GAMBELLA UNIVERSITY-GREEN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE COLLABORATIVE GRADUATE PROGRAM Name of Student :- Nean Amhara Nyigwo ID NO: WPG/510/2014 Course Title :- Managerial Economics Course Code :- (MBA 562) Credit Hours : 3 Name of the Instructor : Dr. Negussie Semie (Ph.D) 0911 892049 Submitted Date :- December 24 -2022 JOURNAL ARTICLE :- MANAGERIAL INCENTIVE AND PRODUCT MARKET In this article derive the optimal incentive scheme for a manager as a function of the competitiveness of the environment in which his firm operates, the Major basic impact of increased competition is that it reduces the profits of a Business also two effect of the Model such as ,if firm has costs the reduction of the profit may be sufficient to render the firm unprofitable hat it has to be liquidated and reduction in profits may affect the profitability of costs-reduction its effect of double sign. STRENGTHS This has further fostered the desire of an increase in competition as two effects on managerial incentives: It increases the probability of liquidation, which has a positive effect on managerial effort, but it also reduces the firm's profits, which may make it less attractive to induce high effort. Manager for control devices for checking underwriting. The aim is to achieve a more competitive for Profit and reduction they also need a picture of company operations from a "going concern" standpoint, as well as the safety viewpoint given in the Annual firm planning. Managerial needs to be informed promptly of what has. The major of Strength as:Identifying Measuring Analysis Interpreting Communicating & Information WEAKNESSES The Weaknesses of this Article Single Business or Firm, Competitive environment of firm as exogenously given. LESSON DRAWN In this Article the most important learning is increasing competition increases the probability that firms with managerial slack are forced into liquidation And then other important bold for in this journal in ours country Ethiopia including outside “ If the net present value of the firm's future cash flow exceeds its liquidation value, then creditors may forgive some of the debt in order to keep the firm as a going concern”