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Lab Equipment & Safety Presentation

Safety Measures
We must be careful while working in laboratory
with chemicals , glasswares or samples to be
tested, as they are potentially dangerous if
wrongly handled .
We do work in lab with two major concerns :. Safety
. Efficiency
2.General rules , students are advised
1. Keep the shelves clean and well organised .
2. Avoid contaminating the chemicals .
3. Plan experiments before starting to carry them out .
4. Pay attention to others in laboratory.
5. Always be aware that chemicals used in lab are potentially
toxic ,irritating and flammable .
6.They are hazardous only when mishandled .
7.Stds must be familiar to physical and chemical properties of
chemicals / reagents used .
8. Must be familiar with general safety practices , facilities
and emergency procedures .
3. Safety rules in general
1. Apron ( long) , shoes & socks and gloves
to wear .
2. Hair should not be loose (should be
clipped) or under the
apron .
3. Skinny Jeans are not allowed. Loose pants
are allowed .
4. No contact lenses . As it is difficult to wash
eyes and lenses may be damaged if chemicals
splashes in eyes .Contact lenses reduce the rate
of self cleaning of eyes .
5. Do not work alone in laboratory .
6.Unauthorized experiments are not allowed .
7. Eating , drinking and smoking are strictly
prohibited .
4. Safety rule in general
8. Students must be familiar with safety
features in laboratory e.g Eye washers
Safety showers
Fume hood
First aid kit
9. Special care to eye : Safety glasses to be
used when certain procedures are being carried
out .
5. Special safety rules
1. Heating solution , one should make sure :a. not to overheat . So vigorous mixing of solution by
shaking required .
b. open end of glassware containing solution , to be
heated , should never be pointed towards any one .
2. Handling of strong acids or bases require special
attention –
Diluting conc. acid :- Acid to be poured in water, not
reverse it . Never directly add water to acid because
water spurts generating a lot of heat and causes acid to
splash out .
Addition of acid should be done in small amounts in
water with constant stirring .
6. Special safety rules
Highly conc. acids should be diluted in an ice chest containing
ice cubes .
3. Mouth pipetting of chemicals is totally forbidden. e.g.
a. Toxic solutions ( Potassium cyanide, Potassium
nitroprusside, Formaldehyde , Sodium azide) .
b. Biological fluids .
c. Strong acids and bases .
Use – automatic pipettes or pipette pumps .
4. Certain chemicals like Benzidine (used to detect blood in
urine) ,
O-toluidine (used to detect glucose in blood), are carcinogenic
(cancer causing) should be handled with utmost care ,
avoiding skin contact, inhalation.
7. Special safety rules
5. Volatile liquids, solids which are toxic and irritating , to be
handled under Fume hood .
6. Do not heat flammable liquids (e.g. ether , alcohol ,
benzene , etc.) over a flame (burner) . Instead use–
Water-bath , Electric hot plate.
7. Flammable liquids should not be stored near Radiating
heat source such as Laboratory ovens or Flames .
8. Make sure electrical appliances should be Grounded .
9. Always use Protective glasses while handling toxic
chemicals .
10. Wash hands after using toxic chemicals .
11. Flasks with flat bottom or thin walls should not be
desiccated .
8. Special safety rules
12. Be cautious while using chemicals / reagents .
Because if splashed on the skin or eyes , they may
cause injury .
13. Do not inhale any vapours produced during
experiment .
14. Do not carry large bottles by the neck . Hold
them firmly with both hands .
15. Before leaving laboratory ---a. All glasswares should be cleaned .
b. Electrical instruments should be turned off .
c. Gas burner to be closed .
d. Tap water should not left running .
9. Rules to follow in case of Accidents & Injuries :
1. Chemical splatters in Eye :a. Eyelid to be opened by thumb and index finger .
b. Eye to be washed with plenty of water--- especially corners
of eye .
When acid :- then apply 4-6 drops of 2% of Sodium
bicarbonate solution into eye . Continue applying it till the
doctor attends .
When alkaline soln :- Wash eye with saturated boric acid soln .
2. Acid burns :a. In case skin burn with acid –
Wash immediately with large quantity of water .
Then clean the affected area with cotton wool soaked in 5%
Sodium carbonate solution (Na2CO3) .
10. Acid burn
In accidental swallowing of acid while pipetting :- Shift the
person to the Casualty deptt. at a near by Hospital .
Meanwhile make person drink 5% Soap soln or eat two
egg whites mixed with half litre of water or milk .
Rinse the lips and thoroughly with water and 2% sodium
bicarbonate soln .
Let the person gargle with 5% soap solution .
If nothing available --- Person should drink plenty of
water .
3. Alkali burns :
a. If alkali splashes on the skin –
Wash it thoroughly and repeatedly with water .
Clean affected area (skin) with cotton soaked in 5% Acetic
acid .
b. In case of swallowing of alkali while pipetting :
Make person drink Lemon juice.
Make the person gargle with 5% acetic acid .
c. If alkali burns affects lips and tongue : Wash well
first with water . And then with 5% Acetic acid solution.
4. Burning :- Treatment with cold water .
Use special bandage .
5. Poisoning :- Prompt medical treatment should be
obtained .
All injuries / accidents must be reported to faculty,
Demonstrator , Lab Tech .
Commonly used equipments:These are equipments given below :
 Centrifuge
 pH- Meter
 Hot Air Oven
 Water Bath
 Chromatography
 Electrophoresis
 Colorimeter
 Spectrophotometer
 Flame photometer
 Balances
 Fume Hood.
 Semi Auto Analyzer
 Fully Automatic Analyzer
These are devices used to separate matter from liquid
suspension using centrifugal force.
The centrifugal force generated depends upon the
mass of the particle, radius and their rotational path form
central axis.
Centrifuge is the instrument used to separate
particles such as cells which occur in a suspended state in
Types of centrifuges
Table top model.
 Cold or refrigerated centrifuge.
 Ultra centrifuge.
USED for the separation of serum plasma, fluids or liquid,
based on density.
Centrifuge machine
A pH Meter is a scientific instrument
that measures the hydrogen-ion
concentration in a solution.
It uses combined pH electrode of
high sensitivity, fast response.
Measuring pH-Meter is a routine
activity in a biochemistry
laboratory. Small compact pH
meters are commonly used.
used to measure hydrogen-ion
activity (acidity or alkalinity) in solution.
They are mostly used in food & pharmaceuticals,
water treatment plants, and other industries.
Hot air ovens are electrical
devices which use dry heat to
sterilize. Generally, they can be
operated from 50 to 300 °C,
using a thermostat to control
the temperature.
 Applications: Hot air oven is widely used in
the medical industry to
sterilize the equipment.
 They are used for drying the
glassware, incubate chemicals
These are usually steel container fitted with
heating device and a thermostat to regulate the
They have various kinds of sample containers
fitted in them like test tube racks in which the
sample can be easily heated or incubated.
 Serological baths in which the temperature range is
low (25-40°C).
 Boiling water baths in which temperature is
maintained at 100°C.
Applications :It is used to incubate samples in water at a
constant temperature.
usually consists of a
mobile phase and a
stationary phase.
Type of chromatography.
Paper chromatography
Thin layer chromatography
Gas- liquid chromatography.
Paper chromatography:- Paper chromatography is used for detection of amino
acid, sugars, pigments etc.
Clinical Paper chromatography is used for identification of type of amino aciduria –like
cystinuria, phenylketonuria, etc.
Thin layer chromatography:- Separation of lipid and phospholipids. Identification
of toxic drug in case of poisoning.
Adsorption:- Separation of compound like lipid & fat soluble vitamins.
Affinity chromatography:- Affinity chromatography is used for purification of
enzymes, nucleic acid, immunoglobulin's & membrane receptors.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC):- Separation of CHO, proteins,
amino acid, vitamins, hormones, & drugs.
The movement of charged particles
(ions) in an electric field resulting in their
migration towards the oppositely charged
electrode is known as electrophoresis.
Types of Electrophoresis:(a) Paper electrophoresis.
(b) Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).
(c) Starch electrophoresis.
(d) Agarose gel electrophoresis.
(e) Isoelectric focussing .
(f) Immunoelectrophoresis.
The Electrophoresis is used in clinical laboratory for separation of
serum protein, lipoprotein, protein, isoenzyme, hemoglobin etc.
Immunoelectrophoresis is used to determine specific classes of
Western blot technique to identify a specific protein used to
confirm the presence of antibodies HIV.
Southern blot technique to identify a specific nucleic acid
sequences (DNA or RNA) used inborn errors, viral infection.
Principle:- Spectrophotometers refers to a devise that measures
absorbance the color of the solution at specific wavelengths which is
proportional to the conc. of the solute or compound.
clinical uses:-
spectrophotometers are used to determine
analyses in biological fluids such as plasma glucose, urine, protein, or
protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Principle :- Colorimeters refers to a devise that measures
the color of the solution which is proportional to the conc.
of the solute or compound.
Application :-
Colorimeters are used to determine in biological
fluids such as determination of plasma glucose, urine, protein &
protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Principle :- Flame
measurement of light intensity of an element
produced by excitation at high heat (flame).
Electron emit excess energy as photons in visible
light range.
Clinical uses:-
Flame photometer is mainly
used for the measurement of sodium &
potassium in plasma or urine. It is also used
Calcium & lithium.
A good accurate operating
balance is necessary for making
needs balances which can minute
amounts accurately – milligrams
and even less. These are commonly
used two type .
Double pan chemical
Single pan chemical balance
and electronic balance.
Semi auto analyzers
• Semi auto analyzers or
designed for use in small
• The microlab 300 is a
compact and easy to
used Semi automated
chemical analyzers.
The AutoAnalyzer is an
automated analyzer using a flow
technique called continuous flow
analysis (CFA).
 An automated analyzer is a
medical laboratory instrument.
They analyzer different chemicals
and other characteristics in a
biological samples quickly.
 For large sample work load.
Fume Hoods
• Beakers hold solids
or liquids that will
not release gases
when reacted or
are unlikely to
Erlenmeyer Flask
• Erlenmeyer flasks
hold solids or liquids
that may release
gases during a
reaction or that are
likely to splatter if
stirred or heated.
analysis to measure the
volume of a liquid or a gas.
 Burettes
instruments calibrated to
deliver and are used for
 The handling of burettes is
different during practical
use and calibration.
Graduated Cylinder
A graduated cylinder
is used to measure
volumes of liquids.
Test Tubes
13 x 100 mm test tubes
10 x 75 mm test tubes
Test Tube Holder
A test tube holder is useful
for holding a test tube which
is too hot to handle.
Test Tube Brushes
Test tube brushes are
used to clean test tubes
and graduated cylinders.
Test Tube Racks
Test tube racks are for holding and organizing test tubes on the laboratory counter.
Plastic racks may melt in contact with very hot test tubes.
Rubber Stoppers
Rubber stoppers are used to close
containers to avoid contamination.
Containers should never be heated
when there is a stopper in place.
Watch Glass
A watch glass is used to hold
a small amount of solid, such
as the product of a reaction.
Glass Stir Rod
A glass rod is used to
manually stir solutions. It can
also be used to transfer a
single drop of a solution.
Medicine Dropper
A medicine dropper is used
to transfer a small volume
of liquid (less than one
On top of each medicine dropper is a “rubber bulb”
Litmus Paper
Red litmus paper is used
to identify bases.
Blue litmus paper is used
to identify acids.
Mohr Pipet
A Mohr pipet measures
and delivers exact
volumes of liquids.
Wash Bottle
A wash bottle has a spout that delivers a
wash solution to a specific area.
Distilled water is the only liquid that
should be used in a wash bottle.
Spatulas are used to dispense solid
chemicals from their containers.
Chemicals should never be transferred
with your bare hands.
Burners are used for the
heating of nonvolatile liquids
and solids.
Evaporating Dish
The evaporating dish is used for
the heating of stable solid
compounds and elements.
Wire Gauze
Wire gauze sits on the iron ring to
provide a place to stand a beaker.
A funnel is used to aid in the
transfer of liquid from one
vessel to another.
• What is waste disposal?
waste disposal, the collection, processing, and
recycling or deposition of the waste materials of
human society.
Waste is classified by source and composition. ... The
term waste is typically applied to solid waste, sewage
(wastewater), hazardous waste, and electronic waste.
• Types of Waste
Liquid Waste:- Liquid waste includes dirty water, wash
water, organic liquids, waste detergents and sometimes
II. Solid Rubbish:- Solid rubbish includes a large variety of
items that may be found in households or commercial
locations. ...
III. Organic Waste.
IV. Recyclable Rubbish.
V. Hazardous Waste.