UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Department of Anatomy, Section of Histology EXERCISE ON RESPIRATORY HISTOLOGY PART I A B D C A. 1.) Identify the pointed structures (2 points) 2.) What are the two surfaces of this structure and their lining epithelium? (2 points) PART II B. 1.) Differentiate the false and true vocal cords (3 points) False vocal cord True vocal cord Lining epithelium Glands Vocalis muscle and ligament 2.) Larynx is part of the conducting system of the respiratory tract. What is its other important function and which structures are responsible for it? (1 point) PART III III. 1.) What is the structural support of this organ. (1 point) 2.) What is the lining epithelium (0.5 point). What are the different cell types that can be seen in the epithelium? (2.5 points) PART IV IV-A IV-B D. 1.) Identify the structures IV-A and IV-B. (2 points) 2.) What are the structures that disappear as the airway divides into the bronchioles? (3 points) PART V V. 1.) Identify the cells and give their functions (3 points)