The engineering description of chalk: its strength, hardness and density A.J. Bowdenl, T.W. Spink2 & R.N. Mortimore3 lMouchel Consulting Limited, West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KTI46EZUK 2Mott MacDonald Group, St Anne House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey, CRg 2UL UK 3School ol the Environment (Civil Engineering), University of Brighton, Moulsecoomb, Brighton, Sussex, BN2 4GJ UK The contribution on the subject from CIRIA (Lord et al. 1994) uses a very similar scale and descriptive terminology to that of Mortimore et al. but simplifies the scale into four units and replaces the term'hardness' with 'density'. Lord et al. argue that the scatter of the intact dry density test results is too high to obtain the Abstract description of chalk for engineering purposes is reviewed and recommendations are made for a refined method for the field determination of chalk strength, hardness and density. The proposed method incorporates field descriptions, the current CIRIA intact dry density divisions and the strength terms of BS5930:1999. The recommendations arise from work on chalk tunnels where it was lound that the previous methods of field assessment gave unreliable results. Specific fieldwork was carried out to develop the proposed system on a wide range of Middle and Upper white chalks in southern England. Th" I I I accuracy implied by the more finely divided Mortimore el a/. scheme. which has some subdivisions with an intact dry density range of only 0.05 Mg/mr. The CIRIA scale uses hand breakability and hammer breakability tests for each density class. The above publications have variously used the terms 'strength' (Spink & Norbury 1990), 'hardness' Keywords: chalk, engineering description, strength, hardness, intact dry density Following the investigations at Mundford (Ward et al. 1968) chalk was classified for engineering purposes using a grading scheme based on fracture spacing, fracture aperture, lithology, degree of weathering and hardness (although the latter two terms were poorly defined). Ward el al. had made it clear that the Mundford scale was specific to the Mundford site which is an upland area of Middle Chalk with the Melbourn Rock at the base of the sequence investigated. However, the classification was widely used elsewhere in various types of chalk and it became apparent that the hardness terms were insufliciently defined and did not correlate well with the Mundford grades. This raised problems such as how to apply the classification. This problem was resolved for most practitioners by dropping the hardness term from the classification, thereby defining the grades principally on fracture spacing and aperture. This practice was formalized in a paper by Spink & Norbury (1990) who gave ranges of strength (instead of hardness) which were typicalof each grade rather than being used to define the grade. The strength terms used were those of BS 5930 based on the breakability of the chalk, using hand breakability at low strengths and hammer breakability at higher strengths. At the same time Mortimore et al. (1990) defined a sevenfold field 'hardness' scale for chalk and related it to intact dry density. Their descriptive system used both breakability and rock pick and rock pin penetration criteria for each hardness class. Quurterly Journal o/ Engineering Geobgy and Hydrogeology,35, 355 361 (Mortimore et all990) and'density'(Lord et al.1994)to describe an inherent physical property of the intact chalk material. In this present paper it is considered that strength, hardness and density, as used in the field description of the white Middle and Upper Chalks are all related to the intact dry density and uniaxial compressive strength. Therefore, this paper uses the field term strength/hardness/density to mean the same. single, field parameter. Different relationships may apply to the marly Lower Chalk, and possibly also to the Northern Province Chalks. It is now generally accepted that there is not necess- arily an increase in strength/hardness/density with depth or improving grade, as implied in the Mundford and Spink and Norbury schemes, except where the stratigraphy/sedimentology dictates this, as it does at Mundford (Mortimore et al. 1990). Strength/hardness/ density is considered to be primarily dependent on stratigraphy. This is supported by studies for the Southwick Hill tunnel, Brighton where it has been shown that the intact dry density is dependent on the stratigraphic level within each bedding unit rather than depth or weathering grade, see Figure l, (Bowden el c/. 1998). The Bastion Steps Beds and the chalk at the Old Nore Beds/Splash Point Beds junction were at similar depths at opposite portals. At this site solution features and deeper weathering occurred exclusively in the lower density chalks whatever the direction of slope of the hillside. This leads to the conclusion that the variation in the weathering depth is dependent, to a significant degree, on the strength/hardness/density, rather than vice versa. 1470-9236102 $l 5.00 e 2002 Geological Society of London BOWDEN ET AL. 356 the intact dry density typically by 0.05 to 0.10 Mg/m3. Also, laboratory investigations showed that a block of chalk 300 to 400 mm square typically had a range of laboratory determined densities 0.05 Mg/m3 either side of the mean density for the block, even when the block was apparently homogeneous (Lamont-Black & 55 >)} 50 >D) D>-} : 45 40 E 6 a- a aa Mortimore, 1996). It was therefore considered that the hardness/density could not be estimated with sufficient accuracy from field penetration tests to justify the sevenfold subdivisions of the Mortimore el a/. scheme. a 35 -9 .9 30 CL rE E,, /; 25 Channel Tunnel G .o oDo 20 b> F On the investigations for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link the CIRIA scheme was used by a large number of geologists from four different contractors involved in the logging of chalk trial pits, core and undisturbed samples. 15 B B * 'tb 't0 <F \ 5 1.5 1.6 '|'.7 ,1.8 1.9 2.0 lntact dry density (Mg/m3) > < . Bastion Steps Beds Meeching Beds Peacehaven Beds > Old Nore Beds < Splash Point Beds \Trend line Fig. 1. Variation in intact dry density with stratigraphic level for Southwick Hill tunnel, Brighton (from Bowden et al. 1998). Problems with the previous descriptive schemes Whilst working independently on tunnelling projects in the SE of England the flrst two authors have tried to work with the above descriptive schemes of chalk strength/hardness/density whilst supervising a number of other geologists engaged in chalk description and classification. Southwick Hi!! On the Southwick Hill site the Mortimore et ql. scheme was used to estimate hardness when logging excavations and tunnel faces (Bowden 2003). It was found that there was a wide variation between the geologists in their interpretation of the Mortimore et al. descriptive terms such as 'some penetration of the pick' and the size of the rock pin that should be used, which was not deflned. There was also an apparent miss-match between the results from pick penetration and the manual breakability tests. The penetration tests gave a scatter of results, with the estimated dry density typically up to 0.1 Mg/m3 either side of the laboratory measured mean value. The pick penetration test was the most consistent method of estimating hardness, but although relatively consistent estimates could be made, they over estimated Despite training of the loggers and supervision of the logging, there was a poor correlation between the visually assessed CIRIA density and the laboratory determined intact dry density, with over half of the field estimates indicating the wrong CIRIA density class. It was also found that the CIRIA definitions for hand breakability were incompatible with the hammer breakability terms which indicated stronger chalk than the corresponding hand breakability terms. These problems with the existing descriptive schemes lor strength/hardness/density have led to the research for the present paper, with the aim of finding an improved method for the field assessment of strength/hardness/ density. Fieldwork for stren gt h/hard ness/density assessment The requirement of any field descriptive scheme is that it should be capable of easy, consistent, repeatable use on site, that it should be verifiable by laboratory testing and that it should predict useful engineering properties which can be related to engineering behaviour. Previous experience with the use of the intact dry density test shows that it can be related to many aspects of engineer- ing behaviour and should form the foundation of the scheme. The fourfold subdivision of density used in the CIRIA scheme is considered to reflect significant changes in engineering behaviour (Table 1) and has been retained. The aim of the field tests described below is to allow any logger, after a limited amount of training, to be able to correctly identify the CIRIA density class the majority of the time. Obviously, chalk that is borderline may be misclassified, however, the field tests should not be carried out as a replacement for the laboratory determination of intact dry density, but as a supplement to it. ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF CHALK Table l. 357 Engineering behuviour relutcd to CIRIA chalk density class. CIRIA density term Earthworks behaviour Low densitv The chalk readily Medium densitv High density Very high density The chalk behaves like a rock and requires rock methods of excavation when encountered in layers > lm thick degrades to fines under engineering stresses, releasing pore water and The chalk does not readily generate The chalk behaves as a moderately weak putty if handled correctly. Excavation rock with a cemented structure that does not readily break generating putty plant and with the correct down in normal earthworks operations compaction in a single process is required Shallow loundations Allowable bearing (Lord ct ul. 1994\ pressure 225 kN/m2 Allowable bearing pressure 300 kN/m'? (Grades A, B, C and Dc) (Grade Dc) 240 kN/m2 (Grades A, B and C) For the current research intact dry density testing was carried out on 40 chalk samples collected from both in situ exposures and large diameter cores. covering most of the range of densities found in the white Upper and Middle Chalks of southern England. At each sample location the authors each assessed the strength/ hardness/density by as many of the four field tests as possible: o The ease of breaking small lumps by hand . The amount of penetration of the sharp pointed end of a new geological rock pick o The amount of penetration of the blunt pointed end of a well used geological rock pick e The amount of penetration of a 150 mm nail when hit three times with a geological rock pick It was found that the hand breakability varied significantly with the size and shape of chalk lump, not only in terms of the thickness of the lump but also its length, as this affected the leverage that could be applied. A standard size of 30 to 40 mm thick, by 30 to 40 mm wide, by 60 to 80 mm long was chosen, as the force required to break it fitted with the existing BS 5930 (1999) hand breakability strength definitions. A few moments spent shaping a lump of chalk to the required dimensions significantly improved the consistency of the results. This method was the only test that could be carried out on small fragments of chalk from fragmented core or rock face samples. The standardized breakability procedures are given in Table 2. The sharpness ofthe point ofthe geological rock pick, its shape, the hammer's total weight, the distribution of weight in the hammer and the force of the swing, all influenced the amount of penetration. A new, sharp pick penetrated further than a well used pick with a blunted end. An Estwing type rock pick rather than a chisel headed geological hammer was used for consistency of results (Fig. 2). The swing of the hammer was standard- ized to obtain as constant a force for each blow as possible. The hammer was not raised further than ear level when hammering an exposure at waist level and the swing was from the elbow, not the shoulder, again for consistency. The measured penetration test results and corresponding intact dry densities are plotted in Figure 3a, b. The geological rock pick penetration test did not work it tended to split the core. The nail penetration test was preferred on large diameter core, with the hand breakability test being used if only small diameter core or non-intact core was available. A standard, new 150mm (6 inch) long nail was hit three times well on core as with the geological hammer, and the penetration measured. The hammer was swung through about 300 mm and the reluctance to risk serious damage to ones hand in the event of a missed hit was found to sufficiently regulate the force of the blow. The test was most successful when carried out on the ends ofa short length of core resting on a concrete floor. Tests carried out on the side ofthe core were less successful as the core had a greater tendency to split. It was found that if the core was struck whilst still in the core box, or on a bench, or non-concrete floor, then some of the force of the blows was lost, and the nail penetration was reduced by as much as 25%. If a concrete floor is not available then specific calibration of the nail penetration against intact dry density tests would be required, or the hand breakability test should be used. The measured nail penetration test results and corresponding intact dry densities are plotted in Figure 3c. The pick and the nail penetration methods were found density, but were not particularly precise, showing a significant to be reasonable predictors of the intact dry scatter in the results. The trends are seen most clearly 358 BOWDEN ET AL. Table 2. Revised field identiJication procedures CIRIA density term for CIRIA chalk density Low density clusses ( I) High density Medium density Md*' Very high density Intact dry density (2) < Approximate UCS (3) < 3 MN/m2 3-5 MN/m2 5 BS5930 strength term Very weak and lower end of weak Upper end of weak Moderately weak Moderately strong Ease ol breaking lragments (9) 30 to 40 mm thick 30 to 40 mm thick 30 to 40 mm thick lragments can be fragments can be broken in half using both hands. but cannot be crushed between finger and fragments cannot be broken in half (4). Cannot be broken by hand. 100 mm diameter lump can be broken by a single hammer blow when held in the palm of 1.55 Mg/m3 crushed between finger and thumb, and remoulds to lorm a putty (4) 1.55-1.70 thumb (4) Mdrr' > 1.95 Mg/m3 MN/m2 > 12.5 1.70-1.95 - 12.5 Only thin slabs < l0 mm thick. and corners and edges of lumps can be broken MN/m2 the hand (5) with difficulty using both hands 15 25 mm 6 > 30mm Chalk splashes 1l 2 ll > 35mm Chalk splashes 18-35 mm 150 mm nail penetration (6) (7) (10) (12) > 25mm Used rock pick penetration (7) (8) (l l) (12) New rock pick penetration (7) (8) (l l) 15mm <6mm Putty lormed around nail 30 mm mm < 2mm Gl8 mm <6mm (t2) Notes: (l) The field procedures apply to the white chalks of southern England and to material that is > 90%n saturated. They may not apply to grey marly chalks or northern province chalks, or where the chalk is < 90'2, saturated. Most rn situ chalk has > 90% saturation, except where a face has been exposed for some time. Core or samples must be prevented from drying out prior to logging. (2) Intact dry density should be measured by the method of BS1377:1990. (3) The relationship to uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is at natural moisture content. It is approximate and has been derived from Fig 4. (4) Fragments should be shaped using a chisel headed hammer, paint scraper or chisel to be 30 to 40 mm thick, 30 to 40 mm wide and 60 to 80 mm long. (5) Extreme hand pressure could break corners or thin slabs, but only at the risk ol a bruised thumb. The hammer blow should not be painlul to the hand. (6) A new 150 mm (6 inch) standard carpenter's nail with a four lacetted approximately 40 degree point should be used, and hit three times with a geological rock pick. The hammer should be swung through about 300 mm. The reluctance to risk serious damage to the hand sufficiently regulates the force of the blow. Mark the penetration with the thumb nail, and measure with a mm scale. Repeat the test several times. (7) A steel handled geological rock pick of the Estwing type or similar, of approximately 0.9 kg total weight should be used. Hammers of signiflcantly different weight, or wooden handled hammers where most of the weight is in the hammer head, should not be used. (8) The hammer should be swung from about ear level by moving the elbow only, not the shoulder. Mark the penetration of the rock pick with the thumb nail. and measure with a mm scale. Repeat the test several times. Protective glasses are recommended. particularly in low density chalk. (9) This method is particularly suited to logging small diameter or poor quality core and samples where only small lumps are available. Repeat the test several times. (10) This method is particularly suited to logging large diameter core (of approximately 100 mm diameter or more). A section of core about 100 mm long should be taken out of the core box, and the ends squared off with a chisel headed hammer. paint scraper or chisel. The core piece should be stood on its end on a concrete floor and the test carried out on the ends. The nail should be in the centre ofthe core and should not break the core. Repeat the test several times avoiding previous nail holes. Il the core is tested in the core box or on a soil surflace, bench or wooden floor. some of the energy is absorbed and the nail penetrations may be up to 25o/olowet, and would require specific calibration against intact dry density tests. (l l) This method is particularly suited to logging in situ chalk in trial pits, excavations or exposures. (12) The penetrations are obtained from the mean lines in Figure 3 and should be considered as approximate guides only; there is a significant scatter in the results. All field tests should be supported by laboratory intact dry density testing. when plotting the log of the penetration. The pene- in Table 2. These relationships have been based on a trations indicated by the mean lines on Figure 3a, b, c, at each of the CIRIA density boundaries are summarized relatively small number of test results and may need to be revised as more data becomes available. Also, it is BOWDEN ET AL. 360 30 Low Medium Very High High N E z 25 Vy = E" 20 (t, o o .= o o (u V V a V 15 VV E a V CL o o Moderately Strong a 10 .g 5 f o - aaY Moderately Weak I 4r GI '= 12.5 a V od a -4r I _)_ e"ffi 5 3 1.25 0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 lntact dry density (Mg/m3) a v ' Southwick Hill, Brighton, Hull, Humberside North Kent Sussex o 2.2 Weak Very Weak 855930 Strength Terms Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Kent and London) . Bell et al (mean values Yorkshire, Nortolk and Kent) \equation of trend line UCS = 0.01{6 x e(3.58 x IDD) Fig. 4. Intact dry density versus uniaxial compressive stren-uth. times. In the field each penetration or hand breakability result should be recorded, but on the log the CIRIA density class derived from the average of the results should be reported in words eg'medium density', or'low to medium density' if the results are close to a density boundary. However, common sense is needed when averaging results. Some parts of the chalk succession contain units of alternating denser and less dense material in beds 200 300 mm thick. Averaging results from such beds may be misleading. In such cases the range of density values found in each layer will provide a more realistic estimate of the range of engineering it is more usual to also determine natural moisture content, and hence degree of saturation. In this case the chalk lumps should be wrapped in several layers of cling film or aluminium foil and placed in a sealed plastic bag or plastic tub. Cling fllm alone has been found to be inadequate. The samples should be tested within a few days, as otherwise they may sweat and partially dry out. Sections of core that are also to be used for strength testing require additional physical protection and improved sealing, for example by wrapping in aluminium foil and coating with wax be determined. However, impregnated muslin. behaviour. The field assessment of the CIRIA density class should always be supported by laboratory determinations of intact dry density using the method of BS 1377 (1990) for the determination of saturated moisture content. It should be noted that the BS 1377 (1990) test method should strictly only be used on lumps about 75 mm across. If only smaller lumps are available the more accurate test method of Lamont-Black & Mortimore (1996) may be used. The samples collected for laboratory testing do not require special protection if only intact dry density is to Relationship between intact dry density and uniaxial compressive strength Data collected during a research project to investigate the relationship between the point load test and uniaxial compressive strength of chalk has shown a convincing relationship between intact dry density and the uniaxial compressive strength (Bowden et al. 1998). This data is shown in Figure 4, together with data collected for the ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF CHALK (a) 100 \Lo*. c ,\ E c .9 359 Med \t E - o co Very High High 30 lE 11 t0 A. { J .9 IL J a., !, l 1.1 tl 2 1.6 1.8 2.O 2.2 2.4 lntact dry density (Mg/nP) \/ (b) 100 150 mm nails Lo\ \ E E o noted that the majority of points falling outside a dry density band about * 0. I Mg/m3 from the mean (shown dashed on Fig. 3a, b, c) were from chalk that was less than 9C.h saturated. The majority of in situ chalk has a saturation of greater than 90ok, even when above the water table. Saturations of less than 90ok are generally only found on faces that have been exposed to drying conditions for some time (as was probably the case in this study), or in core that has not been adequately prevented from drying out. Tests should therefore be carried out on chalk in freshly excavated faces or on fresh samples and core. .E o o High Med ;t't. Very High 35 I rO a' 18 t 10 CL T 6 a' .9 CL ! o P zo= 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.O 2.2 2.4 lntact dry densigr (Mg/m3) (c) 100 Summary of proposed method for determination of stren gth/hard ness/density The results of the fieldwork are presented in Table 2 as revised field procedures for identifying the CIRIA chalk density classes. The notes in the table describe the field procedures and are designed to achieve consistency. At first sight the procedures may appear cumbersome, but with a little practice, they soon become routine and easy to apply. The inclusion of these procedures in normal commercial logging will not add significantly to the logging time. The scheme has been tested on the white Middle and Upper Chalks of southern England. It is suspected that the marly Lower Chalks, and possibly also Northern Province Chalks, may show different relationships. It is recommended that when ( ol 1 li Fig. 2. Suitable rock picks (new and used) and for the field assessment of chalk density. I t e o o a using any of the four procedures described here for field determination of the CIRIA density class, the test should be repeated several E E \ .t tr .9 6 E o co A Low Med 10 High Very High '.o $ t 25 =G z 6 a E E o ra, 1 1.4 1.6 1-8 2.O 2.2 2-4 lntact dry density (Mg/m3) + o > 90% aaturation in situ / in cora, with sprcad of results from the three authors < 90% saturation in situ / in core Fig. 3. Intact dry density versus penetration (log scale) lor (a) used rock pick. (b) new rock pick and (c) 150 mm nail. ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF CHALK present study. The scatter of the data is highest for the high and very high density Northern Province Chalks (results from Hull and averaged results from Yorkshire, Norfolk and Kent after Bell et al. 1990). The trend line through the data can be used to obtain an approximate correlation between intact dry density and uniaxial compressive strength. The mean strength values corresponding to the CIRIA density boundaries are given in Table 2. From Figure 4 and Table 2 it should be noted that the CIRIA high and very high density terms are equivalent to the BS 5930 (1999) strength terms moderately weak and moderately strong. However, for CIRIA low and medium densities there is not a direct equivalence with the BS 5930 (1999) strength terms, with the low/medium density boundary falling in the middle of the BS 5930 (1999) weak strength range. Because of this lack of equivalence the CIRIA density terms should be used throughout all chalk logging; the BS strength terms can be given in addition, if 5930 (1999) required. 361 Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support ol the lormer Union Railways in sponsoring the laboratory testing for this research and for allowing the use of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link data. The data for Southwick Hill tunnel is included with the permission of Mouchel Consulting Ltd and the Highways Agency. with some of the work reported being supported by Taylor Woodrow Civil Engineering. Other data is included with acknowledgements to the Mott MacDonald Group and Kent County Council. References Bplr-, F.G., Cnrpps, J.C.. EouoNos, C.N. & Curssnw. M.G. 1990. Chalk labric and its relation to certain geotechnical properties. In: Bunr-eNu. J.B., Monrrlrone. R.N.. Rosnnrs, L.D., JoNes, B.L. & Consnm, B.O. (eds) Chulk. Proceedings of the Internutional Chulk Symposiuttr, Brighton Polytechnic. Thomas Telford. London. 187 194. BoworN, A.J. 2003. Tunnelling in tlte chalk oJ Southtick Hill. Proceedings Symposium on Tunnelling in Chalk. in press. BoworN, A.J.. LeuoNr-Blacr, J. & Ullvorr. S. 1999. Point load testing of weak rocks with particular reference to chalk. Quarterly Journul oJ Engineuing Geologv, 95 103. Conclusions The CIRIA intact dry density divisions have been found to relate to engineering behaviour for the white BS 1377 British srandard nrcthods of test jbr soils 31. /br dfil engineering purposes, 2. British Standards Institution. BS 5930 Code of'practice for site iwestigotion,\. British Stand- Middle and Upper Chalks and can be determined with reasonable accuracy in the field using the standardised procedures given in this paper. There is a good correspondence between the CIRIA medium/high and high/ very high density boundaries and the BS 5930 (1999) ards Institution. LelroNr-Br-acx, J. & Monrrnonr, R.N. 1996. Determination ol the intact dry density of irregular chalk lumps: a new method. Quurterly Jourrutl of Enginearing Geology, 29, strength boundaries. However, this correspondence does Funders Report/CP/13. CIRIA Project Report. Monrrrvronr. R.N.. Rosrnrs. L.D. & JoNes. D.L. 1990. Logging olchalk lor engineering purposes. 1r.' BunraNo. J.B., not hold for the low/medium density boundary. Therefore, it is recommended that CIRIA density classes should be assessed in all chalk descriptions; the BS 5930 (1999) strength can be given in addition, if required. Field assessments of CIRIA density class should be supported by laboratory determinations of intact dry density. The assessment of CIRIA density class should be carried out as part of a full engineering geological description of the chalk generally following the CIRIA procedures, but as amplified by Spink (2002). The chalk, as seen in boreholes, trial pits or exposures, must be evaluated within the broader picture of the geology of the site including the stratigraphy, weathering profile and dissolution effects. 241-248. Lono, J.A., TwtNE, D. & Yrow, H. 1994. Foundations in chulk. Monrruonr, R.N., Rossnrs, L.D., JoNrs, B.L. & Consnrr, B.O. (eds) Cltalk. Proceedings of the lntu- national Chulk Symposium, Brighton Poll-technic. Thomas Telford. London. 133-152. T.W. 2002. The CIRIA chalk description and classification scheme. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geologv SpINrc, and Hydrogeology, 35, 363-369. T.W. & Nonnunv, D.R. 1990. The engineering geological description of chalk. 1r.' BunraNo, J.B.. Monrrutonr, R.N., RosEnrs, L.D., JoNEs, B.L. & Connrrr, B.O. (eds) Chalk. Proteedings oJ thc International Chalk Sltnpo.siunr, Brighton Polytechnic. Thomas Telford, London, 153 159. Wenn, W.H., Bunl.qNo, J.B. & Ger-lors, R.W. 1968. GeotechSptNrc, nical assessment of a site at Mundford. Norfolk. lor large proton accelerator. Geotechnique,18. 399 431. Received 5 September 2000; accepted I February 2002. a