Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing Programme title Mr.Rajith Karunarathne Assessor Unit 02: Unit(s) Internal Verifier Networking LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Assignment title S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Student’s name List which assessment criteria Pass the Assessor has awarded. Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those shown in the assignment brief? Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded justified by the assessor’s comments on the student work? Has the work accurately? been assessed assessment decision Y/N Y/N Is the feedback to the student: Give details: • Constructive? • Linked to relevant assessment criteria? • Identifying opportunities for improved performance? • Agreeing actions? Does the amending? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N need Y/N Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Give details: Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date 1 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Programme Leader signature (if required) Date 2 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form Student Name/ID S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka / E171594 Unit Title Unit 02: Assignment Number 1 Assessor 30/08/2022 Date Received 1st submission Submission Date Networking Mr.Rajith Karunarathne Date Received 2nd submission Re-submission Date Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 Descripts M1 LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P3 P4 M2 D1 P6 M3 D2 M4 D3 LO3 Design efficient networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P5 LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts Grade: P7 P8 Assessor Signature: Date: Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board. . 3 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor Date Assessor signature hasanthapcnew123@gmail.com 30/08/2022 Date Student signature 4 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01 5 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 General Guidelines 1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled. 2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment. 3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing. 5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page. Word Processing Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason. 5. 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Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade . 9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. 10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list. 11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course 6 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Student Declaration I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Pearson UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Pearson, UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the assignment. hasanthapcnew123@gmail.com Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID) 30/08/2022 Date: (Provide Submission Date) 7 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka / E171594 Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking Academic Year 2021/22 Unit Tutor Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Issue Date Submission Date IV Name & Date Submission format The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance: 8 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Scenario SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities. It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch. Department Number of Users Customer Care 10 Sales and Marketing 20 Finance 25 Legal 5 HR 10 Developers 55 Network Team 5 Server Room Servers +ISP connections Foll ow i ng r equir ements ar e g iv en by the Manag ement. All the departments must be separ ated with uni que subnet and sho uld no t communicate with each o ther unless ther e is a speci al r equir ement . 19 2.16 8.10. 0/24 is giv en and sho uld be use d fo r all the departments except the server room . IPs sho uld assign usi ng DHCP . ERP and CRM Sy stems need to be im plem ented in M atara branch in local serv ers. N umber of s erv ers requir ed for the Server r oom need to be decided by the Netwo rk designer and sho uld be assigned with 10.25 4.1. 0/24 subnet. (Uses static I Ps ) Hig h l ev el of r edundancy is expected in netwo rk design to eliminate single po int 9 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 o f failures and t raffic bottle necks. Sal es and Mar keti ng Team need to access Netwo rk reso urces usi ng WI FI co nnectiv ity . Pr oper methods fo r netw or ki ng monitoring and tr oubl eshooting need to be established. All possible netw or k sec ur ity mechanism s sho uld be im plemented. Assume yo u have been appo inted as the new netwo rk co nsultant o f SYNT AX SOLUTI ONS . P repare a netwo rk architectural design and im plement it with yo ur suggestio ns and recommendatio ns to meet the com pany requirements. (No te: Cl ea rl y state you r a ssump tion s. Y ou a re allow ed to d esign th e n etwo rk a cco rding to you r a ssump tion s, bu t main requi remen ts sho uld n ot b e viol ated) Ac tiv ity 01 D iscuss the benefits and co nstraints o f different netwo rk system types that can be im plemented in the Matara branch and the m ain IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in above L AN and WLAN design . D iscuss the im po rtance and impact o f netwo rk to po lo gies and netwo rk proto col suites while com paring the main network to po lo gies and netwo rk proto co l suites that are used in netwo rk design using exam ples . Recomm end suitable netwo rk topolo gies and network proto co l suites fo r above scenario and justify yo ur answer with v alid po ints. Ac tiv ity 02 D iscuss the o perating principles o f network dev ices (Ex: Ro uter, Switch, Etc.) and server ty pes that can be used fo r abov e scenario while explo ring different servers that are available in to day’s m arket with their specificatio ns . R ecommend server/ servers fo r the abov e scenario and justify your selectio n with v alid po ints . 10 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 D iscuss the inter -dependence o f wo rkstatio n hardware with networking so ftware and prov ide exam ples fo r netwo rking so ftware that can be used in abov e netwo rk design. Ac tiv ity 03 Prepare a written network design plan to meet the above mentioned user requirements including a blueprint drawn using a modeling tool. (Ex: Microsoft Visio, EdrawMax). Support your answer by providing the VLAN and IP subnetting scheme for the above scenario and the list of devices, network components and software used to design the network for above scenario and while justifying your selections. Test and evaluate the proposed design to meet the requirements and analyse user feedback by using a User feedback form. Install and co nfigure Netwo rk services , devices and applications (Ex: VL AN,D HCP , D NS,Pro xy , Web, Etc.) acco rding to the pro posed design to accom plish the user requirements and design a detailed M aintenance schedule for abov e Netwo rk. *N ote: - Scr een s hots of C onfig ur ati on scri pts shoul d be pr esented. Ac tiv ity 04 Im plement a networked system based o n yo ur prepared design with v alid evidence s and recommend po tential future enhancements fo r the networked system with valid justificatio ns to yo ur recommendatio ns. Use critical reflectio n to critically evaluat e the design, plan, co nfiguration, and testing o f yo ur network while justifying with v alid co nclusio ns. D evelo p test cases and co nduct verificatio n (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace ro ute, telnet, SSH, etc.) to test the abov e Netwo rk and analyse the test results against the 11 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 expected results. 12 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Grading Rubric Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protocols. P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. 13 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. 14 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 M3 Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results. M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. 15 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 16 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Table of Contents What is the Network?............................................................................................................... 21 Types of computer network ..................................................................................................... 21 Local Area Network (LAN) ..................................................................................................... 21 Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Area Network (LAN) ......................................... 22 Advantages of Local Area Network (LAN)......................................................................... 22 Disadvantages of Local Area Network (LAN) .................................................................... 23 Example for Local Area Network (LAN) ............................................................................ 23 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) .................................................................................. 24 Wide Area Network (WAN) .................................................................................................... 26 Advantages and Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WAN)......................................... 26 Advantages of Wide Area Network (WAN) ........................................................................ 26 Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WAN) ................................................................... 27 Example for Wide Area Network (WAN) ........................................................................... 27 What is the IEEE Ethernet Standards ...................................................................................... 27 IEEE Standards for Local Area Network (LAN) ................................................................. 28 IEEE Standards for Wide Area Network (WAN) ................................................................ 28 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 28 Network Topology ................................................................................................................... 29 What is the Network Topology ............................................................................................ 29 Types of Network Topologies ................................................................................................ 29 Bus Topology ....................................................................................................................... 29 Star Topology....................................................................................................................... 30 Ring Topology ..................................................................................................................... 31 Mesh Topology .................................................................................................................... 32 Tree Topology...................................................................................................................... 33 What is the Network Protocol? ................................................................................................ 34 Types of Network Protocol ...................................................................................................... 34 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ................................................................................. 34 Internet Protocol (IP) ........................................................................................................... 35 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ........................................................................................... 36 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) .............................................................................. 37 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ................................................................................... 37 What is the Network Device .................................................................................................... 38 17 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Types of Network Devices....................................................................................................... 38 What is the Server .................................................................................................................... 42 HP ProLiant WS460c G9 Gen9 Server ................................................................................ 44 Dell PowerEdge T340 Tower Server ................................................................................... 45 Lenovo ThinkSystem ST250 V2 Tower Server................................................................... 45 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 Rack Server .......................................................................... 47 What is the Network Software ................................................................................................. 49 What is the Network Plane? ..................................................................................................... 52 Customer Feedback .............................................................................................................. 59 Server Installation ................................................................................................................ 64 Active Directory................................................................................................................... 83 DHCP IP .............................................................................................................................. 98 Implementation .................................................................................................................. 119 Create IP Address .............................................................................................................. 121 Add User ............................................................................................................................ 127 Test Network ...................................................................................................................... 136 References .............................................................................................................................. 148 18 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Table of Figures Figure 1Local Area Network(LAN) ........................................................................................ 21 Figure 2 Wlan Network............................................................................................................ 24 Figure 3Wide Area Network(WAN)........................................................................................ 26 Figure 4Bus Topology ............................................................................................................. 29 Figure 5Star Topology ............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 6Ring Topology ............................................................................................................ 31 Figure 7Mesh Topology ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 8Tree Topology ............................................................................................................ 33 Figure 9Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ........................................................................ 34 Figure 10 Internet Protocol (IP) ............................................................................................... 35 Figure 11User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ................................................................................ 36 Figure 12Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ................................................................... 37 Figure 13Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ....................................................................... 37 Figure 14Router ....................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 15Network Switch ........................................................................................................ 39 Figure 16Gateway .................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 17Ethernet Card ............................................................................................................ 41 Figure 18RJ45 Connectors ....................................................................................................... 42 Figure 19 Network Server ........................................................................................................ 43 Figure 20 HP ProLiant WS460c G9 Gen9 Server ................................................................... 44 Figure 21 PowerEdge T340 Tower Server .............................................................................. 45 Figure 22Lenovo ThinkSystem ST250 V2 Tower Server ....... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 23 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 Rack Server .............................................................. 47 Figure 24 Cisco IOS ................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 25 Server OS ................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 26 Solar Winds ............................................................................................................. 51 Figure 27Network Plan ............................................................................................................ 53 Figure 28 Add IP Address ........................................................................................................ 53 Figure 29Add IP Address ......................................................................................................... 54 Figure 30 Network Plan Test ................................................................................................... 55 Figure 31 Network Simulation ................................................................................................. 56 Figure 32 Network Simulation ................................................................................................. 56 19 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 33 Customer Feedback Form ........................................................................................ 59 Figure 34 Customer Feedback Form ........................................................................................ 60 Figure 35 Customer Feedback Form ........................................................................................ 61 20 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 What is the Network? A computer network is defined as the connection with at least two or more computers with wired connection or wireless. It may be a computer server, printer or fingerprint scanner Types of computer network The computer network can be mainly divided into several parts. They are, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personal Area Network (PAN) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Campus Area Network (CAN) Among them, Local Area Network (LAN) and WAN (Wide Area Network) are mostly used. Local Area Network (LAN) LAN is the most commonly used network. A LAN is a computer network that connects computers within a limited area, i.e. locally, through a common communication channel. A LAN covers two or more computers connected through a server. The two important technologies involved in this network are Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Figure 1Local Area Network(LAN) 21 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Area Network (LAN) Advantages of Local Area Network (LAN) Internet Sharing: This is the technique of distributing the internet between computers where all the computers in an office, school share one internet connection and the main internet cable is connected to one server by a network switch. (Pooyesh, 1970 ) Resource Sharing: All resources are connected to one network, and if a computer needs a resource, it can be shared with another computer. These resources include printers, scanners, modems, and hardware drivers. Therefore, there is no need to purchase separate resources for each computer and this cost can be saved. (Pooyesh, 1970 ) Data Security: The data storage on the server in the network is very secure and if you want to change or delete the data, you can do it easily from a server computer and other computers can access the updated data. On the other hand, you can allow specific users to access data on the network. (Pooyesh, 1970 ) Sharing applications and software: Applications and software can be easily shared over a LAN. You may use the licensed software so that any user can use it on the network. Buying a license for each user can cost the organization a lot of money, so subscription to the software program is easy and at the lowest price. (Pooyesh, 1970 ) Simple and relatively inexpensive: The primary benefit of a local area network is that this is quick and easy to set up and reasonably priced when contrasted to other alternatives; consequently, if an organization intends to build a network at a minimal price and with flexibility, a local area network is the ultimate answer. (Prasanna, 2022) Fast communication: LAN-connected systems or devices communicate directly at very high rates of speed, based on the LAN model and Ethernet cabling installed. The most prevalent enabled speeds are 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps. (Prasanna, 2022) 22 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Disadvantages of Local Area Network (LAN) Implementation Cost: Even though LAN saves lots of money in terms of resource sharing, the initial cost involved in setting up the network is quite high. This is mainly due to the requirement of a special software that is needed to make a server. In addition to that purchasing of hardware equipments such as routers, hubs, switches and cables are required for the first time setup. (Roomi, 2020) Maintenance: LAN often faces hardware problems and system failure. Hence, it requires a special administrator to look after these issues. The administrator needs to be well knowledgeable in the field of networking and needed at its full time job. (Roomi, 2020) Area Coverage: LAN is usually made to cover up a limited distance (up to 10km). Most probably it is operated in small areas such as in offices, banks and schools. This is because its cabling system cannot be extended more than a certain range. (Roomi, 2020) Security: Since it is rather easy to gain access to programs and other types of data, security concerns are a big issue in LAN. The sole responsibility to stop unauthorized access is in the hands of LAN administrators. The LAN administrator has to make sure that the centralized data is properly secured by implementing correct set of rules and privacy policies on the server. (Roomi, 2020) Example for Local Area Network (LAN) Home or Office Network School, Campus Network Library or Laboratory Network 23 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) WLAN stands for wireless local area network. It is a wireless connection that connects two or more devices in LAN. WLAN uses access points and routers to make a connection between devices. Wi-Fi is an example of WLAN where devices are connected wirelessly within a limited range. WLAN is made within home, office building, computer laboratory, school building or any college campus. For using Wi-Fi, users need to enter a password for making a connection to the internet. Wi-Fi connection is made either by using mobile hotspots or by using a wireless modem or wireless router. (Rehman, n.d.) Figure 2 Wlan Network Advantages and Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WLAN) Advantages of Wide Area Network (WLAN) Wireless LAN helps us to operate many types of network devices. 24 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Setting up this network is very easy and it can also be setup via cable. It is easier to use wireless network than wire network. Now the use of wireless LAN has increased everywhere, because it is mostly everywhere such as home, office and mall etc. Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WLAN) This network is more vulnerable to hackers because it is easy to hack the LAN, so it becomes necessary for us to put a difficult password in it. Wireless interference can impair its speed and stability. We need another network device like (repeater) to enlarge its network area. Many devices are found more costly. 25 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Wide Area Network (WAN) WAN (Wide Area Network) is another important computer network that which is spread across a large geographical area. It is a collection of Local Area Network systems. WAN (Wide Area Network) is created by interconnecting a large number of Local Area Network systems. WAN includes the technologies to transmit data, image, audio and video information over long distances and among different LANs and MANs. Figure 3Wide Area Network(WAN) Advantages and Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WAN) Advantages of Wide Area Network (WAN) Covering a large geographical area: WAN covers a large geographical area of 1000 km or more If your office is in different cities or countries, you can connect your office branches through WAN. An ISP (Internet Service Provider) can provide you with leased lines that can connect different branch offices together. (Rehman, 2021) Software and Resource Sharing: Like LAN we can share software applications and other resources like hard disk, RAM with other users on the internet. In web hosting, we share computer resources between many websites. (Rehman, 2021) Global Business: 26 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Everyone who has computer skills can do business online and expand their business globally. There are many businesses like selling goods and buying stocks through internet. Nowadays this has become a very popular and easy business. For example Daraz, Ali Express, EBay etc. (Roomi, 2020) Many apps for messaging: With IOT and new LAN technologies, messages are transmitted faster. There are many web applications like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, etc., through which you can communicate with friends through text, voice and video chat. (Rehman, 2021) Disadvantages of Wide Area Network (WAN) High cost of Installation: Setting up a WAN for the first time in the office costs more. That may include purchasing routers, switches, and additional security software. (Rehman, 2021) Troubleshooting Issues: WAN covers a very large area and troubleshooting it is a very difficult task. Many WAN wires go under the sea and sometimes the wires break. It takes a lot of effort to reset those broken wires. (Rehman, 2021) Server down and disconnection issue: ISP faces problems due to electricity supply .Customers often face connectivity issues or slow Internet speed issues. The solution to this is to purchase a dedicated line from ISP. (Rehman, 2021) Example for Wide Area Network (WAN) Internet What is the IEEE Ethernet Standards Ethernet is defined in a number of IEEE 802.3 standards. These standards define the physical and data-link layer specifications for Ethernet. If the most important 802.3 parameters (Standards, 2022) 27 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 10Base-T (IEEE 802.3) – 10 Mbps with category 3 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) wiring, up to 100 meters long. 100Base-TX (IEEE 802.3u) – known as Fast Ethernet, uses category 5, 5E, or 6 UTP wiring, up to 100 meters long. 100Base-FX (IEEE 802.3u) – a version of Fast Ethernet that uses multi-mode optical fiber. Up to 412 meters long. 1000Base-CX (IEEE 802.3z) – uses copper twisted-pair cabling. Up to 25 meters long. 1000Base-T (IEEE 802.3ab) – Gigabit Ethernet that uses Category 5 UTP wiring. Up to 100 meters long. 1000Base-SX (IEEE 802.3z) – 1 Gigabit Ethernet running over multimode fiber-optic cable. 1000Base-LX (IEEE 802.3z) – 1 Gigabit Ethernet running over single-mode fiber. 10GBase-T (802.3.an) – 10 Gbps connections over category 5e, 6, and 7 UTP cables. IEEE Standards for Local Area Network (LAN) A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that connects only a small local area network, such as a school, home, office, or small network. Currently, most LANs are based on IEEE 802.3 Ethernet technology, using devices such as hubs and switching devices, with data transfer rates of 10, 100, or 1000 Megabits per second (Mbps). (Khalaf, 2015) IEEE Standards for Wide Area Network (WAN) The plug-and-play characteristics of Ethernet provide a unique opportunity for service providers to-offer a variety of innovative and affordable application-centric services, resulting in a much broader networking culture. Before that can really happen, Ethernet has to overcome some challenging obstacles and prove efficient support of SLAs, at least similar to that offered by traditional layer 2 WAN technologies. In this article we describe some of the most commonly used WAN transport technologies. We compare Ethernet WAN transport to these traditional WAN technologies. We discuss QoS, CAM, security, and resilience issues. Pros and cons of Ethernet WAN transport are also enumerated. (Meddeb, 2015) Summary Also, Star Topology can be named as the best topology that can be used for this. The main reason for this In a star network, every host is connected to a central hub. In its simplest form, one central hub acts as a conduit to transmit messages 28 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Network Topology What is the Network Topology A Network Topology is the arrangement with which computer systems or network devices are connected to each other. Topologies may define both physical and logical aspect of the network. Both logical and physical topologies could be same or different in a same network. (network_topologies, 2022) Types of Network Topologies Bus Topology Figure 4Bus Topology A bus topology is a network where computers and network devices are connected by a single cable. When it has extractly two end points, then it is called Bus Topology. Bus Topology transmit data only in one direction. Easy to connect a computer or peripheral to a bus topology but entire network shutdown if there is a break down in the main cable. 29 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Star Topology Figure 5Star Topology In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub or switch through a cable. This switch is central node and all others nodes are connected to the central node. Every node has it own dedicated connection to hub. Easy to install a new node but requires more cable length than bus topology .therefore more expensive than bus topology 30 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Ring Topology Figure 6Ring Topology A ring network is similar to a bus network, but it has a circular structure — every node is connected to the other node on each side, and the first node is connected to the last. A ring network operates in a half-duplex mode, which means that data in your network travels sequentially in one direction. A ring network also uses coaxial cables similar to bus network topology but it is faster than the bus network. Modern days high speed LANs made this topology is less popular. 31 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Mesh Topology Figure 7Mesh Topology In a mesh network topology, every node is connected to the other node . There are partial mesh and full mesh networks. A partial mesh has at least two nodes connected to other nodes in the network. In a full mesh, every station is connected to all other nodes. Mesh networks ensure a continuous data transfer. If one node fails, other nodes can still transfer your data. Setting up a mesh network can be expensive. You would need to create multiple connections and purchase a lot of cable. (Nakivo, 2021) 32 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Tree Topology Figure 8Tree Topology A tree topology is a more complex version of a star network. It allows you to bring together multiple star networks by connecting their switches. Every switch has a port, and you can connect several stations to those ports. Then you can connect those switches directly to the main switch (Nakivo, 2021) 33 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 What is the Network Protocol? Types of Network Protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Figure 9Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP receives messages from an application/server, splits them into packets and forwards them to network devices - switches, routers, security gateways - where TCP numbers each packet and reassembles them before delivering them to the application/server recipient. Because it is connection-oriented, it ensures that a connection is established and maintained between the sending and receiving application/servers until the exchange is complete. 34 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Internet Protocol (IP) Figure 10 Internet Protocol (IP) Internet Protocol is a connectionless and unreliable protocol. It does not guarantee the successful transmission of data. To make it reliable, it must be paired with a reliable protocol like TCP at the transport layer. Important points here, 1. The length of the datagram is variable. 2. Datagram is divided into two parts, header and data. 3. The length of the header is 20 to 60 bytes. 4. The header contains information for routing and delivery of the packet. (Protocols, 2022) 35 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Figure 11User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Like IP, UDP is connectionless and unreliable protocol. It doesn’t require making a connection with the host to exchange data. Since UDP is unreliable protocol, there is no mechanism for ensuring that data sent is received. UDP transmits the data in form of a datagram. 36 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Figure 12Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow software to transmit an electronic mail over the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Figure 13Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HTTP is a communication protocol. It defines mechanism for communication between web browser and the web server. It is also called request and response protocol because the communication between browser and server takes place in request and response pairs. 37 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 What is the Network Device Hardware devices that are used to connect computers, printers, fax machines and other electronic devices to a network are called network devices. These devices transfer data in a fast, secure and correct way over same or different networks. Some devices are installed on the device, like NIC card or RJ45 connector, whereas some are part of the network, like router, switch, etc. Let us find some of these devices in more details. Types of Network Devices Router Figure 14Router A router is a network layer hardware device that transmits data from one LAN to another if both networks support the same set of protocols. So a router is typically connected to at least two LANs and the internet service provider (ISP). It receives its data in the form of packets, which are data frames with their destination address added. Router also strengthens the signals before transmitting them. Therefore that it is also introducing as repeater. 38 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Switch Figure 15Network Switch Switch is a network device that connects other devices to Ethernet networks through twisted pair cables. It uses packet switching technique to receive, store and forward data packets on the network. The switch maintains a list of network addresses of all the devices connected to it. (Anon, 2022) 39 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Gateway Figure 16Gateway Gateway is a network device used to connect two or more dissimilar networks. In networking parlance, networks that use different protocols are dissimilar networks. A gateway usually is a computer with multiple NICs connected to different networks. A gateway can also be configured completely using software. As networks connect to a different network through gateways, these gateways are usually hosts or end points of the network. (Anon, 2022) Ethernet Card 40 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 17Ethernet Card Ethernet card, also known as network interface card (NIC), is a hardware component used by computers to connect to Ethernet LAN and communicate with other devices on the LAN. The earliest Ethernet cards were external to the system and needed to be installed manually. In modern computer systems, it is an internal hardware component. The NIC has RJ45 socket where network cable is physically plugged in. (Anon, 2022) 41 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 RJ45 Connectors Figure 18RJ45 Connectors RJ45 is the acronym for Registered Jack 45. RJ45 connector is an 8-pin jack used by devices to physically connect to Ethernet based local area networks (LANs). Ethernet is a technology that defines protocols for establishing a LAN. The cable used for Ethernet LANs are twisted pair ones and have RJ45 connector pins at both ends. These pins go into the corresponding socket on devices and connect the device to the network. What is the Server A server is a computer, a device or a program that is dedicated to managing network resources. They are called that because they “server” another computer, device, or program called “client” to which they provide functionality. There are a number of categories of servers, including print servers, file servers, network servers and database servers. In theory, whenever computers share resources with client machines they are considered servers. However, servers are often referred to as dedicated because they carry out hardly any other tasks apart from their server 42 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 tasks. Figure 19 Network Server 43 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 HP ProLiant WS460c G9 Gen9 Server Figure 20 HP ProLiant WS460c G9 Gen9 Server Price $3,759.00 Brand Processor HP Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v3 and E5-2600 v4 product families Graphics Memory Type Integrated Matrox G200eh video controller DDR4 Memory Slots 16 DIMM Slots Maximum Memory 1TB Network Controller One (1) 20Gb 2-port FlexFabric FLB, 10Gb 2-port HPE FlexFabric FLB, or 10Gb 2-port Ethernet FLB One (1) HPE FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 536FLB FlexibleLOM One (1) HPE FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 560FLB FlexibleLOM One (1) HPE FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 630FLB FlexibleLOM One (1) HPE FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 650FLB FlexibleLOM Operating Systems Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) Standard and DataCenter editions (Citrix XenApp) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) Standard, Enterprise and DataCenter editions (Citrix XenApp) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.5 or later (64-bit only) VMware Horizon View 6 or later, vSphere 5.5 or later Citrix XenDesktop 7 or later, XenServer 6.5 or later 44 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Dell PowerEdge T340 Tower Server Figure 21 PowerEdge T340 Tower Server Price $1555.00 Brand Dell Processor Up to one Intel® Xeon® E-2200 product family processor with up to 8 cores per processor Operating System (Dell Technologies recommends Windows 11 Pro for business) Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS Citrix® Hypervisor® Microsoft® Windows Server® LTSC with Hyper-V (2016 and 2019) Red Hat® Enterprise Linux SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server VMware® ESXi® Memory Type DDR4 DIMM Memory Slots 4 DIMM slots Maximum Memory 64GB Power Supplies 495W Platinum (Hot plug redundant) 350W Bronze (Cable) Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy option 45 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Dell PowerEdge R240 Server Figure 22 Dell PowerEdge R240 Server Price $1299.00 Brand Dell Processor Intel® Xeon® E-2200 product family, Intel Pentium®, Intel Core i3®, Intel Celeron® Operating System Citrix® XenServer® Microsoft® Windows Server® with Hyper-V (2016 and 2019) Red Hat® Enterprise Linux Ubuntu® Server LTS Memory Type DDR4 DIMM Memory Slots 4 DIMM slots Maximum Memory 64GB Power Supplies Single 250W (Bronze) or 450W (Platinum) power supply4 46 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 Rack Server Figure 23 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 Rack Server Price $2,351.00 Processor 1x Intel® Xeon® processor E-2300 or 1x Intel® Pentium® processor, up to 8 cores at 95W Memory Up to 128GB in 4x DIMM slots using 32GB UDIMMs 3200MHz TruDDR4 Network Interface 2x GbE on-board ports (Broadcom BCM5720); 1x GbE port dedicated for XCC management Power Supplies Supports a single fixed power supply or a redundant pair of hot-swap power supplies OS Support Microsoft Windows Server 2022, SUSE, Red Hat, VMware vSphere.. Microsoft Windows 10/11 tested Form Factor 4U chassis: Height: 430mm (16.9 inches), width: 175mm (6.9 inches), depth: 566mm (22.3 inches). Optional conversion to a rackmount chassis Limited Warranty 1- and 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite service, next business day 9x5, optional service upgrades 47 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Server Recommendation for Syntax Solutions According to this scenario, as a network engineer I use the Dell PowerEdge R240 Rack server for Syntax Solutions Company. This server is most suitable for the company. Because this server is used for small business. This server has Windows Server 2019 Operating System. Also this PowerEdge R240 is a low budget server and lot of performance. It is design for running multitasking applications and web applications. 48 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 What is the Network Software Network software is a term that represents any software for networking that helps a network administrators perform a specific operation with ease. The term 'network software' can include a wide range of software solutions, each of which offering a specific function that together helps network admins gain complete control over their IT infrastructure. Network software offers capabilities to monitor network health, measure performance, anticipate potential outages, take proactive decisions, and to manage and resolve network faults. Network software also enables you to visualize the network to understand its architecture, and secure your IT infrastructure from attacks. Traditional networks were hardware based with software embedded. With the advent of Software – Defined Networking (SDN), software is separated from the hardware thus making it more adaptable to the ever-changing nature of the computer network. (software, 2022) Example for Network Software Cisco IOS Sever OS Active directory Solar Winds Cisco IOS Cisco IOS® code is that the world's leading network infrastructure code, delivering seamless integration of technology innovation, business-critical services, and hardware platform support. presently operative on several active systems, starting from the little headquarters router to the core systems of the world's largest service supplier networks, Cisco IOS code is that the most generally leveraged network infrastructure code within the world. (Anon, 2022) 49 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 24 Cisco IOS Sever OS A server operating system (OS) is a type of operating system that is designed to be installed and used on a server computer. It is an advanced version of an operating system, having features and capabilities required within a client-server architecture or similar enterprise computing environment. Figure 25 Server OS Active directory Active Directory (AD) is a database and set of services that connect users with the network resources they need to get their work done.The database (or directory) contains critical information about your environment, including what users and computers there are and who’s allowed to do what. For example, the database might list 100 user accounts with details like each person’s job title, phone number and password. It will also record their permissions. The services control much of the activity that goes on in your IT environment. In particular, they 50 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 make sure each person is who they claim to be (authentication), usually by checking the user ID and password they enter, and allow them to access only the data they’re allowed to use (authorization). (Logo, 2022) Solar Winds The Solar Winds Orion Platform is a powerful, scalable infrastructure monitoring and management platform designed to simplify IT administration for on-premises, hybrid, and software as a service (SaaS) environments in a single pane of glass. There’s no need to struggle with multiple incompatible point monitoring products, as the Orion Platform consolidates the full suite of monitoring capabilities into one platform with crossstack integrated functionality. (solarwinds, 2022) Figure 26 Solar Winds 51 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 What is the Network Plane? A plane, in a networking context, is one of three integral components of a telecommunications architecture. These three elements -- the data plane, the control plane and the management plane – can be thought of as different areas of operations. Each plane carries a different type of traffic and is conceptually (and often in reality) an overlay network (a telecommunications network that runs independently on top of another one, although supported by its infrastructure).The data plane (sometimes known as the user plane, forwarding plane, carrier plane or bearer plane) carries the network user traffic. The control plane carries signaling traffic. Control packets originate from or are destined for a router. The management plane, which carries administrative traffic, is considered a subset of the control plane. In conventional networking, all three planes are implemented in the firmware of routers and switches. Softwaredefined networking (SDN) decouples the data and control planes, removes the control plane from network hardware and implements it in software instead, which enables programmatic access and, as a result, makes network administration much more flexible. (Contributor, 2022) 52 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Example for Network Plane Figure 27Network Plan Add to IP Address Figure 28 Add IP Address 53 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 29Add IP Address 54 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Network Plan Testing Figure 30 Network Plan Test 55 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Simulation of the Network Plan Figure 31 Network Simulation Figure 32 Network Simulation 56 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 VLAN Sub netting Schema Figure 33VLAN Sub netting Schema 57 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Grant Chart No Task July August Weeks Weeks 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Create Plan 1 Research Requirement 2 Find the cable of the connection 3 Find the Details of the Employee 4 After finding the Employee details 5 how many device need Verify the Details Again 6 Execute the plan –Designing in the 7 Cisco Packet Tracer Check of Verification Ping 8 Create a Google Form 9 10 After the analysing correct the Error 11 Execute the Ping Figure 34 Grant Chart 58 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Customer Feedback Figure 35 Customer Feedback Form 59 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 36 Customer Feedback Form 60 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 37 Customer Feedback Form Feedback Analysing Analysing the general response to the poll as shown in the pie chart above, most people are very happy with the system and they satisfied with the system. According to the pie chart above, 56.3% of the total responses have expressed their consent to the system and 12.5% have expressed their disapproval. Therefore, I recommend that this network system is a suitable system to build. 61 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 38User Responses (Author Developed) 62 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Figure 39 User Responses (Author Developed) 63 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Server Installation 64 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 65 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 66 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 67 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 68 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 69 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 70 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 71 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 72 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 73 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 74 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 75 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 76 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 77 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 78 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 79 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 80 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 81 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 82 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Active Directory 83 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 84 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 85 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 86 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 87 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 88 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 89 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 90 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 91 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 92 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 93 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 94 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 95 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 96 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 97 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 DHCP IP 98 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 99 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 100 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 101 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 102 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 103 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 104 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 105 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 106 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 107 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 108 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 109 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 110 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 111 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 112 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 113 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 114 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 115 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 116 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 117 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 118 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Implementation 119 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 120 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Create IP Address 121 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 122 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 123 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 124 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 125 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 126 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Add User 127 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 128 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 129 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 130 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 131 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 132 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 133 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 134 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 135 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Test Network 136 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 137 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 138 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 139 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 140 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 141 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 142 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 143 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 144 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 Test Case Text Case Test Case Expected No 1 result Connect to Router and Network Login PC Device. 2 3 4 5 Ping Computer PD to Connect Ping Developers Client PC Command Check Connectivity Between Connect Ping Server room and Department Command DHCP Server Working Get IP Address correctly from DHCP Check Routing Working 7 Successful Successful Successful Successful Ping between two Network 6 Result IP Phone Communication Connection IP success Phone Connection between Switch Successful Successful Ping between Successful two Network 145 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 How to improve network performance Determine that your network is at fault Is your network actually slow, or do you just have slow computers? Make sure that the sluggish response time is more than just a localized issue before springing for an infrastructure upgrade. Update software and firmware Advancements in technology and the software that runs on it don’t always keep pace with each other. You may have new programs running on old machines, or old programs running on new ones either way, it’s unlikely they’ll work well together.If you’re tied to an old software system simply because that’s the way it’s always been done, it may be high time you set it aside in favor of something more compatible with current technology. Otherwise, your fondness for the software of yore could strand your business in the Stone Age. Monitor for bottlenecks Network monitoring is critical for diagnosing any range of potential bottlenecks or traffic jams in your network. For instance, system backups typically absorb a large quantity of resources. Because of this, most networks run their backups at night, when employees are out of the office. Check for viruses or system defects Speaking of viruses, malware is known for slowing down networks and inhibiting workflows. If you suspect your network slowdown might be the result of malicious network activity, you should have an emergency IT specialist run a check on the situation right away. Slowdowns can also be the result of different network components growing old and defective. It’s often relatively painless to replace these broken components, rather than upgrade the entire network. Use VLANs to segment low-priority traffic VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) are an excellent way to partition your network resources such that the most critical traffic receives the highest priority. Essentially, a VLAN offers the benefits of a completely separate network, without having to rewire the entire office. You can group VLANs based on computer use and function, even if they’re in separate parts of the office. VLANs can also improve security by segmenting your systems from each other. That way, even if one part of your network becomes compromised, the VLAN can act as a barrier, keeping other parts of the network safe 146 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 147 S.A Hasantha Indrajith Dissanayaka Networking Assignment No-01 References Khalaf, A. A. M., 2015. Performance of LAN under different ethernet wiring standard and different frame size. [Online] Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7224875/authors#authors Meddeb, A., 2015. Why ethernet WAN transport?. [Online] Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1541705/authors#authors Nakivo, 2021. Network Topology: You Have to Know This Before Building a Network. [Online] Available at: https://nakivo.medium.com/network-topology-you-have-to-know-this-beforebuilding-a-network-b2f56521c3f7 network_topologies, 2022. computer_network_topologies. 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