Uploaded by Bojana Dorić

Supersize Me: Listening Comprehension Questions

Supersize Me
listening comprehension questions
1. What prompted Morgan Spurlock to pursue this subject? Why did he choose McDonald's
2. In general, what was Morgan’s health status at the start of the project? At the end?
3. How did Morgan feel after his first Supersize meal? Why do you think this happened?
4. Why are they repeatedly comparing cigarette smokers and overweight people? Do you believe
that people can have food addictions? Why or why not? ‘
5. How are chicken McNuggets made?
6. How long does it take Morgan to lose all the weight he gained in this 30-day project? Did anything
surprise you about how this diet affected his health?
7. According to the film, what tricks does Mc Donald’s use to appeal to kids?
8. Where does personal responsibility end and corporate responsibility begin?
9. In your opinion what was the most memorable part of Supersize me and why?