Presentations- opening Thereai€ a greatvariety of presentaiionconiexts: Col p.., pr.'pnrJ m i u r p r o d L .r s . harkets, plans for the f!ture). . Produci prescniation(featuresand bencfiisof a nei! p.oduct). rL Internal presentationreporting financialor a Internal presenlaiionanalyzinga problem and sugteshng 1r Welcomingvisitols. ' A - \ , ' ( r . . o r h e r F \ n - - p F a lc l l . n t t h h . rm , . r u r 8o r . 1I additioll, a \,arieiy of presentaiionshles: /:' formal, sfructuled,rehearsed,iaking qucstionsat thc end. /r Info.mal, partly improvised,interal:tint {'ith the nudrence. 4, Somewherebchrccn ihe h!o: using a basicstructurc,but alownrg occasionalopportlnities for quesiionsind inte.action. Which style yot usc dcpcndsnot onlv on your audiencean.t its cxpecLrtrons, tui.lso on vo! ard lour per$nali\r Itcad ihe opennl8to i t'clcomnrg \isikrJ presentihonin the n.\t.olunrr. (Th( miin body and ck)seof a prese.tationare .ov.r.d ln lrits 52 53 ) Noii.c ho$ thc prcs.ntcr begnrsby giynrg ans\Lersto a11the ph.ii.ii qresti(insthat nright be nr ih. aldience'smind l c t \ \ h a t j s t h L ' . i mo f i h i st . l k ? I l o w l o r g r ! i l i i t I a s t ?l { i l l th.r bc a IrrLIk?Who is ihc pcrn)n spe.king?Who is ihat man The thcn givesan outlinc of lh. siructurL'orth. Finally,befd. bogitulnlg,the presoter makesii cl..r $hcih.r can iitcrrupt rliih questioDs,or kcep them well, good noming, eyeryone. On behau of BCC lnternationalI'd like to welcomeyou here to our offlces. Cd elervone seeat the back?OK. T h p J n o l l h F . h u f l l d l l r . t o B i v ey o , i n o v e d i e $ ol our companyand its products.l'11speakfor abolt thiriv mimtes, and then rvc'll iake a break for coffee and biscuiis.After that, ni aroud ten thiitt we'li take you on a tour of the fnctorv Before$,e begin,just a few words aboutmyself. My name is Anna Edelmam and l'm in chargeof public lciations hereat BCC.I'i.c b.en with ihe companyfor h{che vears,and I sokcd in ihe salesareabefore l should also iniroduce my colleagueMiAndersen over thcre in the comer Mr our plant manaSe!and he willbe lcading the fa.tory tour. l'v. dn'ided this presentitioninto four sections. First l'd like to show you a timclnreof our company so you can seehow we'vc g.orvn an.l developedover thc vcars.fien I'll talk a littlc about our markel and how it's chanlling.After th;rt l'll move on io disclss customization,and ho$,we fecuson tailoring our productsto our customcrs'noods. F i n a l l , I ' l l g i v e y o u a l i t t l c t o c h n i c abla c k g r o u n ido help you understandthe n.w technologvthit you'lltrc seeingon the factory kNr Ii you haveany qu.sircns,pleascfcclfrec k) intcrrupL. OK,lefs begin with ihis first slidc,which show5... fhe phrases you need gg Cet attention anC inler,651 OK,letsgetnafted Goadnornlngeveryane andwel@neta Letme askyoua questian(+ rhetorcaquenon) Caneverybadysee) Takea loakat thispicturc rcllyauabout. ? BetareI begln,1d like ta thank(nane) for )nvitlngne heretoday 5omebo./y orc€raicl 1+qlotation) Onbehalfaf BCClnterhatianalI d like to v/e\(oneyou hercto Didyau knowthat ..? (+ slersing ndtrttl:) tt's gaod to seeso nahy peopleheretaday. l'm veryhappyta be here. Personal !ntroductio|1s Letne staftby introducinqnyseif l\,ly nameis lust a few wardsabaut nyself, Perhaps I shouldjust intrcduceonear tuvopeoplein theraam Ll!?iert;re Thetitle af ny presentatian)s . ThismatningI m going ta talkabout . . Thealn af thisshoft talkis to . . 106 Audience ltreneii't I hape thispresentationwill enableyau to .. 8y the end of ny talkyolt will itru.ture I ll speakfot about thiny minutes. , .".litd"d nt GlL ." a fou! n"t pdfi. s.c\ar. Thenl ll talk a liftle about ... After that l ll movean ta .. It you have any queslons, pleasefeel frce to tnteffupt. Ot ].t b.oi ^ah the ltt , pa.t Lde ^ 4 @ ,r"r",rr.aions- mainbody 'Th€ phrasesyou ned'below shows someptuases that can make you presentation easier to follow You will have to supply the contentyouself of coursel 4/ Signposts: these ale phrases ihat say (here you'ie 8oh8 in rpm\ of lh. mrin rup( - ol \ our r.rL ,? DcvploDi .op( tn, -e D"ri.e. d'e rrui-srCnpo-rwithin a topic. By cxplicitly saying what l.ou re gohg io talk abouinext, the audiencecan follow '' ... Or, ters mou" o. to rhe nexr poini, which is wmo enelgy ieclnology. The mdkei for wind tubines. is shifiing toom otrhore to oifslble. It might be Getu1 to give a liiile background hde. As you cd s@ on this ncxl sLide,onshore wind fams have several draivback: tust you ned a ieLiably windy iftatioo se€ondthe l d t u Ld . . ' " r p \ - - c l p o u u d . r . a n d t l u d t n p r ea r e . o m es e r i o b enginc.ring questions. What are these engineering questioro? Basically rhere are two issues.Firstlv,the stabiljtyof the struciuieas you make ir bigger md sccondLythe problemof hai ing the bladesalways facingthe wind. So the trend is towards offshore wind fams, ano n€ic are some a look ar this slide it shows thc designfor an offshorcturbine that sits on the surfaceof the sca. It's threetimes more efficientthan an onsho.e tu.binc oi equivalentsize. What is the reasonlor ihisT Thc reasonis that it usesa completelydif fereni design that isn't dependenton the wind clirection.There is a Ia.gc V'shapedst ucturewith rigjd'sails'mounted along its length.As the wind passes over thesethey act like ahfoils" and rhis gcnerateslift and htrns tho structureas a whole. I would like to stressthat this designis not yer in commcfcial production,but a prototype is currently being resredoff rhc coasrof Scodand. OK. Are ther€any questionsso far? Doesanyonehavc any (, Focus:theseplrases are also mini-signposts. Youle saying io the audience:'pl.ase pay extra alieniion for thc next few fromcnts'. 't Question answc. askinga qu€siionand rhen irFhpri.ri',our,lIi.d.anddrd rc.hni.lup.n publi. .pp.'\in8 Th. tuej ,'n , -clc, interer r ihc tnind of the listcn€rs,ihe answc. providesthe satisfactimof closure. I ttcfer to visralsr bc carefulnot to rclv too much on your slides.s thcy can sendpcoplc into a tranceof bor€dom.Di.cct aiiention back to vourselfofien. Ask fd contributions:stopat scvcralpoi'rts during the frain presentationkr takc questiors- it (rcai.s and makesthe p.csentationmore R..Lt thc presrntationextrnctin thL'ncrt columr,, q hich showssomc of thcsctechniquesand phrascs nr contc\t. The contc'ntin ihis cas. is rechnic.l - about wind en{rgy rcchnohgy. It Lookingjust at dlc first half of ihis cxtrad, norice how thc p,€seDtorguidcs the signposting t l r ' n . ' i n l ^ p i . r . ' r ' n g l h . r l! , m . b d c ( B r ^ u n d, : . u m i n gn c \ r .d i n c r i n gr r l e - n , {tru d , i d o r . ,- , n g . l qlrestionto createintcrest,focusingon iwo issues. Allof this makesthc preseniatioreasi& io follow. r \rinJ rurbinr:lallsrn'.trtrwrh pirrsrlrrato iumcdby lhewind,uscdtor " atlojl:.ud&l pid on af air.rnfi s wing rhir helps ir kl.i* in thc air The phrasesyou need B Signposts AK Lets nave an to Iturnaur attenttanto .. / takea loakat . . Thisleadsne to ny nextpoint, whid EarlierI nentianed .. l'llsaynorc abautthislater/ t'ltcome backta thisin a monent Justto digrcssfor a nonent, . . Develop a topi( It might be useful ta give a liftle Lets examine this in n,are detail. Let me explain with a.ancrete lt4y awn view an this is . . r0E Easically,. / Toput it sinply, 5a, tat me,thenain issuehercis ... Ithinkthe,earethreequestions to I would like to stress/ enphasi2ethat Reter to visuals As yau can seean thb nextJide . l'd like to highlighttuvothingson this table/ chan/diagtan ... What]s lnterestingan thls slidels . . I d hketa clrawyour aftentbn ta ... Ask for contributions Are theteanyquestionssa far? Question-answer Whatb the rcasonfar this?Thercason Doesanyonehaveanycomments? Hov\/doesthis relateto yau own Haw nuch is thisgoing to.ast? Well, the figues shaw .. 50 whatcanwe do aboutallthis?t'11 tellyou Weplan ta Presentations- closing and questions The following sequenceprovides a guide for how to end a Preseniation eflectively. i Signalihe end: lhis meansusing a tignposi' ptuaseto tell the audicnceexplicitly thai you're Soing1ofinsh. (See unit52 for ihe meaningof'signpost phrasc'.) :' Slmmarizc: summarizethe main points, md .dd a fcN obsen,ationsor detailsfor inte.est.fcrhaps hale bullci points on a final slide,and then girc a ]ilely commenl aboui whai reallv matiersf.r. cachone (a' Concludcryou can concludewiih. fliendlv commeni, a fnlalslidc (wiih a shong inag. or mcssagc),b! mentioninglh. benefitslorr talk h.s Encn thc audicncc, or by l@king Iomad to the futu.c - Mith a call io action or an nispnaiionalmessage.linall)t a strcng 'Th.nk lou all fo. coming' $ill hopefully p.oducc somc ipplausci Invite queslions:'Do )ou hire inv qucstions?is usunlly Dc.l s'ith qu.siions: tho b.sic ran8. oftechn\ues.rc: 1 ltcsFondpositivei\,', thrn ins$'cr 2 Cli,ify / Ask for repctition. :l ltc.lircci io thc qrcstioncr + Itodirccii() lhc g(ntP. 5 Dolav an i,nsx'cr 6 C o n t r o lt h c l i n i n S . Itead ih. prosentitiul cxhaci in iho ncxt colunu, $r1,.n sho$,ssonr. of thcsctcchrrquesind phriscs in contcrt. li is t h e c l o s i n gp . r t o f . ' w e l c o m i n gv i s i i r t r t p' r c s c n t a t ( . Right, that brings me io the end of my presentation. Justio summarizeihe main poinls again:Ibeganby telling vo! a littie about the hisiory of our compant and you saq' our growth from a smail family firm to the intemationaloperationthai we are ioday. f \ , r I r . ' . l p da D o - lu u r m J r l e r , . o h o w n p r . technologiesare openingup cxciting possibilitiesfor the Alter ihai I erplained horv customizationis at the heart oi our businessmodel our dienis all gei tailormade solutionsbasedon their individual needs. Finally I gale vou somc informaiion about our manulacturingptucess,.nd volr sarvhow we achleveour erceptionallevelsof qualit_vand pcrfornan.e. OK, l'd like to finish by savint thai it's . great pleasurc ror us to welcomevou heretuday,and I hope thai you enjoy the factory tolr which ac'vc plannedfor ),ou.Wc'lL siart on the toui after n sho.t brcak for refreshments. Thank you all for.ominS. (nptln!s.) l've 8ot somehandolrtsherc- l'll passthem round. Thcy show all the slidesI uscd in my talk and my conrrct ctctailsarc at the back. Do you haveany quick qucstionsbcforc wc brcak? Yes,the gentlemanat ihe back with thc rcd iic. Comparu l h o o p . n i n gi n u n i t 5 l w i t h t h . . l o s i n g c x t r a .kl ) thcsanreprus.ntntion.bovc. Th. pr.{ntcr ktd thc.udifn.a sllat shr s.! going to siy nt theopcning,.nd now hercit thecl(){ shorupoitsthc main pointsagaitr.lhis rcnrforfts the kev casnndm.kcs thcn easierio rcmembc'. fhe phrases you need t€ Sign:ll ih,o enrl Right,that bringsne nea y ta the end of my prcsentatian 5umnr:rize Just to sunnaize the rr,ain pointl aqaln, So, ta sumrnatize, we laoked at fout main points lbegan by tellitg yau a lttle abaut . Then I talked about Ahel that I explainedhow ... finally I td hke ta finish by taying Sa,tn canclusian,I hape that thls talk hasgivenyou ... Naw we haveto . / t'n askinga af you ta ... / our joh is Thankyau all for caning I hape it's been useful 110 Pr.!'iiczl inrtlerr t vegot samehandoutsherc. Heresmy emailincaseyauwantta get in tauch jnvite guestions Dayauhaveanyquestians? Yes,theqentienan/ ladyovel the,e^lnhtherccltte/ the blackjacket. Ilow if yau haveanyquestians,l'11do ny bestto answel D e a lw i t h q u e s l i o n s Thats a verygoadpoint / l'n qladyouaskedne that satry canyou explainthatagain? 5a, I I understandWU caftectly,you'reasking... Thatsan interesting questionWhatsyaurawn apinlonT Hasanyaneeheexpeiencedthe samething? I thinkthat outsidethescopeol thispresentatlan, but I m happyto discussit with you afteruvards. OK,lthtnkthete'stine fot anelartquestian. The languag€ of trends is important not iust fo. pres€ntatids, but ako for business leporls. You may want to des.ribe movemats in financial indicators (eg I,rofits, co6ts), sales md f,a*eting indicators (e8 sales,mark€t shaie), or @nomic indi@toE (eg inbr€st rat€s, unemploytlmt). Often this lan$age wiil be used to explain a graph or chart Many verbs descdbe the dtu€ction of movemerll st bility andInsrability Movementup and down I kll 90 doM / decrease . / +t\y'\+ \ tatgEr movemer{ up and doubleI takeofl I b@n / Jf Altemativel, you may want to rctur to tulnhg points or individual points: -l- '#is"""""lf V Hrhr"*. "". "poln$ Indlvidual polnts on a | Someverbsdescribea changein size,and othe$ saywhetherthings ar€good or bad: 'm#,Tx!,r*'t^y h, I i;0,."". Good/ bad Ctrangein siz€ o-O*o I sales I To makeyour descriptionmor€a€curateyou canthen talk aboutthe speedand amountof dange: co|EidenblyI significantly n&Btely I to sone adent -r- Try alsoto get the piepositionright: Salesstoodat €1.2n Saleshercased W il.2i, | 15% Salesroselfttn €1.2to A.4n Thqe was atinq?tse in s,'lesol €0.2n And finaly think about the verb forE|Time pedod complete (past simpl€) satesmse W 2% last quttet. Action / situ.tion in pmgr€ss in th€ pasl (prst coniinuo8) Things wrc ersiet in the conwry alew yarc ago,while profts wee tui'tg. Time perioil noi complete (pEsent peifect) Pnfts haoe n6efl EignifranttV this vear. ker€nt reEult of a pdt action (pr€6€nt perfect) Showirg that one pat €v€nt happened before dother (past pe ect) B4oft tte cEo ftsignd ptufts had tbeady lo enby20% h'awr. 'will'tulur€ for geneial b€liel6, pr€dictioB dd lads Pncesh@e nsen because of highs naterhk risLs. On dt lpditors ui Action / situation in prcgBs now (present Infatiofl is tising at the ,noment. lace ttu *nE Wbbig as us. 'going to'frt|E when there is stroag F€seni evidene for a pEdiction E eryW tu?s o1Enew plodu.t line - 1'1nsffi it's goins to be o succ5s. All the language above Efers ro describing tl€nds. In lmit 55 you'tl s€€ some language for analrzing trends. 112 ) Presentations - trends ll Unit 54 gave somelanguagefor desc.ibingtrends.But in a Presentationor report vou will probablv alsohaye to gire someanalysis.Yo!, nray irali b gn,e reasonsfor the hends, to show iheir results,o. to Biveadditional information. Rcid ll'r- p\r-.r lror in .-rr1r,lprp.ent.rri. . 1rl\/. .B rSalcsfor ihe fn'sthalf of the ve.r $'ere disappointing, mainly becauseof the lack ofnew prodrct lines. ':How.ver,r!€ launchedhro new lines in ]une and p r o no r . d l l ' e n s , r h r . l r o l g m J r le r i r L. i n p r r A n o l e r ihe surmer. rAs a res!lt of lhis cimpaign, snlesbeganto imp.ovc. {Ev the end ofAugusi th.\'r'ere 10.r higher on : ) c J t r o r F y ct.,rFr i - ./ l l l ' o u E hl h . f e L l l " . r ^ r B . r i n . \ p r Septenrbc!and Ociober Scntcncct h.sthestrrctl,rc'.csult' (lis.ppoirting s.lcs) 'rcison (Lr.k of ncu |.oducl lnrcs) S€nience3 has thc 'res!lt (salesb.gan sltr,clurc 'r.ison' (ihis c.nrpiign) l(' i'npu'c). Thd worls /',rr,!s. (t. nsd ^r/r o/ nnd dr. r,, . . f a l l L r cl n i i f R r i ( f c c I i n d s . n i . n . . 3 i n . s i t n i l a r S.ntcr(L 2 lr.gins with ,onti).,,.rn!l ihis $or!l adds aa . r . r r L ' n ' u - J r r ' \ , r , r n ( . 1( L l . , i l r r h t . ( \ r { r . Riton.u. fhf ilo'l1s ,.rfa drdl,d,ris anli.r(, !, c<1n . r l lb o u s o . li n . r s i n r i l . rw i r l h c \ . ' r ei l l f ( n l ( \ ! c d t r ! . 1 Sontcn.crt hasdl/l,drr/,ii thc middlc of th. scnirncc This wdd t()l'lucesan idta th.t is su$risnrg afier n pre\ bus idL'nin thc snm. s.nicrc.. Comp.rc Mith /],)nr'..r (hich rcius backtoil differcDlsonllrrcc. ,4lir.rsr..n nlso b. nscd al thl' bcginning of n senien.., blri ih. N\o cont| .rL'still ii thL' scnt.n..: Altharsh srlcsroft ltish.tttt th. aitl of Arlrit, th.ttl.ll lr[k ,Srn' t, -st/.rlb The sards r//ror.!/, .nd d., rrdr.!1,cin be uscd nr a snnih. sav Now read ihis ne\t e\tract from ihc sam. prcs.ntation. 5Thisdrop h srles over Scptcmberan.] Octoberled to a seriesofmeetings s'herewc cxaminedour whole shategvin d.pth. !'Chrishnaswas approaching,an.t the Chr;tmas scasonproducesa largc p.rt of our amual sales.TMoreovcr,we h,erelosing narkei shareto our main .omPetiior 3As a result,we in.reasedour advertjsing budget for Novcmber and Decenber and chalgcd ou use of differentmedja.'yOutdooradloiising on biilboards, b$es and bus stopsinc.eased,while our a.1lertisingiI magazinesand newspapersdecrcasert. Sentcnce5 has the sblcturc 'reason (drop in sales) 'result Geriesof treeiings).The sentenceusesLhelerb 'lead io' io expiessthis. The lerbs /.ad lo dd,"rr/1tr ce be used ina similar Far. 1i.{ Senience7 usesMdfurc/ to giv. additional information that supporis the previoussentence.Th€ words Molcoret Furthuinrc anll Llladtliti can all be usedin a similar sa\: Thevle all folloved by a coma. Sentencc6 usesAs d rerrll b give ihe r€suli of the oltltir Pre\ious sentence.The wotds As n rc.uU,Bccnuse and T/,.relof.can allbe used in a simihr rvay.They'rc all foll$led bv. comma. Sentencet has r'/ril. in the middle of ihe senience.This n"r,\.. -ir.lp,.-ri. lFl*.cn tw,, .! \..(.np.rr. with dllllorl.q/l $,herethereis a scns. ofsurprise ) The rro.ds nt!/. and a'llRrr c.n bc uscd h i similar way. The tablebcloi! pr€sentsall this languagctogcthcf.Noic that some$ ords lik. A.drrs. d/ and tr sfilr, (,farc foLlorvcd immediatelvbv n noun phrase,whilc othcnvords likc 8.n s. and 1,,sril!..,tir. /ir.r rrri are rdlowcd by a subject+ B(rt! 8&?r! ,t:tit. ht :pit. t)f the nrketu'g.rhpnip n lrn(,!rt\,., n\$ttt. r,c tdd d ,!rt.rtr{ tdkl i! h llrt, srtt! r\.nns.d. offhe poor tu.nth.t i't ltu, t$ ... ol tht tit(t tllat th.t. ens pot t\\ttl1( r1 lrl1t,sdl$ .. fhe phrases you need t€ Reason result {ie (ause consequen(e) Because af / Dueta / As a .esultof + noln phrase, 8 F Q u , a D u a- o - h p . a .rtr a + , . b a r , , a . o reIetrn9 to the prevo!s sentenc€ Eecauseof ths. / As a result,/ Thercforc, lea.l to / rcsult in Result reason (ie consequence becauseof / as a rcsuhof / due to cause) Making a simple (ontrast . whtle / whereas Adding a surprising or unexpected idea Hawevet,/ Neveftheless, / Evensa, ]n spneat / Despne+ rcun pftase, ]n splteaf th-. fact that / Despir€the lact thai + sublecl . , although / even though Althaugh / Eventhaugh , Giving additional information Morcover, / Fufthemate, / ln additian, . Seeunit 69 for other e ords like As r, Horrdoel and &l.r?dfdr that begin a senten e by making a link to the Presentations - review s5.1 Matchthe beginningof each phrase1-10with its correct€ndinga-j. 1 oK, et's.. t2 l{ youhave.nyquenions, i 3I'comeback.. 4 I v€ d videdmytalk. . 5 Jlst to digress for 6 LetSexamne this. 8 My own view.. i 9 OK,that'sa want.. 10 Right,etsbegn ... b gel n:rted. Caneverybody see? d rntothreeman pans. f g h i j on to the secondpoint please fee freeto interrupt. to thisin a rnoment. w1htheli6t 5ide. to eayaboutthe frrstpo nt Continu€as before. I I Asyoucans€e l2 beganbytelllng yoLr. l3 'd likeusto 14 J!stto summarize 15 Letmeexpain .. 16 Now do 17 Rghi,ihaibrngsmeto.. l8 Thank yo! all.. 19 Thisleads me .. 20 Whats thereason.. 56.2 Completethe diagrambelowso that it indudesall the twenty phrases from 56.1.Youwill seethat €ight phras€shavealreadyb€enused.Findand write the othertwelve phras€sby matchingthem with a pictureclue. Openir|g AK, bts get statTedCaneverybadysee? 4t 2\^,nru frrR l 2 First po;nr tet s begin $/ih the fist slide ff+,:-' m il' O /(D1 I V4 <l-\ ,\ .AE; q I | f 0(- du 5e.ond point 6 )t k a ttle about . Then explained how Afterrh.t talkedaboui l'11came backta thtsin a moment 8 Id likeus to focusou aftentionan two thingson thischart Third point Thisleadsneto ny thid point, which focusour attentionon two th ngs on for cominqand hope for th s?Thereason is . fn {WJ 'w e At( p the €ndof my presentation. the man po nteaq. n beforeI fin sh. to myth rd po nt, whichis . . t wth a concrete exar.ple. Justto summaize the matnpaints Righathat bringsme to the end ),, ai*> * ( Now,da yau haveany questions? wh€n you finish,look backat the whole sequenceand readthe phrases aloud.Canyou seehow th€se'signpostphrases'helpthe audienceto lollow the presentaiion? Il6