Hydrological Sciences Journal ISSN: 0303-6936 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/thsj19 The magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor in maximum rainfall estimation / Valeur du facteur de fréquence hydrologique dans l'estimation de la hauteur maximale de précipitations DAVID M. HERSHFIELD To cite this article: DAVID M. HERSHFIELD (1981) The magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor in maximum rainfall estimation / Valeur du facteur de fréquence hydrologique dans l'estimation de la hauteur maximale de précipitations, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 26:2, 171-177, DOI: 10.1080/02626668109490874 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02626668109490874 Published online: 21 Dec 2009. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 2007 View related articles Citing articles: 2 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=thsj20 Hydrological Sciences-Bulletin-des Sciences Hydrologiques, 26, 2, 6/1981 The magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor in maximum rainfall estimation DAVID M. HERSHFIELD Hydrology Laboratory, Maryland 20705, USA USDA-SEA-AR, Beltsville, ABSTRACT Chow's hydrological frequency factor, K, is used to compare and relate results and attach probabilities to several sets of maximum rainfall data. K is primarily a function of the recurrence interval for a particular probability distribution. K is displayed as a function of the mean of the annual maxima for both official and unofficial rainfall observations and the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and PMP/2 for the 6 and 24 h durations. The magnitude of the unofficial observations appears to have a strong influence on the level of PMP. The geographical distribution of K for the latter is displayed on maps for the eastern US and ranges from about 20 in the south to more than 35 in the north for PMP and from about 7.5 to more than 17.5 for PMP/2. Probability seems to have very little meaning for PMP or for the largest unofficial observations because these values are so rare that their return periods are several orders of magnitude greater than the length of record upon which they are based. Valeur du facteur de fréquence hydrologique dans l'estimation de la hauteur maximale de précipitations RESUME Le facteur de fréquence hydrologique de Chow, K, est utilisé pour comparer et rattacher les résultats aux probabilités qui leur sont liées pour plusieurs séries de données de précipitation maximales. K est essentiellement une fonction de l'intervalle de récurrence pour une distribution particulière de probabilité. K est présenté comme une fonction de la moyenne des précipitations annuelles maximales pour l'ensemble des observations régulières et occasionnelles des précipitations et de la précipitation maximale probable (PMP) et PMP/2 pour des durées de 6 et de 24 h; La valeur des observations occasionnelles semble manifestement avoir une forte influence sur le niveau de la PMP. La distribution géographique de K pour cette dernière est présentée sur des cartes pour l'est des Etats Unis. K varie de 20 environs dans le sud jusqu'à plus de 35 pour la PMP et de 7.5 environs à plus de 17.5 pour PMP/2. Les probabilités semble avoir très peu de sens pour la PMP ou pour les plus fortes observations occasionnelles car les valeurs sont si rares que leurs périodes de retour sont de plusieurs ordres de grandeur plus élevés que la longueur de la période d'observations sur laquelle sont effectués leurs calculs. 171 172 David M. Hershfield INTRODUCTION As a result of the failure of several dams in recent years, there has been renewed interest in examining the design standards and requirements for dam safety. This includes the magnitude of the rainfall component and its meaning in terms of a frequency index or recurrence interval. Engineers use various approaches for estimating the rainfall factor. The frequency approach has been fairly well established, and although different procedures (combination of curvefitting and probability distribution) might provide different values, the analysis is generally straightforward and amenable to objective review. Other procedures that do not consider frequency but extend and increase maximum storm rainfall experience for an area are much more difficult to evaluate in terms of risk and uncertainty. One example is the concept of probable maximum precipitation (PMP) which was developed more than 40 years ago. The conventional procedure is primarily concerned with a combination of physical and subjective reasoning to estimate the "upper limit" of precipitation or a search for certainty. Formal statistical methods for estimating probabilities of various parameters for a PMP model have little or no role in the conventional PMP procedure. However, since there is no known physical upper bound to precipitation, there is a finite probability of an extreme condition being exceeded. The principle purpose of this paper is to compare and relate results from several sets of data, in terms of a frequency factor. This involves standardizing the residual (maximum rainfall minus mean of annual maxima) by dividing it by the standard deviation to obtain the frequency factor. The frequency factor is analogous to the normal deviate or reduced variate when normally distributed or extreme-value data are analysed, respectively. ANALYSIS Chow (1954) proposed equations (1) or (2) as the "general equations for hydrologie frequency analysis" because they are applicable to many probability distributions in hydrology where interest is primarily in the right-hand side of the distribution. x = x + sxK (1) x/x = 1 + C V K (2) x is the magnitude of a rainfall at a particular probability level, x is the mean of the time series being used in the analysis, s x equals the standard deviation of the time series, C v is the coefficient of variation and equals sx/x, and K is the frequency factor, which varies with the probability distributions. The frequency factor, K, is principally a function of the recurrence interval for a particular probability distribution. For example, when analysing a time series of annual maximum 24-h rainfalls by the Gumbel procedure (Gumbel, 1958), where the coefficient of skew is constant, K is about 3.2 for the lOO-year value and averages about 3.1 for the lognormal distribution. Thus, K can be used both as an index to compare the relative frequency of rainfalls Magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor 173 at different stations or for computing the rainfall probability if a distribution is assumed. The statistic, C v , is useful when analysing extreme rainfalls for a particular duration because it displays a distinct geographical pattern, that to a large extent, transcends the normal sampling fluctuations and can be related to meteorological factors on a broad scale. In an earlier paper, Hershfield (1961a) used equation (1) in combination with daily data from about 1000 official stations in many countries and found that 15K enveloped all the observed maxima in each series. The maximum in the individual series was not used to compute the mean and standard deviation. Subsequent research revealed that K varied inversely with the mean of the series of annual maxima (Hershfield, 1965). A third modification was presented in analytical form for three durations with a slightly increased value of K (Hershfield, 1977). Figure 1 displays two curves which envelop K as a function of the mean of the annual maximum rainfalls. The lower curve envelops the maximum K values computed from series of annual maximum daily rainfalls observed at official stations. The 2-year and 100-year 24-h \ I \ 24hr 6hr \ *u \ ^\\ \ X _\* * XX. V \ X X > x-PMP \ \ * \ \ \ \ ^ - ^ ^^ ^ \ Unofficial observations \ \ r \ \ * \ " \ X X\> \ \ i i 200 300 MEAN ANN MAX 2«-hr RAINFALUmm) \ \ \ \ Official observations i 100 \, \ \ /^ > \ / h V >* * , \ N. ^ \ i 400 0 1 1 1 100 200 300 MEAN ANN MAX 6-hr RAINFALL(mm) Fig. 1 Relationship between frequency factor K and the mean of the annual maximum 24-h rainfall series, official and unofficial observations and selected grid values of PMP. 174 David M. Hershfield values estimated from generalized point-rainfall frequency maps of TP40 (Hershfield, 1961b) were used as input for relationships to compute the mean and standard deviation. The upper curve envelops the maximum 10 square-mile unofficial observations in the US from Hydrometeorological Report no. 51 (Schreiner & Riedel, 1978) for the 1878-1972 period. Most of the latter rainfalls were not observed in raingauges but were estimated ex post facto by observers who inspected all available containers in the area of the storm for detailed rainfall information. This post-storm observational practice is generally called a "bucket survey". The x's represent PMP estimates extracted from maps for selected points on a uniform grid system (Schreiner & Riedel, 1978). Proximity of the PMP values to the upper curve strongly suggests the influence of the unofficial observations on the level of PMP. Figures 2 and 3 portray the geographical distribution of K for Fig. 2 Geographical distribution of K for the 6-h duration. Fig. 3 Geographical distribution of K for the 24-h duration. the eastern US for two durations, as computed using a combination of 25.9 km 2 PMP data in Hydrometeorological Report no. 51, point Magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor 175 frequency data in TP40, and equation (1). Hydrometeorological Report no. 51 contains a set of generalized maps of PMP for several durations and areas for the eastern US. This is the third report in the Hydrometeorological Report series for the same region and subject matter published in the past 30 years. The salient feature of the maps of Figs 2 and 3 is the large values of K or the large number of standard deviations that must be added to the mean of the annual maximum 6 and 24 h series to obtain their respective probable maximum precipitation. Another feature is that the distribution of K generally increases nonuniformly with increasing latitude. It should also be noted that the relationships between K, mean of the annual maximum rainfalls and unofficial observations shown in Fig. 1 can provide patterns similar in both magnitude and configuration to those illustrated in Figs 2 and 3. There is no unique relationship between areal and point rainfall, but there is a consistent bias between the two quantities with the latter always larger than the areal values. Thus, if an adjustment from areal to point values had been made, the values of K shown for PMP would be increased further. If it is assumed that a particular extreme-value distribution is applicable to all stations in the eastern US, and the distribution meets other requirements, such as equal coefficients of skew and lengths of record, then the PMP in the southern US has a greater probability of occurring than in the north. The extremely rare probabilities, in terms of return periods, are displayed in Table 1 for the Gumbel procedure. Table 1 Relationship between K and return period K Return period (years) 10 20 40 6.7 X 10s 2.5 X 101 3.4 X 102: K values for one-half of the magnitude of the PMP are displayed on the maps of Figs 4 and 5. The magnitude of K is reduced to about one-half of those associated with PMP, yet for all practical purposes, they have geographical patterns similar to those for PMP. The extremely high value of K in the Ohio region is a result of two factors - the relatively low C v and the high PMP. The magnitude of the PMP value in this region was strongly influenced by the Smethport, Pennsylvania, storm of 17-18 July 1942, which was estimated to have averaged 742 mm over 25.9 km in 24 h. DISCUSSION This paper has been concerned with making comparisons on both an index and probability basis of PMP, unofficial observations, and rainfall frequency data and not the details of a particular procedure for estimating return periods or PMP. Both sets of data 176 David M. Hershfield Fig. 4 Geographical distribution of PMP/2 for the 6-h duration. Fig. 5 Geographical distribution of PMP/2 for the 24-h duration. cover a period of about 100 years. The enveloping relationships which show K as a function of the magnitude of the unofficial rainfall observations and PMP for areas in the eastern US suggest that the magnitude of PMP is largely influenced by the magnitude of the former. The PMP and unofficial maximum rainfalls are so much larger than the rainfalls that make up the extreme value point rainfall series used in the more common frequency analyses that attempts to assign a probability to these maxima have very little meaning because they are so rare. In fact, their return periods are several orders of magnitude greater than the length of record upon which they are based. Thus, the return periods of 10 2 2 and 10 al years of Table 1 are relatively meaningless. No extreme-value distribution should be extrapolated at these levels in the context given. REFERENCES Chow, V. T. (1954) The log-probability law and its engineering applications. Proc. ASCE 80, Paper no. 536, 1-25. Magnitude of the hydrological frequency factor 177 Gumbel, E. J. (1958) Statistics of Extremes. Columbia University Press. Hershfield, D. M. (1961a) Estimating the probable maximum precipitation. J. Hydraul. Div. ASCE 87 (HY5), 99-116. Hershfield, D. M. (1961b) Rainfall frequency atlas of the United States for durations from 30 minutes to 24 hours and return periods, 1 to 100 years. US Weather Bureau Tech. Pap. no. 40, Washington DC. Hershfield, D. M. (1965) Method for estimating probable maximum rainfall. J. Am. Wat. Wks Ass. 57, 965-972. Hershfield, D. M. (1977) Some tools for hydrometeorologists. Preprint volume. Second Conference on Hydrometeorology, October 1977, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 79-82. Schreiner, L. C. & Riedel, J. T. (1978) Probable maximum precipitation estimates. United States East of 105th Meridian. Hydrometeorological Report no. 51. Received 10 October 1980