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Infant Incubator Design for Jaundice Treatment

University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila
Project Title
Design and Development of an Incubator for Infant
Children Surfing from Jaundice
Submitted by :
Submitted to: Engr Syed Turab Naqvi
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology Taxila
Table of Contents
Introduction of an Incubator…………………………………………………..3
Background of Jaundice Disease……………………………………………..4
Jaundice ………….…………………………....………………….…………..4
Goals and objectives…………………………………………………………..7
Future scope and study………………………………………………..….…..8
Industry Analysis……………..………………………………………….…..8
Market Size……………….………………………………………..…..…..10
Operations Plae………….……………………………………………..…..11
The preterm infant care is one of the most important, delegate and sensitive area in the Bio-medical
field. Some newborns suffer from dangerous diseases that makes them high-risk babies. Also birth
weight and genetic factors also make them highly vulnerable for dangerous diseases, that increases
their risk of mortality. These babies require surrounding exactly similar as in the womb to cope with
the external environment. The purpose of this project is to design and develop an incubator to
regulate temperature, humidity and light intensity using artificial yellow light to avoid jaundice
condition. Our incubator will include special lights to help reduce jaundice, a yellowing of a baby’s
skin and eyes. Newborn jaundice is common and can occur when babies have a high level of
bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced during normal breakdown of red blood cells.
First Infant incubator was invented in the year 1860.Tanier, a Frenchman, observed premature
babies dying within couple of days after birth. He realized that the world needed a way to prevent
babies from death. Infant Incubators are now used in all hospitals in the world.
Jaundice refers to the yellow appearance of the skin that occurs with the deposition of bilirubin
in the dermal and subcutaneous tissue. Normally in the body, bilirubin is processed through the liver,
where it is conjugated to glucuronic acid by the enzyme uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferase
(UGT) 1A1. This conjugated form of bilirubin is then excreted into the bile and removed from the
body via the gut. When this excretion process is low following birth, does not work efficiently, or is
overwhelmed by the amount of endogenously produced bilirubin, the amount of bilirubin in the body
increases, resulting in hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice.
Jaundice occurs in as many as 60% of all normal newborns within the first week of life. Jaundice
in the newborn can occur from an underlying pathological condition, such as isoimmune hemolysis
or an RBC enzyme deficiency. However, it is more commonly due to the normal physiological
inability of the newborn infant to process bilirubin adequately due to the combined effects of
increased RBC turnover and a transient deficit in bilirubin conjugation in the liver. This type of
nonpathologic jaundice is referred to as physiologic jaundice of the newborn.
In most infants with physiologic jaundice, bilirubin concentrations do not rise to a point that requires
treatment. However, in some infants with exaggerated physiologic jaundice, and in many infants
with pathologic jaundice, bilirubin in the blood reaches very high concentrations that put the infant
at risk for acute and chronic bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus). In these cases, treatment aimed
at decreasing bilirubin concentration is required in order to avoid kernicterus. Etiologies of
hyperbilirubinemia in newborns are provided in the image below.
Effective treatments to decrease bilirubin levels in infants with severe jaundice include
phototherapy and exchange transfusion.
The effect of light on jaundice in neonates, and the ability of light to decrease serum bilirubin levels,
was first described by Cremer et al in 1958.This observation led to the development of light sources
for use in the treatment of infants with hyperbilirubinemia, a treatment now referred to as
phototherapy. Since its inception, phototherapy has been effectively used as a relatively inexpensive
and noninvasive method of treating neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. The decline in the number or
exchange transfusions in recent years is, at least in part, likely a direct reflection of the effectiveness
of phototherapy at treating hyperbilirubinemia. In modern neonatal ICUs (NICUs) exchange
transfusions are rare and are only used as a rescue therapy to avoid kernicterus in newborns with
severe jaundice when phototherapy is inadequate.
At its most basic, phototherapy refers to the use of light to convert bilirubin molecules in the body
into water soluble isomers that can be excreted by the body. The absorption of light by normal
bilirubin (4Z,15Z-bilirubin) results in the creation of 2 isomeric forms of bilirubin: structural isomers
and configurational isomers. The main structural isomer of bilirubin is Z-lumirubin. The main
configurational isomer of bilirubin is 4Z,15 E -bilirubin. Configurational isomerization is reversible,
and structural isomerization is irreversible. Both the configurational and structural isomers of bilirubin
are less lipophilic than normal bilirubin and can be excreted into bile without undergoing
glucuronidation in the liver. Some of the configurational isomers of bilirubin, however, revert back to
the native form after excretion into bile and can be reabsorbed via enterohepatic circulation in the
gut. Structural bilirubin isomers, like Z-lumirubin, can also be excreted in the urine.
The absorptions of light by bilirubin also results in the generation of excited-state bilirubin molecules
that react with oxygen to produce colorless oxidation products, or photooxidation products. This
process occurs more slowly than configurational or structural isomerization. Photooxidation products
are primarily excreted in the urine. The image below provides a schematic of the conversion of
normal bilirubin to configurational isomers, structural isomers, and photooxidation products and the
respective routes of excretion from the body.
Incubators have vast scope in health sector. The global infant incubators market size is
expected to reach a valuation of US$ 327.9 Millions by the end of 2022, and further expand at a
at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2022-2032. The market is likely to reach an estimated valuation of
~US$ 518.2 Millions by 2032. By product, intensive care incubators are leading the market and
and had generated a share of about 72.3% in 2021.
If we do simple modifications in our incubator we can use the incubator.
1. For infants with premature birth.
2. As a monitoring system
3. As Chicken incubation
The future work is focused on the implementation of the monitoring system to monitor all the
pathological parameters of infants in all the hospitals with common physician/consultant. Oral
temperature will show a time dependent increase in value after capture; heart rate and respiration
rate will stabilize over time. A positive correlation exists between heart rate, potassium, and lactate
concentration amongst healthy captured manatees. In future there is many implementation can take
place ,like ECG monitoring ,proper oxygen supply controlling and above all the controlling system
will automatically on or off. As there will given a particular set point for different parameters ,the
controller will automatically on if the measuring value goes below the set value and the controller
will automatically off if the measuring value goes high compare to the set value. There is also a
possibility of replace the power source by solar cell. In rural area there is a big problem in supplying
of electricity .So this problem will also overcome in future implementations
Industry Analysis
An incubator is a safe, regulated environment in which new-borns can dwell while their
important organs grow. An incubator, unlike a conventional bassinet, provides an atmosphere
that can be modified to deliver the ideal temperature, as well as the ideal a mount of oxygen,
humidity, and light. Neonatal Incubator, Microbiological Incubator, Hatching Incubator, Peltier
cooling Incubator, and Compressor cooled Incubator are the product types of the incubator .
Two main competitors (both based in Karachi)
1. Minerva Surgical
2. Evolution Engineering
3. High demand in all hospitals
4. Non-existence in remote areas
For infants who are born with a disease Jaundice during the first week, it is very
necessary to place them in incubators. But millions of infants are dying every year due to money
and maintenance in hospitals and due to advanced technology.
We are using node MCU as the wireless communication medium and as controller, we
are using ARDUINO IDE. First, we will measure the temperature and humidity of the incubator
and then transmit the data using t h e Wi-Fi module to t h e Things peak channel. If the data
is above/below a set point set by the user then the controller will give the heating pad
accordingly. The readings will be shown on the things peak channel screen. The dht11 and
Oxygen sensors will give continuous data so we can know the temperature and humidity and
oxygen pressure at any time. So using this model we can easily control the temperature and
humidity and measure the infant’s oxygen pressure
The sensor will give the reading continuously and the heating pad will be relatively on-off.
Thus the temperature will remain the same and the infant will stay safe.
Market Size
Today the entrepreneurial eco-system of Pakistan is at a junction. With the collective mindset
changing and an increased interest to test the entrepreneurial ground we can expect to see
exciting times ahead. We can see a visible increase in the success rate of startups and some
of the best ideas coming out at this time, this industry is set to start making its mark in the global
It should be noted that the accelerated growth that has taken place has happened in the
last 6 years. Prior to the growth spurt, one could count the startups operating on their fingertips.
Today, however, we see startup success stories coming out of every nook and corner of the
nation. A country that had little awareness about entrepreneurship as a branch is now pushing
out more and more innovations and aspiring entrepreneurs. This country is home to names like
Rozee.pk, Zameen.com, PakWheels.com to name a few. It would not be an exaggeration to
call entrepreneurship the new vogue. This growth in entrepreneurship industry can be credited
to some players of the industry who have set the foundation for future growth that is to come.
It would be wrong to say that the industry is at the epitome of its growth. The startup culture in
Pakistan is still relatively nascent and is paving its way to more structure. A startups journey has
never been an easy one and even with the 6 years of accelerated positive growth, it is a difficult
space to work in.
The boost in startup success patterns can be accounted to incubators and accelerators and the
facilitation that they provide to the innovation that is testing new ground and working on its survival.
With the constant presence of mediating factors that are playing their part in impacting the smooth
sailing of the startups, incubators and accelerators do provide a cushion or an umbrella to them.
The overall incubator/accelerator culture globally is rising and Pakistan is also experiencing a
similar growth graph. Today with over 20 incubators and accelerators operating in this space and
countless startups coming out, Pakistan can be home to some of the most innovative solutions in
the times to come. All the incubators currently present in the nation have different cultures in place
as well as varied selection criteria.
1. Estimated CAGR of 4.7% from 2022 to 2032)
2. global infant incubators market size is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 327.9 Millions by
the end of 2022.)
likely to reach an estimated valuation of ~US$ 518.2 Millions by 2032)intensive care incubators
are leading the market and had generated a share of about 72.3% in 2021.
Operations Plan
Recent years have been marked by a noticeable increase in corporate venturing activity.
According to Mckinsey, corporate venture investments have increased 32% YOY from 2013 to 2019,
and it’s easy to see why. Building new ventures gives companies access to valuable new
technologies, markets and revenue streams - a much-needed competitive edge in today’s fastmoving landscape.
In fact, a growing number of companies are taking their venturing strategy to the next level by
launching their own corporate incubators. Today, about 75% of the top Fortune 100 companies
have an active venturing unit, including Walmart, Amazon, and Alphabet (just to name a few). The
results so far have been stellar:
87% of incubated ventures are still active after five years (only 44% of their independent
counterparts make it past that mark).
84% of incubated ventures end up adding to the parent company’s ecosystem, strengthening
its competitiveness and boosting innovation.
These success rates are no doubt partially due to each incubator’s ability to attract worldclass startups. The challenge? With so many companies embracing incubation as part of their
innovation strategy, marketing your incubator to attract top startups has become more important
than ever.
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at
1. Priced of an Incubator will be 2,999 Rs
2. Unicom Networks/ Ocean Networks
3. Distribution and Promotion
4. You Tubers Assistance
Identifying Risks
The most important role of a risk management marketing plan is that it enables the identification
and definition of all the hurdles your marketing team might come across. By knowing what you are
up against, you can make the right decisions to avoid the threat or minimize the negative effects.
With this knowledge in mind, you will feel more confident when developing and implementing a
marketing strategy.
Planning Risk Responses
Most threats are unique, and each challenge needs to be mitigated differently. With a risk
management plan, you will be able to face any challenges in the best way possible by developing
precautionary measures in advance. You can decide to address the risk at its root, remove its drivers,
reduce its severity, or avoid it altogether. If you have assessed and realized that the marketing
messages you wanted to use won’t generate leads, you can respond by adopting a more effective
Monitoring Risks
Keeping track of all threats means you are less likely to fall victim to them. You can predict when
the threat will turn into a serious problem and put measures in place to counter it. In the modern
marketing landscape, there are constant challenges to be faced. Your competitors may come up
with better innovations, your customers’ preferences may change, or sales may start dipping. A risk
management plan will help you monitor new and existing challenges and be ready to face most of
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