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Patient Physical Exam: Medical Note with Normal Findings

GEN: Pt is sitting in room, breathing RA, in NAD
HEENT: Normocephalic, no scleral icterus, PERRLA b/l, normal tympanic membranes b/l
NECK: Supple, no lymphadenopathy, no jvd, trachea is midline
CARDIO: S1/S2 appreciated. No rubs, murmurs, or gallops.
LUNGS: CTA b/l. No rhales, rhonchi, crackles, or wheezing
GI: Soft, nontender abd. Nondistended. Appropriate bowel sounds heard in all 4 quadrants
EXTREM: Pulses 2+ and equal. 5/5 str, normal gait. No swelling/edema. Limbs are symmetrical
w/o obvious deformities or amputations
NEURO: CN2-12 intact, A/Ox3, no FND, DTRs 2+
SKIN: Warm, pink, and dry. No obvious rashes / lesions