See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Potential of Rosemary oil to be used in drug-resistant infections Article in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine · September 2007 Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 80 1,060 5 authors, including: Suaib Luqman Dr. Gaurav RAJ Dwivedi Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Gorakhpur-273013 Uttar Pradesh In… 263 PUBLICATIONS 4,914 CITATIONS 63 PUBLICATIONS 1,176 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Mahendra Darokar Alok Kalra Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi 254 PUBLICATIONS 5,617 CITATIONS 228 PUBLICATIONS 5,067 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Agrotechnology View project Natural Product Chemistry View project All content following this page was uploaded by Dr. Gaurav RAJ Dwivedi on 29 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE ORIGINAL RESEARCH POTENTIAL OF ROSEMARY OIL TO BE USED IN DRUG-RESISTANT INFECTIONS Suaib Luqman, PhD; Gaurav R. Dwivedi, MSc; Mahendra R Darokar, MSc; Alok Kaira, PhD; Sunian P. S. Khanuja, PhD Objective • To evaluate the antimicrobial acti\ity potential of the essential oil of rosemary specifically for its efficacy against the drug-resistant mutants oi Mycobackrium smegmalis, Escheriehia coli. and Candida alhiians. Method* Aiuibacterialantifimgal.anddrugresistance-modifying activity was evaluated both (jualitatively and quantitatively following disc diliiision and broth dilution assay procedures. Results • The rosemary essential oil was found to be more active against the gram-positive pathogenic bacteria except Efaccalis Suaib Luqman, PhD; Gaurav R. Dwivedi, \isc; Mahendra P. Darokar, MSc; and Suman P. S. Khanuja, PhD, work in the Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Division and Alok Kalra, PhD, works in the Field Laboratory and Organic Farming Division of the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Lucknow, India. R osemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a very important medicinal and aromatic plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family and has been cultivated for a long time. Evidence suggests that rosemary herbs were used as medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic virtues in ancient Egypt. Mesopotamia, China and India.' As a result, it is widely used today as a medicinal plant. Rosemary has a long list of claims pertaining to its medicinal uses, including antibacterial and antioxidant properties.^' It is known to be an effective chemopreventive agent/ an anti-mutagenic," and has been shown to be non-toxic in animal models."' The essential oil enhances the blood circulation of the limbs, has antirheumatic effects, and relieves neuralgic pains. Besides the therapeutical applications, the essential oil is widely used in the cosmetic industry, producing various colognes, bathing essences, lotions, and shampoos. Rosemary is a popular spice in many Western countries, but its use is most popular in the Mediterranean countries, especially Italy and France. The leaf of rosemary is an indispensable spice in French, Italian, and Spanish cuisine."'" Today, rosemary is cultivated in nearly all countries around the Mediterranean Sea and in England, the United States, and Mexico. The leaves contain about 1% to 2.5% essential oil. The compounds 1.8-cineole (3% to 89%), camphor (2% to 14%), borneol (16% 54 and drug-resistant mutants off coli. compared to gram-negative bacteria. Similarly, it was found to be more active toward nonfilamentous, filamentous, dermatophytic pathogenic fiingj and drug-resistant mutants oiCandida albicaris. Conclusion • Our findings suggest that characterization and isolation of the active comp()und(s)fi"omthe rosemary oil may be useful in counteractinggram-positive bacterial, Ringal, and drug-resistant infections. (A/ffn; TherHmllh Med. 2007;13(5):54-59.} to 20%), bornyl acetate {0% to 17%), a-pinene (2% to 25%). and others contribute to the complex taste. Rosemary leaf has applications as an antioxidant both internally and externally. In addition to antioxidant properties, laboratory studies have established the inhibitory effects of rosemary extract on tumor generation and mutagenesis. The antimicrobial effects of rosemary also have been studied."" It is well known that the activity of rosemary extracts in the food industry and in medicine is due to the presence of some important antioxidant oil and phenolic components""^ to prevent oxidative degradation of oil- and iipid-containing foods."^" Essential oils are volatile compounds of a plant's secondary metabolism and may act as phytoprotective agents,'' It has long been recognized that some essential oils have antimicrobial properties'*^-' and these have been reviewed in the past.^"'* Besides antibacterial properties.^''" essential oils also have insecticidal,*" antiparasitic,"'^ and antifungai activit)', which are important both for food preservation and the control of human and plant diseases that are of microbial origin,'" This is particularly relevant, as some very dangerous microbial mutants have demonstrated an increased resistance to the most common antibiotics.''^" In the present study. we report the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis L. against pathogenic bacteria and ftmgi and evaluate their efficacy against some of the drug-resistant mutants ot'Mycobacterium smegmatis, Escheriehia coli. and Candida albicana. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of Plant Material and Extraction of Essential Oils The plant material (leaves) of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) was collected fi"om the research farm of the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, India. The leaves were shade-dried and a voucher specimen was deposited at the CIMAP herbarium (CIMAP-10051) in Lucknow. ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. SEP/OCT 2007. VOL, 13. NO. 5 Rosemary Oil for Drug-resistant Infections Tlie shade-dried leaves were subjected to steam distillation for 3-4 h using a Clevenger-type apparatus.*" Essential oils were collected after decantation and tested for antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria, flmgi. and drug-resistant mutants using disc diffusion and broth dilution assay. acid (10 mg/mL), clotrimamle (10 mg/mL). and amphotericin B (10 mg/niL) were used as positive controls, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as a negative control. Disc Difiusion Assay Antibacterial and antifungal disc difiusion assay was carried out Microorganisms Used folknving the method descrilied by Bauer et aL "^ Bacterial and flingal The pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and drug-resistant mutants inoculums were prepared ironi culture grown overnight (24 h) in used in the present study are as follows. Luria broth and Sabouraud Dextrose broth (Himedia Liboratories, Bacterial strains: Streptococcus imttans Microhial Type Culture Mumbai, India), respectively, and the turbidity was adjusted equivaCollection (MTCC) 890. Enterococcus faecalis MTCC 439, lent to 0.5 McFarlaud standards (approximately 1.2 x 10" CFU/niL). Mycobacterium smegmatis ATCC 10231, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 121, Aliquots (100 pL) of moculums were spread over the surface of agar Staphylococciis aiircus MTCC 96. SUiphyhcoccus epidcrmidis MTCC plate with a sterile glass spreader. Five \.\l. of oil was put on the paper 435, Kleibsella pneunumiac MTCC 109, Pseudomonas aeruginosa disc (5 mm diameter. Whatman filter paper no. 3). air-dried, and then MTCC 741. Salmonella typhii MTCC 733, Salmonella typhimurium placed on the pre-made bacterial and ftingal lawiis. Tlie plates were MTCC 98, Fscherichhi coli MTCC 723, Enterobacter aewgenes MTCC then incuhated for 16 to 24 h at 37°C. and the zone of complete 111,and YminiamterocoUticaMI'CC861. growth inhibition was measured in millimeters (mm). The values reported are the mean of 3 experiments in replicate. Fungal strains: Candida albicans (AH India Institute of Medical Sciences [MIMS] and MTCC 1637). Aspergilhis nigtr. Aspergitlus flavus. Sporothrix schenckii. Trichophylon rubrum, Minimum Inhibitor)' Concentration. Minimum Bactericidal Microsporum gypseum, Cryptococcus neoformans. and Histoplasma Concentration, and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration capsulatum {all AllMS, New Delhi). Determination Drug-resistant mutants: The wild-type and drug-resistant The niimmum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ofthe essential mutants of M smegmatis, E coH, and C albicans used in the present oils extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis L. against pathogenic bactestudy are shown in Table 1. ria andftingiand also against drug-resistant mutants of M smegmatis, E coli, and C albicans was detemiined by 2-fbld serial dilution broth Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents Used assay as described by Petersdorf and Sherris," Jorgeiison et al,*^ and Zentz et al.^' The oil was diluted into final concentration of 11 to 1.38 Vancomycin {10 mg/mL), streptomycin (10 mg/mL). nalidixic TABLE 1 Wild Type and Dnig-resistant Mutants of Msmegmatis, E coli, and Culbkam Mutants Drug-resistance Property References M smegmatis MO 155 MSR lOf CSMC^105 CSLMO205 Wild type (sensitive to quinolones and floroquinolones) Resistance to ciprofloxacin, lomofloxacin. norfloxacin Resistance to ciprofloxacin Resistance to lomofloxaciTi Snapper etal (1988)'' Sinha (2003),^ Srivastava(2002)."" Luqman et al (2005)™ CA 8000 NK 5819 ET 8000 DH5a Wild type (sensitive to quinolones and floroquinolones) Resistance to nalidixic acid Resistance to nalidixic acid Resistance to nalidixic acid Kumar (1976)," Luqman et al (2005),'" Santha et al (2000)'^ C albicans Al and MTCC Wild type (sensitive to poiyenes and azoles) E coU CloGMC128, CETR Amp 2R. Amp45, DlR.cAmp 8R, Amp 8R KGMC 1, KGMC 3 Kosemary Oil for Drug-resistaiil [nfectioiis Gupta (2005)" Resistance to clotrimazole Resistance to amphotericin B Clinical isolates, resistance to both amphotericin B and ciotrimazole ALTERNATIVE THEIUriES. SEP/OCT 2007. VOL 13. NO. 5 55 mg/mL. The microtitre plates were inoculated with 10 pi, of diluted 24-h grown culture of the test organism with a titre equivalent to 0.5 McFarland standards. The inoculated microtitre plates were then incubated at 37°C for 16 to 24 h, and the growth was recorded spectrophotometricaliy at 600 nm using spectramax a 190-niicroplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, Calif). The MIC (IC^,^ value was detected from the turbJdiinetric data as the lowest concentration of oil showing growth inhibition equal to or greater than 80% as compared to oil-free control. The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and minimum ftingicidal concentration (MFC) values also were detected from tlie turbidimetric data as the lowest concentration of oil at which 99% of killing was observed. The MIC, MBC, and MFC values reported are the mean of 3 experiments in replicate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The essential oil obtained from Rosmarimis offidnalis h. were tested for the antibacterial, antifungal, and resistance-modifying activity against pathogenic bacteria, fringi, and drug-resistant mutants of M smcgmatis. E coli. and C alhicans following disc diffusion and broth dilution assay, respectively. Results are expressed in terms of zone of inhibition, MIC, MBC, and MFC. The essential oil from Rosmarinus ojjidrnilis 1,. was active against all the gram-positive pathogenic bacteria except f faccuhs. whereas no activity was observed against gram-negative bacteria (Figure 1). Interestingly, oil was found to be more active against drug-resistant mutants of E coll (Figure 2, Tables 2 and 3) but less active against M stnegmatis. Similarly, it was found that essential oil was active against all the non-filamentous, filamentous, and dermatophytic pathogenic fungi and drug-resistant mutants of Calbicans (Figures ^ and 4, Tables 4 and 5). The observed antibacterial, antiflmgal, and resistance-modifying activity of essential oil from Rosmarinus ojjkinalis L. against pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and drug-resistant mutants of M smegniatis. /;' coli. and C alhicam was quantified using the broth dilution assay in terms of MIC, MBC, and MFC, respectively. The MIC of essential oil from Rosmarinus officinaiis L. ranged from 11 mg/ml, to more than 11 mg/ml, against pathogenic bacteria and drug-resistant mutants of Msmcgmalis and Ecoii, 1.38 ing/niL to 11 mg/mL against pathogenic fungus, and 2.75 mg/mL to 5,5 mg/mL against drug resistant mutants of C alhicam. The MBC of essential oil necessary to cause an eil^ect is more than 11 mg/ mL di^amsX-M smegmatis zndEcoli, 2.75 mg/mL to more than 11 Bl B2 m B4 B5 Bti Drug-resistant Mutants a R ojfidiuilis O R officinalis (1:1) B7 B8 • Streptomycin • Nalidixic acid FIGURE 2 Growl h-iii hi bitory Activit)' nf Essential Oil From Rosmarinus ojjkinaiis L. Againsl Drug-resistant Mutants of Bacteria Assayed by Disc Diflusion 14 n Bl: CA 8000, B2: FT 8(XM). B.-J: NK 5819, B4: D H 5 a , B5: M C 2 1 5 5 , B6: CSMC2105. B7: C S L M a 205, B8: MSH 101. 1210- TABLE 2 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and Miniintini Bactericidal Concentration of Essential Oil iToni Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Antibiotics Against Pathogenic Bacteria 8- 4- Pathogenic Bacteria 2- Saureus SA SE SM EF MS BS KP PA ST Sim EC EA YE Pathogenic Bacteria n R. oiBcinalis D R. officinalis (1:1) • Streptomycin • Vancomycin FIGURE 1 Growth Inhibitory Activity of Essential Oil From Rosmarinus officinalis L. Against Pathogenic Bacteria Assayed by Disc Diffiision S A - StaphyliKiHrm aiimis; SE= StaphylociKriis q)itknmdis\ SM=Stn'ptoi'otras iriiHiiiis; EF= FMerofnccusfaecalbr. MS= Mycobactcrium smegmalis; V&= Bacillus siibliliy, KP= Klrilm-llii piieiwmimc ?K~ I'st'udmumm tifniginaw. ST= Stilmoriclln lyphii; ?iTm=Siiliiioni'll(i lyphimurium; liC= Bclieridiia coli: EA= Enkroi)ader aeragene^. 56 Sepidermidis S mutans Efaecalis Msmcgmalis B subtilis Kpneumoniae P aeruginosa Styphii S typhimurium Eeoli Eaerogenes Y enterocolidca ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, SEP/OCT 2007. VOL. 13. NO, 5 MIC of R officinalis (mg/mL) >11 >11 >11 — 11 >11 — — — — — — — MIC and MBC of Streptomycin (Mg/mL) MIC and MBC of Vancomycin (MBC pg/mL) 6.25 (6.25) 12.5(50) 1.56(3.125) 25(100) 0.78 (1.56) 0.78(3.125) 12.5(12.5) 25 (50) 25 (100) 25(100) 12.5 (25) 12.5 (50) 12.5 (100) 3.125 (6.25) 3.125 (12.5) 1.78(6.25) 125(125) 15.625(15.62) 7.81 (15.62) 500(>500) >500 (>500) 500(>500) 250 (>500) 250 (500) 250 (500) 500 (>500) Rosemary Oil for Drug-resistant In(eclii>iis mg/mL against pathogenic flmgal strains, and 5.5 mg/mL to 11 mg/mL against drug resistant mutants of Calhicans. The present study was undertaken with the objective of evaluating the antimicrobial property of the essential oil of rosemary and testing its efficacy against the drug-resistant mutants of M sniegmatis, E coli, and C alhicans in view of the emergence of resistance against the currently available antimicrobial agents." Our observation showed the essential oil of rosemary was more active toward gram-positive than gram-negative mutants, which is in line with the finding of earlier reports.'"'"'' This finding suggests less susceptibility of gram-negative organisms due to the presence of an outer membrane surrounding the cell walJ^ that restricts diffusion of hydrophobic compounds through its lipo polysaccharide covering.^'' In the present global scenario, disease-causing microbes are acquiring resistance to many of the antimicrobials used for treating bacterial and ftingal infections. The quinolones/ftoroquinolones, azole, and polyene classes of antimicrobials often are the last resort to treat infections; hence the chances of acquiring resistance against these antimicrobials are higher. Therefore, it is imperative to research the structurally different antimicrobial agent(s) that can kill drug-resistant mutants with fewer side effects. The usefiil observation in this study, however, is that the oil was more active toward gram-positive and drug-resistant mutants as compared to wild-type strains. Similarly, oil was more effective toward pathogenic fungi, particularly against drug-resistant mutants of Calbicans (FI to FIO; resistant against TABLE 3 Minimum inhihitory Concentration and Minimum Bactericidal Concentrjtion of Essf iitiai Oil Fmm Ra\miirimi\ offidmilis L. and Antibiotic 20- in Wild Type and l>ug-resistant Mutants of Ecoli and MsmegmatLs Dnig-resistant Mutants of Bacteria Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 MIC of « offidnalis (mg/mL) MIC of Nalidixic acid (MBC Mg/niL) MIC of Streptomycin (MBC Mg/mL) >LL U >11 >11 >U >U >U 12.5 (25) 6.25(12.5) 3.125(6.25) 50 (100) 6.25(12.5) 25 (50) 25 (50) 12.5 (25) 1.56(3.125) 6.25 (6.25) 50 (50) 1.56(3.125) 1.56(3.125) 0.78(3.125) 0.78 (.3.125) 12.5 (25) >n I 1 i \.\ i I I,. lo 17 F8 1-9 HIO Drug-resistant Mutants B 5: MO 155. B 6: B1:CA8000.B2 FT 8000, B 3: NK 5819. B 4: DH5a. CSMeiO5. B 7: CSLMC'205, B 8 MSR 101. URoffidnalis n R offidnalis (hi) • Amphotericin B • Clotrimazole FIGURE 4 Growth lniiibitory Activity of Essential Oil From Rosmarinus offidnalis L. Against Dnig-resistant Mutants o^Candida albicans Assayed by Disc Diffusion I'l: KGMC1.1^: KGMC X V3: C'b 31. [-4: C 6R, 1'5: Oo GMC128, F6: CETR Anip 2R. P7: Amp 45. F8: t> IR, F9: cAmp 8R, HID: Amp 8R. TABLE 4 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and Minimum Eungicidal Concentration of Essential Oil From Rosmarinus offidnalis L. and,Viitilungal Against Pathogenic Fungal Mutants AI MTCC CN SS AF AN HC TK Pathogenic MIC and MFC ofR offidnaTvi Fungi (mg/mL) ofAmpluiU'ricin B(jig/mL) Calbicans(M) 5.5 (11) 2.75 (5.5) 5.5 (11) 11 (>11) 11 (>11) 11 (11) 2.75 (2.75) 1.38 (2.75) 2.75 (5.5) 1.56(3.12.'")) 1.56(3.125) 1.56(3.125) 3.125 (6.25) 3.125 (6.25) 1.56(3.125) 0.78(1.56) 12.5 (12.5) 1.56 (3.125) \U. Pathogenic Fungi nRofficinaUs BR officinalis (hi) • Amphotericin B •Qotrimazole MTCC Cneoformis Sschenckii FIGURE 3 Growth Inhibitory Activity of Essential Oil From Rosmarinus A flavus offidnalis I.. Against Pathogenic hungi Assayed by Disc Diftlision A nigcr AI= Camiida alhicam (AllMS): MTCC= Candida albirans {MYCC1637); CN= CrypltHWivs neojonnaiis:. S,S= Sjmrnlhrix sihemkii: M'= AsjKT^illtafla\wi\ AN=Asper^!lus nigtr. 1 IC= I lislopltisrmi lapsutiilum; TR= Trichnphytini rubmm; M.G= Micnisporum gypsfum. Rosemary Oil for Drug-resistant Infections It capsulalum Trubrum Mgypseum MIC and MFC MIC and MFC of Clotrimazole (Mg/mL) 0.39 (0.78) 1.56(3.125) 0.39 (0.78) 1.56(3.125) 3.125(6.25) 0.39(1.56) 0.195(0.39) 6.25 (12.5) 0.195 (0.195) ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. S E P / O C T 2007. V O L 13. N O . S 57 TABLE 5 Minimum Inhibitory Concentrarion and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of Essential Oil o(Rcsmarinus ojfiiiimlis L. and Antiftingal Against Drug-resistant Mutants ii{Candida nlbicans Drug-resistant Mutants of CaBmmts MIC and MFC oiR officinalis (mg/mL) MIC and MFC of Ainphoteridn B(pg/mL) MIC and MFC ofCIotrimazok (pg/mL) Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FIO 5.5 (5.5) 5.5 (U) 5.5 (U) 5.5 (5.5) 2.75 (5.5) 5.5 (11) 2.75 (5.5) 2.75 (5.5) 5.5 (U) 2.75 (11) 6.25 (12.5) 6.25 (12.5) 3.125 (6.25) 6.25 (12.5) 6.25 (6.25) 3.125 (3.125) 3.125 (6.25) 6.25 (12.5) 6.25(12.5) 6.25 (6.25) 0.095(0.195) 0.095(0.195) 6.25 (12.5) 3.125(6.25) 3.125(6.25) 6.25 (fi.25) 0.195(0.39) 3.125 (6.25) 3.125 (6.25) 0.195(0.39) 16. F 1: KGMC 1, F 2: KGMC 3. F 3: Qo 31, F 4: C 6R, F 5: Clo GMC 128, F 6: CETR Amp 2R, F 7: Amp 45, F 8: D I R , F 9: cAinp 8R, F 10 : AmpSR 17. 18. the polyene and azole group of antifiingal agents). Although the mechanism of action of rosemary oil has not been studied in detail due to the presence of different groups of compounds present in it. it is thought that the action may be due to any of the following mechanisms reported in several essential oils' activity: damage or degradation of the cell wall.""-' disturbances in the cytoplasmic membrane,''^''•• depletion of proton motive force, •"'•" electron flow, leakage of cell contents,^''^* •''"^' damage to membrane proteins,''"' or active transport and coagulation of cell contents.'"' Earlier published reports have shown that rosemary extract and its fraction inhibit the in vitro efflux of antibacterial agents" in mutants (including methicillin-resistant S aureus) of 5 aureus.''•"''- Our observation suggests that essential oil of rosemary is very effective against drug-resistant mutants of bacteria and fungi and that it has greater efficacy against fungus than bacteria. The present findings also suggest that characterization and isolation of the active constituent(s) of rosemary oi! may be useftil in counteracting gram-positive bacteria and fungi and drug-resistant infections. Acknowledgments We ilijiik ilii' l)f[iarlmen[ of Biotechnology. Ministry of Science and Technology, Governmem of Imlia and Council of Scieniifir and Iniiuslrial Research. New Delhi, for financial assistance. We are also gratefiil to All India Institute oI Medical Sciences, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi and Kin^ George's Medical Ciillege. Lucknow. for providing some ol tlie pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and drug-resistanl strains. REFERENCES 1. Slefaiiovits-Banyai F.. Tulok MH. Hegedus A. Renner C. Varga IS. Antioxidanl effect of various rosemary {Romiiriiiii\ iijlinrialis (,.> clones. Ada Biol Szi'ged. 2(K)3;47{l-4)Litl-iJ3. 2. Del Campu J, Aniiol MJ. Nguyen-The C. Antimicrobial effect of rosemary extracts. / Food I'rol. 2000:(i.'i(10}: 1359-1368. .^. O^can M. 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