Summary of Chapter 2 in Cook book This chapter starts with the introduction of different classifications of grammar definition, from prescriptive to traditional and from structural to grammatical competence. It then drills deep into the research area of smallest grammar components: structure words and grammatical morphemes. In particular some research in this area reveals the existence of the interlanguage grammar (regardless of learners’ first language), and also demonstrates that grammar is learnt in a particular sequence in L2 acquisition. With the introduction of the processability model this chapter formalizes the sequence in L2 acquisition with six grammatical stages. In the meantime it also reveals the important fact that gaps and conflicts exist between the model and the teaching practice. Another research insight is delivered with the introduction of universal grammar and parameters of variation. In particular this demonstrates what can be in common and different when comparing different languages and learning L2 languages based on first language. This chapter is concluded with how to pragmatically apply the insights/findings already discussed to the teaching practice. Consciously respecting and following the L2 learning order and raising the awareness of language are the important takeaways to help with the second language teaching and learning. Summary of Subject Reading for article “The Effects of Communicative Grammar Teaching on Students Achievement of Grammatical Knowledge and Oral Production” In this essay the author attempts to apply the communicative teaching method in a research study to showcase the effect of this method on the achievement of grammatical knowledge as well as the overall student’s reception of this method. The research study takes place in a high school in Vietnam, where most of the official English textbooks are somehow already designed based on CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) method. However, Vietnams students still show the deficit in applying correct grammar to the conversational communication. The essay attributes this issue to the dominant usage of the GTM (Grammar-Translation Method) in training grammar by most high school teachers. Motivated by the highlighted issue the essay carries out the experiment to contrast and compare the study result by applying the CLT and GTM methods to two different groups of students respectively. It aims to identity how and to which degree the CLT method can affect the students’ achievement of grammatical knowledge and oral production. Also it checks the overall acceptance of the students towards this new method. For both objectives the study delivers the positive outcome. The finding reveals that the students who were taught grammar with CLT achieve better scores in both grammar-paper test and oral test with statistically significant differences. On the other hand through gathered feedback from the student questionnaire the study shows the CLT method actually catches and fosters the students’ learning interest. Summary of Subject Reading for article “Online Independent Vocabulary Learning Experience of Hong Kong University Students” This Journal provides the research in the area of vocabulary teaching and learning. It carries out an experiment by providing an independent vocabulary learning platform to selected students in a Hongkong university and evaluating the learning experiences. The journal starts with describing the issue of inadequate vocabulary capacity possessed by most Hongkong undergraduates. It then provides some background for this issue, being low status of vocabulary teaching in the classroom and role reduction of English language after Hongkong handover in 1997. Also it identifies the general lack of vocabulary learning strategies and autonomous learning among Hongkong students, which can mostly be attributed to cultural reasons. Subsequently the journal introduces the online platform in order to address the above concerns by strengthening the students’ knowledge of words/learning strategies and providing them with an independent and autonomous learning environment. The platform covers the learning areas of word knowledge/formation, meaning relation and learning strategies. After evaluating the interviews and reports from selected participants the journal reveals the findings of the study especially in aspects of word knowledge and learning strategies. The gathered insights confirm in particular the fact that the negligence of teaching the vocabulary learning strategies in early years of English education causes the students to adopt memory and cognitive learning strategies sparingly. It then calls for the systematic introduction and practice of word knowledge and vocabulary learning strategy to occur at early years. Summary of Subject Reading for article “Feedback on Second Language Pronunciation: A Case Study of EAP Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices” This essay aims to provide the research study of the feedback given by ESL teachers in the area of second language pronunciation. Acknowledging the fact that pronunciation is an essential skill frequently given insufficient attention to, the essay starts with setting the encouraging tone for the importance of pronunciation teaching for better student learning and communication. Contrasted with the aspiration of the learner to achieve clear and native-like pronunciation, the essay explores several factors why instruction in L2 pronunciation is neglected. It also highlights the importance of the teacher’s cognition and feedback on the pronunciation teaching and shows recent research studies on the relationship between teacher’s cognition and feedback and their limitations, such as lack of observed teaching, etc. Based on the above observation the essay starts to introduce the overall research study focus: examination of various forms of feedback used in L2 language teaching during the case study and how the teachers’ cognitions influence the feedback given in classroom teaching. The study is carried out in the forms of interviews and classroom observations of some selected ESL teachers, focusing on their feedback given on the pronunciation classes designed to improve L2 oral communication. The result of the study highlights the finding that feedback is normally given with the cognition to enhance learner’s oral comprehensibility , and it also demonstrates several typical feedback techniques used in the case study, such as, voice recording, recasting, etc, The essay is concluded with expanding the findings by providing additional recommendations such as, systematic use of cues and usage of oral journals, etc.