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Chapter 4 servsafe

Objective: 1.03 Understand the food handlers
responsibility in preventing contamination of food 2-102017
Bell ringer: (Test code:XU9XA7R)
Kitchen Groups: 1st Kitchen Labs…Sausage Fettuccine Alfredo
(Alfredo Sauce is from scratch)! (Lab Focus. Safety &
Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, glove use) TEAMWORK,
1-Remember to read your recipe at least twice before beginning your workplan!
2-Organize task to be completed with the most important being WASHING
3-Apply gloves as needed, remember who should be wearing glues
4-Safety & Sanitation Procedures will be monitored and observed
Include in your reports
5. Information to include in your reports.
Include all safety and sanitation procedures that were followed as
well as those incorrect procedures that occurred in your
Explain communication between lab members, were there any
communication issues including disrespecting a lab member
or inappropriate language in the kitchen.
Did you have any foods that were TCS? IF so name them and
explain why you think they TCS foods.
Is there someone that did not work as effective and efficient as
others if so who?
Objective 2.0 2-13-2017Understand factors that influence
food safety .
2.01 Understand hazards in the flow of food.
Define terms and Reviewing Concepts in Culinary Arts Book
Teacher Input: Chapter: 4 Lecture
Student Input: Notes
Individual Activity: Complete thermometer
Apply your knowledge 4.5
Exit ticket How do we avoid time temperature abuse?
Bellringer 2-12-2017
The Flow of Food
Pair Reading p.21-29/Culinary Arts Book
Define Terms
Dry goods
Flow of food
One stage cooling method
Perishable goods
time temperature abuse
Two stage cooling method
Complete Reviewing Concepts 1-4
Chapter :4
Pathogens can move around easily in an operation.
They can be spread from:
Unwashed Hands to prep areas
Equipment, utensils or other food
The Flow of Food
To keep food safe throughout the flow of food:
Prevent cross-contamination
Prevent time-temperature abuse
To Prevent Cross-Contamination
Separate equipment:
Use separate equipment for each type of food
Clean and sanitize:
Clean and sanitize all work surfaces, equipment, and
utensils after each task
Answer the following Question in your notebook
What strategy can prevent cross contamination?
Buy foods that does not require prepping
Prep food on both sides of a cutting board
Prep raw food and ready to eat food at the same time
Avoid time temp abuse
Check with your neighbor!!
To Prevent Cross-Contamination
Prep food at different times:
Prepare raw meat, fish, and poultry at
different times than ready-to-eat food (when
using the same prep table)
Buy prepared food:
Buy food items that do not require much
prepping or handling
Preventing Time-Temperature Abuse
Time-temperature control:
Food held in the range of 41˚F and 135˚F
(5˚C and 57˚C) has been time-temperature
Food has been time-temperature abused
whenever it is handled in the following ways
Cooked to the wrong internal temperature
Held at the wrong temperature
Cooked or reheated incorrectly
Preventing Time-Temperature Abuse
Avoid time-temperature abuse:
Monitor time and temperature
Make sure the correct kinds of
thermometers are available
Regularly record temperatures and the
times they are taken
Minimize the time that food spends in the
temperature danger zone
Take corrective actions if time-temperature
standards are not met
INSTRUCTIONS: Draw the thermometer on page 4.4, Label the
thermometer with the Danger Zone as well as areas that
Pathogens grow rapidly. Use colors blue and red to create a
realistic view.
Complete Apply your knowledge on page 4.5/Is it Safe? (Group) 5
Monitoring Time and Temperature
Bimetallic stemmed thermometer
Monitoring Time and Temperature
Thermocouples and thermistors:
Measure temperature through a metal probe
Display temperatures digitally
Come with interchangeable probes
Immersion probe
Surface probe
Penetration probe
Air probe
Have a sensing area on the tip of their probe
Monitoring Time and Temperature
Infrared (laser) thermometers:
Used to measure the surface temperature of
food and equipment
Hold as close to the food or equipment as
Remove anything between the thermometer
and the food, food package, or equipment
Follow manufacturers’ guidelines
Bimetallic Stemmed Thermometer/Thermocouples &
Directions: Use the copy of page 4.7, cut out the different types of
Thermocouples and Thermistors. Paste them in order and
write the type of probe and a brief description of its
use/purpose. (Individual)
Part 2: Research the internet, and find at least 3 websites, reliable
websites to purchase Thermocouples and Thermistors
(including all 4 types of probes as well as the Infrared (Laser
Thermometer) Read reviews on each probe, only document 3 to
5 star rating equipment. Include the websites, prices, pictures
and a brief description of the probe. (Group)
Objective 2.0 2-16-2016 Understand factors that influence
food safety .
2.01 Understand hazards in the flow of food.
Start ‘Em Out Right
Teacher Input: Complete Chapter : 4
Individual : Chapter: 4 notes (finish)
Chapter:4 Video with study guide
Apply your knowledge 4.5/4.10
Chapter 4 Review Case Study/Calibrate Thermometer
Exit ticket Quiz
Monitoring Time and Temperature
Time-temperature indicators (TTI):
Monitor both time and temperature
Are attached to packages by the supplier
A color change appears on the device when
time-temperature abuse has occurred
Maximum registering thermometer:
Indicates the highest temperature reached
during use
Used where temperature readings cannot
be continuously observed
General Thermometer Guidelines
When using thermometers:
Wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry
thermometers before and after using them
Calibrate them before each shift to
ensure accuracy
Make sure thermometers used to measure
the temperature of food are accurate to
+/- 2˚F or +/- 1˚C
Only use glass thermometers if they are
enclosed in a shatterproof casing
Answer the following Question. In your notebook
When can glass thermometers be used?
When candy is being made
When checking liquids
When enclosed in a shatterproof casing
When hanging in a cooler
*Check with your neighbor
General Thermometer Guidelines
When using thermometers:
Insert the thermometer stem or
probe into thickest part of the product
(usually the center)
Take more than one reading in different spots
Wait for the thermometer reading to steady
before recording the temperature
Answer the following Question in your notebook
Why should food temperatures be taken in two different
a. To ensure the thermometer is calibrated correctly
b. It is required by manufacturer
c. To ensure the thermometer is accurate to t/-3 F or t/-1
d.Temperature may vary in food
* Check with your neighbor
Bell ringer
Apply your knowledge p.4.10
Activity. Calibrating a Thermometer..
Case Study
Flow of Food: Introduction Quiz
10 mins
Bell Ringer
How to store food properly?
Take your quiz, no talking and remain quiet to each student has