Immigration Reform: The opinions of many Somsi Azuike Azuike 1 The United States is diverse but struggling to balance the opinions on immigration. People in society have different views which makes it difficult to settle on one solution. America needs immigration reform because detrimental state immigration policies make state economics and revenue plunge down, also the way undocumented immigrants are treated could be better. Detrimental state immigration policies make state economics and revenue plunge down which is why the U.S. needs immigration reform. For example, a farmer lost 300,000 dollars in profit because the workers he had were undocumented immigrants that fled when laws started cracking down on them. It is not to say traveling across the U.S. border illegally is right, but if there were better policies set there probably could’ve been an arrangement and the farmer wouldn’t have lost business and employees. These men and women do not come to the U.S. to simply freeload off others, but with a genuine heart to work hard and send money back to their families. Some people might say immigrants are going to steal jobs but many immigrants get the jobs 65% of Americans won’t do. The U.S. was founded on the back of immigrants wanting a better life, so who are we to keep them out or lock them down for coming? The way the United States handles undocumented immigrants could be better. For instance, a mother and daughter separated because of circumstances regarding the mother’s status as an illegal was controversial because her daughter was too young to take care of herself. What happens now? Is a sane person going to leave their daughter? This situation is risky and blooms into a problem for the society’s conscience because the girl was born in America but her mother came illegally. These types of scenarios happen all the time which is why the U.S. needs set guidelines to deal with immigration problems like this. Azuike 2 The need for immigration from in the United States is great because of the economy of many state economies like California will plunge down due to immigration policies hazardous to success. Many immigrants not officially citizens are not treated correctly and don’t have the resources to properly defend themselves.