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Artificial Intelligence Introduction: Presentation Notes

Artificial Intelligence Introduction
NOTE: The transcript provided is not a "word for word" transcript of the
presentation, but rather a compilation of the speaker's notes.
Speaker: Mike Hervey, Watson and Cloud Platform Technical Enablement
This is a science fiction AI family photo. AI from books and film have been
around a long time in different forms. The manifestations of these AI may
be clunky robots, androids, vehicles, bodiless software, or even synthetic
humans. They are portrayed as sometimes friendly and sometimes
menacing. But in real life, the AI we see is more likely to be an app on your
phone than a robot (even if your phone is called an Android). There is
artificial intelligence in your Netflix queue, your digital assistant, and your
navigation app. It’s used behind the scenes to manage finances and
identify credit card fraud. It helps keep spam out of your inbox and remind
you of important events. It can tell you which one of your cousins is with
you in that old photo. It can help doctors diagnose illnesses, read medical
imaging, and find appropriate clinical trials for patients. More and more, AI
is involved in the decisions we make each day.
How can we define Artificial Intelligence? There are lots of definitions to
choose from depending on who is doing the defining. For the purposes of
this presentation, we’ll use the IBM Research definition which states that AI
is anything that makes machines act more intelligently. AI is a broad field,
and although certain aspects of AI may have the spotlight today, there is
plenty of room for new innovations under the umbrella of AI.
IBM has been working on different applications of AI since the 1950s, but
when word gets around, it’s usually because the AI has proven to be the
best at what it does at the time. Two times that IBM’s applications have
made the headlines are when Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess,
and when Watson beat Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter at Jeopardy!. Both of
these feats were proof that computers could be used to tackle problems
that human intelligence was previously the best or the only solution for.
At IBM, we like to think of AI as Augmented Intelligence. The distinction is
that AI should not attempt to replace human experts, but rather assist and
amplify their intelligence. We can use Augmented Intelligence to extend
human capabilities and accomplish things that neither humans nor
machines could do on their own. Some of the challenges we face today
come from an excess of information. The internet has lead to faster
communications and access to more information. Distributed computing
and IoT have lead to the generation of massive amounts of data, and social
networking has encouraged most of that data to be unstructured. There is
so much data that human experts cannot keep up with all the changes and
advancements in their fields of study. With Augmented Intelligence, we at
IBM want to put the information that subject matter experts need at their
fingertips, and back that information up with evidence, so that the experts
can make more informed decisions. We want experts to scale their
capabilities so they can better service their customers. We want to let the
machines do the time-consuming work so that the experts are able to do
the things that matter.
As with any new disruptive technology, AI brings its own ethical challenges.
AI has the potential to access enormous amounts of information, imitate
humans (even specific humans), make life-changing recommendations
about health and finances, correlate data that may invade privacy, and so
much more. The ethical challenges are not because these issues are new.
For a long time, we’ve had the capability to build tools and systems that
can do these things. The challenge is because now AI is prolific and is
used frequently in everyday life. Data is being collected on people,
appliances, automobiles, networks, healthcare, purchasing decisions,
weather, communications, and everything else you see. It’s also easier
than ever to get access to this data as people carry around and use their
smart phones and smart watches, and then use them to post pictures of
their food, store purchases, and exercise routines on social media. When
developing AI powered systems, we have to establish trust. If you cannot
trust the AI to be completely honest with you, then you can’t trust the
advice it gives. As an example, AI bots are very common in social media
and customer support. If a bot does not identify itself as such, but is later
found to be one, the user’s level of trust in the solution will most likely
plummet. I’m not talking about illegal or nefarious uses of bots, but just
having a machine answering questions about your home loan or health
issues without identifying itself as AI can cause trust issues. Also, if AI is
going to be trusted, it should be able to support recommendations with
data. If someone gives you advice, they need to have a level of trust built
before you will follow it. One way to build trust is to show how the
recommendation was constructed. Any solution that uses AI should be built
with transparency and disclosure in mind. Privacy is another concern that
must be addressed from the beginning when building an AI solution. Once
privacy is lost, you can’t get it back. Concerns in privacy come from the
ability for seemingly unrelated data to be tracked and combined over time
to identify patterns of behavior or even personal secrets either intentionally
or accidentally. Any AI solution should consider the privacy of the
individuals that contributed data, provide adequate notification of data
collection practices, and allow users to opt in or opt out of tracking when
appropriate. Privacy and protecting a company’s intellectual property are
also huge considerations. At IBM, your data belongs to you. We will not use
your data to improve your competitors’ solutions.
In traditional programming, everything is deterministic, and the if-then-else
loop determines how the software responds to varying conditions. That
works well when you are comparing known values, like literal text strings or
numbers in a spreadsheet. But when you want to classify words or objects
into categories, simple if-then statements won’t work. The world is far too
complex, with shades of gray and multiple correct answers, and
probabilistic answers become a requirement. Probabilistic answers also
provide insight from AI advisors. Whereas a deterministic system can tell
you, “The answer is X because this comparison succeeded”, a probabilistic
system can tell you, “I’m very confident this is the correct answer, but I also
have evidence to support these alternatives”.
As I said before, AI means different things to different people. For a video
game designer, AI means writing the code that affects how bots play or
how the environment reacts to the player. For a movie writer, AI means a
character that acts like a human with some trope computer features mixed
in. For a data scientist, AI is a way of exploring and classifying data to meet
specific goals. But no matter who is defining AI, the crucial point is that AI
means intelligence. How do we define intelligence? When you look at AI
from a worldwide perspective, there are many lively discussions about what
AI is. Many of these discussions are rooted in differences in defining what
intelligence is. Where is the line drawn between intelligence and mimicry?
In 1950, Alan Turing published a paper called “Computing Machinery and
Intelligence”. In it, he asks the reader to consider whether or not machines
can think, and proposes a game that will substitute for answering the
question. In a variant of the game, an interrogator asks questions of two
unseen contestants. One of the contestants is human, and the other is a
machine. The machine wins if it is able to convince the interrogator that it is
the human, and the other contestant is not. The fundamental idea is that if
the machine is able to win the game, then surely it must be capable of
thought? Another thought experiment that relates to the Turing Test is the
Chinese Room argument. Initially posed by John Searle in 1980, he
imagines a locked room with input and output slots where sheets of paper
containing Chinese characters could be passed. If a Chinese literate
person were to place a statement into the input slot, and were to then
receive a logical response from the output slot, that after some amount of
positive interaction, the person would say that whatever is in the room
understands Chinese. But if you were to open the room, inside you would
find a person who speaks and writes only English, but who has access to a
large collection of Chinese input phrases, corresponding output phrases,
and a rule book written in English that gives instructions on matching the
input to the output. The point is that the Chinese Room could pass the
Turing Test, but still not truly understand Chinese. If we think of a computer
as operating in the same way as the Chinese Room, can a computer ever
really understand? The Turning Test and the Chinese Room are both very
interesting topics with many years worth of commentary. I would
recommend you do some research on your own if you have any interest in
machine intelligence. Humans bring something to the equation that
machines currently do not. They have an innate intelligence. If you were to
show a child a toy, and then place it under a blanket, the child would
understand that the toy did not cease to exist, and that it is located under
the blanket. You did not have to teach the child the concepts of existence
and visibility. If you then walk the child down the hallway into another room,
the child would be able to backtrack to the blanket and get the toy without
being explicitly told how to navigate back to the room or how to move the
blanket. A machine, on the other hand, must be explicitly programmed to
understand these concepts that we consider to be common sense. There
are many aspects of AI, each of which is influenced by advances in the
sciences and philosophy. Computer science and electrical engineering
determine how AI is implemented in software and hardware. Mathematics
and statistics determine viable models and measure performance. Because
AI is modeled on how we believe the brain works, psychology and
linguistics play an important role in understanding how AI might work.
Philosophy provides guidance about topics like what intelligence is and
ethical considerations. It is the fusion of all these fields of study that make it
possible for us to build machines that act intelligently.
You will hear AI described in many ways, and sometimes there is overlap in
the terms people use. For example, you may hear someone speak of a
weak AI being the same as a narrow AI, or a strong AI being the same as
Artificial General Intelligence. I’m not presenting this to get into a battle
over semantics, so I’ll just say that because the lines between these terms
can get blurred, you should focus on understanding the context in which
they are being used. The terms “weak AI” and “strong AI” are terms Searle
used to explain the Chinese Room thought experiment, where a strong AI
is one that could understand what it is processing, and a weak AI is one
that has no understanding. In today’s terms, all AI solutions are weak AI.
Strong AI is also referred to as Artificial General Intelligence or Conscious
AI. A “narrow AI” is one that can be applied to a very small and specific
domain. An example of a narrow AI could be one that translates words from
one language to another, or one that identifies pictures of kittens. If I
combine these two narrow AIs together with a system that drives a car so
that it stops when it sees a real kitten and tells you in 14 different
languages what it saw, I still have a narrow and weak AI (although it is a
very capable one). “Broad AI” is a term that is not used very frequently,
probably because multiple narrow AIs still lead to another narrow AI. A
broad AI, though, is like Artificial General Intelligence. It would be an AI that
is not limited to a single function like driving a car, but one that can interact
and operate at a wide variety of independent and unrelated tasks. Applied
AI can perform specific tasks, but not learn new ones. It makes decisions
based on programmed algorithms and training data. AI that can classify
images or language are an example of Applied AI. Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI) is AI with the ability to learn new tasks in order to solve
new problems. In order to learn new tasks, the AI must be able to teach
itself new strategies for dealing with problems. AGI will be the combination
of many AI strategies that learn from experience and perform at a human
level of intelligence at multiple tasks. By definition, conscious AI would be a
strong AI. Conscious AI is an AI with human level consciousness, which
would require it to be self-aware. Because we are not yet able to fully
define what that consciousness is, it is unlikely that we will be able to
create a conscious AI in the near future. That limitation has not stopped
anyone from trying, however. One thing we can say with certainty is that
when a Conscious AI is finally created, it will be able to play games and
sort things really well.
Whether you are talking about natural intelligence or artificial intelligence,
nothing is intelligent that cannot learn. Humans are born with some level of
innate intelligence, and we can build on that intelligence through learning.
The only innate intelligence machines have is what we give them, and
common sense is not currently on that very short list of items. What we do
provide, though, is the ability to examine examples, and create machine
learning models based on the inputs and desired outputs. For supervised
learning, we provide the AI with examples. Let’s take pictures of birds for
example. We can take a large volume of pictures of different birds that we
want to recognize on demand later, and train the model to return the label
“bird” whenever it is provided a picture of a bird. By itself, the model is
worthless because it thinks everything is a bird until we show it something
that is not a bird. So we can also create a label for “cat” and provide a large
volume of pictures of cats to train on. When we are done, the machine
model can be shown a picture of a cat or a bird, and it will label the picture
with some level of confidence. Unsupervised learning is where you provide
inputs, but not labels, and let the machine infer qualities. This type of
learning can be useful for clustering data, where data is grouped according
to how similar it is to its neighbors and dissimilar to everything else. Once
the data is clustered, you can use different techniques to explore that data,
and look for patterns. Reinforcement learning is where the machine makes
a decision, and is given a reward or a punishment depending on whether
the decision was a good one. You could use reinforcement learning to
teach a machine to play chess or navigate an obstacle course. Deep
learning is a subset of machine learning that applies to neural networks.
Deep learning networks refer to the arrangements of the nodes, and we’ll
cover this in more detail when talking about neural networks.
When choosing sources of data for training your machine models, it is
important to sample data that is representative of the data the will be
encountered in production. One problem that can occur is when training
data will not predict future input data. Let’s say you have a client who says,
“I own a red sports car, so when I show your AI pictures of my car, it better
recognize it as a sports car. Put lots of pictures of cars like mine in the
training data. Oh, and our town uses yellow fire trucks and I don’t want the
locals laughing if the AI doesn’t know what a yellow fire truck looks like.” So
you train your model on the photographs the client gives you (after all, it is
their data). How would you expect the model to perform on pictures taken
in town where the sports cars are red and the fire trucks are yellow? How
would you expect it to work on data outside of that town? A very important
question is, where is the client going to use this solution?
Over the years, AI has proven itself useful in many different domains.
Before AI, the idea of a computer recognizing people in photographs based
solely on examples was unheard of. Today, we use AI to examine medical
images to rapidly identify abnormalities, saving patients’ lives. For many
years now, AI has been in use by financial institutions to monitor
investments, detect fraudulent transactions, and prevent other crimes. Bots
are being used to assist customers by answering questions and fulfilling
requests through chat windows and phone interactions, providing instant
help without long queues. What is AI good at, and what is it not good at?
The answer to that often comes down to data. AI technology improves just
like any technology does, so today’s limitation may be tomorrow’s
breakthrough, but current AI technologies are very good at classification
and translation. That could include tasks like telling the difference between
a picture of a dog and a picture of a cat, or converting speech to text and
vice-versa. The caveat is that you often need to train the AI with real-world
examples. For example, if you are training a bot to answer questions about
a service you offer, the bot needs to be trained on different ways a
customer could ask for that service. Because garbage in equals garbage
out, no AI solution can give good results from bad data. What you can do if
some of your data is bad, however, is identify and keep your usable data,
and collect or build new data that can be used in your solution. You should
be considering the amount, quality, and sensitivity of the data you have to
work with. It’s important to note that with IBM services, we respect that you
own your data. We will not use your data to improve the performance of
your competitors offerings. It will only be used to train your machine
models. In order to give the most value, we have focused our resources on
improving training times and squeezing the most insight from smaller
quantities of data. The end results are solutions that require less data to
build, are faster to train and deploy, and that protect your intellectual
Neural networks
NOTE: The transcript provided is not a "word for word" transcript of the
presentation, but rather a compilation of the speaker's notes.
Speaker: Mike Hervey, Watson and Cloud Platform Technical Enablement
If you want to create a flying machine, you look to birds and insects as
models. If you want to create machines that see or hear, you look to eyes
and ears as models. But if you want to create machines that think, you
model them after brains.
The biological processing that goes on inside our brains is driven by
chemical and electrical activities that happen between cells called neurons.
Neurons have connectors called dendrites that act as inputs, and axons
that act as outputs. The junctions of these connectors, where
neurotransmitters are released and bind to receptors, are called synapses.
To give you some perspective, the human brain is made up of somewhere
on the order of 100 billion neurons, each with an average 7 thousand
synaptic connections to other neurons. As a child grows into an adult, the
number of synapses will decrease until 500 trillion to 100 trillion remain
before stabilizing. Artificial neural networks borrow some ideas from the
biological networks of the brain in order to approximate some of the
processing results.
Perceptrons are the simplest and oldest types of neural networks. They
consist of some input nodes connected directly to an output node. You can
see that the structure here is similar to what you might expect from some
biological neurons where the input nodes correspond to dendrites, and the
output node operates like an axon. Perceptrons are an example of
feedforward networks. Feedforward networks send information in one
direction, from the input layer towards the output later, when in use. When
they are being trained, data is sent in the opposite direction. I’ll cover that
more in a few minutes. Each of these nodes has some additional properties
that we need to discuss in order to understand how a system of nodes can
do something useful.
We can start with inputs. An input is a number that represents a feature. No
processing is done at the input layer, it just forwards the input values to the
next layer by means of multiplying by a weight and summing the results. In
addition to the input and output nodes, most networks will also have hidden
layers of nodes. Hidden nodes must receive input from other nodes, and
then forward their output to other nodes. They do not receive input or
produce output directly. Hidden and output nodes have a property called
bias. A bias is a special type of weight that applies to a node after the other
inputs are considered. Finally, an activation function determines how a
node responds to its inputs. The function is run against the sum of the
inputs and bias, and then the result is forwarded as output. Activation
functions can take different forms, and choosing them is a critical
component to the success of a neural network.
In this network, there are two input values, each of which has a weight
associated with it along the transfer line. The output node has a bias as
well as an activation function. Each input is multiplied by its weight and
summed with the others, and with the bias value. That total is passed
through the activation function before being forwarded. The activation
function is there to ensure the output is within the expected range for the
next stage of the network. Typical activation functions can limit the output
to a 0 or 1, or a range between numbers like -1 to 1. Initially the weights are
just random numbers, but as the system is trained, the weights and biases
will incrementally adjust.
Neural networks can learn through a process
called backpropagation. Backpropagation uses a set of training data that
matches known inputs to desired outputs. First, the inputs are plugged into
the network, and outputs are determined. Next, an error function is used to
determine how far the output given was from the desired output. Finally,
adjustments are made to the weights and biases in order to reduce the
error. This process is actually one way that artificial networks are dissimilar
to the human brain, because in human neurons the information flows in
only one direction. Learning is accomplished using different mechanisms in
Deep learning and deep networks refer to when you have more than one
hidden layer in your node configuration. Hidden layers only receive input
from other nodes, and only send output to other nodes. They are used to
identify higher order features in the data. The configuration shown here is
an example of a Deep Feed Forward network. Deep networks have some
advantages and added complexities over simple perceptrons. In a famous
Indian fable, six blind men describe an elephant by feeling the different
parts (side, tusk, trunk, etc.). In the end, each man’s description is
technically correct, but none of them sees the big picture. The first hidden
layer of a deep network takes the raw data from the inputs and refines
features from that data. So, when using a picture as input, the first layer
might be used to find edges. Edges are important, but not sufficient by
themselves to classify images, so we can use another layer that is made of
nodes that look for combinations of edges that form shapes or facial
features. As we progress through the network, the hidden layers correlate
the pieces, and then forward their findings to the output layer.
When you consider the number of calculations a fully connected neural
network needs to perform during backpropagation, you can quickly see that
the hardware you are running on needs to be able to handle many
simultaneous mathematical operations. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
that runs most desktop and laptop computers, is designed to handle a
mixed load of complex and mostly serial operations. Today’s CPUs
typically have a number of cores that number in the low tens (usually
between 2-4 for desktops and laptops), which is fine for running a few
applications and browser tabs, but is insufficient for graphically and floating
point intensive calculations. Contrast that with GPUs that typically have
thousands of cores that work well with the type of computations neural
networks require. Chip manufacturers are devoting time and energy to
developing new chips that address the need for highly parallel and energy
efficient processors. As of the time of this recording, the GPU market is
seeing unprecedented demand as the chips are finding new uses in
cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. The big names in cloud services
are offering GPU options in their cloud-based servers, including IBM of
course. IBM Research is going a step further with the TrueNorth platform
that measures its power use in milliwatts while running a typical recurrent
network at biological real-time. TrueNorth is not simply a new processor
that replaces existing GPUs, but rather is an entirely new architecture with
new supporting tooling that can solve a wide class of problems from vision,
audition, and multi-sensory fusion.
Natural Language Processing
NOTE: The transcript provided is not a "word for word" transcript of the
presentation, but rather a compilation of the speaker's notes.
Speaker: Mike Hervey, Watson and Cloud Platform Technical Enablement
I’m going to give you the very broad definition of Natural Language
Processing. Some other definitions will focus on the more textual and
grammatical aspects, but for this talk, I’m throwing everything in the mix. Of
all the creatures on Earth, humans have by far the most advanced method
of communication, known as natural language. There are literally
thousands of languages in use today (estimates of 6,000-7,000), and
although they may be very different in their origins, sounds, and
appearances, they do tend to share some common features like having
words, nouns and verbs. The two ways of communicating natural language
are by spoken and written phrases. Computers communicate in completely
different ways, like by sending and receiving radio waves and electrical
impulses. The protocols we use to transfer information with computers
allows them to silently and without vision, exchange enormous amounts of
data around the world continually. While humans can use computers to
send voice and text messages to each other, computers do not innately
know how to process natural language. The computer science field of
natural language processing is devoted to empowering machines to
process natural language, as well as communicate with human users using
natural language. I bring up NLP in this course for two reasons. First,
machine learning and AI advances have benefitted Natural Language
Processing. Neural networks are helpful for classifying language and
performing translations. Language has imprecisions, but allows for error
correction, and lends itself to probabilistic computation. NLP today is in use
as broadly as it is because of machine learning. Secondly, we have turned
a corner in human-machine interaction. In the early days of computer
programming, people had to adjust to the machines. You could not input
data without resorting to punch cards or something similar. As we made
computers more complex, their components smaller, and their usable
memory larger we entered a phase of programming languages which
allowed people to make easier adjustments to use computers. But the
problem still remained that people needed to speak the computer’s
language. With AI systems, we are finally at a stage where the computers
are the ones that have to learn to adjust to people. Once that
transformation is complete, anyone will have the ability to communicate
naturally with machines.
This is not an exhaustive list, but natural language processing is broken
down into many sub-categories related to audio and visual tasks. We can
consider verbal communication from both the speaking and the listening
sides of the communication. Information is conveyed through the selection
of words, but can also be transferred by volume and intonation. In order for
computers to communicate in natural language, they need to be able to
convert speech into text so that the communication is easier to process and
relay, and they need to be able to convert text to speech so that users can
interact without the requirement to stare at a screen. Optical character
recognition has been around for a long time now, and has made many
advancements including real-time recognition and translation using a
mobile phone. Image classifiers like Watson Visual Recognition service can
read signs, clothing, labels, and other text directly from photographs.
Natural language classification is the capability to take some text from a
user and classify it into an intent. This functionality is important for building
bots and virtual assistants. Language translation is a challenge that has
proven to be a lot harder than initially thought. Idiomatic expressions,
multiple translations, and words that have no equivalent in the target
language are just a few of the challenges that have made this activity
difficult. Sentiment analysis is about determining the emotions that a
person is attempting to convey through natural language. It is frequently
used to judge the reactions to social media posts, customer satisfaction
surveys, and emails. Natural language query refers to natural language
user interfaces that accept natural language as query parameters. Digital
assistants that answer your questions, Q&A bots, and search prompts that
accept phrases like “What were the operating expenses last quarter?” are
all examples of UIs that support Natural Language Query. Natural language
understanding and natural language generation are transformations that
work in opposite directions. The goal of natural language understanding is
to take something that is written and convert it into an idea or a concept. It
is the extraction of information from text. For natural language generation,
you are expressing an idea or concept into writing. Both of these tasks are
highly complex due to the nature and nuance of language, as well as the
challenge of distilling complex concepts into a form that can be processed.
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Wikipedia: Deep Blue (chess computer)
Wikipedia: Watson (computer)
Forbes: Ethics And Artificial Intelligence With IBM Watson's Rob High
TechRepublic: IBM Watson CTO: The 3 ethical principles AI needs to
IBM: The code of ethics for AI and chatbots that every brand should follow
IBM: Data Responsibility @ IBM
Wikipedia: Artificial intelligence
Wikipedia: Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Wikipedia: Chinese room
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Chinese Room Argument
MIT Technology Review: Why humans learn faster than AI—for now
A Big Data Cheat Sheet: From Narrow AI to General AI
What is Narrow, General and Super Artificial Intelligence
Artificial General Intelligence – The Holy Grail of AI
The Hows, Whats and Whos of Neuroscience
The Human Memory: What it is, how it works, and how it can go wrong
Wikipedia: Neuron
IBM: IBM Watson Machine Learning service
Medium: Creating a Neural Network from Scratch
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
The mostly complete chart of Neural Networks, explained
Building High-level Features Using Large Scale Unsupervised Learning
IBM: Unleash GPU power for faster processing, superior performance
Forbes: In The Era Of Artificial Intelligence, GPUs Are The New CPUs
IBM Research: Introducing a Brain-inspired Computer- TrueNorth's
neurons to revolutionize system architecture
Wikipedia: Natural-language processing
Wikipedia: Sentiment analysis
IBM: Natural Language Understanding