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TACTICAL MONSTER V2 8-week plan (2)

Vol 2
8-Week Trainiing Program
table of
before you start
conditioning HIIT
Before you begin, I want to congratulate you on taking the initiative to crush your goals and
go after what you want in life. This is what will separate you from the crowd & build you into
the person you want to be.
Tactical Monster Vol 2. is designed to help you build unreal levels of strength and muscle
without sacrificing athletic performance.
The following pages contain all the details you need to know about this program including
training, equipment, warmups, substitutions etc. Please take the time to read through them
thoroughly so I know you will get the most out of this training and see the results you deserve.
The HTK team and I have put our blood, sweat & tears into creating this and our wish is to see
you put the same commitment into improving your health and fitness.
Let’s get after it!
OWNER, HTK fitness
Before & After photos
We want to record where you are at before
you began this training so you can look
back and be proud of how far you have
come. When things get tough you need to
keep yourself motivated and what better
motivator than seeing your own personal
Yes, the typical before and after photos. It does
feel odd standing in front of the mirror posing
for a photo but trust me, they do help you stay
motivated. Remember no one else has to see
these photos if you do not wish, they are for your
eyes only so don’t be shy. Here are some best
practices to help you keep it simple;
We will be measuring your progress
in 3 ways. Our new HTK8 fitness test,
Before & after photos and body part
measurements. These are optional but we
highly recommend you begin your training
by tracking at least the first two.
• Use good lighting and try and keep the same
lighting for before and after images.
• Aim for a plain background when taking images.
• Take at least 3 images. One from front on, one
from side view and one from back.
• Assume a natural relaxed pose.
body part measurements
Performance is a huge part of your
progress. We want to help you look the
part but, when it comes to your training,
if you are lacking in your performance it
could be a life-or-death situation.
We created this HTK8 test to easily
and effectively test key areas of your
performance and see what area you need
to put more focus on.
There are 8 key exercises for you to
perform with a scoring system to see
how you are measuring up. There is a full
rundown in your ‘members area’ when
you log in to your account, or you can
follow this link, for further info including
how to perform, scoring charts & test
No more guessing, we want to help you
start hitting those elite standards.
Should be taken from the following areas;
Take just above nipple line, around.
Stand up straight, relax and then
release all the air out of your lungs.
Now take your measurement.
Measure from just above your
bellybutton and around. Take this
while standing up straight.
For the following measurements, you can take them with the
muscles relaxed or flexed, just be sure to specify this when
recording your results.
Taken between shoulder and elbow,
choose the widest part of your arm
(usually right in the middle).
Taken below the butt but above your
knee. Stand up straight and pick the
widest part of your thigh.
Note: If you feel one arm or leg is different from the other
(usually is the case) feel free to measure each arm and each
leg, just clearly document the results.
Built to help you get jacked without sacrificing athletic
This program is built to help you get jacked without sacrificing athletic performance. To achieve
this, we are focusing on an all round approach of building strength, mass & power while utilizing
movements that improve athleticism along with conditioning to keep your endurance levels sharp.
Rotating Strength Cycle
In this program we are utilizing a rotating strength progression for lower body & total body days
to focus on increasing your strength levels greatly in these areas. You will notice you are not
following this for upper body days as although strength is still important, hypertrophy (muscle
growth) is a greater focus here.
How this works
For your main lift on lower body & total body days, you will be rotating each week through a
different set/rep scheme.
These are as follows:
Week 1: 3 x 3 (The last set should be to complete failure so do 3 or more reps)
Week 2: 5 x 5 (The last set should be to complete failure so do 5 or more reps)
Week 3: 5 / 3 / 1+ (1 set of 5, 1 set of 3, 1 set of 1 or more reps to complete failure)
Week 4: 10 / 8 / 6+ (1 set of 10, 1 set of 8, 1 set of 6 or more reps to complete failure)
Week 5: Repeat from week 1
The reason for this is to keep your strength progressing and includes a deload week where you
lower the intensity to allow for greater strength gains in future.
After you have completed one full cycle (all 4 weeks), The goal is to take the heaviest weight you
used for the previous cycle and use it for the greater rep scheme. For example, whatever weight
you previously used for 1 rep in week 3, aim to use it for 3 reps in week 5. The weight you previously
used for the 3 reps in week 1, use it for 5 reps in week 6. This allows for constant goals / records to
aim for.
day 1
Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
day 2
Lower (Strength / Size) / HIIT (Interval Sprints)
day 3
Rest & recovery
day 4
Upper (Shoulders / Triceps)
day 5
Full body (Strength / Size)
day 6
HIIT circuit
day 7
Rest & recovery
Before you start
Every session will begin with a short
sharp warm-up to set you up for
success. The goal is to get the blood
flowing and build up a light sweat so
your muscles are ready for what’s to
You will start with 5 minutes of a low
intensity aerobic activity (jogging,
jump rope, shadow boxing), then move
straight into our HTKMOB routine.
This is the only warmup routine you will
ever need (with the exception of your
strength sets), no matter what muscles
you are targeting in your workout. It
only takes 5 minutes to complete the
full routine and uses exercises that flow
together and makes sure every muscle
is activated and ready.
1.) K nee squeeze x10 secs w/ 10 glute bridges.
Repeat the pair of exercises twice. (Use either a foam roller,
yoga block, rugby, Gridiron ball, etc)
2.) S tanding full body twist x12
(imagine throwing a hook but with a loose relaxed body.)
3.) G roiner x5 each side
(mountain climber but with feet to the outside)
4.) Groiner thoracic twist x5 each side
5.) Hip flexor wave x6 each side
6.) Squat to toe touch x6
7.) Cossack squat x5 each side
8.) Heel to groin to standing bow pose x4 each side
9.) Band pull apart to dislocate x8
These aren’t your average commonly known exercises so we created a full video and
explanation page that can be found at this link. Alternatively head to your ‘members area’
to get access.
Strength Sets warm-up
example: BB Squat
15-20 reps with an empty bar
7 reps at 60% 1 RM (rep max)
5 reps at 70% 1 RM
Due to the rotating strength cycle and the different rep scheme
each week, the best thing to do is to complete 2-4 warm-up sets
slowly building up to your first set of the day. The stronger you
are, the more warm-up sets you will need to perform. These sets
shouldn’t be difficult and are used to warm-up and fire up your
central nervous system for what’s to come. Keep rest periods to
90 seconds.
3 reps at 80% 1 RM
We recommend sticking to the prescribed programming however you may not always have the
required equipment or ability to perform the exercise how it is.
The only rule when substituting exercises is that you are replacing the exercise with a similar
movement. For example, you can switch pull-ups with machine pull-downs or DB chest press
with weighted push-ups.
Rest Periods
For heavy strength sets you need to be resting 2-3 minutes between sets to allow for full recovery.
This includes all sets from the rotating strength cycle and the first heavy lifts of the upper body days.
For all other sets, we recommend resting between 60-90 seconds. This will depend on your fitness
levels. If you feel ready to go after 60 seconds, go for it. Otherwise give yourself time to recover so
you can put a greater effort into the set.
Lifting Tempos
For all exercises we recommend a lifting tempo of (2-0-1-0).
What this means is you will be lowering the weight for 2 seconds, followed by 0 pause at the
bottom, then lifting the weight explosively in 1 second or less, then finally 0 pause at the top.
Although we recommend this, don’t get caught up in the exact times. If you’re focusing on a
controlled lower and explosive lift, then you’re on the right track.
Most exercises are written in full however we have abbreviated Barbell as BB & Dumbbell as DB.
How heavy should my weights be?
For all exercises, you want to be choosing a weight that you believe you can lift for the reps
listed while still having 1-2 reps left in the tank.
Can I add extra conditioning sessions?
Due to the program targeting extra strength & mass, we don’t recommend adding many more
cardio/conditioning sessions however feel free to do 1-2 LIC sessions per week, ideally on
rest/recovery days.
What if I can’t do supersets due to the gym being too busy?
If the gym is busy & you can’t do supersets as the equipment is in use, don’t fret. It’s not going
to affect your progress. Still make sure to do both exercises but complete all sets of the first
exercise, then complete all sets of the second exercise like normal.
These sessions will be 20 – 40 minutes of low intensity work. The time you spend on this
session is ultimately your choice but remember 20 minutes of continuous exercise is the
minimum. If you have extra pounds to lose, I recommend doing your sessions first thing in the
morning on an empty stomach and aiming for the total 40 minutes. You can take a pre-workout or
black coffee here but make sure you are not having sugar.
Choose an exercise to use from the following:
Running / Jogging – Outside or on a treadmill
Cycling – Outside or on a stationary bike
Jump rope
Ruck – Ideally outside but wearing a plate carrier and using a treadmill on max incline also works great.
Air assault bike
For your HIIT, we have provided a progressive schedule utilizing Sprint intervals & Circuits.
We chose these as most will have access to the equipment needed and they’re great for
improving athletic performance, anaerobic endurance & skill development.
The following HIIT sessions are provided
as alternative options:
Boxing / Kickboxing
Aim for the volume of strikes over power.
Alternate hand push-ups x 30 seconds
1 minute on / 1 minute off
Plank with hands on ball x 30 seconds
Repeat 6-8 times
Overhead lunges x 30 seconds
Rest x 30 seconds
Aim for max power while maintaining good technique/form.
Repeat 5x
Power punches x 30 seconds
Kneeling Med ball slams x 30 seconds
Alternate side toss x 30 seconds
Rest x 1 minute
Overhead throws x 30 seconds
Repeat 6-8 times
Standing slams x 30 seconds
Rest x 30 seconds
Repeat 5x
Assault Bike
2500m continuous rowing aiming to complete each fast 250m
in under 1 minute then take it easy for 250m and repeat.
Complete as fast as possible alternating between Assault
Bike & Push-ups.
250m Fast / 250m Slow
10 calories assault bike / 10 push-ups
Repeat 10x
Repeat 10 times
Aim for under 8 minutes each round.
Descending calorie pyramid for time.
Row 2000m
In order burn 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 calories per round.
Rest 3 minutes
Rest between rounds as long as they took.
Row 2000m
( For example if it takes 3 minutes to burn 30 calories, rest
for 3 minutes before starting the next round of 25 calories.)
KB swing Tabatas: Total of 8 minutes
8-10 Intervals of Sled drags for 15-30 secs at 100% effort
20 secs work / 10 secs rest
Recovery: walk for 60-90 secs between
Perform each set on the minute, making sure you complete
all reps with each arm. For Example: 8 reps with the left
arm, then 8 with the right, in minute one and so on till you
get through all sets. Your rest period is the remaining time
left in each minute after performing the reps.
8-10 Intervals of Sled pushes for 15-30 secs at 100% effort
Recovery: walk for 60-90 secs between
Single arm KB snatches x 8-7-6-5-4-6-7-8
training phase 1
training phase 1
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Plyo push-ups
Broad jumps
DB Incline bench
2 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
BB High Bar Squat
BB walking lunges
3 x 8-15 (each side)
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
DB Bulgarian split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
DB Single leg RDL
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Back Extensions
2 x 15-20
Standing calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Underhand chin-ups
Superset with,
Banded push-ups
3 x 8-15
One arm DB row
3 x 12-15
Standing cable crossover
Superset with,
Band pull-aparts
3 x 15-20
Ez Bar 21 curls
3 x 21 (7/7/7)
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
3 x 8-15
3 x 15-20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
30 seconds sprint
Repeat 5x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
DB OH press
2 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
KB alternate OH press
2 x 12-15
BB Rack pulls
DB seated power cleans
2 x 12-15
BB Seated good mornings
3 x 12-15
(Start very light - Bar only)
DB 3-way delt raises
3 x 8 (each way)
Weighted Dips
Superset with,
Diamond push-ups
3 x 8-15
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Plate shrugs
3 x 8-15
3 x 12-20
(3sec pause at the top
of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Close grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
DB crossbody hammer curls
3 x 12-20
3 x max reps
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
Trap3 raise
3 x 12-15
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
60yd shuttle run (15yds out & back twice)
15x Step-ups (each side)
15x Burpees
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 4x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Plyo push-ups
Broad jumps
DB Incline bench
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
BB High Bar Squat
BB walking lunges
3 x 8-15 (each side)
3 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
Standing cable crossover
Superset with,
Band pull-aparts
3 x 15-20
DB Bulgarian split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
DB Single leg RDL
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Ez Bar 21 curls
3 x 21 (7/7/7)
Back Extensions
3 x 15-20
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
Standing calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Underhand chin-ups
Superset with,
Banded push-ups
One arm DB row
3 x 8-15
3 x 8-15
3 x 15-20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
30 seconds sprint
Repeat 6x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
DB OH press
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
KB alternate OH press
2 x 12-15
BB Rack pulls
DB seated power cleans
2 x 12-15
BB Seated good mornings
3 x 12-15
(Start very light - Bar only)
DB 3-way delt raises
3 x 8 (each way)
Weighted Dips
Superset with,
Diamond push-ups
3 x 8-15
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Plate shrugs
3 x 8-15
3 x 12-20
(3sec pause at the top
of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Close grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
DB crossbody hammer curls
3 x 12-20
3 x max reps
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
Trap3 raise
3 x 12-15
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
40yd Sled push or Bear Crawl
Max reps x Push-ups
15x Box Jumps or Squat Jumps
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 4x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
There’s no
secret formula.
I lift heavy,
work hard, and aim to
– Ronnie Coleman
training phase 1
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Plyo push-ups
Broad jumps
DB Incline bench
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
High Bar Squat
1 x 1+
BB walking lunges
3 x 8-15 (each side)
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
DB Bulgarian split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
DB Single leg RDL
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Back Extensions
3 x 15-20
Standing calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Underhand chin-ups
Superset with,
Banded push-ups
One arm DB row
4 x 8-15
4 x 8-15
3 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
Standing cable crossover
Superset with,
Band pull-aparts
4 x 15-20
Ez Bar 21 curls
4 x 21 (7/7/7)
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
4 x 15-20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
30 seconds sprint
Repeat 7x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
DB OH press
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
KB alternate OH press
2 x 12-15
BB Rack pulls
1 x 1+
DB seated power cleans
2 x 12-15
BB Seated good mornings
4 x 12-15
(Start very light - Bar only)
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Plate shrugs
4 x 8-15
4 x 12-20
(3sec pause at the top
of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Close grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
DB crossbody hammer curls
3 x 12-20
DB 3-way delt raises
Weighted Dips
Superset with,
Diamond push-ups
3 x 8 (each way)
4 x 8-15
4 x max reps
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
Trap3 raise
3 x 12-15
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
25x Burpees
25x Air squats
60yd shuttle run (15yds out & back twice)
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 4x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Plyo push-ups
Broad jumps
DB Incline bench
2 x 4-8
1 x 8-15
BB High Bar Squat
1 x 10
1 x 6+
BB walking lunges
2 x 8-15 (each side)
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
2 x 8-15
DB Bulgarian split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
DB Single leg RDL
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Back Extensions
2 x 15-20
Standing calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
2 x 12-20
Underhand chin-ups
Superset with,
Banded push-ups
One arm DB row
2 x 8-15
2 x 8-15
1 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
Standing cable crossover
Superset with,
Band pull-aparts
2 x 15-20
Ez Bar 21 curls
2 x 21 (7/7/7)
Cable Rope crunches
2 x 20
2 x 15-20
2 x 12-20
2 x max
2 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
30 seconds sprint
Repeat 6x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 1
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
DB OH press
2 x 4-8
1 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
KB alternate OH press
2 x 12-15
BB Rack pulls
1 x 10
1 x 6+
DB seated power cleans
2 x 12-15
BB Seated good mornings
2 x 12-15
(Start very light - Bar only)
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Plate shrugs
2 x 8-15
2 x 12-20
(3sec pause at the top
of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
2 x 40yds
Close grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
DB crossbody hammer curls
2 x 12-20
DB 3-way delt raises
Weighted Dips
Superset with,
Diamond push-ups
2 x 8 (each way)
2 x 8-15
2 x max reps
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
Trap3 raise
2 x 12-15
Ab wheel Rollouts
2 x max
2 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
30yd Sled pull or Bear crawl
20x Burpee to box jump
30yd walking lunges (15yds out & back)
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 4x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
training phase 2
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Feet raised Plyo push-ups
Box jumps
1 x 10
(small rest between each)
DB Flat bench
2 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
BB Front Squat
3 x 8-15
DB Romanian DL
3 x 12-20
DB heels raised goblet squats
3 x 12-20
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
DB Poliquin split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Single Leg back extensions
2 x 8-15 (each side)
Seated calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Neutral grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Weighted push-ups
(plates or vest)
3 x 8-15
Seated cable row
3 x 12-15
DB Incline flyes
Superset with,
Underhand band pull-aparts
3 x 15-20
BB Preacher curls
3 x 12-20
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
3 x 15-20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
45 seconds sprint
Repeat 6x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
BB OH press
2 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
DB Single arm OH press
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Deadlift
DB 3-way delt raises
3 x 8 (each way)
DB Single-leg hip thrusts
3 x 12-15 (each side)
DB external rotations
2 x 12-15 (each side)
EZ bar Skullcrushers
Superset with,
EZ bar Close grip
bench press
3 x 8-15
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
BB snatch grip shrugs
3 x 8-15
3 x 12-20 (3sec pause
at the top of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Wide grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
Cable Rope hammer curls
3 x 12-20
3 x max reps (Same weight as
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
4-way neck raises
2 x 12-15 (each way)
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
20x Air Squats
15x Box jumps
1minute mountain climbers
60yd Shuttle Run (15yds out & back twice)
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Feet raised Plyo push-ups
Box jumps
1 x 10
(small rest between each)
DB Flat bench
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
BB Front Squat
3 x 8-15
DB Romanian DL
3 x 12-20
DB heels raised goblet squats
3 x 12-20
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
DB Poliquin split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Single Leg back extensions
2 x 8-15 (each side)
Seated calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Neutral grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Weighted push-ups
(plates or vest)
Seated cable row
3 x 8-15
3 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
DB Incline flyes
Superset with,
Underhand band pull-aparts
3 x 15-20
BB Preacher curls
3 x 12-20
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
3 x 15-20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
45 seconds sprint
Repeat 7x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
BB OH press
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
DB Single arm OH press
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Deadlift
DB 3-way delt raises
3 x 8 (each way)
DB Single-leg hip thrusts
3 x 12-15 (each side)
DB external rotations
3 x 12-15 (each side)
EZ bar Skullcrushers
Superset with,
EZ bar Close grip
bench press
3 x 8-15
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
BB snatch grip shrugs
3 x 8-15
3 x 12-20 (3sec pause
at the top of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Wide grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
Cable Rope hammer curls
3 x 12-20
3 x max reps (Same weight as
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
4-way neck raises
2 x 12-15 (each way)
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
1minute Jump rope
1minute Mountain climbers
20x Burpees
20x Push-ups
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
I hated every minute
of training, but I said,
Suffer now and live
the rest of your life
as a champion!’
– Muhammad Ali
training phase 2
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Feet raised Plyo push-ups
Box jumps
1 x 10
(small rest between each)
DB Flat bench
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
BB Front Squat
1 x 1+
DB Romanian DL
3 x 12-20
DB heels raised goblet squats
3 x 12-20
Neutral grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Weighted push-ups
(plates or vest)
Seated cable row
4 x 8-15
4 x 8-15
3 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
DB Incline flyes
Superset with,
Underhand band pull-aparts
4 x 15-20
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
3 x 8-15
4 x 15-20
DB Poliquin split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Preacher curls
4 x 12-20
Single Leg back extensions
2 x 8-15 (each side)
Seated calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
3 x 12-20
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
3 x 12-20
3 x max
3 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
45 seconds sprint
Repeat 8x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
BB OH press
3 x 4-8
2 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
DB Single arm OH press
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Deadlift
1 x 1+
DB 3-way delt raises
3 x 8 (each way)
DB Single-leg hip thrusts
4 x 12-15 (each side)
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
BB snatch grip shrugs
4 x 8-15
4 x 12-20 (3sec pause
at the top of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
3 x 40yds
Wide grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
Cable Rope hammer curls
3 x 12-20
DB external rotations
3 x 12-15 (each side)
EZ bar Skullcrushers
Superset with,
EZ bar Close grip
bench press
4 x 8-15
4 x max reps (Same weight as
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
4-way neck raises
3 x 12-15 (each way)
Ab wheel Rollouts
4 x max
3 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
15x Ground to Overhead (using 35-45lb plate)
15x Tuck jumps
60yd Shuttle run (15yds out & back twice)
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 1. Upper (Chest / Back / Biceps)
Day 2. Lower (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
Plyo push-ups
Box jump
1 x 10
(small rest between each)
DB Flat bench
2 x 4-8
1 x 8-15
BB Front Squat
1 x 10
1 x 6+
DB Romanian DL
2 x 12-20
DB heels raised goblet squats
2 x 12-20
Neutral grip pull-ups
Superset with,
Weighted push-ups (plates
or vest)
Seated cable row
2 x 8-15
2 x 8-15
1 x 12-15
1 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
DB Incline flyes
Superset with,
Underhand band pull-aparts
2 x 15-20
Glute ham raise or Leg curls
2 x 8-15
2 x 15-20
DB Poliquin split squats
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Preacher curls
2 x 12-20
Single Leg back extensions
2 x 8-15 (each side)
Seated calf raises
Superset with,
Tibialis raises
Toes to Bar
Superset with,
DB side raises
2 x 12-20
Cable Rope crunches
4 x 20
2 x 12-20
2 x max
2 x 20 (each side)
Conditioning: Sprint Intervals
60 seconds jog
45 seconds sprint
Repeat 7x
day 3. rest & recoverY
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
training phase 2
day 4. Upper (shoulders / triceps)
day 5. Full body (strength / size)
Sets & Reps
Sets & Reps
BB OH press
2 x 4-8
1 x 8-15
OH med ball throws (10lbs)
DB Single arm OH press
2 x 12-15 (each side)
BB Deadlift
1 x 10
1 x 6+
DB 3-way delt raises
2 x 8 (each way)
DB Single-leg hip thrusts
2 x 12-15 (each side)
Wide grip pull-ups
Superset with,
BB snatch grip shrugs
2 x 8-15
2 x 12-20 (3sec pause at the
top of each rep)
DB Farmers walks
2 x 40yds
Wide grip banded push-ups
Superset with,
Cable Rope hammer curls
2 x 12-20
DB external rotations
2 x 12-15 (each side)
EZ bar Skullcrushers
Superset with,
EZ bar Close grip bench press
2 x 8-15
2 x max reps (Same weight as
Tricep Ladder
1 x 100 (Raise bar every time
you reach failure)
4-way neck raises
2 x 12-15 (each way)
Ab wheel Rollouts
2 x max
2 x 8/8/8 (Triple drop set)
day 6. HIIT circuit
15x Step-ups (each side)
20x Feet raised push-ups
25x Burpees
30 seconds mountain climbers
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x
day 7. rest & recovery
take a rest, you’ve earned it.
Congratulations on making it through these last 8-weeks
of your Tactical Monster program!
You will be able to look in the mirror now proud of what
you see & how far you’ve come. You are now, and always
will be a vital part of the HTK Fitness Tribe. The journey
you are on doesn’t stop here. It is a part of who you are.
Keep striving to go further and pushing forward every day.
We will make sure we’re here right alongside you.
“The measure of
who we are is
what we do with
what we have.
All our other training plans can be found up on our site at www.hardtokillfitness.co
For any other questions or help with your training, feel free to reach out to me at
Copyright © 2021 by Hard to Kill Fitness Limited.
This publication is entitled to the full protections given by the Copyright Act 1994. Except as provided by that Act, no
part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or used in any manner whatsoever without the prior, written and
express consent of the copyright owner.
DISCLAIMER: Participation in any exercise program involves the risk of physical injury. You are strongly encouraged to
consult with your doctor before beginning this program. Your engagement with this program is at your own risk and, by
so engaging, you agree that, to the extent the law permits, you will assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and
discharge Hard to Kill Fitness (and its agents and employees) from any and all claims or causes of action arising from
your engagement with the program.