Uploaded by Gemini Nguyen

Darwin vs. Lamarck: Natural Selection POGIL Activity

Name: ________________________ Hour: _____
Natural Selection Darwin and Lamarck POGIL
Read This!
We have learned that the term evolution means to change over time. The Theory of Evolution says that living things on
Earth have changed over time, many species that once existed are now extinct, and many species alive today were not
here when life on Earth first formed. A scientific theory is an explanation to a scientific phenomenon that is supported
by many scientists and is supported by a tremendous amount of data. One of the first attempts at a model to explain
how organisms change over time was proposed by Jean Lamarck in 1802.
Model 1A
1. What was Lamarck’s proposed model trying to explain?
2. In Lamarck’s model do individuals or populations change? Explain.
3. In Lamarck’s model are the offspring inheriting a trait that the parent had inherited or that the parent has
developed in their life time?
Model 1B
4. What trait are the giraffes developing and passing on to their offspring?
5. In Lamarck’s model did the individual giraffes adapt to their environment?
6. Based on Lamarck’s model once the giraffe stretches its neck will this stretched neck be passed on to the
offspring? Explain.
7. Based on Lamarck’s model would a father who lifts weights pass his strong muscles onto this offspring? Explain.
Read This!
In 1859 Charles Darwin proposed another model for how species change over time.
Model 2A
8. What was Darwin’s proposed model trying to explain?
9. In Darwin’s model do individuals or populations change? Explain.
10. In Darwin’s model are the offspring inheriting a trait that the parent had inherited or that the parent has
developed in their life time?
Model 2B
11. Based on Darwin’s model where do the long neck trait come from?
12. In Darwin’s model did the individual giraffes adapt to their environment?
13. In Darwin’s model are the giraffes passing on a trait that they developed? Explain.
14. Based on Darwin’s model would a father who lifts weights pass his strong muscles onto this offspring? Explain.
15. Which of these two proposed models are most like our model we developed in class? Support you answer with
evidence from the above models.
16. Darwin’s model is now considered the Theory of Evolution. Why did Darwin’s model become a scientific theory
and Lamarck’s model did not?