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endurance training

In this session, you will focus on what endurance training is and how to program for it. It aims to give you an understanding of
what happens in the body during and after endurance training, as well as the options that you can choose from to help you pick
the best type of endurance training for your client’s goals.
This session covers:
What is endurance training?
Endurance training and your physiology
Principles and variables of endurance training
Endurance training and your client
Programming for endurance
Managing risk and avoiding harm
At the end of the session, you should feel confident with programming for endurance training.
In the program so far, you have learnt about stamina and the physiology behind what happens during and after that type of
training. As we know, endurance is not just how long you can run at a steady pace! You will be diving deeper into the principles
of endurance training, as well as the options you have to best fit your client’s goals.
Define endurance, and come up with three (3) different types:
Defining Endurance – The Whole Picture
There are many different ways we can define endurance. The most
commonly agreed definition is “the ability to sustain a performance
with little or no reduction in performance.”
This definition applies nicely to long, slow distance efforts, like
marathon running. As you identified in the previous Your Turn,
however, there are several other different types of endurance too.
For example, the ability to repeat 8 x 200-metre sprints with limited
rest is a type of anaerobic endurance. The ability to bench press
60kg repeatedly for as many repetitions as possible is a type of
strength endurance. The ability to complete repeated maximum
vertical jumps with no rest and without losing much jump height
with each subsequent effort is a type of power (phosphate) endurance. Our focus for this session will be mostly on steadystate endurance but you will also explore these other types of endurance too!
All of these examples are applicable to a variety of energy systems and sports and yet are all types of endurance. To get the
whole picture and apply the right type of training to fit your client’s goals, it’s important to keep this in mind as we review and
explore our options throughout this session.
Endurance Training Adaptations
As a fitness professional, it is important to be aware of the physiological adaptations taking place in your client’s body. We
know that there are many adaptations that occur in the body from endurance training. These can be categorised by the main
body systems in which they take place.
Muscular system:
Increased number of mitochondria in the muscle
Improved cellular respiratory capacity
More efficient use of muscle glycogen and blood glucose
Improved oxidation of fat (and more fatty acids stored near the mitochondria)
Less lactate production, and increased lactate clearance during exercise at any given intensity
Cardiorespiratory system:
Increased cardiac output
Increased blood volume
Increased internal volume and stretch capacity of the left
ventricle in the heart
A moderate increase in muscle mass of the left ventricle
Increase in the number of peripheral capillaries
Reduction in resting blood pressure
Increased lung capacity
Increased pulmonary blood flow
Cast your mind back to Fitness Coach when we discussed our three primary energy systems. As a personal trainer it is
important to remember these key concepts when training clients. Complete the table below by naming the three energy
systems and the key information pertaining to them:
System Name
Recovery Time
Adenosine Triphosphate
Understanding how the body generates and uses energy is important for the personal trainer to understand.
In the space provided below, record what you know about ATP.
The primary energy molecule in the body is Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) – a molecule that consists of an adenosine
complex, a ribose, and three bonded phosphates. Two of the phosphate bonds are high-energy bonds (indicated by ~), which
means they are easily released from the ATP complex to release energy.
When required, ATP can be reduced to ADP, releasing the energy from the phosphate bond, making it available for other tasks.
Our muscle cells have enough ATP to provide about three seconds of all-out intensity movement before depletion.
The body has three main methods for replenishing its stores of ATP. Two of these processes occur in the cytoplasm without
the presence of oxygen. These are called anaerobic metabolic pathways. The third system occurs within the mitochondrion of
the cell in the presence of oxygen, giving it the name aerobic metabolic pathway . Let’s take a look at our energy systems in a
little more detail!
The Phosphagen System
The first method our body uses is quick, simple and yields high results in a very short space
of time. The phosphagen system (also called the phosphate system, and the ATP-PC
system) utilises the phosphocreatine (also known as creatine-phosphate) that exists
naturally inside the muscle cells. This phosphorylated creatine molecule is bound with a
very high-energy phosphate bond – capable of releasing large amounts of energy. When in
the presence of ADP, the phosphocreatine molecule is degraded releasing this energy, and
binding a phosphate onto the ADP to reform ATP.
Muscle cells have around two to four times as much phosphocreatine as ATP. This means
that the phosphagen system is capable of rebuilding around 8-10 seconds worth of ATP
(when a person is exercising at maximum intensity).
The Glycolytic System
The second ATP re-building pathway is the glycolytic system (also known as the lactate
system). In this system, glucose is broken down (glycolysis: glyc = glucose, and lysis =
breakdown) in a series of chemical reactions to release its stored energy and rebuild ATP
There are a few steps to this process:
1. Stored glycogen from the muscle cell is reverted to its active
form, glucose
2. Glucose is reduced to 2 pyruvate molecules
3. Pyruvate is reduced to lactic acid, a process which releases
enough energy to reform four ATP molecules
4. Lactic acid loses Hydrogen ions, to become lactate and H+,
which both move out of the cell into the bloodstream.
Even though the glycolytic system yields four ATP, it costs two ATP
to do. So we get a net yield of two ATP molecules reformed.
This pathway rebuilds energy 2.5 times faster than the oxidative
system (which we look at next) but has a fatigue point at about 1.31.6 minutes. Combined with the energy rebuilt in the phosphagen system, these two anaerobic pathways can sustain activity
for around two minutes before fatigue.
Oxidative Phosphorylation
The third method for rebuilding ATP in muscle cells is called oxidative phosphorylation , or more simply, the aerobic pathway.
This is a much longer, more complicated process than the anaerobic methods, but yields higher ATP volumes. The process
begins in the cytoplasm, where glycolysis occurs. The pyruvate then enters the mitochondria where the rest of the magic
1. Pyruvate is converted to 2 Acetyl CoA molecules (releasing 2CO2 and 4H+)
2. Acetyl-coA combines with citric acid in the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle ) to
form NADH and FADH2, which are energy carrier molecules
3. The Citric acid cycle also forms 4CO2 + 16H+ + 2CoA + 2ATP
4. The NADH+ and FADH2 enter the electron transport chain where electrons from the H+ ions on the molecules are
pumped across a membrane to waiting O2, which gets reduced to H2O.
Removing an electron from the H+ in the electron transport chain
releases a huge amount of energy. Some of this energy is used to
pump the H+ to the outer mitochondria for removal, and the rest is
used to rebuild ATP from ADP and Pi.
Leftover hydrogen ions make their way to the bloodstream, where
they are buffered by bicarbonate, forming carbonic acid. Carbonic
acid then dissociates into H2O and CO2, which is removed from the
body via exhalation.
HCO3- + H+ -> H2CO3 -> CO2 + H2O
All up, the aerobic respiration system yields 38 ATP (including
those created in glycolysis). Of the energy released from this
degradation of glucose, only about 66% is used for ATP resynthesis – the remaining 34% is released as heat energy.
Intensity vs Duration
As evidenced above, the three energy systems all have different
properties, different fuel sources, different intensity thresholds, and
different durations. As the trainer, it is vitally important to
understand that the intensity of any given movement will govern
which energy system is in use, and how long it can be sustained
This is shown within the graph below. Here you can see the
relationship between both volume and intensity. As intensity
increases, volume decreases as a result of the physiological
response from our body.
Therefore, intensity and duration have an inverse relationship (as
one goes up the other must come down). For example, if you were to run as fast as you can (100% max effort/intensity) for
10km you simply wouldn’t make the distance, you would naturally slow. This simple principle, in conjunction with your
knowledge of energy systems, should help you identify how to train specific systems.
HR Monitoring
Heart rate monitoring has long been the gold standard for
determining exercise intensity in programming for cardiovascular
activities. As you now understand, there is a direct, linear
relationship between heart rate and cardiovascular effort, as the CV
system attempts to meet the O2 demand of the working muscles.
However, there is a major fault in using HRmax to predict intensity.
HRmax predicts intensity using the assumption that a person’s
minimum HR is zero. Unless a person has expired, we know this not
to be the case. As such, we need a more accurate method of
calculating HR zone: the Karvonen method.
The Karvonen method is a simple calculation that uses a person’s
resting heart rate value as their perceived ‘zero’. It looks like this:
HRR = HRmax – HRrest
For example, Andrew is 28 years old and has a resting HR of 60bpm.
HRR = (220-28) – 60
HRR = 132
This means that the heart rate range we are able to work in with Andrew is 132bpm (not the192bpm that HRmax assumes). So
if Andrew wanted to work at a moderate intensity (60% of his max), we can apply this to his HRR:
Ex Intensity = (HRR x training rate %) + HRrest
60% intensity = (132 x 0.6) + 60
60% intensity = 140bpm
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is a widely used and reliable indicator to monitor and guide exercise intensity. The RPE
scale was developed by Swedish psychologist, Gunnar Borg, and as such is often referred to as the “Borg RPE Scale”. During
your Fitness Coach course, you used RPE many times. By now you should feel really comfortable with it. Here’s a quick
RPE Scale
Nothing At All
Very, Very Light (just noticeable)
Very Light
Somewhat Hard
Very Hard
Very, Very Hard
The key with the RPE Scale is that it is a rating of the exerciser’s perceived level of intensity or exertion. Therefore a “typical
exercise” can not be provided as an example for each level. For example, an experienced marathon runner running at 10km/hr
may present at an RPE 3, whilst an inexperienced runner running at the same speed may present an RPE 7.
Whilst using HR monitoring is excellent for gauging the intensity of cardiovascular-based activities, it does not provide an
accurate representation of the intensity expended during resistance type activities. As such, many studies have confirmed the
effectiveness of using the RPE scale for resistance training as well as cardiovascular training, effectively providing personal
trainers with the ability to cross-reference relative intensities across different training modalities.
Benefits and Weaknesses of RPE
Easy to use
Simple to understand and teach
Quick and nonintrusive
Relevant for both CV and RT activities
Susceptible to personal bias
Hard to quantify
Does not account for day-to-day bias
Volume Basics (NEED TO KNOW)
Defining Volume
For this part of Personal Trainer, 'training volume’ refers to the amount of time spent exercising. For cardio, this means the
time spent moving, plus the time required for rest (if the session has rest breaks in it). For resistance training, training volume
is the total time under tension. Monitoring exercise volume is important, to ensure we do not put too much physical stress on
your client, putting them at risk of overuse injuries.
Health and Fat Loss Goals
With clients who have health or fat loss goals, the most important thing to do with training volume is to put together a program
that they find challenging but achievable, and apply the principle of progressive overload i.e. increase overall variables by 510% every 2-8 weeks, depending on the training age of the client. This will ensure that the client’s body has enough of a
stimulus to get the fat loss and fitness benefits.
Performance Goals
For clients who have a performance-based goal, the approach is a little bit different. The objective is to work out how much
training volume should be completed to reach the goal. The best way to plan for this kind of training is to work backward from
the event itself; we will be looking at how to do this a little later on in this session. In the meantime, let’s look at how to
calculate training volume for the training blocks!
Calculating Training Volume
Firstly, it's important to note that training volume can be calculated for an individual program, a weekly plan, a training block,
and even an entire year! So, how do we do it? Easy – you just need a calculator.
To calculate the training volume of a training block like the one in the table with the Your Turn, you simply multiply the number
of weeks, by the frequency, by the average volume in minutes.
Use the instructions in the table to calculate the training volume (in minutes) for the 4 weeks.
Weeks 1-4
Intensity (RPE)
Volume (average minutes per session)
Steady state cardio - long slow distance running (LSD)
What did you get? If you got 720 minutes, you are correct!
To calculate training volume for multiple training blocks, we simply need to use this formula, then add each month together!
Calculate the total training volume (in minutes) on the following table. An extra row for total training volume has been added to
help you add it all up! We have also highlighted the important numbers to focus on as well. The answer has been provided
down the bottom, don’t look until you’ve had a go!
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-8
Weeks 9-12
Weeks 13-16
Intensity (RPE)
Volume (average minutes
per session)
Steady state cardio - long slow
distance running (LSD)
LSD + long
Total Training Volume
LSD + long interval LSD + medium interval
+ fartlek
+ fartlek
What did you get? If you got 600 + 660 + 720 + 780 = 2760 minutes, you are correct! Keep this in mind as you tackle the
upcoming Challenges.
Measuring Volume – Advanced
Although total training volume is a nice way to capture the total training load being put on a client, you may have already got
the sense that something important is missing. The missing variable is, of course, intensity!
Write down two (2) reasons why recognising intensity is important when calculating overall training load.
Strength and conditioning coaches have long recognised the importance of planning and recording how hard you work
(intensity), alongside how long you’re working for (time, or volume). There are many ways to capture intensity, such as %1RM,
total volume load (sets x reps x weight), heart rate and RPE, just to name a few.
In the session “Long Term Programming and Performance” we’re going to use a method of monitoring and planning training
load called Training Impulse, or ‘TRIMP’ for short. TRIMP is simply your intensity in RPE, multiplied by the duration you spend
training in minutes.
Despite its simplicity, using TRIMP (RPE x time) has some great benefits when planning and monitoring training. It’s noninvasive, it accounts for how the client is feeling on the day, it is relative to the client’s fitness level, and it can be easily
correlated to other intensity measures, such as target heart rate. We also need to be mindful of TRIMPs limitations, in that it
isn’t an objective measure (it’s subjective), and also that it relies heavily on client honesty, just to name a couple.
There are some important principles to follow and variables to manage when programming for endurance. Understanding
these will help ensure you can devise the best possible endurance training plan for your client, and execute it accordingly. They
may seem familiar, and a bit simple, but it’s important to note that the best PTs and strength and conditioning coaches in the
world use these principles as pillars to guide their training.
Protocol Options
As you can see the systems are very closely related to each other. Infact, the old saying “you are only as strong as your
weakest link” fits well here. If all you do is one type of training the rest will suffer. An “epic human” will have all areas covered,
they just specialise in one area more than the other.
For example:
Aerobic Capacity: Ability to work aerobically, measured by VO2max. VO2max is used to measure the maximum amount of
oxygen a person can utilise during exercise. The higher the number, the better they can work aerobically.
Anaerobic Capacity: Ability to work anaerobically, often measured by way of blood lactate. Measurements of blood lactate are
used to determine an individual's lactate threshold, which is the point where exercise intensity has increased above the level
whereby the individual is able to remove lactate from their system. The higher this level is, the greater the anaerobic capacity.
Economy: Although out of the scope of a trainer at this level, it is nice to know that economy can impact performance also.
This is how well we can use oxygen. For example, soft sand running stresses our economy ~ 1.8x that of road running.
Furthermore, there is growing evidence that nasal breathing can see improvements of up to 20% in our economy over mouth
Training Zones
An alternative method of evaluating exercise intensity is based on the energy system used to fuel the activity. Training Zones is
a method popularised by Tudor Bompa and Carlo Buzzichelli which utilises energy systems to determine the duration of
exercise, the number of reps, the rest and the % of max effort to train at. The table below applies this theory:
Type of Training
Duration Number of
of Rep
Rest Interval
(W:R Ratio)
Alactic System
1-8 sec
Lactic System
(power - short)
3-10 sec
Lactic System
(power - long)
Lactic System
Series of Sets
% of Max
1:50 - 1:100
1:5 - 1:20
10-20 sec
1:40 - 1:130
20-60 sec
1:4 - 1:24
Rest Interval
(W:R Ratio)
Lactic Acid
Concentration (mmol)
% of Max
Heart Rate
% of
Type of Training
Duration Number of
of Rep
Max Oxygen
1-6 min
1:1 - 1:4
1-10 min
1:0.3 - 1:1
Aerobic Threshold
Continuous Steady State
Continuous Steady State
5-30 min
Bompa, T & Carrera, M (Periodisation Training For Sports 3rd edition)
Training Zone 1
Alactic System
This training modality looks to improve the area of speed and explosiveness.
Generally, this mode is used for athletes (i.e. 100-meter sprinters) to increase their
athletic performance. This may not be the most effective zone for the general
population as durations are too short for aspects such as fat loss. To benefit from this
type of training, exercise duration needs to be very short with extremely high intensity.
Rest duration is extremely long (1:50 - 1:100) to ensure all waste products have been
removed as well as ensuring that creatine phosphate (CP) has been restored.
Alactic System Example:
Max Sprints
6 reps
5 seconds work @ 100% intensity
5 minutes rest
Alactic System Training Goal:
Increase max speed
Increase explosive power
Tactical drills
Fast propulsion
If an appropriate amount of rest does not follow the work period, recovery of CP will be limited and the client/athlete will
accumulate too much hydrogen (H+) which will cause the intensity to drop. In essence, this will remove the individual from this
training zone, rendering training non-effective.
Training Zone 2
Lactic System
As shown within the table above, Training Zone 2 has three variations of Lactic System training - short power, long power and
capacity. Each of these three variations would require different approaches even though they are all classified as a part of the
Lactic system.
Lactic system (short power) training is similar to that of the Alactic training above. This is designed to improve the maximal
force production (power) of an individual. The primary difference between this training system and the Alactic training system
is the work:rest ratio. This ratio allows for the majority of creatine phosphate restoration, however, repeated bouts will
progressively deplete these stores forcing the individual to utilise their Lactic System for assistance in power production.
Lactic System (short power) Example:
Max Row Erg Sprints
10 reps
5 seconds work @ 100% intensity
55 seconds rest
Lactic System (short power) Training Goal:
Increase max speed
Increase explosive power
Lactic system (long power) training looks to improve “sustained” power events. Whilst both Alactic and Lactic short power are
designed to assist in producing as much power as quickly as possible; Lactic long power works to improve the individual’s
ability to maintain this high level of force production for as long as possible.
Lactic System (long power) Example:
Max Row Erg Sprints
3 reps
15 seconds work @ 100% intensity
10 minutes rest
Lactic System (long power) Training Goal:
Improve sustained power output
The final of the Zone 2 training systems is the Lactic capacity method. This method is designed to push the anaerobic system
extremely hard to produce accumulating amounts of hydrogen (H+) within the muscle. When accumulated in high amounts, the
body struggles to clear this amount of hydrogen. An individual that can tolerate this accumulation has a greater capacity to
perform longer (I.e. do more work). A perfect example of this is the physiological requirements of a runner during a 400-meter
race. As they turn the bend and head into the final straight, the levels of H+ are extremely high. The individual that has the
highest anaerobic tolerance will be able to maintain their pace for longer, effectively providing them with the greatest
opportunity to win the race.
Lactic System (capacity) Example:
Max Row Erg Intervals
2 sets of 5 reps
20 seconds work at 90% intensity
80 seconds rest
Lactic System (capacity) Training Goal:
Adapt to the H+ process
Improve our buffering ability
Improve the removal of waste from tissue
And improve their tolerance to H+
It is important to note that this modality should only be completed 2-3 times a week. Due to the high physiological stress that is
placed on the body, we can expose the individual to critically high levels of fatigue, overtraining, and underperforming.
Training Zone 3
Max Oxygen Consumption
As the name suggests, the aim here is to improve oxygen
transportation and usage. This modality stresses the body's ability
to utilise oxygen due to working at 95-100% of the individual’s
VO2max max for periods of around 3-6 minutes. Doing this will
place great stress on:
Blood Vessels
Whilst technically operating aerobically, sitting this close to your VO2max will ensure that a high amount of blood lactate is
accumulated. This stresses the aerobic energy system to buffer and remove hydrogen ions from the muscle to ensure that the
working intensity does not drop. The more efficient the aerobic system gets at buffering this waste, the higher the VO2max of
the individual will climb.
Max Oxygen Consumption Example:
Repeated Treadmill Intervals
8 reps
3 minutes work @ 98% HR Max
3 minutes active recovery @ 60% HR Max
Max Oxygen Consumption Goal:
Improve H+ buffering capacity
Increase VO2max and aerobic capacity
Training Zone 4
Anaerobic Threshold
You may be surprised to learn that you probably train your anaerobic threshold more than any of the other methods of training.
This is generally because most HIIT sessions are designed using the formula utilised within this style of training. Within
anaerobic threshold training, we provide a work:rest ratio typically less than 1:1 whilst attempting to perform repeated bouts of
high-intensity activity. This combination ensures a high amount of waste products within the muscle are accumulated, which is
extremely difficult to remove with the limited rest periods provided. Anaerobic threshold training is also extremely popular in
many team-based sports due to the constraints placed upon athletes within games.
Often within team sports, athletes will have to complete repeated efforts of high-intensity activity with minimal rest in-between,
highlighting the perfect suitability for anaerobic threshold training.
Anaerobic Threshold Training Example:
Shuttle Runs
10 reps
1-minute work @ 90% HR Max
30 seconds rest
Anaerobic Threshold Goal:
Improve H+ buffering capacity
Increase anaerobic threshold
Improve aerobic capacity and VO2max
Training Zone 5
Aerobic Threshold
The purpose of aerobic threshold training is to increase aerobic capacity using high amounts of volume without interruption at
a given pace. This style of training is often referred to as “continuous steady state exercise”. The aerobic system is arguably
the backbone of all other systems due to its importance in recovery and energy production. Unfortunately this is often the
system that is neglected most; effectively diminishing the ability for the individual to utilise lactate to produce ATP, to
resynthesise creatine phosphate for immediate energy production, and buffer hydrogen ions to improve recovery rates.
Aerobic Threshold Example:
Distance Run
60 minutes @ 75% HR Max
Aerobic Threshold Goal:
Improved cardiac output
Improved stroke volume
Lower heart rate
Increased blood flow to tissue
Improved aerobic capacity
Improved buffering capacities
Training Zone 6
Aerobic Compensation
Arguably the most important zone, in which most will miss. This zone is all about recovery or “active recovery” as it is often
referred to.
Workouts here at very low intensity 55-75% of HR max for 5 - 30 minutes. Utilising this training zone will often follow a period
of high workload (I.e. a session in zone 2 followed by a zone 6 session). There are a myriad of physiological reasons as to why
this is such an important system to use:
We see a decrease in free fatty acids plasma levels
Maintaining levels of immune cells
Avoid a drop in white blood cell counts
Foster the inflammatory response from training
Avoid overtraining
Allow for super compensation
Aerobic Compensation Example:
Spin Bike - Active Recovery
30 minutes @ 55% HR max
As shown above, there are many reasons to follow up a hard zone 2 and 3 session with a zone 6 active recovery day. Many
high level coaches will factor these days into their weekly plans after games or very high training bouts. TRAIN HARD,
Often referred to as the “Lactate Burn”, we now know that it is in fact the hydrogen ions (H+) that provide us with this horrible
feeling. Many of the above training zones place client’s in a position where H+ accumulation is inevitable, so as PTs who “walk
the walk” it is important that you too experience this sensation. Head into the gym and perform a 500m row! Record your time
as this will be your time to beat later on in the course!
With so much training happening with our endurance clients, you must take steps as a
personal trainer to manage risks and avoid harm. Watching closely for exercise intolerance,
having an injury prevention plan, and monitoring your client’s thermoregulatory influences are
a few of the important ones.
Many endurance athletes are motivated to put in the hard yards to achieve their goal. It’s your
role as a Personal Trainer to ensure that they are consistently getting enough training to
stimulate their body to improve. It is also your role to ensure they aren’t working too hard and
risking overtraining.
In the table, define overtraining, list three (3) more signs or symptoms that your client might be overtraining, and then write an
appropriate intervention or prevention strategy for each. The first two have been done for you.
Define Overtraining
Sign or Symptom of Overtraining
Appropriate Intervention/ Prevention Strategy
e.g. Decreased immunity, regularly getting sick
Reduce training load, refer to a GP
e.g. Decreased appetite
Reduce training load, refer to a dietitian
Exercise programming requires a healthy balance of training stress and recovery. It’s important to remember that all of the
improving and adaptation occurs during recovery too! Too much training stress with too little recovery, can lead to both
physiological and psychological problems. These problems are what we can use to identify the signs and symptoms of
overtraining, and can include:
Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains
Pain in muscles and joints
Sudden drop in performance
Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore
Decrease in training capacity/intensity
Moodiness and irritability
Loss of enthusiasm for the sport
Decreased appetite
Increased incidence of injuries.
Proven methods of prevention and intervention if you or your client are experiencing overtraining include:
Rest and recover
Hydrate and focus on adequate nutrition
Sports massage
Try out cross training, change the type of training you are doing, to mentally and physically freshen up
Refer to an allied health professional, or GP, if required.
Sports Medicine, 2015
Exercise Intolerance
As PTs we need to ensure that we are staying in-tune with our client’s level of fatigue, and are monitoring them for signs and
symptoms of exercise intolerance is important. These signs can point to contraindications such as heart disease and
metabolic conditions. Usually, the exercise intolerance is caused by a disruption to the nutrients or oxygen being supplied to
the key systems involved in the exercise your client is attempting. Signs of exercise intolerance include:
Early fatigue
Early muscle cramping
Unusually low heart rate
Rapid blood pressure changes
Discolouration of the extremities and/or face
If your client is demonstrating any of the symptoms mentioned, it’s
worthwhile asking as many questions as possible about it.
Unexpected bouts of exercise intolerance are worth referring your
client to the relevant health professional.
Overuse (or repetitive strain) injuries commonly arise from endurance training. This type of injury is typically categorised by its
gradual onset as a result of stress experienced being greater than recovery over a long period of time, or by intrinsic
dysfunction in the movement pattern of the client. With this in mind, it’s important to have an injury prevention strategy.
In the boxes, list five (5) ways you can assist in preventing injury in your clients. In the final box, write who you might refer to if
your client ever experiences an injury.
Refer to?
As you have learnt throughout your course, heat is a by-product of exercise. The body heat control centre is located in the
hypothalamus in the brain. When endurance exercise is combined with extreme environmental conditions, there is a risk that
the body can have trouble thermoregulating itself. In fact, during exercise, the heat contribution of muscle to your body can rise
from around 15% to up to 90%. That’s a lot of heat for the body to deal with!
Signs and symptoms of poor thermoregulation can include:
Heavy sweating
In the box, list five (5) ways you can assist in preventing issues with your client’s ability to thermo-regulate. In the final box,
write who you might refer to if your client was experiencing extreme heat exhaustion.
Before you move on to the next session, check back over the big topics for this session, and make sure you are feeling
competent and confident.
What is endurance training?
Endurance training and your physiology
Principles and variables of endurance training
Endurance training and your client
Managing risk and avoiding harm
Now that you feel comfortable with the concepts covered in the topic, move to the next session.
Bompa, T., & Buzzichelli, C. (2015) Periodization Training for Sports - Third Edition. Human Kinetics, Champaign.
J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol. 1984 Apr;56(4):831-8. Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle to Endurance Exercise and
their Metabolic Consequences Holloszy JO, Coyle EF.
Physiologic Responses and Long-term Adaptations to Exercise, 1995. Retrieved from
Overtraining syndrome and athletes, 2015. Retrieved from http://sportsmedicine.about.com/cs/overtraining/a/aa062499a.htm
Exercise intolerance. Kitzman, 2009. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2700357/
Disorders of thermoregulation, Szakacs, 2011. Retrieved from http://web.med.u-szeged.hu/patph/Thermoregulation