TABLE OF CONTENTS SLIDE 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE , CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY AND ETHICS SLIDE 3 CODE OF ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SLIDE 4 CODE OF ETHICS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY (CSR) SLIDE 5 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY –PROMOTE ETHICAL BEHAVIOR AMONG EMPLOYEES SLIDE 6 HASSAN YUSSUF VERSI TP024349 THE FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH CONDUCTED ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CODE OF ETHICS , CG AND CSR IN RELATION TO EMPLOYEES SLIDE 7 THE IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE , CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY AND ETHICS EFFECT ON ORGANISATION & The Importance STAKEHOLDERS “Employees” “Consumers” Corporate Failures Lehman Brothers Enron Corp WorldCom Parmalat “Investors” “Other Groups” When scaling, group all elements to be scaled. Scale as needed. Use the “Increase Font Size,” “Decrease Font Size” buttons or manually change the font size for the editable text. CODE OF ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE OF CONDUCT OF “In performing their job duties, Amazon employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interest of Amazon. This code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code of Conduct) sets out basic guiding principles. Employees who are unsure whether their conduct or their co-workers complies with the ENRON COLLAPSE PARMALAT COLLAPSE “Several corporate governance problems “Several corporate governance problems have emerged due to Enron’s wreckage. have led to the Parmalat crisis. Firstly, Numerous unethical one of the non-executive directors in activity within the Enron organisation Parmalat was not independent as he had continued to light up long after its been working in Parmalat as a senior downfall. Overall, corporate governance manager in Enron was weak in almost all aspects. chairman and chief executive positions Thus, the board of directors comprises were not separated as was recommended several people who lack moral character. by corporate governance codes of practice. Also, they are often willing to engage in Thirdly, the corporate governance code in fraudulent activity, which was the root of Italy specified that where a group of the shareholders controls a company, it is illustrations company's of corporate failure”. (Dibra, 2016). governance since 1963. Secondly, independent shareholders; this of the was controlling certainly upheld by Parmalat” (Dibra, 2016). the legal department". the even more important for some directors to be code of conduct should contact their manager or not Code of conduct acts as a guideline for resolving contentious circumstances and will encourage ethical behaviour among employees while Maintaining transparency and responsibility in their day-to-day responsibilities. CODE OF ETHICS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY (CSR) CSR is the voluntary incorporation of social and environmental issues into a company's commercial operations and interactions with its stakeholders. CSR is closely related to the ideas of "Sustainability," which assert that businesses should make choices not just based on financial considerations such as earnings or dividends but also the immediate and long-term social and environmental repercussions of their actions. CSR POLICY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAMS COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM EMPLOYEE HIRING & TRAINING PROGRAMS An increasing number of companies have released voluntary codes of corporate conduct, which indicate pledges to ethical ideals in areas such as the “environment, human rights, labour standards, consumer protection, and taxes” (Dean, n.d.). Companies are therefore urged to disclose corporate ethics statements to the public, containing information on the company's “social, ethical, and environmental” policies and other codes of conduct to which it subscribes. For example, above illustrates Amazon's corporate social responsibility policy. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY –PROMOTE ETHICAL BEHAVIOR AMONG EMPLOYEES 80% Job seeker prefer to work with CSR driven companies 90% of professional feel that CSR is a moral responsibility that companies have towards the community 86% of engaged employees feel happy at work 40% employees in CSR driven companies have better morale than Non CSR driven companies Source: (Tahlil Azim, 2016) THE FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH CONDUCTED ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CODE OF ETHICS , CG AND CSR IN RELATION TO EMPLOYEES According to (Silva et al., 2021) study, the findings demonstrate the implementation of good practises of integrity, particularly the Code of Ethics and Conduct. Adopting an ethical code may be seen as a means to establish, promote, and steer employees' and organisations' responsible behaviour. It helps create and maintain a positive business reputation and stakeholder confidence. According to research findings (Dusane & Bhamare, 2021), companies with effective corporate governance have a beneficial effect on employee productivity. When a corporate governance system exists, employees' decision-making power is enhanced. According to the findings of a study conducted by (Tahlil Azim, 2016) on the relationship between employees' perceptions of the external CSR practises of their organisations in relative terms and employees' organisational commitment and job engagement, organisation engagement, organisational citizenship behaviour related to the individual and organisational citizenship behaviour related to the organisation in the context of the Saudi banking industry, there is a positive relationship. It means that the management of banks in Saudi Arabia should regard external CSR as one of the most important factors in sustaining a motivated and passionate staff. The conclusion of one research (Hyewon Youna et al., 2017) was that employees' views of their casino firm's participation in CSR activities positively affect their loyalty to the company, while employees' job satisfaction mediates this link. CONCLUSION CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY BUSINESS ETHICS SUCCESS!!