The New Government An Established Republic Why a republic? While to be frank, most forms of government are inherently flawed, I believe a republic places the most amount of power into the hands of the people. Government is for the people, why shouldn’t the people be dictating the form of government? America has shown the power of a republic, while it absolutely has its notable flaws, overall it is a system that has great power. Rights -All People are created Equal -Freedom Of Speech -The right to Bear Arms shall not be infringed -No person will face discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, or sexual orientation -All have a right to vote (Age of 18) Domestic Policy Creating good relations with other countries is of prime importance as to ensure reliable trade and manufacturing routes, and prevent turmoil and war. My Government would focus on manufacturing this good relationship through mutually beneficial goods and services trades between other countries. Summary I think this project was an interesting way to explore the structure of government in a unique and cool way. Breaking it down into individual steps makes it much more processable and fun. Sources I’m not entirely sure what to cite as I pulled almost all of my information from within the course itself. If you would like me to cite the course itself, I’m happy to add that upon request.