Uploaded by Lovely Mae Aguinid

Importance of Communication Skills Essay

Name : Lovely Mae M. Aguinid
Section: B1-3
Year and Course: 2nd Year – BS Metallurgical Engineering
Importance of Communication and Good Communication Skills
The ability to communicate makes the world livable. Consciously involves sharing
ideas, feelings, thoughts, and a variety of other human experiences. However,
communication does not only exist in verbal form but also in other forms. Communication
is defined as the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information, in other words writing,
listening, and reading are also communicating to other people. Communication is an
essential part of our daily lives and what we are now is the product of communication. We
couldn't express ourselves or relay information if we couldn't communicate. One of the
fields where communication is very important is socialization. Making friends, hanging out
with each other, sharing your problems with them, one can only do those through
communication. Communication skills are also crucial in education. You cannot learn
unless you listen to teachers, and teachers convey lessons to you. That is why it is
thought in schools the improving communication skills because it is also important in our
workplace or profession. We can also avoid misunderstandings by practicing good
communication skills. Good communication skills are also useful in a person's personal
life. It assists us in dealing with conflicts, confronting challenges, and developing stronger,
healthier relationships. In conclusion, communication is of the utmost importance. It is
critical to express one's thoughts and feelings in order to live a fuller and happier life. The
more we communicate, the less we suffer and the better we feel about ourselves and our