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Literature Features, Functions, and Types

DATE: FEB 14, 2023
What are the salient features of literature?
Literary Features
Allusion - a reference to a well known person, places, event, literary work of art.
Analogy - an analogy compares two different things to point out how they are similar.
Character - a dynamic character is a character that is changed by events or interactions with
others. A static character is a character that stays essentially the same.
Climax - the climax in a story or play is the high point of interest or suspense in a literary
work. In some works of literature, the climax is the turning point.
Conflict - a conflict is a struggle between opposing forces.
Social and
The functions of Literature range from entertainment, language learning and usage, character training,
social progress, cognitive development and psychology to motivation for personal growth.
1. Literature entertains.
One of the most important functions of Literature is that it is a source of entertainment and leisure.
Literature, be it comedy or tragedy, has the power to excite and make people feel refreshed.
2. Literature forces us to use all our senses.
Literature thus has the abiding effect of making us remain active and conscious beings
3. Literature teaches us valuable lessons about human nature.
Another function of Literature is that it instils in us a spirit of tolerance and understanding. Literature
enables us to live harmoniously with one another.
4. Literature has a moral effect on society.
Satirical and didactic literary works, for example, are known to have played a positive role in changing
the behaviour of individuals and the way societies are organized. In fact, literature is a powerful tool for
effecting behavioural and social change.
5. Literature improves and enriches our use of language.
This is borne out of the fact that the main medium of literary expression is language. The home of idioms,
figures of speech and other stylistic expressions is Literature.
6. Literature inspires.
Stories, movies, plays, speeches, and poems have since time immemorial inspired people to do great
What are the values of the world literature?
A work of literature can be valuable in several ways. Open your mind:
Literature has . . .
if reading it . . .
entertainment value
is an enjoyable way to pass the time.
political value
can change the way people live with and influence each
artistic value
helps us contemplate the nature of beauty and human
cultural value
sheds light on the place and time of the author of the
historical value
helps one understand the past and how the world has
philosophical value
explores human knowledge, how we know and what we
moral value
teaches a lesson that will inspire the reader to live a
better life.
ethical value
helps us asks questions related to the standards of a
"good" life.
Prose is writing that
resembles everyday speech.
The word prose is derived
from the Latin prosa which
literally means
straightforward. Prose is
adopted for the discussion of
facts and topical reading and
does not adhere to any
particular formal structures
other than simple grammar.
Poetry is any writing
in verse form. The word
poetry is derived from the
Greek poiesis which literally
means creating or creating.
Poetry relies heavily on
imagery, precise word choice
and figures and speech.
other than simple grammar.
Realistic fiction: A story with characters, places, and events that could occur in everyday life
but not based on actual occurrences.
Nonfiction prose is factual writing written in non-metrical language.
Drama combines elements of prose and poetry into plays that are usually intended to be
performed on stage.
Novels– a novel is generally long and narrative. It tells a story with characters, a plot, and a
Prose can be found in books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, blogs, etc. It is the most
common form of writing.
short story is a fictional work containing 1,000 to 20,000 words and measures no longer than
25 to 30 pages in length.
Historical fiction: An invented story set in an identifiable historical time and place intended to
portray historical details accurately.
Fable. A narration demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as humans;
legendary, supernatural tales.
*Science fiction, also called “sci-fi,” is a genre of literature where most of the things are
imaginary. The stories are about the future technology.
*Biography in literature tells the story of a person from another person's perspective.
Someone else writes it rather than the subject himself.
*Fantasy: speculative stories with imaginary characters in imaginary settings; can be inspired
by mythology or folklore and generally include magical .
*Mystery. Fiction dealing with the solution of a crime, the unraveling of secrets or which
remains unexplained and/or unknown.
*Comedy is a type of drama, which is lighter in tone. Its purpose is to make the audience
laugh and amuse them.
*Tragedy is the type of drama that has a dark theme. It portrays suffering, pain, longing, and
often death.
*Nonfiction is writing that is based on true events, people, places, and facts. It is designed to
inform, and sometimes to entertain.
*Autobiography. Gives the history of a person's life, written or told by that person. Often
written in narrative form of that person's life.
*Horror. Fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the
*Graphic novels: Longer stories presented in comic-book format with drawings and visual
*Novella is a short, narrative, prose fiction.
*Folklore/Folktale. A story that was originally told rather that written. Historical *Fiction.
Story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.
*Literary Fiction. This genre focuses on the human condition and it is more concerned with
the inner lives of characters and themes than plot.
*An epic is a long, narrative poem that tells the story of a heroic figure.
*Satire refers to a play, novel, poem, film or other composition which uses comedy, irony,
mockery, and exaggeration to criticize the absurdity or weaknesses of a certain person,
institution, or situation.
Types of Literature
Oral Literature : Oral literature is a term generally applied to spoken literary traditions such as folk
tales, musical theater, proverbs, riddles, life histories, plays, proverbs, epic poems and historical
recitations. Unlike written literary genres, oral literature is conveyed or passed down to future generations
by word of mouth, typically through memorization and recitation. It is considered a verbal art form.
Dance: the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the
purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement