Rru-ACAD,lrGS,f05 contml llo. ilOtOGICAt U IT II'E RSTTY Citles of Mandaluyong and Paslg RIZAL IECH I]CBET trcAs ]err ICED UGS QIPE JANUARY0t 2023 SdroolYcan &2-&i, Setncsler: 2dSaneeEr ilameof Strdcnt: YcrrLerril ]TANA$GATI FerdlV t{o olUilts Enrdlcd; SPVgfn v. CHAMf,ilE]f,AN|E ilm Glnn lLmG ilo. of Urilti Feilcd/Droppcd: nE(uE I vrouH rill IFOrftlDrclo nc b Equest for raadmlsslon OX WAn re StAllrs ln thc Coll€fE urder the foliowlq oondftlonsr enroll th. hibd/dropp.d subtsct/s durllB the sdiool yGer. 2. I lrfll carry a lmum academk bad b be dccl&d by dE DGen .nd/or fie D€pertment Head. 3. I wlfl folow the .cademh pollcles on owdcd, p.e-requlCt s. co-rcquutes ald scquence of sblects sc@rdlng to ttle 1. I m orrkulum prognm whs! I .m €nrolled. 4. I will abide by the rules, polhies, orders, and memoranda being enforced by the University. Recommendlng Approval: ActbnTaken: /l // &partment llead Apsowd Dbapproved Recommendation:_ Dcen Rizal Technologkal U niverslty EffeaivftyApril2016 Rerylsed0 IrrrnAcADlrc$F{trE Control t{o._ RIZAT IECHilOIOGICAI. UT{II'ERSTTY Cltles of Mandaluyong and Pasit trCAS OCBEI trGS *r,t ECED trIPE JANUARY05,2023 SdtoolYcen M:t-i&2l Scmcstcr: 2ndSemrnr ilemoof Studem ilo. durdti Emullcd: Ycerl.ocl iilDYEfn mAnA$G t{ CH,lNtIilE UAME Fldlyllamc Orcn ILmG ilo. of Udtr feflcd/Orcppc4 flwfittic$an iErQt E IFOtiEAffitq{ 3 rEqu$t for r€sdmbCm ln ColBa undertha followlrf,condi{lom: 1. I wtl enroll tha fdled/drcpped sublecvs dudlf, the sctrool rer. I would llle 2. I wfll carry a 3. I wifl follow tt b mdrum academic lood to bG ffi bV tle Deal ad/or thr Dcportmcnt ltead. the academk polkies olr oGrload, pra-rcqdstt s, crcqu&lEs end s€quene of $blcct. eccodilt to th€ ornkulum program where lam enrolled. 4. I willabide by the rules, policies, orders, and memoranda being enforced bythe University. RecommendlngAppronl: Action Taken: Approved Disapproved // // Department Head Recommendatbn:_ Dean Rlral Technologhal Unhersity Revlsed 0 Etrectivi:y April 2Ot6