Uploaded by Kate Erika

Mary Poppins Returns: A Personal Reflection

‘Mary Poppins Returns’
It's both entertaining and thrilling. As each scene emerged like a jigsaw puzzle,
I appreciated the challenge of connecting all together details. There were some "wow"
moments, particularly in those songs that were entertaining, and the traditional Mary
Poppins tippyty toes music beat was still present. There are many principles that can
be applied in real life, such as thinking outside the box and being more simple or
complex. I thought the film to be more reality and nostalgic in nature, as the subjects
deal with issues that we face in our world, or rather, in our lives. When the scenes shift
into having a villain in the movie, where the ware wolf reflects the people's in the bank,
it gets a little dark. It, like the wolf in the movie, represents bad deeds against other
people or oppression.
Aside from the movie's topic, the music was wonderful, and the settings and
scenery were so good that I couldn't help but think, "Can you fathom that?" I liked Mary
Poppins' song "A cover is not a book," as well as the light guy who turns on and off
the street lamps. They emphasize the importance of reading and knowing what's
inside rather than merely looking around and being filled by our eyes. This reflects on
me because I have a lot of individuals around me who I don't know very well. Aside
from those people, I also need to know what's essential to me and how to deal with
life's adventures.
Overall, the film was excellent, and I will never forget what I learnt and realized
while viewing it.