Uploaded by Jhon Marb Balibagon

Understanding the Self Portfolio

This belongs to:
Name of student
Bachelor of Science in
2020- 2021
School Year
WEEK 1: Unmasking my Self
WEEK 2: The Envision Self
WEEK 3: Philosophical View about the Self
WEEK 4: The self-Society and Culture
WEEK 5: The Psychological Concept of the SELF
WEEK 6: The Emotional Self: Achieving CompetencieS
WEEK 7: The Material Self
WEEK 8: The Spiritual Self
WEEK 9: The Digital Self
WEEK 10: The Responsible Self
Fixed Vs. Growth Mindset
WEEK 11: The Physical Self
WEEK 12: Self Care
Week 1: “Unmasking my Self”
Activity #1.
I am Austene Jeremie Bayodo Canama, 18 years of age, my nickname is Renren and I live in Zone 1,
Poblacion, Claveria, Misamis Oriental. My father’s name is Mario Regatcho Canama Sr. and my mother’s
name is Rety Capagngan Bayodo. Both of my parents are diseased so it means they are no longer living
in this world. I have two brothers and I am the only daughter in my family. We’re now currently living in
my aunt Nome Bayodo Balibagon’s house. It’s not easy to live in the house of my relatives because
sometimes they will treat us like a slave. The name of my youngest brother is Mario jr. and the eldest is
Jerquin. It’s so hard and it’s not easy to live in this kind of life. Sometimes it comes up to my mind to end
my life but I am grateful that there is someone who motivates me, and it’s Ma’am Flordeliza Repolidon
she’s my teacher in Grade 12 she helped me to become even stronger to face the reality in life. She
helped me in my online class. I am thankful that she helped me through out my senior high school
journey and even today. She treated me like her sister and I am grateful for it. Now, I’m trying my best to
cope up this pandemic by doing some recreational activities in tiktok and taking care of my grandmother.
I am inspired and motivated by some students that remain strong and still fighting to cope up in the midst
of pandemic.
ACTIVITY 2: My feelings; expectations and thoughts about this subject.
1. �
2. I feel excited because this is the new step of my college journey.
I feel excited because this is about reflecting and understanding my self.
I feel excited because I will encounter new instructor and new classmates.
I feel excited because I can learn new things in this subject.
I am excited to understand my self more about my fears and get to know what are the things
that I wanted to know about myself.
3. I’m afraid that I don’t have friends to ask about the requirements in this subject.
I’m afraid to have a very bad signal to pass requirements.
I’m afraid to pass my requirements late because of the hindrances of internet.
I’m afraid that I don’t have a load to open Moodle.
I’m afraid to have low grades in this subject.
4. My expectation in this subject are; this would be fun, this is challenging, learn new things, having
friends and to be a better version of myself.
5. Is it possible to cope up this kind of flexible learning?
What are the most important lesson in this subject?
In this midst of pandemic some of students don’t have a stable internet connection that’s why
other students cannot pass there requirements immediately. Do teachers grade
them low grades and the worst is being dropped in class? Or there is exemption to that case?
Are you a friendly teacher/instructor?
As our teacher, do you have an inspiring thoughts to help us motivate to do requirements.
Processing Question:
1. How do you feel after you have identified the things that excite you/ things that get you worried/afraid
about this class?
It’s not easy to identify the things that make me excite, worried nor afraid. But honestly it can help
us realize the things that we should have to face in order for us to be a better person.
1. What insights or realizations have you got from this activity?
I realized that with the help of these questions it guides me what are the things that I might do to
this class.
Week 2: The envisioned “Self”
Activity #1: “A Symbol of my Self”
1. Make a symbol of the “self” you envisioned to become at the end of this semester. Be creative.
Use recyclable materials.
2. Write two paragraphs about the envisioned “self.”
I am like a pen, for me I am a pen. I am the only one who writes the story of my life, either I’m in a
wrong or good path way. I don’t have eraser that can erase bad memories or wrong decisions in
life, but I can learn from my mistakes. I rewrote those bad decisions but in a good way. I can say
that it is because I experienced wrong decision in life and I didn't stop because I know that if I
want to reach that dream even though I may encounter many challenges and difficulties in life as
long as I believe that I can, I will.
In terms of having friends. I’m like a pen that don’t want those who don’t want me too, but if you
wanted to be with me then we will cherish every single moment we spend together if you’re true to
me. I will trust you do things you wanted to do together with me, but if you’re backstabbing me
you’re no longer to be my friend that’s simple. I am also the pen that when you need me I will help
you, but if you don’t need me, you can throw me away and it’s ok I’m used to it.
3. List at least 5 possible obstacles from attaining your envisioned “Self.”
Fake friends. No one would like to help. Degrading of my relatives
4. List the things you are willing to do in order to make the envisioned “Self” a reality.
I must be friendly. I must be obedient. I must be helpful. I must have to collaborate to other
students. I must have to work hard. I must have to pass requirements and help those who need
help. By doing such good things, God will bless me greater than what I wish to have.
Activity #2: Sharing of output
Instruction: Share your output for numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4 to your parents/guardian or an adult living with
Document your sharing time either by video (maximum of Two minutes only) or a picture. Let the
adult sign the following:
My grand daughter Austene Jeremie Bayodo Canama has discussed with me the Self she has
envisioned to
become at the end of the semester. My child has also shared with me the things she is willing to do in
order to make this envisioned Self a reality. And as parent/guardian, I promise to give my whole-hearted
support in guiding and encouraging, monitoring and making follow-up to ensure implementation of the
measures enumerated and discussed.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature over printed name
Processing Questions:
1. What made you choose that particular symbol?
Because I can see myself to that symbol and that’s my lola’s sayings that yourself is the only one
who writes your path.
2. Are you happy and satisfied with your symbol or not at all? Why?
Yes! Because that’s the reality that we’re the only one who choose our path. Our parents are just
guiding us.
3. What was it like sharing your output to your parents/guardian?
At first it seems awkward because I’m not showy to my lola, but in the end I can see in her eyes
that she’s happy.
Week #3: Philosophical View about the self
Revisiting what the Philosophers or the so-called deep thinkers have to say about the Self.
Ancient/Medieval Philosophers
Thomas Aquinas
King Solomon
Modern Philosophers
Rene Descartes
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
Gilbert Ryle
Activity #2. In your own words, state what “self” is for each Philosophers.
1. Rene Descartes
2. St. Augustine
View of the Self
Descartes claims about self as the immaterial soul is the
source of our identity. For me it’s correct because
without our soul we can’t be identify as our self and
we’re no longer living in this world.
St. Augustine concept of the self was an inner
immaterial “I” that had self knowledge and self
awareness. He believed that human being was both a
soul and mind. Body who possessed senses and mind
through which the soul experienced the word.
Activity #3. Choose two views (1 ancient and 1 modern) you can relate well. Support each with your
own experience.
Plato- Balance between mind and body.
As I woke up in the morning my mind commands my body to move so that I can do what my mind
want my body to do.
Rene Discartes- I think, therefore I am.
I think what would be the answer of this activity, I do edits in my Microsoft word to put my answers
into a word format. Therefore, I am because I am the only one who make my activity for my self.
Write your own Philosophy about the Self.
“I woke up therefore I am.”
WEEK: 4: The Self, Culture and Society
Activity #2: The roots of a family tree begin with the love of two hearts (Family Tree).
Processing Question
2. How do you feel after you have made your family tree?
I feel loved, thankful and grateful that I have a family to be called and proud of.
3. What insights or realizations have you got from this activity?
I realized that this Activity is good to make the foundation and relationship of my family more
stronger, because my brothers helped me on how to make this Activity. They give advices and they
also helped me to draw this family tree.
4. List one (1) thing that makes you curios about this activity. Why?
In Activity 1, why self, society and culture instead of a family, society and culture? Because family
is the main component or a building block of a society
Week 5: The Psychological Concept of the Self
My Activities:
1. Write a description of yourself by including these concepts but not limited to the following:
Physical traits; hobbies and interests; moods and characteristics; dreams and aspirations in life;
strengths and weaknesses, and others.
Austene Jeremie Canama was one and only daughter of her family. She’s currently a college student
taking up bachelor of Science in Agriculture at USTP-CLAVERIA campus. She’s achiever, loves
cooking, loves dancing and even painting nor drawing. She’s a positive thinker and having a big
dreams and goals in life.
Dreams don't work unless you take action (Bennett, 2019).
She’s a pretty friendly person, but not in darkness. All in all Austene is a goal settler, a talented one
and is eager to learn new things.
2. Make a Self-schema like that of Jay, using the descriptions you have written in activity 1.
Be creative. You can use other shapes, symbols and other representations. You may use
computer graphics, cartolina, bond paper, recyclable materials or whatever is at hand. Your
I’m afraid in
I don’t want to
die poor.
I have two
I’m the only
Daughter in
my family
I'm a college
3. Discuss your self-schema with your parents or siblings.
4. Let your parent or sibling sign his/her name with signature on top.
Processing Questions:
1. What something new have you discovered about yourself?
That I know how to paint. Before I’m just amazed watching how beautiful creation painter ever
made, their techniques and the combination of colors. I’m really fun watching painter doing some
masterpiece in YouTube.
2. In what way this activity has helped you?
The way that I know my self more. What are my hobbies, my likes and dislikes and also my
dreams and goals that I want to live.
3. What are the challenges you encountered in this lesson?
For me nothing, because all I have to do is just to know more about my self. Just asking my self
who really I am, no permission to anyone needed.
Parents/Sibling’s Involvement:
My sister Austene Jeremie Canama__ has discussed with me his/her Self-schema on October 21,2020.
For the parents only: please circle your answer.
1. I find this activity on Self-Schema ( fun, helpful, informative).
2. I would like to have more of activities that would involve the parents like this one (yes, no).
3. I am willing to be involved of my child’s future activities (yes, no).
THANK YOU Parents!
Parent’s Name:
Rodriga Capagngan Bayodo
Name and Signature
Week 6: “The Emotional Self: Achieving My
Emotional Competencies”
Emotions play an important role in how we think and behave. The emotions we feel each day can compel
us to take action and influence the decisions we make about our lives, both large and small. This Lesson
examines how emotions are related to each other. It also teaches us how to manage our emotions
especially when we interact with other people.
Objectives: At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss the nature and kinds of emotions.
2. Compare and contrast positive from negative emotions.
3. Discuss ways of controlling and managing their own emotions.
What to submit:
1. Answer for the processing questions #4a-4d only.
 What was your experience sharing you emotions to your classmate?
It was amazing and I feel amuse
 Which one was easy to share, the positive or the negative emotion? Why?
For me, both are easy to share because I feel comfortable to my classmate.
 What will you do to control and manage that negative emotion?
I just don’t mind those unnecessary things; all I have to do is think enjoyable memories.
 In what way does sharing your feelings to your classmate help you?
It helps me to be comfortable to the person. It also helped me to have a friend.
2. Screen shot of you and your classmate discussing about your emotions.
Week 7: The Material Self
Activity # 1: The Debit Card Challenge
A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use P500,000 for whatever you want.
How are you going to spend the P500,000? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many
items as you want.
Hygiene products
Household materials
for renovation
Kitchen wares
Medicine kit
Travel to Palawan
Computer set and
Electricity and water
Sala set and other
B, C, F, H
Family /house
1. After doing the Debit Card Challenge, answer the following questions:
a. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?
I feel so happy if that will going to happen in reality.
b. Which among the items in your list you like the most?
Travel to Palawan, I like all but traveling to Palawan is one of the best.
c. If ever you are given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you
choose? Why?
Groceries of course. I will choose the primary needs of my family.
2. Call a classmate and discuss your answers in 1a, 1b and 1c.
(Cristel May Ampo)
3. Go back to your Debit Card Challenge List. Put a mark on the left side of each item with the
following categories:
Body – if the item is related with your body
Clothes- if the item is related with clothes
Family- if the item is related with or intended to your family
Home- if the item is related with home.
Hygiene products
Household materials
for renovation
Kitchen wares
4. My LIST
B, C, F, H
Medicine kit
Travel to Palawan
Computer set and
Electricity and water
Sala set and other
Family /house
4. After putting B,C,F,H, reflect on the following:
a. Which among the categories you have the most? Is it B? C? f? or H?
The H, which is house. It’s because I will prioritize the needs of our house first. The primary needs from
groceries to furniture and the renovation of house.
b. What do you think these things tell about yourself?
I prioritize first the needs of our house and of my family.
C. What something new have you discovered about your Material Self?
I’m not so materialistic its because I set my priorities first than my wants in life.
D.Are you happy and satisfied with what you have discovered about yourself? Why? Or would you rather
changed and improve? Why?
Yes! I’m satisfied. I’ll improve it if its in reality.
Activity #2. Write a Reflection Paper based on your reflection on 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d. (Not less than 200
words and at least two paragraphs).
Title: A Deeper Look On My Material Self
I’m a little bit materialistic person. I set the most important and essential needs of my family and the
materials that’s needed for our house. I would really wanted to renovate our house, that’s the reason why
I want to buy first the materials for house renovations. I discovered that in today’s new system of living and
as of now that we’re now facing difficulties of living because of the pandemic. It’s essential to have a
computer set, internet , cellphone and laptops in short gadgets for students like me. Especially college
students that are facing online classes. I’m a looking forward person I set the most essential needs of my
family, the food, medicines and the water/electricity bills.
Activity #3: Create a monthly family budget.
Do this with your parents or sibling. Supposing your family have a monthly income of P20,000. Make a
budget using the following template:
My Family Monthly Budget
Electricity and water
Telephone/internet Load
School fees
Hygiene products
Processing Questions:
1. Describe how was it like making the family budget with your parents or siblings?
It’s challenging, I realized that isn’t easy to budget.
2. In what way does this activity on Monthly Family Budget help you?
It help me by realizing that it isn’t easy and that you must have to set the essential needs of the
Week 8: “The Spiritual Self”
1. Write your own personal prayer to God
Heavenly father, I offer you my life. Guide me whenever I go and give me signs if my
decisions were wrong. I’m genuinely saying sorry. I humbly ask for your protection. I thank you
for everything. Thank you for making me feel special when I feel down. Please forgive me for
all of my sins. I’m sorry if I made something wrong. Send my hugs and kisses to my parents
there at heaven.
In Jesus name I pray. AMEN!
Activity #2: Make a poster in a bond paper on that instance or situation that made you believe in
the existence of higher being (God). Send a picture.
When was the first time you realized that there is higher being than yourself? How old were you
In Roman Catholic religion, Christian people can experience the first communion where each
person receives the Eucharist for the first time. I was about 7 or 8 years old at that time.
2. What made you believe that there is a higher being (God)?
When I knew that God sacrifice his only begotten son to died on the cross and save people from
their sins.
I also believe that there is God because of the miracles that God made where I’ve read in the
bibles and the lecture when where going to the church.
3. How is the belief of higher being (God) related to your self?
I’m happy that I believe that there is God. I’m scared of him. I do what’s good and follow the rules
that God made. I feel like he’s protecting me from dangers.
Activity # 1: Three facts, One Fiction
1. I am strong enough to face the obstacles in my life.
2. I am no longer living with my parents, they’re gone.
3. I am a college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.
4. I am good at dancing.
1.After doing the activity answer the following questions:
a. What have your learned from the activity
I learned to know myself more, my strengths and weaknesses and what our differences and similarities
in life. I learned that if you really knew that person you can identify immediately what’s the fiction on
those 4 sentences.
b. What clues that helped you figure out which statements were facts and fiction?
I really know the personality and attitude of Cristel. That’s why I can identify it immediately.
c. Were your classmates able to discern easily the facts and fiction about you? Why?
Yes, because we’re best friends were close to each other. She knows who I am.
2. Applying the same activity in the virtual world or cyber world
d. How do people portray themselves online?
It depends on them if they want to be transparent or they want privacy.
e. What are the things that you would want to post/ share online?
There are three things I’d like to post. First is the good and positive post, the relaxing music
clips and the ridiculous video post that can make you cry laughing.
f. What are the things you want others to share online?
The videos which have the words of God and the company or businesses that’s needed workers
or employees.
Activity #2. CREATIVE WORK. Make a slogan about becoming a responsible internet user. Make it
Creatively and post it in social media account. Submit a screen shot of your post
Processing Questions:
3. Describe how was it like making the Slogan?
At first it’s quite challenging, but when I finally have ideas it’s easy.
4. In what way does this activity on slogan making on how to become responsible internet user help
The way I am so addicted to the social media apps. Now I learned that it’s not good spending too
much time in gadgets. I must be responsible and do other things that’s not related to social media
WEEK 10: Fixed vs. Growth mindset
Activity 5: Make an honest assessment of yourself. What kind of mindset do you have at present? Write
your self-assessment in not less than 200 words.
At a very young age, my Father taught me to be an independent person. He told me that I must
have to learn things from my own understanding. I learned how to cook and doing some household
chores when I was grade 2. The day He passed away, his teachings was so meaningful, My Father’s
words are so true. Now that I am already a teen ager, I realized that I belong to growth mindset. I learned
things from my failures.
When I was on my 7th grade, I don’t have any awards. I implanted in my mind that I will work
hard and strive hard to make my Mother happy even in a simple way. In the 8 th grade, I failed in two
subjects and I was about to stop my studies. On my 9th grade, my grades are high except Math I really
hated math at that time. I didn’t have an award because of that subject. I taught myself to learn
mathematical terms, expressions, symbols and techniques. When I was in 10 th Grade, I joined dance
troupes, Drum and Lyre competition, Cheer dancing competition, I was there festival queen in street
dancing competition and many more. I was so competitive at that time and my math grades are so high I
can still remember that I got 98! I’m so happy. But my mother got sick. I worked as a working student to
supply our needs. Finally, I completed my junior high school wearing a medal and my diploma. In my
senior high school years I am already the one who support my needs. No support gained from my family
and relatives. Many months pass by my mother passed away. I tried different work, sales lady/working
student and many more. However, I graduated as a With Honor student in my senior high journey.
Those experiences made me even more stronger. I encountered so many challenges and failures yet
those failures fill my mind to push more, that I must have to strive more. I learned so many things from
those obstacles. Now, I am proud to say that here I am still fighting. Bow down to my senior high
teachers who helped me to support my needs.
Activity 7: What are you willing to stop doing, to start doing and to continue doing in order to maintain a
growth Mindset?
I must stop doing overthinking and listening unnecessary words from my relatives who brings me down .
Start proving to them that I can do things that they don’t want me to get there and start to do my
enormous best striving so hard. Continue praying to God, try different things and continue studying.
Processing Questions:
1. A. For those who have fixed mindset from the beginning: Was it easy for you to change from fixed
to Growth mindset? Why or Why not?
For me it’s not easy as it is a very big change in your lifestyle and living and it bring so much
2. B. For those who have Growth mindset from the beginning. What influenced you to have that
particular mindset?
My Family situation.
3. Now that you know about fixed and growth mindset, how would this knowledge change your life?
I learned that you must have to balance your mindset. Fixed mindset want to be smart, afraid of
failures. While, Growth mindsets learning from their own failures want to be more smarter. Just
like me, I don’t want to be like them. I want to be more than them.
3. In what way does this Lesson on Mindset help you? Please elaborate on your answer.
It helps me to be more specific in life, guide me onto good pathways.
Week 11: “The Physical
1. After watching the video and having known all these facts about the beginning of life, what have
you reflected about your own birth and existence?
My mother and Father’s love made me. In scientific explanation the egg cell of my mother
combined by the sperm cell of my father. Their love made a beautiful baby developed in my
mothers womb for at least 9 months and raised by their own hands, looking at me smiling and
crying. I’m so lucky they raised me well and teach me lessons and good manners. I am so
thankful that my mother labored me well.
Activity #2: Listen to the song “ When You Came to My World” in this link:
In response to the song, write a letter to your parents about how you feel, your gratitude , your
love towards them and whatever you wish to say. Focus on the positive aspect please. Read your
You both gave me life. Given a chance to live in this beautiful world, you two taught me to be
strong. Guide me in my paths and love me unconditionally. I am not here together with you without
love between you two. Thank you for everything. I may be hard headed and shy to say I love you
but in my deepest heart I do love you both. I miss you both so much. May God grant my wishes to
deliver my best regards to both of you in heaven. We missed you both.
Activity #3. Answer the following questions then discuss your answers with your classmate
1. Do you consider yourself healthy? If yes, what habit of yours contribute to a healthy living?
No I’m not healthy. I have an asthma 😷 yet I still do some extra-curricular Activities. I love dancing.
Actually I am one of the member of Dansabal Dance Troupe. A group of students where able to
showcase their talents in dancing.
2.Are there things you consider unhealthy but you cannot stop yourself from doing? Give some
Drinking iced cold water every morning. It’s my habit every morning. I know it’s unhealthy but it is
where I feel comfortable.
2. What do you plan to do to become physically fit?
Drink 8 glass of water
Eat vegetables
Eat fruits
2x / week
Each day
Each day
Each day
Each day
3x /week
1:00-2:00 TTH
9:00 – 10:00am
Any time
Any time
Any time
4:00am – 6:00am
Processing Questions:
1. What did you feel writing and reading your letter to your parents?
I just read it in my mother and fathers grave. I’m crying no lies
2. What is the impact on you when you read your letter to them?
I really miss them. I’m crying
3. How does this activity help you?
It helps me to remind them and be thankful that I’m here in world