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Rizal & Spanish Reforms: 19th Century Assessment

lOMoAR cPSD| 1
lOMoAR cPSD| 18969287
Unit 4 – Assessment 5
1. Construct a timeline of reforms implemented by the Spanish colonial government
in the 19th century. Identify important events in the life of Jose Rizal and locate
these events in the timeline you constructed. How did the reforms implemented
by the Spanish colonial regime in the 19th century relate to the experiences of
Rizal and his family? Attached to the module is a template where you can put
your answers.
lOMoAR cPSD| 18969287
The reforms implemented by the Spanish colonial regime in the 19th century relate to
the experiences of Rizal and his family.
During Rizal's lifetime (1861-1896), Spain continued to fall apart in the second half of
the nineteenth century. After the Napoleonic era, the kingdom was damaged by a long
succession conflict. The Church exerted a substantial impact on the government in
Spain. However, in other parts of Europe, liberal ideologies had paved the way for the
separation of Church and State.
lOMoAR cPSD| 18969287
The Philippines, together with Cuba and Puerto Rico, were the lone holdouts of Spain's
once-vast American empire that endured the longest. The colonial policies against the
Philippines may have been more challenging and more severe due to the country's
remote location.
While in exile, Rizal joined the chorus of Filipino expatriates calling for a rethink of
Spain's colonial policies. Thoughts of Enlightenment having spread across Europe a
century earlier, Spain had been spared by these powerful currents.
The ideology of Enlightenment can be found in most of Rizal's work. In his political and
social reforms, he promoted tolerance, liberty, and a return to a more representative
form of government.
lOMoAR cPSD| 18969287
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