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Chemistry Paper 6 Revision Notes

Chemistry Paper 6 Revision (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
1. Name of apparatus(common): - Pipette
- Spatula
- Fractionating column (present in fractional distillation)
- Pestle (the stick to grind solid) and mortar(bowl)
- Measuring cylinder (with measurements)
- Gas jar (same as measuring cylinder but no measurements)
2. Apparatus to be used when involved with heating: - Test tube & Boiling tube
- Beaker and crucible
3. Method of obtaining hot flame: -Open airhole
4. Separation methods(with labelling) :- Filtration
- Simple distillation
- Fractional distillation
- Evaporation
- Crystallisation
- Chromatography
*In simple distillation, there is condenser
there are 2 openings and it’s for the constant flow of cold water
the direction of water flow is always against the gravity
going in from bottom, goes out from top*
5. Chromatography: - Baseline is ALWAYS drawn with pencil (if with ink, it will dissolve in solvent, inaccurate
- Apply samples to chromatography paper (on the baseline)
- Use of solvent (ex. Ethanol or water)
- Solvent below baseline
- Check the spots produced
- Compare to know Rf values
6. Measurement : - Time(stopwatch)
- Temperature(thermometer)
- Mass(measuring balance/ weighing scale)
- Volume(measuring cylinder, pipette, burette i.e. more accurate)
Accuracy increases
7. Experimental setup and drawings :- Electrolysis(cathode, anode, electroplating)
- Gas collection(gas syringe, water displacement with measuring cylinder)
8. Dehydrating agents: *function of dehydrating agents is to remove water*
- Porcelain chips
- Concentrated sulfuric acid
9. Preparation of salts (from ex book)
10. Purpose of using the residue : - If we are using the residue – To remove(wash away) the soluble impurities
- If we are going to discard the residue – To ensure all filtrate is obtained
12. Universal indicator: - more than one colour changes
- not suitable for titration
- very hard to determine and control the end point
13. Titration (refer from ex book)
Refer ex book
Refer ex book