Uploaded by Ricardo Cresovell


Email #1
From: Peta
Subj: Request for Support - Keeping Tablet Rollout Limited to Bar Area
I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we have been working on the tablet rollout
project for Sauce & Spoon. Recently, Omar requested that we expand the tablet rollout to
include all dining sections, not just the bar area. After discussing the matter with the team, I
believe that keeping the rollout confined to the bar area would be the best course of action for
the following reasons:
Implementing tablets in all dining sections might strain our resources, affecting the quality of
the project's execution.
An expanded rollout could introduce unforeseen risks, making it more challenging to manage
and evaluate the project's success.
Considering your role as the IT manager and the potential improvements in efficiency for your
department, I would like to request your support in convincing Omar and Deanna to stick with
the original plan. Your knowledge and experience in IT management make your voice
influential in this decision-making process.
If you agree to join our coalition, I propose that we work together to present our arguments
and evidence to Deanna and Omar. By maintaining a limited scope for the tablet rollout, we
can ensure a more focused and effective implementation.
Please let me know if you are willing to support this effort. Your contribution would be greatly
appreciated, and I believe it will make a significant difference in the success of our project.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Email #2
From: Peta
Subj: [Subject line]
Dear Zane,
I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we have been working on the tablet rollout
project for Sauce & Spoon. Recently, Omar requested that we expand the tablet rollout to
include all dining sections, not just the bar area. After discussing the matter with the team, I
believe that keeping the rollout confined to the bar area would be the best course of action for
the following reasons:
Implementing tablets in all dining sections might strain our resources, affecting the quality of
the project's execution.
An expanded rollout could introduce unforeseen risks, making it more challenging to manage
and evaluate the project's success.
As the Head of the Bar Department, a limited rollout could lead to a more streamlined ordering
process and improved customer satisfaction in your area. I would like to request your support
in convincing Omar and Deanna to stick with the original plan. Your understanding of the bar
operations and potential benefits from a limited rollout make your voice influential in this
decision-making process.
If you agree to join our coalition, I propose that we work together to present our arguments
and evidence to Deanna and Omar. By maintaining a limited scope for the tablet rollout, we
can ensure a more focused and effective implementation.
Please let me know if you are willing to support this effort. Your contribution would be greatly
appreciated, and I believe it will make a significant difference in the success of our project.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,