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Quantitative Analysis Lecture Notes Fall 2022

Quantitative analysis
Fall 2022
September 15th
Secondary data: what already exist. Primary data that is already gathered, already have been
collected for purposes other than the problem at hand. The data can be located quickly and
There are problems in secondary data. The data may not be suitable for the use in mind. The
data may not be current: people and businesses change. Opinions and views change rapidly.
How long ago it was gathered can make a big difference.
Secondary data have 2 groups: internal or external data.
- Internal is available right here right now for free.
- External data is
September 20th
First reactions- System 1
Thinking- System 2
The unconscious level- consumers often know brand they want before engaging in conscious
decision- making process
Information search- Post realization
Stimulus outside persons conscious awareness can trigger automatic responses.
Peaceful music- Consumers Move Slower and Spend More Money.
Mere exposure Effect
Subliminal Stimuli- Trying to appeal to the consumer visually. Presenting information
Peripheral Stimuli- thinks you actually see, but don’t consciously register
The working memory uses 1-2 minutes to interoperate the information, then determine
where to store the information.
Affective reactions
- Immediate affect- emotions automatically, effortlessly activated in response to
- Deliberate affect- emotions that arise gradually
Marketing research Implications- capture primary, pre-cognitive emotions elicited
automatically, beyond an individual’s control
Explicit- directly tell you about how toy fell or why you do something
Implicit- The unconsciousness
September 22nd