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Historic vs. Symbolic Rizal: Text, Sign, and Symbol Analysis

What is the difference between the historic Rizal and symbolic Rizal?
Although there are speculations that Bonifacio should be the one that we must considered as our
national hero, it was discussed that Rizal is more deserving to the title since his influence, impact, and
values are what drive the Filipinos including Bonifacio to fight for our freedom. Now, speaking of Rizal,
the historic Rizal is the original Rizal, the prominent writer in the 1800s. He is the one who lived and died
in the 19th century Philippines. He is the Rizal born and raised in Calamba, Laguna and published the
famous novels entitled Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The one who founded the La Liga Filipina
and the Martyr of Bagumbayan in 1896. He was the true person, the actual Jose P. Rizal. In short, historical
Rizal is about Rizal himself as a person during his time. On the other hand, symbolic Rizal are the figures,
words, symbolisms, and values which represent the original or the historical Rizal. It could be in a form of
monument or park names that symbolize his bravery. It can also be the things that Rizal has stood for,
such as nationalism, democracy, political liberalism, and free expression. He is the kind of Rizal we have
today. He is the Rizal in Luneta, the Rizal in the one-peso coin, the Rizal in postage stamps, the Rizal as
Tagalog Christ, and others where we can see his image or his name. In short, symbolic Rizal are just
representations or expressions that reflects the original Rizal in order to commemorate him and inspire
the future generations.
What is a text? a sign? a symbol?
A text is anything that can be read, interpreted and analyzed. It is not limited to words rather it
can also be figures, patterns, and other things which a message can be interpreted. In line with this,
reading is considered as an important factor to make a text understandable making sense of the world
and our lives since we read spaces, places, our historical circumstances and a plethora of images
unleashed by the media, literature and art. Text is not a product of its author rather its meaning is
interpreted and actualized by the reader. Text does not make sense or useless without a reader.
On the other hand, sign is a kind of text which have a fixed meaning which can be set by a leader
or a certain official. It represents a fixed reality and posits itself as a means of portraying that reality.
According to Umberto Eco, a sign is a closed text which implies that the freedom to create meaning is
being monopolized. While for Roland Barthes, a sign is a readerly text, which can be understood as a kind
of text whose meaning is predetermined such as the Peso sign and slippery when wet road sign. So, sign
can be a text whose meanings are already set by the majority in the group or community that when you
see it, that is the meaning of it and nothing else no matter who you talk with or it could be a text that can
be determined through common sense based on the set meanings to the figures included in the text.
Lastly, a symbol is a kind of text which conveys meaning not only about itself but about cultural
processes and relationships’ meaning, therefore that is not constant but constituted through a human
agency. According to Umberto Eco, a symbol is an open text which implies that any interpretation may be
valid. While for Roland Barthes, a symbol is a writerly text, meaning that the reader is in a position of
control and takes an active role in the construction of meaning. So, in contrast with sign, symbol gives the
readers the freedom to give their own meaning to a certain meaning depending to their experience,
learnings, beliefs, and relationship with others. Rather than having fixed meanings, symbols can be read
and understand in a flexible manner.
What is in the past show that Rizal's image was manipulated by people?
One of the scenarios where Rizal’s image was manipulated in the past was when it was used by
the Katipuneros in their meeting room. Rizal’s portrait was hung on the walls of their meeting room since
Andres Bonifacio set Rizal as their honorary president of the secret society. The reason to this is so that
the members can see his image clearly. Although there are debates regarding the true intention of the
Supremo, he was considered a symbol by many Filipinos.