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Quantitative Geology: Statistics & Geostatistics

Quantitative Geology
ESC 2305 – M.Sc. Applied Geology
Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of collecting,
analyzing, interpreting, presenting, and organizing data in a particular manner.
Statistics is defined as the process of collection of data, classifying data,
representing the data for easy interpretation, and further analysis of data.
Statistics can be used to predict the future, determine the probability that a specific
event will happen, or help answer questions about a survey.
Different sectors such as psychology, sociology, geology, probability, and so on also
use statistics to function.
Importance of Statistics
The important functions of statistics are:
• Statistics helps in gathering information about the appropriate quantitative data.
• It depicts the complex data in graphical form, tabular form and in diagrammatic
representation to understand it easily.
• It provides the exact description and a better understanding.
• It helps in designing the effective and proper planning of the statistical inquiry in any
• It gives valid inferences with the reliability measures about the population parameters
from the sample data.
• It helps to understand the variability pattern through the quantitative observations.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Economics
Statistical data and technique of statistical analysis have proved immensely useful
in solving variety of economic problems, such as wages, prices, analysis of time
series and demand analysis.
It has also facilitated the development of economic theory.
Wide applications of mathematics and statistics in the study of economics have led
to the development of new disciplines called Economic Statistics and Econometrics.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Business
The success of a businessman more or less depends upon the accuracy and
precision of his statistical forecasting.
The formation of a production plan in advance is a must which cannot be done
without having quantitative facts about the products.
Most of the large industrial and commercial enterprises are employing trained and
efficient statisticians.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Industry
In industry, Statistics is widely used in ‘Quality Control’. In production engineering,
to find whether the product is conforming to specifications or not, statistical tools,
which is inspection of plans, control charts etc. are of extreme importance.
In inspections plans we have to resort to some kind of sampling – a very important
aspect of Statistics.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Biology
The association between statistical methods and biological theories was first
studied by Francis Galton in his work in ‘Regression’.
According to Karl Pearson, the whole ‘theory of heredity’ rests on statistical basis.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Astronomy
In astronomy, the theory of Gaussian ‘Normal Law of Errors’ for the study of the
movement of stars and planets is developed using the ‘Principle of Least Squares’.
Scope of Statistics
Statistics and Medical Science
The statistical tools for the collection, presentation and analysis of observed facts
relating to the causes and incidence of diseases and the results obtained from the
use of various drugs and medicines are of great importance.
Moreover, the efficacy of a manufactured drug or injection or medicine is tested by
using the ‘tests of significance’ – (t-test).
Limitations of Statistics
▪ Statistics is not suited to the study of qualitative phenomenon.
▪ Statistics does not study individuals.
▪ Statistical laws are not exact.
▪ Results are true only on average.
▪ Statistics is liable to be misused.
Geostatistics is a branch of statistics focusing on spatial or spatiotemporal datasets.
Developed originally to predict probability distributions of ore grades for mining
operations, it is currently applied in diverse disciplines including petroleum geology,
hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geochemistry, geometallurgy,
geography, forestry, environmental control, landscape ecology, soil science, and
Geostatistics is applied in varied branches of geography, particularly those involving
the spread of diseases (epidemiology), the practice of commerce and military
planning (logistics), and the development of efficient spatial networks. Geostatistical
algorithms are incorporated in many places, including geographic information
systems (GIS).
Population and Sample
A population refers to any collection of specified group of human beings or of nonhuman entities such as objects, educational institutions, time units, geographical
areas, prices of wheat or salaries drawn by individuals.
Types of Population
1. Finite Population
2. Infinite Population
3. Existent Population
4. Hypothetical Population
Types of Population
Finite Population
The finite population is also known as a countable population in which the
population can be counted. In other words, it is defined as the population of all the
individuals or objects that are finite.
▪ Employees of a company
▪ The books in a library
▪ Potential consumer in a market
Types of Population
Infinite Population
The infinite population is also known as an uncountable population in which the
counting of units in the population is not possible.
▪ The population of pressures at various points in the atmosphere.
▪ The number of germs in the patient’s body.
Types of Population
Existent Population
The existing population is defined as the population of concrete individuals. In other
words, the population whose unit is available in solid form is known as existent
Examples are books, students etc.
Types of Population
Hypothetical Population
The population in which whose unit is not available in solid form is known as the
hypothetical population. A population consists of sets of observations, objects etc.
that are all something in common.
Examples are an outcome of rolling the dice, the outcome of tossing a coin.
A selected group of some elements from the totality of the population is known as
the sample.
The process of selecting a sample from the population is called Sampling. For
example, some people living in India is the sample of the population.
Types of Sampling
Basically, there are two types of sampling. They are:
• Probability sampling
• Non-probability sampling
Types of Sampling
Probability Sampling
In probability sampling, the units of the population are not selected at the discretion
of the researcher, but by means of certain procedures which ensure that every unit
of a population has one fixed probability of being included in the sample.
Types of Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
In non-probability sampling, the population units can be selected at the discretion of
the researcher. Those samples will use the human judgements for selecting units
and has no theoretical basis for estimating the characteristics of the population.
A variable is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or
counted. A variable may also be called a data item. Age, gender, business income
and expenses, country of birth, capital expenditure, class grades, eye color and
vehicle type are examples of variables. It is called a variable because the value
may vary between data units in a population, and may change in value over time.
For example; 'income' is a variable that can vary between data units in a population
(i.e. the people or businesses being studied may not have the same incomes) and
can also vary over time for each data unit (i.e. income can go up or down).
Types of Variables
▪ Numeric Variables
▪ Categorical Variables
Types of Variables
Numeric Variables
Numeric variables have values that describe a measurable quantity as a number,
like 'how many' or 'how much'. Therefore numeric variables are quantitative
Types of Numeric Variables are:
▪ Continuous Variables
▪ Discrete Variables
Types of Variables
Continuous Variables
Observations can take any value between a certain set of real numbers. Examples
of continuous variables include height, time, age, and temperature.
Discrete Variables
Observations can take a value based on a count from a set of distinct whole values.
A discrete variable cannot take the value of a fraction between one value and the
next closest value. Examples of discrete variables include the number of registered
cars, number of business locations, and number of children in a family, all of which
measured as whole units.
Types of Variables
Categorical Variables
Categorical variables have values that describe a 'quality' or 'characteristic' of a
data unit, like 'what type' or 'which category’. Categorical variables are qualitative
variables and tend to be represented by a non-numeric value.
Types of Categorical Variables are:
▪ Ordinary Variable
▪ Nominal Variable
Types of Variables
Ordinary Variable
Observations can take a value that can be logically ordered or ranked. The
categories associated with ordinal variables can be ranked higher or lower than
Examples of ordinal categorical variables include academic grades (i.e. A, B, C),
clothing size (i.e. small, medium, large, extra large) and attitudes (i.e. strongly
agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).
Types of Variables
Nominal Variable
Observations can take a value that is not able to be organized in a logical
sequence. Examples of nominal categorical variables include gender, business
type, eye color, religion and brand.
Types of Variables