Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Template Program Evaluation 150 Get your District’s Gifted Education Program Policies and Procedures document, your interview of the TAG teacher and the MDE Standards for the Gifted Education Programs. Evaluate your school’s TAG program using the rubric provided in the MDE’s document. You need to evaluate your program based on ALL of the guiding principles of all 7 Programming Criteria. * If you do not have any information about a couple of the principles and can’t determine them from the interview or the handbook, you can put “No Information” At the end, provide a short narrative (150+ words) with your personal evaluation/summary and an overall rating you’d give your program: 1-10 where 1 is awful and 10 is fantastic. Gifted Education Programming Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction Description: Gifted education services shall include curricular and instructional opportunities directed to the unique needs of the gifted students. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 3 - Above Standard I gave the program a level 3 because Mrs. Johnson (our gifted coordinator) makes sure all students are screened at the end of 1st grade to be identified as gifted. She does interest inventories and learning style tests at the beginning of the school year which help her learn about each student’s unique giftedness. She uses this information to plan her lessons. Level 2 - Minimum standard While Mrs. Johnson uses interest inventories and learning style tests to help differentiate her lessons, she also primarily uses a project-based learning method where the students have a portfolio to assess their progress throughout the year. I couldn’t find evidence of the Instructional Management Plan being reviewed and updated annually. 1. The local gifted education program shall provide a qualitatively different educational experience in addition to and different from the regular program of instruction. 2. Differentiated curriculum shall be provided for identified gifted students. Curriculum and Instruction Standards Gifted Education Programming Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction Description: Gifted education services shall include curricular and instructional opportunities directed to the unique needs of the gifted students. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 2 - Minimum standard The only evidence I could find for this was in my interview with Mrs. Johnson in which she states “Students may be accelerated.” But only in special circumstances. I could find no other details for this. Level 3 - Above Standard Mrs. Johnson pointed out that the State of MS has Gifted Outcomes that teachers must adhere to in the classroom. The Gifted Program brochure also provides a link to these outcomes. Mrs. Johnson uses these to prepare her units by aligning them with the various Outcomes and keeping a checklist as they master them. Student progress is monitored with a portfolio to assess their progress throughout the year. She takes lots of pictures and videos to show student work as frequently their work is not paper/pencil but more project-based. 3. The local district shall provide opportunities for high ability learners that include grade acceleration, subject acceleration, curriculum compacting, mentorships, and/or dual enrollment. 4. The program of instruction provided to gifted students shall be based on the mastery of the MDE gifted program outcomes. Curriculum and Instruction Standards Gifted Education Programming Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction Description: Gifted education services shall include curricular and instructional opportunities directed to the unique needs of the gifted students. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences no information 5. Career exploration and life skills shall be an integral part of the differentiated program of instruction for all gifted students. 6. Visual and performing arts shall be included in the differentiated program of instruction for gifted students. Level 1 - Does not meet standard I couldn’t find any mention of the arts in the list of major outcomes that the district provides parents. Curriculum and Instruction Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criteria II: Program Administration and Management Description: Appropriate gifted education programming must include the establishment of a systemic means of developing, implementing, and managing services. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 3 - Above standard Mrs. Johnson took the Gifted Praxis test to be endorsed in the subject. She also has been teaching gifted students for 5 years. LEvel 2 Students receive about 250 minutes of gifted services per week. They are pulled for 50 minutes, 5 days a week. 1. Appropriately qualified personnel shall direct services for the education of gifted students. 2. Gifted programming shall be an integral part of the district’s overall educational offerings, providing gifted students a minimum of 240 minutes per week of services in an approved gifted education program. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Program Administration and Management Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion II: Program Administration and Management Description: Appropriate gifted education programming must include the establishment of a systemic means of developing, implementing, and managing services. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 2 3. Gifted education programming shall include positive working relationships with advocacy groups. Mrs. Johnson communicates weekly with parents via School Status. She sends an update on what they’ve accomplished that week in QUEST with pictures detailing their activities. She also sends individual parent messages with pictures if their children have accomplished something extra special in class. no information 4. Gifted education program shall maintain all correspondence with MDE. Program Administration and Management Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion II: Program Administration and Management Description: Appropriate gifted education programming must include the establishment of a systemic means of developing, implementing, and managing services. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 2 Mrs. Johnson communicates weekly with parents via School Status. She sends an update on what they’ve accomplished that week in QUEST with pictures detailing their activities. She also sends individual parent messages with pictures if their children have accomplished something extra special in class. Level 1 When I asked her about her communication with other teachers and whole-school activities, there was no evidence that she regularly communicated or worked with other staff or administration to ensure the needs of gifted students were met. 5. Gifted education programming shall include a positive working relationship with parents. 6. Gifted education program shall include a positive working relationship with administrative and district instructional personnel. Program and Administration Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion II: Program Administration and Management Description: Appropriate gifted education programming must include the establishment of a systemic means of developing, implementing, and managing services. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 3 7. Requisite resources and materials shall be provided to adequately support the efforts of gifted education programming. With the new addition of our school’s STEAM lab, our gifted program has been able to expand their weekly dedication to STEAM (every Thursday). They now have access to Coding robots, lab stations, 3D printers, and much more. Our school is also 1:1 ipads for all grade-levels. Program and Administration Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion III: Program Design Description: The development of appropriate gifted education programming requires comprehensive services based on sound philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 2 1. A continuum of programming services shall exist for gifted learners. Our gifted program services are only available to intellectually gifted students in grades 2-6. We have recently added a performing arts/theatre program to our school which mainly focuses on 5-6 grade levels. However, 7th and 8th grade students are welcome to try out for plays. no information 2. Adequate funds shall be budgeted to allow for gifted programming that meets the needs of the district’s gifted students. Program Design Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion III: Program Design Description: The development of appropriate gifted education programming requires comprehensive services based on sound philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 3 Lauderdale County’s mission statement is on the front of their Gifted program brochure which is available to the public and given to all parents at the beginning of each year. It states: To insure that intellectually gifted children, as defined by the Mississippi Department of Education, are provided an enriching, qualitatively different educational experience not available in the regular classroom that enables gifted students to realize their abilities and potential. Level 2 Students are pulled from their regular ed classes for 50 minutes, 5 days a week. 3. Gifted programming is based on an established mission / philosophy statement with goals and objectives that reflect the need for gifted education programming. 4. Flexible grouping of students in a resource room shall be developed in order to facilitate differentiated instruction and curriculum. Program Design Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion III: Program Design Description: The development of appropriate gifted education programming requires comprehensive services based on sound philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences no information 5. Policies for adapting and adding to the nature and operations of the general education program are necessary for gifted education. Program Design Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion IV: Program Evaluation Description: Program evaluation is the systematic study of the value and impact of services provided. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences no information 1. An annual self-evaluation shall be conducted for the purpose of improving the program. no information 2. A program evaluation shall be conducted competently, confidentially, and ethically soliciting information from all stakeholders. 3. The evaluation shall be made available through a written report. Level 1 I couldn’t find any record of an evaluation being conducted or a report available to the public. Program Evaluation Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance and Counseling Description: Gifted education programming must establish a plan to recognize and nurture the unique social-emotional development of gifted learners. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Level 2 Because of the assessments Mrs. Johnson gives her students and her adjustments she makes for instruction. I believe she does her best to meet their other needs as well. She is flexible when trying to accommodate their needs for both their SPED and Gifted rulings. Level 1 No evidence of Career guidance services are present. 1. Gifted students shall be provided guidance to meet their unique social-emotional development. 2. Gifted students shall be provided with career guidance services especially designed for their unique needs and interests. 3. Gifted at-risk students shall be provided with guidance and counseling targeted and differentiated services to help them reach their potential. no information Social-Emotional Guidance and Counseling Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance and Counseling Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 4 4. Gifted students shall be provided with affective curriculum in addition to differentiated guidance and counseling services. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Mrs. Johnson directly referred to the MS outcomes that must be met and the district site also refers to the Scope and Sequence of the program and provides direct links to the state department. She also modifies her lessons based on the direct needs of her students. no information 5. Underachieving students who are potentially gifted shall be identified and served rather than omitted from differentiated services. Social-Emotional Guidance and Counseling Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion VI: Professional Development Description: Gifted students are entitled to be served by professionals who have specialized preparation in gifted education, expertise in appropriate differentiated content and instructional methods, involvement in ongoing professional development, and who possess exemplary personal and professional traits. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) no information 1. A comprehensive staff development program and materials shall be provided for all school staff involved in the education of gifted students. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences We have required PD for all staff but I could find no direct information in regards to gifted program PD. no information 2. Gifted program teachers and district staff are provided opportunities to attend nondistrict professional development regarding gifted education. 3. Professional development materials pertaining to gifted education are available in the district and updated on a regular basis. no information Professional Development Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion VI: Professional Development Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 1 As far as I could find, it is based on the individual program coordinator to find the materials needed and programs they want to use to differentiate the curriculum for their students. Level 2 Mrs. Johnson is endorsed in gifted but there have been no other special trainings she’s attended or received since receiving her endorsement. 4. Training for developing differentiated curriculum appropriate to the needs of gifted students is available for teachers of the gifted. 5. Only teachers endorsed in gifted education shall teach in the gifted education program. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Professional Development Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion VII: Student Identification and Description: Potentially gifted students must be assessed to determine appropriate educational services. In order to help districts accomplish this effectively, the Assessment following guiding principles have been established. Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 1 A student may be referred by a parent, teacher, counselor, administrator, peer, self, or anyone else having reason to believe that the student might be intellectually gifted or artistically gifted. This is what is written on the gifted brochure. However, there is no information provided on the brochure or online for how a parent or teacher may refer a student. Level 2 Students are all screened at the end of 1st grade. They primarily use RAVENS and Naglieri. Level 2 Parents or teachers may request or refer a student to gifted but there is not public information available for how those steps can be taken. 1. District guidelines shall outline a coordinated, comprehensive, and coherent process for student referral and assessment in order to determine eligibility for gifted services. 2. Equitable consideration for gifted education services is given to all students through the screening process. 3. Referrals for gifted screening are accepted from multiple sources. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Student Identification and Assessment Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion VII: Student Identification and Assessment Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 3 The district’s brochure for the gifted program provides a list of characteristics for common gifted students. They also provide several links to websites that provide information and resources for parents of gifted students. Level 1 The RAVENS assessment only provides part of the picture when it comes to intelligence tests. Level 2 The RAVENS assessment is reliable and valid when considering what it measures but it only provides one type of measurement. 4. Information about characteristics of giftedness and gifted programming is provided to parents. 5. All student identification procedures and instruments shall be based on best practices and research. 6. Reliable and valid instruments are used for identifying gifted students. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Student Identification and Assessment Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Programming Criterion VII: Student Identification and Assessment Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 1 If any written procedures for identifying students exist they are not available to the public. Level 1 I’ve searched everywhere on our district site and information they provide parents and there is not information about parent appeals. Level 1 The Ravens assessment allows children to show pattern-recognition, attention to details, memory, and spatial reasoning. There is no record that they look at other factors when considering a student’s eligibility for gifted education. 7. Written procedures for student identification shall include provisions for informed consent, notification of results, student reassessment, and student exiting. 8. The district has a policy in place for parent appeals. 9. Student assessment instruments used to determine eligibility for gifted education services shall be selected based on the strengths of the individual student. Comprehensive student profile that takes into account multiple factors. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences Student Identification and Assessment Standards Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Guiding Principle Level (you choose this) Level 1 10. Staff development is provided to all personnel involved in the identification and assessment of potentially gifted students. Reason for selecting that level 2-4 sentences As a previous 5th grade ELA teacher, I can say there is no staff development on identifying gifted students. I wasn’t aware we could refer students on our own for gifted. Student Identification and Assessment Standards At the end, provide a short narrative (150+ words) with your personal evaluation/summary and an overall rating you’d give your program: 1-10 where 1 is awful and 10 is fantastic. As I look back at the average level I assigned each criteria, I noticed I gave, on average, a Level 2. When I consider an overall rating for the Lauderdale County School District’s Gifted Program, I would give it a 5. There are so many good things to say about the program we have at our school particularly because of Mrs. Johnson. She does a great job identifying the needs of her gifted students at the beginning of the year by using interest inventories and learning styles tests. She uses this information to modify her unit/lesson plans throughout the year to better fit her students. She also has to make sure she accommodates appropriately for her SPED and Gifted rulings students have in the class. Considering the fact that she teaches at 2 different schools daily across grades 2-6, I think this is remarkable. She does her best to record student learning with portfolios and checklists. She regularly communicates with parents to show them what they are accomplishing each week in QUEST. However, I had to deduct several points from my rating because of the lack of information available to the public. There is not evidence that the district makes an effort to make information and resources available to the parents of gifted children or the public in general. There is no evidence of on-going evaluation/improvement of the program either. I believe my ratings of the programming criterion would significantly increase if they made this type of information readily available to parents and the community. Gifted Education Standards, 2013 Gifted Education Standards, 2013