Step 1 Obtain your 20 data points (10 initial mass and 10 final mass) Step 2 For each final and initial mass find the % change (final-initial/initial) Step 3 In Excel enter your 5 % change values for water and 5 % change values for other Step 4 Ask Excel to calculate MEAN by clicking fx and choosing AVERAGE. It will prompt you to identify the range of values that you want to choose to calculate the mean from. Repeat for each treatment (water v other). Step 5 Same procedure but ask Excel to calculate the STDEVA for each data group. You will have five points of data that you are highlighting for each calculation. Repeat for each treatment (water v other) Step 6 Highlight your two MEANS and labels. On your iPad you will choose “Insert” and “Chart”. Choose column and click the first column illustration that it gives to you. Step 7 Manually add error bars that represent your SD values for each treatment. For example: If my SD is 2 I would draw an error bar that extends 2% above and below my mean. Step 8 Go to the link for the t-test calculator. Enter your 5 % change values for treatment 1 (water), 5 % change values for treatment 2 (other). Scroll to the bottom of the page and IN BLUE it will tell you the results of your t-test.