c IAe new ll Jllfl of IIIVitl ffJ 01ill1r SERIES VII I, VOL. X Speaker, Petitions, Meetings Highlight Government Week ""' ,, ~ ~~ nj ""' \967 THE NEW POINTER ;.S;\\1 Sigma 1be Sl£· bln.~rd " "' P!cdgu ar dud<': M D dtnt\ Tom PauiPickt Evaluate For Yourself- 1"('1\Jolmw V('~. ~ }"lorlanno, llender~n. Mar«KK. !Uch.<rd:«< &hmldt. Stron,. Kl \\'ittemort ..-on~:r:.tu\a . to th6t t P luM I< the' •tmH IW'atl D.u ;:..:""...~ """ ""'" -~·~ ., peo:tinljt' "pressure cooker environment'' His l"('!>ll Se•·e l lt)"l't , 21. ~nlor, 412 Hytr Hall from StockbridCf', Wil., majorinaln mat h. Sure o:tt....._una 11 here, but wh:~t can be dorM! about U! It -1111 to me tha i •tutll~nr. lh ·e In a p~uure...-ooker f~· ••Ironment: examination, problems o f ch~ing :1 majm·, l<'~r of the tlratr. compolltion lor emrnn<"e Into eradautc kh<M lncreulng knowledge r~uln-d byla te.chnologlc-.tl .oo.·~·t} !iquln"t'l..,a~exlitence,ctl'• Try to •n~wer the.e questions. Why do tt'n pfrt'l'm of Americ•n C"'Oik!Je studt nr . - ht'alth !iOrVIres psy<"holo~:l•ti ami ~dtlatrhilll durlna • n ac-atlcmtc year? Why dot'• L.'-D •ntl Pot I'Xit;l on rollegll <"llmjlUM!t~ Why dor~ tht l'turk-111 Senate 11-11\'ll iO .bulld • ~ldflWalk to the PtH.Ir lhu.s 1111d H•a• Bam~ Why do IO[illomol""@l> •lump. j uniors &ct ulrer~ 1111~ fitlfllon ao on LSD trip~. Jt we ha•·e to want tu ~uce cheating we h~•·e to alle\lat@ p~uure. This rould be done. In Plitt, by illltllutln~ n Jlll•~·la11 ir&dlng ~)'ltmn or some 1)'1\0fn of it'udtnc which would ~lmu­ l&tc the compctUh·e Pl"t'l~ l.l ~~ of the "~al world.~ t'rom rny peTIIOnalpolnt of\'k!w l think It'l l Httl<' un)u•t maklne: ~tudentl .competo with Cod, Eln5ttln ilnd 1\('nrM:\ly wu !Uh doo'\ 111'( the:>:ltiT thrrc. Ill· hit te~st SI'CIInlp ~hkl' ......, ......B thl'lint '63-'SI. I 1'011. 0<1\ Uuk"''~kl ........ "'" thrff '"OI ttr!llerr 11te N hlld \0 felt ~ "' mut h m tlonson n th~n Nlen>'kl' (whkh 1 "'"""P u tn'" b Rlchnrd Stan Ra and G"r i.'ben, ::!'::!ur . "''el"('lld Jerry !I manar. "'" ""' l.hlpto : i 111Ltlfl stitutlon outli~WI thto!ll andtb followed amplu m e<.: tin& third T Ut ls r ~1"1 \0 but ill all KG wards. a! <. We ""',.~ thelrr """"' but Is !"It!lid """ ~·~.. ' "edl~ l . lng. lt ramblt """' clall)' Nltmsl notortf be lit,·! cam!"' ha•-e : <'II~. '" thee• cham! -·" ""' .. INII& Nlcm1 I m uch in the I ~ ,_., ·-· Nlcn" siblc ~~... ,. :i .• Wisconsin State University Dear Editor. Our ooilq:e [ood HI'\'IC<' hu ::::~~~~;J?.;;I~~7~:!~·~~~~~i~:r1?:::~~~:= :g~fi~!fE.~ .... (4,..,.,..,..,,1- t..< f o,., thl.,d lloo,.. A.,.:OI. lOOV'""'' "' ' ' " "lc.,., u.o.. -C..Io , •.,. ll"l<o. S u i• lloll. • - tol. r.... 191 . lnlt.ance.the w~~,.., nlni! l lt-dolro-ndlnner , aconst.ant aour« of trrlllltlon. 1llt! food , 11 varl('d little, thC' Jervl~e b 1ilow .,od aporadlc. 'lllt! hapleu dl~r haaablolutclynoltlyln the matter of where he alb and, unleu he «<mH with a croup. he hu no choice In the ~li,II,U.Oot-- lloldt<o,"•..,.• Hoii. I- IOI. l><.:fO c.u......... ...~ ~·-.. - Al -4ioli. , _ Cion&l.oliMMo..l "-a.lls-itlo,S..U. ll•h, a - : OI, &u.!l) w•. man..- ol ll'hDm he alb with. Once •e •t <' d, the diner munchH on the Nme type of 111lad he h.ad thC' " "Hk bffo.-.. He thC'n taPI hll ftnatti.IPI an tha tabletop and maku 1mall oon~,..alkln with hi• ~luc\.lnt ~"""" o...M~~ Iof.......,..So...;....r....u' w.. ClilfoH c-. u-.;.. ,,__, w..;. s.m..... r.... m m" ~~~.i ~~'!i;~;E! =~=:~. ~=·~u~~~ :=- ~-:r.:. ~s:~~~E ~~:~.~ ~:: 1 lHil":"~" ,..' ' tact" UidtbeJ[rilan~tf. . 11 ,i April 6, 1967 Page ;, SUNDAY AFTERNOON JAM SESSION , 2-4 AND SUNDAY NilE FROM 7-11 TRY OUR RADIO DISPATCHED DELIVERY SERVICE BEEF - SAUSAGE - MEATBALL SANDWICHES SPAGHEnl - RAVIOLI PIZZAS PHONE H4-9557 949 MAIN SUMMER JOBS ..,,."'. FOR STUDENTS II BRAT BARN SUPPER HOUR- - 4-7 . "BRAT PLUS TAP BEER" ••• SOc "2 STEAKS PLUS TAP BEER" $1.00 61 Ford $695 2 dOOI' hardtop, 6 automatic traru ., 2-tant. 4th week. Very clean. 61 Chrysler $895 Full power, stereo tape included. 61 Thun' bird $ 1195 2 daof" hardtop, bucket seats, full power with OPEN: 4 P.M. MONDAY IHRU THURSDAY 2 P.M. FRIDAY· SATUROAY · SUNDAY l===============i:ll ~e~~~:er:~:a.. $595 full power, per· feet shape! 60 Chevrolet $595 2 door. 6 cylinder, stand· ard uans. with overdrive. oi daof", THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU Applications now being accepted for summer jobs with major corporation. Students 18 yrs. of age & over wonted to learn marketing, soles promotion, & brand ident ificat ion techniques during summer period. High level executive management training courses given to qualified applica nts. Solory $105 per wk. for first 3 wks. $130 per wk. plus bonuses starting SCHOLARSHIPS HIGH PAY win one of IS $1,000 scholarships earn ot least S 1,500 for the summer student - make $3,000 and more. TRAVEL SEE EUROPE Work anywhere in U.S. or Canada. Qualified students may work overseas. Win all expense paid holiday in Europe for on entire week.· { OFFICES IN MOST CITIES IN THE U.S.~. AND.OVER~AS G.rold SCAFFIDI BUICK BUICK • OPEL • GMC U~J~·c~ 'm.t~OO S.nd lnum• to: Or Phone: ltrtrr~on ~~":.::,~a\•:lldlnt 208 E. Wl•con•ln A'l'tnut Mllwauku, Wiuontln A.C. 414 276-4119 ... •·" 1967 THE NEW Placement Opportunities Thurmaier 11_"'·"""~.·~·-~,h~~~-·w.m,::'~"\~rv~~:.'n,~ t~t~"_t,:~G-:.~~~~3: Discusses _, "'•"•h. K•·~ Polymers ,__.. ;,:·-;;:·,;;;--;:•=:-~,~~:~·,:·;-,;-_ The "''"'·- ""''"""' ~~'~" ,,'Y!~:.!~~ :•..~·~:.:O.',,~;mi ""''"' Scene \~~u:.:;;:;:·•. :::;c ••: 1.,..,... ._ _ _...,_ _ __ • "· •• _,,...... .... ··• "'"-•-' t da~o~~~=~~~.~.·t:;'~~ o.ut~~~r~~~~~t!n ~~~r~~~~~ ~~~ :,"!!~~~O:eeJ,:~$!~a f~·~~ ot~~o~~~~~:~e~~:~~~~~"pta~ ~~~c n::=r:n ~~~n~~~~~~~::.m.::.. '':t~~~~~~ l:h:~~~z!~::j ~·Y:;~~l~ ?:;)o~:~::~·.~~~::'s:)~~k~~~~~c~hltt~rtnta A lillie o•·er a week ago the ~dunk" ahot In b~sketbllll was !,~~~·:·~~w~~·nx.r~:u~ 1o;h~_:.~~eAt~~~~. t~~~~ 51ti~ A~~· 1:.':n·~r~n:;~· cau.&e o f the banning. howei·er. One .,..a$(1nwasthelnjurlesaulfered b)' players whlleauemptlng the shot AriOther "''llll the damage cau!ird to the bllckboard and the . rim ol the basket by sueh shots. At least two gamuhadtobecanecolcdlntheU.S. beeauseolbrokenrlms or backhoard5. while others "''e""' held up until rt'paln "'~"fth~~~e. the 'dunk" shot was a real crowd p~a~. 1 don'tthlnkthatbuketballaroundheo elsgoln~:tosuffe r _,.,; ··"'" "" .:••• :. 1 because ~he only Ume that shot wu n!!ally u$00 was durlnr warmuP" 10 gel rea;'lons fro~ the c:ro~·d. Wllh the snow gone and the ground •~arting to dry up ·"' ••. ..c "'"'"" ~.!~~~~·\:~t..,.~h!.~r.,~nt:r.-;t.~:/~~~-~~:.u~:;;:r be~~~. ~: nuw begun wot•klng out outsltk. The balWball team ~hould also be mo• lngouo oftheannex>iOOn. The tenn ls teamh u al50 bef:Un practice and the golf team ~hould be starting ~ho rtl)'. As the "arslt)' •ul<lt-tl rohlft outdoor~ 1;0 Ito the intr.om uraJ sport~~o Softball. tra~k . golf and tennis "''Ill be ofte.,..d u "'ell as a relay meet. This will g l\'e c•'l'ryone theo t>O•·•unlt)' to ~:e~ : lltlle e~erdsc In ;he frellh spring ai r. it Major league bascbll ll wm begin ahortly anrl • lot of chan~:esha\'cta kenplace. Trades ha"e ~nfixturessuch u Ed Mathe"'S· Roger Marls, Clete Boyer. Maury Wills, BIU Wh it<• and Ca mllo PaS<'ual change! uniforms. ,\Jso gone Is &Indy 1\oufax who retired from baseball to ~:o Into sports hroad~astlng. To make 11ny prcdi~Uons thl~ year. 1;11 h11•·e 1 '"'t-:~.,;·~,:~:,.;";~ :~~ ~ ~~!'C'!'~~~~~~!!.!!.·•-,tc_c_•"__.,,_.__-.:.i t.,c: ;·..o:c:;;·;:.;:.:c·o:= 111 "'· !.?b~~·~e g!t~"; 0C:,u"':,tB !t~)'ba~l: t1~~~fd j;:t 1t~ 1 !~~re~~~ ~~"'.h~~~h:l);. n~~~ "~~ ~re'!?~~~~~~~~~ 0~e~~ "~~ -- 1111me time. same column,~•l):r_ . - T. THE POUR HAUS "HAPPY HOUR" 6-8 P.M., MONDAY lhru SATURDAY ,., ·S While Shopping Slop lor a Snack! Homemade Pies, Cookies ,, . ran ·l~n ,.,.,' ' '" 16-0Z. B0CKET OF "REAL GUSTO" Ope" Dally 5:30 A.M . . 2:00 A.M. '"'' " ):1111 'u m Closed Monday Nights I )' I AI 6:00 P.M. And All D1y Sund1y JUST ARRIVED!! )U Another Shipment Of V.M. & PHILCO Portable STEREOS im Ni -ONE ONLY· PORTABLE, SOLID STATE STEREO, $39.9S DETACHABLE SPEAKERS HARMONICAS FROM $2.00 ALL THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC JIM LAABS MUSIC ~· . '· Nl 928 MAIN lr.E ~:! "" • Excellent Salary ~ $6,000 up Liberal Pension Pion Paid Sick Leov.e Tenure After Three Yurt e Promotion Within Syste m Profe11ionol Growth f!l~i'!::i'ii:c::~ FOR INFORMATION ON CERTIFICATION AND EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES, WRITE: Hamburgers ... 18' French Fries ... 15' Milk Shakes ... 25' Come on! Interest yourself Today In Zee Elegant NecessarY Savings. account at ~~·R..Y// ~~-. WIKOH NATIONAL •ANIC ..N ''Hoist the Citizens um-brella of savings for a rainy day!" ~Robbyi 312 DIVISION ST.