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Affirmative Action in Namibia: 2014-2018 Operations Assessment

Josephina Shailemo PhD TEXILA America University
, Dr Tertu Shiweda University of Science and Technology &
Professor David Mpunwa
For decades, pupils have debated the determinants of whites' attitudes
approximately racialized guidelines inclusive of welfare, busing, and affirmative
motion. While a few have argued that whites formulate their positions rationally
consistent with perceived monetary threat, others have asserted that such coverage
attitudes are the characteristic of one's degree of symbolic racism, with little to no
impact from monetary considerations. The Namibian Constitution outlawed
discrimination and regarded affirmative motion and the introduction of a law to deal
with the difficulty of fairness in Namibia. In 1998 the Namibian parliament handed a
regulation to especially deal with affirmative motion in employment, and this
regulation is referred to as the Affirmative Action (Employment) Act, 29 of 1998. It is
obligatory that all applicable employers the ones using 25 or extra could be required
to publish their affirmative motion file every year to the Office of Employment Equity
Failing to try this the applicable organization is punished. This paper is arguing that
everyone applicable employer and people end up one to stick and admire the
Affirmative Action Act. The desideratum of this file is to make an evaluation of the
operations of affirmative motion reviews in Namibia for the length of 2014-2018. The
paper can be of quantitative layout, however, can be a record evaluation. The
researcher will be looking to examine Namibia Affirmative Action Reports submitted
to the Office of Employment Equity Commissioner for a length of five consecutive
years from 2014-to 2018.
The overall performance of the sectors at some point over the length of 5 years can
be examined even as the transcripts of the questionnaire and different quantitative
information can be analyzed through the usage quantitative software of SPSS,
Statistical Analysis, Statistics and EViews. Positivism connects with the philosophical
position of the normal researcher. The research is quantitative in nature and deploys
the use of primary and secondary data.
The findings indicate that the majority of men are racially disadvantaged while
women are racially advantaged, it is therefore recommended that the promotion of
both the boy and girl child should the heartbeat of the country. It is recommended
that there should be advocacy of intertribal human rights tribunal which promotes
freedom and justice eradicate tribalism. There is a need to have an independent
institution to deal with tribalism in Namibia.. Curbing tribalism, drafting policies, practical morality policy to enforce tribal policy implementing policies, sensitise
service providers about tribalism and the negative effect of tribalism.
indicate that 70% agree that there is preferential treatment in the granting of tenders
in Namibia. Defilement is usually characterised as the maltreatment of public ability
to acquire private advantages involving high monetary and social courts. It is
governance and ethics should continually be executed to eradicate preferential
treatment in granting of tenders in Namibia.
Key words Assessment, Operations, Affirmative Action
Right after racial turmoil in 1969 in Malaysia, and the essence of vulnerability in South
Africa's mid-1990s change from politically sanctioned racial segregation to a majority
rule government, every country expanded or conveyed a broad assortment of
certifiable movement applications. Notwithstanding the splendid extension and size
of greater part leaning toward confirmed movement, the socio-political gravity of the
applications' prosperity, and the meaning of state of the art observational
examination, there might be a shortage of nation novel and relative talk at the
organization and results of Governmental policy regarding minorities in society (AA) in
Malaysia and South Africa, particularly in current years ( (Lippert-Rasmussen, 2020)).
The majority of studies is indirectly appropriate, that have some expertise in vogue
proportions of divergence, with little interest in the scale promptly relevant to AA predominantly, tertiary preparation and upper-degree business. The truth that South
Africa in the first place observed bit of Malaysia's rules may likewise were animated
with the guide of utilizing highbrow consideration of a couple of fundamental varieties
with Malaysia anyway become furthermore if presently as of now not extra - probably
forced with the guide of utilizing the limitations of haggling more than one changes,
comprising of democratization, legislative rebuilding, and offsetting strength in each
zone (Howard, 2021).
The progression of time since South Africa's change has considered its own personal
rules to come to fruition - and, strangely, for a couple of similarities to create among
every country. The lack of new near investigations gives to the Providing details
regarding Governmental policy regarding minorities in society (AA) has been
breaking down over various years due to the beginning of accommodation of
confirmed movement surveys (Sowell, 2021). The Namibian Office of Work Value
Magistrate (EEC) has been overwhelmed with confirmed movement surveys which
are submitted yearly with the guide of utilizing material businesses each from people
in general and individual areas. This talk is about on a mission to inspect the tasks of
the certifiable movement surveys of Business Value Commission for the length of 20142018. This liquidation will thus, gift the (records) inconvenience articulation,
concentrates on targets, concentrates on questions, concentrates on speculations
notwithstanding the significance of the rubric. Consistence in expressions of confirmed
movement record is while a material association (people who recruit 25 (25) or extra)
meet the necessities in general, starting with the accommodation of AA audits on
time, amendment of all deficiencies and following the Governmental policy
regarding minorities in society Act (AAA). Neglecting to distribute the AA document
whether yearly or on time ought to bring about the office being charged, and results
forced. Non-accommodation of confirmed movement records may likewise bit by bit
bring about reiteration of non-adherence and infringement of the Governmental
policy regarding minorities in society (Work) Act, 29 of 1998.
More than one hundred fifty Namibian organizations will be hauled to the court
agenda after the business Value Commission laid hooligan costs contrary to them for
neglecting to adjust with the stockpile of the Governmental policy regarding
minorities in society Act. Accommodation and announcing of confirmed movement
documents to all The Workplace of Business Value Chief are mandatory to all
appropriate managers (RE), the individuals who utilize 25 or extra, and individuals who
utilize considerably less than this is wilful, be that as it may, they need to keep on with
the rule of thumb of the Governmental policy regarding minorities in society (Work)
Act 29 of 1998.
The aim of The Governmental policy regarding minorities in society (Work) Act 29 of
1998 is to acquire indistinguishable potential outcomes in business; reviewing
circumstances of disadvantage in business gifted with the guide of involving people
in exceptional organizations jumping up from past unfair legitimate rules and
practices; eliminate segregation in work; fostering an oversight outline alluded to as
the Business Value Commission. The Demonstration applies best to all businesses
involving 25 and additional staff and requires those businesses to place in force
confirmed movement. The Demonstration analysed three organizations alluded to as
"unique offices" to advantage from positive movement, in particular racially denied
people, young ladies, and people with handicaps. The essential aim of this
examinations is to assess the activity of positive operations of affirmative surveys in
Namibia for the length 2014 to 2018.
Regardless of the length of the quantity of years the Namibian Governmental policy
regarding minorities in society has been situated in work out, there are in any case
various requesting circumstances that need to be tended so the steadiness of Positive
movement is finished effectively. Following a couple of long stretches of freedom fight,
the financial strength become engaged inside the fingers of the white anyway after
freedom while certifiable movement become conveyed and depicted in light of the
contraptions to review the irregular characteristics of the past. Article 23(2) of the
Namibian Constitution engaged Parliament to authorize regulations designed for
changing social, money related, or informative irregular characteristics inside the
Namibian culture jumping up out of past oppressive legitimate rules or practices. The
confirmed movement inside the Namibian setting desires to guarantee that racial
denied people are well addressed in all scopes of business, by the greatest relevant
bosses are whites (racial advantaged individuals), and that they in any case possess
the administrative situations in work.
Racially denied young ladies are by and large possessing lower-degree positions in
business (Aun, 2020). The Governmental policy regarding minorities in society
(Business) Act could be exceptionally remarkable roughly a couple of necessities
which the relevant association should consider. A portion of the significant necessities
are the drafting of a three-year Governmental policy regarding minorities in society
plan in the close to meeting with staff, that is submitted looking like a Governmental
policy regarding minorities in society document to the Work Value Commission. The
principal document with the guide of utilizing public zone appropriate businesses
become due on 4 August 2000 and the essential record with the guide of utilizing
individual zone material managers should have been submitted on 6 February 2001.
Input audits at the Governmental policy regarding minorities in society plan's
execution should be presented consistently from there on, till the time while specialists
are glad that work disparities were agreeably helped (The Business' Rules to the
Governmental policy regarding minorities in society, Act No.29 of 1998).
Literature Review and Theoretical framework
This paper will evaluate the writing on the tasks of certifiable movement surveys. The
monography will upgrade the tasks of certifiable movement surveys in expressions of
the body of the specialist's profile, enrollment, advancement, and preparing
notwithstanding the mathematical dreams set. A careful evaluation of confirmed
movement surveys by the Business Value Commission will strain the benefit of forcing
positive movement in an association. For the overwhelming majority years ladies and
different gatherings have been exposed to separation, imbalance, and underportrayal, both in the public help and in human culture in general. To prod the
portrayal of impeded bunches in the organization and schooling foundations, many
states have set out on governmental policy regarding minorities in society measures.
Since their beginning, the essential point of these actions is to conquered segregation
and advance balance of chance and representativeness.
Governmental policy regarding minorities in society is viewed as one of the most
disputable and misjudged approaches presented by government. The contention is
generally ascribed to the people who go against state mediation chasing helping the
recently distraught. The section contends that a delegate public help is an important
condition that can be accomplished through governmental policy regarding
minorities in society. It begins by giving a conversation on governmental policy
regarding minorities in society followed by a conversation on the hypothesis of
delegate organization, which is the focal point through which governmental policy
regarding minorities in society can be seen.
Theoretical Framework
The paper can be conceptualized as depicted in Figure 2.1 in which the structured
variable is the operations of the affirmative motion reviews even as the impartial
variables are the body of the worker's profile, recruitment, promotion,
Workforce Profile
The preamble of the Employment Equity Act makes it clear that due to incidental
occasions of discrimination in opposition to human beings which prompted downside,
affirmative motion can be its focal factor. Workforce profile Research performed in
1995, indicated that whites held eighty-five to ninety-five per cent of senior control
authority's places of work and professions. These figures are a clear indication that
discrimination has left disparities in employment and diverse occupations
(Employment Equity Commission, 2017/2018). A vital constructing block of a
democratic society is to make sure that equality is completed in society. In exercise,
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework 1
Source Lippert-Rasmussen (2020)
Another applicable subject will be the courtroom docket’s cognizance of whom
preceding deprived human beings are. This preference is about in George v Liberty
Life Association of Africa Ltd wherein a worker becomes aggrieved for now no longer
being taken into consideration for a post. The organization appointed someone from
the formerly deprived institution (Charles, 2021). This becomes carried out to be
consistent with the organization's affirmative motion plan. It is argued that after
people reveal inequality of possibility, the difficulty of institutional discrimination has
triumphed over and that they must be dealt with on the idea of their man or woman
characteristics and now no longer on race or different reputation-primarily totally
based standards. Human rights will permit people with lesser qualifications belonging
to a sure institution, to obtain preferential remedies for jobs and this will be consistent
with the honest play precept, thinking that people may also compete on an honest
A critique of this version is that its miles simply procedural, and the consequences
aren't always guaranteed. Growing the necessities for an access degree activity
could nevertheless exclude poorly certified black personnel, posing boundaries to the
employment of that personnel. In McInnes v Technikon Natal, the courtroom docket
needed to set up if an affirmative motion should represent an honest purpose for
dismissal instead of appointing someone.
The affirmative motion and recruitment guidelines had been mentioned and
determined. now no longer to be discriminatory in any respect, however, to sell the
addressing of downside primarily based on beyond discrimination (Dudley : Michelle,
2019) .In 2003, the Public Football Association laid out the "Rooney rule," a strategy
expecting groups to talk with minority contender for head training opening. This
strategy, has been applied across different enterprises, is an illustration of "delicate"
governmental policy regarding minorities in society (SAA), a term used to allude to
strategies intended to change the piece of the competitor pool as opposed to the
rules utilized during the recruiting system (Beck & Arnold, 2020). As opposed to "hard"
governmental policy regarding minorities in society requiring direct thought of minority
status as a piece of the recruiting choice (e.g., business standards), such strategies
include doing whatever it may take to build the portion of minority competitors
considered for a position yet thusly treating up-and-comers unbiasedly (TRB, 2022)
Kinder and Sears (1981), symbolic racism involves each anti-black influencing and
beliefs that promotes individualism and self-reliance, those measures of ideology and
birthday celebration identity are imperative additives to validating the concept.
Symbolic racism is a mixture of anti-black influence and sturdy conventional American
Protest ethic, so figuring out an ideology or political birthday celebration that
promotes individualism and self-reliance is a key factor of symbolic racism (LippertRasmussen, 2020). The affirmative motion must accommodate schemes that intend
to deal with nearby hazards of majority human beings and instances wherein the
intention to grow the illustration of majority human beings is a part of a much broader
plan to sell the illustration and/or pursuits of minority human beings. Affirmative motion
tends to sell noticeable equality of possibility.
Affirmative motion promotes noticeable equality of possibility; justice is constituted
with the aid of using noticeable equality of possibility. Substantive equality of possibility
is a part of what justice is (Aun, 2020). Some would possibly take delivery of the
empirical to declare that affirmative motion reduces inequality of possibility
throughout people, however, then deny that this affords any justification for
affirmative motion on the floor that noticeable equality of possibility isn't always a
demand of justice. They would possibly achieve this due to the fact they join a few
distributives best apart from equality of possibility, e.g., sufficientarianism, or they may
achieve this due to the fact they join a few non-distributive bests of justice. In response,
furnish rationales for noticeable equality of possibility—a distributive
fairness-primarily based one and one that is congenial to relational egalitarian money
owed of social justice (ILO, 2021).
The Namibian public provider recorded 6328 terminations of employment settlement
instances at some point in the 2017-2018 assessment length of 30% much less than the
range of personnel who vacated their positions of employment inside the public
provider at some point in the 2016-2017 assessment length. Women constituted the
bulk 50% of personnel whose settlement of employment ended inside the Public
Service at some point of the length below assessment. Themis v IBM South Africa (Pty)
Ltd the South African Employment Equity Act does now no longer set up a man or
woman proper. Section 15(2)(d)(ii) does now no longer impose a duty on an
organization that contemplates retrenchments, to preserve black personnel in the
desire of white personnel, so one can meet its employment fairness wishes.
Employment Opportunity Commission to analyze and stop discrimination in personal
employment. Johnson’s government order used the precise phrases as Kennedy had
in 1961: (Gould, 2021) The contractor will take affirmative motion to make sure that
candidates are employed, and that personnel are dealt with at some point of
employment, without regard to their race, creed, colour, or countrywide origin. That
order covered recruitment, promotions, salary, transfers, layoffs, and choice for
apprenticeships and schooling. Each contractor becomes ordered to make
"affordable efforts inside an inexpensive time” to conform, and if they did , no longer,
the authorities should terminate or drop the settlement and the agency “can be
declared ineligible for in addition Government contracts (ILO, 2021).”
Another shape of affirmative motion software which arguably falls out of doors the
scope of formal equality of possibility is remedial schooling applications. Suppose
minority candidate X currently has much less advantage than the majority candidate.
Y. However, X additionally has extra expertise and if supplied with a unique schooling
software, X will speedily surpass Y—possibly although Y too had been to sign up for the
unique schooling software. Consider an affirmative motion coverage along with
presenting the activity plus unique schooling to X in such instances, however now no
longer presenting the activity to a much less certified majority candidate who, but,
after enrolment with inside the unique schooling software will be predicted to surpass
the minority candidate although she or he enrolled in that software as nicely
(Anderson, 2021). This software is probably likeminded with the spirit of formal equality
of possibility, furnished the statistics approximately what a unique schooling software
will do for exclusive types of candidates is reliable (Shohfi, 2016) .
Arguments for and Against Affirmative Action
Arguments for and in opposition to the affirmative motion in comparing the case for
and in opposition to affirmative motion, a few large observations are vital to location
those arguments in a much broader perspective. Equality and justice are typically
shared calls evoked with the aid of using each proponent and fighter of affirmative
motion. In element, this stems from the ambiguities and contradictions that appear to
accompany the means given to those vital phrases. In the idea, of "equality", the
ideas which might be supplied to outline it are neither clean nor universally shared
and are often contested.
What it can represent in concept can be exclusive in exercise. In realistic phrases, as
each day manual to motion, equality is an idea this is contextually described,
anointed, and fashioned with the aid of using an array of cultural symbols and
patterns; mounded with the aid of using problems, actors, establishments, the stakes
worried etc. In the equal society, it can pragmatically or opportunistically shift which
means however nearly continually it's miles a creature of struggles over strength and
sources, several important and others of juvenile.
Equality isn't always clean- reduced system however a clarion name for the defense
of the status quo or for radical alternate concerning battle over scarce sources and
values which could outline the destiny of people and groups. It is an invite for neverending evaluation and highbrow meditation. Anyone with a selected factor of view
which means equality can discover documentation, narratives, texts, and reasserts in
a society’s records to justify a role (Critzer, 2021). It is vital to concentrate on the
arguments for equality and justice, bearing in thought that they are miles continually
partisan, ideological, spiritual, and charged with claims to preserve or redistribute
strength, sources, and statuses.
Each nation wherein affirmative motion guidelines are being proposed and pursued,
consists of its very own blend of arguments for and in opposition to affirmative motion
with its very own array of agencies and pursuits in contention. The arguments inside
the first set of states working towards affirmative motion generally tend to steer the
arguments and guidelines and programmers of later comers. In some instances,
affirmative motion claims were inspired by lifestyles due to the sample and instance
of in advance states (Rabe, 2020).
It is anti-hegemonic in conferring identical reputation of the cultural symbols and
practices of agencies apart from the dominant one. In this manner, affirmative motion
promotes identical citizenship in a divided nation. It advances inter-cultural concord
and team spirit in a tolerant coverage of multiculturalism. Affirmative motion with the
aid of using conferring dignity, a separate area, and finishing discrimination and
alienation, may also lessen migration of the abilities and capabilities from a society.
It can be argued additionally that affirmative motion tends to sell extra green usage
of the human sources inside the society. Discrimination in opposition to an ethniccultural network tends to underutilize the capacity of the discriminated institution to
contribute maximally to the improvement of the nation.
The advantage precept but is susceptible to attack. The advocates of advantage
regard the concept as a technical workout that may be objectively discerned (if now
no longer quantified and measurable), main to undisputed comparisons in overall
performance. This, but vocally and vociferously its miles affirmed, is largely incorrect,
as Iris Marion Young has argued, affirming that “impartial, cost impartial, clinical
measures of advantage do now no longer exist” (Young 1990: 193). She is going on:
For the advantage precept to practice, it ought to be feasible to become aware of,
degree, compare and rank man or woman overall performance of activityassociated duties the usage of standards which are normatively and culturally
impartial. For maximum jobs, but this isn't always feasible, and maximum standards of
assessment utilized in our society, consisting of instructional credentials and
standardized testing, have normative and cultural content (Critzer, 2021).
Opponents of affirmative motion argue that the coverage rewards the competitive
and unenterprising and encourages laziness and the absence of motivation. Further,
it tends to locate into jobs the unskilled and not worthy, thereby distorting the green
allocation of human sources. Further, and maximum importantly, the records of
affirmative motion inside the many societies which have followed it has proven that it
tends to praise the incorrect human beings inside a deprived institution.
Consequently, it creates new agencies of exploiters, leaving the needy in a nation of
continual poverty (Gomez, 2021).
This paper embarks to challenge Pojman's contentions individually and demonstrate
the creator's postulation on the side areas of strength for activity. Catchphrases:
governmental policy regarding minorities in society; solid governmental policy
regarding minorities in society; feeble governmental policy regarding minorities in
society; Louis Pojman; deontology; utilitarian morals (the two types of governmental
policy regarding minorities in society are being talked about in what follows). The
heroes of governmental policy regarding minorities in society normally give serious
areas of strength for nine contentions on the side of governmental policy regarding
minorities in society approaches. Pojman, in his work demonstrate his view against
such arrangements, has made nine counterarguments against solid governmental
policy regarding minorities in society.
. Methodology
This paper focuses on the studies technique so that it will discourse a number of those
subjects covered; studies area, studies layout, sampling processes (the populace),
sampling strategies, information series processes/studies contraptions, information
Research area the study could be finished at Employment Equity
Commission. This record evaluation will assess and examine the affirmative motion
reviews for the length of 2014-2018.
The Research Philosophy of the research is Positivism
Positivism connects with the philosophical position of the normal researcher. This
involves working with a detectable social reality and the finished result can be
regulation like speculations like those in the physical and inherent sciences. The
epistemological place that supporters working with a noticeable social reality. The
accentuation is on profoundly organized strategy to work with replication, and the
final result can be regulation like speculations like those created by the physical and
normal researchers. Consistent positivism of the unbending sort is regularly viewed as
a past episode, a positivistic mindset is, as I would like to think, boundless. What's more,
it is conceivable that a few logicians who might resentfully reject that they surmise the
guideline of evidence as a model of significance by the by make inferred and
consistent utilization of it.
Analysis of sensible positivism is clearly a negative strategy, which should be joined by
something surer. In other words, assuming that one plans to condemn positivism
according to the perspective of a metaphysician, one should do whatever it may
take to show that power is a potential and legitimate scholarly movement. the vast
majority of the cutting-edge experts are "positivists" in this sense, at any rate on the off
chance that accentuation is put on "information."
However, assuming that one method by positivism a way of thinking which includes
the dismissal of all magical suggestions as useless and illogical, it is wrong to discuss all
cutting edge logical rationalists as positivists. Besides, the work, which is obviously
composed, appeared too numerous to bear the cost of a hypothetical defense and
reason for what one might call the "positivist mindset," which is, obviously, definitely
farther, and wider than the positivist way of thinking considered as an arrangement
of suspected.
It appears, then, consistent with say that the neopositivist of the Vienna Circle was
implanted into the logical development in current English way of thinking to a great
extent through the impact of Teacher Ayer, however crafted by Carnap and different
individuals from the Circle were, obviously, likewise considered.
Indeed, even Teacher Ayer, who actually sticks to the standard as a strategic rule,
has significantly changed his understanding and utilization of it, and while expounding
as of late on its application to verifiable recommendations he unequivocally expresses
that it has been manhandled previously. He is very much aware that the utilization of
the rule without anyone else can't do the trick to take out mysticism and that
significantly more can be said about moral recommendations than that they have
"emotive" meaning.
Neopositivist in its Mainland structure isn't, I think, amicable to the English psyche. Also,
one can say that the implantation of positivism from Vienna has been watered down
in the general. Be that as it may, positivism in a smaller sense isn't really surmised. Most
of English examiners would, I think, repudiate any expectation of precluding
otherworldly issues and recommendations in a deduced design with the guide of the
neopositivist rule of significance. Teacher C. L. Stevenson, writer of the notable book,
Morals and Language, 1945), he slopes to a teleological perspective on morals.
Figure 2 Research Onion
Source Saunders (2020)
This segment unloads discoveries from auxiliary information from the period 2014-2018
and unwinds the accompanying exploration targets. The part makes a reply to the
accompanying fragments
What is the assessment of the activity of certifiable
movement surveys in Namibia for the length of 2014-2018? How would you inspect the
body of laborers' profiles for staff all through all business areas for the length of 20142018? How would you become mindful of total enlistment reliable with word related
scientific categorization of race, orientation, insufficiency notoriety and outsiders?
What is the sectoral utility of certifiable movement in Namibia?
What is the
association between agreed movement and undertaking by and large execution?
Work profile
A total complete of 167 502 workers across all business areas was recorded for the
survey time frame 2013/2014, addressing a slight reduction of 1% in the quantity of
representatives covered during the 2012/2013 audit period. People in assigned
bunches contained 96% of representatives across every single monetary area. Dark
workers involved just 63% of administrative positions even though they represent 91%
of the absolute number of representatives covered.
Non-Namibian workers represented 7% of supervisors, while just 0,9% of administrators
were people with inabilities. Ladies involved 44% of administrative positions. A sum of
168 288 workers were accounted for by 691 businesses across all modern areas
countrywide, addressing a slight increment of 0, 5% in the quantity of representatives
detailed during the 2013/2014 survey period. People from assigned bunches
contained 87% of the complete number of representatives detailed, however
represented just 37% of the chief positions.
Albeit Dark workers contained 84% of the complete number of representatives
detailed during the period under survey (2014/2015), they comprised just 56% of the
situations at the administration levels, addressing a lamentable downfall of 7%, in the
quantity of administrative positions involved by Dark representatives kept in the
2013/2014 survey period. Ladies comprised 39% of administrative situations, while 9%
of supervisors were non-Namibians and 1% were people with handicaps. A sum of 199
126 workers were accounted for by 763 businesses across all modern areas
countrywide, addressing an increment of 18% in the quantity of representatives
covered by governmental policy regarding minorities in society reports during the
period under survey contrasted with the past comparing audit period. Beforehand,
racially burdened represented 93% of representatives covered by the reports during
the period under survey, however ladies involved 45%, while people with handicaps
accounted exclusively for a simple 0,4% of the labor force and 1% were nonNamibians. The already racially burdened accounted exclusively for 28% of positions
at the Chief Chiefs level, while 58% were White and 13% were non-Namibians. The
beforehand racially impeded represented 66% of administrative positions, an
increment of 10% in the level of Dark chiefs recorded during the past relating period.
Applicable bosses provided details regarding an accumulated absolute of 277 745
representatives across all modern areas during the 2017-2018 audit time frame,
addressing an increment of 5% in the quantity of workers recorded during the past
comparing survey period.
People with handicaps involved just 0,4% of representatives investigated during the
period under survey, while 46% were ladies and 1% were non-Namibians. White
workers represented 56% of positions at the Chief Chiefs level, unaltered from the level
of Leader Chiefs recorded during the past relating audit period. Even though the
recently distraught included 94% of the all-out labor force investigated during the
period under survey, they accounted exclusively for 30% of Leader Chiefs, while 21%
were ladies and 13% of Chief Chiefs were non-Namibians. The already racially
impeded represented 63% of administrative positions, but White representatives who
included just 4% of the all-out labor force, represented 29% of positions at the board
levels. This lopsided racial synthesis of administrators has been steady throughout the
long term and ought to be reviewed.
Figure 3 Work profile Variability plot for the disadvantaged
Source Author (2023)
When juxtaposition of men and women from 2013-2016 The racially disadvantaged
men were forty nine percent , while the racially disadvantaged women were forty two
percent. The number for racially disadvantaged men was constant in 2014/2015 but
declined to thirty five percent for racially disadvantaged women. For the period
2015/2016 the racially disadvantaged women were forty three percent while the
number for racially disadvantaged men incremented to fifty one percent.
Figure 4. Variability plot for Disadvantaged men Spreadsheet
Source Author (2023)
. Recruitment Cumulative
A sum of 35346 people was employed across modern areas during the survey time
frame 2013/2014, addressing a stunning increment of 65% in the quantity of people
recruited during the period under survey. 43% individuals employed were ladies,
however just 0,5% were people with inabilities and 1% were non-Namibians. 55% of the
administrators recruited were Dark, 34% were White and 11% were non-Namibians,
however just 0,4% were people with incapacities.
Businesses answered to have enlisted a sum of 40 514 representatives during the
2014/2015 survey period, addressing a 15% increment in the number selected during
the past relating survey period. White workers represented 59% of individuals enlisted
at the best three-word related levels, while just 43% were beforehand racially
burdened, 0, 5% were people with inabilities and 8% were non-Namibians. Ladies'
portion of workers enlisted at the three top word related levels was 31%.
Generally speaking, 57% of representatives enlisted were men, however just 0, 3%
were people with handicaps. Bosses across all modern areas answered to have
recruited 55 125 during the period under survey, 36% more than the number employed
during the past relating audit period. People in assigned bunches represented 96% of
people employed during the period under survey and 41% were ladies, while just 0,3%
were people with handicaps. The beforehand racially impeded represented 58% of
chiefs recruited during the period under audit, 31% were White and 10% were nonNamibians, while 42% were ladies. The above Table and going with diagram
demonstrate the pattern in the complete number of workers wrote about by pertinent
businesses over the last 10 audit periods.
A sum of 6403 representatives were advanced during the 2013/2014 survey period,
addressing an increment of 121% in the quantity of workers advanced in the past
comparing survey period, when just 640 representatives were advanced. 95% of the
representatives advanced were people in assigned gatherings and 1% were nonNamibians. 8 878 representatives were accounted for to have been advanced during
the 2014/2015 survey period, addressing an increment of 39% in the quantity of workers
advanced during the past relating audit period.
Ladies accounted exclusively for 43% of representatives advanced during the
2014/2015 survey period, while just a simple 0, 5% of workers advanced, were people
with handicaps. The beforehand racially impeded represented 63% of workers
elevated to positions at the main three-word related levels, while 5% were nonNamibians and 45% were ladies.
Bosses across all modern areas answered to have advanced a sum of 8 210
representatives during the period under survey, a slight diminishing of 8% in the
quantity of workers answered to have been advanced during the past relating survey
period. Representatives in assigned bunches represented 84% of advancements
affected at the administration level and just 46% of advancements at the
administration level were ladies, while a simple 0,2% were people with handicaps.
Important managers across all modern areas recorded a collected 9 472
advancements during the 2017-2018 survey time frame, 36% of whom were ladies and
a simple 0,2% were people with handicaps, while 96% were people in assigned
gatherings. People in assigned bunches represented 83% of representatives elevated
to positions at the executives’ levels, however simply 44% delegated to positions at
the administration levels were ladies.
Figure 5 Variability Plot of Disadvantaged men 2013-2014
Source Author (2023)
25 661 workers emptied their business positions across all areas, during the 2013/2014
survey period, showing a decay of 7% in the quantity of work contract terminations
recorded during the past relating audit period. Most of representatives whose
agreements of business finished, were men, viz, 61% and 2% were non-Namibians,
while 0,8% were people with handicaps. 5% of representatives whose agreements of
business finished were administrators, 36% of whom were ladies. 35 555 workers were
accounted for to have cleared their places of work during the 2014/2015 audit period,
addressing an increment of 39% in the quantity of representatives answered to have
emptied their positions during the past comparing survey period.
Male workers represented 63% of representatives whose agreements of business
finished during the 2014/2015 audit period, while 2% of the representatives who found
employment elsewhere during the period under survey were non-Namibians. A sum
of 54 529 representatives left their bosses across all modern areas during the 2017-2018
survey time frame, 96% of whom were people in assigned gatherings and 39% were
ladies, while 0,2% were people with handicaps and 2% were non-Namibians. People
in assigned bunches represented 67% of the administrators whose agreements of
were ended during the period under audit. Most workers' agreement of business
finished because of acquiescence, to be specific 33%, trailed by non-recharging of
work contracts, 27% and unspecified reasons (other), 21%
Figure 6 Variability plot 2013-2016
Source Author (2023)
A sum of 47551 workers were prepared across all areas, 61% of whom were men and
1% were non-Namibians, while just a simple 0,3% were people with handicaps. 34% of
the chiefs prepared were White, 59% were Dark and 7% were non-Namibian
Supervisors. A sum of 63 519 representatives were accounted for to have been
prepared during the 2014/2015 survey period, addressing an increment of 34% in the
quantity of workers prepared across all industry areas during the past comparing audit
period. 73% of representatives in the main three-word related classes who were
prepared during 2014/2015, were from assigned gatherings, however just 40% were
ladies and a simple 1% were people with handicaps.
Businesses across all modern areas answered to have prepared 72 865
representatives, the vast majority of whom were people from assigned gatherings,
34% were ladies, however just a simple 0,3% were people with handicaps. White
workers included 31% of chiefs prepared during the period under survey and 6% of
administrators who were prepared during the 2015-2016 audit time frame were nonNamibians. A collected 69 274 representatives were recorded as having been
prepared across all modern areas during the 2017-2018 survey time frame, 10% not
exactly the number recorded for preparing during the past relating audit period.
People in assigned bunches represented 95% of workers prepared during the period
under audit and just 43% were ladies, while 1% were non-Namibians.
Figure 7 Variability Plot 2013-2018
Source Author (2023)
Selected Sectors
Agriculture Sector
Work profile
The Horticulture Area enrolled a labour force totalling 2012 workers during the
2013/2014 represented as year 1 in the diagram below survey period, addressing an
increment of 25% in the quantity of representatives provided details regarding during
the past relating audit period. The increment was empowering as the Farming Area,
accepted to be quite possibly of the biggest manager in the nation, had been
announcing low worker figures which were not proportionate with its true capacity
utilizing limit. Ladies represented an astounding 63% of the labour force in the
Horticulture Area and 2% of representatives in the area were non-Namibians. half of
Chiefs in the Farming Area were likewise non-Namibians. The horticulture area is
to have a labour force totalling 2 844 representatives during the
2014/2015 represented as year 2 in the diagram below survey period, addressing an
increment of 29% in the quantity of workers revealed during the past relating audit
period. Ladies represented 61% of representatives in the farming area, while 1% were
non-Namibian and just 0, 07% were people with handicaps.
The Horticulture Area answered to have a sum of 2 550 representatives, a downfall of
10% in the quantity of workers recorded during the past comparing survey period.
Ladies represented 60% of the workers in the Horticulture area, however just 20% of
directors were ladies, while 12% of administrators were non-Namibians.
Just 0,2% of workers in the Horticulture area were people with disabilities The Farming
Area enrolled 7 910 representatives during the 2017-2018 represented as year 4 in the
diagram below survey time frame, an astounding 57% expansion in the quantity of
workers provided details regarding by important businesses in the Rural Area during
the past comparing audit period. People in assigned bunches contained 98% of the
labour force in the Farming Area and 74% of administrators were additionally from
assigned gatherings. Ladies represented 46% of workers in the Area, while 0,7% were
Figure 8 Sequential Graph 2013-2018
Source Author (2023)
The Fishing Area recruited 912 individuals during the 2013/2014 audit period,
somewhat less (10%) than the number employed during the past comparing survey
period. 57% individuals employed were men and close to 100% were from assigned
gatherings. The fishing area recorded an enrolment of 1 629 people during the
2014/2015 survey period, 79% more than the number recruited during the past relating
audit period.
figure 9 of Enlisting
Source author (2023)
People in assigned bunches contained 98% of the people recruited during the period
under survey; 49% of were ladies and just 0, 2% were people with handicaps. Whites
contained 52% of leader chiefs, chiefs and supervisors recruited during the period
under survey; just 39% were Dark and 9% were ostracizes. The fishing area recorded
an enlistment of 1 629 people during the 2014/2015 survey period, 79% more than the
number recruited during the past comparing audit period. People in assigned
bunches contained 98% of the people recruited during the period under survey; 49%
of were ladies and just 0, 2% were people with handicaps. Whites included 52% of
chief chiefs, chiefs and administrators employed during the period under survey; just
39% were Dark and 9% were exiles.
Figure 10 3D Sequential Graph
Source Author (2023)
The Fishing Area employed 2 925 people during the 2015-2016 survey time frame, an
incredible 80% more than the people enrolled during the past relating survey period.
Of the 2 925 people who were recruited during the period under survey, just 43% were
ladies and a simple 0,1% were people with incapacities. The Fishing Area answered to
have employed 2 984 people, 6% more than the quantity of people recruited during
the past relating survey period. Ladies represented most people employed during the
2017-2018 survey time frame, as they contained 57% of the volunteers, while just 0,49%
were people with inabilities and 0,7% were non-Namibians. Whites represented 41% of
directors recruited during the period under survey, while just 39% were Dark. People in
assigned bunches represented 98% of people employed during the 2017-2018 survey
time frame.
Figure 11 Ternary Graph 2013-2018 Enlisting and Fishing Labour
Source Author (2023)
Information Systems ,Electronics and Telecommunications Sector
Work Profile
The Data Frameworks, Hardware and Broadcast communications Innovations Area
recorded a labour force of 2 658 workers during the survey time frame 2013/2014, 12%
a larger number of than the number covered during the past comparing audit period.
Albeit White representatives contained just 14% of the labour force in the area, they
involved 39% of administrative positions and 6% non-Namibians were Directors. Male
representatives contained 67% of chiefs in the Data, Hardware and Media
communications Advances Area, the data frameworks area recorded a labour force
of 2 244 workers during the 2014/2015 survey period, a 16% decrease in the quantity
of representatives covered during the past relating audit period. Ladies comprised
just 36% of the labour force in the area and involved just 26% of positions at the leader
chief and administrative levels.
People with handicaps contained 0, 3 of the labour force in the area, while 1% of
workers in that area were non-Namibian. 95% were people from assigned gatherings.
half of leader chiefs were Dark, 44% were White, while 6% were non-Namibian. The
Data Frameworks, Gadgets and Correspondence Innovation Area covered a labour
force supplement of 2 688 across the business.
Ladies accounted exclusively for 38% of representatives in the area, while people with
handicaps contained just 0,4% of the labour force. Albeit White representatives
contained just 15% of the labour force in the Data Frameworks area, they involved
41% of positions at the Administration and Leader Chief levels separately. The Data
Frameworks, Gadgets and Correspondence Innovation Area enrolled a 21% drop in
the quantity of workers that were utilized in the area during the past comparing survey
period. Just 39% of workers in the area were ladies, while they accounted exclusively
for 32% situations at the administration levels. People with incapacities included just
0,4% of the labour force, while 2% were non-Namibians.
The area employed 466 individuals during the 2013/2014 audit period. 92% individuals
recruited during the period under audit were people from assigned gatherings, yet
only one (1) individual was from the people with inabilities bunch. 59% of the people
recruited filled positions at the administration level. The area employed 336 people
during the period 2014/2015 under audit, 28% not exactly the number recruited during
the past relating survey year. Just 38% of people recruited were ladies and none were
people with inabilities.
The Data Frameworks Area recruited just 473 people during the period under audit,
yet 41% more than the number employed during the past comparing time frame.
People from assigned bunches represented 90% of the number employed, yet just
38% of people recruited were ladies and none from the people with inabilities bunch
was employed during the period under survey. The area recruited 609 workers during
the 2017-2018 survey time frame, an astounding 58% drop in the quantity of people
employed during the past relating audit period. People in assigned bunches
represented 93% of people recruited during the period under survey, while just 41% of
people employed by the Data Frameworks, Gadgets and Correspondence
Innovation Area were ladies.
The Data Frameworks, Gadgets and Media communications Innovations Area
affected 104 advancements during the period under survey, 65% of whom were male
representatives. The quantity of representatives advanced during the 2013/2014
survey period was 29% not exactly the figure recorded during the past relating audit
period. The area recorded 39 advancements just during the 2014/2015 survey period,
addressing a downfall of 63% in the quantity of workers advanced during the past
relating survey period. People of colour workers involved 85% of representatives
advanced, while 49% of those advanced were ladies and none were people with
handicaps, during the period under survey. The Data Frameworks Area affected 66
advancements just, yet 69% more than the advancements provided details regarding
during the past comparing audit period. People from assigned bunches involved 89%
of representatives advanced during the 2015-2016 survey time frame, however just
42% were ladies. The Data Frameworks, Gadgets and Correspondence Innovation
Area advanced just 97% workers during the 2017-2018 audit time frame, 44% not
exactly the quantity of representatives advanced during the past comparing survey
period. People in assigned bunches represented 88% of representatives advanced in
the area during the period under audit, while 44% were ladies and nobody from the
people with handicaps bunch was advanced.
Figure 12 Histogram of Years by Advancements 2013-2018
Source Author (2023)
The Assembling Area employed 1 399 people during the 2013/2014 survey year,
addressing a stunning 55% expansion in the quantity of individuals recruited during the
past comparing audit period. Guys contained 78% individuals recruited in the
Assembling area albeit the already racially distraught involved 92% of the quantity of
individuals employed during the 2013/2014 survey period, 53% of directors who were
employed by the Assembling area were White. The assembling area recruited 2 299
people during the 2014/2015 audit period, an increment of 64% in the quantity of
people employed during the past relating survey period. 71% of the people selected
in the assembling area were male, however just 0, 2% were people with handicaps.
54% of people recruited to fill positions at the chief chiefs and administrative levels
were White, 10% were non-Namibian and just 36% were from the beforehand racially
distraught gathering, The Assembling Area employed 2 813 people during the 20152016 audit time frame, 22% more than the quantity of people employed during the
past comparing survey period. Whites included 45% of people selected to positions at
the Leader Chiefs and the board level, even though they just comprised 6% of the
quantity of people employed during the period under survey. Ladies represented 31%
of the supervisors employed in the Assembling area during the period under survey.
The Assembling Area answered to have recruited 1 887 people during the 2017-2018
audit time frame, 27% not exactly the number announced employed during the past
comparing survey period. Whites represented 48% of supervisors employed during the
2017-2018 survey time frame, while just 42% of directors recruited during the 2017-2018
audit time frame were ladies and no individual with incapacities was recruited as
administrator during the period under survey.
Figure 13 Bivariate Histogram of Workers 2013-2017
Source Author (2023)
The Assembling Area recorded 1 228 business contract terminations for the survey time
frame 2013/2014, 81% of whom were male workers. 94% of workers whose agreement
of business finished during the period under survey were people in assigned
gatherings. Most of workers found employment elsewhere because of acquiescence,
35%, trailed by excusal because of wrongdoing, 29% and non-reestablishment of
agreement, 17%. Excusal because of insufficiency addressed minimal level of reasons
credited to business contract end, viz.0,5%.The producing area headed out in
different directions from 2 044 representatives during the 2014/2015 survey period, 72%
of whom were male, 1% were non-Namibian, while 0,5% were people with handicaps.
The already racially hindered represented 43% of leader chiefs and directors whose
agreements of business finished.
Most workers, 39%, found employment elsewhere in the area for unknown reasons,
("other"), trailed by renunciations, 30%, and non-reestablishment of business contracts,
14%During the 2015-2016 survey period, 2 426 representatives separated from the
Assembling Area, 19% more than the quantity of workers who emptied their places of
work during the past comparing audit period. 96% of workers who relinquished their
position were from the assigned gatherings and 31% were ladies while 0,3% were
people with handicaps. Most workers, (31%), found employment elsewhere because
of vague reasons, "Other", trailed by abdication, (23%) and excusal because of
wrongdoing, (18%). Excusal because of insufficiency comprised the least of business
contract end cases, The Assembling Area recorded 2 202 work contract terminations
during the 2017-2018 audit time frame, however 5% not exactly the quantity of
representatives who were accounted for to have left their managers during the past
comparing survey period. Deplorably, 96% of representatives whose agreements of
work finished were people from assigned gatherings, while 0,5% were people with
inabilities and 27% were ladies. Most representatives, 38%, left their bosses across the
area through abdications, trailed by vague reasons ("Other"), 22% and nonrecharging of work contracts, 14%.
Figure 14 Bivariate Histogram of Terminations 2013- 2017
Source Author (2023)
Mining Area
Work profile
The Mining Area answered to have an all-out labor force of 9 964 across the business,
addressing an increment of 12% in the number provided details regarding during the
past comparing survey period. In this male ruled Mining area, male representatives
contained 84% of the labor force. Dark representatives included 55% of the
administrative positions, Whites represented 31%, 24% of chiefs were non-Namibians
while 23% were ladies. Just 0,7% of the labor force were people with inabilities. The
mining area recorded a labor force totaling 8 729 representatives during the survey
time frame 2014/2015, a 12% decrease in the 9 964 workers provided details regarding
during the past relating audit period. In mining , generally a male ruled industry, 82%
of laborers are men who likewise contained 74% of chief chiefs and supervisors in the
area. The Mining Area answered to have 7 668 representatives across the business
during the period under audit, 12% not exactly the quantity of workers recorded
during the past relating survey period. Mining being a men space, 79% of workers in
the Mining area were men and just 24% of Leader Chiefs and Directors separately,
were ladies. People with incapacities comprised just 0,9% of the labor force, while 4%
were non-Namibians. The Mining Area had a consolidated labor force of 10 177
workers the nation over, an increment of 9% in the quantity of representatives who
were utilized in the business during the past relating survey period. People in assigned
bunches represented the biggest portion of representatives in the Mining Area, an
incredible 92%, but ladies accounted exclusively for 17% of the labor force, while just
0,7% were people with handicaps. Dark workers contained 68% of directors in the
Mining Area during the 2017-2018 audit time frame.
The Mining Area sent 6 774 workers for preparing during the 2013/2014 audit year, most
of whom were men, viz. 88%. 8% of the representatives prepared were directors and
4 % were non-Namibian workers, however just 0,6% were people with inabilities. The
mining area prepared 9 273 representatives during the 2014/2015 audit period, an
increment of 38% in the quantity of workers prepared during the past relating survey
period. Male representatives comprised most of those laborers who were prepared
during the 2014/2015 audit period, 86%, 0,2% from the people with handicaps bunch
were prepared and 2% were non-Namibian. The Mining Area answered to have
prepared 4 998 representatives during the 2015-2016 audit time frame, 87% of whom
were from the assigned gatherings, however just 14% were ladies and 0,3% were
people with handicaps. The Mining Area answered to have prepared a sum of 7 484
workers across the business, however 11% not exactly the quantity of representatives
revealed prepared during the past relating survey period. People in assigned bunches
represented 93% of representatives prepared in the Mining Area during the 2017-2018
audit time frame, yet just 13% were ladies and 0,2% were people with handicaps.
Figure 15 Variability Plot 2013-2018
Source Author (2023)
Transport Area
Work profile
The Vehicle Area answered to have a labour force totalling 3 186, addressing a sharp
decay of 40% in the quantity of representatives covered during the past relating
survey period. Just 17% of workers in the Vehicle Area were ladies, while a simple 0,5%
were people with handicaps and 1% were non-Namibians. White representatives
represented an incredible 72% of chiefs, while Blacks contained 85% of the labour
force in the Vehicle Area. The vehicle area recorded a labour force containing 4 771
workers, an increment of half in the quantity of representatives provided details
regarding during the past comparing survey period. Male representatives contained
85% of the labour force in the vehicle area and 94% of workers were from assigned
gatherings. The Vehicle Area had a joined labour force of 4 126 workers across the
business, 14% not exactly the quantity of representatives kept in the past comparing
survey period. Despite the fact that 95% of workers in the Vehicle area were people
from assigned gatherings, just 16% were ladies and 0,6% were people with handicaps.
White representatives contained just 8% of the labour force in the Vehicle area yet
involved 65% of positions at the Chief Chiefs and the board levels separately, while
just 30% of Leader Chiefs and Administrators were ladies. The Vehicle Area had a
joined labour force of 5 702 representatives across the business, 53% more than the
quantity of workers kept in the past comparing survey period. Despite the fact that
95% of workers in the Vehicle area were people from assigned gatherings, just 16%
were ladies and 0,6% were people with handicaps. White representatives contained
just 9% of the labour force in the Vehicle area yet involved 62% of positions at the
Chief Chiefs and the board levels separately, while just 29% of Leader Chiefs and
Administrators were ladies.
The Vehicle Area selected a sum of 883 people during the 2013/2014 survey period,
24% not exactly the number enrolled during the past comparing audit period. 90% of
the people employed during the 2013/2014 survey period were from assigned
gatherings, in any case, albeit 85% individuals recruited were Dark, 81% of
administrators employed by the Vehicle Area were White and just 7% of directors
employed were Dark and 11% were non-Namibians. The vehicle area employed 863
people during the period under survey, be that as it may, just 15% of them were ladies,
0, 6% were people with inabilities, and 1% were ostracizes. The Vehicle Area recruited
999 people during the 2015-2016 audit time frame, 16% not exactly the number
employed during the former survey time frame. The Vehicle area seemed, by all
accounts, to be male ruled as just 20% of people recruited during the period under
survey were ladies, while ladies accounted exclusively for 35% of positions at the main
three-word related levels. The Vehicle Area employed 1 542 people during the 20172018 survey time frame, 15% more than the number recruited during the former audit
time frame. The Vehicle area had all the earmarks of being as yet male overwhelmed
as just 15% of people recruited during the period under audit were ladies, while ladies
accounted exclusively for 29% of positions at the main three-word related levels.
Figure 16 Box Plot Work profile 2013-2018
Box Plot of Workprofile grouped by Years
Spreadsheet3 10v*10c
Non-Outlier Range
Source Author (2023)
Which classes / race /tribes are accumulating wealthier than others
When participants were asked which classes, races, tribes are accumulating wealth
than others. Fifty percent of the participants indicated they are Oshiwambo, forty
percent highlighted its foreigners, and ten percent indicated Damara people. The
findings in this research are analogous to the works of Canterbury (2022) asserts wealth
accumulation and the life course, shows four typical trajectories of wealth
accumulation retrieved from our cluster analysis. We visualize the sequence typology
with both state distribution plots and index plots. The colors indicate the level of wealth
owned at different points in time.
Figure 17 Classes, Races, Tribes Accumulation of Wealthy
Source Author (2023)
Who is benefiting a lot in the Namibian Sector?
At the point when members were asked who is helping a ton in the Namibian Area.
30% affirmed they were blacks, 50% declared they were whites, and 20% concurred
they were Asians. The discernment that the racial tradition of imperialism is one that
philosophically joined all who were enslaved by frontier rule has been disproved by
the disintegration of Afro-Indian ties in a post-provincial time. “The variety line is
characterized by verifiable injuries on whose base expansionism raised a racial
superstructure (Sowell, 2021).
Figure 18 Benefiting a lot in Namibia Sector
Source Author (2023)
Are foreigners oppressing Namibians?
Half of the members assented that outsiders in Namibia are mistreating Namibians
while the excess 50% declined. The discoveries of this talk can to some degree be
corresponded to the talk which features that the guide from China has brought
about capital flight and the mistreatment of blacks through instalment of pitiful
compensations undeniably this has been considered as persecution of Africans. The
advancement help has surprises and results in the enslavement of the Africans
(Human Rights Watch, 2021).
Figure 19 Foreigners Oppressing Namibians 1
Source Author (2023)
A total complete of 167 502 workers across all business areas was recorded for the
survey time frame 2013/2014, addressing a slight reduction of 1% in the quantity of
representatives covered during the 2012/2013 audit period. Dark workers involved just
63% of administrative positions despite the fact that they represent 91% of the absolute
number of representatives covered. A sum of 168 288 workers were accounted for by
691 businesses across all modern areas countrywide, addressing a slight increment of
0, 5% in the quantity of representatives detailed during the 2013/2014 survey period.
People from assigned bunches contained 87% of the complete number of
representatives detailed, however represented just 37% of the chief positions. Albeit
Dark workers contained 84% of the complete number of representatives detailed
during the period under survey (2014/2015), they comprised just 56% of the situations
at the administration levels, addressing a lamentable downfall of 7%, in the quantity
of administrative positions involved by Dark representatives kept in the 2013/2014
survey period. Ladies comprised 39% of administrative situations, while 9% of
supervisors were non-Namibians and 1% were people with handicaps. A sum of 199
126 workers were accounted for by 763 businesses across all modern areas
countrywide, addressing an increment of 18% in the quantity of representatives
covered by governmental policy regarding minorities in society reports during the
period under survey contrasted with the past comparing audit period. The
beforehand racially burdened represented 93% of representatives covered by the
reports during the period under survey, however ladies involved 45%, while people
with handicaps accounted exclusively for a simple 0,4% of the labour force and 1%
were non-Namibians. The already racially burdened accounted exclusively for 28% of
positions at the Chief Chiefs level, while 58% were White and 13% were non-Namibians.
The beforehand racially impeded represented 66% of administrative positions, an
increment of 10% in the level of Dark chiefs recorded during the past relating period.
Applicable bosses provided details regarding an accumulated absolute of 277 745
representatives across all modern areas during the 2017-2018 audit time frame,
addressing an increment of 5% in the quantity of workers recorded during the past
comparing survey period. Ladies represented 61% of representatives in the farming
area, while 1% were non-Namibian and just 0, 07% were people with handicaps. The
Horticulture Area answered to have a sum of 2 550 representatives, a downfall of 10%
in the quantity of workers recorded during the past comparing survey period. Ladies
represented 60% of the workers in the Horticulture area, however just 20% of directors
were ladies, while 12% of administrators were non-Namibians. Just 0,2% of workers in
the Horticulture area were people with disabilities The Farming Area enrolled 7 910
representatives during the 2017-2018 survey time frame, an astounding 57% expansion
in the quantity of workers provided details regarding by important businesses in the
Rural Area during the past comparing audit period. People in assigned bunches
contained 98% of the labour force in the Farming Area and 74% of administrators were
additionally from assigned gatherings.
There is a need to have an independent institution to deal with tribalism in Namibia.
This will speed up the sensitisation of the citizen regarding issues of tribalism and how
to avoid it. Curbing tribalism, drafting policies, -practical morality policy to enforce
tribal policy implementing policies, sensitise service providers about tribalism and the
negative effect of tribalism.
Minority feels left out and discriminated when there is tribalism in society inequality
along tribal line (poor vs rich) systemic tribalism (when the system of government or
power and service provision is based on tribal line. When political identities can be
based on ethnic, and resources will not be fair distributed to all citizens.
Currently, there is a need for all tribes to strongly advocate that Namibia must at all
costs pursue the ideal which prescribes that the country belongs to all its citizens,
irrespective of their ethnic, racial, gender or background. Tribalist must be unmasked,
minorities should feel Namibia belongs to them too. A true sense of ownership is
needed. Tribal can be curbed by building a strong and cohesive nation able to solve
issues of tribalism and nepotism. The power to curb tribalism is vested in the office of
the president and the government. These two bodies must be full harnessed to create
a fair and peaceful nation.
It is recommended that the co-option of nationalism by an amalgamation of by
national ethos on ethnic, economic, and hegemonic issues. The government should
educate and train the masses on concepts of inclusivity, multi-ethnic, multi-faith
society, and issues of tolerance.
It is recommended that there should be advocacy of intertribal human rights tribunal
which promotes freedom and justice eradicate tribalism.
It is recommended that reforms are needed which attracts the eases of doing business
in Namibia, meetings, and implementation of ease of doing business policies in
tandem with World Bank should be implemented in Namibia.
It has been noted that China is deploying the Aid strategically to penetrate and
govern African countries and support African dependence, in this narrative China has
become a global player. Strategic alliance with a concept of fostering good
homophobia, xenophobia, subjugation, and colonisation of locals should be
discouraged at all costs. Creation of benign, conducive, and symbiotic relationship
between foreigners and locals for sustainable development, mentorship and
coaching should be enshrined.
The findings indicate that the majority of men are racially disadvantaged while
women are racially advantaged, it is therefore recommended that the promotion of
both the boy and girl child should the heartbeat of the country.
The findings also indicate that there is great accumulation of wealth by certain tribes
in Namibia in order to arrest this problem issues of diversity, equality, innovation should
be applied were distribution of wealth and empowerment are considered the
candidates having the same experience and qualification for example in recruitment,
employers should strike a balance and promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality in
the recruitment of all tribes. No person should be left behind because they are
segregated and discriminated based on their tribes.
It is therefore recommended that those tribes they were left behind should be
promoted based on merit, the affirmative action should be framed in such a way that
it promotes effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and economic growth. It should not
be used to stifle economic growth, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, bigotry, and counter
Considering aspect to do with improving the standards of living for Namibians there is
need to consider aspects to do with granting free land to the Namibians for purposes
of farming and productivity. Affordable housing should also be granted to Namibians
staying in abject conditions. There is also the need to grant free education in most
sectors and those who want to pursue education should be assisted with tools to attain
the education.
It is recommended that Mentorship and coaching programs should be executed to
those people who want to start business, capital made accessible to the Namibians
people. Mentorship and coaching should also be done to rehabilitate the prisoners
so that they can be absorbed into the society and improve their standard of living.
It is recommended that promotion by merit of the minority tribes into higher echelons
of society to promote diversity, innovation, teamwork and inclusivity is vital in Namibia
The majority supports Affirmative action while the minority whites and Asians are
against it. The affirmative action should be framed in such a manner that Asians and
Whites should be incorporated to promote morality and anti-racism.
Racism awareness and training, anti-discrimination polices, and ethics codes should
be disseminated to tackle institutional racism in the country. There is need to increase
corporate compliance with affirmative action.
In order to reduce the gap between the poor and rich promotion of free education,
e-learning, free infrastructure, free-computers, free laptops, free Wi-Fi at schools freebooks It is recommended that race should not be factor in granting scholarships in
It is recommended that Namibia should create a conducive environment, easy for
both locals and foreigners to execute business. Both local and foreign firms should be
allowed to flourish, and incentives granted to ailing companies. Liquidation of
companies should be done as a last resort when all attempts have been done to
resuscitate and rejuvenate the company.
It is recommended that Namibia should address aspect to do with statelessness of
locals and foreigners. The granting of legal documents to people without citizenship,
natives and promote the process to be friendly is very essential.
It is recommended that Namibia should generate enthusiasm, hope and confidence
in the market by elimination of all forms of bigotry, corruption and illegal procurement
process, prevention of corruption, ethical tenets should be disseminated in all sectors
in Namibia. Anti-corruption unit should foster strong linkages with mass media
association and furnish quarterly reports to the public concerning their operation. Zero
tolerance to corruption and promotion of ethical practises and morality policing
should enforced in the country.
Intergenerational injury through expansionism, racial segregation, lifetime weakness is
a significant gamble factor for fostering neuropathic problems, Increasing the healthy
welfare programs for people so they can access free treatment and medical care is
essential. Promotion of electronic doctors, mobile clinics, electronic nurses, use of
artificial intelligence for health care. The expansion, renovation and erection of new
hospitals is essential.
It is recommended to rearrange some work from exclusively whites only, Chinese only,
Oshiwambo only, Herero only, Damara only to include all people. Indigenisation of
products and services supporting local services and products is essential. Namibians
should benefit from the local resources and minerals. The principle of 50:50 trickle
down to all citizens in the country. The minerals and resources are local and belong
to Namibia, the processing should be done locally therefore Namibians should benefit
from these resources to prevent the Dutch Disease, foreigners should get half and
locals also get half in all sectors.
It is recommended that race should not be a determinant factor to work in Namibia.
Primary bigotry, social powers, disparities must not be used to support disparities
among racially and ethnic gatherings.
Findings point to the fact that fifty percent of whites are benefiting a lot, 30% blacks
do benefit while the remaining 20% are Asians. It is recommended that government
should support effective local products and services. Patriotism, nationalism, citizenry,
inclusivity, equality, and eradication of neo-colonial mentality should cascade from
top management to the shop floor.
Findings suggest that recruitment depends on tribalism, prejudice, political enrolment
in Namibia. It is therefore recommended that recruitment must depend on tribalism,
prejudice, and political affiliation.
Findings suggest that there is no resilience to bigotry, it is therefore recommended that
zero tolerance to racism, zero resilience strategies and practises, Decimating tradition
of bigotry, sexism, homophobia, inequity should be done through continuous tutoring
to eliminate bigotry, gender-based violence and passion killing.
Findings indicate that 50% Oshiwambo, 40% Foreigners, 10% Damara are
accumulating wealthy more than others. The country should address the wealthy
trajectories of yielded cumulative advantage, exponential wealth accumulation.
While some individuals accumulated wealth that has endured and grown
exponentially others seem to live on borrowed time. It is therefore recommended to
carry out life style audits, promote inclusivity, equity, intermarriages, political
accountability, judicial accountability, and tolerance.
Findings articulate that 100 % agree there is massive accumulation of wealth by tribes
there is an overflow obsession, high gini-coefficieny it is recommended that free
education in all sectors high and low should address the imbalance. Decentralisation
of universities and build more universities, technical colleges should address the
Ninety percent agree that there is great accumulation of wealthy by Whites and
Asians it is racial segregation it is therefore recommended for the government to
come with 50:50 project representation in all sectors the generate wealthy and
encourage the minority to voluntary distribute their wealthy or involve in mandatory
corporate philanthropy.
The findings indicate that 70% agree that there is preferential treatment in the granting
of tenders in Namibia. Defilement is usually characterised as the maltreatment of
public ability to acquire private advantages involving high monetary and social
courts. It is therefore recommended that transparency, accountability fairness good
governance and ethics should continually be executed to eradicate preferential
treatment in granting of tenders in Namibia.
100% agree that affirmative action can be used to address equity on underrepresentation of minority it is therefore recommended that continuous improvement
should be done to the affirmative action to address equity.
70% of the respondents agree that business in Namibia is capitalised, funded based
on race, creed, political parties, and religion it is therefore recommended that
business associations and networks be formed to dislodge this arrangement. The anticorruption should work tirelessly to fight such anomaly.
80% agree that there is tribalism in Namibia, it is therefore recommended that we
incorporate spatial concentration of equity. The country should weed out the
intransigent forms of poverty, unemployment. The establishment of practical courses
such as vocational training. Mentoring and coaching of the incarnated to prevent
the vicious cycle of imprisonment. Funding should incorporate promoting the
marginalised. Faith based organisations and media should hold campaigns against
tribalism. A commission of enquiry should be open to investigate tribalism and
recommend practical solutions to the predicament.
80% agree that there is racism in Namibia. Education and training are essential in
fighting racism, the use of prominent persons to speak against racism. The
discouragement of white only clubs, white only congregations, white only corporate
should be publicly condemned. All forms of bigotry, excessive use of force by police
should be meted with punishment. Politicians should not encourage bigotry,
homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, Semitism, misogynism, Faith based
organisation should speak strongly against tribalism.
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