Uploaded by Cynthia KURT

Classroom Activity Instructions: Noodle, Cup, Egg Races

Station 3: Noodle Connections Equipment: Minimum of 10 noodles per group. Rules of the game: The
students will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will be given noodles. The object of the game is for
each group to make a 3 dimensional object using the noodles. A time limit will be given for each group.
Remember to give your students a few minutes to discuss their 3-D object. Early Childhood students and
Elementary students may need a little extra time allowance. The group with the tallest standing 3-D
object is the winner.
Cup stack tower
Using plastic cups, teams will compete in pairs to stack a tower in 1 minute. The teacher will count the
number of cups. The team with the overall highest number of cups wins.
Egg race
Using a stiff piece of cardboard, fan a plastic egg into a “goal” the first team to rotate through wins.
Materials: cardboard, plastic egg, shoe box
Screaming balloon
Taco sauce penny cleaner
Roller coasters
Laser/mirror reflections