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Networking Basics: LAN, MAN, and WAN Overview

Networking is an essential aspect of modern day technology that involves the
establishment and maintenance of connections between various devices for the purpose
of exchanging information and data. With the increasing reliance on the internet and
technology, the importance of networking has increased significantly. A robust and
efficient network infrastructure can help businesses and individuals in communicating
with each other seamlessly, increasing productivity, and improving the overall quality of
There are various types of networking technologies available, each with their own set of
advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used networking technologies
include Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and Wide Area
Network (WAN). LANs are used to connect devices within a single building or location,
while WANs are used to connect devices located in different parts of the world. MANs
are used to connect devices located in the same city or metropolitan area.