Uploaded by Mary Weaver

Group Communication Exercise: Leadership & Team Dynamics

COMM 100: Intro to Communication
Revised 2019
Group Communication: Exercise
Instructions: This assignment has three parts to it. Please complete all parts and then submit
your assignment in D2L.
Part 1
Styles Theory of leadership posits there are three styles: laissez-faire, authoritarian, and
democratic. Explanation each style, and identify what type of group might be best suited to that
style of leadership.
Part 2
Describe how a group that you’ve been part of has gone through Tuckman’s Development
Stages. If you are still in the group it’s okay to explain why adjourning has not occurred or how
the group responded when a member has adjourned.
Part 3
Make a list of the various groups in which you participate during a typical week. If it helps, you
may select groups that you have been associated with in the past. Then use those groups as
the basis for answering each of the following questions:
a) What roles do you play in each? Do you find yourself engaging in any leadership
b) What roles have you noticed other group members play? How do those roles impact the
group’s interactions?
c) What power structures do you find yourself, and others, adhering to? Do some power
structures seem more or less appropriate for a particular group than others? Why?