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Embracing Uniqueness: A Speech on Self-Acceptance

L.A. A. Lopez
ABM 11 - Faith
Oral Communication - Module 3
Performance Task (Speech)
The speech that I'm gonna be delivering today is all about embracing our uniqueness, and on
how is it important for us to be accepting our differences among others and turning it into a
strength, in which will not just help us to move forward and confront new challenges, but also for
us to become even more confident to ourselves.
Whether we admit it or not, there have been times in our lives when we wished to become
someone to the point that we were compelled to change ourselves to be like them, as well as
forcing ourselves to be the kind of person who weren't us just for people not to judge us and
fully accept us. Why can't everyone just be the same as each other? People will no longer judge
each other if we are all the same and have no differences. That's the question I've been asking
myself since I was a kid but couldn't answer, and I think this is a perfect opportunity to share my
story and the lessons I've learnt from my childhood.
So back then, when I was a kid at around 5 to 10 years old, I used to be very self conscious of
everything I do and whenever someone is looking, especially when I'm in public. I know some of
you will not believe that a kid would act like that knowing most of the kids in that age usually
enjoy and do their thing without being worried about everything around them, but I can say that I
was different. I know something is wrong that time as even myself, can't seem to process why
am I like that. In those days, I couldn't even make friends in school, and my classmates are
usually the ones who take the first move to talk and make friends with me.
My family and I once went to church, and the priest spoke about "Differences and Uniqueness
of people," which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I didn't usually listen back then as I found it
boring, but this one really took my attention, and one of the things he said that I'll never forget is
"There's nothing wrong with being different and being yourself, what is wrong is trying to be like
someone you are not". At that point, I realized why I am acting so strangely, and that is because
I am lowkey trying to be like someone else due to insecurity, and that I'm just scared of being
judged by someone just because I'm different. And this is the time where I started being myself,
even my parents were surprised yet they're very happy about it.
When I began to express my true self and embrace my uniqueness, I felt a sense of freedom
that I had never felt before, and I got the courage to do anything without fear of what others
would think. And I think it's also time for us to be loving ourselves. You don't have to be like
someone else just to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. You are exactly who you
are. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd and just always remember, to not change
ourselves just because our society wants to, we are all unique, and nothing will change that.
Lastly, we are all different and that's okay!