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Ancient Rome, Byzantine Empire, Islam Study Guide

1. A form of government in which the leader
is not a monarch.
2. Great landowners who became Rome’s
ruling class
3. Roman social class made up of
landholders, craft people, merchants, and
small farmers.
4. Select group of about 300 patricians who
served for life.
5. Carthaginian general
6. Government by three people with equal
7. Had been given command of a war in Asia
Lucious Cornelious
8. The process by which towns and cities
become larger as population increases
9. Dominant male head of family
10. Commander in chief
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (4
points each). 20%
___c_____11. Rome’s first code of laws was
a. Law of Nations
b. Council of the plebs
c. Twelve Tablets
d. Tribune
___d_____12. Rome Defeated, then destroyed, Carthage in the
a. Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C.
b. Fourth Macedonian War
c. Conquest of southern Italy
d. Punic Wars
___d_____13. The first Triumvirate was made up of -a. Marius, Scully, and Cincinnatus
b. Tiberius, Gaius, and Timothy.
c. Lucius, cornelius, and Sulla
d. Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar.
___a_____14. The Pax Romana was
a. A period of peace and prosperity beginning in A.D. 96
b. Leader of the Senate
c. Series of fortifications
d. Program of public works
___c_____15. Augustus’s new political system allowed emperors to choose
a. Their Senate
b. Their Family
c. Their successors
d. Their language
DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
1. List and explain the three main factors that led to the rise of Rome.
1. Had a strong military army. Their army was prepared enabling them to be alert and attack.
2. Aristocrats ruled in an organized way, but were cruel if it was necessary. The Senate ruled
making the state a little organized but strict at the same time.
3. Had successful strategies. Enabled them to gain control of many territories and expand.
2. Why did Rome find it necessary to wage three Punic Wars?
They wanted to defeat Carthage and have control of the western Mediterranean. At that time
Carthage, Rome’s enemy, was the largest and richest area in the state.The Romans feared
about their power and their enormous trading empire, so they decided to make the wars to
become the masters of the entire Mediterranean Sea. Rome also wanted to expand its territory.
3. Compare and contrast the first and Second Triumvirate.
Lead powers were: Julius Caesar, Pompey, Leading powers were Octavian, Antony, and
and Crassus. Julius Caesar won more Lepidus. Octavian won the power in the second
power in the first triumvirate over the other triumvirate. It was after Caesar’s death in the
members. Created major developments in first one, and saw the foundations of the empire.
Rome. Had many political conflicts and
wars. There was a battle between 2
powerful forces, at the end, Julious Cesar
had the absolute power of the state.
4. List and explain the contributions of the Romans in the Arts, Architecture, technology,
Mathematics, Science, and literature
ARTS: Realistic statues. Similar to Greeks’ statues, Romans placed imperfect features.
ARCHITECTURE: Curved vaults and domes in concrete, based on Greek buildings.
TECHNOLOGY: Great roads and aqueducts, helped develop cities.
MATHEMATICS: Numerical system of the Etruscans. Used letters to represent numbers.
SCIENCE: Theory of Humors. Thought humors dominated a person’s temperament.
LITERATURE: The Aeneid, a poem that gave the importance of duty and Satires, stated
themes like greed.
1. Church leaders
2. Regular church members
3. Practice of living the life of a monk
4. A person sent out to carry a religious
5. Proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity
Edict of milan
6. First invading tribe to sack Rome
7. Picture of religious images
8. The worship of religious images
9. A means of determining guilt in Germanic
10. Epidemic disease
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (4
points each). 20%
___b._____11. Constantine became the Roman Empires´s
a. Last non-Christian sailor
b. First Christian emperor
c. Greatest persecutor of Christians
d. Sole defendant of Islam
___b._____12. Under which emperor did Rome adopt Christianity as its official religion?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Theodosius the Great
c. Nero
d. Zeno II
____a.____13. Christianity was especially attractive to
a. The poor
b. The powerful
c. merchants
d. Diocletian
__ c._ _14. The political and military reforms of Deocleatians and Constantine
a. Enable the Roman Empire to withstand the invasion of the Aryan tribes
b. Strengthened the economy, which had been weakened by several recent wars.
c. Greatly enhanced the army and civil service institutions, but drained most of the public
d. Were the direct result of the Roman Empire adopting Islam as its official religion
___a.____15. In the long run, the economic, and social policies of Deocletian and Constantine
a. Stifled the vitality the Late Empire needed to revive its sagging fortunes
b. Produced a period of prosperity unrivaled by any other time in Roman history
c. Angered the populace to such degree that they rose up in revolt
d. Strengthened the Roman Empire against the invading British tribes of the North
DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
1. Why was Christianity able to attract and maintain so many followers?
Cristianity was able to attract and maintain so many followers because: 1. Christianity had a lot
to offer to Rome because it was personal, offered salvation and eternal life for individuals, and
gave life meaning and purpose. 2. Christianity seemed familiar. It was a mysterious religion, but
it did not need to do painful or expensive rituals. 3. Christianity provided a way of belonging to
the people by helping them to form communities to help and love one another. 4. Christianity
was also organized and was for all the classes.
2. Identify the causes of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
The causes of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire are: 1. Invasions from other tribes
especially from Germanic ones. They destroyed much of it. 2. Rome's civil wars, causing violent
death and destruction. 3. The plague that killed a lot of people. 4. The economic crisis that was
led by the first three characteristics. The reforms also influenced the fall because, although it
stabilized the empire a little, they were still in debts. There are also theories of the fall of the
western Roman Empire like the lead poisoning, the failure to make technological advances, etc.
3. Make a pyramid graph to represent the organization of the Early Christian Church.
4 How different were The German custom and The Roman custom to determine criminal
The German custom and the Roman custom to determine criminal guilt were different because
to determine guilt in Roman law, there was a trial where you could expose your case with
evidence and judges would decide if you were guilty or not. In Roman Law, crime was an
offense to the state, but in Germanic law, they used ordeals to determine guilt. Ordeals were
physical trials where you needed to make a test, and if the person got harmed he or she was
guilty. If not, the person was innocent. They thought that it would be a divine intervention if the
person is innocent. If you ‘’found guilty’’, you needed to pay a fine called a wergild.
1.The Islamic law code
2. Arabic name for God
3. Those who practice Islam read holy
scriptures called
4. First Caliph
Abu Bakr
5. The followers of the Arab Umayyads as
caliphs were the
6. Covered market
7. Perfected by the muslims; later helped
European Sailors.
8. He wrote a medical encyclopedia
Ibn Sina
9. A collection of Folktales, fables, and
romances is
The Arabian Nights
10. Geometric pattern decorations
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (4
points each). 20%
___c._____11. According to Islamic belief, Muhammad is
a. The son of Allah
b. An Angel
c. The prophet of Allah
d. The reincarnation of Moses
____a.____12. Resentment against Umayyad rule grew because
a. Non-Arab Muslims did not like the way local administrators favored Arabs
b. The Mu?’awiyah changed the capital from Madinah to Athens
c. Of the inability of the Umayyad generals to defeat the Byzantines
d. The people were not allowed to play cards.
___d.___13. It was Europe’s largest city after Constantinople
a. Baghdad
b. Rome
c. Madinah
d. Cordoba
____b.____14. It was through the Muslim world that Europeans
a. Were able to obtain products from Spain
b. Recovered the works of Aristotle and other Greek Philosophers
c. Developed an appreciation for painting and sculpture
d. Discovered tobacco.
____a.____15. The crier who calls the Muslim faithful to prayer five times a day.
a. Bedouins
b. Muezzin
c. Abu Bakaar
d. Caliph
DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
1. Explain the significance of the message given to Muhammad by Gabriel.
THe significance is that Gabriel´s message tells Muhhammad to recite what he heard. This
helped to his knowledge in Jewish and Christianty and helped him pass these revelations given
by Allah. With this, he could eventually write them down in the Quran. It is significant because,
although they were persecuted and many people did not believe him, he created faith in some
persons and made them stronger creating the religión of Islam with his teachings.
2. List and explain each of the five Pillars of Islam.
The 5 Pillars of Islam are: 1. Belief, it is when you believe that Allah is the only god and
Muhhamad is his messenger. 2. Prayer, in islam, you must pray five times a day to Allah in a
certain direction. 3. Charity, you need to share and give part of your wealth with the poor. 4.
Fasting, you need to not eat food as a sacrifice from dawn to sunset. 5. Pilgrimage, the muslims
who are financially ok, need to make a pilgrimage to the city of Makkah at least once.
3. Explain how the treatment of women in the Islamic World contradicts the teachings of
The treatment of women in the Islamic World contradicts the teachings of Islam because the
Quran allowed woman to have some responsabilities and right at the house, owned some
inherited property, and had espiritual equality with men, but when Ithe slam was growing, these
things were replaced by older customs. Some of these customs were that the man was the
dominant one in the family, and women had to cover all parts of her body and cannot talk with
other men. This customs are still practiced in some Muslim societies.
4. Explain how the scientific advances of the Islamic civilizations made an impact on the
Western world.
They made an impact in the western world because they contributed more intellectually to the
western world. They provided the West with a lot of new findings and machines to make their
lives easier. For example they restored the works of philosophers and translated them, created
the astrolabe which was useful for navigations, they discover which diseases were contagious
and gave the West encyclopedias for it, stated that the Earth was round, provided history and its
division in political and social matters, and they also provided the west with mathematical
knowledge and books with their mathematical discipline in Algebra, they Arabic system, and the
use of zero.
1.A social or political class.
2. a wealthy, powerful landowner.
3.The middle class, including merchants,
industrialists, and professional people..
4. Craft business associations
5. A peasant legally bound to the land who
had to provide a service, pay rent, to the
6. An agricultural estate that a lord ran and
peasants worked.
7. The representative government that
emerged in thirteenth-century England
8. The “Great Charter “ of rights
9. Political and social order that developed
during the middle ages when nobles
offered protection and land in return for
10. It was a code of ethics that knights
were supposed to uphold.
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (4
points each). 20%
___c._____11. Serfs were different from peasants in that serf
a. Owned the land they worked on
b. Could live anywhere they chose except land that was part of a lord’s estate
c. Were legally bound to the land upon which they worked and lived.
d. Lived in cities and were not farmers like the peasants
____a._____12. This led to Feudalism
a. Rulers found it more and more difficult to Defend their subjects. Thus, people began to
turn to local nobles to protect them.
b. The Vikings posed a large threat to the safety of people in Europe.
c. The Frankish policy of settling the vikings and converting them to Christianity.
d. The Carolingian Empire was torn apart.
___b.______13. A ____ carruca______was a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare.
a. Dozer
b. Carruca
c. Shovel
d. Cabochon
___c._____14.In order to encourage trade between Flanders and Italy, the counts of
a. Built a canal between the two, upon which their town was a major stopping point.
b. Offered free wine to traders traveling through their fiefdom.
c. Initiated a series of trade fairs in the chief towns of the territory
d. Agreed not to marry the merchants of these two countries.
___b.______15. One function of craft guilds was to
a. Encourage competition among workers
b. Set quality standards
c. Organize workers to strike
d. Keep women out of the workforce
DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
1. Why did the collapse of governments lead to the new political and social order known as
The collapse of governments led to the new political and social order known as feudalism
because it was difficult to support a big government like an empire, so people started relying on
landowning aristocrats for protection. After the invasion of the vikings and the collapsing of
governments, people had to find a powerful lord that could offer them protection. In exchange,
these people made services for their lord. That is how Feudalism was created.
2. What factors led to population growth in the High Middle Ages?
The factors that led to population growth in the High Middle Ages are: 1. The creation of farming
technology increased food production. 2. People were trading more thanks to the increasing
food production. 3. The trading transforms into merchandise accepting profit instead of other
things. Other factors are that Europe was peaceful after invasions and had a great climate for
the planting of crops. Because of this, people started to move from towns to the cities for more
opportunities making the cities grow.
3. Explain how the increase in bartering helped lead to the rise of commercial capitalism.
The increase in bartering helped lead to the rise of commercial capitalism because, when new
farming technology and the two-halve system were applied, trade started rising and rising. This
made the economy emerge. They have started the demand for gold and silver coins. Instead of
other goods, they start accepting profit. Then traders and economic institutions started making
laws to deal with the changing money, contracts, invoices, and bills of exchange. These
practices started commercial capitalism.
4. Identify important events in England, France, and The Holy Roman Empire during the High
Middle Ages.
Some important events in England, France, and The Holy Roman Empire during the High
Middle Ages were:
In England
In France
In the Holy Roman Empire
1. The expansion of the
kings' power was starting, 2.
The Norman Conquest
where taxation systems
developed and Anglo-saxon
people spreaded, 3.
common laws, a uniform
system of law, replaced
other laws, and 4. The use
of the Magna Carta, the
“Great Charter” of rights.
1. They restored power to the
monarchy, 2. In Philip`s IV reign,
there was a strong monarchy and
a powerful bureaucracy, 3. In
Philip II Augustus`s reign, there
was an increase in income and
power, and 4. Created the
Estates-General, France's first
parliament composed of the three
estates or orders: the clergy, the
nobles, and the townspeople and
1. In the tenth century, Otto was
crowned Emperor of Rome when he
was German, but it brought a lot of
problems, 2. Frederick I and Frederick
II wanted to create a new empire and
named it the Holy Roman Empire
because they considered that Italy
was the center of a “holy empire”.
They failed, 3. They had a strong
central state, but failed because of
bureaucracy. At last, many other types
of kingdoms were created.
1. Court created by the church to find
and try heretics
2. Hostility toward or discrimination
against jews
3. Forbids priests from giving the
sacraments to a certain group of
4. An annual direct tax, usually on land
or property
5. The study of religión and God
6. The language of everyday speech in
a particular región.
7. Attempted to reconcile Aristotle’s
teachings with the doctrines of
8. Military expeditions carried out by
European Christians to regain the Holy
9. An unbeliever. Muslims
10.The denial of basic Church
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (4
points each). 20%
____a.____11. The struggle between Henry the IV and Gregory VII was known as
a. The Investiture Controversy
b. The seven years war
c. The Magna Argument.
d. The Concordat of Worms
____b._____12. Born to wealthy merchant family, Francis of Assisi
a. Used his status in society to improve the lot of women
b. The eventually abandoned all worldly goods and material pursuits to live and
preach in poverty
c. Was both a successful, wealthy merchant and a very popular novelist.
d. Gave up his claim to the family fortunes to join the Benedictine monastic order.
____d._____13. Dominic de Guzman believed the best way to attack heresy was
a. To lead a new crusade against the muslims in the Holy Land.
b. By purging the cities of all old people who did not strictly follow the Church
c. To declare interdictions against kingdoms in which heresy was tolerated
d. The formation of a new religious order of men who lived lives of poverty and
preached effectively.
____b._____14.Joan of Arc brought the Hundred Years’ war to a decisive turning point
a. Spying on the English armies
b. Inspiring the French with her faith
c. Fleeing to the English
d. Seducing Charles.
____d._____15. Spain’s two strongest kingdoms, Castile and Aragon, were united
a. The Mongols invaded Spain
b. Prince Aragon died
c. The Jews were expelled.
d. Isabella married Ferdinand.
3. DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
16. Identify the economic consequences of Black Death.
The economic consequences of the Black Death were that it provoked: 1. the decline of
trade, 2. shortage of workers, 3. the rising of prices, 4. it lowered the demand for food
causing falling prices, 5. incomes from rents were declining, liberating laborers from
serfdom, etc. This disease was passed through the rate route. It also caused social
problems like the anti-semitic movements.
17. Complete the following Chart
New Religious Orders
Focused on
It was founded in 1098
by a group of unhappy
monks with lack of
discipline at their own
Benedictine monastery.
They were strict and only focused on
manual labor work, having a strict diet,
praying, and developing a new activistic
spiritual model.
Founded by Francis of
Focused on missionary work and living in
simplicity and poverty to convert people
into Christianity.
Founded by Spanish
priest Dominic de
Focused one defending the church
teachings from heresy, and the believing
that a new religious order of men living in
poverty could preach effectively and be
able to attack heresy. After this they
created the Inquisition.
17. Explain why the Hundred Years’ War was a turning point in the ways of warfare.
The Hundred Years’ War was a turning point in the ways of warfare because the
peasants, not the knights, won the chief battles of the war. When the territory was in
danger the peasants were the ones who fought to defend it. The turning point was the
decline of power of the knights because of the peasants´ intervention. The knights did
not have a lot of power anymore. Joan of Arc also made a turning point during the battle
by inspiring the French armies with her faith.
18. What were the religious, political, and economic motivations for the Crusades?
The religious, political, and economic motivations for the Crusades were: 1. They
wanted to free Jerusalem from infidels, 2. Religious Fervor, 3. The desire of knights and
other people to gain wealth and a possible title, 4. To gain more lands and territory
especially for the merchants´ trade, 5. The sought of adventure of some knights, and 6.
The rising taxes of the government. All lead to the crusade battles.
1. A soldier who fights primarily for pay
2. A member of the middle class who lived in a
city or town.
3. Movement based on the study of the
humanities, which included grammar and
4. painting done on fresh, wet plaster with
water-based paints
5. Artistic techniques used to give the effect of
three-dimensional surfaces.
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or
answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the sentence. (5
points each). 30%
____c._____11. The war between France and Spain for control of Italy ended when the
a. Italian people rose up and drove out both armies
b. French army occupied Nice in 1494
c. Spanish mercenaries were let loose to sack the city of Rome.
d. The Medici family negotiated a peace that divided up the country and left themselves in control of
____d._____12. Leonardo da Vinci was an excellent example of Renaissance Italy”social ideal because
a. Was a politician, and politicians were considered the pinnacle of human achievement.
b. Came from a wealthy family and greatly improved his family’s status in society.
c. Wrote grand romantic poetry and insightful political treatises.
d. Was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician.
____b._____13. Christine de Pizan is best known for her
a. Passionate love affair with Hannibal
b. Works written in defense of women
c. Defense of the por
d. Long hair
____c._____14. The frescoes painted by _Masaccio_____ have long been regarded as the first
masterpieces of early Renaissance
a. Michelangelo
b. Pablo Picasso
c. Masaccio
d. Filippo Brunelleschi
____a._____15. Dante wrote
a. “Divine Comedy”
b. “The Prince”
c. “The Book of the Courtier”
d. “The Tribute Money”
___c.______16. The Father of Italian Renaissance Humanism
a. GIrolamo Savonarola
b. Baldassare Castiglione
c. Francesco Petrarch
d. Johannes Gutenberg
DIRECTIONS: ESSAY QUESTIONS Use your own words. Be careful with your spelling. Use
complete sentences. No more than five lines. (10 points each) 40%
17. What contributed to the rise of the Italian States during the Renaissance?
The things that contributed to the rise of the Italian States during the Renaissance was the increasing and
expansion of trade, and some wars and conflicts that made rich families in the Italian states increase in
power, making the church decline and lose almost all political and economic power. The rich families
started ruling in a way the Italian states during the Renaissance.
18. LIst and describe the Characteristics of the Renaissance
Some characteristics of the Renaissance are: 1. The expansion of trade. This made rich families more
powerful, making a decline in the church's power. 2. Their movement and thinking, based on humanism.
This was an intellectual movement where they started to focus one the human and learn about liberal
studies such as poetry, grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, etc. 3. The spreading of Vernacular Literature.
They started doing more works of vernacular literature because people could enjoy them by reading in
their own dialect or language. They felt more comfortable. 4. Art during the Renaissance became more
realistic. Art became more realistic and perspective, frescos, and other techniques were developed to
achieve this style focused on the human being.
19. Describe the political philosophy set forth in Machiavelli’s “ The Prince”
The political philosophy set forth in Machiavelli’s “ The Prince” had a main thesis that emphasized on how
to acquire and keep power. This meant that the “prince”, or the one in power, needed to understand that
human nature towards politics, political activity is not restricted by moral principles, and that he needs to
act on behalf of the state. Machiavelli stated that politics had nothing to do with moral principles because
a prince needed to do good if necessary, but also needed to do evil, if it was also necessary. This was
because of everyone's well-being in the state. He also said “The ends justify the means”. They had to
make sacrifices in order to seek common well-being.
20.. How did Humanism influence the works of Renaissance artists and authors? Give examples.
Humanism influenced the works of Renaissance artists and authors by using techniques to make a more
focused worldview art and make it appear more realistic. For example, Masaccio's frescoes and
perspective, Donatello's realistic, free-standing statues, Fillipo Brunelleschi´s domes and realistic imagery,
Leaonardo da Vinci´s realistic paintings of human bodies to capture perfection, Raphael Sanzio's
Madonnas and his painting “The School of Athens”, in which perspective was applied, and Michelangelo
Buonarroti´s figures on the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel depicting perfect bodies in a more god-like figure.