MECHANICS | GUIDELINES: Only one (1) participant each track. ONE box of colored Chalk will be provided each participant. If you need additional colors, you may share or exchange chalk with other artists. We ask that you return unused chalk. Artists are encouraged to bring their own additional water-based chalk, charcoal or pastels, to add vibrancy, depth, and variety. Artists should also bring their own brushes, water and any other materials or tools they need. NOTE: All chalk must be water-based and temporary (no paint, fixatives, or oil-based products). The art created must be suitable for the public. No words, symbols, or caricatures intended as political statements may appear within the art. Art created must be culturally sensitive and appropriate, respecting the diversity promoted in our culmination. Participants will have from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to complete their drawings. All drawings must be completed by 3:00 pm so that judging can begin right after. Criteria for Judging: ORIGINALITY/CREATIVITY 40% EXECUTION/USE OF MATERIALS 30% OVERALL DESIGN 30% TOTAL 100%