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Language Lesson Planning: Skills & Structures

Language components
o Grammar rules
o Vocabulary
o Pronunciation
Language skills
o Can be divided into two categories receptive and productive
 Receptive skills relate to the receiving of a language
 Capacity to follow what native speakers are saying
 Can read and comprehend a range of different types of text
 Productive skills relate to producing language
 Can write a variety of texts in the foreign language
 Can speak using a wide vocabulary
o Fluency vs. accuracy
 Accuracy relates to how accurate a speaker is in their pronunciation and
grammatical use of a term
 Fluency relates to the ability of a speaker to accurately convey meanings
without having to stop and think about their word choices
Lesson planning
Lessons can be divided into three sections, the warmer, the body and the plenary
o Introduce topic of lesson
o Where the bulk of teaching occurs in line with lesson structures
 Lesson structure PPP
 Present!
o Provide an example of the content you wish to cover in class
o Eg today we want to cover rules around casual conversation,
such as meeting someone in a supermarket
o Provide reading or listening material to students and focus
on getting them to understanding the meaning
 Practice!
o Use controlled practice activities to support the language
o Common activities include gap filling
o Short answer questions
o Practice should focus on understanding the meaning
internally and the dynamics of that piece of language use
 Produce
o Give open ended prompts that promote students to
improvise with the language of focus for the class.
 Lesson structure TTT
 Useful for identifying and targeting student shortcomings
 Test
o Run a test on the topics covered in recent weeks
Come prepared with revision materials for each topic
Aim to have both easier and harder tasks prepared in
preparation for student under/overperformance
o Using PPP focus on filling the gaps in student knowledge
 Test!
o Use the same or a slightly revised version of the original test
o Identify if students have gauged the content you have given
Lesson structure ESA
 This is a far more personalized approach to lesson structure
 Engage!
o Find a way for students to develop a pool of statements that
you want them to try an convey in English
o Given example is a collection of images then ask students to
sort the items into a ‘want have don’t want pile’ during this
stage students can discuss together in whichever language
they are most comfortable
 Study!
o During this stage students are encouraged to construct
sentences with the items they have engaged with. It should
be relatively controlled as they familiarize themselves with
the terms
o For example with the above, ask students to use their want
pile to make a short sentence about what they want to do
with said item.
 Activate!
o Begin to use very open-ended questions and roleplay/writing activities.
o The goal should be personalization by students
o Touching base with students to gauge understanding
Writing lessons
Grammar lessons
o During grammar lessons students will learn about the 12 tenses of English
o The goal of the lesson will be to ensure students understand the form, meaning and
pronunciation of grammatical terms.
Pronunciation lessons
o These lessons focus on individual phonemes
o Sentence stress
o Intonation
o And features of connected speech
o Focus on learning new words as well as the ways word meaning changes on context
 i.e ‘run’ means something different in run a race, run a bath and run my life
Also focus on teaching idioms and phrasal verbs
Class activities
Think Pair Share
o Pose a complex question to the class and ask everyone to think about it
o Pair students together and get them to discuss the question
o Ask groups to share their answer to the class and allow other students to ask
o Include both positive and negative feedback
o Feedback relates to observed behaviour
o Is directly about student performance
o Gives specific tips on how to improve
o Feedback is given quickly
Useful further resources
Rachael Roberts - Planning for differentiation | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
Developing a lesson plan
Lesson aim
o Articulates the purpose of the lesson
o Should focus on specific goals students should have achieved by the end of a class
o I.e “students will be better able to count in class”
Lesson objectives
o Gives specific measurable goals to guide students towards achieving lesson aim
o Some examples might include
 Students will be able to count from 1-10 from memory
 Students will be able to write a restaurant bill for a customer
 Students will be able to tell each other to collect into groups of different
o Objectives should be measurable and give and indication of whether or not the
lesson plan has been achieved
Materials and equipment
o It is important to prepare and list all the items you suspect you will need
Lesson tips
Try to give students an opportunity to demonstrate what they already know about a topic
o This achieves a few things
 Gives you an understanding of student knowledge
 Stops you from wasting time teaching concepts that are already understood