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Rizal Documentary Analysis Worksheet

NAME: Ishi Czairah M. Apadan
Episodes 1-5
Episodes 6-10
In the first five episodes, the characters
involved are:
Doña Lolay or Teodora Alonso y Mercado,
Don Kikoy or Francisco Mercado, Pepe or
Jose Rizal, Tiya Lina, Maria, Agida, Tiyo
Jose, Paciano, GOMBURZA (Gomez,
Burgos, and Zamora), Josefa, Doña
Conchita, Venchito Monteverde, Padre
Amado, Teodora, Maestro Justiniano,
Neneng, Isidra, Lola Titay, Lucia, Leonor,
Carmen, Antonio Rivera, and Doña Reta or
Silvestre Bauzon.
CLASS SCHEDULE: GE 1213 - 16-202 (Thursday – 11AM-2PM)
These episodes showed a tragic history
of our country. The first episodes,
especially one, were entertaining and full
of thrill. However, upon watching the
movie, the longer it takes, the worse it
gets. The film presented to us how
Filipino children were punished and
suffered in the past. Torture and
harassment were seen in three martyrs –
the GOMBURZA. In this episode also
shows Pasciano's determination to
reform the justice system. Apart from
that, maladministration is evident in
Ilustrados, as Donya Lolay was
imprisoned after falsely accusing her
older brother's wife, Donya Teodora, of
poisoning her.
The characters involved are:
At some point, watching this movie
makes me want to go back to the past,
Tiya Lina, Doña Lolay or Teodora Alonso y wherein men express courtship through
Mercado, Don Kikoy or Francisco
letters, poems, and serenading (harana).
Mercado, Padre Amado, Leonor, Eduardo
de Lete, Olympia Mercado, Pedro Paterno, Aside from that, Rizal demonstrated the
abuse of the guardia civil. A guardia civil
I learned that we should learn to speak
up and fight for our rights and freedom
because these rights give us power and
enable us to speak up and challenge
poor treatment, like what Pasciano did in
the movie.
Another lesson that I learned is that
being curious is not a bad thing at all.
Curiousness will make us knowledgeable,
like what Rizal did. The movie shows the
early curiousness of Rizal in his
surroundings. In the first episode, we can
already see how Rizal explores things
that he is curious about Rizal loves being
told a story that will lead him to other
I learned that risking Is better than
regretting. One of the most important
methods to develop one's abilities and
acquire experience, much like Rizal did,
is to take risks. This revelation led Rizal
Antonio Paterno, Félix Resurrección
Hidalgo, Graciano López-Jaena, Mariano
Ponce, Marcelo del Pilar, and Antonio
Episodes 11-15
The characters involved are:
Pepe or Jose Rizal, Maximo Viola,
Venchito Monteverde, Eduardo de Lete,
Consuelo Ortiga, Padre Amado, Conchita
Monteverde, Paciano Mercado, Leonor
Rivera, Juan Luna, Félix Resurrección
Hidalgo, Gobernador Heneral, Francisco
Mercado, Teodora Mercado, and Charles
beat him up for not showing respect or
courtesy. Aside from that, the Ilustrados'
perspective on the friars was very
appropriate at the time because they
abused Filipinos by asking them to give
more money to the Church to be
absolved of their sins. Padre Amado was
a selfish priest who rejected Tiya Lina's
dead body and refused to pray for her
body. I also observed that people would
pressure women to marry a wealthy
Spaniard at the time.
Episodes 11 through 15 summarize
Rizal's experiences living abroad, his
battles and successes with his friends, his
unwavering commitment to achieving
academic success, and his notoriety as
an eye surgeon. These stories also depict
Rizal's unwavering devotion to the
country and his purpose to abolish the
oppressive rule of the friars and the
Spanish government via his provocative
to temporarily leave his motherland, his
family, and the person he loved most in
order to fulfill his aim of assisting his
nation in achieving independence.
I also learned how education would
never be as expensive as ignorance.
Education will allow us to gain new
information that will enhance our lives.
Rizal's relentless ambition to learn new
things and further his academic career
made this particular lesson evident. Due
to his dedication to study, Rizal
recognized the value of education in
creating a group of Filipinos who might
guide the country toward freedom and
I learned the importance of building a
strong bond with family and friends. He
was grateful to his friends and family
who supported him on his journey. He
expressed his devotion by doing well in
school and expanding the information he
had acquired from others around him.
I also learned to better to die for
freedom than be a prisoner all the days
of my life. Rizal urges him to return to
the Philippines and fight for what he
believes and what he think is right. He
speeches and writings, which prepared
the way for the Filipinos' enlightenment.
When he was about to give up on
publishing Noli Me Tangere, I was moved
when his buddy Maximo Viola stood by
him and pushed him to keep going.
Episodes 16-20
The characters involved are:
Pepe or Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Nellie
Boustead, Leonor Rivera Kipping, Henry
Charles Kipping, Doña Conchita
Monteverde, Padre Amado, Venchito
Monteverde, Isidra Monteverde, Antonio,
Mariano Ponce, Doña Lolay or Teodora
Alonso y Mercado, Maria Mercado,
Carmen, Gregoria de Jesus, Valentin
Ventura, and Eduardo Boustead.
In this episode, Rizal began composing Noli
Me Tangere, which Viola assisted him in
publishing. The Noli Me Tangere gave the
Filipinos the motivation and opened their
eyes to defend their beloved nation because
this book showed how the Spanish
government was so unfair and unethical.
After that, Rizal proposed marriage to
discouraged her because they believed that
Rizal was making enemies because of his
writings. I felt sad how the relationship
between Rizal and Leonor ended like that
despite their love for each other. It is
upsetting that Leonor was partnered with
another man since women then had no voice
and were expected to obey their parents.
Furthermore, the Spanish government was
afraid of the revolution of Filipinos, and they
ended up burning the Noli Me Tengere. It is
also upsetting that the friars set fire to the
numerous lives. Nevertheless, I was happy
returned to let everyone know he was
willing to die for the nation.
Padre Amado portrayed his
character as an abusive friar. I
learned how the so-called
leaders, a.k.a friars were selfish
and greedy during that time. And
this whole story/movie also
reminded me to be aware and
mindful to avoid having the same
fate as Padre Amado.
A book changed Filipinos. The
Noli Me Tangere inspired revolt
and enlightenment by addressing
the injustices suffered by Filipinos
or indios at the hands of its
dictatorial rulers, friars, and the
Spanish government. Like Rizal,
whose life was cut short by the
Spaniards, the inspiring legacy he
left for Filipinos will live forever.
As a result, regardless of how
successful we are, we must see
that Padre Amado died, along with his
Note: You can use more space below if needed.
him as a role model in order to
develop ourselves and stay loyal
to our roots.