Deloy, Paul Dominic F. BSIT - ELXT 2B Module V: Science and Culture Pre-test: WHAT YOU KNOW CHART Directions: On the first column of the chart below. Write your answer to the questions based on your ideas. Please leave the third column blank for now. WHAT I KNOW The most obvious effect of science has been its medical and technological applications, with the accompanying effects on health care, lifestyles, and social structures. Science affects society in a variety of areas, including basic ones like transport, industry, economy and technology. Questions 1. What I Learned ( Activity #) In what ways Science is the comprehension of natural science affect laws, while technology is the application of scientific knowledge in creating culture? products or tools that improves lives. Culture provides the social platform and shared values that bring and keep people together. Society helps determine how its 2. In what ways Our culture is a scientific one, defining resources are deployed to fund culture affect what is natural and what is rational. Its scientific work, encouraging values can be seen in what are sought science some sorts of research and out as facts and made as artefacts, what discouraging others. Similarly, are designed as processes and products, scientists are directly and what are forged as weapons and influenced by the interests and filmed as wonders. needs of society and often direct their research towards topics that will serve society. Activity #1: Skill-building Activities DevelopmentActivity Directions: Enumerate the following: Five (5) cultural-personal factors that influenced scientists: 1. THE JOY OF SCIENCE. For most scientists, a powerful psychological motivation is curiosity about "how things work" and a taste for intellectual stimulation. 2. METAPHYSICAL WORLDVIEWS. Metaphysics forms a foundation for some conceptual factors, such as criteria for the types of entities and interactions that should be used in theories. 3. IDEOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES are based on subjective values and on political goals for "the way things should be" in society. These principles span a wide range of concerns, including socioeconomic structures, race relations, gender issues, social philosophies and customs, religions, morality, equality, freedom, and justice. 4. OPINIONS OF "AUTHORITIES" can also influence evaluation. The quotation marks are a reminder that a perception of authority is in the eye of the beholder. Perceived authority can be due to an acknowledgment of expertise, a response to a dominant personality, and/or involvement in a power relationship. 5. SOCIAL-INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS. These five factors (psychology, practicality, metaphysics, ideology, authority) interact with each other, and they develop and operate in a complex social context at many levels — in the lives of individuals, in the scientific community, and in society as a whole. Characteristics of Science culture: 1. Empirical 2. Unique 3. Holistic Ways by which science affects culture: 1. medical and technological applications 2. changing expectations and realities 3. contributes and ensuring a longer and healthier life II. FormativeAssessment Directions: Read and understand the comparison between the two concepts below, then answer as directed. SCIENCE AFFECTS CULTURE The most obvious effect of science has been itsmedical and technological applications, with the accompanying effects on health care, lifestyles and social structures. But sciences also influence culture in may modern societies, by playing a major role in shaping cultural worldviews concept, and thinking patterns. Sometimes, this occurs by the gradual diffusion of ideas from science into the culture. At other times, however, there is a conscious effort, by scientist or nonscientists, to use ― the authority ofscience‖fortheoreticalpurposes,toclaim that scientific theories and evidence support a particular belief system or politicalprogram. CULTURE AFFECTS SCIENCE How does culture affect science? Some influences occurs as a result of manipulating the ―science affects culture‖. If society wants to obtain certain types of science-based medical or technological applications, this will influence the types of scientific research that society supports with its resources. And if scientist have already accepted some cultural concept, such as metaphysical and/or ideological theories, they will tend to prefer (and support) scientific theories that agree with these cultural-personal theories. Enumerate ways how cultural affects science Enumerate ways how science affects culture. Scientists' values and beliefs are influenced by the larger culture in which they live. 1. medical and technological applications Society helps determine how its resources are deployed to fund scientific work, encouraging 2. changing expectations and realities some sorts of research and discouraging others. 3. contributes and ensuring a longer and healthier life Activity #2: What I Know Chart Directions: After you learned all these things are about science and culture, you are now ready tofill-up the third column of the ―What you know Chart‖in pre-test. Activity #3: Check for Understanding Direction: Identify what is asked for: 1.All activities of science areinfluencedby C A.Cultural-personalfactors B.thought-styles C. bothA&B 2.The following factors influence scientist in theory evaluation,except B A.Intellectualcuriosity B.Financialsecurity C.Personalopinion 3.Science and culture are mutually interactive. It meansthat: C A.Scienceaffectsculture B. Culture affects culture C. bothA&B 4.The following are characteristics of scientific culture,except B A.Dissent B.proactive C.originality 5. had a strong influence on cultural values all over theworld. A A. True B. False Activity #4: Thinking about Learning Which of the following best describes your understanding on the relationship of science and culture? Shade the box of your choice. CLEAR (I get it! I thoroughly understand theconcept) BUGGY ( I understand it most of the concept, but there are few things that I can’t) MUDDY (I don’t get it at all)