CUEGIS; Apple Expert solutions Your library Upgrade: Free 7-… Study 2 CUEGIS; Apple 9 studiers today (1 review) 4 / 25 Definition Term The process by which world's regional economies are Globalisation becoming one integrated global unit Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by mashaa_demers Terms in this set (25) All ★ 25 Your stats Still learning (25) Deselect all 25 You've begun learning these terms. Keep up the good work! Change The adaptation of business objectives, strategies and operations to accommodate changes, both internal and external, within the dynamic business environment Culture Ideas, customs and social behaviour derived from different values and backgrounds that influence stakeholder motivations and decisions Ethics The socially accepted moral principles that govern behaviour and decisionmaking Globalisation The process by which world's regional economies are becoming one integrated global unit Innovation The introduction and implementation of new, radical and improved products, processes or ideas Strategy Significant long-term planning decisions that organisations make in order to meet the needs and wants of their stakeholders Set-up of Apple - April fools day 1976, incorporated in 1977 with 2 out of 3 of the original founders - R. Wane sold his 10% shares for $800, which are now worth $60B Project-based - Effective, flexible working organisation of small teams CULTURE & - Self-motivated employees STRATEGY over a micro-managing boss - Limit opportunities for thirdparty communication resulting in unanswered complaints 2001 CHANGE & Steve Jobs replaced by Tim CULTURE Cook, new approach 1. Hands-on with China 2. Smaller, cheaper products 3. Moderate combativeness Scott Forstall, 2012-2013 Maps Fiasco Scott Forstall, valuable asset CHANGE & in development of products STRATEGY but self-oriented and rude - Responsible for Maps Fiasco of 2012 yet refused to apologise - Fired & replaced by 3 employees for different elements (AI, mapping, aesthetics) - Lead to better coordination and transparency Shift to fashion 2014, purchase Beats markets electronics CHANGE & - Signify shift to combination STRATEGY of fashion and technology with changing markets and trends Former Burberry CEO influence marketing - Advertising in fashion magazines like VOGUE - Market Apple watch as an accessory Change at - Steve Jobs > Tim Cook 2001 Apple - Scott Forstall 2012-2013 - Move to fashion markets - Adaptation to trends such as environment and diversity Culture at Apple - Small teams working on projects, strong team spirit and motivation - Innovative, clean image with professed culture - Enthusiastic and friendly staff; 'pushing for better'; embrace creativity and excellence - Selective system creates environment of exclusivity and dedication, contracts of secrecy - Self-motivated staff over a micro-managing boss, freedom, laissez-faire, task culture - Moderate combativeness, less extreme than Steve Jobs Innovation at #1 innocative company Apple globally with constant new products and business models - Innovation in both products and software, match aesthetic (and culture) - Focus on culture of creativity and new ideas rather than process - Streamlining to perfection before release to avoid failure like Samsung - 'Thinness war' risk Thinness war Competition between companies to create the thinnest phone, focus on aesthetic - At detriment of battery life, goes in against demand Strategy of - R&D emphasis for Apple continuous innovation - Focus on recognition, loyalty and image for continued support from customers - Broad differentiation and constant innovation - Perfection before release - Product-driven, consider demands but prioritise vision - Lack of communication in social media strategy - Standard, global and guerrilla marketing with standardised approach to products Product-driven Consider demands but only nature of Apple to a minimal extent STRATEGY & - Follow own product INNOVATION development to create demand and with success, such as the portrait camera in the new iPhones - Creates prestigious image - Trust loyalty of customers Social Media - Lack of communication is Marketing the social media strategy strategy of - 'Customers come to Apple Apple idea' STRATEGY & - Result in sense of CULTURE superiority and exclusiveness Guerrilla Use of standard, global and marketing of guerrilla marketing to exploit Apple circumstances in the market; STRATEGY AND gain competitive advantage ETHICS - 'Leave the world better than we found it' - 'Here are some ideas for everyone to copy' Zero Waste at 2015 - Zero Waste facility at Apple Tech-Com factory in Shanghai Ethics at Apple - Removal and replacement (environment) of harmful chemicals - Invest in environment and renewable systems in data centers - Guerrilla marketing campaigns - Tim Cook's shutting down of anti-environmental investors Ethics at Apple - Diverse and inclusive (social workforce responsibilities) - Labour accusations, especially in China: respond with investigation and confirmation, blame suppliers but still improve monitoring and training - Intense workflow in West justified with 'challenge but reward' but detriments health of Western workers - Tim Cook's sponsoring of Human Right's Campaign - Value of customer privacy, refusal of monitoring of government Apple's strategy Hands-on approach of Time in China Cook with visits and STRATEGY & recognition to gain access to GLOBALISATIO great market N - Dangerous market with unstable environment, yet opportunity of growing middle class 2015 - enter middle class market with premium product; attraction of customers with appeal of brand and product by image - Sign contracts with China Mobile Apple's strategy External change: new law in China requiring content storage on STRATEGY & Chinese servers CHANGE - Major drop in sales concern investors - Share sales and shrinking revenue with drop in sales of product, yet remained high with population size Globalisation at - Multinational company Apple known in mostly all MEDCs - Simplicity of product and advertisement has worldwide appeal; standardised approach results in strong, universal brand identity and effective marketing - Stores fit culture: local employees, protocol tailored to region with a personalised approach with designs fitting to region (e.g. Haussman style in Paris for local interests) - Outsourced labour minimises costs and maximises profit, yet has ethical implications Sets containing similar terms Sets found Other Verified Related sets questions questions by in the this same creator fol QUESTION QUESTION CUEGIS essay Verbliste Deutsch Apple A1+A2 INC ADV Exam 2 In a public Assume theforum following , if the relationship governme 15 terms 224 terms \text{Sales/Total allows only speech assets} and content & \text{1.3 it & \text{4.0\\%}\\practice unconstitutional \text{Return on e $$ Calculate Caulder’s profit marg 52 terms Verified answer 3 answers merelvanbuuren mashaa_demers plp445 QUESTION QUESTION Marketing Starbucks German A2: CUEGIS vocab (test 1 + 2) According tobetween Differentiate the BCG ROE Matrix, andpro RO 21 terms 449 terms market in a high-growth industry a 47 terms Verified answer 3 answers JonoCurryGa mashaa_demers wookteuk QUESTION QUESTION Marketing IKEA Business German A2: vocab Management (test 2) I Under which Altamonte Telecommunications type of ownership do ha 45% debtaccording business and 55% equity. to a prescribe The com 59 terms 319 terms fordoing of the upcoming so? year will be $1,0 of$1,200,000 and it follows a resid 1/5 566 terms Verified answer 3 answers colossalstax cactushanna mashaa_demers QUESTION QUESTION APRD 1000 Exam 1: Lecture Questions Ducal German Aspirateurs A2: vocab Key (test Terms 1) the In the is the market spot market, situation 15.4 in Mexican which p informed disc compact buyers costs and$8sellers in theof Unite ah 88 terms 130 terms holds, individual what participant should behas theenough price of product? 58 terms Verified answer 2 answers lilblo parisa_dehghan mashaa_demers About us For Students For teachers Resources About Quizlet Flashcards Live Help centre Careers Learn Checkpoint Honour Code Advertise with us Solutions Blog Community Guidelines News Privacy Get the app Terms Ad and Cookie Policy Language English (UK) © 2022 Quizlet Inc.