ibf/ft2 _ (5)(100)(98.2)(0.95)(0.835) (14.4)(0.80) - 2,704.8 hp Thus, the ideal compra<>ion horsepower, IHP, for a gas mass flow rate of m Ibm/min is given by: The parameters for the second stage are the same. Therefore. second sta,a:l" brake horsepower reqUired is also equal to 2.704.8 hp. where Designing Centrifugal Compressors Analytical Method Calculations for centrifugal compres.'iOrs are vcry similar to those for reciprocating compressors. An analytic expression for the ideal horsepower, IHP, can be derived. similar to Equation 9-19 for reciprocating compressor\, by replacing the i.~ntropic exponent k by the polytropic exponent n: (r" "" _ I) IHP _ 3.0303'kPYT,(Z, + z,) _n_ 2ZJToc n-i (9-37) IHP "" ideal compression horsepower required, hp m ... mass flow rate of the gas, Ibmfmin 33,000 - factor to convert power requirement from ft-lbf/min to hp The gas horsepo\\"er, CHP, is given by: GHP- mhp 33,000 '1p (9·38) where 'lp is the poJ}1ropic compression efficiency (fraction). (9·35) • Mollier Charts where, as before: IHP - theoretical horsepower required for compression, hp q,., - gas flow rate, MMscfd, measured at pressure p",. psia and temperature T . OR ZJ. Zt - gas compressibility factors at the compressor suction and discharge, respectively TL - gas inlet (suction) temperature. OR n - pol)1ropic exponent r - compression ratio For centrifugal compressors, the theoretical work required for compression is represented by the polytropic head hp, similar to the theoretical work requirement w for reciprocating compressors (see Equation 9-16): hp _ (144)RTL(Zj + Z2) _n_ (rn - II 2Z j M _ 1545TL(ZL + Z,) 2Z j M n _ 1) Mollier charts, if available for the gas, can also be used for determining the compression parameters. The procedure outlined earlier for reciprocating compressors is used. with the assumption of isentropic compression. The polytropic head hp is then calculated as: (9-39) where hp - pol}1rOpic head. ft·lbflbm 6h - enthalpy change for isentropic compression determined from the Mollier diagram. Btullbmole 'lp - polytropic efficiency 11k - isentropic efficiency M - gas molecular wei~ht, lbmllbmole n - 1 _n_ (rn-I) n- 1 n _ I) (9-36) The factor 778.2 ft-lbf/Btu in Equation 9-39 gives the desired units conn'.'rsion. Subsequently, the gas horsepower CHP can be determined using Equation 9-38. 440 COl Production Engineering Gas Compression 441 Estimating the Actual Horsepower The BHP for centrifugal compressors is generally estimated br adding the mechanical and hydraulic losses to the GHP: BHP - GHP + HPL", + HPL,. (9-40) where HPL"" HPLt. - mechanical and hydraulic horsepower losses, repectively, hp Mechanical horsepower losses, consisting of losses in the COmpressor seals and bearings. are generally in the range of 7 to 50 hp, depending on the speed and casing size of the unit. Hydraulic horsepower losses, consisting of ctl5ing and piston leakage losses, vary between 0.3% to 2.5% of the gas horsepower CHp, depending primarily on the size of the unit. With increasing Si7.e, mechanical losses increase, whereas hydraulic losses decrease. Number of Stages The polytropic head. hp • is an indication of the number of stages required for centrifugal compression. The number of stages required, ,\, is given by: .. h n, - --"'-- 9.500 (9·41 ) where 9.500 ft·lbf%m is a common limit assigned to each centrifugal compression stage. Equation 9-41 assumes that all impellers are running at optimum design speeds, and that each deve10ps a polytropic head of 9,500 rt-lhfilbm. Although the latter is true for most industrial units, machines with greater polytropic head per stage can and have been designed. ~ Figure 9-29. Straight-through flow centrifugal compressor speed. (From Com· pressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll.Rand Co.) Compressor speed can be estimated using Figure 9-29 as a function of the intake volume. Cenerallv. the compressor speed is obtained from Figure 9-29 by reading directly ~t the center of the shaded area that indicates the range usually involved. Compressor Speed Empirical Charts Centrifugal compressor performance is highly dependent upon speed. The capacity varies directly as the speed, S, the head deve10ped varies as the square of the speed, and the required horsepower varies as the cube of the ,peed, Centrifugal compre5S0r parameters can also be obtained from Figures 9-30 through 9-34. Figure 9-30 shows the polytropic head, h p , ver.sus thc compression ratio r for various intake temperatures T 1. The corrections required in the computation of the actual polytropic head for a givcn case are as follows: 1. For a polytropic exponent n other than 1.396, use Fi~~ 9-31 for. determining the "k" value correction factor, K.,..,. (Surpnslngiy, the !tter- • 448 Gta Compreuion Gos Production Eligillt'f."ring ciprocating compressor, because of the speed and compactness .of the rotary that provides relatively little time or surface area for gas coohng. Designing Rotary Compressors Rotary positive-displacement compressors follow the same basic theory as reciprocating positive-displacement compressors and are designed using the . same theoretical relationships. There are, however. some differences and empirical corrections introduced by the speciHe design. \\ell-designed rotary sliding-vane compressors do not ha\'e the clearance typical of reciprocating compressors. There are, howe\'er, leaka~e or slip losses between adjacent cells across the vanes at their edges and ends - -some amount of the gas escapes past to the suction side. These Ios.c;es are difficult to theorize, and are generally estimated from actual tests. The capacity of rotary two-impeller compressors also is subject to leakage or slip losses rather than losses related to clearance. The losses are minimized by operating at or near the built-in. fixed compression ratio for which the unit is designed to give optimum performance. Low-clearance scaling is the usual method for controlling slip losses. Factors that increase slip losses are high pressure differential or rise across the compressor, and low gas density. Slip is usually independent of speed, but for more complex designs. it may be speed-dependent. Slip is generally reported as capacity lost, dm (cubic feet per minute) at suction conditions. It may also be accounted for as the additional rpm (rotations per minute) required to deliver a given amount of gas: (9-46) where S, .. total rpm qd - desired capacity, cfm Questions and Problems 1. What are the desirable traits for a compressor? 2. List the applications of the various compressor types, giving appropriate reac:oos for the5(>. 3. Using basic thermodynamic principles, show that: (a) cp - c.. - R (b) Cp .. 5RJ2, and 4. 5. 6. 7. . . monoatomlc Ideal gases For a reciprocating compressor, is volumetric efficiency the same as compression efficiency? Why? Also, why is polytropic efficiency primarily a function of the intake volume? Discuss the basis and applicability of Equation 9-39 for determining the polytropic head of a centrifugal compressor from Mollier charts. Express the relationship of Figure 9-11 as a correlation equation. Calculate the isentropic exponent at 100°F and 500 psia for a gas with the following composition (in weight %): C l - 89.1, C 2 - 6.05, C 3 - l.1l, n.C~ = 0.35, i-C~ ., 0.18, H 2S - 1.55, and CO 2 - 1.66. Determine the polytropic exponent from: (1) thermodynamic charts (Chapter 3), and (2) polytropic efficiency, given an intake volume of 10,000 dm. You have been assigned to a gas field where you notice an old compressor that can be repaired and used in the future. Searching through the company records you find that the ratio of the inlet temperature (OR) to outlet temperature rR) was 0.769 when the flow rate was 3,000 Mscfd. The inJet pressure was 1,000 psia and the horsepower was 200 c.. .. 3R/2 for hp. V d .. displacement, efr (cubic feet per revolution) S, .. slip, rpm The total rpm determined from Equation 9 -46 is used in horsepower or capacity calculations, as follows: BHP - 0.005 VdS,(dp) 449 (9-47) where ~p is the pressure differential (or rise), and 0.005 is a constant. Capacity control is provided by var};ng the speed, or by installing multiple units. The discharge temperature of a rotar}' compressor can theoretically be calculated using the relationship for reciprocating compressors (Equation 9-10). In practice, the discharge temperature of a rotary compressor is substantially higher than that for an equivalent water-cooled re- (a) What is the compression ratio (assume k - 1.28 and )', - 0.6), and the outlet pressure? (b) Assume that the compressor is used as the first stage in a two-stage compression system. The outlet gas from the first stage is cooled to its initial temperature. If the gas in the second stage is compressed to 7,000 psia, what is the outlet temperature? Use Mollier charts. (c) Determine the theoretical horsepower for the second stage in part (b) using Mollier charts. S. A compressor is to be instaUed for handling gas supply into a transmission line. The compression requirements are as follows: Cas flow rate" 17.5 MMcfd at intake conditions of 450 psia and goOF, discharge pressure _ 6,000 psia, and gas gravity 1', - 0.83. Intercooling to lOO°F or any reasonably low temperature is desired. • "2 Gas ProdU{'tioll Engineering Cas CompressiOlI ature consistently refers to this n" value correction factor as the "k" value correction factor.) 2. Appropriate adjustment for a gas molecular weight other than 28.97 (air). As shown by Equation 9--36, the polytropic head is inversely proportional to gas molecular weight M. 3. Correction for gas compressibility factors other than unity. as included in Equation 9-36. ..•f-k,.y,'" / h , ~o., u • , "- ~09 ~ u ::! 09 , "- "- ~ ~ 0 .• - "-- .,.., k • 08 ~y; •• •• - .- • .- ~ 0.' ~ ? 7.~ /v.;: ,-:,~~ : ~T"!:':"":"OT-::: :~:.::~ . • - 1 , , • CO~PII(SSION ---- " ---, , , - • "ATIO (Pz p'l Figure 9-31. k-value correction factors for the brake horsepower requirements for straight-through flow centrifugal compressors (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll·Rand Co.) Knowing the polytropic head, hI" the number of stages required for centrifugal compression. Il,., can be calculated as before using Equation 9-41. Compressor speed can be obtained from Figure 9·29 as before. Figure 9-32 shows the brake horsepower BHP '-ersus the intake gas volume measured at 14.5 psia pressure and actual intake temperature. In addition to correction factors applicable to head hI" determination of actual BliP requires a correction for intake pressure other than 14.5 psia. Thus, the actual BHP is determined from the basic brake horsepower, (BlIP),;", given in Figure 9-32 as follows: BHP _ (BHP)",(p,)(K o .,)(28.97)(Z, + Z,) 2(l4.5)Z,M I , CQtolP"E5SION - ~ 'i !/ ••• o. , , , ,, , 7 .~ .. , j 0.' :. '-0 , ---- t'- , • ~ flOM " , uO.9 (9-42) v U 1396 '00 •o h _ (h pli,,(K,.,,)(28.97)(Z, + Z,) I' 2ZIM .J. /.,/ ;: 0.9 Thus. the applicable actual head hp is determined from the basic head (h ,h given in Figure 9·30 as follows: I I ,.0 443 R4no ("alp, I Figure 9·30. Basic head for straight-through flow centrifugal compressors (From CompreSSed Air and Gas Dara, 1982; courtesy of Ingersoll·Rand Co.) (9-43) Basic brake horsepower requirements for intercooled centrifugal compressors are shown in Figure 9-33. Appropriate correction factors need to be applied for the polytropic exponent. intake pressure and temperature, intercooling temperature, gas gravity. and gas compressibility factor. .. 444 Gas Production Euglucrnllg Gas Compression §/ II '"j I • •o• -- •• / VII II. 7(1, r; " Ifill I. •• Flgu~e 9-32. Basic brake horsepower requirements for straight-through flow 0,ngersolJ-Rand entnfugaJ compressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data 1982' courtesy 0' Co.) , , V- $I I,P' J. I.,~ / / ; 1/ V / / / ~ ~ ~ I; / ./ ./ I-l' I; I; ~ V- ------ I' ./ ------ - l.-- I; ~ ~ '" I: , ./ / 'j • • ,•• •"~• V 445 '" I rs / ~ ~ Figure 9-34. Temperature rise multiplier for determining the discharge temperature for straight·through flow centrifugal compressors. (From Compressed Air and Gas Data, 1982; courtesy of Ingerson·Rand Co.) The discharge temperature of the compressed gas from a straight-through flow centrifugal compressor can be obtained, using Figure 9-34, as follows: (9-44) where Tit T2 - intake and discharge temperatures, respectively, OR T nn - temperature rise multiplier from Figure 9-34 The discharge volume, V 2 , of the compressed gas can now be calculated: (9-45) 1IIT.u:1 ¥OUI' U -_ TIt(IIJ$A_ 01< aM Figure 9-33. Basic brake horsepower requirements for interCooled centrilu I c~mpr~~rs for air at 14.1 psla and 95°F intake, with perfect Intercoollng (int~~­ ~:u~~e~~ eOI t~~~;~I~~A~~~ ~~)F). (From Compressed Air and Gas D8t8, 1982; where Ph V" T J intake pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas. respectively 1>2, V\!, T2 - discharge pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas, respecth·cly - • 450 Gos Prod,u·tion Engineering Cive the design specifications (number of stages, compression ratio, CHp, BHP, speed, intercooling requirements, etc.), using at least two methods, for a reciprocating compressor. and a centrifugal compressor. Compare the requirements and select the one, giving reasons, that is most suitable for this application. 10 References Gas Flow Measurement Brown. C. C., 1945. "A Series of Enthalpy-Entropy Charts for Natural Gases," Trans., AIME. 160,65-76. GPSA. 1981. Engineering Data Book, 9th ed. (5th revision). Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tui5a, Oklahoma. U:oku, C. U., 1984. Natural Gas Production Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 5Jipp. Ingersoll-Rand Company, 1982. Compressed Air and Gas Data. IngersollRand Co., Woodcliff Lake, NJ. Introduction Gas flow measurement constitutes one of the more important auxiliary operations related to gas production and transport. It is required to enable the determination of the amount of gas being produced or sold, and also as a basic parameter for almost all of the design procedures. The produced gas stream is in a continuous state of flow from the instant it leaves the reservoir until it is consumed at the delivery end. Therefore. e:tcept for underground storage or other storages such as LNG (liquified natural gas) storage facilities, gas measurements must be done on a flowing stream of gas. Accuracy in measurement is obviously of prime importance: an error of only 1 % for a typical pipeline delivering 300 MMscfd (109.5 Bscf'year) can result in an er· ror of approximately 1.1 Bscf year of gas which. at a typical gas price of S3.00/Mscf, would amount to a loss of $3.3 million to the buyer or seller. Cas is most commonly measured in terms of volume because of the simplicity of such a procedure. However, to make this volumetric measurement more meaningful, base or standard pressure and temperature conditions are defined that yield measurements in standard cubic feet. This volumetric rate can be converted to mass flow rate by multiplying with the gas density at the standard pressure and temperature conditions. Since the gas density at the specified standard conditions is a constant for the particular gas under consideration, measurements in standard cubic feet are synonymous to mass flow rate measurement. However, the number of standard cubic feet measured depends upon the standard pressure and temperature conditions chosen. Table 10·1 shows some such measurement bases. The most common basis is the ACA and API recommended pressure of 14.73 psia and temperature of 60°F. 451 • 452 Gas Flow GO! Production Engineering Table 10-1 Common Ga. Pressure and Temperature Bases for Measurement Base pressure psi. Ba. . temperlltur. Thus. Oklahoma, Kansas. Arkansas, and AlbertI! (C.n.da) California 14.65 14.7 AGA. API 14.73 00 00 00 State t: .5. 8",,,,, ... "f Shu..:i.uu., and Feckul Price Commbuon l.oul>iana 14 735 15_025 of 453 measured rate of 100 MMscfd, it is between 99 and 101 MMscfd . An accuracy of ± 1 % of reading, however, implies that the measured flow rate is within 9.9 to 10.1 MMscfd (or a measured rate of 10 MMscfd, 49.5 to 50.5 for a measured rate of 50 MMscfd, 99 to 101 MMscfd for a measured rate of 100 MMscfd , etc. Thus, the percent o( reading results in a better overall perfonnance because the error is proportional to the magnitude of the rate. Positive displacement meters and turbine meters usually have a percent of reading accuracy, whereas orifice meters and rotameters have a percent of full scale accuracy in their <;pecifications. 00 Rongeability '" A flowmeter's rangeability is the ratio of the maximum flow rate to the minimum flow rate at the specified accuracy. Measurement Fundamentals "'ow is one of the most difficult variables to measure (Campbell, 1984), because it cannot be measured directly like pressure and temperature. It must be inferred by indirect means, such as the pressure differential over a specified distance, speed of rotation of a rotating element, displacement rate in a measurement chamber, etc. For this and other reasons, many flow measure~en~ techn iques and devices have been developed for a wide range of apphcatlons. This discussion is limited to those devices that have found use in the oil and gas industry, primarily for natural gas measurement. Attributes of Flow Devices A flowmeter or measurement device is characterized using the following parameters. Accuracy This Is a measure of a flowmeter's ability to indicate the actual fl ow rate within a specified now-ratc range. It is defined as the ratio of the diHerence between the actual and measured rates to the actual rate. Accuracy _ Abs [Actual rate - Measured rate] x 100 % Actual rate MeOl1l.ltemlmt (10-1) where Abs(x) represents the absolute value of the argument x. Accuracy is reported in either of two ways: percent of full scale, or percent of reading. For example, for a loo-MMscfd flowmeter, a ± 1 % of full scale accuracy means that the measured flow rate is within ± 1 MMscfd of the actual flow rate, regardless of the value of the flow rate. Thus, for a measured flow rate of 10 MMscfd , the actua1 flow rate is between 9 and 11 MMscfd, and for a 'l' Maximum rate that can be measured Rangea b I Ity - ;:;::::;:==.:c;=-T'::...:=..;:::..::===;c Minimum rate that can be measured (10-2) Rangeability is usually reported as a ratio x: 1. For example, a meter with maximum and minimum rates of 50 MMscfd and 10 MMscfd, respectively, for a specified accuracy of ± 1%, has a rangeability of 5: 1. This rangeability can be increased to 10: 1 by decreasing the minimum rate by a mere 5 MMscfd to 5 MMscfd resulting in a 5- to 5O-MMscfd meter, or by increasing the maximum rate by 50 MMscfd to 100 MMscfd resulting in a 10- to 100MMscfd meter. Thus, it is important to know the flow rate range over which a quoted rangeability applies. Repeatability Also known as reproducibility or precision, repeatability is the ability of a meter to reproduce the same measured readinw; for identical flow conditions over a period of time. It is computed as the maximum diHerence between measured readings, sometimes expressed as a percent of full scale. Notc that repeatability does not imply accu racy; a flowmeter may have very good repeatability, but a lower overall accuracy. Linearity This is a measure of the deviation of the calibration curve of a meter from a straight line. It can be specified over a given flow-rate range, or at a given flow rate. A linear calibration curve is desirable because it leads to a constant metering accuracy, with no portion of the sca1e being relatively more ~r less sensitive than the other. Note that a flowmeter could have a good linearity, but poor accuracy if its calibration curve is offset (shifted). • 454 Cas Production Engineering Gas Flow Measurement 455 Selection of Measurement Devices The selection of a measurement device depends upon: 1. 2. 3. 4. Accuracy and reliability of the device. Range of flow rate-maximum and minimum. Range of flow temperature and pressure. Fluid to be measured-gas or liquid, their constituents and specific gravity. 5. Maintenance requirements. 6. Expected life of the device, and its initial and operating costs. 7. Other considerations, such as simplicity. availability of power or other inputs required by the device, its susceptibility to theft or vandalism, etc. Methods of Measurement Figure 10-1. ~ ve~turi meter. (After Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975; courtesy of Chemical Engineering.) \/fmturi Meter This type of meter, shown in Figure 10-1 , consists of a short pipe section tapering into a throat, coupled with a relatively longer diverging pipe section for pressure recovery. It is similar to an orifice meter, with the advantage of low pressure loss, and is a preferred choice where less pressure drop is available. Venturi meters have a rangeability of 3.5:1, with an accuracy of ± 1 % (Corcoran and Hone)'\\!ell , 1975). A brief introduction to the different fluid measurement methods, well described in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' report on this subject (ASME, 1971), and by Corcoran and Honeywell (1975), is presented here. - Differential Pressure Method In this method, the flow rate is computed using the pressure difference over a flow interval or restriction and other data. There are basically two types of differential pressure devices: one in which the pressure difference is measured across a flow restriction, such as the orifice meter, venturi meter, etc., and the second type where the difference in pressure is measured upon impact, such as the pitot tube. The dynamics of the relationships involved have been studied in great detail for these types of meters, and very precise and accurate results can be obtained from them. Some of the commonly used differential pressure devices are described. Orifice Meter This is by far the most commonly used device for metering natural gas. It consists of a flat metal plate with a circuJar hole, centered in a pair of flanges in a straight pipe section. The pressure differential is mea~ured across this plate to yield the flow rate. This is a rugged, accurate, simple, and economical device, and can handle a wide range of flow rates. Orifice meters have a rangeability of about 3.5: I, with an accuracy on the order of ± 0.5% (Corcoran and Honeywell , 1975). Details of this important meter type are discussed later in this chapter. • Figure 10-2. Flow nozzle. (After Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975; courtesy of Chemical Engineering.) Flow Nozzlel! Flow nozzles have a rounded edge that aids the handling of solids in the flow stream (see Figure 10-2), The analysis is similar to orifice meters. Flow nozzles are used for high flow rate streams, because they permit, for the same line size and pressure differential , a 60% greater rate of flow than an orifice plate (Corcoran and Honeywell. 1975). Flow nozzle; have a rangeahility of 3.5:1, with an accuracy of ± 1.5-2% (Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975). Pitot (]mpacl) l ... be Figure 10-3 shows a pitot tube installed in a pipe section. The pitot tube measures the difference between the static pressure at the wall of the flow conduit and the flowing pressure at its impact tip where the kinetic energy of the flOwing stream is converted into pressure. It gives the flow velocity <5. Gas Flow Measurement Gas Production Engineering GUIde wine for po$'I'on and dorKtion of ImPKt 1<P~~ is maintained, and it is only necessary to determine the upstream pressure, ~ Figure 10-3. Pilot tube metering. (Aller Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975; courtesy 01 $Iat" pressure, Chemical Engineering .) , \~ ImpiICl liP only at a point (at the tip). To compute the mean flow velocity. the calibration must account for the velocity profile in the flow conduit. Another factor that makes the cAlibration of a pitot tube difficult is the low pressure differential produced by it. The tip can be easily clogged by liquids or solids. Because of the relatively poor accuracy of this device (most of the error is in measuring the static pressure), it is not used very often, except on a temporary basis. This device .57 co~ists gas gravity, and the £Jawing temperature (see Equation 7-83) in order to calculate the gas £Jow rate. II is important to note that the critical-flow prover a rounded-edge orifice, because sharp-edged orifices do not conform to critical flow theories and do not give a good repeatability. Displacement Meters These meters measure the volumetric displacement of the f1wd at flowing conditions. The number of such known volumes through the meter per unit time, corrected to the base pressure and temperature. are counted to give the flow rate, instantaneous andlor cumulative. through the meter. Displacement meters are also called positive-displacement meters because they afford a positive volume at flowing conditions: the flow is divided into is0lated measured volumes, and the number of these volumes are counted in some manner. This is in contrast with the other meter types, sometimes referred. to as rate meters, in which the fluid passes without being divided into isolated quantities. Figure 10-4 shows the two types of displacement meters commonly used: rotary or impeller type, and slide-valve diaphragm type. The rotary type Drove 10_. • of a nipple, equipped with a flange to facilitate the attachment of different sharp-edged orifice plates at its end. The device discharges the gas to the atmosphere, and only the static prm;ure just upstream of this plate needs to be measured. It has limited accuracy, but finds application where gas is at relatively low prm;ures and is being produced to the atmosphere. Critical· Flow Proven Similar to the orifice well tester, a critical-flow prover consists of a special nipple equipped to facilitate the attachment of orifice plates at its end, and it discharges the gas to the atmosphere. The critical-flow pro\'er, however, is based upon the principle of critical flow of gases through £Jow restrictions (see critical £Jaw through chokes in Chapter 7), In this device, critical flow Cvhnders tfourl (two) Figure 10-4. Displacement meters: (a) rotary meter, (b) reciprocating·piston meter. (After Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975; courtesy of ChemicaJ Engineering .) 45. Go, Flow Measurement Ga. Production Engineering consists of a rotating element, whereas the diaphragm type has a piston-C)'Iinder arrangement. Both are quite similar in operation. They contain measuring elements (or chambers) of known volume, with valves that channel the gas into and out of these measuring elements. and counters to count the number of times the measuring element is filled per unit time. Turbine MetelV"'" mf"ter; art> sometimes classified as positi"e-di>plaLtment meters. They consist of a turbine or propeller that turns at a speed proportional to the velocity of the gas flowing past it. converting linear velocity to rotational speed (see Figure 10-5). The speed of the turbine is measured as pulses that give the rate. These pulses are counted to give the instantaneous rate, or accumulated to give the cumulative rate. 45. Elbow (Centrifugal) Meter This device. shown in Figure 10-6. is based upon the principle of centrifual force that is generated when the fluid changes its direction of flow along g irCuiar path. The magnitude of this centrifugal force is governed by the a.c diameter, the radius of the circu1ar bend in the pipe, the flow velocity, ~: other fl uid properties. An elbow meter creates relatively little pressure loss or differential , and is therefore used primarily for control o~ other ~ur­ poses. It finds some application in large pipes where a substantial centnfugal force is generated. Elbow meters have a rangeability of 3: 1, with an accuracy of ± 1 % (Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975). - • __ Pr"~~lJfe IJIJS • Figure 10-6 . An elbow meter. (After Corcoran and Honeywell , 1975; courtesy of Chemical Engineering.) FIgure 10-5. A turbine meter. (After Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975; courtesy of Chemical Engineering.) Rotameter (Variable Area Meter) The driving torque for the propeller is proportional to the fluid densit~ and the square of the fluid velocity. Turbine meters have therefore traditionally been used for measuring liquid flow rates rather than gas flow rate!> Fluctuations in velocity, caused by pressure fluctuations, turbulence, or un· steady-state flow conditions, will cause the turbine meter to give a higher than actual value. To allow sustained accuracy and trouble-free operation. filters are almoo always used ahead of the turbine meter. Thrbine meter~ typically have a rangeability up to 100: 1 for gases, with an accuracy of ±0.25% and a repeatability of ±0.05 % (Evans, 1973). Further details about turbine meters can be obtained from November (1972) and Evans (1973). A rotameter is essentially a variable orifice meter. The fluid stream is th rottled by a constriction, but instead of measuring the pressure differential across a fixed sized orifice. rotameters vary the size of the flow constriction to accommodate the flow rate, keeping the differential pressure constant. Rotameters consist of a float that is free to move up and down in a vertical tube that has a gradual taper down to its base. The fluid entering at the base of the tube causes the float to rise, until the annular area between the float and the tube wall is sueh that the pressure drop across this constriction is just sufficient to support the float. The flow rate is directly read-off from the graduations etched upon the glass tube (see Figure 10-7). Rotameters have a rangeability of 10:1, with an accuracy of ± 1 % (CorCOran and Honeywell , 1975). 460 St~!f",q Gal Production Engineering 1)0. t gMtlltd 0"9" "I~ ours.dt !>ere se,e",o" ••, Gas I-'Jow MeaSllremelit 1984). The rate of vortex formation and shedding is directly proportional to the volumetric now rate, and ino.·ersely proportional to the diameter of the object. Thus, the flow rate can be inferred from vortex shedding measurements, The formed vortice; can be detected in a number of ways. Four methods are mainly used: ",.;:==~ _,.".--::::::::;p S,,,tI,"9 boa Sr~ff'''Q bOo ,,,.,... ---6",-,,~' 10 I~hltn CO~OCI'Y q,oduahons erched .Iull,n.. Figure 10-7. A rotameter (From Chemical Engineers' Handbook 1984; courtesy of McGraw-Hil', Publishing Company.) -Dead "q""oe pree.s,on - bore 00<05','COI.-90U lope,ed mete""o; r.. ot Soul/,nq boo 10 ....1.".0 hom o.. !. dt ~., ....IIl on9'. ~ Inltl These devices.are based upon the principle of vortex shedding, which occurs when a £lUld flows past a non-streamlined (blunt) object. The flow is unable to follow the shape of the blunt object, also referred to as £low element, and separates from it. This separation of the flow leads to the forma?on of eddies or turbulent vortices on the surfaces along the sides of the obJect that grow in size as they move downstream, and are eventually shed or detached from ~e obj~ (see Figur~ lO~8a and b). Shedding takes place alternately at either side of the object (Chemical Engineers' Handbook , !..... -ryWoo-~ 112 ~~~ ~@ \0 1. Thermistors that detect the change in temperature caused by the changing flow of the fluid as a vortex passes. 2. A magnetic pickup coil to count the oscillations imposed on a spht!re or disk by the vortice; as they alternate on the two sides of the object (a transverse passage is provided in the flow element to allow movement of the sphere or disk). 3. Counting the motion or the induced mechanical stresses on a vane that extends behind the blunt body and moves from side to side with the passing of the alternating vortice;. 4. Ultrasonic transmitters and receivers that detect the vortices using a sonic beam. Vortex-shedding flowmeters have a rangeability of about 15: 1 or greater, an accuracy of ±O.Z5 to 1 % of reading, and a repeatability of ± I % of reading (DeVries, 1982). The flow regime, however, must remain turbulent over the entire range of flow rate. Additional details on these meters can be obtained from Powers (1975) and DeVries (1982). Vortex-Shedding F10wmetcrs -=@i 461 ~ @-o:::::: ~ w '# I 2 I , t I I ~ -..... -,.. ... 2 , w Figure 10-8, (8) Idealized Karman vortex trail behind a circular cylinder; (b) vortex flow pattern. (After Powers, 1975: courtesy of on & Gas Joumal.) Ultrasonic Meters Although several ultrasonic measurement principles are known, only two types are commercially used (Munk, 1982): the Doppler, and the contra- propagating (or transmitted energy) methods. Of these two, only the contrapropagating method is applicable to natural gas measurement. The Doppler method, using the reflections of ultrasonic energy off particles, is not applicable to natural gas, which is generally free from particulates. The contrapropagating ultrasonic flowmeter computes the flow velocity by measuring the time difference between two ultrasonic waves traveling over the same path, but with one with the flow and the other against the flow. For this purpose, two transducers are used, as shown in Figure 10-9, that alternately transmit and receive ultrasonic pulses, This flowmeter can measure flow in either direction and indicate the direction of flow. It has a rangeability of 50: 1 and an accuracy better than ± 2% (Monk, 1982). There are some difficulties with ultrasonic meters caused by the effect of solids, gas bubbles, etc. However, because these meters can be mounted out· side the pipe, they do not disturb the flow, cause no pressure loss, are portable, and offer applicability to large pipes. • 462 Cas "'lou: Measurement Ga$ Production Engineering Tn'n-.:luc:.r"", Row r---- l - - l I Ultrnonlc path o - o 463 o --'----''k-!'-- I· - - - k - o BORE W/ 8 EVEL Figure 10-9. Installation geometry of a contrapropagaling ultrasonic flowmeter. (After Munk, 1982; courtesy of Oil & Gas Journal.) Orifice Meters Because orifice meters are simple, accurate. relatively inexpensive, rugged. and reliable, they are the most important and widely used of the flowmeters for gases. Other devices such as turbine meters have also been used because orifice meters have a limited rangeability (typically 3.5: 1), and are difficult to adapt to automation. An orifice meter consists of a thin plate, 0.115-0.398 in. thick depending upon the pipe size and pressure, held perpendicular to the direction of flow by a pair of Clanges. with a circular sharp square-edged orifice (hole) accurately machined to the required size in the center of the plate. Pressure taps are provided on the upstream as well as downstream end in the fitting that holds the orifice plate. A pressure measuring and recording device is connected to the pressure taps. The orifice fittings are designed to permit easy changing and inspection of orifice plates. The Orifice Metering System Oriface Typn In addition to the concentric (centered) orifice, there are two more types of orifices as shown in Figure 10-10: eccentric (off-center), and segmental (part of a circle). The concentric type is the most common, because of its low cost, ease of fabrication. and ease of calibration. It has a rangeability of 3.5:1, with an accuracy of ± 0.5%. The sharp-edged plate, however, is subject to wear and a consequent loss in accuracy. ECCENTRIC SEGMENTAL Figure 10-10. Types of orifice arrangements. The eccentric and segmental types are very useful for two-phase flow streams and for flow streams with suspended solids. such as dirty gases or slurries.' They have a rangeability of 3:1, but with an accuracy of ± 1.52%, they are less accurate than the concentric type. The segmental type ~as the additional advantage that it does not retain solids on the upstream Side of the plate. Centering the hole, howe"'er, is critical to its performance. and it is recommended for use only on large pipe sizes (Corcoran and Honeywell, 1975). Location of Preasure Taps The magnitude of the measured pressure differential is obviously affected by the location of the points across the orifice between which it is measured. The four types of pressure tap locations (see Figure 10-11) that have been used are as follows: 1. F1ange type: In this type. the pressure is measured 1 in. from the upstream face of the plate and 1 in. from the downstream face of the orifice plate. This is the most common type of pressure tap. 2. Pipe taps: In this type, the pressure is measured 2.5 pipe [Os from the upstream, and 8 pipe IDs from the downstream (where the pressure recovery is maximum) face of the orifice plate. This type requires location tolerances 10 times higher than the flange type. 3. Vena contracta: The point at which the velocity is the highest, and pressure is the lowest. is called the vena contracta. In the vena contracta type of pressure measurement. pressure is measured 1 pipe ID upstream or the plate, and at the vena contracta downstream. It is used where flow rates are fairly constant, because the location of the • 464 '. 465 Gas Plott: Measurement Gas Production Engineering /1.-""", • •• ,. lutely necessary, because they introduce additional pressure loss, clog easily, and are subject to erosion. '-Yo" I." C-1"1,. I.,. Si:.e and l.oca/ion of OrifICe lIJJ.!!it!1 o' .., ...... For commercial measurement of gases, the ratio of the orifice to pipe diameter. /3, should be between 0.15 and 0.70 for meters using flange taps, and between 0.20 and 0.67 for meters using pipe taps (CPSA. 1981). The lhiclmc<>S of the orifice plate at the orifice edge ~h(l\lld not exceed ltv! of the 1-' g 8 ,~ 6 'ti ""'". c--j ~~ ~ 1-' g tc-<~~ , ""'" ~i Figure 10-11. Pressure prolile through an orifice meter and the relative locations of taps. g Straightening \~JJJn Straightening vanes consist of a symmetrical bundle of small diameter tubing. welded together in a concentric pattern as shown in Figure 10-12. Th~ vanes are placed in the upstream section of the orifice meter in order to eliminate any flow irregularities, such as eddies, swirls, or cross currents caused by the pipe fittings and valves preceding the orifice meter, that may affect meter accuracy. The diameter of each of the tubes should be less than li4 of the inside pipe diameter, and the length to diameter ratio for the tubes must be greater than 10 (CPSA, 1981). Installation of vanes reduces the length of straight pipe required upstream of the orifice considerably. Vanes, however, shouJd not be used unless abso- 1-' l:n """ ~:i 8 - ....,lP H U I l 8 C:C---jH, <1<0250 . .... c ,., '" ,..,, " "" "" "u ""., '" .,"" "•• .. , '" " ,., .., '" '" .. 1'. _ _ 0 .."..,, ",." '"'" 0.."",,- ~r ~73 E ...,., " '" '" '" 8-1 -1J1 l V 1 ""'" - """ ~-=~ • , Jf5,~ ""'" r8r1~~ a " I 11m "'~ ((I r """" • 1','1 \[1 l'k.'.,1 - vena contracta depends upon the orifice size, and the orifice size chosen depends upon the rate. This type of pressure tap provides greater accuracy because it gives a greater p~ure drop. 4. Corner type: In this type. the pressure taps are located immediately adjacent to the upstream and downstream faces of the orifice plate. The use of this design is limited, for the most part, to some European countries only. I - 1l:J ""'" t-' !, - - 1 +-°-1 Ul _. r'F~ ~- t'''IOd , , ., "" ... , ..." ., ., ," ,'" ", '" '"" '" '" '" ,., ... .... .. 0 H •5 11.$ 1$,0 ... lO.l '05 K .. '" ,, 17.' , ., ".'"'"'" "., '"'"." '" '" '" OII01"1keIO _ _ oI_ Figure 10-12. Proper installation of an orifice meter-required meter run and straightening vanes. (From Engineering Data BOOk, 1981; courtesy of GPSA.) • Gas Flow Measurement GaI PrlHi!lction Engineering pipe diameter and lIs of the orifice diameter. The orifice location should be such as to have a stabilized flow to ensure proper metering. Figure 10-12 shows the minimum requirements of straight pipe section and/or \'anes recommended by GPSA (GPSA, 1981) for this purpose. 467 The common chart ranges for differential pressure are from 0 to: 10, 20, SO, 100, or 200 in. of water, whereas for static pressure, the common chart ranges are from 0 to: 100. 250. 500, 1,000. or 2,500 psia. Measurement Calculations Preau" .\lwwritlg aml Recording Cas is a hi~ly compressible fluid and its density varies considerably with pre<ClIrE'. Recau<;(' prE'5SUIl' variations are quite substantia! through the flo" path in an orifice meter, it is necessary to measure both the differential pressure as well as the flowing pressure. This is also illustrated b\' the orifiC(' flow equations derived a bit later (Equation 10-12 or 10-14). The f1owinlo'(' pressure is often referred to as static gas pressure in gas measurement terminology. The orifice meter is generally equipped with a two-pen recorder for recording both the static as well as the differential pressure on a circular reo cording chart. The chart itself has a pressure scale on it to enable reading the measured pres.~ures that it records continuously. Static pressure is generally measured with a bourdon tube type of device that actuates the pen on the chart. Differential pressure is measured using either a mercury manometer, or a bellows meter. The be110ws meter is preferable because it avoids the problems of mercury contamination, and mercury loss and the consequent change in calibration. It is important to choose pressure measuring device; that can handle about twice the maximum anticipated pressures. Two types of circular pressure recording charts are in common use-dired-reading charts, and square-root charts. The direct-reading chart has a pressure scale with lines spaced equally apart, whereas the square-root chart records the square root of the percent of the full-scale range of the meter. Therefore, pressure from a square-root chart is determined as follows: Actua 1 pressure - meter range . , (chart readmg)100 For example, for a square-root chart with a range of SO in. x 100 psi, a differential reading of 7 is equivalent to a differential pressure of Differential pressure - 1~ (7)2 - 24.5 in. of water and a static reading of 9 is equivalent to a static pressure of Static pressure .. 100 (9)2 _ 81 psia 100 The relationship for orifice meters can be derived from the general energy equation (see Equation 7-2). written between two points in the flowing stream~point 1 bein1! some point upstream of the orifice plate, and point 2 representing the orifice throat: ~ 1 2 g 2 ·Vdp+-l vd\'+-1 dz-w,-I" lI (k I &c I (10-3) where V "" specific volume of the fluid, ft3/lbm v "" fluid velocity, ft/see p = pressure, Ibflft2 z = elevation above a given datum plane, ft WI '"' shaft work done by the fluid on the surroundings, ft-tbf/lbm I" = work energy lost due to friction, ft-Ibf/lbm g = gravitational acceleration, ft/sec2 g., = conversion factor relating mass and weight, Ibm-ft/lbf-sec2 For most meters, the elevation change between points 1 and 2 is zero, and no work is done by the flOWing fluid stream. Therefore, Equation 10-3 can be written as: 1V dp + -l & , 1 ' I I ,dv + I. - 0 Il1<..'Orporating the friction loss term I" in the compression-expansion term to avoid the complexity of referring to the friction factor. and multiplying both sides by fluid density p (lbmlftJ), we get: C2 I' l 'dp+-l & p vdv-O I (10-4) I where C .. an empirical constant A£suming a constant, average density P.v for simplicity, and integrating Equation 10-4, we get: C'(p, - PI) + P.. (v; - vj) - 0 2& (10-5) • 476 G(U Production Engint't'rlng Gas Flott: Measu rement Table 10-3 Continued " b " Values for Reynolds Number Factor F. Determination_ Flange raps .." • '''' 5.189 S_~1 • ."" "" Onl,ce 8.071 0816 1),01>70 I) 07}4 1),0578 00645 Q,0SQ2 O0S67 00852 01)7';] OD66S 0.05117 00430 1),0442 O,OSOO 00520 OOS57 1125 003811 1),0]9(, 1315 0361 (),O)M 00)99 D04H OO<Ul 00464 0.0519 (1.(1566 1),0"71 0,0347 OIl}44 I) 0J61 I) 0375 0_0403 I) 00119 00501 005111 O.05lJ 'SOl 'W ,.'" 1),11'S UD) .'" ''''' 2125 0.0467 0.0507 00S4fl 00589 0.0626 0.0659 ,'" 2.315 'SOl .. 2625 2.7SO ,'''' 0.0l16 OOj)8 0,0)50 0,0370 0.0]95 00427 0046l 0,0501 0.0540 0.057') 00615 ODM7 0.0673 '''' 3.)15 ,."" ,.'" ,.'" ....'''''" O()44.4 00462 004'316 0.0517 00602 0_Ob19 Q,Ob2J 0336 0_0318 O.()307 0.0305 00308 I) 00344 O_OlD ij,03()(, 0,02911 0,0296 0.0367 0,01]7 0.0314 0.02'13 002&7 I) (1474 OlW7<I D_OOS 00439 00l'J9 01J.101 OOlM 00371 0014O 00341 0.0271 0.0274 00174 0027'9 0.02117 00300 0.0114 0.0112 O,OXW O~ 0,0271 0,0259 0.0251 00246 0,0244 0.0245 0.0)15 0.0295 0.0278 0,0264 0.0151 0,0245 00240 0.0238 00118 00197 0028D 0.02M 0.0254 0024~ 00240 0.02)7 O.OS)} 0.0S64 0.05<)4 O,062() 0060 00479 0.03119 00353 0.0510 0,0416 0.0375 0.~1 0,0443 0,().4()() 00569 O.04n 00416 OOS97 0.0500 00452 0.0621 00527 0047') 00640 0,055) 00505 00578 OOS11 002~ 0.0239 0.0242 0.0248 00255 00265 0.027. 0.0289 0,(l)()4 0.D'll7 O.OHO 00244 00251 OOM 0.0271 0028.l 00297 0.021\1 00281 0.02116 O,OlOll 0.0124 0.034) 00)66 0.0254 0.026J 0.0273 O~ O.OJOO 0.0)16 0,0034 ...."" ,. ,... ""'" S.'" DI.~I"', 95b1 " " 10.020 10136 11.376 11.9lII 12090 lHIIII o.wn 0.034b 0.0322 0.0302 0.0283 0.02f>J 0.02S4 0.0243 00)89 0,0J62 00B7 0,031$ 0,0296 00218 0 026J 002S0 0.038.1 0.01'>6 OOllO 00308 002117 O.OM 0025J o,om 0,0438 0.0410 O.OID 0.0)59 0.0)36 0.0]16 00291 0.0278 0,0458 0.0429 0(1402 0.0377 0.0354 00332 00312 00294 O.~ 0~2 0.(4).1 0.0401 0,0382 0,0358 0,03}6 0,0111 002911 00514 0,0467 00461 00436 00413 0,0391 00370 0,0214 00226 O,Cr.!21 0,0219 0,0218 0,0218 0,0221 oons oom 002:Ml 0,022) 00216 0,0214 0.0213 00211 0.0214 0,0241 O,02Jl 0,0224 0,0218 0,0214 0,0212 0.0111 00212 0.026-1 00251 0.0239 0.0229 0.0221 0.0214 0020tl 0,0204 0.02711 00lf,1 00250 0.0216 0.0226 0.0219 0.0212 0.0206 0.021\1 0.0lfit> 0.025) 00241 0.0230 0.0221 00211 0.0207 0.03SO 00J5ll 0.0365 OOlll 00319 00146 0.0114 0,0321 00328 oom 0,0305 00311 0,02112 0,02':10 00295 0.02&8 0,0275 00281 00155 0,0262 0.Olto7 ODJ43 0,0249 0.0254 0,02)11 0.0256 0.027':1 0,(1307 0.0222 0,0219 0,0200 0023<> O,erlJl 0,02()1 0 0254 0,02~9 0,02()7 00277 0,0270 (1,0217 001911 00195 001% 0(1202 0.0191'1 0.01<).1 0.019<1 (1.019') 00223 0.0206 00193 001.. 002211 00210 001% 0,0185 0.0]]; 0,(l3ro 0,0404 0,(1;138 001l)} o,am G,02l1 00212 0.020II O,O}J2 o,om 0,02'9 oom 0.0221 0,0363 O.oJS4 0.0270 0.0243 0.0217 0039& 00Jl\& 0.02901 0.0163 0.0255 00178 0.017& 00176 00110 0,0178 00179 0,(1174 O.OIN 0,(1174 o.oln 001710 0.0173 0.0473 0.0505 0.053& 0.051>2 0000' 0046l OOO} 00S2l o OSSO '''' 2,]75 'SOl .. 2.75(1 , 2,175 3.125 ''''' 3.375 '.SOl ....''''"" H25 • SOl ~7SO S"" S"" S.SOl S,7SO ''''' 15000 15,250 10000 " o 06M O.O?ll1 00705 0.0635 0.0652 00656 0.0f.9II 005IIII 11,0606 0.0610 0.0654 0,os..5 0,OS6J 00S6l 0,0612 o 0S04 0052) 0,0527 O,OS73 00461 000lllS 0.Ge90 O.05:Mio 0,0714 O,G'IB 0,06]1 00676 O.Q6jl 0.0615 0.0706 007lJ (1.0'>92 00597 0,0670 00671 0.06&1 0,0S55 00560 0,06l6 0.Dt>W 0.0650 " 2125 ,.""" 0.05J9 000t97 00417 0.OS74 OOS35 Oos.:!4 0.0S69 0.055'1 S.soo O.if,ce DOno 0,0]66 0,040'; 0.0446 " 11.9)4 11090 146&& 15,000 15250 00451 0.0455 0,0501 0,0511 0.0526 O.Q6O.I 0.0612 006111 00419 0,0414 00469 0,04118 0.0492 oosn 0,0581 0,05117 .. ....'" .',.." 0,0620 0.0579 o.O)n 0.0338 00618 0,0414 0,0)116 0,0457 00416 O.OSOO 00457 10.136 11376 0.04]] 0.0401 ."" ..,'" '.SOl 1,250 S." 1,625 l.7SO 0D4~7 IH1418 0,038.1 0.0)53 0.0327 00]00 00110 00314 00342 0.0]65 0.0391 00418 0.0+408 4.750 "'" •.soo 00151 (10343 00322 0.0301 0.02M 0.0111 0.01J4 00354 0,03711 O.04Ob 00436 0G4611 0.0500 '.SOl 1,315 00718 1),0742 0.OS7& 0.0&60 DOb7b 0.06tI0 ... " 101Y./O , 3.750 3.125 1.125 oam I) .. , D_OIIl!O 0.0892 I) n7A~ (I (lOOIIJl 00701 0.0718 00f02S Q,Ob(4) '" 'J.!ioM 1,175 2,625 O0J4S 00]54 OO}72 00398 00430 16n 1.750 1,115 I) Table 10-3 Continued " b" Values lor Revnolds Number Factor F, Determination-Flange Taps o.i~l .. r, 0.1047 O.OI!'J.4 0076) Q,1lf>53 0.0561 01)137 0.]75 I) 10$4 1),0907 I) 077<.1 • 477 'SOl '''' '.SOl o,osn 0.04111 00'51 GO4&] G.osn 00540 0,0Sb0I 00)2() 0.0285 00277 001&6 0.0)0 00300 00195 GO)i6 00}15 0.0J25 00206 G.04G6 0.0)62 00351 00220 0G435 00390 00179 0.0235 0,(1463 0G418 0.0401 0.0252 0,G491 00441> 0.043-4 0.0271 0,0517 0G47J 0.041>1 00291 O,QSooIO 0,04911 0.0417 00S60 0,QS22 O.OSl1 0,0543 OOS14 0.OS5J 0.0551 O.osn 0.0496 0.(471) 0.0445 0.0422 00399 0,0371 00160 001l1li 0.01911 0.0210 0022' 00240 0,0257 00276 00558 0,0529 00502 004'& 0G452 O,G4la 0,0406 0,0385 0.0232 0.0213 0.0196 (1.01117 ODIn 0,0183 00191 00202 0.0216 G.02JO 0024(0 0.02601 00}12 0.0296 00211) OOll-' 0,0017 O,OlOJ 0.0151 o,om 00)2' 0.01110 0,0361 0.01016 '''' 'SOl '''' 000402 0G42S 0044' 0,(10169 O.OJIIJ 0.040£> 0.0427 0.0449 00l6e 00)90 0,00t12 0,00tl-' 100250 10.SOD 10750 11000 11.250 0.0489 00501 00526 0.Q5.41 0.(471) 0.04'iO 0.0S09 0052t1 0.0541 00455 0,(1475 00495 0,0513 00521 (table continued) • 468 Cas Product/on Engilleerillg Gos Flow Measurement Equation 10-5 uses pressure p in Ibfl ft2. Converting to commonly used pressure units of psia (lbf/in.2) and rearranging, we get: vi - vi _ 2(144)g.,C'(P, - p,) The pressure differential, PI - »2, is generally expressed in terms of inches of water. This conversion can be achieved, using the relation .6.p - pg(.6.h)/~, as follows: (10-6) P. 469 (PI - N . (62.43 Ibmi£t')(g fusec')(&h in. wate,) psla ... (144 in.t/ftt){12 in./ft)(g. Ibm.ft/lbf-sed) The mass flow rate, m (Ibm /sec). is given by: m _ p..-A (lO.j' 62.43 "h (p, - p,) - (144)(12) where A - cross-sectional area of flow, (t 2 This analysis assumes steady-state flow conditions, for which the mass flo\\rate is constant. Equation 10-6 can now be expressed. as: m' [~_ ~l- 2(144)g.,C'(p, - p~" A~ AT 0', (10-11) where .6.h - pressure differential in inches of water. Using Equations 10·10 and 10-11. Equation 10-9 becomes: p,) P ••' (28.97)(62.43)g,>sP" "h f' m - c.dl [ (1,152)(144)(12)(1 _ ff')Z.,.RT.,J m' Aj [I (A,/A,)'] - 2(144)g.,p.C'(p, - p,) (10-8) Let d j and d 2 be the diameters of the pipe and the orifice, respectively. in inches. Defining /3 - dz/d j • and solving Equation 10-8 for m: m - CA [2(144)g.,P"(P' - p,)f' , (I Il') (10-12) Gas flow is generally reported in terms of the flow rate q.., in scf/hr at standard conditions, which is related to the mass flow rate m in Ibm/sec as fol· lows (m ... qp): m _ q,., (28.97 h,p. (3,000) z,.RT. • Using standard conditions of PM: - 14.73 psia, TIC ., 520 oR, and the fact that ~ ... I, we obtain: 0', (28.97)(14.73) (10-9) Using Equation 10·13 in Equation 10-12, substituting R '"' 10.73 psia-ft31 Ibmole_oR, and solving for cp." we obtain: Using the gas law, the gas density P., can be expressed as: (10-10) where "f, - gas gravity (air _ 1) P... - average pressure, psia T•• - average temperature, oR Z., - average gas compressibility factor R - gas COnstant (10-13) m - (3,000)(520)R >,q,., q,., - ~, 7,717.96 Cd! J" ['h up." [(I-ll'h.Z.,T., (10-14) Note that in Equation 10-14, cp., is in sef/hr, d 2 is in inches, .6.h is in inches of water, p.~ is in psia, T.~ is in oR, and C. {3, and Z... are dimensionless. Equation 10-14 is commonly expressed as: 1',. q,., - K. ["h p"J" (10-15) 470 where the constant K.. is given Table 10-2 Flange Taps-Bule Orifice Factors-F b by: flowm, lemperJIU,e ,. 6O"f lIue p,e'ss.lre .. 14.73 ps.. Spec:,foc ,rimly .. 1.0 line tempe,aTu,e .. 6O"f ~ In metering practice, the average pressure P., is replaced by a measurable gauge pressure Pt. Factors are prm;ded to account for this Pf being measured at the upstream Or downstream, or being measured as the mean of upstream and downstream static pressures. and for the type of pipe tap. Equation 10-15 is then written in the following form: q. - K [h. Orifd p,r' (10-16) , 2 in, 1,689 1,9:)9 2067 ')00 a.2S0 12MS 12701 unl lZ.71O 1I~~. :u.~lq 1lI~'~ a~" a.m 0.,500 a blS o.m 1.000 50m 110090 50W " wt lI~.W 117.0'1 lW'J5 219." 1~W. 212 '7 SO S21 " )11 liS I~ lsa'7 no 22 ~" ro ).15 1l .n 50 SOl 16 l.llS U. ,,,., 1.625 and the constant K is expressed as a product of several different factors follows (AGA, 1969): il.\ Fb - basic orifice factor, sci/hr F', - Reynold's number factor Y - expansion factor Fpb - pressure-base factor FIb - temperature-base factor Ftf - flowing temperature factor F~ - specific gravity factor am llIJt..1 5(1 25e ;'852J III 1] 1'\04.n so.m 7a~ lUro ISS." "'~ lOS II 2001 (101 !II!.lS llJ.56 ISS." 2OJ.';f SO 1&1 78.S98 11).50 ISS.OJ 2Dlll ." ))5.12 "'~ Jl7J'J 25995 lB.1tJ J9S 80 5'0116 6lHl 4/1),98 . lS7 U on 7'i ~" "'. 017.)1> roU7 670"" U<M l'/HIG 9]0,(,5 '\()'j 65 1091,1 ,,,., 2S9(101 111 OJ J9109 4T.! ~ S61SIJ 66H2 m.18 9(16,01 1051,S lID 2 2511,(,5 311.37 J'JI 'P 071.14 SSV'2 . . • '''' "" 12.... 7 n(,$) 21J51 U"' .~ n •• .~ 11).IS ." ,U ,~ ,-us ,,,, '''' ,~ ,." ,~ ,.~ ~:U4 :'lOll III 011 ISO 27 6047.'>1 15],11 _.06 119\19 ISlItJ ~ ~. ~n ~. lIS BJ '"~ )154/1 1149S W .. }&2 . : 114 71 lal r 454 57 lSS )1 1174S "''' "''' -~ '"'V .'fi 6n no" &I, " &I ,,~ ", ISl:'l 2S(>]1 SO) 61 BI19 llH6 &1212 .... ~~ 11(1017 2.)75 lHI7 4!it191 ., . ... 517 " ~P) nT OJ 18m llZ75 ,.. "M "16'1 m~ 1701(,7 , , "'" "" U" ,~ "'" 921.n 10)1» 1151,] 12881 102&,0 14H 5 IS11l 1 n." l<W11 219'-9 92407 "5J 9 lU(l~ 1~f,lJ2 5 71419 81'41 ",. 1 olin 1'15-~ "5" "6 11 "W6 lUS·O 11'!171 f>.21l'j ,." 10W5 1m" ,~ o<;s OJ SUO) 11&29 ,~ 2875 .,n 9loCUS , ,9J.o197 ,,.. ,~ ,~ . nU2 4!it116 .. 1621~ 11101 0 21172 "." .," "''' 1291 a lrH 1700 (I 1'15-14 1'1(\" 8 210).4 U4/1 a lOIb4 217& S 2':"11 NISI lWJ8 1lI0II1 aro5~ 1001 • 1147.7 1)11.7 • ''''' ,.'" 10119 112 ." IS) III M'. »OM It'.1ll 5.761 5(1,1:'1 nN 11271 IS1"'" M'W "" , ,m, "'. , ,~ n,. 50197 066.J~ SSl Jl 10'111.4 .,. .," .. 5.1&2 2571tJ 119.hl J8'i1OJ m.." 103&1 , • DumM ...., 20ns 6S1J.~ 2,)1'5 .~ (text continued Oil page 4;5) 12.1R" ;:aJ&;' 7"" ",. .~ The factor Fb is simply the constant K., in Equation 10-15, Its va lue depends upon the type of pressure taps, and the pipe and orifice diameters, Fb can be obtained from Tables 10-2 and 10-7 for flange taps and pipe taps, respectively, For sizes that cannot be found in these tables, interpolation is 1l.70) 11)99 156 00 50 OIS ,~ U)75 These factors, determined through extensive tests and reported for use as the industry standard by ACA, are given in Tables 10-2 through 10- 14 for two pressure tap types-flange taps and pipe taps, ~ a,rJ ~'" I1H2 3438 12 ;:a,r" ,~ ." Fp. - supercompressibility factor Fm - manometer factor (for mercury manometer) Fl - gauge location factor F. - orifice thermal e:tpansion factor 3152 U71111 SO)I] 50)56 ...",ce br_ me pb ghusaya to tb ho gaya, tf g__nd me ghusate to pvmla ho jata • HI68 1271l 2.125 (IO-li) 0 SUet-Nomi-w and I'IIbliWcIlns;oe DLomet",- Inc: .... ,." Pr - absolute static pressure of the flowing fluid, psia "h..p, - .. h...IPr - .,....,~. o.~ where h.,. '"' differential pressure at 60°F, inches of water where 471 Gas Flow Meollurement eaoS Production Engineering ~. 1m) 1727,S 1891' ~.I IS1,]<I "''' lSl'" 11l.91 _v 4H.02 m.ll 6lun no.n ... v ""1'!1 1027,1 11 .... 2 1272,] 1405.0 154S] If>'JH 1143.6 .. 7.981 B071 151.]1 1OOl'J IS1,Jl 100le lSJl>'J 11l.7a lIJ006 4Sl.7a Sll.9S 61761) 7Il'J,/7 IIOII.SO 2S1 ri1 111.74 JIJOO2 451.72 S]l.ri1 .17 SO 91J all 111lS.' 11.." 7 1270.3 1002.9 l';fl .S 161J'J,1 1&1].5 911.1>4 10256 """.] llt191 10021 1541.8 Ilia 0 1&12.J lOOU lIn 9 lJ499 r;1, l250a 2011,6 2182.6 2005.2 2174.& Z....-.. 2)1,18 26'\049 ~ =.0 2511.1 1Il'i1>4 IJOII.]<I (tablc continI/cd) • Gas Produl't/(m Erlgiflcerirlg Gilt Flow MellSllrement Table 10-3 Continued " b " values 10r Reynolds Number Factor F, Determination_Flange Taps .. ,, us " OttfOCI! 18814 19,QOC 19250 116.2(, 2].000 2.1250 2116.28 29.000 19250 0.0667 0 OWl 0.1,)6-(' O.{l6.I() 0 (16.49 0ClM4 11,75(1 12000 J .. 0.Ob14 00618 006.l! 0,0511$ 00592 0.05'r 0,0659 o OSI>J 0 OSM 0.0571 0 0bl6 n(,t<.U'l O~ 0!.'54'l !lotH 0,0511 O,Oill 0.051(, 0.0592 00490' 0 0499 O.~ 0 OS11 00471 0().\7)' 0048l 00551 3125 00451 0,049 0.0462 0.OS31 005111 0,0542 0,06.26 0.0631 00b}4 3250 3.315 3500 3625 3.750 3.875 4,000 00411 0().\14 0,0395 00378 00361 00345 00129 0,().I)7 0,0'118 OOW'I 0,0J82 0,0365 O,O,W'I O,OIH 0.0511 0,051)4 00486 0,04b8 0,0451 O,M]S 0041'1 0,01>08 0,0590 0,05N 0,05$7 (1,05..11 0,(1525 0,0S09 0061J 00596 00579 00562 0,0546 0.0530 00S15 00';82 005-&6 00550 00534 00S18 00.101 o (l2i5 00252 (1.0232 0,113(14 0,0310 00]76 0,0].6.1 0,03M 0027';1 0.0111) 0.0348 00355 Q,03hO (1,02)6 (I,Q2W (1.0122 00328 O,ODl 0,on5 o,om 0,0297 0(1304 O.OlOe 0.0479 0,0450 O,MB (1,0)97 00435 0045-& 0,0429 00-103 004&8 O().l6() 00433 00407 00214 0(1199 001U 00176 00117 00210 0,0175 00281 0,02(}1 (I,02G4 (I,02S4 00260 00UI8 0,(1191 0,023& (10241 0 DIn 0,1n]9 0,0219 o,on~ 00285 O,OJl} 00376 0,026-1 0.0.l4'1 0,03$5 0.();!45 00127 O,O)3J 00~2.8 0,0)06 0,0312 0.0382 0(1359 OOlli 00311, "'" 2500 2,J7S ~ "'5 VSO ,"" .,'" • 5W 4750 S... S250 SSOU 5750 6000 6250 0O-H2 0,0423 O.IHOS 0,0387 0,0370 0,0154 0.0339 (10511 0.0493 0.0474 00457 O,O-HO 0.0423 (10-107 0,1l665 0(166') 0,0&42 0,111>46,.";l 0,0/.;:4 0,(1601 0,0578 O.OW 0,0662 0,0557 0,0SI>2 0 0b44 00&4'1 0.Ob~2 00520 (1.0500 0.0431 0.G464 0.1).147 0,04]0 00414 00616 0.0~99 00167 (10161 0,0157 00155 001611 001f>l 00157 00155 (1.0170 00161 00157 001'>4 00204 00191 0.0179 0,011>9 O.OD (1.0195 0018) ODIn 0.0155 (10157 00160 0.01&6 001504 00155 00153 0.0163 001$3 0,015-4 0,0156 0,0160 0,0161 0,0154 0,01411 0,0144 0.0161 00165 DonI 0.0226 0,01'M> 00lS7 0020II (10112 0,0150 00151 0.0195 00199 0,01~5 O.01-1fo 0.01&-1 00187 00165 00172 001110 110190 00201 0.021] 0,on6 (1,02.-0 0.0142 00141 0,0141 0,014] 00146 0.0150 0,0155 0,0161 O,OI~l 001~1 10.00:> 0011>9 00177 001116 (10196 0,0213 0.010II 0,0126 0.0220 0,02~ 002304 0.02'if> 00249 001.-0 00140 00141 00143 0.0146 0.0150 0.0155 00140 0011'1 00140 0,0141 0,0144 0,0147 0.0152 00174 0 DIM 001';6 0014'1 0,0141 0,01111 0,1ll3) OOllO 00177 0.D1W1 0,015'1 001$1 0.0145 Oong 0,on5 0,01)1 (10179 0,0170 00161 0.0153 0.0146 0.0141 00136 001)2 10250 10,SIIO 10,7S0 11000 0,0271 00215f1 O,OJOS 0,0)22 0,0255 0,0270 0028& 0.0J03 O.ln66 00176 0.0165 0.0194 0,01&2 0,0169 0.0176 0.01116 0,0153 0.0164 o,lnn 0,0181 00128 OlnU 0012S O.01lS 00128 00126 O.OllS 00124 00126 0.1ll26 0,0125 00114 11.250 0.0340 OOJJ2 0,0320 0,020'; 0,0196 00190 00126 0,0125 Oln24 O.OlSa 0,0349 0,01)(1 00216 0.0207 0,0200 O,lnl& 0,0126 0.0125 6500 "'" ~ooo ... ...... .... nso '500 77SO "'" 8.?SO .". .."" 11.500 Table 10·3 Continued "b" values for Reynolds Number Factor F, Determination-Flange Taps 00172 001110 00190 00201 0,0264 002t10 0,0297 0.0114 00212 (10287 O,02'n 00296 001911 0,0169 00274 002" 0,Olt15 0,0252 00257 00260 0017~ OOll6 0,02.-0 O,OJ44 (1021; 001'(11 0(1190 0037f> 0.0367 0.0155 00lla 00118 00211 1I.0llD 0,ln26 0,0127 0.0394 003&5 0.0)73 0.0241 00230 00223 001).1 0,0111 0.0129 12500 !looo 0.0429 004'20 0040B 00267 00255 002411 00142 0.0133 0.01.16 0.04&3 00454 0 DoW2 0,0296 0,Olll2 001"4 00153 001411 0.0145 13500 14000 004')4 00435 00474 OOlU 0,0111 0,0101 00166 0.0160 0.0157 00520 00512 0,0502 OOJ'M> O,O:W, 0,03]1 001&! 0,0175 14.500 15,000 00186 0,0)70 0,0360 O.ln99 0,0192 0,0187 0,0415 00400 0,0191) 0,0118 0,0209 0,0204 1;,500 16,000 O,DoW) 00426 0,0418 0,0219 0,0210 0,on4 0,0470 0,04S5 0,044& 0,02bO 0,0250 0.02+1 16,500 17,000 00494 0,(1460 0,0471 0028J 0,0273 0.0266 0,050] 004'.1-4 00W7 0.0296 0,02811 17,500 18,000 Oro31 0.0319 0,0312 0.0355 0,0.143 O,OllS 18,SIIO 19.000 00119 0,0366 0,035-8 0,0402 0,OJ9O 0,01112 19.500 0.0424 0,0412 O,Q.K1oI 0.044& 0,(10134 0,0426 ..... " " 21.000 00466 0,0455 0,(1448 0,0485 0,0475 00467 ~.500 0,0492 0G4/1S (text l'Onlinued }rom page 475) Expansion Factor, l' The expansion factor, Y, accounts for the change in gas density with the pressure changes across the orifice. It is computed assuming a reversible adiabatic expansion of the gas through the orifice, and is a function of f3, the ratio of the differential pressure to the absolute pressure, the type of taps, and the specific heat ratio (Op/c,) for the gas (generally ignored). The expansion factor can be obtained from Tables 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 for flange taps, and Tables 10-9 and 10-10 for pipe taps, These tables indicate the pressure tap from which the absolute static pressure PI is measured- YI for upstream, Y2 for downstream , and Ym fo r static pressure recorded as the mean of the upstream and downstream static pressures. As with F" an average h", Pf should be used . (text continued 011 pagc 489) • 472 Gas Flow Measurement Table 10-2 Continued Flange Taps-Basic Orifice Factora-Fb Table 10-2 Continued Flange Taps- Basic Orifice Factors -Fb • Onfice o.,~e., .n 3.826 .'" .." • 5.182 5.761 =, )1«1.8 lln.! 3<135.7 lnBl .. ", "" .~ "" ,~ " •. w 10.C/20 ~E 1.125 russ "" ,'" "" lUll U)"; lUI. 451 ", m" '"~ '~1 72 5)0 61611 'IS'II) . " m .. ~~ 11.176 11':1311 ~7 ~1$81 m" ~~ 451. I. "'~ blS.1b =~ .,.... .. ... • ,. '10 ~y ~~ ~ ~" Uf>oIS Uti} I '''' 1.19002 UgH 1,)91.' ,~ 153M I,HI.' 1.531 ) I.ilia "" 1,67S9 1,~4 1,671 • 1.670.0 1.8l'I.' 1.821>.' ...,., 1.5230 '.6711.0 I.Ul' "n 1, 'IIV_' 1.9&11 VS)_l D2S1 ' ... 0 1,''-''\ Ul11 ,.... , I.''''' I.110 J H'lIII' l_HU UIU H3117 1.6/J6 2 2.68<17 "097 10112 1.140.1 ,~ 2.':i05 • '''' 2.m.' "" ],0911.1 2.a7. 2,0191 ),0lI07 .~ Lilli. ".U .~ ] 146 1 1,1)02 .~ ~.226.0 .~ '.204 1 '.1'2_1 ',712.1 5,2Sl5 ,.... ''''' ,~ ... .~ .~ S.29II_' S./I'J7. 6541 I 1240.0 1.9'lU 1>"'.' un) 5,801U .,."., 1,1441.9 7.171.0 •. ~-' '''''I 12.090 UljO 'n 1,)'15.6 ,~ ~" 112 8) ,~ ,~ 2731.S 4.1t105 Jnes ,nc 1,0\' 8 l.ll?,l 1,260.8 ,~ ~, }11.')4 910 )/J 1.0215 '-11'12 U6)4 HI'S 11M) 14688 In. 10.654 I ~. .mO.8 31411 l~li ~, 0.'),0 .0912.1 ~. &'ISH 9.564 " ,"" .... ,,,. 10.(00 10,136 12090 1.,611/1 15,000 15,2SO 9.110 S 10.b09 9.781.6 10,60 9,4lI04 10,ll'l HS'l' 11),213 9._ 0 10,190 11~ 11..... 12.434 B .• n 110'~ lU169 12,7'S 11m, 11,U1 11,_ 'OWI 11,.1J 12.6601 ..... 1l.6bO 1),1;07 1l.s1>6 'S,6Jl 16,&\<; 18.141 14,\c.lA 1'."ItoO 1',511 lS.tio'2 15,S60 11>.60'1 11.711 16.519 10,]55 11.ll7 Ul5 2 10,1I00I l),6S6 11 381 B,s,41 11m 11.72'1 13,7JOI 14,9'27 .'"''''" .~ 12."" 13.500 1• .s1l 16.151> lS,7JO 17.505 16,962 18.291> ~ .~ 19,565 .'" ..... lHIOO 1O,~'S .~ " 11.S52 22.9JO 10.000 15000 91024 1.021 1 11)').0 J"" 45110 mn ~. II(MI) un Hnl.\ 1,011.0 1.1]6 .• \.26(1.0 l..l'JOl 1.1Jb 1 USH I,lli'! 9 1,1lJ 9 I,BJ.7 1.15611 1.S26S !,Wlb 1.119] 1~IU I,ll' 1 1,ln 7 1,97(; 1 I.'mi' \.",,",' 1."",0 I.M.6 1.1.10 • 1.19J ~ 1.11'11 1.lOS , 2.4&5. 2.6611 7 1.1.1'" 1.:1082 ,~. 1.6'JII4 4,M),' 1."'"'.6 4,14110 4,(,J1.2 5,''',0 S.IIl!' s.ns 5 '.'~J 6,JlJ I 6.'!Wi' l,on4 ),211> • 1.1267 '."9.Z '.1062 5,]4, (0 1.11tS '.11.0 .• ,..... '.640.' UII 1 usn '.4>5.3 9.111.0 .... 1,0Ib.8 1,lns 1.l'i6.b 1.3111>.1 1512.1 I._S 1,l3&.' usa 5 ),0:'15 1 ,1~7 1 _.61 Ua6' LID' I.66Sl '-260,0 uon ~n 1,01'.1 ,.,.. ,,... """ un. 'U'IoI 90UI 1.019.1 2-1411 1.6126 . .son "' US77 2.1)1 S 1.1,,' 24"' • HoSt.. 2.14•.• I,W" 1.61>01 a l_no, ,~, 2 .• •• 1 2.MS 5 1.&415 Hm. l.O)I' J.HO' U1'I4 ),6675 1.61»8 4,145.5 H.ll,' '.'119 '.m.s 5,151' 5,151) 5.0911 .. 5,no.O 62'11>6 Ul'.D 7.579.0 5.111)1 6,281.' , ..., 1.56041 S.~1 • '.'901' 6.1811 1 Hill 1.278' '.Ill1J '.l607 I."" '.0lI0' '117} 8_f35.'.8 8.·. . ) l,IISoI6 Hl6" '.11'..5 ~. S.D'll.l IS.SOt 1],102& la,no lB.!IE.II 1O,\leS 19,9(,9 22,711 22,55> n,bla ll.'16 27.110 28.8'19 2&.600 10.710 .10.141 ".., lUJO 15,250 25.91. 27_51>7 :!'J.Dl ,.". ..n " 11_938 10,409 11,J90 ,,,,, " 11]7(, .7 5)0 63 ~" ,~ l'i) 'IS 451 ,~ "'" J1llO 10.136 5)o,r, ~" ,~ ,~ lJ6H .~. ,~ ].))"; &.On 78)11.11 Oro(,te ,~ ]r<l6S ltlU n;OO9 .~ lin ,-... 7 9111 OrifICe Di~lTH'ter , "''' ,.," "1'-' 9 ,,.,, "''' -, ""2.' =, """ "". ..." .,." =. 6M) ,~ " • 55.\1 1 "" "" D'Jmele'. .'" "" 473 1,'~l5 2_~8 1.0371 l.n8 ) 1.64iO.\ ,,111'" ',\81> II 5.0'10 1 5.~1 SIon) '.1101 6.1M! •. n'n un] 1001,5 7.JU~ 1.114' a 8,7'.P9 ~.'1b2 OrirKe o..meter Inch_ ,~ ,m ,~ 2.1:"; B'" H25 "" ,~ ,~ 18814 ~'" 90511 !.n15} 1,ll1 b I.:zs.o _ 1.)1]6 1.5191 1.111>1.0 I.~' 19_000 . ~'n "" 1.015 I 1.1J1 5 1.1>13 U815 15190 1./,(109 !.IIQIJ 1 19250 I,JII),) 151B 8 t.6IcII 7 1.1O'J0 1.b07) );"50 Ul41 ,~ un, ).QZ7S ),QU.l .~ HI2/> a l.U7S H271 ],:m. 0; ],&06,2 ],tio'\ 6 40'J0& ... '_'iI6J , '''' 2._' , ,'m "'" .~ J_' 2.1Z'l1 1 :l'I2 6 1,b070 .~ _,092 I .~ '.09'.5 ' .56J.7 5.l1li1. '.s.tol9 .. ,~ ,'" u...... ,~ .~ 5,0lI0 a 5,SM.' ".1.1 6,1)1:0.7 6.7110 7.Jll_ 6,71\2 7.111' 23 250 1,00,2 1.1S28 1,JIII.7 I.S17.0 l.llO.' I.noo 1,2S26 1,38' 5 '_112 It 1.5168 !.S167 211,628 29.000 29_250 ~. .. 1.'11>0 I Vll) 23,000 ~~ 1,0150 U]14 1,1>4 2 ,~, ,,~ 22_626 U6'1t I,MS4 use] 1,II0H. 1,_4 1.11061 .... 1,9607 2,1115 1.28 It 1.4Itll \,'lI'c06 l.otS7,] 2.m3 22111_ 2.111.0 2.210.' 2,.,7.8 Hj1J UUl ),015_1 1.'H7 2.124 a 2.m) \,9101,0 1.1l1 , 1._1 1,46;/ 4 2.1>01>1> 1,81lS 4,S61.9 S,a;Q6 5,5&U 6,U4S /t.n:.) 1.l18.2 U81' , !.I.u_ "'" ].1121.5 ),2201> l,638 ) •. 0111 8 ' .$51.1 5,1).14,.' SOW' 6,1151 ".10891 7.m .• Hlt18 2.1.410 2.tio'l , UlIIJ ).1121.0 2,1280 H2O I 3.(1207 )119 B '.1660 1,").7 una "'" 1.95,1.5 2.117.9 2.2&\5 2.'576 T,,,) • l.otS' 4 2,m'_ 2.2&1 UI'S UV.O 1.6lI.1 3.01'9 1.11J.5 "'" un z un. 1.01.7 U377 1.431.2 H.JO_I ],1t2'I.7 ',01110 ',DIIO.S ',071 'I .ml1 ',SSO.1 ','>195 0;,040; 2 '.~9' 5.044 S 5,0025 ',071.' '.5l1! a 5,0)1.8 S.5f.It _ 61136 5,\066,5 6,11U 1>611'2 1.217 \ 5.5S15 6.QOj.\' '.WoS 2 1,Mt1.J 5.'.~ 1.11 6.0'14' It"'" 1 1.l1S' 5,551.3 6.0\IS_8 ._flWt.2 7.21tZ5 It.toM. H1'" '.SJa.' S.OJI • ~-I<'4i (table contilllll'dl • Ga., Production Engineering 474 Cas Flou' McaSlu'(-'I/INlt Table 10-2 Continued Flange Taps-Basic Orifice Factors-F b (tnt contim4ed from page 4(0) not recommended; the exact equations or charts given by ACA (ACA, 1969) must be used. JO '8,114 19<XX1 19.250 22.626 2J,OOO 2J.2S0 ~l5Il ],'lS7~ 7,9S'1 7,'951.2 7.9136 ].'1n' .<;00 ."\0 '.1>20 'Jill 10,OJI l~lbS 1~122 7.91" '.P(U 9.251 US~ 1 t."'" .~I 7,11647 I.SIlO 9,247.2 9,'154' 92441 9 'lSl1 9,'iOII 7000 '.;'8;! 'I.lOb' lM~ m 9JoI. 10 OM 9.107. I) """ "'''' 1S11M •. nl' '.1(15.10 '9059 9.2001. 9.'iOoI b 10 ~l~ 11..1111 111611 12.915 1. "9'1 !'i,TOII n.910 1. 737 15.b'lJ U.'IO] ,. m ,<;.064 ,. 11M 15.5>7 1S,~'il '.885 1•. (,A8 16,1>lO 1(, bll;I , ..... ) 't> _ II> ~ 17.m 11,/I9'i 17,101' 17.5% 17,416 119:'<1 20 0'1 21 M " \Ml 20 OJO /1 IF 1I1"'lO " ~ss l'Il.72! 185'1" P..09 18 1:""1 T1,-II,M ,~ IllY' M, '()01 11.l4J !'.Wi 1S o;a;! W,)86 20 414 19,)71 2I)<IOJ nUl 2lJ1t> 1),H3 !I,n; n.9Jt, 24""" .II> '00 !41~ 100 !2 .• 2to l)b\.ol 149Jl Ib.15? 17WJ 1'(\ 71o!1 11 ~ 12 ,'" 1)'90< lO.1fl'; 114S9 1.082 1. D!.I. 11.m ".9<OJ 15.9)3 ,. '"' lS.911 ,. 'eI! '.'11 'HO 17,'IS(! • ~100 10000 JI """ 'OOl 11 ).,lIB 8.2<,0 I SOl 17';0 ,. 09'> '5005 l'i.,.;o 'tllOO ' iOIl 101<;0 10 SOO 101<;0 r. 11 2'>0 17.6l1> 11 29.070 117<;0 )0,<;62 12 000 I~ ...... .... IHOO 116 2HOI 14"~2 11>''16 2'.-.z lQ.4t>l J~ 001 35.110 lI.I,l 42.671 .....921 uno I]On '9,~28 2Q.1>'n 2!l.672 .. 11,;1114 11116 11.11> 12.971 1l,'JI!fj Il eos lH>6S IHlOl IH,j" lU411 21.767 21.0121.45/1 n.H6 22.S4l 21,4<;0 22,S)) nl><;6 n.60~ 25.257 24.817 24.7''19 24]81 If>S'I1 27.8:'8 If>4'1'l 0.'" n.m 15.9';'1 27,76t. 2~,199 27.11>1 2'I.lOS 2') on 27.1~ 1II,4]1 • a,411 18.J'IoI .111.429 29.7011 29.617 2'160;<} n."" 12.28J U,06II )5.0)1 1O.5~4 )5.0&-1 lJ.3lO JI,~J .111.5" It.,1ST 15,114 .. .... -",7112 4J,24' J9,'i41 Jr.,n 4J,015 ~.M 19000 F, ~ 1+ f'i~ SS,l'U ~= \o4.51l ".'" 51.20:1 \04,'12] ''''' .. ,.'" '''"' , 51,O/'!i S4,M 1125 ... '" ''''' '.)75 1>7.017 71510 ", . '" 11.012 paf!.t! 479) '.50) 1.625 '''"' '''' b \I'ii;A • Si,n-Nomin.ol .nd .... blished 1M. o;.mdfr), IncMt O"fk.. 0.375 47,Wl 011 Table 10-3 " b" Values for Reynolds Number Factor F, Determination-Flange Taps '50) '65 44,2')1 17.5(10 18,500 (text cOIltinll('d In "". " " This factor accounts for the variation of the orifice discharge coefficient with Reynold's number, Tables 10-3 and 10-8 .show the value of F, for flange taps and pipe taps, respectively. The pressure extension, [h" Pff 5, should be some sort of average pressure extension. These F, values have been calculated assuming average values of viscosity equal to 6.9 x 10 6 Ibm ft-sec. temperature equal to 60°F, and gas gravity equal to 0.65, These tables do not , therefore, have a general applicability to all sy!.tems. In any e\'ent, the variation in F, in gas measurement l~ quite small. and is often neglected. '8.11J 19.17' 21U9Ib ". lS.OOO lHOO ,'lI:- l~,bJl 11.)& 141lS& 25,J.44 21,;>19 IBll 14.® 15,2'10 ",1>,' H.1I09 '~~l' C,M./ I,~JO' '06ll6 11.....,! Host> 10 11 ",., 12.M1S llll.l' '.;00 ':'";U " 28.621 10.6(,9 11 .• 'i2 lU41 0,1)62 • 150 1,68') , 19)9 , • 2.(167 2.300 2(,26 2'100 1068 1152 J4)8 0.0679 0.0\111 0,0926 0.0671 00109 0,on6 0.0562 0.0576 0,0'iM 0.0520 O.OSOS 0.0506 0.0536 0,0485 0,0471 0.059$ 0,0506 0.0478 0.0677 0,0559 0.0515 0.09S0 0.07S5 0.0612 0.0516 0.0402 0.0445 0.04511 0.097'1 007'l2 0.0648 0.0<;41 0.0470 0.Q.l2'J 0,(\416 00'Hl 006211 006n 00566 00486 0041) 0040) 01010 006:16 00695 0058) 004911 00433 00402 0.1014 0.0B44 0070J 00591 00504 0.0441 0040J 0.1030 0,08&1 0,0762 00bJD 0.0514 0,01124 0.0707 0.01>46 0.0711 00715 O.071l 0.049$ 00550 00614 0061'9 0,0735 0,0427 0.04% O,QSOI 0.0554 0061] 006b9 0,0717 0.0196 0.040IJ 0(4)5 0.0474 O.Olllb 0.0383 00406 004:16 0.0477 0.0524 00574 0.0624 0,0)8) 0.0331 OO}'lol 004211 000457 00500 00549 0,05911 O.DSn 00575 O,062a o,orn 0,0618 0,05211 oo.w.o 00411 001110 O0J6S 0,0365 0.0378 00402 00434 0.0473 0.0517 87,0:"') 92.114 86.568 '».140 86,2 .... ".7'10' ''''' 00676 "'''''' 2,125 "". .,m •.025 ".s6-4 0,on5 0,06b9 0.OM2 0,056) 00706 0.068S 0(lf,()7 Il,lo1l11D IIll.l!oO ''''' 2.375 110,_ 1l0,loIO " II 500 475 '.50) '''''" '"'" (table contilll/cd) CQ8 Prodllctkm Engineering Ga3 Flow Measurt'Jllnlt Table 10-4 Yt Expansion Factors_Flange raps Table 10-4 Continued Y Expansion Factors-Flange Taps Shltle Presaur. raken from Upstream raps St.~le Pressure Taken from ,.'. ~,. " Upstream Tsps , " " " " IDCIIOIIUXI 045 '" 0110 0 '19119 0 9'M9 (I. 'l'II'I 09'1b6 0'M54 09'/01) 09'/01] 0 'l'1li8 0 9'lM (I 9geI! 099Jl 09911 09930 O,~ 0'192(1 09921) 09919 0 'rn8 09<116 O~ 0'1909 09'l!lll 09901 0'l<iOl. 09<104 0 . . . 0'ie'J7 0,'JIII9' 0'119'; 0 ..... 0'ie'J2 WIllI> 0 tee6 0 ~ 0 . , 0 '1M2 0 98110 0'l8~5 09l!l7S 0'lll74 (1,\11161 O'l&J 09l!62 09860 0'MS1 0'llSS~ 0l1li51 0'1&49 0 " , (19&10 (I'llMOO '1L17 (I '!111.19 0 0 'MlII 0 0'M18 'M06 (I 'l!IOt) 0'V'l';. 09:'<15 09784 Ort] 0971"1 09:-2 (I (I 9988 0 'I'IM (I _ , 0,'M17 0 0,9l'Jo4 0.9711l O'J77' 0 980l 097'1, 0l1li70 09M9 D~7 (I '!IIl~ 0 '!ell O'Mll 0 '/eOO 0."88 09;")'6 0.9915 09'J01 "~. c. 9'lI!~ ~~ ,- ,- ,- ,-.. ,09915 0.9914 0.9668 (1,\11167 09l!l';6 'JeSS 090'151 O'MU (I~3 0 'lII)! 0'Je11 O. 'M2O 09tlOll 0 9;'% 09914 ,"', ,, , 099tJ 09l!lllo OW) 0.'Ie06 (I'M]; ",n 0.9921 0,9910 ... O'lllJJ 0·'1111 "'" , 0'.1M5 0.9aa] O'MOO 0.9791!1 09796 0.9:'95 0 97'12 09;>W 0 9738 0 978S 0 0 9;'82 09711l 0978(1 09:-8 09m 09m 09:>:"1 09M 0.9770 09:'t.8 0.9760 o,.§,jJ 09:'Sli 09758 0'1% 097';] 0'V5(l 0974' 0"4$ 0.97<M 9~&4 0,9~41 0,9,6' 09761 0975'1 09756 0,97';) 0.97.... 0974' 097)8 0,9714 09n) 097]1 097'iO 09743 097 .... 09:'41 09736 0,97l4 097)1 0972'1 09722 09'"20 0971B o 97111 D 97111 0,97)6 O'lng 0.9724 09m 0971' 0.9716 09]1l 09lD'1 09'117 O.ros 09727 0.9ns O'lnl 0,'1717 09711 0.'110 09:"07 0.'T."tM 09700 0'M7 01l6'Jo4 0.'J692 D'1715 09;',S 0.9713 097'(19 O.'I7OS 09:'00 0.1lI!o'M 0'll69S 0.'1692 O'IMII 0,96501 OMl 0%8(1 9:"(W O'~ 0'jlb9] 0.96&1 0%'11 'libel 'K.7O 0 '11169 09f058 O'llt..,. 964] 0 '11>41 0.96.16 09615 09624 09624 D.""'} O'llt.l~ 01lllQ2 It 'MOl . ... ,- 09:'112 0')691 0.'jIb74 . 0·,,",5 0'JI6J1 0.'Jti.9I 096& O,96M 0'lMl D,'jIb1'9 0,'l6al 09676 O~ 0967J 0':1661 O'jlbro 0':1667 0'jlb!;4 0.'Jb]O 09628 09625 09622 09617 0962.l 09616 (961) 0%09 0'lllOS .." 0,9616 09611 09(1)1 09&01 09'197 09S9] 09610 9S99 0 ~2 09589 0 ~ 0.9SIJa O'K'l) 0'J511 09SlJa 09'!n 1t957) O.~ 0,9587 0.9576 09579 09518 0'J561 09"iS6 09SSS 095SJ 0,9f.J5 09S~ 0'lS7V O,'tSIil 09'iSl 0')';S2 0'1515 0'jlb7S 0,", O.Wo5.! 091>'>1 D'lIIIo49 09646 09&42 0,9&47 D96-IO O.~ 09llt.l4 0.'lIIIlO 0, 9SloS 0 9560 0.'15106 95SJ 09Sq 0.'IS4O '~ll 09528 0.9516 (95)6 09524 09512 09b1l 0'Jl601 .~~ 0,9551 0.95-1) .... 9Sl1 ,~~ 0'1526 0951' 0951) 0'1501 09671 0'11169 09661 09(», O.~ 0.9M4 0,9f.oI6 0 96-14 0,9bH 9f.JJ 0 96J I 0 9628 0.9621 0961' 0961S 096011 O~ 0960J 0'JS95 omJ 0,9S90 095lll 09SlO O.9Sn 11 957V 09561 0'564 O.9SSI 09"iS4 0955' O.!IS4S 09542 ,~~ 09512 0952') D.95lO 0.9516 1I95U 9S01 0 950-1 ........, ''''' D"" 'M 10000 0"", 0'1'165 O'l'J(,S 09'1601 0,..,.. 09'lh] 0.996) 0991>.1 O'l'lllt..l 0,'l'lIIt..l 0'l'JS.f 0'99'i3 O'99'il 0'99'i, 0'i'951 0'i'951 099';0 09919 09'WJ 09919 (991) 09'/012 0'1911 0.9'UO 0.9')40 09<ll'J (99)/1 099)/1 09937 099l1o 09916 099)1 09'121) 0'M18 IDCIIO ..-,-,-,-,-.- 0 'I':lM ... 0 61 10000 1000010000 10000 10000 1000010000 10000 10000 99& ""' .-.-.-'-.-'"-~ "• o~ O~ O~l " oms ,"" " "." "'" ,"" o "'" ''''' o.!lIIn " o "'" "" " "'" ~ ''''' " 09o'l1~ 'lIIO~ "" o O'~84 "" O~ o.m 09~6tt 09~1>J 09~67 09,~ 0.9~1IO " 0~,43 09~4I {I"4, oms """ 09~12 oom. "" o " ''''' ''''' """ o o ,",,, ",., ",,. ,,.,, o " o ''''' "." ."" '%H "" "." ,- o ''''' "", ''''' ''''' ...," "'" o "" ."" ," ,'"' o ''''' ''''' """ "'" ...''''' ''''' ,,,,, ," o "'" ''''' "'" o """ ... 481 " ","u.. 05 10000 1,0IXXI 0.9917 0.9'T'4 0.9'161 0.9'Jo4lI 0991S 09987 0.9'11"4 D.... l 0.9'1048 0.9'1l5 0992) 09912 09910 0.99O!I ".J 0"" 0 0.-" 11 U •• ,." u u "u .., u u " ,", "" "" ""u "" """ " " """ " .. 'iM6 tII83 09$71 0.9M) o 9BSe o ~5 10000 :!: :: ::; ,... . , D ,w ,ro 'J' ,n ..... O.Jl ,- ,,.. ,-. 0,;-<; "'" ,''''' ,-, ,.... ... ..... ,''''' .... ''''' ,"', ''''' ,,.... ..... "'" "'" ''''' "'" ..... ,- ,''''' ''''' .... ,,,''''' "'" ''''' ,"'" ''''' ''''' "'" ''''' ,- ,,.,D •. 0.9981 0.9'161 0."'" 0.9914 099&0 D.9'JoI7 09'Jol7 09914 (99)) 0.9921 0.9&81 0.'1816 09!lO) 091115 ,.... , 09&S1 ... 0,91127 0,'M1) D.",",S 09!l1l 09932 0.99l1 O,gog}l 09'llO 09')19 0.9')11 09918 0'1'111 0,990) ''''' ''''' ''''' ",,, 0,'illl0 ,"" ,."'" 0'le5l om) "", ,m, "'" 0.9747 0,97.)) ",,, '"'' 09720 0,9701> 0 ')691 0.96tIIO 0.9f.66 09717 091001 0.9690 0'1677 O'l66l ''''' ''''' 0,'M$1 091!137 0'M12 09785 09m 097SB 0979) 09792 0.97'X1 O"M 09710 Dt77'J 0.'P6I D.9766 ,~ O'~S l.m3 0.97'S1 09749 0,9742 0.9140 0.91)8 09135 0997! O.!l?& 09911 0,'l'J6/i 0.99'1 099S~ 09l!l79 0'M67 ''''' ''''' "'" ,."" ''''' ,,.,, U.'i'l6I> 0.997) TT~ 0 'M51 091144 0.9&0 O!li!l20WJl 0,911'1 0"1. 0'M06 09805 '" B - -t.hO 097&] 09?69 0.9155 0.9742 09ne ."" "'" ,0!l874 091149 0.'lIJ5 0.91122 0,91\013 o.9&t/i 09832 D.'II2O 0 'M18 O'MOl!l 0.'JIIIl6 D'JIOf 0.9792 09190 o~ 09781 09767 0,'J8j4 ,- ,,," 09778 ''''' 0,99"13 ,,'n "", O.991S 0.9'J01 0'1887 09l!l73 0.9659 09914 .,,.,, 0.'M16 0.9n. .~n 09657 ... 0982B 09&14 , '"'' ,,,,, 0.9737 0,9721 ''''' 09148 '''~ ''''' 0,'VliO 0.9712 091\911 O. 968S 09671 0 w.57 09109 09J'06 0,9695 09692 0 9681 0 WI 0.101 09100 0,'J6II') 096a5 o '1643 0.9640 0'.1636 om1 09ll. D9745 09731 0.'717 O.99U 0_ ,- ...., ,"" Q'J9.l! 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" '",.," ""u 10071 1007\1 1_~ ,- 1.0087 1 00II1 10081 l00v l!011i 100801 UIOII2 UIOIIO UlO78 10077 '.001S loon IOU,. un07 1 010& 101001 111101 lOO'lf1 1.~ 10095 1 QOIJl 10114 10111 101211 10US 1.01,. 10'121 1.01211 1,0114 1.01U 1.0120 10126 IOUl 1.(nl0 1.0117 10I0Il 1 (Ill. 1.0121 1.0127 l!MOf unl! 10111 IOID 1010] '(1101 10099 10109 10107 1.01001 1.00tS 1.0121 10TH 1.0119 10110 1.0116 ,,- ,.... tim} U,I1JO HlO9Il 1.0102 1.01D!! 10114 UIOM 1.0105 10110 1.0102 1.0107 1.0141 101~ 10116 101.M 1.0129 1.1t117 1.0125 10122 1.0n, 1.0116 1.0114 'Olll ,-,-,-,-~.,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,­ ,-~·,-,-,-,-,_,_,_,_w»~.,_ ,-,-,-,-,-,-~.,-,-,-,-,-,1.0182 LIlh!O 1.0m. 1.01n 1.0161 1.0164 LIl16, HilS/! 101504 101SO 10148 10141i 1.0182 '_~.'_'_~R'_'_~.'_'_,_,_,_ 1.0196 1 OlD) 1.0196 l.o2OJ UI'I'I UIlIl1 1.0'89 1.11196 101115 1.0192 1.0180 1.0186 1.(nn 10171 1.0110 10166 10162 1.01&) 1.01110 1.01'" 1.00n 101~ I.OI~ 1.01M 100S' 1016! ","".. ,-~.,-,-,-,-,-,-~.,-,-,-,~ ,.. ,"'" l.o:zsa "" ,.". ,"" " "'" ,"'" U .. 10210 umo 101011 1.020) 1.01" 10192 1.01" 1.0186 10182 1.0111 1.0173 1.011'1) 10166 10Zl4 1.Q1lO lill)] 1.m3 '-'1210 1.1I2ll 1Il221 1.11221 HIlJj 10216 1022l 'OlQS I~ 1.0211 10218 1(1224 10211 10211 1_020".1 1.0lDI 1.0214 101... 102001 1.0210 10194 10200 1.1llO(, 1,0189 1.019S 1.0201 1,011' 10190 1,0196 1,0111 100Si 1,0193 1011't 101i1-< 1.01'10 102<44 1,0251 '0244 1.O:ZS1 1 ~l 102)6 1.02l1 1,0224 1 026.l 1,0251 1.0lfi 1.0220 1.D2lfi Ullll 1.02)') llmS 1,0216 llJ222 1OZ2'J l,on5 10141 1,0212 1.llll' 1.0224 10210 1.02)6 1,0l07 1,1ll1l 1,021' 1.0225 1 WI 10202 1.0l07 1.021) 10219 1,0215 1.0199 1.0204 1,0210 1.0216 1,0222 10191> 10.'01 1 (P.Ol" , rull 1,0218 1025f I ~ , IDio4 1,021' 10255 1024) Il--Roloo ... •• ,w O,fo'I 070 D .n .n .n ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,"" ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,••• ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,- ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,". ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,..",.. ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,--,,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-," ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,." ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,. ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,., ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-," '" OJ u 0.14 1,00151.OIIU 10015 UID14 10014 1.0014 1,0013 lOO1l lOO1l 1.0012 1,011\1 101m 10011 !CO" 1.0041> 100015 U)(I.4 \ 00013 1.0041 101141 10CM0 HI013 1.00)1 1,011:16 lOOl4 loon 100511.0056 10055 l00S4 IODS3 10051 l11DSO 1004'1 HOI' 1,01146 I,OOU loon !lXlll 1~ 1.0IIIIl 10081 UlOIl6 \.0091 l007'J 1.110114 1.00&9 1 fX1T1 10082 11)(18] 11101'S UlOIlO 101185 '.0073 1,11011 10083 10011 I.OOM 1001>1 HID!19 1,00M; I.IXl'JoI 1.0093 1.0016 1-(10110 '0014 1,0018 '0011 1.0076 1001>5 UOt.9 101113 l00b2 10066 10070 10060 101J601 IOI)6IJ 10105 1.00Ql 1.0101 1.00'19 l00'J7 100'IS 1.0092 lOO9Il 10087 100&4 100111 lOO7tI 1007'S 10111 1.0109 1.0\16 1.0114 '0121 1011~ 10121 10124 1.0012I.111l1l 1.0106 1.0112 1.0l11 '-0122 \.0121 1.0l04 1.0109 10114 '0\20 1.00lS '-0102 10107 '0112 1.0111 10122 1,0100 1.0104 '-0109 10114 10'" '0097 1.11102 1011.16 '.0111 1.0116 llXl'Jo1 1,00'19 1.0104 10108 111111 1.0II'J2 10096 1.11101 1,0l05 101'0 1.0IIII'J l1lO'11 1011'Ja 1.0101 10106 11101!11i 10090 10094 loo.t 1.(10) 1.00113 100111 1.0091 1,01195 100'19 1,001'9 10081 ItlOll1 10091 lOO'K 1.01)11.0135 101431 .0140 Utl<la 1.0146 101504 10151 '.OIfoO'OIJ1 1.01]) 10113 1014) 10148 10154 1(1)0 1.0115 10140 10145 1.0lj(! 10121 10112 1,0117 1.0142 1.0147 1,0124 1.0129 1.0134 1011' 10144 1,0121 1.0126 1.01l1 101:16 10140 1.0118 10122 1.0121 '0112 10111 10114 1.0119 1.0124 1.0121 1.011) 10111 10115 10120 1.0124 1,0129 1(11)1 10111 10116 10110 1.0124 1.0101 1.0101 10112 1.0116 111120 lOO9'J 10101 10107 10111 lOll' 101115 1,0110 1.01'" 1.0181 1.0lSi 1.016:2 1.0161 '0111 1.0111 lOll' 1 015~ 1.01601 10110 \.OIl'S 101110 1.0156 10161 1,0166 1.0111 1.00n 1.0152 lOIS/! 1.0163 101611 1.(11) 1.0149 1.01504 1.0159 1.0164 101M 1.0145 1,01511 1.11155 101611 101M 10141 10146 1.0151 1,0156 101611 1.01l7 1-(''''2 11'147 1.00SI 1.0156 1(1)) 101111 10142 1.0141 1,0151 10129 1.01)3 10131 10142 1.0146 1.0124 10121 1.00ll 1,01l1 1.0141 10120 1.0124 10111 100ll 1(1)6 10192 1111911 '.02001 1020t 10215 10189 1.019S UI200 II1'2l)6 ',0111 UlllIi 101't1 1.0196 1.020".1 \,0201 10182 1.0111 1.0192 1.01911 1.D201 10118 1.01&) \.01. \.OI'M '0199 10114 1.1117'9 1.01&4 1.0189 1.0194 1,0110 1.1IlTS 1.0180 1.01M '0190 101M 1.0110 10175 1.0180 10185 '0161 1.0165 1.0110 HII75 1.01110 1,0156 10160 101M 1.0170 1.0114 1,0151 1.01S5 10160 1,0164 'Olfo'l 1.0146 101j(! 1,01504 10159 1,0163 10100 10144 100<1a 1015) 10151 u " OJ U 1.0103 1,(1109 ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,." ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,,.,."" 10142 483 " ,."" u ,.,a u " '" "uOJ .." ,.. "u ..." • Cos l'roductioll Engineering ·84 ... "100 " u2 Table 10-6 Y", Expansion Factors-Flange Taps Table 10-6 Continued Y... Expansion Factors-Flange Taps Sqtlc Pr.ssure Muo of Upstre.m end Downstr•• m Stetie Pr...ure Mee" of Upstream and Downstream DWM O~ G9'A6 099'>& 099'K O~ 6,,") 09991 09990 0"",, O,'J'lIIf 09'J8il 0..9988 11 12 U '4 I ~ O'l'lelJ 09964 O'l'!i8l O<m<! o')'m 0997~ O'l'l71 0'1910 0.9!I6a 09'11>1:> 0,",' 69'191 o.9'1e6 0'1'181> 0911&1 09'1111 0.997'1 0'19" 099l!l1 09981 0'197' 09976 09975 0.9'/72 0'l'l7(l 09!l6a 09966 09"1601 0"'" 0'l9S9 0.9957 099'S; il99"F 0.9'/95 ow;; 0.,,,,",, 0.'1992 O'lMil o.,9'iI'J 0,'" 11._ 099'1'2 0.9'/&1 0.9'182 0.9980 0.9977 0,.;1&1 0..9'1111 Q.9'J78 G'l9'I7 O'»i~ 0._ 09'1'11 ij,':I'/9l O_'I'HI 11._ D,99'JI) 0._ O'I'IN 69'1117 0.991;1 0.9985 O.9'JM 0.,9\1&1 0911&1 O,1ffi7 D'l'I'i; 6,'I'/'l0l 0.""" 0.998.2 0._ 0,'1977 0.""'. 0..998.2 O.9'J7'j 0.,9976 6.'1'971 0..9970 0.99boI ,. 0,')968 09965 0,9961 0,9974 09910 0.9966 0.9!162 o,me 0997' 09969 0,9965 099101 0,99$6 09960 09955 0,'997.1 0.9'lfI8 099I\J 0,9956 0.9'JS.! 09956 0995) 0.99S0 09961 0995a 0.995-1 09951 09')017 0.9960 09956 0995\ 09950 O~'> 0.9956 0.9954 0.9951 0.'1947 0.9943 0.9957 0.9953 0.9949 0.9946 0.990 099S6 09952 0'l9l8 09'1+1 0'194<1 0995S 0.9951 0.'l9I7 099U 09939 09953 0'1949 09945 0'1941 099)7 0,9951 0'l9l8 09'1+1 099]9 0.9915 09951 09946 09942 09933 099lJ 0.9949 09945 0,99010 09'J16 09931 0.'l9I8 D.'l9IJ 0,9919 099)1 0.9'J19 0.9'J046 0.9942 099)7 09932 0,'1927 0,'1945 0.'194<1 09'1)5 0.9'I1O 0,992.) 0.'1941 09933 D.9'JH 0.'1'128 0.99ll 09'141 0.'1'116 099Jl O~ 1.1 1.1 I.J 1.' 1.5 0.9!M4 0,99010 (99)7 099}< 0,")0 09942 099" 099.16 09912 0'l9l1 099. D99}< 09910 0.99" 0.9936 0.99)1 D9911 0.9'l30 0,9'129 0.9927 0992S 0992] 0.'192' 09'1), 0991' 0.9917 09')1) 0991' 09911 09929 0992.) 09921 09917 099)1 0.'1921 0992) 09918 0.9914 09925 09920 0,9'116 0,9911 09907 0.9911 0.99011 0.9'IOf 0.9920 0.9915 0.9910 0,9'lO!I 0990T 0.9918 09911 0,9'iOII 09903 09912 0.9927 0.9921 09918 0.9914 09909 09'll2 0.9'118 0.992~ 0.99'0 0.99l6 09911 0.9'129 0.9925 09929 0992.) O.~ 1.' 1.1 U U U 0991; 0991D 09'101 0.9900 0.'IIm (992) 1.1 1.1 l.l 0,9921 0.9918 0991, 1.4 0.9911 0.9907 0.99" 09916 0.9911 0.99011 0.990S 09917 09914 09910 0.9906 0990:.1: 09915 09911 09907 0990] 09'100 (991) 09'10'1 09905 0.9901 091197 09910 09906 09902 0._ 0.')11904 09'iOll 09901 0t1199 0.91I9S 0'"' 0.9905 09'102 0990T 0 _ 0'lll!l6 O!IMl 09D92 091!1119 0 _ 0,'11&4 0._ 0.'lI895 09890 O.'JMS OWl 0'lll!l6 0'J89) 0'Jl91 0._ 0.9817 O'llllll 0'lMl 0.'1B78 0'11U7 0.'lII71 0 .... 09ll'!6 0,'JIII9!i 09l9l 0'Jl91 0.9888 09817 0.91164 091164 0 _ ' 0'J89] 0.9M9 09MS 0_' 0'J177 09190 0'J111116 0'lMl 09878 0987' 09817 09lll:.l 0.9178 091174 091!10 O.~ O,'JI'IJ 0.'1190 0990T 6_ 0.91194 0.W90 0.911117 09V'i 0'Jl15 0.'JI7V 0.'J11L6 0..., 0'J17S 0'lll71 0.'lIIf>7 0'Jl6l O'JIII?' 0.'II7l 0.9167 0.'JIII6l 0.'J8SI 0.')871 0.'II16II 0.'JIII6l 0.'J8SI 0.'J1S4 O.WoI 0,'" 0,'JI59 0.'J1S4 O.'I!W'I 0.')116.1 O'lllbl) 0.'JIIISol 0";(1 D...., 0'lll16 0'Jlll 0986'1 0,'J1166 0,9873 0.'JI6'l 0.9Il66 09862 0"73 09870 0.91166 09ll6l: 09MI 0.9870 D.'*" 09l6l O'JIIISII 0'J1S4 091166 09861 O'JIIISII 0.91S4 091150 091162 0'J8S1 0.'JISoI O'MSO 0.9845 0.91I5a 0.'JISoI 0 ....9 O'J8oi, 0,_' 0.'lIS4 0 .....9 0 ....' 0 ..... 5 0 ....5 D.'il&tO 0'il&tO 0.91)5 0.'I1I.l6 O,'lIIJl 0.",," 0.'il&tO (91)5 O,'JI}(! 0.'lIl6 0._ 0987~ 0.'1M3 0,'lIIlO 0 ..76 0.'lII71 0,91!I69 0'11U7 14 l.S 0._ 0.'1M3 0.9V'i D.'J176 0.9IIn 0987l 0.986'1 09866 O'llMil 0'l1lS9 1.' ).7 1.1 3,' 4" 0.'1&b9 0.'J166 0._ O.!iIl6l 0.'l8b2 O.'JIS' 0.'J1S9 O.'JIS§ ''1111:S6 0911S2 O.!iIl6l 0.'J111S8 O'J1S5 O,'lBSl O.96Ca O.'JIISII O.'JISS 0,'JIS1 0 .... 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D..,.., O,99)S 0")7 09912 0"ll5 0'19)0 09938 0.99.16 099J] 09910 0.9927 0,99)6 09930 0,'1927 0'l9l4 D.99)) 09910 0'l9l7 0'1924 0'l9l1 0.9930 0.9927 0'l9l4 0.9921 0.99'11 09927 09924 0,99lO 099'17 09914 09925 09912 0'1911 0""5 0.",1 0.9920 0.9916 (991) 09910 0.99)1 09930 D'I92B 0.9925 0992] 0.9927 09924 09922 09919 0.9924 0.99'22 0,9'119 09917 09'114 0,9922 0.9919 09916 0,9'111 0.9910 0.9911 0991S 09911 0,9910 09906 D.""S 0.9911 099011 0990S 0.9902 0,9911 0.9'107 0.9904 0,9901 0.'"' 0.99011 0.990S 0'l'lO2 0.9Ige 0.91I9S 09906 09901 0.91199 0W'16 0'J1192 U 1.7 2.1 U l.G 0."'" 0.9886 0_1 0.9V'i ).1 l.2 U 27 Z. n )0 (9901) 0.,.., 0"" 09').16 0'99)1 0,,",2 0"'" 0.....0 0'19. 099" 0.99.16 099.16 099}< 099)1 0'1911 0.9')4~ 0990lS 0"") 099.16 (99)1 09911 09'129 09927 0,991~ )~ 099» 0'99)0 0'1'128 0.9'126 Ow.z4 099)2 09930 o.w.z. 09926 09924 09910 099211 0.9926 09')14 0.9922 0'1925 0992] 0.9'r.!O 09918 09916 099lO 0.'9911 09916 0991) 09!\, 09914 0.'9911 09'JO'il 0.9906 0,99(101 0.99'11 0,9'iOII 0.9906 0990] 0,9900 0.9'JOII D.990S 09902 D'lIII99 D.'lII!I6 09901 09901 D."" 0.'lII95 0.91192 D.,," 0'lll!l6 09119) 09MO D.'111117 0.9fI9oI 0.9891 O.'!MII 091!1115 0'lMl ),6 )7 ]8 " ,0 09912 09921 09919 09917 0991S 09921: 09920 0'9911 09916 09914 0,9920 099'11 0'9916 099'1 4 0"12 0'19'4 0.9912 0.'9910 0.9907 09905 0'1'109 0.9906 099(101 09'101 O.'JII'J'I 0.9901 0._ 0.'iIl196 O.'iI8!M 0,'JI91 0.9II'JII 0,98'1S 0911'1) 098'JO 0_7 0.'lii')0i 0'J891 0.9lI1\II 0._ 0.'lIIIll 0.'Me!I 0.'IIIMo 0._ OWl 0.'JI18 0.91164 0.'" 09&71 0.9875 O,.. n 09V'i 0.ge76 0,9876 0.9872 0.'IOn O'IWI 0.91!I69 O,*" 0.91166 0916) From on~ Mnci"l oj N/JI .. .-./ Ca •. 1989, """rteoy of AGA 09952 0,99(,.1 ••• 0991$ 09971 0.9967 0.99I\J 0.99;9 0.9971 0,99]2 09!l6a 0.9"1601 0,996i'I 0.9')61; 0.996] 0.9'JbO 09'JS7 0.'1'J'i4 0.9948 Ot9ol4o 09!M4 0995] 09948 O.~ o." n O,'/'J69 (99)) 0.9'lS5 0.997' 0.9971 09969 0.9966 0.99b1 0._7 09'J0t6 O"..} 0,"", (99)') .mo 0.9977 0.99611 0._5 09'lS] 09951 0,," 0"" 0.,,",5 0,9'1611 O' OJ o..<J971 0,'J9611 D.~ ..., ..- .."" ..,,, 0991. 099:-7 0.997. 0997~ 0,9'J70 0.9%& 0'l'ltoS 0.9'J6J O.'l'9bO (I,9')f,.I 0.99fIl 0..9978 O.991S 0..9971 0.'1972 0.997(1 0'1"167 0.9!16S 0.9962 0.9971 0.9970 D.5 Q,'l'I72 0997. 0,9'170 0.9966 0.9961 0._ 0'1951 O,9'MI~ 0.9981 699)'9 0'197& 09:l7J 0,'196') 0.')961, o~r.m 091192 0.91119 O!IM~ 0'lMl 09V'i Q.9o/b) 09959 0995, 09952 0.')'W5 1.S 3.) 0.99D4 D.'J900 0.91I9J 09996 09971 0.9966 0.9961 0.9957 0.9951 69'l1l':I (I," 09991 09917 0991ll 099711 099111 09977 0..9')89 69985 o.,ft12 o.,'J'Jll1 69'17' 09975 0.!9'16 099'11 09917 O.998J 0997') 0.9993 09991 09916 0.99112 09977 0.991>11 o.~ 09920 09916 0.9995 09991 ~- Q.9'JI'I 0.9992 09996 0.9')')6 0.9992 0.99'» 0 . " 09'J17 0 _ 09'1&] 09980 0.997') 099119 0.9984 0.99711 0'J971 69'J16 09982 D.9'I'JoD II ........ 6,",93 o.999! C.9'J'Jf> 09992 0.9'JIIII 0._ 0.99110 O"""'i 0 _ 0.9'I'JII 0998') 0,99IS 09'1&( 09')80 0997') 09975 0.9974 0._ 0.9984 0.'l981 OW9lo 0.999) 0._ oms O"'IGS 0._ 0_ 0 _ 0'J'J85 0.9981 09')80 0.99"6 09975 0.1 G.2 1U 0.4 D~ own 0.9'l'IO 0.9'IIl6 DMeJ 0.997. 0.9971 09'16'1 09967 09965 21 22 2) 14 1,S 0~9 'w 0.9'17. 09964 0.'1'11>1 099Sl 099SS o 0.9976 O.997l U 17 18 " 20 l' ]2 )] H , -"bO .S> 0.1 0.4 .." .. 485 ". ." ..."_,_._,_._._._,-,_._._," .. ... II . 1 as Cas Flow Measurement oow 0.91126 o.'len 0.91111 0.91111 0,_ 0._ D.~ o'm~ 09920 09890 0_5 0'l1!l!lO 09874 0,'JII7(I 0.1I&l~ O"I~ O ..lO O'Jlll, 0.ge20 • 486 CO$ Production Engineering Gal Flow Measurement Table 10-7 Continued Fb Basic Orifice Factors-Pipe Taps Table 10-7 Fb Basic Orilice Factors-Pipe Taps ~ l"m~'~IUnl! .. 6O"F Su.. pr"uute" 14 n ..r;;:;;r .. GO flooo."'l i"mpe'''\UnI! .. 6O'f Spe<:ifoc 1I'''VlIy'' \.0 h..lpf" 0 I'i~ Si>:es-Nom.... .nd htblishrd '"Jido Di._ltl1. Inchn , Onfoce 0;""""1 .... In, 16119 1939 ,.'" 12850 12 ~:m . OJ"") ,~ ,~ Hm IJ 212 an u., ", Z'/,(I9:" 12800 .9 ou; 12765 .~ .~ Sl\tl' lInl 51 591 .,., 'U~ 11' 99 '''' '.B m" ,'" 20) 27 1.125 2.1126 lV12 18102 15110 191.74 , ,'" "., 1J223 015(1 pt.. J on .. om tn.s 120010 ULlO n.~ m" 19U1 81.;>95 '6Jll :l'Il.11 >n" 1175 4"'''' ,~ ~., ,~ ~~ .. ft ,~ l.alS 1115) 3152 12.7-18 12.7IS 28 fo82 l\Il>6'I 21.6].01 51.196 80103 111.10 1&2 7;' 216 n 51 (16.4 ,Iun 116.116 161 11 2U.1'i 285.0\& 28166 2!1O,02 21S42 ~'1 }5712 J';'''5 ... , q 54] Jl 66281 ]A70) '2'91] 525 j.() "'~." 'i6!; " S49 "" 6'-171) f.1l~ 1156.17 1190.7 al~05 'J91'JII 12056 lo16~. 1 8(lJ,n 971.19 117U 1415.0 2150 2 ]:'S um 11:'22 U~ .~ ,~ 5O.9J6 0.1015 l'U7~ ~79 alS 11571 '''' 'B ,= 1 PS 1125 ""'" ,". 'B 1125 ,,," '" 187S ,~ ,~ ,,~ 2875 'B 7b],;1 91''JII toes S 128'11 0 lana G.175 ,~ 61P~ 1~12 " •. OS lSH7 ,~. 111 0) ~. .." 501n 114J~ 'I' 81 !St.l1 ",W ,.V 1M.tO )J7OS .tHl >02U .. . " 11 n7S4 114.16 bn.lII .. 110.90 , 418.'" "''' lCl'-' 118!;.1 U8S4 1611.2 n,,, ,.76 '''''10 114119 "'~ 1141.4 26Hl )2&.1) ~ ~M >on ~'" 11349 114 ~1 1S6.71 S.761 50~S2 7'),217 ~. ~ 201.00 162S1 'UM ~" ]1402 "'~ 122116 51'014 414 20 Vol 73 6S1oe 16'hl 'OJll 1S172 1m ) ,~, ,~ ,~, '"" "'" .... 12'" m .. ,~. ,~, "''' ,~ 4SB.ll 53971 lJa OJ ,~ 1&75 2.125 2150 ,~" ,~ 'lS1Sl 1128 1214' '4)l.7 ,~, _. -, 11"JOl ~. 2524.J _... _. ~" "' lOOll; courtsy of .... C .... ,.~ 'm, 1511.0 "'" ""., 11149.9 4102." "'" loIS 1~ 7lJn 10764 ,~, 1)48.' '4'JU 165'),1 18)(1' lOll 7 ~,~ .. ~" 6~ 6)4 mu " 'lS1J8 10749 !lOb.l n... 14\1t. 1 "'" "'" "''' "". "'0 )lOn.o "'" , " "". ,.m 40'4' ~. )1~.9 ~." 15] 20 11' 4-1 "''' ""W Nn loe) 0 11\6,] "'.a 1m2 ~M' w.w 251.28 ]18'16 m" 2211 10 lIIli7 257!ol 119 \0 1141.)4 21]12 ~. 80n ... .,,"'" "" ~, ~, _.'m.-, .. .., 2446.5 21'" 1411.4 26]I,~ 1'l1J7 11711 ... ,~ ""U 2OJ'l,9 5197.7 ea,. ]$I ,~ "',/01 '17,51 ~, 'B From Orijicllfttnin. oj Nal",o/ 14".4 ~, ,~ 1)1$ ,m )112.1 U16/O 1622,J 28S1.7 11610 )1051,/0 )957.G nlS 1 lll5 ~" 256U 31~ 90 2'1 10,020 2S1> 01 lI6.56 626~\ 5J8 '" nl61 121 JO n12] 1126 6) 124 12 aU!>4 ~]71a ,.~ 9J1.27 1.0s0.6 1.0551 I,OS16 1.lau I.ll" 1.4600 '-611 1.9<25 1.177.0 e 2.Inl 2.111 6 B11S 1,Jl0S 1,45,2.1 ,-f.OU 1.7610 ... '''' ,~ 6231.\ 7220 5127.' 611$2 7,.8.7 M~' 127< II on" "'" 1lSS1 "'~ "'" 5)1.)3 455/001 5)566 62),44 ill" 71610 111.0 "143 ,'671 m.n 1.041.3 U6S1 1.1'159 1.4)4.J 1,580.7 '124,c.I ~, ' <409 I 1,7269 1.1:14.9 1.!>48 ~ 1.6')I6S I.MS.1 1.1IS1,1 2,1154 7 l.lll.1 14180 2.019 S 2,1907 2,lbt 6 1,1I1'6 2.014,] }, 11511 2.1655 1,11145 2.612 6 2.1161 US.S 2.15'-' 2,5~11 3.4'12 0 1.02U US17 3,4&)9 ),1659 J.Jas8 ,.... ' u"n 2611'91 J..J81 1 3.ll1S ),622 1 "'~ 1.!>499 1.6ge 1 20M. 1,61H 91' 4) um6 SlO " 1,410.5 2,OS75 l.4241 1.ilU 8,on 5J29) 6181) 7111) 1.551,7 1.700 1 USil 1,2)54 1.1l2.7 !11101 1.0299 1.14'.1 1-l76S 5)1.01 .1892 711 H un2 2,2439 2,9QS 5 "'M 110" <lln Ul)9 2,0&1 0 2.912 7 ",)0 45) '12 5)) 27 619 I. 711 71 1.4174 2,100.0 1.141 1 4<'5,2 Sl543 1Il220 71Sla 15250 1.028 6 U4Il 1.2745 1.4080 1.Gl' 4 1.1616 1.2'l1 4 1418 7 1 .287 8 241)4 1.7SB4 15.000 J15.57 2.2922 a 2.<]] ] 2.421 UJS 6 1,II4J 0 1,1160 2 J,281 4 ).5249 16112 1,8216 )OJ5 ] 1.15117 1.01117 11601 1.2'lO 2 1.'1S4 5 1,14&8 l.l1'S 4 1,14S' 1, 948.1 1.1S1.6 ..,n> .. 2,162 4 " , 1.701.1 2.9ol1.] 1.153.1 U711 1,1151. ).11409 J.&l2a uJOe Hl1.2 5,1015 C.1U4 4.339 8 . ,J19 6 5,4J79 4OJ1.8 4,SI\11 5,191,5 1.II8'J,S 4.7S/0.1 5.411.5 4.87S1 4.116:1.9 6.\14. 5,lSO. S.1S78 s.ns 4 4.892 9 6.16'1 2 5.'71 , 5,450 S S.414 1 7.1771 U7t, 6,451 S 7.lOS 1 '.'ll2 U19U 6.1570 6.0f69 6.045' 1,817.2 6.9.14 4 7.1120,0 6;6'14 ' .114.1 9.107 0 •. n41 • .v6,1 8.1OJ.l 6.Io9'i.C ].l'114 1,142) ,~ 1.750 1 ,/000 1 lIS 114 456.16 2.1OS 1 5..550019 .~ U'iO.3 2._) 1.171 I ..,= . .. .~ ,~, bolaS 1 75n 4 11,93t1 l,m.6 4,116.' 4 .7762 , '''' ". 1,11$.8 1,)0'10 11.]76 1.1lS1 1.897 I 4 ,24] , 4 ,80".5 1 ,~ 10,116 255 \It. l16 4~ .HoB 4"'.6) 5l84S 1J62'l lAl 1'l <57.1'l "" "" , .~ .~. '0'____ _____'"'____ 9.564 ,~ 411.6'1 SSI 24 f>5]ll 1'S1J9 24.101 4lOS.1 ,~ .. ISS.IO J 1.125 "'" 11410 "".4 "'0 150011 1l1l 4 "., , ,m, ,m, 'm' "'" uses "ft. 21105' ,= ,," .. '''' ,.. 461/06 _ _ _ _~','_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ,IUS JUS IU" "'. ..,,, "'. 1.9111 5O!ol8 l!Won 114]1 12'lJ,I 1!60.5 11683 '''' 7625 114 )l .,n "'ft ."'., U mu lOY) Oro(, ee 11.071 41S1.4 -, o... meter, ,~ "4 iT IUU ",. • 7.9111 ll"' . ~ l!olS SI89 .'" ,'" l1.7:H 51241 80m 118.00 110))1 217.52 ,,~ ,~ 1~30 28 ~10 ISS.a:! 5.761 . ~ 51 nl 81.112 llU7 '''' 51 2197f1 10500. 'B ..'" • 2.900 ..'" • 5.189 ..,,, 14UU 11.7IJ 1l.14O '."'-2 U6l,~ '.897.' 7,J5ooI.l 1.2114 "49.$ '.119.0 1,0242 1,9154 ..... 7.16'15 7.91'96 11.1000 11.644 11,111 12,492 ,,,,, ",no 14.01II 12,5SO 10.945 12.1G1 11,'" lIt.OJS "'" 1).911 11.371 1l.241 15.442 14.7f>l 16.2901 11. • ~ lun 10,171 17,1l1 19.017 9.-' ..., 9.1172 10,1160 1.4WI a '.ms 9.1)416 7,411.6 1.1792 8."'1 U17,0 9.91'-2 10.141 11.lll 11.7ll 14,~ 12.901 12.m 16.101 IPSO 14.044 15.2611 1•• SIIl 12.6&4 IU.l 15.1190 lIt.Pl ,.,21' 9.&.111 10.~ n.... 9,7/001 1 lG."" ",/054 14.~ (table cOIltinlu,d) • 488 Gas Production Engineering Table 1C).7 Continued Table 10-7 Continued Fb Basic Orltice Factors-Pipe Taps Fit Basic Orifice Factors-Pipe rapa Orillce 10 12 18 Orifice 15000 Dol-meter, in. [Mmeter, in. 9.564 10.020 10.136 11.J7f> 11.')8 .'" ,B 12.090 14688 11.5'.11 17._ ,p~ ".12' 19$1' 21,1'16 20.107 ,~ LI.~l~ ~blS '''' 'B "" 15.250 U,l56 N,W] 26.911 ~'" 18.S01 25.9)2 18.01. 10000 )1,1>2'1 )IU)9 ~'" to ~5G ~,)lS lLMl 12,11) )6,ltoO lS,ln " 18814 19.000 19.250 _ 22.626 40 " " 000 ,~ _.71 aof>S7 212S "UI 911.11 1.0J.l .• 1.100_ 1,1)6.' I.M.O 1.2606 1.l'lll 'J 1.s27,' 1,.,1-5 1,111,' ',136_5 1.2602 '.l'JIII5 1.527,) 1,.711.9 1.Il:1,' I,m' I,m_o 2,141_' 22:10 1.0219 '.Ill.» l.on.1 "" " "" 1.141.0 1,140.' 1.1M.1 1,,)912 U155 1.1011117 I,M. I.)'JI>.8 U1S,O '.1«1 1 un ) Ul2.7 1,&12.1 1.IJ1.1 1.12S 1.99'11 U91.0 1,'1;10.0 '''' 2. l!oS 0 U)I .) l.n10 2.1101 2,155.' 2.m.7 . ,~, 17SG ,~ U~ 'B ..'" un' 2$106 2.... 2 1.)91),) 1.5J.H ... " hIS 2.10997 ,~ UHa 2,euz z.... , 1,097 7 1.~Z nus Hlno ))021 '.vu "." 1,1516 4,2261 7 1.7oMl l.7QS,o .~ 4mo ' ,21' 1 1.101,7 4,1(,).' 5.261_1 4 .1101.6 4 .660.0 5,llJ.0 5.737,1 '.m. }.06J1 10.079 10.m 10,051 10.90) 11,W U.7i7 1l.7i2 .~ 14.110 .'" '5,'" ",0:>1 '''' "'" ,~ "._ "" "'" • B ,~ IO,OJO 10,111 ',",,' t,m_o ".... "'" 11.m 11,756 lU., II,},", ll,lo<9 1l.670 14 .7fJ ".19) n,16O ".11l 11.7)) ".... ,,-'" """ 17A15 16.m 15.109 16.150 ,un ".12t 17.l.J7 "- ".)1) un.o ,..n 1.0t.l 1 U616 1111.3 1.111 0 1.9t.17 2.119 6 I!W,I. '''' 2"·,, unl 2.144 6 un.1 2.&U' 1_60;60 1.040 0 l.l'Z.2 2.l'III2 ""'" 16.000 1.1~1 .. 2.191 ~ 2,4729 ", },O)8 , 1.&110 J.01l 2 ).2409 ),2;101 I ""'" 18.000 27,052 "'"' lO.'32 ll,('{'(' \4 078 • .m 28.613 28,156 l'.'~l 1l.4'!4 ~.~ \4.2~~ l'I.9n JI,'''' 19,'10) ]I.~'!!I )6,m l6,158 )1,169 ll.U18 ),,'1'1] .,.. J.6,)18 16.21S 4'J.1U ." SoI.6:13 . ]9,7G1 47,615 ~,16' 4O,ISS 05.406 .'" 27.109 19.27J "~ 61,~ S2.l11 S1.912 67,681 ~.~ ~.'" •.on 74,074 1lJ.231 I2,OS5 ]I,-IOJ 13.)10 n.6JO n.19J ,",,6011 711,&11 711.)1] lOO_MO 109_1. 1011.1. a.~ 91.900 101.'150 ... ~ S_10JO S)lU H " S4 6.211 1 5.&41.' un I ',278.3 ,~ 52!!!IO 1'9.'36 l058 •. m· "." .~ %.'" u._ S_IOS 0 "'11>_0 t,2llS '7061 5),171 2•• l4 25.7.9 5,1011 1 '.4'JS .• 41,)'19 ".~ 5,ln) 1 ,510 4 9.2n. :13,'1-01 01.9-'0 2'.612 s.I7t•• .'" 'B Jl.9Ja )4.78} lto.)!' 21.685 117.210 7,5]90 ',':Ml1 Jl,l7S )60426 Jt"I&4 23.12' 127.150 "'" 7.1*1 . jA,oM] "'" ~1.'IC1 21,11>5 2O,m ),66-11 '.In. 6,4)8,7 lO.')I ».lIl1 27.111 29,.90 :r:.~38 '.1160 7.759 1 .." ]7.010 ".", 21.9113 • S91.1 1.m . 7.094 0 A.'" lU9): 19.611 2O.1'So4 ,~, .. '.1001 • 27 ••' 19.656 ' .117 1 1.71"19 ,~ 5." 1' n.lll ",.. "'" '"'' N." )."'" m 5." 90 6,. sa6 "." l.l,oM7 N.'" 21.900 n.w 21.m 19,250 18,411Z '.119 J "S'1'J6 sm' ,~ 5.l746 ""'" ""'" 1)(100 N.'" 19.000 ',160.1 • 651. "" "" ,~ 3S.07a 1l.l4I l'J,TtoI ' 2.BO ll.~ "'" n .... 28.621 1.6"'6 ,,7)4 1 •. m ) . UlIS 2.411. 1.0'IS 1 ),lOS 1 ).74& '."" 1.1>6) • 1,811.7 2.112.1 D ... 11.250 11.soo 11.150 12,000 2').023 lO,925 N." 1,1599 2,IJ02 1.81>54 292$0 V,w 11_25O 19.409 ''''' , 1.S270 UlO' V'IO ,~. .t!I.I';& 2)000 ~ 194W1 .... .... " .. "... ...."."' U.'" 10.:z50 10.'iOJ 10.150 11 .000 22.626 \'.000 2.1'1.7 2._ 7 2-,",.0 " 000 19,250 :m,7') ::".2.151 1.1361 1,9t08.1 2,""'_2 1J,751 1.01*,0 28.628 I.m.' ~ U" 23.250 '" ~ 19.000 19.001 24,&11 """ lB _814 lO.n! U.JI. 2'J.ln O·,li(e ro 17,561 ,~ Di~me'e" 489 Gas Flow M easu rement 4 .~' 6,)1).1 .~. 6.97:12 1,S?1) 1 6.101.7 6.207 Z 6.1021 6.21.012 6.'l'Jl 7.')) • 7,.ltI , 7.41U ',1515 1.'67' ',08U '.777,1 9._0 10,2. 7 1.081 0 8.0~6 8,7tIIIO I.TtoI9 9,4" 1 I.l6Z0 U'"'S ',112 • '.7179 10.522 10,50S "". 11 ,m 1l.21. 11,11' 14.0b5 11.1'1 I!.OJO 11.1.7 n.09) Il.W 15,054 U.QlO ".0» "..., "... 11.166 lB.l'Il 17.lll 11.2'1 9.4151 10,2)4 6.NII S PretllrUre·8aM! Factor, Fpb This factor corrects fo r cases where the base (standard) pressure, Ph in psia, at which flow is to be measured is other than 14.73 psia: 10.116 11,016 11.006 11.11JO 12,6711 11,119 12,665 15'l'J 16.41' 15.'" 17 .... 17,421 ".... """ "'" tun ",46' 14.$G1 15,'57 16_'SO 17._ 9 (text continued from page 479) F 14.73 "" ---I'b (10-18) Fpb - 1 for a desired base pressure of 14.73 psia, because the flow relationship assumes a standard pressure of 14,73 psia . 16.l97 (text con tinued on pag€' 498) • 490 C08 Producllon Engineering Gal Flow Measuremen t Table 10-8 " b " Yalue. for Reynolds Number Factor F, Determ ination-Pipe Tap, Table 10-8 Continued "b " values for Reynolds Number Factor F, Determination-Pipe Taps Onfi<e • ___',--_ [)o~et', , 1611') "'" "., ,.'" '''"' , 0175 .. 087S 1.125 ''''' U75 ,.'"' 1.625 .. 1919 0.1105 0.10'11 • , 106.~ 0 los.~ lJOO 01081 00lI90 0,0178 0,087] 0,087'9 2626 • 2'100 } 06e ) lS2 11.1078 C 10:'8 111080 01081 O.lOl!4 00868 Q,OIR\ 0090S 009(1$ 00918 OOi'Sa O.07:M oom 00728 0.0737 0,0750 OOi'S3 00rb3 Gom 0,1)1,9) OIJ63S 0,0&24 0.0624 0,06].4 (10&42 0.0&46 ,''''' 00469 0.0478 0.04% 0.0518 0.0519 0.0553 1.175 0,(I4J5 0,004 0.0443 0.0460 0.0482 0,QS04 o{lSI1 0.0512 2,125 00422 0,0414 0.0418 0.0431 0.0450 00471 0.0492 0.0508 00417 00407 00387 0.0405 00379 00418 0.0382 00415 00192 004Sf> 0.0405 OOoln 00427 0,00I'.IS 0,0448 O,{I406 0.0519 0,0509 00467 ,un"" }.826 0,)75 ..,n, '''"' , U75 ''''' ,."" ,'" 1.)75 .. ''''' , ,,~ 212S "'" ''"' "" ,"n "" , 2)7S .. '''"' 0.0494 • '''' ''"' '''' 1lt::1662 00675 0060ll ooser. 0.0559 0.0S46 0,O!>4a OOSS2 OOSSS 00S68 0.06&4 0.0601 00570 0.05111 0,0497 004118 004M 0.0489 00496 D.07ll2 0.0614 0,0576 0.0521 00471 00452 0,0445 0.0441 00441 0.07011 0,06J5 O.OS'.lS {IOSJ2 0,06$0 0.01>16 00552 0.062':1 0,0574 O,{lS90 ".026 4.11'J7 5.189 0.1057 0.0932 0.0799 0.0685 0,1091 009)9 0,11810 O.oeso 0,01162 006'J7 00747 0,0762 o0S90 00li02 OOr.SS 0,0672 0.0513 0.05l4 0.0575 0.0S92 0(45) 00461 0,0506 0.052) 0.G4008 00376 0.0)58 0,0JS(l 00412 00)77 0.OlS3 0.0l40 7.625 6065 O.OM) 0,078':1 0,07QJ 0.0625 0.0556 0 0II9S 00l!l02 0.on8 006042 00711> O,07lO 0.Oll1 OOS71 006S2 0.(1668 0.0662 00609 0.0555 0.0506 0.0462 8071 00613 00Sft0 00510 000*66 00351 00336 0011) OO)IS 0032'J 0)58 OO~ OOJOO 002<Jll 00104 00)71 0,()).49 002')1 00187 002115 00)38 0036J 00192 00281 0027] 00))9 00]11 0029(1 002n 0,04(l0I 0,0369 00118 00]11 000121 0 ()oI25 00}&t 00)l1li 0.0)52 o,ons 001l) 00)27 000407 0,0160 0,02')7 0,0421 00l'Jl!J 00)05 OOOWS 00417 00316 00460 00435 OOlJO 004n 00450 0,0345 0,G462 00)62 00379 00195 0.021>2 00258 0025) 0.02S4 002S8 00lt0S 00V4 OOlAS 0021!1e 00268 0 02S2 00219 002.)0 00214 0,0220 00219 002911 00277 00259 0,02" 00232 00224 00218 0.0214 o 00281 0,0285 00293 0,0)04 0,0311 0,0331 0.0].47 0.0l64 OO2t>5 00261 002t>2 002t>7 00274 00264 oom ODD 40'16 OOlDl 002(1(1 002f>1 00246 001l} 00224 00218 0(21) 489? 51119 • S7f>l 00410 00)80 0,0)2] 0.Q.4,21 O~ 0-1))18 Q.OU2 0040II OOlS] 0041' 00167 O.Ga!1I a 0381 0019) O,04()oI 00413 ,.'" un )500 '.m ,,."" . .... ." fdl6S ... , 1.125 ,-'" ,,~ ,.'" ..'" ,'''' ... " 0.027l 0.0296 0.0320 0,()).42 0.0268 0.0290 0.0314 0.D3lt> 0.Olll1 0.0361 0.0356 0.03n O.03n " 10,020 10,1}6 11.376 11,9311 11.090 146M 0.on8 0,0674 0.0624 0,0576 0.0$32 0.G0t90 00690 0.06041 0.0594 O.OSSO 00509 00637 006041 OC1601 00$61 00704 00661 0 0610 0.05lI0 8.071 00296 00111 0,1l344 0,0364 9564 0.0694 00646 0.0599 0055S 0.0514 7.9111 0.0211 0.0212 0.0014 00218 0.0224 0.0230 0.02l8 0.0246 '-'00 O" fice 7,625 0.0297 00220 O.02n DOll' 0,0221 0.1)21 4 a,ons 00228 00011> 00))9 00'll5 00221 O0JS.4 0014] 0,0227 00J67 0.0252 O.()2].4 011180 0 02f>2 00243 0,0)91 0.0273 0.0252 ..'" ......"" '"'00 5,761 0,1)1.4& 004M 0,04'.1S 00$12 00592 OQolO1 0.(011) 0,0442 000158 005)! 0,036J 0.0111 oom 000112 00489 0.Dll4 O.O~ 0.0)60 o.OJn 0,0445 7,9$1 ),112& ).125 ) 418 491 lHJOO 15.250 0.07011 0.0666 0.Df>25 0,06'J7 0,071)5 O.oses 00662 0.01>70 0.0676 0.0452 0,0471 000176 0.052) 0.050 0 Q5.4II 00628 0.06J6 006042 00417 0.00136 OOMO OO4M 00508 OOS13 OOS').l 00603 00610 OOlAS 0(40) 00407 004504 000175 0 Q.t8O 00$63 O,05n 00578 ,.'" ,.... >'" ,.'" ,-'" 0.035S 00129 OOlDS 00Ul 0 om 0()).t9 00)24 00101 O~ 00277 0.0281 0024& 0.0260 0Q26.2 011234 0.02~ 00246 00122 0.02)0 002:12 0(42) 00)94 00)607 0,0)42 00)19 0 00W] O()ol14 00la7 00361 00117 O~ OO}l1> 00279 00295 00262 00277 0.0449 0.()oI19 00}92 0,0.J66 00)42 0.0320 OOJOO 00281 00512 00501 O()ol7S OOM9 0 ()oI14 0,G400 003711 0 0J56 0,{I541 0.0512 0,04&1 0,04511 0.003 0,1)4{I9 003117 0,0J65 o,mn 3.125 00212 00204 0,0199 0,01'.1S 00193 0.0192 0.019) 0.0195 0.021' 00209 00201 0.019S 0.0191 0.Q11!1e 0,0187 001157 00220 00:110 00202 0,0196 00191 0011!1e 001&6 00186 0.02" 002J2 00220 00210 00200 00193 0.01'7 00182 00260 0.0245 0.0:02 00209 00200 00192 0018S 00264 0(12'9 0 (2)5 00222 00212 00202 0.0194 001117 00316 011317 00300 0026J 0,11268 0,02S4 0,0240 0.0228 0,0).45 0,032f> OOlO6 00291 0.0215 0.0261 0.0247 0.0152 0.0])2 O.OJ14 0.02'l7 0.02'1 0.0267 0.0253 0,0240 0.0203 0.0215 0.02l0 0.024 0.0192 0.0200 0.0212 0 0l2I o(n89 00197 0020II 0.0223 0,1)176 0.0175 00178 0,0185 00176 O,lnn 00111 00174 O.Oln 0.0171 0,017(1 O.O1ll 0.0207 0,0190 0,0176 001 116 0.0213 0.0194 0.01tIQ 0.0168 0.021' 0.019$ 0.01112 0.0170 2.125 u~ ... , ,.'" ,.... ).)75 ' .rn ,."" ' .m .... ......."" ..,.'". oron 00)45 00)20 0(l2'J8 0,Q5.411 OOS1" 00492 0.0466 0,0440 O()ol17 0,03'H (table contimll,d, • 492 Gas ProductioFi Engineering Gas Flow Measurement Table 10-8 Continued " b" Values tor Reynolds Number Factor F, Determination _ Pipe Taps ... ....,....,,,.."" ,'"'" ,.... "" '.564 10020 10136 11.l71:o 119311 12.090 DQlV 00244 0_0239 0,0194 0.011' O.Ol81 0 0'26J 00251 00207 D.ono O.OJ01 0,0282 0_0276 0.0221 0_0l0'2 OIlJ26 oo.m 0_0295 D.WI 00215 0.0197 0,0155 0_0154 G.OlSJ 0 0'l10 0.0151 00154 0.OlS3 0.0320 O.02M 0.0195 0.01&1 om!'! D.OU4 00]10 Q,OJ(M 0.0349 0,0344 0,0246 00235 0.0221 0.0259 0.0244 0.02.-0 '" (021) 00262 002S1 00286 00216 00267 • >SO 0.0299 002113 00280 '500 9.1SO 0.0311 D.OJOO 0.0292 00022 00]12 00»1 00132 (0)2) 00]1$ 10000 ... IO.2S0 0,0)41 DOl]] OOlU 0.0341 D.OllS " " . 19.000 19250 22.1>Ui 23.000 23.250 28.623 29000 29.250 ,.uo 2.125 0(66) 00667 0.0&12 0.06J5 0.06J9 0,0644 00609 0061) 006111 2.m 00S8) 00511$ 0.0591 0.06SII 0.066S 0,0669 '.500 ... ,'''' ,." 1.125 '.250 ,..., ,.'" '''' '.115 3.175 ... .,..... • uo "" 5.150 0,0206 0.0198 0 (tI91 1l.0J.47 0.011& 00219 01l209 0,020'2 0.03311 00332 0,0232 0.0222 0.02'. '.500 2.625 0,0151 0.01504 0036) 0,0:)59 00J04 0.0279 Q,02n 0.01&4 001n 001n •.uo .. 0.0162 0.0186 O.t)1S6 0_01.56 0,0156 0.0151 0,0)46 0.O'28e 0.02f.2 O.1l:2S6 0.0174 00169 0.01604 ,.'" , 15000 15.250 0.0178 0.0160 0.0161 O.ossa 0.05304 0.0510 0.1M8II 00466 0.0562 0.0539 0.0515 00492 0,0470 00S6ll 0.0635 O.~ 0.0613 00520 0.0591 01M'll!! 0,0570 00476 0.0549 0.04045 0.0425 0.0406 O.OJ&] 0.0J69 0.0152 0.0JJ6 0.OJ2O 0.04049 00455 0.0529 0.0536 00429 0.0435 0.0509 0.OS16 0.0410 0,0416 0.049(1 0.00t97 o.o:m 0.0)!!7 0.0471 0.0479 0.0379 0.0454 0.0461 0.0356 0.0)62 0.0436 0.0444 0,0J040 0,0)46 0,0419 0.0427 0032. O.OlJO 0040l 0.0411 006042 0.0646 0.06l0 0.0624 0.05'11!! 0.060J oosn 0.0S82 0.0667 00SS6 0.0561 0.0649 O.or.s. 006S7 0.0S41 00521 0.D502 0.04&4 0.0466 0,04049 0.04Jl 0.0416 0.06J0 0.0613 0.059S 0.0571 011561 00S45 0.0528 0.051) Table 10-8 Continued " b " values for Reynolds Number Factor Fr Determination-Pipe Taps O"fKe O.crua 0,03J6 0.0Z70 O.020t6 0,01)9 0.0167 0,0162 00159 ... .... " lH,ae OJ).).t] 0 0J2(I 0,0)16 0.0253 0.02l0 0.0224 0.016' ,..., '"'" • .. " 0.06J6 0.0616 0,0601 0,05&4 00S61 00639 0.0622 0,0604 OIlSIll' 0.0571 oasso 0.05S04 0.05304 005111 0.05111 0,0522 0.0'291 0.0295 0,0)01 O.OlllO O,OlllS 0.G4$l 0,04&& 00492 0.02fa5 0.Cll69 00274 0.1lJ.t1 O.OJSI 0.0JS6 O.04Sl 0.04S9 0046J 0,0242 0, 0246 0 02S0 O.OJ16 0.0124 0.0328 0,0425 00411 00435 0.0Z21 O.ons 0,0229 00292 0Cl299 0.0l0l 0.0)99 0,0405 00409 0.020) O.CI206 0.0210 0.0l69 0.0276 0.02fIQ 0.0314 O.OleO 00l&t 493 _ _ _ _=,,=---__ [)o, ..... ler, m. lU14 19000 19250 22!>26 21000 23250 281028 29000 2'J 2SO ,-"" ,,.'" 0.01811 0.0190 0.01901 0,0241 0,D2S5 0.02S9 O.OJSO O.~ 0.0lI.0 0,0175 001n 00180 00210 0.02J6 0,0240 0.Q3}./. O.OlJ3 0,01&4 00165 001611 00212 002111 00222 00307 0,031] 0.0117 .. .. '.2S0 ,-"" ,,.'" ",,. ,-"" ,."" .... .... '.2S0 '.500 '.750 0,0155 0,0141 0014) 0.0141 00156 00"') 001... 0,0'.' 001S11 00191 00102 OOlOb 002117 001SO 0.01&4 001119 0.01'12 0,1I2M 0014S o.oln 00176 0,0179 0.0251 00141 001102 00166 0,01611 0.0236 00193 0,0274 0,0257 0.0241 0.01';17 002711 0.02f,0 0.0244 00140 0.0140 0,0142 00146 00140 0.0140 0,0141 0,01.... 001)9 0,0139 0,0140 0.0142 0.0226 00212 0.0199 0,0187 0.0229 0.0215 0.0202 O.ot90 0.01S1 0,0148 00146 001)) 0,01}./. oom O.ot7) 001n 0.0156 0.D1~ 00151 00132 0,0132 OOllO 001&4 00167 0.0163 0,0160 0.ot57 00111 0.0130 o,ono 0.0155 00158 0.0171 0,01611 00163 O.Onl 00130 0,0130 0.01411 00151 0.0179 0.0169 0.0161 00153 0015) 0.0146 00140 0.0136 0,0156 0,01411 00142 0013& 001S11 OOISO 0,0144 0,013& 0.0221 0.0207 0.0195 0.01113 0.0180 0.0189 0.0191 0.0209 0,0176 00185 001901 0.0204 0.0171 0.0180 0.01119 0.0191 0,0133 0,0136 001)9 00143 0.01l1 O,O1ll 0.0136 0.0140 0,0130 0,0132 001304 O.011S 0,0142 0.0136 0.0132 0.0128 0.0144 0.013& 0.01)) 0.0129 0.0146 0.0140 0.01304 0.0130 "..., 0.0219 00230 0.0241 0.0252 00214 0.022S 0,0236 0.0247 O.Q2OI 0.0219 0.0229 0.0240 0,0148 0.01S04 0.0160 0.0161 0.01.... 0.0150 0.0155 0.0162 0.0142 0.0147 0.0152 0,0151 0.0125 O.ot23 0.0122 0.0121 0.0126 0.0114 0.0122 0.0121 0.0117 0.011. 0.0122 0.0121. ".250 "..., 12.000 0.026) 0.0261 0.02S1 00175 0.0169 0.021l 0.Q2611 0.0262 0.01&1 0.017'6 0.02&4 oava 0.0V2 0.0191 0.01&4 0.0293 0.02811 0.02S2 0.0200 0.0192 0.0165 0.0112 0.01110 0.0190 0.0122 0.0122 0.011. 0,0126 0.0121 0.0121 0.0123 0.011. 0.0121 0.0122 0.0122 0.0123 12.500 1).000 0.0312 0.0307 0.0l01 00211 0.11210 00204 0.0112 0.0110 0.0128 0.0127 0.03ll 0.0318 0.0236 01X22l 0,0222 0.0140 0.O1l7 00135 1).500 14.000 0.0250' 0,02"6 0,0240 00150 0.01"6 0.014) 0.0V2 0,1l2f>4 002Sl 0.0161 0.0156 0.0153 14.500 15.000 0.02S9 0.0280 0.0275 0.0173 0.0161 0.0165 0.0»1 0.02'J6 0.0291 0.0166 0.01 81 0.0117 15.500 16000 0.Ol10 00311 0,010& 0.0200 0.0194 00190 OOl21 O,OllB 0.0215 0.0211'1 0.02G4 16,500 0,0230 0.0223 00219 00244 0,02J8 00231 '.250 '.500 .."" 10.000 10.250 10.750 11.000 " ."., 17,000 .. .. .. 17.500 " " "500 " 18.500 0.0259 0.0252 00248 0.0266 00261 o 02n 00286 00279 0.0275 0.02'II!I 002'J2 o112M 0,0)09 0.0)0} 00299 0.03111 00313 0,0310 • '9' GU$ Prod'4ctioTi Engineering Gas Flow MeaslIreml'llt Table 10-9· Table 10-9 Continued VI Expansion Factors-Pipe Taps YI Expansion Factors-Pipe Taps Static Pressure Taken from Upslre.m . .. " .. r.pI Static Pressure Taken from Upstream Taps d d J--1lo1lO o .~, 051 060 10000100001000010000100001000010000100001000II100001000010000 "" "os 099'10 0_ ft""tl!! 09'JS:! 0.9'II!Il 099fjQ 09979 0_9911 09977 0997~ &99'" 099611 D99SI 09976 09'J6ol 09951 !.''''lI!5 0.9971 0.99';6 09942 O.!'l&I 0,"" 0"" O'19b2 0.9'16/1 O,'Ml 09936 0.9'1£>01 O.9'JoI(, 09928 D_'J962 09'loU 0.992'; 09'161 09'1011 09921 Om') 09911 09951 O.9')lS 099U 09'J5.1 09911 09!iOll 0995] 09'm 09'J06 09952 0",,1 (99)9 099V 09919 09910 0.990& O.99C/2 09891 0,"' 098M 09M2 06 07 o!I'll) 09'Joll 09931 0,9926 09'JV 0991S 0991] D..... 09\W 0'lllS7 G987~ 0_1 09M1 0.9169 O_'iIIIIIl 0.91162 0.9876 0,'.1$56 0.9810 119&48 09Il102 09ll4O 09859 09l3S 0990] 09891 n9tl?8 0\1811] O'le69 O.\llIS4 09871 0.9155 0985' D.W' 11.9821 O'l8SO (91)1 0.9812 D9&lJ O.9S2.) 0_'l601 098,15 0981. 09794 098:16 09l'lOS 0978) 098" O.9J"!M 09171 0"'11 097& 0.9164 . 08 0' I{} om) 09914 O<N(lo 09916 0990S 0'l8'lS " 0.9895 O,'I68S 09876 0'*'6 09857 093&01 09874 09116) 0985) 096012 0'" 0911))' 0'J1128 091111 0'Jl109 09812 09821 091111 091!1Xl 097'JO ogn,g 09m 09l'99 0"., 09179 097(.8 09n2 .. .-... OOJ&ol(l 0.912] 0.11603 0.9794 0,9734 O.9m 098!.! O'MlS O'lllO7 (1.9785 .~~ o9811 09796 0 "'" 0,9ns 0 ~7(,7 09775 0 ~756 0'1751 0 9n2 09818 0'1782 0'173011 09n! 0,m7 0'm9 097601 0 974-4 Q,9nS 0.9705 0,969(1 0ge05 091'91 0'781 09761 097S2 0'1llll 0972) 09709 0,'1142 0W26 0,971) O.'J&JS 09677 0.9£.59 0.96011 0,97OCI 0_' 0,'J68.S 0'11\66 0.9&<16 D9Iom 0,96019 09Wa 0,'1626 0'l6Oll 0.'lIWI7 09587 0.'t621 09EoQS 09581 095010 0')601i 09511 095M 095'iO 09517 0,'9567 0,9$66 "" " " "" " " "" "" " """ oo 9?DS "" o ..... ", ...""n "" ..... "" ."", " " "" "" o . 099. 0974S 0,_ OtloeO 09665 0'l6'iO Man 09no 0_ 0,9678 0'J662 O~ 097~9 0,9662 0960 O'J62S 09n, .- ...... ............. 0,976' 09n9 09718 097" 0.9741 09m 09117 "'" " 0,9&7'J 0,,*,,4 o9M2 O'J6Jl 0.9609 09Sl7 0,9$66 0.9&J3 09610 09511 09623 0.9599 09576 09552 0.956S 0.95<12 0,!JS2'j O,~ O,~ 0,'JSoW 09522 0'lSOl) 0.9519 0,"" 0,95QS 09oWl1 o"'n O't505 0"'7'J 0"5(1 0"'54 0").4 .-.-.-.-.-._.-.-.-.-... , ..... ",.. 0'710 091l'O O~ O'~" 0~ 0'710 0.101 0,t607 US'l ..., ",., 095" 09SlJ a Wol1 ..... 0,'I<I6J 090156 090lXl o,~ 0.9oIJ7 09410 09J111 O.~ 0.9418 0.90100 09J111 Q9l'lD D9171 oml 09331 D,9)12 09)60 09})') D.'ll9 0.92'JII 09277 0.m2 a 92SJ 0.92)6 09]16 09195 09174 9712 0 9TB 09695 096011 095711 9nJ 09b14 O'J6)S 0.9563 0.9517 0'1<180 0.9'62 0,954'1 Q95lf 09519 0.95O!i 0.9501 09<lSS 0946') 0,9452 0.9436 09426 0,'N08 0.9l'lD O.91n 09716 .... ... .... ... . 09611 0~3 0 .... 2 D.9Sl1 0.9574 O,~ 091>56 0'1621 O~ 0956l 0.90176 0961] 0 9600 09590 09519 0.9550 D95J11 09';26 0951. 09461 0,"7 D."'» 0"'17 o 'J6Jl WIl7 0 ...17 ..... 09420 09J11a 091n O.'lS6 095<13 O"-ill 0,9512 0.949] 0'16114 0*12 0 9W1 0",1 09742 .. D'MoJO 0"1) 095J4 0,9354 09lJ6 09118 DUll 09213 09362 0!ll41 0.9}24 0,9JQ6 09187 O.92M 09249 09m am) Q,92lJ O.92U 495 09435 09414 O,MM 09J111 09)6,1 09J.40 09)16 . ," ........,,,'" ."'".., "'" ..m 09J111 0'354 0.'170 09)68 093U om) 09246 09261 .~~ 0921& 0.9196 09115 09153 091)1 0924-4 0.9221 0.9198 09l9'l 09115 0,91)'5 09152 0912. 0'222 09151 ..." ..." .,,~ 09104 09106 D'lOIIl .. "" .."" ."•• "" "" ""05 ,. "u "" " "" ." '" ~ - -buo ... ." 0.101 0 6'J 1.0000 o 10000 10000 UiOOO 10000 10000 10000 1.0000 11,997. 0.99S1 0.9975 0.9950 O,997~ D9'l:"3 099047 0.9'T"2 09971 09904} O,~ 0.996~ 0.'1'l63 0.9')6& 0,"" 0.99)8 1I.9'J07 0.9876 0.9'Jl5 09'lOl 0.9871 09851 0.'11145 0.'lIIl9 0,'JIIll 0."14 D.9lI06 D.<m:! 0,9)'62 0.'11&4 09714 o.~m 09821 09Il00 09n1 om2 0~"2 09n} 0.9742 0.9710 09711 0,9n~ 09714 097lll 0.9753 0.9n1 0.9691 09716 09690 0.96tt<I o9639 o 961) 09707 0.9680 0965) 0 WIl7 0.9691> 09669 0 '16<11 0 9&14 0.9600 0 95116 0.9685 0,9757 09621 09599 09571 0,9SJ(, O.9t.4S 0.961J 0.95111 0.9S411 0.9516 095117 09561 095lS 09510 095)'] 095<17 0.9520 09558 095)1 Ut91 1'1950) 0.9476 D.,.. D."'" 0""" 099045 O~ o~ O.MU o.~ 0~7 0~4 09'10) 0,"'" 0.9'iOO O.9VS 0-9197 0..,13 0ge67 D9I!I9O D91!162 0.98e6 09857 0.915<1 09850 O.'JII2J 0'11145 09819 0.9"'" 0976/1 09742 0.91140 0,." 0 97&7 0'Jlllo4 09160 O.'JIIJO 0.9lI06 0'1782 0.9151 0,9775 091!1Xl 09),SO 0.97)1 09n5 o9709 0 9100 0.'lWS 09660 0.9blI> 09675 09&50 O.9IilS 0.9612 0.95&7 0956) 0.9600 0.95» 0.9515 09575 O9S'iO 0,952S 09500 0"" 091107 '~N 0939) 0')65 " "" "" " "" "" " 0~1 0.' 0,9673 0.9660 0,96<IJ 0,<)629 09614 095M 0.9554 D959S 0.9567 09525 0,9S05 0._ 09514 0.9oIS5 09456 0,9421 0.,..95 0.946$ 0.9oIU 0.90106 0947. 0.94S2 0944] 0,9412 09)81 0,9419 1,,]117 0.9]SS 0,9l9!1 o"v. .. 09351 Q,'1llO 0.9lI9 0.92S11 0.227 0.9ID "'" 0922)' 09198 0,91101 091J11 0.9101 09196 0.91" Q91lf 0.910l 09161 0,9129 0.9097 0.906<1 0.'lDn 0'lOl2 091)011 .~ 0.91)019 09019 0.90"10 0.t197'J D.M)} 0,9346 D'J11 '" 09ZSl MlM 0.9).45 0.9321 0.9296 0.'1272 092018 o 92ll 0.919'l O.917S O.,\Sl 0.91SO D'llS 0.')0(1 0.'127S 0.92S0 D.9225 0, '1100 0,9115 0,91SO 0,9125 09ll') 09X13 09277 OW2 09)(17 09280 0925) 09227 09W 0.9255 0'1227 09200 0,9226 0'1100 091n 09200 0.9174 0.91018 09122 09091 09111 0.9147 09120 09093 09061 091" 0.91" 0.9Il8'J 091lb2 1'1,91)).4 ...n 'M~ 08951 .- . ...... 09126 09102 09078 0.9100 .."'" ".,. 0.90)'5 O'J02S ~ 0,9071 0,91)015 091)19 ," 0.9677 095012 H " ""u " 0.70 Q,925fo. 09227 09199 09170 09142 Q92S11 0.'9226 0.91'104 ........ ,,'" ."'".... ...... ...... .."" . '" ..... ."" ..... """ .... ..... . .,,, ..... 09111' 0.8970 O-a9S1 089)) ..... 0.11941 0,11913 0.1I91O 0.&171 0.5841 0.l1li56 OMll 0.I11III7 0.aM6 0.1III2S 0.17'Jo' 0V6l 0.1II3'J 0.M06 0.&774 0.1742 0.8110 • 496 Ga.s Production Engineering CO.f Flou: M easuremCJl t Table 10-10 Y2 Expansion Factors-Pipe Taps Static: Prenure, Taken from Downstream .., Ito,.. 0.. Static Pra..ure. Taken from Downstream Taps ~ _ , , __ Rob<> o o -Ito,,,, -;~---;~---;;----;;---;;;---;;;--';;';--'C:---:CO--c,~-0' 0.1 0) .. , 0.45 0,50 052 0.504 0.56 a sa 'OOOQ 10000 'OOOQ ..... I UOO6 lOOTS 1002) 1 OOOQ 0.999!I II " " 0 9997 099'J04 0 w;oI 09997 0_9'19S 0 99'JIi 0 'l'J'J) 09995 09999 0,9'JI'lQ 0.99lI'J 0 .... 0.9991 0 9'J'I1 0.999:' O.999S 0 99')01 09992 0_9!1'12 0 99!10 o79M 0"" 0 9'J86 09982 0'" 0.911111 o'l'm> D."" D.9!Il'a O,-m D.998J 0,'"'" 0991'0 10001 llX102 09'l9!i 09996 om! O~ 1 oo:n 1.0001 1.0003 0 999S 0 99M 0.9995 09987 0.9915 0'l'9l3 0 991!10 0.9969 0.99')4 0991)6 09976 09965 09972 09967 0,91J62 O.9IJSII D.'""'" O.'J'lI&B 0.9962 09957 0,9952 0.99of7 09'l64 0.9'JS8 0995I 0,9')f6 0,9IJ4O UlooJ UIO()4 0.99'104 0.99').1 0.9'184 0.9"1(1) 09914 09\112 09962 09959 0990fl 0."J7 O,'M4 O.mll 09'lJ) 09929 09924 09'l111 099ll 099U 09907 0.9!IOl 0,'JI\lIi 0'1891 0.!lM6 0'11181 0..,. 0'.1870 '*'5 09l!1bO 0.9866 0.'.18160 UlooO 10Wb UD» 10002 10000 loon 11017 l000Q H'018 umo 100l)0I 1000II "" "." " " ".,,, 0101 , " '''''' ,.... , oon """ un10 ,.... "" "" ens) lin"" "" " umo 10000 1.11001 ',0011 10051 10059 , IlO6& l00~6 1.0085 , 0119 IOU7 HUlO 1 00)0 1 00'24 '00)$ , 00.10 IOOH 1.000B '.0015 l00J6 10011 10011 HlOS) 10021 \.0025 10028 UlOll '0059 1.0036 1.0018 UlO21 1()(1)9 UI()oIJ 11'047 10051 1 0QS.t U1021 10015 1,01127 100:10 1 0032 100l)0I UlOO4 om} 0.991!2 09981 0.9970 09!161 099$6 099'53 1.000'\ D,""'} 0991!10 09966 09950 0.9'M9 O.9'MS 0.99041 0'J\lJ6 0.9'lJ2 100M l-IXlJ6 U)(I19 1 0041 1 OOU 10006 1.000!i 1.0007 101108 UDlI! 099'Jl 0.99'12 0.9992 099'12 09992 O'J97'J 09978 o 9971 0.9!I6oI 0.9961 0 9960 0."'7 09i)W o !I'M 1 0.992& om4 09nO 0,9976 0.9\115 0.9'JS& 0.99% 0 9ne 099)5 o 9912 09'l18 09'l1] 099011 0,9IJGC 0 '189'1 O,'J'J'J2 O,m2 O.'W12 0."'91 O'J'J'J2 0.9'11' 0997) (1.9972 0,"" O.99Sot O.9M2 0.9950 09M') 099041 0.9932 O.M?9 0'9927 om4 0'1921 1 0053 1 0060 1 IlO6& \.1X/7S . 11)01'1) 1 '!XXlI 10106 1.0071 10051 10111 100'12 1.1101. 1.0016 099'10 0_9't7S 0 9912 LO'l)6 10144 I 1 (11M '0121 1.0128 t01Jf> TOO9!I 101m 1.01011 10114 1.1J05e 1001>2 10170 10m , ono loon 21 22 1) 14 1.0118 10181 'Ill¥,; 10100 10111 UI126 !Olll lona 10\.. 101\00 \.0077 10081 10015 lOCI!') llJO'1l 1.lXM(, 15 101S. 1011>/' 10174 101e2 10189 llIIl'il l00!;l 10056 1.(1009 1.0010 1.11010 10011 10011 l' 27 U 2. , WI 10229 10lM 10146 10197 1 tI:105 10212 U1220 I.OTS6 101r.2 un69 1.0175 100')7 1.11101 1-illOi 1.1)108 loose 1.0061 1,006J \.0066 \.00'1) 10014 10014 10015 1l'J'J'J2 0.99'Il O'J'J'J2 O.'J'J'J2 O.'mII 09969 0.9966 0._ 0.9')45 0.9')11 0-9901' 0.991' 09916 O.99U U,11 10 10lSS 111228 unl' 1.0112 llXJ1i& 1.l1li'16 099'1] 0!96.1 0.9939 "" "m "'" ,." """ ,"'" ",. ''''' ",." 1.(2)5 '0:14) 10193 1019'1 1.11071 10074 l.OO7fI (999) 09991 0,9991 1.02SII 1.0266 1.1120& 1.0212 '.0121 '.0079 10017 l.lnlll 1,0019 10020 O.~ 0.9!i6ft 09J!i& 09965 0.9965 0"11 0". Hmo 1.0116 1.11120 1.0114 I .OJ)} 1.0082 llXJ21 09994 10J06 10)1. 10l1l 111271 10281 1.0219 UI2!S 1.021. 1(2)0 UI131 1.01.1 1.0084 10057 1.0l90 1.0022 1.0014 10112 1.Q296 1.112)7 10H9 1.1II!Jl 1,0Q2S 1.0026 10)10 IOXM 1.0243 1.1)153 1.0095 .. unv '1D\6 UI070 1.01.~ 1,~ ..... 'm, ",,, ..... .. ," ."" ."" "'" ."" ."" ...... "" .... .... ."" "'" ."" ..... ",,, ..". ..... 10000 10000 " ,''''''" •" ,>om , 10000 1 0000 .. .. Table 10-10 Continued Y2 Expansion Factors-Pipe Taps ~p. h. 1.0021 0.9916 0,")2 O'l'lSJ 0.'"" 09'J61 D9!IS'J om) 09'Wi 09'MO 0 'l9Jl om7 09!llO 09914 099011 099S" 09')f; 09')1() 099}! O.992S 091190 .- 0.'115-1 0'M41 0 'J&I1 U._ 0.'IIIIl 0.'J171 0')17) 0,'" 0._ 0,'IeIiO 0'.I8J7 0'18)1 0.91121> 0'!ll\2O 099011 0'1874 0.'IIl56 O'l8SS 0'l8SO O.'1&t6 0'J&l1 0,'J1)6 0'7'111 09n. 09199 0.911'16 0'J126 0'J122 0'l1li17 0,<)111 O.<JIOoI D,9!lJJ D99l! 0'l8S1 0.'.1801& 0.'M41 O. 0,'111)5 0.91109 0.99601 0'Jl71 0"'7 0._ 0.'II!IbO 0.'JIS1 0~1 O"l~ 09906 0,'J9O( 0.9'lO1 0,979) 0.9788 09"f111 0 .i61 0·9994 0.9994 D."'" 0.996) 099Jl 0.9!I2'J D'.It'iN 0.9II9l 0'JllSol 0.'111)2 0.'JI08 0.'783 0"n8 09756 097;0 O.w.:I 0.9961 091190 O.'J111118 0.'J128 09G24 0,9(10) 0.9995 0.9995 0'.18$0 0,'M4; D....... 0'JllO 0'11116 09l'94 O.V!O 09m 0,9761 0,97f>l 097)8 0.'JI4O 0.99£.2 0.'.1926 O.w.s o.m. 0.9'l'2O 0 9909 0.9898 0.<)667 09'l11 O. '11199 098&7 0.9875 0.'lIIIM 091176 0.9II6J O~ 0.91178 0.'IIlI\3 O._~ 0.911'" 09&.15 0.'1A22 0,9BS9 0.9644 0'/8S1 0.96]9 0.9827 0,'IIJ)'j 0.9&19 0'll!.l3 0.'I81~ 09i')16 9'J&o1Q 0'lllO 0,9Bll 0,'J812 0.9804 o 9711J 09792 0,98l1 0'.1811 0'JllOl 0.'l801 0.9;"91 0,97lIl owao 0.977\1 0.9757 0.9769 0.9:""57 0,9711 .... 0.9'l17 09l'1li1 O'l8n 0'lll64 ° 0.9996 O.99Jl ",,, O"lI 0992B o 9'l111 099011 0,_ 0"}5 O'Wll 098'))' 0_ 0'1.1 0.'J1V7 097'99 0,9936 099001 09900 D.'iIWo 098')) 0.9927 0.9917 .- . O'J81S 09'Ml 09ll'J'l 09890 0.9IJ'IO .w O.~ ...., ."""'" ..... ."" ....."", ."" ."" ."" "." ..... ."" 09902 0,'1'/018 09909 09'lO1 0,""" O.~ 09')f9 09911 099)] O.ge77 0.'I8S5 0'M47 0'M)ll 0,'IIlO 09G2! 0.'.1811 0.9'l16 09'lO1 0 'IIlM OW. 0,'11162 0.Cf.'~ 0.9:'46 0.'1719 O,,;ur, 0.9750 09740 (97)1) 0.'JTlJ 0,<Jl"11 0.'JJ'01 096')01 0._ D~7~ 0,9;'47 09')11 097JO 09nl 09""20 0.9:"10 09lOO 0_ 09&'JO 0.9&79 0.96611 0.'i1M7 0.9bM 09632 0.'I62D 09~41 09nl 0_1 0._ 0_ 0~711O 09']1 091'0} 0.9596 O.9ns 0.'1695 097.' OQ740 O.97H 09718 09710 OWOl 0 ..... 0'l61a 0.96Ir'J 0.'1611 O,'lQl o 9M2 0.9642 D.9Iill 09615 097504 Q,'iIIiII1 09561 0.9593 09')49 0'127 0.%95 0«.61 0.'J62} 0.9582 09no 09713 09707 09lOO 0,96811 0.9680 0.9M2 0.')644 0.'16J6 0,'ifi24 0.'ifil4 0.'J605 O.ti9Io 0.9SI16 O.9Sn 09562 0.95); 0952f, 0.951. 0.9503 0.,.91 O'lel~ 0.q7q(, 0.97811 0~:7l 0~~81 0~'57 0~n4 0.9~~7 091N1 09780 09;)2 09')M 0"30 0,97].1 09llO5 091'97 09789 09180 09:"t>4 OWl 0,96IoS (979) 0,91&1 0W'"4 0,')7b5 09756 0.9!I7l 0 'J'J5a 0,91711 0'.I8J1 0.'J112S 0'.1817 0'11110 091!lOJ 09~44 0.99I'J O.m.o 0.'.I84'J 0'J&l1 0'1eJ4 0'18)0 0 wn 0'1811 0'J11)4 09:"18 09791 0._ . 099111 09911 D.9!UI O,~ 09'l~4 0.99117 0.'197. 0.'1'1161 0.9'M9 o,w!;' 0.9990 OmJ 0.99001 (I')'JTI 497 O,~ 0,~7 0.'162S O.or;&! 0,'ifi14 O.95n 0.9S~1 0.9'i041 • .!IS Cas Production En~ineeri"ll: COf Flow Measurement (text continued from page 489) TI'III~atlf""BOM Faclor. F Ih This factor corrects for cases where the base (standard) temperature. T in R, at which flow is to be measured is other than 520' R: (10-19, As expected, F!b - 1 for a desired base temperature of 520oR. The flowing temperature factor corrects for cases where the flowing temperature. Tr (OR), is not 520 o R, using the fact that the gas flow ratc varies inve~ly as the square root of the absolute flow temperature: Ftf - [ T,Jr' 520 (10-20) The basic orifice factor, Fh , is determined assuming a gas gravity of 1.0. So, a correction for gas gra\;ty is required. as follows: 1 F• - 05 (10-21 ) >. SU'~lIIprnsibi/ity Factor, F~ Because of the tremendous variations in gas compressibility factors with gas composition, pressure, and temperature, it is advisable to determine Fp' experimentally or through proven empirical techniques. AGA (AGA. 1969) provides two approximate empirical methods for determining the supercompressibility of natural gas mixtures: the specific gravity method. and the heating value method. The specific gravity method uses the specific gra\;ty, and the carbon dim:ide (CO!) and nitrogen (N 2) contents of the gas to calculate the pressure and temperature adjustment indices. fpt! and fl~. respecth·ely. as follows: r~ - ft~ - "Y8 - 0.472yc - 0.793h; 'YI - 13.84)'(; + 5.420)'~ (10-22) where Zb, Z - gas compressibility factors at the base (generally assumed to be equal to 1.0) and operating conditions, respectively. (10-23) where 'Yg - specific gravity of the gas (air" 1) yc - mole fraction of CO 2 in the gas ys - mole fraction of N2 in the gas The;e Cpi and fIg values are used to determine the pressure and temperature correction factors from Tables 10-11 a and lO-llb, that are added to the actual flowing pressure and temperature of the gas, respectively. Th~ corrected pressure and temperature values are used in Table 1O-11e to estimate the supercompressihilit}' factor, Fp,' The heating value method uses the specific gra\;ty ("Yg). total heating value (I-It in Btu/sef). and the CO 2 content of the gas to calculate the pressure and temperature adjustment indices. fpl> and fth' respectively, as follows: fpl> - 'YI - O.OOO5688HI + 3.691)yc; fth - "Y, - O.OO1814H t This factor corrects for the deviation of an actual gas from ideal-gas behavior. It is calculated as follows: '99 + 2.641yc (10-24) These fph and flk values are used to determine the pressure and temperature correction factors from Tables to-llc and 10-lId. that are added to the actual flOWing pressure and temperature of the gas, respectivel}'. These corrected pressure and temperature values are used in Table lO-lle to estimate the supercompressibility factor, Fp,' This method gives reasonable results for a gas with a gravity within 0.75. and non-hydrocarbon content of less than 12 mole% N2 andJor 5 mole% CO2 . • 500 Ga" Prodllction Engineering ,_ Table 10-11b Supercompresslbility Temperature Adjustments, LiT (fhsea on Specific Gl'llvity Method) ...... ~~ ,~~~~ " "'" ~ J~ ~~~.~ !=~~~ i~~~~ ",', ~~$;:l ,,, ~ ::: e:i~· 0 Q~~~~~ ~~'§= e:!~~~ ~:!t;~:1\ .. S~~ ::'~:l ;;i~"!I:: '" . '. 0 .• ":;tlll'H!'~ , 0.0 :ut:;:g: =H:H; o. .. :faa::: ,.;ta, I I ~;J:~1il , 0 0 i_2~!!~ ~;;«J:<:e , I , , , .. ;;:::'51,~;:" ~_',' I!!Q~!!:!:i'i ~ .:ssa:!:f; J t'~q.l St; .. ;:~! ,...«~:;;:! , , I I .::u::'::o ::n:; 1Q!!:::' o •• ! ~~ ~ ~~ o .., III¥ :11.::1 I:l 2 0;,:;;:11.:<$ .ul~;;:=:! S~Ii~S!'!l 1Il::J,=~~ It~~= I , , , O;~;!~ , , I I , I I It .. ::!:::,,; I l!el!llQSS ,,,,, !! .... . ......... :';j.::01ll " .... ~~.'«;J; ;;::':.- "'~..: ...... .......... I a.a,,:;! "'~ ~::::H~:; ... " "" UJI ",.. .,," .. l't ",y :un "IS '",. ftM 4/" .... .7JO ,. .. IJ 17 " .. ". 4 .)01 , • •• u, ••• ." •• ." ,. •• •• ~ ~ •• .n on ..'n,. ~II<' S' n "" »_ <OJ;)O .. ~ J'la ..... lJ l) %7.S' 11 " ,... aft 13-S1 l'JA )D,lI!; U" 1<.~ lS50 1II.U ,HI as;! ,..os '50 "n _ Of" -,It -12-S1 -1l.'" -'I.IIS -" , -u." -".Jl .. $7. 4H2 -.~ 11111 U" . D.l? )oil ,.,. .~ -11 " -15 Sl . ,~ -lJ 'S 'RO - )UII " -"9'1 ••• ••• •• -ft." -SIll -SI.1U ••• . ~" 71." n." 1.1" 7'S.n "" »11 "$II 4/m ))71 l'J07 .. 15 17,as "''' Y" ..... .. Y~ S'&I n .. 0.4'1 .... JO.<:S ), .. 1))) )0'2 )oW 11.)4 '7'1\1 11,'111 "l'J "11 J201l lSM "111 ",Ill '111 S... .,«1 11-," "'III "it " .. n .CPt "'! U1 SJI -S.V -SJ'S -S" -'.~ -,tl . S" ·1O . . . ,,11) -11" - ...,. --1111 '.'1 -".11 _lin -lJ.ri -'0-15 -194'1 _1.11 on,. -11.'" -ail -'UJ -IJIJ -l'J II , 'OlO S.'O -'.12 _ 1.111 -an -)4" -"l' -UD -I7.U -)II'" 10:1'." 'l~ .s.t! s.n '.'ll '.'ll -v,.., -2UII ,. 11111 SOl 'OM -,Ill'! -11 JO -lOn o -1'1'" .,. - ,..s -ri.OO ., -.'" -15" -JOIS -11'" -all -11.'" -11.7] -lUI _<0 oil -.\ 11 -'J.TI -n .. -.. ", -,. .. - 'l.1l -02." -".M -50.\11 -'lAlS - .. 5;1 - .. ~ -"II -50'1 -5;1.5.2 -)4 - 510 . 1 ~S1l<S ~6a,11 -50" -IolSt ~'1IIl - fooI,Ob _~.'1 'IA -" ts -Iln -,.,. ••• -100.710 ~ 0 .,.:n -Ii'" -" .. ·".IS ....- ... -_ -..... -,v . -.S. .. •• .. .~, -:/0 . , oM ,11111 ,Go.ll lOfoY Ul'O 11m JOS4 1.1", >'SlOfo ... nOJ $140 .~ .~ leJO n.s .~ .~ .. .- 7.1.111 '" n 117.» IU, ft-lf, ...., l'J 171 'IS iSU 70." "'.50 .. so nw II Of '.00. 120 H" .... 1) '00 -.,~ ~ - -., ,. -)00" -".1' _"1lo -il'l ,0 -.~ ·'Ul ·no .. -J! " -0' -SUII -!'J' ••• -os ·W'l 'Ill -"I7 -""II • -"-u - .... " '''.01 ~ -)01.00 '}.J' i1' -SUI -S19O -1'11'1 -il.21 _71." -110..)8 · .. fooI ..... -I' 11 -71115 .. ••• -71 ,. - -11.1' - . h,,,OI' ......., _ ,... y"~. 01 '.m~"'"'. 0<1",,,_ H'IQo' ,Old ,_~"" ....... .., be .. "''J'OI ..... ~:l~.:;;::: ... lOa.-!::;. , .,.lII 1S_4S .. • . )0 _______________________ F rom O,;fi« M~Itr1"g uf ,\'alural Ca •. 1969: oourtelO\ of ACA :!::' ...... • n 'l iIUl 10.71 "11 11,1) 0 •• i • 61 t1 71.0/ .'" lllil a57 Ull o~ 1il::'~!:;1i\ • 11.111 J1.lS U" 17-l1 lUG .~ iIl'i851,~~ • 71.') 'In u, 1C::;;~I!l= • •• u, ".$1 .y I U '" o. ,n lJ;;~:;; 0 7S 1. "'1 ..-1< gil ~ S:!:::l!ell: I "e"<o·e"!~"~ ~o. 0 ';:;:"::0 , = =~~ ;'~~Q ........ .______________________-"!.... 00 ';:I:.~ o ~D~'~ lOIoS:S!::; ~ ::'iiI!:J: ~9;s:a , 50) Cd" Flow MeoSllremmt I ..,.. ......... ...,"".. .. ,:::::::::: . ..... Martomeltr Factor; F '" This factor is requ ired only where a mercury manometer is used for measuring the differential pressure. It compensates for the different heads of gas above the two mercury columns of the manometer. It is generally negligible • and is totally ignored for pressures below SOO psia . Table 10· 12 gives this correction factor as a function of gas gravity, flowing pressure, and ambient temperature. (text continued on page 51 i) • 502 Gas Flow MeaslJ remt!1lt Gas Production Engineering Table 10·11d SupercompreulblUty Temperature Adjustments, •J !, , ! Sll"~il ":lot.!:'; , , t:iil:'~11 ! :zHi;;; , ,, , •!, ~:t..::.l. :::Iu;;~a • I':;ile'l ::l=I:,;!: ~, , a, ii, ::;~._Il ~:::I;:O::: , ,, s. , , , 2,11 ". ,. I .. :;a:;:q: N:!=,,,:;; I I L , ,. ,.. ,~ ,~ " ~ !! I ..,.. ~>:;:I;~1i; r I i , • !i!OlIU:' , , I ~~::Ht ;:;~~~ I , , t I 2.01 le;~;:; t;:;;:;:::, , I ~:::I!:~.c J :;:::;,ll~'" , , , I 'I I 'iI'l!:~ 1::::$tl:51; I • I ii_Sf;! :;:a;;:; , ,, l;~~,ll1l I I ,, ,•, , 1I:'81~ ~:=::;~:;:; , ;;;:r:;;:(=. , as&I::. >:;::I:a$ :;;:;::lJ:~ , , , , , 2:!::'''~ , , I:U:;:S ::l~;:;.,;t SI::,~;:;:r ~t''''''N , ,,,, .. I .. "" J -::;:;;:;':1' , ::!:!!!':,~ .11: :s:,;; t I , I , , , , :; ~ '" '" ,. ~ I 2, • • I , , ,, , ::'''~lq'1 2, ..I •, ..I •, 0 0 0 .. 0 ......... , ,,, ~:r:!::!:::, , ~N , , 1+' ••••• •• :;!1I~;aa ..", , .. 0 I , ...... , I , 2::0:"" !!!'!'! ,,1t "),0 U.37 I'M .101I:l 10," 1111"1 111.111 1I,}, 19 J) iii 0, lJ.'S 11 01 1/.1"' lO" 11,~ "" 11.011 'l'i'l .0 11 15." 1).1' 'O.S' l.bI 100 U' ,. 5" I.e 2" ).~ 1.), I.. 011 119 000 -/" _.111 _0" -'51 - 61011 - •. " I." ,.., _'1O ·'0)' -,0"" '" ")00 -.S., .",. -U.lA -Ue -11" -11 01 -11111 -11 'IS -all _11), ·lS11 -1111 ·19 loO -lOll .J."" "I -u .. .·11S' '!II' .,." ·J1.51 ·n,. ·)1" .J • ., -IOoll -I>!' . Ja I' '.'1 -19'1 -)lO' -n O"J -)J 1. ..... ". -4/ 'I _ ... ,. ./'10 'M"" - .. u -4124 -M." -SO.II ·SIlt> -41.11 SI. -loO H ·'IG.OO -II." -SIll .,..." -}oj JS -n_1l 'S'. ~OO. -§S.'i7 +'I1-A ''i7'' -"_ ~"U -it ... ~.." ... -W.III -i,.n _"'. -oM I. -"J, -.. u ., -" .. '1" -.,., 1/4\ ·"il ••. n -.) ..010 Ojl ." -.It ·11,. 11 50 ·n. ·lJ I' I'" -10" '1'11' ·1"1 ·14" -11010 • .111 0 .. -2'" - I .. -SbI 'US ·iOJ -I" -1.11 ".O!; -'_ll - •• 46 ·11 .. -1111 -OS)1 -lUI -.US -V.W ·10 ... ·JJloIo -)1,," -lOot -"loIo _14., -)1U -4II.1oJ ·n .. -JIo" -"a -~11 .4J'i'I -"SI -SIll -1511 -10M -lIo.lS -19H -)\ .. -u.s1 'UD' ,Ul11 ·].0.11 -JIo') ·J5.lS - ... -lUD ·40M -"62 -'/19 -40" -41" '5." -.... -.... -40" -S'~ -SHII -j'" -~ -loIo.l. '51_lIS -"a "./ -J9." -.'1 ...... ., .. -.. " -.... -41" -'11Il .")1 ·.S" -<1lo1o -0910 ''IOn ." ., '1 -5111"1 -}oj I' -'16." -SIn ·nol -II." -~.'" ·loIo ZI -50.50 '51.19 - ....V -I0Il.10 -62." '1o.l.3' -Wll -I'''' _ .... ,., -1,U' -",1) • ... as _... " -"',0< ~ -nO!; ·u 11 -H.21 .".l9 -M.11 -H'I _" ... -III • -M" ·n... -/1 " -,. .\ ·..,foJ" -V.1. -70010 -n .. -n'l '''.IS · ·n.n -1'~ -"'" -11.3' -11.3, - "'.Il -".II ~ ,nm -14'i'1 -11." -"'.Il -IJ.1CI _ ...II -OJ'I -09/> .. ..". .,. ,.., .. _"oJ -l111 -5)" .. . -III. 71.11 .""" ·nH ·,.m -"t5 -11" -"110 -Mil -"95 -'U] ·11.11 -10..';1 -".'10 ·1II,f:') -n .. _1"1011 -" ... -II" 'Ml5 • ... '5 U' 0.1.6 -1.6' -,.. , -,.._" ·:oo,os ·ntl -.,.., -MU ow . 'nl -"..l5 -"1111 ~W" I.. -Ilol -15" .~ ·10611 -106'" ~.'" 171 O.W ·1., -IIOJ -11'< "" '1,017 1411 .1.(13 -.'1 , -.H) •• 17..';' ·1,,, .".1} '." -,'.1l -".., -... " -"01 -lID.1O -10-. -1151 -1l.U -U 19 -Ha -ll.-J -1"'011 -l5-A -I'" -I. SI ••• ••• ~,. 1J" ·1111 'lOlI ..""" '~'iII I.n 1. -11 11.00 ,6<J 10.].0 Hl -411.'2 -4l.V 1.10 ".OJ ,1.11 " II 0 iJ • 111 ''S _40 Il - '11/ ]10 -].0 os - ... •• J'-'6 Inl O.S, • H)' -'1.110 )1,.\1 :ro.ll 1141 _041 _ 1109 ",. -." '"ll' OM n .. IUI'! I.) -)l.'S •• JS.II IU' 7_» n~ 'HI lUI - "17 ' )1.)01 1/.51 ~ .~ _ J/.n I' fl n. •• •• •• n. .n n" .. oo " ,,, "" "" .oo " "'J.'" 'B, ".,. " I,.,., " '" 411." .oo "" ll.n "" v." "" n" 1I.1O 'Ill 1).'" o. •• '0." •• • oo lU" -lJ" -J5'1S -JlO< , _.. ~ -Dol ..,... .. ...... 00 U" "V ,~ c. :!~\j8. .. .. n .. lII't -U 00 ·24U ,. ,.,. ,.,. • un •• •• ." ,"".. oo. "" ." ". •• •• •• ...oo.. •• ". .oo ." •• V" •• •• "" oo. "on " ". ".,. ''''1 ". " "n ,," ". ",v ". o. •n '" ..,. • SI.• 5111 -"Ii I , ~;~~; :~!!: ,,,,, , . ". ... ... •• . ". ." .. . ... ". ,. . .... .•• .. ... , . ." ••. •• ." ... .. ... ." ... •• ••..•• ,,""". •• ." ." , .. . .. "' ••". ."". ."•• ..•••• .... . ... ,,. ". •• ". •• ... ". ,. ".,. • JIo.GJ "10 r ~T (Bllsed on Helllln" value Method) ".. 'J"" •.• 4II}oj H ~;~~; I -,.•.. Ii , , , " .. :a!iSH Sf ~!a!!;: , ,-- 503 -1"101$ ·1'tJl foctDn'" _ _ " _ , , , _ , ... , • . . , . . . - _ _JSV ."..';1 .. -s.n -., .. .. _. . . ...... -".l1 _ .. Wi _.,.OS _ .. 'to ..... 010 -.~ _,,-", _" . . -'1142 _~ _.. . ';, .'1"/" -I]" -• .J4 -".ll _.., ... "", ·IS ... ...... _ F rom On~ ,\ltrmnll oj .'-alureal Ca •. 1969; courtes), 0( ACA ..... . - boo"*"""",,"'" • 504 Cas Production !ngineering Go.~ Table 10-11e· F"" Supercompresslbillty Factors Table 1()..11e Continued F.,. Supefcompfessiblllty Factors (811" O.W- O.6 Specific Grnity Hydroc.lfbon Gu) (811.. 0.t.-0.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) '" ..... -, " -" • '''''' """" H"" H"" ,.., ''''''' ''''''' "o.<0 ""., ''''"' ,.., , , loon """ ., H"" '''''' , "'" , 0000 1.00)1 -" '0000 1.00JO -" , 0000 UXIS'J l.roB "" ".'",o. ,OJ "" ".'",o. ,OJ ,., ,., '" ,.,'" ... '0000 Utili Ht111 , Olse , ,015001 1.01111> 1.01.ta 1.0178 '.0262 1.0297 1.0241 1.0274 l.ons 1.0139 1.01&11 1.01911 1,0228 1-01)04 1.0218 1.0151 llP.&S 1.0145 1.0175 U""; 1.11265 '''''' 1.0333 1.0369 ... 1.0319 1.033S 1.0307 1.0140 ''''' ,""" 1.03&e 1,0)7) 1.G42~ 1.0401 I.Qo4.'I2 U""; 1.0128 1.0360 1.0192 LOOM 1,0317 1.0347 1.0377 1.D425 ''''''' 10522 1.00499 1.004711 I.OS)1 1.Q5U 1.0551 j ,05/19 UHS9 1.0494 1.0529 1,0441 1.1M74 1.0507 UI'I92 10221 1.(/461 I.OS75 1.0&42 1.0n] 1.0nl 10816 1.0614 ,1.0717 1.0m 11106 11002 11051 1-1159 1-1100 1-120 1.114'J 11200 1.1252 1.1)79 1.1.)9 1,US9 11<t9'J 1.141) 1.1562 1.1626 1,1*' 1.15211 1.1537 1.1647 '" "" ...'" "'" eo> 1-0129 10156 1.0183 1.0210 1.0237 1.011'J 1.1261 1.1)23 .... 1.0103 1.OU1 ''''' ,." 1.0706 10746 1,0787 1.0&75 1 ,071] 1.0910 '<0 10053 10051 1.011S 1-1004 1-1055 "" no ... 1.1692 1.1159 1-1t1904 1.19(,7 1.2041 1.2116 Fmm Ori~ Mt"Jmnll 1.1105 1091\ 10955 11Il00 1.1045 1.0910 10952 1.01102 '.0190 1-0218 1.0246 ,om 10»1 10074 ''''' '.0291 1.0321 '.0364 '.OJ':14 10350 1_0)~ '.0576 '.0425 '.0456 L .... 1.0520 1.1155) .... ,- ,.,.,. ''''' 1.0563 1.~1 , '.or.l1 ,"'" '.on' '.07S6 ... 1.0793 1.1127 l.lIn 1,121l1 ''''' ''''' ''''' """ l.10n 1.1lJ6 I.ll&! 11265 1.1)177 1021ll 1.0228 l.02SS 1.0282 1.0309 1.0337 1.0365 1.0393 '.05)1 ''''' '.0510 ,om 1.06'B 1.01$' 1,07')4 1.(1151 10469 1.065.4 1.0m 11)l2S 11)422 1(10451 1.1)4)9 ''''' """ ''''"' l.on' "0" , ...., ,,.,. ," ''"'' H"" '''''' ''''' L"," 1.1030 '.1033 l002~ '.033-4 1.10112 1.109'1 1.11311 1.11116 1.12)(, 1.12M , 0000 '0000 10027 1.0055 1 010~ ''''' ,,,.. ,'''''' .... ,,,... ,,,.,, ,.., ,.... , ''''' ." ...... '''''' ,."" ,."" ... '''''' ,."'" ,."", ,"'" H"" ''''' '" H"" "'" '" '" '" "", '" .....,..,'""" .. Flow Meosurem/!1lt 1.0761 1,0795 1.1)901 U)931 '''''' " "" "'" ,"" 10511 106(11 ... 10632 .. lonl ,-".,. 1 079) 1.1021 1.0971 1.1156 1.10'19 1.1010 11047 1.1199 11138 I.U13 U2~S 1.''''2 1.1){U 1.1291 1.1181 1.1m 11162 1,1'96 1.1413 1.121>7 '.1202 I.BS. 1.ll11 1.1242 1.1~32 1.1155 1.1399 1.1283 1.1324 1.1365 1-1217 1.1407 1.14.49 11)12 1-1:)]) 1,1551 '.17011 1.1607 1.1769 1.1835 1.1901 11968 1,1&6] 11m 117C 11&0 oJ NaturoJ ea •• 1.'_ 1.1516 1.1568 1.1622 1-1676 '.1731 1."1' l.n}, 11480 1 ,15211 1.1577 1.1&21 1989: murt.,.y of AGA. 1.1443 1.1"l1li 115)) 11083 '.'123 10918 1.(1963 """ U01) 1,1069 tHO(, 1114) 1.1180 1-1255 1-1293 .. T~mpe'~lur~. p, "f ..... -" -" " . ,,'" ,,.,. ...,.,'" ,-"', '"' ''''' "" "" 1.2191 1.2035 "., 1.2103 1-2173 I .UV 1.2245 1.23111 1.2S09 12591 ,-"" 1.2756 ,,OJ "'" ""' "'" "" '''' "o. "., "'" "" ""o. ",,., "" ",,., "" , "" " ,"" '''' ,,., '''' "" '''' ,"'" "" ""., "., ,no "" "o. " .. .. .... ... .... .. -" -<0 1-2922 ''''' 1.3091 1.31710 U2S9 1.3337 1.]412 ,."" 13559 1)6211 1.)692 1315>4 131112 ,.,"" 12464 1.2537 12611 121>115 ,- 1.19OJ 1.1'J6S 1-2091 1.21~, 1.2221 1.228& 1.2351 1.2'111 Il1167 1-3505 1-3561 \.3911 I.J9(,1 , 3611 1.3655 1.1;-68 11410 \.1450 1.1'90 US30 1.';:-0 1.1610 1.1650 1.1690 1.11.11 111t1S 1-19'J1O 11~ "'50 ,- 1.17Ufi 1.175' 1.1913 1.1962 1.2011 1.17'9& 1.1641 1.1II1II> 1.2206 121120 12)11) 12431 12492 12552 12612 128113 """ ,,... 1.19Jl 1 .2]15 12370 12'25 1.210') 1.2159 l.nO') 1.2258 1.2669 1.2'71 ,,,.. I.J071 1)1211 1.2726 1.21113 1-21139 1.2t1904 1 .2529 , nO> 121031 12642 1.2]52 1.2]'19 1244& 1)1B-! 1.29-17 1.2732 1)2010 """ 1 .27112 ,,,.. '''"' "'" ,."... ''''' 1329-1 1)J..u tU811 1.3053 11101 1.31'S 12&:12 1 21178 ,- 1.2~93 1.1978 1.202J '''''' 12111 1.215<1 1.2197 1.21010 1.228J 1.2326 12411 1.2bl1 1.2675 1.2;'15 , 1.1491 1.1534 1.1577 11620 \.1663 1-1936 1.2152 12552 . ,... urn 111111-~ 12310 1-2411S 1.2619 121>86 12153 1.)121 1.)1% 1.)2<>4 1.)329 1.)390 117t!O '-1579 1.1625 1-1107' 1.IM2 ,,... 1.2759 IntiS , "n 11677 1 21)1 12190 121134 ,,.,. 1.1786 1.1&62 1.11199 1.1956 12014 1.24S1 1.2491 1.1530 l.lrn lISU 1.185.4 1.18% 1.1939 11m ,1.2018 ''''' 1.2UIl 1.21110 12214 1.2152 1.2289 1.2126 ,,,., "'" ,,,.. ",., "'" ,-"', ,.... ,."" um ,.., "." 1.)n. """ ,,.,, "'" ,,... ", ",n "'" "'" "'" "'" urn ,,,,. ,,.. w .. "' , l.un ,."" ,,,,, ,."" "'" 1<1002 '3-432 ,.." 1.'''8 1.4137 '.1S2 1.4164 I.41n 1.'177 1417'1 1.4179 1.4176 '3-4~3 , US71 1 3331 l.lIIS7 1.)597 1.)621 1])57 11JII.I 1.160 U661 1..)6n 1.11l2 1.)161 Ill116 U4l11 UlO] 1.32211 U070 1.)910 1.39JO 1.)936 1.39)11 1.~I70 1.3939 1.4162 1.3936 1.4151 I.41l9 1.41210 \.'"1 ''''' 1]'116 132211 13264 1.3932 1.3926 '.3919 1.)909 1.3897 U"S U241 1)263 1.].497 13289 1 )476 ,"" 1.3718 1.)115 1.)112 1.)510 U511 l.n14 1.)707 1.3701 13511 usn 1.32]11 .. 12673 I.VOl 1.3105 ''''' "." ,,... 1.3700 1.3708 1.3113 1.3716 1.21130 1.2'124 ... '-2432 12466 I 24911 1.25JO .. 1.25508 1.2763 12979 1.2t.12 1.21>1>1 1.21160 ''''' >3," ,."" >3". 1.)04] 1.211111 1.2<.112 1.2702 1.2720 1.2m lJ079 1.]300 131011 1.2'1211 1.215S 1))09 \.3119 1.31l0 1.)137 111'3 131"8 ,."., ,-"', 1.2769 1.29&1 1.27'1l 1))11 1.)321 13321 ,,,,, 505 1.27112 1 .2<.I71l 1.21!1Oo4 ,.,977 1.2812 (table continrll'd) • 506 GO$ Production E'lg/neering Gas FlolC Mt'asurcmetlt Table 10·11 e Continued F"" Supercompresslbility Factors Table 10-11 e Continued F"" Supercompressibilily Factors (Sue Oat.-0.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) .. ,- ,-".,' .. '" "", "" "" ",. ,.., , """ ",... ,,., -" ''''' -n Tflnpe'JIUre. Of -JI> lJ6'Jl -" 1.3507 ''''' '''''' ".n ''''' "'''' "." "'" ''''' ''''' 1.)tIro '.38111 1..).4% 13647 1.]4711 -" ...'" 1 .3324 1.)3;n 1.lJll 1.)312 -10 1]151 1.3151 1.315] 1.]151 1.1150 1,2'JIII1 12'lM ",., ''''' 12991 (Base oata- 0.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) , 1.2Lll'1 1.2&26 1.28.JI I.28JS 1,2838 ",,, ''''' " .... '''''' ''''' ''''' " ..., "'" ",., " , " ... ...'" n8n .."" .."" ,."., ""' " """ " ... un8 "" '''''' "" ''''' uno "'" . "'" "'"' "'" "00 1.)sn 1.3m "" .,,,,. "'" ,,,.,, ,..... uooo "" ''''' ""'" ''''' J.)940 13914 13m 13861 11714 137S11 13737 1-3691 ,. l.l749 1.3690 "'" USJe 1.l507 1.3476 13667 1.3641 1-3617 1.)565 1.)SJ'J '_].459 '_].431 "'" "" "., "'" "'" ,,,. ''''' "" " ...... I.JJaO 1.3.3<19 1,3317 1,12M 1)254 I.J223 1.)191 U159 1,)128 U37] l}4SJ 1)601 1-1584 1,3566 '.1411 1.)416 1_3'>47 13S27 1.)S«> '.33&1 1.]36& 1m! US'.il "" ,,... "'''' 13,.. "" "'" "'" 1.3412 1.)6]2 1.)611 1]332 1.)4'& 1.)312 1.1292 \,)271 1.))67 10,," 1.33<13 1.)228 1.)4)9 1.3118 1.3295 1.32&8 '_1201> 1.1184 1,)162 ,- ,l.lllS U2S7 lli41 un9 1.3217 1.3116 "." ,."'" ,,,,. ,,... "'" Ul!J1 1.Jl&4 1.)141 1.)112 1.3052 U137 Ull0 '''''' 1.)002 129]S 1.2893 119J.4 I "'" '.lO19 1.2'119 12&94 12817 1-2792 '.1970 1.2807 ... 1.3267 1.1241 U228 13112 1.1196 l .lUIO 1.31&4 1.3147 1.3119 1.]110 1.)0'11 1.3071 1.3051 1.)0]1 1.3011 1.2740 1.271!O 12&78 12847 1 2816 1.2787 1 .27S11 127115 1.272'1 12ns 1.26')7 12670 11687 1.2661 12635 12609 1.3146 UH2 UI36 1,3119 1.3120 1.3110 1,)100 11078 1.19-17 1.1915 1.190] lm7 1.27]..1 1.2Llll 1.1188 1.17&4 1.2741 12717 1.2693 I.2WJ 1.1&4$ 1.19n 1 ,21136 1,1971 1.1955 1 ,19-17 1.1937 1.2828 1.2823 12811 1,2ao'J 1.2'126 1.1915 1,21101 1,17'93 1,278<1 1.3010 1.2891 1.2n4 1.28711 1.27601 -- 119711 ,.,... 1.19f>1 1,21150 1.2943 1 .2907 , .,." 1.2IISI 1,2Il.ll 1.2811 ..",,, "., U448 1.2Ul 124;:'9 124H '''''' 1 2lN 1.2"-44 1245-4 1 242' 1.2401 1.2421 1.2}?S 12149 1.2124 U3?4 ,,.. 1.2149 U100 1.211~ 1-219$ 1.2114 I.Un l.n46 U216 1.2252 1.2227 ,1,2181 .= l.2202 1.2178 1,2153 1,2157 1.21)4 1.2111 12633 12584 I.UO} 12S7} 125-4) 125B 1-2463 l,lSSS 1,2526 124'11 1.2476 1.2~54 1.2~13 U424 ,.ms ".; 1.2).\11 1,2)09 1.2469 \2441 ''''' 1 ,2356 12328 1,2101 1.2271 l.m? 12261 122.3<1 1.2221 12195 " " " "'" "'" 12400 T~mJH' ..ture. IS 124M 114.\11 1 2~1_ I.Ul5 1.2322 1,2199 1,2Jn \ 2155 123)4 11]11 12315 12290 1 221:>& \,2246 12224 1.2202 "'" 1 2214 1.2251 1.2228 Il:!"l~ 12175 1.2255 112J.o1 I nil 11191 121n 12152 1.211!1O UBI 121S8 12135 1.2110 12112 12091 12069 . "'''''', , "" 12027 "f JI) " " " so " 10000 10000 1.0000 I 0000 10000 10000 10000 10000 I 0000 10000 10000 1,0000 ~1~1~1~1.~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~11~ 1,2788 urn 1.2755 1.m7 1.271'1 '""00 1.26112 '.2702 .."" 1.2674 1.2659 U641 1.1627 ,,,,, 1.2611 12624 ~ 1 ~1~1~1.~1~1.~1,~1~1~1~1~1~) ~1~1~1~I~l~ldll~l~l~l~I~I~ lOll 1.0"121 120 un." I~ 1.0110 160 1.0195 I~ 1.0ll0 1.0"117 1.0"141 1.01f>.l 1,018& Hl:!l} 10"11) 1.01111 1.0158 1.01&2 10"10'1 10"105 I.O"IOl 101JI 1.(1'121 1.0122 1.01~l 1,0"148 \.0142 \.017to 1111" 1.0"161 101. 1.0191 I ('I" 1.009II \,011' Hnle 1.01S11 101711 1.~ '.0114 1.0111 100U 1.0"111 100'11 1,0"110 1.0128 10147 1.0116 l008B 1.0101> 1.0124 1.0141 1.0160 1.0015 1.0101 1.012(1 1.00le 1.000n I DOlI) '0100 1.0116 10Ill l.OnO _'_'_,_,_,_,_,_ ,_'_~.,_ ,~1,~I~I~IOllOI.OlI)I,mm.I~I~I~I.O"I~I01nl~ :MIl 1.D29I 1.0211 U1271 1.(126;7 1.1IZS1 1.02'" 1.0019 10l.l1 1.022) \.0l15 1.0201 lmol 160 I.OJ14 1.0JIl 1.0102 I O2'JI I Ol8Cl I ,00J'll I m60 I 02S0 I .0142 I on4 1.0:!26 I.O!I'I 280 1.0)SI \.0))9 1.0ll' I.OJIS 1.0XIl I eml 1.0l11 1.01n 102f>1 1.0252.I.IIl'" 1.0ZJlo lOO I.oJ" 1.0lIIS 1.0352 1,0})'1 I.OJI4 1,010) 1.02'J\ 1.(1211 1.Clln 1.0162 loaJ ~1~1~1~1~1.~1~1~1~21~1~1~1~ 1()4)4 1()417 10401 10lIIb l.ru11 101~ 1.0)4.4 IOll2 10llO 10JOe IOHII 1.02" lIiO 1,006l 1.1M44 HNV I ()411 10195 1.0_ I.~ 1.0)5) 1.0J000 10J2I I.OJI' IJlJQS ).4Q 1.2W4 1.2535 12524 .,"" ,,.,, ,"" "'" ,."" 1.2_ 1.2470 12451 125'J7 1.2507 1.2484 1.2505 1.2693 126f>J , , o 1.2493 1 24~) 1.2)}6 urn '''''' 1.25·11 12596 "'" "'" ,.., "'" 1.2521 1.2557 12531 1.26-1) 12614 1.25&7 1,255'1 -. ""'"'" "',.. 1.2670 1,21\.41 1,2612 1.275-4 12m -, -IS 1.2n6 1.2sn 1.2575 1.2553 "" "'" "., ,.. "" "" "'" ->S 1.2820 12804 1.2663 1,2661 1.2t.42 voo mo -" 1,2.I"1lO Of 12105 12644 ,- -" p<os -JI) MI,~I~I~I,~I~I,~1~191~81.00181~71~61~6 l.m? I."" Tempe'~!llre. p, 1.2i'S1 1.27(1 12748 """ '25'" I.2sn 12~7 .. 1 ,2&t<1 1.2"..1 1.3052 1.JO)'1 . ..,,., . ''''' ,,,13228 1.)199 1.)170 '''''' ,lim ,"'" ''''' '.2921 '.2/1on ,,,., '''''' llOll "'" "'" ,.., ,,,..,. "" ,,.,. 1,28]5 12766 "" 1,19)9 "'" "" ''''' 1.2&46 "'" '''''' '_21117 1.275) 1.2n. "" ...."'" 1.3lOS 1,]Z911 1.3289 1.2505 1.2484 507 1.24)J 1.241' 1.241>2 ,m< 1.2441 1.2420 1,2175 12356 lID 1.CM9l 1.()471 1.()45J 1.()4JE. 1.()4M 1.001(l0I 1.1IJII8 1.0114 1.0llo1 1.0147 1.01)4 1.0J22 400 I.OS" 1.!N'iIII I.()o179 1.(1461 11M44 l()o1l' 1,()o110 10m 1000l 10JMi I.01SJ 100.>0 420 I.~ 1~ 1,O!nt 1001II> 1.~ 1 ()4SO 1 ()01)) 1b11~ 1.040l 1.0)86 IJl}lI I.on. ~1~1~I~I~II~I .()4nl~I~I~I~l~l~ ~1~1~11~1~1~1~I()o1~I~I~II~I~l~ ..., I~ 10!I09 1.0S8S 1.0Shl los..a 1.05" 1.04'iIII 1.()o1" I _ I 1.\MoW 1.()o1V 1.110111 (table continued) • 508 Cus Flow Measuremelll GOJ Production Engineering Table 10-11e Continued Fp" Supercompresslbillty Factors (Ban Oete-0.6 Specific Grnlty Hydr~rbon Gal) Table 10-11e Continued FJI'I' Supercompresslbility Factors (B... 0.ta-0.6 Specific Gravity Hydroe.lrbon Gas) ,., 'M '" "' , o - 1.0667 lOi'JJ' 10127 1.11159 1.06)9 1061.1 1~ I.on. LIl1\lO "'1]\; " " 2S 1 CBS) wo 1~ ,-, HlilII 1117'1] 780 1.11l~ 11159 120 11ln 1.121'0 11)1» MIl I1UO Illll 'li'O 1.14-18 I.un . , 1.14S 1 1-407 lot.ll 100;-. I,OSC' ,~ 1 , "" "'" 11~ 1.11~ 1.1175 11205 1.llJoI 1 1265 1.1C1'l1 1111. 1.1146 1.1175 1.1:!OJ ant ,~, ,= ,'0'" ,~ , OIo6J 1 0Ii)6 1 01>11 10120 106t1 1.0~.2 1071l I. (W,&4 I ot.S/t I (It, 10 1,0766 107j.t 1071)01 lObI'S 1O(,..a .ons 1 (IrioO 1 00>; 1.0788 1.07S6 1 111771 1 0745 1.0714 1 Ob3~ u"no '-'1&70 1000l 107911 10765 1.0711 1.0704 1-10010 1,0991 11~ 1.I\II~ Ill'Jo4 1.1114 11)51 l.ll1J I,." 1.12JO 1,1251 11285 I,U11 1.1340 1.1170 1,11% LIID 1.1249 11m 11011 "M 11-40 ".., ". 1.1:>117 117"'4 1.1711 II." 1.1N 11612 ""'7 11I0Il1 Iln61.1751 11524 1'''''' 1.1555 1 1471 11567 1.1SOI I ' ' ' . llBI 11651 IlsS9 I.I:IM "m 1.1114 un. 1.111>] 1,1111 1.1211 11'J1ll 1.lG16 1.104& 11071 11.7 111197 1.1926 11954 1.17)(1 1.17511 1.171l6 ""4 1.1640 111>]7 \.li!J1;) I1W1'l 1.1714 1.I7ft ,~ 110102 1.10$( 11107 1.1111 l.lIn , ,,'" 1.15SO 1.1514 I.IS'iI'J lllr.22 I'''':; 11#>9 1.14<r.! 1.151. 1,15)6 1.IUl 1,07S~ 10&" 1.01111 10m 10906 1.0921 10'150 1097' 1 0992 11*01 UIII)o 1.0811 1 _ 1090II1._ 1.0928 1.01187 1 OMI 1 0906 1.1011 1 HIlS 1.1057 1.1073 1.1099 ,,,. ... , "" ,~ ,"" " i l l 11175 1.1120 1 1141 llUS 1,lm I.HIl 1.1120 1.116-3 I un ,,~ \12<') 111114 1.14C!Z 1,1111 11265 1.1105 1100 1 , _ 11114 11611 1.1st1 1.1505 1.1427 I U'!04 11." IISU 1.145.) Inn IllS] 1.1145 11551 1.1417 1. ''''' 11m ,,~ ,,~ 1.1502 l.lO'II \ Itl. 11105 IIJ'QJ II." 1.1S2f> 1.1.... 11~1 L~7 10'17V 1.1092 11041 1.C19M 1.1119 1.10f.S 11\1161.1145 1 11190 1 10)9 11)65 1.1.l97 11421 1.1#>1 11491 1lD1S 1,1109 1.21"'4 l-l1711 L1210 1,0752 1,0721 1.0171 1.0740 1.0$(1 1.1475 1.1509 115-4-1 I1S7I 1100 1J20 lJo1O IlIoO Ileo ,,~ ,., so." 11520 1.1ssa 1.15'J5 1."ll 1,_ " , 0104' 1.0611 I.IMJ 106'It 1.0II1~ 1000 11120 10010 lor.o 1011l 11M 1.1421 1.1451 1.1411 1.05-11 1.\1'>l1 1 g-,:;: 1 Irn)oI 1 0I01S 11000 109S4 I.CI'l11 1.1206 11217 1.12M 1.llO1 1 U3o' , 0501 1.D'&j 1 ().Ihi 1.OSlJ 1.0S0l I.IJ.I.8J l.ons , _ 1011Jl 1,116') 1.1112 1 IOS7 I.IID 111M 1.1m 1 1141 1 10117 1 10)7 MO 1.1.lO1 112)6 11175 1.1117 ,,~ !OO I,UI7 '-!O I.un 1.0464 1.00WIi 1.0-129 1_04&C 1.1)1(6 1()l.4" ,- ",., 1,1m SS 1.0:710 1 1lIIIO 1 06.U 1,103/1 10Wl 1.0'i00 '0IIb0 1.11170 11019 1O'J71 1 0917 1.01IIII5 1110) 111)5 SO 1 056J 1 CJSoIO lOS" 1 0SIl \.05\" 105)3 lOIIOl 1,0578 lOSs.. 1"", 1 01198 lOIS] 1 (11(1', 1.07&' no 1,1020 1 or3 1 0'n8 , OMS 10847 10810 7-40 1.1Q5.4 l.l00s 1 09S& 1.091. 1 OV) 1.08J5 eoo 4S 1O!.].f 10100'J 1.ow. 1t.O 1.1011'l1 ",,, 40 ,.... NO U"" 610 1,0951 700 lS 1,1)61) I.os. 1.05f6 l0S4J 1.0521 1.1M&! 1010)9 1 (61) !usee 10565 l0S4J '~n 10501 10661 10!.010 I.06U 1.0SIII lOSM LOSt) l05ll ,0&95 l0E066 1.0bJ'/ 10611 10S87 10!j,01.1 luJ24 u",Ojj 1 . _ ,.o.,.v 1 ..... 11 1.~; 10>e.; 60tI 101W 10:'17 Lanl 111721 WI) JO 109Y 1091le 1.100II \1028 \.1043 ,,- 1.0l"95 101111 1.(1112 1.0150 1.092:5 Ul8IJS 1.(I'jo45 10'l04 1,0'J(,< 1.0922 1~ 1.0!M0 I,HIOI UI~7 11069 1.1020 110)$ 11109 11121 111411 1.0976 UJ9IJ3 1 1011 1.1C121 I.ItM6- 11111 I 1m 111101 1.11U I nOlI 1.124S I " . I Illi I Illi 11266 1.1X16 I I I " lun 1 IllS 11167 l.ll74 1.I.107 112" '''114 1-101>3 1.1181 11)95 11411 l.l.l7 1.1451 1.14" 1,11.7 1.111.l 1.11l1li 1,119'5 1.1211 ,,,,, 11111 1.1)017 1.1)66 1.llIIIi 11400 11261 IIlSI l .l2'iI'J I.U" l.lll4 509 11202 1.1l1' 1.1217 1,12Sl 1.IVU o ,,., "'" "" ,,,'" ,,~ JO " " ,~, 1]tIl 1720 11.j() 17t!O 1780 1.2606 1,2620 1.l'3) 1.1645 1..2(0S6 1.24S7 1.2411 1.2411S 1.2497 12509 18iXJ lllO 18«1 1160 I.., I.l46S 1.2674 1.l6lIO 1.26115 1.2690 1.2519 1.2S19 1.25)11 1:!SoI5 1,:lSS1 .. TemperlOlure. Of I.U.7 12112 1.1900 12421 , 1271 1 211t 1.1921 1 2"'47 122'l18 I 2160 1.20S4 1,1'J040 12)10 1.1111 l.n04 1.201l 1.1'l1h1) 11492 16110 1.1S14 12)65 lUO 1.2D!i 1.llM 16«1 1.1U5 1.1_ IW) US11 1M3 ll1M1 1,1St1 1.1""1 ,",. .. , ",. 1.11147 1.1861 1.2091 1.1'Il10 1187. 1.210& 1.19\1) 1.1&117 1.2111 1,2ODS 111199 11751 1.1764 1 1m 1.1787 11799 "m 114M ,,~ 11450 1,1]71 l.nU 1 '''''' I Il'l] 11327 114110 1.1407 1.1).40 1149'5 1.14;"0 U)S2 1.204~ 11590 11510 1116-'1 1.178f> , 1692 I 152' 1.1:>117 ,,~ 1.1517 1."'OS 1.1911 1.1'" 1.11ll 111.l1 115SO 1,19)1 11m ,,~ 11647 1.1~ 12Oi.O 1,1~) 1.~llm 1.1171 ,,~ " ,"" 1,21'" 1.11" 1.2115 I.ll11 1.2)015 I llS7 l.ll1O UIQ 1.21'Ja U2U 1.2227 l.ill9 1.2181 1.239:1 1.2401 12410 12417 1.2251 l-lIJD 1,2017 11~10 1221>2 1.2141 1.2(I,!8 11921 1.2m 1.2151 l,lOla II~JD 1.2Ul 1.2160 l2Of1 I.19ft 1.22119 Ul'" I 2OS6 1.1948 "'" so l.lb7. 11591 11510 1.17'15 11697 1.16011 1 1526 11504) 1.1.'5 1.1116 111)01 1.17]1 1.1642 IIS5~ 1.1151 1.1752 11660 1.15]} 1.207'1 1.1'167 , "'" 1.105 1,144/1 1.1461 11411 l1eas 1.1)66 11171 1.1!tO ,,~ 1.14U IUi61 1.1S]} 1.14% 11414 111>74 1.1517 1.1S011 11415 1.1686 1 1600 1.151' , .1"'4S 1.1610 1.152'1 1.1455 1,1701 1.1621 1.1SJ9 U .... ,,,,, 11510 1.1718 1.11>]1 1.1121 IlnS 1.1640 '-'alii 1.11)8 11649 11&19 11747 1.1r.5e 1.18411 11755 1.16f>7 1,154~ 1.1473 1.lsse '-'411:1 1,1SfJ6 1.1490 1.1575 U49I 1,15&) I.1SOf> I~ 1.l!694 I.lSS6 U'24 1.~ 1.2117 1.:!(I6,I 11956 1.1856 11M 1.167} 1.1591 1.1514 1'J20 1.M7 1.256112429 I.no1 U1114 1.:zon 11964 1.1864 1.1170 1I!IIl u s . 1.1521 -,-,-~.,-~.,-,.~,.-,-,-,-,­ ".., 1.2700 1.25W> 1-l'lI 1.2114 UI97 l.lOIS 11'71 1.1177 1.1714 1,16')6 1.IM2 U»I 1_ I.VOO 1.lS68 1.2"'41 1.211' 1.22CIl '-2092 l.l'l11S IleIIo1 1.11\10 1.1701 \,1617 1.IJoIO -,-=-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,..... ~1~1~1.~I~l=I~I.~ll~II~I.lml,'wl.~ lO'II 1.2695 1."B6'I 12446 1,l:\26 I,UIl 1.2104 1.199$ 1.11191 1.111OS 1.1716 1.1632 1.15'!04 -,-,-,-,-~"'-,-,-,-,=,-,- ,- 11909 1.1"6 11724 1,1643 1.1566 1.21~8 1.:/217 \.2110 1.1646 1.156'1 1,2327 1.2217 1.2111 l-11ll 1.1.... ' 11512 I .ml 12H1 1.2325 1.2117 1,2212 1.2010 \,1651 1.1574 l.2S4S 1201 1.2122 1.2116 1.2112 I lOll l .lSlI 124%8 Ill19 I,nl~ 1.2111 1."lO11 1.191' l.lll4 117)(, 1.1M) lIS,," 21011 1.2iIIO 12S61 ,,~ I 1114 linD 1400 1.2244 '-1101 1.1'*1 1.1166 I.In.J 1.16f>7 1.1sn 1.1_ II42l llill 1.1111 I.1U(o 14211 I.Wfo 1.1117 I.JOIa 11m 1,17Il6 1.11iII'J 1.1598 11516 11"'41 IIJM 1.llOl 1.11.' ~1~1~~I.~I.lml.~lln21.~I.I~I.l~lll111il,~II~ 1460 1.1))1, 12191 l.lOU 1.1"2 I.llll 1.17]2 1,I(oJ'l 1.15S4 II." 11402 1.lllJ 1.lVU ~1~1~1~11~1~1,1~11~llml.lffil.14111.~I.I~ , ",,, 1 2"") l.lWO 1.25JI I~I l.nlJ 1.l6l1 l.lSl4 11610 I 250S 1,26OD 1.2<'~ 1.2411 1.l417 1.2410 1.1402 1 D94 DIIO 1.25&11 12eas 2120 1.2576 1.2475 2J4O 1 2S6l 1.1465 2160 1."il4'I 124'!04 1.2535 12441 :ueo ,,~ , "" 1.191' 1 HIlS \.1m 1,1654 11517 1 19" I. IllS 1.1655 11m 1 1.1125 1.17311 1,If1U 1.1S7"I l.lne 1.1~ 1157"J 1 1191J 1.151' 1.17111 1.1"' 1,1~ I 211S 12112 1.1110 12111 ,~ 111011 I ZlO7 123l1o 1.210& I Jl03 1.l3Dl Ill% 1.2197 12100 ,.16 '''5 ..= "." , "" Illllli Inll'! 11191 1.19')1 12371 1:z:!82 1.2186 1.2)69 l:U15 1.11110 ". 1.1'il'J1 l.l9OJ 1.2l6O 12267 1.I17l 1.2150 1 moll I 21i!J1; 1 ;"076 1,1'117 1.11199 nne "'" llell 11117 1.1r.!6 1.11l1 1,17)1, 1.1655 1,1"9 '-17)4 1.11154 1,1"6 unl 1.1651 1.18U 1.17)(1 1.1650 usn 1,IS7'I 1.1571 1.1S" I.lS74 -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2400 1.lS21 1.2410 IllM 1.22'" 1.21511 120;>0 11"-1 11f19S 11810 un7 1.164/1 usn -,-~"'-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,2460 1.247S 1llt1 1.2lIIl l.n:ll 1.11'" IlOO't l1'AS 11., ""'" 1.111' 1.I(oJ'l 1.1s.5 -,-,=,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,~,-,.- (table continued) • 518 Gas Production ElIglneering Ga a Flow MeaaureT/lclit 519 Table 10-13 F1-Gauge location Factors (Gravitation Correction Factor. tor L fl OW rate: flow rate uniformity, maximum and minimum flow rates Manometer Factor Adjustment) (hied on Elev.tion and Latitude, Appl ~ ble Unadjusted Factors in Prec::edlnSl Ta ble) 2. pressure: expected static and differential pressures, and their range; permissible pressure variations. ..... .... ,..,'" ,,.... ''''' ,,.., '''''' ,.''''' ''''' ,'''''' "" ,.... ,."., ' '''' ''''' ,."" ,,.",. ,2,1XXl' ... , "" " (EquoolOrl O.'IiiI7 • .000' 0.99117 0.9987 ,."., ~ 6,000' 8.000' 10.000' ,- ... ,,,"" ,0.9'JIII7 0.9991 0.9993 "" "" ,."., 0.9983 ,'''''' "" , , .... ''''' ,.- 0.9991 0_9983 099$5 0.9967 ''''' 0.9991 0.9997 1.0002 , 0000 1.0001 .... 1.0002 ... "n " 1.11007 1.(11)10 ... T,0011 1.0011 10010 U lOID 10010 OS 10011 1,0012 1.00l) 90 (Pole) HIO!) .....• 1.0007 10010 1.()O11 10012 \.0012 H 1OOi' ,"'" "«""'" "" ........ bo.of _ - \\...... I, ........... konlt- _ _ .. lJaon, lei - " " "....... ..,.... ' ...... _ d .... .....,.~ ............., ..... ,,-- 09995 1./XXll 1.0007 ..... "''-0 " from Or;jk-, Mtlmn,l! "1 ,\-at"...1 Qu, 1969: courtft) Emmpfe 10-1 . An orifice meter with a 2-in . orifice, equip~ with taps using upstream static p ressure connections in a.6-in. n?mmal (6.065- ~n . . ternal diameter) pipeline, shows an average differential head .. 6O-m . ~ater and an average upstream static pressure .. 90 psia. The flowing temperature is 50°F, and the gas gravity is 0.65. Using a base p ressure of 14.9 psia and base temperature of sooF, calculate the gas flow rate indicated by the meter. Solution t.(XXll ... ~ - 216.065 - 0.3298 . Ave<age (h. p,)" - [(60)(90)r' - 73.485. ..10<1 ........ ..... _ foe ... Average h...Ip, ..., 60/90 .. 0 .6667 . of AC.<\. From Table 10-7, Fb - 870.93. OriflC~ Thtrmal Ef/",nnon Factor; F" This factor accounts for the expansion or contraction of the orifice hole with fl OWing tem perature, calculated as follows: Fro m Table 10-8 , b _ 0 .02 i3. Th ere fo re. F, - 1.00037. From Table 10-9, by suitable inter polation, YI F... 1 + [0 .0000185 (T f F... I + [0.0000159 (Tf - 528)] for monel - • " b e < _ .. ,,~ ....... _".,. -..100;._'...... .-.___ ,_ . . . _ , 0.'"_ - - . , . ..,.. ......... " _ , _. ...t>,o<' '''~ .. '~ __ .r..:.,....... -...' ' _ _ ~ 'Stem can only be achieved if all these factors are carefully c:ons1der.oo In ;hoosing the size and type of orifice, and the pressure measunng devlces. 0.9983 ''''' ''''' ''''' ,."" 0.9995 ,09993 '''''' ,."" ' '''' 0.9997 , , "'" 1.0003 , "'" ''''' UIOOJ I.oem , '''''' ' ''''' , ' '''''' UWS '''''' '''''' '''''' ", '''''' , '''''' '''''' '''''' ,1.0007 '''''' , O. 999J SO 55 OJ 6S _Ii . . . . . . of the orifice affects the range of flow rates that can be measured, an~ :::pressure differential that will be obtained . A well designed ~eteri~g 50. "!Jtudf . Th G.iull" ~! 'on ~ ~~ I~d-fl!'et ""o expectoo . - = 1 + 0 .0273 '73 .485 0 .9914 . 528)] for stainless steel From Equation 10-18, ror Ph" 14.9 psia. Fpb - 14 .73/14.9 - 0.9886. (10·25) From Equation 10-19, for Tb - 5Oo r~ FIb - {460 + 50) /520 "" 0.9808. where T, .. gas flowing temperature at the orifice, " R From Equation 10-20, for T/ _ 50°F. Flf .. (5201510)°-5 - 1.0098. Orifice Meter Selection Several factors need to be considered in chOOSing an orifice metering system: From Equation 10-21 , ror 1'. .. 0.65, F~ - I /(O.65)o.~ '" 1.2403. From Figure 3-1 , fo r 1'K - 0.65, Proc - 670 psia, and Tp<"'" 375°R. 510 Gas ProductioTl En1>(lnccrjll~ Gas Flou' Mcasurl'mCllt Table 10·11e Continued Fpv Supercompressibility Facior. Table 10-11e Continued Fp¥ Supercompresslbllity Factors (Bu. 0.t.-O.6 Specillc Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) (811.. 0818-0.6 Specific Gravity HydrOCllrbon Gas) p, PS'I 2SOO 2520 ~ 2'iW ~ -~---C~--~---';C--co,c'·~m~..~'."'"~'~.~.~"~:o---,,-__-c___________ 0 5 TO IS 20 Z5 JO lS 'Il .($ so 114'1 11161 1.2~27 1.2lo'~ 1.2411 1.2115 12m 12120 123711 12104 12282 1.2269 1 US6 11242 1 ma 1.2199 121113 12'76 111M UUl 1.2115 1201] 1.1'JSl 1.21010 120lS 11'1+1 12016 119)6 , _ 12001 11928 11075 1.1'1'17 1.1919 1....,., 1.11169 1186) 11456 1.1&1' 11642 117$11.1708 1.1711.1 l1ro] 1.1176 1.1698 11170 116'1) 1171•• 11667 1,1611 116Ui !1WI 1.1617 1 Ifill 1.1SSII 1.1555 1.1551 l1So16 1 ''''~ -'-'-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~. 1 no 1 un 1 22«1 1 211" 1.!0S2 '-1m !.I'JOT !.111lS 1.1 ~.9 1 1~ 1.1601 UUl 21040 1l12S lln6 1211'S , 211l 12040 1.1'1W; "192 11e1' 1.1742 1.1668 TWA 1.1527 Z660 1.2lOI l.ll40 Ilno 12100 1.1021 11";5 1.llISl 1.180lIl 117J.4 1.1"'" 1.1S'30 urn ~1~1~1~"1_'~51~11ml1~11rn'~ll~11ru :vm ,.= 1710 1,22SJ 511 12206 121), 12Ol':! 12001 I."n 1.1A2 111ft 11117 11646 IlSn 1.1510 1,218'1 12124 l20Sa II~ 1.1'1n 1.1~1 1.1~ 117O'l 1-1r.J11 1.1SM ll50l -'-,-,-,-,-,-,-,_,_,_,_u. -'-,-,_,_,_u_,_,~,_,_,_,_ ~1,~I~~I~I~I~II~l'~II~lll~llrnl.~llm ~ln~1~MI~t~llml~II_I,'~I,ml~llrnl,lm -,-,-,-,_,_,_u~,_,_,_,_,_ ., p, no '00 40D 1032. 10)17 1(1)05 I.~ 1028S 1027S 10~S 10lS6 I(I,~ m 10m 1.0230 102B 1,0215 .,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,~1~IOl"lrull~l~l~I~I~I~I~I~102~I~ ~1.~I~10l~1.~10l111~1~1~lmnl~I~1~1.02~ ~1~1~ll0~1~1~1~10l181~1~1~1~1~1~ ~1~1)1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~ ~1~~I~UI~I~I~I~I~IOlUlmll~I~I~I~ S40 IOW7 I~)I III$IS 10400 lOla!; 1.ID71 I.onll 1(\)40 10UO lOll, 1.0)1(1 IOJOD 5I.G 10465 I GU8 I ~12 I ~16 lOOOD 10J8S 10J?"2 1(1159 10).46 100M 10Jl2 10Jl1 10lOD 5110 1.~ lOOt>'1 100147 I 0U! 10015 10199 10l8S I (l3n I Irn8 I (\)40 100ll lonl 10010 ~1~1~II~I~I~I~141~1~1~11rn81,~I~lml ~1~171~1~~I~I~I,~1~110ml~I~I~I~I~ "..0 1.05M I (151' 1.~9S 1.(J.I~6 10460 10442 102-16 1.{)IIO 10J'lOL 101111 1.0Jl>l! 1.I1lSS 1.0)41 &60 I(15S2 IOSlO 1(1511 I ~92 10474 10456 10439 I ~21 1.040I!I I 0191 1.01~ J.(/ltJ6 1.01>1 ~1~1~1~71~1~1~1~1~ll)Irol~I,~I~I~ ~1.~I~I~I~l~I~I~I~ll)Illl~~I~l~l~ ml~I~I~I~I~171~1~1~1~1~1_121~1.~ -~.,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,lI60 1.1120 1,2\166 12(110 • 1951 118'11 1.1&l:! 1.1770 111'01 116012 115" 1.1sn 1.145] ~1,~I~I~I~I~II~IOI~I04~I~I~I_I~I,~ 2M) ~1.~I~I~I~I~I~IOSI91~1~1~1~1~3010414 -'-'-,-,_,_,_u_,_,_,_,_,_ 131/1(1 I~ 1.19111 1.19)7 1187& 1.1811 1.17V 11f>9{, llfoJl 1.1S6111~ 1,1,,",5 -'-,-,_,_,_u~,_,_,_,_,_,_ ~1~1~1~1~1~1~llnlll~II~I~I,lmllm -'-'-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,~ ~1~1.~11~11~1.~I,IWI.~I~llmll~IIQI~ ~1,~IIWll~I~II~I.1mll~I,~II~ll~11~llm ~1~I~OI~I~I~I_I~I.~I~I~I~I~l~l~ DI~I~I~I~I~I~I05lll~)I~l~I~I~I~ ~1.~I~I~I~JI~l~I~I~l~I~I~·I~I.~ ~1~11~ll~I~I~I~I~I~I05111~1~1~1~ 1.Q5.4~ 10';29 10500 I (14M 1.{)I71 1.07.5 UIl14 106810 10!.S8 1001 1.0607 1.0S1I4 I.oo;t,.l 1.OS4O 1.0519 lOSOO 1.0Ia1 160 I,ons I DII97 lOb70 Ulb4J 1.(11)17 1.(lYIl 1.05" _ 1.0453 I~ ~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~IOI,~I~ " PI'I 60 • ml~I,~I07I&I.~I~I~I~101~'~1Q5.411~1.~I~ 1.07111 100;75 1.0&41 1.000J I OWl 1.(K15 lOSS) 1.05Jl 1.0511 1.~<J2 'HO l.m1 107&) 1.01)) '00 _1~1~1~1071~1~1,~I~IObIOl.~I~I.Q5.4II~II~ '" _1,OOII~I~I~I.~I~I.~I~I_I.OO~I.~I.~l~W II ItI(Q) l,tI(Q) I tI(Q) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 1000 1000 1.0000 1000 M 1,001& I.oon 1(1(/1. 1001. 10014 1.001) I.oell] 1.0012 1.0012 10012 1.0011 1.0011 1,0000 1.0010 ~I~I~II~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~ 601~1~1~1~)1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1,~ .. I roM 1.110&2 1.0061 l00sa l00S6 1.00S00 1.00Sl 1.0051 IIJ(I09 I ~7 10lM6 1.00004 I.~} ~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~IOOMI~I~I~I~I~ 1201~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~ 1«1 um 10109 10105 10102 IOJ9!I 10095 lOO'l2 10081 looes 1.001) I,com 10071 160 l.G1n 111125 10121 10111 1011l 1.G101 1.0105 ll1nn 1.1X1'II 10095 lOO'l2 1.008'11.0017 110 I,OI'S 101010 IOU' 111131 1.0121> 1.lI1n 1,11118 1,0114 1.0111 1.0107 UnO) 1.0100 l.!1D'J$ 200 1.111112 1,1I1S6 10151 t.O'''' 1111«1 1.01» 1.0111 111121 llI1n Hnl. 1.11115 111111 101011 120 l.11171I,OIn 1111'" 10160 111150' 1.014' 10145 111140 lOU6 1.11131 1111~ 10112 1.1111' l~ 1.0191 1.II1M 10181 UIll'S 10168 Hl1fo.l 1.0158 10lSJ 1.0148 1,01') 1fIIl 1.0211 I 0104 1.01~1 1111'10 101lll llI1n 1,0171 1.0165 10160 10155 1 (lUll 1.013) 10129 111150 1.01+4 1,01» ~1'~I~I~11I~I.II1Ul~III1MI~I01nl(l~I~II11HI015O I (lIn 10115 1.0196 10lIV 1.021' 1111" 1(1171 1.018'1 10200 UIlI1 1.0162 I.01n 1.0113 1.G1'H HI20. 1000 1(JlI) II)j(\ 1060 I'*' 10!U7 1,01165 101182 10900 1"". 101111 1.01121 10&'1 10lI60 IQI7} 1.1:." 1100 10911 IUO 109SO ID!IOII 11~ 109i4 1.09:1. 1160 1.0'lIl1 1"'19 1\110 11000 I09SS 1200 1120 1240 Il60 1.101' I lOll 1.1043 1.10ft4 lzaJ 1107'1 10m 1.074t1 1.0717 1-(1687 10660 1.(1634 1.060II lOS&!; 1.\I!i6:l 1.01'!l4 10761 1.0730 10lI09 10775 lW,,", 10000S II17'lO lO:-sa 101J9 1.0lI04 10:71 I.05l9 107111 10ft1) I~ 1.(11)19 1,QS9S 1.05n 1.0549 I.on. 10b6S I (l6S1!1 HII>JI 1./I60I0 1.0582 1.055' IIrl7 101>97 1(1670 1.~1 1.(1617 HI5<J2 1.OS6'J 1./f,"40 IOn19 10bII1 lOI>S4 I.OI>ZI 1,!IIIIll 1.0571 IOIJS,I 10111' I.071S UI75] 1072l 101192 10M6 1,0fUI 1~ 1.01.49 loeas 1.0&C3 10111. 10:"7') I074t1 107" I.CI681 1.0ftS9 lOI!I99 10M.l 108.!6 107'11 10J"Sa 10m IIMI II\W.I I"''' l.oe1} lOIIl9 1.0lI04 10m 1.07)1 1(1)W IIIb7'J lOVO lOilJ.4 10Il00 1.07(,6 10J"l.4 10000J 1"'10 1"'201 1.0lII!'I 1011S1 10000S 10942 1.0'102 llJ!1!.o1 U(\()I 1.0951 1.0916 1.01176 lIon 10971 1.0929 1011e'l UOlQ 1(I9M 10942 1.0901 101116 1.0&28 1.1l&fD 1.08>.2 1-(1116) 1.078<1 101'!l4 LOIIOS 1081b I 0&27 I·OlSO 1071' 1.0no 10m 1.0nl 1.07» 107'1 I (174& 1.0~1 1,07St 1 (1612 1.0ftll 1,0ftll 1.(I64} ll1bSl 1.11b89 1.(11)61 1.!IoI'J9 1.0ft11 1.07'Il'J 1.(11'&1 I (ln9 1.0690 1.0728 1.0b9II 1.(\51' 1,0529 1.(5)11 1.0541 I(\S~ 1.0S8I 10566 I,CMII 1.0574 1.0!0a1 1.05IJ 1,0b16 1.0592 10000S 10601 1.1IbJA 1,0ft4] I.ObS2 1.1Ib61 10b7tl lObIO 1,0b1' 1.()6.l6 1(6)5 1~) 1100 11094 11(1+1 I (l99'!I I09SS I,I)'JU 1.0IIl"S 1.08)1 l\*ll I.(\;'M 1.IJ711 1.0107 1.(1671 1.0651 H2O 11110 1105' l1(1ll 10961 10'125 101l8I0 10149 10112 I.Onl 107'" 1,0716 1.0681. 100' (table continued) • 512 Gas ProdurtiQII EngiflCenllg Table to-1le Continued Table 10-11e Continued Fpv Supercompressibility Factors Fpy Supercompresslbillty Factors (Base 08t8-0.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) ,. (Base Oata-O.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon Gas) ,. T~mpe'OIU'~"f ,- " "" '" l],4O I IllS 1.1073 11025 1.0'JII0 1,1l'IJ71011911011S~ 10lUll.0738 10755 l\ll'lS 1.0695 1.0661 lll,o 1114() 1 10117 1 Ion 1 09113 1.0'}<9 1,01170 1.(11)) 1 07M 1.071J 1.11703 1,01.]5 1l8J 1.11;.0 11100 11052 l1tm 1-(1920 H)Ml 1.!.84] 10773 1.0741 1.0111 1C632 ,..., 1~ 111~ 1.11" 1.1~ 11017 I.!l'll] 1.0911 1.01!5] 101116 ,"" l'l\I 1.11&1 'l1l8 11073 1.11l.J1) 10985 10941 ,= lC11!61 1.0791 14010 1.1197 l n4 1 1.11l'lO 1.1()42 1.0'Jn 1.0951 1 0912 1 tel] 1.I111l4 ,~ 141:(1 11210 1.11~ 11103 '.1053 l.100b 1.0'l6.l 1.11'121 1.01182 1.0&'1 1.01I.III 1~ llUS 1.1167 l111S 110M 1.101& 1,!l'l71 1.0931 HilI'll 1.0S52 '-01116 ,~ 1,0759 1.0767 1.0775 1.07113 ,-,- 100,Q I.OT.!7 lOllS 10705 I 074Z '-0712 1,07SO 1.1))"19 '00 " "" m 1,09J'8 1.0978 1.0978 1.0977 10931 1.0'l37 10937 10936 10935 ll40 1. I50J 1.14]] 1.1J71 l.lll1 1.1258 ,,~ 1,1156 1.1110 1.10r0) 1.1020 1.0977 1.1)'l3} 1.0&J6 lJfoII 1.1502 1.1432 1.1]70 I,1l1l 1.1258 1,1205 1.1156 1.1110 1.10f.) 1.1020 1.0'178 1.0936 1.0S'l7 2l1JO l.lS01 1.14]1 1,1369 1.1]11 1.1257 1.1205 1,1156 1.1110 1,106] 1.1020 1.0978 1.0937 1.01197 2400 14!O 1440 2460 2480 1 1499 1.1497 1.1495 1.14'3 1,1491 1 142'1 I.HUT \.1426 1 1424 1.1422 I.llfoa 1.1l1l 1.1156 1.1361 1.lll0 1.1256 11.l66 1.1.lO'! 1125S l.l1M 1.1)011 1,1254 11161 1-1306 1.1253 1.1105 1.1156 1.1110 l1lOS 1.1156 1.1110 ,,~ 1.115S 1.110'1 11M3 \,11\.4 1111l1! 1.1201 I.11S) 1.1107 \,106] 110(0) 1,10(0) 110hl 1.101>1 1,1020 1.1020 1.1020 11019 1.101& "'" 1<;00 UlJa 1 1251 1.12bl 1.1176 1.12M 1.11;:-' 1,1126 1,H)~ 1.1027 1.1)'.18) 1.O'JoII 1,0900 1.01161 1.0IIlS 10:>91 1,07'SII '.11'1' 1.11.l11 1.10117 1,10.le 1.0911] 1,0'!09 1.()II70 I.OIIJJ 10m 1.0766 ,,~ 1.1ISO ,,~ 1.1(lo19 1,1001 U)'l18 1,011:>9 I.~l '-0lI07 '.1215 111M 1.110/1 1.1OS9 1 1012 '-11'127 1.(18117 '.01150 U1815 1.07110 11227 1.11n 1,1119 1.101\8 1.1022 1.0'17& 10915 '-0II'J6 '-0II5II 1.(11123 1,07l1li 10727 1.0734 1.0741 1.0743 1,0755 1SI)J 1600 llXl! 11112 1.1JU 1.11.14 1.1345 1.1233 1.1183 1.1l'~ 1 119] 11260 1 1101 1.1"'0 1,1213 1,1281 11223 1.11:1'.1 1.10711 1.1011 '.0':157 1.0'J044 1.0'J0.I 1,08(,t, l.D5lO 1.07'.15 1 11)<) 1 10S11 11041 1 099S 1.0912 I.OVl 1,l1li37 ,~ '-1149 11049 1,1004 '-0910 1.0IIII1 111'>3 1.10$& 11012 1,0927 1,01115 1.07b] 1-0763 1.0775 10781 1.12l'J 1.1D6 11232 1.1219 1.lill 1.118'1 1.11116 1 1181 1.11110 1,1177 1.1141 1.113'.1 1,1136 1.11l3 1.1130 1.1US 1.1.l66 1,117ft 1.13M 1.1)<)1 1,12')0 11300 l13O'J 1.1]18 " 1J26 11212 '-"]t; 11n4 1,1241 1.1IM '-lIll 1.12SO 1,119J 111.l'J 1,12sa 1.1Z<l1 1.1147 1.1266 1.1209 1.11\.4 ,- 1.1l45 1.11-41 lU17 Ll331 1.11:rl 1700 1720 1740 17(,0 1710 ,-... MOO 1.1470 1.1401 2620 1.1466 1.1400 1.1461 1,1l'16 1.1456 11]91 2680 1.1450 1.1387 2700 1720 2740 27100 1710 1 1)25 1.1]70 1.1221 1.1l111 1.1~ 1.1217 11115 1,1261 1.1113 1.1110 1.12>7 1.1:/011 1.1lOS 1,1251 1,1204 1.1173 1.1170 1,1166 1.1162 1,1157 1,1120 1.107ti 1.103J 1,11'l'J2 11100 1.14Ol 1,1410 1.1418 11426 1.14n 1.1ll4 '-1l41 1,1l49 1.1l57 I.U7l 1,1216 1.1161 1.1111 1,1281 1.1221 1.1163 1,1118 1.12M 1.12)(1 1.11lS 11114 1.129'1 1.1ll7 1.1181 uno 1.1JO:.! 1,124] 1,1181 1.1H7 1,011:21 1.006 1,(18]1 1.(1836 1,(11140 ,- Z1IOO 1.1414 1.1154 1.12'l'1 1.1247 1.1408 1.1l49 1.1l94 1.1241 1.1401 1.1l43 1.11M 1.1llT 1 . 1~ 1.1l36 1.12al 1.1 ll1 1.13117 I.U30 1,1176 1,1225 ,.- 2'JOO 1.1l7"'l 1.1124 1.1170 1,1219 1,l1n \,1128 110115 1-1042 1.1DOl 1.0%4 1.092> 1.0!J(,0I 1 0567 ,. , """ ,- ,- ,,~ 1900 1.1440 I,UlT 1.1.lO'! 1m 1.144' 1.1]18 1.1315 1...a 1.14$01 1-1:1114 Ulll 1.1460 1,IJlfi 1,1465 1.1»4 1,1]31 ,"" , l1Z49 1,1193 1.11'.1'1 1,1261 11204 1.1266 1,12O'! 11271 1.1214 l.ass 1.1074 1.108l 1.10119 1,109J' 1 .1104 1.141' 1.1422 '-1425 1.1427 1,14:r1 l200 1,ISOl 1,14)1 2220 1.15(101 1 14)1 2240 1.-;505 1.143J 1260 1,1505 1.14l4 :!l80 11505 1,14l4 1.1l55 1.1358 1,1361 1,1l63 I.Ix,s 1,1294 1.1291 1,1100 1.1)02 1,1304 I.Ull 1,\24(1 1.120 1,1145 1.12..... 1. 1)06 I.llfoa 1,1108 1,1l6'1 1,lltO 1,1J7~ 1.1l11 1,1]71 1.1l12 ~,!2S0 '-1)61 ... ,''''''' """ 1,1028 I 09&1 L0'J0I1 1.(190] 1.()II65 '-08l8 1.07"'lJ 1.1036 '-il'l'Il 10'110 ullin 1.01135 ,-om ,,~ 1.0917 101178 I,OM! 1.1051 10923 1.(1847 1.111111 1,1053 1,1(111 1.0970 1.0919 1.0I1'J0 101151 1.01116 ,- ," 1.1(l1.i.4 1.1071 1,1077 1,1l1li3 1.10II'J 1.1142 111..... 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Supercompresslbility Factors (B... Oata-O.6 Specific Gl1Ivlty Hydrocarbon Gas) ....• ,~ ,. '00 " 14S ,.... lOCI 10125 IOIlI 10111 ,cn14 1.0110 1.0107 1.(11I1l I.01OJ 1.009!i 10JII0I lllO'1O 1,0011 1.00&1 M , all! , 0112 lOT:M 1.012l 10119 1.1t1l' 1.0'111 1.0'109 1.1)104 11)102 lD0911 l009S 111091 . , I en.. 10142 Ullll 1.0112 10118 Ions 1.0121 1.0'117 1.01\1 1.0109 I mos 1.0102 1009II 100 I01S1 10152 no 1011>1 10161 )00 I DIn 10111 ,.,.. 101V 1.(1'1' Ja) 10191 1019' 1111'" 10141 '0116 10m 1 DI(oS 1.111110 '.1)175 I.U'1>9 lOllS 1.0P' IOU7 101016 1.015S 1.01601 1.!I171 101M 10142 I.01S1 unS9 1.016& lono I(.na 1 en66 1.01S<! 1.016.1 1.0125 10lll U'1'I 1,,""'1 1.0151 1.0121 111119 un11 1.01+1 1.0'152 0100 1.132011 1.1.201 4:10 1.11118 1.0111 .wo 1.0'l2I 1,0210 .."., 10B8 lC1tl'l 410 \.0248 IOU') 10195 1.0204 1,021) 11n22 102J2 1.1t111l 1.01'1"1 1_0100 10219 10218 UTl77 l.fI1lSS l_fIlU 10202 1.0211 1.0171 1.017'1 1.fIl81 1(n'lf> 1.02001 I.OlloS l_fIl71 l.fIll1 10111'J l,fIl'17 1.01110 HnSol 1.01~ 1.fIl&1 l.fIl1"5 l,fIl'" 1.0182 1.011$ 1f1l'ilO 1(18) unll9 1.111'" 1_0l07 1.021& 1.0225 50() '0259 10249 I02H 102)1 1 !Ill' 1011l 10109 10105 10U4 UII1' 1011. 10111 1.00ll '0127 1.0122 1011$ 1.0U' 1.1)1)4 1.0129 1.0125 101'16 1.0141 11:n~ 101)1 '.0'" 1.0156 I OIU 1016. 1011& 1.01'1 101SO 1.0156 1(16) 1.0169 lana 10144 1.0151 10157 1016) 1,0227 I.ono 1.0212 10205 1.0197 1.01'iO 1018) 1017& 10170 ~1~1~1~1~1_'~102101ml11~Im'1710~101~I01n s..c 1021'9 1026a 10260 10252 10243 1,02.16 10m 10110 1,0212 1,0:104 10191 101'iO 1.0181 %0 10289 10.1111 10269 10:161 10252 10245 1.Ol.l6 10227 10219 10211 10l(U 1.01911 101" 500 10m 10288 1.0219 10170 10"lt11 10253 1,0244 10.HS 10216 1.0218102101.020210195 600 10)09 lime 10288 10219 UIl70 10"ltI1 1.0251 10242 I02JJ UIl25 10211 10'20II 1020"1 IolO 10)19 101011 10l'M 100M 1021$ 10l6'J 1025' 1,02S0 1,0:241 lOU2 102l} lOllS 10201 .., 101)') 10111 10)07 102911 1(Jl81 loon 1.0267 1.0257 10:243 10:219 10210 10212 10214 IJ60 1.0J0I0 10127 10l" 1 OXIS 11l2'1S lD:!l1S 1.021"5 1.D2M 1,02SS 1_02* I.OUl 10228 1.0220 WO 10lSO 10111 1_0125 10114 10»1 102'J} 1.I1l82 nnn UllIU 10151 10244 10lll 10226 1'00 10159 1_0301(, 10»4 10m 10)1l 1,0101 lCU'i1O 10V'1 10'l6.f 10m 10250 10241 102:11 no 10""' 740 10J" 1tIO 1.'111 1110 10)'l1li I OlS5 I 0)65 1.0l14 10)14 10)l} I om 10)61 IOJ71 1.0111 10)40 1.0].09 10354 1.0ll0 lOll. 1.0116 10)14 1.0l0'J 101" 1 fUl4 1.00ll 1.02'JI 1,0'lII7 I.~ 1,02(,6 UIJOS 1_1!l')oI 102&1 IW) 1.0l1l 1.0101 1,0190 1,0280 ' .0l20 10lOll 10l'97 10lIl6 1.0251 UJ263 10269 UIlI1 1.0241 U1251 1 (125' I(I2M 1.0211 1 cr.!O 10249 10255 100 S20 1000 860 _ 10)<)1 I D'02 lQoIU 111'21 100)(1 10lllO 10J8I 10"" 1.00105 1.0014 10)66 I.OP4 10loll2 10J91 10199 1,0)5) IID40 UIl60 10)17 10)61 1.0]55 1.0l62 10)14 10]10 10117 lOllS 10l0) 10192 1_0))1 10m 10110 10m 10M2 lOll'! 10]11 1 '106 1-10., 1.0))6 l.fUl4 1.O)1l 1.0156 1_0)1) 10110 lOllS I_D2II1 10'lII7 102')4 10lOCl I_on 10271 10211 l0lill 10211 102')4 10260 1026& 900 IQoISS 100)<) I.QoI11 10001 10m 'OJ17 1-0363 10150 11Il)6 10124 10Jll I_om 10281 la..ot 1110118 IQoIV 10011 l00W6 5 15 ulln 10211 '-OW ml~I.~llI'nl~~I~I~I~I~I~I~Imll~l~ ~1~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~ ~1~1~1~1~II1'I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~51~ , . 1 a.92 111'11 1.0056 II1'M 1.lI'n 1(M07 10J91 1_0J1t. lOl6J 10)48 101)1 10)21 IOlOll ~1~I~II.~1~1~I~ll~I~I~I~I~I~IM1J 1~1~1~1~1~\~I~I.~I~I~I,~I~I~I~~ 1000 IOSII 1_00'111 1,0480 100101 '-0444 1.11'18 1.1I'1l 1.01911 1,0111 10)65 10lSO 10116 101H 1060 IOSl7 10S06 I .QoII1 I QoI6i 10052 '-QoIfi 1,00119 I~ 1.0ll] 1.0111 '-01S6 10}oll 10118 lceo IOS)5 I.OSI4 111'95 1,11'16 I_II'S~ 111'42 1.11'25 1.640'1 1,0393 1.0177 10., 10}ol6 10Jll 115 ,. m '" 12;10 UJ6O\ losn 1.os54 HJSll I_OSll 10091 1007) UMSS lOO}l 111'20 lOOOJ IOJB(, 1.0170 1260 1.0Ii1O 1.0S8S 1.000l 10519 10511 111"11 III''' HM61 1044) 1001:5 HM07 1,0391 1.0)1"5 'lID 1.0Ii18 UIS92 1,0S6I 11lS46 '-0Sl4 1050f 1 QoI8S 1.Mb& I.~ 111'10 1_11'12 1.0l9S 1.0)1"9 ~I~'~I~'~1~)(II~IO'~1~1~)IOOHlooI7'01991~ lJl1l I_OIill I_OIi01 1051J IOSS9 IOS)6 lOSIS 100911 1.11'17 I,II'S7 111'39 1.11'21 l)o1Q 1 . I05W 10S6S 10S0I2 IOS21 HrsOl 104a2 1 QoI62 10444 1.(1426 ...a I."''' IQoIOoI 1.0l8I0 \.IMOS 1.0)'10 1160 1.1"'47 l_OIilI 1.1IH1 I,osn 11154 10521 10S06 100II1 111'6] 1.11'49 1,11')1 1.11'12 10J94 lJliO 1.0654 1.IlfolI 1060.) 105111 1_05501 105)2 IOS11 111'92 lll'n 1 IM5) 100S 111'16 1.0)'l1li 1400 IHD 1440 J.46D ,48(J 1,06611."']5 I.IIWJ 1Il1041 1.0r.76 , ' 1.0&8.) 1.11655 1.06'10 I.GIoW H1610 I."''' 1.1lf>21 1.0E.J9 1,1lf>l5 UI51S I,OS91 105911 I OWl 10609 1.115410 10S66 1.OS11 IOS17 10S&l 105)1 10000l 1_0S43 lOS,.. 1.0560 IOS16 IOS21 10521 IOS)2 1.0511l 1,11'91 1,0501 1.0S06 IOS10 1.05IS 111'17 10481 1.1M86 1,0090 1.0094 1.11'54 1.CM6.2 1.0066 1.11'70 1_1I'1~ 1.11'39 1.044J 1.0447 1.11'51 1.0054 1.0020 I.QoIOl 11I'1~ 1(M!16 10018 1.0010 10411 111'14 1.04fi 1.0411 ISOII 1,1)697 1,~ 10641 10614 IOSSII 1.0S6S 10542 10Sl0 111'9") 111'18 1,11'54 1.11'19 10421 1S20 10704 1,0Ii75 10641 10620 lOS94 lOS70 10541 I,osn 10s0) I,1M32 1.CM6.2 10441 1042> 1S40 1,0711 l(lt,1!l 101i5J 1111>26 10600 IOS1S IOSS2 lOSlO 10507 1 JM.I!I> 10466 10«6 1.0428 156(1 107111.06a11,1J65,8 10631 I OliOS lOS1'9 IOSS6 I.Q5}o1 IOS11 1,00'ilO 10470 1.005(1 I.QoIll 15811 I .on~ !.ClUJ) 101i601 1001 10610 IOSIo! 10561 100Ja I_OSI6 111'94 111'7) 1,11'53 10015 16011 1620 1640 1660 11080 I .D1lO 1_07)1, 1,07.) 1,074a 1,075A 1.1IW1 1 0105 1.0711 10716 lOr.11 10670 1 (J675 1.(lt,I!1 1~ 10691 17'1lD lno 17-40 11¥oil 1110 1_0]$' 1_01f0S I.D17O 1_07161-1&", 1.0126 107ll 1,07]7 1.0742 1,0741 106911UI.701 10701 1.0711 1.0716 lOIi4Z 10641 1.000U l0Ii51 10142 10615 10620 1.01>25 1 DO) 1.06J.4 IOSII'J lOS91 IOS'17 1.11602 1.0&06 10566 10570 IOS74 1.0S7e 1.0SS2 10541 1.05<17 1.0551 lOS5-4 lOS54 I OSlO 10Sl4 I.OSl' 1.D511 IOSJS 1.11''111 10S01 1.0s0s lOSO'i lOS12 1.II'S7 100)9 1.<M6D 1,0442 1.1Mf>ol 1.0445 1 (M67 1,0447 10070 111'50 loe41 106J9 1.0611 I.ose. lOSU I.OSl'J lOSI. 1.0494 104n 1.0053 10611 10643 1000lS 10S91 10S67 1000l lOS" 111''17 1_11'16 1,11'56 1_ I fI6l1 106<1 10620 1.0S95 10511 1.0s.6 'OS:U I05()D 1.11'79 I.oo~ UJ681 106Y 1 ~~ IOS'JII IOS74 1.0Sf'J I.OS25 1.I.SOJ I Q.I8l 1.11'6.2 I ~ 10656 106211 106(l2 I,OS17 I,OS§l I.OS18 UlSOS I.CMIM 1100 1.117116 1.0752 10120 100>90 I CIfM I ClUI III60S 1820 '-0791 1.11751 I.ons 11lii10i U)66) '-OIilS 1060II lle1 1.117'16 1 0161 I.~ lOMe 10147 106J9 101i12 1_ 1'*X1 I .w.s 1.01)) 1_0702 1.0671 u)(oo 10615 1lIII0 U*,S I.Q7M 1.0111 107116 I (J675 1.0Ii47 \ 0618 105111 1OS4J 10S111. 1115M I.OS'l 1_ I.,*" 1_017) 10741 1921) 1_011) 1.0117 10:14S 1940 1.0117 1.0711 1.0749 IOIlO 1.07&1 ID7Sl 1'lIIO I.OIl] 1.0717 1075A 105'J5 1.056'1 IOS+I lOS'lll I.osn 10s.6 10f,0D IOS14 10S4I 10Ii0l 1057(, 10550 10605 1.0578 I.OSU ''*' 111'17 10481 1.04&1 1 I)4a8 10491 1.0i'09 106111 l071l 106&l 10116 llI6ti 10"9 106M 1.0121100>90 10IiS0 1065) 10656 I 0659 1.,*,1 lOIilI 101>25 '-DUa I OIi)(l lOIi)2 IOS56 IOS)1 1.lI50II I_OS11 IOSU IOS)l t OSI~ 1.0Sf04 I,OS)9 L0516 1.0s.7 1000l lOS" '-OSS') 105M lOSlI lOSl) ,-OSl4 1_0S26 1.0S2a 10481 1.04'10 10492 1.1M'Y,; 1.0497 1_ 1.046'J 1_11'71 1_11'71 111'75 1,11'99 1.lI'n 10S01 111'1"9 1.050) I.JM«I I,OSQS l1M32 1.0S0Ii I.~ 2000 10!21i 1.07'J0 l1m7 lon4 I (69) 10Ii60I lOIoJS 10601 I.OSIO IOS5-4 I_OSJO 10501 1,048S 2020 1.0Il0 I m ) 111760 10121 I l169li I0Iit>7 I 06lo11 10Ii0'J 105&1 10S56 '-OS12 10S0'i 1 0431 204D 101SJ) 1079{, 101U 10729 lOMe 1 OWl 10640 10611 105l0I I.OS54 IOS}ol IOS11 1,1)4a8 10lIO 10116 1.0719 1.01f0S \.1'7)2 1.0701 lOIi71 l0Ii42 '_061l 1.0586 1.0560 1,05.16 1.0512 1.0489 2OaO 1.0I]'J 1.0IICI1 1,07l07 101)4 1070) lOIi1) 10Ii44 1.0615 IOSSII 1.QS62 I .OS11 I_OS14 1.0490 10)11 10)13 10).48 1,0152 10351 -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-----,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,--"-,- 1200 10585 IOSW 1,OS4Q 10519 lOO'J'J 111'7'1 10461 10443 111'16 111'10 lim) 10171 1.0161 lDO IllS'll 105M 1_05<11 1.0526 1,0506 1 , _ 1.0I{01 1.0449 IlI'll I.II'IS 10l'JI 10111 10)65 (table continued) 1100 1120 1140 1160 1110 I,~ IOSU 10Sl1 105M 1.0571 HIUl I OSlO IOSle 10501(, l.os", 11150l IOSIO IOSl1 I,OS25 I.OSll 1,0464 '-001 111"11 1.0s0s l.osl2 '-~ I~ 1.0015-4 111'78 1.Do46Q I.II'&S 111'67 100I'1.I 1.003 lMn 1.11'11 111')7 1.0443 I .OOSO 1.0&56 1.11'15 111'20 1,11'26 10Ul III''' 10199 I_(NII' 1.11'10 111'15 1_0421 1.f3&) lOW 1.0)')01 10199 I QoIOoI 10]61 10)'1 I Ol~ 101111 10l6J 10l1Z 10)61 IOlII 1,00n 1.0)n 2100 HilMI 1.0lI04 10170 107)1; 10705 101074 1,01045 1.0Ii11 1.OSM 1.0st.3 I.OSla I,OSI5 1.11'91 21100 1,011-47 10111 1.0nt0 10142 1,0111 101179 1.0IiS0 lOUl IOS92 1.0567 1.05-12 I,OSI8 1.(149] 2110 1.... 9 1_011) 10m 10140 10712 1060C1 IOMI ll16Z2 I.OS91 1.QS61 1.0543 I.OSI9 I_QoI<N • Gas Production £nlo:inl'ering 516 Go.! Flow Measurement Table 10·11e Conti nued F"" Supe rcompreS5lblllty Factors (Bue Oata-O.6 Specific Gravity Hydrocarbon " JKl8 Table 10-12 F", Mercury Manometer Factors ~.) lrmp.ututt. "f m IZ'i '" l200 I.DlS1 1011,. 1.11180 1.07<16 1.0711 11. .' 1.(111~ Uillel 12«1 1CJ1S.O 10111 lD712 1.117... If)715 1.0l0I3 Z260 10155 1011. 1.078) 1 CP# 1071& 1._ ualI 10!S6 101119 10714 1.11750 10711 lOMS UN U18Sl , 01'6 1 0711 1.1)141 '" 1.06Sl 1 0Ml IQr.s4 10f>S,1 I.OMS '" 1062J 1.0S94 UIS9S 1.06025 tosw. 1.('6.15 1.«>'iIf> 1 ~ 1.11597 1.06l~ ,., 1051>9 1.0569 U1510 1.11510 1.11571 llOO 10!S6 1.01119 107&' 1.0750 lana 1.0685 10655 101>26 1.0597 1.osn ll2C 10ftS7 1.0Il0 107M 10751 10n9 1,061\6 1.0655 101>26 1.0597 l.osn 10S0W U15"" lQ5015 1 OSH '0S46 UI5Z1l UI52<, 1.11521 10S11 , 0'>21 SpecifIC Gr,vity, '" 10t9S 1.0t9S 100'15 11)1'M1 1 Df9lo 1.MotIi 1.11511 1()196 1,1)5016 1.05Z1 100196 2J,oIIJ 1.I.SS1 lOll! 1071S '.01S2 lon' 1.06&7 1010S10 1.0621 HI5!18 losn 1.054' lOSZ2 111491 1360 101S1 1 Dill 1 (1781, 10m '.0719 IOIJV UI(,56 10621 105'111 l.osn 10541 1.0522 1001" 2110 1 011I0Il 1 OIl! 1 07810 I 0112 I 071' 10681 1 06S6 '0bV ',05'J8 111572 ,os.1 1,052l HM91 l.osn 1.0Il2 lOUl 101m 10822 101m 10717 1(1787 10787 10786 10736 1.117'>2 l.ln' 101\17 lonl 10719 10l>Il7 I,07SJ 10119 10l>Il7 107~1 10718 10I;S7 1.0751 lone HIbII7 1.111011 I 0&57 10&51 10&57 HI651 106J11 I I.I6l8 I ~8 11.1617 10611 1.11599 105'J'1 105'1'1 105\111 105\111 l05n l05n 10571 1.0571 1~ 1 0S<I6 10S41\ 10545 1 ClS45 1.«ill 10521 10521 10521 IOS20 1 Of"'" 1.00196 10'% 10'9S 10'95 2500 UIIS1 HII21 2520 10156 1 ClI20 zs.tO UII5S UII19 lWI 10&1 101111 Z50IIG 101151 1.01116 1.07BS 10,;'&1 1.078J 10782 UJ781 U1750 11174' 10748 U"47 10746 lor.M. UIbII5 106&1 10l>Il] 10bS1 1 001 10.56 1005 1.0654 1065) 10b21 10b21 101.26 10t.25 1(1624 U15911 1.0S'iIII 1059] IOS'll6 1059S 10511 IOS1l IOS7'O 1056'J HIS61 1 ClS45 I.OSM 10S41 10542 10S41 10510 II;I!;" 1.0518 1,0517 11;1!;16 I~ 104'93 UI4'Jl 1(loI')2 10'91 1.0S«! 1.05)9 l05l7 10741 10:'09 1 tI!o1f 101>41 U16l1 lO5'JD 1.1lS62 I.OS)6 101l'J 101V7 1.0IJ6 1,01>45 10616 1.05IlI 10560 IOS)4 1.0515 1.0514 IOSll IOS12 \,0511 1.()<I'lO 1.0489 1048& 104a1 1048S 1.00;0, 1.0501 1.0505 T.05O.1 1.0501 1 ()<I8l lo.M 10"8 lOP' 2-100 1.0SS9 2~lD 108.'1' 2"-10 II1M9 HID 108>8 1.DB5& 2'" 2600 1.002 1.(11114 10m _ 1.0IIS(I 1.0111l 1.0178 2640 1 , _ 111111 ID77f> 2660 IIl146 1.oe:J') 1 fJJ74 26ID 1.11144 IIl101 1,11772 Z700 1,l1l-I2 2720 1Il140 1740 1,0838 2700 1005 1710 1.0&:1) 10711 t 0716 I."'" I 071S 10714 1.0745 1071) 1.0l>Il1 UIIo51 I.CI!ol2 I.OS~ I,0S66 1./lJ44 10712 1.01ie0 I.CI!oSO Ulloll UIS'] 1.11S6S 1/lJ42 10710 1.0&1'9 10&48 1061' 1.0591 1.056] 1 MI5 10770 1.0717 urnl5 LCIIIOJ 101M 1.07)4 !Ol'O) 10000l 1076& HV)J 10701 1.07'99 101M 1,07l0 lC1699 111196 \.07fIJ \,07lI lor.w 1.067'5 1067) 10611 I OWl 1.06i1 1.0644 1.01>41 101>41 106)9 1.06JI 10615 106'4 10611 10610 10601 1.05&' 1.I1:5S9 l.oser. I.OS58 1.0534 10556 IQS12 1,05n Hl5110 10SSl 1.05]) I.OS)2 I.OSlO IOSU 1.0527 1.~ 1.II1JO lU827 1,0824 10f1U 1.11119 1._) 1.01'91 107lIl 10186 ID78l 1.015'9 107S1 1.0150l 10m l,on. I~ 10660$ 1.DU5 l.06OIi 1.0571 Ulnl 1.0525 10ffl !On4 106" 1.1JI,ti;l 106)J 1.060f 1.0515 10S49 1.0Sll 1 CM91 10521 1.04'.r.i 1071' 106811 !.0bS6 1.062'l 1.0600 I.OS1l 10S44 IOSI' T,()oI9] 1/lJ49 1.0716 10685 1.0653 1.0626 1.05911 1.056'J 10S42 I .OSI6 1()oI'rI 1.()<I" 10''1 1.0'10 1046& 1.1)0166 1.11116 !IIIU I.,*" IIl105 ~ Ullin lOOO 1,0197 10180 1.11171 1.G71l lono 107f01 107f04 10746 10743 1.0140 1,01J1 1"'J4 tonI 111461 10461 1.()oIS& 1,()01)6 I()o1SoO 1,()oISI 1*10 2l2O 2140 2860 28110 290D 192D lt4D 2960 _ \,0121 106'l0 lOIrS9 1.06)1 10602 1-051] I.CIS41 1."'1) HITIO I.CI7Ql' 1,1ll'O4 ICI7\l1 1.06'JI 1061l 10&1'9 1.(16;:1\ lor.n 1.06l'0 106/)1 10650 1.060II Ulfo46 1.01>41 10640 1.0617 1.06l) IGUO 1.0617 1.061. 10611 1,06IlI I(IS95 losn 1.0SIJ 10$IIi 1.05el 105ID 105116 1,QS64 1.0561 1,0551 1055f> 1.055-1 1.05" 1,05l1 1.05l4 10511 105J"J 1,0527 , ........ """" •• _ _ " ' _....... ~ ........ _bolo~ 517 1051l 10511 10509 10506 1(1504 10501 1._ 1._ 1.04l0I 1()0131 I,()oI7') 1()o176 " ,.ss ,., ,.ro '",." . ,,." ." ,ro ,." ,,, ... ." .ro , ,., ..,"" ''''' ..,,,'" ."" ,"'" ,"'" ,"'" "'" 099117 ,"'" ,"'" ,"'" ,"'" ,."'" ,"'" ,"'" ,"'" P,e-nu,e-. PS'S "." 0,9976 .."" 0.9'172 0,9961 ,,., ''''' 09952 09941 09917 .-.""."" .. · •. .. .-· · ··.0,997'9 0,9976 09987 "" "" "" 0,997U 0,99')1 0,9'181 0,997'9 O.99n 0.997. 0,9971 ,"'" ."" "" ,."'" "'" 099043 0.99)2 ."" 09907 ."" ,."" ''''' "" 0.9955 099017 09937 "" "" "'" "',. 0.9917 0.9926 0.9915 0.9942 09933 ."" •."" 09912 0.9912 09923 0.9913 0.990} 0.989} ''''' ."" ''''' ''''' ''''' ."" ."'" 0.9955 0.99013 0.9935 0.9941 0.9933 0.9915 ,." ",., ,"'" ,."" , "" ",.. •." ,"'" ''''' "" ,ro ,"'" '" ,"'" ,." ,"'" ,."" "'" •."" "'" ."" "" 0,9967 ... Ambiml 09951 Trml"""~l u~ 0.99)1 • 12O"f 0997. 0,9992 0.9'181 0.9979 O,99n 0,9975 09971 09967 0.9955 0.9959 0.99013 0.991& .-."" 0.9941 0.9914 0.99}7 0.9918 ,"'Ol~' F'ac:tors for intermediate ~.Iues of p"""",e. lemperltu",. and 'p<'f.'if~ ,''''il}' ohould ~ Interpola- ted. This tllble Is for ..... with me-rc:ul) minometer type teOOrding ,",ug<!' Illal hi,... gu in rontad .. ilh the lnanI.y SU"""Ie. The n:al g.. dnuit} iI equal to II ,z"...- z..._); Ihm for.1I practical purpore!. the ",.1 P-I m.ltive demit) .. Ipprmimlllel> equ.llo 1M PI specific gr"it). ~I' From Orifice Mnmng oj .\'atu",1 CIlI, 1969;'$)' of ACA (text con tinued from page 50n Gauge Location Factor, F, The gauge location factor, F" gi\'en in Table 10-13, is used where orifice meters are installed at locations other than sea-level elevation and 45° latitude. T his is also a very small ~rrection . • 520 Ga! Flow Measurement Cal Production Engineering Thus, i>pr - 90/670 - 0.134. Tpt" - 510/375 - 1.36, and Z from Figure 3.2 is equal to 0.98. Therefore, F", - 1/(0.98)°·,5 '"" LaID. For 1', - 0.65, Pf - 90 - 14.7 from Table 10-12. = 75.3 psig, and Tf SO" 50°F, Fm - a.999F! NeW.ectiOlZ FI and F.> and using Equation 9-17. K - (870.93)( 1.00037)(0.9914)(0.9886)(0.9808)(1.0098)(1.2403)(1.010) (0.9998) - 1,059.23 521 6. Differences or changes in prevailing operating conditions from those used for calculation purposes. 7. Incorrect zero adjustment of the meter. 8. Non-uniform caHbration characteristic of the meter. 9. Corrosion or delXlSits in the meter internals, or contaminated mercury. 10. Emulsification of liquids with mercury. 11. Leakage around the orifice plate. 12. Formation of hvdrates in meter pipinJ{ or body. 13. Incorrect pen ~ovement on chart , such as incorrect arc for the pens, or excessive friction beru:een pen and chart . 14. Chart malfunctions-incorrect range, incorrect rotation time. 15. Overdampening of the meter response. Using Equation 9-16, Common Measurement Problems q - (1,059.23)(73.485) - 77,837 ft'/h, Factors Affecting Orifice Meter Accuracy According to the Petroleum Extension Service (1972), the following are the sources of constant errors (errors that are constant over time for an installed meter): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Incorrect estimate of orifice size. Convex or concave contouring of the orifice plate. Thick or dull orifice edge. Eccentricity of orifi ce with ~ to the pipe. Incorrect estimate of pipe diameter. Excessive recess between the end of pipe and the face of the oriritt plate. 7 Excessive pipe roughness. The Petroleum Extension Service (1972) also lists the following as tht most common sources of variable errors: 1. F10w disturbances, caused by insufficient provisions for flow stabili· zation, or by irregularities in the pipe, welding, etc. 2, Imprecise location of the pressure taps. 3. Pulsating flow, 4. BUildup of solids or sediment on the upstream face of the orifice plate. 5. Liquid accumulation in the bottom of a hOrizontal pipe run , or in pipe sags, or in meter body. Some of the common measurement problems encountered in gas metering are (Petroleum Extension Service, 1972): hydrate formation (freezin g); pulsating flow; slugging; and sour gas. Hydmre Formation Hydrates may be formed at the orifice, or in the meter piping or internals, whenever the gas temperature falls below the hydrate-forming temperature for the gas. Such an instance should be recorded on the meter charts, and the estimated static and differential pressure lines should be drawn in. Hydrate formation can be prevented using any of the following (see Chapter 5): 1. 2. 3. 4. Cas dehydration . Use of hydrate inhibitors. Installation of heaters along the line or near the meter. Other methods-elimination of pipe leaks. enlarging meter piping and valves, and replacing needle valves with plug or gate valves (Petroleum Extension Service, 1972). Pu.lsating Flow Pulsating flow is flow comprising sudden changes in pressure and f10\\ rate of the flowing flUid . Common sources of such flow in gas measurement are (Petroleum Extension Service, 1972): • 522 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas Production Engineering Reciprocating systems-compressors, or engines. Improperly sized, loose, or worn valves and reguJators. 1\vo-phase flow conditions. Intermitters on wells and automatic drips. Pulsating flow can be a source of considerable metering errors. There is no known method to correct for such a flow. The Petroleum Extension Service (1972) outlines the following methods to reduce pulsating flow and/or diminish its effect on orifice flow measurement: 1. Locate the meter along the flowline in a position where pulsations arE' minimized. 2. Reduce the amplitude of the pulsations by placing a volume capacity. flow restriction, or specially designed filter between the pulsation source and the meter. 3. Operate at pressure differentials as high as possible, by using a smaller diameter orifice, or by allowing flow only through a limited number of tubes in a multiple tube installation. The same can also be achieved by using smaller sized tubes, keeping the same orifice size and maintaining as high a pressure differential as possible. Slugging Slugging refers to the accumulation of liquids in the gas flowline. In lowpressure lines, the liquid accumulates at low spots in the line, restricting gas flow until enough pressure is built up for the gas to blow through the liquid In high-pressure lines, liquid is swept through to the orifice and beyond Both these situations result in flow disturbances that cause erratic and inaccurate measurements. A common method of preventing slugging flow is the installation of liquid accumulators in the flowline. Gas Flow Measllremeni 523 Other Types of Measurements Mass Flow Rate Measurement L - - - In recent years, fluids are being handled near their critical region, where the fl uid density changes very rapidly with small changes in the flowing conditions. Consequently, several instruments and techniques have been developed to measure mass flow rate. There are essentially two types of mass flowmeters: tnle mass jlowmeters that respond directly to mass flow rate, and injerential mass jlowmeters that infer the mass flow rate from separate volumetric flow rate and density measurements. True MOM Flowmeien Several types of true mass flowmeters have been developed, including the following (Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 1984): 1. Axial-flow, transverse-momentum mass flowmeter. 2. Radial-flow, transverse-momentum mass flowmeter. 3. Gyroscopic transverse-momentum mass flowmeter. 4. Magnus-effect mass flowmeter. 5. Thermal mass flowmeter-commonly uses vibrating tubes and heat transfer. Of these, the axial-flow transverse-momentum mass flowmeter is the most commonly used. Also known as an angular-momentum mass flowmeter, it uses axial flow through an impeller and a turbine in series. The impeller imparts angular momentum to the fluid, which in turn supplies a torque to the turbine. The mass flow rate of the fluid through the meter is obtained by measuring this torque which is proportional to the impeller's rotational speed and the mass flow rate. Inferen tial Masa Flowmeten Sour em As discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, sour gas is detrimental to all flow equipment for two reasons: corrosion and accelerated hydrate formation. Sour gas in a closed line causes little or no corrosion; it is the hydrogen sulfide in the surrounding atmosphere that affects the measurement equipment (Petroleum Extension Service, 1972). Common preventive measures to ensure proper gas metering include using hydrogen sulfide resistant components in the meters, and sealing the meters against the atmosphere. The several types of inferential mass flowmeters can be classified into three major categories (Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 1984): 1. Head-type meters with density compensation. In this type of mass flow measurement, a head meter, such as an orifice or venturi, is used along with a densitometer. The signal from the head meter, proportional to pv 2 , is multiplied with the density p given by the densitometer. The square root of the product thus obtained is proportional to the mass flow rate. • Gos Flow Measuremellt Gas Productioll Engineering 524 2. Head-type meters with velocity compensation. This type of mass measurement Use!i a head meter and a velocity meter (pitot tube, or a turbine meter) . The signal from the head meter is divided by the velocity signal from a velocity meter to obtain a signal proportional to the mass 525 For mass flow rate measurement in pounds per day, the following equation by the Foxboro Company (1961 ) may be used: (10-28) flow rate. 3. Volume or velocity-type meters with density compensation. In this method, the signal from a velocity meter (such as turbine meter or sonic velocity meter) or a volume (displacement) meter (such as rotary meter or reciprocating piston meter), is multiplied by the signal from a densitometer to generate a signal proportional to the mass flow rate. where ml.. hw liquid flow rate, Ibm/day differential pressure across the orifice, in. of water S = a constant determined by the orifice and pipe diameters d = inside diameter of the meter tube. in. Fa " orifice thermal expansion factor ( = 1.0 for temperatures between 23 and gg0F) F m '" manometer factor Fe = viscosity factor. generally assumed to be unity Fp = correction factor for liquid compressibility ')'1.. = specific gravity of the flowing liquid stream Various types of densitometer.; are available for determining the density of a flowing gas stream, based upon different principles, such as buoyant force on a fluid-supported float , radiation attenuation , and piezoelectric crystals that respond to pressure. For the popular orifice-meter/densitometer combination for mass flow rate measurement , AGA (AGA , 1969) gives the following equation: = = Equation 10-28 is often used in the following simplified form: (10-26) where m '"' mass flow rate of the gas, Ibm/hr h" = differential pressure across the orifice, in. of water Wg "" gas specific weight, Ibf/ftl , equal to (gas density) X (gIg.,) Natural Gas Liquids Measurement Using Orifice Meters Natural gas liquids are generally measured under static conditions using conventional tank-gauging methods. For flowing liquid streams, orifice meters are used quite often. For volumetric flow rate measurement in gallons per hour, the American Meter Company (1973) provides the following equation: (10-27) q h", Fb = Fill FII = F, '" liquid flow rate, gal/hr differential pressure across the orifice, in. of water basic orifice factor specific gravity factor (for temperature correction) factor for seals (if required) Reynolds number factor 1\vo-Phasc Systems F10wmeter accuracy is generally quite poor for measuring two-phase f1owstreams. No good method is currently known~most techniques give only an approximate value. Murdock (1962) gives the following equation for two-phase flow through orifice meters: F b , Fro Y, Fm, F], and Fa are the orifice factors as described earlier. where (10-29) (10-30) where mTP ,., mass flow rate of two-phase flow, Ibml hour Kg, KI.. .. orifice flow coefficienl~ for gas and liquid, respectively Yg _ expansion factor for the orifice F. - orifice thermal expansion factor d = orifice diameter, in . Pg, PI.. = gas and liquid densities, respectively, Ibml ftl (hw)TP - effective differential head for the two-phase flow, in. of water X - liquid weight fraction in the flowstream and subscript 1 represents the value at the orifice inlet. • 526 Gus ProductiOIl Ellgineerillg For metering two-phase flow, the Petroleum Extension Service (1972) recommends the following precautions: 1 Keep pressure and temperature as high as possible at the meter. 2_ Use a free-water knockout upstream of the meter. 3. Use a vertical meter run that may impro,·e the differential pressure and flo" ,·olume relationship in some, if not all, cases. 4. Determine a meter factor to correct the metering results. using test data from (periodic) separator tests. 5. Connect manifold lead lines to bottom of bellows-type meter With sell drainin~ pots installed above orifice fitting. " ,~, Questions and Problems I. What would be the features of an "ideal" gas measurement device? 2. Why is gas measured in terms of volume? Compare the requirements for volumetric versus mass flow rate measurement. 3. Discuss the problems in two-phase measurement. Address the issue of flashing of liquids into vapor (a common occurrence for undersaturated steam and all except dead oils), and what strategies can be adopted in such a situation. 4 Is a linear meter necessarily better? 5. List the advantages and applicability of the various flow measurement devices. 6. Compare the orifice t}l>es, including their effect on gas £low measurement. 7. Discuss, giving reasons, the important factors that affect orifice meter accuracy. What operating conditions need be assured to enable accurate orifice metering of natural gas? 8. Given static and differential pressure recordings on an orifice meter chart, show the calculations that are required for computing flow volumes for the case of: (a) a linear orifice-meter chart, and (b) L-IO square-root chart . 9. Calculate the gas production from a well with the following orificemeter information: Readings from a square-root chart with a chart range of 50 in. x 100 psi: differential .. 7.1, static - 8.5 taken at downstream flange-type tap. . Pipe diameter .. 3 in ., orifice diameter .. 0.5 in., 1', .. 0.72, flowmg temperature .. 95°F. Cas How Measuremellt 527 Neglect F"" Flo and Fl' Assume base conditions of 14.73 psia and OO°F, and that the gas has (in mole%): CO 2 ,,, 1.2, N2 .. 0.58, and H,S - 0.96. 10. It is suspected that the chart recording device is malfunctioning in a field orifice measurement system. A test with a mass flow meter indicate; a gas rate of 18,000 Ibm ·hr. For the £oHowing conditions, determine if the orifice meter chart is in error: Pipe diameter .. 8-in_ nominal (8.0il in. ID) Orifice diameter - 3.0 in. 1'_ '" 0.63 F10wing temperature - 85' F Static pressure reading,., 110 psia Differential pressure reading = 175.5 in. water Pipe taps downstream If there is an error, find its dollar value, given that gas sells for $1.0 per Mscf (measured at 14.73 psia. 60°F). Hcfercnces American Meter Company, 1973. Orifice Meter Constants: Handbook E-2, revised. AGA, 1969. OriJice Metering oj Natural Cas. Cas Measurement Committee Report No.3 (Revised), American Cas Association, New York. ASME , 1971. Fluid Meters- Their Tlleory and Application, 6th edition. Report of AS~·1E Research Committee on Fluid Meters, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. Campbell, J. M., 1984. Gas Conditioning and Processing, Vol. I. Campbell Petroleum Serie;, Norman. Oklahoma, 326pp. CliemiClJI Engineers' Handbook, 1984. R. H . Perry and D. W. Green (eds.). McCraw-Hili Book Co., New 'ark, 6th ed. Corcoran , \V. S. and Honeywell, }., 1975. "Practical Methods for Measuring F1ows," Cilem. Eng .. 82(14.}uly 7), 86-92. DeVries, E. A., 1982. "Facts and Fallacies of Vortex F1owmeters," Hydr. Proc., 61(8, Aug. ), 75-76. Evans, H. }., 1973. "Thrbine Meters Cain in Gas Measurement," Oil & Gas J., 71(34, Aug. 20), 67-69. Foxboro Company, 1961. Principles amI Practices oj Flowmeter Engineering, 8th edition. Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Massachussets. CPSA, 1981. Engineeritlg Data Book. 9th ed. (5th revision). Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma. • 528 GO$ Production Eflgifleerifl~ Munk. W. D .• 1982. "Ultrasonic Flowmeter Offers New Approach to Large-Volume Gas Measurement," Oil & GQJ /.,80(36, Sept. 6), 111117. Murdock. J. w., 1962. "Two-Phase Flow Measurement With Orifices," Trans .. A5ME: /. Basic Eng., 84(4, Dec.), 419-433. November. M. H .. 1972. "How to Use High-Capacity Axial-Flow Turbine \feters for Gas ~teasurement," Oil & Gas J., 70(14. Apr. 3), 69-77. Petroleum Extension Service. 1972. Field Handling oj Natural Gas, 3rd edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 143pp Powe~. L.. 1975. "Vortex Shedding Provides Accurate Flow," Oil & Gas J., 73(31, Aug. 4), 84-88. 11 Gas Gathering and uansport Introduction Natural gas produced from several wells in a given area is collected and brought to field separation and processing facilities \1a a system of pipes known as a gathering system. Processed or partially processed gas is then sent to the trunk lines that transport the gas to consumers. Cas is often distributed via pipeline grids that introduce a lot of complexity into the flow computations . This chapter briefly describes gathering systems and the transport of gas through pipeline neh\·orks. building upon the concepts for steady state flow through a single pipe described in Chapter 7. Some basic elements of unsteady state gas flow. encountered quite often in pipeline practice, are also introduced. Gathering Systems The surface flow gathering system consist.. of the section of pipe and fittings that serve to transmit the produced fluid from the wellhead to the field treatment facilities (generally, the oil-water-gas separators). Production systems with extremely high capacity wells may provide individual separation, metering, and possibly treatment. facilities to each of the wells. Because these single well systems are seldom economical, it is quite common to design gathering and separation facilities that enable combined handling of several wel1streams. The two basic types of gathering systems are radial, and axial. In the ra. dial system (Figure I1-Ia), flowlines emanating from several different wellheads converge to a central point where facilities are located . Flowlines are Usually terminated at a header. which is essentially a pipe large enough to 529 • 530 ""'' Gas PrOllut'tiOrt F.'lgille'ering ff Cas Go/hi'ring - - ~(AO[~ 1l0.l'~[ Figure l'-1b. An axial gathering system. Figure 11-1a. A radial gatherrng system. :a~~e todhe flo,:,,' of all the flowlines. In the axial gathering system, .'ie\'eral pr uce mto a common flowline (Figure 11-lb). For larger ~eases. these two basic systems are modified a little. The wellcenter ,gathering s?'St~~ (Figure 11-2a) uses a radial gathering philoso h at ~~:I:~;~[e\-'el for IOdl,vldual wells, .a.~ well as at the global level for grO~:S of . . h e common-Ime or trunk-hne gathering system uses an axial gatherIO~ sc e;~ for the groups of wells that. in turn, use a radial gathering sc e;ne. ( 19ure 11-2b). The trunk-line gathering system is more applicable e !~ ~:I~~v:~~ lf~~f~rpJ~;. andf where it is undesirable or impractical Gild Trallsport 531 It is obvious that \'ery complex metering facilities are required to measure the production of individual wells Simultaneously. Generally, a test header is used to route fluids from a single well through the metering system. This well test header also pro\'ides the means to control the production from inru"idual wells and to conduct well tests on individual wells. The choice between the gathering systems is usually economic. The cost of the several smail sections of pipe used in the well-center system is compared to the cost of a single large pipe for the trunk-line system. Technical feasibility may be another criterion. The gathering system may have to be buried a few feet beneath the surface, favoring one system o\'er another in terms of cost and ease of maintenance. The production characteristics of the field are also important to con.~ider. These include current and estimated fu· ture production distribution over the wells in the field, wellhead flowing presmres, future development of the field, and the possibility of the development of underground storage operations. Steady-State Flow in Simple Pipeline Systems r...........,.,mg aClltJes at a central point. Figure "-2a, Welt-center gathering system. Figure 11-2b. Trunk-tine gathering system. The term "simple" is used here to indicate the gas pipeline systems that can be handled with minor modifications to the flow relationships presented in Chapter 7. The one feature for simplicity is that gas flows in at one end, and flows out at the other end; no flow occurs at any other point in the piping system. Such a scheme is orten used for increasing the throughput of a pipeline while maintaining the same pressure and pressure drop (such as when new gas wells have been developed that must use the existing pipeline) or for operating a pipeline at a lower pressure (pressure-deration) while maintaining the same throughput. The latter may be required when the pipeline has "aged" or corroded. The three possible ways of handling these requirements are to replace a portion of the pipeline with a larger one (pipelines in series). place one or more pipelines in parallel along the complete length of the existing line (pipelines in parallel), or place one or more pipelines in parallel only partially along the length of the existing line (series-parallel or looped lines). For each of th~ systems, relationships will be derived here, based upon the basic equation by Weymouth (Equation 7-29) for steady-state flow of gas through pipes , that reduce the set of pipelines to a single pipeline that is equivalent to the set in terms of the pressure drop and flow capacity. The We)'mouth equation (Equation 7-29) can be written as: q - K, [d'/fLl', Where KI is a constant, given by (11-1) • 532 GOt Pmduct/O'l Eng/Fleering K, _ 5.635382 Cas Gathering and Transport (T.) [vl- Pij' p. ,iTZ )" (1l-2) 533 where the subscript t indicates the total for the system. The pressure drops through the pipe leg;. however, are not equal. The total pressure drop is equal to the sum of the pressure drops in each of the pipe I~. Thus, Note that q denotes ~ throughout this chapter for simplicity. Equation 11.1 can be written as: (1l-7) and L - Kd I(£q') (1l-3) (11-8) Consider two pipelines A and B. of lengths L" and LB. and diameters d ... and dB. respectheJy. \\e can e(luate these two lines A and B using Equation 11.3. For example. the length 48.\ of a line of diameter d .. that will have the same pressure drop as line B of length Ls and diameter dB (i.e .. the equivalent length of line B in terms of the diameter of line A) is given by From Equation 7·29 (or, Equations 11·1 and 11·2), we know that the pres· sure drop.dp in a pipe section is proportional to the length L, all other fac· tors being the same. Substituting in Equation 11·8, (1l-9) where Altr>rnativeiy, the equivalent diameter d"BA of line B may be used: Le - equivalent length of the total system LA "" length of segment A 48A. L.c... = equivalent lengths of segments Band C, respectively (1l-5) where c4BA is the diameter of a pipe of length L.", and friction factor f... equivalent to the line B of length LB, diameter dB, and friction factor (8' Series Pipelines Consider three pipelines A (length L ... and diameter d ..). B (length La and diameter dB). and C (length Lc and diameter de). connected in series as shown in Figure 11·3. The inlet and outlet pressures for the system are PI T herefore, the three lines A, B, and C in series are equivalent to a single line of diameter d A and length 4 given by Equation 11·9. Let <WeI be the old flow rate for the pipeline of length LA + LB + Lc and diameter d A , and <lne-,r. be the new flow rate obtained by altering the sections B and C of the pipeline to two pipe sections of length LB and diameter dB and length Lc and diameter de. Using the fact that q is proportional to (1IL)0.5, we get <!new _ <loid 11(L,,)o.~ l/(LA + L8 + Lc)O 5 _ (L.~ + L8 + 4:)O'~ L" (Il-IO) The fractional increase in flo\\ capacity. .6.<}, is gi\'en by: ; c • A Figure 11-3. Pipelines in series. (II-Il) and 1>2. respectively. For this system, the flow rates through each of the pipe legs are equal: Q.~ - ClB - q(; - ql (1l-6) Parallel Pipelines Consider pipelines A (length L. . , diameter d ...), B (length LB. diameter dB), and C (length Le. diameter ~.) in parallel, as shown in Figure 11·-1. • 534 Gus Prodllction Engineering Gas Gatllering alld Transport Assuming LA ,. La - Le. Equation 11·16 reduces to: (11·17) Figure 11·4. Parallel pipelines c 535 The ratio of the new flow rate for lines in parallel to the old flow rate for the single line A is given. as before for the .series pipeline. by The inlet and outlet pressures for this system are PI and 1>2. respectively. Because the pipeline:, are in parallel ~ ith a ,-:ommon inlet ami outld, the pre.. sure drop through each of them is the same, but the flow rates are not. The total flow rate, however, is the sum of the flow rates through each of the pipe legs. Thus, ( 11.12) 1/(4)o.~ q.-.... ..<loki lI(L A)O.5 (L'4 )" (11·18) where 4 is obtained using Equation 11·16 or 1l·17, as the case may be. The fractional increase in flow capacity, .:l.q, can then be calculated using the following relationship used earlier for series pipelines: (11·13) and (11.14) A special case of two lines in parallel, also called a fully· looped line, with both lines of equal length, Jeserves mention. Substituting for L" from Equa· tion 11·17 into Equation 11.18 for such a system: Let the length and diameter of the pipeline equivalent to the three lines A. L~' + (dil~ dll,)' 'I B, and C in parallel be L.. and d., respectively. Then, substituting for q in Equation 11-14 from Equation 11-1: q_. (11·15) • (~" + (~:;~" In Equation 11 -15, any value may be assumed for two of the three unknowns, d.. ft. and 4, and the third calculated. Equation 11-15 can also be expressed as: - [(~" + (~fl(~)" L~'I [ (IJI,)" q". • ( 11·19) Looped Pipelines ~5 1 • (d!IJdll,L,)" + (d!IJdll,L,)" + (dtIJdl1cLc)" Choosing L.- d. - d A • we obtain: [(IJI,L,)" 1 ' ] + (d!lJd\I,L,)" + (dIf.ld!lcLc)" (11· 16) A looped pipeline is one in which only a part of the line has a parallel segment. The original pipeline is looped to some distance with another line to increase the flow capacity. In the loop!..>d line shown in Figure ll·S. the original line having two segments A and C of the same diameter is looped with a segment B. A looped system may be considered to be a combination of series and parallel sections. For the two lines A and B in parallel, Equation 11-15, 11-16. or 11·17 can be used. The resultant equivalent pipe for the parallel segments A and B is then combined in series with the segment C. 536 Cas Gathering alld Transport CO" Production Engineering 531 and Equation 11 -20 becomes: , ~ . Figure 11-5. Looped pipelines . [::]' - (I - ,,) +" [[(1';1.)" + • Relatively simplified expressions are often found in the literature for the case when the loop-line B has the same length as A. For this case. the equivalent length for the parallel section A-B, (4)AB. can be determined using Equation 11·17: (~iI,Jd\f,)U'I'] 0' Solving for Xr: (11-21) ,,- I - 11[(1,11,)" + (d!I,ld\fu)"1' Then, the equivalent length for the total system, l.." becomes: Note that A indicates the original line. and B indicates the added line. I.e - Lc + (4)"8 Extensions to Commonly Used Pipeline Equations - Lc + [(1,If,)" LI' + (d,l,Jdll,)" ]' The old length (without the loop-pipe B) of the system was LA + Le. From Equation 11·18, the ratio of the flow rates is q,.,. _ q... (L' L. Lc)" + The expressions for series, parallel, and looped pipelines described contain the friction factors for the individual legs. t>,fost non-iterative equations for gas flow, such as the Weymouth, Panhandle-A. and Panhandle-B equations, assume a friction factor correlation that simplifies the flow calculations (see Chapter 7). The resulting expressions are given below for these equations for series, parallel. and looped lines. The values of the exponents a, b, c, and d are given in Table 11-1. Equation 11 -4 for the equi\-alent length of a line becomes: 0' L", - L,(d,/d,)' [::], -L,: Lc - LA':;" Lc + k,': Lc ][[(1,11,)" + (~iI,Idll')"l'] where I. L.21 is the equivalent length of line 2 in terms of the diameter of line (11·20) Let xf be the fractional length of a line that must be looped in order to achieve a desired flow rate. Then, Table 11 -1 Coefficients for Serlea, Parallel , looped Une Equations Equation Weymouth Panhaodle-A Panhandie-B LcI(L, + Lc) - I - " (11-22) • 1613 .. 5.333 •. 854 4.961 • ,.,0 0.5394 0.510 , 8.'3 - 2.007 2.618 2.530 d 2.0 ,'" , 538 Gas ProduNion Engineeri.rrg Ga.t Gathering and TranS7'"rt Equation 11-5 for the equivalent diameter of a line becomes: (11-23) where ~I is the equivaler!t diameter of line 2 in terms of the length of line 1 For lines in scries, the equivalent length is the sum of the indh-jdual equi\alent lengths of all the pipe sections (Equation 11-9). For lines in parallel. the equivalent length can be calcwated as follows (compare with Equation 11 16) 539 Example 11·1. Gas of specific gravity 0.65 is being transported from station A to stations C and D. A single pipeline of diameter 8 in., length 3 miles, runs from station A to a pipeline junction at B. A &'in., 2..mile pipeline connects junction B to station C. while a 4-in .. 3-mile pipeJine connects B to D. Given that the pressure at station A (PA) .. 400 psia, and that stations C and 0 are at the same pressure (Pc. Po) - 30 psia. determine the capacity of the system. Assume that the flowing temperature is BOoF, and use the Weymouth equation. Solution (11-241 where 411 is the equivalent length of pipe leg i. determined using Equation 11·22. If all the parallel pipe legs are of equal length, Equation 11·24 sim. plifies to (compare with Equation 11-17): L, _ d'L I [ di+dS+dS+ ... +d~ ] "b (11-25) If all sections in the parallel lines afe of equal length. the ratio of the new to the old flow rate is (compare with Equation 11-19): ::;-1 +[~ where d..a.t dip = (11-26) diameter of the original single line diameter of the pipe installed in parallel with this line For looped lines. the looping requirements, analogous to Equation 1l.21, are (Campbell, 1984), Because Pc "'" Po. we can consider sections BC and BD to be in parallel. One caJculation strategy is to reduce the parallel lines BC and BD to a single 8 in. diameter line, and add the equivalent length thus determined to the length of the section AB which is in series. Using Equation 11-22, the equi .... alent length of the 4-in. line in terms of an 8-in. diameter line is l...4 ". Similarly, ],,, 1 - [ - 5.689 miles 4 {11l20.9525)O~ + (1 9.2i62)U ~ Thus, the complete system is cqui\·alent to a single 8·in. diameter line of length -..- 3 + 5.689 - 8.689 miles For "1'1" 0.65. Ppt - 670 psia. and Tp<' - 373' R. Using Equation 7-32. " If the diameter of original and parallel lines is the same, Equation 11 -27 to: x _ 1- (qoldlq,~.)d '-I IIl1+ 1]' (qold/q......-)d 1- 2 d - [(400)' - (30)']- 268 ps;a (400)' (30)' So, PI"" " 0.4, and Tpr - 1.44, and therefore. Z., - 0.955. Using the Weymouth Equation (Equation 7-34), 520 [ q. 1 L...6 - 2 (4/3)163 - 9.2762 Using Equation 11-24. the 4·in. and 8-in. lines in parallel an' thus equiva· lent to a single 8-in. diameter line or length: p _~impli(jes 3 (8/4)16.'3 "" 120.9525 (l1-2Il) ~ 31,5027 IU3 f' [(400)' - (30)'](8)'" (0,65)(8,689 x 5,280)(540)(0,955) J - 28,957.85 Mscfd - 28.96 MMscfd • 540 COJ Production Engineering Gas Catheri'lg and Tra'isport Example 11·2. A portion of a large gas.gathering system consists of a 6.067- in. to line 9.4 mile; long, handling 7.6 MMscfd of gas of average spe- On solving this, we get: cific gravity equal to 0.64. The pressure at the upstream end of this section is 375 psig, and the average delivery p~ure is 300 psig. The average temperature is 73°F. Due to new well completions, it is desired to increase the capacity of this line by 20% by looping with additional 6.067-in. ID pipe. What length is required? Ul:I)! + 17.847.084 x, =- 1 1 (111.2)2 _ 0.4074 A For the unlooped section: From Equation 7-32, Soilltion Note: Weymouth equation paramete~ are used throughout fo r the calculations. Using the approximate relationship of Equation 11-28, 151.866.09 ... Equation Xf - p., (314.i~Lj _ [{3/H.i3)3 .. 340.31 ia (384.73)' - (3 14.731' 1" pp. = 0.51, and TpI - 1.48, and therefore, Za, - 0.945. Using the Weymouth Equation (Equation 7-34), 9 120 - 3 1.5027 520 [ [(PJI' - (3 14 .73)'J(6.0671'" , 14.73 (0.64)(533)( 1 ,,)(9.4 x 5.280)(0.9451 2' Thus, the length of looping pipe required - (0.4074)(9.4) - 3.83 miles The more accurate method involves using the basic relationships as fol · lows. Desired flow rate q... - (1.2)(7.6) = 9.12 MMscfd - 9, 120 Mscfd For 'Y, - 0.64. P.... ,., 671 psia, and T.... _ 360 0 R For the looped section: 541 r' On solving this, we get: {P3)2 + 71 ,768.06 Xf " 170,804. 15 ... Equation B On solving Equations A and B simultaneously, the values obtained for the two unknowns are: Xr - 0.3512, and P.l ... 381.57 psia. From Equation 11-25, the equivalent length of the looped section is: j' " Lt - (6.067)163(9.4x,) [ (6. 067)~ 3 +1 (6.067)" 3 P3 is quite close to the assumed value of 364.73 psia: Z factor will not change substantially for such a pressure difference. A second trial is not necessary. Therefore, the length of the loop required "" (0.35 12)(9.4) ,. 3.30 miles - 2.350 XI miles ,. 12,408 Xf ft Assuming the pressure P3 at the point 9.4 x/ miles from the inlet (where the loop ends) to be equal to 350 psig ( ,. 364.73 psia), and using Equation 7-32. ,_ [(389.73)' - (384.73)'j_ 377.34 ". P. (389.73)' - (384.73)' P So. Ppr - 0.57, and T p, - 1,48, and therefore, Z., _ 0.940. Using the Weymouth Equation (Equation 7-34), 9.120 _ 31.5027 ~ [[(389.73)' - (p,)'J(6.067)"'», 14.73 (0.64)(533)(12,408,,)(0.94) J Steady-State Flow in Pipeline Networks Gas transmission systems often form a connected net, flow through which is almost always transient (unsteady). Most design and operation control problems, however, can be solved reasonably well assuming flow to be steady-state . The basic model considers the transmission system to be a pipeline network with two basic elements: nodes and node connecting elements (NeE's). Nodes are defined as the points where a pipe leg ends, or where two or more NeE's join, or where there is an injection or offtake (deliver~) of gas. The NeE's include pipe legs. compressor stations, valves, pres!Oure and flow regulators, and underground gas storages. • Gas Prodlldi(m Engineering 542 Ga~ Before constructing a model of the pipe1ine network, it is necessary to describe the mathematical models for the individual NeE's. These models are essentially pressure \;ersus rate (throughput) relationships, as described be· low. 543 where P is the compression power and k.:!, ~, and ks are compreswr constants (see Chapter 9), 4, Pressure regulators, Pressure regulators are similar to chokes, and may be described by the flow relationships (or chokes, For subcritical flo"., Equation 7-87 rna}' be used: High-pressure pipe leg. The characteristic equation for a high pressure pipe. according to Equation i-29, is as follows: (11~291 Gathenlli/, and Troruport q" kr.PI [(P2 I PI)l. - (P2'PI),,·1 'r~ where 14;., 974,61 C dPId.:1. [Ilh(T1)fS[J(I(1r - 1)]:15 (11-36) (11-37) For critical (sonic) flow, the flow relationship given by Equation 7-89 0' is applicable: (11~30) (11-38) (11-39) (11~311 5. Underground gas reservojr~' and storages. 2. Low-pressllre pipe leg. For a low pre;sure pipe leg. with pressure close to atmospheric, Z., = I, and q ~ k,(p1 - plI" (11-40) where PI - average reservoir pressure P2 '"' wellhead pressure ks = productivity index of the reservoir Thus. the flow relationship simplifies to (11~32) 0' • \Vith these relationships for the components of a gas transmission system, a model can be constructed for the system using the analogy of Kirchhoff's laws for the flow of electricity in electrical networks to gas flow in pipeline networks. According to Kirchhoff's first law. the algebraic sum of gas flows entering and leaVing any node is zero: (11-33) !:F..I where k2 _ 0.015744 PiCj"~!~.,fL (11-34) • 3. Compressors. Compressor characteristics vary depending upon the type and the manufacturer. These are usually provided by the manufacturer, and can be approximated as follows: Qj" 0 (11-41) where m .. number of NeE's meeting at the node q ... positive for flow into the node, negative for flow of gas out from the node By Kirchhoff's second law, the algebraic sum of the pressure drops (taken with consistent signs) around the loop is zero. Thus, if n is the number of NeE's in the loop, then for a high-pressure pipeline: (11-35) 1:1., (pi - pO, - 0 (11-42) 544 Ca,~ Product/oil Ellgilleering Gas Gathering and Transport and for a low-pressure pipe system: (11-43, A pipeline distribution system may either be loopless. or contain one or man: loops. The application of the relationships developed so far is described bt-10", for each of these system types. I ,()Opl~ Sy~tems A loopless pipe S)'5tem, defined as onc where the NeE's joined by nodts form no closed loops. is shown in Figure ll-B. There are n pipe legs. and n + 1 nodes. Cas enters through node I and leaves through nodes j, for j - 2, 3, .. " n + 1 "!, , "!, , j------l P, " '" , """ CVIU_.o NJM8ER PR[ssufIE: ~ "'~.I ., The problem requires a trial and error type of solution if the maximum throughput through the line at the oudet (node n + 1) is desired for a given set of terminal pressures and flow rates into or out of the intermediate nodes. Hain (1968) describes an efficient procedure for solving this problem: 1. Guesstimate the maximum throughput of pipe leg 1. q~ll. The superscript (1) indicates that this is a first approximation. 2. Calculate the throughputs for individual pipe legs, q;11 using Equation 11-41. 3. Using Equation 11-44, calculate the outlet pressure for the system. ( pn .. 1) . 4. [f (p~l~ 1)2 differs from the given outlet pressure p~ .. 1 by a value greater than the prescribed tolerance, then correct the throughputs for the individual pipe legs determined in Step 2 using: '" (11-46) t ,-, ,! , ,-, ,-,~--"'V"'I 'h-, P"., P, 545 '" I"~ where ~q" (p"+1 -Pii .. 1 " 2 E (11-47) k,q;i) , .. 1 Figure 11-6. Loopless pipeline system. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until convergence within a specified tolerance is I£ one of the terminal pressures, inlet pressure or outlet pressure, is gh-en and the other is to be calculated for a given set of pipe leg parameters and the flow rates into or out of the nodes, then the calculation procedure L\ quite straightforward. If the inlet pressure, PI. is known, the pressure at an~ node j can be computed using Equation 11-29 (for high-pressure pipe legs) summed over the applicable pipe legs in the system: p/-pj- E ,- , k,qr , where j - n, n-1. ... ,2, 1 [(P~'~')'-pl .. ];2 [(pl)< - (pf)<]/q< + (11-48) 1: ,-,k,q;" where (P1)c, CP2}c - compressor intake and discharge pressures, respectively, psia. Similarly, If the outlet pressure, Pn+ I, is known. Equation 11-45 can be used: E k,qr '-I In Step 4, the correction A.q becomes more complex for flow systems with a greater variety of NCE·s. Hain (1968) gives the following correction for a line containing a compressor station: Aq(11 -441 where j - 2, 3, .... n, n + 1 Pf - P~+1 + reached . (1l-45, Looped Systems There are two types of looped pipe systems: single-loop (Figure 11-7a), and multiple-loop (Figure 11 -7b). Cross (1936) gave the first solution for low-P~ure looped systems, which was later extended to high-pressure systems (Hain, 1968). • 546 Gas Production EIlginet"ring Gas Gathering and Transport 547 Solving Equation 11+49 for aq, and assuming that I1q < < ql. we get: """-", 'jL-72-_---'~-«- - '" 'h --- , \ -CY3 (11-50) . The gas throughputs for the next iteration. {L -', are computed as before (Equation 11-46): ," I 'l; A This procedure is repeated until for an iteration k, a.q is less than or equal to a specified tolerance. After this (successful) k·th iteration. the node pressures can be calculated using the relationship (Equation 11.44) for a high-pressure network: • --- j , E krl qi pf- Pi ~ k , I q:kl (11-51) ;. 1 for j = 2, 3, . _., n, n +1 B where k, for pipe legs arc calculated using Equation 11-31 for high-pressure lines. For a low-pressure network, k, for pipe legs are calculated using Equation 11·34. and the node pressures are computed using Equation 11-52: Figure 11·7. Looped systems: (a) single loop, (b) multiple loop. Consider first the single-loop system shown in Figure 11-7a. In a typical problem, the flow rate ql and pressure PI for nooe I are known, and it is required to find the flow rates and pressures at all the other nodes. For a looped system, the direction e1ement for flow is important: We have taken clockwise flow to be positive, and counter-clockwise £low to be negative in OUf analysis here. The arrows on Figure 11-7a indicate the flow directions. The problem requires a trial and error solution scheme. An initial \alut' for the flow rate in pipe leg 1 is assumed. If this assumed value. qlll, differs from the actual throughput by .6.q, then by the node law of Equation 11-42 or 11-43 for steady-state flow (Szilas, 1975): , 1:I k;(q)" + 6q) I 'll" + 6q I - , 0 where n .. number of pipe legs in the single-loop system. (11-491 j- I PJ" P, - E ,-, ~I ct: k ' Iql'" (II-52) for j .. 2, 3, ... , n, n + For a mUltiple-loop system, an individua16.q is computed for each loop, and the flow corrections are done for the pipe legs loop by loop. A pipe leg which is COmmon to two loops can be handled in two ways: 1. Correct the flow rate using the correction for the first loop, then cor. reet it again using the correction for the second loop (Cross, 1936). Thus, the flow rate is effectively corrected twice at every iteration for any line common to two loops. Note that the flow rate through this common line will be equal in both the loops. 2. Use the sum of the Aq 's for the two loops to which the pipe leg is com· man as the effective flow correction for the pipe leg. This has been 5.' Gas Production Engineering GO! Gathering and Transport suggested by Renouard and Pemelle (see Szilas, 1975). The /1q values are computed by solving the n linear equations in the n throughputcorrection unknowns (~CL for i = 1, ''', n) obtained using Equation 11-46 for each of the n pipe legs in the network. These values are then used for updating the pipe leg throughputs. The procedure is repeated until convergence. Method 1 by Cross (1936) is simple, but converges rather slowly to the final solution and is generally uneconomic for large systems (Szilas, 1975). \'1ethod 2, developed to overcome these problems. is approximate and applicable only to relatively non-complex networks for which it may be fairly ac- 549 imbalance at the node and will be equal to zero when the system is in balance. For example, consider nocle 2 that receives gas from underground storage (1,2) and pipe leg (10,2), and delivers gas to compressor intake (3,2), and consumer supply attached directly to node 2. Equation II-53 for node 2 can now be written as: (11-54) With the substitution of the appropriate NCE equations (from Equations 11-29 through 11-40). Equation 11-54 becomes: curate. Stoner (1969. 1972) has presented an effective method for handling looped networks with all kinds of NeE's. In this method, the equation of continuity is used to express the flow at each node in the system. The solution to the system of equations is complex, but the method offers the ability to compute any set of unknowns. It thus overcomes the limitation of the Cross method that can only be used to generate throughput or pressure solutions. See Figure 11·8. , ,I ,, , I sign (PI - PJ) +lforpl~pj --lforpl<p, 8... .... , , ,, where SI.j is the sign term that accounts for the flow direction: s..j = 23 ~/ •I, (11-55) ~ • Figure 11·8. Illustration lor Sioner's method For any node j, the continuity equation (Equation 11-41) expresses the fact that the sum of the inflows and outflows at the node is zero: (11-53) where fL. is the flow from node i to nocle j. F10ws into the nocle are consid· ered posith'e, flows out of the node are negative. F j thus represents the flo\\ (11-56) Similar equations are written for all the other nodes in the system. Consider a system of n nodes and m NeE's. Steady-state flow through this system of n nodes is mathematically represented by a system of n non-linear equations. There are a total of (2n + m) variables: for each nocle, there is one pressure and one node flow rate variable, and for each NCE there is a constant k, defining the flow resistance through it. Thus, we can use this mocleJ consist. ing of n equations in (2n + m) variables to sol\'e ror any n variables, given the value of the remaining (n + m) variables. Each of the node continuity equations, such as Equation 11-55, can be expressed as follows: (11-57) This non-linear system of equations can be solved using various iterative t~hniques on a computer. Stoner (1969, 1972) used the most popular solution method: Newton-Raphson iteration. The values of the unknowns are computed repeatedly. until the values rrom any two successive step5 converge (i.e., differ by a value less than or equal to a specified tolerance). The values of any unknown at the (k + l)th iteration is computed as follow~: • Gaa Production Engineering 550 , ~k.1i where , _ xlkl t I_I , + ax("k+11 ~ llXj - ax, Ga.f Gathering and Transport (II-58) - Fl , for j "'" 1,2, .... n (II-59) where the derivatives aFjiaxj are obtained by differentiating the node continuity equations. The method requires an initial estimate for each of the un· knowns. xf. Generally. good initial guesses are required to achieve satisfac- tory convergence. A standard mathematical technique for improving and accelerating convergence is to introduce an acceleration factor. Ct'lt in the correction equation (Equation 11-58), as done by Stoner (1969): (11-60) where QJ is computed using the llx, for the current and previous steps. Stoner (1969) proposed the following scheme for obtaining ell: Let AI - llX~k.ll/ax:kl. For the first two iterations, where divergence is most likely to occur, an 0', '"' 0.5 is be5t to use in order to ensure convergence. In subsecluent steps, the value of Il'j is determined as below for every other step: for the steps in bern·een, Il'; - 1.0 is used: For A, S - 1. For - 1 < A, < O. ForO<A,<l. For A, 2: 1, cr, = Il', ,., Il'j ~ Il'j "" O.SIA,I LO - 0.51 A, I LO + 2.01A j l 3 (11-61) Stoner obtained these specifications for aj by experimenting with the mathematical model on a computer. Naturally, these are empirical, system-dependent values, and the user may have to do some experimentation to obtain similar or better schemes for the acceleration factor a, applicable to his or her own system. In designing and operating transmission systems, it may be useful to ascertain the effect of varying the several different parameters that influence the system, such as pipeline diameters, operating p~ures, and so on, and determine an optimum design and operating condition that maximizes thc pipeline utility at the lowest cost and satisfies all the requirements. This is known as sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis requires generating a large number of solutions using the computer mode1 for all the possible system configurations, entailing very high computational and associated expenses. Readers interested in this topic are referred to the work by Stoner (1972) who has presented a further development of his steady-state model to enable sensitivity analysis of production and transmission systems. 551 Unsteady-State Flow in Pipelines F10w is said to be unsteady-state if it is, in addition to flow resistance and the pf"(S';ure drop, a function of time. F10w through gas transmission systems is usually transient (unsteady-state), primarily because of variations in demand. Unsteady-state flow occurs whenever the rate of withdrawal of gas from a line differs from the rate of supply to it at the inflow end. 1f the fluid flowing in the line were incomp~ible (most liquids are almost incompressible), then any imposed change in throughput would be transmitted instantaneously throughout the pipeline, and consequently, the flow would have the same magnitude at any pipeline section, including the head and tail end. For gas, a highly compressible fluid, it takes some length of time for the pressure change at the outlet end to transmit through the line and make itself felt at the head end of the pipeline. The assumption of steady-state flow for such a system, therefore, is valid only for infinitesimally small pipe sections in the flowline. FWldamental Relationships Unsteady-state flow of gas can be described using four fundamental equations: the equation of state, equation of continuity, equation of motion, and a re1ationship accounting for the deviation of the gas from ideal-gas behalior. For flow through long pipelines, it is generally assumed (Streeter and Wylie, 1970) that the flow is substantially isothermal, steady-state friction is valid, the slope for a pipe section is uniform, and that the expansion of pipe walls due to pressure changes is negligible. The simplest equation of state is commonly used (see Chapter 3): p ZRT -~-- p M (11-62) where the gas compressibility factor Z, a measure of the deviation of the gas from ideality and a function of pressure, temperature, and gas composition, can be expressed in a variety of ways (see Chapter 3). Assuming isothermal flow and a constant composition, this necessary relationship simplifies to: (11-63) Several relationships are available for representing this functional dependence of Z on pressure, as given in Chapter 3. In practice, howC\'er, an a\·erage (COnstant) value of Z is used, reducing the number of equations to three. Equation 11-62 can now be simplified to (Streeter and Wylie, 1970): • 5:>2 Gas Gathering and Transport Cas Production Engineering pip - ZRTIM - B'Ig., 0'. p .. pg.,..·82 (11-64) where 8 .. isothermic speed of sound !k .. conversion factor relating mass and weight (32. 17 lbm-ft'lbf- sec') 553 Note that each of the terms in Equation 11-63 has the units of Ibflftl. Also note that instead of v2, v I v I is used in order to include the direction of flow in the friction term . [f A is the pipe cross-sectional area , then the flow velocity v is related to the mass flow rate m as follows: v = m /Ap Substituting for p from Equation 11-64 and rearranging. we get mB' Apg., (11-66) v--- The equation of continuity can be wTitten as: Substituting Equations 11-64 and 11 -68, the equation of motion (Equation (11-65) where In" x .. p .. A ... t - 11-67) becomes: ap + E. [mB' a(mB'IApg.) + a(mB'IAPg.)] ax 8 2 Apg" ax at mass flow rate of the gas, Ibmlsec distance along the flow path, ft gas density, Ibmlftl cross-sectional area of flow, ft 2 time, sec + pg sinO' + _ 1_ m l ml8~ Pik = 0 B' 2dg. (Apg.)' B' Substituting for p from Equation 11-64, the equation of continuity (Equation 11 -65) can now be written as: 0', ap + 1: ax am + a (ApgJB' ) _ 0 ax at ~ [m82 am _ m2B2 ap +..!.. am _ ~ a p ] 8 2 Ag., Ap 2g., pg . B' ax Aplg" ax p at p2 • at f m l m l B2 0 2dg. A'pg. +~sma+-- 0' 0<, (11-661 ap p m~B2 ap p m ap p mB2 am ----- - --- - + a, Ag., Ap'g. a, Ag. P' at Ag.,Ap'g. a, The equation of motion can be expressed as: ap +!!... [v av + a v] + pg SinO' + fv lvlp _ 0 ax ik ax at g., 2dg., P 1 am Ag., P at (11 -67 where p" pressure, lbf/ft 2 ; conversion constant of 144 required in EqUlltion 11-67 if psia is used g - gravitational acceleration, 32.17 ftlsec2 a - angle of pipe inclination from the horizontal f .. pipe friction factor (Moody) \- .. gas flow velocity, ft /sec d '" internal diameter of the pipe, ft pg. + ---+~SlOa+ 2 8 fm I m I 82 - 0 2dA2~p Substituting for ap/at from the continuity equation (Equation 11-66) and rearranging, we get [ 1_ m~B2] ap + 2mB! am + _ 1_ am a, A'p~ a, Ag. at A'p'~ +pg. fm l m l B! 82 sma + 2dA2 w- 0 (11-691 Ga$ Gatllerillg and Tran$port Gas Production Engineering 554 In Equation 11.69, the second term in the coefficient of oplox. is negligible compared to unity. Also, the om/ax term is negligible as compared to the other terms. With these simplifications, the equation of motion for transient gas flow reduces to: (11.70) Equations 11·66 and 11-70, describing the transient flow of gas in a pipeline. constitute a system of two non-linear partial differential equations (NL-PDEs). Equation 11-70 is often used in the following form that results on muJtiplying it throughout by p: 1 opl p _ am +_sma+ pZg. fm i m B~ '" 0 _+ _ 2 ax Ag,. at B~ 2dA2~ (11·71) Initial and Boundary Conditions Initial conditions as well as boundary conditions for the system must be specified in order to obtain the applicable solution to the differential equations just given. The initial conditions of the system are required for resoh-ing initial pressure, velocity, density, compressibility, and other properties as a function of position (x) along the pipeline. Boundary conditions must be specified to obtain a unique solution. Initial conditions can be specified in two ways: 1. Determine the pressure and flow rates by actual measurement at \'arious points along the pipeline. The initial state of the system will be given by the pressure and flow rate distribution obtained in this manner. 2. Assume £low to be steady-state at the beginning of the unsteady-state flow analysis, i.e. , at time t - O. Use the steady-state £low relationships to calculate the initial pressure distribution (rate is a com1ant for steady-state flow) in the pipeline. The first method is difficult to use. Precise measurement at several points is difficu1t and usually impossible in an installed pipe in the field. Even if this could be done, the pressure and flow-rate pro£iles obtained may not be at the same instant in time at all points along the pipeline, resu1ting in an inconsistent specification of the initial state. Therefore, the steady-state initial condition is almost always used. At least two time-variable boundary conditions must be specified to obtain a unique solution, chosen from among the four variables: input presSllre, input flow rate (or velocity), output pressure, and output flow rate (or 555 velocity). Depending upon the choice exercised for specifying the boundary conditions, two cases are possible: 1. Both time-variable boundary conditions are specified at the same end of the pipe, either input or output. In this case, the numerical solution is obtained backwards in time and away from the known boundary. Note that it is not possible to compute the flow parameters at the unknown end of the pipe from their gi\'en values at the other end at the same instant in time. We must work backward in time, calculating the pressures and flow rates at various points of the pipeline at time t - .:1t on the basis of their known distribution at time t. 2. The more common approach, where one time-\'ariable boundary condition is specified at each end of the pipe. In this case, the numerical computations are not made backwards in time. The two end-point boundary conditions are used to determine the values of pressure and flow rate (or flow velocity) along the length of the pipe. Thus, the pressures and flow rates at \'arious points of the pipeline at time t + .:1t are calculated on the basis of their known distribution at time t. Numerical Solutions The system of NL-POE's (Equations 11-66 and 11-70) previousJy given for transient flow in a gas pipeline cannot be solved analytically. Any anal}1ic solution must incorporate some simplification, or assume some specific set of initial and boundary conditions. Generally, the anal}'tic solutions thus generated reduce computational expense, but are applicable only to the analysis of a subproblem, or a simplified problem. Thus, the equations for transient flow must be solved numerical I)'. Four types of numerical methods for solving the system of NL-POE's for transient gas flow have been reported in the literature: (a) explicit finite difference method; (b) implicit finite difference method; (c) method of characteristics; and (d) variational methods. All of these methods proceed in steps, computing the required parameter values (pressure, flow rate) at various points along the pipeline at the instant t + .:1t on the basis of the known distribution of these parameters along the pipeline at time t. Explicit Finite Difference Method The NL-POE's are transformed into algebraiC equations using finite difference methods such that the values of the unknown parameters (pressure. flow rate) being soh·ed for at time t + at depend only upon their \falu~ at the Preceding time step (at time t). Thus, the equations can be solved indi· vidually. The method is faster because it requires lesser computation than the implicit scheme, but is subject to instability and a restricted time step • 556 Gas Production Engineering Gas Gatheri"g and Transport size. For these reasons, and also because of the inaccuracies in computations that generally result from the use of this method. the explicit scheme is rarely used, except in conjunction with the method of characteristics. The partial differential equations can be discretized along the space (x) and time (t) axes in three ways: backward difference scheme, central difference scheme. and forward difference scheme (see Figure 11·9). Let o.x be the length of each pipe segment: solutions are computed successively at values of time increasing (or decreasing) in time steps of size at. Then. usin~ ,+0 ••• t t P, P;.~I pP+PP.1 2 (11-.3) 2 The transient £10\\ equations can now be linearized using the relationships of Equations 11-72 and 11 -73. The equation of continuity. Equation 11-66, becomes: -m'l ~n'l H ,,' p. Figure 11·9. Nomenclature lor finite difference methods. _B' [mHI " Ag.,;1x Solving for I + p,d_ p ' I , _ 0 ~t p~. I: , (11-74) the explicit forward finite difference method, the partial differentials in Equations 11·66 and 11-71 can be expanded for any grid point i at time n + 1 as follows: ~_pr+l-p~ at 557 Since the values of all the parameters on the right side of Equation 11-74 are known from the solution for the previous time step, pro I can be directly Dbtaine<i. The equation of motion can also be transformed in a similar manner using Equations 11-72 and 11-73. as below. at am _ mp+l_ mr at .6.t ~_ mr~l- ax .6.x mr Solving for the unknown mp,l at the new time n + I, we get (11.72) where the subscript i indicates the grid along the x direction, and superscript n indicates the parameter value at the previous time step. Thus, pr is the pressure at section i at time step n, pr~ I is the pressure at grid point i + 1 at time step n, pr· I is the pressure at grid point i at time step n + 1 (at which solution is sought), and so on . .6.x and .6.t indicate the grid. block and time-step size, respectively. The pressure p and mass now rate m are discretized as follows: mr· 1 - mr - [ 1(~ti;1x) [(pr. 1)2 - All< pr+prd fB2~t -;-;-:-'~"-:;;--; (mr 4ciAll<M + pr.,) + mr. d I (pl')2] - 2(P~~t )B2 sino +P.I mr + mr.ll I (11-75) Additional details may be obtained from the published work of Thppeck and Kirsche (1962) and Distefano (1970) who have described and used the exPlicit method . • Cas Production Engineering 558 Ga,9 Gathering alld Transport 559 Implicit Fjrlit~ DiJf~~ Method In the implicit method, the NL-PDE's are transformed into algebraic equations using finite difference methods such that the values of the unknown parameters (pressure. flow rate) being solved for. at ti~e t + ~t d~­ pend upon their values at the current time t + ~t at n~lghbonng POints In the pipeline. Thus. the equations must be solved. slmultaneo~sly. The method is slower because it requires more computation at each time step, but provides stability. The aJlowable time step size, restri~t~ only by the accuracy desired. is always greater than that for the explicit scheme. Implicit difference procedures have been formulated by Guy (1967). Streeter and Wylie (l9iO). and Wylie et al. (1971). . Streeter and Wylie (1970) used the central difference scheme for the Implicit expansion of the differentials as follows: ap at pr *1 -~ n n Ut ap' -ax am -at am n.1 +PI.l -Pi -P,·l ax- "" (P~:11)2 + {pr.I)2 _ {pp+l)2 _ (pf')2 Ux mr+ l + m~:/ - mr - mr.l Ut ,.\ r r" m;+1 +m+l-m 2.lx m~ m- , -mj _I n+ ' +m n+1 m,+, j . , +m, n)1 mjn~l +m;*1 n_l +m jn.l *1 +m,n +m,*1 +m r +mr.ll-O (11-78) Equations 11-77 and 11-i8 must be sohed ~imultaneously. The parameter values at time-step n (i.e_. at time t) are known from the initial conditions or from the previous solution step. There are four unknowns in the two equations for each grid ceIl i: pr+ 1, pr:/. mpol. and mj'!/. For the complete pipeline divided into m grid blocks. the total number of unknO\,>'OS is 2m + 2, including the two unknowns at the boundary_ The total number of equations is also 2m + 2, including the two known boundary conditions. Thus. we ha\-e a system of 2m + 2 non-linear algebraic equations to be solved_ These equations can be solved in many different ways, all of which in,'olve iteration (trial and error). Streeter and Wylie (1970) have used Newton-Raphson iteration (described in the section on steady-state flow through looped systems), perhaps the most commonly used method. Additional details for solving such equations can be round in any text on numerical analysis or reservoir simulation, such as Aziz and Settari (l9i9) . Thylor (1962), Coacher (1969), and Streeter and Wylie (1970) have pro- " a+ I -mrl -B'- (n.' mi.1 +m,.l-m; A~x and BdA-g; (11-76) Substituting the expressions of Equation 11-76 into the equation of continuity (Equation 11-66) and the equation of motion (Equation 11-71). we obtain: At Ill' ( l I * l +--,-~mj .Hethod of Chamcteristies 4 1 ( , .. + P'+l-t'l-P,+In·1 '"'" II I 0 +-p, 1 (n*1 +PI+I n+1 +p,II +P,.l n)( m,n*l +m,.l n*I_"_ II) +---Pi m, m,.1 2A!( (l1.77) posed and used the method of characteristics to solve the transient gas flow problem for pipelines. In this method, paths (called characteristic lines) are defined in the (x, t) plane, along which the system of NL-PDE's is transrormed into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE's). These ODE's can then be solved numerically, using either the eKplicit or the implicit finite difference method of solution_ The procedure used by Streeter and Wylie (1970) is described in the rollowing section. . Equations 11-66 (designated by F,) and 11·70 (designated by F2), describIng the transient flow of gas in a pipeline, have two independent variablcs. x and t, and two dependent variables, p and m. These two equations are combined USing an unknown multiplier >., and rearranged as follows: • Gaa Produclforl ElIgi'leerlng 560 G(U F .. )'F1 + F2 p fmimtB2 pg +--sina+ =0 1 8 2dA2~ 1 111-79) ~ ~ Figure 11-10. t I--------¥'-------+--------'~----~_l Characteristic hnes R I ), OI$TANCE,X - - - - - - - - implying that (II-SO) B By putting any of these two values of A, the quantities in the brackets in Equation 11-79 become total differentials. The controlling equations for use in the method of characteristics now become: However, the ordinary differential Equations II-Sl and Il-S2 themselves must be solved using some finite difference procedure. Either the explicit or the implicit scheme may be used for this. Streeter and \VyJie (1970) have shown solutions using both these schemes. For the explicit method, the C~ characteristic line (Equation II.Sl), on multiplying throughout by B dt, becomes: B Ag" (mr - mR) + (pp - PRJ + 1. The C + characteristic line corresponding to )., ... + (lIB), or midt - B, given by Ag. (mr - mK) + (Pr - PRJ + (II-SI) 2. The C characteristic line corresponding to ).. .. - (1 B), or m/dt - - B, given by Ag., dt _.!.. dp + pg sint:r + fmlmlB2 .. 0 B dt B' 2dA'gip [pg 82sino: + {mlm B2] 2dA~~ Bdt = 0 • Since dx/dt ., B, we can replace B dt by dx to obtain: B 1 dOl I dp pg. fmlmlB2 0 - +--+-sma+ Ap< dt B dt 82 2dA 2W _1_ dm on an x-I diagram. I --).,B~-­ I +Bo r S " Equation 11·79 can be transformed into two ODE's using a)., gh'en by. )..= 561 t+4t~------~------~~------+-------1 _ I [)'B,am + am] + ), [(II),) ap + ap] Ag. ax at ax at dx dt Gatheriug and Transport [pgSino: 82 fmlmIB!] + 2dA2gip dx = 0 Discretization along space (x) yields (see Streeter and Wylie. 1970): 8 roll 6.x Ag.. (mp - mR) + (pp - PRJ + 2dA~~(pp + PR) (II -S2) On the x-t plot shown in Figure 11-10, consider JX>ints Rand S at which m and p are known. By constructing the C+ characteristic line dxldt .. B through R and the C- characteristic line dx/dt - - B through S, an inter· section P is found at a later time and an intermediate value of x. Since both Equations 11-S1 and 11·S2 are valid at P, they may be solved simultaneously to yield the new values of m and p at this later time. In this way, the solution can be obtained at a later time, from known values at the previous time step. at all locations in the pipe. e'-I Pi> (mrlmpl+mRlmHI)--+ (e'-l)=O s PP+PR (ll-83) Similarly, on using an explicit expansion scheme, the C- characteristic line (Equation 11-S2) becomes: B fB2 6.x Ag., (m, - ms) + (p, - p,) - 2dA'g1(p, + Ps) .. - I p! (mplmrl + mslm~l) - - - - - (e' - 1) = 0 s pP+Ps (1l-S4) 562 In Equations 11-83 and 11-84, s is the same as in Chapter 7 for steady-state flow (Equation 7~47), and s - 0 for horizontal flow. For this explicit scheme, Streeter and Wylie (1970) have noted thato.t ~ .1.xfB for stability. For an implicit finite difference scheme. the equivalent forms for Equa~ tions 11-83 and 11-84 can be derived similarly. ''ariation(J/\/ f'llwru Rachford and Dupont (1974) have presented a variational method that provides a fast and accurate means of simulating transient flow in gas pipe-lines and networks. Formulated as a Galerkin method, this approach offers significant ad,antages in terms of computational cost and storage over other methods. Readers are referred to the original paper for a detailed treatment of this special method which is. perhaps. beyond the scope of our present discussion. Some Approximate Solutions for Transient FJow There are many situations in pipeline engineering where the flow is unsteady. Approximate relationships have therefore been developed to enable easy estimations for some special cases where it may not be necessary to generate very precise solutions to the unsteady-state flow relationships described earlier Some such cases are described in the following sections. Blowdown and Purge There are instances when it is necessary to blow down and purge a gas line. lzawa (1966) provides some usefu1 solutions for this special case of unsteady-state flow. For subcritical flow (Pu!Pd < 2), lzawa (1966) derived the following relationship: v- Gas Gatherl11J{ alld Trallsport Cos Production EnginCt'rlng SG3 Substituting for Rand &" and changing to customary units of V in Mscf. d in inches and t in minutes, this relationship becomes: (11-85) For the case of critical flow (p" Pd > 2). lzawa (1966) has presented the following relationship: v '"' 0.4524 d2p.,til')~ (11-86) where, as for the subcritical flow equation (Equation 11-85): V ., gas ,·olume. Mscf d - internal pipe diameter, in. p., - average pressure. psig t '"' time, min. T *' temperature ("R) Pressure Surges on Closing a Valve A pressure surge OC(:urs when a \"alve on a flowline is closed, and the fluid outflow is stopped. The kinetic energy of the flowing fluid is abruptly converted to internal energy, and a surge or wave travels back, countercurrent to the direction of flow of the fluid. The pressure rise accompanying this flow stoppage is highest at the valve. and decreases gradually towards the upstream end of the pipe where the disturbance is attenuated. The greater the compressibility of the flUid. the greater is the attentuation (or absorption) of the disturbance. Consequently, gas lines do not pose a problem, whereas liquid lines, and sometimes high-pressure gas lines, pose a problem of some concern. In most cases, pressure surges damage pressure-measuring equipment only, but sometimes they may be powerful enough to even rupture the pipe. Stewart (1971) describes this problem and provides a method for computing pressure surges for lines, (r!4)d't [2g..Z"RT(1 - Pdl",,)]," Pressure Testing where V .... gas volume, ftl d ,., internal pipe diameter, ft t .... time, seconds &, - constant relating mass and weight, 32.17 Ibm-ftlflbf.sec2 Z., - average gas compressibility factor R .... gas constant, 85.56 ft-Ibf/lbm-oR T ... temperature, OR Pu. Pd - upstream and downstream pressures, respectively, psig Pressure testing of a pipeline is commonly done for the detection of leaks. This is a special form of unsteady-state flow where the pressure must be held COnstant for a sufficient time, Campbell (1984) has given the following relationship for estimating the minimum vaJue of this testing time, (It)'dln. necessary: (ll-S7) • 564 Gas Gathering and Transport Goa Production £'Igineering where (~)min - minimum required shut-in time for the line. hr d - internaJ pipe diameter. in. L - length of the pipe section that is being tested for leaks. miles P, - initial test pressure. psig 565 Solving Equation 11·89 for PI: p, ~ [Pi q~~·r + (11-90) introducing Rp ., P l iP2 in Equation 11·90. we get: A flo\\ line that has been shut-in for at least (~)mln hours is considered to hale no leaks night"' line) if the pressure loss is less than the (aplmu psi gil-en belo\\ (Campbell 19M): (11-88) (11-91) Similarly, we can obtain an expression for P2 in terms of Rp: p,- where t - shut-in time, hr Handling Variable Consumer Demand-Case of Constant Injection Rate The two ways of handling daily fluctuations in consumer demand are constant injection rate (but not necessarily pre<.Sure) into the pipeline. and variable injection rates (and pressures), to ensure a constant pressure al the delivery (outlet) end of the pipeline. The advantage of constant injection rate of gas into a pipeline is the ease of control. The pipeline functions as a buffer storage facility, accommodating the difference between the constant input and the fluctuating output. The pressure at the delivery end of the pipeline varies from (Pl)m(n for the highest delivery rate to CPz)mu for the lowe<>t delivery rate. Potential energy (pressure energy) losses may occur at the delivery end where the pressure will usuaJly exceed U>2)mi.D during most of the day. These losses can be minimized by using a turbine driving a power generator. instead of pressure reducers such as throttles, for reducing the outlet pressure. Szilas (1975) presents the following procedure for designing a constant injection rate system for variable consumer demand, a modification of similar developments by Smirnov and Shirkovsky in the USSR. Equation 11.30 is written as follows: q- ~ pj Pi]'·' - - Z" (11-89) r' q " 'z [P!-T (11-92) 0' The mean pressure in a gas line is given by (see Equation 7-32): Pi] • p,"-,""-2 [PI+--3 PI + pz - ~ [PI + p,p, + P!] 3 PI+P2 0'. 32"P.,,-P2 [R~ Rp+l + Rp + I] Substituting for P2 from Equation 11·93 and rearranging, we get 3p."k R~ + Rp + 1 2q~,~ - (Rp + 1)(R~ - 1)()S (11-94) A plot of 3p.,kJ2qZ~,S versus RI" as given by Equation 11-79, is shown in Figure 11-11. eo" Prodl4ctiQn Engineering 566 Go" Gathering arid Transport 567 the pipeline at the time corresponding to A must be equal to the minimum output pressure, ~)mtn. From Equation 11-90, the pressure at the head end of the pipeline, Ph i~ gi\'en by: p, ~ [(P,).... q:H' • + and the mean pressure in the pipeline. P., . is given by: Figure 11·11. Szilas's method for determining the buffer action of a pipeline. (After Szilas. 1975_) , The volume of gas stored in the pipeline. V, can be determined as follows: v~ " " " p"T.,AL P",Z., T., Solving for (Pa"/Z.,): " (11-95) • Agure 11·12. Szilas's method for determining the buffer actioo of a pipeline. (After Szilas, 1975.) ,1 • "'________, .!" where , • __ ___________ c , P." T., ,. a\"erage pressure and temperature in the pipeline, respecti vel) p",. T ... s< specified standard conditions of pressure and temperature, respecth'ely Z~, ... a\erage gas compressibility factor (at PM" T.,) A - pipeline cross-sectional area L - length of the pipeline o TIN(. IIOUR! ---_ Figure 11-12 shows the daily fluctuation of Rq, the percentage hourly consumption referred to daily consumption. The dotted line parallel to the abscissa indicates the average consumption Q..v' In segment A-B, consumption is less than q,." and gas accumulates in the pipeline. In segment S-C, consumption is greater than q.". and the gas accumulated in the pipeline at the earlier time is used to cater to this increased demand. Note that at point A, the gas flow (supply or input) into the pipeline is exactly e<Jual to the demand, and gas reserves are zero. Thus, the pressure at output (tail) end of From Figure 11-12, we can determine the area embraced by the cun'eADB and line AB by planimetering, and convert it to gas volume" This gas volume is the volume of gas stored in the pipeline during the slack-demand pe_ riod, VAB. This stored volume will be maximum at the time corresponding to point B in Figure 11-12. Therefore, the head and tail end pressures, p! and P2, in the pipeline will also be maximum at B. Using Equation 11-95, P•• - p",T" IV + V Z., T.,AL A 1 AR (11-96) where VA is the volume of gas stored in the pipeline at point A. The calculation procedure can now be described from these relationship"~" First, a plot is made of the fluctuation in demand versus time, as shown in • 568 Ga.f Gathering and Transport Cos Production Engineering Figure 11-12. Then, the volume of gas stored in the pipeline during the pcricx:l. of low demand is determined by measuring the appropriate area enclosed by the curve. Then, Equation 11-96 is used to calculate (p.vlZ..,) from which p.,- and Z .. can be obtained by trial and error. Then, the value of the expression 3p.,k/2qv,:,S is calculated. . Figure 11-11 can then be used to read off the corresponding value of Rp. Knov,ring the ,,'alue of RI" P2 can be calculated using Equation 11-93, and then the required upstream pressure p! can be obtained (PI ., Rpp~). Let (PI)", .. be the maximum ftl<l!>ible pressure at the head end of the pipeline. Now, if PI :S (P')mu, then the quantity of gas V"8 stored in the pipeline during the slack-demand period will be sufficient to handle the excess demand in the high-demand period Be. Otherwise, the pipeline must be redesigned. Handling Variable Consumer Demand-Case of Variable Injection Rate Bateyet al. (1961) described a method for obtaining solutions to the case of varia.ble injection into the pipeline and conducted a sensitivity analysis of the vanous factors that affect pipeJine performance. They represented gasconsumption variations in time by a Fourier function (Figure 11-13), <l2 "" £(t). From this supply function and the constant supply pressure Pz, the gas flow rate and pressure versus time functions can be calculated, proceeding step by step for various pipe sections backward along the line from the tail to the head end. Such functions, represented as ql '" £I(t) and PI _ £2(t). are sho"'Il along with the supply function <il .. £(t) in Figure 11-13. Any nu- I INPUT PAI!:5SUFl[, 1:>, II OJTPUT FLOW, '\12 m INPUT FLOW, 0 I0 ~ ~. , , • 0 0 • 0 o 3 to ,. n !;z::; " 912151121243&912 569 merical technique may be used for solving the system of equ.ations £~r obtaining the £1 and P functions. The pipeline can then prOVIded optlmum control to meet the demand variation at a constant d.ehver y pressure P2· Bateyet al. (1961) conducted a parametric anal~"S1S that enables one to o'd the expensive numeric computations involved in solving the system of :;;u~tions. To permit Fourier series exp~nsion, the load. Le .• the demand of gas, is expressed in the following functIOnal from: be: (11-97) Clo .. q,. + Qt sin (2,-t f l:t.) where Qo - flow out of the pipeline section q,. .. steady or a\'erage part of the flow . qt _ amplitude of the time-variable part of the flow out of the pipeline section t _ time I:t, - period of the time-variable output flow Further, the input flow q; required for the given output boundary conditions can be expressed as (Batey et aI., 1961): ~ _ q,. + ql sin (hlt,,)(t + 1"1) (11-98) where q .. sine wave amplitude at the input of the pipeline section 1"~ .. time required for the sine wave to propagate from input to output y - y-th harmonic . (h - amplitude of the flow corresponding to the y-th harmOniC T, .. delay time for the y-th harmonic Amplitude <h of the roth harmonic is generally less than 1% of the amplitude ql. Thus Equation 11-98 can be simplified to: (11-99) To specify how the sine wave propagates in the pipeline system. values of the amplitude ratio, qtfqJ, and TI are required.. . Batey et al. (1961) studied the effect of the three types of pipeline section parameters that affect flow: T 1101 I!: .HOURS Figure 11-13. Simplified representation of the variable relationships for a line section. (After Batey et al .. 1961.) 1. Parameters that depend upon line section geometry. such as length. diameter. and relative roughness (tid). • 570 Cas Production Eligineerin,!iC Go., Gathering and Transport 2. Parameters that depend upon the characteristics of the flowing gas. These include molecular weight, pseudocriticaJ pressure, and the slope of compressibility versus reduced pressure for the gas. 3. Parameters that depend upon the average operating conditions of the pipeline. These are average line pressure, average flow, and avera~e gas temperature. Figures 11·14 through 1l~21 show the results of this parametric analysh by Batey et aL (1961). In Figure 11-14. the amplitude ratio is shown as a function of the period of the time yariable output pressure. The amplituJ,,; ratio is less than 1, impJ}ing that the signal amplitude at the input is greater than the output amplitude. Also, amplitude ratio decreases for high fr(>. quencies, indicating that attenuation (damping) increases with frequenc~. For a given frequency, damping increases as the output pressure decreases. because damping results from energy loss, which is proportional to the square of the velocity (and hence, inversely related to output pressure). Damping also increases with increasing friction factor (Figure 11 -16), with d(.'Creasing pipe diameter (Figure 11-18). " 1" ~ ,: • "0 h' -............. ~ • i ~ , --- , "(1'1 100 I '" P[ "100, HOURS I '" rR[O UENC T , "hlt I- .,~~ • Figure 11-1 4. Amplitude ratio of input upset to output upset versus period of upset, as a function of the output pressure. (After Batey et aI., 1961 .) The corresponding time deJa}'s for these variables are shown in Figures 11-15. 11·17, and 11-19. These figure; show that higher the frequency (Io\\er the period on the abscissa), lower is the time delay or phase shift of the demand wave (i.e., the phase velocity is higher). For a given frequency. f' • ["" ~ ~01 ~ • " . HOURS - - - - ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -••" " Illl '" :-------; ~ '--.....:::: ,, , al. . 1961 .) - , ~ Figure 11-15. Time delay 01 upset propagation from one end to the other end 01 a line section versus period. as a function of the output pressure. (After Batey et ,o ,, .~ ~ !-- " roo .,+-------~-------4------_+~'» ,,. ."", " -- ,. f--•" I ,. 571 ~.,'" OO~ "" "",' "" , • , 1'(1'1100, HOURS "" ---- '" Figure 11-16. Amplitude ratio versus period as a function of the friction lactor (After Batey et aI. , 1961 .) phase shift decreases with increasi ng output pressure (Figure 11-15), decreasing friction factor (Figure II 17), and increasing pipe diameter (Figurc lJ·19). Figure 11-20 shows that the amplitude ratio decreases (or, attenuation in~ creases) along the pipeline length . Figure 11-21 shows that the phase ~hift increases with increasing length along the pipeline. These figures can he 572 Gas Production Enginemng Ga~ I, "" t ", 7 "" •" ,• • ~ ~ •0" f • " 0 12 it! 40 20," •• • '0 0-011 '0 "" 0-007 'o>-______~--------L-----~~~~ • " 1 573 d. • .; • Gathering and Trollsport '0-1:-----1------:---=~-l 12 6 J I-!\ j-:I ••_ _ _ _ _ _ PEIIIOO,HOURS - - -- -- PERIOD, HDUIIS Figure 11-17. Time delay versus period as a function of friction lactor. (After Batey et aI. , 1961.) 0' "'- ~~ ~ "'''''" ~ •"• •o , ·•" 0' • , r t "'-.."'-.. ~ ..... 07 " • _ ___ ~uuoo Figure 11-19. Time delay versus period as a function of pipeline diameter. (After Batey et al" 1961.) d, .;: ;.- ~O'" ~ 06 • )'Z,.~ "- ~ , """" i"o... o ~,~ ~ .. '0 f'a.. • 1'0.. ~ c. ,'-....'"" '-<>. , ~ ° ° ° '0 '0 '" M .0 _ __ _ __ L£NGTH,MIL£S - - - - - -. ,HOUJIS _ _ _ __ Figure 11-20. Amplitude ratio versus pipeline length. (Afler Batey et at , 1961 .) Figure 11-18. Amplitude ratio versus period as a function of pipeline diameter (After Batey el at , 1961 .) used to determine the operating conditions necessary for meeting consumer demand at a constant, specified contract (output) pressure. The main advantage of satisfying consumer demand in this way is that no pressure energy needs to be dissipated by throttling at the output end, and the compressor requirements are therefore minimized. However, a sufficiently accurate foreknowledge of the demand wave is required. Unsteady-State Flow in Pipeline Systems We have so far described transient flow in a single pipeline. As discussed earlier for steady-state flow in pipeline networks, this simple procedure mu~t be modified for application to complex transmission systems where there IS injection and o££take of gas at intermediate points along the line, or where 574 Ga s Gathering and Transport ,,. ,• ap2 vv "'" " --• ,. •> " '7 , 0 > o -ax - n o ,./ ~ Ag.,dx dP! = B2 dt " '0 " '00 the flows com-erge to, or di\"erge from. nodes. The node Jaw (Equation 11 -41 ) must apply to each of these nodes: " , I V,':' dp, ~ t B- dt m I • - m...J ;.1 mi. - rn... (11-103) w here mi.) ,. fl ow into node j from pipe leg i mo.! = flow out of node j (11 -100) The values of mi. I can be calculated from Equation ll -102 as follows: whe re m n ,. mass flow into or out of the node m, = mass flow rate in pipe leg i meeting at the node for each of the n pipe l~ meeting at the node The m l values are computed from the non-linear algebraic equations describing transient flow in a single pipe leg. This makes the description and calculation for a transmission system of even a moderate size very complex It is essential to incorporate some simplifications into the transient fl ow equations. Guy (1967) has discussed some of these simplifications that ca n be usually done without a significant loss in accuracy of the results. The first simplification is to neglect elevation changes that are generally insignificant for gas lines. Thus, the third term in Equation 11-71 can be omitted. Further. the second term, (piAg.,) (am/at ). describing the change in mass £10\\ rate per unit time, is in most cases smaller than the friction term in Equation 11 -71 by an order of magnitude and can also be dropped . The system of equations describing transient flow (Equations 11 -66 and 11 -71 ) now sim · plify to: ap _ at t 0', Figure 11·21. Time delay versus pipeline length . (After Batey et aI., 1961.) , (11-102) dA ~g! - - - - - - L ENGTH, N ILES - -_ _ __ mn + Ern, - 0 fm l m lB2 Every node is assigned half the length of eac h pipe leg associated with that node. Let V J be the \'olurne obtained on summing up the \-olumes of each of the pipe legs that connect to node j. Equ ation 11 -101 can then be written for node j as follows: V " 575 (11 -101 ) m _ 1,1 [d,. ,A1.,g1 11'1 - Pflt' 5 f. B2 L . .., ,., (11-104) I.j where L;.i represents the lengths of the indh'idual pipe legs. and S'.i is given by Substituting for m •. ) from Equation 11-104 into Equation 11-103, and multiplying by B2/Vig.,: 11'1 - PI' j,5,.,- Vs' m.., ,I!< 0, dp n ';if - K, E i _I [J,.,(I p1- Pl i)"'5q! - = m.., BK g, (11-105) • Gas Gathering and Transport Cal" Production Engineering 576 , .. here K -- Pipeline Economics B \' and J'.I - 1. ., dl.'Af., ( 1t - 1{l6) f. I Applyinfot finite difference techniques. d2.t ... P,tt + .11) + P,{t) dt dt Using this and rearranging. Equation 11 -105 becomes PI(t 577 + ut) "" .l.tK. It. O,.(lpr - pr l)"S;.]- (B'I!J m".• ) + p,ll ) ,- Pipeline sizes are generally dictated by the available pressure drop, reo quired flow rate, and the available pipe sizes. If two or more pipe sizes satisfy all the requirements and constraints, then one is chosen based on the economics. An economic pipe diameter minimizes the (discounted or amortized) capital costs and operational (compression) costs. With increasing pipe diameter d. the capital costs increase, whereas the operational costs decrease due to smaHer pressure losses. Thus, there exists an optimum d such that the sum of the amortized and operational costs is a minimum. It is obvious that for such an economic analysis, no general correlation or equation can be easily determined for all possible cases because pipeline costs, amortization (or depreciation) allowan~ within the corporate tax framework , and operating costs vary widely. A simplified analysis by Peters and Timmerhaus (1980) is presented here for determining the optimum ec0nomic pipe diameter for a single pipeline. The concepts developed are subse. quently extended to the far more complex problem of the economics of gas transmission systems. IIt-I07) A Simplified Analysis for Optimum Pipe Diameter Equation 11·107 for node j can be expressed as: • Comprmon COS" PI(t + .1t) - C 1 + Pi(t) "here C, - ~IK, It. 0, .• 1!pi' - 1'1 1)' '5, .• ]- (Bg.)m".• ) (it - lOS) 111-1091 Similar equations can be written for all the ot~er nod~ in the s:rste.m , Thus. we will have a system of non-linear algebraic equations ,:prescntmli!: transient flow in the pipeline network. This syste~ ?f equaltons can i~ solved using finite difference techniques. For the explicit method. Equat ll- IOS is expressed as: PilI \1 + 61) - CIII) + p.ll) whereas in the implicit method, C j is evaluated at time t tion 11-108 is expressed as: Pi{t + at) - CJ(t + at , and Equa + 6.t) + Pi(t) Other elements in the system, such as chokes and compressors, can also be incorporated in the previous equations as done for steady·state networks. II The mechanical energy balance for a flowing system can be reduced to the following form (see Equation 7-11): w, _ fl."'ll + L,p) + B 2g.d where 111-110) w. - mechanical work added to the system by the compressor, ft. Ibf/lbm f - dimensionless Moody friction factor L - length of the pipe, ft v - flow velOCity, ftlsee Lrp - frictional loss due to pipe fittin~ and bends, expressed as equivalent fractional loss in a straight pipe g., - conversion constant relating mass and weight (., 32.17 Ibmftllbf-""') d '" inside pipe diameter, ft B - a constant accounting for all other energy losses in the flowing system 578 Gas GalherifJl!, and TranS1)Qrt Gas Production Engineering As discussed in Chapter 7 (see Equations 7-14 through 7-21), several relationships can be described for the friction factor, f, in terms of the Reynolds number, !".Jlko Peters and Timmerhaus (1980) use the following equation for turbulent flow: (11-111) Combining Equations II-Ill and 11-110, and applying the necessary conversion factors, the following equation can be obtained for the annual compression costs: (11-112) where f'ixed per foot of pipe length C romp _ romp!eSion cost in dollars/vear • q _ gas £10'...· rate. fP/sec p _ the gas density, Ibmfft'l /.I ,. gas viscosity, cp Ct = cost of electrical energy, $ kWh H, so hours of operation per year d ,. pipe diameter, in. E _ compressor efficiency, fraction B' _ a constant independent of pipe diameter d emu Jor where 579 Rp - ratio of total costs for fittings and installation to the purchase cost for new pipe C!'"p - annual fixed charges, including maintenance, expressed as a fraction of the initial cost for a completeJy installed pipe Optimum Economic Pi~ Diameter The total annual COSt CT for the compressor and pipin~ system can be obtained by adding Equations 11-112 and 11-114: ° Gr- .-<)i3q2M P0,&-1IJ0 I~C r (I + L)H Ip )+Bo+(I+R)CdnC. d4s.tE II II Fp (11-115) Differentiating C T expressed by Equation II-liS with respect to diameter d, setting the resultant expression to zero. and solving for d gives the optimum pipe diameter, d",pl in inches, as follows: d". _ [1.32q2 ~po,SlJl.0-leC~(1 + L,p)H~ll r~ M· n. n(1 + Rp)CpEC Fp (11-116) The value of n for steel pipes is about 1.0 for d < 1 in ., and about 1.5 for d ~ 1 in. Thus, for the commonly used greater than I-in. diameter pipes, Equation 11-1l6 becomes (Peters and Timmerhaus, 1980): ~ _ qOH8p O1321J0025 [O.88Ce(l + L,p)HJIIS8 (11-117) (1 + Rp)CpECpp J Piping System For most t)1>eS of pipe, the purchase cost per foot of pipe is related to the pipe diameter as follows: (11-113) where Cp,pe _ purchase cost of new pipe of diameter d inches per foot of pipe length, .$ 'ft C p _ a constant equal to the purchase price per foot for a I-in. diameter pipe, $Ift d - pipe diameter, in. The annual cost for an installed piping system can be expressed as (Peters and Timmerhaus, 1980): ( 11 -114) . An interesting fact to notice about Equation ll-lli is that the optimum pipe diameter is relatively insensitive to most of the parameters involved. Equation II-IIi can be simplified by assuming typical numeric values for the terms involved. Using C e = $O.055/kWh, L,p - 0.35, H) _ 8,760 hr.;! year, Rp - 104. C p - $0.45/ft for I-in. diameter pipe, E = 0.50, C Fp - 0.20, and neglecting the viscosity term which is close to unity for most cases for the small exponent involved, Peters and Timmerhaus (1980) present the following equation for optimum pipe diameter: d _ 0.0039q0~5pO,1J __ 0.OO22mo45lpo,31 (II-liB) where m - mass now rate, Ibm/h r p - £Iuid density, lbm/ftl This equation is quite good for short pipelengths and where the pressure drop in the pipelength is not large. • Ga! Production Engineering Gas Gathering and Transport 581 Analysis Including Cost of Capital and Corporate Taxes Gas Transmission Economics In the previous analysis, a number of important factors were neglected, such as the time value of money, corporate taxes, costs of compressors, and the cost of capital (or return on investment). Including these factors and using a more accurate expression for the friction loss due to pipe fittings and bends, Peters and Timmerhaus (1980) present the following equation: It is relatively easier to estimate the economically optimal dimensions and operating conditions for a Single pipeline. A complete transmission system or grid, as described earlier, includes several producing wells, storage wells, and a vast network of pipelines of different dimensions and requirements. Designing such a transmission system to match the requirements is difficult enough; economics introduces even more complexity. The quantitative analysti described in the previous section assumes that the gas throughput. m or q. is known. In dealing with natural resources such as gas, one soon realizes that throughput is not easy to specify. Some important factors, besides the ones discussed earlier, that playa role in determining the design capacity and size of a gas transmission system are: d~pt' .. n '1-;-+.,;O~.;""94"L-,,"d..,.-1.046 x where + (l - t.)[l + (ioc + imc)MJ] n(1 + Rp)Cp[i· + (1 - t,)(io p + i",p))Ep2 1O-IOH)C.,m2M,...016[~W (11-119) ~t - optimum economic inside pipe diameter. in. m - mass flow rate, Ibm' hr Lf<j ., frictional lass due to fittin~ and bends expressed as equivalent pipe length in pipe diameters per unit length of pipe (L" - L,,Jd..,.) M - ratio of total compressor installation cost to yearly cost of compression power required i· .. rate of return (or cost of capital before taxes) on incremental investment, fraction t, ., taxation rate, fraction i.lp .. depreciation rate for the installed piping system, fraction ioc .. depreciation rate for the compression equipment, fraction imp - fraction of initial cost of installed piping system for annual maintenance imc .. fraction of initial cost of compression installation for annual maintenance p .. gas density, Ibm/fil All other terms have similar meaning as before. Thus. for a given throughput, we can compute the optimum pipeline diameter using the relationships given here. But the pipeline chosen may ha\'e optimum behavior at some other throughput (that is, it may be able to handle a different throughput more economically). This is an interesting point to note about pipelines: a pipe1ine's optimum throughput is not the same as the throughput for which it has the most economic diameter. 1. Available supply of gas: the amount (reserves), current production rate, growth rate in supply due to field development activities and/or new discoveries. 2. Rate or growth in gas demand. The economics of the variation in pipeline capacity factors· has to be evaluated. 3. Availability of capital. 4. Technical problems or feasibility of transmission line construction, such as difficulties in increasing line capacity by installing a second pipeline. Supply and demand projections are made using complex computer mod- els that aerount for the vast number of factors that influence such predictions. The supply model involves reservoir modelling for production rrom known reserves, geologic information for predicting the growth of these reserves, and field development plans. The demand model is even more complex. It deals with global (or local, as the case may be) economic growth, expected energy consumption. energy consumption patterns (share of gas as an energy source), price of gas and its effect on gas production and use, etc. It is thus clear that supply and demand predictions are rarely accurate; some commonsense analysis may often prove more reliable. Availability of capital is usually not a serious constraint, but may preclude overambitious, ultra-large projects. Technical problems may be too overwhelming in some cases, resulting in alternative feasible designs that may not be optimum. It is easy to imagine how several other factors may also become important in a given situation. • Capacity factor l~ the ratio of the actual a"eragl:! discharge to the design capacity. • 582 Cas Production Engineering Gas Gathering and Transport The two major features of a transmission system that is operating in an optimum manner are high load and capacity factors··. and assured, uninterrupted gas supply throughout the range of the demand cycle. A high capacity factor will be obtained if the demand (and supply) is close to design capacit}'. The load factor can be increased by using underground gas storage, by using some type of gas reserve such as high-pressure gas storage to ensure an excess supply during peak demand. or by using the pipeline as a buffer stora~e facility. An uninterrupted gas supply to meet varj;n~ demand is ensured by considering two factors: availability, defined as the fraction of the total time that an uninterrupted supply is achieved, and reserve factor, which accounts for gas reserves provided in the form of additional parallel lines. underground storage. pipeline buffer capacity. or other standby sup+ ply systems. Higher the availability, lower is the reserve factor required. Solve this expression for the case where: gas gravity - 0.81, gas inlet pressure in the sytem - 950 psig, input gas flow rate = 4 MMscfd, and flowing temperature _ 78°F. 5. An 8,OOO-ft we11 is equipped with a 3-in. tubing. What minimum size of surface flowline would be required to enable gas production at a rate of 1 MMscfd, with a guaranteed pressure of at least 100 psia at the separator? Use the following data: 1'11: - 0.6. bottom-hole pressure - 2.()(X) psia. bottom-hole temperature = 250°F, surface temperature - 82°F, Can this surface flo\\.. line diameter be considered economic? 6. Write a computer program to solve Equation 11+48 for loopless pipeline systems. Use this program to solve for steady-state flow for a simple pipeline system. Questions and Problems References 1. Derive the coefficients indicated in Table 11-1. 2. A 7-in. ID pipeline transports a 0.68 gravity gas from a distance of 22 miles to a liquefaction plant in Saudi Arabia. The first 10 miles of the pipelinp is looped with a 4-in. line, the next 5 miles is looped with a 3in. line, and the last 7 miles is a single unlooped line. The inlet and outlet pressures for the system are 530 psia and 130 psia. respectively. The flowing temperature is 95°F, Calculate the gas flow rate using at least two £low relationships. 3. Two lines AC (5--in. lD, 4.5 miles long) and BC (5--in. ID. 3.8 miles long). emanating from leases A and B, respective1y, terminate at tht, gathering station at C. From C, a single 11.5-mile, 8-in. ID pipeline leads into the regional trunk line at D. where the gas must be delivered at 520 psig. Lease A produces 5 MMscfd of 0.65 gravity gas, while lease B produces 7 MMscfd of 0.68 gravity gas. To what pressure should the gas be compressed at (a) lease A, and (b) lease B. to enable delivery of gas to the trunk line? Assume f - 0.008, ambient and flowing temperature of 85°F, and a perfectly horizontal flow system. 4. A 5-mUe long, 8-in. 10 pipeline is at an average inclination of 30 from the horizontal, with uphill flow. At a distance of 2 miles from the inlet, it branches out into another 4-mile, 4+in. ID line. Derive a relationship to express the flow rate in the 4+in. line in terms of the £10\\ rate in the 8-in. line. e •• Load factor is the ratio of the 8"erage rate 10 Ihe muimum houri), rale of flo,", 583 Ariz, K. and Settari, A., 1979. Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Elsevier Ap. plied Science Publishers Ltd., England, 476pp. Batey, E. H., Courts, H. R., and Hannah, K. w., 1961. "Dynamic Approach to Cas-Pipeline Analysis," Oil l,- Gas 1.,59(51, Dec. 18),65-78. Campbell, J. M., 1984. Cas Conditionillg and Processing, Vol. 2. Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma, 398pp. Cross, H., 1936. "Analysis of Flow in !\'etworks of Conduits or Conductors," Bulletin oj the Univ. oj Illinois, 286. Distefano, C. P., 1970. "P1PETRAN, Version IV, A Digital Computer Program for the Simulation of Cas Pipeline Network Dynamics;' Cat. No. L20000, March. Coacher, P. S., 1969. "Steady and Transient Analysis of Cas Flows in Networks," paper CC157 presented at the Research Meet. of lost . of Cas Engrs. , London. Cuy, J. J., 1967. "Computation of Unsteady Cas Flow in Pipe Net\I.'orks," paper presented at the Inst. of Chern. Engrs., Midlands Branch ConL, U. Nottingham, April 14. Hain, H. A., 1968. " How to Determine the Maximum Capability of a Complex Pipeline System," Pipe Line News, 9. lz~wa:, H. S., 1966. "How to Calculate Cas Volume in Blowdown and Purg109, Oil & Cas 1.,64(19, May 9), 118-123. Peters, M. S. and Timmerhaus. K. D., 1980. Plant Design and Economics JOT Chemical Ellgineers, 3rd ed. McCraw-Hili Book Co., New York, N, Y.. 973pp . or , 584 GaJ Production Engineering Rachford, H. H., Jr. and Dupont, T., 1974. "A Fast. Highly Accurate Means of Modeling Transient Flow in Gas Pipeline Systems by Variational MethoW," Soc. Pel. Eng. f., 14(2, April), 165-178. Stewart, T. L., 1971. "Computer Speeds Surge Calculations;' Oil & Gas J., 69(47, Nov 22), 55-60. Stoner, M. A.. 1969. "Steady-State Analysis of Cas Production, Transmission and Distribution Systems," paper SPE 2554 presented at the SPE 44th Ann. Fall Meet .. Denver. Colorado. Sept. 28-0ct. 1. Stoner, M. A., 1972. "Sensitivity Analysis Applied to a Steady-State Model of Natural Cas Transportation Systems," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., 12(2, April). APPENDIX A General Data and Unit Conversion Factors 115-125. Streeter, V. L. and Wylie, E. B., 1970. "Natural Cas Pipeline Transients," Soc. Pet. Eng. J't 10(4, Dec.), 357-364. Szilas, A. P., 1975. Production and Transport oj Oil and Gas. Developments in Petroleum Science, 3, Elsevier Scientific Pub!. Co., Amsterdaal. 630pp. Taylor, T. D., Wood, N. E., and Powers. J. E., 1962. "A Computer Simulation of Cas Flow in Long Pipelines;' Soc. Pet. Eng. J.• 2(4, Dec.), 297302. Tuppeck, F. and Kirsche, H., 1962. "Ein Numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung Instationarei Stromungs\,organge in Ferngasleitungen," Dos Cas Und WasserJach, 103(21, June}, 523-528. Wylie, E. B., Stoner, M. A., and Streeter, V. L., 197 1. "'Network System Transient Calculations by Implicit Methods," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., 11(4. Appendix A·1 Some Useful Physical Constants Absolute zero temperature Avogadro's number Gas constant (R) Dec.),356-362. Density of dry air (at 60°F, I atmj Density of dry air (at O°C. I atm) Velocity of sound In dry air (at O°C, I alm) Acceleration due 10 gravity (g) 0.0' - 273.15' 0.0' - 459.Si· 6.022 169 E + 23 0.082057477 0.084 784 1.987 8.3145 1.9859 1545.3 10.732 0.730 24 0.001 223 2 0.076362 0.001 293 0.080 719 33.136 1,089 9.806 65 "'.665 Dimensional constant (g.) • • • Indicates that tM num~ In uni ts ot Magnitude Quantity 3217405 1.0' 10' 32.17405 22"1' 3.141 593 2.718282 ,,""act .85 "R C F mole (atm Iiter)/(gmmole K) (kg/cmlliter)/(gmmole K) (gm cal)l(gmmole K) Joulesi(gmmole OR) Btu'(lbmole OR) (ft Ibf)/(Ibmole OR) (psi ft"')/(Ibmole 'R) (aim ftl)/(lbmole R) gm/cml Ibm/hl gmlcml Ibm'ft' cm'sec ft'5('C m"'" cm"~ ft . . ~ (kgm)I(N~ (gm cm)l(drne ~ (Ibm ft)I(lbf sec') dimeruionless dimensionless dimemionle5lii • 586 Gas Production Engineering Appendix A Appendix A-2' General Data for Natural Gas Constituents Appendix A·2 Continued General Data for Natural Gas Constituents ~n,11y Compound ~ , ,• I ; .... ~...,. 0<. " C,H. ,~. P'OfW'~ '.041 Xl0711 "'097 -}S8119 (SOXII 127.<18 1Il001 ,.lU 1900 . -~~ -297 "" C,H" 12 lSI 1.~\f'hyTpent.~r 86 111 86.175 J.."V'hllpen'.~ N~ .. ~ 4'1 .• 116178 "S19 c.H .. 116.178 111 52 2. }'()',.,...,h\'lbu II"" CoIl" 86.171 1)6.]6 209.17 1901 ,0'9 n-"'ep .. ~ (,H .. 100205 l-MeIIlyIM ....... C,tl" 100 205 )·Melh~·lhe'.~e CH" 100.205 }.UhVTpenl."t C.H" 100 lOS 2,1·00_,n,'po-n,.ne C.H., 100 205 2.4-0, mel h~ 'po! nl. nt C.H" IIl0.205 J.l-Oune\hrlp<!nl~t C.H,. 100 20S ' ...- C ...... 100 205 ,HXlOne CoH" l1'2Jl Col'" 114 111 CoH" 114211 O"~ly' tsooe'."e c.H.. .."." 15,' Issn 14(1 .• 7 19712 ,.,n 17.0;.1 176a'l 1116.91 "'n 21B.19 210.6J 6167 . US4 " ". 217 -1J'JS8 -2«&J -1477:2 -19938 ,~ 2,n) 1.114 0511 1.101 ,,,. 0179 -Ie:! 6) -21001 ~12 III -7018 -Ill 07 -16121 Cl'clopenl."t' C,H .. 7II.llS CoH" &4'bl 161.25 00) C",IoM"ne Mt~ ... "" CoH" &01 16:1 mn =~~: 12601 4)n ,,,",- 11)1,e ,<;'....". '"U ·n'iO C,H. • lkpnntfti b, cou<te<' (>f ... C,H .. ,.,19 CI'S.~ 42 OSI 5410S MO o OS" 9,'14 ,"" a6n1 S~7 S ~J7 17'lS ••• 06976 0.U46 !II' 5.791 "lJ 5t>4 21 0 CUI SlO" O.~ 0.70611 O.6'J79 5.""J S 819 519006 6106& 1611 461-S 499 n 5167 a.6962 5804 on17 0,7)42 5JO.V 0010'" 006&1 0 a.19 0 OS, 0 01i07 0_ 00lm '017 6111 62S6 US) 6511 6 (5) 411S8 0 Ill)] 420 Il «029 5128 50) 18 -181411 -1'10. Mi!.hylq-clopen •• ,... 128.259 CooHu 1.12116 S BS'J U54 «a I ..."", .,,'" ~. )0147 J,tS4I 1:!0.6S ... r-!onlnt S.n.:7 J210 4SP 4JUl ~1 1.271 2 OIl 1 .q! n91 0.102lI OWll2 0 H69 4166 4\1 1 <W68 4SH -ill 8) c.,H,. C.H .. a6'" 4(,01 006" 00674 M. ....., 5.7)8 S 6'}4 J6910 72.1S1 J<I..opentl"" o 6IIIIl o 6IIlD 4 C,H" ".~ 5.556 ~'iO -201 t~{.~ 06664 O~ lHlO -~28 -21 J6 -195 &7 -m45 -)01 45 -)1)163 4193 51l.411 ~" 4nn 41'5.95 4212 HI4 "'ti J'J6 9 l606 WII. 17H 11lO 104 0 . :!!: S910 50)5 .... m. SUO •,. ••• ''''' 29S-6 0.06M 0.0081 00611 0 0ti61 0 0bM .-........ ......., 00.7) .~ 0_ O.Of.ti . 4.Bn (lill0 (16247 (15967 0.6640 01611 0."," 0,1S04 (15)6 07114 O.n.., 4.lS1 o 60U Sal) 64 10 11 1042 000151 119) 000117 12)8 00011' o lO10 o 1&0lil 09l1li1 (55)9 0991610l&l O'Jll2O 15m 09667 2 00b& 6519 h~,,' ""'. " DIu lb"f 2US "u B 606 SpecifIC H 6'JIb PSll "< a~ laS 7 12 151 60"1'. p". ld~~lln 5 S)6 H35 un HS) ... c.... ., ~ n1 d~n .. 'Y. 14 &'l6 1261 HOB 491S 27Ue ".,....... 1("0 ps •• 1-5 1 t6l 4m 4165 UMi -25519 58 12. -21705 Gu of Ioquod< f:lf'f, 14 696 ,m "un " "''' "'M C.H .. SI • a,OMI .~ 6163 S}Q1 529.1 -'" t>Ob<.o .. ~ )1.10 -l1UJ 00'" (10737 00102 Oon4 ,,"- sa n. .... ~'an~ •• ." ro" 587 ,,~ '" .~, )6 4l 0 JaIIl ]181 01&61 lO 65 a lin ."" ."" .~ 05&)6 006& 6 529 5.2S1 1l.71 0.1XIOIl' OlS,. 5199 1l BS 000)90 0.2111 496S 145(1000104 61'IM 0954924'111 0.950<-4 24911 0951024'111 5260 5 260 5260 2611 10_, 5,526 us, (1,00015 03007 5415 lS71 ooom 021125 5541 1545 00001S 02'41 5") 1581 n00078 OH69 S~ 1551 a,0007$ 02495 2975) 2915J 4 404 4~ 40104 14 JII 0 l864 2~ IS 0.laJ2 1454 0 )815 2975) 44(}1 ~ 4(}1 2401 2447 a 17B 0 Sl12 05264 a 5(17 05165 0 S121 111] 21.57 21 a.o 1219 2141 llJ'J n.O) 2191 OJa15 101'iOl (0 J'iOI 10J'i01 10,l9S1 a)906 (0)951 OJa12 051B) 05U) 0511 05145 05171 05241 0 SOl 6499, 0 'l69(, 2 2975] 2975J 5718 " " 111)0069 0)198 US96 )1&7 5&35 "60 00006II 011J6 5757 17J11 OIlOCl6'i 63257 5 eso 171a a OOOJO a,lO'X )4S96 56015 34S'16 VB' ) 717 J,7111 V87 )781 ),717 V8l uw H", 14S96 17.n o.ooon 62998 oooon a 00065 )4596 ) 4S'ItI J4S96 O,)()48 0 2M(! 57112 11 J(J C,1lOCI6'i 0,2S611 5 au 19 H 5Bl0 196) 5795 19611 'ooa 21 U 6112 2124 6147 1111 6174 11.., 6522 1119 6 _ lUI .., ) 000061 0"'1' 60006S Q,),'ltI Q 0006S CJ()o11 ocoon a.44~5 0000'i~ 0_ 01955 a.9657 {I 1106 011ll 0,2567 OOOOJO a 00011 0.1lCIOt.II 000(6) .... ,. ."" U22 1, .... )9 1122 1 95' 21061 5411 4 50'! 450'! la6S 4 9125 2m, 1. 'lOS7 1 'lOS1 ..... .... " .. ,V 0.0018') 01<105 , 000 1119000116 01906 09911 un UU9 17.67 27.1~ 0,9;rJ)1 19J7:2 49 018 671>4 O.l809 ,,\011 10 Ja7fo1 19)) 10 )1)1 19 18 0)7\011 " ao 0 J&4O lUJ 0 J8JS JUS 01711 28 n 0 lO10 1945 0 l'9OO 14 .... 03171) a_ us) 1 4519 OWl OWl OS-Ml OS15J aS54 052J'J OS114 0 45'J1 a SUB 0520$ 04216 0 «07 (4)21 04391 0)621 1925 lHl 0)541 0)546 (table contilluetl) • 588 Appendix A Ca.t Production Engineering Appendix A·2 Continued General Data for Natural Gas Constituents Appendix A·2 Continued General Data for Natural Gas Constituents Den~n'l c..·l-"'~ ,'''',_ '.hf!,_ T'.... '-l.Jv'ene ',1·...'011_ 'tOJI" ... 1.l8utod... "" ""')'lent 8ennne To/vent !thyl~n:t"" o-)(yl,,,,, Ift.Xylene ~.Sty""" <.H, <.H, <.H, C,H .. "" "", ... ... C,H, »~ ,,~ ~,. ,,~ ~~ '9.59 "~ 10115 es,) ~~ 51.5] ~~ "~ NI.1I' UJO 260Ja 71.1" 92.1 " 10li. Ifill -119 176.\7 e.><. e.><oo 1(1(,1&8 106,168 l"J1.97 C,H, 106.11>8 1(\01 152 281.OS 291.29 120.1!15 lOII.l<I C,H, C,H, CoH,. ""- IKIP'opyl~'t"" e.><" Mtrlt(! .lcol>ol CH,O 1204l ',,"0 46,0f>') 23010 00 l,hyI.ko/lol CI<bon """"'.~ Colbon dlo.>de Hrd'",,,, ...,Iod<l r...H ... cIoouck _m ......... •• ""... ".... ....- - H,v"Ien w•• ttrd'Ol"" chlonde 00, N.' "'. '", ".0. 44010 )40,. 64_OS9 2.112., 1431 In.'J2 -111~ -IOU -"6 14.0 11.011 -281 18.~ -)17.~ 101' -42) 0 11-999 -197.4 N. 2301) -llO4 HoO H. 7O'J06 11015 '00 16.461 "" (I;()) tUn l.n. 1.0» 0)11 0.2604 227.16 N, NO '9,115 mil 0. a. ..... SpKilic hul 14!.9b p". lde.',os 14 !.9b p". I :56101 ~,. YS denSIty. r.tI"f. of "quid, r.tI"f, pOI. 14.&')6 , ,,, i 589 -29 J lTlO -111. -11106 -IS1 'J6 -220.61 )11. 590.0 )"9) (1ft) -~~ "" -11)1' (1)511 -11\04.02 -230.74 -114 ,,% -1.1394 -1.13 91 O..!<Il -1130 -54 11 SS86 (1.1241 0.1l1li -2J 10 -14082 0126 . .-..-.., ,~. nBS "'. "'. .... 15!4 ., ("11 95)1 - D,OM] .. .~ .~ 710 • 552 n o OSJl 5959 U15 IiOSSS 65124 6156 O.OS-' ."" o ... .... .... sn. 51).6 651,(1'2 OSS7 00567 ,"n """" , "'. .om " , ... ."'" o '" -"'. "' -'""''' V. "'" '"" .. ~ DOS-I -1082 111.1 -17)4 915) ~ OSJl 0.0l42 1071 111 -117 1 -10J9 114S. 11U 0.0J06 -1019 1~", -0.., 547 VOl -221 1 ,., -)99& ......m, -)61' -loWi,' lsa -14' I D."on 12.0 m -17]' Jill '''' -1",' 49JO -ti24 111& 4 291 nos IOU ".. UU OOWI GOS17 05167 "'" O_OS" ."'" O.Wl 0_6100 0.1IOG4 0.6451 0.6.54 O.i272 O.l>IIIil ..-...... 5 Z2II S'*' S.1XI& S,JII) 5_4!fi 5_m 5,no 0.6'5 0.8617 0.9110 0-166) 117) 1,263 1263 1,177 1.241 7218 1,195 1,221 , .~ .~ .~ 0 .101 .~ ,~ .M 0.&111 0.&118 ' .OW ,.... .. 1.)91 ••• n" ,",17) 0.156 SIS 1.14 ~ S 119 107) sOi'tl 11.0J 4.996 1111 5174 11 OJ 5.4711 '86 5220 10)4 11 91 sm 0 1951 0'1661 1-9)n 0121O O~ 19ln 01951 0'l6l9 Inn 0l9l5 o 9SSO 14115 024115 (09691 18676 01955 (0 9651 1 8616 0 un (096l1 21519 0180J 1,]'M 10S'I 000066 62115 11&0 1263 000060 02596 725' 1461 0 000S4 o JIb') .. ,- 0.9925 011990 ~ 6'''' 1516 0 126'l 6.1... M 010 6764 lUll O_lnll 5411 7016 10" 5571 291l JII., lIi fI'l 31 IV lUI" '.1)4 1466 O!lOO5ol 01271 7209 lUI 0.000S4 OJ13& 1171 OOOOSI 7.114 1664 0000S4 101.55 41sa 4119 1574 J.574 J 574 H~SS H7~ B959 41498 1644 ] U7 .~ """ 0"" lJ111 H19 0 OCIOSI '_'i116 . ... 'D " ." '" .M ,~ .~ 511 n~ ,~ 514 1.11 1)1 4 or. 0_07 1.14 0. _ 1 414 1,000 0 00098 000107 00011O 0000f'} 000098 00011l OOlXl&6 o lO2l ."., 11&12 ) 6655 u.~n lJ~ ."' om ."" "'00 """ ",'n "'" "" 1-J195 2,1111 D.2SS 0000 9511 '-49))1 674 6.71 4 16 11_" 1111 '_01 IlJl 1.l21 1" 090) OOlB 0040 034& 11&4 .lJ7 1155 8 f>.Il 11,1 4 5924 0,}M4 0.JIIJ5 0 M'i08 0.M12 0.l51 Dnn o SJSl ."'" .~, 05196 .~ 0.5192 0)966 nal 2'1'J4 15'111 ltd7 25.11'1 lUO V.1il 21.80 0_242'l 02598 02795 0 l"J14 0.27&2 040911 04011 021"69 041)8) 04122 104141 0.1111 0.l911 71' 0.1l11 ~_5 0.])2]. 0 4114 0 4418 0 ~I 05'M •. W 0.1484 )9.5 1)) ''0 1\" O.seea nUl 0 9996 1 DIXIO 1)10 1.0006 0 069Ii ,.1 11041 1186 0.9991 0.!l6Tl U» 144111 5 JS2 '11 06220 2106 11S6 0.'''''' Ollll 0145 .m .~ 1.114 ..."., ." • ,~ 0.111111 0.119 (table continued) \ I. Coos Production 590 Appeudix A En~in(,l',jllg 591 Appendi x A·2 Continued General Data for Natural Gas Constituents Appendix A-2 Continued General Data for Natural Gas Constituents CilO"hc: .. alue. 6O"f AST\\ OC1~ne Number ~ Compound : Compound ~' ~~ - ..6. ---- 0- - ~~ 9O'!Il lOOP ,~- ,'17' 1~1111 lil. 1 2S1~. I>-I"Uon. )1)104 ~, 91.~ 9$01 1670 1&lOS llflft 1&565 Lll26 31o;! 157.53 11m 15159 US7,08 )1118 :Mo98 1 .0000 1 .10M'! 108,;"90 J68:! b )9601 b 20.824 101.599 147,13 LID.!) )81& N~'.ne 135.501 l.JoIl lII18 "·H...,,.. .wo),7 47S/, 1 10,7301 115,060 N"el~l~n!lne (19S 8 4748 1 20,757 llH52 4)'111~ 47510 20,7f,3 115,1I2J 4Ja::l b 47lS 0 20,710 111,'ll 4391] 47.... 0 20,741 lU.l41 143!/5 1,)74,116,~ U7I.4S 140,09 1}16,52 1)1,14 1,]61I.7b 136,08 U]4,gs 4S,JA 4S J.4 ""'''''IO"e I~n!>~ ].M... nyl~n"ne Nf'Oh .. u,.. 1.J..00....,'hyIIKJ .. ne - ... 2-"Ietho,olM'- ............ )'hh~'- l.l.o.~Uone 2 .4-00meth\ iJ)eft1."" l.J-O,_lhyI~u."" T"pl .... ,-"""'"- Om,obutyl "-"'I""o,,e ,,-Dcune 45_].1 4S JA 45.34 5100 2 SW9 20.611 5Im1 !04948 2O.!tSII S0951 SoI'7a 20661 SO'M_l 5'ioOO' 2O_W" 118,661 117.627 119_192 121.158 136_01 1ll.59 1)111 In_Ll 5(1]90 1421 SQIIoI} 5410 S08l0 S4aH 50110 S4aJ 6 l1'.s&5 116.sJl 120,CIl1 119,451 125,1) 1.J112,U $;1.50 126511 131"105 SHO 127.1I 13!O,n SlSO 114.21 1.3a') .... Sl_SO 1O.UO 10.636 10_631 10,627 1.l17,64 1.3e41i5 I.J8II.64 l_J'J)J'J S150 SBO SHO 5l.S0 5796 7 !>lOU 10.604 121419 5181) 6UO 10~ llU62 129SJ 1,:m,4} S9M lZl.1 1,)'J2,4{, 5.M sm,1 UU 1 10,570 n9,}M 64913 1J/966 20,S+! 123,611 nlu r4n 10,4\14 125, ...... 11'.71 1)9145 S911S 123_l'to 1 <4(15,02 1>681 Mel~ ... ne 15120176)72018& "9$4 050(1,4 20,1)0 41181 4410,1 10,0» 4IItJ I SlIS 1 10,001 11._61 16]_]4 147,&) 1510 1363 1411.119 73.97 1401145]579 1,40'1.10 0195 H2II.23 0~9S 1421.12 50 11 1-1",_ 14"0 15'P lO1.57 21al,] 13137 18& la 217'14 lOII07 20.611 101.M9 lfi7.94 1141 C\<topo,nl • ..., Methykytl~nto". -- ,-- C""loh.u ... C..-l·But..... Tran ..2·B.u, ..... loobu'_ l-h~,eno! l.2·"tod,....., l..l·Butod_ IIoOp'_ M ............. knune 10/"""" fU,,'It.. ... ene ... Kyle .... .... l'~ p-l""''''' S!",,_ - '............. ~\ 2Un 11'J12 2'10.41 21.1)9 l(1Vi'" J0011 115V 21.1»1 '19,022 )7'0' 5 OOO'l,S :'0921 110.102 1<01)....... • 8 231C lO73.' 10.611 lII66,1 xw.I_1 10,$&4 2160 4 lO61, 1O,S4a lSl'Sl ~, 1O.s4oI 271902')40020, ....7 27)00 28&1_0 10,04] ]410_' :MIll 1 ".964 12fi.296 126.4n llO.&49 129,066 1411 l8 63 IOT.1St 17191 l8U 1046'1(1 174)OJ 18U 102.11&] 1&9... 28 U 110.610 15446 un,4I U1'9 11l.1n <181,1 2625 104,826 (114) 26.25 114,1"" 11531 1411.'" 3341 1422. 14n I U')D] )]01 7 17,"2 1]2,MS 16')31 421)) .... 74,] 18,252 112.1>56 U4 &4 497'00 rul 7 11,0'" lM',4 1.... 0 49S1) Sl100 11"'506,_ 14') <1956. SlOeS ,. .... , Ill.561 J47.l _ , SlOlS 11, .... S 1)1,136 1.... 52 421_1 SOlClO 1"50 1J7,649 I1SI.1 *1 . 51110.) 0 11.165 1)1.117 1)4.1 l1iJ 1501.11 15." "'lI>.9} 4295 14'15.• 50,11 1505.455011 , <f97,Z2 50 11 1 ~,I:! 50 11 1.5Ot.,IJ 47n ''''I.4S 17.V " '" """ 95U • 84 19' 916 626 U "" as 1),0 8_1 18_11 V_I !IIl_l " lall 1!O.1 "" " " "0' 7,7 (111 (7_n 26,0 73.5 74) (7,7) 914 lUI (7J) {l0! (101 (701 (701 (7,0) ". ".... II 0) [1_0) (7,7) 1121 "" " 2.0 " '17 n, ., lU n. ., (70) S.u ".J .,. " (7_01 " 8.35 7_1 95.' III 116,' _0_1 55,] '00. 80.0 n.2 ]4 0 10.0 9_1 1'S6 14.9 80.' m 11 "' ~, +1 .• '.1 U 6,n 318 1250 16_50 18_95 ]420 US lS,50 21_00 2.39 .00 74.10 1&61 ., 1919 /'I;uos<=n 87a 12U w.(~, 97'0,] IlllO la5S • Appendix A·3 An Overview of the SI System of Units H,l '00 ." no '" . ., ill -0_2 974 '00 77_' ~, ~ '0 • 4 66 7 16 10 12 1n •• n. \15 7,9 7, I 6_7 13610 "" D.' (111 810 1l2M 04 5 1 Pre f ixes Factor n.' (1.5) " "" " " •• N. -~" Hy,bos<=" 3S9_ 0_0 .. 4 64,nl 47] 14.600)01. 'V m, '" 70 (701 lUI .~ d.. lulf>de s..lfu. d",AJde Hyd~ "'''''- 116) ""' " "" """'" .......... ,,·ok ·0,1 (701 .,:'61) 12,:'80 ~ohoI 90 1161 " f lhyl O"'lsen " ,.. 11 4) ." ......."""'" 74,S 10981 081 0_78 ·1,' ·1,1 US _}8 -01 97,9 100 .2 B +1.2 .0.2 >+1. M .) ••• .,. ." 10 '8 15 10 12 10 00' 00' 00' 00' 00 ... Svmbol , peta tera T gigs G mega , P M 10-' 10- 2 k.ilo heCla deka deci centi 10- 3 milli 10- 8 micro , pica "p 1 0· t 10- 12 ",no 1 0- 1S femta 10- 11 .tto h " ,d m • (table cQntinucd) 592 Gas Production Engineering Appendix A Appendix A·3 Continued An Overview 01 the SI System of Units 51 a.. s. Appendix A·4 An Overview of the Commonly Used OIl·Fleld Units Quan t It i es " nd Uni t s SI unll ~bol lenglh mISs meter m kilogram tim. second ,kg lemperature emount of substance kelvin K mole mol The two other bUill SI un'l$ are ampere for electric current. ancl candela QUlntity Unit Symbol ~ivalent length Inch f OOt yard mile h yd '" 12 In m' '" Volum e lor luminous Intensity (sq) fOOt sq yard h' .cre Icre sq mile mi 2 plnl(U 5.) quart(U.S.) 9allon(U 51 "" ", cubiC Icu ) foot h' barrel(U 5) bbl Sam. Commo n 51 Derived Uni t s Use d In G,u En gine. ring ICceleration "1;1 meter pe r second squired squire meIer density kilogram per cubic meter acre- f oot Time energy, work. qu.nlitv of h,.t joule entropy joule per kelVin force newton Irequlncy power pressure J Nm N kg rnls 2 H, 11, W JI, J/K p, specIfic heat thetmel conductivity velOCity joule per ki l ogram kelvin Witt per me Ier kelvin meltr per second viSCOSity, dynamic IIlsCOsit y. kinamatlc volume pucal second square meIer per second Cubic meter 593 Velocity N/m2 second minute hour yd' acre -ft , m," d., "'d ye,f Y' feet par second hI. feel per mln\.ue millS per hour ft/mln mph cu fillS J/(tg K) W/!m K) ml, p" m 2/s m' Flow rau (IIOIUme tr iC) faet pe f sacond gallons pef hour b.rrels per day to 5280 It 144 1n 2 9 h' 43560 ,,2 4840 Vel 2 640 acres 27.878.400 ,,2 2" 4 q' 01336806 ttl 1728 in l 7.480 520 gal 5614584 ttl 4 2 g al 43560 ftl '0. 3600 s 24 hr 1440 min Of 86,400 s 36525 d (1150 takan as 365 d) 60 fUmin 06818182 mph 60 ft/s 1466 667 hIs 88 hlmln 3600 fl 3/hr 26929872 gph 15388.495 bpd gal/hr (gph) 3.713 34 £-05 "l/s bbl/d (bpd) 6498 36 £-05 fillS (table continued I • 59. AJlIJrndix A GO\ ProJrlcticm Ellgillt'erilli!, Appendix A·S " Memory Jogger" for Metric Units Appendix A-4 Continued An Overview of the Commonly Used OIl·Field Units MISI gr,In gl,m ounce (.v) ounce (Irov) 0' 0' pounds (mus) Ibm ton f"hnr'fl '0" ton (long) Density liquids Fore. Pressure pounds per tu Inch pounds per tu foot pounds per gallon API gravity 'M Ibm/in l Ibmtrt J Ibm/gal °API 480 gtains .," { '000 16 oz (11111') 2000 Ibm 2240 Ibm barrel Bulish IherlT'al uo,1 Bntish thermal uM per pound·mass { 2300 o 133 660 6 Ibm/g.1 ] 480 520 Ibm/It] 141 S/(specll,c 9ravltv) - 1315 pdl Ibl 0031 081 Ibl 3217405 pdls pOunds per sq Inch Iblfin z 144 Iblilt 2 pounds per sq loot Ibflft z 0068 045 7 IUm Viseosity (dynamic) 46330632 Ibm/lft-s) 32174 05 Ibm/{M-sl 2.15839 £-04 Ibm/(ft-s) Viscosity (kinematic) .q 1001 per second .q inch pllr second ftI/s ,.4 in 2/S) 6944444 E-03 in 1/s) Temperature absolute. de9rees Rankine degrees FahrenheIt ", Ener"". work foot-pound (Iorca) Blltlsh thermal unIt horsepower-hour therm quad ft-Ibl hp-hr therm quad 7781692 ft-Ibl 1 98 E ·06 ft-Jbf '.0 e.05 Btu 1.0 e.,o therm horsepower hp 550 It-Ibl/s Btu/min ]3.000 ft-Ibl/mill 42 407 Btu/mIn 778.169 2 ft-lb1lmln Power Btu par minute /s "R "" '000 OF. 45967 °R-45967 •,.,. , 05 ,. calorie centipoise centlstokes darey degree Fahrenheil (Iemperalure difference) dyne per cenllmeler '001 cubic 1001 (cu tt) cubic 1001 per pound-mass 1t1"lbm) square 1001 (sq tt) loot per minule 0.006 944 Ibfllnz pounds-second per sq inch Ibl-sJin2 pounds-second per sq loot Ibf-slft 1 pounds (mass) per ft-s Ibm/ft-s In square meters hectare 0.16 ctJblc meIer 04 23 poundal pound lorca 2 'BaIlParlt" Metric Values; (Do Not Use As COflverSlOfl Factors) Customary Unit 4375 g"ms 595 loot-pound-Iorce lool-pound-Iorce pel mlnule lool-pound-'Ofce per second holsepowef horsepower, boiler "'" IuIowatthour mile ounce (avolldupols) ounce (fluid) pound-force POUnd-force per squale Inch tPfessure, psi) pound-mass pound-mass per cubIC 100\ section ton. long (2240 pounds-mass) Ion. melllC (Ionne) Ion. short { { lou!es joules per kilogram klloJoules per kilogram JOules mrilipascal-second square millimeter per sacond square mlCromeler kelvin mlliinewton per meIer cenllmelers 30 03 meIer 0.03 cubiC meter 006 cubic meIer per kilogram 0' square meIer 03 meier per minute millimelers per second 5 )Oules 0,02 wan waUs wans (~.:. kilowatt) 750 10 kilowatts 25 centImeters 3.6' rnegaJoules IS kilometers grams 28 cubic C1tnlJmelers 30 newtons kliopascals 7 05 kilogram kilograms per cubic meIer hectares 260 26 million square melers 26 square kllomelefS kilograms '000 kilograms '000' kIlograms 900 ,.. " " { " 'U.a lqUnoal_ • (From Tluo 51 Metric Sy., ..m of l'"lu t)nd SPI;; Metric Sltmdord. 1984, CQlJrtesy of Sod!>ty of P.. ,r,,/...,'" Eng;"........ Richardoon. 1~n~, I • 596 Gas Prod'lelio/! Engilleering ---....... 597 Appendix A·6 Alphabetical List of Units (all Field to 51 Units Conversions) T9~Ffl!'!' ......" _......... ---... ..._'m') "" _,m') r.+.!!II(/IyB ..' £.01 £+01 .< .< ". ". ". ". ". "'" ". ". ". -,~ -....o(S) _(fl) (U $ .......-vI'" ICI'.(U$_I'" lO'e b:lt .. 4~'J'3 ""-Ic) •• ........ (""1 -I"') ....'.. '1111 puctI (PI) I>UC"I (p.) pascal (pal ...-I .... 1m') ~.(~ ~.(~ • 1 ~gl'='l MIl" (lot ~1toINn, 42 ~ BM!,oI'I"'.,m.'_(II'It~) 1Int,1II ",.,mtl_IWF) 6otllllo ",.,mll ..... IWF) I""""" COIIOUCIMIyI a...( ...... ~.I\.(I'ofIl''Fj (...... mtI~1 -,. 1IIu1~)'''1'''1I''f1 l ...... mtI~) IIIu I~ ' _ I.... ·l'II'·'Fj llIItrmli ~I .. jOule (J) 10!.9 '1 t 0!.4 68 1 730 715 ,.~ .....n per _ 1121511 ,.~ 81u1~'. IlluI~T"')1I' 1 "'41314 [-01 81u 1_',0iU--""1I' 81u 1... "OiU>WroU!VllI'".,) 81u 11I'lefmott'....ot.HIl'-.) ... 1.... _ _ .r)Itor'I·_.) 81u 1 - " ' _ TtOIto).1rw--II'-'f} f1r*""'-..;!_) 9IJ 1"'~"',I!'.'fl (....... - 1 8Iu 1.......... _ l .... j.1.II','fl IIIu (...... _ _ tII)Il.II'-'f1 5 112 2001 E.~ S lee 132 e.~ 2i30711 E-O' 2 t2tI 151 f-O' 1151250 e.o, "'''''' "" jcuIIt 1* ......,. (JIm') JOUIt 1* ........ 1..I;m') ..lIt flotl ........ CWm') ..on per ........ (W'm') ..., per ",.,... (W m') ...n _",., ... (W'm') "'1-_1-'111'''''1 _-...... 1 442219 [-01 k-. rw I.... K)I (W (....1<)) 1135~ ,.~ 1 ,,. 1S13 3 '~4&1 ,.~ ,.," ,.~ ,.~ I 134 1S13 E'~ 2~5 ,." 5618 2e3 ,.~ 1 &34 per ",.,... ktlwl (W ("""1()) per ",.,... ktlwl (W1"""1Q) .......III,"a per....,'" ktlwl (W 1m'1<l] per",.,.,. k....... (W (m'I<I) ...n 581~* 21lo114115 20421!101 E.~ E·~ ,.~ .. _ _ ... u .',_ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ,_ . _ _ _ _ .... _ . . . , ....... _ ..... _. ____ .. __ ....,., ...... '.. m.__ ,... _ .. _____ ..... _ ... _............ _--_ .. ~_,.., - __ ,_...........-- ..... _ _ . _ ... _ _ ...... _ .. _ _ _ _ _ .......... _ ......... _ . . U l _ ' _ _ ...... _ (I'. ,.... ."..,_ ....... _ ",, ___ .. VS ........ _ ........... u l _ ...._ .. '" _ _ .. _ .. _ _ ...... ... " _ ..... _ - . .. _ _ ... _ _ .... _ , ,. _ .... U ......... _ , _ _ ... _ _ _ .." " _ .... _ .. , ... _ ... -,_·._t.·_ ..,_ ,_., t. _ ,n. .... _ _ .' .... HlU'( ... • (From TM SI Mdric S!fIt('71O oj t'"Ie....J SPE Merric Sr..nd..rd. 198-4. COIIrtl'$)' of S«ktv oj hrrcHf"t"" E.n$!in«Tf. Rlchlrdton. Te.u.) CllDriet_1 ....... (I5"C) ....... (lIiIogr .... - - . . . T....) caIoIIe (loIogr .... _ 1 ........ (ltiIogI'1n\. .... " ........-..') CIII (.... "'od,..nicaljlem' cool tlnl_IIOIWITIICIt~'g cool t_"iOChemic;I/)Ig cool (lnlemalionej Tabie~(g·"C) cool (IhtoOIoochtmocllll(g'"C) ... pM 1* '*9.... ~1IMn ~I pM_"*'9<.... _...... 4 llot 000 _'m') ...... .... ..,. ...... .... .... ......,, .... _t'") ~("""""""T"") pM!J) .. joule PI< ........ (Jim') pM per 1009'.... (.II"g) jotM per 1dIogr.." IJllcg) lOt'"' IIe/ klIDgr..,,".,..,., (J.(Kg'K)( ~ per klIDgrern k _ (JllkgI()) ...nlWl (~~"., '11168' 350231101 Z.SoI' .1." '19002 "14' 4115 . . 4'8190 4 1.1" 4111002 4114" 4.1 84' ...~ (W) ...., IIe/ melt<' (Wlm') "'(_OI",,", ... ,oI<tI~Icm'-s) ( .I Ilo11· e.IIPftIr1IlriI(t_II.• 10 'em-') ...., per ....!tt"(wm') ..1ft per _ _ rw;(m-Kl) per_(m-') .,...t: ("*"<) -...... 1oIogt.." (kg) 2.0' 1.33322 UII06 :JB city 1 - ""'1 city MOIlI'd lsi MOIlI'd Is) ,,_')1(..........) "'1_OI~ ,lictI).1aT11··C) _ _ al .. _We) ........ -... ..... dtgNeF. ._ --, .............. --- dtgNeF........... "~ I~ Tabie) 1........- 1 EMU oI~ EMUalcun..., EMU aI Netrie pa/"EMU oIlncIuctanot ESU d _ ESU aI CU'r .... ESU aI eItctnc poItr'IWtI ESUol~ ESUal....unoo ,,~ ,.~ ,,~ E·" E·" ,." ,." , ., ,." ,.~ . 41M' •.< ,.~ ,.~ E-Ol E·~ .... E." E.Ol ,." .r .8 ....... ,."''''' 1745321l ,.~ ,.~ ,.~ ,.~ -11<) r • • r"," 21315 -""'- r", - Ir. - 32)11' r • • IT~ ••Si57)11 .5 T•• ',/1. .... ,~ ktHln il() 'fiY'I!','8!u Ilhtornoc:l'>tn'liea ,.~ QIvIn mettr" fIotI ...... (lI<-m')IW] . . . . 1·-.1} _ _ '*"'11'_ (_ "... c:.-..I ,.~ 5.051gn E-l0 2.003112 E-Ol 2.366 8&2 ,.~ E,,'0 _IHI) ('"'*"" oMgrM (qlil ,.~ •. < •. < -'''' -~- ,.~ puCoII.-.d (1""1 . . - - fIotI NCOnd (m',s) _'m') _'m') -~ "Ftor.ft'o9Iu PI"'" 11'.) I>MCIoI If'.) ,." 4UIIS' E+03 .'M' 41868' 4.1M· 6113333 ,.~ ,.~ 41M' U13333 ,.~ "'I~)/I ... 1.... ""'"- ' ... ·IO'•• .. ... _ _ , _ _ ... _ ' _ ... I ... DUSI'IIII(\I.S.) _ _ aI mtteUIY IO'CI wan per mel., k-' rw 1.... 1<)) ....-..,..,.., -.., 81u~T_." 81u t. ." .... ..-ouo'IW 81u 1_"OiU*""-II)1'I'IIn [ '03 .....n per mel ... kelYln rw'(m-Kl) ...., 1*""'" _ Ilhtomtl~1 ..., ,.~ H. ,.., ,." "" , ,." wall 1* met...- . (W (m«)) 9IJ 1.... ~ .... 1.-1I'-'fl _--,....., ~~'F) ...... 8Y .. ,." ''''. 232.·U ,"" ." jOoMl* ......... (.l'kg) pM 1* Wogr_ (J.'I<g1 T_~(_'F) '*'"- (2O"C, )O'JIt (..I) ...., per _ ",jWwoji~ 1G13~E.05 ',OM 350 k _ [W'lm'I<)) 8Iu ~ r_VI>toI ... (_ _ <=*ill (l.i'iOChM'oeaI) oe.o I<"M (J) JOUIt (J) T_I ..... 1"'-11'·'1'} INtmtI~) ,." ,.., ,." 15811'13 £-01 2 JSi 131 1 0!.5 E." , 0!.5 81 E • ., JOUIt (Jl BooIllIlltlm., ..... leI:ff) BIll (lnt...... ~ lllClt)·"'II'ofIl'·'Fj E" E." H. E· .. " To (:or-. From E .02 E·l0 H'Sert E+lI ". ". mel'" 1m') Bti\loI'I ..., ....... , ~ (In!et<1alQ'lll T.t>I.)"" 6o~,"" "'.,m.' """ (mean) ,." • 1108 850' E. 04 _,m') W Btu rlttt .. _ " ~'N ""-ICI \ar.., IF) Appendix A·6 Continued Alphabetical List of Units (011 Field to 51 Units Conversions) IotMn mtItf' 1*"'" UII-m').W) 1.711102 E-Ol _"'""'",., ... per ... ft l(K-m'YW! 1oIogt.." per _ (kg!m) 1.7$2 250 E-O' 1.111 II I E-01 _IN) .8 .8 pUCtllf'.) 1,0' ".,..IJ) 1.602 IV 1.0' 1.0' _",.,.. rN....) rtttdlF'l ..... 1"') "'M '*""Y lMI """'III) !lttd IF) ... "" ~.I"'I -~, ""'" III) .8 1.0' 1.0' ,.~ E-01 E-Ol E- ,g E.~ E·Ol E·" ,.~ ,.~ , 112 &SO E_12 E-l0 3.3355 ,." 2991V '9111155<1 E. 11 '.911115501 e ~ 11 (table continued) • 598 ..... To COf!!!I! F¥" ..-'""" ....,., .... I * _ _ (W'm') _Iq _Iq ,....,.'~111'...-'2'1 ... """_IU$) M' .... 1!"~ '* _ ---.................. fMler _ oecond 'tnI$l ....Ier _ oecond ("",.j IMler PI<"""" (mi.) fMI .. PI< oeconcI' ("... '1 -"11>.1 CMdN 1* met... (C<),II'I') ." jouII {JI _. "" "",. ...nfW) .nlWl 11·"',,_ mew 1* I«»IIIl' (mit') _ PI<.,..;o:wI' I"n,) ....... ..-.,,10'1 -, -,., _,m') _,m') gIIonl~1oQo,od) -I., geIcin IU It 11Ipj) ~IUS ,....'.) ....1... (""1 cI ,",,*,"j'. dryl ........ _ _ (m'.) . . - ' _ _ Im',") IU 5 fIrpIl gII(US Ii_n~ "" (U,S Iop;If.... gIII(USIop;I~ _ _ _ jDI<II lm'iJ) _ _ _ _ tAml tSFC. specoIicUol_I v-r"'I ,....- fiiIIoI ......1 o-r-- t....- ... .-....yJ .... -... --"" .-....-.. _. ._---_., __._-_._ ........-. -_.__m _m _,m') ..... ,m') ..... ~I gil IU It) ,,(U,S., .U IWl _1Wl _1Wl _1Wl -"""" '"""-- 1".Nf) ~(UK) hourI ..........) Nu"1_1 . ........ , ."'. ,." ,,." ." ,.,."" ,." ,." ,·ro ....... ,." ,·ro ,·ro ,." ,-" "'''' ,." ,." , • 41161167 E-Ol 30<1.· E~OI 30<18· E -01 1016:J111 E .01 34282'511 1,)Sstl, ,.~ 37M '" 22'511697 1 l~'" 421·0" 980& 650" E ~ DO ,. 4 ~'OIO 4~092 ·,. 3185412 431!11284 14100M 7 ~7 741 7157747 1420 5501 1,182941 ... ,... ,.~ E~OI ,.~ ,.,.roro ". ". e eoe 650· E. 01 -,m') ho!H\lO'I'I''' (550 ~·IbIIlo) l'IotHpower I~) \IotMI>O'Wer 1-';) ho!_I_) ... 1290:JO.t- £-02 2131 &liS E -02 • 71,.,. 2131 &115 E -02 .630875 E~OJ Idiogr_ PI< ....... (kWm') Idiogrom (l<g) Idiogrom 1* ....... (kvIm'l ~'P.I ",-",,".~~~ "' ..... ~c;m' e-O!I •• ~I (U,S IquldJ 2~&40' ,_(,Id) .,... 1.......) ",loin (11'7tIOO Ibm ,~ ,2903(1" E-02 .........1*_(.... ,.) ,.,..... (m') meier' ....Ier' PI< _ , .... '.) N ft I......... MebOn /IIOOUIUI) E- ~ ....... 1 * - 1....".1 •• .. ... ,-" -,m') roo. 01 .,.IM Ill! 2'F) ...,,' ,,,......... r.;7 3!03 ~(p.) II'..... ( -..... ~) ,E-01 ·ro E-01 ", ,." z". ,,.... ,." E -0' E-O. ,.ro ....... (m) - 1m ) IocJIIUS~ ". ". ". Toc-lFtQm 8C • &oIUT _1m) _ 1m ) ...... (*'*"-1 fl!y!!F!!J • &Sa ., ~(Cl '*..,.,.~) --.......... " IICIDf"d (I) -(II E-OI 1 SI'019I E-Ol 14711H1I" E-OS 1111 eoe E-Ol · ,.~ 10' 74S11 8VII E. 02 ,." "''' ,,." ." ,." ,." ,." '460· 1354" 7 460.3 7 457 0 ''''' 3 ~eo .. 11'0 599 Appendix A·6 Continued Alphabetical List of Unit. (011 Field to 51 Units Conversions) Appendix A-6 Continued Alphabetical List of Units (Oil Field to 51 Units Conversions) ---- '*'" Appendix A Ga$ Production EFlgim'erilig ,.ro --"" tvO~(~l !oUdtSy" " kIIog< .... fOol 1UICtt_.... flonQI pUUlIP., rdI III rnIfCUIY 1l2"F) rdI III .-cury lWf') " " aI ..._ (J'J.rFJ I'IdI aI \6O'F) ~IP.) cuiIL(....--. MCIICn~) .. -," -,,, iIL'~aI_r" -I""') ,",' ...-.. "' - " " 1m") ... .... ~,~T IIiIocaIDM ~ (m".) ....... 1* _ _Plt.-.:lI"'I) ..". __) 'IlherTrocI>tmocall me...) Ii;Ioc8Iori4I llI\em>OCIIerr'I.I)'".., -- ~ (ltMo"oocn.o,iO;.Il~'1 1dIogf..... ~,1Igf) ..m kV""!m (maa) ...:::::... ... 249082 paulIP-) a_ E.O • ,." "",. ,,.ro .ro ,-, ,,,." ." "s.," ,_ roo ,." ,." 331!as 1IMQI1P.) M" E+Ol .~t2. >M' _1"'1 "" ,_m ...... "",. 1 ",lMlerl''''') """",,", joule (J) ...n fW) ...n fW) ~I~ .....- .... Ierl~...,) 1dIog'.... llo,gl plIC;Ij IPI) palCel(PII PIIICeI(PI) _ _ _ (oM) 2731117 E-01 • 162 31' E-07 2!i<1' £-02 W ". E.02 ' .. _ r. - 273,IS 4,186'· 4,19002 411W 6973)33 E~OI 411W 98O&6S· 9110665· 911066S· 9110665· 980&65· 9_80& 65· 2771718 E-OI ,·ro ,." ,." ,." ,." ,." ,." , ,." ... .... ---- ...... ...... --............. ... . .. .........__ _--_ _ __ _-_.--_ -1oIow_ _ IoIpllOOOItJ/j 1dp1n.' (Qi) ~ ....) ...... ~I~ ,.. ,." ,.,. ,·ro c.MCltllPI<"-- 1"""11'1') II.· '1108 M- "...,...,(N) _I. pueeI __ (PI) _ I.... ) '*"""''' 1",,"'11'1') jlUlPI< """'" IJom'I _,,,,) _,m') -""" 1*"-- _ _ (5) ..,., ",*,-(p.o.'1I1 -1"'1 "<iCOIII:I4-""".. t~) _1m) ~ _1m) .... '--1 _1m) _1m) _1m) .... (U.S.........,)'" ..... r~~ ..... (U It nauIicII) ..... {U.S,~ III .... (InI....,.bOnIIj Oq .... IUS ...-..rl'" .. . _ ........ ..:::.=:=.-. "':.:;:.... \"o,w (kmIIi) .......... __ ....... ...- -.... _ _. ._(,Id) ,~'" '·ro ,." ,." , ,." ,.,. ,-" ,·ro ,.ro ,.ro 2~lI9I rnIoi"l* ("".) _ _ leocond MCO"Id (""') --"cI~(O"C1 ....... (angIt) "".. 'M' , , , ,.". ....,... (11'1') pltclllPI) I)UCII IPI) E.,S 2.S89 983 E ~ oe ............ \inlerllrionlQ ""'" (\I'iIemaIionII) E~OI 1609347 E .. 03 1.152· 1.85311-10' E+ro ....1.. 1* MCO"Id I""') .- ,,.ro , 1 &09~. E+03 mila.twl~ .....,..r~ ,.,. I_F""--l) >~. _(m) rnIoi .. ,ml II*.. (ml ....,... (m') kIomeI.. _ 3 113 099 4 11-10' , -I"" ~ 4448 222 .894751 5144444 E~oe 4 470 4· E-01 1.609344· E+OO 2.611224' E+OI 1609~· E~03 1.0· 1 333 22 ... 2~182 (table E.02 E+02 E-04 Clm/illlled) • 600 Gas Production Engineering Appendix A-6 Continued Alphabetical List of Units (Oil Field to $1 Units Conversions) To CC!'/W!!'! F!Q!!! ........ t_fOIw) ........ ('"*NIl _... -- rno;dI( ........ ~) ohm ckvIIt ..... per ft ........ (1-.!upcIo1 _(woyor~ _ ( U K IIuid) _(US~ ...~" 0. (~).gII (\IK kpI) QZ (~)Ip(l).S kp;I) -......- OI(~)/W1' QZr~~11' QZI~yYd' ~IU.S) _re)" PtITII Iz:l"Cl''' " ~('l .-.d(11 NCOr'ICI II' ""'*' f* ........ (Ai"', ohm ........ (0 .... ) ohm'-""'" p e r _ (10........,..,1 1I:IIDvr.",(~) _'m') _,m') 1ubgI.... I..,) ~,~ _ ..... (1+<>1) 1dIogI .... .,.. ...... ~m'J kIogf .... 1* ....... 11<9..., ......... (\0."" kiogf .... _ Ir/Iovr- _ ......... !k9m') 1IiogI_ 1*....t"'!kWm'I _1m)') kq ..mlkg) lUIogr.m _ PfoQ MCIDfId....,.... I"QI(P'''-m')( perm-.! (O"C)'" 1o;lIoQi"" per ~ MCIDfId met.' IkgIIP ...1TI')( kiogIr.." per p.IIQI MCIDfId _ 1*"'1'9\ (23"C)'" tiogr.... _ PQCaI MCIDfId_ - IX8 (prIr-..1 dry) .... (1) S IcIudl .... f\I 5 "'*" IP'I"Itr'I ~I-""""") po<n:I {11m awwdupcn)'" po<n:I (\roy or~) _. -. ..... tom-II'I"""'*" 01_, '.00 _1m) _1m) - " M<:ond (P"'I tiogr-11I91 kIiogr .... I~1 kIIogf .... mN<' 1"vm'J "*'"" ........ 1* ....... !I<9'm'I 1IIIogI.... I*"...cond (\G.'I) ___ .... _10'-'1 _ _(\g.J) 11<9-..... ......... '*9.... _ _ (IogI1) 1IJOgr.... 1* _ (ko.s) ~ 1* "-"\19m') ~,~ -.~ ~''--(toIJ'" IbU.... 1II1\.... "~ I'ItWIOn IN) I'ItWIOn "",erl""") ...-....,.. 1* _(I"""')/Inl] .• ...-''''''-_'''_''''05_1-': . . ..... . ---. -. .....-. ................. {'for.. ' 7.0111 5S2 e.2lli021 1"" l!02 1729_ 3 OSI 517 3 390 515 30115 e78 88091&8 1.55517' , '00 '·00 ,." ,." ,." ,." E-Ol E+ Ie 5.72135 E - 11 57'525 E-ll •. 'Sf 29 ,.~ • 211518 '·00 5!iO$ 105 ,.~ '731 765 E-Ool 351'59I·E-00l E-Ol '535 112. E-Ol 3,~"7 E-01 '2"01\ '·00 2.28391 ,.~ " ) 3 189 ,.~ \'81 1501 . . 00 ' .11112 '28 "00 1 $01 \143 E+Ol .1771133 E+OI 1111126' 1.2511.19 ,.~ ". .... '" 2c 781 190 ,." E-01 ..~ 755.ln '·00 4535 i2. E-Ol 5.1132 764 E-Ol I 382 550 E-Ol '.00 lqe 1501 '.00 ....em . . 00 1.355 818 . . 00 5.331_ E+OI ,_,&0\ ...,," -. ~IVS."'YI ..- "*"'1""1 ."" '" ,." .-(,_Iion_~ gr.,.(Gy) 11* pucIII NCOr'ICII1-(P"')1 1.0' ..... 1d1ogr.... !l<9) pucaI noand (P"I) 1<iIog<am 1* ....,.... ('o.g.m') 1tII11'" (psi) .." 3110344 . . " 2,'" 307 2 9!i7 35.3 Z 710 139 E-OI ~!r" \.lZi&ol& !-OI . . 00 . - ....... 1* ...... [(r+mymJ ~ NCOr'ICI (""") .........., IM" ....... (N.m) 1tII..;"m.·tII-.'!!' "" ,." ""~ ,." ,." ,." " ConY!<! From 1 562 '211 E-12 -'m') _'m') To IbI.....P • 11511'7 E.O! 1.0' '·00 ,1 puaoI (PI) pucIII M<:ond (P ... ) ~-- 2.6211 000 [lvnI{PaflTIn - _ ........ cml'n') ..... _---- --- -- E .. O! 5ta3&11 E .. O! E-12 1iJIoVr..... ~I"vm'J (SI'C. tpeaIIc \ w I _ ) '¥P'Y9y" ' .0' "53 22 I>UCtI MCIDfId (Pu) p..ell MCIDfId (PI'S) 1oiIogr.... 1* ........ f1<9i1Tl') 1dIDgr.... 1* {logim') 1IIogr- _ . . - fII9Im') .... _.-........... "" .......... ...-... _..._-_-.....--_..,..,., . ....... Appendix A-6 Continued Alphabetlca' List 01 Units (Oil Field to 51 Units Conversions) (\giIP.......)1 tnHn.'(rnor-.Iof_) tIrftItaI f\I K Iiqujd) IIrWgtIIU,$. kp;I; 601 Appendix A ~rp.) ",. .......... 1M" ....... (NIrn) to/IbII (1NUI~-....gI'II I_I "110) ..., fU S liQuid) n -"'1-'11) .-... ........, ....... ----... ",lImpe •• "" - _(UwN\Ie~) luDgf_tc'kgl _,m') '-I'M!) -"'(I) ....,...(..., coulomb (C) ,•• Iid IF) -,~ ......... (5) '*'" In) "'M ...., ... Im') CIIndIlIa _ _ _ loo.1TI') mtMr'" _ ..."..., I.... I) _'m') mel.... (m') 1IIogr.... _ ....... f\<g.m) •• ..... """ IJ) "'"('SUY) 10>\ flonsI. 2.2~ Ibm) "'" IIM1ricI "'" lnudear MI\III'...... 01 TNT) "'" Ifllrigerltian) "'"I. . . .) "'" Ishoft. 2000 Ibm) ~-",.. ~'t.- Dt-tDIaI (2000 1l1li IOn I""" H;. O'C) -"..., w. .....-,-",,-W'"' W...• 1\01 Id\oot..... I~) 1IJogr.... 1d\ogI1m (kg) """ (J) ...IH(W) meI"'(m,) ldIogr_ ('leg) 1<Jogo".... 1* mt1 .... (lo.g 1TI') 1dIogr.... PI< MCIDfId (kg.") -.........., .....-IN) 1oIIogr.... (kg) _,m') ~IPII jDultlJ) wtll_~{W"'" wJII _ _ {W 'm ') ,~ IMler,,,,) ~. ........ (m') mtter' _ --.oj (m'JI) \'M"I~) --.oj (I) .,..,11icIer.'" mtle<' (..... ....",...a (I) -"'Ill .~'" '·00 ". ,... ,.~ ...,."..s (I) IUilft·.j ,." E_g! (_~_') ~I* ..-.... --... _,m') E _01 1,101221 -1m) - "'lang") "'"I __ paSQI (PI) newton 1* ~ .... (N.'I<g) ~,78802e , 'Sf)9() E.O! '.7811 0211 E .01 US! 2M E.02 '54 751 '.00 ,.~ ~6oI813T E-OII '!iI121ilM1 E -Ol (_F_,) 1 000000· E-OI 1(59390 e.Ol , 788026 E _01 5.1537N E.02 33356'0 E-l0 3.3356'0 E-l0 1112650 E-12 '.111175~ E. II U12650 E-12 111117 S50I E.-l1 2"1.25 '.00 .. ". , ,." ..... ... 1.0· "11678 ,.~ ,.~ ,." ", " ". ,'·00 '·00 ,." ,." , ." ". "M ,~ 2.11166el 1.018 ()47 E tot"~· 3516800 2 631 6B5 , .00 .0716017 E .02 ,." ,." ",,'" .... ." , ,,, ." .=" '00 ,..,. ,." ". ._•. 2_5111158 E-OI I_F_'I 1.258637 E-OT 10· 1550003 .1 ... • • 361 27. 760155<10 1.27' 258 3 153Il00 3.155115 3155 fi3 "00 ,.~ E.03 E-Ol E-Ol E-Ol ,·00 E.-01 E.07 E_07 • 602 Gas Producliall Engineering: Appendix A o~, 08 38 8 0 80 '. ,. • , ., L I 603 8 "'''' "'''' "' .................. '" ..... ~ .. -- ..... .. ~- ,!." ',e I~ ! ;;; t I ! i IHI~ll I~ '. Ii I! . :.:. , I' I~ , 1 I I{ ,. If Ii 11 II t i If ~ , I' II -... ... ... ze ,., • Appendix B 605 General Nomenclature for FORTRAN Code APPENDIX B Computer Programs (FORTRAN Subroutines) This section presents a few subroutines in FORTRAi'\' that find use in developing any computer program for computations related to gas properties. production. and flow. Readers are encouraged to use these programs as they are, and also as a part of mOTe complex programming effort~. Subroutines CRIPT CASCOM CASVIS FRICF HORIZF CSMITH VERTF HACBR BEGBR Critical pressure and temperature. Cas compre:;.sibility, and compressibility factor. Gas viscosity. Uses subroutine VISCOR for viscosity correction. Moody friction factor calculation. Horizontal steady-state Single-phase flow using various methods. Cullender & Smith method for determining bottom-hole pressure. Sukkar & Cornell method for non-horizontal steady-state single-phase flow. Hagedorn & Brown method for multiphase flow in pipes. ~ & Brill method for multiphase flow in pipes. Al.1Xiliary (Service) Routines INTPI INTP2 ~U\tlNT Linear interpolation for a single-variable dependent parameter. Lagrange interpolation for a parameter dependent upon two variables. Romberg numericaJ integration. 604 APR .. ANC .. APCR .. CR .. DENL .. DELTAP .. DND ... DNFR DNCV .. DNL .. DNLV "" DP ,. DPH '"" DR '"" EPCR .. FF .. FLH .. FNSLH ,. FPCR .. CCRA '" GDEN .. GVIS .. IERR,. I FREG IOU ,. ITER MITER MW P PI P2 PBH PC PL PR PWH QCSC R.."JUM .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. ... .. .. Absolute pipe roughness, inches. Inclination angle of pipe from horizontal, degrees. Acceleration pressure gradient, psi/ft. Reduced gas compressibility. dimensionless. Liquid density. Ibm/cu bic ft. Pressure difference between inlet and outlet for gas flo\\~ psi. Dimensionless pipe diameter number. Dimensionless Froude number. Dimensionless gas vclocity number. Dimensionless liqUid viscosity number. Dimensionless liquid "elocity number. Inside pipe diameter, inches. Depth of well. or elevation difference, ft. Reduced gas density, dimensionless. Elevation pressure gradient. psi/ft. Moody friction factor. Liquid holdup, fraction, No-slip liquid holdup, fraction. Friction pressure gradient. psi ft. Gas gra\'ity (air .. I basis), dimensionless. Gas density, Ibm/ftl. Gas viscosity, cpo Error indication in subroutine execution. F10w regime indicator. I 0 code for device on which output is desired (a file, line printer). Iteration counter. Maximum number of iterations allowed for a trial and error. Molecular weight, Ibmllbmole. Pressure, psia. Pressure at inlet end of pipe, psia. Pressure at outlet end of pipe, psia. Bottomhole pressure, psia. Critical pressure. psia. Length of pipe, ft. Pseudo-reduced pressure, dimensionless. Wellhead pressure, psia. Gas flo\l,'rate at standard conditions (14.73 psia, OR) . Mscfd. Reynolds number. dimensionless. • 606 Ga~ Production Enf!,ill(,l.'rin~ SICMAL T Tl T2 TBH Te TOt. TPGR TR TWH \'ISL Y\1 y Z ZC - Liquid interracial tension, dynes/em. ... Temperature, R. Temperature at inlet end of pipe, R. . Temperature at outlet end of pipe. R. - Bottomholc temperature. cR. .. Critical temperature. - R. .. Error tolerance between itcrati"e solutions. • Total pressure wadient. psi rt (nel.!ative) = - (EGR + FeR + AeR). .. P<;cudo-rcduCE'd temperature. dimensionless. .. Wellhead temperature. 'R. .. Liquid ,·isca.ity. cpo .. Fluid (mi..:durc) \elocity. ftsec. ~ Gas oompmitioo (mole fractions in the ~luence of Table 3-1) array. .. Ca.~ compressibilit~ factor. dimensionless. .. Gas compressibility factor at the critical point (assumt.'<i O.2i) Appendix B 607 c IF(INDEX.EQ.2) GO TO 40 SUMA-OO PCM" 00 TCM-ao 00201·1.18 SUMA" SUMA • Y(I)"MW(I) PCM - PCM • Y(I)"PC(I) TCM - TCM • Y(IJ"TC(I) 20 CONTINUE GORA .. SUMA/28.97 00 TO 60 C 40 PCM .. 709604 - 58118*GGRA rCM - 170491 • 307344'GGRA c C Apply Wichert 8. AliI (1972) coneclion for sour gases c 60 A - V(14) • V(IS) S - VIIS) EPS ·1200·tA·'09 -A U I6)' 150"tS"OS - 8'·40) TCM - rCM - EPS PCM • PCM'TCMI(TCM"EPS • B·EPS"(1 O-B)) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F·~O~R,-,T",R~A'C"~'S~u~b~,"~u~ti~ncs=---_ _ _ _ _ __ RETURN END c c SUBROUTINE CRIPT(lNOex.Y.GGRA.PCM.TCM) c c---------· C C C C C C C C C C This subroutine Iinds the crlticel pressure and temperature 01 a gu Irom its (II COmPOSitiOn. or (ii) gravity INPUT Y or GGRA. and INDEX" I II gas composition Y 15 provided (GGRA 15 computed). .. Z If GGRA is prOVldlld, OUTPUT MllI1ure critical pressure. PCM (psi.) .• nd temper.ture. TCM (Rankine). DATA USED (lor each component)· MW. PC•• nd TC lor IIch component Note If the gl$ 15 sour. supply the mole fraClions Y(14) of C02•• nd Y(IS) ot HZS. to enable Wichert 8. Allz correction C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GASCOM{PR.TRLCR) c C ---------------------------------------------------------------------C C C C C C C C C C METHOD USED Equation of stete methods as follows For TR < > I, use DRANCHUK 8. ABOU-KASSEM's (l97S) procedure for TR • I •• nd PR >- I, use YARBOROUGH 8. HALL's (1974) method For TR" 1•• nd PR < I, use ORANCHUK ET AL's (1974) eQulllon INPUT PRo TR OUTPUT Z. CR C ---------------------------------------------------------------------C C REAL Y(18), MW(18), PC(18), TC(18) DATA MW/16043.30.070.44097.58124,S8.124.72151.72ISI.86.178. , 100205.114232.128.259.142286.28013-44 010.34 076.31999. , 2016.IB0151 DATA PCI 6678.7078.6163.550.7.529.1.4886.4904.4369.3968. I 3606.3320.304.0,4930.1070.9.13060.7371.1882.32036 I DATA TCI 343 1.5498,6657,765 4.734 7.845 4.8288.913.4.972.5. # 1023.9.10704.11118,227.3,5476,672. I I This subroutine cllculates: (i) 9U compressibility I'ctor Z and (ii) reduced 91S compressibIlity CR in the f.nge 02 <- PR <- 20.0. 0.7 <- TR <- 3.0 c IF(TRNE 10) GO TO 103 If(PRGE. 10) GO TO 102 C----- DRANCHUK 8-COEff -------------C CAll ZFACT1(PR,TR,Z.CR) RETURN c C----- HALL 8. VARBOROUGH ------------- • 6<)8 Cas Production Engineering AppeTldix B 609 c c 102 CALL ZFACT2(PR,TRLCR) RETURN OR... OR··'.O oZDR .. Al • A21TR • AlITR3 .. 2.0·CA'.ASITR)·DR , • SO·AS·A6·DR.ITR • (20·A7·DRfTR)) , ·(10<-M·DR2-CA8··2 0)·oR4)*EXP(-AS·OR2) CR .. , O/PR - (ZC/IIZH20)-TR))·(DZDR/CI.0+CDRIZ)·OZOR)) C----- ORANCHUK l1-COEfF _____________ _ C c 103 CAll ZFACT3(PR.TRLCR) RETURN 'NO c .................................................................... .. c c c RETURN 'NO c ...................................................... . C··············· c SUBROUTINE ZFACT2CPRTR.l.CRj SUBROUTiNE ZFACT1(PR,TRl.CRj c ------_______________________________________________________________ _ C Applies Oranchuk'l ,I (1974) B-coeH equalion C Uses Newton-Raphson method for guessing reduced denSIiV OR (r.presented here bV the symbol VJ, then calculates Camp laCIor Z. eC -------________ • _________________________________ . ___________________ • c C --- --- ----- - - -- - - --- --- - - - -. -- ----- - - -- - --- -----. - - - ------ - --- --- ----C Follows the procedure Irom Yarborough and Hall's (197') paper C Nomenclature and melhodologV similar to subroutine ZFACTI C ------.--------------------------------------------------------------- c C REAL Y(IOS), F(IOS). OFDY(10S) REAL VIIDS). F(IOS). OFDY(105) c c c Y(1) .. 0.3723 TOl .. 0.0001 TRI .. 10fTR TRI2 .. TRI**2.0 TRI3 .. TRI·"3.0 DATA. A I.AZ.AJ.A4.A5.A6.A7.A8! 031506237, -1 04670990.-057832729. *053530771. -061232032. -0 10488813.068157001, 0 6S"6S'9/ YO)- 0372J TOL - 00001 TRJ-TR··3 c 00 10 I - '. '00 c c c FCI) .. YCI) • CA,·A2/rR.A3fTRJ)"CYClj·.2.0) .. CA4+ASlTR) , ·(Y(I)··) 0) • AS·A6fTR·{Y(I)··6.0) • (A7 fTRJ).CY(ljU30) , ·(10"AS·(Y(I)"'"2 0))·EXP(-AS·CY(I)o·2.0)) - o 27*PRfTR OFOY(l) .. , 0 <- 2.0·CA '<-A2ITR+A3ITRJj"Y(I) <- 3.0.(A•• ASfTRj , ·CYCW·20J - (6 0·AS·A6ITR)·CY{lj"SO) _ (A7ITRJ)"{YCI) , "*20)·(3 0<-3.0·AS·CY(I)··20)_2 0·CASoo2 0).C YClj •• 4.0)) , • EXP f- A8·CYCI)"20)) YCI.,) - Y(I)- F(I)IOFOY(I) ERR .. ABS{Y{I_I)_ Y(I)) IF (ERR LHOlJ GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE c c c C ----- Computations lor CR __________________________ _ C ZC .. 0.270 DFoYCI)" (1.00 'O·Y(I) 6 '0·(YCI)h2.0) - '0*CYCI)U3.0) , + YCI)··'.O)/((I.O- Y(II)··' 0) - CZ9 SZfTR-19 5Z*TRIZ , 69.16*TRI3)"Y(I) • (2 18<-Z 8ZfTRJ"(907fTR-Z'2.Z·TRI2 , <-"Z.4*TRI3J·(Y(lj··C I. 18 .. 2.8ZITR)) Y(I+ 1) .. YO)- f(I)/ DFDY(I) ERR" ABSCYU<-I) - Y(I)) If (ERR.lE.TOl) GO TO ZO 10 CONTINUE c 20 OR,. Y(I.,) OR2 ,. OR u 2 0 z .. '.0 <- CA1-A2ITR<-AlfTR3j.DR <- (A •• A5ITR)"OR2 , <- (AS*A6ITR)·COR"S 0) • (A7/CTR**3.0))"OR2 , "11·0. A8·0R2).EXP(-A8.0R2) DO 10 I .. I, 100 F(I) .. -0 0612S·(PRlTR)·EXP(-1,2<-1I1.0-TRI)U2 0)) , .. C{Y(I)+YCI)··2.0<-Y(I)·"3 O-YCW·' 0)/((1.0-Y(I))··30)) , - (1'.76ITR-9.76·TRI2.' S8"TRI3)O(Y(I)d2.0) , • (90.7fTR-242.2°TRI2<-'2.'''TRI3)·(Y(I)··CZ18o 2.82fTR)) ZO OR - YCt.,) z .. (0.0612S·CPR/TRj·EXP(-,Z·C(I.0-TRI)"·ZOj))fDR C C ----- Computations lor CR --------------------------C ZC- 0.Z700 TR2 .. TRuZ.O TR3 .. TRO·J.O OlDY" ('<-'·DR-Z*COR··ZO))/((I-OR)··' 0) - (1'.76fTR-9.76ITR2 , +4.S8/TRJ) 0 C90.7ITR-Z42 2fTR2.'2 'ITR3) • 610 c Ca., Production ErlKineeriug Appendix B , ·(1.1S-282ITR)*COR"*(O lS+Z.82fTR)) CR .. 10/PR - (ZC/((Z·oZO)OTRWfOZOY/(10o(DRlZloDIOY») 70 PRCAl-P/0.27 IF(ABS(PRCAl-PR)-OOOI ) 170.170.80 80 IF (PRCAl-PR)ISO,170.90 90 DR .. DRI OElDR .. DELOR/2 0 00 TO 160 100 ORI .. OR-(P-O 270'PR)/OP IF (ORI)110.nO.120 110 ORI - OS-OR 120 IF{DRI-22) 140.1'0,130 130 ORI - ORo09"{22-0R) "0 IF{ ASS/DR-OR I )-0 0000 1 ) 170.150.150 ISO DR-DR I 160 CONTINUE 170 Z .. 0,270 oPRI(OR"TR) 200 CONTINUE RETURN c 'NO c ••••• ................ u ••••• u ........................................ c SUBROUTINE IFACTJ(PR.TR.I.CR) c c -- '''''---. --------------------------________________________________ 0 __ C Or.nchuk & Abou"Kusem-s (1975) procedure deroved from Starhng EOS. e uSing' l-coef1s C C ---0------. --------------------____________________________________ 0__ c 611 DATA Al.A2,A3.A4.A5A6,A7.A8A9,A10A11 /0.3265.-10700,-05339. 1001 S69. -005165.05475,-07361,0.1844,0.1056,0 6134, 07210 I C ITeR .. 0 J • 1 OR" '.0 C ----- Computations for CR --------------------------- C ZC .. 0.2700 OR2 .. ORO"2,0 OR4" DRh,.O OZOR .. A I .. A2ITR .. A3/TR3 .. A'ITR ... As/ITR"OS 0) , .. 2.0"(AS+A7ITR_A8/TR2)"OR - s.0"AS"(A7{TR-A8/TR2j"OR' , .. (A 10"(OR2ITR3)-A I 0°.0, II O(DR'fTR3),"(-2 0".0, IIOOR)"EXP(-A II-OR2J , .. (2.0"A I 000RITR3_' 0-.0, 10°.0, 11"(OR--3.0)/TR3)"EXP(-A II"OR2) CR .. I,O/ PR - (ZC/((Z**20)"TR))" (OZORl{1.0-(ORIZ)*OZOR)) TRl • TRuZ TRJ .. TRo'J TR4 .. TR"·. Cl .. A7.ABITR CO .. C2 .. C300 C4 • Al*TR -A2 *AJITR2 -A4tTR3 +ASfTR4 ASoTR .Cl -CI*A9 AIOITR2 c c RETURN IF (PR-30 0) 10.10.200 10 IF ITR-10) 20.20.30 20 J • 0 DRooOO DElDR" 01 30 IF (TR-3.0) 40.'0.200 .0 DO 160 ITER· 1.100 IF (J) 50.50,60 50 ORI • OR DR • DR.OELOR 60 DR2 .. ORu2 DRS· OR-oS TI • CO"OR T2 • C2"OR2 T3 .. C3°DR5 T• • C,oDR2 T5 .. AnoOR2 T6 • EXP(-TS) P - ITRoT1-n-T3)OOR -T4"DRO(10_T5)"T6 DP .. TR·200T '-30"T2oS 00T3.T'"TSO(30_3,0"Ts-2,0*TsOTS) IF (J) 70.70.100 c 'NO SUBROUTINE GASVIS(PR,TR,T,INOEl(Y.GGRA.GVIS,IERR) c C-------------------------------------------___________________________ _ C Cllculltes the viscosity at I 915 from liS (i) composition, using Stl,1 ,nd Thodos (1961) 'qullion. C C or (ii) gravity using Clrr .t.1 (1954) method C Pressure correction by C,rr.t ,I. (195') is used c C V.lid in the rlnge of 105 <'" TR <'" 30, 0.10 <- PR <'" 20,0, SOD < .. T <- 860 (Rlnklne). Ind 0.55 <oo OGRA <- 1,50. C C INPUT' CPR, TR, T. C INOEX .. I If gas compOSition Is known C .. 2 It gas grlvlty only is known, C Component mole frictions, y, C or GORA Ilongwith the mole Ir.ctlons 01 N2. C02 Ind H2S. C OUTPUT: On viSCOSity OVIS It PR, TR, Ind C IERR .. Error indlClllon - beyond rlnge a. method C SUBROUTINES USED, VISCOR. INTP2. C------------------------______________ ______________________ ____ _ • 612 Gal Production Engineering c REAL VIIS). MW(18), PCPS). Te(18). VCQMP(18) Appendb:: B C 150 IERR '"' 1 GVlS '"' 0,0 RETURN OATA MWI 15043.30070,44097,58 124,58,124,72.151.72 151.86.178, c , 100.205.1'4232.128259,142286,28013.44.010,34076.31.999. , 2.016,180151 DATA PCI 6678.7078.6163.550.7,529 1,488 6.490 4,436 9,396 8, f 3608,332 0.304 0,493 0.10709.1306.0,737,1,1882.32036 I DATA Tel 343 1.549 8.665 7.765.4,734 7,845.4,828 8.9134.972 5, I 1023910704,11118.227.3.547.6.612.4,278.6,599,1165.1 I C ---- VISCOSITY AT 1 ATM & GIVEN TEMP T ---------------- C c C --GIS "'Iscoslty II 1 81m & gtven temp Tusing componenl data __ _ C C ---- VISCOSITY AT GIVEN PRESS & TEMP C 200 CALL VISCOR{PA, TR,GVISA,.GVISJERRj RETURN END c 51· TC(I)"(1./6.)/( (MW(I)"*{O.5})*(PC(I)H(2./3.))) TRI • TITCII) IFITRt,OE.1.S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . • . . • c SU8ROUTINE VISCOR(PR,TR,GVISA.GVIS.IEAR) c C----------------------------------------------------------------------- 00201-1,18 ao TO 10 VCQMP(I) • (34E-4)*(TAl u O.94)/SI GO TO 20 10 VCOMP(1) - (1.778E-4)·( (4 58"TAI - 16W·{5/8,) )/51 20 CONTINUE c c c C .. u IF(INOEX,EQ.2) GO TO 100 613 SUMA" 00 SUMB - 00 00301-1.16 SUMA .. SUMA .. VCOMP(I)"Y(I)*(MW(I)··05) SUMB .. SUMB - Y(I)·(MW(I)**O 5) 30 CONTINUE OVISA - SUMAfSUMB GO TO 200 C ---- Gu VISCOSity .t 1 .tm & givln tamp, Tusing GGRA ----- C 100 IF( GGRA LT 0,55 .OR GGRA GT, 1,50) GO TO ISO IF! T .LT. 500 0 ,OR. T GT, 8600) GO TO 150 T-T-460,0 GORA2 .. GGRA'''20 OGINV - 1,0/(1.0-GGRA) VBASIC" 0.0126585 - 0.00611823"GGRA ... 0,0016457.·GGRA2 , - 00000164574"T - (0.71922E-06j"GGRA"T - (0.609046E-06)·GGRA2"T CH2S· 1.0E-6 - ((1.13E-4)"YHZS*GGRA -(3.BE-5)"YH2S .'.0E-6)"OGINV CC02 .. (0,000134"YC02"GGRA - 0000004·YCOZ + 0,000004·GGRA)*GQINV , - 0.000003 CN2 - (0.000170·YNZ"GGRA _ 0.000021"YN2" O,OOOOI·GGRA).GGINV , - OOOOOOB GVISA - VBASIC + CHZS .. CCOZ + CNZ T-T+480.0 GO TO 200 C Calculates 91S viscosltV at PA, TR from kJlown viSCOSity GVtSA at C 1 atmosphlre. using Carr It.1 (1954) method. C valid in the renga of 1,05 <- TR <- 3.0. 0 10 <- PA <- 20,0 C INPUT: CPR, TR, OVISA C OUTPUT: C GVIS .. Gas visCOSI!V at PR, TA C IERR - Error Indication - tlevond fange of !Itlte values C SUBROUTINES USED INTP2. C DATA USED C VlSTBl .. Tebla of viscosltv ratios .5 • function of PA. TA. C TRTel - Tamplrlture values In thl viscoSity tebla C PRTel" Prlssure v.lues In thl viscosity t.bla C---------------------------------------------------------------------c DIMENSION PRT8l(22), TRTel(13). VISTBl(Z2.13) INTEGER HP, HT DATA PRTBU 0,1.02,,, , 1.8,2.0.30,4, O.ZO 0 I DATA TRTeU , 15,1 ZO,I ,30,1 40,1 50, 160.1.75.Z00.ZZ5.Z50.3 01 DATA VISTBU , 1.000,1012.1,025,1 050.1 075,1.10.1 145.1 195,1285.1.415.1.76. , 2.285.2865.3 29.3650.4 760,5 5.6 460.1 150.7.680.865.9370, , 1.0.1011,1 023,1043,1065,1 086.1 120.1 150.1 195.1255. I 435, , 1.70,2.070,2 465,2.B,3 85,4 655.,7 06,8.1,888, , 1.0,,1 036,1 055.1073,1.095,1 12,1145,1.175,1.28. , 1.42,1.59,185.2 16,3.225,3.975,5,030.58Z,6.385,7410.8 lB. , 1.0,1009,1019,1.03,, 11,1 135.1.195, , 1.285,1.425, 6.335.438,5 125.5 74.6.75,7.5, , 017.1,027,1.04,1.054,1,063.1.075, , 1.215,1.285.136,1,46,2.02,2 185,4 755,5,79,65. ,,1.015,1 024.1 035.1048.1 056.1 1.1.135. I 1.185,,1335,1.69.21\.2.19.338. I,1 013.1,021.103.1 042.1,049, 1059.1.078,1 1.1 12, • 614 Gas Production Engineering # 1.15,1.185,122.126,1.5,1.785.2.325,2.82,323. I, c I 1.0,1,005, 1 011.1 018,1025,,1,067,1 07.1 095, , 1 18,1215.1385,1595,2030,2425.2.77,349. 4025. , 1 0.1 004. '.009.1.015, 1021,1 ,03, 1 035,1 043.1 056.1.065,109, I 1 11,1.125,1 145.1 165.128.1435,1.77,,299,3.5. , 1 0.1 003.1 007.1012.1,017,1024.1,028,1035,1045.1 055, '.06, f 1070,108.1095.1.11.1205.,955.2.48,2925 , 101002.1005.1009.1013.1018,1021.1027,1034,1040,1,045, , '.055.1 065. I,1 21,1 34 I 485.1 665.2.085,2 46, I 1 0.1 001.1 003. t 006.1.009.' 012, I 015.1 019.1,023, '.025. '.03, • '04,105.1 06.1 36. ! 485.! .8J.2.! 5, I ! 0.1 0.1.001, 1003.1005.1007. 1009,1.011.1013.1,015, 1020, I 1025.103,1 OJ5, 1,04.! 06,1085.1.14, 1205,1265,1495,1.75 I Appendix B 615 c C ---- VISCOSITY AT GIVEN PRESS eo TEMP ---------------C 60 GVlS - VlSGR·GVlSA RETURN C 100 IERR - 1 GVlS .. 0,0 RETURN END c c.. •.. •.... •.... •• .... ••·••• .... •·•••••••••••• .. •••• ........ •• .. •• ...... c SUBROUTINE INTP2{X)(I,X2)(3.X4 YY1,Y2,Y3,Y4) IERR "0 IF{ TR LT, 1.05 OR TR GT 300) GO TO 100 IF{PR LT DOlOR PR GT.200)GOTO 100 c C ---- VISCOSITY RATIO ----------------------- ____________ _ C lP .. 2 HP - 21 c C----------------------------------------------------------------------C This subroutine finds the value Y for a given X IVlng In the range C of four points (Xl.Yl). (X2.Y2). (X3,Y3), and (X4.Y4), C using the generalized Lagrange Interpolalion equation C----------------------------------------------------------------------C AI-XI-X2 A2 -Xl-X3 A3 - Xl -X4 A4 .. X2- X3 AS .. X2- X4 AS .. Xl-X4 Bl .. X- Xl - X- X2 83 - X- X3 B4 - X- X4 Y .. B2JA1'B3/A2 'B4/A3 'Yl - BlIAI'BJ/A4'B4/AS'Y2 I + BlIA2'B2JA4'B4/AS'Y3 - BlIAJ'B2JAS'B3/A5'Y4 LT - 3 HT .. II DOIOJ-LT.HT IF{TRTBL{J).GE.TR) GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE J-HT" 20 IF{PRTBL{lP - l)lT PRJ GO TO 30 I • I CALL INTP2{TR.TRTBl{J- 2), TRTBl{J-I), TRTBl(J), TRTBl(J" I. I VISI. VlSTBl{I.J- 21.VlSTBl{I.J-l ),VISTBL(tJI,VI STBl(I,J'I)) VlSGR - 1.00 • (PR '(VISI-I,D)) GO TO 60 c .2 C RETURN 30 IF(PRTBL(HP • ').GT.PR) GO TO 40 , - HP • 1 CAll INTP2{TR,TRTBl(J-2), TRTBl(J-I).TRTBl(J), TRTBL(J" I. I VlSI,VISTBL(I.J-2),VISTBL(1.J-I),VISTBL(I.J).VISTBL(I,J"II VISGR .. VISI GO TO 50 c 4000451-LP.HP IF(PRTBL(I) GE PRJ GO TO 50 45 CONTINUE I .. HI'. I 50 CAll INTP2{TR.TRTBl{J-21.TRTBl(J-l1.TRTBl(J).TRTBL(J"), I VISJ. VISTBL(I.J- 2),VISTBl(I,J-! I.VISTBl(I,JI, VISTBl(I.J -, I) I .. I - , CAll INTP2(TR.TRTBl{J - 2), TRTBL(J-I), TRTBL(J).TRTBl(J" I, I VISI, VtSTBL(I,J- 21,VlSTBL(I,J-I ),VISTBL(I,J),VI STBl(I,J' , I) VISGR - VlSI' (VISJ-VISI)'(PR -PRTBLUl)/(PRTBl(I'I)- PRTBl(I)) END C SUBROUTINE FRICF(OP.APR,OGSC.GGRA.GVIS.FF) C C----------------------------------------------------------------------C This subroutine finds the MoodV friction lactor lor gas flowing in C • pipe. using Colebrooke's equation, With Newton-Raphson itlrltion C INPUT: COP, APR, OGSC, GORA, QVIS C OUTPUT: C FF (MoodV Irlctlon faClor) C---------_____________________________________________ ----------------C REYN - 20 123·0GSC·GGRAI(GVIS·OP) A - APR/(37'OP) FF" 0.030 TOl .. 0.000005 • 616 Gal Production Engineering e 108" A + o 62S1(REYN*(FF Appendix B e U DELTAP .. PI - P2 PRI .. PIIPC PR2 .. P2IPC PAV" (20130)*(pl"30 - P2*~0)/(PI··20 - P2"2.0) PRAY .. PAV/PC CAll GASCOM(PRAV.TRAV.ZAV,CRAV) CAll OASVIS(PRAVTRAV.TAVJNDEX,Y.GGRA.GVISAV.IERR) COEF4 .. (OP"S O)/(GGRA"TAV*Pl) RHS4 .. 7 969634*PC*(S20 0/14 73)*(COEF4"OS) COEF" (PI"20 - P2·*20)*(COEF4IZAV) RHS .. S.63S3821*(S20,0114.13)*(COEf**0 S) O 5)) GO" 1.0/(FF""O 5) + 2.0"AlOGIO(S) C .. O.314/(REYN"{Fp·'511 OOOF .. -05/(FF"·'.5) - (2 O/ALOG(10.0))"(C/8) ffN .. FF - OQIDGOF IF(ABS(FFN-Ff).lE,TOL) GO TO 20 Ff " FFN GO TO 10 e 20 FF .. FFN RETURN END e SUBROUTINE HORIZf(DP.PLAPR,INDEX Y.GGRA.PC,TC.T1.T2.lFINO. , IMETH,OOSC,Pl,P2.0ElTAP) e C---Thll unknown rate must be guessed to enable calcn of FF-C except tor thl clSe of IMETH .. 1. e e fF .. 0.0321(OP"(1013 0)) OGSC .. RHS / FF·*O,S tF(IMETH,EQ.l) RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------C This subroutine finds the pressura drop or 'Iownle C tor steady-state ,Ingle-phas, ;1$ flow in I horllontal pipe. using C (I) If IMETH .. 1, than Weymouth equltlon C (iI) If IMETH .. 2, Ihln Plnh.ndle-A aqUlllon C C 617 e C ---Iterate for Flow rate and frIction factor ---------- e (ill) If tMfTH .. 3, then f.nhendll-B equation (iv) If IMETH .. 4, then Clinedlns! equltlon, e e It IFIND .. 1. then compute 'iowrelil (Irom known PI and P2) .. 2. ttlen compull pressure drop (from known OOSC and PI) .. 3. ttlen compute pressure drop (from known CGSC and P2) e INPUT OP, Pl, APR, INDEX, Y, GORA. PC, TC, Tl. n, IFIND. IMETH, .nd ani of thin threl (i) PI and P2. or (ii) cose and PI, or (II) OOSC and P2 C OUTPUT One of thase threll. dilpendlO9 upon input (i) OOSC. or (Ii) PI and DELTAP, or (iii) P2 and DELTAP SUBROUTINES USED: C GASCOM, OASVIS, FRICF. NUMINl. INlPl e e e e e e e e C----------------------------------------------------------------------e COMMON TRAV DIMENSION Y(18). DATARA(100,2) e ITER - 0 IF(IMETH,EQ.4) CAll NUM1NT(PR2.PRI ,V1NT) 10 ITER" ITER" 1 IF(tMETH,EQ.4) GO TO 20 REYN .. 20.123*OGSC·GGRA/(GVISAV·DP) IF{IMETH Ea.2) FF .. 0 0768/(REYN u O 1461) IF(IMETH Ea.3) FF .. O,003S9/(REYN**003922) OGSCN .. RHS/fF"O,S 00 TO 40 20 CAll FRICF(OP APA.OGSC.OORA.OVISAV.FF) OGSCN .. (RIIS4/fF u O,5j-(VINT**O S) 40 ERR" ABS(OGSCN - oosq/OGSC OGSC - OOSCN IF(ERR.m .TOLANDITERlE MITER) GO TO 10 RETURN e C--- CASE OF PRESSURE DROP CALCULATION ------------ __________ _ e e 100 COEF .. (GGRA·TAV*PlI/(Op··S 0) TOl .. O.OS MITER" 20 TAV" T1 IF(Tl.NE.T2) TAV" (Tl - T2)/ALOG(T11T2) TRAV .. TAVrrC e IF(IFIND,GT.I) 00 TO 100 e e e C--- CASE OF FLOW RATE CALCULATION ----------------------- RHS" COEF*, 14.13*OGSC/( S.6353821·S20.0) )··2.0 RHS4 .. COEF-, 14 73-0GSC/(7.969634·PC*S20 0) )U2.0 C--The unknown pressure must be guessed to enable calculation 01 C Iverage Z-factor. and also friction flctor (except IMETH-I) C which dapends upon gas viscosity FF .. O.0321(OP·-O.333) D2P .. RHS·FF • 618 Ga3 Production Engineering Appendix B IF(IFINO E0-2) P2 .. (P,U20 - D2P)**Q 5 IF(IFINOeG.3) PI" (DlP. PZ**ZO)**Q.5 200 PRI .. X PI .. PR1·PC ITER .. 0 C 110 ITER -ITER. 1 PAV· t2013 OjO(P,U3,O - P-'·o30}/(P\--ZO - fZ U 210 DElTAP .. PI - P2 RETURN 2D) PRAV .. PAV/PC CAll GASCOM{PRAV.TRAV.lAV.CRAV} END CALL GASVIS(PRAV,TRAV,TAv,INoex,Y,GGRA,GVISAV,IERR) cC REYN .. 20 123*OGSC"GGRAI(GVISAV"OP) c GO TO (140.120.130,1S0j.IMETH c c 619 ._uu............... ·..........·······u............................ SUBROUTINE NUMINT(A.B.VIND 120 Ff" O,0768/(REYN··O 1461) GO TO 140 130 FF .. Q,Q0359/(REYN-"O,03922) c 140 D2PN .. RHS"Z,AV"FF IF(IFIND E0.2) P2 .. (p,uZ.O - D2PN)**Q.5 IF(IFIND,Ea.3) PI .. (02PN • P2*-2.0)··O.5 ERR" A8S(02PN - D2P)/02P D2P .. 02PN C ---------------------------------------------------------------------C C C C C C C ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------C IF(ERR GT,TOL.AND.lTERLT.MITER) GO TO 110 COMMON TR DIMENSION T(I1.11) DELTAP .. PI - P2 RETURN c C TOl" 0 OOOS MITER" 10 C-B-A FA .. FUNCG(A) FB .. FUNCG(B) ITER - 1 lVl- 1 KMAX" 1 T(ll) .. (CI2,O)*(FA • FB) VlNTO" T(l . l) C ---- For IMETH .. 4 ------------------------ C 150 CALL FRICF(OP,APR,aGSC,GGRA,GV1SAV,fF) VINT .. RHS.oFF PfU .. PIIPC PR2 .. P2IPC IF(IFINO_Ea.3) GO TO 160 PflGl .. PRI PftQ2 .. osapR2 GO TO 170 160 PRG2 .. PR2 PftGl .. osapRl C c 170 DO 190 I - I,SI CAll NUMINT(PRG2,PRG1.0ATARA(I.2)) IF(IFINO.EQ3) GO TO 180 OATARA(I.l)" PRG2 PRG2 ,. PRG2 + 002·PR2 GO TO 190 180 OATARA(I,I)" PRGI PRO 1 ,. PRQl + 0.02 apRI 190 CONTINUE C CAll INTP1(2.I.DATARAXVIND IF(IFINO Ea.3) GO TO 200 PR2 - X P2 - PR2·PC GO TO 210 - ... This is I gener,1 subrouun. for per10rmlng numerical integration using th, fISt Ind accurat' Romberg's method INPUT: Integrltion limits lower' A to higher B OUTPUT: Value of the Integrated funct ion. VINT FUNCTION used: FUNCG. which evelue,.s the Integrand lor the ClinedinSI equation in this elSe c 10 ITER - ITER" 1 lVl .. lVl • 1 KMAX .. KMAX .. I OX - C/(20· 0 (KMAX-Ill l .. IFIX( 2.0*"CKMAX-l) - 1 ) SUMF - 0.0 DO 20 J .. l ,l SUMF .. SUMF + FUNCG(A .. J·OX) 20 CONTINUE T(1.KMAX) .. (O)(l20)*CFA + Fe .. 20*SUMFI 00 40 l .. 2,lVL 0030 K" KMAX-1.1.-1 EX .. 4.0"(L-l) FAC .. 1.0/(EX - II T(L.K) .. FAC*CEX·T{L-l.K.') - T(L-l.K)) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE • 620 Appendix B Cas Production Engineering 50 IF(IEa.M.ANOAGT 1.0) GO TO 80 IF(A.lT.I.O) GO TO 100 IF(A.EQ.l0J GO TO 70 60 CONTINUE c 'lINT· T(lVL 1) ERR'"' ABS(VINT-VlNTO)1V1NT IF(ERR.LE.TOLANOHER.LE MITER) RETURN VlNTC • YlNT C 70 Z .. DATARA(IJHV} GO TO 100 GO TO 10 'NO SO Z • OATARA(M.lHV) A .. 1.0 cc ....................................................................... . C c 100 IF(INDEQ.Z) GO TO 110 y .. DATARA(I-l,ZJ .. A-(OATARA(I,2) - OATARA(I-I,2)1 FUNCTION FUNCG(PR) COMMON TR RETURN 110 X - OATAM(I-I ,I)" A*(DATARA(I,I) - OATARA(I-I.l)) IF(PR l1.0.2) 00 TO 20 CALL GASCOM(PR.TR.l.CR) C FUNCO • PR/Z RETURN 20 FUNCO '"' 00 RETURN 'NO cc ..................................................................... . RETURN c SUBROUTINE INTP1(IND,M.DATARA,X,V) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------This I•• IIne'f interpolation routine. c C For INO '"' 1. Y Is dlllirmined for' glvefl XC INO • 2. X Is determined for. given Y C INPUT: C DATARA· Arr • ., 01 (X.V) dall points e M . number of dIll points (Iangth of arr • ., DAlAMI, C----------------------------------------------------------------------C DIMENSION OATARA(100,Z) SUBROUTINE CSMITH{OP,PLDPH,APR,INOEX,Y,GGRA,PC,TC,OGSC,PWH,TWH, # TBHJSFCON,PBH) c C----------------------------------------------------------.-----------This subroutine finds Ihe bottomhole pressure for static or C steady-Slate single-phase flow of gas through I non-horizontal pipe, using Culiender & Smith (1956) method C C A third-order numerical integration Is used insteld of Simpson's rule. C INPUT: COP, PL DPH. APR. Y, INOEX, GGRA. PC, TC, C OGSC, PWH, TWH. TBH (if 0, then It Is estlmlted by this pro9ram). C and ISFCON .. 0 for stltic (no flow) well .. 1 for flowing weil. C C OUTPUT: PBH C C SUBROUTINES USED GASCOM. GASVIS, fRICf C----------------------------------------------------------------------C c IF(INO EQ.Z) GO TO 10 IHV" 1 c l·X GO TO ZO 10 IHV - Z c 'NO c c C 621 l·Y c DIMENSION Y(IS). A(4) DATA AI 0125, 0375, 0375, 0 125 1 TOl .. 0.001 MITER - 20 C--Inltlll guess of PBH, TBH if unknown --C Z000601-Z,M A- IZ - OATARA(I-l,IHV))/(OATARA(I.IHV) - OATARA(I-I,IHV)) IF (A) 30,40,50 30 Z· DATARAll ,IHV) A- 00 GO TO 100 40 Z .. OATARA(I-I,IHV) A" 00 GO TO 100 If(PBH.EQ.O.O) PBH - PWH • 0.00002s oPWHoDPH If(TBH.EQ.O.O) TBH - TBH .. O,OlsoDPH c Gl - 0.0187S-GGRA*DPH IF(ISfCON.Ea.I) Gl- Gl*IOOO.O PRWH .. PWHIPC TRWH - TWHITC CAll GASCOM(PRWH,TRWH,l,CRWH) PTZ .. TWH*VPWH , 622 Gas Production Engineering c ITER-a IF(ISFCON Eo.O) GO TO 20 PTZ .. lOIf'TZ CALL GASVISjPRWH.TRWH.TWH,INDEX,Y,GGRA,GYlSWH.lERA) CALL FRICF(OP.APROOSC.GGRA.GVISWH.FF) FQ2 .. 2.6957*(1 OE-6)*(FF/4 OJ*(QaSC"*20j*PU(DPH*{OP'os.O)) TKENER .. 1 11\*\ 815*(1 OE-S)*GGRA"(OGSC**2 O)l(PWW(OpU4 0)) PTl- (PTZ ~ TKENER)/(FOZ • 000I"(PTZ**ZO)) 20 VINTGl .. A(l)'PTZ PRES" PWH TEMP" TWH VlNTG I .. V1NTG2 C C-----Integr.tion loop --------------- C 30 ITER" ITER· 1 PINeR" (PBH - PWH)130 TINeR" fTBH - TWH)/30 c 00501-2,4 PRES" PRES + PINeR TEMP" TEMP. TINeR PRED .. PRES/PC TRED .. TEMPITC CAll GASCOM(PREO.TAEO.Z,CRED) PTZ .. TEMP'VPRES IF(ISFCON Eo.O) GO TO 40 P11 .. 1.0/PTZ CAll GASVIS(PREO,TRED.TEMP,INDEX.Y,GGRA,GVISCOJERR) CAll FRICF(DP,APR,OaSC,GGRA,GVISCO,FF) FQ2 .. 2.6957*(1 OE-6)*(FF/40)*{OGSC"2.0)·PlI{DPW(DP"S 0)) TKENER .. 1 '1'·'.875*( IOE-6)·GGRAO(OGSC**2.0)/{PRES*(DP·*4.01) PTZ - (PTZ * nENER)/(F02 .. a 001*(PTZu2.0)) '0 VlNTG I • VINTG 1 .. A(1)-PTZ 50 CONTINUE C C-----Newton-Raphson il.ullon----- Appendiz B c SUBROUTINE VERTF(DP.PLOPH,APRINOEX,V,GORA.PC.TC.Tl.T2. IIFINO.OOSC,PI.P2.0ElTAP) c C----------------------------------------------------------------------C This subroutine finds the pressure drop or IlowUtl for sleady-stale C single-phase gas flow In I nOn-hOfl20ntal pipe using Sukklf-Cornell C (1955) method. with the integrand evaluated bV numenCII Integration C C II IFINO .. 1. then compute lIawrale (Irom known PI Ind P2) C .. 2. Ihen compute prlssure drop (Irom known COSC and Pll_ C • 3, then compute pressure drop (Irom known COSC and P2)_ C NOTE C (1) Pl,T1 Is upstre.m. P2,r2 Is downstream OPH Is pOSitive C lor upwlfds Ilow from I to 2, negative otherwise C So. lor. flowing well, 1 is bonomhole, 2 Is wellhead C (2) Subroutine NUMINT should be suitably mOdified to ICcept C Function FUNCSC (instead of FUNCG), Also. the COMMON C declaration In NUMINT should include vlriable BB C C INPUT: COP, PL DPH, APR. V, INDEX, GGRA. PC, TC, n, r2. IFINO, IMETH, C Ind one of Ihese three C (I) Pl Ind P2, or (Ii' COSC and PI, or (ii) CGSC Ind P2 C OUTPUT: cane 01 these three. depending upon Input C (i) aGSC or (il) PI Ind DELTAP, or (iii) P2 Ind DELTAP C SU8ROUTINES USEO C GASCOM, GASVIS. FRICF. NUMINT, INTP1. C----------------------------------------------------------------------_ C COMMON TRAV, 88 DIMENSION V(18). DATPOO,2) c TOl - 0.001 MITER" 20 c TAV· n IFrnNE.T2) TAV· (1"1 - r2j/AlOG(T11T2) TRAV .. TAVITC RHS • 0,01S7S"GGRA"DPHITAV ERHS • EXP(20 0 RHS) C FUNC • Gl - (PBH - PWH)*VINTG 1 PNEW • PBH .. FUNC/PTZ ERR" ABS(PBH - PNEW)1P8H P8H .. PNEW IF(ERR.lT.TOLOR,ITERGT MITER) GO TO 100 PRES· PWH TEMp .. TWH VINTG 1 • VINTG2 GO TG 30 c c IF{IFIND.Eo.I) GO TO 100 C--- CASE OF PRESSURE DROP CALCULATION --------- __ ___________ _ C C Assume I v.IUI for unknown pressure to enlble IV viSCOSity cllcn. C C 100 CONTINUE RETURN 'NO 623 FF .. 0.0321(OP"P 0130)) XX .. (2_S272E-OS)"FF"OGRA*TAV"PL *(ERHS-l 0)*(QGSC**2.0) XX· XX/(2.0"RHS"(Op·*S 0)) • 624 G(U Product/on Engineering Appendix B If(lFINO.EQ.Z) pz .. ((P'--2.0 - XX)/ERHS )**0.5 IF(IFINOEa.3) PI .. ( (PZ**2.0)+ERHS + XX )*'"0.5 c C A$Suml a vatul for unknown fall to Inabll calcn 0' FF and B c c C ---iteration proceClure for Preuure and friction faclor ----C rTER .. a 10 ITER" ITER" 1 PAY" (2 013 0'''(P'··3.0 - P2··3.0)/( PI**2.0 - P2"*20) PRAll .. PAWPC PAl .. PI/PC PR2 .. P2lPC FF .. 0032/(OP*"(1.0/3 0)) XX .. 2.0"RHS"CDp··S.O,"(P'··2 0 - (P2"2 O)"ERHS ) YY .. (2.S272E-OS)·FF·GORA·TAV·PL ·(ERHS - 10) OOSC .. (XX/YY)··O 5 c C ---Iteration procedufe for Flow ratl and friction factor ----- c OOSCO .. O.S"OOSC DO 110 ,- 1,51 CALL FRICF(DP.APR.OGSCO,GORA.G"'SAV.FF) BS" (6.6663E-04,·FF·PL·(00SCO··2.0,"(1A"··2 0) B8" BS/(OPH·CDp··S.0)·(pC"2.0) , CALL NUMINTCPR2,PR1,DAT(I,2)) OATCI, OGSCO OGSCO .. OOSCO .. 0.02·00Se 110 CONTINUE CALL INTP1(2,I,DAT,X,RHS) oose .. X OELTAP .. P' - P2 CAll GASVIS(pRAV,TRAV,TAV,INDEX. Y,GGRA.GVISAVIERR) CAll FR1CF(OP,APR,OOSC,GGRA.GVtSAVfF) BB .. (6.6663E-(4)*FF"PlO(QGSC**2.0)"(TAV**2.0) BB .. 881(DPH"(Dp·"S O)"(PC··Z.Q) ) c I, . IF(IFINO eUZI GO TO 20 PRO ... Q,S"PRI 0015'·1.51 • 625 CALL NUMINT(PR2,PRG1,DAT(I.2)) OAHI,I) .. PROt PRG 1 .. PRG 1 .. aOZ"PR I c 15 CONTINUE CAlL INTPl(2.I.DAT)(,RHS) PRI .. )( RETURN END c PIN" PR'''PC ERR .. ABS(PIN - Pil/PIN C.. • ...... ••• .... • ..• .. ••• .. •••••••• .................................... c PI" PIN GO TO 50 • FUNCTION FUNCSC(PR) COMMON TR, BB IF{PRLT.0.2) GO TO 20 CALL GASCOM(pRTRl..eR) FUNCSC .. V(PR • BS·(Z··20)/ PR) RETURN 20 FUNCSC .. 00 RETURN c 20 PRGZ .. OS"PR2 00 25 I .. 1.51 CAll NUMINT(PRG2.PR1 .DAT(I.2)) OAT/I,ll .. PRG2 PR02 - PR02 • 002·PR2 25 CONTINUE CALL INTP'(2.l.OAT,X,RHS) PR2 .. X P2N .. PR2·PC ERR" ABS(P2N - P2)/P2N P2 .. P2N c c END SUBROUTINE HAGBR(DP.ANGAPR,GOEN,O"IS,DENl.VISl.SIGMAl.VM,FNSLH,P, , IFREG,FLH,EPGR,FPOR.APOR,TPOR) C---- _______________________________________________________________ _ c C This subroutine calculates thl liquid holdup and prl!lSsure gradient 50 IF(ERR OT TOLANO.ITERH.M1TER) GO TO '0 OELTAP" PI - P2 RETURN C for mul1lphue flow using the Hagedorn Ind Brown (1965) correlation C The Duns Ind Ros C'961) IIquulon Is used for computing the C ,cceleration pressura gradient. C INPUT: c C--- CASE OF FLOW RATE CALCULATION ----------------------- C C C '00 PAV" (2013.0)·(PI·~.0 - 1'2"3.0)/(1""2.0 - P2"2.0) PRAY .. PAwpe PRI .. P1IPC PR2 .. P2IPC CALL GASVl5(PRAV,TRAV,TAV,INOEX,Y,GORA.OVISAV,IERR) C C C C p OP, ANG, APR, ODEN, 0"15, OENl. "ISL SIOMAl. VM, FNSLH, and Pressure P .t which the gr.dlent Is dlsired to be computed OUTPUT~ IFREG .. 1 for single-phlse liquid .. 2 for slngil-phul gu .. 3 for two-phUI bubbll flow , l 626 Appendix B Gal Production Enf{inemng OENMIX .. GOEN GO TO 50 .. 4 for other type of two-phu' flow. e and fLH, EPGR. FPGR. APGR. and TPGR. c C c C SU8ROUTINES USED' INTPI \ C----------------------------------------------------------------------C DIMENSION OATHL(12.2). OATCNl(10.2). OAT51(12.2). , DATHl1(100.2j, DATCN1(IQO.2). OAT511(100.21 c COlt. trrlVS for liquid hOldup correlatiOn c C IFREG - 3 VS '" 080 FGH" 0.5·( 1.0 .. VMIVS - ((I 0-VMIVS)·"2.0 - 4.0·VSGIVS)·oO.5 ) fLH'"10 -fGH IF(fLH LTfNSLH) fLH .. fNStH OENMIX .. FLH"OENL - fGH"GOEN RNUM .. 1488 0·OENlO(VSUFLH)-(OP/12 O)IVISl fF" 114 - 20-ALOGIO(APR/OP • 2.125/RNUM oo 09J ff - 1 0/ff u 2 0 EPGR " OENM1X"SIN(ANGR)f144 0 fPGR .. FF·OENL "(VSUfLH)··2 0/(2 0'32.2"12.0·01') CFf-OO GO TO 70 DATA OATHU , 02.0 5,1 0.2 0,50.1 0 0 20 0,50 0,100,0.200 0,300 0.1000,0. , 0 Q.4.009,O 15,0 18.0 25.0 34.0 44,0 65,0 82.092,096,10 I DATA OATCNU , 0,002.0005.001,002,003.006.0 1,0 15,02,04 , 000 19,0,0022.0 0024.0 0028.0 0033.0,0047.0 0064,0 008.0009. 0,01151 DATA OATS" , 001,002,0025.0,03.0035.°_0 4,0,045,005,006,0 07,0 08,009, ".0,11,123,1,4,1.53,16,165,1681,74,118.18,'83/ I cC Calculat. C VSL liquid (VSl) and gills (VSG) supIHficl., vllocities ~ \/M·FNSLH VSO" \/M - VSl c C C"cu'ate the required dImensionless numberS C C 1 .. IDENUSIGMAl)UO 5 C2 .. IDENUSIGMALj*"O 25 C3 _I DENL·(SIGMAl·"30) )"025 DND" 100727*OP'CI ONGV" 1.938"VSG*C2 ONLV" 1,938"VSl"C2 ONL .. 0 15726"VISUC3 c C ANGR Is the inclination .ngtl in radians 20 A" 1 071 - 02218"120"(Vw o2.0)/OP IF(A.LTO 13) A" 0 13 B" 1.0 - FNSlH IFl8.GEA) GO TO 30 C-- Griffith (1952) correlation lor bubbl. Ilow ----- c , c C-- Hagedorn & Brown correlallon ----- C 30 If REG .. 4 0040 I .. 1,10 OATCNI(I, I) .. ALOG(OATCNL(I.1)) OATCN1(1,2j .. ALOG{OATCNL(12)) 40 CONTINUE • 00501-1.12 OATHlI(1.1) - ALOG(I.OE-OS"OATHL(II)) OATHL 1(1.2) - OATHl(I.2) • OAT$ll(I.1)'" OATSI(I.I) OATSll(I,2)" OAT51(1,2) 50 CONTINUE C ~-- Uquid holdup calculations ----- C c C-- Oltlrminl flow rlglm. tvp' -------------------C IF(FNSlH.lTI,O) GO TO 10 FLH'" 1,0 lFREG .. 1 OENMIX .. OENt GO TO 50 c 10 IF(FNSlHGT,O 0) GO TO 20 FLH .. 00 lFREG ... 2 627 X ... AlOG(ONL) CALL INTPI(I.IO.OATCNI ,)(. Y) ~;~~~(,0NLV.EXP(YJ*((P/14 73)··0 \)/(O NO"(ONGV·"0575))) ! 1.12,OATHlI.)(.FLH) ~ .. ONGV·(ONl··0.38)1(ONO··2.14) ALL INTPI! 1.12.0ATSll,)(.SI) IF(SILT.IO) 51 .. 10 FlH - flHOSI IFlfLHLT.OOJ fLH .. 00 IfIFLHGT.IOl flH .. 1 0 IF(FLHGTFNSlH) GO TO 60 FLH .. FNSLH • 628 Appendix B Cas Production Engineering c 629 c ANGR" ANG*nO/(7 0*180.0) 60 OMIXNS .. FNSLWOENl .. (1.0 - FNSLH)*GDEN DENMIX" FLH"OENl ... {I.O - FlHJoGDEN c VISMIX" (VISLUFLHjO(OVIS··p 0 - FlH)J C-- Determine flow regime type -------------------- RNUM .. 14880"DMIXNS"VM*(OPI12.0)IVISMIX Ff .. I ' . - 2 O"ALOG10(APRIDP • 212S/RNUM u O.9) C IFREG .. 5 IF(FNSLHGT.0.99999) IFREG .. 1 IF(FNSLH.LT I .OE-05) IFREG .. 2 IF(IFREG GT2) GO TO 10 FLH .. FNSLH GO TO 100 FF .. 1 O/fF"2 0 EPOR .. OENMIX·SIN(ANGR)/l44 0 FPGR .. FFO(OMIXNS"2 O'°(V",o·2.0)/(2 0"32,2*'2 O"DpODENMIX) VSG .. (10 - FNSlH)"VM eFf .. OENMIX*VM"VSG/(32 2·'44 O·P) c IF(eFFGT 0 95) aD TO 80 70 TPGR .. - (EPGR ... FPGR)/( 1 0 - eFF) APGR .. - TPQR*CFF RETURN c 80 WRITE{IDU.200) 200 FORMAT(/2X:CRITICAL FLOW REGION IS BEING APPROACHEO , , ABORTING SUBROUTINE HAGBR.'/) c c INDIC .. 0 AINDIC .. All IF(FNSlH.LT,O.Ol) GO TO 20 IF(FNSLH.GT.O.4) AINOIC .. AL4 IF(ONFR.GE.AL2.ANO.ONFR.LT.AL3) INOIC .. 1 IF{ONFR.GEAl3.ANO.ONFR.LT.AINDIC) IFREO .. 4 IF(ONFR.OE.AiNOIC) IFREG .. 3 GO TO 30 20 IF(ONFR.GEAL 1) IFREG .. 3 30 IF(INDIC,Ea.1ANO.IFREG.EQ.5) IFREG .. 6 'I7X, RETURN 'NO SUBROUTINE BEGBR(DP,ANG,APR.GDEN.GVIS,DENLVISL,SIGMAL, VM,fN 5lH,P, I IfREG,FUUPGR,FPGft,APGR.TPGR) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- C This subroutine celculates the pres5ure gradient for multiph.5e flow C using Beggs .nd Brill (19731 correlation. C INPUT' COP, ANQ, APR. GOEN. GVIS. OENL VISL SIGMAL VM, FNSLH, C .nd Pressure P .t which the gr.dient is desired to be computed C OUTPUT: C IFREG .. 1 lor slngll-phesl liquid C .. 2 for slngle-phese 9es C .. 3 for distributed (multlphese) flow C .. 4 for Intermlnent (multlphese) flow C .. 5 for segregated (multlphlSe) flow C .. 6 tor trlnsitlon flow (Treeted IS intermittent) C Ind RH, EPGR, FPGR. APGR, Ind TPGR C C-----------------------------------------------------------------_____ _ C C Cllcul'te liquid (VSl) Ind gls (VSG) superficill velocities C VSL .. VM-FNSLH VSG .. VM - VSL c C Cllcullte the required dimensionless numbers. C DNLV .. 1 93B""VSL e((DENVSIGMAL)UO.25) DNFR .. lZ.0-(VM-"Z.0)/{3Z.Z*DP) c C ANGR I, the Inclination Ingle in r.dians 10 ALI .. 316 O*{FNSL"'""O 30Z) ALZ .. 0,00092521{FNSlH·*Z 46842) AL3" 0.10/{FNSLHool.45155) AL4 .. 050/{ FNSLH 0 067380) C 1I-IFREG-2 GO TO (40,50.60,SO), II c C-- For distributed flow ----40A-l065 B - 0.5824 C .. 0.0609 o .. 1.0 E .. 0.0 F .. 0.0 G .. 0.0 GO TO 70 C-- For Intermittent flow ----50 A .. 0.845 B· 0.5351 C .. 0.0173 o .. 2.96 E .. 0.305 F .. -0.4473 G .. 0.0978 GO TO 70 C-- For segreg.ted flow ----60 A .. 0.98 B .. 0.4846 C .. 0.0868 • Gas ProdUClion Engineering 630 Appendix B 0-0011 -3.768 F" 3.~9 e .. FPGR .. FF"OMIXNS"(VM o '2 0)/ (2 0"32 2"12.0"DPI erF .. DENMIX"'VM-VSG/ (32 2* 144.0·P) G .. -1614 IF(CfF.GT 095) GO TO 140 TPGR .. - IEPGR .. FPGR)/ (l 0 - CFF) APOR .. - TPQR"CfF c 70 FLHO .. A"(FNSlH·oSjIONfR··C If(FLHOLT.FNSlH) FLHO" fNSLH IF(ANGR.Ge,O 0) GO TO 80 C--For all Ilow types 'or downh,ll lIow-- a .. 470 E .. -03692 F-01244 0-·05056 GO TO 90 631 RETURN c 140 WRITE(IOU.200} 200 FORMA T(nX:CRITICAl FLOW REGION IS BEING APPROACHED , '.. ABORTING SUBROUTINE SEGaR '1) :nx, RETURN 'NO C 80 IF(ANGR,NE.O 0) GO TO 90 FlH .. fLHO GO TO 100 C C--flow is non-horizontal ------ C 90 X .. O"(fNSLHUE)"(DNtV"Fj"(ONFRuG) CFAe .. (1 a - FNSlH)"ALOG(X) IF(CFAC.lT.Q,O) CFAC .. 00 x .. SIN(lS"ANGR) 51- 1,0" CFAe "IX" o 333"X··3 0) IF(51.lT.0.0) 51 .. 00 flH .. FLHO*51 IFjFLH.GT.l.0) flH .. 10 c C Mixture properties .nd ffictlOn f.ctor C 100 OMiXNS .. fNSLH"DENL + (1 0 - FN5LH)*GOEN DENMIX .. FLH · OENl + (1 0 - FLH)'"GOEN VMIXNS .. FNSlH"ViSl • (1.0 - FNSlH)'"GVIS RNUM .. 14880·0MIXNS*VM'"(DP/lZ.0}NMIXN5 FF" 1.14 - Z.0 '"ALOG10(APR/DP + ZI.Z5/RNUM'"·0 9) FF .. 10IFf**Z.0 IF(IFREGU.Z) GO TO 130 c v .. FNSLH/(FLH*" 2.0) IFtyGT.l.0ANOV.lT 12) GO TO 110 YLN .. AlOG(Y) S .. VLN/(-00SZ3 • 3 18Z'"YLN - o 872S'"(VLN'"'"Z 0) , .O.018S3'"(VLN'"*40)) GO TO lZ0 110 S .. ALOG(ZZ·Y - 1.2) lZ0 FF .. FF'"EXP(S) C C C.lcul.tlon 01 prusure gr.di,nts C 130 EPGR" DENMIX·SIN(ANGRI/144 0 • Index A API gravity, 366 Aquasorption, 261 Average pressure in gas pipe, Abandonment pressure, 32 Abwd,." 212-213, 218-226, 261-262, 265-267 Absorption, 260-262, 263-271 B Absorption dehydration. See Beam pumping, 389 Dehydration. Acentric factor, 44-45, SO, 64 Acid gases, 7, 255 removal of. See Desulfurization P""""'" . Additive injection, 208-2lO requirements, 209-210 techniques , 208-209 type., 208 288-290 Binary interaction coefficient, 44 Slowdown of pipe, 562-563 Boiling point cubic-average, 35 molar-average, 35 normal, 34, 35 Bottom-hole pressure flowing. See flowing bottom-hole pressure. Adiabatic exponent, 358. 407, static. See Static bottom-hole pressure. 409-412 ADlP process, 264 Adsorption dehydration. See Dehydration. Aerosols, 128 Alkanol-amine process, 263-267 Alkazid processes, 268 Allowable pressure in pipes, 284 Brake horsepower, 423-424, 440, 448 Brown's chart, 48 Bubble point curve, 22, 31. 36 prediction of, 36 c Allowable velocity in pipes, 284-285 Alumina. 236 Amine:s, 263-267 Annular flow, 347-348 Campbell method, 171, 174- 178 Centrifugal compressors, See Compressors. Centrifuge, 96-98 633 • Gas Productioll Enginel'ring 63' Characteristics. See ~tethod of characteristics. Chemical absorption, 263-271 Chemical potential, 26-27 Chokes, 101, 126, 250 flo\\ lhrou~. 354 ·359 purpose, 354-355 subsurface. 354-355 surface. 354 ·355 Cleaninf?;_ See Gas cleaning. Clearance. -126-428 Clinedinst equation. 292 Commercial fuel costs, 4 Composition-composition dia!{l'ams. 23 Compressibility, 68- 71 Compressibility factor. Sec Z.factor. Compression adiabatic, 406-408 efficiency. 411. 423-424, 426-428 isentropic, 406-408 isothermal. '00 optimum ratio, 425 pol>1ropic, 408 406-412 pr~, characteristics, 408-409 stages, 413. 424-425, 440 Compressors aftercooler, 422 axial-flow, 401 centrifugal. 400-401. 403-406, 438-447 design, 438-447 continuous-flow, 394-395, 400-403 design analytic method, 414-417, 438-439 centrifugal,438-447 charts. 423, 428-435, 441-445 Index Mollier charts, 417-423, 439 reciprocating. 424-438 rotary, 448-449 dynamic, 400--402 intercooler, 413. 421 efficiency. 423-424 ejector. 402-403 mixecUlow. 402 multistae:e. 413. 424-425. 440 posith'e-displacement, 394-400 reciprocating. 396. 403-406, 424-438 clearance. 426-428 horsepower required. 426, 428-435 speed/stroke length, 435 volumetric efficiency, 426-428 rotary, 396-400 design, 448-449 helical-lobe. 400 liquid-piston, 399 sliding-vane, 398 spiral-lobe. 400 h"'o-impeller, 399 selection. 403-406 thermaL 402 types. 394-403 Computer programs, 604-631 compressibility and Z-factor, 607-611 critical pressure and temperature, 606-607 friction factor. 615-616 interpolation Lagrange, 615 linear, 620-621 multiphase flow Beggs-s,m, 628 631 Hagedorn-Brown, 625-628 nomenclature for. 605-606 numerical integration, Romberg, 619-620 steady-state flow horizontal, 616-619 vertical: Cullender-Smith, 621-622 vertical: Sukkar-CorneU. 623-625 viscosi~~ 611-615 Concentric orifice. 462-463 CondensatE'S. See Gao: ('Ondf>no:~tt'" Conservation of mass, law of, 29 Constant pressure process, 20 Constants, physical. 585 Contactor, 212-213, 218-226. 261-262, 265-267 Contaminants. 4 Convergence pressure. 135-136, 164 Conversion factors. 593-603 oil-field to SI. 596-603 Corresponding states. law of. 44, 50 Cricondenbar, 22, 34-35 Cricondentherm. 22, 34-35 Critical compressibility factor. 45. 50 flow, 357-358. 456. 543, 563. See also Flow, regimes. locus, 23, 136 point, 20-23. 35 pressure. 20, 45, 46-49 saturation, 32 temperature, 20. 45, 46-49 Critical-flow prover, 456-457 Cullender-Smith method, 338-340. 345-347 Cunningham correction, 129 Cyclone, 98 D Daltons' law, 29 DEA. See Amines. 635 DEC. See Glycol. Dehydration, 207-208, 208-251. 521 absorption. 210-235 flow scheme, 211-213 plant design. 215-232 plant problems. 213-214 additive injection, 208-210 ad~rption, 235-250 adsorbent (desiccant) capacity. 242, 244-245 adsorbent (desiccant) properties. 242 adsorbent types, 236 analysis of proces.~, 240-241 bed design, 243-250 bed regeneration cycle, 238. 239-240 breakthrough time, 245-246 chemical, 235 cycle time, 242 design variables, 241-242 flo\\' scheme, 237-239 minimum bed length, 246 physical, 235 regeneration calculations. 247-250 expansion refrigeration. 251 soh-ent properties, 210 Densitometer, 524 Density. 66 Desiccants. See Dehydration. adsorption. Desul£urization processes alkanol-amine process, 263-267 alkazid, 268 Benfield, 267 carbonate, 267-271 Catacarb, 267 chemical absorption, 263-271 G-V, 267-268 Holmes-Stretlord. 268-271 • 636 Gas Production Engineering hot carbonate, 267-268 iron-sponge, 258-259 molecuJar sieves. 259-260 physical absorption, 260-262 selection, 257-258 selectivity. 257 se1exol, 261-263 solid·bed (adsorption). 258-260 types. 256 water wash (aquasorption). 261 Dew point, 22, 36, 170 curve, 22. 36 depression. 170 prediction of, 36 Differential liberation, 116-117 Differential pressure. 454-457 Diluents, 4 DIPA. See Amines. Directional flow. See Multiphase flow. Distribution coefficient. See Equilibrium ratio. Drag coefficient. 97 Dry ice. 20 E Eccentric orifice. 462-463 Economics gas transmission, 581-582 optimum pipe diameter, 577-580 EC. See Glycol. Ejectors, 402-403 Elbow meter, 459 Electric precipitators, 134 Embrittlement. of steel, 128 EMR. See Eykman molecular refraction. EMR index, 57 Ener~y balance, 275-277 Index Energy consumption, worldwide, 2-3 Enhanced oil recovery. 33 EOS. See Equation of state. Equation of continuity, 552 Equation of motion. 552 Equation of state, 39-46 Benedict-Webb-Rubin. 42-43, 56 general form. 43-45 hydrate prediction. 206 Peng-Robinson, 43 Redlich-Kwong, 43 solution methods. 45-46 Starling-Carnahan, 55 Starling, 56 Van der Waals, 41-42 water content, 178-181 Equilibrium ratio, 27-29. 36. 45. 135, 189-193. 194-197 charts, 137-163 thermodynamic criteria of. 25-27 vapor-solid, 189-193, 194-197 Equilibrium vaporization ratio. See Equilibrium ratio. Equivalent diameter of pipe, 532. 538 Equivalent length of pipe. 532. 537 Erosional velocity, 284-285 Expansion factor, 67 Expansion refrigeration. 125-128, 250-251 Expansion, temperature drop due to. 127 Eykman molecular refraction. 50. 57-62 F Fanning friction factor. 282-283 Fillers, 4 Filters, 133 diatomaceous earth. 267 Finite difference methods. 555-562. 576 backward difference, 556 central difference, 556 explicit, 555-559 forward difference, 556 implicit. 558-559 Flange taps. 463 Flash calculations, 29-31. 134-136,164-166 Flash liberation. 117 F1ash tank. 212, 261-263 Flow annulus. 347-348 liquid present in small amount. 366-367 modeling of, 532-550. 551-576 multiphase. See Multiphase flow. nozzle;, 455 pipe steady-state. See Steady·state flow. unsteady-state. See Unsteady-state flow. pipeline systems. See Pipeline systems. pressure profile. 289 regimes, 277-281. 282-283. 368 restriction/chokes, 354-359 critical flow, 357-358 subcritical £low, 357-358 steady-state. See Steady-state flow. temperature profile, 359-362 unsteady-state. See Unsteady-state flow. Flowing bottom-hole pressure, 341-347 average approximate. 341-342 637 Cullender-Smith method, 345-347 Sukkar-Cornell method. 344-345 F10wing temperature in pipe. See Temperature profile. F10w measurement mass. 523-524 methods. 454-461 natural gas liquids, 524-525 problems. 521-522 two-phase. 525-526 F10wmeters attribute;, 452-453 accuracy, 452-453 calibration curve, 453 linearity. 453 precision, 452-453 rangeability, 453 repeatability, 453 critical-flow prover, 456-457 differential pressure. 454-457 elbow meter, 459 flow nozzles, 455 mass, 523-524 inferential, 523-524 true, 523 natural gas liquids, 524-525 orifice meter, 454. See also Orifice meter. orifice well te;ter, 456 pitot tube. 455-456 positive-displacement, 457-458 reciprocating-piston, 457-458 rotameter, 459-460 rotary meter, 457-458 selection, 454 turbine meter, 458 two-phase, 525-526 ultrasonic meter, 461-462 venturi meter, 455 vortex-shedding, 460-461 • 638 Index Gas Production t;nginFcring Formation \"olurne factor, 67 Fortran programs. Sec Computer programs. Fracturing:. 13. 14 proppant. 13 Friction. 276 Friction factor. 282- 283 chart. 278 rU~ddty. :!7 -~, ';.5, 46. 179-181 Fugacity coefficient. 28, 29, 45. 46. li9 181 chart. 181 G Cas cleaning. 128- 134 methods, 130 steps in, 128 Gas compressibility. 68-71 Cas compressibility factor. See Z·factor. Cas condensates, 11, 32 reservoir. 32 Cas constant, 26-27. 40, 79 Cas density. 66 Gas deviation factor. See Z-factor. Cas drive reservoir dissolved. 31 internal, 31 solution. 31 Gas formation volume factor. ()f Cas gravity of total wellstrcam, 366 Gas horsepower, 423-424. 439-440 Cas hydrates. See Hydrates. Gas lift, 390 Cas-liquid £low. See Multiphase flow. Ca .• ·oil ratio, 32-33 producing. 32 Gas production system optimization, 33 worldwide, 5-6 Gas relief valH~:S. 91 Gas resen·oir. 32 Gas specific heat. See Specific heat. Gas transmission economics. 581 582 Gas. type of condensates. 11 dissolved or associated. II free gas. 9 in brine, 14 in solution, 9 non-associated, 10 Gas viscosity. 72-79 Carr et al. method, 72- 75 dynamic. 72 kinematic. 72 Lee et al. method. 7S- 79 single-component, 75-76 Gathering systems. 529-531 axial. 529-530 common-line, 530-531 radial. 529-530 trunk-line. 530-531 well-center, 530-531 Gels. 236-237 Giammarco-Vetrocoke process. 267-268 Gibbs free energy. 25 Gibbs phase rule, IS- 19 Glycol, 208. 210-232 contactor, 218-226 corrosion, 214 decomposition, 214 flash separator, 231-232 injection pump. 209 10=;,213 plant design, 215-232 plant problems. 213-214 pump, 214. 230-231 reboiler. 226-228 reconcentration. 214 stripping still. 229-230 vapor flooding. 214 GOR. See Gas-oil ratio. Gravity settling. 98-100 H Hammerschmidt's equation, 209 Holmes-Stretford process, 268-271 effluent stream. 270-271 Stretford solution, 269 Horizontal flow, 285-305, 368-371 Horizontal separator. See Separators. Horsepower. 416. 423-424. 438-440 Hydrates, 183-20S, 521 conditions promoting, ISS-1S6 curve, 184-185 formulas, 184 from sudden expansion. 186 phase behavior. IS4-ISS prediction. 186-207 approximate. 186-187 equations of state. 206 Katz et aL, IS9-193 McLeod-Campbell . 2O-t-206 Trekell-Campbell , 193. 197-207 prevention. See Dehydration. without sudden expansion, IS6 Hydraulic radius, 277-279 I Ideal gas, 40 deviation from ideality. 40-41 639 Ideal gas law. 40 Ideal horsepower, 416. 423-424. 438-440 Impingement. 100. 130-133 Inclined rIow. 305-348, 381-383 Inhibitors_ i_ 208-210. 521 Intensive properties. 20 Iron-sponge process. 258-259 l<:<'ntropic exponent. 358 . ..Wi 409-412 Isobaric process. 20 Isobaric specific heat. See Specific heat. J Joule-Thomson effect. WI. 126, 250, 360-361 temperature drop upon expansion, 127 K Katz et al. method. 189-193 Kay's rule. 46. 51-52 Kirchhoff's laws, 543-544, 574 K-values. See Equilibrium ratio. L Laminar flow. See Flow. regimes. Latent heat fUSion, 20 vaporization. 20 Law of conservation of mass. 29 Law of corresponding states, 44. 50 Lever's rule. 24 Liquid discharge valves, 91 loading. See Liquid loading. recovery maximization, 116 • 640 641 Cas Production Engineering settling volume, 103-104, 114. ll7. 119. 121-122 s1ugs. 91 surging. 90 Liquid loading, 385-391 minimum rate for prevention. 386-388 prevention, 386-388 unloading, 388~391 beam pumping. 389 gas lift. 390 plunger lift, 389-390 small tubing. 391 surfactantisoap injection. 391 Lockhart-McHenry method, 165-166 Log-mean temperature, 286 Looped pipes. See Pipeline systems. Low temperature separation. Molecular sieves, 237, 259-260 acid-resistant, 237 poisoning, 260 MoHier charts, .117-423, 439 Moody friction factor, 278. 282~283 ~Iultiphase flow. 365-391 directional wells. 381 hilly terrain' inclined. 382-383 horizontal,368-371 liquid loading. See Liquid loading. pressure traverse curves. 369-379 small liquid presence, 366-367 vertical, 372-380 Multipole correction factor, 64 N 125-128.250-251 LTX units. 125-128, 250-251 M McCabe-Thiele diagram. 220, 226-227 McLeod-Campbell method. 204-206 McKetta-Wehe correlation, 171. 172 MOEA. See Aroines. MEA. See Amines. Measurement. See F10w measurement. Measurement devices. See F1owmeters. Method of characteristics, 559-562 MFH. See Fracturing. Miscible injection, 33 Mist extractor. See Separation. Xatural gas constituents, 4, 7 physical data, 586-591 consumption, 2-3 contaminants, 4 """'. 4 development, 1-4 diluents, 4 field processing, 89 fillers, 4 history, 1 hydrate;:, See Hydrate;:. occurrence, 9~14 coal, 14 geologic structures, 8-10 geopressured aquifers, 14 reservoirs, 10 tight sands, 13 tight shales, 13-14 origin, 8 production, 5-6 production system, 14-15 water content, 169-183 Newton's law, 129 Non-ideal gas, 40 Nozzles, 455 o Oil-field units, 593-594 conversion to Sl, 596-603 Optimum pipe diameter, 577-580 Orifice meter, 454, 462-522 accuracy, 520-521 calculations, 467-519 installation, 465-466 factors, 470-519 basic, 470-475, 486-489 expansion, 479-485, 494-497 flowing temperature. 498 gauge location, 517-518 manometer, SOl. 517 orifice theTmal expansion, 518-519 pressure-base, 489 Reynolds number, 475-479. 490-493 specific gravity, 498 supercompressibility. 498-516 temperature-base, 498 pressure measurement/recording, 466-467 direct-reading chart, 466 square-root chart, 466 pressure tap locations, 463-464 corner taps, 464 flange taps 463 pipe taps, 463 vena contracta, 463-464 rounded-edged. 457 selection, 518-519 sha~edged, 456-457, 462 square-edged, 462 straightening vanes, 464-465 t}1)E$, 462-463 concentric, 462-463 eccentric, 462-463 segmental, 462-463 Orifice well tester, 456 p Panhandle A equation, 291, 537 Panhandle B equation, 291, 537 Paraffinic, 35 Parallel pipes. See Pipeline systems. Partial pressure, 28, 170 Particulate matter, 128 Peng-Robinson equation, 43 Phase behavior applications, 31-33 multicomponent systems, 21-25 single-component systems, 19-21 Phase diagrams, 18-25 pressure-temperature diagram, 19. 21-22 pressure-composition diagram, 24-25 ternary diagram, 24 Phase rule, 18-19 Physical absorption, 260-262 Physical constants, 585 PhYSical data for gas constituents, 586-591 Pipeline advantages of, 275 aging/corrosion, 531 allowable pressure, 284 allowable velocity, 284-285 average pressure. 288-290 blowdownlpurge, 562-563 capacity factor, 581 closing valve, 563 • 64. Cas Production Enginet'Ting economics, 577-582 efficiency, 292, 303 flow modeling, 532-550, Polytropic head. 438-439 Positive-displacement. 394-396, 551-576 flow through Pressure traverse curves. See Multiphase flow. Processing of natural gas dehydration. See Dehydration. desulfurization. See Dcsuifurization processe<> Pseudocritical, 34 pressure. 46-49 temperature, 46-49 Pulsating flow, 521-522 steady-state. See Steady-state flow. • bide,; unsteady-state. See Unsteady-state flow. load factor, 582 pressure deration. 531 pressure profile, 289 pressure testing, 563-564 reserve factor, 582 roughness, 281 storagefbuffer capacity, SOt, 582 transmission factor, 303 trash. i, 128 variable demand. See Variable consumer demand. Pipeline systems, flow through steady-state, 532-550. See also Steady.state flow. looped, 535537 networks. 541-550 looped, 545-550 loopless, 544-545 parallel, 533-535 series, 532-533 unsteady-state, 551-576. See also Unsteady-state flow. approximate solutions, 562-572 networks, 573-576 pipes, 551-562 Pipe taps, 463 Pitot tube, 455-456 Plunger lift, 389-390 Poi).tropic efficiency, 411 Polytropic exponent, 409-412 457-458 R Real gas behavior. 40 Reciprocating compressors. See Compressors. Reciprocating-piston meter, 457-458 Redlich-Kwong equation, 43 Reduced density, 56 Reduced pressure, 50 Reduced temperature, 50 Refrigeration. See Expansion refrigeration. Regeneration, 239-240, 258-261 Relative paraffinicity, 35 Reserves classification, 11 possible, 13 potential, 1\, 13 probable, 11 proved, 11-12 worldwide, 12 Reservoir abandonment pressure, 32 condensate, 32 engineering, 33 gas, 32 oil, 31, 32 undersaturated oil, 31 Residence time, 96, 104 Restrictions. gas flow through, 354-359 critical,357-358 subcritical. 357-358 Retrograde condensation, 32 region, 22 Revaporization, 32 Reynolds number, 129, 277-281 Robinson et al. correlation, Iii, 173-175 Rotameter, 459-460 Rotary meter. 457-458 Roughness, of pipe, 281 S Scrubbers, 133-134, 211-212, 215-218 cartridge, 134 dry, 134 oil-bath, 134 specifications 216-218 Segmental orifice, 462-463 Selexol process, 261-263 Separation baffle angle, 92 centrifugal, 91 conical,91 plate, 100 centrifuge, 96-98 coefficient, 99, 102 differ