RIZAL IN DAPITAN 2022 June 9 Full Name For all purpose FOUNDING THE LA LIGA FILIPINA The aims of La Liga Filipina, as embodied in its constitution, were the following: 1. To unite the whole archipelago into one compact and homogenous body 2. Mutual protection in every want and necessi 3. Defense against all violence and injustice 4. Encouragement of education, agriculture, and commerce 5. Study and application of reform 2 THE ARREST AND JAILED TO EXILE The gubernational decree gave the reasons for Rizal’s deportation: 1. Rizal published articles and books abroad which showed disloyalty to Spain and which were “frankly anti-Catholic” and “imprudently anti-friar”. 2. After his arrival in Manila “there was found in one of the packages… a bundle of handbills entitled Pobres Frailes in which the patient and humble generosity of Filipinos is satirized, and which accusation is published against the customs of the religious orders”. 3. His novel El Filibusterismo was dedicated to the memory of three “traitors” (burgos, Gomez, and Zamora), and on the title page he wrote that in view of the vices and errors of the Spanish administration, “the only salvation for the Philippines was separation from the mother country”. 2 THE ARREST AND JAILED TO EXILE 4. “The end which he pursues in his efforts and writings is to tear from the loyal Filipino breasts the treasures of our holy Catholic faith.” 2 THE ARREST AND JAILED TO EXILE After his banishment to Dapitan, here are some of the things that happened to Rizal: He brought land in Talisay. He had a house, a clinic, and a school constructed on his land. He constructed a huge relief map of Mindanao at the town plaza with the help of Fr. Sanchez He helped in the livelihood of people He modeled an invention on a Belgian example of making bricks He taught the people to run a cooperative to ensure they have an income from buying and selling abaca and its products Poems written while he was in Dapitan: ▪ ▪ 2 THE TRIAL OF JOSE RIZAL On December 16, 1896, the trial against Rizal started. And to defend himself, he wrote the following statements: 1. Starting in July 1892, he had no political affiliation or any participation in any political acts. When the Katipuneros asked Pio Valenzuela to talk to him about the plan, he tried to convince him that they should go back on the side of the government and cooperate. 2. It was not true that he had conversation or correspondence to the rebels and there was no letter that could prove his communications to the leader of KKK. 2 THE TRIAL OF JOSE RIZAL 3. His decision to become a volunteer doctor to Cuba was the evidence that he wanted to reconcile with the Spanish government. If he had intention to escape, he could have done it while he was in Singapore. 4. In Dapitan, he had a small boat or kayak which he could use to escape or join the rebel group if he really had intention. 5. If he was the leader of the uprising, he should know all the plan and the other members should constantly ask for his advice. 2 THE TRIAL OF JOSE RIZAL 6. The truth was that he only established the La Liga Filipina, a civic society which aimed for the reform of the government. 7. The aims of La Liga Filipina was not realized because of his deportation to Dapitan. 8. He was not aware of the continuous establishment of La Liga Filipina after his deportation to Dapitan. 2