Uploaded by Neethu TUFF - Transforming U, Flab 2 Fit

Project Health Plan: Social Media Fitness Initiative

Project Health
To share and empower individuals through active communication which enables them to make informed decisions
on healthy lifestyle and exercise routines with the key goal to convert them into active clients which generate
Technical Aspect:
There will be two main social media handles used, i.e YouTube and Instagram.
 Main video contents
 Allot topics monthly
 Research on hashtags
 Informative posts
 Funny reels
 Client transformations
 Fun healthy recipes
 Research on hashtags
Ensure not to have any long videos in Instagram, all lengthy video content must be shared through Youtube and
the link must be shared on the Instagram account.
Content creation:
People are engaged with when shown stories or new information, cliché style of just speaking straight is to be
avoided. Fun and interactive means of communication is necessary to attract more audience to the pages.
Maintain a timetable which rotates on different and new topics.
Suggestion for intro video:
90% animations with 10% with fun bgm and voice over. Flying text and animation story of a guy getting into gym,
does wrong exercises and locks his muscles. Ashwand and Neethu flys in like superhero to the rescue, guy is all
better. (shifts to real life video) Talks about who and what both are and what they plan to achieve through the