Uploaded by aramanukyan2005

Protest Strategies: How Far Should Protestors Go?

Topic: How far should protestors go to make a difference?
In the last couple of years, there have been some major protests around the
globe. Many people have finally decided to stand up and fight against police
brutality or stopping climate change, for example. Mostly the protests were
peaceful but as always there were exceptions. Not every protest runs calmly.
But how far should protestors go to make a difference, stand up for something
and not endanger us or risk injuries/death?
Many people believe that it isn’t possible to do that. The answer is simple
though, civil disobedience is the key to success. The risk of getting arrested
while protesting remains, but why should you harm people to gain attention
and have a negative moral outcome? I think protestors should only go to the
point where no one gets harmed. Public disruption is a very good way to gain
attention without harming anyone. The government will probably need to pay
a lot of money to clean up the mess, for example, the repairs of the
infrastructure such as destroyed traffic lights or the police deployment.
Also, the government is kind of forced to act in the favor of the protestors
because if they don’t, the protests most likely won’t stop and the government
will have to continue to pay for the damage that will be done.
Civil disobedience makes up for a better moral as well. Imagine a strike where
the protestors not only rampage but also harm other civilians. The society
would have a negative image of the protesting group.
Civil disobedience also has its dark side. When disrupting the public by blocking
streets or public transportation for example, the middle and lower classes
suffer more than the government. Of course that’s a big downside, but in my
opinion the pros outweigh the cons.
In conclusion, protestors should not harm civilians or officers during their
strike. It affects the overall opinion of the society on the protestors. Obviously
it it all comes down to changing something up in the government, but the
society should have minimal suffer from the strike compared to the
government. I firmly believe that if people try to take advantage of what I said
and not let the lower classes suffer, they will achieve greater success.